HR, CAUCASIAN v' VOL. XI. EDITORS CHAIR. DECEPTIVE HONEST PARTY AGAINST PATRIOTISM ;P S.O H OF THE EDITOR ON THE PLATFORMS VS PLATFORMS. Some political party platform are so worded as to need interpreting; others interpret themselves. Their i n hia aneprh in I nlain Twieitivp 11 o 1 tlMvn , l-U-j- . . and rwaVora dm Alt;n 4kA . .1 the voorneea oui to auauow 01 a doubt as to their meanr , 1 ""'6 vuc pcvpic law. did not ms- even to thp h.,!,. uanger oi a redaction of SSUES OF THE DAY. According to the Democratic plat form, our present financial trouble is largely due to the Mc'Kinley tariff. On the contrary, Republican papers GOLDSBORO, N. C, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 1893. A GAM E OF HID E A N D SEEK . NO. 48. Ct,:it' on i .i. Sherman rianio in fi- I The Tdatforrn ali-i-ful I... u tj M ' - I " - 1 . . HUUJJKU UJ I. LiC 1 'CXJIO- to "- . . iL li I i. a rn I as, in his opinion, me result urnuj at nicago was one of the first i I -i i . . f a conspiracy oi tne xiuroptan ciaus. n coma be interpreted byj , to increase their debt by the Southern Democrats to mean one kir.L' .Iowl silver as money. He thing, and by the Northern Derno-i i v.; respects to Secretary of the crata to mean another. But when ... ."urUtt for violatincr the I the candidate ia tint nn cmrti o lot " ,,f the Sherman law and I form, it often helna tn Intnt ,wi VqTIbIOHS " 1 ' iiuvini, auu i : !nnti o rra i n at a 1 1 I t-TI ar ur w.,. 1 . .- .. I i . kfrrniit'y 6 I meaning oi mose f IU redeeming silver certificates in who purposely hid their ideas under U Senator Vance saiu tnat bi- mass oi meaningless generalities. LQe . , platforms of the parties, and yet to our mind clearly interpreted the ' i " I .1 1. I a 1 A A? 1IT jU-j.tulers pretenueu irienusnip i piauurni. ne bo wrote and so said knocking silver out. Had tne during tne last campaign. That.we itude of the President been known were correct, recent events have Lt fall before tne election oenaior i eaxiy proven, ine recent Hemo- anCe said he did not believe he cratic Otate convention of Virgiaia a iinarla Rfutft I Was POTfimwl bv fhp fcuth of the Potomac river. But 1 the Chicago convention when it at id King Urover and tne power wrote its piattorm. lt is also a ! meanmeless iarcron of clitterinc - o o generalities. But the nomination of . .. i . m ill The rniladeipnia limes oi e the candidate for Governor, like the h under the head of "Calamity action of the Chicago convention owlera ,"5ianipeeu uiB1niyB clearly interprets the nlatform. Lk of an army mule or the brains QTerril the nominee ia a eoldbujr. i brazen ass when it announces an(j a monopolist, but the platform the tariff by this Democratic admin istration is the real cause of the pan ic. In some recent inter-campaign strictures upon the conduct of the Democratic party, the great war preacher who edits the Wilmington Messenger, now touched with the spirit of prophecy, has said that the same men who trample down plat forms and party laws will not regard the tariff reform movement when comes. They will howl in chorus for postponement, and will oppose any really Benous and im portant reduction." Mr. Cleveland and numerous others say that the Sherman silver purchase law (which THE ArRTFUL DODGER KKEPVOI R ETK OS "MATTIE." Mr 14 TKT1KU TO HIDr HIS OTK IS THK V. H. HKNATK OX TUK hlLVtK Ut'EHTIOS. Aa Eipcrt oryor Kalrxl to Kan Th Krntd Kuwn Trairlt. Sceke Iobby of U. S. Senate. Administration Manager. "Sena tor Ransom, I suppose there ia no doubt of your voting far the uncon ditional repeal of the Sherman Iaw?" Senator Ilansom, grasping witn his right hand the hand of the man ager, his left affectionately resting on his shoulder "Ah! I have been wanting to talk with you on that subject Of course I am with the Administration, no doubt of that, the sentiment of the Democrats of .North Carolina, however, is strong, very strong, in favor of tree patronage Coin age. Especially is this to be observed did no special damage in 1891 and since Vance published his two most 1892) broke out in a fresh spot and untimely letters. You see, therefore, precipitated a financial condition mav nave 10 vote lor tree coinage, M i . , , ., but I am doing the cause of repeal -which alone menaces the welfare eQod evprv . - m j,.,. of the country" to-day. Vance has hng for that object" recently said that all these allega- Other Administration managers tions that the present condition is join the pair, a more secluded spot brought about bv the Sherman law sought, a conference is had, a con- are equally false. Could you reduce the tariff unless I you reduce the expenditures of the government? And' Reed's billion dollarism, you know, has ceased to be mentioned in Democratic circles. L the People have triumphed, w;n be used by the gpeakgrj, an(1 the forcing a tree silver nouse to re- papera during the campaign