n a if H X NO VOI- XL GOLDSBORO, N. C, THURSDAY, JUNE 8, 1893. NO. as. -v mi 11 50. 1 n U.f . Scb .;i)lT()irS CHAIR. of THE EDITOR ON THE " ' ..L3 OF THE DAY. i.n.ir ' i - v i land and hid Jul vipers, pondering, have decided r,.( nyn'K -nil t' congress an iucome u, Mi'- I ..-t way of raising much r ii This is deliberate- 1 1 mil the Peoples party. SL!' ,'ni'K rats had no such plank in f ii ni ami have to rtsort to .i declaration ti find what I ). If they would go to t! J , i ni' iit for their whole pro would fare much better ,! j.-. i: .-ome t-:eiis Let them r-.i..'i i' ii ii in"' i.nai ii iiiuiiin.. oi .... ..i ... i i... i : : . l . . r , k-.-hi.iii lh iiicaraey that money ,1,1! I.e. is.-ucd by general (ioven: !:t i!ii I Iv to the people without - in t t tTtion of banking corpora ii, utli'-r p.ini , or national. The niif .us is right, hut it will not pi t Hie financial evils in your .iin iai sMfiii. i ... It does not go at It simply clips k ii'd uf Iron bit tl ntl-of the over-grown twigs, -i 'it i j nle"tlifi-il one will continue to it'c il'-it'Uy v. "i k. fl Jn-'Ni w York World pre I- following p:ir:iniittit .issues World presents s for iilion'iijioi (lie national Denio ic banner: ''Civil service re in., opposition to the spoils system, iiiiii iiitlon of anti-Chinese barba- I 1 1 t T im am! tree 'silver lunacy. Upon j i.-sues ,the party will win." iut ha!j become of tariff reform, force -bill-question, the suppres- i of tnists and other vital issues ii which the Democracy made ! won the last battle? Alas! soon ' gome people forget their ;tic;ii pledges. Denver News. i'lit.' sturte bank scheme is merely ;u t af the Wall street conspiracy oniplete the demonetization of r. It is hoped that by offering South the privilege of is3uiug i mi ted fjuantities of wildcat niou- aded upon state, county, railroad ither-' bonds that the Southern ort of silver will be abandoned, f a gold basis permanently estab ird. The plan is too transparent Jv-ceive any one. lie latest post master rule is as ws. - llepublican post masters who been active in politics will be re ed." When a republican is re ed for this cause is it not incon- Int to appoint a Democrat Who ecn active in politics? ne constitution rives uoncrress right to coin money aud borrow uey. "Through the manipulation toe money trust the latter power lieen used in the interest of the i '. ..!-. - x. sty, promises 10 pay money is is- erea'tinga debt ami consequent- lterest. eveland says that he will never int to an oflice anv one who is his Democracy. If he sticks lis rule he can never five an office lie on The Uaucaskxn". LET THOSE WHO WANT f .u U Hie 1'enple Keuil What, a Small -i tix-uMit in The Caucasian Itltl. -hilin S. Furgerson, of Boomer, es county, North Carolina, put ie Caucasian a few weeks since, ft notice of only three lines, ig that the people of his section '1 a sehovd teacher. We have e us a letter from him from 1 li we make the following ex- c e have up to date (May the revived sixty applications, in- er tovour advertisement, apply r position of teacher at our and they are still coming in. veiy much surprised to get so ' as the advertisement was a raa'l one, and was inserted in wo issues of the paper. The ations have not only come from Quarter of North Carolina, but 'rom other States .V JEFFERSON AND JACKSON flMoe(l to Banks of ISBn tl. State and National. hew Jackson it was who said. ngress has the right under the itution to issue paper money, it pven them to be used by them S not to be delegated to mdivi embanking corporations." . Jefferson it was who said : paper must Oe suppressed, e circulating medium must be d to the nation to whom it be lt is the onlv fund on which' " reiy tor loans, it is our onlv rce which can never fail us. and " "dant one for every neces- juirpose.-" - you believe in the doctrine of son and Jackson and have th ed to back up your belief with ves, what will you be acting -uay i - - tf. Nrihe to Tilt Caucasian $1.00 AN IMPORTANT CHAPTER IN HISTORY BEING MADE-- ' All reformers and patriots have enough at home to engross aud mo nopolize their attention at present. Hut it will be interesting jyid instruc tive to turn from our fight for liberty and justice here, and look across at the Old World to see what is going on there. First, let us look at IJelgium. There the rank and file of the peo ple, who had borne .oppression until patience ceased to be a virtue, arose irrtheir might and demanded man hood suiTerage for all the people. The oppressors, the misrepresenta tives of the people who nat in the Legislative halls of that country, saw that at last the people were de termined. Likw oppressors always are, they were cowards, they quailed before the people and granted their honest and rightful demands, not from a sense of justice, but from a sense of fear. This was all explain ed in an article of a week or two since. Next let us look at Germany. There the Kaiser gave his order to the Reichstag