y s THE CAS IAN 3 1 in A St1: Iff vol. xi. - , i;i)ITORS CHAIR. . O'l OF THE EDITOR OS THE AJES OF THE DAY. A . ai h t f t' !iil our tlmnk.s to j :, - f Tin: ' 'altasiax w ho '.,,!.. I to reestablish the puter, :n received id . ,S.-. i;il week-i since wc j)ut !.. icii.t-r :i notice a.-king tho.se . cnt in tJ'in.if idi.-- to .send us the i .... .,f j. r.-'iis to whom they ,; tli'- ji.ijr-r .sent for the amount Mi Hi- v. We h:ive received a , . f donations accompanied by . ..;!,.. -. Those we have not pub- ' are sending the paper, ;i: ; ia!:e all that our friends , .: . ro as.-i.si us lo fctart up need every dollar being i ii;i ..in 'I. hut we f-el. ho much the ;.,r!.i i - of reaching people, who i t subscribe, with reform n: that we gladly send the ) ; i ! Ik- amount of all donations ! , !. Tuesday's mail brought a h of from I'orsythe county, ai now .sending the paper to iiiini'S furnished us in .that i.i v for months each. When a i i- helping to spread reform attire he is doing more good for inanity ami lor mmseii inau ne i do in any other way. L l.e Charlotte Ohscrver'o Kaleigh I ;, '.- m mii It'll L of the vO'th says: i'-' 'tis who have travelled all this section say that the 1 1 1 A 1 .1 in riui. is ni" largest ever wanteu. - ty alu tliat tin; cotton ace- 111 1 1 i i , . . ti u in ne one mint less ttian it i ill . i at crop of three years " hat then accounts for the liiiii.L' t'lieeof cotton? After all. 7 die ri . which has 111 led such i; u - for some time "that the Hi is -OHI2 crazy increasing the , o i' m acer.iL'e, unnounueu' l'os- v l in untionzcraniblors in N. Y cj - - ? i at the bottom of the report in !i to depress the price for their 4ji profit; and possibly the Dcmo- !ie papers spread the report in t to explain away the fact that j eland had let the price of cotton lown. You know lie put it up ut the lime of the election, and t his grip. it is !iidi time that some Y. (J. flk-rs .should cease to slander the r of this paper. It is growing . Four or live have been doing lately. We are held up as being and that, and if we are what is sen ted, we are a very bad old a, as bail as the Third party i; represented us last ear. Wil. .-ciiger. f harming; language to flow from en of a long legged Divine! f gailed jade winces. Evidently uv joking the old fellow on -. and a difference of taste ia is "a great strain on the affec- ' They are wrong, however, .Ming the corrupt old fellow up " in-this and that." An old l"v who edits a corporation paper 1 itiier this nor that. He's hardly Mii::. He is like the man who leury church in succession, Mt culled to preach in time of unl calied to quit in time of f t the farmers take note that filling that is said agaiust the ("'rs Alliance whether true or is eargorly caught up by every -partisan Democratic sheet in n Carolina and published. i a correction is made to false l and anything is said to the I c,f tlie organization these pa- jeu-r j'uhhsh it unless forced 'V some of their subscribers if)i.n. i. :l i t .. . - . . . iiirji i Li iir k it uy retjuest u-ually make insulting com- ts thereon. Yet thee same edi hijwl about the farmers not tak- iheir miner. Do thpv think- iha i i - - j -"- 'e are fools and have lost their l'.'od? -lion What is the matter with J1" who says that the South and I It l must unite, that their interests ? fill tV5t- fViotr mncf ci4V4. kuuv biiwj Jiiuob industrial freedom, yet when iuy of election comes that same w'io talked so manly, goes and Wltti and for the monopoly in- ce of the East and North? sffer He is a slave to a narfv . ji- j 11 controlled bv the "Northern W.ern influence. He is Pithf r itVlr... 1 1 . - 'c-steKer or eise nas not the 1 courage to defy the domineer u intolerant set who make a u business out of a political i "tiip with the enemies of the ie er.i munication bv Hant. Jan. aiinthpr (nlnmn oVinnro WAUUAU DUVnO frthD? sfofo !: : J Suu says 13 to be credited. iicve mac tne Dusmess tile Son tli anA Wof ;n ne nee to the arhpm nf tl, P nQa hankers. . We will see. CLEVELAND STREET. WALL Will the mioled Alliaticemen and 1 otuli8t holomons at last, h -i;..v that C rover Cleveland is anxious to put tilings right by weakening the ariiy 01 goio: and ei vcr. f it run la done? a i.'