THE CAUCASIAN. GOLDSBOKO, N. C, JUNE 7, "J4. WAYNE CQUNTY. MK'K AT THK l.AliKI- Ou your paper. Do not look for tin: "blue fros'' any more. We have ut our lint in m;iiiing type, lour Mime is on a jrint-l label with the date when your sabseription expires. Be sure to (send your renewal (if you want th; paper another year; at lea-t a week before your subscription ex pires. IMlKX KOKW AUVKKTIwKMKNTS. New England Conservatory of Ma sie, Boston. jfcarWe wish to n-'jti'T.t our read ers when writing to any of th- above companies to hay tli'it you saw the ad vrti.scrif nt in Twk (,'.lta;sias. MI'I K h. Mr. J. K. Starling is authorized to take subscriptions for Thk t'.u camax. All orders sent in by hirn will be honored. Ma k ion lilTI.KR. A People "s party lab will ! orj--aiii'il at 'i)i!l;iiiil in Proviilcwe towti.tliip, on .Sat urday nij-'ht the Pith iut. Pul.lic Tin: i'il.!l.or Ilanju aii-1 M iristrei Cotii paiiy will liave the loanl-s of the Openi Uou-ie on the nihf of June l"th. The ici foriuaiiec will In; for the heie'li! of the Con ft-l.-i-ate Stati- iiioiitiiiu-iit. Let every ho ly co it i e Mfr-. irillin V Kihvar'ls the proprietor.-! of the Kennoii Hotel, have Ica-e.l the ioMs iioro Onera lioii-e. For the last two months the pt r i House has been clohcil, uii'I we are p;el to know that. thi-.-e enterprising voantc men have taken charge of it. M r. Jonathan Smith, of Wake eounty. i alle'l at The Caucasian otliee on Fri'lay of last week. He is .s years old. lie says that his lir-t ote for I'resi'lent wis for Andrew Jai-I: son and he .says that he is an Andrew .liiek-on I 'eiiioen at still, hut can't follow the corrupt machine that calls itself "the Demo cratic party" any longer. He subscribed for the ( Caucasian. He says that he id stand ing by the principles of Democracy which Vance said were immortal. He says that he has concluded that there i.s more Democracy in the People's party than anywhere el.-.e so he will vole that ticket next time. On Wednesday night the llev. Mr. Fanies was duly installed as pastor of the Pre thy terian church, of this city. Dr. Morton, Jlevs. C. Wardell, T. II. Idler, and I. M. Me I tyre were present and took pari in the ceremonies. Mr. L. A. Coulter, of Charlotte, State Secretary of the Y. M. C. A., conducted the Men's meeting in the V. M. C. A. Hall Sunday at 3:4T p. in. A large audience was present to listen to this earnest and impressive worker in the irood cause. A horrible accident occured at 1. F. Scott's saw mill last Thursday. I 'ill;:.- Crawford, colored, accideutly few on the saw which cut off one hand and part of the other, and terribly cut both shoulders. It is not thought he will recover. I r. Cyrus Thompson, and Presi dent Mewborn, gave us a call Tues day. They were enroute to lialeigh, to attend the quarterly meeting of the Executive Committee of the State Alliance. Dr. Thompson is expected to speak in Winston ou Sat urday. On last Friday occurred the death of Mrs. Lois A. Crabtree, mother of Mrs. L. II. Castex, of this city. Mrs. Crabtree had been suffering for many months with heart trouble. She was in her 74th year, and besides Mrs. Castex leaves two sous, George and Albert Crabtree. She was a lady of high christian character. The fune ral services were held in the Presby terian church Saturday, at 4 p. m , from whence the remains were borne to Willow Dale Cemetery for inter ment. Hoard of Mintrle mid County Coni m 11 mi era. The Board of Magistrates and County Commissioners met in regu lar joint session, J. B. Kennedy, J. P., chairman, presiding. A roll call showing a quorum of Magistrates present was announced by the Clerk, and the chairman de clared the meeting ready for busi ness. The object of the meeting boing to elect a Board of County Commis sioners