TIIK CAUCASIAN I rfcl.I-liKn fcTEKY THt UM'AV. . . ' -' - - M.U(IO 151 1 1-KU. KiHr 1 l'n..r. rr...THP-4 D WESTERS VXsS.sr. ( m-'k -i-nt:m Amos J. Cummings !s! Ifcs' Kli I IO.N KA n4. ONKVKAK, Hix' MONIMM. i of . Y.'ik if :'- Hech 'Mt "k twitted the fMUth.-rti and western D-m'xni'- who art- t.o ai-ing (.rov.-r Cleveland Me raid Nr V,.rk !ii not him, ,",t t!i'' (i 1 fiiK ra!" ' III Ki.tcod f' 'I,.- T Ott..- at ...i.itM.r. n -iril la-" ninii m.i'U r . SFNATOP DA i 0 H L L Till ... vte-t -j V lew the country fji-i.- f r the ii""" M '" h;tn t" I" i' iiouii-ii: hirn. the Une t -. - protes'ei Utl'l l!"t Ii"'-- REV. MP -Cf FAN K. T. Mr. Hoffman, R- t'-r f v?-SUpb-n-, CoM-Wo, N. C ha.f ac cepted a rail to the 1'ari-h at Tarix.ro. We regret wy much to f Mr Hoffman '.a.- ' .oM-j:ro. Hii pla' will U hard to till. Hii fn-w!i . rnioii on la,-t Sunday a original, b. uiitiful, f-rnatf and ;!iijr---:n-. It C C N R S S C T S The Hon " rr!'.- ilv-r by a v.,- of :' ? i"' rnrtK.ritv of f.r th" .'"M u" The 3 Late . th- WiU.ji in tin- bill to aw c;osel f U-i'r-uta!i vi on hols iron ! TO EVERUMIMl HFiTII THE FIBHT IN THE OLD OGMON. 1 i I V V V t vnt.Ti Kift TaC' . . . m . ,1.. . the State Platform or mr ,,wr i.rir.t thi- 'l"('h its !' , , . . . ...I .1- if to1 ""'pie tonal io...mi.S a,.u ..." . ,11It of Virinin ti S. na'or II si! m a m.'-i-ry. i i " he should n-t lik.r f'rr-ii'i' lit M--k;Bl for j.iTM.r.al r-aoriti i" natural, hut that h- hK'.uM hoM thr cam- ii i,ftf,.-ial vi. wb isiuAllTnattiral. for th n-a'i) that h- im 'irro.iril 1 ,y ci4.st,iritia!!y th- hfim -'if'1 l.at.kinr intlu. r:r. . I. art h. -P Senator I'.fT.r i -1 .--..! a r.-oln tioi, it.-tt -!i tit.i.' t!..- S.--K tarv of tin Tr a-ur to in., nr.- .f 'I.'- nat.oi.al h.uik. i oT N.-w Voik. I'.o-fon nr.-l w. i- liot r'-vlalilik' ,, . w an.l tor-porl toth :-".-nat.-. it lol" ) aUo i.alural for v.t irol.il.ui.' , want-. i .. . i I I,,, ... V , r .nut.r to op 'iruwr ill' I'VlllliI'MI II .,4 J(1- at" r-v.. In tint,' tln-la-.v, ni.'i many of. w,.nt tl, (,,-ovtr to .-t it. Th'-V now ihi-tn h. ;ul' -l l.y Gorman dpi lo ho. yt i H.(, ti).lt jt WiH lik-jroin,' to Satan to ,f cvrvbo'ly S.nafor!( r,.i;,,;,, Th.. Waslii nirton I'o.it f hi- -a i 1 known 'oi'I'V , js a jr. fIiiim- j.W-a.-!ir- to h'-tr u H-r-, t. ..-!i'-'l hi-1 Jiomiiiatioo !i ' m,jr, t hut coiiUin a new thought or It now coin.- in ''al : ,in 0j,j told in a new way. We ho nominated i (.0,r,ri.tulat.- the l'arish at 'J'arU-ro. Jl-.-aid . . - . . , , f- - " r -r IV,.. ri.f.rL,tt- !,- l..r. train lii-'in n . tier that mean Miuetnititr: for ex- ... who are i'-notiti( iti the l'reri- .!... U'c rUPpo.-A- tht- nhserer i,i.-ant thi- hit for Senator r',.ii a-i-l- from ' hat, ;iot I )-..--' ! 'A ltd ' Vance. New York is velaml as a man, hi- linaiicia! ,t it i- in Io. with 'i i ' ... V..1 ..r- yitiitilc lliot il- r 'oltl'dlL' UisUai ol Th-- routh'-rii j..o.Ie want- aii'l to tiii- "urpri!" Hill corn.- to th- support of Siu ator I' f!'. r and ilfffn.l. il the r-nolu-tton. This action though a -nrj.rio travc -m , rit - hop- thnt th. Senator wo!;l-l break with the johlbn ami and monopolist and stnnd by t)ie peojd. The Senator w;i billed for a -peeeh on the hilyer question last I'ridav. livery one wan now more anxious than ever to know what po sition he would take. Senator Hill hee-an ins spec, h by showing that the Sherman law ( inakeshift as it was; wns not the author of all our ill. This was a fpiare slap at 'lee!;lI:d. He then expressed his i-e'iet that if the l'resident wa hon estly in favor of bimetallism that the did not say io in his message. Th I'r. i-ident did not biiythiithc would be in favor of any silver legislation after the Sherman law should be repealed. He also rhaiprd that the President (by myiiitf nothirtr abnut the evils of the Shennan law iu his upeeeli of acceptance and inaugural addnss) did fit t hat time contem plate keeping tho Sherman law to prevent free counter, but had now thrown bidder and wanted even that repealed. Senator Hill then went on to the .surprise of tht- Liuietallists to say positively that he was in favor of the free coinage of silver, and to drive the nail home, ho said ho not only farored free coinage at the ra tio of 1(5 to 1 but even at a ratio of lfij to 1. It now weemed that he had broken with tho monopolists and was entirely w ith the people. Huthold, hear him through! He then pro reeded to conclude his speech by say ing that the Sherman law should be unconditionally repealed, and that next December or some other time that Congrvss could take up the question