THE CAUCASIAN PUBLISHED EVERY THCRSDAT. MAttlO.N ItL'TLER, Editor I'ropr. 6U B8CRI PTION RATE8. 05EYEAR, 8IX MONTHS. 60 (Entered at tb I'ait Offioe t GoMboro S. C, m seoond-claas mail matter. J PREPARING TO UNITE. It wm ouly a abort while siuce that the press disjatches contained an item of newg to the effect that Demo crats and lUpublicaus in Kansas would assemble in the same conven tions, unite their forces and Ixgin systematic war on the Populist in that State as they now control the affairs of the .State government. The dispatch stated that the call for the conventions was intended for all patriotic citizens who desirt'd to wrest the State from anarchy (() as the defeated elements of both the old parties term it. Jf such a course is pursued it will not '. surprising at all, for a great number of the leading Democrats of this country are now in league with prominent leaders of the Republican party. An example is (Jrover, the (ircat, and John Sherman who stands before the American people to-day convicted of one the most damnable crimes of the age. Indeed, politics makes strange bed fellows, as the old saying goes. Grover and John are great chums now. The latter's services are in valuable at this time. The two old parties have pooled their issues, if the tone of many of the leading papers counts for any thing, esecially on the finance ques tion. When the X. Y. World, the foremost Democratic paper in this country, says that "John Sherman is a patriot," it is time for all tre men to be vigilant, for there will be a bargain and sale somewhere. Straws generally indicate the di rection the wind, is blowing. Read the following taken from the Nor folk landmark of Sept Cth : "We are bound to say that if we must choose between Ingalls and 1'effer to be Senator from Kansas, we will take Ingalls every time and we are glad to see that he is going to contest for the place the whiskered obstructionist now holds. Mark the language of the above ! The Landmark is clad to see that Xngalls will make the contest not withstanding the fact that the "statesman out of a job," was one of the most venomous South-haters in congress when he was there. No man could surpass him in the use of bitter, abusive and invictive langu age against the South, and yet the Landmark wants him returned ! A CONSERVATIVE FOSSIL VS A; CON SERVATiVE REFORMER. When you see a goldbug paper praising and magnifying a man be cause he is a "conservative," jou mav know at once that that man is in favor of the present condition, and wants them to rrmaiu as thy ar unchanged. Such a man is an fnernv to nine-f-nths of the people. More than nine-tenths of the jieople in this corner of the moral vineyard are suffering from the present condi tion. Such a man is a conservative iroldbug fiionotoly, servile and fossil. The kind of men who are the friends of the jnsople, and safe men to follow are conservative reformers. Such a man wants to change the present condition, so as to give every man who will labor a chance to eu joy the fruits of his labor. Such a man works to bring about these changes justly and patriotically, and through the peaceful agency of the ballot box. The people need re formers whose zeal and enthusiasm EXECUTIVE II nn i TIAl T i i ill CLEVELAND MASTER CF CONGRESS AND D'CTATES ITS POLICY. The Flesh Pot Statesmen Who Voted for the Spoils. ha resulted in no aaranee of top- Srt in that district. With a united epnblicaa and Populist opposition bi defeat is certain. Vance can defeat Elias easily. It la understood that tbe Finance committee will re port his nomination unfavorably. KAN'ftOM IS A HOLE. It A M ltVITI.i;i. TAMK .It Mr MEET, In I)aM-rate Dilemma Onrlhchw pct of Defeating Klmumua and Kiln. IT Doksx't Pay to Soojt. La it, h too It will prove a fatal blow to Kan ao'm. It puts him ' in a hole, from which there is no extrication It locates him between the devil of wall street and the deep sea of the peo- him with Kitrui pies incJigTaauon. it is piain xo seo that he 1 deeply agitated by tne situation. The impending disas ter a JtL years to his life and gives his face a curium look that means anxioas days and sleepless nights. It is the taste of the dead sea fruit to thirsty lips. It was an easy tri umph to defeat Vance's candidate for the Collectorship, in his own dis trict, but it may prove a short-lived jubilation for the Hansom rrowd, who crowed so heartilv over Vance's Y a.nhixoto.v, September 17. The humiliation. Vance is a member IIouhb yielded with alacritv to the of the finanee committee President's