Letters from the People IUontinuts.1 From Vint .-.I t ceite tli- .saiiunai .imam-.' ai tnaiiitn when that order w.n ftioiiirli to b-t the iaiil know tl.. kilo thai always North Carolina. had refud to ap oirit Mr. W.I'. Wj met. notary ptihlicto aUt him in taking- .-videiM in the content ra-M- f I houipx.m araint !-hw, hut appointed .. I'. Towfr-, an other I5-pu hi i'-?.n, to a-sixt s. II. il Ifae. Iem., notary public to takeevi- lejrixlation, and put in pofMion dene for Maw. r. rower 1 to fake three of the department! of govern- evidence in town hall, Mr. M ICa at merit. ? far tariff reform wa con- t oHu-e, rnakitijr i irnpo-nne mr ..........i it -.ni.i not Io inn ' ii. I ne i m rMittoii to fx-.it Ik.ih i.U c- at in ri iim i ' v"- - w ----- rrffiiuen of the government wereiam time, (orieqiifntly iiira-iii;r merely nunVietit Io meet the demand ir. Thorn p-on' ex piia. ii... n ir It i-oiill have eoiialiel tariff I am riot uritri-d at the action o ilutiei ami iriveti hi free Miar hut I hat ! he "Governor" after he ref u .... . 1 . I 4 I I :. . was about all thai n 'a- """. When a move wa mail'1 in that direc tion it urrenderel to the micar rut and added to the burden, of the people under the idea that the govern rnent Hin-t hate revenue out of nitrar The lemocrntic party ha treen opposed to national hank. I Mil a few year ago the platrorm of the party contained a provision denouncing the national hanking ai t a "uncori etitutionar and uudemoi rati''. Thi provision wu eliminated to soil the incidiou ait-d undernm-rat ic element of the party friln the caterri and nort hern nUtea. it wa admitted by the leader that the financial aU-m of the govern ment under the prevent Jaw wa a failure and oppre-ive, ami relief wa promised from that iniijuity. The demonetisation of silver by the Kepiiblicaii party ha been denounced in every lemoTalic platform Mhce that cruel tifi againt the money of the people wa erpetra'ed. and we all ex jtetted to ee er rectored a. a money and given it pla e with gold. The Kepublican parly gave to it a lame recognition in enacting the Sherman law. It wa ahamed of the iii of which it wa guilty in destroying the money of the people. The Ifemocrat denounced it a a fraud and a make shift, and agreed to do better. What did it representative do? They re pealed this law giving to ailver the alight recognition referred to without a Bubstitiite, Is that alii1 .No, Congress, (teeing that it had committed a tin agaiiiMt the people, pa-d an act to coin the purplux (diver bullion in the treasury, amounting to lifty-live mil lion dollar silver that was doing no nervica in any way w hatever, and the ejecutive, under the pretense that it would injure the credit of the country, veioeu ine act, and by that performance cave io silver the lKmlmig death tOUUII. All of these acts were u ridemocratic the ouiiiona wer undemocratic ibe people eipected action they ex pected and demanded the breaking of the financial "hackles that they have bean wearing for so long; but they are disppointed. Ho long a the govern- juein is unuer me inlluence of the northern and northwestern sections ine present condition of affairs will conunue, ue it Jtepublican or Demo-cratic. ine partisan papers are trying to uiTri ine attention ot the people from these great sin of the present admin istration by referring to the legislature that has Just adjourned calling it the Iouglasa legislature, etc. It acted fool ishly on the oc casion referred to. The uiembersdid not think about whatthey Mrerudointf. In fact, it does not. amount to much anyway. It is only uned to build up prejudice to run a campaign upon. They hope to draw the color J i ne. IWbly, if the last Congress on the next day after it aia liit IT'S JUST SPLENDID. i( 'ontinued from firrt pa-re.) of the money of the country, and en 4ble them to practically do with it ts thev peaed. They dtstroyed the State"tks and put up in their p!ac i kvm. m f national bank., which ar tot Ka:ik at all, bu" t imply Louses ol ii.-co int. hi''ii hTf of a little l-nefi o th - fi'.nm r or trat.-man, as il -xi!