0 HPlF-f 1R JLL iL M H j CA pi X NO AN A vol- XI. j plTOirS CHAIR. :. . :'. OF THE EDITOR ON THE : VsJES OF THE DAY. . . ,.t noticeable that the newa :i, ,1 tlif men who harp about rr:!i'ttors of the State JJufii- ,;.-v not -tting hack the V(, ,!it contributed, should he a iiii.jut the depositors of th.it have broken, and who ,,-t. Ix avily. The men who in the Mate J'uisine.-is Agency , not ar. an investment to pay i ,iilenl.s but to pay dividends -Imp- f improved trade ar- ,,,-nH. In fact the contribu- -,-tnicted the State Busum-hs , not to run the business for a iiiit at cost, so as to save as ;.- possible for the rank aiid th.-people. No man contrib . - pec ted the return of the in'. i v. lie gave it a3 a free gift, in. ii who deposited or invested i, inl earnings in banks did eo eiu ity and interest or cash :.!!'!-. They have lost all and v. . : no benefits in the meantime. !... partisan paper.f continue Uiny; misrepresentations, they ! ..t be surprised if men even ir own party lose conlidence in 111"! Tli-th-i f-.r ,i ' - : If th'i th'-m. 11'.- lii ard a politician say the oth er -Sav that if Vance had to wr'te a !,-!!. !' In- might have addressed it to .nine indy of business men. That tin- . tii ruble Senator addressed his I-tr.r to a County Alliance is no ii.. -;lit in the eyes of the machine no sma.l grievance. And worse than .il! that in the same letter he should Im- guilty of the high treason of com iiii hiling the Alliance for going into j.nlili , s to correct evil and oppres sor legislation as well as to demand just legislation. When the machine does not deny tiie correctness of the views of Sena tor Vance nor dare to question his democracy, yet express great fears that the expression of such sound pure democracy will help the l'eo- I pie's party, it is a strong admission 'that the People's party is right or at " least contains more democracy than the Deinoera'ie party. If Vance is right and the expres ion of his views helps the People's party, then the People's party must right; if his positive views ex pressed hurt the Democratic party then the party must be wrong. As strong and emphatic as Sena er Vance's two letters on silver are, lei the people take notice that there one iuportant point on which he ilul not express himself. He says he is in favor of the free coinage of sil ver hut he does not say at what ratio. If this point had been raised we believe ho would have spoken out frankly and said he was in favor of the honest and constitutional ratio .f k; to l. The X. Y. Times says that the de positors who have foolishly made runs on banks are beginning to learn some sense. It is needless to say that the Times belongs to that class lit' papers that sneers at the people and serves monopoly. We have smiie of them in this State. We sup pose the Times would be happy if it In- people would quietly sit down on! allow a bank to embezzle all Ioietr Illoliev. bet the people remember that there ate other Alliance Demands J 't'sides the free coinage of silver at ?be ratio of If. to 1. and that the opk. will never get justice till they are en; f "ffi-ring frc f that b "o are enacted into law. We are om other painful evils be- irouerht on by the hostile WAKE NO COMPROMISE. The gold men ate now beginning 0 bar that they can not completely 'elnoiii -tiM uilvrr so tlieu nre liprrin- "i)'r to talk of si nnninromise. l'hev 'beginning to talk about thecoin gc of silver on a ratio of 20, 22 or 1 to 1. M:iehinp crnblburr nanprs j...0 j r ike the Charlotte Observer express Jheir pleasant surprise that Alliance 'emocratic congressmen should so vadily agree to this. Monopoly and ne money power are ever at. wnrV ying to gain a new advantage of 'he people; when they find that they cWt get all they want just then or now, they begin to talk about com promise. And every one of these compromises is one notch nearer the monopolists and one notch further from the people. On the silver qnes on let the people stand by 1G to 1 flake no compromise Agree to nothing less. Eternal vigilance ia he price of liberty. If you want The Caucasian for whole year, send ua one of those cent silver dollars and we will ake it for 100 cents. Don't vou ish that there were more of those THE STRADDLER. The straddling fellow who preside over the three-headed newspaper at Raleigh, in a recent issue ha.- the following: "Yesterday for the first time since 1800 a period of ..' years, a Demo cratic Congress met in full political accord with the president." In the Very nxt column the same straddler prints these paragraphs: "There are some four hundred men in Congress, and each man docs his own thinking and in a measure represents the local interest of his people. There are probably fifty gradations in their lines of thought, and so for the present all is chaos and confusion. Nor will the message, of the Presi dent clear the horizon. Wlmt ttit. President proposes to say has al- i ready been discounted, and though' there are many w ho will stand with hiru, it is hardly probable that a ma jority in either house will he ready to do so at an early date." It is not easy to see, i? the con gress is in "full political accord with the President," how it can be "hardly probable that a majority in either house will not agree with him. Of course the straddler is ary way and