to at from the silver suicide, near "We have just harvested the The platform adopted by the Popu i . , -f i , v ,. , - , - a uitju utnu permit ils reuuuuuu: " tZ't Jt 1 convention at Lynchburg, Dr. gKingsburf thinks not If the Jw7tftnt" i one of the latter class. It means ere reduction e within the last quarter of a something, and says what it means, WQuld J. but Lt-ry-mo.ey is abundan for all d there can u no doubt or que8. icL'iuiimtc nui,o v-. .uuuw; uonaoout lt lt mterprets itself. ui..o tl .i. - i tive but improbable tariff reduction feet of which is as follows: Ilansom Is to use his influence with the Silver Senators to prevent the adoption of dilatory tactics, and urge them to let a vote be taken d trade.'1 fool the people, and catch . votes. w t , , Pi. about the tiiteenth of September, m, . . . .. Would manufacturers who profit by wu .. a high tariff permit its reduction? L. f p C i q w r ord that day. On that vote the Wil son Bill is to be defeated in the Sen ate. A Conference Committee is then to be appointed. They are to take charge ot the matter, diligently investigate and carefully consider the subject and in due time make a report that they cannot agree. The Senate conferees are then to reconi- wants of All of which sounds m& it make8 but little difference who i 11 L. A L. a r ml . . .. ... . fj nice to mose wuu me nu - the man nominated on it is, that is, iV. A "" i hn i hi mh ii iu ninna urn nnnna"nan . 1 I iters w - r io lai aa uia uuimoua are couuerueu. I :l j t.i x ...:a I , , , I lLois auu cause tueui to wituuiaw i.,nii r.r-ulnrx-ra nT f.hft land, knowslu. ...U U i v; I i'-- I-- wucu lie ftuueuui ma uuuiiiittuuu, ,i ri a I , . , 1 C L ,iU I. I . 1 OU-U. illUC flUU IAVOjAVL IAAAA VCHOAA IA liAAV mt mere is not a woru oi wum m ne is pledged to party platform, and t......: .i Au i , , rr,, m- l . . " uesuuuuuu oi uauis.0 auu bueuiaei Bucn ciap-trap. xne j-imea i everybody knows what he is pledged and the weajcer tvinu iu goiuoug masters kuowb too. The same was true of the plat Ives mend that the Senate recede from its men of every class? positi0il and agree to tbe Iouse biJ1 hi the pririlefre, and with the prayer in hi heart, d bless the younsr men in this institution, and turn the feet of many thio igh their iafiurtic toobedience to His gutuu. And God bless the rniver&ity, and mul tiplv iU Ker for good. I'e inquirvtl about the health of the students, and received the reply that not a member of the faculty nor of tbe student body was sick during our visit; that no professor had been sick during the year, and only one student had been serioaaly sick, and that he came in September, having contracted sickness elsewhere. He returned to his home and died there in October. The testimony was that the village was unusually healthy. After careful inquiry we conclu ded that the relations of the faculty to each other, and to the President, were most cordial and kindly. Not a jar. but peace and the kindness of friendship pervaded tbe entire faculty. All were working together harmoniously for the common pur pose of serving together the best in terests of higher education: and all were striving in generous rivalry to serve the University and the State to the very best ability of each. The faculty were unitedly following the leadership of our worthy president, and aiding him in every way possi ble in the administration of the af fairs of the University. They united in .testifying to his wisdom, pru dence, firmness, zeal and high execu tive ability. We found the very best state of feeling betweeu students and the faculty, the faculty striving to be helpful to the students, and the stu dents rendering much aid to the faculty in the general management of the University, and taking a great pride in making a good name for the institution. The faculty bore warm testimony to this, and ex pressed grateful appreciation there for to the committee. The management of the Univer sity, we fully believe; from pur in vestigations, to be free from jxjlitical and denominational bias. We have seen no evidence of any such bias in either direction. The students are from families of every shade of poli tics and religion. We heard not a word of discord or unpleasantness on either score. We do not believe any- HI T : ltl. Cavcas-ias Mi Km tor Ma: 1 wih to congratulate u ujuu me wanarr vou art- a!it against tbe machine North Carolina, and my heart? apprvtal of your earotut work. However different our view mav be reJativ to tbe .National 'gi!ation needed, and the jolicie to tie inaugurated, as citizen of North Carolina, e are, in elf-de-fense, advocates of the aame can m: Whether the suppression of the lial- ot and the prostitution of our free nstitationa ehaJl be further meek It ubmitted to, by a free iK-ople, is the question for us to determine. Wheth er we will be longer meuiaU, doing the