cr CAUCA H XI GOLDSBOUO. X. C, TIIUKSDAY, AUdUST 21, ISM. XO. 44. SIAN t ,iToir ; ( HAIR. : EDITOR ON THE Tr-E DAY. LOOGE. .. w ;i ihI politicians . ,,1.!,' a single god i-.-,iie of good in , j, arc just ' now ,,.r..s to appropriate , : 1tt- to th- thousands , (,f employment. If -.- v, ;i to advise such a influences would cry Ami for once they . li is the worst form .. Kn'.vvn. Hut in calling to io such a senseless ,, thing, they haye two A First they want to i i' ;i! object by appear , to the laborinK v hi"- to tfain the con- -!oew not appropriate Si onl if th laboring M show they were not . ...I, i.riilKntinna tlo-n 1 win " l" " l" " ' ;.l have conjfress to appro ,, ,,,,,, y to temporarily act . ,,f i lilui ol'orm to ease suf- i- i ! I. . -1 lie l.vy rore uuier me t',:.,vi: .' upon the people, j,;, !i"t now and never ,,,m!1,ir,l or wanted a gift , .f.Ari iiineiit.That is not one ,,, .tit, us of government. The ufvcf ' impress is to at once , ni.ith'ii more money, with- ,,j nit, n st, a money that is by the speculators or ,i, i,. so thatthe millions who m,. ihiii'' to sell can sell it at ti" niii e, and the millions . w 1 1 1 1 ii lt and want to work ! i niploviiieiit. The people ,.it this is one of the rome . v li niand it and will take t: Ti.' ft..y. 4. f RE F ATRiOTS WILL STAND tins that there is a disposition art of some free silver men ess, to make terms with the s. That is, if they can't get ! i,:ige at a ratio of lb' to J, tit icss a willingness to accept .', at a higher ratio. Every man iics this position, practically i dp the tight and deserts the Io Those from the free silver ;3 who take this position, are linljr not acting from a patriotic ye. tut rather through selfish s ,fdid ones. They seem to be Ititude where they are will 3 '0 THE ViRGiN, A DEMOCRATIC PLATFORM. The Uichmond Dispatch com menting ujkhi the platform adopted by the lrginia Democratic .State convention last week says: The platform adopted on Thurs day night by the Democratic State Convention was prepared with great care. 1 he JancniaL'e emnloved indi. ates clearly that the members of the committee endeavored to nut brth a creed w hich would be ac ceptable to the (silver men as well ua the arm-silver men to Mr. Cleve- and as well as to the Democrats who do not agree with him on the silver question. In reaffirming the utterances no, "the principles" of the Chicago platform on that jues tion the convention left the Vir ginia Democratic memlers of the 2 louses of Congress free to vote with Mr. Cleveland's friends or the other side on this question of the repeal of the Mierman bill and on all the bills for the relief (?) of the people which may be considered by Congress. Yes, prepared with great care so as to really do nothing and promise nothing. The Dispatch boasts that the platform will please the goldbug Democrats as well as the honest re form Democrats. It may please the former but it can never please the latter. There is to-day more differ- erence between the two wings of the Democratic party which that plat form tried to straddle and please than there has ever been between two different political parties. The plat form adopted is an infamous strad dle and a meaningless jargon of words And the above editorial is a shame less admission that the party has no principles which it dares to express m positive terms, but is simply trying to patch tip a truce to save the spoils of office for the politicians. Further on in the same editorial the Dispatch boasts "we put an in come tax plank in our platform which will take the wind out of the sails of the Populists." This is an other shameless and contemptable admission. An income tax plank PRESIDENT liUTLKas LIL It ANNUAL ADDRESS AT THE STATE LiANCE AT GREENSBORO- AL- Whv othkk OioiANiZATiuNs Have Faii.ep The Pkomi-ks or iii,ri: KOK THE FfTl KE. object by nelliidine and pre-.!, the- rjr- throw it who! twer and innWfc.-e. cu U" n rfwU-U that uiilr uoh tiizatiouH jro further. They u. th-ir j to crrevt the rviU that e jrni n are rvaUv tit-t-dv, or in d;tr- power to ltiaucaratf and -xi-cate ; u; in our j.'-vernment. to r"ftal- W,JJ hrh"d. and that thrT 1 notue 1 'i,atin airasut of ln tn prinetp!- of jun . m a to Jjrjlltx classes not i riz-d. or pnrly or-1 tnak it ps-;hi for the T-t ri- hf exerci.,- of this t.w-r hi drfiatu-.. of I to .-arried ,ut t.. Mr and e't-vatr I a'!""4 W quarUr, mankind. 1 thank 5 d thre i one man at !