to pass a bill to increase the standing army ofOeimany. The people had enough of their represen tatives in their Legislative halls, who had back bone and courage enough to even stand tip against a Kjng, when he is wrong, to stand by the people and to refuse the demands of the King., Now let us look at England and Ireland, for in fact it is about.these that we started out to wi ite. Histo ry that will stand out prominently in the annals of the world, is now being made there. In fact when future historian write about Gladstone's great fight for Home Rule for Ire land, and pictures out the grand old man in his 64th year, as he stood up before English parliament and fought, and won a great triumph for the liberty of that down trodden people ; then he describes how this great commoner had all the wealth and aristocracy, and even the crown ed head itself against him, repre sented by the solid ranks of Tory party, while to his back he had to marshal all the various and diverse forces of the opposition, and going in the fight with a bare majority, and gaining strength at each passage of arms, he (the historian) will picture it as one of the grandest epochs in history, and one of the most biil liant achievements of any individual. When our grand children read this page in English History, one hun dred years hence, they will compare it with their own time, and wonder why such events do not occur then, and why such men as Gladstone do not then live. In fact we scarcely realize how grand the struggle is. and how much victory or defeat will mean. But such it is always the case with people who live while great events in history are transpiring. They fail at the time to realize its size and importance. Then too, we have to be considerably removed from such events to fully appreciate them. The old-Romans appreciated this, and expressed it in their say ings, "that he who is on Mount Atos, can't see Mount Atos." The outlook now is, that Gladstone will succeed in passing his bill through the House of Commons to give partial home rule, and local self government to the people of Ireland It is very probable that the House of Lords, that "old barnacle all human progress, will kill the measure, even if it should pass the House of Com mons. But even if they do, the vie tory for Gladstone will be none the ess, and the victory for Ireland will be only delayed a few years at least The whole world is gravitating tow ards Democracy ; it is bound to come We might state in this connection that Ireland had home rule once. rom 1782, to about 1800. But from , combination of circumstances (which Gladstone's bill provides for avoiding,) by the free use of English gold to bribe the Irish parliament, that country suffered the disgrace of apparently voluntarily surrendering their liberty, and again putting their necks under the English yoke. The agitation to regain home rule was commenced by the Irish people un der the leadership of Daniel O'Con nor in 1834. This fight has been continued by Isaac Butt and others, and was carried almost, within sight of victory by the late great Irish leacteiy Parnell. And to day Glad stone,, the greatest man in England, if not in the world, is carrying on the fight for that down trodden peo ple. To secure home rule for Ire land has been one of his great'ob- jects and burning desires for the last 15 years. It is probably the inspira tion of this fight, which keeps the old man alive to day, and if he sue ceeds, he will probably not Jive a year. But it would be a happy time to die ; for it is the fate of but few men, to die with their greatest lau rels fresh on their brows. The fight for the home rule bill of. Ireland in 1872, was made by that famous Irish leader Henry Grattan. In another column we give a synopsis of the leading features of Grattan's Home Rule bill, and the Gladstone Home" Rule bill which is now before parlia ment. If the bill should pass, the synopsis of it would be interesting to our readers and the public gener READ! READ!! AND THEN ACT ! ACT!! ( I Ij there a man iu your neighbor-! hood who will not read both sides?! If at) he is a dangerous man. He will vote ignorantl j, aud if he votes right it will be simply accidental. In our issue of week after next we will begin the publication of the sreech made by Henry Watterson in the recent great debate as to which political party offered the best means or methods fyr the people to secure justice and good government- We will ulso publish the fcpeech of Gen. Watterson and probably others. Ev ery voter, whether he be Democrat, Republican or Populist, should read these speeches. They are by able men and present the strongest argu ments for their respective parties. Henry Watterson is the brilliant edi tor of the Courier-Journal and pre sents the arguments for the Demo cratic -party, Gen. Weaver for the Populists and so. on. Now we want every reformer to read both of these speeches. So if there are any one in