demands and repealtd nd t not likely that the . t-i , -.ii i committee will report adversely to the Sherman Jaw with almost inde- . . t i v . his protest. Ransom s only hope to ceut haste. It advertised its sub- save Y)0th Elia8 and Simmons is in. serviency conspicuously and on all executive session of the Senate. occasions. The capitulation was That can only be done by Republi- prompt and "unconditional." With ?aQ tes Pd uP,to th time accord- is temper with wisdom, and a due the members of the House it was a vir- ISE regaru lor me nguuj oi oiucro ui tuai question or me spoils. .o re- that the deep da.nnation mote pos all classes. This kind of a man is peal, no patronage; no surrender, I som a taking off" is not a reof Kan-- sibihty. He dickers with thef resident Vmnrr Not a I-d-Cwli in the Pit Trt. Sampson Ctatj Hews. sorra custok. Little Lela and Carrie Melvin of Harrell's store are visiting Mi M :.. It. uttO'llBK HiXf r Baptist Institute at Au V ! V are sad to chronicle the death SO L0M1410MISE. Continued from P" Herring. B. XORTH CLIXTOSt Miss Mary Moore and hrt two brothers Messrs David and Viek of Raleigh are visiting at Mr. J. Boney's this week, Mrs. AlvinJRoyal who has ben quite sick for sometime we aie glad to state is con vales-sing, Mr. B. Boney who- has been spend ing fvera.l davs at home sick, re- turned last Thursday to T Nnitl I . Vli v v I ft n A ntfHL L'IKI IVCK or Air. - . , . 1 " 7. " .l - frt-e tx-o-l esteemed sheriff. M. l?wer ".0 'hM . 1.--. tr W JI. UU vtlkk all 1 UL-AI the 11 m-t Aurora . V. conaac . . - it- ,Ml ciu8 have iurn l&reelV aitenaeui Rev J E. Bristoweof ught ua to the diguitj Kev. t.' . Vi4cowardlv maktl-Ita conducted the funeral UUr,and the Vowwu service which was ... . l . . tV.r was very in aitnouga iur - clement. We extend our heartfelt sympathy to the bereaved family 3 OlLL." . ished the opportunity. HOW WILL IT BSD? it rn have but one end Peuio-, crata who deert the people cause -;n flnrk to the administration Tbe reaoii win or u'vcmtniYWIi. I tunManf. . i I .-f a tlitiA&l force in Farmer are beginning io pica u. prgamv- - t " f Li nirr ihut nnnii war ot cx- l Ukoir Mtlnn. i w j nwj ' . I r r vr;iiim who has t,..,n tn. ...! hU nosition as ex- air. press Mesnger from thereto Ply- been home on a two month , , tisu the moilth returned on the 13th ult to bayan ind it will be swept from V 4 V termiuaUon between the classes am 0LNC W I J the masse. The final outcome ill tt u AN INTERESTING Sfrvi The recent storms and heavy nan ueorgia. dm- Mr. M. o. tuuniun-" I .... . this see- lat week been visiung ma pru-f i . . m t . n: but left on the Uth msi ior aut- crop in Mc . more Aid. where he will study Phar- Mr. J. F. Jackson's drove- on school closed the 8th. Mr. more hated by the monopolists and no appointments. their tools, the politician and the! uack door entrance to the white hired press, than is a wild rash fa- house. natic. He is more hated because he Only members showing the "un- is more feared. They fear him be- conditional repeal" tag have the cause tnev Know mat ne wm uu . unc huubc, nothing that they can show that is whose nomination at Chicago he co vertly attempted to defeat and whose candacy, he said, would, ost the Democratic party 40,000 votes in North Carolina, to dispoil the peo ple of one half of their money. The people cry to a-ira fot bread and ring the first two days of baby Es-1 he answers by bowing his neck to ther's reign they were admitted th.e money power and wearing the ad- ,i i.i v i j t- miusirauuii couar. xue ueieat oi. through the back door. Even Aey EUag &nd simmons whoge appointr. are not entirely happy. In discuss- ment8 are accepted as the quid pro ing appointments they speak with quo of his betrayal of the people bated breath, and as thev emerte and the price of.. his repudiation, of They will call him an anarchist, but from the awe-inspiring presence of Democratic principles, would meet ion Tt i'a k r-i Af-fiATi condemn such a charge. They howl 6piration decorate their countenan- Gf self-preservation with Vance He "anarchist" because they know he is ces that show no signs of tempestu- very well understands that Ransom I i i : a . tit i a a j I.'