. i i j t b L f .'''. is T l, . 1 v 4 r S Sk - t , 7 i .-r f ' - ,. J lirt THE CAUCASIAN PUBLISH EI EVERY THfksHAY. MARION II I.' T 1, K It, Editor A 1'ronr H U BH K I ITJ O N I'. A T K.H. ONEYKAK. KIX MONTH8. We publi,b thii week an un M-; ht YOUR NSAER? ter from Senator Vance giving hi Do you take The Caucasian jiosition on th- silver ju-tio. ai;J Does your neihbor take it? Don't iiK-i'J-rjtitH v -iwvv' hi- pinion of answer u that ,n.mev is tA scarce. - i 1 ' We know that- In fact all honest j American Cougre will sw oou b it 1 1- 'iol'iiry- admini-t ration. UV ar not -u r ri--i at lie- jio-.itiou of tic- i 1 .1 ..-mxvllf UKTORIKI. I Mlllri :ilIIE NATIONAL ClIITOLiM em ... , tilat tne .uunce principles importance or the uojr w . or j,tt,r 0 . , mauds are more thorough! uia- wtmjj caH your tttention. is my ex- - seminatd thay ever before. The CU8 for writing you. Early impres- note id not any v.tf, r . - II .00 j s-r,a:,r on -1 1 h r, f'r Law kno 1. Ertrl al tin- i't-nt Ofn at Ool'linoro', &ft wmoii'I-cIioii mail uiaiw.; Ui S 'i.T -ftix- rirn- that thov m-r- in- uce kriow it no, l'.ut what is , itt;rmitirl. Just the int!u- vance rTERiriEt. Tin I'lii t-uv i tifhtinir 1 -ntor anc- hai returned niakin it Kan.-!' TH6 Martlet Seal Who ii making it- arc l' ttiok- t- write thr-- word;? iiu-ij whjfn The 'A.'CAIA i:! fijrht inr. tht- nn-ii who thin rerv day are What does Ahrtlet mean? Webster defines it as a "bird without beak or feet." and it is sometimes used in her aldric devices. The above is the title of 1 hon-t and wi ll matured ron ! tiou-. j UV ar- iiot 6nrprir-d t J-ani that j h- ku.-w that C.h-w-land i- u-iny tlt j J-oi-' patrofia;'- t hri'' '.ouTt.r- j ni'-n to - to r th- t'old Im- j ra kin their wits in anarch of ways j and ti.- !oijiiho!d-iT hot arc , anil nn-anfi to make money .so scarce, i riirj.n.-' d that h" Inn written tfii.- that ruin arid starvation are being ; Washington, t-n years yoaurr to fj'rt tT? Ual in erery !m cars of creator human ba Hat'ORtroTni the rvkt- tuus. En now wnif wNle poer Enthrone the wronx. exaits the knare, Wbi.e .ik-r rriti auJ toiirr ;ve dinner was a jrraud cunxt sionsare lasimK, i When vou can't I one i.rvut U1 U-Mifv. The eloo- imibiUty of d.vert.nfr the nund wntn )ou t ill v ltruDi-k (mat;. Mh. Kmtk, Dkak StK AMI Hko. . . I. .i - it K that i : . . t tion of oflicer u the first business irom tne in-nt rira, rrKiSt-r your i. it.r I 1 . . Kllilw Iflff! -I ..d v., nrv B(l bo ruiuuui. i .... ui me aiwuiwu jrvi- i . , - .i .. ...1,.1 1 muctias 111 friend her ht i ne j for tbe war. lo a said I will fitrht repeal of the Sherman law until hell frezert over, if it takes all the surumei of my life." Speaking of how he ha- been treated by the ad ministration in the matter of patron- , it It i with pk-au e that I ral iet- t . . . . . rven now , lHill. - rill str,.niMK h H the uncon litional i Iron utav u' tlUK 10 ters from different mih. a;.UJ, nUt V , !ookfrom which children deri lu Maxwell Ix-cturer, Ke. I olm their T,eWl( of rjght and wrtmp, ai aee, he savs there is but on explan i.. i . ..ti ... ... 'r. .1. . . i . i i ri-i ..i , niirr anii .m-M jnom- - ji.e.--ion (-u uon me jieojjie. i ne jH-oine i at ion. ine Mifrman law. ne sava. to tl...-.- conviction.- at thin time. ' must know the fact: w hen thev do may not ie responsinie tor.tne panic. i it., .. .. :n . , ,i . l. r ' , , but it has "deRtroyed confidence" in If--, Mr- .ii'" mill 11JI.1IJ.IJ1, will ,111" LIJriUSVIilT! II IT. Jill.' . 1 1 1 r 1 ! - his paper at tLe banking houe of t lioiitrti prohuMy one oi Uie pnre.-t ! una cil lia-! teen brougtit lv bau , trover Cleveland in. i, in 1 1 j - .a'-i who had l-.n LefM-ia tion f hen the proper aul onlv stance i. meutioneU where he in- j atnl U gi v i .. ... i .. ,i . ..i i. . i , .:. ... i. i.i. .1 l.;. tr.fn.-. v ...n.-f ...,;-l,.t;,. TI.- cHiuimtuc uu een lion as uj lovaiiv , inse. ..,,i.i;-i ,ui - ti,:P rivirt 4,r neht anJ wrtnc. ana vou r valuable J.ha 'P1- 'Vtn,(,on- their knowledge of fact, or misrep- ,..,r l.-t I ..,... 1 uer uie uutiiarim-ui. ui ,.- resentations of History. K ' i- . ... " . I officers we trelict a pnwpernus vear The neeessitv for national, impar- liL u I., II ,hT; i. i i .Sn!..' iThS th ord WeJjourul to n.t ,ia, nn-ruA.D -hl luk for iuvctigate the ,,. , ,t i .1, .i t Kenansville on August "-.'4th to our choU. i. it aeetus to me, grv- it is now the banner Alliance of the , , ft , , . . .rr Since there .... , hear the retort of our delegate to -r than ever oeiore. oime iure countv. Wenavea large iiuinUr- .. . ., ., . . K mtrtinl twxtk-i eunec- ,. ... ... . Mate convention, rresident Marion continue to be partial iKoks, tpe .snip ana tnev still continue to come. ... , -. , , ;itv hit iHe it is well that ourown - , . . . , , ltutlcr was unanimously inviteil U laiij DiMonen, 11 i ' " "i iiu- a nice comiuruiuie iMii-e ... ' n .. vntum piiixriiii tn neia or nuiut'i- shii.. The character and tone or There uu - . .k in going on th.o,,- . have applictl to th,. Very truh. Tin- i Kvery- Next ol cheek h j Ion-', who ha.