bidding ot the at-If-conetituted -osses, whose promotion is received hrouyh the uubolv operation of a North Carolina Election Law, is for us to sav. Ihe Constitution dt- lares, and its aacred declaration is written with the blood of "our fath ers. 1 hat all men are. and of riifht ought to be, free, yet we, as JNorth taroliuiaus, see year after year, thousands of honest voters m timidated and defrauded, until our elections are a farce and our law but mockery of justice. It is a shame, and I sav it with regret, that the hood rd from a lvrtv. a Jarre iw-r cent of t lhoe rvprvi-rutaUve. bold their . i uutmr Biciwmi anu uttwn-s ety. Mure of truth than jt the remark of a prominent t itiu-u f 11 VO COsCf SSO TO S ik i ' u,'a" ltbis tuotrv during the la,t can, aure ou of , t . . I V.UI1 hill U1 man lw n I i , t . w . . 1 . . . . . . T 1 uioimwu ui uui o nie una uvi iuiil1 I . i r tut , since revolted at these unholy deeds ara , , , o-i i i i i "ivl Ier8 Hnu above the beads of our and declared our freedom. Where ... ... is the spirit of Mecklenburg's im- bUUJtCM ave ine uanner mortal declarations, that our dtizens 2 olLV th' hV are allowed to be trampled upon, and IZZK't r Wnm their liberties torn froln tlnm bvthe itl ? ?tl?n U" J.hl.tto .0x l;i iji j . 1 J"15 union im mis is uuue, aim me most high-handel and truculent v.. n .i. l n . .... u ii i- .i uloi uem sacreo, our view! on rauds. e have sold our birth-U;...... i i . i i,i r i ,i . . niiinvc ouu imiu art um ieae right for less than a "mess of ttot- .j ti . i .i i (o,ri i , , ... KUittered by the blasts, and gathered tage, and surrendered our liberties ,., ,. , , r , , I. A . , 'iot up aain. our bote of reform unconditionally to the arrogant few, Hl. ,, , 1 miumh i -J , . , . ' the veried lolly, and our apjK'als for where designing ends tend only to ,: V i ... ',! . . self aggrandisement The opponents of free government, have, year by year, added to the strength of their compact by the most partisan legis- ation, until they have an iron nia- hine of mammoth proportions op posed to every interest ot the jeople. here is the clouds with silver lin ing the hope of better government.'' lies only in the strength of our great masses, and I hail the day when another Mecklenburg declara tion shall arouse the Viink wlUUnl tih-a nlnnilun I Z . - ..... I UI i. U 1 u,nf tiiaten. nnmlition of the U .v. ,.,. iA,uuwu i""' " t-"" The vote in the Senate will then be L? Vuu uaa y e.Msieuue liiiit va- kmv -ww IlUliU UUb lUlttiUU UV LilC I WJOlf H I a 1 1 ' ,1 ; I w i j - - a i niMin a narnage iieiu. is enuejivonutr i ai ji a? r ii.- r Q o nn tne auoDUUii ox Liie V rfn 'Phono i a n lnm Iaw nn1i!An 5ple, ana strange to say we uuu party convention in Omaha in '92. . . oaainst the . . T T V,V. " the religion of our own Bible, the ile wise acres even down here The platform was evervthim? : for I. f .Z recommenuauon oz uie omereuce Christian religion. Why should it limine -that so. the times is jf -i-J0..uuVM lue m.uu Committee. The report is to be not be so biased? Our civilization is ..... " J I "MVU JV "WO UUVUIAyU 11 VT C0 Ov vlCUl I iUn U , U UA.-, AU I a 1 I ... . . v .l.A, . ......... , lueJ "avc "rougui, uFu me peupic, adoDted. Senator Ransom voting for a Uhristian civilization. Our school t"i i auu positive, mat tne opinions oi tne i mi. t.n : j. r mu v l i. L ' wkw. .L LueiUlluwmS"LUW5 "um. it. This unique performance i a Frisian populace, to the echo of whose tread, jty the final vote in th WfUv 6 S6 -trarP' Jramp' trfmi" the repeal of the pure! of North Carolina freemen, to an , 1 ' if 4 1M Wl. A . . . . . A f vou can maintain a silver dollar minee amount to but little, for he Leader, a Prohibition organ publish- what j it'the ratio of 20 to 1, why not also w- ed in Chicago, are well worth read IVihe ratio of 16 to 1 ? This change f. J V " , , " in in tnis connection: n,Mv Pnucian8 OI ine coun "Phe leaders and managers of liar in esistence from the value of Democratlc Kepnolican, seeing both fche Democratic and Republican V f n cne Bngtn oi tnis position, ana u care very mtle for the w vvuw. t. v ' r 1 1 i . ill - I . . . . I iearing tne enects oi sucn a straignt civilization. Our constitution, which is a religious constitution, declares that "religion, que performan is called hiding the vote, That report adopted and the Wrilson morality and knowledge being neces .Bill will become the law ot the land, sarp to good government and the What small things big men will stoop happiness of mankind, schools and . tne means oi eaucationsnau rorever i oe eiujourageu. joes anyone sup- vn. ucnWi k, nnsp thaf ftiiv nfhpr ii i . -l i i i ii ' uuee Liiiit aiiv utiiei reiiifiuii Liiau i iment in recoining under a new . A ,v . . ? P"P fl' Come out in your true colors. Take that of our own Bible, or that fin faVna t.n ln nnnn itself, still . . do care mucn