for two years from Dec. 1st, 18!.4, nominations were made and the following were elected: J. E. Peterson, M. T. Johnson, J. II Lof tin, J. M. Wood and Wm. Holmes, Mr. r.. l. AtKinson wa3 unani mously elected Supt, of Public In struction. The county tax levy was fixed at 20 cents on each $100 of real and personal property, stock, bond, and all oi;her property subject to said tax, and the poll tax fixed at CO cents, 1 111 at li anu schedule i and taxes were fixed at the same rate as State, levy including liquor license tax. The joint Board then adjourned East Sunday was jubilee day for the Y. M C. A. Only fifty years ago this society was founded and has growu from an humble beginning to be second only to the church itself in religeous work. TVO PAPERS FOR 75 CENTS. The Caucasian and The Nationa Watchman till after the election for only 75 cents. Order at ODce. This offer is good for only tw weeks. ALLIANCE JEFABTSEliT, I O'er every hxtfl, in every &sre Borne e-irse of cr-i!or human ban Has contravened the rights of uua, E'en now some subtle power Ki. throne the wrorK, exalts the knare, While idler rnuia an toilers lare. KKSUI.I TKOS OF'KCT. The following resolutions were adopted at the last met-ting of Edge combe County Alliance; Whereas, it has pleaded almighty God in his infinite wi-jdorn, to remove from the fa nc- of life's activities our worthy and beloved brothers and co-j worKers, w. Uawu otOKeS, and U . Lafaj.e te Edwards, therefore be it, J.!esoi.d, that we, the member of Kdgwjonibe County Alliance, do most sincerely lament the untimely detni-;e of our noble brother, wh were so thoroughly inbued with tl e cause of "reform, and who worked with such untiring zeal and fidelity in furtherance of our glorious prin cipled. Our order has gastained ati irreparable loss in the death of bro ther Stokes and Edwards, and the cause of humanity is deprived of earnest, sincere and devoted workers ami advocates. They are as true as steel, and unfaltering in their love and devotion to the principles of the Alliance. Pe-iohed, that a copy of these re solutions, with remarks, be spread upon the minu'es, also sent lo TliK (,'aicahan and Progressive Farmer, u it li the ixpieet that they be pub lished. m i I. f. i li Clement, N. C, May Ml, 'Ji. Mr. Editor -The South River Alli anee Union will meet with Purdam Sub-Alliance on Friday June 2!th, tt 10 o'elock, a. m. Private meet ing in the morning, and at 2 p. m. tiieie will be a public meeting, in which ev rybody will be permitted to participate in diseu-iug tin po litieal situation. A full attendance in reiiesteil, as business of impor tance will come up for consideration on that occasion. Fraternally, S. IV Page, SeeTy. KIMWJAL NOTICES. Reading notieen will he inserted in this column ior 10 cents per hue lor each inser tion. Prescriptions, used successfully for over 20 years in practice, are now illt red to the public : Weyhers Diarrh-ea Mixture, for Summer Diarrlnea, Cholera Morbus, Dysentery. 50 cents per bottle. Weyhers Fever and Ague Pills for all malarial disorders, as ague, chills, intermittent fevers. 35 cts. per bot tle. Weyber's Liver Pills for constipa tion, headache, biliousness, &c. 2o cents per bottle. Full iireetions on every package. Direct your orders to Dr. V. F. Wether, Kinston, N. C. June 7 3mos. TRUCK AND POTATO BARRELS. I am now agent for' the best truck or potato barrel now made. Tney are manufactured by Mr. A. (J. Cox, Winterville, Pitt county. I will sell in ear 'oad lots, f. o. b. Winter ville, or in lots to suit at my ware house in Greenleaf, 2s. C. All in need will let me know at once. Respectfully, WT. A. Dean, June 7 2t Greenleaf, N. C. POTATO PLANTS FOR SALE. True to Name. Norton Yams, $1.30 per 1000. Vineless or Bunch Yams, $2.50 per 