-; liaia'ed t M fe lf peojile, when he coll dorsed a "certified check i. .. ,. j ...... ,..-, .i . . 1 i . . . . i . trv to ,'"''" i-ejr.Mauuu we nave .lej.enos f,.!!,,-" ,., ,..... Ht, .. upon the kind of voting we .lo. The trood natured about it all. savinir . i .- i i i.i iatness us on iiiai . . v .fc i. 1 1 . ntair completion, we have also elected I , , , . , ,. lt, i yJ'S "mien u "ear nun. " hJi..L,tf.B.jn.y,nih anihnn and r V Z i' LMntodonethinalonUhat line. T.' U rl-V . ,ml!n? .. tu ht M at not uiM.n the place where they are ..i i .-. l . . i 7 : v litnouepin -'nd J bursuay in "cto- . , i, ;a m f--t ht MK.k writ-1. . i wuere u m- ! i t" iu an mcu ui our ihsi- i . .. i i uiniruo. win sur. nutiiiir. , ,., Kiinthrrn authors are more ..r .....n . , .1. M j iv .-. phi. . . nni national in their make up than bmiics range the w hole st. BE WAKE OF OIMM) v I'ATAKKH THAT . N m EKt'l l; 1 . N fl Hlylilij Interestlno Story, ta4 in which a seal with the de vice of a. Abrtlet plays an important part. This story will soon bein in the columns of this paper, and will well repay reading. Do not miss Tiie Martlet seal We were at the depot a few eve iiin'ri wince in a certain town in .North ( arolina waiting for th train. Three or four drummers were comparing notes of their nalcs am discussing theoutlook. One .said h wart hardy making expenses. An other said that he had not been paid for opening his samples for .sev eral days, and they all agreed that .1 4 1 I r..i uie i ouiiiry was in a nan nx. I hcv said I he merchants would not buy, because the people had ho money. They all admitted that theoutlook for crops was an good as usual, thev all admitted that good crops did not mean anything unless cotton, wheat anil tobacco brought a good juice. They all looked gloomy and "down in the mouth." Yet every one of them voted last fall to make money scarcer and will ote that uav again unless they begin to read Tbk Caucasian or some other reform pa per that will give them the truth of the situation what caused it and what the remedy is. no -o without hreaking with the ma chine, fhould at this time have the ne,n. and the courage to declare for : "V "'7 Tribune of the people on that ; until thev know tlin truth ;ith! t li 1 1, ;.....;,. 1 .l... .;ti ..... .. , ,i ..., ir.- .i !,. ,.i... - u,:,m"- u"1 ""H". "-' " ' "e...f . , t,1(,,.t),..r Th.. ....r "e ear m- house eert ficates" n nr ii mean. poiiucai o.-uaci.-ni ana per- t(e ,.UIllry tulay ur,. thoHe 1(oli. ment ot the peoples demands nccution Iioin now on I'V the ma-j tieian? and newsr.apers that are hid- A dead mesoi.ati.n.. coi.iir chine. Till. Cai i a.-ian is agreea-i in the truth from the people. The H'ls settled down on Washington. majority of the p.-ople au change w ithout any malice in his heart, that the whole tenor of our laws anytime ht ",D''t (Jr,VVT ?t 'li-" ti i i -.1 j I - " "ivti "in hum uioic in a ii .... .. me.) ,i, neer oo n Tril,n ,.f th until thev know the truth and the hUtnrie that we are full 1 will tleuired JHS1- just say .it .Alliance ber. Ul.i olll.I bly niirprised. gain t he great of the people. ance may yet re love and confidence livery few days we see .some allu-.-ion to the fai t that the li'ichmoml and Danville l. II. and other corpo rations are Inning a hard time to make both ends meet. It is claimed that I hey put their freight rates and passenger fare so low, that thev could not make both ends meet and had to go into the hands of a re ceive;-, i o see Midi statements irom a railroad organ a hired tool and mouth-piece for the corporation, makes us tired. J'hese same editors certainly must know that the K. it lb is iloinir ii tliriv inir business. making large prolits, and simply went, into the hands of a receiver to keep from being sued. Our friends now say that Tjik Caucasian is the best paper in the State. l'.ut it will be still better when congress meets. Don't let your subscription run out, don't let your neighbor s i nn out. .Now above ill other times you should read TllK Caucasian. Have vou a neirhb..r ' a - who does not take the paper? If so, don't let him do without it an other week. How can von eviwet your neighbors to agree with you on public questions, when they do not know tli facts. 'aui asian will turn on the light. There are no signs of the politieal sf.i.