your neighborhood who is not taking the paper get him to subscribe at once so he will hot miss them.' Are there any Democrats in your neigh borhood? They too by all means should read both of these speeches. Not a single Democratic paper has published them, so get each of them to give you 23 cents and order the paper for them for three months at least. They may be prejudiced against all reform papers but they certainly caii not refuse to read a splendid Democratic speech by oue. of the leaders of their party, and they would then certainly be fair and honest enough to read both sides. But such as will not sub scribe it is our duty in the interest of truth and good government to see that they read it anyway. So allow me to suggest that you and one 'or two of your friends join together and send the paper six months or three months to such of your neighbors. It ought to be done. It must be done. During the next few months we will publish a lot of facts that we are anxious for all honest fair minded men to read. We want men of all parties to read. It will ap peal to their reason and sense of jus tice. If the people ever preserve their liberties and get justice they must do so by acting as intelligent .well informed citizens and not as partisans men who will stick to a party right or wrong. Will the truth be gotten to the people ? Will the people read 'and know what we are going to pu blish ? That depends on you. A little work and expense now is worth more than much work and more money at any other time. Your opportunity is now. . If you and your friends will send $1.00 to pay to send the paper three months to four men, we .willv send it our selves to one other man. So with each club you send in send five names with $1.00. If you pay $2.00 for eight men we will send it to two ex tea men. So with each club of $2.00 send ten names. Or better still subscribe for the paper for them for six months. Three months is a very short time to get the facts be fore the reader in a full and coming manner. A man who takes the pa per for six months will be more apt to continue to take it, and if he con tinues to take it he will certainly know the facts when he goes to vote If you send $5.00 and subscribe for ten men for six months each, we will send the paper ourailf to two of vour subscribers six months. So with each club of $5.00 for ten, send us twelve names. "We do this be cause we see and feel the great im portance of getting the truth before the people now. There is no time to lose. We must and all at once. This offer is good for only two weeks. HEAR BOTH SIDES, THEN DECIDE. There was recently a great politi cal debate in Philadelphia. The question discussed was : "Which of fers the best practical political means for the benefit of the. working men of this country, the Democratic par ty, the People's party, the Republi can party, or the Church V These speeches are very long but they are by very able men representing the four sides. We will publish at least two of them if not all. Col. Henry Watterson, editor the Courier-Jour nal, spoke for the Democratic side. We will publish-his speech first Subscribe now so you can readboth sides. '- tf Bat Wont The Politicians Cry "An Over- ' product ion of Politics?" The farmers should cultivate more politics and less cotton, corn and wheat As long as they, produce everything that feeds and clothes mankind, and let others make the laws, they will travel the road that leads, to pauperdom. boutnern DON'T WORRY, IT'S COM N3 - "The Catcasiax continue to be wail over the defeat of it party last fall and charge- the Democrat with having used fraud at the jx. The people are getting tired of Butler nonsense. If he known of any Dem ocrats who used fraud at the polls, let him name them, have them art rested and produce witnesses to prove the charges. There in a Jaw to punish all people fjuilty of sup pressing the suffrages of their' fel Iowraan. Have the guilty (!) parties brought to the bar of justice or stop your ranting.' The youih who wrote the above is either very 'sfcuple, or else very rab. Yes we do charge the Democratic bosses and machine politieians, with having planued certain frauds and corruptions, to be used at the polls ast fall; and that the said frauds were carried out wherever the ma- hines selected its proper tools to do the disgraceful aud demoralizing work, except where the people by uch -close scrutiny, and the asser tion of their manhood and rights. deterred them. Yes we charge it, and maybe denied, but it can't be cou- radicted. The express says that the people are getting tired of hearing this kind of thing. It is sadly mis taken, for the people are enjoying it, or rather congratulating them selves that there is a paper in North Carolina that has the manhood and justice, to expose frauds and tell the truth. It is those who are guilty, who are getting tired of this expos ure. The Express calls upon us, if W3 know any Democrats who com