Til i; ;.v k;mia i -s Tii i: i.i;a di . m:i;ki- i OI( Til A lt(J A. CAUCAS1 -L NO "sttLilniry THE k Mr.nnM C II IH t I(,M, S VOL. XIII. GUAGE OF BAT TLE ACCEPTED. A K;uil-:u Gold Standard Hcre I'ics Ventilated by Senator St.-v.,ut--The Great I:;sue. l.KT THE CONFLICT COME! I it Hi - i I - r M it i il IN ii i t' r--1 In III. M iiii iil v 'it I li.i.ni- llivlr simiil- l.i.l.lile I I ! le -1- I II... I. of I ! t.mt Mini V hi I li I I ur ii i. Mini I el I li t e I air I In in. -inifi.r W in. M. I . M ;i lilt if I K I I nil . I 1 1 tii i-til ly mad Mew art .lii-rpli has writ '. Ilcmlri x. Ii at (In' behalf of M i ii n f:i I unr-' I :ilHit in tin L'i'I'l timlinl. I'.y nurlesy -i ii;i'nr lln- letter inhere i.rnii(i nl tin .-.I : fiiiMiniv, Mar' h 1Mb, I i i i i,;. in i!iii., . ) I... I'li'i. . 1 .: Iikii! Mi! : Tin- many Hat I eri n g nn 1 1. i - nf an al"ln- l'liv rt' liy you a l.-y M'i'ki ago at tin Manufacturers' l'. iMiiii t iii r.riiok ly ii attracted my al 1 1 nl inn , ami U'l in1 to procure tin- ail- if f i which I loUIld published in the I iiianr'u-r in' I t liniary .'.", iv.i.y I liaf rart'l'nlly read I lie published re ...i i nl your address, ami congrat ulate sun mi tin' Iran k and outspoken inan 1 1 r in which you present t In issue. " mi ay : A - liavi' fooled willi schemes iiml a. i ,lii ri mi (if mi inn r have Kone from I. rt in wur-i'. anil we now. in the absence of u.tr 1 1 1 ;it inn a I set t ! ii 1 1 f . must take a xtt r 1 I'. .r a ti u.il and decisive Imtt le in this conn tiv. I iiiinln said tliat this roimtry could iinl remain lialf slave and lialf f r-. f'ree- 1 ' 1 1 1 1 in slavery liail to n. Nor ciui it re iniii in ilo'ilil as to its ultimate stand .in I .1 vain"'. iniM nr siUiT will liae to win i hi i i .mi st . Secession ami slavery foiilit mi tin . 1 1 1 1 1 ins. 'I'lit'V arc diiriccl l.cyoinl In' rcai Ii nl tin- resurrection tninii. Silver hi Imi 's lo Iii. th nl' thriii as an issue in iini it an polit ns. It I here is I o lie a l.att le l the -t.ui'l.ii.ls fought out at the next I n sn. nt inl clei'i ion, we of the New Kmr- I 1 1 1 I ami iii i 1 1 1 Stult s, anil of the area north nl Mason : 1 1 1 ion's line, anil cast i I i In- ;r real ri rs, are reail v to I h row nil all pa 1 1 y 1 1 .i n:'s a in I meet the issue in the I I mm mi hi intciest of our renhlie and have limie with it. No more Janus faced plat fnriiis. no limit' liood l.orl- iootl Jlevil leie ler-h i i, no more shifting, dodini:. triinmitie; ur time serving aiming IT si dential t -andidatcs Let the silver men 4-1 -e n their numher. Let the single tain la nl men clmose of I heir iinmher, and ken let the American lcolc decide." jl hail I'll- hull! language which yon 1 1 1 1 1 . y . I rejoice that your position endorsed liy the hankers and gold r nl' New York. I am glad that iti-e fur 1 1 1 1 1 1 nii speak are at last illing to al.aiulnti their laities of aud and cunning and tlo hallle I'm ie clashes i n I In-open lield. If your nnnai;e had lieeii employeil in H7:5 tin le would have hccll no h.lllle (if III)' Hi itiilartls. 1 1' you had told the pen lileiil'the l iiited Mates twelity-IVM. jrears :ijr( last I'ehrnary, that yon w mi Id tle-t rny nni-hal I' nl the world's niuiiey hy cm lutlinvr silver from the mints for the purpose of en hanri I he .'line of t he ot her hall, and dollh linlhe old iat ions of contracts, no man in i t her house of 'undress would ha e dared to ha ve heeii a party to de itiu the Ainericiin people hy sl I i.ii I I Nii :t ISION iii a cud i lira t ion law, ileinoiiet i.i ntr iler. Lvery step yon Inive taken to enhance the value of money and de pti iiaie the price of property, ly the ilesl rm t ion of silver, litis heeii accompli- lied hy I lie methods which yon low condemn. II may he that (heboid comhi nat ion which you represent is strong eiioiiirli In l lii'nw oil' all disguise and appro pr i.ii e t he earn i n;s of t he musses - It Y ii:K Willi. l I SIKAII-liY. I have kiiowii, for iminy yetirs, of the i iMiihinat ions of I lie moiiurchs of the nhl wi't'ld wild Die ;old t r 1 1 t on hot Ii -iilesui the . 1 1. uit if t o de-troy Oeinoc rny thruuhoiit (he civilied world, l.v inutiupuliin the circulating medium, creatiiiif 1 1 i n j- prices, want and dependency. I have heen aware nl tht-uiiiuii heiweeii hereditary aris lueraev android monopoly (o reduce the masses to siihjection IIIKiH till MIKKY AM W ANT. I had not supposed lh.it tin- combined lucres of monarch and jjohlocracy were su llir ient I confident in their power to cru-h the people, to proclaim their ni r pose, and I hrow oil' t he mask. 'Inl not know that (heir contempt i"f American manhood had made them -ii arratmt as to suppose the peopl nl t In-count rv would submit without a -I ruzule, or that the people were n Iiicieni I v iinpoverisheu (o make re- si-tance lo the j;ill power iinpossibl You htive j;reat advantages. Lvery monarchy and every money chancer "t I '.ii ro tie is in vmir combination ou have on your side Iheallied banks nl llurope ami America, the press, tele graph, and the railroads niMKnl.l.KII It Y IIIK HANKS. You have two great parties one ailed Republican, and the other I icinocrat ic, and you control the ma chinery of both. Yo have prestige, power, money, and inlluence. You have the accumulations of seventy millions of people, inhabit ing a coun try of boundless resources. Your class ha ve every means o misleading t he people, and you have been lor the la-t twenty years masquerading as their friends and as friends of bimetal lism: and by your deception and cun ninir, you have impoverished the masses and svnt want ami misery to every household in the land. but vmi overestimate t he power of gold nioiiopol v. w hit h on the surface seems omnipotent. You own every thing but the people of the Tutted