r - 4 it 1; ; it .i 111 1 "fl . li 'hi t 4 t t ' J ?l 1 r M i 4 ; 1 ! ' . II 1M 11 i ! fi 4 tJ if 1! 1 14 , r I 11 H fi i i ;I5 1 R JJ. it 'Hfwf7''"t 1 .irwi'ih a- tls-v mv- or, fr,.m uthr yV?r'If Zi.vfc'jfejtf'ti n n mwm- h'ftiomi i.f the cmit..rv a? ri- Igd.-t-1 -' if A O &3 IT -..U,ral a- -! mufri u '1,r.-t, are A Pair of April Fools. Continued from last i.sue. In comfortable bachelor apart ments uptown, a handsome, blond young fellow eat before the fire hold ing an open letter in his hand, which trembled slightly with emotion of some sort. Hie face wore an expres sion of extreme astonishment min gled with joy. 'What can it ny-an ?" he said, aloud, the puzzled look deepening in his handsome ejea. " 'I have receiv ed your letter,' the save, and I hav en't written her a letter. I wonder, byfJeorge! That's it! Jt is the first of April, and some unprincipled bcoundrel has w ritten the poor child 1. a. r . . - : 11 : p , I jeu Jiaa almost ciored the iloor. me. A nafcty trick, but a lucky "t'!but he oeueil it aitin, and rt for me ! I nnould never have dared j ti r hw h(..tJ il)side jj wk.ked. to ask her. Ancl she loves me, bless j,. ,i",'f T,'":" . wi 4 I '"I think you look like a pair of If Jack Akers was not at that mo- : ,tr f,!'" mcnt the happiest man alive he at j j dt.dili; ; c.ri(.j Xu grnilifl,r. least looked it. He had loved preUy huJ coriipleUl.. forgot(,M1 lhat f, ?sau Barton for months; but he was WJW the Urs JA .f, , Wel, n(). on.y a young journalist, as yet scar- J bud 8ncceedt.d iu fooling ,,. . cely more than well .launched uKn ; And it was nyfc untjl, she had Wn his carreer. J obe sure, he had gam-; ;i wife fw mon, tljan u V(.ar Umt heJ. eu some rej.utai.on more reputation man money, in iaci, as is irequentiy the case, and last year he had pub lished a book which had been fairly successful; but the proceeds from a "fairly successful" book don't go very far towards filling the author's pocketbook. Jack Akers had been lionized a good deal, but he had the rueful consciousness, that comes sooner or later to most young auth ors, that "all is not gold that glit ters;" and the gold being conspicu ous for its absence, he would never have dared to ask Nan liarton, the daughter of a wealthy and success ful physician, to marry him. Jlis ecstatic meditations were dis turbed by a maid entering to litcht the gas. "'1 here's a bay downstairs, sir, who insists upon seeing you," she said. Jack frowned at the interruption of his pleasant thoughts. ".Send him up," he said, with slight impatience. A moment later Ted JJartou stood in the room. "Why hello, Ted! This is a- pleasant surprise. Come up to the lire," said Jack, cordially, surprised, nevertheless, at seeing w ho his visitor was. Ted came straight over and stood beside him. "Mr. Akers," he said, bravely, "you received a letter from my sis ter Nan this afternoon, didn't vou A sudden intelligence shot into Jack Akers' handsome eyes. He held up the dainty missive, and emiied. f Ted's face grew very red, but he did not hesitate. "Mr. Akers, sir," he said, earn estly, "you must not blame our Nan for that. I've come to tell you all about it." Then, swallowing very fast, Ted blurted out the whole story. The line eyes of the young man before him never left his face until he had finished, aad that Jack Akers put his arm about the boy und drew him gently to liim. "Well, Ted, "my bov," he said, i ..l . . i i . Mijuiv, iw you mi uk it was a very manly thing to do." j --osir, answered leu, in a strangely chocked voice, "I think it was beastly mean ?" "I am sure you think so, Ted, and I am glad you came here and make a clean breast of it. It was the right thing to do; and since you have done this, I believe you are a boy to be trusted. Do you think you could keep a secret, Ted ? If " I should trust you with one, you would not betray my confidence ?" " Us thy servant a dog V " asked Ted, indignantly. The strong mouth under the taw ny mustache twitched slightly, but Jack continued, gravely: "It's jnst this, my boy: you must keep all this a strict secret Nan mu3t nevery know but that I wrote that letter. Do yon under stand ?" "Why !" cried Ted, blankly, "she will have to know ! Do you think I expect you to marry jNau whether you want to or not?" Jack laughed softly and tighten ed his arm about the boyish fig ure. "But what if I want to Ted ? ! Suppose I should tell you that my desire, above all others, has been to i marry Nan, but that I feared to ask i her because I have not a line home i to take her to." Ted gazed at him with startled eyes. "Ia it the truth, honor bright ?" lie gasped. " 'Honor bright,' Ted," replied Jack, smilhng. "Glory !" shouted Ted; he couldn't help it, the relief was so sudden. He gave Jack a hearty slap on the shoulder, and then went off into a sudden peal of merriment. "It's as tgood a3 a circus !" he shouthed. Jack smiled indulgently. "Yon have done me a good turn, Ted," he said, "byt you deserve no thanks for it." Then the smilliug eyes grew grave as Jack continued, seriously: "Never do such a thing apain, my boy; practical jokes seldom turn out well. And remember," he added, as Ted was departing, "Nan is not to know." "Mom's the word!" replied Ted, emphaticlly, Two hours later Jack Akers satin Dr. Bartan,8 handsome parlor with . -. r.r. : --r-; - . ru r:c ! I)icv th.il d'!u-! "" beoide Lim, aiiii hi-: arm b id -. run way found iU way ap-rjul h-r wai-i led pacd alon'the ball and 1 1 n - ced si It in. Jack a!