1000. Packed to carry safely any dis tance. Address, T. B. Parker, May 24-4t. Goldsboro, N. C. Snow Camp Woolen Mills, May 1st, 1S!)4. With increased knowledge gained by five years experience, we are much better prepared-for working wool than ever before, and again announce to our customers and citi zens of central N. C. that we are in successful operation with additional machinery in good running order, and experienced hands, sufficient to double our former capacity. We feel assured that our products for 1894 will be equal if not superior to similar goods found on the market and at Jivinir prices, "iariir. or no tariff." Call on our Agents or write us for samples, ehculars, price lists. Shipping point, Liberty, N. C. DIXON MFG. Co., Snow Camp, N. C. May 17 5t. Walter M. Uusbee, Suicides. Washington, D. C. June 4th. Walter M. Busbee, ex-clerk in the census office here, late of lialeigh and Durham, committeed suicide in Baltimore by taking morphine. -nr. Lusoee was niarnea to iuiss Wall of Virginia three weeks ago. Financial difficulties is thought to be the cause ot his lamentable ac tion. Eighteen hundred Kanawaka Val ley Miners have made another strike Warlike preparations are being made and a battle is expected. OKEE-NSliOKO FEMALE COLLEGE -the Commence exercises of Greensboro Female College will come on on Jane 0 and 7. Bishop R. K Hargrove, of Tennesee, will preach the Baccalaureate sermon on the morning of the 6th, and on the same evening Bishop O. P. Fitz gerald, of California, will deliver the Alumni address On the morning of the 7th Senator T. J. Jarvis will deliver the literary address, and on that evening: will take place the annual conceit. The A. aod M. College. The commencement exercises of the N. C College of Agricultural and Mechanic Arta will be held June 17-20th. Hon. D. H Hatch, of Missouri, will deliver the address. MM THE EXTREME. THE ATTEMPTED MURDER OF MR H H. TON P;GFORDASSA'lED WHILE ASLEEP. An Cn known Intruder Kxerotlng a Wall planned rvrbeine. The startling news of the attempt ed murder of Mr. Ilinton Pigford waa brought to town last Thursday night about eleven o'clock, being about an hour after the crime bad been committed. His parents, to gether with Drs. Lee and Stephens and others hastened to the scene to find him in an unconscious condi tion. The particulars accessible are as follows: Messrs. Ilinton and Thomas Pigford are cultivating a farm about four miles to the Dnrth of Clinton. They sleep and take their meals in a email buildiug on the premises, as the farm is too far out for them to go and come from their father's during the busy season. As usual, they retired at au early hour lat Thursday night. A chair was placed against the door to keep it from blowing open, and both young men fell to sleep. About ten o'clock Mr. Thomas was aroused from his sleep by the distressing calls coining from his brother, "Tommy, Tommy ; help or I die." On making a light it was seen that the bed clothes were saturated with blood, and that it was still flowing from a bad cut on his forehead. Convulsions followed, and as soon as his brother could leave him for a moment he ran a short distance to w here two colored boys were sleeping and sent one to Clinton and the other to a neighbor's. Foctois Lee and Stephens examined and dressed the wood, which was about the width of a hatchet and reached to the skull. All who saw the wound thought it must have been made with a hatchet. The perpetrator of the crime had en tered by moving the chair from the loor, and went away leaving the door open. What could have prompt- 1 any one to such inhuman extremes is a mystery yet to be solved. Mr. 