-t. J hey answer .'iipplvihir me circu ineinorable extra ses-ion had adjourned ut of respect to the memory of some tfood old negro and had never again convened, the country would have been better oh. The people can't be fooled any more by drawing the color j.eis stop running campaigns in on Carolina by abusing the negro e haye no advocates of social equality yith the darkey. There is not a carl- " . , V. w,i.'"en in the tstate that Tv , . an idea a moment '",,,, "eBroes uon t want it. .l ,.-.fc.r3 want meir votes in a pinch -Now, let the poor negro alone. A fuss is made about the cost to the .o ui lurnisning Codes to the newly MIKinire!ia jiioy say it will u.e rotate thousands of dollars. w hand to furnish, and it is out of 1 see a complaint is made becatieSen Stor Mtuluirnuu .1 -I.. . ... """K"er nau some cierksnip. i hire is nothing ..u.u.. in inai. a Jemocraticsena- lor rnm tlii . . "oiy nau nis son ati- tunntuil ...... ..!... . .. "e ft. 1. . 1 ,r l'ges in ine I Senate; United Mates Senator Kansom had his fik'LV B',;rve,ra7' and nator V"' i ike wise. Who has ever censured these JCreat men because their sons were iiolding appointments under them? Civ is. Wrou Row l.y the Narrative." For the Caucasian. tiVle.0? "in the 'i" neo.lrrt think that we are again ready to bite frnVi,o"a,i!""aje,ny " t'"ld Iemo cratio book. No! e have no tears to sli..t r..r Wl Sill? t here wa uci a man in North 'ari- j lina: but I am urpried at the a tioi j of the party I ued to throw up m j hat for. I left it beaue of it- ,r-j ruptiori, but did not ix ii-e n wouio reort to such low methl to-ar.-y or it dirty work a it ha and is now do ing. While it i helping and strength ening Ir. Thompson's caue, I ant sorry to know ttiat I ever was in with such a political party a the s-caliel liemocratic parly is now: and believe that any honest man will be ashamed to vote an open lit kef for it in 1 !;. Ion't you love to hear them 'cuss' the Co-operative Legislature? I do. for then I know if was a good one and hurt their machine. I'ratertially, Tho. JI. Mi -l,V an. ( Itrlsllau Knrfeavor t:iif-renre. A conference of all 'hri-tian Kn leavr WM-ifties in North Carolina i called for Afril 2;-';th, to be held at Vinton-Salem. The societies of that pla e are actively preparing to enter tain, free of charge, all who will go as representatives of their so. ielies from any part of the State. The chief objt-ct of this conference i to organize a State l.'nioii, which shall be inter-ileiiomination.il, and which wil1 advance the movement in general. There will also be sessions for comparison of the bet methods in prayer mwling and committee work, ami these are to he as helpful and educational as possible. Arrangements are being made to obtain retimed rates on fhe railroads. delegates w ho expert t( attend the convention will please inform as soon as possible. JCr.v. A. 1. Tu A I. Kit, Winston, N. C. TO BE SUED FOR $10,000. for which they are weli They are owned b hey tlitln'l iiirpK "n ating n iau); t'ia i's all. 'he m:Sli oaires whom they helped 'ocniite. art are today one of tb greatest ol.istacles to our materia progrfrss, because they dictate an tntr'l o ir tinancial policies, which ir in thi interests of the rich and go on making more paupers and more tramps. After a struggle of a quarter of a century we succeeded in depriving the former monstrosity ol some of its power for evil, but tu monetary system still remains, a potent agency in the country's woes. Inform in that must now be the slogan. KINDLY ASK A NEIGHBOR TO BECOME ASUBSCSIBER. IF HE WANTS TO KNOw FACTS HE CAN GET THEM, AND LOTS OF THEM DURING THE YEAR. s!t l) His Itoinliiiixu. Wilson M. Allen shot and seriously woucded Wnits Harris iu Asiievilh on the 'J2nd. Alle.'j had become bondsman for Harris at the ' last term of the criminal court and was bringing him back from Tennessee, whither he had lied, to deliver him up to the authorities here. Harris made a break for liberty ard Allen shot him down. Allen is in jail. He says he only meant to lire into the air. He is a good citizen. reirenationUta n. . i. ... and don't propose to adjourn our daily' 1S ,a" ''"r to their memory. .Neither will we set them at the head of our table as masters of ceremonies r any f their kin. We don't like t l em no how and will not appoint them to an ottice in our jurisdiction while there Is a competent white man