CA C ASIAN VOL. XII. GOLDSBOKO, X. C, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 2:5, 1893. NO. ft. 0 ttl 1 y1 n O'JI ail in;'! tndl uul ley be ice ni- 10- 14. h it a- .'i- i d, be e- eh lj id is- of be il' il3 C- ne in I ,re Id it- ?Jf i ,x. i bp ail ier to EDITOR'S CHAIR. r.PSON OF THE EDITOR ON THE iSUES OF THE DAY. J'eople's party is in favor of ..verntnent issuing its own notes f(r 1 ' :r-'Ula 6 "tv""" hiwc . i. ,. .AnlA an Vinnpuf. miinpv (j, P" uic i""!"" v nd vt Kreat coet an1 0PPressioD to in K" witu the moneJ gamu,er8 Ik; their rule instead of issuing fm.,.a -ks, the government issues n! J- These n(la WW to Shj l,rfk. I,e deposits them with the ,v.-rn.ueiit, to te held in trust rn,;. ,im kindly endorses Old Shy lockV ""tea tu tne amount of 90 P61" tHJt. of the face value of the bonds. 'IVw !"''-'B Shylock takes home .;th and loans out at usury, all tiK vv:tv from eight to twenty-four per Ure. True, be payi .tv or, these ,f one per cent., but this 18 tot-S mwviv to cover the cost of engraving nl pinging of the notes. In the meantime h'u bonds on dejKisit with t,e gin. rnuieut is drawing interest, au,l brides they are non-taxable. o vo.nder Old Shylock considers the national banking system the best (llr n oi id ever saw for him it ie, ffn-i without saying, But Uncle j-ain nii'ht better issue his own notes, ami f.ue millions upon millions of interest. Watch the present Demo cratic congress and see if it wipes ut this curse. During the last thirty years wealth has i iic reused in our nation at the rate of j'MJOO per hour, or $70 per 8econl. Vet we are suffering all the Uleful consequences of hard times, the jieuple are in a state of destitu tion, and live million tramps till the (ami. Had laws have produced this condition. By whom were they made? I'.oth democrats and republicans are equally responsible for the evils now oitrHiaing the people. At the next election the people will give a party "a chance" that is not in copartner ship with the gold bugs and monop olists. The people whose labor has made the country rich, will no long er vote for a party that will allow that wealth to be stolen from them through had laws. Vote the Peo ple's ticket and enjoy what you earn. One of the objections that has been given against the editorials of The Caucasian and the speeches made by the editor is that they keep the people restless and dissatiefied. In the name of high heaven we want to know if they should not be dissatis fied with injustice. Those who fight injustice are patriots. Those who try to cover it up and persuade the people to suffer it,are traitors and ene mies of the people. The first right of a free man is to kick like steers against injustice. Only those re main slaves who deserve to be slaves. Some one from Monroe signing himself "a friend" has written us giving the names of the contemptible curs who threw the Dermer in the courthouse at Monroe. If the per w who wrote the Jetter will give us tw name we will publish the names of the pepper throwers. We never publish anonymous communications unless we know who the authors are. The CA ucasian will never know- mgly do any one an injustice, there fore we never make a charge till we tave good authority for doing so. FREE TRADE ENGLAND Mi. Moreton Fremen, a prominent "tmetallist from England,is in Wash lngton, 1). C. In an interview with 'ta Post the reporter asked him : 4re times as baa in your rural as in your torj?. he replied :' "Yes every whit as bad. The com- H winter will be an anxious one, lndeed. In Essex durin? Sentember ( " - -i the farmers met and agreed to ltle lowest rare of vrara since 1849. -o r. , ;1&pt shillings a week. Think of fntjio community, men with lilies, condemned to Rt.rnircrle through a winter in such a climate w our's on $2 a week ! And the Pitiou of Essex is more or less the Position in fully two-thirds of the English counties. lea we bimetallists have been clea calamity 'howlers, these six :8 nast. h,,f t t ftfs been only too fully borne out by iue event I :. Tiji u is not your xjauu uib l oa"oiau acts. It is the mone- faJI th tiou of 187 wbich closed I I the mluu of the West- to free C0JDge of silverthat is what is for the" fall of prices ")Dere and fnr th innreasinc- Son . ' uy of goia on every bourse in ue wealth producers of England . not taxed by a high' protective nil. Thfn lir.... :a j.1 re snff . fc Vua',' lurj lV" fci.; "6 1 hey have been euf 2 for bo r . . r ' pfconl ' ; iKX mae a11 woruing ri 'lj uiuo mc icn ojjcuu COMPTROLLER ECKELS ON BONDS. The Jtepublicau bankergof Boston who put up money to elect Cleveland last fall invited" Mr. Eckels, Mr. Cleveland's comptroller of the cur rency to run up from Washington last week and make a speech before their Bankers' Association. Among other things he said : "The commanding position which the banks or this country occupy in our financial world cannot be defined nor the importance of our banking institutions over-estimated. Estab lished upon a safe basis and honest ly conducted upon conservative lines, they are the greatest of all agencies for the promotion of a people's pros perity, but stripped of safe-guaids or dishonestly managed, the injury which they bring upon a people is only limited by the extent of their opportunities. The supreme func tion which they fill is the distribu tion of the people's wealth, so as to make it a never-end ng source of benefit to all. 