'igford was not known to be at great variance with any one, and for that reason the mysteriousness of the affair is intensified. lie was brought to lis father's home on College street Friday morning, but it was not un til late in the afternoon that he re gained consciousness. His condition is doubtful but the best results are iuped for. Later: Since writing the above account of the onslaught made on Mr. Ilinton Pigford, we are glad to know that his condition has taken a change fothe better. lie is resting very well to-dy,y (Monday) and he is jht to be practically out of langer. Clinton Caucasian. We are glad to see that Bro.AV. S. Morgan has taken editorial control of tlm. Arkansas Farmer. The last issue comes to us very much improved, TEMItKAMK COKGKKSS. Au International Meeting to be held in tlie State of New York. Communicated j Perhaps the greatest gathering in the history of the Temperance Re formation will be found in University emple, Prohibition Park, Staten Island, New York, June 3rd and 5th inclusive. A call for the convention was signed by thousands of the Temper ance workers in all the different or ders in the various States and Ter ritories of the United States and Canada. The object of the Congress is twofold. First, to honor general Neal Dow, who is about to celebrate his i)0th, birthday Second, to review the en tire held of battle; compare conflict ing views in order to unite upon a common ground of defence against aloons and in favor of total abstin ence; to prepare an Address to the people of the United States, and the Dominion of Canada; to take such steps as will be necessary to place the teaching of Temperance hygiene in the public schools throughout the country; to seek to enlist far more the pulpit and press in the advocacy ot total abstinence; to place the edu cative power of law against the sa loon; to take whatever other action against the liquor traffic as may be deemed wise. The Congress is to be strictly a representative body. Among the prominent speakers we note the names of.Maj. -General O. O. Howard, President Nat. Temperance Society; D. II. Mann, Rt- Worthy Grand Chief Templar of the World; James Buckley, editor New Yrork Christian Advocate; Chas. H. Parkhust, Pres. Society for Prevention of Crime; Wm. t. Waddell, Treas. Standard Oil Co.; Sam'l Dickey, chairman Nat. Com. of the Prohibition Paity; Hon. John P. St. John of Kansas; Joseph Cook. The committee en Federation of all Temperance organizations of the world is composed of: I. K. Funk, D. D., o! New Y'ork; Arthur T. Pier son, D D., Philadephia; Bishop John H. Vincent, of Chautauqua; Mrs. E J. Gray, of Ohio; Gen. Thomas B. James, of New York; Samuel W. Pickard, of Chicago; J. H. South gate, ot North Carolina; Wralter Payne, of Ohio; Louis Banks, D. D , of Brooklyn. The names of the delegates from the Prohibition Party in North Caro lina are as follows: B. B. Lake, Bry son City, N. C, Hugh W. Dixon, Snow Camp, Chatham County, N. C, Dr. S. J. Montague, Winston, N. C, W. M. Wrhite, Gastonia, N C, F. S. Blair, Guilford College, N. C, iidwm Shaver, Salisbury, N. t Rev. T. J. Ogburn, Hendeion, N, C, A. R. Edgerton, Fremont, N. C, J. h. Ray, Ashevule., N. C. Rev Jerry Holt, Burlington, N. C The order of Good Templars, Sons of Temperance, Woman's Christian Temperance Union, will also be re present from North Carolina. This will be an historical gathering and 11 lltl.M win marK tne oate or. a new era in the Temperance Crusade. prdt uttmi at ccriiax. ! lie U trt-d by Very L-arc Audirix and Make KIe ImgirmUi. ppei.;! to The Circjtm) Dchham, June 5. The Court House was packed last v . . r , . r jagaiu the 1st Monday m August. night to overflow ine to hear Marion! 1 Buder.the Pres. of the N.F.A. & 1. 1 His logical and forcible presentation of the reform cause was listened to attentively by a fine audience repre senting all claees of out citizens. 