r II "Xjr tt tj j H P GAUCA CI A I. ( L. x r. j DlTOirS CIIAIU. . - THE EDITOR ON THE ..Lb OF THE DAY. u !.,;! Observer nays, "that ,, :,t ought to have under i managed the World's had it. at Washington." It ; i- now run by private i - : it. is used to opprtos and squeeze money out of It claims that the gov iiuld have run it, arid even at a actual eost to the his is pretty good logic, j,h doctrine. We wish ulate Tlie Observer upon deliverance from dark s -anii- doctrine, and this ! I '. : a! utal J ti i k , applies to railroads, and public monopolies used for . 1 1 ii.-. with even more force, iu. s to the Fair, in as much mi all the time. And were r the jtower of the money in .- of a corporation, The Ob mid be advocating the same for railroads as it does for railroad commission of South i , has fixed the rates at which . ,nl road company shall haul v: v for the State dispensary as ,; i- on all other freights. The i iioiid and Damille Hail road re Im obey the orders of thecotn h'licis. We guess the comj any :.k it is now bigger than the It may not be now, but it !. y' be, unless the power ot I, c i (Pi porations over elections and ji-iaturvs, and congress is broken. Monopoly politicians, and subsidized ; .(liii( -ians will not much longer, we ! - licve, be able to fool a majority of ; i i' oters in America. The people (' in a large majority, but they manage to so vote that the corpora tions rule, that is, they unwillingly help the corporations, to carry out ! In ii- plans. it is now whispered that when the cablegrams said that the Herman Emperor was defeated, that Chair man Simmons of North Carolina rfent a cheering cablegram to Em peror and told him not to give up like a simple, honest child, but to find some irregularities in the re turns and then to order a recount of the vote after having employed some talented and experienced counters. We can not vouch for the truth of this rumor, in fact we don't believe it. but we do know that our Chair man Simmons could have given the voting Kmperor points on counting. I Wit at any rate the Emperor ordered j i t. - . .il a recou ni aim mis uuie came oi.i ahead. His army bill has just pass ed the b'eichotag by a majority of 16. A few months ago, the whole .Southern and Western Democracy were for free coinage of silver. But "ie eland has declared against silver, lew the majority of the party is the "ther way. What has caused the change, is the wonderful personal magnetism of the great beeffy, cold, '!ur? Behind Clevelaud stands the money power, when G rover spoke, the influence, yes influence of that -'i' 'tile power spread and got in its a rk on congressmen, politicians and i.espapers. The large class who i somebody else to turns tor ''i.eiu have also fallen in line and :;.!! ' over to the gold bugs. Poor b-ois. following the very men, who h-ce bet raved them ! Vv are asked every day, "who is ;iiun Edwards?" His letters t trading attention everywhere. - a hay seeder, but he is writing Tin. Caucasian" better letters 'iiai: a i other paper publishes that u" Jonathan is the kind of that The Caucasian wants i: d u.r peuple believe in. lie is ' !!!. iig on the light. He wanted ' otiie back home and spend the nine t when congress adjourned, ' T e told him to stay in Washing i' -n and watch, and he has certainly ept his eyes open. We are going every week to differ ent parts of the State. We go out among the people. The one great li ed that we find everywhere is money, more money. The industry I of the yeople have provided them wun more than an abundance of e -er iumr i-'n,.. o ----- -ii. I'usiuess men i i i . " ai.o sunering with the same complaint. The one great need now with all our peo ple is money ! .moke money 1 1 And when they get another chance at the ballot box they will vote that way. atiU tlie OailKS nr.. ,, 1.. . . it is semi-ofiieially announced that uie pie-counter will remain closed until the extra session convenes, this look, bad for silver. Washina ton l'ost. es, it looks as if the pie will be used to "influence" silver congress men in favor of the gold herasv. :F THE PRESS ,S LEAD;NG THE PU3L;C, A-HO IS LEAD.NG THE PRESS 7 1 i . - . r.x -.-senator lniralls in an article on newspapers and jolitics kuvs "Censorship of the press is the fa vorite prerogative of tvrants. who are compelled to prevent inquiry into the cnaracter arm conduct of rulers and the oppressions and abuses in laws and administration. The progrees of American journalism from servi tude to freedom has been th much tribulation. Macaulay declares that th- history of Knglishlibertv is the record of t he. strnf.rles of tl English press for freedom from 'ov- ie -rn mental scrutiny. 