of free coinage. And thus lie shows his true colors. ITo tried to dress in the robe of patriotism but he did not conceal the leopard's spots Hoes not Senator Hill know that John Sherman and such enemies of the people will now vote with him to kill the only silver law on tho stat ute books, aud docs he not also know they will not vote -with him next De cember or any other timo for ail yet at tho ratio of 10 to 17 In the language of Senator Vance, II ill is "either a traitor or a fool." He is liko Senator Voorhces who spoke against national banks yet voted in the committee to incronso their power. When hypoc risy tights it hoists a banner of doubtful, uncertain or double meaning:- for example .-ce la-t Saturday night. r Monday the bill to repeal S-'it ofj i ---aye. Mr. J'dand of Mi"uri mov.d to am. lid by providing f'-rlhe f re.- , coinage of silver at the ratio of o to ; 1. The vote was taken m the amend ment tirst. The amendment was voted down, yeas 174. nay '-!!. Thi was a square test ote tor or against the fre.- coinage of -liver, and a Dem ocratic Hou-e voted it .'.own by !'. majority. The next amendment wa- for free silver at the ratio ol 17 to I. , This war itv. ASSESS T 3 ;S COLD 8LCC0 tTHj HOJSE Cr TS tP- Es-S. M -j... j;vTS W III! TIE VoIT. OF .'iiipiI AM'Tlli: Hanik K-m. 1h. HotWH rallr rati llritnlUI 1 i nilrm ana iltl- - fruuii-r 1 t tf I l-. .i i; -in n n i i t ' l IIOIt-K ri.mnicuAM i itirv an! fru.i' ther- U- that relief w -il f, red !y a parly What hj i ( c.nt.tiiiii.ate. wi su h rirniptii!' Wha: nitry at the jhI. ' .....I vi in i'e i! ! nd r. pr. ntatives in iVngre-s the ,U .-TlH.-tment of such lw'-4 ol Tll-I! i n o ni)-i-r .1 our Senator ea!l JN-OJ I.M'e III hi. h onh makes promt-, s p.r'v break forexer tani.lv submit to nave i.i-ir .. ..r.-.l .li.W4t.-d - t'lC 111 g- wutnt'S ot the .North. Htvd the i' in hi- ; . e'.-l'it'-. i w h" w r. t; i I 1 1 1 ; - : i D i V o 1 1 I'M ( Int.. -I 'at ' T 1 1 . - I. -n:V'.i". At. ';u'aut if crillie" of tin- voted down by 1 ! major- ;c ii-uiiitnatt-d the State Platform of the Democrat n paity of Virginia. CAPT. . W. riALL W.. nr.-vt-rv sorrv to learn of tin. Midden death of ("apt- W. W editor of the Koanoke New wa- a conscientious, blc citi.en. Hall. He ls:-Tl.e cent ii r was to-day. "If if Ibino- ftatie partv, in old b!I in m-M-i.-lit detiaiice.tf ttle Jojdt gn--ly f.'u!tif in' the reeord of a quarter if a century --flagrantly repudiating i's platform pledges shamelessly violating its promises to t he j-opl'- f t ! h the great Uc?t 1- h 'ldmg "": riglu hanl of fellow slnp i rh' t-1"" pie of the Stfl), that uuit.tl tl" V . . . t ii. ! Uke t lie ranting mif '. " money gntb A t the -- .hii-j-tlv eowardlv and u iicoii.i Uioti- i coiiitiK nting on tin- sp"ec h of Mr. ( 'iiinmings rays: "It will he recalled that when the Southern and Western States elected their delegates to the Chicago con vention la.-t uar there appeared to be a great amount of inconsistency in their proceedings. We would read of the dramatic manner in which the name of irovcr Cleveland was cheered, and occasionally the monot ony was relieved by Home incident tending to .-how that the candidacy of Senator Hill was highly distaste ful to the assemb'ages. After the Presidential question was disposed of these conventions proceeded to in dulge in free silver jolhlications, and their platforms as a mle de manded the nomination of (J rover Cleveland and the free coinage of sil ver. As Mr. Cum niings asserts, Mr. Cleveland lias not changed his views, nor is he likely to. The gentlemen who are now grumbling are simply being made to realize that when it come to a struggle between Presi dent Cleveland and their free coin age platforms something had to give away, and, very naturally, the platforms will have to go. The free silver platforms may have been elected, but they didtft carry :i 1m silver candidate." this dodge have The Northern Pacific Uaiiroad has gone into the hands of a receiver. There is evidently something behind dodge. It may be thut. thev asked for a receiver to be ap pointed for the same reason that the Kichniond Danville Pailroad did. No doubt the papers up there that are controlled by the company from the big dailies down to the little country editors who simply get a pass for their services, are explain ing that the company in its patriotic elVort to serve the public had put down freights and fares so low that the road is not paying. The people are catching on to this kind of thing. The vote wa-thell taken oil the repeal of the pit sent silver law, whi.