mitted frauds, to name them. This i i i i is a very rash request, Dut it was not a necessary one, for before this year shall have closed they will be named in every section of the State, and theirnumber will be legion So, far we have simply been discussing the aw, and showing how frauds might be committed under it, and also dis cussing the amendments offered by the last Legislature, aud showing how they would improve the law, that is protect the rights of the peo ple, and make it less easy for dis honest men to defraud the will of the people. Next it asksus to have the guilty persons arrested and pun ished, this shows great simpleness. or great demagogery. If the editor of The Express were better acquaint ed with the law, (or rather we might say if he was capabfe of seeing the imperfections of the law eveu with the assistance of such powerful ob ject lessons as were given last fall) he would know that the greatest ob jection to the present law, is that it gives scoundrels a chance to com mitt high crimes against the ballot box in the name of the law, or at east in evasion of the law. We We don't expect all people to be honest. Law was not maue to pro tect the people against honesty, but against dishonesty. We know there are men who will always do wrong, unless they dare not do it from fear of detection" and punishment. We want a law that will have this effect. Probably the rditor of the Express is ignorant of the fact that in num bers. and numbers of cases, that the people have given information of these frauds to the grand jury and the Solicitor, but as yet have not been able to get a bill of indictment. In fact when one case came before a certain Judge, (by the way a pure upright man. "than whom there is no oue in" whom we have more confl deuce, and for whom we have more respect) he frankly .admitted that there was no law to punish the partie The Express is also probably ignor ant that in its own county, (not very ar from where the paper is publish ed) that a man generally looked upon as a good man, (at any rate a man holding a high position in the Church) was caught at questionable practices, as judge of the election on the 8th of last November. But enough of this now, The Caucasian has its plan mapped out, and will follow it. We are now discussing the law, and the needs of a just one, i and in due season, the names, and the facts and the places will be giv en to the full satisfaction of, if not to discomfiture, -of The Express and all "who will wince to see the truth tld and justice done. AIXI AXCK SPEAKING! Bro. Cyrus Thompson, State Lect- urer, oi ss ortn uarouna -r armera Alliance, will address the Brethren and the public generally, at the fol lowing places : HARNETT COUNTY. Bunn's Level, "June 16th. Green's X Roads, . 17th. CUMBERLAND; COUNTY. Wood's School House, June 19th. Suther's Grove, (71st Township) June 20th. " ' - Flea Hill. ' . June 21st. Brother Thompson represents the Business Agency and carries samples of Shoes. Cloths, &c, to show you, and will explain the benefits to be de rived bv patronizing the Agency. Let every one turn out and hear the distinguished Lecturer. It will pay you whether an Alliancenian or not. -Yours fraternally, ' " W. H. Worth, S. B. A., North Carolina Farmers' State Alli ance ' . .. If you want The Caucasian for a whole year, send us one of those 65 cent sil ver dollars and we will take it for 100 cents. Don't you wish that there were more of ' those I0W CAN THESE --' THINGS BE? CHR ST ANSWERS THE QUESTION OF NlCOCEMUS.THE RATIONALIST. THE LEADER OF THE JEWS THEOIOOY AMI ll ItlSTI AMTV l'AT II NO l'ltlI.M. What tht Intellect Can Nnt ira Th Iutt of the ItMtionaliot 1 h t".iiifort to The Men Who Helieve On last Sabljath morning, Rev. Mr. Hoffman, Kectorof St. Stephens, preached from the text: 'Ni odemus answered'and saidun to him how can these things bef Jolin 3-9.'' Nieodemus was an able and learn ed and wealthy man. He was the leader of the Jews, and stood high in the Sanhedrim. But he was a rationalist; and there is such a ten dency towards rationalism at the present day, that it Kwell to consid er the qucstiorr of NicodemUs, ajid Christ and Christ answer. Christ had just told him, that "except a man be born araiu, he cannot see the kinsrdora of Heaven." When Nieodemus asked, "How can thtese things be." But rationalist as he was, wg have ever reason to believe that he did not ask this question in jest, or out of curiosity, or with 'an intention to confuse Christ before a multitude. He was very much in earnest; he sought Christ out while the world was wrapped iu slumber, and while the stars t.winkcled ovr head, and the flowers gave out their perfume on the air of the stilly ni.ht. But why did he seek Christ out to ask questions to satisfy his mind and reasons about God's spiritual provi dence? He did not ask why the stars over head hang in space with nothing to support them. He did not marvel that one Hower should give out