all ways in the expression of his opinions, and seeks to keep in with both Vance and Hansom, whose views and methods are as different as can be. But the extracts given show the distraction of the Demo cratic party in congress and the country. They have secured politi cal supremacy by down-right lying, pretending to the people that they mean one thing, when they are de termined to do another. THE TURN COAT SECRETARY. When Secretary Hoke Smith (a member of Mr. Cleveland's cabinet) was booming Cleveland for President in his paper, the Atlanta .Journal) it charged that Senator Hill was in favor of the repeal of the present law and that Cleveland was not We clij) the following from an editorial January 2d, 1892: "Mr. Cleveland is in favor of let ting the present silver law, which provides for the coinage of 52 mil lion dollars, a year alone, (iov. Hill is in favor of repealing the law that would contract the currency and that would he deplorable. Mr. Cleveland is a better friend to silver than (Joy. Hill." To-day Secretary Hoke Smith in his paper says that the present silver law is a bad thing and that it ought to be unconditionally repealed. And yet there are people W ho will con tinue to take such papers and be lieve what they say. How much longer will the people suffer such treachery and duplicity? THE RATIO-PARITY DODGE. The gold bugs are beginning tr fear that they can not repeal the present silver law "unconditionally. so they are getting ready to hang on to the next peg. They are be ginning to settle down on the ratio parity dodge. They want the silver dollar (if they can't kill it) measured by gold. They want the gold dollar to measure, to buy more silver, just as they want it to buy more cotton, more wheat and inore tobacco. In stead of 1G ounces of silver to one dollar of gold, they want 2i ounces, just as instead of 8 pounds of cotton to one dollar of gold, they want 1(5 pounds of cotton to one, and so on with wheat and tobacco. The peo pie are catching on to this steal. Let the people read, watch and pray and vote like they pray. "Eternal vigi lance is the price of liberty !" A NATIONAL CURRENCY THE BEST. In a speech in the Senate in 1837, John C. Calhoun said: "It appears to me, after bestowing the best reflection I can give no sub ject, that no convertible paper that is, paper whose credit rests on a promise to pay is suitable for cur rency. Bank paper is cheap to those who make it, but dear, very dear, to those who use it. On the other hand, a national currency, while it would greatly facilitate its financial operation, -would cost nothing or next to nothing, and would, of course, add much to the cost of production, which would give to every branch of our industries great advantages both at home and abroad. And I now undertake to affirm without the least fear I caii be answered, that a paper issued by the government, with a simple promise to receive it for all dues would form a perfect paper cir culation which could not be abused by the government ; that it would be as uniform in value as the metals themselves ; and I shall be able to prove that it is within the constitu tion and powers of congress to use such a paper according to the most rigid rule of construing the constitu- tion. (tf.) 'John Sherman a patriot." isew York World. IM VOU WANT TWO PAPERS? We will send you for one year The Caucasian and any of the following papers for the amount opposite: Dakota Ruralist, $1,75 People's Party Paper, $1,75 Iowa Farmers' Tribune, $1,75 National Watchman, $1,35. For the above amounts we will send you two papers one year. Address The Caucasian, Goldsboro, N- C TO THE POINT. ' HAYSEED: R" MAKES MANf TIMELY AND TELLING HTS. TIIK VAX K C4MI-AK.S IMH.I S H1V AI.K s VAM'K-. ItKAl. MKss.Mit;. Mi.i-nKHr .Unii--Itan..m ;t hi. l liun.lrranil nnr !-!( Huh l-n iwt Hit. I ln -.enf --Oetiiiltion of llourboii Ilfliii.i rat-Tlip war ami I lie Solution. I!V H A YsE EIiKli. With c haracteristic gall and mean ness some of the bourbon press in this Suite are abusing and criticising Vance because he btands squarely and honestly on the Democratic platform demanding the free coin age ot silver. Ihe parrots know only one tune: "stand by the admin istration platform or no idatform." Thty forget ungrateful fellows how, in the last campaign Sim mons dragged Vance from his sick bed when the old Democratic war horse was too feeble to raise his voice in behalf of a then "lost cause." They forget the shout that greeted nis venerable presence at the Mor gan ton rally, echoed and re-echoed in tiie western mountains until elec tion day. It goes for nothing with a muzzled and labeled, hirling press mai in auvocaung me xree coinage of silver Vance is advocating the convictions of a life time. It is enough for their partizan imbecility mat ne uoes not wear boss Cleve land's Wall street collar. Does a political party championed by such contemptible leadership deserve to live. .No, no, no! Simmons sent Bob fJlenn over the Statt, as the bearer of a message from Mr. Vance to Marion Butler in the last campaign. It brought the sweat from him in great rivers every time he went through the nantoiii ime, but he endorsed it manfully. At times he was pathetic, as many of the readers of The Caucasian will remember. Ihe fact that Mr. Vance sent no message did