1 he emancipation of the press of trie united States from governmental restriction and from the ancient doctrines of political and personal libel is complete. The people are in full and absolute possession of all means of information concerning their rights and privileges, and of all invasion and abridgement by the neglect or misconduct of their repre sentatives and magistrates. Instead of the press being under the censor ship of the goverr merit as in other countries, here the government is under the censorship of the press. The most important safeguard against the dangers of an unlicensed and irresponsible press is in the enormous multiplication of newspa pers. No journal, und no combina tion of journals under one system, can become strong enough to swerve, suppress or distort the public judg ment. If a Kepublican paper is started in a community, the Demo crats immediately establish an organ of their own. So that every question which concerns the people is pre sented from all points of view, argu ments are repeated until they become a part of the intellectual possessions; of the most illiterate and policies are measured and weighed by the stand ards of an enlightened judgment." There is much truth and at the same time much that is misleading in the above. The ex-Senator fail to locate or to name the power that is subsidizing the Democratic as well as I'epuhlieau papers on certain questions. The fact that you have a Democratic and Kepublican paper does not at all menu that you will get all public questions ventilated. Through some mysterious influence the mouths of Democratic u well as Kepublican papers have been closed about the evils of the money power, Even an independent paper like the Washington Tost, keeps mum. This has made the Alliance and 1'opnlist press a necessity, for the nionev question is the greatest one now before the American people. No paper that stands for the single gold standard and the monopoly of money should be called a Democratic, Uepublican or Independent paper. Let the mask be taken off and brand them all as gold-bug papers. There are now but two parties in America, the gold and the anti-gold party To which do you belong? WAS IT A POLITICAL ADDRESS? We clip the following from the News it Observer : "Col. Waddell's address on Social ism is a timely discussion of a very important movement among the peo ple of this country, and there are few speakers more capable of pre senting it in a proper light thau the eloquent Wilmingtonian. We would be glad if an arrangement could be made for him to deliver his address at every court house in Xorth Caro lina. In some parts of the country many persons have adopted ideas which, if carried to their logical conclusion, would revolutionize our entire system of government, and place the best, interests of the people in jeopardy, while utterly destroying the vital principles of our boasted liberty." Will not the politicians object to getting politics in the colleges? The following is a sample of the kind of editorial squibs that are now appearing in the administration pa pers : "If the free silver advocates are wise thev will prepare a few speeches on the rights of the minority' and have them ready for the extra ses sion." Does this not make Hon. C. B. Avcock and other houest Democrats feel bad. Yes Mr. Aycock's heart is now heavy, for he is an honorable man. He pledged himself to the people and to free silver last fall on the stump. He did this in a manly and non-partisan way. He brought great joy to the hearts of the people when he said' that if the Democratic party did uot stick to these pledges and give the people relief that then he was done with the Democratic party and would go with the people, for they knew he was an honorable man and would stand by. his principles rather than by party. Yes Mr. Ajcock is no doubt sad and sorely dieappointed with his party, but we congratulate the people, for they will no doubt have this able champion on their side in the next fight against the . combined power now labelled Republico-Democracy. We suppose the tariff is not rob bing the people much now. We nev er hear anything about it tf. AX OPKX LiriTKR TO CARTA N ASHE, ED TCR CF THE RALEiGH NEWS Sl OBSERVER. Who it th- Apoi.tl. c.r Dim .r.l.-- W ho II r( ,v?-Th. l-nio-ra'jr of i;utl-r und of Uhr (oiilrul.(!.-U hr- Hull, r Lot I'Hlriotir Knth ii -iH-oii.-- Ilriir ')jtai!i, IJiht About l('r."-shiinl, I.ul.r. or Hr I ! Hi t.un. fv J).:ak Cai'T.vix In the i...-.ue of the N'ews-Oberver, July 7th, you re fer to Marion J.utler's speeehes in Chatham enmity, ad vising AUianc. niari of the Democratic faith to let tl ie apostle .f diseord and of oppo.si - tion to the Demoeratie party severely alone." (Other had 'i deserted Lee's ira yoii to pardon this open let- mortal armv'with one hundred times I ask ter in reply. It best suits my eon- less perci. ferny than you have de veni, nee to submit in this wav .some ! serte(l JelTei soniau Democracy no relleetion.s for your patient and courteous consideration. It will reach thousands of eaer readers through Tub Cait.vsian, and the people will understand how deeply I am concerned that the truth should be known. The essential difference between you and l.utler is in adher ing to "first principles." J.utkr ad vocates the sub-treasury or ware house, plan as a means of financial relief. So did you only a short while a-o, w ith great force and vehemence. Iiutler advocates bi-metalicisiu. So did you until within the last few days. You have abandoned that and now sav that the world (includ ing India, of course, is against silver as a iiiomy metal, Diitler advocates the free coinage of silver. So does the State Demo cratic platform, and so