-h resulted in a victory of l.'io majority for the tT'dd bugs as above stated. Silver has never fared so bad at the hand.- of any Republican congress. This information will fall with heavy weight upon the masses of the people especially South an 1 able aud valua- j Wc-t The I'uyaMaN i- sad and disappointed. While fie- -i.v.-r would not give the country reiiei. vein would help, and this action of con gress is the straw that shows the di rection of the wind. Congress has tiirtK.il Ir'iili.r to till' THOIilf MTIll II O relief can be expected from that body ; WiVlty ,jf ilI1-v a.Witioi.ul silver legis-unl.-ss there ,s a change of heart. Dilation at this or the npproachmg we were to view the situation as a! regular .session of Congress is cither tnav rt Set iol al e re d l-f t fi ll, r- ot New i iliL'la! .!. pic then aii-e in ' m .r majesty and t id b their vo'es demand -equal rights" to al! and .- rial prv-j i;Ijttin the d clarations of that il. sto me e," a- h. rein set forth. ! platform as noon as tho more pnss Klt: n unuiM. !ing needs of the currency and unlimited j problem have rec-ive.i aueu- ti I ! i'A TV Hill ft ' tdatform nti.t relieve the country from tl d.sa-t.ou- rin.ni.cial eonoi t,..n to which the unwi-e and n-ck-legislation of the Kepuba.-an b.o-jL-ht 't. Wr If.sl-t ,,H.n the pa-aire of such letri-latton f..t I... ad that will provide for n i xpan-ioii of the currency miII'k ieht to no-.-t the business needs of tho country without delay In like manner wo . ndorsc the' principles annouTM-ed at (Mi'u-Hiro convention upon the sub ject of tariff taxation and urtre noon congress the imperative duty of car- r into effect bv appropriate o - r- - -- - . . . - " rvini .j.ur. ! w ; : at;.l ! . the bed -,.ha : hall- a ?id i 'i ; ; i pe and tie might ari-e a would i! ! i v e ' We are he-. the votes ot t lit i.tlv surrendered to Crover I--velaml. and, with on.- murderous blow, struck .-iiver down to its everlasting death. TIIK CAt'SK iK SI I. V Kit Is IKD. After the vote in the House to-day the man who believes in the possi- SUFFERING NEAR HOME. We often see accounts of suffering and meetings held by those who are out of employment in large cities nd at a distance from ns. This thing has gotten so common at a distance that it is natural for ua not to be much impressed by it. But now it occurs here in North Carolina in n.ore than one place. The largest meeting of this kind was held in Wilmington last week. The men did not beg for bread to be given them, but asked for work that thev might earn it. Matters grow worse business stagnate, the labor doing nothing and congress doi'jg worse than nothing. THE HOPE OF THE NAT10N Cleveland got his "chance" and has sold out his party and betrayed the interests of the people. A new party controlled by the south and the west must come to the rescue of thepeople. The Populist party is here because there is a need for it. The people will llock to its standard and iave the Kepublic. Jlight on this line we clip the following from Sun day's Kichniond Dispatch: "Mr. Hkiul thus declares that the Democratic party is divided upon the two most important questions which now claim the attention of the country. The East, he says, is for monometallism and protection. The West and Southwest are for bimetallism and a tariff based upon the theory that the Government has no constitutional power to levy cus toms duties "except for revenue on ly. If he is right, it is time for the leaders of the Democratic partv to be lorecasting the future of that great patty." The Republican party is a back number, the Democratic party is hopelessly divided, while the gold- bugs hold high carnival at the na tions cupitol. The Populist party pure, young and vigorous and solidly united carries the banner of hope for the industrial, commercial and agricultural classes. From ocean to ocean the masses are Hocking to its standard. Money is scarce very scarce but the people cannot afford to be with out a newspaper no matter how scarce money is. The Caucasian is laboring to show the cause of this trouble and to fasten tho responsi bility where it belongs. Those now in power can and should relieve the situation. The Caucasian is giving the people tho facts and stands ready to condemn or approve according to their merits or demerits. Tho peo ple will sustain The Caucasian and they see the importance of doing it now in spite of the scarcity of money- partisan we would rejoice in the ac tion of congress Monday, for it will make the success of the Populist par ty almost a certainty. Put vievvim: the