not alter the imprcssiveness of the lie. Where is Jiessenger menu now.' Here is a message to the people from the old hero himself: The hanks, stock-brokers, bond holders, chambers of commerce, et id omme genus, clamor for the re- peal oi me oucrman law and urge thecallingof an extra session of Congress to assemble and sit during the dog days for that purpose alone. Tariff repeal which formed the chief issue of the past campaign is thrust to the rear and the in terest of capital is placed in FRONT. Under these alarming circum stances I have listened, and mostly in vain, for the voic-e ot' the Farm ers Alliance sounding their opinions and w ishes and of those t hey repre sent, composing fully one-half of the nation; giving the feejile and va cilitatino among politicians to understand what they had to expect if they betrayed the people's cause on this great financial question. It is time vour order was bringing every atom of its influence to bear. It should use every means possible to let it be known that there is yet another and entirely different world in the fields and homes of toil, whose interests demand attention as well as that combination of money deal ers, stock-brokers, and gamblers and speculators who assume for them selves to constitute the "business in terests" of the land." We call upon Chairman Simmons to bid his messenger bear aloft this second declaration of independence that the people may know the peril that menaces their very existence. Carry the news to the people who have been deceived by Democratic platform and campaign promises. But it is Messenger Glenn no longer. No more day sweats and vapor.bath for "terror Bob." With a $7,000.00 office in his hot hand he says, with all other plutocrats: "the people be d n." If Mr. Whitney insists on ad hering to the Chicago platform the Mugwump papers will accuse him of "disloyalty to the administra tion. Washington Post, Exactly the accusation the Bour bon press in North Carolina are now making against Vance. A bourbon here is a mugwump in New York. They both wear Cleveland's collar. The mrgwump wants to be respecta ble. The bourbon is a dog collar Democrat for revenue. The prin ciple in both is "shall the dog wag his tail, or the tail wag the dog?" Secretary Carlisle ought to be im peached, lie has not only nullified the Sherman law by refusing to buy silver, according to its plain man date, nullified the constitution which explicitly declares that silver and 'old shall be the money of the real. It is "a gigantic crime." lie aid so himself in Congress only a few years ago. Impeach him. 1 ut him on the witness stand and con vict him out of his own mouth. So thev have got a new dodge. We have money to move the cotton crop. liepeai me ounmau in, quickly. The "you iic-Kie me auu 1 11 tickle vou money uevns logic. laiusom. xnev say, lost aw,wu m moving his cotton in the right time. It was not for the lack ot money to move it, but lack of "confidence in the nrice. When Crisp got to Waahiugtoi last week he "didn't know nothing no no bow." Will the Sherman law be repealed? "Don't know." What about free coinage? "Don't know" About the cloture " rule? "Don t know." He was clear on one point however. We must have money to move the cotton crop. Now watch the Alliance between G rover and Cotton the crowned and uncrowned kins'. My! ain't those Wall street sharks GOLDSBOKO, X. C., THURSDAY. AUCUTST 17. ltei-al the Sherman la, ve1, n- -al it, re-al it quick, with a fhek silver i;lLl air, to 1 hilt, pi.t- ting ailvcr where it was before 17 $ where it was before Biitish gold demonetized it. The time for fret- feil-r argu ment has pas-d. The hankers and. boud-hoh-rs argument has brought the country to the very verge of dam nation. Starvation prices fr wheat anu cotton is toe farmers answer. atch the free t-ilver Ikncx rats in Congress and we bow thev voteou the Cleveland-Crisp cloture rule. Only a little while ago the stool pigeon editors of the Joe Danieb strijK? were dragging their princt albert coat-tails on the "round dar ing the '-tariff robber" to step on 'em. We don't see those coat-Jail, any more. It only shows t hat a collar-wearing editor dare not expre an honest opinion. Daniels, fr instance, is paid 50 per week not to tell the truth. It would seem very small pay to a man whose vanity has possessed him with the idea i f real greatness. But Joseph us is tii-t built tliat way; he is a statesman fur revenue. Bourbon-mugwump-the twin fraud is the latest designation of a Cleve land Democrat. You will find him wearing a collar with the Cleveland monogram B. M. stamjed on it in gold letters. Around the hotels, at the postollices, at the railroad sta tions you will find him. It is easy to identify him. When politics is mentioned you will hear from him and you will hear him say "d n the People's party." No wonder people marvel at the mysterious and inscrutable wiys of an All-wise Providence. "To save the South from the hor rors of a Force Bill," Democratic Senators voted with the western free silver Republicans for the free coin age bill that passed the Senate at the last session of Congress. Was it a trade that ended with that Con gress? Can any honest man take that view of it? It proves that the Democratic party wauted the Force Bill as a campaign issue. It was the "rebel