did you until stumped on the India scare-crow. Dutler advocates a revision of the tariff. So does the national and St tl" Democratic platforms, and you. dear Captain, were profoundly agi tated about the .Melvinnley bill up to the very dav of the election. Your! editorials on the taiiff constitute a I part of the imperishable literature on that great question, and they have oeeii carefully archived, let me hope. tor the intellectual diversion of your readtrs two and four years hence. Hutler advocates an income tax. So does the State Democratic platform and so do you. 1'iit both you and the platform are likely to change front on this question. Hutler advocates honest elections. You are as dumb as a December oystei in the faee of the most out rageous election frauds ever perpe trated on a fiee people. You knew when the State election law va. passed that its purpose was ballot box robbery. You know to-day that in twenty counties iu North Carolina in the last election twenty thousand illegal votes were polled and at least twenty thousand more legal votes were illegally suppressed. Butler prote. ts against siu-h fraud. You do not. The repeal of the ten per cent, tax on State banks is your hobby, or at least it was only a day or two ago. You advocate, in this connection, the hoarding oi' yoid as a reserve fund. Thus from a bi-metalic and free coin age advocate of la.t week, you out Herod Herod as a gold-bug of to-day. Butler advocates a stable, uniform, cheap, elastic, sound national cur rency. The agricultural interests of the country demand such a currency-. Everybody who possesses a thimble full of common sense knows that our financial conditions have entirely changed since the honest, debt-pay. mg days of State banks, lou hold on to your hobby with some show of persistency, but I shall be surprised if you do not soon abandon it. I notice that our members of Congress from North Carolina, particularly those "Alliancemen of Democratic faith," are taking the cue from you and are about ready to surrender the Sherman act for the repeal of the State bank tax. Woe be unto them when thev do it! Butler urges the people to iade. pendent political action, believing that neither of the two old parties will give them the legislation they demand. If that is a crime you are to a great extent responsible for it. You weie Senator Merrimon's law partner when he was a candidate for re-election to the United States Sen ate. Merrimoa was a bolter. He was elected to the Senate over Vance by Republican votes. He was de nounced, maligned, cursed, seorued throughout the State. His name was j a bv-word ond a reproach. The! meaness "revenue raic ler" w as a "en- tlemriTi ami a natnot eomn.-i rod to the! ... . , j now lamented jurist, lawyer, states-1 man. i ou advocated nis re-election. You flooded the State with literature formentiug the iudependentism that has since found a permanent abiding place in the politics of this State. Yon, then, wei'e the "apostle of dis cord and opposition to the Demo cratic party." You gallently lead the "forlorne hope." Tlie seed you then distributed is the wholesome bread that is now feeding the hosts of independent "Alliancemen of the Democratic faith." Truly, my good Samaritan, it was "bread cast upon the waters." At that time Marion Butler was a bare-footed boy run ning at large iu the huckleberry swamps of "sweet Sampson" with a bell around his neck. It was an eventful Saturday afternoon he diked out in his Sunday clothes and walked in to Clinton to help the town boys shoot marbles and whittle dry goods boxes. A copy of the Raleigh Observer, then edited by Sanders and Hale, containing your famous back door eorresponderce, fell into his hands. From every section of the State there appeared a letter from "one of the people" breathing the spirit of revolt against the "Demo eratie machine." It set his ambitious young soul on fire. It was that in spiration that has made him the idol ized leader of "Alliancemen of Dem ocratic faith" who are now in revolt against the same old "Demoeratie machine." Merrimon God bless his memory a pure, noble, upright, God-fearing, honest man, was crushed by the machine. He was never forgiven. Even his elevation ' to the Chief Justiceship of our Supreme Court did not protect him against the ma levolent resentment of the "machine Democrats," who are loudest in the denunciation of Marion Butler, and GOLDSBOKO. X. C THURSDAY. debt-ate n.TiiS. mv dear t'pt;!U. you s!ueil of patrifacti'ri. It does not beeoiue you to belittle 1 Marion H i'!. r or to jeer at him ; "the ajo-T of iliseorif. Moreover, dons it ever oeeur to y that 'oii ' have no authority from t!.e Demo-; eratie .arty to d:ei;'im- it n -' volters? On repeated oeeaMotis th-i Demoeratie f arty ha in.rei and j repudiated you, and emphasized it i eolldeliHiatifin J,v eleetlllir Jioc'di Iaiiels-a l.-ard!ess, eountry humi kin, an amature in everythinj; but! euiiinn - r-iaie j.rnuer. lou an Captain without a follow intr. Von won your title on the battle fields in Virginia u bere you did the proud name of Alie honor and eredit. Hut ! uiy dear old comrade for many i IUJ-,,ts '' b pt under tli.