-r.. U'tw.w.i nminniK rt it 1 1 t. cts i. -i. The p.-.ple will never get relief until (.ard in the a'I)(i ;nueI,4.u,i,.rit th.-v read I me Caucasian and other nest. The hot air from the leistered 1 reform papers and learn the real pavements burns and sizzes like the fa.ts. The remedy can only eome 7, holL Oh! for the friendly ll4tu t c.u.j i'4ion Jrink offtiriny water, the tast of h sider it his first duty to spread reform fresh watermelon, some bacon and iteratiire. beans and buttermilk and a good old fashioned toilsomed snooz on th. I'ie-fed Joe savs. in the Carolinian spotless floor ot the back piazza 7 " I I .. i. r 1 : 1. . v.. .. . .... :.. - i .-ii i . nui ior nine jmncues, eieeiric lans , .... ., ... and an occasional glimpse of broth- ...e.. .nun,-;. i , niusiiHies UIU. Ur Sun, r n fo wniil.I ntn ,.r Our present financial policy is hie here. By the way, brother S vronir. JheMierinan law must be put a conumarum to me the other i ti... -;!...... .. day. lie wanted me to hnd out how i.i. .ine i i.ijsu a i . ...... . I it is that a .Mississippi negro ia re IS I 1 .... V.. , A nlln. F tl, I 111 Ul VI 11 1 1 1 1 L I 1 1 . 11 1 L IV I V.L L 11 V 111 I 1 .llliuie. V I t...l...l..... A .... ... m. ill I'.uiiili t A. I .... creates t f n insure tlit uh hiliiH. w. ........ 1 1- 'in.. . ... ' n , l-l"u mii V i l ' ',r..i. vjiub iuuiiu; tones will prove tnis. ine selection except on proscription t the eloquent address of Hro. Hoo- 0lir worthy 'ate lecturer, and in readers should represent, in fair blt. ,,hysic,ans aV vcr on the l.Uh, which was at once Brother .I. T. ii. Hoover, represent- proportion, all sections of our coun- will do is ten fold to seen to be productive of much good, mg the Karniers' Alliance of North try. In the geographies should W Can possibly derive f,o from the fact thai since the last i Arolina, have recently visile! our found what pertains to each section Catarrh Cure manut ,' campaign there ha been some on the county and addressed the people at with enough of history to fix geogra- Cheney A Co., Toledo fence, but ere he closed his mil- aVveral places and, whereas, we 1- pWal date ujHrn the nimd of the no mercury, and is tak, birring sp-ech they tumble,! over on knv that tht. aadresses of these eliild In the histories a fair notice actinr aireetly upon , reform side truly con vertecl men. Brothers were productive of much -houUt b" l i f ht .,eadinK . a"d mucous surfaces of ,). i. . i! ... . nut- juiniui inc oi ujui u imnortant events of historv. and the !.,...: n..nv. .. . in rcauing iiik I Ali ASIAX 1 t,, Lr,U ' . . : , , . ., ,u.,,ufc mm i niflrrh r learn that .Mr. Carr, Oovernor of this - k- ..1.-.. acts of distinguished men. Thus the you (he j-enuiiie. repealed. lll( howl, but let them. men raise And this what "slippery -Joe"' calls "the far- Only a little while ago Ilokey I'okey Smith's protege was raving. ury when he (Sanderlin) who could have been Oovernor of North Caro lina by saying the word, is put off with a little, insignificant deputy A mlitorshiii. He snnt.lements the in- tearing, snorting mad because the quiry by asking "Is this a Demo- frce coinage bill failed to pass' the cratic administration! and "Is North oml Congress. Carolina a State or a Province or N ow the little demagogue whines W t w o'o"- It was easier en on ch to answer thf "let the silver men howl." conundrum, but I thouerht the Bro. Only a little while ago the Demo- h;ul hatl trouble enough. I hesi- f.v'iiir. Wl..f 1 f 1 111 l'lrTo lo Bav w uai u,u uui iijo .juhi.it Minim in uenianutu .-i ,.i i- . . ... ... 4 - . ipriueune oiggesi pan oi wnien is tor, in. i u-i- iuu iiiiiiniLni coinage oitsu- sateiy housed in ins pocKet already; ver." Demagogue Joe was. and is or hurt his feelings, or increase his uissatisiaction. i wouian t tor the .ear,, tlia t ur. Carr? t.overnor of tin, Nmv, ,h,refore, be it resolved by SCenery, customs, people, AcTlam- ternall v and i n ' i t grand and once free State is trying the Pitt County Farmers' Alliance, iliar to as would broaden the youth- . to make the impression that we have Utj That we tenJer onr thanks ful min,, We do flot want JV)0oks J-VJ 'a it i',' fair elections. I wonder if any one Brothers Thonmson ,.ml lUvpr fnr filled, exclusively- with matter h r-.....;.t i...i.. 1 . - - , . - . " 1 vv vmi t ' I . Cl I f wi.,v n v.w juai iri lucin tlle manlv, able and dignitied man- longing to anotner latituue, sucn as come uown ana canvass JrunswicK ,.r in u-bieb tbir fh our children never saw. see w liat three-fourths of the L-inb of iha li;..n,. U!.,l ..ccr;., What would you think of a history "d . K i "'X 1 "i "-L i ' Wple have to say about the matter. thcm of 0ur high apprecialioil 0? vvhch omits the Mecklenburg Becla- 1 rllfcfc flO Alt.! will give an instance in the case of their ,irorLs vem exiid to them a 'pre historic slers I) H ' , I "J in aired citizen who h.