X THE CAUCASIAN PCBUSHID IVEBT THCRKDAV. MABIO BUTLER. Editor k Propr. burscriition kateh. ONEYKAR, BIX MONTHS. f Entered at tbe Fort Office at CoLli-boro' C, M aecond-claat) mail matu-r J N. The Advertising Spage the independent PUPAL PPESS ASSOCIATION Hoyce Bulldinc. CMICAOO. P. fl. VAN VLEET. flanag-er, ponnlbl t"T all KivrtlwiinM n won, and to w bom all '"'V".' a a.tw riittf In e lor rt, aample c-opH. etc "dilrr-mnKt. SAM ASHE REJOICES OVER V.RG'NiA. Tli fnllowinir was written by rw Ham Ashe, that sickly tool of .tr.,rif fnr ballot monopoly oui nj,a W thieves- - We have felt considerable inter- est in the result in V irginia, ana at last have the figures at band. 1 he vote for uovernor w... r "'"T1 ! tne currency, which was the true mo when the legislature meets, but that wt tun j, for Attorrey iienerai is uu there linir only two counties yet to " " i t hear from. The Democratic vot?jM0f with two counties missing. i4,.-n-i.on The I'opullrmi. --S a. I'rohibitiodMu n.ia.Uate got, or. . ... i ....... :. v.,.r -UK dOO. a i ne loiai vow io a1"" - - fallinir off in the total of about ,0,- CJ ITT..mtif. There is no nope ior jy Marion liutler and bis followers. When Cant. Ashe says there is no hoie for the People's party in North Carolina, if he means what he says, he evidently feels sure that there will never be another fair, honest .. .1 LH..I. ...ill election in inis Diuie. c argue this question with him or his kind, but simply serve notice on them that all the hired thugs and "pie counter brigade" at the command of the machine can not steal tbe next election in this State without a pro- test from the people who are honest in all parties. Hut we started out to call atten tion to the Virginia vote. The fig ures quoted above of course repre sents tbe count of the Democratic machine, but for the sake of argu ment let us take it for granted for the present that they are correct. Suppose that the People s party only &ot 78,43'. votes, what does it mean i It means that more than 00,000 Dem- ocrats who voted for Cleveland last vear. this year voted for the People's party candidate for Governor. The k 1..'. norf. r.f m,lv votes in Virginia in 1802. This year 78,- " .1 431). Yes, Mr. Ashe, suppose the .. L .., IC . Popuhsts did "rally their strength this year, if they rally as much add- itional strength next time, me 1,eu'- . . . . . . a . 1 1 ocrats will be badly left. Of course, the machine politicians will now try to make it appear that this tremend- ousgainin the People's party vote waa caused by negro votes. Hut ev- try man who read the Virginia pa- pers a few weeks ago, knows how an- xious the Democrats then were anout the colored vote. I hey admitted that the People's party would win if it grot the colored vote. We all know that the Chairman of the Democra- tic Executive Committee got some leading negroes in the State to sign an address calling upon the negro voters of the State to vote the Dem- I ocratic ticket. We aU know that they sent off for an import-id negro orator to go out and make stump speeches for the Democratic party. And when this writer was in Vir- ginia he was told that tha Democra- tic machine had negro school teach- era or preachers hired going over the counties advising the colored people . twi i. a r J or at least to vote that ticket. If i- u inc iemociats uiu uot get tuc ucg.u vote, they wasted a lot of money and CUOrC. 1 , .... j iu Yirgiuiaouu iu its iasi issue contained a large number of letters from different quarters of the State that throw lurht on the situation. The following are a sample of them: Ai.ittJiAULh tuLNii. The Democrats claim this county by 1,200 majority. They had and used large quantities or money and whiskey. We used neither. Their majority is derived mainly trom the negro vote. George lu Minor. BEDFORD COUNTY. This county gave O berrall 145 majority. The negro vote saved him. Thos. E. Cobb. Again Mr. Law ton writes from Chesterfield county that the Demo- crats used whiskey, money ana in timidation. He says that they got all the negroes they could lo vote the Democratic ticket and prevented those who would not from voting at all. Besides this, the places where the Democrats made any gains were in counties where such wholesale in timidation, cheating and thieving occurred as was practiced in Halifax and other counties in this State last fall. The People's party in Virginia re- , fused to make any iusioh, out imuie - . . r j.l a square in the middle or the road fight. They have just gone through the same experience there that we did in North Carolina last fall. The great