. ,,.,, . Will this " A Farmer" please in- iorm the people what reason there r is for such a belief? Iflhe "misled Alliance-man and Populist Solomans" were rea Juig only the sheets fsuch as A Faim"r' evidently nals that blind the truth and distort the facts, then they might be in the same fix as the misled and partisan blind "A Farm er." I'.ut it is perfectly clear to "misled A lliancemen" who both aides w hat is the matter with "A Farmer." He reads the Char lotte Observer or some othtr nartv boss-serving sheet. A few days ago these papers came out with double head lines saying "Cleveland and Carlisle had refused the proposition of the Wall Street bankers" and then went on to argue that this showed that the adminstration was with the people and against Wall Street When the facts are, that Cleveland and Carlisle are carrying out exactly the same policy pursued by Harrison and Foster and the Democra's them selves said that Wall Street run that administration. We dare any Dem ocratic paper to deny this. Next that proposition of Wall Street was all a bogus affair to fool the people. J he very next week Carlisle went to Xew York pretending that hp wnf to the big Naval Keview, but it was to consult with Wall Street and he did consult with Wall Street and the consultation was satisfactory to both sides. We dare sheet to deny this. Again what has Carlisle and Cleveland decided to do? To pay out gold till it is all gone. Does this please Wall Street? It is exactly what they want done. If the people doubt it, let them rise en masse and demand that Carlisle pay out silver instead of gold which is lawful (and we dare the Democrat ic papers aud Mr. Cleveland to deny it) and see what a howl it will raise in Wall Street. Why does this policy please Wall btreet? JJecause when the administration says that it will not pay out silver but will pay gold only, when the gold is all out what is the only thing left to do? To issue more bonds, interest bearing bonds and let'Wall Street buy them up with the gold that they are draw ing out and hording for this very business. Thus putting another in famous tax burden upon the people to enrich more bond holders from the sweat aud toil of labor. Does the administration intend to do this? Watch these Democratic papers, every few days they say "that Cleve land and Carlisle do not want to issue bonds if they can help it" w hich shows that they intend to do it and are preparing the people for it. We dare these Democratic par tisan sheets to denv this. Everv "misled Allianceman and Populist Solomon" who has been reading both sides understand this, but "A Farmer" who has been reading only his partisan sheet is being misled he does not know any better. If he will give his name some merciful and patriotic Alliancemau will sub scribe to The Cauoasian and send it to him for a while. A GENTLEMAN OF ENGLISH TASTES. We clip the following from a Cleveland mugwump organ: "Mr. Bayard, the new ambassador of the United States to the court of St. James will be very popular in London. For many years he was regarded as leader of the Democratic party in the American Senate, and for a brief period was president of that body. But he is rather of the high aud dry philosophical school in politics and did not enthuse the free and independent electors of the State. In 1884 he was put in run ning for th. Democratic nominee fir the Presidency, but the choice fall ing upon President Cleveland, he accepted office as Secretary of State in the new President's Cabinet. Mr. Bayard is well known in London, and has hosts of friends here. He is broad-minded enough to pay ac knowledgement even to his" own country where such acts are un popular to the many good qualities he finds in Englishmen, and con fesses a partiality for English tastes. Since Mr. Bayard is so opposed to free coinage of silver, we suppose he has quite a partiality for the Eng lish gold standard idea of money. Yes his appointment will be very accept able to that class of Englishmen who are prospering at the expense of the Southern cotton planter. Eng land wants a gold standard, hut she has a silver standard in India where she raises products that compete with and regulate the price of ours. How much longer will the Ameri can farmer suffer such folly at his expense? PRESIDENT 'ILL 1 i f T it A 1 1 m in tUi lit V I III' TH All 11 hlUinnn irpiri Kt Boards of County Canvassers SHOULD ZBIEj ELECTED THE PEOPLE. TIIEV ARE NOW APPOINTED BV THE MA CHINE TO SERVE THE MACHINE, TO THROW OUT TOWNSHIPS AND COM MIT ALL NECESSARY FRAUDS. TWO