-htsiht oi him Ij: "Come in, Ted, I want to ebak- handa with vou. brother, i )ou't I ;i.n vim U) be von: cur: rat u la'- uie: "You bet!" answered Ted, "an." mywdf, too !" be added, hiy!idirraij'l Then he turr,td abru t 1 and march ed out of the room. "Don't go, Teddy dear," Nan cu l ed after him, "we doit want to U selfinh because we are hapjij." "Don't vou think we ijk happy, old fellow ?" called Jack boiiterou.--- huijband told her the story of Ted' letter; and then, if the truth must be told, she did not seem to be greatly disturbed by it. Elizabeth A. Yore. Tonne Foils' Post Office. CHAUAoK. My first is in green but not in white, My second is in quarrel but uot in nht, My third ia in you but uot in me. My fourth is in vine but not iu tree, My fifth is in ease but not in pain, My sixth is iu river but not plain, My seventh is in thing but not in rim?. My eight is in fall but not in spring. My ninth is in heat but not in col I, My tenth is iu silver but not in gold, My eleventh is in these but not in you, My twelfth is in look but not in viev My thirteenth is in black but not in blue, My fourteenth is in one but not in two, My fifteenth is in wood but not in coal. Which completes my list, now what is my whole f My whole is a traitor, the vilest that be To the home of the brave and land of the free. Lyman Drown. ANSWERS The first newspaper advertisement appeared in lfio'J. Daniel was in the lion's den one night. Hainan prepared a gallows for Mordecai and was hanged upon it. Luther Yandle. Francis Marian composed Yankee Doodle. Katie Wiikins. QUESTIONS. Which is the longest verse in tin Bible and what book is it in ? Senga Megdirp. When was kerosene first used for lighting purposes f When was the first newspaper pub- ... ... lished in EnH-inil When did modern needles first come into use f Where was the first steam engine on this continent brought from and i when f Bashie A. Crumpler. When aud where was Columbus born ? When and where was tobacco first cultivated ! Which of the Apostles was cruci fied with his head downwards f Luther Yandle. Where is the largest spring in the world what is its name ? Who invented the spinuing wheel? Katie Wilkius. Crush the machine and save the State. OR. HATHAWAY & GO., -SPECIALISTS (Hcgular Graduates.) Arc lie leait!n and mokt successful specialists and wl l give Juu help. Young and mid dle aged men. Kemr!;alile re sults h;tv.! fn-hv ed oar tr-aiitivnt M my years c.i V. tried una sucreu fill experience i:i (lie up.- of t ura tive nt' it; 1s thai weul.iae (.vni.rui e.i..o..l t..r n.l nl oner..'; men v 1:3. e we:.-- i veii.peu r .tc'-lvisi are i..iftt-riiii. rtviti;3r"n errors ;l it "r wn" ' nerv;.u: I fi J. T'"he e.nrit oi tr.0 ',JJftl'ovs and tin Zf t - Cont. nipt of theil and execs y-f- frien.is and eotn " Tianiotis. left.!, ii. to aarsste to all patient. If thev can pontli-. be restored, Mr on a exclusive treatment will afford a rare. WOMEI! Don't yon want to net cured of thai weakness wllh a treatment I hat 'you can u-.- a: home without Instruments? Oir wonderful treat Dieut bag cared others. Why not you? Tr; it. CATARRH, snd diseases of the Bkin, Blood. Heart, Liver and Kidnejs. SYPHILIS Tne most nt!d. Krfe and effective remedy. A niiupleie Care Gaaraateed. 8K.IX DISEASES of all kiad eured wher. mauy outers luve failed. r.Tl'RL DISCUARGRS p-omtlv eared ia a few days. Vuiek, sm and bate. Tkis includes Gleet and GoDoriuca. TRUTH AND FACTS. We hT8 cured cases of Chronic Plwsses that have failed to nvt rure.l e.t the bands of other special ists and medical tnsr.tutes. K EM F.MBF.R that there U hopr for You. c .usu.t no other, as vou may waaie valuaoie time. Ohiaio our treatment at once. Beware of free and clie.'.p treatment. XVe ptve the het and most scientific treatment a' moderate pr ces ss low m nn be dore f t sate and Fkil.iui treatment. FREE eoaaiiltatiB at ti e office oi by mail. Thorough emlnat and careful ai.m nt.sfs. A home treatment ctin be frven in a m. jor'.iy of ca?e. send f r Syni .tom BHnk ". 1 f.r Met'; I iior noiun: .-o. ai..rssin Jtiseattcs. All corre spondente answerci protnmlv. Business rricilv cm noentint. Entire treatment s nt free from oiiserva tiou. liefer to our parlcnia, u.mka and bueines men Address cr call on DR. HATHAWAY & CO., aa i-a South Broad Street. ATLANTA, GA. 22 1 So. Broad St., Atlanta, Ga. mm mm . SKINNER'S SPEECH. Confirm'! from frt t'.-ig-t. i e ? I.- of in re 1 r H .WM 1, !!'-1 t ijc j ';:-!; i' it":'.