- same tarr ut-aveus wiiuin eitiow ionc.n ,,j eaeli ! !. ' -. ou ; tr.m o.o . . ...... 1 .....1 1 . ( T,tl-w An ....... I. ....,,1.1 fc. .. .. . 1 ignoble death. From Moore's Creek in the early days of the I. evolution io me closing et the ternt.le trage.ty ....... .1.11 i I at Appomattox the Ashes have U-enJ brave, loyal, true, courageous, hon orable peopb well balanced, sound minded, cmp.i .tent. I am entirely at a loss, my dear old friend, to ac count for your political vairaries. Now, oh.J fellow, pull yourself to gether. Sullvauize your muscles ami pound the doctrine of salvation .leffer soman Democracy into the thick-headed leader of the Demo cratic party before it is everlastingly too late. I may address you again touching some matters in which I shall ask your co-operation, but in the mean time don't be overcome in your solic itude for the a i.i.i a n km f.n' ok t11k Democratic Faith." Scott Hill, Fender Co., July 4, IS!).'. If you are unequal to the under taking step aside and let Marion Butler head the procession. KX'-SKS. 1TMIC INtiAM.S HAS A GOOD oi-imok hi- Tin: ik..ioci;atii: I'AIiTV. We clip the following from a long article in the New York World by John .1. Ingalls : "Macauhiy describes a class of Englishmen who preferred to p'.rish by precedent rather than to be saved by innovation. In the United States these would be Democrats, and in casting the political horoscope the continued existence of the Demo cratic party, its successors and us signs, must be taken for granted as inevitable. It is imperishable, be cause it rests upon the basis of nega tion. It is opposed to any change in the status (pio. Were there no Dem ocratic party in being, it would be instantaneously evolved unon the presentation ot any programme pro posing aturmative action by the Gov ernment in any direction upon any subject. At every sttp of our historic ad vance towards nationally the Demo cratic party has been steauf. st and immovable in opposition. All that has been done has been in violation of the Constitution. Since it has been accomplished, thev acquiesce, but insist that nothing more shall be done. They opposed the coercion of the seceding States, the draff, na tional banks, the issue of bonds, the LegaUTendcr act, the abolition of slavery, the prosecution of the war. negro suffrage, resumption of specie payments, the homestead laws, rail road land grants, and a protective tarirf as unconstitutional, but there is no more danger of discrimination against important American indus tries by Cleveland's Administration j than there is of repudiation of the natioual debt or the abrogation of the constitutional amendments. Democrats have politically neither conscience, courage nor convictions. They are consistent in nothing but inconsistency. They have made no professions they have not abandoned, advocated no policy from which the have not retreated. They have al ternately denounced and supported every measure advanced by their ad versaries and fonietimes simultane ously, as when thev have demanded r tne sucar f Domsiuna the pro tCCtlOU they Have dell led to tlie iron , 1 1 .- ot 1 eimsy Ivauia, Pretending to be in favor of the free coinage of silver, they supported a Presidential candidate whom they knew to be unalterably opposed to it and who would promptly veto a bill should it pass. His proposition for an income tax, which sent them into epileptic convulsions during the war as an odious, inquisitorial invasion of human liberty, they accept with out a murmur of protest, and under the pitiless scourgings of his con tempt for their greed of oilice they whimperingly cringe with snariing servility." The growth of the Xorth Carolina College of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts has been very remarkable. Starting four years ago with one building and five professors present, and with little equipment, it now has six buildings, fifteen prolessors and teachers, and a complete equipment in many technical lines. It gradu ated its first class in June, but tt once many of these young men step ped into lucrative and responsible positions. Its announcement appears in this issue. "THE ONLY M KNACK." The Poor Old Campaign Tariff not in it Any More. A financial condition which is the OXT.Y mexace to the country's wel fare and prosperity. G rover Cleve land, June 5th, 1S93. tf JULY 20. 1 STRIKE FOR )! 11 l"ICi:.KT Ml Tl III XKMIMII TANOf. I U I VI. 1 lt( I I. tHK.111.4NC r. "'" I Hit- ImIci . a p fttk- tlll i.. i kd.'r . -li;.... I . . 1 i..mI IC-in Ihr I'rfM-ul " I-uw I iil.u I'rw oliiir U ; uttitliir.i. iOfil.K nr piK. X. V. F. S. A.. K E-s KKs N. p HCI A5. C1K( TLAl; A. I. U. Oi N'ii. S. ;l.l...,,,K, N. C. Atigut 7th, T.t thf Mr-iuUr (', AHian-f of yr-rth ( an, Una Congress i called to meet in extraordinary hession on August 7th next. The purpose of this special session is tated by the resident, to be to repeal the present silver law. While this law. knovi-.. t iSlttrni!11, . - , - , merman .aw, i.