-is liv..l o.,.r i- . .' ... .mutt, t re-nistoric settlers; I). Ii. mirtj.nuly tout prmai,i r Tl , ; . coiuia. inviiaiiou to visit our county Hill- V..,. ti....,. Hon. raiN-i..i. nn. ' ' Stuart; Longstreet;IcCiruder;Kwell; turn, Nmou. l. hiT.V 'iV.i se Dick Taylor; Alex. H. Stephens; i..'1" ,uy. ' - 'u I I all afe through a respected and law- abiding man has voted to the best of his ability fifty-two years at the same precinct until last election he 'lid, That we denounce the. false and unjust reports, given out by the Maury; Walthall; Fitzhugh Lee; partisan press of the State, of the l'Ik and others? Names that should was abruptly informed that he would meetings and siieeches of our Alii- household words with us. We, ance Ucturers and speakers and re- u . retem,y seen a I1,slory WU1C" gard such action as a direct attack mit4s the nam of ho lead unon the Alliimee ,,ul if luc u.w lu lu" ecarge on not be allowed to deposit his ballot. Uoes Oov. Larr or any one else thiuk Mention The Caucamas. lunel .'iii,,s this fair, if so it would have been just as fair had they taken possession 3 r i t "Zh r 1 ln"1Viln- record, that at Gettysburg; that has of the old gentleman's barn and told J, ' ii I A . .f ?ur no mention of the Jesuitt and their 1. ; ... 1. ; .1:1 .. . .1 rtuiit-iiiicc 10 Alliance principles, settlements rIoiut th Mi ssiasii.t.i I ...... ii.au 11 uiu nut suit ineir nir- Qr,,i ..,. .,t w 1.-1 r.i . . . 'c" a ilo- pose for him to use the contents , upuoiu ine same, river; no mention of the Kentucky uo, ,o.;.. 1 . "o" lo use ine couitnta. blipvino- il.jf n,.., t .1... 1 ...J..i vr: : T3 i...- .. J A m (Vn.r1.-1, ..r 1. 1 Liic- v tL . e it.. 1. iii 1 ttN, . a. viiiiiiix. ilhn,. ii t inn VA-un u o in... . .... v. . ... ..... n ... . . , n , , .. Oxford Female Seminary OXFOKI). N. . The 43rd Annual S. l"ll (.' and sedition laws, that made John Advantages of a I 11 1 x 1 . I WVIJLTIHK LJ tJCLlUIl 111 IMlllJSUICK l,4ilWr.n4-,, 1. I A 1 niti ii,.-) tin in ii 11 w 111 iif i'iiii 11 1 rv 1 auu flniiiiini iawn. iiimi iinnm .inn n 1 - . . i 1 .1 tir-.t was unfair and unjust from begin- , ',n,.,f V7 " V1 . . x.i " Z. ,1. .School at verv If...... . ning to enu it was a steal, but it is i;nns r, cause for firing nn V..rf K.,n.iar. Physical Culture nroi.m,. , . . amw tiv,. fMl,u ,...,ii,. ,:ii ow,L LU ne, aicasiak . 7 V,, , , . "V 'Y f.";i;: . n "A::-: , 1 x' ,Ylil 1,tytI and to the Progressive Farmer with .urn nB namnersburg; tbat gives in M us,c.. an" -x't. A "iiut iaj tue use again. With best wishes for the success of The Caucasian' and its noble edi- I am fraternally, J. P. Cox. July 17th, 1803. Progressive Fanner with burmf? Chambersburg; that gives in facilities ui Mi nntdisb glowing words the defeat of Eatly ?r catalogue. 1 u' and Sheridan's Rider fwhieh r,.l President. Me r . r. iiii;i,iMi ntion Tin i',,, ,. July 20-1 mo L'p. a re.ui.. ul- In - ....vUU w ruullau. 0.l r:.i y . . uui-iiuauH iviuer vwincu nue v. n . . . . I 1 . . TT . Dunlin Countv. ucci urcurrwij UUl OmilS llUllier 8 I .i -... r. f ... T UI 1 T i ii- t v t -ii i . nucaiiiuui Ajvucuuurg ueiore r.ar lr. J. h.. Person will sneak at an h,. ...,.i i. ..i . Allin.. cVi.v. , , V' i-avmry engagements in F.v,-.v ii vuuos sciiooi th va pv Who.!. tot. .1,., I'.. I nll a i2?2v:tat.urday' July29th- The wa3 la'y tord Teir . "K M0" ot Agriculture and K THE NORTH CAiMl.iA Some of the machine papers have gotten hold of a circular which we sent out with some sample copies of The Caucasian recently, l hey are copying and howling about th following sentence: "(Jive Th e Ca u casian enough readers and we prom ise that the State will go for the re form cause two years fiom now." We not only acknowledge that we wrote that we wrote that sentence l ut we take this occasion to rejieat It is the truth of that statement that causes the howling. The very conduct of these papers show that they admit its truth, and by such admission they pay The Caucasian and the cause it is battling for a great big compliment. We propose to turn on the light and riv, tl.i people the truth, and if enough peo Ieople know the truth, then it bound to win. This is what fright ens the politicians. If a congressman votes for a gold hug Speaker, he may afterwards vote for free silver, but he will not there by fool the people. The people know that the real light is over the Speak er. They know that the Speaker appoints the committees. They know that the Speaker has the power to stille or bring forward legislation. The people will watch how each con- ffrpvciii'tn . r . 