IMZOZRIEj TJEiE li-AW" WHY DID THE LEGISLATURE THAT WOULD HAVE ALLOWED THE PEOPLE TO ELECT THESE IMPORTANT OFFICERS? THE AMENDMENT WAS DEMOCRATIC, THE PRESE.VT LAW IS THE ESMEME OF MAIHIXE POLITICS. riio Amendment Would I i'k Hole (Continued from Issue of May 4th.) Iist week we discussed Sec. 2G8S of the Election law. We showed low the machine now appoints the Board of Countv Canvassers to do its bidding. This week we discuss Spps am-udments to the law if passed would break this up by putting the elec tion of the Board in the hands of the people in each township. Read and remember that the rule of the people is Democracy. The Election Law As It Is. Sec. 2G89. When the election shall be finished, the registrars and judges, of election, in the presence of such of the electors as may choose to at tend, shall open the boxes and count the ballots, reading aloud the names of the persons who shall appear ou each ticket; and if there shall be two or more tickets rolled up together, or any ticket shall eontain the names of more persons than such elector has a right to vote for, or shall have a device upon it, in either of these cases such tickets shall not be num bered in taking the ballots, but shall be void; and the said counting of votes shall be continued without ad journment until completed and the result thereof declared. Sec. 2G90. The judges of election in each township, ward or precinct shall aDpoint one of their number or the registrar to attend the meeting of the board of . county canvassers, as a member thereof,' and shall de liver to the member who shall have been so appointed the original re turn or statement of the result of the election in such township, ward 01 precinct; and the members of the several townships, ward or precinct boards of election, who shall have been so appointed, shall attend the meeting of the board of county can vassers for such election in the county in which they shall have been appointed as members thereof. The Amendments to Sees. 2689-90 provide that the Registrar aud Judges of elei tion shall opeu the box aud count the vote for member of Board of County Canvassers first and declare at once elected the person receiving the highest vote. This elected officer at once takes the oath and proceeds to assist the Registrar and Judges of elections tc open the other boxes and count the voti. .This puts an officer at each precincf elected by the people of that township to see that the, count is fair." It further puts into the hands of a man (in whom the majority of the voters cf the township have confidence) the election returns to carry them to the county seat. It further makes this same man one of the County Canvass ing Board. In this way the Board is made up of men who represents the majority of their respective townships. Is not this fair? ..Can an honest man be opposed to this? The man who is opposed to this is in favor of cheating and stealing to keep himself in power against the will of the people. He is not a Democrat, and he belies the name of the party when he claims it. The Amendment als) repeals that part of the law about a device not being on the ticket and about it being on white paper. Thousands of honest votes have been thrown out on these pretexts. In Brunswick county the People's party got near 1,200 votes while the Democrats got only 700. The returning Board threw every vote cast for the Populist candidates out, claiming that the paper on which the ballots were printed was not white. This was an absolute steal. We have seen the paper and it was white, white as this paper. No one will deny or try to disprove that there was wholesale cheating and stealing in the late election. .Now if the Democratic Legislature . did not approve of such method?, it should have shown its disapproval by amending the law so as not to give an opportunity for it to be done again. "We have converted the Wilmington Messenger, or rather it sees that it can't defend the action of its party, so it now comes out and says that we must have an honest election law. It may be something to the credit of a chicken thief when caught with the stolen chicken in his hands to say that he is opposed to stealing and will not do so again. That is he is op posed to stealing if he is going to be caught at it. ... t , ...... , (To be Continued.) GOLDSBOItO, X. C, THURSDAY, MAY 11, iASONS WHY LI SECTIONS OIE1 