to be found And we don't like men who want them lionQred.nor eg.slators who adjourn in honor of their miaevgunatio memory not much We ilftn't ,.,u o .i... " . I. - I, - - t n lllllllll) thej never see Kaleigh again let thein etay at home and repent for puffing a derunct miscegenationist r fn?U-nJSCUBe..W? ,mve no sypathy for such-or their puffers-shall we bit at the make-believe fly 6n the old Democratic grab-hook? Never! Ho, no! Democracy is not a sure noughUishop Cranmer; it has gotten the wrong w" by the LrratirtI Jec it hod on "null i:t. The Nw and Ohnerver Ila Iieen Talking Too l ticli Say Mr. ltryan, of Chatham In its issue of March l."th, the News and Observer spoke of Repre sentative Bryan, of Chatham, as fol lows: ltryan, of Chatham, on the stump in the lost campaign, did not deny that lie had assed spurious coin a crime under the awsof the Cuited States; he did not deny that he had been guilty of stealing a will, of which crime he was accused by the Chatham Jtecord. Representative Bryan made no protest to these utterances; but on the next day the same paper said: He tlid not deny, during the last cam paign, that he had passed stmrious coin. He only admitted that he had been indicted in tho federal court at Greensboro, but was acquitted. His acouittal was on the trround that the alleged spurious coin was only a portion of the usual paraphernalia of pro fessional gamblers, he being at that time a member of that noble order. Jn the celebrated Kaucette will rasp, be i testified that he hail discovered a holorph will which prevented his brother. frmi7 '..Li ting any iKjrtion of the Fa that he "hid it; th Subsequeiitlv it was destroyed, but fortunately for the character of th ".eiawmer" the jury did not nelieve he was a thief, nrefprri !... l. l:.. I . .. . ' 'teu aooui me transaction. Mr. Bryan has remained ap parently quiet under these foul and blacktruard-liko slings and charges, but his attention has been called to the matter by his lawyer, who says that they constitute a clear case of ii"t?i. adu wune reluctant to jret intk ckst. n4 nC x . i . i -uiv auj oun Ui UUUTeSC Wlltl flDV- I 1 .- t l a , . . . . ;ouy capaoie oi attempting such ma lign'nt aspersions of his character, he thinks it due him and his friends to permit the News and Observer to make these matters a little clearer. That this may be done, he has au thorized the entry of a suit t'oi lihl and ten thousand dollars damages against that paper, and is moving to have the matter brought up at the next term of the criminal court. Mr. Bryan was sent to the Wicsln- tnre from Chatham county by a ma jority of 1,137 votes, the record with which he is ei-eilitf,l i. n,,. ews and Observer, if trim. ia enough not only to have compassed his defeat amoner the eond fA Ck TV 1 J r f Chatham, but to make them run him out of tho county. Mr. Bryan's pro posed suit, however, will hrino- th verdict of the Chatham conntv".. pie face to face with the strictures of that paper- LTISr. CIAS p. BT DR. C. A. .BIXt.X. I am, At leat I was The I eim crat ic party, Hut now I am a corpse. That I th-t-rved dt-atb. None will deny, Vol evell troer levt-lend. Kor be mr. If the fatal thrust that -'Ilt file hetict-. I im' wa when I. !'he I eni(-rat ic party, Vs lH"lieHi by all Un-li, t'hai was wbt-ii I rtiMl for tht- p-ple. ly praie. w re Willis in t lie l.amb-t, ly greatness lauded in the m-i n-poli n the cabin mothers hub l I heir habit- Vith the magic of my name, n t m palace my champion A ere o'tTW be! med Mltii com p! i nit' ti t -, The po4rr hail d me a- their deliverer. The rich knew me as their protector, Ml cla-se of people -onjjlit nic, !!ecaue of my promises. A beii 1 wax in power years ajro, the ctiiut ry te metl with prtisperity, the people loved me, ;'.ecaiise Jetreison w as my father, lell'erson said : All men are (torn free and equal Mid should so stand Ik fore the law." that w.ls my l.. triiit When at the height of my glory, iid the people loved me. I was thrown out of power For thirty years, I mring which time the country suf fered much. From the rapacity of bankers and bond-holders and tariff robber. I promised the people to unload them. I told them the greenback sa irootl ; 1 told them silver was good, I