nn it CAUCASIAN W printed over 450,000 copit m liWT. We eipect tr print anc" lrrtilate during the ' n. a aa ar- aT- a aaa v a a .aaav 1 JHL H Hat tfc Larrt CirrktirS r4 it tii X .T I l I. I 1 . , I K rt t.j'A ::.; n r r ri r ; v .v rr t VOL. XIII. RALEIGH, N. C, THURSDAY, MARCH 14, 18U5. NO. 111. .1 9 't '.- V in 'in it- - I .. ' i. '. lur V, I mrnmrn' 7-$ THE i't - . il ' . . I st-.c-i lrlar.'-tr l; s. SAW I'.iV'M' : i.,h.hui. II 111 rrrj "i I' tw to 1 'I' " ! r..t at I. ). M.i. r ..-.L.t . PROCEEDINGS OF THE LEGISLATURE. County Sf.hrol-Book Adoption Will RuNNV.v County (f SYitni(, ELLCTIONT, li'i i.IE PEOPLE lif. I.i iue-.il 1 1 1 - I'mc. Nm Cruimr fn II,.- til.. I. Hi Mini Nurlli I .inillii.i lf..ll- i .ml - Ixn l'r III 1 1 1 1 "IC l'.. ily .,. I j I niln M.irliiK' Id l.i.i. . IN 111. I I I - I V t , M 1 I ' ' 1 1 .' I 1 1 I s I 1 1 1 1 I V . T Si'li.il W I ' a 1 1.'. I 1 1 order ;i( 10 :h- l"l k I. III. Il I II II. I'r ,. r I -. I:. . Mr. I' -f tli- n.it.-. i ii i l t v l' l: M r. I iw "I unit .-it I n j:i I i k'-H up ah .1 i mi ni.-r I h- i.i . i.y vt 1 1 1 . ' 1 1 1 1 1 ' 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 -rp..raiiiiLr Hi- town of Atli-rl..n .1 i ll.ir.l r-.ulini: lat ninht. "Iii. ii pr-ail-l anil I Ii- l.ill va- "i i li V 1 1 f i.l. il . I 1 1 i l-1 I f.. . I i 1 1 r ii !... p air. I'nuii innt-ii 1. 1 ii ii.i- inn mi tin-..-tilili'. Tlii- moliori pr- ..il.tl ami (I. IV'I "''" ' t.ii-l-. f ' : I p'.n a . all ..I II.- roll tli-l.ill pa-i-d i . .'.!. ii" tt. i i ii. -i.L.t.r ill. .r'lii in it I. r II i.'i' I. irk l.c i ii u Id- l.ill to rr-ati-a tt i-niiiity to ! know n a- sent Ian! uni t a lak-n up a m a -pr. ial orilt-r mi it -.Tornl r-rnlirirf with an iinl'a .rii i.l-r-p. rt fromtli- i niiMnitt on until', i t iff, tnst n ami fovnliip, .la miiiorit v r-i...rt from tin am- vJtiiii in i 1 1 r-. Tli- in i in .ri 1 1 r-pori wa rf.nl : i'in il l.t t'amlioon. Mitclicll, K w I. Marnn.'k, I'a y I ..r ami irant. I N r. I'a.l.li-on i . l..i'i -niiii- Jiistnry iiic-riiiiitf what th- p-i.pl.' -iiilirac-il 1 1 I Ii- ti-rritort proio-n ur til- n-w ( punt . II- ra in- I T' .in a nun parat i t ly ' i-w i 1 1 1 1 1 ami 1 1 : 1 1 1 -x p-ri-iif-il I h-fcnl-hit ri.nl runt i ni; I h- p-oplr who ir- to I'xi r. i-- local -ll--orrn-nt. 'Ih--- p.opli' ihimI. ilr.-rrt - a ml i'.nl.l hat- I hi n-w ronnl v. 2 Mr. ( amlUr l-inaml-il th- pr-vioii p. -lion whirh wa ii-lain-il. I h-hill w-ht to it Ihinl r-ailini; I Mr. Mooilt.rif Mat wooil, a-kl for '' ' all ol thr roll whirh wa ordered. .1 Ih-hill pa--l il (hint reading, '-. iii.- 7. Senator Kla-k. M oody I l i t w .....I. Moody ot Stanly, Kire, aw. Wall and W -t inor-lanil voting ai n-t t lie hill. l'Ki I tl. ulMtf.lt u. J, inir tli- "i ux l.ill, kmtttii a the .oktni't I.i 1 1, 1 o pros i. I. for a ytein rliool liook to lie ll.-ei in th- Itllhllr hool of t II- Mate. Jlr. iranl ..Hi red a nhtitnte pr- 1inf(.r on- month' i.iihlir adver- meiit in Kah ih, Wilmington and larlotte pap. r for a mnlrart to fnr--h m IiooI hook of t he pnhlir rhool, ill proposition to liirni-h school mk lo h- upon a hai of State adop n, th- original hill h-ing ha-ed upon (. fcutity adopt ion. J Mr. I handler demand. I t he pret ion ijuestion, wl.irli wa sustained. 1 The iiieslion rerurring upon the jih-litute, Mr, tirant asked for a rail J t he roll, w hii'h was ordered, and the sustained. lime wa deleated aye noes Mr. I'ad.linn olVered an amend iii-nt If w hirh he had int eli not ire hefore i-pret ion iiiet ion wa ordered: to like t he pr.tt Islons of the hill Hot to ..into eile. t until I ! '7 instead of I -.. lie aillethl inellt W a lost. The hill then passed its serum! and nrd readings, and was ordered en filed for rat ilirat ion. I III. C t I It'll All ' - re-iuiieil. and a hill to amend the irter of t he rit v of Ashet i Ih- passed Y seeoml reading hv a t ote of :'. to 1,1 I went to the t hird readi ng ralen- Ir; lull to ameiiil t he rharter ot the Itt n of Wat nest ille, passed its second iding hy a vut- of ;." to went to the third read i ng calendar ; jjl to incorporate the Westana Min- :aml Milling company passed it rd reading: hill lo change time of ding the superior court of Harnett 1 1 1 1 1 v passed third reading: hill to feml section ItliUl ot thr I 'ode, it pro le lor the elect ion of State I i lira r i:i n the tieneral Assembly instead of by trustee of the state library, a est ion tt a raed as to the legality the act, ami it uncoiisti'iitioiiality. ic lull wa made a sneeial order tor f lock tonight, Jill to inn rporate the Morganton !t -Ihy Kailroad company, passed its on.l and reading ayes noe am! wont to third reading; cal dar. T he airiendments were lost on a di- ion vole. I'll-hill passed it second reading .1 t he 1 1 'let eland Twins) disagreed. r. 1- .ri line obiecfed to its sroing to at'iird reading.1 Mr. Hi I'd to snspend the rules ai bill on its third reading. were not suspend-d. a m nek and put The ynr. Fotvler otlered a joint resolution create a committee ot two troin tne mate and three from the House to oinmend a nomination to till the ta int on the state Hoard of Agricul re caused hy the death of the late uator V.. I.. I'ranck. The resolution t- adopted. HMIS KATIflKl. Mr. Starbuck. from the eoinmitteeon riiiled hills, reported the proper en ftllineiit of sundry hills ami resolu- ms, and the President signed them, d gave notice that the following Kil l s tt f.itf: kai if iki : An act to repeal the charter of the tn of HI i .abet h eity,amlt( rechar- r t he same. ct to anient! the charter of (ireen- Ble. Pitt county. lAct to make Little river in Alle- niy county a lawful fence lAet to incorporate the I'tirtsniouth umber Manufacturing Company cf lor t be relief of the ex-slientl of inlien county. ct to incorporate the Salisbury an ami Trut Company." et tu make scrip, due bills, checks .1 other evidences of debt payable in n-y at option ot tli- holders. Act' tt funtl the lloating tlebt of the V of Wilmington. Act to incorporate Warwick High hool. Chowan county. Act for relief of T. C. Israel late r i it' of Henderson county. Art to authorize commissioners of imlolph coiiutv toell certain county lid. VAi t to amend charter of the city of .io-t..n. N. C. '-Act to anient! laws of 1-W1. t siii.pli inetital to an act passed at .resent C.eneral Assembly, t to incorporate the Hall Train company. t to anient! the charter of the k of Fayetteville. t concerning probate of deeds e by husband and wife. i Yt to amend chanter 42. laws of c t to place Lew i (irady on the pen list. ct to change time for sheriff of h, (iranvill- and Watauga counties t Mtle with the State treasurer. JfAct to provide an alternative let hod for w rking the public roads Jl Buncombe county. Act to rrgu'ate tli' Superior court ' Katidoi pii .Minify. Ai l .i prui. i t ottn-r- of cattle and other annual-. Art authorize the entry of crfain land in Id rtford county. Ai t for t In- relief of K. .M. .fohiioti. I - t - hcril! 