principles of reform are grow- ins steadily in Virginia, North Car - OU0. It appears that me xeniut. power of consumers has more man vote is very light, and yet thus of the advantage to them of low Xtt wO'ts SLfS. er price, to say nothing of thegreat- olina, and everywhere. Thousands are owning their eyes to the true situation. Besides, the disreputable conduct of the machine in Virginia, will drive thousand more to tbe IVoj.Ks movement, as it has already don" in this Stat. And, lrf-sides, the i i thrre as well n" M,c learned that tbey must protect their ballot with their personal courage in the future. We expect to see the people redem Virginia, and North Carolina both at the next election. THE WORST SU.'FERERS It baa been frequently demonstra ted in these columns that farmer! In., infinitely tbe greater sufferers from tbe demoneti zation of silver and that tbey aud not the silver mining section now Lave most involved u tbe money uoW war on the white uieta., which is being waged so persistent hy by the money lenders' churnpi. n. ire - Hideut Cleveland 'j he Birjnkage in tbe volume of ... - - the agricultural interest thousand vu m iiff nroniny h vcr. n;i wai millions of dollars by the mine of iceBf fron- which there has ,,irreSrndin" benefit to tbe . - work mtr classes in other industries, r because the diminished purchasing e(i. The conditions that rob tne farmer of fair profits on his invest- nient anj aoor al80 paralyzes busi- neg8 jn general and especially the ue- vei01)rm.nt of industries. Agncul- turai prosperity must be restored be . .1 1 r IU,. tsltofua lore tne peopie ot nit- umicu maiw caI, eYer again experience healthy in justrial conditions. While the last dozen years have brought enormous wealth to a privi- wej cia3S they have been fraught witjj rujn 0r approximate ruin to millions of our producing popula tion and have piled up private in debtedness at a rate that the resourc es of no people could long withstand Denver News. The crime commenced by the lie publican party is now being carried nn bv the Democratic party. The ony urty that will avenge the -j wrong jg the People's party COLORADO AND NEBRASKA While Weaver carried the State of Colorado last year, yet tbe Republi cans had a majority in the lower house of the Legislature. This year the People's party earned over two. V;,1o rf tho niiTitiA in tnn State. - . In Nebraska last year the People's Re. fortv C0Jinties. and the " Democrat: ts nine. This year the Peo- pIe,s party carries 02 counties, the Republicans 19, and the Democrats 8 counties. The People's party gained everywhere in the ate elee- turns. THS EXpiAINS THE DEMOCRATIC (?) VICTORIES- r joe i)aDiels who has Hopped to the eold bugs, in the last isaue of the Carolinian, nay: "As in North ..Carolina hist year, so m iuerA ITl. " groes wln not vote the Third party ticket." JJut it Mr. Daniels cares anything tot exactness ot statement he ought u ; Qofo l ' uuut 1U shows that the negro vote was nor counted for the People's party. Jir. Joe Daniels who once profess- ed to stand for; good government, who once advocated justice and helped to resist the encroachment ot I -1.1 monopoly, has eviuentiy gouen nis sense OI mannooa ana justice oaaiy warped at the Cleveland gold bug 1 -tak OAiintnV " In tllO OCT lCQim J". T I) 1 S2 . . paper ne .ays. T . d haye be(m leaning toward the Populist party "I" IIOI'VOIB l ua i. li&ci muuu mcj reflect that, in the light ot recent elections, that party showed no strength." In the first place Mr. Daniels states an untruth. The People's party maae lare eains eyerywnere m tne late elections, out suppose it naa notf wouid 00j men" wh0 believe that the People's party was right al low that to cause them to yote for a patty that they knew is wrong! Mr Daniels would evidently follow this cause but "good men" will not Br true men ith honest convic tions do not stampede and run after the ways of unrighteous even if a ma jority should happen to do so for'the time being. Mr. Daniels simply pictures and condemns his own tend ency to flop by his own language. A Texas paper savagely remarks that: "All this talk about the old Suard of Democracy makes the aver age lexan democrat very weary when he sees the old guard fall down and whine every time Groves raises his foot to kick." The People's party made a gain of 5,000 votes in Massachusetts this year. Sixty-nve counties in Ohio show a gain of J.,400 votes over last year. Read the article in another column headed "Retribution Coming." Sen ator Stewart, talks nlainlv and hits thg nail rfl Qn the head When you don't get your paper send