-at outsdc of the cri;anizatiou. UK Hl I 'SSKM TIIK IU.IN 1. I'l It I'OKOF TIIKOIU.AM.ATKIN, i1 I'KKSKNT III! 1 AM MTI'ltK MISSION. '-0M-rat lun v (,ln-t Ition, the rtltioii V tli I'atrlot. Two .r i )liitH gin-,l. 1 lit- I'olk .MonuiiK iit. Hif An-iiliii-iit to Allium i liitrler. This is an age of organization. and eo-operation. That organization was economical and otherwise beneficial for the co operative advancement of mutual in terest. was evident a quarter of a cen tury ago. It is more evident to-day. We have reached that point in our civilization, even under uJKepublican form of government, where organi zation is not only beneficial but also necessary. This is true with refer ence to every class of our citizens and to every division of our various industries and professions. To no one does it apply with more force than to the agricultural and indus trial classes. Yet they are among the last to avail themselves of the advantage of organization, as well as to leatn the absolute necessity therefor. At various instances in the past, numerous efforts to organize per manently have been made, and, with what results, is a matter of history and is well known. And while the result is well known, yet I hardly think the cause of such failures is generally understood by us. It is true, that whenever an orga nization has been started or attemp ted that those classes of our citizens, who being organized, have had the advantage of us "being unorganized. (and knowing that organization on our nart would soon result m in creased intelligence, and therefor united action for the protection ot.our ric-iits and interest) have used every nut in the State nlatform and where atrencv that united brain could de i , i i.i i i i i i v r. ti vise ana comumeu money v mii it can do no good, but to d.shonestly ,. d f t Jiml (lis .1 i 'III 1 IV . 1.1 . . . .... caicn voces wun. yet me ueiegaies rnr,t the organization. The news- from Virginia to Chicago did not papers and the politicians have been , , . , , , . largely usd to make the attack try toputsuchaplankm fixation- frn,tL ontsidebv misrepresentation al platform. The Democratic State anti appeals to prejudice, while the Convention of "North Carolina nut Judasas in the organization, wliose , . , , nncn was Tiurrv nieces oi mivci the Bame punk in its piattorm wsi r ftr . . ahvavs been year, yet the delegates elected oy tne fOUnd to do the work or spies ana same convention to Chicago did not traitors on the inside. L , , i i i u ' But this is not neceesnriiy hip try to have the plank inserted there. cauge of tailures. The basic cause How much longer do the noliticiatis kot moVoa anoh nrn to is successful ke almost anything rather L,-,u ti 4to Tiru-inlf. tin I in T11V OTlillioll lies deeper. In fact i uj. : : I : i : i : aKe a square on P 8uch treachery and demagoguery? There is a kind of eternal fit- selves of such organizations. It is a ness about the closing paragraph of cause produced by our surroundings the Dispatch's editorial. It is a proper climax to its hollow utteran ces: "Conventions are held to decide completely whip the gold- Ir go down with flying colors. s hut one way to win against litters that are plotting to enslave the people, and that like a hold, manly, vigorous, compromising tight. Every just such questions as were decided r:gh:. but too otten v .er tlie oivi r of unjust laws, is the tiake i?i our body pditic, and tliecur- of our civilization. This is the frightful gam- where tLe big jih eat the smaller lih, and then turned to -nt each other We have seen this game jIaved with growing fir-e and in tensity for the last quarter of a ci-n-turv. and for the last few months we h;ive seen it in its uit frightful aspect. None have suffered more from this evil condition, a. a rule, than the industrial and agrieultural (lasses. the bone and sinew, the wealth produeers of the land. Vet viewed from the standpoint of num bers, none were, and are to-day bet ter able, not only to protect them selves, but to for'-) justice to be done to all other clas.-es alike. That we have failed in this, is lit tle short of a crime. A crime not oulyagainstthose dependent upon us, but against all oppressed and suffering humanity. But why have we failed ! The basic cause lies in the cumulative heredi tary defect in ourselves. The iso lated lives we have lived has resulted in each one following his own way unaided and unguidedby the wisdom that comes from the association of ideas. And besides we have nursed our own opinions, or somebody else's opinions were furnished us, which we thought were our own, until wehave grown dogmatic ami intolerant of the opinions of others. We haye not pooled our intellects and manhood, w i have fought single handed and al ne and been beaten in detail Fast organizations and lodges of the present organization, the Alliance have disbanded because every man could not see alike and agree. Our intellects are made different. We were not intended to see alike, we were intended to differ, and in dif fering to find the truth, or at least a safe line of action between our di vergent opinions. All other clashes and organizations have learned the use and value of divergent opinions, and have learned the perfection of human wisdom from organization, by acting as a unite on a line of ac tion, that was the combined wisdom all, though it did not represent th individual opinion of a single mem ber of their organization. They have practiced co-opei ation themselves lint have preached competition to us. Competition is destructive it is the devil's trame. When wo learn this lesson, when we overcome this fatal detect m our own organi zation, and unlearn the false educa tion that has been taught us by sel fish and designing monopoly, when we begin to practice co-operation, we will not only '-e able to protect ourselves, but to advance our mutual interests. Then we will not only prosperous, but