THE CAUCASIAN PUBLISHED EVERY THCKrA Y. MAItlO.N HITLER, Editor k l'ropr. KtJfiSCKJSfJOS KATKS. OMKYKAR, SIX MONTHS. f" EotermJ t I 'out tnhi at iitM-tro N. ;., as secoml-cUni mail matter. ..t...;: - umvi-dv- Tiii:i'jK fc? wiiwim th.i-.ker. Ui.lL 0 I il t ilULUUUL I o. ; J,r l,,v,,,,l be!sve be e-ald not bare r-arrird OVERPRODUCT'UN. J TJie organs of the tnnii.!i;int We may plutocracy have been howling ; iu abound. gra;s Jot! the mure . . .1 . . . t i . i i . l - . : 1. : J t-. l. production oecau me pnce ox w , sdoudu, anu ' " 0ffl, H'a y WtoraI vot outh ton niiains so low, and now we want : providence, evil 1 elf.detruetion. ry the d-crea-nti" supply. Hod tlie ? of ,oe oWlltae Kivrr i.ot one. Neeexsity n not only the moth r o! .extraordinary r.Oidiiigs in tn - nan-i? ; wiu-cat xii HCVBf.oi.KY invention, J.ut the- mother of all ae-I ot the xmpiratorfi silver, tn. only 1UnM)m an,, tiiianj lion as well. What we do, we do iy j nval of gold U-jug wih1 o-if, the' , . i bu x It uifirte. 1 III i A I .. - i T announofd during the ru-' r . ' ' t-ar. I am iuit' mr-,... tt i'i- - would not h.irf ar- : ?..ind. it j'n v-i 1 riti niv State by 50.0UU To!t-. and I ; dealing dart. I s' ning many a wdc oause en the Herping i iff of I tod, and th- rl in thf .-opi I fori oil NOT THE r;ght remedy. The enormoua millions now being made bo rapidly, and the alarming overproduction of the crop of TlTil lionaires which bai so long been at tracting the attention of the jeopIe, is now beginning to attract the at tention of some little plutocrat, who are probably growing envious of thieves who are bigger than they. These plutocrats do not wish to change the .inaneial system, or rath er we might say the industrial kvh tem which includes the great .pies tion of the ti nance, taxation and tr importation, Ix-eause they hojc through this evil system to become millionaires themselves. They are now advocating an Inheritance tax, which does not stop the evil, or give relief to the people, but simply takes from the big thief when he gets ahead of the little thief. Several States have already put on their statute books a law to thi3 effect. This gives the people no genuine re lief. The way to remedy the evil is to go to the root of it, not to be clipping of twigs from the upas tree. The People's party proposes to remedy it by chrystalizing iuto the law the great Democratic principles in their platform, to change the fi nancial, tax and transportation ques tion, so as to put very man who la bors on an equal footing so they can enjoy the fruits of their labor ac cording to their toil. No question is ever settled until it is settled right And when the people again get charge of their government, this and many other questions will be settled and not until then. "SPEAK OR DIE." The salient points in Senator Vance's speech in opposition to the unconditional repeal of the Sherman law will be found in Washington correspondence of The Caucasian this week. When he say that the National Democratic platform is "a lie from invocation to doxology," if it does not mean the free coinage of silver, he only rejieats what Tjik Caucasian has said a thousand times over. When he says the plat form was constructed for the pur pose of deceiving the jeople and that it did deceive the people lie simply aflirms what The Caucasian has been saying weeks and months. When he says the Democratic party under the leadership of U rover Cleve land is no longer the friend of the people, but the subservient tool of the money power he again emphasizes i truth that has been conspicuous in the columns of this paper for years. It is a manly, courageous speech. l?ut what is Senator Vance going to do about it? lie can not long er maintain his identiGcation with the Democratic party and maintain his self-respect ? Will not common decency demand his repudiation of apathy that is false to its principles, false to its pledges, false to the lieople ? Under which King, Ben son ia ? "Speak or die." to Ull th-in that th. re is au owr-; production of l-afiks ot thr huridr-d hav f.ii!-l thus far this )-ar. Overproduction of working ! oplc two hundred thousand out of em ployment i" the great city of Chic.-t- ir... and hundred! of thousands lult i.Mi 'r !. V urvitM.t ol.d In mu. IxhIv .in . i. i.rt. f in : h. U fte - V't; William itl-. I h grunts! w . to ak- ; ijlUltf t!Itet 1 enough to lake ! nu u-v.u i-t iirt.. ft, i ne aueauv.ii i iuv roii'NWaiiit. Th nHrnfity for on j world would ; at the mercv of' tithlln irVisht I tikttrfrit arnMt f isim .1... . ..!!,.. ! , . . . . . ' . - . . . ; V ml r th utt-irint i- I in A' lll.lifr- III ........... , .. I .. . .1 ... If; fvry plain rl in -vcry alley ar.-l j .j,,. werf litimidj:t-d t the upoo fVtry n-un!a;i d. from jj Think f the tJiounmeiita hotto.hMrro;ur iU;nrTN'', U-the Uindou hi th(4 t WhbiM 1 . . : ' . 