- ... . ous iiuaruy. vYueu mierrogaieu nas formed a combination with Jno. about the result "of seeing the Pres- s. Henderson to defeat his re-elec- ldent,77 they gusli out the answer tion to the Senate: and it is equally "that the Tresident is in no mood to plain to him that the combination consider appointments or anytmng win win -with the machine in else but tne repeal or tne fclierman the hands of Elias and Simmons not one. Their wish is further to the thought. wmiitiM has for the x m m i asa a a - raina have done age to the cotton tion. Mr. R. F. Herring has about com r.uto,! hia mill frri the stream macy. Vm. a Rlnt 'a Ttrjinch. He has at Maple muvtu nis gin uuunc uu j . .i . mi i lirft- Jackson is a splendid teacher and we down to his mill site and will here- auu . after se water nower instead of regret to lose him. , n' . ! horse power to gin cotton. uis oversbot wheel is 12 feet which is sufficient to run a grist mill which he Intends putting in. Miss Rossin Johnson of Taylor's Bridge spent a few days with friends in this section last week. Eben, son of Mr. T. W. Britt, is improving from injuries received by a runaway borre several days ago. i Crops in thi? community are dam aged badly by recent heavy rains r- t? v TTo-cr nM 9 hales of Sunday at 11 o ciock a. sa. b T- o . nil. I TTiiiiuciu in COILOH Ot?p. i7Lll. the face of the earth. WHAT WE SEE TO-DAY. Will never again happen in this country, unless all the sins of the uie peo- affe.Mko r l.f:i'.v.,tJ I.Mtthn t u:r- ura '.L Vl In uoh in . : rJr7i . . . . "i . I...... . . turkey. hv. subsen lent congress t TT-r-.i of Dismal. I Silver mav be dead it is 1 IRS- 1 CUV jivi-mu r I v, y.pntlv soent a week or more far as visiting relatives swimmer rpYOiULiuii aiuuut: i are cruel lies. This country 4I?V -M urwVSl will never again see its public poll- notwnettt frx.iuti.. ,., 13 cies made and controlled by the dis- rw;:Ll3 tribution of poliUcal prfrouagc. It SS,J':;;3 will never see another i-roiuwell in tuMnu .,i:ili4.,','-J the Presidents office, with a coward- rMb 0B Whf n my lrHi, r -,lB:,' mIt I hftd no f . !i li I-. .... would imt ll-.trn t.i t,m, i . . ""Sr ;- ft. . dead So dictator Cleveland and his visiting relatives anu tTO- - fa QlM Turkey and Taylor's Bridge has re- Baing thme, Thy live. L.V,r turnea nouie. rne live tne people. NEWTOK GROVE. JoNOTHAN EDWARDS. I bottle for a , -ipr, M Rev. D. B. Clayton of Columbia S. C. will preach at Warren's school house on Saturday night before the tjEaR Bro. HuTLER. The good ANOTHER POUDIK. fw troiu opUU-a or Jaii,,. Sold by All Dm CONGRESS. The Senate branch of congress is law." "It is a mnmnntnnii friuia " I v ; l.. ti i i sun cussing aim uiHuuBBiog tucbiici ne say3 and the terrible effect of Uatrtred and badimriWI hvth Ran question, with a determination on the excitement incident to delay is som people until further forbearance each side to carry their points if pos- ml ilt, t T Tn,TT on his Pa,r.fc Wl11 be accepted as mor- ... rr, tt u i a 5fB president a little impatient." al cowardice; of this there is no great Bible. Ihe House having done its This ig too bad. It must be a da Th; fi , j "damned do has turned its attention to other vexatious disappointment to the be he who cries, hold, enough." matters. We see a bill has been in- President to realize that the anti- Jonathan Edwards, rpnpn hPTiarnrs arA nnt na 9Hv tr troduced allowing tbe reopening and do Wall street's bidding as were the EVERY MAN investigation of Tension claims that nungry, starving members ot the " It tt ii x i i 1 . 1 . THE QUESTION OF RATIO. In 1892 Mr. Bland said, "It is claimed, and the history of prices show, that as silver falls as compared to gold so in about the same ratio the prices of our farm products fall. To say that silver is low is tanta mount to saying that the price of 1 1 ,.v, (WJ uower xi u use. n musi irouDie nis Mate uccu uoootu uuuu niiwt li-i iAi . . , : . . t -t I kinclv sonl to know that "an AmAn. is a suggestion that the claim has can Senator can be honest, can have been illegally allowed. Th's is well convictions and can be true to his enough. The Pension Roll should convictions' Such a manly utter b , , . 1.1, nce from Virginia's eloquent Sena he a roll of honor and none should tor, must have been a startling reve- be upon it who are underserving. lation to his lioyal Highness. A.,l-Uft-il.:. a.,V EXECUTIVE ENCROACHMENT. nuu nunc uu lliio oumctb nc n in tji -i j , . , . , . . . J , , . r rom the day congress met it has remark that it is damnable shame been the open policy of the Presi- that a man, who ia holding a position dent to force his opinions down its nnrW t hP .nvprnmpnt drawing a hcr throat. The alacrity with which the o 00 House responded to his demands, salary for labor he is rendering the did not prepare him for the obstinate government should be on the pension resistance shown by the anti-repeal, roll drawing