a delightful perfume, aud that another by it, rooted in the same soil, growing under the samesun, and kissed by the same breezes, should give out distateful oders. Yes this is part of God's mysterious wm-k. Some of his infinite wisdom and providence that Nieodemus could not any more understand, than .why a man had to be horded again of the water, and of the spirit before he could enter the kingdom of Heav en. And so it is to-day we delight in doubting about things infinite, and refuse to believe that which our poor finite, intellect can. not grasp. Christ did not attempt to answer the question of Nieodemus in an elaborate manner, to appeal to the narrow confines'- of human reason, but he gave him an answer that ap pealed to be soul and belief. 1 am glad that Christ answered him thus. I am glad that - our intellect can comprehend and grasp the wisdom aud love of God. I am glad my God, the God that'T worship does not al low man' to understand the ways of his piovidence. I am glad that we are finite beings while on earth. I am glad our God is always an infi nite God. But don't misunderstand me, I don't mean that we should not study God aiid ;his word; I do not mean that we should not through belief elevate ourselves, and try to make ourselves God-like. The idea that Theology, the study of God is something that is still dead and un prdgressive -is all wrong. Such a stigma on Theology, such a false aotion about the study of God is fast disappearing. Theology is as pro gressive as the study of finite things. Those who- study science and art, are making wonderful strides. Those who study God, his infinite love and wisdom, are making, and should make as rapid progress as the mind of man advances, and is capable of grasping more truth both material and divine.. The man who leads an upright christian life, though he mav know nothing of technical theology, yet he lives a Theoloical life. Though the fact still hangs out to-day, that man is more ignorant of God and his finite love than of the material ob jects of his handy work around us. When we study the phenomina of nature, we ask "How these things be?" Not in a spirit of doubt, but in a spirit of belief, and with an in quiring and investigating eagerness for knowledge. Let us study God's spiritual plan in the same way. But let us believe what we have not yet been able to comprehend, and what we will never be able. to comprehend because it is the work and the plan of an infinite God. We see a man who was yesterday a servant of the devil. He would falsify to his neigh bor, he would defraud his brother. He was a bad and unreliable, and a dangerous man in every particular. To-day he will not do these things. To-day he scorns them and does the opposite. Yesterday tie was trav eling in one direction, to-day he is traveling in exactly the opposite direction. Yesterday he walked to wards the kmgom of Satan. To day hu walks towards the kingdom of God. What and how is this change? You ask in the language of Nieodemus, how can these things be? He is con vertedv but we can: not explain. The grace of God has entered his heart. He has been born again, this time of water and of the spirit. But we eannot reason it out as we could a mathematical problem. -We can't show just the miraculous change tnat ujok place, and prove it, but we can believe it. Christ's, explanation was, and is, "the wind bloweth where it listeth, and thou heareth tae sound thereof, but canst not tell whence it ; cometh. and whither it goeth, so is every one that is born of the spirit.77 So it is with the Trinity and unity of God. Do we believe in God the Father, God the son, and God 'the Holy Ghost! Do' we believe in the unity of divinity? Can we prove it! Can the finite mind grasp the infinite truth! No, yet we . believe it. Out there grows a leaf, I pluck it, there it is, look at it, It has size, it has weight, it has ; color. . There are three distinct qualities or elements. Size is not weight, and weight is not color, nor is color size, jet they are all combined . iu the leaf We can't conceive of these eltmenta separate, but we can conceive of the leaf as a whole. doubts and iuJT-d alrav will W doubt aud misgiving with the tru est christian, and a lungini; ! jrrp that which e cannot Hmprf h-nd; hut e are h-rt for only a hrt time. And when we euter on th life herrafter. b?u we t-nttr the great beyond, and romtunce the life That last forever, the life eternal, then ur doubt will Hm no more. What we e now dimly, will then he een in the perfect light of truth and with an understanding ckari fied, deepened and broadened with an infinite and defined a isdom. What we merely believe, we will then know. Now let those lo whom doubts tiow will come, pray nnceasiogly. "Lord help thou my unbelief ' MOItK lUl-i:Uin!ANhS.' Th lMinorrata uf Wvomtng KmlwrM Wo inen Sun rug. The following resolution was adopted by the democratic legisla ture of Wyoming, every Dcmocrt voting aye February 