1 ri.. 0. v. . iui speaker, j ne man who betrays his people at this point is a traitor all through. A gentleman, a Democrat, said to us on last Saturday morning "Have you seen Vances letter?" We told him we had. Then he said: "Well it seems that he has gone over to you all and joined the People's party. We told him that he was verv severe on his own party, if he accused every man of joining the People's party n.ui enough manhood to ex- his thumb on his nose, -'let the sil ver men howl!" And this, according to plunky, "flexible" crow-eating Joe is "the fanners inning." Cod save the mark! -1 T 1 S, i-t . I 111 s. m I imn- t in I. , , t . , i I . . ; . . ,.. C A. U I .",tt"tu life of me tell him that Democrat- , TT . puoiic invited. miles from) Winchester when i" rhanifarte Democratic party. Now the cheek v of the San.lerl J I JT " v' ' - t I Z l. i I rn i .i.i I I UIU. liAl 1 Lin.il 1HSK II Ml A HI lllun I . 1 1 1a. IV o . ., little rascal (political ) savs. with good in Cleveland's estimation as ... . iat.e notice :i nere will K.diPh ct,. to re oin his nnmm. fZ " f . " t" .L" ? 8 r "f 1 J 7 " I.I w - .. .M H . H All -t" fl-i.k.4-.. I.1 :! I Tfc I ' v uv a, v IU 1U1- I Mr i 111 I f i I I me Mississippi negro ine amerence ... ,,r i neuusuip, i resident Alarion But er has loutrhs anH ha, alc '. i i being the difference between the ne- fidelity and LaOrange, Sub-Alli- agreed to speak at Liberty. N. C. on We teach nnVil.ir . i, ,:eu,ppe,f .for sl" ""1 groes salary, $2,200. .The$l.C00 salary ances, held at Institute, Lenoircouu-Hly l-'th. He will come by Liberty love the country of which they are Shoos , Sl,, i""' T'1 1 paid the negro auditors sifter, who ty, N. C, on the 12th dav of An crust on his way back from the Stat mPt- hereafter tr. t i.;ii,un, v. i j . "OI s' lart r.u,1 ?"'' I'm. actsashis PRIVATE SECRETARY, is next The nnblie i i,.,-;.! f ing of the Alliance. V nUnt of h.r I. ..j .1' .......f'"?" 1?' Uotani,'.-.! mJI: ucuiturai laboratories, i; re.nl,. Barn. The teaching force f..r th. r, vear consists ..f f U uusiucss ilL'tnCV l- linn. 1 mnt,.,) I hunln, ... 11 .1 ,l: I " " ...... ii in. n. . figures and is easy enough to cvpher 1 Pominent speaker will be had and expected. Ev.rvt "1 'wl w: U:. " " T'lY ":I.i.rBO l"l?.e two courses lead to outthemintalvalueof three salaries,1" ,uuou' lo in promptly come and brine their baskets is omi ttZ.i ' ' Agriculture and in Me. l 1 i 1 . - - . , . ' I 11 r n l n r a'. I.iU C . . i . I I - - ana ine ratio win indicate the dif- .uc y "-1UJ- a- ee your neighbor ference between an Alliance Demo- aud invite him to come. Bv order who press his honest stand bv them. convictions and is The Charlotte Observer comment- llur i..i Uaiioi..- ' .. ' i i. a uuwi ance a letter says that it regrets that our junior Sena tor has taken a position that puts mm out ot line of the party and in opposition to the administration Now lead Vance's letter again, and then remember that the Charlotte Observer ia one of the leading mouth pieces for the machine aud you will begin to get a good idea of some of the differences between Jefferson ian Democracy and modern machine De niocracy. If the machine and the mouthpiece had not captured the democratic party, the People's would never have been organized. At every meeting get up a petition to Congress, c illing upon that body, especially on the member from your own district, not to vote to re peal the present silver law unless free and unlimited coinage of silver at the constitutional ratio is put in its stead. Pile your petitions and demands on Congress. The gold buS are geting the Board's of Trade to pass resolutions calling upon Con gress to repeal the law and put no other silver law in its place. It is the duty of the people to demand what they -want and what they know to be right and honest. 'From Dixie" is the titled of an attractive collection of original po ems and stories. niihlwl.,.,l r.. n. . l ...ivi iwl benefit of a monument of the private it- , soldiers ami sailors, and the estab lishment of a Confederate Museum at the late Executive Mansion of the Confederacy, Kichinond, Ya. The book is bound in grey Confederate cloth. Price 1. It can be had by ordering from Capt. Yv. B. Keu drick, Raleigh, N. C. EVERY VOTER in America should keep his eye on the next congress. The Caucasian will get the facts if any paper does. We are not dependent upon tools of monopoly to furnish us with the facts. We have a long-headed mau, who is a true friend of the people, in Washington. He will be there all the time. If anyone can find out what is going on be hind the