1 : 1 . f.u-n ' ! . . ii-eo. 01 a..iiiK m reaiii .u - - - , .,miCf more fr;tudulcnt than a the to hiui th declaration ruin'!, ?i whrn 1 ' ' the nee.1 is reaii.eo , jt riiatior, of H7.j. we vtr fail to act. Vou never inn's ( ,. Tllc -ivwifuiTi for want of work in all parts of the . the water till the well run dry; thf-n country. Overj)rodtictioii of factories of va rious kinds. They are suspending j o--rati oris in all parts of the country. Overproduction of txracco it is wiling below the price of last year, ho we are informed, and some tobac co markets will remain closed. vou Hi' deeper. I lie i roaiiiai ti-i turned to his father's house only when he had bf.n reduced to the husks whieh the wine did eat. Men remain in the bondatre of the Kpyp ; tian until after the tale of hrieks is 'doubled and tl .straw is denied. It recalled he made at the Chieajro convention vam he id that CiTeIndi nomination would coit thts IefHicrati nartv 40. 11 parties, he a;id, profess biui- (MM votes in North Carolina. For eta.isin. I l ley all declare for the one bewildt-ruip mouJ he hesitated u of both gold uud silver iu their between the people aud thj patron speeches aiid public professions. of the administration. tuiek Even the author of that much abtnk-d M" a ftll!h Vance w the situation aud maliVn dlaw thdt. thev wUh to) strjiijrhteniusr to his full heithth, wun provirknit; farcasim, lie eo- Overprodiietion of mercantile! y Then they lle iu a body aud escape i an intolerable servitude. go ls pon this basis w e can understand many of our merchants have , how, in the midst of the same griev- iheir stores filled with them, with : ous circumstances, some men long but few purchasers occasional I V to atro cried out calamity buy them. Ten million tK-ople in j men. full as sensible, this country that don't get enough calamity-howler and would 1 to eat and wear, and still we have overproduction. And again we have an overproduc tion of ollice-seekers in the Demo cratic party. An overproduction of cunning po liticians who try to use the farmer element of our voting population as tools to elevate themselves to high positions of public trust. There is also an overproduction of Democrats and Democratic newspa pers who are to-day "cussing" and abusing (J rover, the tjoldbug extra ordinary aud plutocrat plenipoten tiary, for the message he sent to congress. We have referred, in the above, to overproduction that is overproduc tion, but as there is so much, at this time, we will not weary our readers in recounting it. It is related that once upon a time an aged Dutchman and his wife were spending a Sunday afternoon togeth er, when the following conversation occurred : &ne, yawning wearily '-Oh, ho, ho! I do vish I va3 in Heben !" "c, oujucuij v en, i visn i vas in a schtill-house !" CU. -1 irTll l -i oue, eugeiijr "All oe Dount vor you olt man : always bickin' oud de ver' best blace vor' yourself !" She thought a still-house better than Heaven ! But there's many a man in the State of North Carolina, and some of them members of the church, who would rather be a store keeper in the house of a distiller than to dwell in the tents of right eousness. We used to think that, if ever the Democrats got a chance, they would repeal the Internal Eeve nue laws. They used to figure out and parade the oppressive cost of the system. They fought and won in this State many a campaign on their promise to repeal. If they "could call back" about sixteen years, they could lift the burden. Read the following from the Charlotte Ob server: "The feeling against the internal revenue laws has in the past been fierce and bitter in Western .worth Carolina, and persons who have no sort of sympathy with illicit distilling or with law breaking in any other form, have been angered beyond expression by the brutality which has attended the execution of the revenue laws, and for remedy have called loudly for the repeal of the laws themselves. As time has gone on, the rigors of the system have been greatly modified, and with the new order of things this preju dice has passed away." The new order of things indeed ! The Republicans out and the Demo crats in. SPEECH MAKING AND REFORM LITERA TURE. We have been forced for the last week or two to decline a number of pressing invitations to speak to large gatherings. Our friends must not be displeased with us, for we are doing all that our ability will com mand, and our strength will permit We have labored unceasingly both on the stump, ajid through the col umns of the paper for the advance ment of the reform movement, and will continue to do so until the vic tory is won. But my friends allow me to remind you, that the paper is more important just now than speech making. With twenty thousand sub scribers I can do tea times as much good, as if I were to speak every dayj for the next two years. Remember that every voter either reads some paper, or is influenced by somebody who does read. The impression or good effect of the most powerful and eloquent reform speech ever made is soon dissipated and destroyed if those who hear it, do not read or continue to read nothing but parti sans papers, that have for their sole object to blind, deceive, and mislead the people. Besides