a pension for incipacitj anti-administration Senators. They 01 1 j have not been awed or lnflnmiPAd Vv to labor. Now is there any justice the patronage of the administration, in paying Walter Q. Gresham or any but they have been constrained to 1. mn protest against executive usurpation. UIUC1 ""' x uc, - Even the moSt ardent of the admin ber of congress, minister or consul a istration Senator- are beginning to oension where, thev are drawine kick. 1 he President is. getting 1m- fa.mlm.a RalaripH a wprT,mnt. of. PaH?nt at the Senate's delay in re- b . ficials. Who wants to vote intelligently next election must keep - up with what Congress is doing now. The Caucasian is giving a fair honest report of the true inward ness of the situation each week We will suppress nothing. We will conceal nothing. We will give due credit to all. irre spective of politics, and will censure any or all, who in our judgement deserve it. Sub- for The Caucasian. Get your neighbor to subscribe. You cannot afford to be without it Don't miss another issue. pealing the Sherman law. If a vote "WORSE THAN FOOIJSHNESS." When silver was demonetized by the Republicans in 1873, the white metal was worth $1.32 an ounce. - ail i 1 . in Atlanta ana wneat $i.5u per bushel. To-day 1893 silver is worth 73 cents an ounce, cotton 7 cents a pound, and wheat 64 cents a bushel. And thea talk about a sm- We know that this class of can ever be reached it will pass by a J Cotton brought 20 cents per pound pensioners stanu in no jeoparay, so i uctiBvo 'ujm rescuing long as this government i. managed - EL. and controlled by those who are now Senators who are true to the peo- and have been controlling it for the Ple on silver, the Western silver mouui, to sajius wot tuc pin;c w - men intend to defeat the repeal of cotton, wheat, and other farm ex- last uarter of a centurv5 but we nl the law, or dead-lock the Senate iorts is deoresscd. "It is bevond a 11 18 a sname Jusl ine same- e uo "through time and eternity." When s:le gold standard and the demoneti doubt," he continued, "that the free uuw " w.x" . ue. & th 11 I zatl0a of siif I B(sh. Worse than coinage of silver by decreasing the Dut we are noPinK for n at an rate invincible, and can delay the action foolishness. Fayetteville Gazette. value of eold and increasing the ine Pension rons oe revisea ana of the Senate indefinitely. Speak- Ctf.1 io nt on,i D as good a place to start at is at the ot the situation a day or two ago, . w J top, and come down. l7,ewarl sai? oThe. rePeal MoKey is scarce very scaree but u w nuux a uiii u-u uever pa me oenate. ine the people cannot afford to be with- i in v.n I x resiuent is urerinsr the arimiTnara-1 ' F. w The silvermen should make an ef .tion Senators t; a-t in matter at Put a newspaper no matter how value ol all tarm proaucts ; so that fort to demonetize cold now that the once stoD the discussion and thoi scarce money is. The Caucasian it is clearly seen that the gam of th3 goldbugs of the east are endeavor- contention and pass the Voorhees is laboring to show the cause of this silver miner as compared to the gain ing to rob the people of their homes D1V- Au . . ravors a cloture trouble and to fasten the responsi of the American farmer by the free by confiscating their property. If nacitv with which W nro-i J blhtv where it belongs. Those now coinage of silver ia practically in- silver is wiped out as a money of course is provoking some irritation n Power can and should relieve the significant." farmers ought there- the Constitution we will hear of suf- among his followers. They under- situation. 'The Caucasian is giving fore to be interested in and in favor fen: and oppression in this coun- Bl'luu luw ""posbiouuy oi immediate the people the facts and stands ready of free coinage. Are they interested try f rom sources that are now enjoy- consent of the minority. The onl 0 c.ondemn or aPPrve according to in the question of ratio or is that a , .hl,. xt alternative is a cloture rule. Com- xno PW- matter of indifference to them? Soldbu&s succeed in their damnable ing events plainly indicate the pos- Plewi11 sustain The Caucasian and J J countrv KhnnLl nsA in TiiiT I Terate alternation hnt tho frpml nowm snitAnf tVia cngrmfv Af mATiAn f. O X A 1 . , ! J -vy-.m. tmu l b I t " w vavuu ui 1 X" v VA. UiVUv V -v-. m-w-w. fv aavmv I qtiH i-lwtn-nl ilin 1 V. .1 I 1.11 I II ITS KMIK M. I TlLTT II Pr 1 r that liinn "uu- ""w uuauuonment or H you want to be posted tn what compromise. The very suggestion LnT1P ?