also well nigh invincible. iVnd though every effortat organi- it is inherent in the rank and file of zation m the past lias raiieu, yet the majority of the members them- every enort nas uone goou, every come the fatal defect and taught us the folly and danger of competi tion and the yalue and possibilities of co-operation. The same cause that produced the other orga nizations, produced the Alliance, but the cause is intensified; the same lain dul-c in a tun. prvnidr that th tinsl. or U- liable on hi U.nd. but that nhole charter of the Mate , Alhanif ihall t frfdtsl. and then j Another of the amend tneuU, trie j paving out pn rata the money on j to Ue up the proceed of the organ, hand. How the tirst obji t can U ; itation to present tour rvtr utm to ar. ixtuiuiittev from using U u'rrto- alike. The latter accomplished bv paving r 'UlElllSBI. WHAT IT l Tf MlvVU TlMvXRATC PLAT. f CRM CS TR AL. SeCUie !i"' eomiiiandirjg position and r;p; If vo; I am not prepar J aith to sUlhh HHtt MI IT Ml ! 1 IT I. ii mi n tniiM i ui tin rums plan to use the fund t further the interest yenrs rives weight to hi words, who j of insurance it r leu Id tw entirely mp ! of the oraiiiiation. has the wisdom to see. aud the man hood to ay that such is the great du'.y of the Alliauce at thi hour. I refer to Senator Zebuluu B. Vanee. But let m- beseech you, in striv ing to accomplish this high and all important duty, not to make the or- L'anizatiori a part of hiiv ttohtical j party. Let the organization give no help, or comfort to any pnrty, except so far us that party identities itself with our principle and fights for our demands. Political parties are ne cessary. All political reforms must be gotten through such an agency. But no cl;is of citizens can afford to tie !in'iiiic! es t c-r to belong to any politica patty. Professional politici ans too ofte:- control them; aud poli ticians act more from a sence of sel fishness and fear, than from a sense of justice and right. Therefore let the organization hold itself indepen dent or nil political parties, and ie ever ready to help to deteat or to elect a party according to the prin ciples that it holds and acts on. By such independent action only, can we purify t uitics, and be able to arate &nl plan. UOTATPiS roi srv In order that sonic listiiiC". from the re'lef of the Mate oflkers of the Alliance may vUit every county Alliance at least once a veur, I recommend that the State ! divided into a con venietit iiumtcr of district, and that the county Al liances of each district tucvt on ttic cesie days, Bv this means eeiv couiitv Alliance could be vicit-d bv a State ofheer at the game A Lot her a m e n u m rut inaki it unlaafi.l f-r any ni e in be r of the organiulion to pans a rclutiou calling ujon onr rep-rt-petitrttive ii jka!, or forbear from p.uMiti certain laws.: and makes it iuafu! only for ou to dicus mth all absorbing qu-.-tioii., as on what time of the m!i to plant jcpprr-w. All lhv atneii''iui lit aie iiipiu-l bv one pnrto-e and t'jtx t, to gel of vour charter. pretext to rob o i , and to tin hii.iucM of t tie or qiiarterly . . , . - - . . ; -.iii rrt nm 111 ii iv O.I1IV49 m i,vi,i uieeimvr, ui a suiaii cost iroiu eacu , . , . . r . . . .... or ratberof a im nartv 1-nH'itv I Mfn i:iirii I ie t n I h I I II. i." i i r t And an v ot !u'i cortoratioti or orani results would come from such cou- . . . ' , , .anon, tnat gets in inc way oi ine machine, is liable to In treated in THE AMENDMENTS T ol K i H.vKIKK. the same manner. In the same av. As vou are aware, the last Ia-gis- aIi,i u Ith lll-l!l.v as much justiie, a Iature amended our charter: it tirst ,aw "' -m oe UMeu . . v s'cutie meetings. attempu-d to rejKal it. It is my du-, ty to lay before you the nature of the amendments that were passed, and to inform you of the circum stances connected witn tne action. i-i i preserve our country and our hn the eveuin-' of the lftth of Feb- Th partisan the olit cirun c t.urti' ritplif s UTiinif 1 1 1 1 ""-' ., i.;ii .....,.,.i ,i. ii.".. ... . .rbest tvi.e of a i.atnot. is a ,,. uui iiau ixiaeeu me nouoc 1.0 u partisan;he supports auy party that penl the charU-r of the Sute Alii .1 .1 - 1 ii . I... mm.:. 1 1. i:u .1 ii.... turtlserst ne nrincmies 01 nonest irov- am e. una vwis me. nisi nonce mat . ...... . ernmcnt; he lights any party that your chict ollicer had un lawful for anv citv board of trade to pii.vj a jtetitiou to Congress. Or a charter of a railroad company iniht le amended, by making it liable lo forfeit its charter, if the salary of a brakeman or of the President of the road is increased even the slightest anion 11 L r if . , . ruarv, 1 received a telegram (just iu H1 IKryjt I . . .1., . - . .1 i i' in ciiiimi ii' ira n kiiviiit iron - , w.. . tne siock noiuers mine road ai any of their meetings discuss anything but rates and fares, or if any con- libw-fiir-wboiil.l f m til l.riliir uhl' truili reCel ved i .i wi ov-,,,v v..