Mates. You have impoverished them by deceiving them, but Till' lo Nor OW N TIIK.M. Your ope. i declaration that you wiil make them slaves will put them ou their guard, i our declaration of war w : II be accepted. Tin gauge of battle w h'n h you have I hrow n down will be taken up, and the question will lie -el I led in t he campaign of ls'.tc. As you. in ellecf, predict, (here will bt1 itiaycdoii one side the aristocracy thd money powers" uf Kurope and Alct rica, and on the other, the Ameri can people, burn to be free, whom you would make slaves. I'nder a new dec- Tat ion of independence against inon- hv ami money, the light win h :ple by ,, liberty-Joying puople who ye (or more than a hundred years receded in every contest .VUAl.Nsr WRONli AND OITKESSIOM. t is natural for you to feel strong in ur surroundings. ou know the ombinatimi of money and the power nr aristocracy in w inch you move aim have your being, lint you do nut rea lize the power of thenpirit of liberty in this country , nor the deep resent ment for the wrongs which you have i v r uitlicfeil iif.-in the American peon i.ccau-e y(,u have de-iroyed on--halfl oi t he metallic motley uf I he world and conl rnl the i. her hair, you think t be people are powirl.-M to ret., re the money t I L- otist it nt ion aini regain liberty and iiitl. iM-nil.-iii r. r,.-. au-e i.v contract ion of the m..n.-y volume,! i on have en ated falling pro e-ami ! ii.-mi Minn ok iMHii'ki-K; inl int. oil all opportunity for the o.ii.i.' ami ambitious in acjiiire au in ilepelnlelice, y on think you have sub ju'aled the people. JccrilJ-e you have b pi iveil tl.e farmer- and the mechanic-of money with which lo educate their i hildrcn and younj; men of op portunities to acquire wealth hon- e-ll, wl.er. by (bey call become intb- pemb'iit ainl se-reiecl inv; -it i.en.. on think y on have . - I i V Kit I III II; MiMlnnl,, ami that tin y will willingly submit to the hard condition- which tyranny ainl avarice impo-e. You are mi-taken, 'I he money of t be 'olistil lit ion w ill be re-1 ore. I. I iii!ep. inleiii c and pros perity will aejain bb-- (In- land which our lathers dedicated in tr ettiMii. The party machinery which y..u control, with our hank-, v our m-w-papers ami your Iruekliny; politicians will avail you in. I hi iii:. 'oll havt made I he names L'epijbliran ami Iiemocrat-, whii h in Ibeir origin si;iiilied ov- crilllielit by t he people, I.I.K.I s III I UK I'Klll'I.K by u-iu them to build up a old aris tocracy. N en ner of t he two old parties has succeeded for the la-l fourteen years upon it- own merits, but its succ ss ha-depended upon the shortcomings of il - adversary. Kach party has re lied for success upon the wickedness of I he ot her, ami the outs have always hail an unlimited capital in the mis conduct of the parly in power. The reason is, you have controlled both part ies ami made t hem i n-1 rumcnts of Iraud and oppression until the names of both 1 1 A V K HK I M K A SIKNCII in thr nostrils of honest men. You are riht. (dianije (he n.iine. 'all il "(odd parly," and come for ward (o do battle. Von have disgraced those honored names. Lut if you think that tin name of (iold Monopoly can be made popular with the masses, y our est i mat ion of t he man hood of t he American people is an insult to all who have lied from the oppression of the Old World to plant the free of lib erty in the New. Your condemnation of the SI K II II Y MKIIIOKS KMI'I.OVKII by the Shermans and the Hoopers, which deceived (Irani, Thurinan, Llaine, llohnan, lh;y, Cnuklin, Alli son, Vouchees, Keck, Hereford, Howe, ('annon, liurchard and (iarlield, in ls7n, and secured the demonet iat ion of silver, is severe. Your repudiation of. the .lanus-faced platforms, (iood Lord-liood Oevil leadership, and shifting, dodiiiir1 trimming and time serving ('residential candidates, is ti.uely. iiur description uf old party plat forms, old party leaders, and old parly ('residential candidates is accu rate. Your advice to let ( he si I ver men choose of their number will be fol lowed. Oo not fail to follow your own ad ice, to let ( he si nle old standard men choose of their number, and then Id the American people decide. Kele ;ale lo I he rear the Shermans, the Heeds, he Harrisons, and the JIi' K inle s of the Kepuhlican party. They may have been useful to you in the past, but none of them come up to your standard uf the leader uf old monopoly. ('resident Cleveland is your man. No other m:in in either of the old parlies answers your description as the commander-in-ohief id' your wealt h-ahsorbi ni armies. He is your friend, and the friend of every mem ber OF IIIK lit. I l COM HINA I'lON' on both sides of the Atlantic. His name is a household word in the privy councils of monarr-hs, and in t he count ing houses and money chancers. The people have felt his heavy hand and his name is heard with dread in every humble household. His power for evil is well known. He is more to be dreaded and feared by (he toiling masses than any other of your number. In a campaign of intimidation and op pressiun, no known leader can be cum pared with him. lie would not falter until the power of aristocracy ami the resources of money were exhausted. Yours, for the combat, Ym. M. Si i:vakt. HASH. A ('iii'ictiiiio-rHt inn of l-'nls, Fancifs A ml Otli-r liiUrestini; Items. "I liave s.'eu four feet of snow fall in eight hours," said Conductor Cobb, of the Alain Central, Thursday, "and y t it was so light that you could wade through it just as you can through water. "It was in the Sierra Nevada Mountain-- a sort of frost-like snow that falls in the night, burying ev erything. "In the .jorning we walked down into towD. Oue man went ahead breaking the snow, which came nearly to his armpits, as he moved through it. lie