- o! l'''!1' r st'j, in li id or iu hi I ' an 1 rou'e it from in nti--i;ch--d ..-'.li'.'i. a- tile great e:.eJnV of 'oe; I'U.eiit and the lit l Oi.'v thir !:b.-r: V-f it- (-, i ut .f l- h'.i!..;- I; talliliV. i:i !!!!. e'- !l! II you will ii;.ki r., aa we may tie the hd We don't make bet!- I" Democrats have r plain, Wsrkif;g, n .r i. O, ill tlje.T Ii;iti:'- i: -s'i!:d o.it ii wit h her t- f two-1 bird- of t ii - ro name h I 'i .-1 ! i r, i i "-"'i i! ii, a!,U !i li i.f it ti.;t! d !!..- an-i ii.:('t, t.. fl.-v-I ''at : IW' I t:e 1,1 .;.--. ! -ii ' hvc t ii . c. ti: eli t li -11, a -o- lijd uni'i str;?'! ed ! Kasttrn jiliit'senit.ie e ciation aiiil caiieii- it -iraiiit. aoo il j they can't make bttt- r couventioi ' We.it and Soiith-we.-i than Iuh b n j made North and Kas ba-i d upo i i heir joint inatei ial inters .-t, 1". r Mi. advatictrr.eut of the South'.- materia; interest and ti.e better promotion of her treat Southern ti--!d .taj-!e, cot- ton, ard sec u re Iter n cogiiil ion of ooutnern stun smeii, tiiai !.,,, tl... iii. Northern Democracy t.i-, then 1 nrornise to advie the iiio!e r,t oi.- I baud and surrender to pi a toenail power. Any political association or con nection based upon any other theory that the maintenance of the sa is it principles for all section.--, the il vancenicnt of mutual interest wili always result in disaster to the asso ciation and it saciifice of prineiph and men to the country. 1 love 'h. South her pas!,, her present, and i have a hope of hei future. 1 would suffer any sacriiice before I wouhi intention-ill v utter one won! nv do one act that, militate agaio.-t her best interest. I iho my low iu the ad vice to look to tb.t West for political connection and association for tin future, if she would arise fmm hes present depression, ami asstrt her power aud maintain her interest in this great government. '1 his car oniy be secured through new politi cal organization. You are all compelled to admit that there are not on! iiicoiiarui'ie. and incompatilde interests uithi the Democratic party but that in tin name of Democia ;y ymi have com mitted a series of blunders and shown yourselves incompetent to di rect and manage not o'lly the econo mic relations-, but the tiscal affairs of the government. Yes, there hi; oeeu a scries oi onm ii -i to numer me to re- ons ana lieartrenai ig for call. SOMEBODY II AS lJI.UN'DEKEI). When the brave six lmaured madt tbeir famous charge at Ualiakl'iVii, when, like heroes, they ni uehed into the very jaws of death, hen, with a iirm tread and a steady l erve and iu blanched cheek theirs was to do am! die, when they saw their comrades taliing thick and fast around them, when, like autumn leaves in Yallam 1'rosa or like the ripening grain be fore the reniorsekes lvajier, then went up a shout along the line that somebody had blundeu-d, that sum t itODY had blundered! When I see trie proud Democratic ship to-day upon w hose ijuarter-d.-ek you and I have trained from vouih and which we were taught and hear taught, bore the ark of our country's hope and the hope of our p. .pie's prosperity aud happiiiesr, when I det to-day in Democratic waters ami -1 Democratic breezes the same ship manned and officered by ! jer cent of Democratic enemies with thai arch conspirator, John JSiiermau, at the helm acting as the great pilot as he wrecks the ship over the silvei wave against the income tax rock upon the tariff shore, as I tee tl e grand old craft stranded and wrecked under such direction with the chiel of captain's, .Mr. Cleveland, approv al, 1 am compelled to cxeiann that somebody has blundered, that some body has blundered! When I look aro'ind upon this fair land, a land rich in history, rich in patriotism, rich in the past and ought to have hope ft r the future, blessed with the richest plains, the most fertile valleys, tho most fruitful mountains, rich iu mind and matter, in minerals and forests, iu water power aud hidden treasures, with re sources of every kind, with a soil as productive as the valley of the Xile that needs only to be tickled with a straw to laugh into a beautiful har vest, a land under favorable condi tions and w ise laws that has bc-eii ap pointed iu the course of nature as the tit abode aud tonie of au independ ent man; as I turn from tr.e con templation of this picture aud br hoid the.gaiint spectre, want, as he stalks with merciless tread into even home, as I ste the ploughman home ward plod his weary wav afier his day s work is doue and w.'ei'S iUS i familv around his humble- lift sit!; to i partake of his all, his frugal love. and wlien I see his pinched featint.s his mind chk ti 6.i --f iiUi, , of his eye as he cou templates his dis- tressed condition, when he realizes, though he may work from early morn until dewy eve, nothing rt mains for a rainy day, for ill health, for old age, or to educate his cnildren ; and .1 . i " . , , . ereu. that SOMEBODY hae hi uudcivd! , TTHirir on L . j .. Our blundtringp, in the lanfja ; .u t r- , I of the eloqneuc Missounan. have brought us to the parting of the ways; we. can be deceived and charmed no more by the glamour of i, a.