ior toe omces auu me v x i ziAnnn i : 1 1 : any I pnnrrQar tn rhair ttq m I lofirifr nnA ,u03 u.u -ii tain, dishonesc, and deceptive efforts what the people lose some of the . nn . . , f a ... pie must gain. Those who gain fejt ends of coun made Liie inline muvciB iu uua iioomr , . . , . . .. . , ,, I naste to try to can attention from a wi n ni rnnoni " a positive stand for once in your life, morality except that of which our perquisites which usually go with and jet tbe peopjg know "where you Bible is the best teacher, was in the a change of ratio. And these ime movers are the men who hold id and securities to be paid in gold. public office. Though they make a great show of patriot ism, they are so wedded to self and party that they fail to meet the de are at' tf. discussion of issues by dealing Lands of the counttv and either do 1.1 l.i ir .ll - ; personal aouse, appeals to sectional ba. minds of the men who framed this constitution? Under this constitu tion, and by its command, we have our public school system; under this Report othe Committee of Innpectlon, Constitution, and VV US Command, CONDITION OF THE UNIVERSITY. The. Committee of the Board of thia University was founded. fruit whinh t.hfi neon!- do not want, m i. i.. iiet lt be religious! It must be and race prejudice, and to cap the rnmn,ftm;Sp in Kneh a wav that . . !, TT , . religious. There is a common ground climax, to the use of antiquated hen ZrTZZl The strman act of inspect the University, made a full for the common good, broad Lough . . . harm results, ihe anermanactoi 0,n ,ifQ:i,i ronnr at nnmmn. D oil f 0iaA a r'ViD;..n I141A14, 4WUavu V Va W mw vvmiuv av I XV A AAO CIA A IA O lAkUVA vll UO S 11 1 AO H CftLA monf Wf nrint a fflw PTtrflftjil whirh man onrl pit.ienfl r.f a Ch n'af Jan Ktnto 1 1 r , i 1 , l u i - I -- o i i I " v- vv e nave an aDiuing raitn mat in confiPre88 meets important issues, will inform the people of the condi- Denominational bias should have no I 4-Vt -l n nr. -mm -4?l 4- l i-v 4-Its ntj-sl in1 4-1 I 1 3 A. 1 1 'll , i li If n, iir, ;t ilrvllar'a xrnrth nf 1 xwui, juuuum qiba(- af,f waa a comnromise and was I tl011 auu inauageiueui. wi. men uuiex piace uere, eimer in tne lauiiuy or 11.. ia.U 11 M UvllMl MIVfa-aiWB I a. - I . ... . mm I . m . - . -m m . . . i . i , land honest ourooses of the crreat v oi. 01 institution ot learning. in the board ot trustees. We believe a er were put in a aonar to-uay, . , . oueieu ujr nCimn . T. nArsll Pi,nj;f;i i . , . , , . i i i i masses oi. tue peouie win maae a Irth of silver in it to-morrow. If ' ; ftniii Wv, a h, political paths that is now lying out If silver is constantly declining in lue because of something in the lure and circumstances of silver say before them. Thft creneral condition of thp llm- it has no nlaro. Tt. hvimp us to partisan reason, it was a partisam veraitv is one of healthv. vigorous see to it that it has no place. I m I I measure by a Republican congress to gr0wth. Ihe spirit that pervades We believe that the University is save President Harrison from veto- it, from the President to the mana- worthy of our highest efforts to niain- intra. frv ioinatrp hill whieh veto, ger of the baseball team is pushing, tain it and to broaden its influence, j. . i , u mA nom hopeful and progressive. There is a and to send out its light to bless the it was believed, would make his cam- LeminatioS to make it all that a State in blessing its young men and paign m iy a disastrous one, auu reasonabie pubiic wm demand. broadening them for service. The The irth of silver in it to-morrow, then value of silver has been made i a rr rurn i i j. i i i i.7 a n dmu ul il n t. i n. iy i vuv a nioa orrnn a raTit h nil 11 vi m -1 1 1 a 1 . 1 uonary oy tne government s stamp 1 - 1 psu iu " reasonable puonc win demana. broadening them lor service. tl declaration that a given quanti- Ve are constantly seeing allusions the Democrats of that congress were The quality of the instruction State needs the University. v la . . m 1 - 1 I . a I a a 1 ill' I "--- a. a . m t ti i 1 nf a;u ;a . iiiiai. And this in the papers ot uieveiands bad readv to pass a free coinage bill, al- seven is in Keeping witn tne cnarac- university is worthy ot the state. i . 