1 1 j , L- ! lDS gentlemen coiutn-se tlw Board ff and produced a fine effect. Keep!," . 1 1 . .... ; directors: P. A. Peeler. J. A. Hit . vour eve on Liurnara. lue tepie will win in the next fijrht. POLK MONUMENT. LKTEVKKV KKKOKMKK UMIUHll TO III Il.l IT. Tiikr I p Ciilln Hunt l Kvcrjr .tl-t tng. The Caucasian's fund for the mon ument now stands as follows: Total amount collected up to issue of May 17th, - - - .$409.2:1 Koeky River Allianee, Cabai- rus County, - -Individuals of R. R. Alliance Trinity College Alliance - -Greerville Sub-Alliance, No. 70S Jacob Branch Alliance, Pitt 2 90j 1 Ml i County, - -- -- -- j .)0 Ii. F. Tugwell, Farrnville, - 2." Davi.l Tugwell, " - 2." D. H. Morgan, " - 10 Aberbeen Allianee, No. 40. South Dakota, - - - - 7 o0 Saulston Alliance, Wayne Co. 0 4." Pledges by Nov. 1st, $9.40 Cotton Blossom Alliance, Wayne County, - - - - : 00 Spanish Grove Allianee, No. 574, T) 00 Antioeh Allianee, No. 00.", - 3 27 Piney Grove Alliance, No. 31, 1 00 St. Builintrton Alliance, Ga., 1 00 Orauge County Allianee, Kan. 0 73 Nathan Taber, Kansas, - - 2" Union Grove Alliance No. 14 i0 :j 00 Philadelphia Alliance, No. 7, 75 Stirewalt Alliance, No. KiSO, 2 00 Tippecanoe Alliance, ITo. 577 Sampson County, - - 1 13 Justice Alliance, No. lOG.'l, Frinklin County, - 1 00 Mt. Carine Alliance, Rocking ham County, - - - - - 2 10 Chatham County Alliance, 10 00 Charity Sub-Alliance, Cataw ba County, - -" - - - 1 02 Kappa Sub-Alliance, No. 11S4 .Davie County, - - - - 100 The following subscriptions was raised and sent in by Mr. Nathan Brown, of Salisbury, N. C. : Paul Peeler 25cts., David D. ' Peeler 2'e., Moses Peeler 23c., John II. Frick 25c., Calvin Kesler J0c, Rev. R. L. Brown 25c, Alexander Peeler 25c, Geo. 1). Peeler 10c, Lewis Agner 25c, 1 Thomas M. Kesler 10c, Na than Brown 2oc, Alliance 70c. : total - $ 3 00 Enterprise Sub-Alliance, No. 1443, Pamlico County. - - 5 00 Turkey Hill Alliance, Gaston County 2 00 Melville Alliance, No. 451), Alamance County, - - 1 00 Pleasant Hill Sub-Alliance, No. 21S7, Lincoln County, 1 25 Individuals of Apex, Wake County, N. C , - - - - 1 50 North East Alliance, No. 902 Pender County, - ' - 1 00 Pasture Branch Sub Alliance, No. 1023, Duplin County, 1 20 Boiling Springs Sub-Alliance, No. 921, Cleveland County, 1 00 Wolf Pitt Alliance, No. 1G0, Onslow County, - - - - 1 00 South West Alliance, Lenoir County, - - 105 Friendship Alliance, No. 545, Lenoir County, - - 3 00 Mr. O. P. Brower sends the follow ing contributions : Sandy Creek Alliance, - - if 1 00 J. W. Williams $1.00, B. G. Campbell 25c, A. F. Ward 2oc, David Wright 2oc, J. B. Williams 2oc. Ii. C. Brower 50c, A P Brower $1.00 : total, - - - - - 4 50 2 50 2 CO St. John's sub-Alliance, No. 1280, Hertford County, - - Holly Springs Alliance, Wake County, ------- We will publish in this column each week the contributions sent in. When the Monument is built we will publish in The Caucasian a complete list of the contributions sent in from beginning to end. When taking up individual collections send the name of every person contribut ing and the amount opposite his or her name, so we can give proper credit. Let the Monument be cred itable to the Allianee and worthy of the man. Yours very truly, The Caucasian. Office of S. Cherhj, 21 Drayton Street, Savannah, Ga., Dec. 1G, 1890. Messrs. Lippman Bros., Savannah, Georgia. : Dear Sirs I would like to add my testimony to the almost miraculous effect of P. P. P. in the case of Mary Ingraham, a woman livine on my place ; she had a constant cough, sore throat, debility, etc., and was eiaaciated to a degree that she was unable to get out of bed unaided, be-! ing given up by physicians ; she had i taken the ruinous so-called Blood Medicines without the least effect, until