- i in 'if aitH- u iiuiiiaii.t !l i-!i'ai ii ; .'c.e I-.'. r !h.:! i t f i - i .. . ;' ' ' ! T hor hie -.,;! f .1; ,u. -iu.,'ru.':":UiU"w"FWttiaa - vA uicttt-ts, tut-jfiaeiysiae:somatiy libraiics, w uoaisc ciua Kings oi ue.-p.ur as they in rags may read the history of go up irom trie millions of home., i ruUEl'7 be m-e,i i.y the exploits mv hr-ar hled .-.n.1 I .,nr ,'t .r...i,-i "'-'ro's- aQ J"'J name a country v I ,rtK.lf;:: r . u so iiny learned icties.somany .. . o. cum, cumcaju UilSUlU l-il'a-X'l-.-i. R.1 rt:!H7 r .-Ti-ito! .1., ., 'party pret!T and party Utfjnn pri iiii-"- r ti!.cr itoit?-d !o tnrn- i if i . - na:iie ii titiu by lsartvor radical pr judiC4f in the future. There are but two way-; one means a British policy for Amer;cau fetibpcU ih 'dependence upon J.ihu iall and a i cowardly afjuieho-ncf iu such price? is he may name for ur iabor ani tr ir?Jucts and the exercise of our it-r tits under such restraint as he l 'i.. tu imp i 1 be tuh-r wii'i i the Arfienean wav, the I'TUoTiyrn ...f an ijiuVprndtiit wav a poiicv, w iii hecurt: Aim i .can l;i;e just to everv- for Atuencaa e 1 laiior f .Ir prices f... IU iifft-1. tin! pro1! !!? ana an unre- -trained exercise oi ui.rti.il hbertiea l:, tiie evoiiiti-tii of tconomic h-f-ig'if I a t'i:- teirfife of true jitiiti- I'-' !i --, t h-illlie bai- ( ttnie W hell he t;li-- -il ' 1 h- p".l!ed from the p -eparated from the . !j. a : ,1 it! e-. !t n th it- it:!l- h:tV I I ' . " j njlit to know "under which King. ; Mi i'.t i . miit, wili ye serve," which i!-ig will ye fo'Io.vir Shall we re t ir ! 't-i in 1 ii' ure as alien t r ', fv.L-i::l 'f X .11 ou t;i;ta:n by yo r : u iii'ii ai d y uir u-Te irocr Cleve ; i.i:,d ami John Sl;..nuan iu their ; .-L it oi ; i.;t'ji-!acy, or will sou bc!d- U h: 'i ttravelv tlaod bv tli-' plaitl j :e.i !.-, their i i!:t their tie'ds, their ! .'i and for t it-! .- colli forts . 103 is tiie s.-rio!H j'toitU-m that sow coiifiont-y-.-.i : titcide it with-i-Mt fear or favor or aitection but a? , it lii iv appear to oii for the beet in , teretta ol yt.ui nelf , oiir faiitilies ami I vonr count rv. JooatkiiaiiilllijCuiiliDciii Bj MA-I O'HELL A -v. Lor of "John BaC and H:a Isl-diJ," "J.-a D i!!. Jr.," Etc.) and JACE ALL IN. Truwlet- ty Mme t'aul fllourt CopyigYitni t Camvit '.'.. New York, au! published by tpecUil arrangement through tbe American Prais AAsoclauou Pa!ii llii met ("Max VilelI) N n nrtiarkahlj derm Frenchman, who hot devuteil his Uilt-nls inllj to BarinziDc the Aiu'loSaxuo race The book from which tho following extracts are iruule Is kla latest production, an 1 nutlci iid for il wasatnere4 during his receLt visit to America. XLI-CONCLUS10N. Keply to tiie A iiu-iietin Ottestlon Tiie A ii:erit-:itts Are Not St Happy its the Fri'iich - YYliilt Joiml liuu Una Aecoui-lipih(-.l. "Weil, sir, and what do yon think of AliiOlie.t?" When o:;e thinks ( what the Ameri cans have done in a hundred years of in dependent life, it l.yoks as if nothing ought to he impo-: ihlo i them in the fu ture, considering the inexhaustible re- sources at their uiposhiou. While the II' heii.o!!enis, the Ilaps hurs ami iho FiivLrandonhurg- review their troops; whil; her btandhi'r armies aio costing Carop." iin.ro than 1,000. OOo.OOi) ii v-'iir, iii time of peace; w hile the Europi an debt is more than 25,t00, 000.000, tho American treasury .it Wash ington, in spite of corruption, which it is well knowa docs exist, l:a:5 u surplus of $00,000,000. While Kuropean govern ments cudgel their wiu to devise means for meeting tho expenses of absolute monarchies, the Washington government Ls at a lo'-j to know vl;;.t to do with the money it has in hand. While tho Euro pean telegrams in the tli.ily papers give accounts of reviews, mobilizations and military maneuvers, of speeches hi which the people art? remind--d that their duty 13 to serve t tie ir emperor first and their country afterwards, of blasphemous prayers in which Cod is asked to bless soldiers, swords and gunpowder, the American telegrams announce the price of corn and cattle, and tho quotations on the American Stock Exchange. Happy country that can get into a stato of ebullition over a presidential election or the doings of John L. Sulli van, while Europe in trembling asks her self, with tho return of each now spring, whether two or three millions of her Hons will net be called upon to cut each other's throats for the great glory of three emperors ia search of excitement! America is not only a great nation, geograpmc speaking. iho Americans are a great people, holding in their hands their own destiay, learning day by day, with tho help of their liberty, to govern themselves more and more wise! v. and aide, thanks to the profound security ia which they li ve, to consecrate all tin ir talents