bitterly opposed n:jtioiKil banks And gold hug Miy locks, l.iit I must have a "chance ;"' A "chance'' w:;s wanted, A 'chance' 1 must have. Anil I sold myself to get it, Sold myxtdf to Wall street. Ami Lombard street Ami to the Rothschilds And the Heidelbachs And the Ikell.eiuiers, Ity bowing down to their lial, And electing him president. My leaders :(!1 knew him to be A henchman of Miyiocb Hut the people didn't, And they elected him. We said : "The people are fools" We thought they were, In the Koaring river neighborhood of Wilkes county last week a crowd of whiskey blockaders went to the home of a fanner, called him to his front door and shot him throurh the i -,jt they are not, thigh. The wound is dangerous. J t,)e t'liened corpse before you The crowd then went to the home of (j,ves ,,,,itLt UsA-nVn'i, the farmer's son aad tore it complete- I ZA7uflu m ViT'' i j rni ., ,r ,i Especially the olllce-holders, I. 1 , ! l v.l- I "ejf '"1"- uuiucu ttu ijuocctipieu uu uso ueiung- i ingto another son. The father and two ! sons were witnesses in a ease tried a few days before against a moon shiner named Wiles. But I have grave fears, Very grave! If ever I do I will do it by kicking overboard Shylock's whole crew, And by the time I do that Another party may take my place, And I be buried forever. For fear Pdo I'll say here and now '(ioodrhyt world, howdy hell.'' rnrr,.,.. . V( U1UV E If Tl UFA m ! O rTiCC 1 Jvw "icLiDd iiu muilD uauu uaauu . STEEL. FA-JG N 5.000 WatcLes anJ Chains for Ladies and fitats to be given away febsulutelv fre of rhr.J N Frf ..f ... 9 5v5 O ft? I'M X Kor and ACHAfafF nr ALIFETIME! GRAND PREMIUM GIFTS!. An rV,'irl wali-h ati.I rhain ir.VcU T Villi o4-l larft i LOOK ON ' ' NH- if Ux.r a a bnariani t!,e t.A;--xt ! ra i.l!v i:r- i-u I t- ai.- v girt;n.- lia.r f allili-f . 1 1-. tl r- Q SPECIAL NOTICE! :i.t O KaUneo l arable lri-o-' I irrUIr llstr lor tivelv pnl ir rotti hea tv tgirt ,ro -111.1 cH'Uhi. aiid rr:r- V-PVUl uai n-.v-... -. --- s..!ul Ir l'.mi hikrr n l ru s Uift)x on l!if llntilhet tv t 5 iiijrr. l per tn.it!.. S..:iiy 0 Tlux I1 ire a:. on Ttus . I.rrime' A o . PC North m sins t. iu:iiina.rr. NI-I In urd-r to ii.lr.la.tr lttnmer lior lljir I'orirr iitl.i"! Will i.re.xfiil to everv rradt-r of llnx iui r M-minn: for a tt. . one tif o';r in iinliii. V! h -s ul "A ilf n l.m t-iitire v (Jent t"' ' t'arve. ourtmly o.nd.tioii Is niirthni m. b ptirhxT tti ;t j roiui-e i. jfive u;r r.liriiur II air r.r-raur irui. ifi ht" t -on a in ilieir f ritfiiaV Jo ljttt r ! i:vrv j-.nt.axrrj.-tix a natch and chaiu. HKMF.Ml.KI! This ur. at and eitraordliiarr nffer -iau N f for o :r Uri f or lrr only. It i- a l.aii.'.-.-iue and ntTi.u- tift. hut if uunir us-mr Hirl i r. T the result pay us. u r-nfijit of tl ii wr will xrii.1 you olie -.ltie of the litet-l- f sior Hair Fonvr. and sr '.t each Uittle r -iu I.m- the w't ti and bain for lexhin,: V 'Six but l lex for ." wiih sis fre w aU l-i-s and t htnl:. Addrexx tlisliiiitiV. f N. i'. LOKRIMKK Co., 107 X. P.ca Street. Haliimore. MJ. J Totr-'t the watvh and chain vu must cut out thi advrrtix. I o l x-n.l it nli T 1 your ord. r. frli :.iu d.v w- LA" f ST IWPf 0VE3 N .OA. Akltlg t lV x "... 1 The Iianjre arr the ra ft r j pltrte, cocvt ni xt acJ Jural-1 appa ratus that ha ertr b-e-cn inrpntisi It if laann factum! oat of raalleaKV in. a and M ri'!!-J n'Uj:Lt ttIv 'iix .iu nt-v it will itanI L-at au.l hard tixap without tlir i f ttrrakairt. K'l cannot W t xctIlJ. aw tLc "tn i- r tifbl and th firt ircu!at-.i all rounl if. beatin-; .11 -id jjual!y, it -1m has a rrrrcor L irVy t!. beat can n:dlated at to I Ltr tjuu k tr lor. lU-lou- art a few of tl.f many t ti- tuonials of nn- of tL 1 rit t ilizi tin of South C-iroIiua. Florida and tLi x-X ' r1 Vs- DUKE GlOARETTES James Collete, a promising young man living near Cana, J)avie county, committed suicide Monday by shoot ing himself with a shot gun. The entiro load entered his abdomen. . T . . . r Deceased had been married only two V "er to U,e AR,, ",,w Mr months. His body was fon,- ' - tt'l anmm nc k.ment, , - .ii LUC 1 n t ti A u rrprnnnn , , J ".a IUVIUCI Way 10 o npinrhbor'e --o ' " some Do l Kill wood in-law on her house. Collete l.i with his e-r,?,y,.Ver- ru,awa i.0f