1 1 f pi-tiilf r riiuiil v. Act to incorporate hifeide Kapti-t i hnr. li in KhI h. rfi.r.l ( omity. Act to allow .raliaiti county I o ! y a spi ia I tax to tiuilil a court house. t I.. provide for support atil main- j i-iiain . i. r in- ,. ami m. oil. -sr-. Art to -upporf ami maintain II.- A ri. nltirtl ami Mf-hani-al rolh'.- lor t h- rolnr-.l rai -. I J-. .In! i. .ii lo pay th- fiin-ra! -x-p-ii ..I Ih- l it - Hon. K. I.. I ran. k. Th- .-nai - t i.ok a r I i 1 1 - o'. Im-k j.. m. rhi'-'-nat- wa- .all.. I to or.l-r oi lo. k hy II,.- pr-.-i.h-til. I II V. M Kt I. It w:i- tak-n up and tin- follow inr l.ill ami rr-..iit ion- w-r- li-po-.-.t if: Kill to in. -nrporati- tli- Ia:m.-r I. if- a--oriatii.n of Noitli I'arolma pa---.l I hir.l r.-al i nr. I A I K I'IMIIM I A It V . A hill coiicerni ng the Sta- peniten tiary . providing for I he appointment by t liis i i.-iier.'tl A-senildy il nine !i r. clurs, w ho -hall recite I per day when performing their duties and mileage not to e-e0d two day- in each month. 'I'h-.se directors sbaU take charge in April. I'J-'j. and shall appoint lit- of their uuuil-r an eecu!ie board, w ho shall hate control am! make rule, and regulation and employ all agents and employee- nece-sary for the management of the penitent iury, ap point a 1 1 I he guards and ot her sub. in I i nates ami repeals all laws in conllict with t hi. S I' K ' I VI. ul( OKI'. hei ng I h -bill t o elect t h- st at e librarian by t hi .eiiera I Assembly instead of as now lit th- trustees of the state li brary. The l.ill passed its second reading am! objection being raised, the rules wen suspended and the hill passed lis thin! reading. Resolution to pay .ti.'Ml expenses of senate sil b-coin m i 1 1 ee w hich visited the penitentiary farm on Roanoke riv er passed third reading. The senate adjourned till 10 o'clock a. in. today . II lI SK. The House met March r,th at Id o'clock a. in. Prayer by Ret. L. L. Sin i I h of 'lev-land. HI I I S I' tSSK I). Tlie following bills were then taken from the calendar ami passed second ami thin! readi ngs : NCUItl'Ult.t'l ION'S. Senate bill :!-2l, to incorporate the Sanfonl, Lilliugton and F.astern rail road company: to incorporate the Carolina am! Northwestern railroad company: senate bill :21, house hill luul, to incorporate the South Atlantic F.mlotvineiit Company of iort h Caro lina; 1 lii.", to change the name of Creat Falls Manufact uring company. The act to incorporate the Atlantic, Yancevville ami Reidsville railroad company passed second reading. Senate bill si, tt authorize the city of Faycltev illc to establish a system of elect ric lights ami motor power passed seeoml reading hy a "vote of !"1 fob. The clerk had just linished reading when the Speaker announced that, the hour for the special order hat! arrived. Ill K cor NT Y ioVKKNMKXr KIM.. Senate hill, f.21. House bill, i:!'.2, was then taken up. Mr. French asked the floor managers on t he other side how much time they wanted. He wanted to assure the gen tlemen on the other sitietliat it was de termined to pas this hill without any amendment. He wanted to give them ample opportunity to put themselves on record. He would call for the pre vious ipiestion at the end of an hour and a half He desired to know how much time the gentleman from i late, who represented the fourth party. wanted. The quest ion provoked laugh ter on both sides of the House. Mr. smith wanted t hirty minutes. French thought he could not allow so much t ime in justice to ot hers on t hat side of the House. So Mr. Sin i th agreetl to ac cept lilteen minutes. Mr. let! otl in his usual style, lie was followed by Mr. Monroe, of Wayne, who read a hifalutin paper in the style of a school hoy reading his composition. Messrs. Winhorne ami Steten of Union fol lowed in unusually good speeches against the bill. THK BIT K. R KIT. The gentleman who introduced t he amendment tried to avoid the respon sibility of voting, but he was called out ami al ter much w iggling to get out of it, voted against his own amend ment. The vote stood ayes 12, noes 7"2. He ottered a second amendment which was lost hv a vote of aves noes He ottered a third amendment that t lie said county commissioners shall give bond of not less than ?.),(, to be Approved bv the clerk ot the court, con ditioned that they will faithfully per form their duty a said eoniimi?ion ers." This amendment was discussed and voted down. The County Government bill then passed its second and third readings in t tie House, several gentlemen ex- plaining their votes when their names were readied. on the roll call. The fol low ing is the vote on its passage: Ayes Messrs. Abbott. Aiken, Bag well, Batemaii, Bean, Brown, Bryan, Buchanan, Burnhain, Campbell, Cheek, t hilcutt. Cox, Crews, ( room, Crum-ph-r, Currie." Harden, Iav is, T ixoti, lrew, iMincan. Klledge, K 1 1 is, Kther itlge. F.w art. Flack, Fleming, French, Gentry. Harris of Hyde, Henderson. Hileman, Hopkins, Hutfinan, Hunter. Johnson, l.eary, Leinbaeh Linney, Lusk, Mayes, McCatiley, MeKinney, McLean, Michael. Mitchell, Xorineiit, Peace, Petree, Phillips of Randolph. Pool. Reynolds. Self, Smith of Caswell. Smith of Cleveland, Smith of Robeson, Smith of Stanly, Speas, Squires, Stike leather, Strickland, Sutton, Taylor, Turner of Mitchell, Turner of Polk, Yickers, Walker, White, Whitener, Williams, Woodard, Wooten, Yates Young 75. Noes Messrs. Alexander of Mcklen burg. Baker, Crawford, Dully, re wards. Gallop, Grizzard, Harrelson, Higgins of Alleghany, Iliggins of Yancey. Hooker, House, Howard, Ju lian, Kell, King, Lawrence, Lee, Mc Call, McClainmy, McKenzie, Xelson, Peebles, Rascoe, Kay, Reinhardt, Rob inson, Saunders, Smith of Gates, Ste vens, Thonais, Yick, Winborne 33. BII.I. FOR THE ELKCTIUN OF JUSTICES OF THE I'KACE was then called up by Mr. Ewart, and after Several more speeches to consume time. passed the house. This is a separate bill from the county government bill, and provides for the election of magistrates by the people. The bill passed its second reading by a vote of 7t) to 2(i. Several messages came from the tenate containing bills that had been acted on by that body. By unanimous consent one of the committees not rep resented in the morning made a report, am! tin House took a recess till :30 p. m. Night Session. The House met at 7 :30, Speaker Wal ter presiding. Mr. McKenzie offered a resolution ti pay exjien-e in the i onl-t J ! tu ii rasf a follow : IS. I!. Winborne. j:. It. It. M. ''room, II. K.P.rown, L.'