-... m.i serves monopoly and class interest such actions, or contemplated action. llllu sl BUlUon " l"ci tneciiar to the detriment of the neoide: he ..ff.., ....... I ;,.r. I ter ot tile W hole cortoratlou to Ik' a l viv saskVAviuivao lllioi lio vi Willi I cares ndhing tor the name r the tn:8 ,..;., u..,s decided m. in a -r.t toi rcitcd label ot the party, but whatever I lie dark days of reconstruction . lli V SSBVVVSII, s. 1. a I HI I I 1 V . - party, his conscience, enlightened J. . , . ,. 1 . by a correct knowledge of facts, fHy kept from the public, and es- i i i neciallv from vour oftieers. Mirk M1U" Ul i' I"""' fK-.iniift- n.,c. J nothing that is a parallel in eucli oiui.Tmii 1 1 QiiTiTirrc u'it i M 1 1 i i v v . niv s nun vi Liii, inni.'c nao " the "mongrel " legislatures, and the "kangaroo konveiishun" of ';'., show nothing that is a the zeal and ability that his maker has blessed him with- This I con ceive to be the duty of all true Al liancemen with reference to politics. When the political ovils from which we are suffering are correct ed, then let th ; organization give its chief attention, to its original pur- i . i 1 il . 4. ; a oose. i,t also rememoer inai ii will be ever necessary for us to keep affecting thousands of people as well ' .'f bimioj well informed on political questions, as great principle of justice and fair mu 11 , and take a keen and active interest play, was suddenly rushed through ta l'8 withou sunnlemonted bv false tenchmg. It is a cause that may be termed a cumulative hereditary trait of our social character. 1 refer to a cause which for the want of a name, I will describe as produced by the want of of the welfare of the majori- 1 A T i 1 ' . J. V... . 10 li. Ill Ulisiiicatouutg"., a crisis like the one now be- truly "He who dallies is a and he who doubts is 3tl H'U i3 ' i. v v -' l l -1,1 , 1 . . i ...a--. i dpffif't thii t ma,tl( tliR othor oriraniza- n ttioinr C! i 1 I i'l ill T :l I' 1 M.IIIl M. I 1 I I I - " " " r - . . . 1 I - . - . v-- . V , 111"" ' la O l A. 1 ium eman will do this. r,v- by the Virginia Convention, let an ami tolerant exchange of opinions tions iau maj wrecK uhs oigau .i- 1 . u... r il. ,r.w..t Dnmnumta rlebl lWrfll V :.UU T ,.f Ia Ilia -irant of tlOn, UUt tue detect IS gl'OW ing lebh Till t liar IS WOrillV OI I C f,""" isnivk j .. . . mcusi a. invi . ii- ti ijiiiisL iii.iL ia woituj I , , i . i i i i .i. , x. te:i l is disannearmcr. e believe the Iw ill do iL JiiVerv patnot j . , J , - i , time has come, that the hour lias l "... not or what tliev secured. aiverceni ouiuiuus uu vSii-o i.ruu , tu...rt twmfj ;i nnisnii in the J. . .. .. . , i?r,0 f antwin that would strucK, wnen me peoples orgamza ajiui b mut-u ... - 1C1...4. r. . M,.H.,.ir,l ! UU1U11K11 lUli yJL vx . . . i . . . 1 T-w- ,.v ... represent the combined wisdom oi "-" "l " ' Tbo r-orivpntinn and its nlatform is o Providence will be suceesstul will , .. -. x. n.... i' '.- :i Tf ; T,rvt wll become permanent. But let this be simply cumulative evidence 10 iirm- iuau is a oei.i 1. .o - , ly establish the fact that the Demo- 17 ' ' L :n that it is our duty to press forward I V H I I I I I I III V .lllll 11 1IA'1J.,'V.' -vx , . . cratio party is no longer the friend stance for one family circle to be the Lord helps those who help t hem- has lost ts practcally isolated from the remain- j w M, i i ,.;n,r tvn, on his armor with new zeal. The manhood and is now controlled en- r"? , , ';1- : -;JL n,n,i0r struffjrle will be great, but the re I OI 1 1 I ' I III -t II fltlU IftlUlllCfl, ll ' . mi I i t a- .1.. i. iu;;tia uriiA ut-o mora ,i j: i a .fii sii ts will be greater, ine result Buve mvive! a nuuiua ui "rb- iiitriy uv uuuwtiouo nuv aw swv tne same cuuuiuuus, uuciicu "r , . . , inigwhythe annual address tools and puppets of the money pow- the same duties, and having tue Vi;;et;;"""lJ I'lcsulcnt of the btate Alll- er and the monoplists. Whn vinlatn fiodV srreat so- We have so long allowed other ontrol Legis- exercise xecutives say that the rrogressive Virginia. thu St-i 1 1 ( 1 rem n bad a nudlt I man lv Tt. nepda no interpretation. v,ntVi th onl and the intellect, in- our rights through the form or law. 1 ' ' . V- LIU V VltUIII -ft 1 .A. Mi.. T. . I II VI L 11 HIV . . - , I I . .. . , sh it -w mi nllioi-il document We trust the people of Vireinia will stead ot developing, unaumuS, mm wudy u.. n it as an ollicial uocumtui, we trust tne people oi irj,iuu AiAVt.inir. making us more like and soulless monopoly entrenched ml k . 1 1 I I i a- I lv 1-17 C7 I - ... mv other paper, lue ro- have tlie mannooa atiu wi&uom to eu- ,T , , hficomine- fit to work behind uniust laws, and watching Fanner published the ad- dorse it at the polls. We will pub- out the highest destiny of intellect- the rising tide of discontent from the 5,, T..d..e nHil, it to- hiah both Platforms side bv Side ill ual Christianity, our souls contract millions mey nave oppresseu, o.u, u"lv t - x - 0a ci,r;! our ntfi ects rrow weaK made poor, and wno are wen nigu next issue. L.,.i 0rvow TTwrP is the creat trou- desnerate. These organizations un- kl Hip !lpfpct. derstand the significance of this last To bridsre over this great want; 01 great uprising or tue peopie. mcj social intercourse in rural life, to are preparing for the struggle. Kin 1h not published in the last In striking contrast to this plat- cjai iaW) when we fail to put our classes organized to contro I TiikCalcasiaN. In reply formis the Populist platform of hearts next to our neighbors' hearts latures. Congresses, and to I J . . . , ... , whn we fail to bring our intellect undue influence on the hs iMED'Y- jimiusmjr t,0 see nien who last ''! themselves hoarse f"l, wlio asserted that he was feuu-t man in America and I that he was a bigger man fy part v. now claim that thev s - Fei'e Cli'Vebmd men tuc Al I lAWPP RFMANDS. 