one or more new phase of the tight are developed ev ery week, about whieh the people should, and must be correctly in formed. The only way to make the reform succeed by speech making, is for the same (or some other good speaker) to speak to the same audi ence every week ; especially is this true now while congress is in session. But that is impossible, and too ex pensive if it were possible. But the same results can be accomplished through the columns of an honest live paper. The Caucasian gives the true situation every week as the fight proceeds. No man can stay on the stump much of his time and properly edit a paper that will care fully present the situation every week. I will go and make speeches when ever I possibly can without neglect ing the paper. But if you will put The Caucasian in one hundred more homes in your county, you have done more good for the cause of truth, justice, and reform than if you had gathered a big meeting and had the best speakers in the State to talk for you. So let pie urge you all, whether you have public speak ing or not, to lose no opportunity, and to spare no effort to get The Caucasian (or some other good pa per that will tell the truth) into the hands of every voter in your section. Do this and the victory is won. (tf .) THE REMEDY THE ALLIANCE DEMANDS. THE ROBBER TARIFF. On August 30th, the Democratic party had been in power twenty-five weeks. During that time (accord mg to ante-election statements) the "culminating atrocity" has robbed us of just $316,538,450. This must be charged up to them as they are in complete coutrol and eould, ere this, have wiped out every vestige of the "McKinley monstrosity." We pro pose to keep tab on this weekly, adding $13,461,538. Just watch how it grows and show the result to your democratic neighbor. Dakota Ruralist ftf.l "THE ONLY MENACE." The Poor Old Campaign Tariff not In it Any More. A financial condition whieh is the ONLY menace to the country's wel fare and prosperity. Qrover Cleve land, June 5th, 1893. tf while other ridiculed the ia v muzzled him as a disturber of a pros perous peace. And, the evil contin uing, we can understand, further more, how after a time, upon the principle that the dofr struck last howls loudest, those who would have muzzled their neighbors became themselves the chief calamity-howlers. The realization in them was later, but the howiing none the less certain. We now behold numerous lean canines, the hayseeder and the business man, the countryman and the townsman, regardless of position affiliation, howling simultaneously, and inclined more and more to con solidate thejr howling. Of common men only two classes are uncomplain ing: those who hold official position or have the promise and expectation of it. Love, which worketh no ill to his neighbor, is indeed the greutest tiling in the world. We are brethren, mutual stewards tf one another's goods and welfare. This truth we fail to comprehend at our owu cost The interdependence of men of every legitimate avocation is the lesson to be learned from the present ruinous conditions; which, having b.-jejf made possible only by the bitterest vari ance tbroug-h partison blindness, affect alike the merchant and the mechanic, the professional man and the man of business, the man of pros perity and the humblest laborer who can offer only his muscle for sale to buy bread, whether in town or in country, and the farmer who firt, at the bottom of tl;o pile, felt the op pression. We are forced to learn that the grievances we suffer are common grievances, iho merchant is forced to fail, his assets are sacri ficed, and the toil of years leaves nothing: for him and his children. The banker fails tif he b,e not one of the greatest) and stands aghast at the ruin which comes suddenly upon him. The man with full bank ac count finds his wealth is swept away by another's failure. The manufac turer, who thought himself secure, cannot realize upon sales or securi ties, ond fails or shuts down, not for lack of property but for lack of money, circulation, the very blood of business. The operative suffers want through enforced idleness. The mechanic finds no employment. The laborer in country and towji humbly "begs his brother of the earth to give Inra Ipaye to toil." The farmer who perchance feeds full for the present shudders to think of the day of ruin that awaits his cer tain inability to pay obligations shortly to mature. But, whatever may have caused and precipitated this widespread disaster and threat ened crash, and whichever pojitica party you may think responsible for it, these things are undeniable; the few who control the currency feed fat in every wreck on the misfortunes of the weaker of every class, and 2, no political party will relieve the distress and avert the ruin esoept under the certain'penaly of forfeiting the support of all those that suffer. If it be true that misery loves company, it is equally true that when misery becomes intense and preval ent it will have it; and, when the size of the company becomes