would tread until tirtd, when he would drop to the rear and some one else would lead the procession. Lewiston' (Me.) Journal. Of Worth, the famous French milliner, it is said that, though lie persona'ly fitted all his patrons, "the woman is not living to whom he evei paid a compliment. Wheu one re members his temptations, and that he had htted every beautiful woman of fashion of his period at on time or another, his stolid self-poise, or rather stoicism, is a marvel." A few months ago no one dreamed of Chicago, one thousand miles in land, becoming a sea port. To day a company of men is seeking incor poration by the New York State legislature, with this purpose in view. They have planntd to make their way with canals, rivers and lakes, at au estimated cost of $150, 000,000. This is a far greater project tuau the Suez achievement or the Nicaraugua enterprise. Recorder. mi.. 4 1. '11 .v, ., r... t.,.l..nn.ov'l A lie IIU luau o t.ui .u imrvj.i.st o. who used to travel vitb circuses and exhibit in au iron cage, has recently died and left an estate worth about 10,000, which showed considerable thxift for a wild man. His American name, wheu he wasn't a 4 wilq man from Madagascar," was Grimes Ays tin. The Osage Indians are probably tbe richest people collectively in the world. There are only l,(i00 of them, and they hav $8 000,000 to their credit in the United States treasury, the interest of which, amounting to $100,000 annually, is paid out to them by Uncle Sam's agents. The Caucasian, $1.00 a year. THE EXPOSURE OF BIG FRAUD. . , . . Liittle Ventilation of Democratic Meanness in The County of Cum berland. GLARING, STRONG, FACTS. ISllut Taken From Hum Willi II it If 0m-il Knf 1 hr-f Hundred Vote I-.in ml ni lit.- frloor- Tully Mirt-U anil I'ull Itimk Nfr Hem Mnir---oiinlr-1-I" in. For The ('iiiie.isiali-J V Y.i i KviLi.K, X.r. March 12th Now (hat tin- long and tedious con test is draw iug to a co-e, desire to give a brief ,..- ;,, of the testimony as it i-, and has-been sworn to by cred itable w it nesses : I am the more impelled to do this, for flu- reason that the democratic or gans in this section, have ..... .;. .. to say that there lias been no tes timony in favor of Dr. Cyrus Thomp son, the People's party candidate for Congress. Indeed, Mr. Tilly l ook, i,l Slum's who is known to he I he Fayetteville correspondent uf the Wilmington M x, ,, , has said that there has been ro case at all made out fur (r. Thompson ; that very few men had sworn they voted for him, and in other ways belittling ltr. Thompson and his righteous cause. This is the same Lill y Cook. who. as a "counted in" member of the legislature uf lx'.Kf, vol ed ton-peal the charter id 1 he Farm ers Alliance, ami as one uf Shaw s law yers, his chief business seems (o be to it lack the Alliance, hy asking, "are not the Alliance a sworn tecret iioliti- cal organiitation,'aiid such like ques tions, whiclhe knows have no founda tion at all. Hut to Dr. Thompson's case againsi Shaw: In Cross Creek township, (Fay etteville) Mr. Shaw was "counted" eleven hundred and twenty votes, J)r. I Imiiiiiisiiii jifti . It has been shown t hat t he elect ion was held in the old, abandoned court house not in wan! as the elect ion law of North Carolina requires by diiLx appointed by the Democratic registrar anl two Demo cratic indges, over the ohicction of the People's Party and Kepuhlican judges of election; that they were not sworn; that thy would not ft lie Democrats would not) allow the judges last named put in a ballot for the voter at his re lest. ;that th clerks had knives halt open on the ballot boxes ill day, and with their knives they took out the ballots fur Dr. Thompson ind a Kepuhlican candidate fur Con gress all through the day and tore l hem up, or dropped them down on the tloor I redible witnesses, and more I ban one, swore that they saw this. When the polls were closed, the boxes were carried up stairs to make the count, .lust after this, the Kepuhli can county chairman went to where tbe ( ongress box was held, on the col ored side, anil tin u ,, , Ac jn ml III iii Ii ii ml nil t !r;i Is fur People's party and Kepuhlican party candidates for Congress. Several w it nesses swore, and it is an undisputed fact, that no Kepuhlican, fusion or People's party tickets of any kind were allowed inside the polling place. They were all outside, and none but Democratic tickets were in the poll ing place, ur at or near the boxes, or inside the building, and none others were allowed there. As the People's party judge was attempting to keep a voter from placing his ballot in the w rung b( x, he w as ordered by one of the clerks to "shut his mouth'' boxes were shifted and changed. One of the clerks won hi walk bemud the People's party judge, a- the latter passed, show ing the voter how to vote, (in what box to place his ballot, so as not to lose it) with a large piece uf pasteboard, holding it in front of him and to the right so as to "hide" (he boxes last voted in; while a Democratic judge of election, when the clerk was not per forming his part as above described, followed the People's party judge and the voter as they passed the ballot boxes and placed his hand on the box and bet ween the "slit" or opening in t be box, and the judge and the voter, so as to conceal, and did conceal the opening for the reception of ballots, and left the clerk holding the ballot boxes, to do as seemed to him best. Con ii it i umiiness irlmt thin pirformu ' uns for.' Desflite all this, the taking out and putting in of ballots, w hen no one was voting, and w hen they supposed no one was l toking, was gomgon "oft and on" ( mostly i, ;j during theentire day of the election, Xoveniber (5, 18!J4, By an ingenuous contrivance the People's party and Kepuhlican judge were caused to go into one room of the building about 3 o'clock of that day, and kept there about one hour for the purpose, as stated, of deciding dial lenges of voters. There was found to be irim ml ur cmite against a single challenged voter, of whom there were about fifty, and most cf whom had been regular voters for 20 or 30 years at the precinct. '.. uliat liirioxi' ! While t hese judges were so de tained, the voting was going on in the polling place; the entrance door was a double one, with the half nearest the boxes closed ; the other or open half was tilled up with the jum!