.. I aniel, ISed di.k i at i n i, Jr. IVr-ou. W. J.ee Per- a h !lu: I.. !.. Smith. ti2J; I.. ft. ' "rawfi.nl. W. II. rewi. pi. K. IV sun. ir.; V. F. Mor- phew - . 'i.': In- Abbott. IliVJ": F. I'.. (Hooker, 1 7.7" : W. C. Miinrm- ami .). s 1 1. KilwanK. ; V. I. Inxon, YX. J s. I . Mew bori.e, $'; .lohn Smith. $.! : I r. Norment, H'i; W. O. Howard, I -'. 7.". : A. C. Want. Jonathan Tomlinsoii, ?IJ.".: ;ri.ard, tUKJ.i: L. I. Robinson, 12:5. The resolutioii had been before the litiaiice committee ami recommended t)V thrill. MrKenzie for Ih-committee: .J. II. Raker, $.'"2.7.1 ; .1. F. N'ewson. loo. The rt solut ion wa j recommitted to committee on finance, i Kill tor th- relief of .lames M. Mori it rue, ex--heriil of Rowan county, wa taken up, and jased its third rending. I l.cji;, boil.--, ih" Cherokee Indian biT jcanie up again, ami passed its third 1 read i ng. ! Kill to provide f..r th- drainage of ' M a laiuiiskeet lake, in Hyde county; ; pas-eil its third reading on a roll call i On motion of Mr. Hil-man the house j au j.iurned till It) a. in. to-day . ! I UK Y 1)11. n't s vim:. ! The fol lowi ng l' i jiu list, members of t lie House desire Tu k Cut a si a n to say t hat I they were present in the House and ! voted against the Frel Imuglass res--' hit ii m. They are unwilling to take up the time of the Utilise in arising to j questions of personal privilege, but t hey desire t hat t he misstatements t hat have gone out be corrected : R. M. Cm m pier and C. II. Johnson of Samp mi, Zack Taylor of Cumberland. J. W. speas of Forsyth-, J. A. Ruchanan of (Tat and M. C. St rickla mi of Nash. THE RALEIGH CHARTER. A '.l Hit- Senate Helieves It Will XWtttip Wishes of I.eu.liiit; Citizens--They Have SumI It vVoiilil The Htmse Awar.U the 1'iil.lic I'rintini; to strwart Itrolhers. SKNATI-. WF.DNKSDAY, M A Kt II CiTH I9TI1 DAY. The Senate was called to t.rtler by President Iu.ughtoii at ten o'tlock a. in. Prayer by Rev. tor from Wake. H. W. Morris, Sena- TTIK MO UN I Nil Hlll'H was coiisumett in the regular routine vv..rk of the Senate. This being the last day for the introduction of bills, tpiite a number were added to the crowde.'. calendar. nit: I AI.KNKAK was taken iip-and the following bills and resolutions were disposed of: Kill to provide for the redemption of laud after sale. This bill gives the mortgagor two years in which to re deem land sold under foreclosure of mortgage, ami forbids the making of t it le by the party selling within that time. The motion to reconsider failed. I ntlera resolution a committee of three senators was appointed to assist the clerks in arranging the calendars, and they were placed at the disposal of the President. THK STATE FAIR. A bill to. rotate the State fair came up in shape of a proposition to rotate the appropriation now granted the X. C. State Agricultural Society, first for two years at Charlotte.and let the next legislature locate this appropriation for the following two years: Xewhern, Rocky Mount, Maxton and Tarboro all asked for it. The bill went over till the evening session for certain amendments need ed to it. THK I'KNITKN TIAKY. P. ill concerning the State peniten tiary, providing for the appointment by t his Jeneral Assembly of nine di rectors, who shall receive sfi per day when performing their duties and not to exceed two days at each meet ing, ant! they shall meet but twice in one year. These directors shall take charg- in April, I '.", and shall appoint live of their number an executive hoard, who shall meet not more than once a month, and who shall have con trol and make rules anil regulations ami employ all agents and employes necessary for the management of the penitentiary, appoint all the guards and other subordinates; and all laws in conflict with 1 his law are hereby re pealed. The bill went to its second reading with a call of the roll and passed; ayes "22. noes .1. The bill went to its third reading. Mr. Dowd oti'ered an amendment that no otlicer under this bill shall re ceive a salary greater than $1,500. The amendment was lost :"ayes lti, noes 22. The bill passed its t hird readi ng. The senate look a recess till 8 o'clock p. m. levelling SesiAoii. The senate was called to order at S o'clock by the President. THK CALENDAR was taken up and a large number of minor local bills passed their several readings and were ordered engrossed j sent to the House of Representatives without engrossment or went to en- rollmeiit for ratification. THE RAI.EIGH CHARTER being a substitute offered by Senator Xorris in lieu of what is known as "The Young Bill" and "The Shaffer Bill." Mr. Abell demanded the reading of the bill. Mr. Xorris said it was a waste of time to read the bill. It was a bill which as near as possible met the wishes of all parties. It divides the city into four wards, each having three aldermen, and provides for the election of the mayor, city clerk and tax collec tor. A bill to amend chaper 152, laws of 1'X, an act to provide a uniform rule for the limitations of actions against railroad companies for damages for oc cupation of lands, was discussed pass ed second reading, aim objection be ing raised went over to tnirU calendar. reading A bill to pay out certain money paid into the treasury by reason of the com promise of the Wilmington and Wel- don railroad tax cases, naming the at torneys to whom it belongs, passed its several readings and was ordered en rolled. . Bill to regulate the hours of labor in the cotton factories of Xorth Carolina with an unfavorable report from the committee and a minority report fa vorable. Mr. Carver, the champion .of thi measure took the floor in advocacy of the bill and read a solemn protest against the defeat f the bill. He prophesied a muffled drum funeral po litically to all who voted against the bill, and demanded the ayes and noes that the friends of the bill might know where to attend these funerals. Mr. Fortune moved to lav the bill on the table, upon which the roll call was ordered and the bill went to the table, ayes 19, noes 19, the, chair voting aye, Bill to define train robbing and pro vide the punishment therefor passed its' several readings and waswrdered to enrollment. v Bill to amend section 19C3 of the Code relating to the rules of passenger tranportf iun by railroad : prut id-, in add it hm to art nal itams. put at i e damages also. The bill was in. I titii -ly jo" poncd. AVirvi.f i. ciiAini Ks. Kill amending the charters of Imr ham, A llwinarle. wanlHr-. siat.