suffi cient, then the misery will as cer tainly be removed by the united ac tion of the miserable. The one thing needful for the removal of the re iieal sao he is a binietalist; so tlo all the Republican Senators ou this floor; every one; likewise the author of the bill to reju-al that law and those on the Democratic side who Hjrrcewith him all claimed to le de voted hi metallist; some, on conditions avallafile ill all tilings except as to time. Thev say, "Not now; the st ringency is too great; at some otner time we will do the thing that is right by silver, (io thy way, at a more convenient season 1 will call for thee." I have even heardthat the l'reai dent himself is a biuietallist, but this is not authentic. THE SAME OU) "DEAIt PEOPLE'S I'AKTY. There has never been a robbery im posed upon the American people in the shape of tariff cf any article, from a darning needle to a steel rail, from a 25-cent wool hat to a $500 shawl, that has not been imposed in the name and for fhe benefit of the laboring people alone. The idea that the capitalist was to be bene fited by tariff taxation was always scouted as altogether untrue. Strange to say, this impudent and unblush ing lie always found, some believers such is the credulity of mankind. The same tactics are resorted to in this discussion of the financial ques tion. A LIE FROM INVOCATION TO JlOXOL 00 Y. Knowing the popularity of silver money with the great masses of the people, speukers tn this House and the other sing the same praises of bimetallism, from the invocation to the doxology of these services, coup led with the solemn averment that they are the best and truest friends of that system tq be found, and that unconditional repeal is the only true road to attain it. With all the grave plJges of thejr party platforms, State and national, staring them in the face, as well as their own speech es, promises, and votes in the recent past, blowing trumpet-tougued against the deep damnation of the ta king-off of silver, they clamor all the fiercer and all the "louder that the only way to saye silver is to re peal the one law on our statute book w men gives it lite, INCONCEIVABLE CHAULATANHY. Wre hear Democrats declare they love silver moneyj bimetallism; therefore they slay ir. They want both metals,; therefore they abolish one. They want gold and silver coined on terms of equality, accord ing to their platform, and so they stop coining silver in order the bet ter to restore it. PUT ITS THROAT AND TAKE A NEW KURT. Truly they must love silver much, since they chastise it much. W e will suppose a man is ill and on his bed the kind physicians doc toring in vain he slowly sinks, his pulse is low and feeble. Finally a bolder physician comes in who prac tices on the heroip theory, and he says to tne others, nYou are all wrong and wasting time in trying to restore this man by nursing and stimulating him; he will never get up in that way in the world. Let us try a new plan; let us cut his throat and take a new start; we can adopt other remedies for his restora tion to life after that" SPEAK OR DIE. Referring to the National Demo cratic platform, adopted at Chicago, he with a voice loud and distinct when the platform denounced the snerman law as "a coward v make shift'' did it mean a makeshift for free coinage of silver, or of the use of gold.a makeshift for bymetallism or monometallism? "Under which king; Bezonian? Speak or die!" A CWARPLY ANP LYING MAKE SHIFT. If the framers of that plank meant, he said, that it was a coward ly makeshift for the free coinae-e nf silver, is not the bill for its repeal, without a line in its place, a great er coward and a worse makeshift? L not the coinage of 54,000,000 tinueil But it is said that there is no abandonment of the Chicago lt l'orin iu the unconditional repeal of the Sherman law. hut only h post ponement, and that the bill itself contains a reaffirmation of those promises. I wonder if in any of our political literature, rich as it is in ingenuity and devi.--, full as it is of eloquence and true genius, overhurdened as it is with every inconceivable form of wildcatism and humhuggery which a hundred years of free government, wherein men of all opinions have had a chance to ventilate them, have produced I wonder, I say, if any thing is to be found on all its ap proaching in absurdity to the incor porating in this bill of a part of the Chicago platform? Was there ever a cat trotting through the tangled thicket of the Allegheniea, or roam ing over the barren wilds of the Rocky Mountains, so wild and un tamable as this eat! Laughter.! Was there ever any bug discovered and classified by science with a hum equal to t!ie hum of thise bug? HOW DEMOCRATIC PLEDGES ARE RE DEEMED. For the first time in 33 vears the t .n'l!t oo thr l, m.1 th- One Ino. Wgr f ni.lh -I ydve of victory to their heart. In ; prepared us lor aiuui aujiuinK, cia li win!.! eiiT i dv that of those who bav joined in the tight against the money of the pHr tbt m millstone had leen hanged alout their necks and th-y