$ who crowded the same, and for the purpose as was supposed, for certainly it was so intended, to prevent the possibility of looking into where the ballot boxes were from the outside,so they were ef fectually cut off. But several" credita ble witnesses saw, and nave sworn, that they did manage to look, and saw the boxes being "stulied" while there were no Kepuhlican or People's party judges inside of the polling place. So it will be seen that, during the most of the day t he tickets were taken out ; ot hers had to go in to keep up the i-mmf, and make tbe poll-books ami tally sheets corres pond. The fusion judges did not will ingly leave the boxes, but were forced to do so by being told that unless they did attend in the room (with closed doors) the large number of men there in would not be allowed to .vote. In vain were the bosses told that the Democratic registrar and two judges were a majority, and could decide chal lenges, asitiey tuu decide and over ruled the two fusion judges, by the appointment of Democratic clerks to hold the election at the opening of the polls. This did not suit. These fusion judges must be laken from the hoses. Is it necessery to state, for what pur- pose? Protests Hr objections were in vain, and stood for naught. In vain did they ask for they dared not de mand, that places of the fusion judges be supplied with Kepuhlican and Peo ple's party men during their absence from the ballot hoxes and polling places, Xo! the Fusion judges must leave the ballot boxes, or fifty or more nien, against whom not one single cause of challenge had been, or could be made; men who had voted without challenge or question at the same precinct for years, would be disfranchised at the command of the bosses. for what purpose t UALEIGH, N. C., TI1UHSDAY, AI'HIL 1, A t t hi - i lose of the puIN the ballot boxes w ere carried up stairs, by th clerks, and tbe ballots counted by them; hut liefore the hose Were tMsefi upstairs, they w ere "wellhaketi," a WHS (est i tied to. The DefniM-rat i - registrar took charge of (be tally sheets and poll books, and t hey, nor neither of them, have rur been Sem since. The election law says they should have been deposited in tb- ollice of t be register of deed, and the htf de manded their return by the registrar, all to no purpose. Neither the People's party ur Kcpuh lican judge i,j.,l th r rrturiiA from tl i precinct ; nor were the returns sigr.-o by the D-vnocratie registrar or judge at the polling place when the "count ing" wa- finished but they were takt r otqand carried sun -i . , for some pur poser.) But l he "half canm.t be told" in a newspaper article. It is sulhcient to assert, that a most shameful, stu pendous fraud, was committed on tl voters til" this tow iiship. by t ( e" levc-larnl-Kaiisom ring" on the nth day Nov ember la-t. It Ill's been expo-. r: and ail the schemes laid bare. ai the r friiU'Ii.le: t practices h Id ,p ti ( he gaze (d an indignant ami oiurug: people. This has been done through thi ceaseless, tireless effort of Col. Thorn:' II. Sutton, counsel for Dr. Cyri. Thompson, contestant. With great oddsagainst him,ob-tai lest brown in his way aUevery step; witnesses advise, not to attend or testify; some pro ceeded to leave and place themselve out of the rea'h of a summons; threats, intimidations, and political ostraci-m carried out : social ostracism threaten ed all this and much more, Col. Sut ton had to meet on every hand and at every stage of the contest. He was equal to the occasion; ac knowledged to be one of the brainiest men, and ablest lawyers of the Cape Fear section, and conceded to be a man above reproach, true "as the needle to t be pole," to every trust con fided to him, utterly and absolutely destitute of personal fear, in the dis charge of his duty, in season and out of season, u'tijht it nil ihtij (for the tak ingof testimony was carried far into the night for some considerable time, he stood bravely and manfully tot his post ; and the result is, that if fraud will set aside an election, if fraud is to be stamped out, in order that honest elections may be had, if the law mak ers and the committee, who areo pass upon this case, do uotcall wrong r'njlit. do not call fraud, j nirmss and . must . : if they do not wish to support, uphold and l.tjulizf fraud, then Dr. Cyrus Thompson will be seated as t lie right ful representative of the 3rd congres sional district of North Carolina in the olth Congress of the I'nited States. Li it ki: rv. A iiuuil Sinn. For several generations the masses of the American people left their financial policy entirely to their party leaders. They made no secret of the fact that they did not under stand finance, and the questions which they discussed were generally of a sectional or sentimental charac ter. All this has been changod in the past few years. The financial prob lem has pushed its way to the front, and our professional men, merch ants, mechanics and iarmers are giving it their best thought- In th counting room of the city merchant. in the iitore of the country grocer, in the lawyer's oilice, in the workshop and at the fanner's fireside the vital question of the day, our financial system, is the ruling topic. This is as it should be, and it is one of the most encouraging signs of the times. Many of oui politi cians are surprised every day to meet plain business men and farmer? who are well informed in regard to gold monomttallism and bimetallism better informedjihau some of our congressmen who have been in pub ic lite tor a generation. During the past twenty years we have had a campaign ot financial education. The average voter has studied finance because his pocket has suf fered by the demonetization of silver, and necessity has forced him to think for himself, find out what is the matter with our sy item and de cide upon the best remedy. 