-, certainly a .. , , ... ., , , , ui.i&i-nuui, aim pronaoiv a cow- ardly makeshift," yet it is all that stands between the people and single gold standard. It is all that stands tetw,.en the people and tin power and gred of the few Shvlocks lio own and coutiol the gold sur-ph m. worm, i.epeaj trie present ei iaw, ami iiv-r is as completely demonetize. as it was by the atro" cions conspiracy of 1ST... Even a makeshift" is better than nothing, lhose who would imif repeal the "makeshift" without giving us free and unlimited coinage, or at least a better silver law in its siead, are greater enemies to the people than John Sherman and the Kepublicans who passed the "cowardly make shift." The danger to the people lies in the seareety of legal tender dollars. The scarcer they are the easier it is for a few men to control them; ami the men who can control the legal tender dollars control (he whole eir ( illation. They can lix the price ol cotton, of wheat, and of every othei commodity created by labor. In short they (an fix the'price of your labor, make the dollar harder to get. and make your debts harder to pay. Therefore the man who will subiiut to a single gold standard (even though he were given State banks as the price thereof) would be cross ing the threshold of slavery, from which he would never be. able to re turn. State bank paper is not. and cannot be made, legal tender. Cnder a sinnle roid standard, everv .lol- !ar of paper put o-it by State banks must be based on cold; and therefore every dollar will be at the mercy ot the gold bugs. If State banks must come at the perilous price of the gold standard, it will be the dearest folly that ha ever cursed an honest peo ple, and blighted a rich and prosper--,'s country. Now in the light oi the above facts let me urge upon you. as members of a nonpartisan organi zation, at every meeting and gather ing of the people, to offer resolutions and get up petitions calling upon every congressman, irrespective ot party, a;al especially upon the con gressman representing your district, not to vote to repeal the present sil ver law until fiee and unlimited coin age (or at least a better "makeshift") can be secured instead. Every Alliancemau will sign such a petition because he is fighting for reform and justice on principle, and will gladly receive relief from any party. Every Democrat should sign such a petition, for nothing short ol such honest dealings on the part ot the people can and ought to save the Democratic party. And every pa triot in every other party ought to sign such a petition, because it is right and in the interest of common humanity. It is no time for traitors, Tories or partisans! If we can't check and defeat the dark and bold schemes to enslave the wealth pro ducers of America, nuw, pray when can we? When will we be stronger? Will it be when prices aie still lower, when money is still scarcer, and debts still harder to pay? Will it be when the gold shackles are firmly placed upon the arms of laboi and industry,' "Give me liberty or give cue death," said the immortal Patrick Henry, when the dangers threatening American liberty was slight com pared to what it is now. Then we fought British bayonets, now we must fight British gold a power still more dangerous and dreaded it kills but it kills with poverty and starvation The hour has come when every patriot must strike for indus trial freedom. D.et every member of the Alliance do his duty and prove himself a patriot. Let every member of the Alliance do his duty and prove himself a patriot. Pile your petitions on congressmen. If they fall on ueat ears there, they will be heard from ocean to ocean before the ides of November IS'j'.i, MaKIoN Bl'TI-KK. Pres. N. L. F. S. A. JEFFERSON AND JACKSON Were Opposed to Kanks of Iftue Hotli State and National. Andrew Jackson it was who said, "if congress has the right under the constitution to issue paper money, it was given them to be used by them selves, not to be delegated to indivi duals or banking corporations." Thos. Jefferson it was who said : "Bank paper must be suppressed, and the circulating medium must be restored to the nation to whom it be longs. It is the only fund on which we can rely for loans, it is our only resource which can never fail us, and it is an abundant one for every neces sary purpose." If you believe in the doctrine of Jefferson and Jackson and have the manhood to baek up your belief with your votes, what will you be acting with to-day f tf. THE OT1IKK O.V GOItKO. Xext time the fintrer of deriskn is pointed at your Farmers' Alliance stores promptly inquire about Poster and McKinley. Nonconformist. 1 111,1 IMI 1S):.. ax oim:x lkttkr ij uOV EL-AS C1???. ST t i, is'l T1" M M".i,e I .i.i.h, 1U.U. uW the A Hume . , , rr.--W hat It .... "! ileal It. Th t.uirrnor Not ltr. Hlu,,,.,n- M -tl. .!..-. Thte lirlllUut Tariff Sorr. hat j Thl. !,., I. ,,.-. an A Ul-.ii. . With Ihl.t r.lf IK.K lioVtHMiK ANi l;,.,.IUi When you were nominated f-.i (i,.v ernor by the Alliance-Deuiocratn-Mate lonvt ntioii jo:i . aid, in accept ing the nomination, that wu knew ! t . 1 now io lo tu., li.in-, "vote the Democratic t i -k t and manage a ........ in.- ."taieii: eiu was loie.lv Mfftl ft:.. ............ 1 ,1 applauded by the nmvi nti-m. With others, who were warmly attach.