1 1 iu nuuinnvt I . th in w ri i r OTi All A I IMCL.I OUUOLO I The State of lovra is the home ot .t:TOaiate intellectual development dred monopolies are organizing into en- Gen. Weaver. In the last election b the contact of intellect with intel- associations of monopolies with one lOf I . ,., . .a -f ..x-.ilJ . - .. i . ,1 1 rri r.4-l, vx.. t ip 'residential vote stoou as 101-1 i.,t in pruhnnfrH oninions so as 10 central neau. lun sco iuhud 1 . ..:a nrn.nmnTitiil orrnv in business nlA ar learning to stand together IO WO . I i UlU CAjn.iiun.uii. t o ro i-.-.i inc.ifi?L,iioctA irot tho lipnetit of a and that thev may rnereiore ' I .... , A 1 P P i . . 1 I 1 '1 linn I.. 1 1 1 iv : 01 q 70 mn titnrio or counsel loriuiui o - ceeu.. xuej iiarrieou, " i. e ..VW f. a.UsnM In thft neon e i "r.r 90 'Siln torts, 10 learn lire it-swu jl iiiuo .v .. v. j - - t -, eaver . 4U.Ja i ' i.i... e vucc rvow U1i,.r.pSsfnl. will force them to discon rruia ip o-oai war tor e; - a. ma " S, " J U inn w 0 not only plotted in secret and in the 'iscniiiiiiaung uniairncrs, and parti- dark, but the bill was then offered, . and suddenly rushed through all Now 111 conclusion brethren, while J il 1 4 :.. ,4 sl three readings tinder a suspension of Kar ttim,m m m3 ,v "J. the rules, without consideration I- i4r,J h't '' urge uk.ii you as fore a committee, under a gag rule luw abKlnig citizens, to observe and that cut off all debate even from the ol,0-v uu'm' w,u.'.t: ,uut' ,or ,n mnibers of the House. This bill u.ou, I,ou W.,M B".ow . val p:i" tience, strength and IorlMaraine. ow another election lit using all honorable in the actions of all political parties, alf its three readings, and was a law 'u,i 1:wf ul ,UOi, 118 111 'u,!r lH,we!f less the enemy of the people should as far as the House could make it oiot tnem on ine siaune oooks, men then corrupt our government again, yvithin the sliort space of ten mill- Wl" will be wanting in manhood, and Our victory so far has come through f ,... n,,. u 1 unworthy of justice. We cou hi not e.lncation Let us to edu- That the same bill would have pas- expect any better from a boily of hi e" SSS S b S sed the Senate in the same imUrent the majority of whom hold ean and HuMdl and unfair haste the next morning, their posit.ons by dishonest means organ should have 40,000 subscribers has never been questioned or denied. ok'sale bribery and fraud. 1 he in this State. But your State officers (or apart of u,1(1 ljleof the J'art-V' thttt that I feel like congratulating the Al- them) were on hand next morning, M'gisiature claims u reprcreseut, liance on its success in political ref- and demanded a hearing. Only ttf. uoes not approve oi its actions, the ormation so far. For wehave sue- ter considerable effort and difficulty, ,auiv a'lu ,,R m ''V lRS .,,u " ceeded in two very important points could we get a hearing before a com- .at H,u.i laI.r "ded beyond the two points that make genuine re- mi ttee. Your officers could not I,aiuaa" P'rjuuicr. 1 ucn- form a certainty in the near future, earn who asked for such action, tore llUow ,ne ttd "'y,1 '"ciai ut- First: We have succeeded in get- or the reason therefore. We werer . ur. J . ting some of the real issues before simjilv pointed to the preamble of anoeman in A orth Carolina, audio the people, and they are clearly de- the bill which contained two rea- aPPeal eVt'ry, fiiir Iwnvtt fi ned. sons viz: m:Ui out of the organization, Ut use Second: Wehave succeeded in First: That there were members ever' honorable effort ot talent and getting the whole responsibility on of the Alliance who were afraid ni's Jiml, to elect a lx-g- 1,11 ft noli final nartv. thev were nersnn all e li!,!. fr the ISiaiUre LO llOL OI11V Wipe OUl II11S 1 r 1 " . .... -..j - f. v - .1:, f- -,....i 1 1,,. 1...4 The author of the frame Ot Stlllt- ( ebts Y of thn A mm ulsB'aw "UI 8lttlul1 000 ivo, C I - V . I , 1 - .11- 1 ! 1 rpunnntil.illK- i nn lpS a VlPrSOnajTe Kf.o,lll.I- Tlial Hipim upro ntVipi-u u-lm 'SO " Wipe UlC IOlCe OUl C1CC than Satan himself. He commenced wanted to wit hdraw their mnnov tion law froniour statute books, which the game in the garden of Eden and fr0m the Business Agency Fund. makes it possible for a corrupt ma will'nnntmne to trv t.f work it till Vonr ofTinpra did not. ctnn In nic. ChlllC 111 a tarty to defeat the Wll the end of time. But the politi- tion the correctness of the tirst claim ot tlle .)' ? even ot that party, rinin.n is now nearinr the end of his Lor the nonitv of thn latter fur u-e much less the majority of the people nn 1 . 4. I -I 1 , 1 . 1 !f nil r rrn vir 11 Tiieti t ct-ifulu mill u.