-s. till-. MiM-kstille. W ay liesVllle. Abbe ville, Morgnntoii. iastoiiia, Raleigh. F.at R-iid, Yadkin county : Mid Fort, Newbern. KII.I.S KUIHUi. The President gate notice of the rat itical ton of t be fol low in g acis : To incorporate Kastern Carolina Christian Conference. To incorporate the Roanoke Railway ami Ilridge company. To incorporate the Carolina Savings I '.a i. k. To amend the charter of the ( har lot t-e street Railway company. To protect deer in Mitchell county. To invalidate an election held in Mitchell county on railroad bonus. To i ncorporate the Congdon Tram way company. To change the time for holding the superior courts of iHirlmm county J-or the relief ot A brain It New Hanover county. Cook, of ! To incorporate the Carolina Chris tian college. To amend the Code am! restore to the people of North Carolina locaiself government. To place R. W. Garrison ami c. W. Pannell on the pension roll. j Resolution to pay the expense's of ( the sub-committee which visited t he I State farms. To protect cutters and seller of mill ! ogs in Hyde. Pamlico and Milovv. To amend t he charter of Chapel Hill in Orange county. To pr.ivid- for the election of .Jus tices of t he Peace. Tt incorporate Rockingham County i . . i ' iai iimi. To declare the Raleigh Water com pany and to amend, extend and enlarge it s charter. To allow citizens of Cleveland coun ty to regulate sale of liquor by popular vote. hoi.sk. The House met at 10 a. in. Prayer by Ir. Branson. The journal was par tially read. The usual committees re ported. Leave of absence was granted to Mr. Keathley. Mr. Lusk arose to a question of per sonal privilege on an editorial in the Rutherlord Democrat: " The man who w rote that expression could have had no ot her object in view, ( I beg pardon for calling him a man; I will say t he cowan! who wrote that article, could have hail no other object in viewjhan to hiimilatea political op ponent by stating in his paper what he must have known to he a falsehood w hen he penned the article, in as much as he is a citizen of the town in which the gentleman referred to lived and had his being, and as there appears to be a disposition on the part of the' Democratic newspapers in the State of Xorth Carolina to misrepresent the facts of the unfortunate encounter be tween Shotwell and myself, I will take the occasion to state the facts of the case as they were, and to put for ever to rest these slanderous misrepre sentations of t hat unfortunate en counter. 1 shall do so with reluct ance, because the man w ho took part in it is dead. When God Almighty lays his hand upon a man, I always take my hand off, and would do so now if left to pursue my own inclination and wishes in the matter. In lsn'.i, when Shotwell was the editor of the Asliev ille ITtizen, during a heated po litical excitement, I got into a contro versy with that paper. The editor was a stranger to me. I had nev er met that gentleman. I was in conversa tion with the Hon. J. II. Merrimon, w hen, not knowing t hat danger lurked anywhere on tne face of the earth, some one unknown to me, sneaked up behind me and struck me with a club. I shot at the coward, for I was armed ; but when he turned and threw up his arms, exclaiming, 'I am not armed.' 1 desisted from further attack. Mr. Shotwell was indicted by the court. He came into court and was tried be fore Judge Bailey. When the case was called I begged the court not to punish the unfortunate man, and when the court heard t he appeal he went unpun ished, then Mr. Sm.twell lei t my tow n. AVhen the Ku Klux broke out in Rutherford he was arrested. I was the solicitor of the district. I found the un- fortunate Shotwell bound ovtr to court I was directed by the Attorney Cen eral of the L'nited States to prose cute Shotwell. I absolutely refused to doit. ' He was prosecuted by Mr. Sam Phillips of this place. He was con victed and sent to the Albany peniten tiary. Shortly afterward 1 was ap pealed to by friends of tile unfortunate man to use my lnl'uence lor his re lease, and at the instance of Mr. Piatt Durham I appealed to Mr. Grant. At my instance the President extended to him executive clemency. He and I came back to Xorth Carolina on the same train. He knew he had his lib erty at my instance, and yet he never expressed a word of gratitude for my serv ices in his behalf. The committee on enrolled hills re ported that the following J;ad been properly SPECIAL ORDER REVENUE ACT. The revenue bill was then taken up. Mr. French moved to strike out section 20, containing the tax on drummers. The motion was adopted. Mr. Leinbaeh moved to amend sec tion 20, line 1, by striking out the words "tobacco warehouse men." The amendment passed. The motion was then made by Mr. Sutton to recon sider the action just taken; motion lost by 34 to 59. Mr. trench moved to strikeout com mission merchant. Mr. Smith moved to strike out the whole sentence, and made a speech in the interest of the peanut farmers. Mr. Henderson moved to amend by exempting farmers Irom all taxes whatever. He saitl thev wanted to strike out taxes against merchants, drummers and warehousemen, and for God's sake let the farmer be exempted from something. 