-ftT1amM a k T3 .VI i. I - "t.vvu uu ucMaims anj you can 1 1 1 , . , rage. Say "compromise" within , j v , oiaciai reord proba- hpap nPH:n rk -i as unerea Dy " , & w l"c 4UCCUB 1 resentatives Richlands High Scfe ict Snndav in October and Newton Uvrvinl a about ML Pleasant church. Grove on Sunday, rreacning on are not going to De oemna in goou t " deeds, and the administration ot jus- Richlands u a health? 1 tice. They heard that the good 0f 200 inhabiUnu, hrethren about Shiloh Church, had Salf of intniii-.'ttm.. V. ..' Well we suppose Mr. Z. E. Mathis MTW w fi ifvk nnnndfd us: so on last Saturday the ,w Four -ll :i"!f has got "relief" and has "relieved" INTHKCorsiAGifiOF8ii.vKif 7th, inst they fell into line, and Board $G.0O to Hm 1 i I 1 A 1. I . ... ,v . . . TVia hattle is on in Virginia, rne pounaea us wun aoout a one uoioc w .j.uu. accord uil' i i. issue is clearly presented. The State load of good things, just such as a wm be taught. l,r iw convention of the People's party preacher and his family need. I ulara address 1. I . JAMKS.A,Bd aug. Xi-i m-vp. KicbU:c the ex-Sheriff of any more duties in the posteffice. If the Dohcv of the dominating party (we can't say democratic be- held at Lynchburg declared for tne wish, through A he LAccabiam, 10 bause of the mixture with the party free coinage of silver and gold at thank the dear brethren for the many i i -1 a nint lAtml ratio 16 to 1. irood thincrs thev pounded us with. on wnicn so mucu auuso uul,u I , a". ?: t " -f-i 01 . heaped) to further contract the cur- There was no aoaging- no evasion, i n r to iu, x ocx -Ji Ol JlO A' rency is carried out we w 11 all be xne R for and nQ doubt woild their Pastor r wish to my relieved of what we have to pay our ' . , , , . . f u hnf for Demor.ratic trickerv in 1 1-2 miles from ;U1,W. 1 tax with to suppoit officers of the strong and abje a8 eyer presented church as well as in State. I can on the South side of government who are rolling in lux- for the support of voters in any never te'.l those dear brethren how It contains 500 ama ck. ury. But we will not go any furth- gfn much I appreciate this inmistakable suited for every kind of Ci er with that thought, for we haven't The Democratic convention at evidence of their high appreciation corn and cotton, fruit ihit lost confidence in the American peo- Richmond was held during the dis- and love for thesr exPastor. One of It contaius also 415 new E pie yet. Congratulations to you mr. cussiou, in me xaouse 01 rveprwwuui- me ajwhuct sajfu. ij muc uuti-i mu . y mu w ed:tor Phil, tives of the Wilson unconditional dren, let us not love in word, but in j cept pine, w ith tirst-tlw 3J mc'daniels. viiva v. -v 1 j w I a a - repeal bill. In that discussion Eas- dead and in truth." Dear brethren any kind of stock nut; forn Dprnrvratji maintained that the such Doundincs as vou have siven cleared land reuuirw no: j. ii,:..., ii a a Chicago platform of 1892 meant a men, is "lying lmdeed and in and only iente t-nouga u. rf T, "s " , Uold standard. The Democratic truth." May God bless you all, and the wood land from the cl again oee n cauea to mourn f,resident had so construed it, Some help you to fully realize that it is will sell the whole, Sept, 13th 1893. Geo. K Hunt. "GROSS AHUSKS" That are Ilrlnglns Contempt and Ruin Upon a Dishonored Party The l'opnllat Party Hetter Than the Ballot Itos Stuf fing Democratic Party. Wilmington Messenger, May, 1893. tracts to suit purchasers, h at low prices and on t partly on reasonuhle tiat to W. T. FAIIXL (joldsltf July 24, 'id. julv2;i otoneot its memners, bto. uioju. Wejgtern and Southern Democrats "more blessed to give than to re v.ame, wrio was just in me prim that tne piatf0rm of 1892 ceive. of manhood, was called from earth meant free coinag of silver with gold, to reward September the 3rd. He Tn the Jiichuiond convention a few leaves a wife, one child and many genuine and sincere friends of friends to mourn his death. His silver coinage a d v o C a ted wife suffers the loss of a loving hus- the adoption of a clean cut declara band, h child a kind father, the tion on the question similar to commity a good neighbor and the that made by the Populist but ah: . ? tt- tiicv weic uui a uiuiui uiiuuiiit iu i wiuningion Jiesnenger, May, i;siw. j walk waa that of an honest, upright the ?reDon' The n We leave just here to reiter- tioDy.p,., bii.J , . oiwucoi,, candidate Congressman O Ferrell t . , . 