situation as an Alliance man and from a patriotic standpoint wo are full of regrets. What we would have above party and everything else is relief for the people. And we would be willing to sacrifice the Populist party or any other to secure what hould be the aim of all parties- honest and just government. The vepublican part' will never again ave charge of the government, the )eniocratic pai ty has now also s'iOwu itself unworthy and incompetent. The people must now Hock to the staud- ird of the Populist party for political alvation. Let the South and West ome together under one Hag and then we will get our rights. Section i . The free coinage of - Ivt r and gold at the le gal ratio of 1 'I to 1 . A national currency safe, sound, ami th -ilii. : a full legal tender foi all debts, public and private; issued by the general government only, bas ed ou its credit, not ni i's indebted ness; in volume sull'u ictit to main tain a healthy condition of business, and distributed directly among Un people when demanded on the se curity of their property, at a reasona ble rate of interest; under such sys tem as the wisdom of congress may devise. We are unalterably opposed to or anv other knave or find. Silver is dead and State bank currency, downed. Ker.resentatlves of the than national, because of its unde- ... , , si rableness, and because the eonsi'- people, who by every moral and ik- , f itical obligation were committed to e,. to jS!ilM. niouevon the gen- maintain silver as the morey of thecal government only, and thispDvv- cf cannot be delegated. We publish in this issue a synopsis of Congressman Sibley's recent speech. The Wilmington Messenger said that the reading of that speech did it more good than any speech that it had read in a long time. The Messenger evidently did not know that Sibley was a Populist. Sibley is one millionaire who has gotten religion. lie is giving his entire salary as congressman for the free distribution of reform literature. Let us not forget that whether the majority of the people of jNorth Carolina vote right next time or not depends upon whether or not they are correctly informed about what is now being done and not done. There never was a time when it was more necessary to push the circulation of The Caucasian Will not every ready of the paper help us to reach more people? During the last campaign Senator Vance was unable to go on the stump, but he wrote a letter for campaign purposes, begging the people to sup port (Irover Cleveland, in which he said "Mr. Cleveland is with ua on every question except the money question, and let us hope that his good sense w ill bring him right on that." (We quote from memory.) Mr. Vance no doubt sees the folly of voting for men who are against our interests for party's sake. We don't believe that Mr. Vance will ask the people to commit such a crime again, and if he does let us hope "that the good sense" of the people will keep them from follow ing his advice. In another column will be found the report of Dr. Cyrus Thompson, State Lecturer of the Alliance. It so abounds in truth and rythm that makes it read like one of the Psalms taken from the Bible. Brother Thomp son is doing magnificent work for the Alliance. Brethren be sure to give him large crowds wherever he goes. lieael the report of Congressman Talbert's speech in another column This patriotic South Carolinian has not lost his alliance principles since he got to Washington. At the Virginia Democratic State convention Mr. Munford who was presiding as temporary chairman made a speech. He denounced the Republican party as the author of all our ills, and mentioned the re peal of the silver law in 1873 as one of the great crimes. This sentiment was cheered loudly by the conven tion. Yet every resolution offered in the convention in favor of free coin age was smothered or voted down. The word silver does not appear in the platform. Can party managers who are guilty of such open hypoc racy hope to hold the confidence of the people? Since the vote ou silver in con gress Monday, every honest demo crat is hanging his head in shame for his party. There self interests as well as their honesty will make them hereafter fight the party that has been captured by the monopo lists and goldbugs and turned trai to the people. If this fight between the Mono mellests and Bimetallists continues it will be in order for the people to raise the Hag of Nomometallists. That will solve the trouble and give the people an ample, clastic and honest money. ORRKSPONDKNCE. topic, have betrayed the people. With the voice of .Jacob they have plead for silver, but with the hand of Ksau they have cowardly assassi nated it. Sec. 