DISOTXSSIEir) - VOTE DUWX AX A MEN DM EX V lave Prevented " 1 1 n 1 1 11 ln Voting stnllH. rso ;n..1 9i:on ..,,i oi,..., 1 .1., A;it Would lie Amended. Sec. 2G89. When the election shall be finished, the registrars and judges of election, in the presence of such of the electors as may choose to at tend, shall open the boxes and count the ballots, reading aloud the names of the persons voted for on each ticket. They shall open the box and count the vote for member of the Board of County Canvassers first, and declare elected at once the per son receiving the greatest number of votes! The person so elected shall at once qualify by taking the same oath taken by the judges of the election, and shall assist the Regis trar and judges of election to can vass the vote for the other offices. In canvassing the vote of the general box for Governor and other officers voted for on one ballot the judges of the election, the Registrar and mem ber of the Board of County Can vassers shall count the vote for the persons named for the respective of ficers in the column that may have a X mark made with pen or pen cil at the tcp. In case a name is erased or marked through in said column, the vote for that office shall not be counted unless a name is written in the margin of the ticket opposite the name erased, or there shall be a mark opposite the name of a candidate for the same office in another column. In such case the vote shall be counted for the person-whose name may be writ ten on the margin opposite, or op posite whose name there may be a mark; and if there shall be two or more tickets rolled up together, or any ticket shall contain the names of more persons than such elector has a right to vote for, in either of these cases such tickets shall not be numbered in taking the ballots, but shall be void; and the said counting of votes shall be continued without adjournment until completed and the result thereof declared. Sec. 2G90. The judges of election in each township, ward or precmct shall deliver to the member of the Board of County Canvassers elected as provided above the original re turn or statement of the result of the election in such township, ward or precinct; and the persons who shall have been so elected in the several townships, wards or precincts shall attend the meeting of the board of county canvassers for such elec tion in the county in which they shall have been elected as members thereof. l!l isiim mk ki: i; And Srr How Vow mrr to tte VVrkrl tj the i14 Com hinr. Tauiiouo, Mav ISJ.'J. IKor The Cmcamas. r-ccrvtarv Carlisle, while in at tendance ujon the Xaval pa rude in lorh was wsjieu o quite a nnuiber of bankers of the dtv, and a jconiereuce, regarding the financial situation, was held. Asa result I give herewith a clipping from the Xew York sun: "President Cleveland's :ul vis.-rx Imv. ) told him that the only way to in tdnce the Western and South wetter-i Senators and Congressmen to consent to m rejieal of the Sherman law is to demonstrate to their constituents j that they are losing money every day that this law is in ojKrativu. 'The miiunary work in that direc i tion has been started bv u number -.r i. 1. ....... . jui ine ouiiKers in me soliu commu "lues ui me luu-t. incy are umly refi sing credit to the South, South west and West, fearing the effects of the Sherman law. The Chicago bankers, it was said, are carrying out the same line of policy. Secretary Carlisle, in his talk with the bank Presidents, made his stand very clear. It is to be he roic treatment all the way through on the Sherman law, aud possibly by the noxt session of. Congress the silver mine owners and the adherents of silver in the Senate and the House will be ready to consent to a repeal of the law. The bank Presidents, replying to Secretary Carlisle, cordially inform ed him that they would be ready at all times to corporate with him in the successful administration of the financial policy of the Government." The Caucasian readers will ob serve, from the above, that the Southern aud Western people who hold to their free silver views are to receive heroic treatment at the hands of the Eastern plutocrats. Are the people of these two sections so desti tute of manhood that they will bow in humble submission to such a threat ? I am unwilling to believe that they are. The battle royal is yet to be fought (I do not mean with bullets) against this plutocratic