curtain he can and will, lie sure to get your neighbor to read The Cau casian. It is your duty to help get the facts before every voter. A man who does not know the truth can not act on it. , vivii r.ngineerinir . .. , u interest OI I XOtal 'it M, lit li KB I j: It is reported that Mr. Thurber, Mr. Cleveland's private secretary' said a few days ago that they could reiy on uansom and six out of the eight Democratic congressmen of North Carolina to vote for the un conditional repeal ot the Sherman silver law. If they do, not one of them will ever be re-elected from iN orth Carolina. Every congressman from this Shito ;a i...i j xi , ... JO uicuvcu w uie iree and unlimited coinage of silver. Senator Vance is one congressman who has show n that he can not be driven from his honest convictions either by the hope of patronage from the administration or by the combin ed force of the money power. Watch the other congresmen and see how they vote. In Wilson last week we heard a traveling man ask a tobacco man when the tobacco season would open. He said about 1st of August if they could raise any money to buy it with. The other said oh well, timps -m get better when congress meets and repeals the silver law, (that is it makes money scarcer.) crat and negio Republican in the of the Executive Committee estimation of a Democratic adminis- F. M. Hakkisox, Chairni'n tration! Jonathan Edwards. .Tnlvitb ieo-? Tom foils' Post Office. Beaufort County. Our County Alliance was a big success. The outlook- ; vovn lvi CJl- 'PL. , . J .. uouraamg. ine Countv mpntinrr Sampson County. Editor of. The Caucasian. passed resolutions calling upon con" This is my first attempt to write to gr?ss not to repeal the present silver your valuable paper. My papa has law unless free and unlimited coin been taking The Caucasian a long age of silver was substituted in its time, i enjoy reauing tne children s steau corner very much. I will 'n a n-. answer lyrus A. ihornton's Question. Bertie County Washington was never wounded in Resolved, by Bertie Countv ah; battle I will also ask one. WTho ance, that we petition congress, esne was called "old rough and ready." cially the congressman from this I am your little friend, district, not to vote to repeal the Irene Ingram, present silver law until free coinage or at least a better silver law can be Amen cnuij. suostituted: we a so ao-ain it;t;nn Ciuberland County. anv nK!ieU. " . al co a J'r, including lir. Col. Harry Skinner was present it as a fact that U Is mo eeaIonab K dents t7vm f and spoke at Cedar Creek on last that we should preSr tS " hooka tw 12J.oO For cat,.,,llw. . Friday July 21st. While we all which are national tLi8 ply to A. O. Ilt.LI.AbAY. wanted our own dear "Marv Ann" and which rp,,r8pnt t;,u. I u r Resident. Ral. 1Kli. X to be there too, yet the colonel made tions of country and clearlv state a magnificent speech. The crowd the truth. TW little attention is was estimated at ,2,500 people. The paid by parents to the character of tion rnV,tgwmDgdai,ymthiS,SeC- bok,sused their children, an tion and it will grow everywhere we hope this communication will that The Caucasin is sent and such prove beneficial in the fut-ri July20-4t-2p. speeches as we had last Friday on hand. Carolina. Pasquotank County. WTe had one of the largest and best country meetings ever held in this county. Brother W. J. Willi.m, elected delegate to the State meeting at Greensboro. Forsyth County. very large and Ridgeway High School, Warren County, X. ('. For Boys and d iris. I!i,,l,ir..i! I- the University and the Coll, Classical and Business Cnursw. N ,xtra Charges. Total Exj-enysf.!- Editor The Caucasian. Dear that bodv to eonsi.w ., 1 2,000 neonle SiR. Papa takes your valuable m- of the Alliance as a rA 4t. T " I I i . V-111CU V III! I III. I per and likes it very much. I'm 14 present evils that, ,.,, Alliance ricnic. years old. We live four miles sontb dustrv and labor of AVadesboro. T think ;f T? i Ti,t .L. , . ton kind of the editor to give us in nis paper, we should strive make it as interesting as we can Til 1.' I L'LJ .... lkttkk. ' ' Session of Twenty Weeks. Tuition f 15-00, $20.00 and 2o.()i. Murine Vance With the l'eople. I iano $12.50, use of lustrum (Xewa and Observer ) $2.50. Board (including fuel, lip!- Seaator Vance is out in a on U " matter, oust at present 00r,a" Session, I8!)3, opens Aug1- ousiuess men are not f-ni.m.-.J'0111, Address for a fatulMgu.