being put under the P. P. P., she immediately began to improve and is now in as good health as ever in her life. You can refer to me at any time as to the effect of P P. P. in the foregoing case. Yours truly, Samuel Cherry. For sale by all druggists. P. P. P. A wonderful medicine ; it gives an appetite, it in vigorates and strength ens. P. P. P. Cures rheumatism and all pains in side, back and shoulders, knees, hips, wrists and joints. P, P. P. Cures syphilis in all its various stages, old ul cers, sores and kidney complaints. Cures catarrh, eczema, P. P. P. erysipelas, all skin dis eases and mercurial poisoning, P. P. P. Cures dyspepsia, chronic female complaints and v broken down constitu tion and loss of man hood. P. P. P. The best blood purifier of the age. Has made more permanent cures than all other blood i remedies. CORRESPONDENCE . j Me. Kditos .Pocket H:gb school -which has jast ckHi hs doae btt-1 i ter than ettr this vtr. It ill nr.n taith Aradrm;. j Faith, X. C, Mat 30th, 94. j Mr. Kditor : The citizt na of this ! community have made arrangement j to btart a High School. The follow-1 chie, Wm. Fisherman, U. A. liaucy, il. G. M. Fisher, J. C. Lingle, J. W. , Frick. The IWird of Directors have elected Hev. J. M. L. LyK-rly, A. H., as principal of the school. The school will begin July 2ud, 134. It is situated sis miles S'.utheat of , Salisburv. Raleigh, N. C Mr. Editor: Two prominent Dem ocrats, one a Railroad "king," the other a noted pohticau, a Cleveland " nobleman' met Hear depot here a few days ago. The following dialo- 'Ojirue tOik sv ti U 1 ! r.....l ! -king.'- " j "Have vnn henrd !iiivlliin,r ! Ans. Yes, I have heard a lot, a d 11 sight more than 1 wanted to! hear. ! . Well what are ourTi our A pros- j pfets. Ans. Mighty d u poor. We would be willing to compromise right now with them and if they will allow us one Senator they can fill all : the other oftieis.'V;& j A Countryman. 3 i HerlfordCJmiuty. Wiuton, X. C, May Jhth, 1S!1. Mr. IMitor: The People's party of Hert ford county met in the Court House at this place, called to order ly J. F. Newsoiue, Co. chairman. Mr. A. M. Darden was elected chairman and E. L. (jailing secretary of the meeting. Mr. J. F. Xewsotc was re-elected county chairman. Delegates were elected to the State, Congressional and Judicial con ventions A lare crowd was present. The convention was auilivs-eil iv Key. 1. . Uahh, of the Pcjriuiiuaijs Record, Mr. J M. j EarH-, of Bertie eounty. WHO IS HE? I Bcntonsville, N. C, Mav 25, '(J4. j lr. Editor I have heard that you sent a complimentary copy of The Caucasian containing a picture 01 Vance and an account of his life and death (and your paper had the full eat and best account that we have seen) to every business man in Golds boro who is not a, regular subscriber. I also understand that there was onlv one firm in the town that was discourteous enough to return the!OF THC LATEST AND PRETTI- paper. We have not been able to learn which firm it was. Will you not please publish in your paper so that your readers ruay know. Subscriber. We don't care to put the name of the firm in our paper, but the copy of the paper with the name of the firm on it is hanging up in our office and can be seeu. En. Caucasian. The Leading Conservatory of America. Founded by Ir. .. i ourj' e. Laki. Faelten, Director. Illustrated Calendar giving full information free. Xew Lnland t onuervatory of Music, Boston. SPECIAL NOTICE. - Selling out my entire stock of SPRING and SUMMER GOODS At and below cost for cash or on time. This sale will last for only 20 days. Below you will find the prices of a few articles : GOOD ARTICLE OF 4-1 BLEACHING at 3 3-4c. A BETTER ARTICLE 4-4 " at 6c. Iludroscoggin aud Bankers Mills 4-4 Bleaching at 0 l-4c. 5 Bales 