element, be fore there will be any real prosperi ty in the South and "Wesi There must be an union of forces between these two sections, ia order to secure relief. There is a harmony in sentiment existing, and there should be unity of action. The Eastern thrown down the yited ns to battle, met and routed. plutocrats have gauntlet and in Thev should be The South and West have the strength in Congress if they will only use it. WTill our Representa tives be men of independence or will they be slaves to the money power? The battle for justice must be begun in earnest. "Lay on your Mac. Duff, and damned be he who cries: Hold, enough!" James B. Lloyd. DR. THOMPSON AT WADE5BORO. Siecial Correspondence.! We had only a few days notice of the appointment of our esteemed Lecturer, Dr. Thompson. Did not even get the appointment in time to have it published in "Our Home," but thanks to the proprietors of this valuable little paper who sent out posters all over the county of Anson announcing the speaking. Nothing like a full turnout of the "true blue" Alliancemen of the noble old county of Anson, the home and birth place of the brave hearted Polk, but a very good crowd present under the circumstances. We were not dis appointed in the speaker. he dis cussed "very forcibly the crying ne cessity of keeping the order in tact as an organization. His arguments were backed by the purest logic and applied with apt illustrations. He began by giving us encouraging news from other portions of the State assuring us that the Alliance is not "dead" as our enemies, the politician claim. His sarcastic review of the low action of the Legislature in re gard to the Alliance charter was humorous in the extreme. He struck some heavy blows that made the fur fly from those who have proven traitors to the Order. He said they reminded him of the old negro who when he could not ride the mule at tempted to kill it. He then ''got down to business" and brought to our minds the leading piopositioi s of the Alliance. He discussed the widespread financial depression, its causes and remedy. He suceeded, with aty one who has a thimble full of brains, to fully demonstrate the utter falicy of the arguments adduced by the plutocrats and their pals. When we speak of the leading propositions ot'the Alliance we ft-el satisfied we are understood by the brethren. We mean of course the great question of finance. Dr. Thompson handled this ques tion in a most masterly way. We will not.attempt to quote him, but will assure you Mr. Ed. that Bro. Thompson sowed eood seed that will spring up in due time and bear fru't for the cause of reform. Come again Bro. and we will sing: All hail the name of Dr. T, Alliancemen of Anson will honor thee, Bring the good news from North, South, East and West That the iron hand of money to oppress Has been snatched from its victims in '93 The year of all the best, sweetest liberty. Fraternally, A. A. Matxard. PRESIDENT BITLEKS APPOINT- The State . President ofthe AUi ance, Mr.Iarion Butler, will speak at the following times and places: Rocky Mount, May 13th. 1893. WOMAN'S SPHERE Many U'k about woman's sttrrr As though it had a limit. There' a not a $.-Uoe in earth r heaven, There's not a task o maulm.! riven. There'i not a blessing or a woe. There' not a whitier ye or no. There's not a life, a ueaih or birth. That has a feather's weight of worth. Without a woman in it." A KKVI VAI.OI III.li Ml U-K. Iiat of IK3o Smu A gala tVw Ijtrge OOM .lmoni Thrui A llwdire M'llh Tru t It was inevitable that the sudden fancy for the fashions of lSJo ehould produce a reaction iu the milliner styles, una au attempt be made to t bring in bonnets of a larger tize, more appropriate, to the new toilets than those already prepared for tw spring season. nether tho.se new hapes are destined to become real I v popular, however, is a 11 est iou which the future must deciue. A few weeks ago the introduction of bon nets with ears and curtains seemed merely a passing vagarv of fashion but the radical transformation brought about in skirts keep them some time in vogue. So far, how- . 1. 1 . 