i;nu all their energy to the arts of peace. The well read, well bred American is tho most delightful of men: good society in America is the v. itllest, most gonial and most hospitable I have met with. Eut the more I travel ami the more I look at other nations, the more con firmed I am ia my opinion, that tho French are the happiest people on earth. The American is certainly on the road to the possesion of all that can contrib ute to the well being and success of a nation, but he seems to me to have missed the path that leads to real happi ness. His domestic joys are more shad owy than real. To liv e in a whirl is not to live well. Jonathan himself sometimes has hia ' re-rrot3 at finding himsplf .Ir-ivi-n W I such a frantic race, but declares that it is out of his power to hang back. If it were given to men to live twice on tliis planet, I should understand his livhag hia first term a l'Amcrieaiue, so as to Le able to enjoy quietly, in his second exist ence, the fruits of his toil ia the first. Seeing that only one sojourn here "3 per mitted us, I think the French are right in their study to make it a long and happy one. If the French could arrive at a steady form of government and live insecurity, they would be the most enviably happy people on earth. It is often charged against tiie Ameri cans that they are given to bragging. May not men who have done marvels be permitted a certain amount of self glori fication? It is said, too, that their eccenrricit-r constantly leads them into foliv and li cerus. Is it not better to have the liberty to err than to be corunelled to rim strai - ht ink-ash: it thev vote like children, thev will W.m wit. 1 Kpatmno 1 1 tr i:.'o. it is by voting that pcopie iearn to Vt ! 0. .i;v.; .r... ,' . v"".. lH , 11 , in-iu-r regulated, wort "etier paid or cduontion wider spread? 13 tiiei e it cou-tr where vou can Lnd sut !i na'.;:?-;! i iches and such en ergy to turn them 1 . ae.-ount; so many people with a cons;, iei-nesi .f their own intellectual and moi-al force; 60 many schools, where the child .-f the million- study here the hjs of its .-ith i news- 1 , . V- tn-.ii.uiiui3, much widespread comfort? h?J YfJ01 bimse ? I .lv n k vl ... ii,i,.;t ni ,1 lav T.. I.,r1 .'f 11'rance continued republican aha would become a second America, iiav nothing Z yJZf 1 ,i :.,.. , ' worse befall her I THE END. Old papers for gale at this office. i WmWi' PERIL. Jfrr CAPI CHARUCS KlMQ. j V iJ n-:uiJ lj ip-il; rraji i& all . haI'Ti:k tosn viNTixru. This was t' intieh for Ferry- In hi effort to re-dra:!! hi merriment a:5 pndpdown a riii!.. iLnkI of lau!'l, r : there was hoard an txr;.sion tii soiimle l Mjrceth :!' liUe th wi.l !m : collapse of an inflated pafHT tag. an 1 t.ld ilrat. glarintr arerily at the iy. now red in the faee with minir!el mirth jind'conU'rnation.eautrht sudden i.U-a from the sigiit. VYa.s tiie lattery laughino; at wai the Lattery om mandor jruyinjr him? Was it p.ibie that they were pr.'ht'mjr tv his ignor ance of their reg-ulatioiis? It put him ou his g-uard and t.ug,je-totl a tenta tive. '!) yon mean that you are right in bein; so far ahead of our I'oio instead of dresse.1 ujKn it'.'" asktvl ho of the big- blonde soldier in the glitterin,' ; uniform. "Where do you find author. t v for it?" "Oh, perfectly ri."ht. colorel. In fact, for .six years pa-.t I've never peon ' it done any other way. You'll fin.', the authority on page aJ, Field Artillery Tactics of isv.4." For a moment FraT was dtirnb. lie had long hoard oft'riiin as an expert in his own branch of the service, but presently he burt forth: "Well, in our tactics there's rea -on for every bles,-.l tiling wo do. l.ci I'll be dinged if I cua toe rhyme or rea ori in buch a format : m as that. Why, fdr, your one company takes up more roo:n than n.y six makes twice as much of a show. Of course if a com bined review is to show off tho artil lery it's all very well. However, go ahead, if you think you're right, sir, g'o ahead! I'll Inquire into this later." . "I know we're right, colonel: and as for the reason, you'll M-e it when you open ranks for review and we come to 'action front;' then our line will be ex actly that of the infantry. Meantime, sir, it isn't for us to go ahead. We've gone as far as we can until your adju tant makes the next move." lint- Fraxton had ridden away dis- r gustod before Cram wound up his re- ; marks. "Go on. Maj. Minor: just run this thing without reference to the battery. ; Damned if I understand tbeir methods. Let Cram look after his own affairs: if he goes wrong, why it's none of ova '. concern." And so Minor had nodded "go ahad" to Mr. Drake, and presently the whole! command made its bow, so to spoak. to Minor as its immediate chief, and then he drew sword and his untried voice WTtAT T-.v rr"fc became faintly audible. The .orders: "I'repare for review" and 'to the rear j open order" were instantly followed by a stentorian "action front" down at the left, the