had Ikmu cast iuto the midst of the FACE TO FACE WITH rKOl'LF.. V Manv a defeated tatesniAti of this great light, when he liKks iuto tht face of those who overthrow him in that strife, will be urti:ed to Ire hold not the titers ot lu old juditi cal enemies, but his own in dignant neighbors and heretofore friends, will say to him, "We fol lowed your example; we loved you aud lrelieved the best way to serve you was to kill you." to v'"i tents o Israel! Surely tt.e fountains of the great deep ol hu ui.inity are broken up and the hearts of men are stirred within them as they never have been stirred before since the civil war. The great light is on; the pow er of money aud its alli.s through out the world have eutered iuto this conspiracy to perpetrate the "great est crime of this or any other age," to overthrow one-half of the world' money, and thereby double their own wealth by the enhancing in value of the other half, which is in their hands. The money changers are polluting the temple of all our liberties. "To your tents, O Israel! Jonathan Kiwaris. TO THE POINT, th. .liarlosure couirtletelT unmans and uiiuenrea ua. Not like "summers dream dn-a il ovcnxnuc us, but with the wild, maddening ruph of uu infill iatctl o clone doe it unhorse us. Intimidated! Vet it would not be n surpit to know that the Democratic committee on tKc tions took that view of iu YVooU ard is on that committee aud Wood ard knows aii "intimidated" voter when he tees oue around the bal lot los. Woodard comes from a district which hau an undisputed llepublieaii majority of ten thou sand. Why s'louldu't Woodard know all about "ballot box" science, frora the Democratic Joint of view? He was put ou t he elections Com. at Wil liams instance, and it is necessary to seat Wi.liams in order to demon strate that at least one southern state is the victim of Kepublicaif intimi dation! It makes no difference that election in this State, under the Democratic election, area disgrace ful farce that Democratic election methods stink iu the nostrils of all hoest men that is a small matter. Williams ought to be seated because the people in his district repudiated hi mas .Judas-faced Democrat. Jump in the band wagon, "Baldy! Talbert Mclaurin, Strait and Iat imer shows the kind of backbone in the House that pleases the iHople and makes them ideal representa tives of the brave and plucky little commonwealth of South Carolina. They are doing their duty fearlessly. BY "HAYSEEDER. I mi l. J - I mi . i St. feterw ) know (leorp-ift'sT.ict.i- iney mince no worm and sail under Democratic party was intrusted with esoued dmagogue. John H. Gordon, no false colors. Thev don't sneak the Tower of enactincr laws. Now. whenhe meet shim. Vance tairired him around Democratic leaders and. with ip fulfillment of these promises, the the other day the "wild-eyed-long- bated breath, cringingly ask how first thing which is to be done is to haired medicine man." It will stick they ought Co vote on this or that :: L.l time and eternity. Hut proposition. They were Alliance-. he reuu wallowing in his own filth (Jordon men in South Carolina aud thay S Slf purpose tt s only obeyed his little boss Hoke are Alliancemen in Washington coinage of silver and nothing more. ?mn11' "vens, wnat are we com- They don't hang their heads, chew u I 1 II IT TA I 1 1 V 1 V . a damnarmi onTBiiiu '"K-. ----- ineir tnumus, out stand on both ' ' - i Wifii h.. f r i .i' i r ii-,....- But what about the f "V 1 "4 V."5 me- leet aim nit straigii trom tAe shoul the platform. The Ram i . "m" """veu, me ouier nait must der. Talbert and AloLaurin both most the same strokes of the same , ""UU1C V ' a consequent maae srongand eloquent speeches m A RETIRED BISiSESStel A C - era ETr-. i , S . i win nfr u Tl tmrtant ntr,- r... m r. "i inteivtliitf. Tt. f.u; -1 lintl IM-.-II lMH4l..l tve year. I .f 'Vl I ft.-e.mnt ,,f . T My feet UJ i i.w,i iu ;,r eM bud U-cn cur i,. ,', ' ftttnln ftktnmg. li.-i.Hh, ' iMXlleof llui ll..ri W rvtlrw .mi ft"-eMiiit klolan UhiI ni citiulh. leu. and ir. Mil.W Nr llr.n . r . w I Uler. who l.d ii nii. . T1 "Mil n hour after tku .V1 hi feel ft !eeltled ltn.n.. , .,., e.tul.1 tiMve my ankl.. tI:r,u. d.Mie for iiHMiil,. ami , , " 1 J leu mittHiKtliat tlx M, . j llenrt Cure the , fc and I w ti.u.1. n iu , it.. , ( takluic IhU VftlualiU- m i.,V lr. Mil." N... Heart , 1'' eniliient Miie-lallt.t in rf,a i nan nrwi, 11 nn : UOIl Ull II il 11 1 H I Oil ft f hP lni I .a I f liu oilira. ilulmfn ... 1. II rr1 I al orovisinn InnVincr in ti.o .i;.t;..., I must work twice as Iiri-iI uml 1 i va I r ull .imf n.wi, .,:.... of coming silver on equal terms with ou twice as much less, Interest will men but thev h live vim nml Ural gold, maintaininer its naritv. pt. I be twice as usnriimu th. irnlllh1lrrJ..r.,i r.n.....nn u 1: . " B, . , : ' I . . " J & " """to I cijvi wuiukc ciiuuiiu iueiniue out two I - ' i - w a-uiwu jm j ZL I W . LI1C nilir.n 1 II ,t " I It'll I Ail K hav. oontaiiiS also 41,r mrmrf land with evere Lin.l ..t i- i II 1 MU 111 i :it,i- t -. . ' w ' " " i w , .ill -t- i ii.iii'r j 1 1 iriicp ffrvooiin t u i . ----, oroKers and the gamblers and the The men who did it are bimetal- t.ive from t.W ih .Zi 1 P1" w,th "-el uanns oy tnis mu all thev want, and ; v vu . ,1 .. . 