us a postal card at once. Don t wait two or three week. We will send you the missing copy and also 1 investigate tne trouble. (ti.; recruiteti army JEWS ATO COMJiniT. Rt4 Dr. Charles F. Dnw, pastor of. tbe 4 Caurcu of the tranjrer ,oi Nw Yk, died at bis home in that city on last Saturday night. lit wa wrll known in thi State, and hin many friend hre and throaKh oat the country wi 1 bar of bis d;atb with genuine b rrtw. Several uioDtliH ago he was n.eken with paralysis, and has been gradually mukluti since that time. He was born in Baltimore Decem ber the 4th, 1S20. After gradaating at a college in Pennsylvania he was licensed u a Methodist preacher. He was soon appointed general Agent of the American Bible Soei tta, and selected North Carolina as his tield for work. A few years la ter he was appointed awistant Pro fessor of logic and rhetoric at the University of North Carolina. Af ter filliug this plaee for five years he was elected Professor of Natural Science of Randolph Macon College, Virginia. He soon left this place to accept a position as rresiaeni oi Greensboro Female College, North Carolina. In 18'4 he resigned this place to enter the ministery; he soon went to New York, however, and started a church paper known as The Watchman." This project soon failed and he began preaching in a chapel in New York. Commo dore Vanderbilt gave him fifty thou sand dollars to build the "Church of the Strangers." This was to be a kind of non-sectarian, independent church, and in that Dr. Deems has continued to preach. He has written and published several books viz., "The Home Alter," "What Now," "Analysis of Southern Methodism," "Life of Jesus," "Gospel of Common Sense," etc. At one time he was pastor of the Methodist church in Goldsboro. He was a man of considerable force and learning, and independent and origi nal ideas. Another road congress was in ses sion in Kaleierh recently. It was - called by Gcv. Carr. Xow the ques tion arises, who sent the delegates, who paid their expenses and whom did they represent. We see the fol lowing officers reported: Dr. K. J. Crevard of Mecklenburg, president; W. F. Kornegay of Wayne, vice-pres ident; J. A. Holmes, secretary and treasurer. It is called the "Public Koad Association of North Caroli na." Of course the people would be benefitted by better roads, but is it not paternalism to have the govern ment to improve them? Would it not be best to turn the whole matter over to private corporations, let them fix up the roads as they see lit and then charge the people as much toll as they want? Public roads and railroads ought to stand on the same footing. Murder in I'itt County. We learn that Mr. Ab. Slaughter, a former citizen of Goldsboro, but who for several years has lived in Pitt county, in a difficulty with one of his neighbors over a disputed line between them a few days ago, killed his neighbor or the brother of his neighbor killed him, or at least, in their engagement there were pistols used and both were killed. The brot her, it is said, struck Mr, Slaugh ter over the head with a piece of iron while the tussle was going on. The names of the other parties were Smith, and the living Smith is under arrest we learn. . Knights of Labor. The 19th annual session of the General Assembly Knights of Labor, was in session last week in Philadel phia, Charges of corruption against Powderly were made by Nationa Secretary Hoges, A Ititf Failure. The firm of Thurber-Whyland Co. of New York, has made an assign ment. It was the largest wholesale grocers establishment in the world. Mr. T. H. McKoy, of this State, for a numoer or years was tne JNortn Carolina representative of the firm. THIS IS A SAMPLE COPY, IF You are not a subscriber. Thi paper is run on the cash in advance basi strictly. So if you get one copy or if you get it a year, and you have not subscribed, you may know that some one is having it sent to you. After a while the paper wil stop. That will mean that the time paid for has expired. Then we will bejglal to have you -iubscribe your self. Alliance Lecturing In Wilson County. Elm City, N. C, Nov. 18, '93. Editop. The Caucasian; Please publish the following ap pointments: I will speak at the fol lowing time and places: Bloomery Alliance, - Nov. 29 Rockridege " - - "30 Springhill " - - Dec. 1 Red Oak Grave Alliance 2 Speaking to commence at 2 o'clock p. m. at each place. Everybody in vited. Piogressive Farmer please copy. Jno. D. Meares, Lecturer Wilson Co. Alliance. ALLIANCE SPEAK1NU! Moroanton, N. C, Nov. 8, 1893 Ed. Caucasian: Please give space for the following appointments for our