-4 row. 1 111 narr.v now in nower inust rn;i ieii rnar. wn were nor iietm-P " fe""-- stand by the people and reap its re- court of e.juity or justice, but a retain our liberties, the will ot the ward, or it must fail to do, aud be body that seemed to have no regard majority must triumph over the die swept from existence for either. So we at once offered as a t?tl0-18 of Ji lgeiis autocratic, Ki.mntinn A lancemen have dlt- snhat . t.ntP for thn K tn aniMw . uoiuiueeiiu, aou 1 1 1 eniionoioie iiu- fpmd a to methods and nartv asren- men t to m.r nlvietr r-nvprinrr J.. onty among us. 1 his must oe cies in the past, but the time is near full both of the complaints set out done to k,eI' i,mv even our hur-'u; at hand when there will be no ex- in the bill. This fell like a thun- Vs' a, o j"'veut hc llVvry .f cuse, or chance for honest men to der clap upon the committee, and neaveu irom ueuig usea as a cioak differ. Let evei y reformer take forced it and the Legislature, to show ,luc "" 11 1110 ,,lU8t fresh courage and hope. Our vie- its hidden and real purpose-that be done betore the Alliance cau pro tory so far has come through educa- was to destroy the organization, and ceod wlth lts original puriose, tion. Let us continue to educate, to put your liuamess Agency in thtr'"1 ,. "V- .""J' I er , mimiil reform literature. We of -.i .-eneive.- y, morally, and Iinaucially. have done much, but we can and The new charter which the House 'lu ai"w "f t,,e Alliance are high, should do more. Your State organ offered was a further proof of this. auu ili I"J1 1' ,v " iir'5 uo"1 U"L Jus" should bvn -10.000 Subscribers iu It. nrovided for l r;nro-.i.;-,,.t,, to '"USt IVlgil tlllUcrail llOIICSl this State Yes let us continue to g0 into effect in July. This would government coutnuled by the will of educate, let us continue to organize, have disorganized the Alliance, put a majority, to make its noble miss- ..... i ,!.., . - inn TinBirile In tlna 1 in tiled mti build the organization stronger aa its aiiairs in tne nauds oi a re well as larger. Stand hy your guns, ceiver, and left ua six months press forward with your banner and without any organization. We victory will soon crown your heroic said the amendments fell like a thunder clap, and so they did, or in the face or the amendments granting all they asked, they dared not pass the bill to repeal the char ter. They were in a hole: if they accepted the amendments, hey failed to accomplish tneir pur ion possible. To this immediate work I commend and urge you, and to vour assistance should flock all honest men from everywhere, j"E Ills f-KTTtlP 1.'-oiTji II !!!. lelll Lltr MKKIM'IR. lntlmUii'i Vl tfa lUlt Waiunuo., Augutt !'.. 'I l.e ai.u.j; i f the 1 n,. ratio Nstiotil pStfoici ; the rml .;u-. Hon tht i io on trul m t'onre. II"- of the Sherman lw it otilv fi ilu i.h iit of the debate in the lloiine. I til the I eino ratio phtiform maker t C'hn-ngo intend to leeeie the Jn-oplp V m the I 'i lilm ralic CHUi Jmiu fought oil li l'.!se iin-!' And will th- Imttle won tui a false pretend-? Tintl'ii the 'ii-jtt burning Uetion tliat Mr. Ch-wl.t'id' t'onprewi has U-eii seiuhhtl to debate and ilt termiiie. tt i the ti rut iujitiiiice in the hutory of any eountrv here it ha Ut u inv eis.irv to isUMieh the meaiiing of jHtlilic al platform by rgiluture aju-di'-ation. If it nh.iM lie tier I :t nil that it tloe not mean the fre roitiak'(r of Urr, fnv biher lhini r:i! will find in this conclusion a ion for the unconditional rcjmalof the her man law, and will have maintained the "treaty of harmony" between a gold standard admini.".! ration and the free coinage iii of the lK-mo-rrtttic party. Thus one rttaddle w ill suct-eetl another. The result will be gratifying wherein it eidabliihe by law the interpretation of the National Democratic platform. Once the solemn form of atantary character is given to it, there can I no room for the ambiguity or eva sion. That will end the deception business. The eople will know e actly what it meatm. They will know "a glitteringvatth-word when they meet, it in the cotton dcld or in the middle of the road. 1 he deep avd profound regret aliout it is that the Democratic par ty is powerless to make lU platform without K publican sanction. The Democratic party aptH'ttling to a lle- pulilicaii minority to aid in the lcg iPhtture coiiHtruction of iU ilitical chart H a pitiful and humiliatinir Hjiectucle. IPI.K I'E .TLATIOX. Unconditional rein-al deitend uimiii the almost unanimouH Kepublicau vote. It cannot bt;defeatetl without a large jerceugeof llepublicau voti which are reudy to sustain a limited bi metal ic fiystem at a ratio or 20 to 1. Further than this speculation a to the result is idle. The great ag gregation of blundering, befuddled, demoralized mortals who compofte this Congress are tdmply drifting whither they know not. When the free coinage Democrat is stranded high aud tlry by the ad ministration party, he will tind what he wants in the way of an emphatic, clean-cut platform declaration, de manding the free aud unlimited coin age of silver iu the 1'eopleu party platform. It "is the short-cut" route to financial relief and financial independence. CLEVELAND S AM 7.1 NO CONFIDENCE. The President left here iierfectly confident