7 ; , , , w,uto anv k nd ef k.L we put off the Ameriean'with v "cc, vlL ou e mc noc Iee "OS Of it. J.ittle won- i .. V . " another promise. Wo pay the cold- Pi- orm lbey voted for all der that, with such leaders the 1 i .!.".. . . . . the ratios tn nrm-A )hair i t n i-. . , . 1 uuKS uasu ana pay tne people with ; " :uuoui . pic u4 ouutu Carolina iriumpn over t m' l ir ?, 1 another paper oromise r,Xmahi ful" 6,1Yer and voted to repeal the the stud-book- Demnr i i,..f t,?.wK ,iiml from tion of the makers. Sherman law to prove that they State. L 1 . wW'' "H all drupKUtM ..ii ,mr "T- by the br. Mile. M.I.11, , "v,. receipt of prl,-... f 1 p,.r u,,," tetprMM prenald it 1. ...I1 k all ovlaie. or dauKeruu. Sold bv All l)rt!.T,ri-t j Richlands High Scb .jiui oi.iu 'M l s ( Richlands is a heahliv.Mj, of 200 inhabitant ..-.:.. - , r, -,i - , hale of inUuieati,, i,, den. l'our churchrs in tb t loard$;.00tos.o(i. r,,,,,.': . IW4 'I to !wl.00, according f() Krfc J trill l.o t..i..i.l.i I ' - 1 wmgnu i-,r lurtW T. T. .1AMKS.A. illlT )l In, ,. I I 1 1 1 For Sale, tlli At I wish to sell my I'.ucluJ 1 i-i nui.-j iroin .(, J on the South hide of x', it contains A00 acres (W suitetl for every kind of mr. corn and cotton, fruit anJtv anu cowaras that the le of $ ,d .w he . ttle Billy Wxlson, of West Vir- ties feel themselves betrayed and fartly ' itf gima, was Presideutof the Chicago sold out They are not willing to anv v convention that adonted the n l . -w.. .vu&v,i ut uuicvia ui unjK.rn, timer lor WPTO aarfa ! Inum mltK ... U 4. I mi .... ... I tracts to RUlt Till n Ii:i;..ij sub- , ouuu traitors xnere is no uisgulslner the fjict i. i 1 . m . " H . 11V Tir P1IU 11 I til n ij ww a vy as -v a 1 1 w rai n n reasonable timt W. T. FAIlit LO (iolilsW July 24, 93. julyST-lJ , i rni - . ,7,. t . ; i jic LuiuiujuuaiKo or panv rewards to IZl V k- T 6re 1S- n. vlntimatlon now the subservient tool of the mou- hoggish aud plotting sniaks We look that anything more is to be triven in pv nnu-pr- n,l n i,i n. tt L plotting sneaks. We look the message which the President ad- ;nh;" f 'Tn ZT 'lTAl? lT QUtlU. S dressed to m?; not a whisper. I re- W .To. "Vi ZL"Z . . X1. vre PPie utterly wijhhI out ot both EnOfi!?.i Wc will i or ladim' rVxin fm two Inchcia Iouk. fmuiwil PAraon wbu cull out tha mtmm and aendi a to ui, iijicm aa wanted. Adilrmi l,ria 4H Hu4 Mrtu Ml ruinous oppression and Injustice fT nearer to free coin "o iv.umg ui. iioue. ii it was meant that it was a cowardly make shift for gold monometallism, is not the language of the platform itself both a cowardly and a lying maker shift for the truth? INTEREST OF BANKEES AND STOCK HOLDERS. If the langugage of the platform means only that we are to oblige tue uauiters, Donanoiuers, and stock brokers first, by uueen litional re peal of the Sherman law, accompan ied only by a short stnmp speech in the belly of the act, saving that it is our policy at some f utnre time tne .Lord knows when to do some thing further the Lord JKnows what laughter in the direction of carrying out the other promises of the platform are not the makers and upholders of that deplaration of policy and purposes open to the charge of insincerity and of so fram ing words as to deceive the people whose suffrage they were seeking? WHAT WOULD HAVE HAPPENEKD IN NORTH CAROLINA. Looking Bansom straight in tlje face, evidently expecting some sign of appeal, he declared with startling emphasis: If such an interpretation of the platform as is contended for here by -""ou win vote ror reneal. and that is now complained of by the weaker in eyery avocation is unity of action on the par of all those thp.t suffer; and in the naturp of things the suffering will not oply continue but continue to increase until its own bitterness makes it in tolerable. This seenres unity of ac tion and thereby freedom from op pression. "The cause of Boston," said our forefathers, "is the cause of us all!" Through common op pression we become brethren indeed. This is God's means of making us work out our own material salvation. So evil becomes self-destructive. Cvrus Thompson. Aug. 2Sth, 1893. ATTKNTION BATTALION. There will be a reunion of the first N. C. Battalion II. A. known as Maj. McKae's Battalion at Kellev's Grove, Bladen county Thursday Sept. 21st 1893. All survivors of said Bat talion are requested to attend, (Jo . John I). Taylor, Lieutenant Eugene Martin and others are expected to address; the Battalion. The com mittee will make all necessary ar rangements for a pleasant time. The Baptist and Sampson Demo crat please copy. R. M. Bloodworth, N. IL Crcom, at the option how long will the peopt.f. MIT, : How long are we to Tostnon th ' 1 O TT . 