county lecturer, Bro. P. W. Pat- ton; Table Rock, Saturday, Nov. 18, 11 a. m. Oak Forest, Thursday, Nov. 23, 7 p. m. Linville, Saturday, Nov, 25, 11 a. m. Yours, &c,, J, R. JfowARp. CORRESPONDENCE. A ropriJiT CX-l'B okc;anizi:i. A Mnr H KisM l)lmtl-Let ntkrr 1attnMM fallal. i St. Pacls, h C. 3, 13. The first gun of the catnjaign was tired at this place uu Saturd.? October 2?th. The People's party seeing and feeling the necessity of organiza tion, come together and organized a club with 35 members. We feel proud of 'this movement, and that St. Pauls township should have been first to take that ail imjortant step. We hope the exanip e ill be followed at once by every tow nship in the county, and by every county in tbe State. Our enemies are hard at work and will not leave any plan untried to defeat ns on the coming election. We can't call attention too often to tbe pressing necessity of organizing our forces thoroughly. Many more dangers beset ns now than ever le fore, hence the great necessity of omhining our forces and educating them up to a proper appreciation of the great work to lie done and in what manner to do it. We are closely watching the camp of the enemy and observe an uu wont ed activity amongst the plutocratic hordes. I he infant Peoples party has assumed manly proportion?, with strong muscles of popularity nd bids fan. with such men as Vance, Irby of South Carolina, aud Rosser of Virginia, as fearless expe uents of it honest and patriotic teachings to become a determined and dangerous rival of the old rotten organizations of the past. lhat we have much hard work be fore tis is a fact that none should lose sight of; and the sooner we get our machinery in order for this work the better for our cause. Let there be no retrogression in our move ments, but onward, outward to the goal of equal rights to all. Ue feel satisfied that, if our forces are properly husbanded, with the ad vantages given us by the disaffec tions in the ranks ot our enemies, success, grand and glorious, will be ours. lo this enu let us work. Yours in the faith, J. Traitors To The People. Fayatteville, N. C, November 4th, 1893. Dear Sir and Brother: Your predictions of last summer are verified. I propose you have a column in The Caucasian headed "Traitors to the South," under which keep a list. Y'ou can commence it with Mat. Hansom, N. C; Gordon, Ga.; White and Caffuey, La.; Mills, Texas; Lindsay, .Kentucky. Let their names be remembered by generations to come with those of Benedict Arnold and Aaron Burr If Cleveland had been employed as an attorney by the gold bugs to destroy the Democratic party he could not have done it more success fully. Well, it lived only its day. They hold the reins now . tnrough fraud and corruption. Cleveland, Sherman ct Co. rule now sure. Yours for the war, W. J. Sorry lie Voted For Cleveland. Mr. Editor: I hope you will ex cuse ignorance for 1 am a poor boy and had but a few days schooling, But I want to say a word. I am 22 years old and cast my first ballot for Cleveland and which 1 fear I wil regret, seeing he has already ignored the platform he was elected on. fear the old gentleman is like a rich lady of Haleigh that went out riding one cold day and lacked to f reeze,and while returning she told her servant he must go and haul some wood to some of her poor neighbors but while her servant was unbuckling the horse, she went to the fire and be came warm; so she tells the servant he need not go,the weather had mod erated. J. am a Democrat; I hope one of the pure and simple kind but I am getting tired of the way monop olists are using it as a means of de ception and oppression. Send me your paper. I want to know what is going on. I want to vote for men next time, and men who are for pure Democratic principles. Jas. M, Maynand. DO YOU WANT $1.00 W CAH? To contribute to the Polk Monu ment fund ? Send us a club of ten subscribers for one year each and we will give you $1.00 to place to the Polk Monument fund. In this way you can contribute to honor the memory of our late beloved Presi dent, and at the same time help t,o push on the great work for which he gave his life by extending thecirou-1 lation of The Caucasian. You can aid in both of these great objects without it costing you a cent. You can do it by simply following in the line of duty marked out by the la mented Polk. By giving The Cal casian 10,000 more subscribers you will pile up a fund of $1,000 for the monument. In short the friends of The Caucasian can build the monument in this way alone. Let every one put the ball in motion and the work will be