yell" the Democrats wanted, and they expected that the white man vs. the negro slogan would bring it. On general princi ples thev didn't want the Force Bill, or any other bill that would prevent ballot box stuffing. Every Demo- c atic Senator who votes against free silver now stullities himself, repudi ates his trade and is dishonest. He brands himself an injrrate. How is it with Bansom? Did he vote for free silver to save North Carolina from the Force bill? Every consideration compells Ransom to be consistent. Without the Force bill there would have been no Piuviom j taken on the present ration of If! to in the last campaign. He ought toil. Every member of the .North get down on his knees to the western C "I . ii. . il 11 nee silver men in me oenaie anu uo their bidding without manner. They furnished him with the material for his campaign speech, and be owes them a debt of eternal grati- tude. Wnat say you Senator? There are howls and howls. Aud there are howlers and howlers. But ! committed to the '40 to 1. So vhat how will this do for calamity howl-! eVer else transpires or whatever dis ing? It was the howl of 1878 aud CUssion may be had the undersland the howler was John G. Carlisle, 1 i,lSr is that the eonmioditv mHn istn now the Cleveland-Mugwump-Bonr- bou Secretary of the Treasury. It start3 a cold shiver up the spinal col - umn. head it: "According to my view of the sub - iect, the conspiracy to demonetize I silver whicn seems to have been! formed here and in Europe to destroy ' by legislation and otherwise from three-sevenths to one-half of the metalic money of the world, is the ; He is among the ablest men in the most gigantic ckime of this on ! House, and his speech was an im axy other age. i passioned, brilliant oratorical de- "The consummation of such a scheme would ULTIMATELY entail mokk MISERY Ul'ON the HUMAN' race than all the wars, PESTI- LKNCE AXG FAMINE THAT EVER OC- CURRED iNf THE HISTORY OF THE wnm.n. Th absolniP anil instan - taneous destruction of half the en tire movable property of the world including houses, ships, railroads, and all other appliances for carry ing on commerce, while it would be felt more sensibly at the moment, would not produce anything like the prolonged distress and disorganiza tion of society that must inevitably result from the teumakext anni hilation of one-naif of the metalic money of the world." John G. Car lisle Cong. Record Vol. 7, page il Appendix 1878, 44 in Congress. lo demonetize silver in lbf was "the most gigantic crime of this or any other age." Now it must be de monetized in order "to restore con fidence" or as Hoax S3 mi ths parrot says, "to check the depreciation of our currency! Take the case. It is to be a billionaire prolit and twenty-five cent wheat Congress Strike down silver aud that is the inevitable result. Repeal the Sherman law uncondi tionally and so sure there as is a God in the Heavens pauperism is the fate of the industrial millions ia this country. Let it stand 16 to 1, no change in the ratio. Put silver where it was in 1873. The imaginatiou-aud-fight-and-lack-of-coundeDce"-panic is doing business at the same old stand. One day the clouds have lifted, the next a "black and threatening pall hangs over the land." Let Congress recog nize the fact that it is a death strug gle between capital and labor a rich man's war against the tat plundered poor man and the solu tion wili he easy enough. i'THK ONLY MENACE." The Poor Old Campaign Tariff not in it Any More. A financial condition which is the ONiiT menace to the country's wel- fare and prosperity.-Grover Cleve- ianii..lnne 5th. 1803. tl, A TRUCE t E T A Tfl II'AS'hS T CN S0 THE FREE S.'.ER DEMO CnATS IT MHIR I.IXK AN 11 JM T M Kill . I'lHllK I lit-. AitMIMsTK UHA. BUT IT MAY KSU IX A CoMARtl. St RUENUEU OF 1HH, Cl"K (IF Silver. K ITH) OK to TO I Till: I I M.I ll h.i k (i.ki imi n r. Pentk THE Pollll.-T l.EAMEK FUOM ('ol.oHAIiO CI ll UES HoUrE. 111K V V ,,f, , U 111 , I ii ril., iitlt-l Ihr '!,.-.( Il-ll t lc.fi. Iy Jonoth 111 IMwuMv WAsinxorov. Auust 11th. It is a sh;trj auit- of politics that is now bcin played here. The silver juestioi is jructieilly .-et'l-d now. The unconditional repeal of the Sherman law has hardly been a possibility from the outset of the ag itation. The administration has af fected that attitude to conceal its real purposes. This extra session of Congress was not assembled with any reasonable expeetation of re pi -a 1 It meant to Cleveland the liquid. tion of his campaign obligations 1o Wall .Street. It will mean to the people a masterpiece of political juggelry. With the beginning of the second week of the farce we see a complete and abject surrender apparently of the administration to the free silver Demoerats. What does it mean? everybody is ask in"-. Party harmony is the reply. What will be the result? A free coinage bill with a ratio that will demone tize silver that will establish its metal commodity that will dis charge all the govern men ts ob i Ra tions in gold that are now payable in coin. What more could Wall Street demand? What more could Great Britain's pawn-brokers de mand. Hut what about the people who demand the free and unlimited coin age of silver at the ra io 10 to 1? Are thev fools enough to swallow this bait? That is the expectation, and the terms of the compromise plainly signify as much. See how- it will work. The vote willtirstbe ; Carolina delegation will vote touts- . - u, t.n;it. rat o know mr :i!...lnt..i v J3 that it will be defeated. So thev will vote on the series of ratio.