-d to you, I threw up my lat Miimeer' straw hat and hurrahed myself into a severe so re-throat. When I got home and found myself in one of Brother Grady's "reilective mood.' I had misgivings. I .tid nothing about it. I knew the State com mittee had selected Simmons chair man of the committee over your pro test I wa ati!led you would de- ......! .. .1 .. .. , '""c" ' eiean campaign and Von knew that was impossible with Sim mons at the head of the committee. I knew how the Democrats, who thought .that they had tricked the Alliauce in nominating you, ridiculed you, poked all manner of fun at von. said you were an ignoramus and all that. I heard that Senator h'ansom had unwittingly said t a Kinsman of yours in Dauville that your nouiina tion was the greatest calamity the State had ever sustained. When the convention repudiated Tom Ilolt.lw ho by every precedent ami Us;i;e wa entitlel to the nomination, ami sel ected ja, I knew it was not from any love the Democrats had for von. Well, the campaign opened nd Sim mons WPt-iim;.-d you over tlie Mat. with Tom .larvis as hot th -holder. My ears burn now when J recall ah the mean, couteuiptable things th Democrats said about you how the. laughed and jeered at your s hooi boy attempts to make a speech, and how, getting their cue from Sim mons, they talked about your penur ioiisness in contributing tu the cam paign fund and all that. What Sim mons ..aid about you he said about almost every prominent Democrat ii; the State who was ;ot in the poor house. He talked scandalously aboul Tom Holt's .flOt) contribution" to th. campaign fund. And hu. had th. gall to do it, tuo, after he Simmons! had been largely instrumental in de feating his nomination. It was sai! at the time, iu the eojjyeu.ioii. that Simmons cast two voien against Hop one a a delegate from Forsyth county and one as a delegate from Craven county. He had recent lv moved to Winnton where he had manipulated a land improvement company into a hole in the ground. Well, you were elected despite every thing. Democrats like Kobbins voted for you with hands oyer their noses. It w as a natueau. dose, they said, but that they would swallow it just this one time. I voted for you, of course, but dear Brother Carr let me tell you frankly, I thought that I had voted in the air. I didn't know about the arrangements between Bill Day, Tom Emery and Simmons, Nor did I know of the understanding between Eaves acd Simmons. The result was a great surprise to me, but no sooner did I realize it than I felt as if I had stolen something. I lwive intended to see you and talk this matter over with you and hear from vour nw-r. lips that you disapproved of such methods. 1 have looked for some expression or protest from you through the newspapers, but I sup pose a Democratic paper would hard ly publish anything of the kind if you wished it. But this all aside from tle object of my letter. During the campaign you had but one speech. anu after repeating it one hundred or more time you had the whole tariff question at the eads of vour finger.-.. You evaded the schedules and ratios and all that with the skill of a professional. You m;de it s. plain to the fanner that thb tarii'i was responsible for bid crop ami tow prices and tin. general uistr. s in the land. I f.-lt that, at last, the great economic miction which had been the subject of tierce party con tention since the organization of our government was about to be settled. 1 felt that the solution of it had been found. Tho only "if" in the way was the election of (.rover Cleveland and a Democratic Congress. Demo cratic success, you said, meant relief for the people from unnecessary, un just and inhjuitious taxation. Your burning words are ringing in my ears as I write this letter. Well, Governor, we've got i rover, a Detn- OCrallC House ami a Democratic emocratic j luive had Senate. The Democrats undisturbed possession of all branches of the government since the 4th of March. For weeks and w eeks I watched th daily papers ex pecting to see the President's procla mation calling Congress together for the purpose of giving the farmers a Democratic tariff in place of the Mc Kinnely bill, which I remember you characterized as "highway robbery.''" When I "saw in the papers that yon were in Washington and at the White House I felt absolutely certain the extra session would be called at once. I was disappointed, chagrined, disgusted. There was considerable revolt in my neighborhood among "Alliancemen of the Democratic faith,'5 and I was doing my best to quief it. I preached patience - urged my brethren to give Grover a chance, but when your return from Wash ington was not followed by an im mediate extra session it was no good talking. They have gone horse, foot and dragoon into the inde pendent camp and swear that they will tight it out on that line if it takes all of tw summers. I write to ask you, Governor, what I shall do? Can you and I longer affiliate with a party that has so grossly de ceived us I And, Broth-r Carr, do you honestly believe, in the light that things now appear in, that the tariff has much', if anything, to do witi the hard times, scarcity of money, and starvation wages for wueai, conon and other farm pro ducts! A friend who talke4 wiU ,vtu a! . ?, setter f ?i . i nttn ui : Moiehtad teil ru that u e;.r ifreat . one. in and appit hetiMon Unit the lditieal MtllAton in tho t!.