1 he amendment was lost. ir. llileman called for the previous question. Mr. Peebles demand the ayes and noes on amendments. The demand was not sustained. Mr. Burnhani moved to amend by changing one per centum to 12 of one per centum; motion lost. Mr. Hileman offered an amendment as a substitute to insert again "tobacco war ehouseman and change 'one per centum' to lj of one per centiim on his Mr. Hileman called for previous question ami demanded the ayes and noes on his amendment. The amend ment was lost. Mr. Burn ham moved to amend by adopting the of one per centum, on all commissions of warehousemen ; lost by vote of 42 to 45. Another amendment to insert 1-10 of one per centum was lost by vote of 34 to 43. Mr. Hileman sent up several amend ments to section 21. These amend ments increased the taxes against mer chants, jewelers, grocersand druggists. Mr. Bryan, of Chatham, moved to amend by making the purchase tax 1-10 of one per cent, on all purchases in or out of the State. This places the tax w h -re It stood lost. in I'. I; aito'tim-M Mr. Milrman moved to amend ,. tioii by inserting what wa. stricken out of thi feet ion on th- second read ing of the bill. Mr. White aked if druggi-t were not required to gt t licn-e to !! liquor. -Mr. Hilem.ni : 1 hey do sell it with out license. Mr. White: Then wbydoyou imt in dict I hem? Mr. Hilemau: I bey sell under pre scriptions from phyieian. Mr. Henderson said he could get a much liqiioras he wanted in any drug Store. He had lio dilhcliity in getting a prescription tola-t a whole y..ar. At l he con vent ion i n L.-miir, a tlry town, we drank about twenty gallons of w hiskey at I a gallon all on pr crip t loll. Mr. Hileinan's amendment wa adopted by a Vole of .17 to 7. . Mr. Robinson moted to strike out the last sentence of section 1'2 which exempt- druggi-t from license tax by any t tiiii.ty, ciy or town. Mr. Hile" nan moved to amend bv in-, ri ii.g t he w nt "liquor license" before tax. Lost by a vote oi to j I. Mr Williams moved to amend I.y changing I be tax on cigar.tts. The amendment was !o-t. Two ametidm.'lits were sent up by M r. White ami lot. M r., sin it h o! Gate sent up tun amendments. l-t..iniei d section J.' by in s. i ting between words also 'aml -all" in line eight. Hie follow ing "in addi tion to the ad valorem tax provided in th.s section." This amendment was lust. Amendment 2. hy Mr. Smith, ad ding, "prov ided that this act sh;,;i ma authon.e any druggist to .teal in -pirituoiis. vinous or malt liquor ex- ' -i;1 upon t he presrri pi i..n t a prac i icing puysii'iau as now aiiovte.i i.y law."' T his amendment wa adopted. Mr. llileman oilt ret! au amendment to tax lawyers .flu each. The amend ment provoked a very spirited discus sion which was participated in by Mes-rs. Monroe, McKenzie. Lusk, Hen derson ami ot iters. The vote oy this motion was a tie, to.'.s. T he speaker gave the casting vote in favor of the amendment. Mr. Monroe moved to amend by add ing that "no city, town or county .shall impose any additional tax on lawyers." The amendment was adopted. Mr. llileman introduced an amend inent to tax each and every practicing physician the sum of .flu. Mr. John son moved to anient! by exempting county physicians. Johnson s amend ment was voted down. Mr. Smith, of Stanly, sent up an amendment to include tooth-carpenters. T he Speaker said if the gentle man ment dentists, he would put the amendment before the House, provided the gentleman would put his amend ment in proper latiguage, otherwise he would rule it out of order.) Mr. White of Bladen, moved to amend by adding that "no city, town or county shall impose any additional tax on physicians." He wanted phy sicians to stain! on the same footing as lawyers. The amend inent of Mr. White was adopted and Hileman's amendment as amended was voted down. Mr. Robinson moved to reconsider the vote by which the amendment to tax lawyers txvas passed. Mr. Lvvart moved . lay I be 'not ion oil the table. The motion to table prevailed. Section 35 was amended so as to im pose a tax of 50 cents for each bed room kept for use in all hotels ami boarding and lodging houses kept for the business of turnishing either board or lodging, or both, to regular or transient boarders for pay or hire. Mr. Henderson thought it very un just to tax poor willows who were keeping boarding houses, 50 cents on a bed, and then raise such a noise about taxing lawyers. An amendment was passed imposing taxes on each ami every private busi ness corporation (railroads, banks, and insurance companies excepted ).a fran chise tax in proportion to the amount of its capital stock. By the term "capi tal slock" in this section is meant Un authorized amount of capital stock lixed hy the corporation's charter, or by the stockholders pursuant to pow ers granted in the charter, whether the said capital slock lias been issued by the corporation and is outstanding or not. That, in addition to penalties ! otherwise provided in this act, he cn- tinned failure to pay the franchise tax imposed by the 1st day of January, ls'.ib, shall cause a lorleiture ol lb charter of such defaulting ci.rporat ion, and its charter in that event !iall be repealed. Mr. Hileman explained that this amendment was proposed to meet that class of corporations that got out char ters to build railroads and make pub lic improvements, ami did not make the improvements, but held on to their charters and kept others from enjoy ing the privileges of the charter. Pending the discusr-ion of the reve nue bill the house loook a recest till 7 ::50 p. m. 'ight Session. The House met at 7 :4o o'clock ami proceeded at once to business. The following hills PASSED THIRD READING. 12111, bill, to provide for construction of bridge across Trent river; 310, to provide for working public, roatls of Warren ; 140s, to create a new town ship in Sampson county; R.ll, to au thorize the commissioners of Stanly county to issue bonds to build a jail;: 141S, to allow commissioners and jus tices of the peace to levy a special tax in Anson county ; :J2'J3, tt) incorporate the Bank of Tarboro; 1509, to repeal laws relating to Killquick in Kdge combe county". Un motion of Mr. Howard the bill was tabled. REVENUE ACT. Mr. Hileman called the previous question, Mr. sent up two J amendments, first to tax eaeh owner of a sawmill $10, second to tax notaries public $20 each. .Both amendments were voteu down and the bill passed its third reading and was sent to the senate. Yote on final passage (A to 4. PUBLIC PRINTING. The report of the minority was read, recommending that the matter be re referred to the committee. This report was signed by W. V. Dowd, W. K. Lindsay, Edgar Lei n back, T. M. Stike leather. Mr. Henderson was opposed to the law. I was on the committee. I heard Edwards & Broughton say at first Stewart was the lowest bidder. They afterwards employed experts living in Raleish that said Edwards & Brough ton were low er than Stewart. We are going to do what you (pointing to the Democrats) never couiu no. vv e arej going to put out this printing to the lowest bidder and are not go ing to put it out in Raleigh. Mr. Williams of Craven said he was