4 . nednie, onii..uu.w man,, and he was always true to his fwho has since suDDorted the admin- ate our well considered, honest opin- ""'"J''rf hoaest convictions. He was laid to jgtration construction of the Chica- lon that North Carolina now stands postpaid. Address, kg yiti as if J in which he had proved himself tot son uncondition repeal bill) wasUjon Law the Australian or some nominated for Governor and the .1 Grogg . . . A. Friend. Chicago platform, meaning all I , . , . j ' , thinks to all men. and nothing to inac are uisnononng to ine party ana TAYLOR I Apfini fa frt on rhni v was wo rl n-nf I will bHnir miifpinnf. ftnri min nnnn if WW MJ1J y If Se4 VMMVfWUI I O W A M U H JVM 1 I FREE AS AIR I? be a worthy member. Mention The Caucasus. iulH'l ItulltfriM' Mr. V . A. Royal; is teaching the In the campaign between those if persisted it We know educated. school at Red Bill again this seSs- who levy and those who pay tribute abie, high-toned gentlemen who are inn. the V lrginia campaign will be the nnmvarviniiT no Mr. A. J. Johasou.'s mill sustained nrst important skirmish a serious The loss will nnHWervinorlu' Dmvrotin lurin urnnlfl V. VUV KA A UlAiil VA IlUC X 1111 U JJ1 Kinsey Female LAGKAXCE, S.C A Boardinr S1iod1 forG.4 YOUNG LADIES. FULL COUPS OF TEA(t v WAUMVM 0 uaaa ... - - . . I W"- vamuwaa v. vuv A AAA A v Lc I - I .ITpT'A.rV AfTHIKl JJ U!lv I'M" breaka the other nifrlit. t JT.fTTv Vr r 10 tne triumpn of tne Democracy Stenography, T vpewntingt .illbonsiderable. rrS? """i V sorting to low, dangerous,, de- keeping taught in V, usint rul- iTmrm and Jefferson Wt.imA 7 "T""6.,"" , "? &. . v Mr. T. J. Peterson is teaching- the 17: lu 'C r , "1 1 "fncuye metnoas at tne Dailot-box. ment " I atzaLii icbuiucu Liicii luiea iu lavur"),.- I . - j j i . . r school at Snriac Vale. l A D;iM. ;o v "?.ve " u ar neanng. LOCATION UfcAUi - . .-'. . I UC11C1C tUitl A 1111 11 IHrLVIHIIl IK Some more mainage soon. Yes ey of the constitution framed some more bSooming, blushing mai-1 their patriot fathers. dens to be lain away into the 4silent ready for revolt against this attempt tomb of rnafenimony.'7 Dv the modern Democracy to deliver Messrs. "W..Q. and 3. A. Mc'Ar- tnem anatneir prosperity to tbe thur are, pending some time at cfaei hardships of a single gold nome standard, and a contracting curren- t? -w t vt t V y- Al1 thflt is needed to adminis- Rev. Walter N. Johnaon preached tr effective rebuke to the Tories of an lntereanng ana' instructive serm-1 Virginia is J- They believe that Third partyism is State Chemist in e UJ a less evil than ballot abuses. Let Iter cays: I have exaiuinM i .1.1. Thev ftpp T j. , ."""I ter fays : i nave pru-".. Aney are u8 have reform here," (tf.1 Amined a better sample. "John Sherman a patriot" New York World. tSTFor catalogue giTU ticulara write to JOSEPH KlNSET, PS ton and other farm exports decline tized. in price in about the same degree that silver declines as compared with gold, then the free and unlimited coinage of silver at any ratio, by pre venting a decline in the value of sil ver, would prevent also a decline in the price of farm products. Silver weds Senators and Xtan- , t n tne floor of both SPLITTING THE The South has 9 m Q mmr tional Watchman, "Washington. D C. It is only 50 cents per yean and b, patronage or influe?ced by .TZlZZ&ZEZS2t Presidents dictation. With fitcpn. el r na n. i . . . w..vyy. c.- iuj a it: aii exact SOLID SOUTH. not been awed residents dictation. With tion of Gordon and Ransom and Hun copy taken from th Congressional ion oi v lrginia it presents a solid decora, oend m yoair name with as suie If Bland has insisted that the Rep- N the latter throws the lCrZEr resentatiyes should vote for free a 0w LMh w-V tl.. silver or unconditional Repeal of the hSngof the President i?U wJSS Placed Jon. the eact I Sherman law the vote in all proba- KI1?!0! an bility would not have been so laige j taste." against free silver, because those who tretenlfiil t.r Via Vnmetnliata ot would-be less valuable at a greater the same time voting for uncondi- ratio than at a less ratio, less val- tional reneal of the Sherman w uable at the ratio of 20 to 1 than at would have been put on record. Now 16 to 1. And so farm products they will attempt to exDlain awav would be more valuable at the ratio their action by claiming that they f ront against the reneal of the Shr. many others as vou. r An. Ra 01 lb to 1 tnan 11 tne rauoiscnangea wcro ul,ulLansis. xneir action win man law. Uordon s desertion was I u aaaress youn ie uer, to to 20 to lor 24 to 1. The farmer arouse the people's indignation. Ithe matter of a few hours. One 1BTt04 . awn ai.. Watchman, is therefore no less interested in the . . . , aay ne was a snorting anti-repeal f7fT -..ugu.u ... . -melt i uu lerei exDressea dv mo.n. anri tho tAiinnrin v, 1 ' matter of the ratio than in the mat- tWn n f , r, Z"Z."r:y ... . , . i " -"o lowiui uv&ci uu tuciiuui ui uueoujau; uitauinyiviLn nn.. . terof the f ree coimige : and he is in th uf kmu,0 ,J tP in his vmV fr a: . uw Ieew superiority in the , .uw v&VU ftSUb LUU1U CfeAC I 'ww m i ww AVA VAAl UULAJI1UI- I 0 S-tr wv " 1 interested in both not less than the some mighty angry fellows to-day tional repeal of the law. Hunton you thinkSAl go to heaven ?" 