-; tit you nr n X out t o r ! I j ' ther youre!f or Torn Jri lo th I I n:t-d State SeiiAte n Ivbtin's j place, but that thing are poin i ther. will not Ih enough i, ni,k era? in the next I.. ciUtur hold a decent eatl.-'!-. You havt. rtl joyed I he eontidenee, t st.em and tefj-rot of the Alliance m North Carolina. Ym have It-en honored with th leader -hip of that organization. It ha taken yon from tin wrful obr-ur it ..f your Edgecombe farm and ha mane yoti tb.vernor of a great State. D .n"t net think nt go.nl faith to tlie nieiiil . rs of uur organization .U j mnioU et ou some public -ipresion .... ....... ..... i ....i-ii-M.iucc i;iiii una rmnii t it nation ,.f Democratic method? wil f.e a good way to off .mu conscience, and. in view of uhat ..i. are talking in private, it hs occurred to me that y..ti wou'd be triad avail yourself ,.f a suggestion m.ide in th it ay and by an A I.I.I AM KM ol TH I. lii.M'i. iuii. Faith. " I'"-Tm hi it. What isall this rum I"1 - about "the Sherman lawf" J, it the same law "ori!rre-.s pa.-d Julv 11. I find Uw called the Sherman Ad in my almanac which -ays that 'treasury le-tes isue. tn the purchase of Mlver bullion shall le redeemed in gold or silver cm at the discretion of t ot the Tn cas,rv. If naviiiL cold f.,i tlie bullion purchases "is causing ail this panic, breaking banks all...-i-the eountry and destroying confi dence, why don't Mr. Carlisle exer cise his discretion redeeiiv t he go v -nimeiit notes u silver coin and slop it Is it tme. Iioveriior, that this "Sherman law" was passed b goldbug Democrats, with Republican aid. to prevent the lci..ro ol m ft-.... coinage hill. Jiow'is this anuay? e d' o.aud the free coinage of silxer in our platforms, and when a chance offers to pass su.-h a measure (which you and I, and all of us, believe will give the fanners great and substan tial relief by giving the country more money) Democrats and Kepubiieaiis combine to defeat it. is it any won.br that the people are losinl' confidence i ,th the old partiesf And is it true, brother Carr, that Congress has been called together to repeal the Shcrmaw law and nothing is said ab,u,t the repeal of the Mc Kinley bill. I don't remember lhat you mentioned the Sherman law in your campaign speeches, but the a sc. with which you mastered lie a riff satisfies me that you can h easily comtirehend thi A it ,-f i .... financial ipicciion, and I confidently appeal to you for enlightenment and information. I know that you, in common with other " Alliancem. n of the Demoeratie faith." will h..e.llv K.. ! i . P humbugged or befuddled by Captain ' thrcau--are Saw, and you Ashe's vagaries about State banks, f UoM 'd be Miiprisid to know how We all arree that that is about the . readily and eas ily the people gulp biggest fool idea as a matter of re-j it down. They really yet cnthusi hef or as a solution of linancial com- j astic uvr it. The actag; Dem-. pncauou-t!iat ever j.. netrated the 1 ' boi'i'LJ'IM .ncerned ubo.it tl... il.in.,. ... ,i.;..i. ii. ,i , uui aie i vitv in lien I write, and we i;re naturally anxious M11' with our jH-ople and t hey -r-to know how they will eiFeet the j Ullt Jl K""' l,f "backhlidin' and pii.es of our corn, cotton, wheal and falling fr-tiu grace' beforeth.-v "un- ...' . l . i . i iuei larm pio.iucts. ::otk. .Marion Butler is billed for a speech in this neigtiborh,wd and I expect he will try to explain all these matters. ItKl.fl.lON AT .7 1'Klt KNT. IHM OI NT. jralmages Brdvlyu TaU-rnacle effected a settlement of its debt by paying the creditors twenty-three cents on the dollar. A thanksgiving service over the fact was held la.t Sunday in which the creditors are not supposed to have taken Jart. News. Ilere'ii the financial ipiestion in a -lew shape. The tabernacle is fre 'piented by the rich magnates of ew York ami many a bald head from tlie stock exchange is seen shin ing; when the voluble Talmaze peiieth his mouth to prcM-h. ve advise the rich worshiper iu 'his gorgeous temple to make lesti 'uti.. i in time. They will die with .i .j.ai l mortgages on their souls and the very ivsurivci i..u will b-au m: ;ioii of ej .-tmeiii against tln-ir M-r-turbed spirits. .Nom-ouformist. TiT hii.nii .ti. Mi.N.u.iKiii ii i:. ( Vonc. iitformist.) Beginiiiiig in .lauuary, 1S.i-,, the weekly ttatenieut of business failures showed a very great reduction from the corresinndir.g w.a ks in IS!1. It was apparent to any onserur that a revision of rules governing this feat- irc of the n p-.rfs had U-en enforcci .i. i ,, t .i . - ,H,K','L ,,f pi'-i I'-ntiai campaign, ir prices were ouite ;n- low and industry ijuite as much de pressed as marked former v:i. Kven under the new revision busi ness continued to "look up" to the lut.e of 2't to oO per (vut. Inore fail ires than last vear. "The Nation admires the partisan vho battle., fo, what he believe to be right, and who gracefully accepts the situation when hi party suffers the misfortune of war. h haa no use for the cringing putty-ball of politic who changes his political coat every time the Government changes its political hue," Washing ton Post Is it possible that a chameJeou can be unconscious of its own varying hues ? cl:m3:ng up! climbing up:i The circulation of The Cauca sian' is climbing up daily. But we want it to climb faater and higher still. Xow is the time to work. Let every reformer consider it his duty to help get the paper into the hands of the people. Get up clubs. Every one can help. If you want to keep up with the procession you must read The Cau CASIAX each week. NO. :w. THE WWW. UPIM. T C I'.S A tc ATTf VPT TO V R? sl A T1 foli Cl;!si- i riIi Tv (. M - SSI V f ft iMi i x .TE . Mivt Tin; 1'i oiu i. t I.I. .t Mi .. v.; ii . lV, Am i (h tiivi. nis W ii, ts,,M , m A i Km. I tl I. V I I 1 ' IIIIUIV - - ..... i.iiiiie It I s r 1 HIM. 1 hi ii.u.s,. ----- -w- - - ff U T M I i. ((a. ...' J-.l. Ii.hI.