-- im j to :!0 to 1. The bill will nass in j i that shape. The House has been I r ioselv tmlled and it i nn- :m rertnined fact t hat mainrirv i j prevail. The attempt to befog the situation by camnaitrn sneechea will 1 hardly avail. It is a sharp game, t.ut it will be easv ennno-h to nn. 1 n,asl: it as the farce proceeds. 01 wr iA. Kayner a millionair .lew and , Baltimore pawn-oroKer opened ttie debate on the administration side. nunciation of silver in any and even- ' orm. -Not content with that he denounced the National Democratic platform as "the glittering catch- ! W01',ls of :l political COn Velltioil." He blistered and roasted the Democratic ! party from head to foot. Jle tore the old carcass .imbless, held it up and shook on the nointof his linger it in scornful defiance in the face of the country. It was a bitter, scath ing impeachment of the integrity and man hoed of t he Democrat ic party, but it evoked no resentment Democratic harmony, you see! Put for some understanding such a speech from such a source would have precipitated a riot in the House. Every eye was on Bland ths champion free silver advocate, when he rose to reply. It was apparent at once that his voice had lost the ring of the true inetah It proved to be an effort without heart or soul full of meaningless thieats. Why bluster about leaving the Democratic party when he agrees to Wall street's terms of 20 to 1 ratio? This may be putting the case too strongly, but the situation as now developed, fully warrants it. Bland, of Missouri, is known to fame as the champion free coinage. His name is historical in connection with the agitation of this question aud the legislation on the subject. His two hours speech was a disap pointment. His voice had lost the ring of the true metal. The tire and vim were lacking. When he threatened the Democratic party with annihilation it was treated as a joke. And so through the entire speech. It had no weight, carried no conviction, frightened nobody, persuaded nobody. Wheu the 20 to 1 compromise was made the cause of fiee silver as currency was surren dered. Mr. Bland must have been keenly conscious of this in the des peration of his effort to champion aud vindicate the people's cause. THE POPULIST LEADER. Inconspicuous contrast was the earnest, vigorous, brilliant speech of Colorado's young Populist orator r. i'ence. tlis nret word c Mr. Pence. His first word " caught tne ear oi tne enure House. The 1SSW. ! ri"Jtu i?tUeri- utr il-jHv. Ir rd a a idtblf and hi uUv rmj out like bl.jlt ttotr. Hi rtJUlH iati.'Jl clear and distinct aud t-ter ; ::"- ti-isi of tii vouv t cfliph.viJol lh- I j hi ch-juencf. Ths fjxfcn ivm i Ui uxird the chwt-st attention from j the tsri-t to the la-t ttrd .tiil i 11 juuipii oj oraion ami i-.,i-nuij.. I It was (In- !iit m iiati.n it th? .; d.nt d.-!i-ht of the Muml tunludt -n.plr wholiiWthejpillrrirtto uf- Ioa!l.!i. A hull Hi' t mlLit Kiiiior i-uid aUi'it thf Trjiurv 1 -part'ii nt jactin- p;in-brok.-r for th- fl. I v,-r umi.-r, of ( '..I.t.;.!.. 1,..!.. ; hiuix thrust. lit- taia it might t f nit t he cnth-nntn knew morv . ; V' ' of j til.- rwVSHU'jMNi, btlsines. than h' ! ' M r. Pi-n did, or it miirht 1 on ar 1. tint of the practice of thfTiva. 111 v D purti.a-nt to jyw down th nivii ho brought n r tla-rt- to ll. llcbhowed how the jn-ople had U-en deteiveil aiid how both parties hud Uvn false to their platform pledges. Was it pofS'ble, he stiid, that the gentleman from Maryland Mr llax-n-x uttering theentiin- nfs he did, ami the gentlemen from Missouri (Mr. Bland uttering the sentiments tie did. Were elected last fall on the' -ame identical platform? When the ,:,""M',ul V"li 111 couvelij tion in lssj .lr. Pence continued ; 1 1 . 11 oeciareu its Keller in uuncsl ni n ey, that gold and eilver coinage of lie Constitution, and is a circulat- .i 1 i-.ti-i. 1 itiir medium convertible into such money, without loss. that meant, ! he s.iiii, ihe ivnionetiAitiou of eilver! at its old ratio, and it w.vs sitaeci-pt-I h- the silver producers. Put even he fore Mr. Cleveland's licet in auguration that platform had lieeii deliberately slapped in the face and spat upon. It was not his purpose, he said, to follow up the evolutions of pohtical parties, or to take part in a partisan discussion. Klected hist fall hy a people hrave, buovant, and hopeful, he knew that now their industries had been prostrated by the coarse of the past two adminis trations, by the base surrender of thn.se who iiad bi-en elected on a sil ver platform and on silver pledges. In this connection he quoted Ir-mi a !