'Their prosperity is the prosperity of every other business interest, and their activity is the activity of every line of commerce and branch of manufacture." While the above language shows that the government lg on its knees to the bankers, yet the admission therein made that the bankers con trol our finances is important com ing from the man who is comptrol ler of the currency for the govern ment, and who is supposed to man age the currency in the interest of the people. It proves that there is a necessity for that demand of the Alliance, that the management of! the currency of the country shall be J taken out of the hands of bankers and restored to the government! where it rightfully belongs. i Mr. Eckles admits that the injury which bankers can do is limited only! by their opportunities. They have' no limit of opportunity now, for they are controlling dear currency and making congress and the President! do their bidding. J Further on in his address Mr. I Eckles denounced the charge that! the bankers created the panic of last summer and charged that the people themselves created it. In short his whole speech was a plea for the bankers and a defense of their heart less course. Mr. Eckles is simply a representative or rather an attorney for the bankers at Washington. But the people pay him a big salary to help the bankers to manipulate the finances of the government as the bankers may desire. If yon claim to be a Democrat and think you are a Democrat, get "Benton's 30 years in congress" and read an account of President Jackson's great fight against the national banks, and then decide whether you are a Jacksonian Democrat or a Cleveland Democrat. If you are the former then there is no place for you but in the People's party. NOW'S THE TIME TO WORK. The most important election ever heW will occur next year. The crime of 1873 has been re-enacted. The democrats, who have denounced it in the most unmeasured terms for twenty years, have, upon their ac cession to power, turned right squarely around and put their seal of approval upon it in the most em phatic manner possible, by their votes. It means the end of silver unless the country rebukes the crime by the election of a Populist major ity in congress next year. The ene my is firmly intrenched in power. Nothing but a concert of action all along the line will ever dislodge him. Before it can be done millions of converts must bo made. There is no wav so effective as by the circu- ation Populist papers. Men will never know' what is hurting them till they see our papers. The Demo- Keps will immediately switch them off unto a bogus tariff reform and the federal election laws, and the question of money will soon be lost aio-ht rf. unless we keen it at the - "-7 front. Right here we want to appeal to every true Populist reader of The Caucasian to do some work now for the cause. Now while the honest democrats are sore over their betray .1 vir fhir rpnresentatives is the c J - 1 time to urge them to take the paper Lend them your copy, get them to read the aricle in this issue about the impossibility of reforming the Democratic party. Lend tliem books suck' as '.'Metallic Money and Hard Times," ''Bond .Holders ana jsreaa Winners," "The Political harth auake," "Seven Financial conspir aces," "Ten Men of Money island" and "Points for Thinkers," Any one of the above named hooks, is. an pye opener, ana reaa in ponueenoi with The Caucasian ought to make a Populist out of any honest demo crat or republican. Tell them they can get the paper from now on all during the next campaign and till the election is over for $1.00. and that it will be worth a f ld.QQ note. The perpetuity of free government i in the balance. The vote next fftU decides whether we will be in dustrial slaves or free men, Who will help to increase our list to 20,- 000? SENATOR STEWART ON THE RECENT ELECTIONS. "AIXTHE!KOI'U:C4 I1K DECEIVKI SOMETIME. BIT AIX THE PEOPLE CANNOT E DECEIVED ALL THE TIME." PEOPLE KNEW CLEVELAND THEY STRUCK AT HIM. AN'I In Cleveland Hu Exhibited All that I Hatfol to GMd Government In Him the People Raw EgotUra, Contempt for Law, Gold MobotnetallUni, Lave of the Kleh, Hatred of the Poor, the Servitor of the Creditor asa the Kuein J of the Poor Iebtor Clam o the people Condemned Grower and Mriurk Him They Will Cat Oft the Chala of the Gold Conspirators. The Washington correspondent of The lioeky Mountain News (I)em.) writes: ".Senator Stewart returned to the city to-day fr-i a brief absence. The News correspondent saw the etnator at his rooms to-night