'i. Taxation In view of the notorious fact that t he wealth of the nation continues to aggregate in turn. i 10. We recommend that the ir- i hibitory 10 per cent, tax on our State bank issues be repealed. 11. Wc believe tho bnrd.ns of government should be fail ly and justly imposed and borne. '1 tl i- ml we earnestly favor a graduated j income tax by the Federal ilovein-! uu nt. and tiie enactment of such I lioycrtimeiit laws as will secure the, lull and accurate listing of all prop- j eitv amendable to such tax. i PJ. We applaud the promot and patriotic action of tho President iu j issuing his proclamation convening j eongn ss in extra sessi n ami wo an- i licipate with hope ami commence the adoption of tucli measures by tho Democratic Senate and Houm- I of Representatives as will afford i sitcedv relief to the livop'e from the financial troubles by which thev are now environed. IU. (J rov er Cleveland having been elected President of the United States upon the platform of principles niinciated at Chicago, deserves, and will receive, the cordial and united THE CAUSE IS LOST. Unless the people take it up, Irive the cowards, traitors and money chingers from power aud es- trv, With half the circulating medium ! resident corporations doing business destroyed, human Ken -cannot fore- j in the State shall be taxed according tell the disaster that is immediately to the value of the business done ahead. From the rich man's panic the step is a short one to the starva the hands of comparatively few in-j support of the Virginia Democracy, dividual.-, who manage to escjipe pav- j .Judging the future by the past we mcnt of their just share of taxation, ; onfidently expect at his hands an ' - 'II. A'. 1... ... ..! 1....... anil', leariess, pailione, mm imin-ri administration. 11. Cherishing an abiding faith that all the great interests of our State and country are dependent upon the continued ascendency of the Demociatie .party, wo submit its principles, its policies, its claims and its oandidats to the enlightened and piiriotic judgement of the Virginia people. John (Iimif.f, Chaimian- HekbertJ. liUowN, iiecivtary. placing the burden on those least able to bear it, we demand a rigid listing of all stocks, bonds of other evidences of debt subject to taxation tablish their right to rule this couu-ut theu" .true Market value am ! the imposition, both by national and Srafo t'overnments. of a graduated 2 : o 7 o w HAT is ahead. ! income tax, with severe penalties The future defies all prophecv. I for the evasion of the law. Non- W ho-e ma i'd.i -. atld W hose bi ii. ; Cheers and plau-e.l Mi'! ' , .III'. S . ! . two i.. oi rs, :i : ;.! he lack ! he a! -. i; ii. s a ml it; ! took Je.-llt f., - , . hu uo'i i-t - ..; TIM Mr. ll.tims Voi k. t.ikuiL- ! ot h.-r side: PF.l Ki 1' iv II. w :i ; a ma . ! upon Wall st re. . deniagogisiti , a' : -i system of the vva s the sa v n, - - ! it w its to Wail sections of th.. loanable surpi ; t ha t sii rplu - w .i - . out the count i needed for in- i. industry. It w.-i-that the silve: procured the c.i: f open t Imir tnin. -. they proeiir. d in t lars to open up in tervv ards lot e.it curious 1 hat 1 1 V. sponsible for ti. The Seventh Annual Convention of the Sunday School Association of North Caroliiia was in session at Greensboro last week. Mr. G. W. Watts was elected President for the ensuing vear. I 1 1 1 ii County. Magnolia, N, 0. Aug. 2S, '93 Mn Editok: On the 28th of August the Duplin county Alliance met at enausville in in a called meeting the purpose of hearing the report f our delegate to the State meeting. Brother Shaw was present and gave us an interesting and encour aging report. It done us all good to lear that the order the order was in such good conditition. It was very ileasant to hear that not an unkind word was no vulgar witticisms; and that the taint or wlnskev was no where discovered. Such facts show- that the order is managed bv men who feel their responsibility, men who believe in being gentlemen at all times We wonder if any other or ganization in the State from the lquor dealers association up can say the same. Although it was such a pleasant meeting we were disappointed. Sever- il.who are not members of the order were there and they too went away hsappointed. We expected our own Marvann to make us a speech, but he failed to get there. Neverthe less we had a nice little speech by our county Lecturer Bro. Maxwell. Also a few