1 he outlook is hopeful when the intelligence of the country tackles our most important problems. In this matter we cannot afford to let the few think and act for' the many We must have every ballot stuffed with brains. We must make the financial issue so well understood that demagogues and the hirelings of the Shylocks will not be able t hoodwink the plain people, who foot the bills and bear the burden. Our business men, on account of their relations with their millions of customers, can greatly aid the cause ot bimetallism by giving it their close attention and making their views public. Their arguments and opinions will have weight with the general public and with their con gressmen. They will find it to their interest to look into the cpaestion, for it is a settled fact that commerce and industry will continue to languish until we restore the gold and silver money of the constitution. Atlanta Constitution. "So Shocking a Crime!" Petersburg Va. Index Appeal. At Staunton a white man, who is believed to be a kleptomaniac, has been convicted of his third offence having previously served two terms in the penitentiary. The jury sen tenced him yesterday to one yoar'i imprisonment in state prison, but under the operation of our crimiDa law the man must go to the peniten tiary for life. The value of the property which he stole was 38 cents. For this trival sum the offender must be immured within prison walls for the remainder of his days, unless Governor O'FerraU exercises execu tive clemency. There is something radica Uy wrong about the laws which permit such a. travesty of justice Doubtless if the ffeder had stolen a half million from a bank, and brought misery and desolation to hundreds of households, be would get off with a light sentence. But the theft ot three pounds of bacon is so shocking a crime, so far reaching in its effects that the state must keep the rascal in confinement until death ends bis propensity to plunder his neighbor of a dinner. THE CAUCASIAN Will MAKE IT HOT FOK K Mi MIES OF REFORM ALL THIS TEAR. IF YOU WANT TO KEEP POSTED IS KErOini WORK. SEND US- YOUR NAME FOR A YEAR. LETTERS FROM THE PEOPLE. Various Matters on Which the Popular Opinion isEiprcssed. All Sections Interested. LIVING ISSUES FORWARD. ( on tempi an, I KhJirul f-r llir Itrmwralir Fr,, "iMrww at tli lri;rl4ti.ii .f Donnrrar) Miame f.,r the Man W ho Stick lit it Ol.t tr all It. IlriiKit rat. Il-artily li,K n.tr, I. For the Caucasian. Chkknvii i k, X. v.. Mar. b .lo. . Democratic party may play the "m gro note" to their utm..M. but it will n. it idd to their strength. (hey have ibused the i'opulist so liiu. b-i ailed (hem negroes, socialists, and in fa. t every thing else that could be -.ug-g.-sted by disappointed ami corrupt hearts. It the people should become dissatis fied with the I'opulist il is certain that (b-y would not ntliliate with a party w I n ii has resorted to all manner of falsehood and subterfuges to vent its spleen. I have voted the Democratic ticket all my life, but am heartily sick of dead i-sin-s so much so that I had rather not vote than to vote with a party which lives twisity years in the pat. I heard Kansem make a speech jut before the last election and it was twenty years old except that part id it not abiisingthe I'opulist and calling them "Coxey ites." .Joe Daniels had ju-t as well kept his seat at the pie-counter, if he thinks he can "redeem" .North Carolina on dead issues. The truth of the matter is the Demo- ratic party has violated so many of its pledges, ami have tried to fool I he peo- le with falsehoods ami abuse so often. that some other course will have to be pi-rsued before they ever get in power igain. .1 he Peoples Party here is made no f some of t he best men in Pitt count y men who own property and love their ountry and who will never vote the Democrat ie ticket again tin account of the abuse of the Democratic uress. The suit that is in progress herein 'itt county, brought about by t he erlidy of a partisan hoard of count v ommissioners is enough to condemn my party who allows any such things o be nraedced by its ollicers. Some who belong to (o the Dciuo rotic party are heartily disgusted. I M'. Mot it .V I . Surrenili-reil Without Trial. For the Caucasian. II.iii.iNU Si'itisos, X. C., March :;. n the last election in this (Cleveland i ounly, Mr. .1. P.. I.yers, Populist, was elected over .1. S Wrav. Democrat, fur reasurer, but by throwing out a town hip Wray was counted in by the can-a-sing hoard. I.yers entered suit. which would have been tried at t he pring term of court which meets April ."ith, but Wray offered a compromise, a Inch was, last Friday, accepted by Byers. The terms of the compromise are satisfactory both to Byers ami his party. Mr. Byers will take charge of the office the first Monday in April. in the same election .1. II. Uuinn. Populist, was elected clerk of the superior court over T. D. Lai ti more, Democrat, but by plain cases of fraud was counted out by a majority of two. I be ease will be contested in the court if thiscounty on Thursday, April lsth. Fhis will be the most exciting trial that ever came before the court of this 'utility. DemasoKic fatchwork. For the Caucasian. V atks vii.i.e, X.C, March .'