and the inquiry as to what he thought of the result of the recent elections, he re plied as follows: "Executive usurpation was so con spicuous that the people could see it through the tog; of falsehood of the venal press and rebuked it at the re cent election. Thev did not know who created the autocrat, who sub jugated congress and gave the world an object lesson of distress, but they knew (J rover Cleveland was the re-; sponsible agent and repudiated him. The people have known that they were hurt for many years, but they have not known who hurt them. THE PEOPLE SAW IT. "Each political party has declared the other did it, and both told the truth, because each is the subservient tool of gold standard contraction. Both parties used the fatal drug of contraction, falling prices and hard times one labels the drug Republi can, and the other Democratic. The gold trust furnishes the medicine and each party deceives the public with a lying label. There is but one remedy for the deadly poison of con traction, and that remedy need not be disguised. It is more money and consequent prosperity. The gold trusts of Europe and America have determined that there shall be no antidote, but what the people shall have less money and more misery, so long as the gold trust can administer the drug of contraction by labelling it Kepublican or Democrat, "All the people can be deceived sometimes, but all the people cannot b deceived all the time,' aud the time is not far distant when the peo ple will refuse the fatal drug of con traction however labeled, and take the only antidote which ever has or ever can cure financial distress more good money. Cleveland was a shining mark. In him was exhibi ted all that is hateful to good gov ernment usurpation, egotism, con tempt for law, gold monopolism, love of the rich, hatred of the poor, the servitor of the creditor and the ene my of the debtor class are character istics so prominent in him that those who ran could and did read. The people have hit him. Next time they will hit his backers, the London and New York gold trusts. Public rejoicing is coufined to politicians who contributed nothing to the re sult, but private satisfaction among honest people alike, Republicans and Democrats, is universal. The spell is broken and it is quite possible that members of the two houses of congress will at the ensuing session, have the courage to represent their constituents," TAKE NOTICE! Congress met and paid its debt to the gold bugs and then adjourned. When it meets in December for the regular session, the bosses will have a lot of bogus reform legislation cut aud dried to pass to try to cover their tracks aud for use in the next campaign. There has never been a time when it was more necessary for that body to be watched and its bo gus work promptly exposed. Now is the time to see that your neighbor takes the paper so that he will be in formed as to the trie situation as the figb,t proceeds. Let every sub scriber try to get at least one more of his neighbors to take the paper. Five hundred people are to-day suffering from hard, times caused by bad legislation where one person is be ing benefitted, Of course the one who is being benefitted wants the laws to stay as they are or to be made worse. Of course the five hundred want the laws changed. These bad laws must be changed by votes. Then why don't the five hundred vo,te for a change? Why don't they yote for the party that will make the change? "Nearly every man who has advertised in The Caucasian has taken the trouble to assure us that he was highly satisfied with the results ATTENTION KEKOKMEK ! Chairman Taabeaeek See in the Kert-at Election Uriicht Prospei-ta for th Peuple's Partr. (Siiil to The 'At AiA i Last werk's election provrs one thing above all others, aud that i? the widespread unrest and discontent among the people. Since 18 the people of the United States have been surging from one old party to the other, hoping to find relief by "jumping out of one frying pan into another." They have acted like a horse mired in quicksaud, lunging from side to side in the hope of strik ing solid ground; but every time they deserted one old party for the other they have been sinking deeper and deeper into the mire, which is now ready to engulf them. This chitting and surging of the voteis "to aud fro" speaks volumes for the People's party in the future. Every time they shift, that number who don't believe that any relief can come through the old parties will increase, and the con fidence of those who remain will be shaken more and more every year. They will become wiser at every election until, like a landslide, thev will drift into the People's party, as they did into the Kepublican in S;u. Nothing is plainer then that it is impossible for the old parties to give any relief by quarreling over the tariff. Before our country again be comes prosperous we must ha ye the principles of the Omaha platform enacted into law. "Money and