20: "' Kesolved. by the House of IIcjh resentatives of the State of Wyom ing: That the jMssesion of exer cise of suffrage by the women in Wyoming for the past quar ter of a century -lias wrought no harm, and has done great good in many ways, that it has largely aided in banishing Qrjme, jwiupcr ism and vice from this state, ami that, without any violent or op pressive legislation, it has secured eaceful and orderly elections, good government, and a remarka-. ble degree of civilization and pub lic order; and we point with pride to the fact .that, alter twenty-five years of women suffrage, not one county in Wyoming has a poor-house; that our jails are almost empty, and crime, except that commited by strangers 'in the state, is almost unknown; and as a result of experience we urge every civilized community to en franchise its women without de lay. And the democratic governor of that state shortl? afterward wrote as follows: Executive Dept., Cheynne, Wy., J: April, 11, 1803. - It is quite true that I agree with the resolution passed by the houi-e of representatives of the legislature of "Wyoming advising the legisla tures of New York and Other states to enfranchise their women. Our experience in this state for nearly twenty-five years is high ly satisfactory iu every way. Not once of the objections made in the east have proven true, and great good has been done iu many direc tions by the possession of the suffrage by our ' women. I cor dially hope that New York and other states will soon follow, our example. John E. Osborne, . Governor of Wyoming. TH E r EOrLK PAY IT ALL. Few people ' stop to inquire what debt means. Ixt us investigate the common habit of monstrous rail way tlcbts. For instance, let us tike th late Jay Gould's Iron Mountain road, for example. I he trust deed on record is for $28,000,000 in gold; it draws per cent interest payable scmi- anniiallv iu gold and runs for thirty years. Interest and princi pal in thirty years will amount to 8800.000 in gold or 173, G000 u mile for a road that worth only about S20.000 a mile. This shows that the people are in tact now .payiug in tlnrty- ekrht times the worth of the ju Mountain railroad on its debts to English capitalists alone, to say uothing of the profits to the stock holders, and will continue to do so, and their eh'blreu and their ehildereii's children after them, if the jolicy of the old . parties is carried out. If any one doubts this statement go and look at the record and be convinced. WThat demagogues they are who tell von that it would bankrupt the government to buy the railroads! The people will be bankrupted if we dont buv them Denver lioad. VVli:t It Means Itreaker Ahead. Failure! failure! failure! The daily press is daily chronicling the business failures - all over the country and the loss of millions, aud yet they tell their readers the country is prosperous. The financial pressure in the United States is causing all the trouble. The big fish . are swallowing all the little ones. There is plenty of money for the few big ones, but not for the masses who are being robbed of all they make but a scanty existence. There are break ers ahead Coming Nation. v ; The Itaaie Principle. The brsic principle of this whole reform movement is that every per son has a natural right to comfort and happiness. That being true, whatever interferes with that right is an evil, and its such evils, that we are fighting. -The Rational Spectator. Preach all the sermons you can, talk all the morality vou choose, teach temperance- as zealously as you please, but until men, women and children have homes of their own, there will be vice, immorality and drunkenness, prostitution, pauperism and crime. John S win- ton. ",- -.' v , - - The Tariff Doe It Alt. T he democrats fuss and they re publicans cuss and the bankers bust, and "it's all on account of the tariff." Nonconformist. M 1 1). JONES kS ONSLOW DEMOCRAT ;S TRCUSLE0 ABOUT THE WAYS OF H S PARTY THK MWIACIK VM Lit T IMITMI: t int TttiMi-ir itrn :it rm- LIH A tflKKI ITHiN. II U AfraM Thai iUr lrly ( ( the lil n( Tltur. , Hicm.ANi... N. C. May 2. Mr. fit tiki;, Dear Sir: i wrot yon from time ir alnut th Alli ance pitta, and how it paed off, but dome of our hoy fitiin lrl w went oft and mioreprenented the wind thin to Mr. Tom tiinilet and he wrote it to the Me.entrr man, I was told, and he puhlihed it. 1 send yuu the letter ko you au nee for yourself: The Mlvrr-Toi.itu t Orator vt the Third 1'arly Oratr. ltVrrepiHien of the Memetitrer.) Ja KmnvI1.U, X. t'.. May S, 1S!H. The -Alliance I'ietiie ""an Alii a nee rally, "an address by th Sil-ver-Tonued orator for Iteform and a social day together at Kichland ou the 4th int., eanie oft" according to notices Htstcd. We understand that 'their sociability was a failure so far as a Democrat was concerned, as a lady and gentleman from tin place after iMMntr invited t- dinner were cooly informed that if they were Democrat a they were