(. It yyas my tlesire to he in lialeib at the con vening of the General Assemhly, but oyvintr to ill healt 1 I was coin nel let! to forego that pleasure. J fie legislature has done excellently iTtuxl work. It has repealeil our oyster layvand giveti to the people of North Carolina power at the ballot box to lect their justices of the peace and hoards of commissioners. This is some lhinr that every true and patriotic itizen has long desired the liberty it the ballot box to choose for himself: not for others. I am sorry that such erroneous retiorts have heen circulated- by the democratic, boast ins; nress in an effort to injure and dissrrace our leading members and the (Jencral sseinbly. It has made t he assert ion that the legislature adjourned in honor l I-red. Duuirlass and not in honor of Lee and Washington. Now if I may read aright I pronounce the authors guilty of malicious and slanderous falsehood. This is another piece of patch-work of bourbon demagogy to defeat the people in the next election; but my prayers to t.od and heart s desire are tfiat .North Carolina will continue to he saved. The plaform of the Teonle's I'artv is the greatest yet; it proposes a dis tinctly American policy not one of aristocracy, or bigotry but a broad. philanthropluc policy that best helps ttie wiiole people. A Farmer. Only Seven "Solid" Left. For tbe Caucasian. Durham, X. C., March i'.i. l havt been a hard worker for the People" I'arty. I was elected chairman of the executive committee for my precinct ana am a member ol the county execu five committee. I am working for what I think to be right regardless of sur rounuings. t;ur precinct, lour years ago, was solidly Democratic. Now there are only seven "solid" ones. I bought a plantation three year? ago. Times have heen so close, I have not been able to pay it; and it is an im possibility to pay for it at the present price of produce. W. Will Probe the Corru.i; Kirrem-eDw. For the Caucasian. Hic,doxvillk,X.C, Mar.'2'.t. The bar tnony that prevailed among the I'onu lists and Republicans in the late (ien- eral Assembly of North Carolina was both gratifymgand marvelous. Mm wholesome legislation was effected by that body, and the friends of reform speak in terms of the highest praise. The withering rebuke administered to the Democrats will not soon be for gotten. The scheme concocted by the Demo crats in caucus to break the force of the l'opulists and Republicans in the elec tion of United State Senators, proved impotent, null and void. Their sup plications were unheeded. I he Democrats have a thorn in the flesh that will not be removed, but thev they will not be as patient as the great Apostle. He had something to live for. The joint work of the Populists and Republicans gave us Senators Marion Butler and Jeter C. Pritchard. And for honesty of purpose, and vigor of statesmanship, they will be the urid of North Carolina. They have ideas of their own, and will not matriculate in i8i; THE "BILLION DEMOCRACY 6ETS AHEAD OF HAT GALORE-- CXTRAVACAMTEXPEMCITUREIWNARDTIVES--TWEMTY THREE VtlLIOKS FOR THE AR.T-FOlftTCM MILLIONS FOR AU ARD NAVY RE AD THE FACTS-STUDY THE FIGURES '11 iC it-f pie u ill rcti.t fiil-r ht it -the billion ih.ll.r f. , , , -- me coin! rm atioo, f.om lW.-crat l b.. 1 1.. iutt!id it ,io win, j,,: - .-,!. in 1- T.wii. ... Wmt a glorious ref.,r, r..-o..t rious ref..rm retord it Trade' I Li .... - .. ..... ao.?waj . .MIH r,.U U,.,,. ,1, w afl(j rpeni iweiie milium d .liars , fhan oyer a billion fcr two ('..lurr,-. In thetUin .Jay. of tie (.,,e.,, Mr. (Wm, ,ubm;ltil . ,vr ov , on rt-M.es, an: ft li int.-nt ougnt togo :., laikuu: aMi.t "refa and "redetlu th:s country. -Vr. 'itnrnm, .f Illinois aiil l - W I - I . . r r- 1 ii 1 lie ciui njj I uiir. , . 1 ' ' iii-- Aim ni iii,. i-i.t.tr 1 in- htm nan ,.1 i,.y,..,,r. a.i,,,;,,, and 1 ill y-.-. i.h.f .injrr,.,.,.. r.-in -trail. ti. - 'I"''r -taielliel,!, yn, , H.,. , l oni.urtle Strn.r..t uf ..r...rUt Inn. I'u TITI.K. 1-if. Aj.Ticiiliur.il i Army 1 hi.loin.itic atnl tonsillar Iitrict of I'oluuil.i.i Korliticatinti" Itulian I.;i"laliye. etc Military Aca-lemv Navy ". . I'etiMi.ii, in. In lu il.-ticii-ni -.. I'o.itoUi. Kixer ainl harU.r 1.7-ri l i in I'l.j'i.i;! : l.7J'."l 1 1 i .' ;m i v 4. Si: I l 7. ..'.nfi. . -'I "ii'r ;V 11 i'i.l....-:'. ISi 77:. .; j 7J..J.I i'.1-!i.L"Ci . . -" 7:tv:! -'"-'I n.io.Mi i",f! Sin:. fry ciy i! i 'elicicncies . Total M isceilaucous Tol;H refill. .r annual ;ir.4a'iiH rcriiii.n.'iil ai.nual aj j.ro a'nv. .. . L'.l 7.Vi.l 7,nl'i '. :u;i.7' 1 i.e.. Total Total .iHt, j-'rc-.i-s. . lLf. ri'n. an.l .VSnl t'o'! Pelicicnci. j. in.-!ii,,-,( as followv l:il.on a nut of i l'J. i,. 1,7 1. :;:(.'; lvu. on accmnt of lvi; 1 l.l l:i.7.' - .. 'litis is the amount originally nnhmitu-.l ."i'.i:i.t.w. licrmancnt .i ciiic an-1 .erin:meiit i:i l limte .i;.iro.r:atiou. I'roni this statement he Ho, ,., a.l.l t he I re.,lenf,ll.,..ean. :..- yycre KepuSiica,, yV.-re,il. rou.,.1 ( r- :........,. nl.tle a..,. nnnilKl,!!.. tHi,.,Ni, atnll he ap,.ro,,ri n of ihi 4 .,nr.-N yv it I. IT.m.I.i.I, ,..,. M-natr all I etn.M ratir .re n roun.1 mnnhers f.r.H,,,HH,,HH.. Mreoy,-r. le l.,(,- ..... f ihirt.y-var I ,.,-r o-M I ,..,( M.t ..ll(l,', ...ym .' iii.ikio-the prati.l total actually a,..r..,.r,.-,i.-, ,y 1 XU -..i,i:r.-.s it. r....t..l mimti. r. w.iV4... Tli, r .-.u the atJ nnmlier hy r ' ,HirSt ' . alle.l l,y our I .-,. rat ic lri.-.,.. "ll... I,il!, loll.r ....rre.O in ruuuJ This 'ont:res, lurt heruion 1.1 . ne none un.i.-r contract, Ieay 111- the ii.