not a practical printer.but from what he had learned about this business, he be lieved that Edwards it Broughton were the lowest bidders and they ought to have it. - Mr. Ewart didn't know the difference between on "em" quad antl a quad "em," but he did know that the gentleman from Randolph, Mr. Bean, was'as honest and pure and upright a man as any man in this House or in this State, and he would not endorse any arrsi.gefiM-nt t,f m, . U-niiiide-i aint ti'.u rbl-. .Mr. K art he-.! bi- r tnark IPif for the prey ions q ,t. f i,.,." ri. .te on ttie m:i...rity rej rt m. (I In 'I tie report of tte iiiiiiority ws hsf. I tie motion then rr. t.rr:ng n tie nu'. r.tt r. jM fi. which ujMH t he ont r.e t f. r t.rii.tii.L? t --. rt Rrothers. I ae ami in w r. 1 called ati.t the n,.t j.r:t v r. p..rt w a. : aUoplet ly a Vote of .. to .t The f.OH-e t !ef dlsnett etutsr !oiiov. : f thecal I to.r-div I he House a Ij.iiiri'i d at hi a. m. til! KI0.0C0 FOR THE MONUMENT. A''ttUll.mtilr4 l.ir tlrli.u, In-lllu. '."' A s.ti-.t.i.u In llf II I'riillriilOri lo.Llol. ft l r. i in '.-t. n . v it 7 1 ti -.V I'he -sent'.- ",y t- . alii .1 t. . r.b r l. Lie.ii.-.i.teri...i pron.pl 1 1 at J.. . Pray, r I t :., Senate. 1 ll i: R. !... k : . Mr. I gt ' r I. Olio tt v I Col K vv as run -n m. i j n b.'i re--s :ni j.i.: t l.e rui" lid.tr to I..- 1 1,- g' lier.ii r. !i r l".,d went I- 1 -e.l o!. . i . ' e I . . I "J ll'l ltl IklK. Th-'ill! nl 'ii I.i t .-tl I r..'.,i.. t .loo appropri;.; i..i. (.. ti e . i . Agrici.iinral o. . ty came op ' H It . ( Ifitnl reading. I r..i n:.- w i- strn ken oi.' and 'he '.ill as nm. .,.. j ed pased itith;rd Tel ling. INK l: il f o. If i 11 1 1:1 ll. hi II, on it - I bird n .idiiig. w a- take u op. A n ameij.: e.-n; to re...i .- wart I nti-.eii-h!p!' he s.v'y il.tys iii-ieal of thirty was il.-:. -.ted. The bill th, passed its tdird nading upon a roll mil ny a v :. the lf--e ,,i I 27 ! 1 '. Itnl Weill !! j-.-ei:l ;il it,-- t,,r c. I o I.- clirreliee. A Ct V -IIH!IVII.V of III' tl I II. to b- elected I.y the county con n.j.. siotl-Ts iiistevl of by the Stale i:..;u. of Health, v.j ills, us-, d iimler a bid for that purp..-c. II i duty -hall he to attend inmates ,,f the county homes, work houses, and j..il. Mr. Paddi-on opposed ti c hill think ing t hat t he eoiniiy board of heal'.h should elect the county physician a now priv idetl hy law. Mr. Adam Mibmitlei! an amend ment that lb- bill -lion).! apply only to Wavne county. A 'i.ti.liii.iit adopt ed. and the bib a- amend. .1 pa etl its several reading-. AND M. I ul.I.f lif ..i: I hi. i i.(,ui:ki it in:, A bill to reduce the expenses of thi meet ing of board of t rn-tee. and pro vides that no member of lb.- board shall boh! any olli.-e w it bi n lliegi:t..t tin board. The bill passed it several reading. I HE Fs l uVVMssii. A resolution creat ing a sp.-cial cum mittee of three from the Sen ile and ! five from the House of Represent:!! ites to investigate th- charge Mg:iiiit the I- ib Coinuiis-ioii ami report to the next General Assembly, passed its set . eral reading. Senators M. t askey. While of Perquimans ami M.-w borne were appoinletl as senate br im h. A great waste i. f time was made by a running debate upon a bill to change t he laws concerning assignments, in the shape of a bill to put a i.. to fraudulent assignments, senator. Ad ams, Abell. Fowler, starbuck. Mew borne. Paddisoii. Hoover am! W hite of Alexander, the author i f the bill, ex pri ssetl t heir likes ami dislikes f,,r t be bill. T he hill passed its -econd read ing ayes 2-1. noe Rt. Mij.-ct it.n wa mad-to the third reading of t he hill. Mr. White of Alexander muted to sus pend the rule and pla -ethi bill .i. it t hird reading. L.-t. The Senate took a recess till o'clock p' m. ev kmm; -i ssiuv. Th- Senate was called tu order prou.pt ly at S o'clock by lb- president, j tl'i'Rolkl 1 1 lut lilll.s. T'.ill to provide for t he iiist jt in j.,. for the ueaf and dimli atMorgantu'i. :tir. iHHi; for the state hospital at Morgj. it ton, .-slot . I II HI. Rill to allow i i:ci. rpoj.it . 'I insurance companies to do lm-i.i.-' in thi- stale iiju.it deposit ing .'() .1.00 with tie state Treaurt-r. p-t-sed second reading, and being objected to. Went tu third read ing i ah l;t!;tr. Til AVIKMi THE ui-iiininv. Rill to allien. I t he oni it u' ion, mak ing ll a leioiiy lor any regi-trar or judg-' of an t h-i iion whu relic. hin der or prevents a quaHf.d voter Irom regi-tering or voting. I pou a roll call tin- bill failed to pa its second reading ayes 21'.. noes 1' requiring Ihree-i'ulis of the Senate to pass it. Liil to reduce the salary of the u-perit-'.-iideiit or ut her ollic-r w ho may have charge of I he penitentiary, passed its evenii reading. It I I.I. in KEG! I.AIE IUNIETS of s-ats in the Legi-Iature. introduced by Mr. N'urris, ol Wake. The bill pro vides for the speedy disposal of all con tests by having them come up before the legislat ure fully prepared. A foil text of the bill wa puldi.-hetl recently in the columns.!. f The Cam asi tx. Mr. Norri spoke to the bill, advu--ating its pa-sage a a means, of quick ly, ecotiomic'iHy, ami fairly settling contests. I'he bill pa-scd its secotid reading, and objection being raised to its third reading.it went over. THE CODE Cli.MMIr 'Itav bill cam- up on it t bird reading. Mr. Paddis. n -nt up an amendnient to reduce th- salary of cummissjut.ers to $l,rH), and to g:ve th- clerk 7.'l in stead of f o2i0. The question recurred on striking out 2,000 and insert .I.-Vni as pay of commissioners was adopted. T. e amendment- lo retluce clerk pay from $l,20O to 7"" wa adopted. T he amend ment to strike out any and all allow amy for expen-es was adopted. An amendment to i ncliide v. dige-t if the Supreme court deciio i bearing on a section to follow after each section of the new Code, was adopted. Mr. Iowds amendment to ftrikeout l.."io antl insert $l,uio as pay of cummis-iun-ers, on a call of the ay es and noes failed, ayes s, nee int. The bill, amended, passed it third reading. TTIK REVENUE ACT wa received from the Ilou-e of Repre sentative and made a special order for Friday immediately after the morning hour. A bill, supplemental to the six per cent, inti re.