instant leap and rush of j some thirty nimble cannoneers, shouts of "drive on!" the cracking of whips, j plain matters. Minor presumed ilmt the thunder and rumble of wheels, the ! the artilleryman had made an a-. ir.al thud of plunging hoofs. Forty -eight i blunder and was only enabled to cor mettlesome horses in teams of two rect it by a countermarch, and so rode abreast went dancing briskly away to ; back to his position in front of tho en tile rear, at sight of which Minor j ter of the reforming line. ctnv:n-e.l dropped his jaw and the point of his ; that at ,ast- he had caught the battery sword and sat gazing blankly after ! commander them, over the bowed head of his placid ! VVhen Frat-n. ther.'nre. came sorrel, wondering what on esrth it down to make hi -. -1 -; ;; nr. an. I o-n-meant that they should all be mnnin-r moots upon the ceei.ie: of the review away, at the very instant when he ex- pectod them to brace up for review. F.ut 1 ooiore ne eouiu give utterance to his thoughts eight glossy teams in almost simultaneous sweep to the left about came suurpiy around agayi. 'the black rc'ar weiore com my up on the lino, lb; muzzles of the guns were pointed to almo:-t peevish'y ('.oo aicJ tlia4. ho the front, "very axle exactly in the ; vvishod the colonel, if h. pIV, ,ovvj prolongation of his front rank, every . having a combine.! review, v. 011 . 1 as little group of red-topped, red-trimmed sumc command himself, as he .'i-in t cannoneer standing erect and s-juars, care to bo b.;thore i with combination the chiefs of section and of pieces sit- tactics of which he had never ha 1 ting like statues on their handoome horses, the line of limbers accurately covering the-guns, and, still farther back, Mr. Fierce could be hoard shout ing his orders for the. alignment of the caissons. In the twinkling of an eye the rush and thunder were stdh J. the battery without the twitch of a muscle stood ready for review, and old Frax s1"11? gloomily in addle at the re- ; viewing point, watchin the stirring j eigni witn gloomy and cynical eye, i was chafed still more to hear in a sil- i ery voice trom the group of lab?s the unwelcome words: "Oh. wasn't that preUV !'" He meant with all his heart to pull in some of the plumage of those confounded "woodpeckers," as he called them, before the day wa over. In grim silence, therefore, he rode along the front of the battalion, tak- insr little comfort in the nMtn - their quaint, old-fashioned rrarh. tb 3 , . ittnwWt i J- coats, the bulging black felt hats looped up on one side and decked with skimpy black feather, the glistening cuuujuci-statcs uuu circular i reasi- Plates, the nolish of theirl.ltr i... belts, cartridge and on hnvOI h t.. onct scabbards. It was all trim and ' Boldierly, but he was bottling up his I Bense of annoyance for the benefit 1 of Cram and his people. Yet. what I could he say? eitTter he nor nor had Kr..- l i tii vie.ic ut-cu urougat : into such relations with the liht ! artillery, and he know where to hit. simply didn't j Lots of thimrs i looked queer, but after this ini-i "any of our subscribers are fai! tial experience he felt it best to say j lu to gt the paper on the same nothing until he could light on a point week it is published they will confer that no one could gainsay, and he i a favor by letting us know, giving found it In front of the left section, j us the route over which the same "Where is Mr. Waring, sir?" h reaches them. 7f tenoly asked. "I wish I knew, coloneL ITis horse came back without him, as you doubt less saw, and, as he hasn't appeared, I m afraid of accident. "Dow did he come to leave his nost. sh"? I have no recollection of author- "axis auviniaz oi lafi KincU "1-rtainly not, coloneL He rode to his quarters with my consent , . ... . - m;"'i': cveijueeii, can oau sotinaeL and he should have been with us again in abundant time." "That young gentleman needs more discipline than he is apt to get at this rate, Capt. Cram, and I desire that you pay closer attention to hia more- Biflittiloii 'vT late i.oi.c Mr. Drake. " he .d b who was trip iter ar.-u: chief af t. ' ' -j '1 "o r p'ain h!- al.M" c ii: w r'.t' it ih-h'v. 1 iitd i r ia .!te p;.-t 1 rt . - - i wmel Leu: to w'-d. h 1 :' . '''' " aCcUslot- .- l. ro-sl i ro'. - . .' v o address! i. -; ( ns.i. ho pr t-rtii! a nf-t iineomt.roaiiviii r. f -v of -..;t,- u- auec; and with tVs v.i colonel ttirned !'Hl!'U ; vh a f. tiie i retook hi t-iatioi; point. Then came the so had had no o ;-. r ' has been sai i a n VI. 'II".' i Vi T.'V.T. tried r lis to IOC U'..; ho t:r-t wheel into column of ;. ati'.e-. vi: i out elosjr.rrnnks. w 'ioree.p. ; every e' ; tain pr-.Ti-i't !y eaut loin .1 -Man. I fa-:." and th rel y batd. bed the la-t retrimi'lt of Minor s se-:--es. e..-ii t'.r.-.t m.iii. tiling was wrong, he tried Rgaiiu t' time pr. f t.-in r wit Ii "Fit s in rov'.c .'' ami still the c;.p;.:io.s were impla-at.... The i.e ire t one. in' a 'tr-' win tried to make l'te i : j r i. ..r order. Cr-i." V.