not wel come. They were Democrat, show ed their colors and moved away. Col. Harry Skinner, chief land lord of l'itt. norated and expatiated on the occasion, abusing the Demo cratic party, advocating suh-trHas-ury and such. lie told the people that the whites imd the blacks were under greater bondage now. than the blacks before the war. The cohmel got off some very pathetic passages in connection with the old 'Oakrn Bucket," 'Home Sect Home' anl the" Watch dog's Hon est Dark." Wasth.j Colonel strick en with remorse for having assisted In destroying so many "sweet homesf" i'he parade or escort was composed largely of white but the colored brothers took a hand just the same. It want none of iu fellows who wrote it, we said it as soon a we Democrats saw it, we said it wan not trul'. We are truthful men and de sire everybody treated with iustice. Mr. Juo. Mills, as good a Democrat as we have got, "wrote to the Mefi enger man and told him the truth, lie said the picnic was a success and 700 or 800 did eat and were atis fied and all wero invited to eat, and as to Col. Skinner's speech it did not run down any party, but treated all fairly and was outspoken on the re forms needed, and that .it was an able aud eloquont speech and he asked him to publish it, for every word of it was the truth, but the Messenger did not print it because the other fellow took the paper and he din't. These Third party fellow say he did not want to print Mr. Jno. Mill letter, caue it was the truth, and that werut the stuff he was looking for. So I Lope Col. Skinner won't thinklia'rd of us fellow about it for we like him. Xow'Tets squat that rabbit and jump another." What in the world is the matter any way f 1 went, to Jacksonville tother day and I heard em talking about Hank failure and Kauroad breaking until I could not shep that night aud some one said the Wiming ton Star had jined the Alliance, judging from it editorial, and I got back home I seed a paper called the Loud Cry saying the ever plague were coming this summer. What doe it all mean? I heard that a to bacco drummer told Mr. II. M. & H. privately, they said, and ho was a strong Democrat too, that he had traveled all over th State, and that you and these Third party papers wero showing up every thing wrong our fellow had done, and it was hurling us like the nrschief, he Raid lots of good DenuM-rats told him if our side didn't do what they prom ised they were done, and I tell you it is so round here, they said it scar ed H. neatly to death. Xow Mr. liutler that aint right. We know we done wrong, but you ought to have mora charity in your heart, and not be telling .every body about our fault. Vou know the truth hurts, so oe light and give us a chance. What is it about thia money ques tion? You know I never heard of it until I saw your paper. Our paper didn't use to bother their heads with it, they left that for the law makers to tend to, but I ee they aay nothing now About an honest dollar. A Third party fellow put this quw- tion to me the other day and I could not answer it as you know we are in ower and I don t read much now. His question was, "How could we favor putting a dollar worthof silver in a dollar so that it would pas in all countries and favor State bank at the same time." Of course I couldn't answer that, nor him either. I know one thing it is a skace a hen's teeth round here, and every fellow seem to be after, the last dime he can get. But I don't care how titter I get, I have some sympathy in my heart for every -body, and ' it kinder disgust me, when 1 se some of our fellows. And one in particular who is worth ..000 pushing a poor Third party fellow out of a $20 post- office who has a large family to sup port.' lnia $.,0w Demoerat used to be postmaster here under President Hayes and thro wed np the ofiice be cause it did not pay, and the present postmaster was appointed by Presi dent Cleveland 8 years ago and has held it ever since, and made it pay right well. Now this $.,000 Democrat wants it agaim. He served under President Hayes aad now he wants to try under Cleveland, and he has . rr . i; Deen appointed, stow ueiievo iu the victors belong the spoils, but we had some poor Democrats round here who would have been glad to get the office, but they didn't. I heard a bright, intelligent and com petent young lady who teaches school for living tried for it but he cut her out because she could not vote. That is what is-th matter with our side; we give all the offices here lately to the neh aud none to toe ttoor. " Well I guess Mr. Simmons has got a pt. vn Mr. ClvUo4' t'abiot at lat. I heard a fellow y b tit apHiutd nrr th hikey f thit nd of th Stat. " Hurrah Vor that, fr I tell vou h k&owa bow to hand! it fcur. I U tll yon aoinMhioff l b i going to lm our nit tp. rtnaii. It i no aerrt with , w don't rare how much th Third party fellow pet aft r srrady to, h ha nerved oar urpo, rap. turd him .t year and th AIUanc ran hav him