Tkaxsaoktatiox" are the two great factors which con trol commerce and trade, as well as the distribution of wealth. As long as the factors are in the hands of a few individuals and corporations they will use them to levy tribute upon the people for "all the traffic will bear." The right tq "issue- money," like the "right to govern," is a preroga tive of the people, and they alone have the right to exercise it. We are just beginning to get into the fight; and it is the ttiity of every loyal Peo ple's party man and woman to stand by our cause. We must not equivo cate, neither vield one inch, nor re treat a singje step. No compromise, no surrender of principle, and no switching from the middle of the road, must be our motto. II, E. Tatjbeneck. LABOR IN WANT. (National JVnthem j Words by E. H. BeMen. Tune ''Shabby Gentetil," (MEHLINDA SISINS, IIQRTON, MICH.) Can you give any reason how it comes about, That my children are dyin' for bread, When Pve worked all my life and am nearly played out, Tryin' hard to get somethin' ahead. There is some folks I know of that hai'nt done a tap, And they ride in their carriage and four, And have got so much wealth they don't know where they're at, While the toilers are ragged and poor. Chorus: To proved to beg, to honest to steal, I know what it is to be wantin' a meal, When I ask for work, they call me a tramp, Or say I'm a Shabby Genteel. When they foreclosed the mortgage and took the old home, It was sad to lay mother away, And I couldn't keep from thinkin' of what would become, Of poor Bessie, and Bennie and May. Por I'm gettin' old now and my work's nearly done, Upon whom will my darlins' depend? Without clothin' or food, without friends or home, Will the millionaires care for them thenf Chorus: There is somethin' wrong somewhere as things are right now, Thousands are out of shelter and bread, While the wealth they've created is taken somehow. By the trusts and the Shylocks, instead- Nature's done its part well and the toilers their snare. For to make the world happy and gay Had the laws been preserved that our Fathers prepared, There is few would be wantin' to day. Chorus; They have burned up our greenbacks to make gold go up. A 'twould buy twice aa much as be fore, They are tryin' hard now to knock silver clean out, So't our debts will be twice as much more. Had the works of ou,r Fathers, and Lincoln's remained., Shylock'a greed would have never had birth. And the Nation would lived as at first it was framed, Until Freedom encircled the earth. Chorus; It will be equal rights or else slav'ry and serts, It is hard tellin' which, way 'twill go. For the gold bugs are fig'rin' to fence in the earth, And to own us both body and soul. But we'll have rights for all and give priv'leges to none, Or we'll march, like our Fathers, in blood, And beneath the same flag we will work, pray and vote, For our homes and our children and God. Chorus: TO THE POINT. HAYSEEDER "RO0ER CK ' MAKES SOME 1 MLY H!TS nv l It that the l' I'm la. not MUrrprrwnlrd the l.l.juor UealerV AM.HiatiUi -h Mill Prire. tio if You are f..r tree SiPr, What U Vur Outy? Kodrrirk a He Heard Aji-ork Promise to Join the Peup!e' Party irr of ,,,. . M A Iteverie. Mk. Editor; I am glad to be able to iuform you that while you do not hear from Iioderick very often, that he is yet living, thinking and observ ing. Notwithstanding the Demo crats promise! us last fall if we would elect Mr. Cleveland that the prices ot cotton, turpentine, Ac, would advance, Uoderick yet set s cot ton sell fur ? cents ir jound and turpentine for .l.;o jer barrel. What does all this mean'r We can't (Tnderstand it. Do you tell me that theiKEATand glorious Democra tic party has violated its sacked promised Democrats tell us that they are not responsible for the bad laws from which we are suffering. Have they not had charge of this govern ment since the 4th day of last March and have they not had time to have repealed every bad law that oppress ed the people? Tell us, oh, do tell us, which way that wave of prosperity that the Democrats told us last fall would follow the election of Mr. Cleveland, has gone. Dear voters, what have the Demo crats been telling you was keeping down the price of your cotton? Did they not tell you that it was the tar iff? Did they not tell you if you would elect them that they would re peal the tariff? Patient voters, what are they doing on that line now? The great Democratic leader of Xew York, (Mr. Cockran), says that the Democrats will repeal the Mc Kinley bill, hut will copy one from it and pass it Fellow citizens, what diffeience does the name make? Wher- are those speakers who told the people last fall that the dem ocratic party was in favor of free silver? Were they mistaken or try ing to fool the people? J . eiioerauc eu;tors are bow aayincr that Cleveland has deceived the peo ple. Kind friends, do you not re member how the followers of the Populist party were persecuted last fall because thev dared to tell