11 i-.:. hasLHh or rathPi heinir ovpr worked mnv rf thom wprp onnosftd ter and quality of the men in charge Let us keep it so. As our education- ,uip anu nat COU1U maae ima uee- ---o wxu6n . ..... -rr - A-rfn,pnts and the5r 8Cholar- al borion exnands with thp advannP tion at the ratio of 16 to 1 as and needing rest Indeed it is our to free silver. As partisans and Lhl d'ability. No one doubts of these wonderful times let us en- 1 as at any other. opinion tnat ne is a very sic man, not patriots they stooa reauy to thia who knowa the standard claimed large the center light that its rays ana it is possioie mat ue may uoi. i vote tor a measure, Knowing "' lor it oy tne management ot tne may toucn tne remotest points ana he party with a "chance" prom- live out his term of office, lie has President Harrison would veto it University, ine stanaaru oi me onng nope ana joy to tne men w no - i i i j . i i i . i : a i i r a thA nannla fran clival QT IpAfit. I la rrraW Virmi orVif. fnifl on liimnplf -lw i,.t tw. t ..nlH hln t.hfim worK is Dest luugeu oy tne ungut are to come alter us. . . . u , i : . . and aspiring young men of the high Johk C. Scarborough, u these are the Chair in. hpst. mpAsnrps of college class work. It the platform don t mean frek White House the second time on the knew could not receive the Presi- Such young mon desire the ad van ta e Al, . MnllKn fl I I . a i t Tin - l ! auu ui euurse me - 4th of last March, instead of turn- dents signature, in order to obtain ges ot the best woik. vvnenitiaiis ciapp & Co. bankers and brokers leut must rule, and the "ttle fel- , rar;nna artmpntfl L.. ,i hia to come up to the standard of the I . Mam v , .ntk -pnUl.a Mh " UU UUWlrtll L UtfAOLlJ V laeb . I ....... . .1 .. II UCfiU LliC V lV 11JOU w uu. A w f 1 .. -... a.i ... ' . . . land tn his lieutenants all work ot Thna both narties are on record . ' J . , i .i . j. weeK snowing tne conamon oi me tne "dear nartv" must tamely l 7; ' " , ... r . . . teCW ana to aemanu its improvement . , mS4 Ttr.,1'11...:. looking after details, and especially Uadoinff or trying to do that which Rh vmi n(r mm arP not easilv de- crops, nnance, ami me . ""i. ail street uas miciuici.ou 1 . - 1 . j 0 - - j -- . i v:i. i.i. v.0 of those in the various departments. npitW of them wanted done. The neived: and woe betide the professor uafc Pari Ul luc ciri-uiar wuu xc yianorni auu jruu .nU 17 ... . .. . . . ' . . , . V .-i. i. v. Ut tn firtan U tiaHv written ii ... A i : I ho nndprtoolr to do lt a I himsc t. CmoTi nf wg not demanded Dv wno ians to reauu meir Biauuaiu ui & j iry ponueians uiut,i -r - . .u.u M , , x.QOQ 0,i fllo;, ; ,, AW,irft knrrim tht it is Ti n. - i. i. - Ai1 : V,;a Tranitir I't cwm that. hp. .:ii.. 11 i. kpr mpn I ueuiaiiw.. j. iwui n, I o nuwevw; iu uuhbsi i" iu u , "J " " eitliei mr mn " I t.;t.Aa for-rla thp nrofpssors hf-i-P. UJffiult tn r.nTnn-hpTii1 the ttiprti ntr IT noai. hoir I n an nn I livtv f Al - hfk TTO a mnm. I . A . ,1 I?ivmi KliOOM nVl mr&Qa I . . . -a 1 aionuw ei"I"us w uvl mixing '""uuolu yet lt pasbeu. a u.v-u largely, your committee conclude yet there is deep significance to r-.-vrn orjf .n .j. i oers ox ma tauiuci, w Bcicui. cicii receivea tne siguamie ui a that the worK is wen ana emcieniiy them. The class to whom they are the most subordinate officers for their publican President SIGNIFICANT IN OBSCURITY. paign, " I hat on tbe Stb dav of .N.- tnbrr an eltvtion would tar brld iu thirty-thrw Statra,and elevro would ign crrtincalcw cuting that Mr. Clrteland had rvorhrd a majority ot the votre out" Ut the latUe crT 1 '1"it lUUot and Fair Count,1' nd to th? bugle nou-w of our ad vancing ht will rrjmnd the niarcb iag thouaandt of North Carolina citiwni who Wlicve in njual nghu -I MiiM.moMlHlMUM rw. n xt 1 1 viw it m. He Svrxa -thk Stttatiko (m. " Mr Ural -fh. .p),m ifcaa4. Wmx..ros. st Perhaps Clrrland ia tu4 tnaftry of the i tun tion. Ptwwiblr there are U all men aud txial privilege to I jt-de dunce mougL to WIie that none. i wbulenewu-WOTBdhraw not l-lulely txvntnd tbe tnat which involves the nchu of L. . . . I aW a a I Ilk I 1 mtm. BE. mm Ba. BW. " - ' . , a, ia turir l they may learn aoutelhiog fivm half-heartnl attrtbtit made hr j ......... L. .. 1 . ciuu-uaiiip, anu mi a liepublican, looking to the vindication of the riirbts of our iMimle. I Imil ii m.I. th' " . ... i i ' - veut of Tiu CaIcasux as a Uwn to the cause of honeet elections, and the independent course of jourwlf and thoae of like views in behalf of ballot reform, as prognostic of a coming upheaval. fiuring the French Revolution in oae of the principle chit a company of Uy carried a banner ujn which in scribed "Tremble tyranta, eregrtw ing up." Agaiust the machine bokw continue the tight. Sound the better times ings of short-sighted patriots and visionary enthusiasts. We are citi zens and should be free, lo te otherwise is disloyal to ourselves and cowardly in extreme. Most truly, Sl'E.NCEll lil.ACK Hl'HM. Jefferson, H. C. A THREATENED ERUPTION. V ell informed friends of reforn 1 t I t . ! t siumuering are waiung witn considerable anx- ie Senate on hasiug clause honest election a free ballot and m int onernia" t. I IT.. fair count. County after coun tv u n less many strong men are cow has been stolen and the majorities ards and many honorable men are .