done. By the time the monument is built tbe great principles for which Col. Polk gave his life blood will be ready to sweep North Carolina, if not the whole country. tf. THE R03BER TARIFF. On November 1st. the Demcratic party had been in power thirty-fouiF weeks. During that time (accord ing to ante-election statements) the "culminating atrocity" has robbed us of just $-156,769,226. Tiis mugt be charged np to them as they are in complete control and could, ere this, have wiped out every vestige of the "McKinley monstrosity." We pro pose to keep tab on this weekly, adding $13,461,538. Just watch how it grows and show the result to your denjocratip neighbor. Dakota Iluralujk (tf. WOMAN'S SPHERE . "ManT tlk about woman hre As though it bad Umit. There not a plac in arth or heaven. Ther't not a task to man km J jiren. There's not a bkwnnif or a woe. There's not a htp-r jr or no. There not a life a deatn or Dinn. That has a f rather weight of worth. j Without a woman tn it' j PLEASED WiTH OUR OFFER Mr. Ei'iToa-I was etruck with our fiuggestion to tbe women in jour last isne. If tbe lady readers f The Caucasian will avail them-mJv-es of your kind offer to give them a space in your column, they (we, fo: I will help) cannot only make the eolumn interesting, but in structive to each other. I have nothing to ask this week. How often in the past I wanted to know some thing, that some of your readers could have told nie. I suggest (if you will excuse me) that you have a special plaee under "Woman's sphere" called" Information depart ment" for questions and auswers from the ladies. Yours .Ve. (Mrs.) F. L. Granville, N. C. Nov. 21st. Thankag-ivlniC Verse. Let us with a gladsome mind Praise the Lord, for he is kind. For his mercies shall endure Ever faithful, ever sure. Milton. O favors every year made new! O gifts with rain and sunshine sent! The bounty over-runs our due, The fullness shames out discon tent. Whittier I praise thee while my days go on; 1 love thee while my days go on; Through dark and dearth, through fare and frost, With emptied arms and treasure lost, 1 thank thee while my days go on. JVlrs. .Browning Lord, for the erring thought Not into evil wrought; Lord, for the wicked will Betrayed and baffled still; For the heart from itself kept, Our thanksgiving accept. W. D. Howells. SUM OF AIX HOLIDAYS. That Is Why Thanksgiving Should Be the Happieot of All. vy e could not asK a more sugges tive title or one which makes sweet er music in an American's ear This occasion, says the New York Ledger, is different from all other national holidays, since it gathers them all up into one, and with them unites every mercy of the dying year, the bounties of its harvests, the manifold gifts of white-winged commerce, the preservation of peace and prosperity, and recognizes each and every one in a gratitude o'er- flowmg with festivity and mirth. Thanksgiving! A word with which to conjure happiness into the most dismal and dejected spirit. The per sonal associations of this festival are, perhaps, its greatest sources of attraction. The fathei and the mo ther, expecting John from the city and Mary from the school, will re call the dear old days when they. too, came home to roast apples be fore the blazing logs, and watch the ruddy glow glinting across the pol ished mahogany, while "Half hidden in a quiet nook, serene or look and heart. Talking the old times over, the par ents sat apart." And what times they were, famous for corn huskings unknown to this degenerate age, for moonlight straw rides across the glistening snow and hoary ghost legends of Hessian troopers. Hence, Thanksgiving comes with redolent memories of past joys, blended into the best and puiest moments of American life, its homes and its hearts. Let fair summer's robes pale and diej ind the frosted leaves rustle be neath the tread, vy nat cares Thanks giving day for winter's stern hearlds? In fact,we welcome a erood November day that the cold without may form a contrast for tbe warmth within. It would disturb the eternal fitness of things to eat the time-honored bird and the national pie in the long, bright days of leafy June. No! The wise gobbler may con template a perch upon the crescent of the moon if he thinks fit, but he must needs die, and, flanked by cranberry sauce and the constant pumpkin pie, present himself to our view on the last Thursday in No vember, and not a day earlier, please. Then, as we cluster around the fire and bid defiance to the elements, let ns remember to make Thanks giving a home-day, where all the dear ones will gather, and eyes look love