-eei-h made by Mr. Carlisle in the House in 187 to the effect that the striking down of from three sevenths to one-half of the ni tallic money nf the country was the most gigantic crime of this or any other generation; and he contrasted that declaration with the present posi tion of the Secretary of th Treasury on the silver iptestiou. The speech was made, he said, w hen that gen tleman was a leader, not a follower; when ne was a sender of not a bearer of them. messages, tireat applause followed the con clusion of the ipoeeh, and hundreds of members of both parties crowded around the young leader and con gratulated him warmly. Mr. Pence has just turned the " 30 milestone aud looks n t over 30. llenceorth he will be recognized as the Popu list leader in the House aud he will b- heard from again in the course f the pending debate. IMVKKSITV COriiHKS I OK TII.tMl KJJS. The following course of study in the University have been arranged especially for teachers. Instruction will begiu September 7. Iloaa fide public school teachers will receive free tuition, others will pay at the usual rates. 1'KOKKSSIOXA I. CUCRSKS. I. The History of Education: An cient, Media-val and Modern: (a) The history of educational in stitutions, theories and methods. () Criticisms upon the same. (c) The reading of educati nal (lassies. II. The Principles of Education: fa) Study of laws of the hum m thought and mental growth of the child. fl) Study of selections from philo sophical literature, the theories of Plato. Aristotle, Kant, Luke, Milton and others. 111. Educational Criticism: Educational reformers and critics. Aualysi- of their arraignment of existing practices. IV. Educational Civics: (a) The teacher in relation to the school and State. (U) Relation of the State to edu cation. (e) Sociological aspects of Educa tion. fd) State an 1 city systems of edu cations. (e) School supervision. H. TEACHF.it'S ACAHEMIC COURSES: I. Language and Literature; En glish (four courses), Latin or (Jreek (each two courses), French or Ger man (each two couises.) II. Mathr.natics: Algebra, geome try, trigone nietrv and surveying. Ill, Science: Chemistrv, phvsics, geology, p'iy.i-al geography, phys iology and botany. 1. History and rhilopophy: His tory (four couises), psychology, po- litc-al economv. V. Constitution and laws of U. S., Constitution aud laws of X. C, rights aDd duties ot citizenship. Every teacher and every young man intending to teach is cordially invited to this instruction. The time to enter is either September 7, 1893, or January 4, 1891. I shall be glad to correspond with persons in terested in these courses. Address, E. A. Alderman, Professor of the Histoiy and Philo sophy of Education Chapel Hill, N. C. July 24, 1893. The Caucasian will get ever man to thinking who reads it that is all those whose minds have not been wholy paralyzed hy prejudice and blind party worship, aud these kind of men will not read it if yon offer it to them. A ft CK'w :;j.WS CONDENSED m Irt Ttt VVal. Irutf o arr o . f th r t4 proulnrot (i A ( kl WrMliorii, Mtw, 1 n i lillrr:t -mi' , nf th !tOf'W Nl'i.V f,lrAat h inl a r.rrul.r lfiT. ! ! r t-n! thi VU!tm It Horn lUul.K.nl ol it. TdThM'rir.flfiLM.u Wrc.Iit.no I m.I K.l.nr .t ik.iw. ,!... i l-1 In mj :-irl j kiiutkr-t ""'"""""'-i w.nt. Tbr VlLfi4 .l! r. un m-rr MtllS routri wiiii ll.r ctuk )j. ht. it ibiuU iif t i.e k ru Hi niiii.i.i,.r mH! mi ihr irri-l , rk iiiCiordud fi workmm M-rr f-ttailr tnir xnl in (VtntK-r ir(. mi IVnrrr wit! i.u V tr.l f,r t!.i II tr lutvn Itiu .f ir lltrc.iitiv Ttr futl.olir i f l'i!umHti l), vfUr tiny c. li )''. I t'.e trnlT flflli umioi-r-Mtv iif H !;. .tilo A Vttn.n' UU.n a ir:r( 1 l.r ttKup I m brut ttrr Huii l: ur Vnit rw;-, Ilinixlal, ( a. S!i'lit hV t.f -nrttujilake rro frtt in I '! fot uiJt yrtrrday. Tin- ittotlirr f Sruntur Jonrt, of Nrv.1 1,1 Srtttt Niciili'a. t'al r. .tut in, r lit . n a yruow lfvtr"rf, - 1 i " - . . t atul ! '01 .....!,'- I.f- it.. .l.u l..i .1.A1 I,,,,-;.,, . Il..b.,r,.an . lrctrio barin.ti ft M..I..I... AU, a ktllJ by 1 bKk whlle c-II 111 tI t o if jv.lr Thr county c-i'iri Ikuiv l IAbrll, 1 , whs tr.t toM-J lir tin", with all thr rrctrl ! Im t lnlirttl-lll HU-.H-c!r.l. riii-n ui'iifti.-t m mill at Fltchhiirz. M .. rnipioyimj i.i hand, will fir th ',r,'-;"t r"" l,ut thrrr data . wwk; l riniiu.il jri mtiii Iihvb briiun to Nrw Yin k HKHiniii fniir b-a-tln iifftorra tif lit (ti-fuiHl Natioiift! CoMijr company Vtr juiy U cli irtft"! rrlilay. Aug. It. Kx-Miiiit r Khii. of Chile. Im arrlT1 hitif. Several aouthi-rn flttct hmr ent AblUltr't qieo Hiit mt anint l't-iiKacnla. Flu. Fivr Hi rt- of 1)11 1 lit if iaC Tf ilint royrii by lir.- In Milwmikrr Li fli.Ono IrMin T Sm, of ChilllcotUr, uti lioinhmtcil for K"vrrtir by thr Orinucrata cf Oiiin. Thr resiximt ion of a numlar nf prlnctpa.1 rxiirntnrrx ami lirt HNtant r mtnitnrr in the Mtlrnt oflir lmve Itrrn rr4urwtfl. Th-H MMtniatrr hnvr Juat hern ap point el In Nrw on; Nfrt- Uuilinnt, A. J. Klttlr; Pnna Kiovr. I) V. Sunimrrill. Jr. Trie on-.v of ho wiiminer Hrlrn Blum. twi'n: -il vr in all, rr drowned by tb writ k of thr vrrniel off 7.i-minoki lalMlida, ill ti.- Pi i liic. Saturday, Aug. IS. lu X.