the people that Cleveland would fool them if elected? Has Cleveland alone deceived you? No, my friends, the democratic party has deceived you; for the majority of the demo cratic party is believing aud acting with Mr. Cleveland. Are you in favor of free silver? If you are, why don't you unite with a party that is in fayor of it? Why re main the defenseless tail end of the democratic party when you see that the policy of the controlling part of that party is opposed to silver? liemeniber, kind voters, that every Populist congressman has stood like a stone wall in defense of silver and the people; while a majority of dem ocratic congressman have sought to slay silver and the best interest of the people. Listen to the exhortation that so many Southern editors are giving to congressmen. They say give us free silver or the Populists will carry the next election. Why don't they say give us silver because it is right? Dear Editor, why do yo.u try to scare your congressmen with the Pop ulist party? Do you think these measures are right? If you do, why don't you join in with a party that is in favor of enacting them into law? Why do you try to frighten the peo pie away from a party that you in directly acknowledge will give them justice? Voters, watch the democratic edi tors that have recently been so clam orous for free silver and see if now that the democratic party has gor.e on record as being opposed to free si!ve; if some of these 6ame criug- ing, iawning cowarus iion t trv to teach the people that free silver wouid be againstthe best interest of the country, They say Grover Cleveland has de ceived the people. Who warned you against Cleveland before it was too late my friends? The much perse cuted Populists. Watch these little fellows that have gotten office under Mr. Cleveland. Not one of them savs that Cleveland has deceived the people. It is alarming to know what a power ignorance is in the hands of demagogues. V e heard a poor be nighted ignoramous remark the other day that he was opposed to free sil ver because it wouldn't pas.3 in other countries, and u cheap money and is no good and the .vrnnie-nt, by it suauij-, uii i nijic 1 1 gfXHi. in a le , . . . . . 1 t m minutes afterward! he wanted to know why it is that Con federate mo ney will not jiass now a well a it ever did. This man is a gold hug democrat that is well trained to vote as his bosses tell him to, while his clothes are ragged and his stomach is emptv. t ' The Uiaits of democrats that "we j beat you once aud can do it again," j reminds me of the old fellow w ho i found two turkeys on a roost. He took the gobbler and remarked that he could get the hen the nevt night. Democrats, you have gotten the gob bler, but you may find sentinels when you go for the hen. Democr-its told us 'rt fail that they were voting for principle. Tell us what principle, please. It seems that your party can't decide what its principle is. a You remember how the Kaleigh News and Observer ha beet: clamor oring for free silver and saying that (irover Cleveland has deceived the people. Now the News and Observ er says that Virginia is safe, (l'lVr rall is elected. It U known that O'Ferrall is a gold bug. The Rich-! niond Dispatch, (dem.) of the iuh i inst. says: "The administration of (irover Cleveland has been approwdi in Virginia." Suhe th'w rebus, will youf What do you think of a fool that will clamor for a money that will pass in Europe when he hasn't any money to pass at home? I'rovide for home and then we will look after Europe. When did the democrats of Samp son county give that big barbecue that they said they were going to give right after last election? It it true that they would not give it be cause they were afraid they would have to feast the colored brother? Mr. Editor, please give the name of that consummate ass that said Mr. Ay cock did not say on the last campaign, that if the democratic party got in power and didn't give free coinage of silver he would leave the democratic party. Mr. Aycock dare not deny it; there are thousands of neonb in North Carolina who heard him say it. You may lose sight of C rover Cleveland, John Sherman and other great men, but we like to know what has become of that one who is rreat er than them all. We refer to Tobie Stevens, of Wayne county, N. C. Do you remember how Senator K. II. Cooper went over Sampson county last fall, claiming to have a monopo ly on information, wisdom and fore thought, and telling the people if ClevelandVas elected President that he would give the people free silver and an immediate reduction of the tariff ? He said Cleveland was the biggest and best man in America. It is amusing now to hear how he is abusing Cleveland for not carrying out his (Cooper's) policy. Certainly that great and glorious Cleveland that he described last fall has not gone back on his promises. We think the great aud learned Senator must be mistaken now, Ierhaps the Sen ator is in a kind of reverie when he says Mr. Cleveland