to eyes which speak again. It must also be a happy day to every body, from grandmother- in the corner to the cat slumbering at her feet A day for devout worship, joyous festivity, kindly deeds, old teuds healed no. new friendshir made; in short, a glorious, old-fashioned Thanksgiving. Things Worth Knowing. Preparing a Face Bath. The proper way to prepare a face bath is to fill a bowl with hot water, dip in it a flannel cloth, rub the soap on this until there is a thick lather; pass it gently but briskly over the face With both hanks wash the soap off, sponge with cooler water, dry on a soft towel., afterward using the palms of the hands to arouse cir culation. After the face is thor oughly dry take some unguent on the fingers and begin the massage. Almond oil and cocoa butter are both softening and are easily and quicklv absorbed. But no unguent must be used constantly or it will produce a light dow upon the face. In the morning the face should be washed in hot water containing any thing the skin may seem to demand. November Ladies' Home Journal. When TffE Cafcasja gets 20, 000 subscribers some of our present subscribers will say was one of jts early friends. I helped double its circulation by sending in a clqb of new subscribers." (tf.) According to Dawin and others, it take a monkey thousand of years to make a man of himself, but a man can make a monkey of himself in less than a minute. oa ean h-ar Thankivin min ? with tbe jolliest kin 1 uVunJ: Yon ean hear tbo lurkev holler for a mile or two around; 1- .. iL.i k.u in it. a be 1 ne r or wi - has be n in the past. Anhe thinks that every minute i je' sure to be his last! . You ran hear Tbanksgvm """" with a rush an' with a roar, An th knie an' forks a-bummm as w pas tha plate for more. O.it's jolly every tninut, m me north an in the south. For the turkey-gobbler's in it. an Atlanta Constitution. A T1hi la W lradl. "Why do you look so dismal. Fa ther Wilhamr Said the young tur key to the gobbler. "My son, ' replied the mature iuru. "I am reflecting on the near ap- d roach of Thanksgiving day, wun the certaintv that many of our num- her will be knocked into the muiaie ; . - . - . of necks tweak." Judge. Remain tx-r Ihe Poor. "Yes we should all think of tbe pnor on Thanksgiving. -N we should. Did you give . i i ? a anvtning tuis yean "Oh, yes." "What!" "Thanks." -Texas Siftings. Iu Great Lurk. Charles nave you anythg to be thankful for to-day f Frederick Heaps. 1 ve eoutrived to break off all my engagements to marry. Chicago News. A Hong of Thanksgiving turkey stood in a ranberry swamp, And sang till his throat was sore; For all day long, he sang this song: We shall meet on that beautiful shore." Puck. Hungry Hyslop Can't you help me a bit, boss? I hain't had nothin' to be thankful for to-day Mr. Delmonico Savarin (who has dined too well) Be thankful that you haven't an indigestion! Puck. If Any Are Alive. "I heard little Johnny say that Thanksgiving day would be here soon," said a young turkey to its mamma. "Do turkeys have Thanks giving days, ma!" "Yes my dear," replied the mam ma turkey. "We will hold ours after the folks at the house have had theirs if we live." Judge. Where He Wornhlpn. Blooburaper- I suppose you will repair to your place of whorship on Thanksgiving day, as the president recommends in his proclamation. Lpatts Yes, I expect to eat my dinner on that day at my best girl's house. Mr. Brady (survej-ing the scanty repast) 'Tis dev'lish little dinner we haye to be t'ankful fer this day, In or a! Mrs. Brady Whist, Molike! Yez do be fergettin' that we should be t'ankful there do be no more here to ate it! Puck. No Names Mentioned. She Isn't it a pity that they don't have mistletoe on Thanksgiving, as they do at (JhristmasT He Do you think, Miss Maude, thfit it is always er ahem neces sary f She It seems to be for some men ALLIANCK SPEAKING. Brother J. T. B. Hoover, Assistant Lecturer of the N. C. Farmers' State Alliance, will address the brethren and public generally in Richmond county. Smyia, 10 a. m., Coledonia, 2:30 p. m., State Line, 10 a. m.. Brownville, 2:30 p. m., Gio, 10 a. m., Hamlet, 2:30 p. m., Old Hundred, 10 a. m., Laurel Hill, 2:36 p. m.. Spring Hill, 10'a. m , Nov. 21. it . ti ( 22 23, n 24, Moflman, Z:6U p. m., " Green Lake, 1Q a. m.r " Roberdel, 2:3Q p. m., - v Wolf Pit, 10 a. m., Zion, 2:30 p. m., " Bostic Sch'l House, 10 a. m., " Fair Ground, 2:30 p. m., " Mountain Creek, lo a. m., " n 28, i 29. 