1 peopief now long dare we do it? No one says what we are to crive til on. in fnlflllman n....,l..l lsiifis -F.. ..Lu tt .1 . . - .r ' i rou. 1 'b uwuuhib iiiauorm. lie is coin to Judases or partv rewards to tting sneaks, 'aged feeling ulCMe.u M u nl a wnisper. i re- hnH ,1a,i ., VI , rf"" "'1 u rant i f tttq n i:ii. , . ..v,. . tun itoiiic anil lie craven r.n niI liurfma u.wl l ii ...t0. . ' I lemrnri tin -utt lf ir en ... . . . not oo it nowi "isow is the accepted , " tw J' eietoiore otaces to wrest :t, jj j i; i ii i " . I an honest mttn ! n cunn..,i i: f n. it vation: the your hearts"4 'here is water, what in abject humility and takes off his doth hinder me to be baptized"? hat to his master Grnver .11.0,.,, 1 -1 viviuuu. 1 WHY NOT THE BANKERS AND STOCK- What IS the miiiitry'rviininr,' f 1TKMS. -1 - 1 wM.a.a.xj . any - I -a w t, brorers wait? way? m Croniartie left Mondav Is it to be done hereafter? Who ho is it that demands tViQ to enter Davidson Colle?. says so with authority to speak? peal of the Sherman biwth nniJ .. . Who says so with authority toT Hv hamVe w., .1' iU18a Annie romartie is visiting . .... - r o-- " 1 yA. uubn ecu 1, 1 1 iiHin m orw ttn. 1 assurance that it can be done at all tion r -i-t menus and relatives at White Oak. ii posrponea. now do we know that when some other bill comes the benefit of capital these bare and contemptible promises . -II 1 I r mwrrx a. a. I 1 . . . pay wiu not pop up again like Jack a written oy Ji. u. bhepard & , merous bands and .tLr mi in a box as a substitute foi the per- 9 Broad St., New York ' S'ftd to state that Mrs. P. cellent entertaiuments .lay tormanceT If we let go what we The letter declines the offer nf a U Cromartie who suffered a stroka mn- Hundreds of- e-tp H xa,c uciMio wo jfej, sometning el iu exenange, now snal purselyes to that portion L.(U., . 1 commoii sense? Why can not th I "er siand represents the view! of bankers and stock-brokers wait for P-,, PP16 " nnancial matters, it tne repeal of the Sherman law until W111 ue verJ ucuit for you to se the remaining legislation which we cure an7 accommondation from cap have promised to enact shall be pre- itahsts in this section until t.hmr ia 7? I deeidd nliin, ... 1. " xx,i.Kc. m 1 3" 1 AUiance Farmers' Eneas Tlte National Fnruirr.1 AHUM UUM.rlHl Union, thr l.rgl (M iiou 01 r amiem in ll.r W..rM. i annminer KiiraiuiMnrut ml ' ijiiicuktiiiiI llmuimlMi Maturday, AiikiihI IKIIi lWW. I PprViatxo flu tsV ; l.u . I f loa T .. I UP for ,ir:o',l ; r au' , T llwuiaruB youngest m America on agriultur uressea to 1. 11. loust, Salisburv. daughter of Mr. Luther OiVktnnrtixx I Four larPti 1)a)1m:I to ?.m tnroY. 8ome hht on the matter. left Monday for Monroe mh S,.w mating capacity, over Ii 1 - -'i - -1 - vuwa p lowest railroad rhlfH. km by railroad fr--. Mss 1 uaiiy; the most proiiuwDi m go wat we he letter declines the offer of a omartie who suffered a stroke mnK- Hundreds of- .ttr something else loan and adds; 'The Senators from of Paralysis Aug. the 30th, is verv Fouds boarding at owtAV hall we justify your country are not looked upon as wu improved. " J :A,miOSFA AHUJ turn of our con- promoters of the general welfak If " fast, Dinner ok 8. i m.i pposedto have their stanfl rpiirnftL ..t " Miss Annie Reeves, of Caldwll oth display of ar.cultu Texas, who has been visiting friends S"10000 ffwJ an,l riof; . b irienaa forms), also agricultural M SILENpE ANSWERS W. To bring it nearer home the gold- lady, and . . " ves near uarla.nd, went up Two hundred dollars fur to to Kaleigh Monday to enter Peace ance exhibit, $100 second institute. Miss Annie is a von, third best. Liberal prHwf pleasant and attractiv C. ' ' Il 1 1 - - ouppuse, sir, that we to take "US "KerB nave lorced Uen. Bob profits. : vr . tiiat Vance to the wall ,i v... " u"u uronna vucaiiy V I " - au HO, C 3 best butter, home-made brwi pies, canned fruits and jell tnese promises in the bill corn- some day the remainder of the 1.1 at. Pelled him to mad.. n"QD; x It seem-th t t, nm .: m.,un form will be carried out. what" T" Vane. i. n.t nl " , ",". onnt . " a"v displays of the suratiftA hav wx. tv,ro v.':n x " 1 "jim. ttUu pUn- motional, nas dome for wo rxrioV. k 1 . . F"t vauutnx iru .. T...XX UcrttpltJltSani and petition free to all farmers sons or dautrhteru. beti w . r . ii llfst- ItlllllPIlSr) bUUC household 1 ive stock: liberal preum Wiiile the park of f.,uw re- surane.ehavA wtt K,n " , ,7' v-vi-ucu anu pun- yide for either the free coinage or IT ?"10? bu e ana .s aoing, a in its power to mWr-J J! -1 . . I vuuauo xxixxxmu voiuage 01 snver could be- onmtk q 1 o tit? 1 x-i U 1- I tion bv anv votfi nT L Bob Vance. 5 " r." 7 WU'. trouble ' M nH Reprefeentative8 nnon tu " These are the people who ,1,1,7 I BWeePin& victory at the there will be fremient of the bill that sucla bill wouWeet ed the 1 of the Sherman lau ' Zl The fuds committed other points of interest, M as approbation? Is there anything and the consequent demonetization oui"y elections were disgust- tbe Cornwall ore In", in the message of the President 01 of silver in the interest of "sound inff' while action of the Legbla- Su,8,iaehannah river, Capi in all Its llttprannao 5 1 n if ti A OUUU x..