-tbill, putting in a saving clause to protect litigants who have suits pending for u-ury. Tabled. A motion wa made to take the bill from the table that it might go over for in vestigation, whoh was voted down. Mr. Fortune aid this wa a bill he feared would run the State of a great portion if not all its great natural water-power, and called for the reading of sections five-arid eight of the bill. Af ter the reading of these sections Mr. Parsons moved to lay the billon the table, and the same was promptly uone. The Senate at 10 went into execu tive session and adjourned to 10 o'clock a. in. to-day. HOtSF. The House met at 10 a. m. Prayer Co ii turned on. Fourtii I'age.l BAD C0PAY k0 CsHSLIHC -'- la mm Z'm Hl I.ili..m . . u . Vr b - J. hr.. 4 irr, t,.r jr H- irui,l r .'.!. r ' ! :l,ri f t r l Riu ..(-. r t ere. W Ii.,.-:e Ir. Dl ti. Vk t. -!.n : u ,.rt r i ' : fr.. I mi. tt.' ?i r ? ..-!..; it- V !otr: -tr ! t i" rti ... s j.f .,.i ff. v, a. I f in a r-... i'i il,- . i r. i .. J li; l in 4i, in, -,-ii, , ..- i .; i,.-., j Pht -. i it- rfr l i,.f!..i,i ---I ; ; .r t .! jit A t s. ' . a i 1 I . !io i! . 1 A ri ..!.; I .!. -r : '. . 1..- I-,:.,' ! , . 1 I . . a ry ..I . .i. .. . I t -. ,J ws- ri ' i.n it : i' '.il ar.; r- t -.-..ii '.; .. . I. ..r lie : if. v i.i i . - a Ui i I.:. i i.i 1! tl I a ii. -.-I CV I.!. ! :. it i I.. !. ! II. b. t r. tc- I . o I I J .... rt c (..t. ; s.i v.'U tt l-.f vt . ...!.( ... ii . : lie. . a ..I I . r t-ejf t -!.i . k. .X . 1 n. Ih. 1 1 -.- ' i - LT3N.T BUY 1 HE ' CO-NT." I Hut llr Vtoul I N..I M-otr - (!,(' Vt lll.Miil mmrt I lkl,l. ; w N i.k m . i. - - . ,. t...'.: i I. . f . irl i ... c ' 1 1 l 1 11 I (.. lo It .. . ( jfl i i.- ! I I - - i . ! ii i.i r.h i.g ! ;. r . t I ' . -'. ii:t or. He .l ll "I l.e V.irilU- -t o . lilf u.' li.-te.-iit- .not -t!..r- .f lain,, it ll. J.' a : :i u.ii ic.- 1. 1. 1 II I ore I lie '. 4 " i "i" I ' re .! , 1 1 .1 ( it.' Mil lit oil '. t, I t M r. ... .id n as a-k. .1. I f. re H.1',. I Mr. i.oi.jd i r.-ii i.' i -I t ! II.. ,-. "in -!.,, leri.i. T .. .. oil l. i 4-i. iUi.. -.Lo, in T i i ng 1 1. : y w .i t -t. T t."t I 1 1 w a-..'. . r-d. The (.. -l e.ii ..! toon, i liil 'o.t -t :.-r itii the iiift.r .it lt. and it t -r Ii.i ei.t.r-l n.t. it. re P ri I" lb.-. I r.ir y 1 1 -1 w it :.- ;.to1 1 o j- I l'l I Lot s,,. the ll. tt !..r pJk ing ! I lis !..!., re. hut it itt.M l -e.t I- t h- ruat :T tor .n. and all, Mr I pot an i.d ! the r.oi. i.b.u -i.ro--tl.at li.ne ! tt to! ! .md pu i-!..!. " THE. EXEMPLI. ILD WORK or no li-nn i:..i.o... r.. i:t. ri m. i.ii.r K li.nn tl a I Ii I IrliiiM i at l- I'art . A i it t v i , . .. M un h The r ..rt of 1 1 majority of l!.- qni m .-n;,'e ceil nit tee a Ii t e! to ilile-ligite 1 1 1" T r.y i-i.-i t ion-, i- a l.itt. mtt.i. k . I Tiiii d slat,-, s,,. ,,.,(,,,. Mi;rp!it. Afli-r ali.-: ing thai n M-.it ing. rnt. -anil, and et it mtii'd.-r, hate In cti .uiiti.on. it -a n "-1 ' i 1 Si exemplified vtorki.f -i i1.-p.-ra'e and bit b. rt. r -i-i I. -- jm.wi i. .il iii.m- iii. -I, aljiste.. org.iue.. am! run a to .-iiii.le iiKiiti.lni!-. in tl.. I h" tiaiii- ol I be 1 1. in.- rat i- pari v and '" "-law. L. overthrow g..t i-riiineiii -inl t iw irt ;be rigl.i-of ul- fr..ge. Tin coinTii-ioii id tour iiiii lioUe- is that lln-ctiy of T'r..y ! I loti eria ale due lo I he utter .It-r.-gtrd o I law 'iy I he leader- of the I in.' T4l i- (..ti t t . to a di-lioii.-st and in. ..ihm t.-i.l p.i! ii force, an: t lie -ub-i ry i.-n.-y it manv -o-i all.-.l R. puliii.-.-tii l. tin- atriH-iuii si-rtic- of i lie Muri hy nu- .... rln ll '. ' THE JAPS VICTORIOUS MARCH. Vi-n 4 l.4ne Will Im Ilirii.ril-Ali4 in lii I.u.rr4l Notilif t Mr-lcu- ra. W tsiii., ii.. Mar. t;. secret sry 1 1 -r- lll has received I be lolloWllig cable- gram from Admiral Carpenter, -ui-iiiati'ling tin- I luted st. it.-, naval . r. . on the A-ialic station. ijte New I aug. March ; : "The .Iap.in.-s e gen. rnl hi notified f. ri'i ;ti. r" nt hi uit. nl ion t occupy this pi. ri. All colli lligell. le- .-o tiled for." N tv i h u g is on.-..f t he t r. vy p.. ri ot, t'uc Lull of I'-, hiii. aht.te p.rt vr thi.r.. T b- low 11 h.- Iweli oc tiplr.l by I.. 1 ii- ct..' lit il.' !ci-i of lie army up rat ion- a a i ii - I the invading lap- .-'.i.ii f.-oi.i Ailiu'rai arp. liter'- adv in-, it a arsfli.it th-l.-iMer have at if: gl Ii matiag l tu i..vi:ih I In- place. whin i- on- ..I th- lir-t .. U,e m-aty I...I t. I., f .I1 ll.l.. L.I...I a . a. I'' li'll ll'l'f -U. 111 - -"-a-atll. CHARGtD WITH WIFE MURDER. lliel'K.'ir liau l.O.loiir .fAll4-iiii.te.il . iii4 i ii tu II Lie I he f rln.a. T'.i i in.. ihio. Var. TT.e hi-rii! ..f Wood . ....lily today am ted Peter P.-rii.ev.al T ontogan t . M..o. . loirging him vt it h 1 1.- murd. r of hi . I'eaney ' , wile. La'.e -ainruiy night, the w.. man wa f.eitid d.-atl at tt.e r-ar of L'l'i'un'- o.-ug -t..n- in T ojit..gany . wit h a bullet iii I -r h.-ad. Pi.l.oi-li hail i.e.-ii pil.-d around the f.!y and an attempt made tu burn the remain, sij-pici ui tirsl re-ted on a prominent rcaii'-M uf tie- v i li.ige. tint la.-r it wa shlri.-d tu i he hn-b.i nil and hi arrv-t tud iy i t he re-nlt. I', am y d.-rii.-d I bat ill- e.-r h.l'l a r to'y.-r. hut I lie -b.-rii! fouti.! a gun at a n-ighbor' r--n!.-ii-' w h'ch. tie claim, wa left I h.-re by a Mr-, t. arret!. -i' Tol-do, who ay-Pean.-y gave it1o her to hide. Mr-, t.air.-tt'- arre-t i- considered prob able. The motive for the miiru.-r i not apparent. CLEVELAND'S -NIGCER" PET lf linric'il With .r- liiifiioralit , Anrl tie f ltari; Irr I'mtol. W a-iiingiov. Manb The lijiel ca-e of i . II.. I. Taylor. Hie color.-d Re corder of Ii'-ed- for the I ii-t net of Co lumbia, ag.iin-t W. Calvin l lia-r, the editor uf a heal negro organ, wa closet! tud iy.and the jury , after being out about ten mitiU'es, returned a ver dict of guilty. The d.-feii-e fileda mo tion for apna!. and intend to carry the case to the Court of Ap;a!-. The trial ha attracted -onnJerab!e inter est here, owing to the testimony intr.e- duccd by the d fene. Taylor a charged with gr. -s immorality, Iith in ami out of oi'.i -et and with making illegal iMiliti-al a-e-nieiit. T he pro edition claimed fiat the liled ava the reult of a eon-piracy to force the col i red politician to make con. --ions to a faction of the race. HERE'S A ROMANCE. A AVil an.l a Mothi-r-A ( i.tiwij -A Foa e.wr mf iOO.IHJ. Penn Yann. X. Y Marr-h Mr Mary i T iani-.'