lwuk again if it want htm. I h ard a Thin! party Mloar nay he wa pending that U jr month rlerl air, runatag to Wash ington to tom out the huh pot inatetg, I reckoe it taint ". Xow on thing a for n and I lw!Uvit i our motto a Mr. Koy y let thing go "Snalu ttolW give tit freedom, give me an hotiet gov ernment that -venlody way It treated alike, or if not that, give ttt a good fat ofllc like Mr. liradr or J Daniel, that will pla tu aUtve want, and my rry will l Ood th Stat and thi hld 1'nion a it is, far tn my fat oflic koiuethiug M-cmeth to say. "eat drink and be merry, onl take thy rest," for the wall ar thick and thine ar ar cloned to the cry f th "incor. veil tent multitude.' If titer Ih' a Mo, let him not bring uiit ns in ome th plague a he did ujHn the Kgyp tian of old, which gav him toer to lead his tmffering people through the parted waters. If there It a JohuA h-t hint not cm the Jordan, and if there lu a Daniel, let hint not beard the lion in ln den the four year, and if there 1 any mot- Jl brew children, who are willing to wade through the fiery ember of a burning furnace, that th- hungrv soul may live. Let them not tter- vert their Ntyings, denounce their reforms, refuw to throw any light on their hide of th que?. tion a th Messenger man did. Ho! dema gogue that uy foul may take it ret t in that beautiful City of Washington where I hear not th crv of the "itt- eoiivcnieiit multitude.' Vour until death, Kimmn 1. D. Jokes. llt IIIIII.I.S HI Vl'IMiKII. A a our mulcrs will rcmcmUr Professor Driggs was tried last year by the New York Presbytery of hmy but was acquitted. An apjsr.il was taken by the general acmhly of the Prcsbytarian church of America which was in fcss'iou ut Washington last week. Th assembly lm rccr cd the decision of the New York Picsbytary. Th following h the judgment of the aswmbly: This judicatory find that said final judgment or the Presbytery of New York is erroneous and ebon Id le and is hereby reversed, and this ieneral Assembly, sitting in a judic atory in said oae, cxmiing now Ut en ter judgment on said amended char ges, finds the apillee, Charles A. Driggs, has uttered, taught, aud propagated view, thiol rimt and leaching us wt forth in charges contrary to an essential doctrine of Holy Scriptures and the standard of said Presbyterian Church iu the United State of America and iu violation of the ordination vow of said appellee, which said erroneous iews and doctrines strike at the itala of religion and ha Itccn industriously spread ; wherefore, this (Jeneral As sembly of the" Presbyterian Church iu the United States of Amcricait ting as a judicatory iu thisca.se on appeal, docs hereby susHtid Charlos A. Driggs, the saul upjclhf, from the oflice of h milliliter in the Pres byterian Church in the United States of America until such time as he shall give satisfactory evident: of rejentnce to the (iciieial Assembly of the Presbyterian Clinch in the United State of America of the violation by him of the said ordiiu .ion vow as herein and heretofore found.' MU'TH CAIUHJXA'H l.toioit UW. lliltniirlr Will dm mt O t. in." and 'llrooiwr" Can lluy Onljr l)r m !. CoLl'MA, S. C, May 20. ti'ov crnor Tillman is receiving inquiries from all over the country ;is to I he ojtcrations of the dijeiisary law of this state, which goe into effect July 1. The rules . regulating the dispensary were given to the press today. They provide that aistcnsa rics must be closed at 0 r. M. the year tound. Applicant for the purchase of liquor who cannot write make a cross, Mrid no application of the jK-rson can le filled, oftcper than once a day. A state constable or detective will be detailed to run down all person busjh-cUsI of in fringing on the law. The prices of the various brands of liquor will 1m; kept lasted in each county dwpeiisa- and an officer who-deviates from e prices "will be dismissed. Gov ernor Tillman Kays the hcajest whiskey will be retailed at $3 a gal lon, 7 cents a quart, 40 cents a pint acd 20 cents half-pint; and onlv the purest liquors will be sold, lnder the law dispctisanca are not to be es tablished nu less a majority of the free holders petition for it- The govern or savs the state will make f I profit on every gallon of liquor gold, aud estimates that the state will clear 500,000 the first year. A IMfflculty Confront Tbem. The greatest difficulty that con fronts the democratic and republi can iwliticiang is how to tierpetrate the ignorance, and fan the preju dices, of the masses. Any man wba could produce a plan that would ac complish this, could become a fifty times milionaire in on eday. -"-Southern Mercury. How Lon( Will To Hve to Wilt We are wuiting to see the present administration knock the spots out of the bad laws which it savs the .re publicans have enacted. If it Van just get a chance," it wilj d it,' of course anyhow that's what they said. Oar Uouie. " f - i a oes ; 7 ally. Mercury. dollars? - ' But I am assured that ' there are V N