-. " ::ery Ia.r?e ad enthusiastic themselve ,.... .Tr"4"6 JOHN (HiAHAM. uiceuii!?. rrfismont Kniu. i ii auuu l ki i vor a p. uuuci was pres-1 iu , ent and addressed a crowd of at least J are about currency. AVhat ia ' (Hill r.oiirl. I, ,,,.!. l i.eeucu is more circulation. It is not a theory that interests - !. . condition. Senator Vance'a . " U. UI July20-lm 2p. Ridgeway, X-' The following Snb-Alliances. Sut- 0 it verv Iiesolved, That these resolutions n 8 u!' 1Vobability and Lot's and generous symj i space ,,e sent to The Caucasian and Pro- ,nc.n' have an Alliance dinner Bering masses wi rive to greasive Farmer for publication. ZtZZf, J' GIis- to give ear to thei Cane JHlls. am rPrtrPAfin in- it... I'.Irtnr T a til 'i ' "'" sympathies for the suf tv. 'ork Co., and can lurairf . will -l , f f . CaDe Mill.. Evaporators. A ";"jieaaiiiiii iactory prices. Write for . Little Flake. . I a vrr:rn tons township, Duplin countv " ZZ? r crie. for assist- 10Ue' & -Address, Windsor, X. C, July 1 7. ' Au-ust. - Cyrus Thomp- g0e8 Wlthout 8ag. IMtt County. Caucasian : Enclosed "Lips That Touch Liiiuor" X y x oung men pay attention to what I Editor snau say c 1 r .-.unuscu rea.notfoione, or p,easre8 so otZS Vonngin at the wine ' cnn. how. W ITS JZ, 'r Ption. . county meeting, and l"c":r18 irom the Sub-Alliances ! son and others are exnected n cu Oil that ornasmn flrvm 1 1 VUVU VtLillTT your basket. 8. 15 Dupli m countv. H. COI.WKLL. Wallace, N.' h'ulyL'0 4t-L'p. ever so brave. 4 1-1.1. I v i,rl'0. LO ir Are Slowlv. but snrelv WAn.;nn. L,i -1 ... 1 as slaves. " 6 LT" . mucn -mprovement. More State Alliance. The State Alliance will 1 i,..t.i at Greensboro, August 8th. ALHANCESPEAK1SGI and bring Alliance Farmers' Encamnmont i. .. r.....i c. ',:rlrh;v,,u-- i- 0,,,psnire neep wanieo. ncMtrandL.r.ni .?lUrt- . "ut"i one and two vejirs"- 'PI,., f 1 V Carolinian says that Thf Caucasian is being supported bv the discontent of the people. Was tnere ever a higher compliment paid au3 uewspaperr it is battling for the rights of those who are discon tented. Over three-fourth iuo x UUl people are discontented with present condition, aud Joe Daniels would be one of them if he had not "gotten relief." Do yon want your neighbors to read The Caucasian. If so, see in another column how we will help you. Oifer good for two weeks only, act at once. On acccount of the press of other matter we are forced to publish a small portion of Gen. Weaver's peecheach week. But by keeping 1 - eacn paper you will have all of it together. Vance says that he will fight mugwumps and goldbugs "till hell freezes over and then fight .thei em on ice.' Whenever one of the partisan pa pers is unable to answer the argu ments of The Caucasian it squeals "-Miss Mary Ann !" We always know we have got the hypocrites down when they resort to this. Some fools are very amusing. The entire Democratic press of the South has been debauched with a few honorable exceptions, to join ill Ilia 1- , .. t 1 . . 1.. , I ... v.jr iUl LUC uuconaitioual re peal of the present silver law. nt..i. ... . - Then take it for panted, however taSX ZnTS 'ha b"8 , uiiicutcrinil 1 rei 8tr.lay. AuTo"""-' P- Lowest rail mod a 1 by railroad i""r so kind A vounsr man with li(,nftr LLr tuul"Psou SP be mini.. ' rUSi" ? the picnic near lowing places Bro. Thompson spoke to over a iousand people at the armville July 4th, and all went Senator Vance says that it is the duty of the Alliance to go into poli tics when the people are sufferin from unjust laws. He congratulates the Alliance for goin now. into politics The political doctors still say that want of confidence is all that is to matter now. How much con fidence would it take to save the N llmingtou State Bank? Three cheers for Senator Vance He stands by his convictions. He will not be corrupted byparonao-e. DOES your neighbor read The Cau casian! Don't stop till every voter reads it. There is noth ing like it for making votes for the reform cau-e. Theres death in the wine cup, yes away Pleased with speech and speak poisou is there, ' er except a very few who like Enh- 10 rob you of happiness, all that is mi x are, J01ued to their idols."! lair; xne uest or leefings and good order Or drag irom the bosom, where beau- Prevailed- A bountiful dinner was ty should shine; served by the good people of that -1 man 01 good sense will not mix L,.uu' anu evei7 one who desired up with wine, participated and no one went away Then take it for granted and make emr- Dr- Thompson will ever be up your mind: icmemuereu oy those who h.Jr.i t.:. The lips that touch liquor, can never ?nd wiU alvvays he gdly Welcomed toucn mine. u- u UOUL"y. Uur people were I II 1 1 1 I V I 1 I FZ I Ti-i t li U - . So vou that are thinl-i t vJ?u ' LU J1S speeches ingme. " 3 , , ? aP? envillef Bro. Cyrus Thomnsnn t ... rai ro - . 