. of Starkey, wh had eked out an existence from a fenion a a veteran's widow, i now in Wash ington, win re -be ha found & fortune of 2;V and the four childr-n if her first husband, John McCaffrey. Slie was maTieil to him in England, hut lie -a-t her off, keeping the four children. After nwi n years. ! marrieii l)'Iaii ie. who died in A oderonv ille prison. By McCaffrey's will, live year wa al lowed to find the mother of bin chil- i r11- he wa-Im ated iri nine inonthri. Tar fieri" Kofafnr Wnl Pol at. "WASHisGToy, March 7. France X. Cook, of Louisburg. X. C.. fa been name fora Weft Point e&dtt ship and Richard 8. Babeef of Ralolrrb V f. altarnita. a. -.--. - zv ' THE BILLION RECORD BROKEN. Th Cotift4tics cf IVsxn:r. TLf "B;!livs-DolIu Cca- THEY GO IT CXL BETTLS, 4 1 .III 11. a la -lial- - 4 f . n.Mia.t. U t I I - a. I V Xa V ( mm, W OHlcii.t, M r- . T - ij ptca I . tl.. ,:. .... ,.f ;i.'... a. ,4, a-t,s ,.f !: ; .ii . it ,.f ll,, ol .11 li.-e . I l .f. Jl ill,,.,, t.t I ... j-r 1 a .tt i. ri. r.j 1 f w I. kj : .:.t..r. . t i u I i lord ,. , m ..1 ui t. a: 1 1. in t I'd i ... r"...J,.(r. .,! . l.e a.. . .l t ' loo ,. I ' r ... fcr,.. t, , ,. t, jf t i la a 1 1 I ai .1 ll.ea ). H I . o't 11 Ml e. It -'! I 1 .l!1 -- J 1..1 , . . .. rr -a a a ri .f il- ...(r... i R ! ll " I r ll. atu- m t - - -i It- 'pr'. r.at i..u t I "Jt-M-t "licr.-a, l-rli t r .1 ata -a -a.r .1 114. Uu a- ' ll IT but. 11 ue g , , '.! w.r.- .u'.io an, trr, i, r- oti.l tu.li.tMr-. I m.iii iii ... I he appr. pr ttioii. ,T lifit .....n.1 t .it -, ttt.li Ite ,H - le;.Wf uu. mf,, r r,.j, t . ,1 t v . r iii r. iii .1 iiuii.u r l,ir. ; . . ..!. alot lUr k )-o.riatl.l. .f tb.- ...i;r. -.. M lit. PreauU ot, II, m. til -HiiV. all I -eri,.a fall. . are .. r. iilol liu Ii l-r a. il. Vrfr,,). , I be late anle ol Z -y r I -r i ol I tot . .1 -t !.- t....,.1 1 1. .a yiiirK .f m.i. r -1 i,x.ti tilioli ia wriuai.eiit .ti l! ih.- tutil a.t appropriation hi-and the i ,.'tv tt" 1 uir !.) Jti ,. Il.aall:g Ihe -Talid to!l A.toa lt .1) plopri ,t.. , In 4 'otirr-a III r.ij i II uu!- r -r.i.l iMI.in.. J,ia rimit. I l.e p'ropriali.i, u.ale . , 1. . r-t I i.Iigre-. I.-.I I.y .ir I elliiM-rat .. ri lid- Hie t illioii -foliar niijjrr" ill r. mid I.Utl.le T I.) IlllllloK. Tl ia oi fcr.-... furl ru.. . in n.Miliuti i lti.- a.tuil iiiniH'.. ar.'.riatitii.. 1.3 Jl'.t l.ofl. d p'.tolc .rlia to a all l.e in.!, rrot.tra. t lcatint: ibe uni ' (t. gr-- to make appropriat loi.a llirre.r. as tollow ; By 1 or! iii. at ion a. t . :2-..: l.j I it ii a.t. i...ls..'i; .,y lo-trol of i.Ium. I.i.a a t . .' I ;. : l.t Natal api-opna- iioii .i. ii.;i:..'i-i..iai tt ."-. .Tel. I ho- I lie a.pruri ii. .ii- and aul b.-riat iti ol 1 1, a niigre are - n to . m riMjnd tiui..- le-r-. f J. UP. i-iu call atteliljou .. the fact 1 1. at the appropriat l.ttia f.r hIi..k-o ,e 1 el..,r .f I lie Yt' j. il.lc- iii tor and He-tr i.t,i at i.rpb.lll, I.) I hi i.tire. Uliilir i et . land are il.Mi:.;. i.., ... than Im uin.te !.y (be .. g 1 1 . 1 itira (Ik la-i tvtn j.ir. iin.lrr llarriauii. Il.ul:'- Ukllaai 2'. r a-e git-a ill fl a' "Tea tie lai.gil.l. re-oJt ,.f ati unf rien.f ly I i!l go lurih. r and ay , imjul acJiiuni--I rat ion ol t be H ii-ii ii lata uudr I htel-lol. C0r.Dt--.KCO BY CHUKCH ANOSTATI. 1 li t lata -I I h Mrd C'aKrsaa -M Nil" lr4 .aa Iraal I a a Jnkll. Si lft tl.KII.I. II A km. I'., Marrti .. l 1 Kat lYtitixy lt-fcuia. coufrt i tn e lif th I'lilti-il KtktiarrllCI church ndoptt-t ih fooing: V"lier-, kccutditJlT t thr pr- report of Monday. March 4, tl Cor gre of th 1'. S., Ih.ij. in ti S tit- nl lluui-e f I.eprr-oeriti " liven r -TiL'd thf eotiri hai Lath in tin- tirisa tion ut luaili-a ; th n-f'ir it l..'ltd: That are dr-rp't cru-v.-d t th Ii.nIIi-m av tion -if ow Nati-ir rtifii- in having hand v tin !., HI;1 cc.'i.j.Jer It B U IDault t' Chii-tiaii ijtin, tLu rrpr- I set.latiVew thev air-: xtu! L..I.1 tha.t if j U ot the tu-u who t ifuiltv of tl - I a . . . fitrfivo oJTeiice uuuld t HOJ tltn s-l k th. nlifTratg f their fllow Clt -leua fur adhn-a f h. public tm. eTery 4'hritaiin fhouid dsem it Li .pje tLein by Voic aVU 4 allot. Ai i w. Mar- h : -In the Awtublr t. liV'l.t Mr. Iltiinejr ifitr.ail tJ.l rea-di. tjoli . 'Ke.;i-J i.f ttie Serial oiii;ri. Tb' the lv-'-'at ir of th Sta1 nf Nt Vol it.i"at uiaif tlie .. if I nit4l SLat. 'loll It.eif r-le. frotil the I tie ha a- Vt trtl' l.c rvre aiel jren.ral pr.i-rit y Lx' eit.s nloi tue Kdtjr third I oi.rreaa ti I the .o-r to mail lawn Vrf lb nation " Mr. 1 iiley iutiija-,1 up and 4wo ia b seal alel yriie. I ol )e-t : j-aker Kt-Ii .u1 t qleatiori if 1 .J-ll'.II Of lbe reaijliitlOU. aMi i 'Wlairet. Mi a)o.led. I.tmnr. "ah . Minh -i. TIk city f Ltereft. VA'a-ti . a irt..r. matiiifactuni t i 'y o?i I'u.-i-l SoneJ. k t.rt-l tLr lie! b :f ('. Iliruio. ratic t. or.Tea I.y finiiK I o us. I . II. Mruunii. TWENTY FIVE OAYS BEHIND. I nmunlrr. A llh fc.ta.rma mmtt ala- tin Cual I. .aMs4. Nokhiih, Va Man Ii 7. A ja-ci-l from New-.ort i wto th Pilot, amy-: T he ftteatiiship ltrian,of th Furtiea line, arrived here thi morning from ll'Tiiiti'li, twefity-t. day oterdi e from Literjiool. Terrific galea wo e etc outitered, until IVrmuda wr. reaclted.T lie Nlriati vailird from Litei mmiI. January 21 and in.rtiediat. ran into a strong wind and heavy -. . vvhi.h continued utitil f-Vtiruary i. when it increased to a hurricanr an eontinueil to rag for twenty day February J w le-n mi Jen off Ite - muda, -be hivc to to Ate coal, ftett w eat her came on tlie J it b, and auoth r start wa made, she wa bow Mo mile from It-rnuda, having drifU-.i 2i mile,. On the 3t, n 310 mil from that pla.-e, t fe vee bad to L -topped again on acrtiunt cf anothr gale. Thirty iHHir lat:r L waa again headed fur llerinuda. SHifi her coal Mipply wa entirely ejbauted. All available ! woo-1 on dw-k wa taken below and the wood work cut out The bu!k-head, par-haU-he. attle fittinr and a portio't of t lie de k were carried to the lire I ro-ifii and u--d for fuel. . Ten mile more could not ttave been made wle-u t tie anchor wa dropped at iJ-rrouda. site ia in excellent triai. and hare no mark of the terrible weather lf encountered.- , Haralaraat r-allaM-aaalll. i-peria.1 to the Caturaa-iaa 1'oLUK-aavn.tr, X. ( March. . While at church on Sunday, burrlar. entered Ileckwitb Nitnmniii' boua . taking a trunk Mipponed to contain, a largi amount of money. The trunk wa broken open, but contained only niortgagea and bond, the money bat ing been deolted in bank a few day a go. No clue to the robbern. J.eseph II ad not was taken auddenlr ill today while working in a field, lie wa removed to the bouae and if now bloated beyond recognition, and iaui -able to move, ealor wallow anythioj;. The caae i caxcatlinglj puzxlinf. W ' a i r . A r '.! (I il - V at.