-'.i :dl tl I. was b'.-i i ; r.i re f ! i , 1 -r Minor wh:-t v.:ts ! e't .f h i. Frax t-air.e d n !. -e ; ' . iv.t.i' o i fold, g ive I ho co..t !.;.:: ! to "C ori'.cr" hisit-.elf. an 1 w i s eeh e 1 bv i 'ram's nouvri'ui bor toth" rear," followed 'i.y"i'h ies lui t ;i e.it : i ii.i-.sons f.rw;ir .. i o--:i. in ttie reiu'do an 1 la nk of t ;io r in; b.ttterx, Mieor's next eei' .oiel uin J I of was he:1!-.! bv onl v the ri-.-ht w ; t!ie battaiii.... and tho eoiitji.inv whet's were ra.-'i'e 1. o was the next l of the peri'oriiiiHe.re when he s'arU-d to march in rcvi -w. never v.iiitirr. cf course, for the battery to wheel int.j column of seetious. Tin-, oini-..-ii a, however, in no wise di eonct rl 1 Cram, who. following' at rapid walk, soon gained on the rear of column, passing his po-t commander in beauti ful order and with rnostaocuratesaluta on tho partof himself and o;.ioi-r.. and. observilij' this. Minor took heart, am!, recovering his senses to a certum x tont. gave tho command "(iui lo left" in abundant time to see that tho new guides wore accurately iu trace, there by insuring what he expected to fin.! a beautiful wheel into lino to the h it. the commands for which movement he gave in b tiler and more eon 'Mont totif, but wa; instantly nonplussed by seeing tho bntte.ry wheel into line to th" ri:rhl a"d m,,wp o1Y Ui exaetiy th opposite direction from vital he had expected To is wa a ! i nimity f her too his much tor his eqiu Fi - THK MATTtrO" spurs into the Ikin' s of 1 1 it im on :-oit tl Left sorrel, he dartci or." after Cram bis sword, antl stouf'ovr: "Left into line wheel, captain. into line wheel. In vain Mr Fierce undertook to rv- Minor was simply iah; ed to n.iri that instead of being in error Cram ha 1 .1 .- gone exactly rig at end as prescribed I hy his drill regulations in wheeling to i the right and gaining gr n.-. l t Tt'.io 1 previous knowlo ige. Feing of the same opinion, braxlon him o!f took hold, aud the next performance, t-lljnT rntvwwid,n4 KMvu miuicvt tidt trro.ioous in ma a 7 resnects. r,-a .it,t : T 11 u T-.CT .1......... . 1-. . , rt . . . J ' . ut mo. 1..1 waiui'j t:;el tiol g:v. time for tho battery to cornph- tj 1U': movement oetore he woul l rir h to another When the oiTh-e-s -.. bled to compare notes during tho rest em- a iter the second renjtition. W.r growled that this was "a little bettor yet not good," which led to .m Rnrrryoe? i" 1 rr . . t . . ... . . - . . l . , 00- a o-.v tiiai iue irtKior got his positives and comparative, worse mixed than his taicK. anil in quiring further 'whether it might uot be well to dub him Mi.-.or Major" The laughter that followed this sail v naturally reached the ears of th seniors, and so Frax never lot up o'l uio review went 011 WU.nout vf "L frr&r or d.v appwia wunout, in fact. in fact. hltrh in tne tut or an unhitch in the h irse " as Doyle expressed it. It was high noon when the battalion cot I.io k't,. barracks u ie ofiicers hung out u , . 0 ' h lr molst clotln? to dry in the snn ""a3 one wnen tne batterymen. J? ' Ca"e gaming up T &m'thfre w Slin,- f 7'-h cw,on!'s ffitIlt,a'd fT e gJ A" ha'' TO BE CONTINUED. NOTICE. , " ' - v u 1 1 i;i yr us the railroad ofSee from which it starts and days and hour of leaving. We deaire this information that we may endeavor to adopt some plan b which we can reach all of our read erg the week o! publication. Mariox Bittt.er. WOVEN WIRE1 ZKO. 9 ana 11 So. 11 wirss sum. liitrh. j:a it yol... Kutur iou j.r . - . w ' - I' .... - r . . ' t . ' i 1 - " . , , , - a. x. t I I, ft A S r'S "S,, JBiilteviiic, lnaie.niw Dreadful-" Wndigestion iV A?:t1 M nsomiiia . Completely ATLANTIC ELECTROPOISE CO.. WASHINGTON. D. C. ft ' '-- M H W&f&tSX&t 7. L. DOHCLAS c,(. a-o i ;1 t'l :t :!.t:T ir v.i' .it j .tor t'.oi if. i" i L - ir f.oi h e ol ' Tt 1. " V . ihios u i ...i . !,,, f-it i.:onT hr I., tit i-tii.u. t'aiiit;t;ao frtu ttj;..u r i'ocj'. 1 o- UOOli r.-.'IT 'iuiil't..; i.' F. !INKV. f.-i-.tnt, FOR $19.50 YOU CAN ((it a $15.00 Sewing Machine. Cet fh Ii-p loved Huh Ann "AI.L'AXCK." It his Mie latest im proveiiie'i'd ;iu 1 attaehm - if s, ;iu i is v.kASTKI FiMi TEX YKAlu Frei-ht Paid, bold hy W. II. WOh'Tll, S. U. A., llileigh. N. C. BrsrHVFX'l AL OFFKIJ: You can get this Machine and The Cm -casian yenr for only $ 0.00. Vou ruin .seti'l vour order with '( (mi m W II. Worth, Ihth-ivh. X. C. or The l:Al.l lt.il nil r i rilMl'.i.NV. it Ncitli.-r ti. me! (1 s, Ti-iKt '.iliii. Mil,-, su i.pni t . Th h Ci t Mtiioaiiv is I 01 of til'' i It i , iti.f r b:ivs -t. 1 nor m ' v :i 1 : . . t It.-.t oi'.'s I I'l'S'S I'l.'i (! hlte v. .11 live, and tiro c.iilin inaiiiifiictu.-i ri" utid iiiidert:: !M. - as Mifiiif n;;i vt.U lit-! Ht en t he s: k .IT 11 " oeu ui-u Mie rave. for that rtaooti jeveryho.iy 1:1 .North Caruiiiui oiorht. rx our...;....., T '''li 11.1.