'said silver miner. who are almost "cursing" them- is a railroad lawyer and lobbyist and Jack, tkoacrhtfnllv looting inf. ia selves because thev voted for e-old- 18 m .th.e Senate by accident. Ran- mothe face. "Yes, dear, if I'm Bland in one of his silver speeches w Grover The reformers told 80m 18 influenced wholly by the ex- sood said the little mother caati- denounced the goldbugs of his party them that thev were suonorW . Ptotton ot patronage and by rail- usa, ffir 4 vould. ltlnl, say tharthe only SSlSn,S3 eflfnrtB to Rtrike down silver "anv-1 u j wiuiu m "" UVA Juas in T": . . , . 8ii,8wiMu.wiwurowr was the West "the machine" inhisesti- body or any party that undertakes a goldbug only intensified their an- mation. is invincihlp. rpKof", to do it, will, in Gods name, be cer. We have compassion for his re-lection to the United States trampled as it ought to be in the them in theii mental anguish. Senate, and "the people be d n." dust of condemnation now and in But about that "slip between the the future. I speak as a democrat, THE tJEMEDY THE ALLIANCE DEMANDS, cup and the lip." but yet as an American above de- a startling stjpposion. -rrr i ' a 3 a 1 a T lA 1 !i! mocracy.. we ao noi iniena xnat xuu i icijruur suoscnpuon expire, Suppose the Senate refuses to cnn. CLIMBING UP! CLIMBING UP! I The circulation of The Cauca- oreamzation amoiumtloT on to We conjrrevation at Mt.Ul" i. non " ?' a" - ur """J we t,s -r. .ti, I"Ik.CTu TLT-u j.7. want it to climb faster and higher .iwu nuvi. l MAI . v vruuv i IjUUl U11D11CU U LUUIUUVII II IM II KM 1 f 1T1 I is -sat ia his "teens." land agitation. The State com- Idas Callie Bbney of Dnplin is vis- naittee of the People's party is doine every reformer consider it his duty itinig among, ffciends in this town- splendid work according to its lim- to help get the paper into the hands -uT I,t,mu8t have money of the people. Get up clubs. Every Bt. Ciaui. F. Hoffer iin Shelbv thwbich to defray the expenses of An hpln r 3 kxn, a vacation where ho is visiting XrT" "" .. , m ., nuBwiuuuug campaign izrerature. A s- father's family. 1 xva t5j . i icw wi lulc ocunwrii auu representa xne iieveiana v;iud democrat, tives can and will give all the time Lob. ! where is he production of the EfDiploma granted w nshinc course oi an. dies finishing coi juljS' hi, BURGAW HIGH SCt O. J. PETERSON, A. B.,M Next Session Opens Sept Enrollment for First 88, an increase of CO overs ment nt hftirinnintr- Eight counties n-prewnW I $7 per month. Tuition $1-1 in frraflc. Ho1' Tl,; B;W.. fhif nan Ko A r Ut.AH DIK AND URO- 1'eiTOlt me Wntfl tothe 1'rlD" ..Lj UUnrmMir. iri.: i through Thb Caucasian tn inform I locue. mayii- 1 C13C11-4. U1U llClWl ""-n .uv.iu uuww b II OOU111I' vou I . I . .i ... I .r.., ii,.i n i tt , . . I still. Now is the time to work. Let one can help. TO MAJ. J. S. HINKS PRK8IDEMT Or KKXKKS UNION. SAMPSON COUNTY. past is howling calamity in away to the campaign, without expense to you that Co1- Harry Skinner has that would make our energetic the committee, but others are ready kindly accepted your invitation to He has w ueiP . lueir ProFer expenses aaaress a.ener Union at Goshen Academy on 1st Friday of October. We hope to see Friendship, Crows, icse u i Lives uu me noor I bothtfr, kkt, ,u Houses, by subscribing to tW r"' 3 ZTUTZ be pdi Our people in Vir can UM, VUUUWU UIO UUHiUVttlT tUU I , ml . - , - I mml CLTA IWIV I hA mi-wm n . 1. We mnst have more money in i the pin the State aw unable culation" a thing for which the to these extra exi)eil8e8 Th misguided rag-tag-and-bob-taU," has are entitled to the assistance of contended from the first. The moss f rends throughout the Union. Let back of to-day never sees anything 1 each friend devote such amount, next. "Hen please be good, for papa and I would be so lonesome without you." Kate Field's. Wash- NOTICK To tlv American People. The Democratic party under the le adership of Grover Cleveland has On rrnn A ck-wciA 4 a TrvV.