-I IV . -. against uemociacy counieu in us M,arB the Democratic party will U favor, until our whole body ioliuo iT i u n ' . , , , ' rent in twain. Unless ihe Deuioc is rnrriintpii and onr plw'tiniia a I fraud upon their face. How long. racy of the Senate aml Ilou' are ask. sir. will the peouie of Aorth sycophants, hypocrites, and servile Carolina submit to such intolerance, time servers, that party will be di- and be dominated by men whose vided beyond all hope of reorgani nromotion is secured on lv bv intinii- .. .. nation, frand and thpft V A i Enwl zaUOn Ul V?M lines. It Booms the whelp of the lion crouches be- possiuie w prevent sucn a uesira- neath the lash, but when driven to hie occurrence in view of the many desperation tights with the ferocity threats and expressions of defiance of a demon for life and liberty. We to eastern domination. It is quite uavc uccu uiuuemiiK an meae vearo im i r i i i ... beneath the lash of Democratic ty- 1'kely a forma declaration of with intilpranp and vpt o.-hi.n drawal trom both the Democratic - J v " ..v . the people, even those who have al- and Republican parties will be drawn ways stood by the Democracy, refuse up and numerously signed bySenators to longer be party to such arbitrary and members of Congress as soon as chine, thev are denounced as fools. thw beCOD,e8 a certainty, and revolutionists and traitors. From a new Hlifcjnment in jwlitics will be Hold Robinson and save the State" the order of the day. Some just at in 1876 down to the culminating present will be too proud to come in atrocity oi io, use political vani- to the People's nartv. but that feel- riipno f nnir nuirn -v -k t oi i nrtin T I a vitals of our bolv J,liti. until. ,ng wlH wear off and We ma? look with an election law that is a dis- for a larSe number of prominent the Cormait tbTrtug rotnmiu-e "to hoiuonie the aity on the ler juetum. The projunitiou ubnlit tel iu the ahaje of an ameudnteul. is to call in all no! under f 10- cin all the filter bullion iu the U-Mun: oontiuue the purt hoe and ruinagi f silver at the rate rate of f3,lUO, Ihk jut month until a circulation of fS(H,(HH,tKM, i reached, when coin age is to oeam-. This would rar. tieally end the purr haw of bullion until the JUH,iKH,tKK now in the tieasury vault U ioinel. liimtihTllAX MrTHINti. The free coinage Deinot raU ar ditjHMied to accept it as better than nothing, believing that it may re store harmony in the arty. It U plain to the Democratic leaders who have not aold out to the adruiuutra tion that the Democratic )rty is on the diuy verge of diariition. It is not so much that the free coin age of silver is necessarily the sound est financial policy, but the alandon ment of the principle at the behest of the money ower who would force a single gold standard ujhiu the country is such a cowardly be trayal of the ioplc as admiU of no condonement or extenuation. Aoui escetKx in the administration policy is, to them, Hlitical death. Retribu tion will certainly follow, and Ihey know it too well. WHAT WILL Til ICY I Ml? The President scorns the "Faulk ner compromise." With the di dain of a dictator he waves the "un clean thing" from him, and says "1 will not have none of it." "With the assurance of a u. aster who speaks only to be obeyed, he says "the un conditional repeal of the Sherman law, or nothing." And as one who sjR'aksby authority he wiys "it must and will go through," And so it will. This I have rejicatcdly said la this corresjHmdence. It is Mr. Cleve land's determination, at whatever cost to the people and to the Dem ocratic arty in the way of broken promises and repudiated principle to destroy silver as money. And he is perfectly consistent iu doiug so. It was known to the litical jugglers who nominated him at Chic ago that he was a gold monometal ist They k new that he was edu cated and trained in the Wall street school of trade and finance. Rut they started out to deceive the eo- pie, auu mey nave euueu in meir be- grace to the State and a shame upon men in both the two old parties, but' trayal. "God save me from the every Legislator who was party to more especial 1 from the Democratic tne conspiracy, tney nave sought to party for at our coun. uiixu. uo uauu CwJJLU iwi auu otxu I C 1 i A rt a I r brever such rule as will best 8uit c "res. course mere is roam i or their ends. Instead of fair elections all, and all are welcome who come and honest representation, we have with honest intentions to bring pillaged boxes, stolen ballots and about ooce more a rule of the twople oonuagea peopie. v e ass ior ; meaa for the pp eflt. An man aud are given a stone. Will we , , .,, . . , . longer listen to their Siren song and u avuciuco Wi" w "uugut out remain Laals and Boois as in wed- dt meuieveianuiies w prevent buch en and Denmark instead of freeman break, but we do not believe it can and citizens. There's an Oriental lw nrevented. At all events the story of an enchanted hill upon nreaent Bituation txrtends evil to which could be heard the mast fasci- , . , . nating music. Those who ascended the two ola Imrt,e8' ttnd 8eem8 to the hill were warned that if they P,ul "-irecuy to a new party oi me looked backwards they would be classes under Cleveland, Shermau, turned to stone. Thousands, there and others of their kind, asrainst a i i i i i ii i were, nowever, wno, iea oy tne iasci- Dartv. of the masses. Let it A af U.0D6a 1 cpTif wp ViaIiava iiTififirstATnl them fome of the southern congressmen variou3 departments, without having jt ia quite probable that the Dem- Your committee as a body, and in- u . an eni if read 8Uperficially or hastily, but a careful perusal ilu nlm'mc nf lron'mio no ml ill a too nut. I ii a ; :..