has fooled the people. We hear that he does get in a reverie sometimes. Some people think that he also belongs to Gid eon's Band. They say he has been seen walking the streets and making strange signs. We don't think though, that the Senator does belong to Gideon's Band. We think he is just nervous over the way his party deceived him. Life is full of disap pointments and we regret that the Senator takes on at such a rate about the way King Grover has deceived him, a The whiskey association which met in Charlotte the other day drew I up resolutions thanking the press of Noah Carolina for the impartial manner in which they have been treated. Why is it the farmers could not have been treated impartially by this same press? Did not the farm era of North Carolina have as much right to bind together for their pro tection as the whiskey dealers of the State? You remember these whiskey dealers have said in their association that they expect to vote the democra tic ticket- The whiskey dealers get not one word of abuse for their ac tion while the farmers are abused without mercy for standing together for the same identical purpose, viz mutual protection, oo-caileu min isters of the gospel, who have spnt a goodly portion of their time in abusing and ridiculing the farmers f ,r ivmbiniti together .irv m mum ja oren oa thi. alliance of whisker i , j ueajers. uch tnotigm and rrlig- ion !. Grange to Koderuk. What does this whiskey alliance in North Cam in a p'edged to support the dem ocratic party man anyway? Ij it l.ssibl? that wean- about to have a "Tammany Hall" organised riht here in North Carolina? ou nay that a good many demo- crat who were thcN-d to office litst fall hau- deceived the itvplc. 1 chal! enge you to chow uie a single Populist who wu4 elected to otlioe that has not i-tood firmly by eerr pledge that he made to his nsuti ent.". j lie?s your weet oul, don't ou ! ever think that lioderiek hit rtop)el writing. Whenever any charge that he makes i publicly denied, be will give his real name aud stand in-radial ly reejxjnsihle for it. If any man wants to know who Koderick is let him deny our charges. We hoje that no man has been fool enough to think that Kodcrick could U- intim idated is why we haven't written in some time. I wonder if some Mdi!ieiaus won't want to resort to shot guns aud bull dozing in the next election to coer up their lying hvptK-racv and rascal ly records? The Sampson Democrat wants the South and West to unite. It s;ns there is no democracy in Northeast ern democracy. Isn't that exactly what The Caivaman has been tell ing the people all the while. We hope that since the Democrat has at last opened its eyes that it will not shut them again but will remain with the people. What need wecarc for name. lltlUKIlli K. GOOD ADVICE FROM AN UNFRIENDLY SOURCE. The old line politicians who are trying to make the people satislied with the hard times has been offer ing some rood advice. They say "make every thingyou need, stay at home and eat and wear it and you will be alright." This is good ad vice, but it was given to convince the fanners that if they would follow this course they would have nothing to grumble about. We want to say to the farmers that the best thing that they can do is to follow this course, not because it is right that they should live this way, but because it is necessary. That is, it is neces sary as long as present conditions continue to exist. But no patriot will ever submit to such a course without striving with all of his niiht to change it. This advice re quires the farmers to step out of the line of progress, to refuse to avail themselves of the industrial improve ments of the niueteenth century, turn back the wheels of civilization three thousand years, become a her mit and have nothing to do with the outside world. If he will follow this course, it is true that he can stay at home and eat and wear what he makes, and not be effected by panic or low prices. As it is now, if a farmer makes something to sell, puts it into money, and then takes the money to buy tho products of somebody else's labor he gets wors ted, he does not get value received for his, nor does the laborer at the other end of the line fare any better, the profit is gobbled up be tween the two. Those who control the instruments of commerce money and transportation stand between the wealth producers, and get a large share of the profits of their labors. Here we have a rich country, made rich by wealth producers, and yet the men who have created the wealth are to day poor, growing poorer. Ihey have made themselves poor by coming in contact with the instruments of commerce the agencies of civilisation. These wealth producers to-day must follow the advice of the politi cians, for if they dare to come in contact with commerce they are robbed by the agencies of commerce. So under these conditions w e say let u s buy as little as possible until money can be issued in sufficient quantities to do the business of the country, and be controlled in a manner so as to give every wealth producer an equal showing with the other citizens of the country, also until the high ways of commerce, (that are now held by greedy corporations) are run at cost, without discrimination, in the interest of the people. When tha' is done, then the farmers can ..take that which he can produce best, turn it into money and buy t he pro ducts of another man's lab -r wh can produce another article bet'.