that the Sherman law would le promptly rejiealed. Hy the time he reached Huzzard's liuv he e.ectel V) hear of the uncondi tional rejieal of this law. There is the best reason for believing that this was his confident exjiectation. The o. ly cxplai a ion is that he has been deceived. The Senate steering com mittee, comprised of (iorman and llausom who tried to defeat his nom ination at Chicago, has made the Senate rcdiculous bv its "mysterious conferences and patriotic efforts. I'OLK MONUMENT. Over a vear ago the most com- v.. . hpfni-n. has tinne. their crame ot speculation and j-- v uiriui u uitu. I , . . i r l I w lit 1 1: muu . . - " . . . v. . - 7 t I t-en. W eaver to work up some ioi- fae at object Gf an of wholesale preying upon the masses. I full Thf CAUCASIAN warned lowing in his own btate. 1 eopie s the past efforts among the agncul- They are growing arroprant as L, Party Paper. tural and industrial classes at or- as more vigilent and subtile fi'le against the. insincerity of nrrpd tons it.on. And especially is this And still, as this critical well iicago platform and the de- rover Cleveland and the JCes This same thought occurred to us ganization. And especially is this And still, as lui ci ut.u U1, a l . .... . , n I t-v 1 1 vi i AC li nr i 'i w pi I ri 11 . I u .T 1 1 v. . uuv. - " llieKfcaiiUIlglliai uijiukiv " ' " I . on-i id now thfl basic idea for Republican form ot government are ,, , , lina gave him more than twice as it s perpetual existence. hanging in the balance, and it seenis behind him. b.vnrvhodv . us pipcimn i o ,. 4 J J ! a ,;a Wo nra aaa that th TWO COmer mat nOlUlUK can sue i"-"l"- llllauv votco aa uu unii kjuabc iivi " - - - . snow. . ... . . hnh thn Alliance was but a united enorr on meir pan i : 1 I f km, I nnh a ah f vaIq in BUVllCiJ i.- I . ... x ,1 win juuic uiou vuwic uui i nwA . 0xqt,j to-itav. are rpcam tueir eoveruraeui, auu ic-t-a thn next fiorhL Georp-ia will do the bei:. Oa;.i on,l moral dvnlon- tablish the principles ot Jenerson - it- -0--7 - rirsi. uuvioi i. oc. j His sermon published in same : what will Iowa do ? ment. Second: Intellectual devei- and jacKsoi , uie i;--"V" ai. - i i i. i l hiroA-nnoratmn in nrvi le ioiilicivlis uw"' -" fie was right along the same EELiL.. pffnrt and industrial pur- liance has gone into politics."They -4 President Butler s annual iance uublish iu this issue, The control of trade through the sllits would have the people to devote their -l: t iu. i t ' o.i thA various whole time to makins? more wheat, couiracuon oi ine currency or uy iu iouo -a-hSlf. thnv i ... .i i i , business professional and monopoly corn, cotton and tobacco, while tne placing it in the hands and power of busmes s, pror e o v j to haye coufiJenee m them trover Cleveland has given the lie a few 13 the analogue of the control pifrpose the second of the above ob- to run the government to make :"' i i i i .. of the SUnnlv of nnmmriditipa tlirriii ctTi Mpcts. There a close or compact pop- money scarcer, to inaive F""""- everx;pieuge maoe uy the Demo- , ' .1 r . ft opportunity for so- cheaper, make debts bigger, and lay tic Sk-akers in North Carolina on aie,?r0tCCtne The PnUC1Ple Jtot an organi- a larger tribute and a heavier bur- tump last fall. J Washington. NOT1CK is the same. The man who under- zation for that specific purpose. But den upon the masses for the benefit Rtami;nnin rn i ,i i.- , Lf rnonnnolies and the bondholders. -.".uuiuci. iaiui o vieeianu h nnan- tne oreanizanouo oj. tuvvua iij i r - i. 3t......:.l - i : " , u ,,wa .nH mission. , As vour cluet omcer, as one wuo q x-ugiii nnanciai couspuacy , -a. uuj 18 a protectionist at heart itu"LUCl1 F" S ;r vT; TkT ;. t vm,r command has been carrying being pushed by paid lobby- (tf.) STabiican Bf or'r of banner, and fighting for your government What is it? It is to use principles in the tront ran, as one THE KKMEDY THE AL1JANCK IF.- KOVernment- Wt IS III Ub iu u p p orjraniza- me power and influence oixueir ot " ,n h" . x: ii.. t : -i ho ic tmn nnn mscouuiiy, " "-j . ..... i l a.iiti 7ntmn -nassed thronsrn the T the Amerl, an People. V nAi. von don't. t. mnr ?u MUOt DOX to prevuui 'u".u'6 , . . i;;.l , . i x, , ' . , J 1 1 " tile Liegislation against the class oi trying uiuci . 7C u a Democratic party under the send us a costal card at once. Don't L?S -u; fv.; iKJ,tioti namnaiffn. and then, though suffer hip of Grover Cleveland has wait to7 nr thr. wAta ni rearesent So fr. snch use of their ing from the conflict, begin to regrow m. I v v v. vum. 11 M V Tf 111 I . y I T Z . 1. n nn Tf n TA11 n.r.csn 1.V OTin I 51 Tl II T"t- 1 1 1 1 I i ( 1 . X "if" -v ' J 7 organization that the supreme duty of the organ- Jdered to John Shermau and send you the missing copy and also Rower 19 Jrop?r ii.j . ,f it is our duty to (tf.) lnvestioratn thA tronblfi nf l.. . 