-,.a tsn fmm Tiavm and If. . ... t- - n shows that theie is someihinc dark li f . , , . , .1 vikium vrj. ycuvua vicu me uuiuiuiBwowwu 1 ligious tone oi tne v niversity, as lti " or tne bherman law, tne oniy him The member8 of his ,Void a split in the party. That Lniiea to both the faculty and the and deep laid in them, even though iot Lnnfa Wp wpi-p informpd that, vou can't diseru their intentions by . . -i , . , . n i vjauiuci auu hid vaiiuuo ucuicuaiiwi 1 mnsinprsr, 1111 win uo ivttmw" " i ovuusumj. hv itw - i iieuia suver irom oeing otauy rpuT, . . nnnrr(aa. the students regularly attend some their strange sentences roenzea. wnen their oonstitu- -J ? " X Z , 1 TZZ"." mi of the church services of the several On the financial outlook we give is are overwheln e and unlimited nating music, attempted the ascend, and as towards the summit they ad' vanced the more fascinating it be came, until they were lost in the wild reverie of sweet sounds ; when suddenly the music would proceed from behind them, and under the 3pell of enchantment they would turn to their charmer and fall a stone upon the ground. The Democratic party has been an enchanted hill, and the promises of her campaign orators the music, the fatal delusion, that has led the thousands to disap pointment and ruin. The promises of reform and better times, told in rainbow colors of brightest hue. have been fulfilled in the form of come at once. National Watchman. nfinofion' d on OCT! IliatlOn 9 haVinOM fixllixTirini f.ntn nna nf thpil- fir I . ..... I . I uuiiguiuu m.i.jv.. o I 1,1113 ivilvniiiEi 1 1 w 11 vux coinage of silver even to maae a suggestion, lest mey equally anxious to uwa ui churches in Chapel Hill. The or- ,iUr 1.1 , .... I i if n v i ii. . : . . ,i i t.;i iii . . , , .1 i v...- f tneir action do reconciled! snouia incur tne aispieasure oi - tne them into doing mat , wnicn win m- deriy decorum, tne genuemany oear- "National financial problems now in no un- re they bought with money or great autocrat This was supremelv jure them in the next campaign. ing, and the quiet of the students at present unknown crop equations, fronage, that is the question! The ridiculous and foolish. In this the Thus party takes the place of pa- the chapel service and prayers were The humble bushel and bale of the Iplein their districts shonld ., n , Aiit ,. . . m;aOT very marked, and the members of field now appear near relations yi'. in luoir UlMHlW BUUU1U eX- P,o,Mnn Viao aViMirTi that Kp lira a a -.i.: A J-V. HiotfPcQ and miSerV J .... . ..... . f . . , iwmcu. """"" vnu tnotioui, ami i.nC v - j committee were highly pleased of the honest aoiiar ana loraiy aiv- poor general. The duty of a general af the people continue. and ffratified. The young men lis- idend. is to take a comprehensive view of Cyeus Thompson. tened attentively to the reading of lianitrupcy courts ana tnresning ItnMdtole Mid ,u v the BhatloD. ririne ecneral direo- the scriptures, and engaged n"Zi?u-" h;?pulls the plow should .a tLe tions, and leaiing the deUils to Ms THE REMEDY-THE m tnerj j iu iiKb mo uiou irnw. . ... rtlTiilir aa won III a tamilV i e n ." i. " l poveny ml iuosc uu gruw wucbl appears possibly may equal that of is their condemnation -lain tone. Ider. But Jernisran. P.iK?r, sA subordinates. jt O --"wwwtuo SXl I a realize that the man who nulla subordinates. In fact thp man who 1D PraJerB V quainances suoorainates. in tact tne man wno solemnly as would a family oOVertv of plods through details becomes unfit The control of trade through the daHes of the poverty ot I fodder must eat the plow. And for leadership, and such the Presi- contraction of the currene it 's hard diet. " dent has shown himself to be. This placing it in the hands and I Currency Or byi, Tf ma a mmmnv of lOVOna. enma v)in vant tn eat it. Th onan , ucjjin. . i i j j j ' I - -i pvwci v. hopeful, happy yonng men. xouri tity ot ioou ouereu appears equai iu THE ONLY MENACE." Poor Old CHiupalKD Tariff not in I Any More. ... i 11. . J '1.1 : X 1 I ..Aoanr rwmai f9 OATna r rtrtTh a CP it. is quite a surprise to his friends and a few is the analogue of the contxoi chairman, J - - J"-8 KZ nZJZX T Kn.T. h hank- " I -w.a a v.M a I liu IWIirMI I I I I III 1.111-7 I v. v f- ... i 1 1 i niriAa r wati rr n i iiifii. xlltijucaa vuv w if it were oi tne supply oi - ; 'vr. christi&n aimnW hia firat tprm in th Whit t.bft nrotpe.t.ivfi tariff. The Principle A, 7ft 7. , 4. .1- It I r J w. " I r - I and oy meir reuueaa TToiirp. t.bprp" would h aomp nnnM I is the same. The man who under- ioei such ignorance of the real de stendingly favors Cleveland's finan- e and prosperity. Qrover Cleve- hda and duties of the position of cial policy is a protectionist at heart i, j una 5th, 1893. tf the President of the great Republic. 