7 - - CL- I UAI I V T ina -rvn.rt4. uier, or .orth Carolina Farmr. I x-lr Pr?nent speakers nuance, will address the Brethren PonVl D agr,cuItural subjects md the public genera 11. wuAr0" lge assembly hallas mZZZZEZ1'. ov 12,000. NV davie county. """Utt omer lie loving, affectionate, gentle and true, Be faithful, to Jesus, and there hope for vou. For if yoa love Jesus I'm sure yon love me, And if I should marry vou, we could agree, Be loving, affectionate, gentle and ua.a.1 vta; But lips that touch liquor, can never touch mine. End. The Caucasian will set?- everv man to thinking who reads it that is all those whose minds have not been wholy paralyzed bv Dreiudiee and blind party worship, and these sina ot men will not read it if vn .(Y. Zi 1 .1 - ou.cr ii 10 inem. n., rrr.m.u" ulQer music: y. Ketchen School TT..., t.., o-., "I"1 detainments dav and -- Church, - J y e&p -town, j t ilffi- YADKIN COUNTY. mth display of aStal ' Cross Roads Church, Ju,y 29th ??tS 100, 000 t of pfe nDOn'-n Julyaist Twnf' aIscl "cultural prodSs Boonville, Ann Tw0 Lu?dred dollars for W a,, ' 10D; August oDd u lblt' $m scond best tM Wilkes roi-VTv S -Dd- fhird best. Liberal f Trap Hill, ' I' . A butter, home-made bread ctlV Boomer August 3rd. pies, canned fruits and ' ke' w;Yu-u'.. August 5th. ne'itinn tJl . 1,a"d 3ellies. Com- " "ncsuoro. 4 . - . 1 an ra rmavi ; ni. ' august th. sons or daue-htr0 c 1 wlves. Other appointments will follow miumhst W Wr pre Brother Thomnsnn a-.ST Immense buildino- wnen you write. Answer this ad : once. Respectfully, S. H. COLWKU. Wallace, X.C- Mention The Caucasian. . jui vi.'i Jt-ip- Kinsey Female Seminary, LAG RANGE, N. ('. or ;IKlf!:J low to t, . " 0411 ue.irer' : mtIe ogs who are too Yifti ?nof.s' th, &c, to show .7 Wh fu XT ' L"u,erai Premiums. .r ... - " uu ann m ovr, . .1. . " J I . mo UH.rK ClT r OkO aouce. ith best wishes. rivrf Denefits to be de- "uperb, with &mnl Ca acres 18 I am trulv and fratar,ii "y patronizing the Atrenev ter.h-nf;7ri",.tlw BQaae, pure wa- U.MovV rTVn V'. Lu e7eryoneturn out and "b.J aire. IaJ1" comPlete drain ... ' v. xviiianee. ine uisrintrinciit. t. i onraennna n,, 1. Duplin County. not. Vnnnf... UUI"1 Or hillo T .1 0 4 n.-r.""B .iDe nuPm Coun- " worth, S. B. A evlvania Za .l"V V.aP' Penn f 1 ,o.u t Bere ou Thursday July 13th, and to tell the v W. H. Woeths B A svWania an5hVtr' Capito1 of Pnn Equipment :-Faculty of orth Carolina Farmers'' ttft'A.. JJlV' the battle-field of Get. ' e? " buildings, 7 aeientifl ance. truth it was a surmise to Pra ,i,.t rrnto thof UA . . J "-' "fvt ever attended county meetings before. the latter I rilotn 1 t . v . I w ue less than Sft9 ciax. kates. Rev. T. DeWitt Talm... r, U I Of KpnnV XT tW KOnnd TrlnD.i... I . wV.i , ooo;-Jl Tli A 10 Teachey. for trainA '::." -"tea DV tendance was so imt - " " . Atlantic Const bino .Jcondnet. ti, " ZT:J 18 "Pected to AiHancI ? -J. ' 2" 4 iuUUfiUi u amisao e to sfnn tKa """-UCJ AG?aitt 7tl vmueni: rreRiHctir rr T various subs had e i allac iJ Htth..w.BVkr r.ougnrui nrotber made a motion MtTSa n "'1 prominent viferT Sfbool f, FULL CORPS OF TEA 'IIKKS. Literary, Artatid Music Ii. j.a rtniet Stenography, Typewriting aiel keeping taught in Business la ment. LOCATION HEALTH V. State Chemist in t xamiuat i n of ' ter says : I have probably n- v.rf amined a better sample. . !3For catalogue giving Ml! ticulars write to JOSEPH KINSEY, Principal ..Tiploma granted to vminb'1'' dies finishing course of studv. julyM tf-2p- University of North Carolina. labr- Let everv x-nia 1 ... j ,lv. ttcrp U1S ejeg OQ congress when it meets. You will find it ia The Caucasian. 20 others. -Advi" ' 0 . ernt.-ry- Encampment t brf z committee of three be app St Clint ed to select speeches to S2?& h.Dton , i i , . . - iuc 1 raisnna continued until 4 t. m.. witii J-iCKets to be sold a t.v Y., and HenrV A rv"Z? a . . to return nn tn a " 6,u" '. man tt-Iv'-"' -"""g. cnair- -1 . . 1 tee. V-:r," commit- v xr Vr "uai rarmers' Alliance 1.00 HJ- Mann Paire. Brn v e' I uouunueuunui 4 p. m., with tn w w e sold August . excepts of one bout for who' tories, librarv of :tn non wi.m.es. 3!' students. ' Instruction .5 general courses : b brief courses; professional cjurrf m law, medicine, engineering nd chemistry ; optional courses. Expenses: Tuition, $C0pcryer scholarships and loans for the needj Address PRESIDENT WINSTON. Chapel Hill, N. C. jum te WANTED. A position as School Teacher. Can give first-class testimonials. Am graduate of one of the leading' male Colleges in this State. Any parties desiring mv services. I -4 A 1 wa :i c jythi X con that "n. ll - i b '. ' TI ' T. fe Jette his v: hthe e polit a 1 :r 't ; 'l t : Address MI&-r . - - .... ir .1:..?" "J '""ter inform.: -. v h'i aur mnn.nf. J7-Im Wayne cou n ty. jn lyl 3-tf sir