-xt liy fortihcatioti act : Kilty U-iuch nutria's J'.y Miinlry -i vil a t : I'uhlie l.uilliliiis I.ilit-liouies Kevemie i-ntter. I a. iii Iiftivcr mint tiiiil.lni ll'M-k Islan.l hrii'j;e... P.y District of Columbia appropriation a. t : .sr9 - I.y naval appropriation act : Two new battle shi.s. -x iruti-t ,ilv an I thr.-e.,r e l. t-iaN. Arm 111. . nt therefor, lii h will pnlmtily cost Thus the appropriations and ant hori.a! i..us .r ll.i-i '..hit.-- are .-.-ii .. I,.-, '1 r. Siicakcr, t he aimroiiriat ion-; for the tuililie .n !.- - ... .1 .. .in- I- -.. . 11 puiiiii' questions, they tell more of imlici. protestations. t lie fJ rover Cleveland .lohn Sherman sclionl. The abiie Mr. Hutler hai rec-iie.1 has been transmuted into the good of the people. He has gone where he can take perMtnal cognisance of national orruptioii; and he will prolte it, too. Mime tl tys ago it yvas my good for- une to come in possession of lion. Mary in Warren's pamphlet. It bears the touch of a master-mind. Mr. War ren's treatment of the inonev ones! iiiii s Ih iroiigh, terse and logical. The reenback-biirning, il ver-demone. llll r i.iiiil.wi.iinr I. .I.i. .-.ii.iiii.a 11- irover ( lev.-and disc ti es on.rl.t I, read it. Poi-i i.ist. Some Pertinent. I'olnte.l fjucrnt Farlt. For tfie Caucasian. I X kv 1 on. X. 4 "., March :tK The X'eyvs ind Obseryer is making a big noise ibotit the last legislature, and aei-iising it of many sins, more of commission than omission. I.et 11- admit for the ike of argument that it mi"ht have done better. Xo fair-minded man . an atl'i.rd to ay that it lias done nothing for the people. The i per cent interest law ot general interest and greatly needed, and deserves and has I he proval of all reasonable in.-n. The banks and money lenders are opposed to it and will do all in their Power to ring about its repeal. They' will re fuse to lend money in many iniatices. and by that means try to delude the people and build up a sentiment in favor of a restoration of the old law in a more oi. noxious form. Some are al ready saying that t he old eight per cent law was ion iron clad, and that Parties hoiiiJ be allowed to contract for any rate t.f Interest : and much money will be contributed during the next politi- 11 campaign to the party that will ngree to a restoratiui of tbeoldiui- JmVain r "'"il" .k is TT'1. '""l" ontain oppresstye provisions. l..-t the itet.tile Im- on their .'iiar.i fr-.... . I" "l,le ,M " H'eir i.uaril iron, llll- ource. It destroyed the hook tnM. All trusts should be ileMroy.d. The ofiice trust produced I he aniiibilat ion of the of th. Democratic part v under the old organization in this State,and brought attoui the repeal of the purcha-inir clause of the Sherman act without - in aci without a .i,;,.!,. .. i.i plainly told 11- The .i tr tru-t obstante. This wa by Senator Vance. prevailed during the last Congress and deprived the KopIe of free ugar. Xo wonder t nat the people are s-u-picious 1 trusts: I will ask the que-ti.u.. "Did tbe lat legisiature, cou-ideringilsopjH,rlurii-!im ,utiou jth htLe xmXMXXai. and rum to thousands upon tbon ties and powers, do as much in the i .- . , - . . i. sanda of onr farmers who had kn direction of relieving .be .p.e of presstve laws as tbe lat iJonsress' The iople commissioned that Con- gress. under the pledges and promises contained in the Democratic platform. ainiunoertneassurancesoflongstand - ing principles of finance and tariff views, to rarrv into eveent !. miu.iiki. I or rel.e! linr it uil winri.u.l irtup l.u expiration of two years of disgraceful scramble and crimination and recrimi- nation without passing a single meas- ure of relief. No Congress since tbe adoption of the constitution of the mi ted States ever met under more favorable circum- stances, it was backed by an over whelming majority in favor of reform I Continued on Fourth Page 1 DOLLAR CONGRESS IT DENOUNCED AS CISCRACEFLL DElll ,..! . f ;. i ;: .. i i r "M 1 um :;ni i ( hi 'v' nl ! I '.-.: .. ii. t. ,WIv. th.t t.. V.,..t .,: " - - - - r w wbuT i: i :: zrr thr ivr ..4 . y 11 ti i --itne n .."".'I ; '"'" ' " v.1-. f .- f otJ j-.ut a U.vtl And then '.. ., ,ic fern llig rei.iu-. It m x rat inii;ht tit. in." Th -y .-e t ,-t d .in half et o ,.f 1 I if t .1 ,ir.f i 4:r. I avail my.. a t it .lll.-lit f flu- JIT -n-"lli- ..I .11-a, .-..iiii.tr.Ml with Hie iccr. ,!. .. . under l.irri..n". a f ii.iii.irii..n I - .tr,.f,4 -- - "iiijiilcl anI i .rr.- t : M.le 1., the ll(li-tirf. I.rif-sen u i'il. I ... lam. ty i n;-T .... ti . I ;in -i .e i -ilj. S.-..in. 1--J I .r-t v-t.'i l-l! ir V. i t I'f.'.f.'. .'l I . I.i ''S lr. 17 :t ;:i '. "-"7.1.71 ; . 4iJ.i.l 1.4 ::i.Mi..kM 7 l.i vi :jvt .'i 77.,ir..'.'j i.i 7.4lu .'f :t .1 ;Ti !". 4" t '.'4 . I i i I "i'l . . . .1." ' t j . 7.. ..17 1 -! '' I :."'7 4.' ;u s .:.i:f 1 .1411 . xi '. il 7 I -1 l'-l 1-1 - . '7 k.'i.iC. t;' v.! : a'.m.:t 4.. l.-'7l X X in I' I 4'iJ .:!... 1 .v, 4'i 1 1 I 71 .".in 7'. ."ij.i ol'...7jii :i7.ii.i 71 '"- 117. l:; :it 1 o-.l 'i '.47 "".:'V l-J on a.io.nt. l 1'. l-y t!ie Ss retry f tl..- itaiitM-arsthattli..;. fiiirii.ipi.fi..a...r . i... i.: r. ' in addition lo the actual in.-re.-t-e .f at.i,r.i.riat i..n ant li.,ri.-l t.ui.li,- u..tl. f.. C.i.-r.- to make a t.t.roi.ri.tt i..u ' ' 1 ' roat 1 . ....... ...ti - s 1.1 .-liliin-ii.iriiK.ii n..t ...r.-i.. itm. IT'S JUST SPLENDID. TlieU ilinliictoi. vtar lteci..e - alan.ll How ler"-- Itn auM. It S.eak Some Plain Irulla ll.-i A wakenltti: i rea.llns Mutiny In the ICauka .it lite I u.lil). The Wilmington Star, a strong Democratic paper, t-mitled hmhc rayh of f-xtra bright light on tL morning of March with such l-'.tb. It ejKk-the truth force tllHt it ie.-t rated and sbono through the miasmatic fog 1 r c'ii. ibi Democratic misreprcHen- 4'ii, suj .rtsion oi truth atiI Oead (nigger issue. It produced au edi torial ti ended 'How Is Thi f" A l.ri f auswer is giv.