-ijilrs yo-trnlav thrrr. wi-rr tn nr w t-HM-! of rlmleru and frn drtttha. Thr KiifMliveof F.ijypt in again qunrrl nc with hi ministers, and a crlela U Im minent . Com inandrr-ln-chlrf MTr1.rrt, of Ihe Grand Army of thr Krpubllc. Uf San Francioco for tur raat yrtrrlay. The fuith'-r hi- ubig of the trial of Aotor Curtis for iin' murdi-r of Police Ofllrer Grunt, nt ?un FruuciM'n, haa htii ot poned until next Monday. A Hiu )inrrt dlipau-h naya that to the twrnty-four hours rndinR yrtrday noon thirty-aix nrwcaKPMjf cholera and tliihtcab dent hs were reported In nrarby towin Monrtay, Aok 14. The hrirothnl of Prince John, nephw of the king of .saxony, to Prllicrss Maria of W'ui lemlif ri in aiiiioioicrd. Pi-ince LlMiiarck rwrrlved at KUalngton yentrrday 6K) memtwn of the bavarian tfchooluiater4' Iragur, and made a long speech. Nnar Hatesvllle. Ind .Willianj Schrardrr playfully jointrd an empty revolrar at hi sister lOuie, 'ii yuara old. It went off ami MIhs Schrunler waa killed. Xi-.'ir Infiucomb. a faahlonable iraortln Kt l.ind, a cor.ch fillrd with paaaenger ft-il over a Iimj irrt piroipice. Strange to hay, only eight were injured, but four may die A cyclr tn the northern part of Ixijcan county, Kan.. destroyed a lurya amouat of tirm property. The house of W. II. Jack foil was demolished and hia two children killrd. STOCK AND PRODUCE MARKETS Cio.lnu Onolatlena ttt Ilia Nrw Tarh anal I'lillH.lrlphla Kxtliangaa. iav Vnim. An. 11. There waa an nnauo- f-iful Htt.. k on niiuar and other aharva to- ut.A ....!... I.cnll O. tti.rlln. filn,.. I t pc . . imi -.1 t!i in t'licini bida: 1- i. wh Vi!.-y V V. NT. Pa iVu.'i'iiviuU H. A-H. T. com... I... i n,' I .', H. A h. T. pref.. St i'ku. -Vl r.iuj JJIi I-inB i N v 17 Ii. L Si W l:V4 Hi u-.m .-K ui 4 .... ttt N. V. antral I'l K'llIlU l-l L Ki aitllr t ll IO-i:lin :lt il N. Y. & X. E . ,s.. lAi Weal Hh;Tt- IM s..- I.'-H Laka trie A W. iH Vi New Jn-er Can- VM H ' Dl. St Hudoo .11S Oencral NarkaU. New Yoi.a.Aujr. 11. f tala and waatcra flour d.il:, -v.-bU: i. xtrua, i.VdHX.V cltf mllla I rti ins, .JJQ,i .V ; iLir lo fancy, J.4Ata4A: M.i.uooU civur, -.. ti-T; patMOta, VQA.?f)r, iit.r:liie. f-. V,; llf ml I It, wint-r vili .-at iv. lo .t im, 1.U&.'.4; paten ta. f-1.4'ft4: tria,-ljt. S i. 'C(: ra nilituraa. 2.l i'3 lino. $1 7 ijJ I". aniithvra doll, raay; colli iuon to fair eiira.$i.li"aMiBnod tocholca extra. (3.15A4jn. Kf floor. auparSoa. .tr. V l.e. t fairly at tiva; Aufrunt. TWHo.; R. ntctn ivr. rv fi-'-'a-.; ilttornjr. 7&&7ZH.: Detet.i' vt. 7wr : May. KPAtftAtyti. Rya nominal; wrf.icr. I:. i'Atrix dull, raarrr; 8ap t. uila.r. I'.Mca.Bc.: t lol;r. 4Wt4Ho. Da n ibtK r. 4;8.4ac.; No. . 47V404ic. OaU Di iucr. et; S-ptrmhr. 3.iv3i?u.: Oct bar. iaj.'C!i':.:iUt, V3i c: wratrin. to. Pmi.ADfiUlM ia. Auk. ll.-hcefdu.il. ataady; citr i n iw.f .6 (3;irallT..l(i,ll. fork qtllat, firto: ni-w tiir.a. fit. OCVS. I.rd raater, qoletc Hi.-a:n icn-iered. t' 7-i. Halter la good da innid; NV Yora dairy, l!l2lc.; weatam do.. USiiic: Elifln. 22-.:Nw Vork oreamary, :iZ j-. western lo.. itVTtc; imitation crearn ery. ;4Vv .1V-. c'l.naar biraiy Mra-ly; Naw York Ui ge wuita. HHc: io . colorad. WV&M-I i. aioall. ft'o-4"-: tmrt ultima, IMOe ; foU "..- a. ialc. Lvs la light 4amaad. ataadr; Yora and I enDsyivania. 17c; wcatarn. Hai.timork. A or. H.-Kionflulhanchatured. Wheat qnk-t. kitrber. Cora atoady. ajnlati a i'e cot q. jy aample, 5Jc : yellow do., ato i - ;:. 0ia ijtiiet. steady. Rya alow. Hay iu g'wxi neruand;t;ori(i to ebok-a Umotby. 'tiM T2 t ottoj nomiDtit: middlini;. c.. Prorlaiaoa qu-et.aachane i. Butter quiet. ataadr: craam-j-. ia:i'y, ig,SJjAc.: ilo., fair to cnoico. 10 '-. -; iio , imitation, IHc.t othera nnchaogad. ..- rui at Ita. nvoitSK THAN HMILMIXIW When eilver wu demnnptizil hy the llepublicans in 1873, the white metal was worth $1.32 an ounce. Cotton brought 20 cnts per pound in Atlanta anu ww-at l.ou per bushel. To-day 1893 eilver is worth 73 cents an ounce, cotton 7 eentj? a pound, and wheat 64 cents a bushel. And then talk about a sin gle eold standard a id the demoneti- zation of silver ! Bo-h. Wortlmu f.iolHhnv5, l'ayetteville (lazrM. Of.) XO. 4.1. in L ' 1 .1 iii. i (Shersin Law Dicnh th Cause of All ihe Trctibl. ft..., mm4 i. r,,, " ii ?. rT? of lit r..nmuiii aiiofi ) lb rl S affair of th tl f.tjaiMih !. tl lralJMftt f t t 'tiit1 Matr an. I t, I lKh WuatMi tot KiuirtM jr rvt' aflr ; toni To Ttii C"' t;r or tmi. I'mtsu ! hi At t To llt'fti- f unilv nu.tf an I j tnuaorlltftsry bnain itiin..n, i.o..lr I Ion 1 1 rlfar ar! frets rt t -f a'l ..tit ' laJ'l-f, La t-oinrtralf.rxl n li ti,-rtl. r ! In etra . Ihr ii-j.'r tr o nlm j In ditigrrwa lo ! tl li.ai ll r...to-li a lr an.t ilrtair ttrtxtor of I l.r I.. .Iitiir llulf. Willi bnh lhr M.r!t r, ,rfr.l, pfUt twf la- ".it tfilr-l an I tlan fria iLrmlrlill.g tt tiOurr lm ta avrttsl traM. Our unffilio st Ir.nrn lai .hkl,l la n. tbl rraull f wntowanl rri! ii .i ( ri itlllmia rrlar.l l ir natural hn ht., Iifr U It lrr-Mi t aur of tl. ar wh.rh fnqurtitlT il.rca r.ailonai . rx l h nj i.r-'rllv NVHh Uuir.HK v'. lth al.tiudaiit ironlr nf rrni.iirta I prxKlnr' i.hi ai.'l in.oiu'n. tnr. nli tin naual lu ii i iti in m:r int tut-ttl ami with BalUfarfoiv aa.ttrantr lo l.ualiico nf trpriM, au.lilriitT ftnaiuUl iutrttal and fpar liare prnin u on rt i ..lp nmrr utia tin Ji) iil lnlli nt l.ii l.atr ti .( u.l.-. bf-ratiKC atitin.lnnl a-arla nr r .. im mmllatrlj availnt'lr to nm-l tit iin..t ( frl;hteiil lrKaiira. Kuriltiiic t. r;i..r ttona aii1 ttittl -'..) ii a. l ara ittii-ul l. I . i In tian.1 thr rnoiirT tliv ar kI!i i.t ltia to loan, att't tin. M- M . rl i. !. null liiii.tiira ar mi tif. t.. fn .1 1 1 nt tbi ur1tlr tin T tiftt-r f r ltwtn- n .mli hertitefntf aal i tai-t "r. itrr Im 1 . ... j M Cpt-1 Valiut itipw.l lo l nr faat Ix-roiiiliiK ri.i.J.