-1 I.'MLIIO IKJlfl tilt liitiC! ii CoHi;, C, lipanv. . A i. iTeitntat.veof thHKi;.er call - ! in a: t oe Si JH lOoiinS Ot til ' a!)ovo OilCerii 1 fee ihivri aiio. Tl.'o ago. 1 he viMt .... tit:.,!. .:...:.. "- .1 r .T.it t.Hivu 1 is lijhi n. js VVOM11V t.'I fc.lp- jporr. Th-y e.li the Guefct" and the j cheapest grades of co'Iiu-'. The ..:...'. , . . - ,. -. . . .... . ..1 ,i- 1 "in 1 'iriUH 11 , H (II ni.r use i:, the Si U,"- fVf 'I? JiHn"" r:lde ST'iods. Mr. W. H. Worth. 8k - re - mm 1 X 1 ? 7 iV a 7m y w 0 PRICKLY ASH, POKE ROOT AND POTASSIUM M rt r a a & MarvelGiis Cures' m Blood Poison J Jisi A.1T m w I I I i . W I I j and Scrofula gtirf 0 s iy5 "f?j, 'i tv ' P. WrtP.- -he t,i.3c..1, rnJ TO 6trerK!h to WHilrart-rt Kivoa y- - ""iim tasjuc-Je tir.-t irtai..-T. ' "Jt'rj'''Uiiary,..conilary au,l t.rt, rr gg- yo&ii:. tor blooJ K'. a,Ls. mor'u- " 1 all bloo-l anj kkin n.u-i. hka tfTt Wotcbea. pimples, old c hroi.ic ulcr-'s. tftt-r. sca.d head, bulla, ery.u;ai ,fffr en5a- mmymv, without liar i.f ct.ntraii-t,r,n,tti.-.' P. J. p. i,thl.vt 1P blootl pantlrr ir. ti.e worl.l.and mi.ks Qi Ff,s'!t.lTe- sPdJ aud lermaaeat curea la ail cases. VTT ?1 5-hoe b..xKl is in an impvre en a- tion. du- to iat-:.t.ruai lrr-tnri t fr-fc are rcalt!r;y hen -utod by tt won" 'xc a ia Fotassicm. .PHi.voriFr.0, Ma., Aot. lit... 1V r1-- -lcjariib km tua hii-L. b terms r f ir your me-!, c:ue f rota my W3 p-rser.-.l gg 1 k'towteJKe IwiHanertMwriibart oteasf. ple-3ri?r trtd raanatisai l.r aa oyears. m trvttlhTtw twbs fi Phy...... am f p.-tt huti.ireds of r.l- larj, tried tvery known rairtT with out fi:l:r.)iviur. I have only tUta 0?e "TV,1'' ot yfnr'- Q1 ca j . n nas none mein'.r good than anything 1 hav evertaken. I caa reooiaciatiJ your meix.De to all Bttflercf s or thf above diae. o M.?S- M- u- VEAST. Bpr.ognold., Green County. Ma. a, V v.. '9m 4, a, r It- f V J' 1 I T sTNU j V A n;ciarnvt: iuhijc . L. DOUGLAS 00 ira'WEi EEHTuii-i : S4 nnd S3.SO Dress Shce, S3.SO Pof!co Shoo, 3 Sclet. S2.60, S2 for WorklnRmeni 52 and 1.70 for Boys. LADIES AND MISSES, . S3. S'2.50 S2. Sf? j. Vjr .fTH-.-ir ny ,!.,, ' ! rnlitrri ''V or hr hmm liri, i, ltfc'. on th i.xtioin, .uj i,. I PAIIIP .I,.., r '. he.vo -t, rsvr t!t:ins, ana ptvc iTtft r ii;jc Trv one pair aiul br ci u. - iv t ;.- ol 'V. i.. 1 ,.M.v-s teono ana price nn uic potiom, wisiih sa. s th.-u.-. nd f ;'a-s annuallv to tho:-e Mho wear tftrtn. kaie of W. 1.. !oi..;l;.s Mifrt g:tin customer, which !..!;. ;a ,.!.. "J-. run nHnril to tf at a lrs r..t,l. unif nil jrotir rnlr ot lh l lT ..I... ion, 11011.1.AS, UrwiUn, aiM. hy II. T. !!AM, ML Olive. M. HAX.sTKlN, Clinton Ca vc, as, a , (iohUlM.ro, X. (). fury and Tresis 11 rer, is well known 10 our readers. Mr. L. (J. I'.awell, the nuina'-er, has hail fourteen years' ex- I 1 't-rieiife :i j .in 11 t..b.r Vi.- .....I ....;., : J . . v . ,a 1 iMmmuni J rtllU 1701 It II j dealer. The place of Lusiness is ut i the nirncr of Vilim'n.rto.. ..-,,! T,.r- tn Stnt -is near the State Capitol. Thr-ir 'o. k of Metalic, (J'oth-toyer-ti. Imitation l.'osen.Ki,! (I. L C..L. I et?-, While (JlodS ! h'ohes. Trimnm.rra ('tlin, 1'urial Handles. 1'tc., i ' ' ? ; complete. Orders from a distance. ui 1 ii 1. 1. 1 i-.m.... t i i ....... ........ 1, . .inn L, i;,ui !( belli oy j te, tj.-.J,, ar1(l Collins will be Mit to : any Ivvnre.s- ()'',,-(' (1 n v,.r itaid by the Cmi. tnv. You noLonlv , . ... " .. . . fave fee vera I ilohars on t-aeh Collin, lu't you are helping to kill out th? ('..IVoi In,.. .r.,. ..t 4 i. r.t I '""- : iur BliOlluei auu iiniri lllil ninjt h,..,Ht SS in the I'l.ited Stali.w ! I'''om the l'rogree. ive Farmer of 1 March 13th Pimples, Blotches and Old Sores Catarrh, Malaria 4 Kidney Troubles Are rnllrrly rrmaird fcy 1.P.P - l'r!ct:!y Ah. Pot R,Kt nn P..t ;u:.i, tie greatest b.uotl puriUtsr on AKCTrr, O.. July ?t,loil. 7-.kh. LifPMAK Bbo., Savannah. G. Kkar hiKB-1 h.jijKht ab.iLtlt.f 'iur p P. at Hot Smii, irk it lias done me more pouT tana thr CK'fth'treat,nr.tat the otfcnna. rbree iK.ttli.a -.. i. lienoectiullv y.,n-i, . ., JA-t. M. NTWTOV, .3, Aberdeen. Bn.ua Cuunn n J w Capt. J. IJ. 4bnsl ra. Tn art rbnm U mny Mt.rit- I i t P. C f. lorera(,;i.,Dof fheakln. I pptr -rd for aevrral jara with an nn- T" nhtiy xud disagreeable eruption oa'. ' ' ,"' " trlwl evnt-y known r ice o but In Tain.ttniil p. f. p. waa nad. aiJ am r.ow entlr-ly ftured. (Sife-ted bJi J. D. JOK!f 9T0K. JU vannaJi, U. BlilDCaatfrCar4, TitHmony from the Mayor of JSejvin.Tex. " 'W Tex.. January 1. mi. Mf.b tippM,, Bkos., Sarannah. Ot.. ,f;,fiem-l UiTe trid your P. P. P. I .r a disease of the skin, onoally kqo n aa skin -anc.-r.or thirty reara' Ma.i.iins and found creat relief; 1C ptinneathAbiood and rr-tnovea all lr- ""?..' efZil."ir 'Jf-a-bEir of the f,bal'il!,tf!n "r ai bottlea an l r- conbdent that anot iter conrtui willjecta-ure. rt ba alo relieved troablea. Your tru'y, CAPT. w. M. RUST. " Attorney at Las'. m Bsc ca m mil Fret ALL DEUOGI8T8 SELL IT. LI PPM AN BROS. Z PEOPEIETOBS, Upamas'i BlMMaTaaak.e

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