1 1 etr, me emar'reu snapes are in a decided minority. One of them covers the bead down to the ears aud has an open brim and is worn slop ing backwards, so that the crown in closes the coil of hair at the back. Another is formed like a diminutive night-cap, and has a lace curtain put on at the back. I have seen A YOUTHFl'L MODEL. the former iu rice straw and crino line. The model in rice straw, blaek is trimmed with wide satin ribbon, shaded from cri rson. to moss-green, draped about the crown and arranged in bows front and back; on each side of the front bow is placed a stiff bunch of variegated crocuses, tied up with a cluster of leaves in the centre. The principal decoration of the white crinoline bonnet consists of the two halves of a white Brussels lace veil, each Hu ted like an open fan and forming spreading wings on each side of the. low crown. Very fine wire is sown to the edge of the lace to give it the le mired stifnesa. A small bow of lace, with a large amethyst cabochon in the centre, is placed in front of the crown, and at the back a bow of pale peach blos som satin, with strings of the same. The best specimen of a bonnet with a curtaiu is in nut-colored straw, the abnormal addition being made of lace of the same color, worked with gold thread. It is mounted in a few gathers and has a little knot of moss-green velvet on the top. A bow shaped arrangement of the lace is placed in front of the brim aud just out on either side in flutes; two gold-headed pins are fixed in this bow. The little girl's hat above is of gathered rose colored surah, with bow of satin ribbon to match, and strings of the same W hat used to be party oelaret are all right for out of door dresses this summer. A very pretty costume is made of a lovely clear rose pink silk, the skirt flaring as the accom panying sketch indicates, and is dis tinctly a gracaful compromise be tween the clinging and the spread ing kinds. About the foot are two little double ruffles of pink satin, the top one finished under a cord, and with bits of satin bows at inter vals. The bodice is a round one. It is a yoke let in of guipure lace, either over the silk, or showing the A TRICK BODICE. neck through. There is a rouud collar of the silk, and the bodice around the yoke has a finish of the lace and a pretty knotting of catin ribbon. A broad bodice belt of satin is about the waist, reaching halfway to the bust line. The sleeves have big puffs extending nearly to the elbow, and from under them conies a smooth fitting sleeve. Such a dress is worn with a cream straw or chip hat, trimmed, with pink and cream shaded ribbon, and a tuft or so of pink aigrettes. Bronse low shoes and bronze pink stockings would be consistent. The skirt just t 1 -Ml H A j barely ej-eupvs the gtvund. 1 wonder j 11 jou rr j-ia-isod the 4vrvt of tlui 1 "own. The vole come out. so do 1 the lower part of each ehwve. And! - - thereby the drvsals turned into T CUQ TRincC TO Th very dimly evening, reception urj 0fi C'TWC? OtT 0 'NC!?iVC " dinner 2011. If this vxiuiUtr iaj a $ -s,,T C" TTR ftssr the tiHuhl is to l taken ad vanU-v 1 of, I would u;Tet cn ant white a!TM" ii4 it? urt.M t f the color for thf drvs; the fact that tlw gown H a doubling one will not Ik $0 noticeable then. That would W U tter if you are foolish enough to care about what oople think of uch tricks of dress. As a matter of f.M't, the real thing to rvtiu-niK'r if that yini huve two chaiuxs to lo"k pretty in the one dres. KSTELLI- Tl" 1 1 r of Thr !. A woman eten-d the t-ditgrijil room of The Intimate Friend. She l. . 1 r ..ii uau au iiiieiiig"tti uce auu wjh ap parently u well to-do housewife. She looked health', but jut now MinieU to e ftUHerin from home unusual exhaustion, as if she had recently parsed through au ehjKvially trying esjKrieiioe. Her eyes were hi n ken and had a hok of fever in them. They showed the need of fcleej. Mie walked uuhteadilv to the dek iu the corner of the mom. At thai desk sat the lady who conducted the Cosy Council Corner," the domest ic department of the periodical. 