1 e w. and necessary use our (tf.) J for the same purpose. But prompted ization today, in my opinion mandiug figure and the most mag netic force in the reform movement was called upon by an inscrutable providence, to lay down the great work he was doing for humanity. Xo man iu the organization has had an equal place in the hearts of the leople, and while tins is his Highest tribute and his proudest monument, yet it is a duty that we owe ourselves more tnan to mm, mat we snouiu frixe such evidence to the remainder of the world of ou esteem and af- Wt'n.i for him. Let us not delav this matter. Let each Alliaiiceuian in North Carolina resolve that be fore another State Alliance cou veues, that a plain but imposing marble shaft shall mark the resting place ot L. L. Lolk. RELIEF FUND. When I recommended the estab lishment of a relief fund a year ago, it was my idea that tbe fund should be used as a chairty fund only, that is. that it should be used to help such as were in enough distress, to make through their lodges a public ap peal to the brethren for assistance It was to eet nd of the constant nnblic appeals for aid that the fund was established. But I am led to believe that many have appealed for help from this fund who did not be long to the class intended to be as sisted. The result has been, that the fund has proven insufficient, and many calls nave not been paid, ana some only in part. 1 recommend that the plan be abolished, unless it A NATIONAL CURRENCY THE BEST In a speech in the Senate in 1 837, John C Calhoun said: "It appears to me, after liestowing the best reHection I can give no sub- Kise to kill the Alliance; it they re- ject, tnat no converume paier mai fused to accept them, they did more is, whose credit rests on a than they intended they killed promise to jiay is suiuiuie ior cur themselves. rency. Bank tiaper is cheap to those In this dilemma the Legislature who make it, but dear, very dear, to decided that it was not ready to take those who use it. On the other action. That secret political meet- hand, a national curr lie 7, while it ing was called together again, and this time, we are told, it was com posed in part of politicians and ene mies of the Alliance not members of the Legislature. This meeting ac cording to their own definition, be ing secret, and being political, must have beeu what they call "Gideon s Band. After much caucusing day after dav, aud night after night, they decided to accept our amend ments by adding 6ix more amend ments, which for p:tisan unfair ness and discriminating injustice, and cowardly meanness, there has never before been a parallel to so stain the statute books of IVorth Carolina. Under one of these amendments, if you were to increase the salary oi my successor irom tne e uormous sum of $200 a year, to the still more enormous sum of $200.01, your charter would be forfeited. Or if you were to increase the salary of rne secretary ot a county Alliance from S4 a year, to Sj a vear the effect would be the same. Under another amendment, if one I of your officers fails to perform cer would irreatly facilitate its financial ojer:ition, would cost nothing or next to nothing, and would, of course, add much to the cost of production, which would give to every brauch of our industries great advantages both at home and abroad. And I now undertake to affirm without the least fear I can be answered, that a jajer issued by the government, with simple promise to receive it for all dues would form a perfect paper cir culation which could not be abused by the government ; that it would be as uniform in value as the metals themselves ; and I shall be able to prove that it is w ithin the constitu tion and t owers of congress to use such a paper according to the mos rigid rule of construing the constitu tion." (tf.) Tim Only menace." The Poor Old Cmpln Tariff" not In It Any More. A financial condition which is the OXLT MKXACE to the country's wel fare and prosperity. 0 rover Clev land, June 5th, 1803. tf an') solemn winks and ominous sectecy." The "irnjHwing attitude" it has maintained for the jiast ten days now looks very much like a burlesque. WHEKK IXIRS KANSOM ST A SUf There is a clear majority of nix or eight in the Senate agunat uncondi tional rejHial. It is understood that Unsold is an "unwilling one of the majority. I his denotes a "lloji which some people are tsiiiijde enough to credit to Vance. The same thiDg is remarked alxmt Gordon of Geor gia. Colquitt has dran Gordon's lire. 1 iau soui has heard troui INorth Carolina, nine-tenths of the people in tbe State are with Vance, and de mand the free coinage of silver. The steering committee" he exjrcted would formulate some compromise which might probably force ance to sustain the administration at the expense of repudiating his recently declared attitude towards me ner- mau law. "Vauce thinks he is smart, but wait until 'the old man shows his hand." Uesult: Vance takes the "jack-poL" It is noticed that Hansom u now obsejnxonsiy defeiential to Vance. HIS DISTINGUISHED CO.YSIDEKATIOX. As an evidence of his distinguished consideration, he is almost persuad ed to endorse Covington for Assist ant District Attorneyship m the western District. "Vaace ought to have something" he says, with the most thoughtful condescension, bnt exactly whether Covington is that ... I,", rr" ia what firctn andoth- "sonietbing" is what Green and oth er fellows are trying to find out. The town is full of gossip over this Continual on Second Page.)