-- i , S KB-lvon,. ir J U M ... --.hv Ux a mertj any uuaoucn. QnAlrnnmn- 1 . .1 - I are trying tbeir iron hand move every obstacle, ao that the 8uperb with amP1' "'H i Ton 1 i 1. . xw.nih cun little trouble a&6f and attractions nu ictory at the there will be frequent exenr Is committed other points of interest, i were disgust- Cornwall ore hill-S thn T.x.n.1- ssquehannah river, Capitof fiZ .rr."" VU.UU tureit,rc.T. sylvania. and the battle-fii spokesman here authored To sVea a iFtUe han.TnT JT, J'. "8hfc was hnmT " T eUar? tysburg,'the round trip to ior mm wbo can give n nr.J:. .TT- ft,."vum. ong . auu "g . - km.. UULr I ni 1 I III I I1U 111 KAAti nH MT . I M L . a rt tUat fiieh h wnnlri u- r "iwu oi probation? We know that it would I COifi.deuce- not pecome a law the pemocratic party the sub SERVENT TOOL OP COMBINFD CAPITAL, the great Democratic wincn i liave always s cause t believed it to rpsa lo- I nlau k t ...... i, .. - O i ,1 . o v i tvu fcvr w iunn iiiA.i . restonniT iue me opposite from what woo - R.v T rxw; tt Talmatr. pected, all taken top-fit i at- ia -T:..: of Brooklvn. N. Y.. assist The newspapers sav that people out nf th x. ' . trained choristers. i eif i. - " i : mvurue partv j.x .. ... unno t TP' ar0andth; diWk --evotetheliemrau: 2 upported be- in?ton and stab some n 1 IZh tlcH at all hazards, -because th " HonM.D.pav,e, Belj. correct in its theories of government W hKhas Prom to" helj ffjp bouncing others. TAdvisoy lioard, jf but devoted to the interests, of thl in the back, but he lacka t.h0 the P. K anf now WBn .-5 f.r-n, f t.:.k.vt rnrnm r,U " .. tn .1 .. xi tt i. '. . ---.-v... ouum v,o x.0..; - - xrwxyxc, me masses of the w uu up m me umt 'd States Sen. u coine out and support it land-ifwe pass this bill now n late in the f, t iu r"68 in ' .I'lx . "PPorT onnitiVinoiiTr a- I , . VA American "l nas been sa ri. wjnTC" ?.t l:u,8.Feat Pa.rty P?pie--ana advocate a measure tw f Thev mav 7. ' - J W XXXL I 1 rH 1 Chairman. i Sfipppt-irw ' I ' , , ior repeal, ana becretary. presumably by the President had wm men cease to he. tha ni.r. ;n 7-j ..xx. . """""mi l""v. fxiend and become the Tubservifir,! " "t l0Wer than 5 the matter Uf uifiuineu eapifai, f constitute itself in its Iao-Io lineal and -x "ulud ub suoservient cents per nonnrl tt. . "x w. uui iet us hope that QO ."., . 1-"" i X7 . ., - ,t- -f-HSCTi . .. - r jers or mat Kami hi ; an i uocm iMimn ani vrUri o i . which we have always heretofore de- that "we can not always sometime DEAFESS CANNOT BE CURED ?ZT&hnm?S"thecohi- m.St .enerall7 tell how thinSSi by ocal applWiom L v i10!?011? have culminate at last" g W1" rich ttS?il?"' ? h7.?annt , -- X'VXI HUM OI XQ( Im itrntorv. .ncamiui A: Ma.. ITknn 'Pnw. Br. ing about I ITnn t r iu now. but let us hone tht Y.. and Hx.nrV .' IinniiDf man I nn. . I'n . - xintiinifuii t pleased to give any furtlr tion desired well-nigh absoibed the wealth of nnr cnnnt.B -v.,. news A WARNING TO THE wsto hear that linan ness, and that.. W xlxW.rear: xt,.,t moU..n. TUDU1 w mj: ta . u"iutional -J xm. I F'W'WU XII 111 H-ail iuIIi nn 7 I " M-r M M. KM MM 1 U mm n J V It was said that the string of tU with one foot m'ThrZT pflamed condition of Th:? an bowfTTi- ' Z u l"" 1X16 v.", ", ..x w u .iae grave, has lininnf thlTrir", .Ui ine mucous i J v " u"n or ap- "uuieu -tne - laoorin? oar" I u- x , ""'wman Tube Whn 5XS"f.A ?aroli has been concerned I rum hi i no. to the conspTrltoTcrX cSST- fwW it i8 S tl Republicaus) against the welfare of . f T ohl- Ran- Deafness is the reanl? It J Cl,8ed the Common rl. n f V. xi " som is a spectacular sneaaooi. the infl. Ull na unless shall finallv sueol 7 and struts around th. x"L Und ZuZ" . be. taken out lowed desi T aJI?1 tan hotel, all will u l..TntV cmaX:-??10 'ts normal u'u"' w hwid me single gold standard, in order that "the cOnspira torsmay grow rieh on human suffer ing, they will see many a field of pohtical battle $nd hear the jroar' of muchpolitical strife, ' ' A VOICK AS IS THK VOICE OF GOD. In this fair land the thntiflA,!. of Jove dwell still with those whose I CrTT t0"11 Carolina, We rl mne C48e8 out of ten are sincerely hope that Ran, r;iit.-, 6 .cad by catarrh. h;h L .v.? a speech. Wearecuriouito knoTlf ! " VoKTfi he will re-hash his w Know mneous surfaces. We don't r'ffSf k .. ' rf" 6P. Hundred DolUr. speech, hiin the must e Under which V11T9, tree. rlian' -T either a funeral J It iseitherafnrTi: F. J. CHJSNJSY ft CO., K$ney Female Sefli A Boai-din School for Gi FJJhh CORPS 0FTEACBJI Literary, Art and Music Ftf Dienography, Typewnnus r keeping taught in Iiusines ment. T.Of!ATTfV HEALTH . . 1 State DiTn..t in TAmintl0, tersays: I have probb,J amined a better sample . l"For catalocuegiv' ticulars writ a tn JOSEPH KINSEl, fif' die's finishing' Liploma granted Jjf lSnmg course - .irfi inlTi' J We sqpppse the tanfT 'a K .1 . '-V. nn. 3J VI an ora- I-Sold by Druggists, 7& Toledo, Q. oing tne people mocu er near anyuung aw;- 1

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