1 have recently legun . takini: The Intimate Friend," said the visi tor faintly. It was au effort for her to siH'ak. The editor smiled at this evidence of a sane spirit. She pulled a chair around, and the visitor sat down with a weary sigh. "1 take the paper for the sake of your department," the subscriber continued, "and I have cat lei to sjK-ak to you aIoiit a mistake t hut I think has been made. "1 canaot comprehend h-nv any mistake could possibly lc made iu this department," the editor replied. ler race, her voice ami her manner iad all become very severe. "What do vou refer to?" "The wrong edit. 011 has been eent to me the edition printed for some other section. I know you have an enormous circulation, and such a mistake miirht easily be made." The editor smiled uiriin, a'ld was nillitied. "Yes," she said, "our circulation extends to all parts of the civilized world. But we have no siKtial edi tions for different localities. Every copy is like every other copy." It is very strange. I am sure there is a mistake somewhere, and it has given me a great deal of trouble. I'll tell you how it is. I do my own work, and have always managed well enough. I was satisfied, and so was my husband, and so were the chil dren. Well, I read what you taid about housework, and I began to think I hadn't been working in al together the right way. 1 thought I ought to go more according to a fixed system, as you said." "That is unquestionably the only right way to work. Intelligent sys tem is everything; and with every detail of each day's work explained as I have explained it in the Cosy Council Corner any capable l ouse wife ought to be able to order her horn1 in an absolutely perfect man ner." "That is what I thought. I like to do the best I can. So I gave up my old ways and began on the intel ligent system you described. I set out to do everything you laid down for every day's work, except the hour's music practice. I couldn't do that, for I haven't anything to play on, and couldn't play ou it if I had; but I undertook everything else, just as you haid. 1 followed your instructions about cooking, aud dishwashing, and sweeping, anddu&tt ing and caring for the lamps, aud scouring everything, and waxing ev erything, and decorating everything, and improving my mind, and kep ing up my social duties, and burn ishing up all my accomplishments, and and all that I studied Trench while I was brushing my hair, and I decorated a bureau scarf w hile I was mending Johnny's trouser?. I can't tell you how I enjoyed sitting dow 11 to read for half au hour, as you sav every woman ouj.'ht to do every day.5' "There is nothing more necessary than that! It keeps the mind bright and active." "Ye., and it rests a body so! And that fifteen-minute nap in" the mid dle of the day, that you say every woman ought to take " "She must take it! It is a neces- sitv!" "It was in my case, for if I hadn't had that I shouldn't have bad any elet patall. I worked right along from sunrise to sunrise, not taking time to go to bed " ji vou win Kinuiy state vour difficulty said the editor in a freez iug tone, "this is my busy lime." "I have stated iL . Ibis is the third day since I began on the intel ligent system. I haven t had time for a wink of sleep except those fifteen-minute naps " The editor rang the bell for the office loy to show the visitor out. "And the first day's work isn't done yet. So I thonght you nmst be sending me the wrong edition of The Intimate Friend the edition printed for .some of those Arctic countries where the day is six months long, and where the women have a sixmonths' night to sleep and rest up in after their day's work!" James C. Purdy in Kate Field's Washington. Jamie's father had taken him iu to see the baby. "There, my son," he said, "is a little sister for Von. Won't she be a nice present ?""Yes," replied Jamie, "she's nice enough, I reckon; but I'd rather have a goat" NO. 2h Th- !en ictmraiu-:- uf t! racu t--r of tb iioral Aeml!y, r thc4f thetn. b vt-. f.r thf r - n al .f tin Alliance t hartor, f th r;;.itii.- law of .iir nut tit ry, S pit underMAiidink." I(,l tint they know, that the bill irtantinsr ft new ehrttr. II. It. im. S. U. H. zi 1... 1.1 1 hition to, And a direel iUticu of "Art id t nm-n!turii t the con Mitution of the I'nifed State which truaratitcen, the "ritrht of tu de to peaceably . mi.leand j-ti. tion the k'ovi nuufut for r-drrj of irrievam-c.- Will th, y j. t, I u how w aH'toK tiion the (invent ment A.c. A.e., if . are not allowed to meet together and educate our- hcivrx, and thu-. hnd out what our trricvniieth an! .t thi bill I'd! im plainly, 111 M. tion Jn.I that iaV met I together for h "advanceim n't nf Jiriettlf.iial iittt lji't nee an. I in foi inatioii," and for no other kin I of intelligence jiiid information, )iat tinder thi bill, then, u nmke ,i,f ten nee how opreive a la tuny lie. We are Hot allowed to " peacea hly nxM-iuM,." to gain what 'intelligence and information" we can as to i bearing 011 our occupation and Ini-i-ncs, whether it be gri. vioim or uth erwise. Why this di.