4-4 Unbleached Sei Island Domestic at 4 3-4 aud 5 l-4c. The regular price for these goods are 7 and 9c. 100 Pieces cheeked Nainsook, regular price 10c, I am selling for oc. A Large and Elegant Line of AND Flouncing of Ull Kinds I AM SELLING AT SUCH LOW PRISE Ten Thousand Yards broideries I have reduced to lc, a yard. YOU CAN ALWAYS AT MY STORE FIND A FULL LINE OF Dry kL Clothing, Boots and Stes, GENTS FURNISHING GOODS and they will be sold Prices mentioned I also FULL LIITE OUT GROOEEIES, Such as Meat, Flour, Sugar, HAVE ALSO ON HAND STANDARD BRANDS OF FERTILIZERS, ACID AND KAIN'IT, WTIIICH WILL BE CLOSED OUT AT COST FOR CASH OR ON TIME. Remember the Place, Joseph Edwards, Champion of Low Prices, V GOLDSBORO, N. C. Let There Be Light On packbg bouse methods of Urd rendering, and there win be las hrd tis;d. Many people realize that it is impossible now-a-days to procure old-fashioned leaf lard. They demand something better than the modern stock -vards product, O COTTOLEIME O The New Vegetable Shortening fully supplies that demand. H is clean, delicate, healthful and eco nomical Ask your grocer for the genuine Cottolene. Made ealj y N. K. FAIRBANK & CO., CHICAGO AND ST. LOUIS. For Monuments and Tomb Slones EST DESIGNS, CALL ON OR WRITE TO It (HIT. I. ROGERS & 10., DURHAM, N. C. March 8- 3mos. Camphell's Horse Foot Reined v Will abs lutely cure cracked hoofs, or any disease of the hoof, sweeney, founder, galls, or any kind of sores, or mouey refunded. For sale only by J. F- Miller & Son, Feb. 1-1 y.l Goldsboro, N. C. PRICES THAT IT WILL SUR YOU. of a Job Lot Em in proportion to the for cash or on time. carry a Coffee, Tobacco & Snuft L. D. CIDDENS Jjp1 CD Z v&yy 5 if ' - J l c co n 'j r" 2 v. r ca - - ; hm I g 1 I f-fl If 1 I' & I I '-11MUL AMT.-..i.lHKE OF YOUU WIFE R YlFK WKtTIIKAKT, la Your Wtcht fcW cnJo tt tor joa in th Wt Kf StTle. "WATTS & WATTS, liOl.lHOKQ. N. 0. i:htaiimmiii:ii tn. E. 0. PALMER. J. II. niVENBl KG. A. W. FROST. PALMER 3,X"VElISrBXJTRG- &z CO. (Sueoeor to G. S. P!ui.r. It-i KK.VDK STKKF.T, NEW YORK. Wlolfsalf Pre4arr IosiriIMi .IrrrkaRl Southern Fruit and Truck a Specialty. Also Poultry and Eggs Wr.te for full uit ruction and Stesii-il. Ki f n itren . thathro Na tional Hank, New York, And iltrimiU Aenoie. !Jn. 11 6ia. GOOD TIIMIIE ro BUY. IT CKKTA1XLY LOOKS I.1KK THK MAUKKT HAl Struck Bottom on Mv Stock embr-tees a!uiot auv juality considered, Are as Low CAN UK BOUGHT AN YWHKKK. MY And I will make it to your interest and st-e if I can 11 t do a little Wtw-r ls-win re. lit sjx-et f ull v, I. B. FOMVIELLE, WALNUT STHKKT, (!tLlSl'.GH(), N. C. D" U Know Tne cheapest plaee T huy groceries Is At THK LEADING (iUOCF.LS, GOLDSItOKO. N. C. RIVERSIDE FARM james P. KERR, Pkoi'IUKTOR, : IAW III) LR, 0KTII ( AROLJVA. 15KKLIJEK AND SIHl'PKU OK iiu;ii IA NM 'rize Winning light Brahmas, White and Silver Laced Wyan- lottes, White antl Marred Plymouth locks, Single Comb White and .5rown Leghorns, Indian and Pit liamew, White Holland and Mam moth lironze Turkeys, Pekiu Ducks and White (iuineas. Winners of 100 First Prizes and Gold Medal Leading Shows. EUUS, EXCEPT TURKEYS, $J 00 PER HIT TING. If you are interested write to me. April f 3mos. Rupture Cured Without Cutting. Patient will le no time from lu -.iuess. t-t"Sieial attention given to all diseases of llie llcetum. 