30. Jordan Hill, 2:30 p m., " Pee Dee, 10a. m., Dec. 1. Mangum, 2:30 p. m., I. Brother Hoover represents the Business Agency and carries sam ples, &c, to show you. Go and hear facts why you should belong to the Alliance and why you should trade through the Business Agency. W. H. Worth, S. B. A., N. C. Farmers' State Alliance. MARION BUTLERS APPOINTMENTS. Will speak at the following times and places: Benson, Friday, Nov. 24th. Earpsboro, 30th. Kenansville, Dec 5th. $100. REWARD, $100. The reader of tins paper will be pleased to learn that there is at least ope dreaded disease that science has been able to cure in all its stages, and that is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure is the only positive cure known to the medical frater nity. Catarrh being a constitution al disease, requires a constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the syste'm, thereby destroying the foundation of he disease, and giv ing the patient strength by build ing np the constitution and assisting nature in doing its work, the pro prietor have so much faith in its curative powers, that they offer One Hundred Dollars for any case that it fails to cure. Send for list of testi monials Address, F. J. CHENEY CO Toiledo, O. erSold by Druggists', ATTEND TO IT AT ONCE. Don't let your subscription run pnt. Renew before the time expires. It saves trouble and expense for both of us. ' f ' A lady, thoroughly qualified; wish- T.PO8-tl0nl 98 SVapher and Type-writer in an office or school Can teach other branches. Best of testimonials given. Address, MISSJ.W.,(Mebane,N.C.,) or Caucasian Office, Nov. 23-3t-2P. Goldsboro, N. C. SilAMt OS TUB. Continue! fnm firt page. justice were done them . would te in . t, . . . ... ,.nti . the jnitentiary. nui iur difficult t. .. k;.,.w-? rf instuv. ther are candidate for public officr, id the U-ueticiarie of tb ir own crime. A SAMPLE CASE IS ALABAMA. Attention has rvoeutly been called to tbe evidence in the xntrted elec tion case of Wheatly . Cobb, from Alabama, now jeiidiug before the House election commit te. It is not a case of Kepublicati agaiust Demo crat, but of a lVpulitt who was a Democrat against a Democrat, It is the old story so often related n every Southern State and so success fully repeated last week in irginia. In Alabama the election office! s were all Democrats, apiointed by the Teni ocratic machine. They are instruct ed, generally, to make no returns from a district where the majority is largely against the Democratic ticket. I'KOOK CONCLUSIVE. Mr. Whateley shows by the evi dence of the supervisors, as well as by the sworn testimony of hundreds of witnesses that in many of the pre cincts in the Fifth District of Alaba ma at the last congressional election, the Democratic election officers did not make any return of the vote or else they purposely neglected to com ply with some requirement of the law or they did not appear at the polling place at all. For instance, in the election pre cinct in Macon county, commonly called Tuskegee, at box No. 1,368 votes were cast for Whateley and 00 fcr Cobb, and in box 2, 1 6 votes were cast for Whateley and 24G for Cobb, giving Whateley a majority of ?0 in the precinct. But the election ollicers made no return whatever of the votes. Iu precinct No. 3 the same thing was done, no return being made of the vote. In precinct No. 4 the return was not made out properly, purpose ly, and the canvassing board threw the votes out, refusing to allow any correction or to receive any evidence in the matter. i nat thing went on in that way all over the district. Wherever Cobb had a majority in a precinct the re turns were properly made. But where he was in the minority the re turns were either improperly made or not made at all, and at numerous precincts the regularly appointed election officers did not appear to hold an election and in every such case it was a precinct where the I cm ocrats were in the minority. Many of the United States Super visors who swear to this state o; things were Democrats and so swear in their testimony, The case perfectly illustrates the Democratic machine methods of con ducting elections and counting ma jorities. They speak of it boasting ly. The practice was originally re sorted to to count out the negro, but it answers the same purpose iu count nig in a machine Democratic when the contesting candidate is not a lie publican but a Populjst or anti-ma chine Democrat, How long the white people in the South who are jn reyolt against cor rupt machine methods wjll submit to this condition of things remain e to be seen. Jonathan Edwards. A VETERAN'S VERDICT. The War is Over. A Well-known Sol dier. Correspondent and Journal. ' 'st Makes a Disclosure! 