-iiiiiination-thi violation of organic law, again! an organization com j.ose.l wholly of fanners and labour! Again didn't they know they had violated Article l and Section 111 of the Constitu tion when they passed the pICM-nt amendments to the eharter.' i. e. "Xo Mate shall pass any law impair ing the obligations of eontinet." When the Mate ltusiness Ag iu y was organized, every man. that con tributed to that fund, t nt red into a solemn compact obligation nd eon tract with the organization, the amount paid in was never to be with- 1 drawn Willie the or!r:ininti..n Yet these aim ndno tits to the ehar ter expressly makes that contract mil aud void, n 1 too, without the petition of.UIV member of the older. so far as we can learn. Again it was a violation of the I let lar.-if ion of In. lep ndeuee. In that 'l'allndiutu" of our civil liberties, one of the grievances --one of the chargi s -on. of the nets, for which the King .va denounced, was "for taking away our charters, abolishing" nu which, to our farmers, one of our most lava orable law s." The Alliance as an or ganized body, agreed to pay its lec turers, were, iu fact indeed, the serv ants the laborers ef the ord r, mi l were to be paid out of the fund aris ing from the profits of the HusitiesM Agency. These amendiiletitrt abro gated that contract, yet other corpor ations, organizations, are allowed to pay their employees when, how nd out of whatsoever fund they pleaked. Why then, g ntlenn n, siioiild you discriminate? and in doing so vio late the Constitution the "Supremo law of the land," unless you wero opposed to the education of the mns ses, and iu favor of the principles de clared by Kctt of Prim, in his re port to the coal corporations, viz: "Th'-only way to Control labor, watt tn keep them ignorant and make them owe, today, for what they eat tomorrow." Vou claimed to be Dem ocrats, yet the founder of that honored institution, Jefferson, said: "The eiicouragemt ut and th difl'tisiou of information should be the creed of our political faith." Again, he says: "Agriculture, man ufacturers, commerce, and naviga tion, "the four pillars of our prosper ity, ;re the most thriving when left, most free to individual enterprise, to keep in all things within the pal. of constitutional power." (Jcti tlemen of the Assembly why did you not leave them free? Why attempt as you did to throttle the freedom ami demolish that "pillar" that b ar most of the weight of the structure? Ja'kson, that staunch defender of the people's rights, tell us "The spirit of equity, caution, compromiw, in which the constitution was formed requires that the jrreat interest of agriculture, commerce and manu factures should be equally favored." Again he says: "The agricultural interest of our country is so essen tially connected with every other, an 1 so superior in importance to them all." The Legislature did not in their actions agree, with thene auxiams. of these true patriot-, but iuslead they violated every article of the political creed as laid down by theie founders of Democracy in con nection with agriculture. If it was not ignorance, then it en!, because the acts was t y ran ni w re ntnu:t. des:tic aud an arbitrary exercise, of Legislature power. Traitorous, be cause the whole proceedings wan a violation of that allegiance, and that trust reposed in them by the ai euMural ela.-e. w ith n t one park ' of tru'i Democracy in it, but full of jjrc.it billows of the eon.-urninjr fire of oligarchy. E0.0. Lewi-ton, X. C. IM llll AM) I NTIilTHlr tX I'AI'KK The Follow 1 11 K Ullrr will FxpUla lUwIf. Co.vcouo, May 2, lfc93. Mr. Ewtou: The following ap peared in the Concord Tim-;H of Afoil27tb: "Marion Kutler delivered a two hi. ur harangue of rotten politic at Mt. dilead last Thursday. He left tbt tiight. He had resolutions passed condemning the last legida tute. for amending the Alliance char ter. He also carried in hi pocket 'A little paper asking for money for ' gideonite brother Otho Wilson. We don't know how much of the hard earnings of Cabairus county farm ers he carried along with hint.'" Every man who heard yoti is ready to give the above the lie J. T. S. All we have to say in addition to the above is that every statemeat made by the editor of The Times is absolutely false. The Democratic honeymoon secnit t be about oyer. 4 V 1S