1 ) tolK after reauing ; ouie The scarcity of money brought the from the Scriptures and prayers. He J - fe was encouraged and strengthened by People s party into existence. ew8 in'pp and went awav srratetui & uoserver. tr. bUC 7A livvj W JEFFERSON AND JACKSON Were DpiioMd to llanka of Iwtue llolb Htiate and NatloaaU Andrew Jaekrton it was who said. "if congress has the right under the constitution to issue paper money, it was given them to be used by them selves, not to be deb-gated to indivi duals or banking corporations.1 Thos. Jefferson it was who said "Bank paper must' be suppressed, and the circulating medium must be restored to the nation to whom it be- of wide-spread disaster, general stagna- longs. It is the only f and on which tion in business, financial ruin, panic I we can relv for loans, it is eur onlv J x. A . .11 m I anu want, a year ago. tne num oi M.0,ri. i.w.h ...r. ni.,.i., r;i .. t .l. :,n j il. i n l " v. ... uvi me Bpiuuie auu me sounu ot tne it ig aQ abQlldantone fore veryneces mnfiifi nf t.hnnRAna nf T.rr-finarnna I sary purpose industries, eivin? warn to the la- If ya helieve in the doctrine Z J O ... I T 1 J T- -1 I l horer and hanninpRs to h a homp euerson anu reason ana nave me The Democratic party, npon its manhood to bac c np your belief with promises and pledges, like the ser- your votes, what party will you be pent that charms with its month of acting with to-dv f tf . variegated colors, only to strike with the mortal sting in its tail, came mto Rivebdale, N. C. Sept 13, ltb power, and the country is shocked. TheCaucasiok. Resolved, That n i i I -a otagnationin business and general Riverdale sub- Alliance heartily com depression have followed. Ihe blow mend the course of Senator Vance was given and the country feels the in the present session of the Senate sting. However much wag promised and all our representative except by the campaign orator, in his en- bettle and bunn. thusiasm, or the party platform, the! & Fisher, most visionary dreamer can now! i fceereury, hnd little hope of relief from the We suppose the tariff is not rob party in power. Promises count for bine the people ranch now. Wenev- little, and much need not be expect-' er hear anything about it. tf. il . i i . wram oi ine jeopie they may now pray. THE KttKE C'OIXA'iK I'LANK. After Clevelauds nomination was a foregone conclusion Juggler Gor man and his crowd constructed a platform that meant free coinage in North Carolina and Wall street bim etallism in New York. What little was said about tbe financial jolicy of the party during the campaign in North Carolina was of the strong est and most unequivocal free coin age stamps.. The State Democrat ic platform "demands the free coin age of silver, aud the national plat form was accepted as a declaration of the same principle, and nobody il l A . , a tnougut oi giving it any other in terpretation. CONSISTENT IlCT WAR HE HONEST. The crime the polititicians com mitted against the honest, unsus pecting, truth-loving people was in the platform deception perpetrated at Chicago. There is nothing in po- itical ethics to justify or extenu ate it It was political iupglerv not a whit above slum politics, and it u to a great extent responsible for the inextricable dil lemma that now confronts and involves the Demo cratic party. That Mr. Cleveland is consistent in his hostility to silver nobody ques tions, but was it honest in him to ac cept a nomination ou a free coinage platform He knew what interpre tation was given to it by the masses of tbe party. lie waa advertent to the campaign literature of the Na--tional Democratic Committee. He must have known be did know that the Democratic party was sol- cmly pledged to free coinage legisla tion. He acquiesced in the univers ally accepted position of the party. Any other construction of tbe plat- . form be must have known he did know meant revolt and mutiny and Democratic disaster. Then was be honest? Is he honest to-day? Believe it who may, I do not DICTATOR NOT SUPPLIANT. He is not asking for votes now. He is not a suppliant at the feet of the people. He rules, not at tbe head of a great party, inspired by tbe patriotic desire for the general weal, but as tbe representative of Continued ou second page. ' If IU