-r ih-tn he can. This we could do t.o v if soulless corporations did not s-nl between the wealth producer of the different sections of the coun tiy and bleed them coming and go ing. It is pretty hard to follow the advice of th politicians, but it is about all that is left for us to do, and if we fallow it, it will so n teach the country a lesson. In the meautiiue let us use our votes to have the instru ments of commerce controlled in the interest ot the people, and then we will show the wot Id how farmers should aud can live. SHAME ON THEM. THF 3SVOCRATC C VCTORY iH TUII Mill WHICH CAIarw HNT Ilit.lM lit M IMi THI IH H :!. i i iiim t 1 1 x-t n Tr. h K:iKo HiT -oi-tr o HOT II PAKTIla IH I'l IH Ui. HIM. the .tr. V.irr talhe Tatar All m the letMuermtie Parly. A St VII V Mil TIIKIiN K! mioN CAfK. HHUH I IKHm V 114 I OTRAtt a Till Mtlll: MITHOln OI 1 .Hnto.kv V- Mrlllpa limm I mh Jjw Kole tH tal'or- r tvni itiir Seul 'trrehlrtit in Waih- Washington, Nov. IS, I demo crat affect a great deal of jubilation and hilarity om t "the great Demo cratic victory in Virginia." They look to Virginia a the oaii in the tiLsl HT ok DKUtM'KATir WKKf'K. Proudly do they Hint to "thr magnilicent triumph of Demicracy" in that Slate. The Pcpuluta have U-en "routed, horw, foot and dra goon." What the Democratic ma jority is nobody knows and. nobody but the "iMsses" will know until the lallot-hov manipulators complete their count. NoImhIv .jmntioiu that Democracy triumphed in Virginia last week. It wjui a characteristic Democratic ictory, and when the truth is known every lament max on Virginia soil will have cause to hang his head in shame. How IT WAS WON. The w hole jMiwer of the Federal government was Uhind the Demo cratic candidate for governor. It was used in the most bhameUss man- ner. Rut the tide of revolt was too strong, and two weeks before the election there w as every indication of Democratic collapse. The jeril was imminent and the leaders were quick to nee it. Then followed the lesjer- ate "inlluencing" of the negro vote. The colored man and brother voted almost unanimously with the "O'Fer rall machine." Here and there in spote, in different parts of the State few negroes voted the Populist ticket, but O'Ferrall and the Demo cratic State ticket owe their their election to the negro vote. What the size of the majority shall Ik de pends wholly upon "the counting machine." It is just as easy to make it ?:i,()(K) as 10,000. WHAT THK KI.KCTlON MKANS. Its chief significance is the fact the negro vote was counted a it was voted. 'I his is something startling new under the sun. For the first time since the emancipation of the negro has his vote been counted in any Southern State election. When he votes the Democratic ticket the negro is a patriotic, intelligent citi zen; when he votes the straight Ile publicau ticket it wasn't counted. And this is what is heralded over the country in appalling headlines aa "a great Democratic victory!" THE f'OI'ULIST CAMPAIGN. It was without management, or ganization or leadership. The move ment swept the State of iU own mo mentum. Its champions were men of nerve, courage, character and de termination. They fought against stupendous odds and had fairly won the light until overwhelmed by the negro allies of the Democratic party. THK CONING CONFLICT. The Virginia election marks an era in Southern politics. Henceforth the negro vote is to be an important factor in Democratic calculations. What was done in Virginia will be attempted in North Carolina and other Southern States. The revolt against "machine politic" in the South haa driven the Bourbon Dem ocracy to the negro voter as an ally in future elections. In some places the negro may be handled by the Democratic machine. He may be influenced by a tempting corruption fund, where there is no Republican organization or Republican candidate, but the Democratic scheme to buy the negro vote is an insult to the race and a menace to honest govern- liejlt. It bT infinitely better from the stau Ipoint of common morality and infinitely safer to the perpetuity of free government that "the machine" !io-ld adhere to the present policy of stuffing of ballot boxes, suppress ing the negro vote in the interest "of Son: hern civilization," and enacting dec; ion laws that encourage and le galize fraud. Sooner or later the people will rise in their wrath and finite the scoundrel who, if common (Continued on Second Page.) T

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