- 1 1; rat. aiwl ! i.l falltirv hv litvolti.t mt) I., mill nf lHlti,"a. I Ix-hrvi. IhfM. Diinca arr irln ptllf rharjo-alilo to rm.iim.liiiiiil ii-clt it t..n tourlilng l b ptirtliaj- ami - t n .. of ailrrr ly lht g-lill tfnreitimrnt vlla f Ilia khrrmaa I am. Thla IrKixtatloil la rniltirl in a atalilla pnaar.l on lli 1 41 h Any t.f Jtilj, !'. wkirhiaa tLr rulnili altrn f mm li hkI tatloti on Ilia atilijm t In vnlvnl, ami tt lil Ii mmy In roiiaMti-d a t nee, aftfr a loiitf truimlr, bflaiei-n t lia ail vi t n I of fl- atlver inlnngr and thirfM Inlrmlin in la mor" roriarrvatltp I'nJouhtaillv thr trniitlily piin lia by tha ofrilfiant of 4, inii nf llrrr. aitforrrrl lU'.'ltr thai Ktatulr, na frgarilril hy hrn- Inii irt-il In allti-r iin (Suction an a rrrlatn ftnaraiit y nf lla iu creaaa lu prlrf. Thr mailt, linrrr, liaa KrD rntlrrlr ilinrrriit. for lmmr1tatrljr follow Iiir a rpaaiiimlir and ulijilit rl-r t Ua prlcr of allrrr Ix'fiari to fall tlrr Ilia paa M(f of tlir art, ind liaa alnr rra- li- the lowaat pnln rvrr Vimwn. Tlila diappiliit Iuk mull hat led to rrnrwnl ami r lalrnt afTori In rltrt-ttlon of flee ml tar cotnaga. Maanwlitlr, not only air tlir rvll rlTrrta f thr oparat ion of tha prrwiit law nm t nl 1 j accnmiilatliia;, l.ui tti rt-ult lo which tta aurctitlorj mnat Irtrvllal.ly Irnd la txM-iimtnf palpalilr to all lin lvr I lie loat hard to financial .iilijrrla To I'rMnta aha I'arll. TliU law proridra that In payment for thr 4.Vi0,(Jil ounrra of allrrf Lull Ion which tLa arrrrtnry of t lir t rrontiry l mi tnandad t purchaar monthly, thrrr ahnlt ba laaatd trrttanrjr notra rr.lrnnatilr on di toalid Id or ailvrr coin, at tha d!.w-ration of tha trraaurr, and that thr aald tiotra may lir rrlaaurd It l. howrvrr, dv rlarrd lu tbr art t lir "tha rt ahlUhnl jwilicy of thr I'nltrd Stntra lo mMinlain the ttva mrtala on a parity wlthrarh other upon thr prrarnt irgal ralto. or atirb ratio aa may ha proIJrl by latv " Thla drclarallou ao control the action of thr arcrrtnry of tha trraa iry a to jirrvrnt Lla rrcilii tha dUcrrtton noml nally rratvil In him If hy autii actlou thr parity lirtwrrn .il.i atnl ailrar may lr diaturlird Maiiifrt It, a rufiianl hy Ihr aTrlry of thr trramiry to pay thraa trraury nira In ifold. If dr mandl, would iirt-rMiarily rranlt in liclr diacredlt and drprrrlalion aa nhlliitl'ina payahlr only In allvar, and would dr.iroy lubliablnii diacnminaUon tu l-vor of ll.. nu rl I . lu.l ft... I ' l H..I I,.. a,M. gold. OaM for llvrr. Up f tha IMh day of July, 13, thrar notr bad lx-n ixMird in payoirnt of ailvrr bullion purchaara lo tbr anionnt of mora than MT.mm.Ouo. Wbtla all but a rry Mil a! I quantity nf thla bullion rcinnliia un coined and without liarf tilm-Mi In thr traaaury, many of lha tiotra ulvrn lu ita purcbaaa harr brvti paid In ici'.d Tbia la iilnairatnl by thratiitctn. nl that U-twM-n tba Jatday of Mar, and tha 'lMlidayof July, thr i.oU-a of tbU klnd iitaned ill payment for ailvrr bullion amounted to a little morn than aM.iMl.iMt, aod that dunriK tbr Kama prri'.xt aiHiut 49.0nn,(i00 aire puid hr lha treaury In gold for tha irilrmpiioii nf tich notra Tha policy iircrnnrily adopt l of paying tbaaa note in yold hna not .pre. the gold raarrvt nf lui.ONi,ni 0n.' m-1 ai.lr hf tbr s-orrriiiiietil lor Ibr rflrmptitui of Otbrr nota, for tlii fund bnn a i ready lrn subjected to tLr pyinr:it of i ew ol.'.iga tiom aoiouut inj lo alxitit HVi.i ), on account of nil vet pnrvlia'eit. and h, aa a conT(Urii-., for ihr flrt lime aim Ita crrntion, bet-n em niii bt-ti npuu O-.ld l.tviti lr pl.llon. Wr havr thtia limile thr drplrllon of oir cn.l ray, and bnv tempted other aud rim appreciatirc nal iona to add it tu their tlc. That thr opprtiiuliy w have of fered Kaa not ln liejlrclrd la fcbowi: tiy ti.r latkir iiimntu of icold which bare hern fcrntlr drawn from our trenur ami rx portad to lncrete ihr litiancial airenK'b of foreign natiou The ri es of x porta of froldorrr .talnip .il lor the year ending Jucr SO. l&Cl. amounted to ruoic than H7,. &J0UV). Be. wr- n July 1. and July 15. the gold coin nnd bullion in our treaaurf lcraad mor than eiK.WMXJU. wblia durinir the satnr pcrnxl the ailvrr coin and bullion In tbr treasury increased mora than intT.fKifl.Otili. I'uieoa jrovernment bond nra t4 be conaiaritly laaurd and aold to rrpleiiUb our exhaaatcd gold, only lob gain ebau.td, it ia appartat that the operatioo of tha aiWrr purchaaa law now In force leada to the direction of tba etitira anbatitution of ailver for tba gold in tba government treasury, and that this rauat be followed !y the payment of all govern ment obllgat on In deprtrciated ailver. Gold and aila-ar Part Coanpaay. At tbia atage gold and silver must part eoinpany aud tha government mast fall la Ita eatabliabrd polloy to maintain tha two metala on a parity with each other. Given over to the exclusive use of currency freaMy depredated according to the stand ard of the commercial world we could no lonKr claim a place among nations of the firf t claaa,' nor could our government claim a performance of Ita obligations, so far aa utch an obligation has been imposed upon It to provide for the use of the people the best and safest money. If, aa many of ita friends claim, silver ousht to occhdt a larger place in our cur- I'M I'Mllf I K II. h 1 IIUOIUU.I I U .UUYU reney and the enrrency of tha world . Continued on TUrlt-. ' ! wide awake! M.. i"s i

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