-H. Ol - .1.-11 it o U.r vonr Tifiio-iiW trt i-r.aTO o.i ; w" 1 w 0 uuu onerman ana nv uiy ouau l I d j o " u i mm iuc iiuuuuauua OI Qimmnna hit a Hun . help it, that will lay its confiscating there is a family in your neighbor- aud Elias. It is possible. In fact it is j ' on America in the interest of hood where the paper does not ero. n? hkely that both nominations England or Europe." If Bland is don't stop till they are reading it. W lfw TJJtJ THE CASIA will set every an honest man he should at once Now is the time to educate, now is Elias, and Ransom wears a haee-ard man tlkUlking who reads it that sever his connection Irom the JJem- tne time to appeal to reason. ana anxious look whenever Simmons' 18 au mose whose minds have not ocratie party. us not lose the opportunity. The me is mentioned. During the past been wholy paralyzed by prejudice success of our cause depends on it. .b5 S and bli worship, at these mons. His dextrous and nersistent KUMl oi men will not read if if vtm , "v - m "vynuuvou ucuaiurs 1 uuer 11. iq infim, "John bherman a patriot. Our devotion to the cause of truth New York World, and justice demands it. in the way of progress and general improvement til it knocks him down and. runs over him. Then he nicks himself up, brushes the dust off his back, and makes an affidavit that he is the author and original patentee of the improvement. Just look at the Cleveland Club Democrats of Sampson county. Nice gang these Cleveland, Cleveland, Cleveland Democrats. Mr. editor how would you like to be a Cleveland Demo crat? J.O. M. DISMAL. Thanks to the correspondent from Honeycutts for complimentary re marks; they are appreciated. We have had an abundance of rain. Fodder , that has not been housed or stacked is almost a total loss, and corn is badly damaged. There will be a Sunday School Conference at Hall's Chapel, begin ning September 29th. Mr. G. W. Howard, formerly of this section, but for the past few months a resident of Timmonsville, S. C, is sojourning for awhile in the regions around about Dismal postoffice. I T 1 jowever email, as ne or She can spare for this important contest, and send the same to Air. C. H. Pierson. Franchise, Turkeys, Thunder Swamp Mill Creek with their non-Alliance friends avail themselvs of this op portunity to hear this wonderful speaker. Yours fraternally. . H. J, Faison. READERS OF THECAL Goiair to tke WorliH IF YOU HAVE NOT A"" ACCOMMODATION Stoa at the Louisiana ONE DOLL AK FEB M tt i . ii,. Pef ufouuum inn I VI - . ,.1 aii:a Kreewl iiia. iiin.nt r laj v ' chahnian re 0f Virginia Son, DEAFNESS CANNOT BE CURED N. E. Cor. 71st & SeippAw-'' SSK2 applications, as they cannot within two block, of theFVl cause of the neoni fit , fcW vl tk e m?eased Potion of the ear. (South). Capt. C. A. r ' . . . rr"1 tuere De xnere is only one wat t in n.. ; T, nodelaj m giving. The maxim, ness, and that is bvontntTr. i Ului the United Stf lle gives twice who gives quickly' remedies. Deafness is caused W an this hotel and will pro is directly applicable. inflamed condition of the mucous truthfully answer inuuin-. You will appreciate the impor- Ji""1 the Eustachian Tube. When and rates. You can stop tancc of this election when remind- 8 .ube ats inflamed you have a without the fear of t tViaf ii &f.f. a i. rumbling sound or immrf.. u i snl tor a cen- -"w vAuwiDi ouu a irv i - "vawk, uvska i vmwi - islature which lAhi a TTni cL ir .ana when it is entirelv closed advan r:rt""UU 01 tne the inflammation can 'bTtr: HO W TO RE A VU entirely closed I advance, good for lu a8' Tiisn and this tube restored to its normal are to be chosen. wm. Allen, Nebraska, James Avyie, 01 s. Dakota, Wm. Peffer, Jansas, Senators: Lafe P urn Colorado, John Bell, of Kansas, -Jamed" coition of Th? VoVa Jerry Simpson, of Kansas, John St mT$!"A . " . OCKS .-ij trunks if yo . Hall's Catarrh nT" o" rooms provided wun rj Kansas, Wm. A. Harris, oi Kansas JSa"f?f DeafneM Caused by f" Jveen,ot Nebraska. Holdon 1?. Lni. V ior cir Boen, of Minnesota, Representatives. CCX.T1VATINO THE MUSE. Pvat. n 1 TT,..-"ve nere some verses T firf tJ. .t, sir; bak Jn, wai' the waate F. J. CHENEY & CO., jSold by Drugging, 75c. T.arL'e rw" t-arn anri three doU ble be AT PARTI-" Toledo, O. write C. A. P0 8orf Plaor laAi Boo mi: kfca 272 iTf-S vaaUd. A ddrw ITtm St. Cm-T spring beds two and th COMMODATB RATES. Wri j. M. SELLERS, Ma A A IU I Frvrmerlv Proprietor a j - i snnus" i:oiorauw r- wjusi as well. Mention this paper- 8 KtrM. Ntw yrk.

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