72;J2HLV,' I'1"!'"' and no "ate bears a bet- literature it la rapidly ".VS. ?Pf tuan It doe. In " ana liter ewell. well known as -writ ins ti... nT.r..tuuODOraDle PO"iii ,n. I)uri faniry VolunTee 1! fiopStant la,nc1 he WT 'olFows: -tM-vPrrl of us old veteran, hem i 2U. . V. t.avalry and of th iah it. .mim;h Kestoratlve Nerrlne. Heart "u 5 , rr"HJI!f that compare with them of e hate none but words of praise for th XUntgroWth of aPMwrlnclplI fl v w' ?ne .VP."1 ytem wonder? 1 Yl-" a EST SW1S Tlnje remedies are sold by all druSbTtiS Kara phdB reins tt prire. fi TUVbottlef.bo&fe I? Sold by All Druggists, ang. 10-2p HjBward OrYered. I will pay in cash, $25.00 for the mW'EUiottTaylor,who8toi: Optober. Taylor i, about 26 yeaw has black hair, dark mustache" dark brown eyes, and is low in stature G.W.HOWARD, Nov.!1180- rut m i There i on ,. the gennn :.. 'kr, tH Known ii... banker. It , sent onlv t. a 1 by document) date of tt iu ft. - i'V NATIONAL Luu, Uear r:- I; -A 1 tu your pt- ; , and wet'kly 1,. v the agrieulturu. : as will 1. j .. , , . greetihack j.t.,! you withhold 1, from all apt'lun- ng to oppose th, of money. !.: the eoin and th. i er moncv ot th.- . we can better pi..;, , 1 repeal the la banks, ur to i the government I.. . " will, thervfore, . individual pruin .;! . 'I ers ree your in :,. OUl-e, aud eliga-.'' '. interest, that t tion. (StgUtftl l. l'r,, No. 247 Mr..,-,,; But the follow !AS. hi pers named m,- 1 "IU li.iv, i.ier source, aud an about the sain.' through other n, Tt,... prove there ,:. occupied stu b 11 -';"ti was a scoundrel. : 1 .1 lieve the other w;, - Mt out: PRIVATE C1KC1 i a 1 " PRIVATE Ai "It is advisable 1 power to sustain u ! all tfUth lv Ttrom 1 t, 11 1 ii,.u.,.,., . J 1 " " -r' !, luc ivinni uj nun atrr:,-uljuf. as will oppose the i--uiug of VkonV na hap ... I t wiinuoia patronage aud tt,n all applicant w In. nt , , . 1. . , 1 "' upnuse ine ifreeni.a. k or g,r issue ol paper limn. JAMI.S UVELl beeretai v, J47t'nJ Uctouer 'J, 11 4 . CHU'Al.O IV I KK ILItAS ii you win nouee ult. t' following, you wiii w thiiir. to corrupt the lull r ( t.ttU ,fcJ oeiore tue majont v r ltss! fallen .into the hiin.ls f tWM crats. The following is taken fr Chicago Inter ! fce.tii: HTl. t..... l . iiio iiuei 'eean Hi'kli"l the receipt of the t..iii,R document which v.nu tutiii from New lork Sat unlay no: J.HK AMERICAN 15 A V kills AJ J47 15roaihi'i v, Hmiiil New York, rtub-r a n STR!CTI. I U I VATt. uear oiri I leae insert to clotted printed slip as on the editorial page of your i sue immediately fullnwini.' tit ceipt of tLia, and seiul niarl'cJ and bill to yours truly, JAMES BUKI.L.Wir! 247 Broinlnvj, W Comments on sli nuttoeif naif a column Mill ltei;l!d billed at the same time. The Inter-Ocean says: "The following is the ixa which we are asked to in scrim ed matter on the editorial w other wordH, as a statement ew the Inter-Ocean. "The Oreenbaek party Lai through its managers to nell c the Democrats, and hereaftertef in Democratic harness if apj a few of their leader can m ed. This merely shows Lot H dependence there is to be plara the leaders of lunatics who m for money based on nothing The Inter-Qceau retiiark "Wp insert this, hut wen no bill for it. We shall because in the firKt nlace follow directions ahout leif secondly, because we are totfk to say that we do not htlievJJ of the statement to htnJl tempt to thus malieiously dfrtf Greenback party without aab; a word of proof is a Piece w IflHB and km 7H11 .-ffrOIlterT OUffht to heheneath Hnvlwi mercial centlemcn. and Pn 1 the American Bankers' Asso1 NEW YORK SU On the same day that tbtjj a Eennbliean naner, the Wf was sent to the N'" 1x Democratic paper The Sun says: The following was receiv terday at the office of the But The American- Bavkkk' ojt r,anway. New York,Oetuher!. ls" KTRICTLV I'RIWTI-Tl- nelo .lif;0i r,,i tiDtrkexi rtartAi nrifli tit . t . v i ' i r wrfir. 247 Broadway, "The prospect is that in there u ill not be a , nb?crt in ihe land. Ove.il';'' made by the leaders ol the Or movement to President n (i g),n1nn thn f 2 reetlhaCS " J cause, providing he will P'JJ official positions to about i J the most blatant of the Vf tor more money nothing!" , WASTE"- A first-clais workman to ft old political issue which. bjj through twenty years ot strife. Said issue has gr1 iu size since its last j :e rtf Vw inflate". can not be infoW J vs. It also neei j int, anewpover,JJ auu ix it vnu nun be worthies rvmr. nf nai eletL Must be ready fof Pent 1 af 1 RQA. AddreSS, . . .., Manager GoIdbnjfJJg P S TmnfTAtA SOU , J - . t L:Mdi W, (if von are the new the same footing with us.