words of encouragement and good counsel from Bro. Shaw, and we all left for home more de termined, if possible, to battle for the right as we believe against the oppressors of our people. Brethren we are ever ready to say a word in season and defend our principles whenever assailed and "God show the right." Politics are still at the boiling point in this section. I want to tell your readers a se cret aud 1 hope they will inviolate, You know that Gen. Weaver made a speech at leacheys on the 7th of August and it was advertised for sometime. WTell our friends, the en emy, did their best to create the im- presssion that Gen. Weaver would not be there, some of them saying they believed the advertisement was for the purpose os getting a crowd together for Butler and Thompson to speak to. Why gentlemen, bless you Maryann and Cy can get a crowd without resorting to false pre tences to ootain it, as I think has been shown. tion and bankruptcy among the la boring people. The crisis is inevit able ami the temper of the people is such that it will not be trilled with anv longer. THE RESPONSIBILITY. The vote in the House fixes the responsibility upon the Democratic party. There is no escape from it. V majority of the Democratic party, aided by an almost solid Republican National and State Legislation shall be so framed as not to build up the few at the expense of the many whether a tariff law or an in ternal revenue law, or an oyster law. Sec. 3. Public schools The pub lic school system shall be placed on a equal footing of increased useful ness, and to this end we demand that the money raised for its support shall not be used as rewards for party services, a3 at present. Sec. 3. Electoral Reform We dc- voce, ueiermineu uy its vote ro per- j lll:iml th(. .,, , ftf tll. a ,i111.,11,1. petuate the Republican system of fi- j McCormick election law, and the en nances and, in doing SO, tO forever Uernmnr. in its tda of a Ynn-.v.rli- Don't let your subscription expire, get your neighbor to renew and if there is a family in your neighbor hood where the paper does not go, don't stop till they are reading it Now is the time to educate, now is the time to appeal to reason. Let us not , lose the opportunity. The success of our cause depends on it Our devotion to the cause of truth and justice demands it. tf The rank and file of the Demo cratic party contains some of the best men in the world. Their man hood and patriotism will make them rise above their debauched and dis honored party in the future. They will cast their votes wheie they will count for justice and the welfare of the people. We must double our circulation before January 1st 1891. Every person who will be reading the pa per then ought to be reading now. If you want a true honest statement of what is going on read The Caucasian. A division of the sheep and goats was made in Congress Monday. There were 239 goats and only 109 sheep. Every goat had on a Cleveland Wall sjtreet-goldbug-label. The North Carolina delegation 'n congress caucused long but very quietly last week. They I ok as w ild as owls aud are as mum as oys ters. Watch their votes. The storm on Monday was wide spread aud did more or less damage at many places in and out of the State. Many houses, trees, telegraph wires &et blow down. Every man who voted for the unconditional repeal of the silver law in congress Monday is, accord ing to Senator Vance, "either a trai tor or a fool." Senator Ransom does not seem to possess the courage of the adminis tration pie that he has swallowed. And now some of the men whoop posed Gen. Weaver last year say that he made the best democratic speech they had heard in a long time. To such I wish to say, that if you will ! take the Presidents message" to con gress and read it carefully you will be compelled to acknowledge that if Gen. Wreaver preached pure de mocracy, then the President is any thing rather than a democrat. They are as much opposed to each other as two things can possibly be. I would that we could tret such men and for that matter all men to lay aside prejudice and party feeling and study this great question honest ly and fairly, but they will not. One man says he would vote for the devil if he was nominated by the democra tic party; another says that if the party were to nominate the meanest man he knew for an office he would vote for him cheerfully; another says he is a Vance man and a Cleveland man and would follow both men if he knew they were wrong. Poor fellow! he doesn't know that Vance is going one way and Cleveland the other and