1K. JOHN SIMCKK, 4jutlr4tiro, C April 2G, 1894. RACKET STORE. B. COHEN & CO., PROPS. The cheapest place in Goldsboro to buy Dry Goods. Clotbiug, Notions, Tinware, Glassware, Toys, Window Sfrades, Curtains and Curtain Poles. Shoes for Men, Ladies and Children MILLINERY A SPECIALTY- Everything will be sold at the very lowest prices, and EVERYTHING NEW AND LAT EST STYLES. COME AND bEE UH A T RA CKET STORE, (C. Kerns & Co. Old Stand, E. Cen tre Street) GOLDSBORO. X. C. Every man cannot scale the wall that surrounds business success. Many have attempted it with a lad der that has proven to short. The man who is most likely to fa'n -the summit is he who uses advertising as his ladder. Maxwell & McGee, lOJnilSSIO.Y MERHIWTS AND SHIPPERS of CO UNTR Y PR ID UCE ALSO DEALERS IN GROCERIES, BUILDIXU LIME, OUAXO, ETC. 3F"Kerosene Oil a Specialty we keep the best made. Be sure to see our "Paragon Oil Can," the greatest novelty and convenience out. MAXWELL & McGEE, Goldsboro, N. C. - MALL iNCUBKOb Is the irotle anl a- p. j??!far.t SH-hegulatip 'nciics rS7I'n the market, a. "1 man. fcJtW-tare the only ?l:-rarul' &il m ins Rmruifr in A rii..ncau I CSreul. frw Adar W nufun 6 tO. wf. mlUnrHf vT UYVVICC CARM0T SEE HOW TC3 BO Jaill IT AMD PAY FREIGHT. I V in Bbti ear 1 4rm wajou r Ml tm- aa Dav'a Tril. No Mwf ftrqair te Anm. tS,000aow faw WorWFsir M4ml awarded mebic sod Uftcb araua. hay tmm faetary ad aan dula aid afeat'a prafiu. rBra Vmt Thi. OtK aad and to-d.y for awbta or larr r OXFORD MFB.C0.3i-WrtiaAn.C.lCAG0,IU. i w I See OtirST, LJi Rvit. fUir.Pt&s, lUt Pin. Comb, flat Mark, acl Sfrrliup Sil T-t Nwv;tir. Sugar and Flour. thing you may want. MY PUICKS, as Same CJoods GOOlS AUK BOU!lFI' UIC1IT. to trade with me. Giv me a fall for yu than y 1 u hae L-m dii To The Public. 1 1 m v t ii taken my brother, Frank ! H. lMuiuud-tou in a a prtn r, 1 till holit-it the lxrjre patronage 1 havo ! h r tofor reevivtnl front the grurv wis pubhc, and WE PROMISE them in the future fair and hont dealing km they havr n-ceivisl in tlm I'nM. We will continue buiuena at my Mtiuf Ktaud on Walnut ttrert. i Our aim will be to cell the beM pool tt the loweot pric. We intend TO MARK IT LIVELY ' for hi-;h priced tleab-r. W havi j on hand a tremendous Mock of rood v.tneti must ne ttoia to make room lor Sj.iuip Stock, which will be in In a Few Days We s'll for on Mi, our jrolitn are too small to sell otherwise Look FOR HKill PKICLD DKALFHK, if you want to buy on time, but we will undersell all for cash. We have big; jobs in dry goods, notions, Lata and especially shoes, liig driven in tobacco from !." to .r0 cents. Almost all kinds of snuH ; flour, sugar, cof fee, lard, and almost all kinds of groceries, low for cash. Respectfully, Ed. L. EDMUNDSON & BR0.r THE HUSTLERS. People buy of concerns that koop themselves before the public by ad vertising. Scientists tell us that there are 10 Pounds of glue in every man's body. We intend to - STICK ; to the low prices at which we are. sell ing goods, if it uses up our entire supply. We don't know what i "STOUT "W-ISTO?, but we have it. It is in OUR STORE. Come to see s and you shall havu it at a price that will make you stick to us. A. J. Harrell & Son, (Ou Walnut Street, at the Centen nial Pump,) Goldsboro, N. C. Feb. 11 v. Would it not be wise to treat your business as vou tieat yourself! Ia the spring, if you feel run down, you take medicine something to relieve that tired sensation. For your busi ness a dose of advertising will be found an infallible touic. A NEW STOCK. MILLINERY Latest Styles and Novelties. ; DRESS GOODS-Newest Patterns. TRIMMINGS To match all our Dress Goods. SHOES For Ladies, Men and Hoys. Best make and lowest in Price. ' IIATS-A11 Styles and Shapes, for ! Men and Boys. A Special Drive in Straw Hats. TRUNKS AM VALISES. ' A full and complete line in Calicoes, Ginghams, etc., etc. In fact, a new and large Stock of all Goods carried in a first-class Em porium. We invite inspection, and comparison in prices. J. W. BIZZELL &C0., ! (E. Centre Street) GOLDSRORO, X. C. DR. H. O. HYATT'S SANATORIUM, KiysFoy, c. Diseases of the Eye and General bur;ry lApril L'G-ly. at

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