-L' MMlcai -lr..tl ..hiIic ... .,.- a s. ,.. Ii. Ihr St.,,, ii,,,,,,.,..,, mH T.., ..,.TU.rr,Ml. ,,,, ,,,, Ml..i.ii,..,l It. ol.. W.i SHIViTON. duly 1 7. Detll-l- eratu- Coiiies-iiu n .Sail j rsit in h.i mil. Melius the pit. pie. 'J"i.-v ft 1 J I rely n jM.u ! h.-ir mrt'au hlindnc, i;toi.,ii .ind iudi!TereiM-- to , . uw then- on n tillatlt IIIC.Hi..t. lt iea u.d glosj- dir. Ill tioiii ji repre'it.'t IH S of li.e Jrf-opl, . 'n,e llif. ipiel I 'eHi.M-r.it ie principles and platform d.vl.u.tt io;.. as "iiMiuiingl.-m, plti-liid.-i' h is hiiiubiigcerC th-' -:IV, bill the jM-ople Hunt to h'HU- biig- . d. A .Norl'i '.iridium Co.. giv.ssmaii .id to me. in , t ntidemi-: Wiro 1 lodo my full .i t lo the p. tiple w h . let r.sl in., t,, (Songres I would refuse to goinlollie D.-in... rratic raucus, and thri.-bv pnxeiit . I. (lion ..f Oip SjM-.iker of the lloii-e. I might to do it. Th liht for fr.-e mIu i ouyht t U- mad. on I bat line. Th.-only bop- iit thi' iloiis-ls to defeat CrisO f,,r tlie SjM-ak. Islllp. T!ie feat him is ft r t In 1 1 V wav to de ft, c ulnr men n. to k.t p out of! I he g i in .iiurii", v i'oillg lulo the caucus I make unm lfa Uirty to his ehvlior?. Ju doing that I repudiate my ph-iges to my ohm niiluv-.il. By my vote I put it iu I lie power of ;i man to lo w hat I have solemnly promised the p.-opl" should not IhmIoii Si it is simply a pies toii of doiii n;y duly to the jM-opln or following blindly i he D.-in r- rat '.. I. ad- i s. 1 suppose Inill p.M ket III V ( -on V i I in; i a all d col. t in lie to b.Uu jt,.' lie- people with the exphitlll- timi that ".he tirt and paramount di.ty ..f a D. iiiocral is ulh iciatice to l"rl.s I .shall rin the ban;eN on d tlu i-.t d,...i ..,.r.. t :..i.. but he is particular,,, votm for u is not handy in making D'Nphinal ions. Democracy i ,t r,.. church a fellow. Uur jMoplc don t care any hititf about the Shi i man law. In voting to rej nl it, we ivc the lie to our platform promises, lut a lit th- tiling like that dinvm't h-ut the Democratic party. Then' in nothing mean in that, ami the no pie rather expect it." Now, fellow farmer, and country men, we have here the naked, biaj n truth iu a nut-.-dn II. You are simply dujK-s; you are a plaything, a foot ball, a door-mat, a chump, a fool. You are advocaU-H of a great l"liti cal principle without th.' common intelligence to know when you are liriiig hum-bulged. Yo'l advocate a party platform and vote for men who insolently tbrow iu utterances into your ery teeth :w th- veriest humbiiggari. Is it any wonder that coiigresMiicii ignore your wUIh-h und spit u jm)u your demands; ridicule you as "iiiisguiili! jKiijde" and on b iiiptoiisl v disdain your humble pr--U-iisions to think and act for your self! But if there is any manhood lef iu our eoplc I wot that the littlr Hiitical l-s is reckoning without liis hosL I thank God for th-enlightenment and education that it awakening the -ople to a realiza tion of the condition, which jditi cal liondage is recjionsible for. In-.h-peixleul political m tion is the key and the only solution to your Mi)iticul mancipation. We miit g back to "lirst prinr iplec;" we mu-t inaintaiu the ,nl4-grity of our con victions; we mtist chi t boner.!, cour reoic, ('ol-feiiriug im-u to otli.f. t 'ome on to Washiiigtoii hen con gress meet, and let me ii ! ro-luce .u U the Ameiican ('.nigres', ami inr word for it, you w ill go bar k to vour plow-handle a wi ier man, a truer patriot, und an eternal, relcuth jjjj Utv us the machine that grii,(i out euch rist. Ire not longer deluded, my bretheren. It is your, to com naud, not oley; yours to demand, iioi to implicate; yours to direct, not to follow. HKIXilXo" 0 THE STATE MAX if TAX. "Tne nornetning iu the place of the .Sherman law" is the repeal of the 'ten per cent tax on State banks." Lnmistakably our weak kneed, free silver, Southern congress men are leading up to thi as an ex cuse for voting to destroy silver as the people's money. Of course they will swear that it is not so, but the fact is, and it can be demonstrated, that Mr. Cleveland has dictated thi policy. Jvjnally, of course, is the establishment of State banks a a means of increasing the currency transparent humbuggery. Only thick-headed chumps believe in any such fool idea. Financiers laugh u it, and Wall street chuckles at the stupidity of Southern ougressmen and Democratic newspapers who ad vocate it and accept it I have wt .... C05TISUED OS SECOJTD PAGE. . V U