that it is utterly i mnossi- ble for him to follow both unless he was a twin. . demonetize silver in this country. I he record has been made, and here after the man who tells the people that he is a free silver Democrat, and that the Democratic party is "in favor of the free coinage of silver ought to be hissed down. By its vote to-aay -the Democratic party has declared that the Chicago plat form. IS A LIE. By its cowardly surrender to-day the Democratic party has declared that drover Cleveland is the Demo cratic party. Ruthlessly' has it trampled tradition, principle, prece dent, decency, virtue, to the dust and wind. Shamelessly and unblush- mgly has one Democratic leader aft er another in tho debate, declared that drover Cleveland was the Dem ocratic party. These same men have scoffed at and ridiculed Democratic platform declarations. Day after day the chorus has been sung by the X- 7.1 1 1 I v iew ijngiaHu democrats " rLATFORM BE I) D." They have won the victory. They have sold out the people to the mo ney power. The whole patronage of the administration has been prosti tuted to this end. A WATERLOO. The vote repealing the Sherman law is a Waterloo! It has but one meaning. It will pass the Senate by the same emphatic majority. The day is lost. The one hope is in the people. The one expectation is the next congress may be strong enough to crush the administration. STRADDLE-BUG BEN. It was left to Bunn in the North Carolina delegation to do the mar velous sea-horse act. It was a pic turesque performance and will go down into history as the great and original straddle act of the 53rd Congress. With the other Democra tic members of the delegation he voted for all the different ratios, irom in to i to Z0 to 1, including the Bland-Allison law, and then by showing the possibility of his strad dling capacity he voted for the "un conditional repeal'' of the law. Jonathan' Edwards. I panic slioiii. be "III older to ! stringency let j - $. I.IMIO.IHlO per , issuing under t. Grovcr Ch vela!.!. mm):- v kyt -left Tws&te-H san" law, which shall guarantee to every citizen, legally entitled to vote, the right to cast his ballot without interference, and with the absolute certainty that such ballot shall be j counted as cast, and returned as counted. AIMS OF THE PEOPLE'S I'AKTy.. To the preservation of onr homes, the peace and fraternity of our coun try, the contentment and happiness of our people, and the development and prosperity of all industries, are the aims of our partv. Pledging our party to an honest and faithful ob servance of the foregoing proposi tions, we cordially invite all citizens, without regard to former party af filiations, to uuite with us in the ef fort to make our government once more, "of the people, for the people, and by the people. We commented on the above platforms in last issue. They need no comment now ior to read tlicm is sullicient. Both motives of patriotism and self interest should cause a large majority of the voters of Virginia to endorse the Populist platform. A VETERAN'S VEM The War is Over. A We!l-c dicr, Correspondent and JoM ist Makes a Disclose -t.i:- (. t"V li V .1 EVERY MAN Who wants to vote intelligently next election must keep up with what Congress is d jing now. The Caucasian is giviDg a fair honest report of the true inward ness of the situation each week. We will suppress nothing. We will conceal nothing. We will give due credit to all. irre spective of politics, and will censure any or all, who in our judgement deserve it. Sub for The Caucasian. Get your neighbor to subscribe. You cannot afford to be without it. Don't miss another issue. POLK MONUMENT. LET EVERY NORTH CAROLINIAN AND REFORMERS EVERYWHERE JOIN TO ERECT1T 239 "traitors or fools" in congress Monday and only 109 true represent atives of the people. Has A. B. Andrews, of the Rich mond & Danville Railroad, been in Washington lately ? If so, did he sleep .with Senator Ransom, or did he not ? Both can answer at once. ".Tohn Sherman a patriot" New York World WANTED. A first-class workman to repair an old political issue which has passed through twenty years of storm and strife. Said issue has ereatlv shmnV o j in size since its last active service, and if it can not be inflated it will be worthless. It also needs a fresh coat of paint, a new cover, and will probably have to be entirely remed eieu. juust be ready for use bv Sept. 1st, 1894. Address, Wm. C. Whitney, Manager Goldbug Combine P. S. Democrats and Republicans (if you are the right kind) stand on the same footing with us. (tf.) If you want to keep up with- the procession you must read The Cau casiak each week. . in i ur i umriiititloiiH to The CaucHitiaii. Tr,l., .... ..,...