-u in the LeadiDg ab ve. l-t it be remembered that tbe Di-njc'-ra' ic parly, which the Star represents, has been in national power two y. ar-, aud the conditions de- s.-rii-e.l ate worse bow than they ever were. Here is the article in full: "There is no country in the world where th. re are as man v tram 1.1 a. in the United States, There is no country in tbe" world where there are as many million aires as in the I'nited Slates. There i no country in the world where th. re are as many labor striken UJ mnotdied tbe Held of mar aud lockout a in tbe I'nited State. ' future m alno tbey were tuaxWa of There is no cuttry in tbe world ,U,r thy nploedf and if for where so tnttiy men l.e-ame j.jM-e.4lv nT reaoo tbey didn't autt them audt-notuiously ri h a. in the I nite'd tbey aent abroad and employed for- States. ign lalxr. That meant moretratn, ThesH are fact wb:cb are patent 'rikeaf lockout, abicb made tramp. to all, and .iruong the first to arrest the attention of visitors to our ki.r.r..v Toirty vean apo tbi. could not be h . . lor men mere were no tramp. , , .... ., , outlet luriionaires, Mnkt-x were aei- dom seen ku.1 what there were, were of a mere lo-.-al and ihsigcu ant char acter compared with tbe fctrikes i now ee Tcere must le fome reason for .1.: . .1..... .1 :n: 1 in w iifaH 1 ruin 1 v 1 rnmmm iti 1 11111 ai r at . , , .- . these strike none of which are M-lf- .it-.. m 1 1 . ' ' 'rted, but all of which bave a cause i Miiwfcere. Tbey are not the natural out growth of tbe country, for there i nothing in tbe natural conditions to i ..r.l ...... .nr f then. Tl.-ir .r-r.t ! Z!", "U I . . . u i "'d trace them up to their on- gm, we would hud :t in the i tcu'iar legislation of the rt thirty year : which has created trampf and mil- i lionaires a&d begotten strikes and lockouts. ! . v ithin that time a new tariff sys - ; em came into play, a species of pa ternalisra but class paternalism aD,l then the impoverishing of some i And the-enriching of other, began; ; the mooU w a M to to; t. a fllt,M trmfnw fL ,T ,.VVn ... .V Z "M8tnff '"I" monetary sys I ion aire- A new financial system ( . . JL-Sa followed and what tbe Ur.ff left nn. tern that re ft " tb control done in the creation of tramps and! iCoutlaued 00 sta pagt-t ' NO. 1"J. OUTDONE. TRY A LOOTlkC Of Tur T.r....w . - 1 ' Uoil.fX it . 1 . ... " i.i i. T " nM '"iPt luitiifu l nruj i Af "U. ..... urii.ullf lUfMlWm! billion I'ulUr" .t t.f .1 .1. - - - - -urn iiirw rd a id -.rt,J mill . u.l twlhoof it f the mi rr.i.ri'ijn f rr t W J i-i'i-tLinr m u ef mUrr-L Thrw vu.ii.i." Thry cuLt U air up If ,.f thr- .-t't-.r-tiiint .. i,r,t.i .1 l.t.r..l.r. . I ...... .. ".. .... . . tl.e .i.,.r..i,r. .!...... f.., tt. ..r 1.... 1 .. . ... - i -iii iw i.i.. .fig lll lliU4 ( .(. tmmmt 1 Mr . i I . Kit It iMIkl- ( I ttra ari.1 t.ft rr-uUr il.tl. It. rl S'wwa, l-4 .t - J ; .4 vr. r 7 !.'. .7 41 i 'ill -V i ! 1 .'f-Ll..l 7 4 .'4"i iM.-n . ;i 4 ii I s: ! ! : . ... ,,74 . , 4.'4.r.4 .".1rj.; J'. ". 4 i I .t ! 7. n m i : . : 4. i' . t .". .. I,. ;' . '. i.'. 2 .l.7 . 72, i..i i. .:.... : ?; v.' .41 i. . 4 . i.; : v. u.i J .4 5 i; kb Z', z: in 1 :-:s ci m 7 4'. Ml T I 4 V.7 '! '7l V4 Ol "I Z Ail . ;.:i..:7 11 I4i.vi .:. hi .4.'. C k it t i t .7 '7 2 .14 14 I 4 IK '.l 1( . il M l t (4 lltiC i '.'. tt 4t.7l-.. ill. i M .1 ' . II om ; i .; .. m 1 4l i .. irv'i IIV4 -r.t : . ; .l l7 I wl I 4J )!. M. (if S o Tr-anry --t i:ni-i i Iw ij-.-ry utelrr tW ........ .. . m ti.-reii.r. a IoIIh: lM't.ii li't..n ). :rt ., 1 ai.Ti.i U .'I.i !! I 'l ! 1 1. Tl. '. .l..-;.7. in round i.in.te r-, f I, itr..i.,ii. r.. .;. ..... ... ,..-....i, , ,i.i,K ..irivi ) u lieu .i i. ...n.-ri ir... . ..1..... . t "iiiii juaire .in!. thin financial )tetij It a as a irloriou tariff, they t-ll us oti oft hf iu.t maruificent con ception of MateMiianbit vbirh built up American iniutri-. mud to !o it drovt- to bankruptcy milliona of Dff rpe.-ou people, droi our shippiug from Ihf -t, rripplesl our eitiort trade, in I.readtuf7 v-ith other nations nud forcM u to lo our khit.t.iriL in f..reiirn kl,.... .A theiu tl.HMMXJ,(Kiia y-r for carry tuf ftuff for ua loth aya arroa tL ocean. Here, then, lok f or on of th caus m of tratupn, the million aires aud the utrike. That tariff system l-got a favored cla of pro tected tnauuf actureri aud pr.xlucra of certain raw uiateriaU. TLeae on K-artied the art of -.rubinior. lorruiug nyodieatea and trukta ticH alMitel and eontrollesl the atualler iudusitiea and threw out of emt io- uieut tbe tbounandaof rueo eajr.iYed oy them. With the ituniente capital w,'-b t.ey could corutnatid tbey 'flrel iuducetuenta for tbe lUTen- tioa of lalMr-aving tuacLinerjr, and inveutive eniua imkiu upp'.ie4 them with mac hi nea that did the work of hundred of men and at tbam time created butidreda of tratroa. At 11 n1 men but for erery neb u,n 11 uun.ireoaoi pauperawno wandered theeartb workle.bomeIeaa for tb, food tbey could not m. Tb i. .n .f tb. fn.t. .. .. Z. . f tbia l-nefieent" tmti-ni .f l.ti. . - j r idl paternal imd. 11 -iroje our auippio? ana in doing ao it deUoyd an industry wbici directly and indirectly rare ' naploytnent to tboaaaodaof meo,and thu it made more tramrt. lint it - - - did more tban tbat. It ruined th foreign market, where once oar peo ducer of breadstuff found a de mand for their surplus, and made them dependent upon tbe borne market which could not consume the ! urpla, and then utu low pricea . Drorou. and independent. Thr - . 4 . ' ; i . v , iy raise enougn 10 eai ana bad roola 10 COTer lur; UBl luouanas 01 u bectne tbe victims of th mortf aT ana uecaaie iurv iraanu oa vum . . f . - - f . ta-.-. acres tbeT once owned. Tbsl s an- , . -1 Dternaliam K ,1 '"1: ' n 'm ' To W tU tUmxv lfJ f-!d j th.Wrt J? VJ tbey followed tbu, f.wBch- . many-poreruhipc, tramp- 1 1 1 v

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