( rl 1,1. .,! l,i r t soli I iei-s lo t lie v;i r-, :n ter record in tliat o Hlera: lire it is f .ti tri 1 .l 1 il rl...v In Silomon Yewcii, well -Sol," lias won .-in lmi: i v ,' i' itiix tdo late war In- -'' 2.1. X. V. Cavalry an.l ..ft.- '' '; f.uitry Volunteer-.. I.Vi-inu" ' "' circumstance lie w rite as f-!i- -S. vei; 1 of i.l.l m t. r:,'el'';lr Or. MileV Kestonit iv .r :ni aii'l Nerve anil Liver Pi!!- : spl-enliil satisfaction. In f I remedies mat ' '"M" tl:e Pills we must SMV 11m V liin i ' i. m of t lie 1 1 1 : li! ii ri 'ion I if f heir liMl lllf o We leivc none lint won Is 'f l,r:,J r hi".- are In' oil) i'ro',( I Ii ! in.'iiii inc. aii'l tone iiji faPv. We say to ail. ity t'.'--Siiomiin Yetvcll. Mafi.m. ''' Tin .... remedies are '".ii ' y a.. I .....ilir,, ..if. iv. 111. I oT "II' lr Mi'e M. llii-.'ll o . I ce'iil of price, fl per I - -T t i.i- -s prepaid. 'I lu-y po- t v. yi. oiil.il. - nor dangerous Uru-. t, !' . l-U' I.' i rt. I- Sold bv All Dru "John Sherman a patriot." New York WTorld. H0WT,S THIS! We offer One Hundred Dollars Re ward for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh F. J. CHENEY & CO., Props., , - Toledo, 0. We, the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and believe him perfectly honorable in all business transaction and fin ancially able to carry out any obliga tion made by their. West & Teuax, Wholesale Drug gists, Toledo, 0. -Waldixg, Kixsax & Marvin, W holesale Druggista, Toledo, 0. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken in ternally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system Price 75c. per bottle. Sold by all Druggists. Testimonials free every The Caucasian will 8e man to thinking who reads it that is an tnose whose minds have not been whdy paralyzed by prejudice and blind party worship, and these kind of men will not read it if you It has been more than a j ear since the most commanding figure, and magnetic force in the reform move ment was called upon by an inscrut able providence, to lay down the great work that he was doing for humanity. No man in the organiza tion (and few in the whole country) have had an equal place in the hearts of the people. And while this is his highest tribute and las proudest monument, yet we should give some evidence of our esteem and admiration for him. In the past North Carolina has not done her duty in this respect. Let every Al Haneeman, and every lover of the great principles of truth and justice (as embodied in the demands of the Alliance) resolve, that before anoth er year shall have passed, that a plain but fitting and imposing mar b e shaft shall mark tho resting place of L. L. Polk. Let us notdet !? yvK8 nitr' but hen now. At tuebtate Alliance just as it was a bout to adjourn The Caucasian set the ball m motion by taking up an im promptu collection for that purpose, which amounted to $35,00. The AK5ASIAN" will receive contributions to this fund, publish the names of the contributors -and the amount contributed, and receipt for the same. tf CLIMBING UP! CLIMBING UP!I The circulation of The Cauca sian is climbing up daily. But we want it to climb faster and higher still. Now is the time to work. Let every reformer consider it his duty to help get the paper into the hands of the people. Get up clubs. Every Richlaniis High 43iu Session ( M i - v' Richlands is a li -;t': !'' of OU inhabitant.-. Sale of in toxical in:-'' '; i den. Four church. Board 0.00 to .'"!. to $:3.00, according ' will be fought I "! ulars address T. T. .! A M I in i ''ni'. i f .ri !.i " For Sale, I wish to sell in . : 1 miles from . on i i;c S'-"'th cide It contai :.-) .r'- :i '' -suited for eve.y Kr corn and eft -it, fr It contains a!-o ! ; ii,. 1 withe-.' iv : ; Ct-pt pine, v. uii lir.-t-' any kind of stock cleared land rcjiiii' aud ou! fciic.' i-nV the wood land frcu will sell the whole, tracts t s-i;r !)! li i- at low jij Mi 'l partly on i-aoiiah'' to " W. T. July 21, ':r.i. Kinsey Female Seni" LAGKANGi:. N- '; A Hoarding1 School fur'1 YOUNC; LADIES. FULL COIiPS "I- TKV Literary, Art and Tf-; '''''l' Stenography, Typew n'1'1- ; keeping taught in P"-'"1'" nicnt. LOCATION "KAllt State Chrmist in exai'ii'1'11:' ter says : I have prof'.'1'1, amined a better satDI'1';-. frirFor catalogue LHVit'r- . JOSEPH KINSEY, P 5?iiploma granted1 v . v w mem. dies finishing course july J one can help. i

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