j I J w iv j o wuiWl XT arll iost his position. This is ih only reason assigned for his rash act in Kinston, some ten or twelve years ago, a monument was raised tu memory of Governor Caswell, the first Governor 'of North Carolina under the Constitution of the State. It stood in a parked square, in the center of the broad business street, within sight of the depot. During the recent fires, that have almost laid the little town in ruins, the monument was ruined. Prof. Collier Cobb, of Chapel Hill, accompanied by a number of his geological students, will spend the summer vacation in Eurone. TI.a company will start early in June. I x- D W L'litor Arijn: l am at a loss to know from what source you obtained the information in regard to the late of the (ioldshnro graded school bill as published in yc issue of the Kith instant. The insinuations; would do me great injustice were it not for the faet that iiioiiiiiiii in neopie nave lonir since learned to pay little or no heed to the vituperations and abuse of the Demo cratic press and calamity howlers on ttie stump and street corners. .mnit-Mif iu Maim wen in ine es teem ot good people I wish to say 1 1. i. . i. . . . iiiioiign mi columns oi your paper which you sq ireeiy lend to the abuse of Kepublit ans that I know nothing of the way the bill got into the ollice of tlie enrolling clerk. Mr. Monroe asked me to look out for the bill and I promised to do so. but ;is . j mere were as main as twelve c erks in tlie ollice. the bill did not sret, inn. on- nanus until l took it with a bundle h have signed by the .Speaker. Mr. Monroe knows aU about the way the bill was taken, by mistake, from me table in the House over to the Sen ate lor he was told. If be desires to divert comment from his vote on the Douglass resolutions ( for which I do not attach any blame) he should adopt some other mode than that of bearino- ialse witness against his neighbors. J. F. Douso.v, i-irst assistant enrolling clerk in the legislature. Tt;i ill in . . '- liii im jftiiii r rin nnr it. T mt ,, .. - , i-x iinsiaKe. Let the 1'opu lists stand firmly in iie and let us all get readv fo- 1 -.-. ' ... w. get ready fo- Fair Plat. "I Vote It No More." For the Caucasian. J Kalkiuit.X. a, March 2S. AM the ieiiitjcrauc papers are full of Fred Douglass The Democrats would not nave nau me legislature to have missed adjourning for Fred for the World. That is a nice thing with which to prey upon the ignorance of tiie poor, ueiuueu, oppressed whites, A naff v , V. .An " f.vj miunc rrjr essence is op pression is not the party of the work ing peopie oi mis great land. I know wnereoi i speaK wnen I say oppres sion. When a poor man is dismissed irum wr ud account or the wav hf linln. n .1 1 - ,,. .. " " J A . i'evpie caning tiiwmselves v-iinsn-iiia mujru ana tolerate such cis,wnerei9 uoerty, where is man Jiood, -where is philanthropy? , , , rfu I'oiigiass matter uwiiiuies into insignificance when J ee the rights of manhood trampled in the dust by the l'atrlciansCO Wah' I red will be the great hobby of miMl 1.1 1 1 h tar ill n-f At. V". 111 " wuriu a cent, to- ti ami MMtM . . 411 ' We have graver problems to work ii.aiiniau re win talK of financial :tnatters, bond issues, the n-itn.i starving millions, the management of the late extra session of Congress, etc. . icw ic oeopie may nold up their Jiands in holy horror at Douglass mar rying a white woman ; but oh, my con- CJ tllc papers say ins rather was a white man and I guess a Democrat. I have voted the old secession ticket twenty-nine years, but Douglass or no Douglass, I vote it no more. Please print this fW truth's sake. ..-V J. B. Carrol. Will 8bam aaplone-t Man. Tor the Caucasian. Fat.ttjcville, N. C, March 23, '95. While in town this morning. I learned.from Col. T. U. Sutton that Governor Carr, of the great State of County Allianre Meelln-;. There will be a meeting of the Rich mond County Farmer's Alliance in the court house in Kockingham on the second thursday in April at 10 o'clock a. m. Kvery sub alliance in the county is earnestly requested to make a re port at that meeting. Let each sub secretary make out a report at once auu lorwaru to v. T. Wright, secre tary and treasurer, at Laurel Hill, Hy order of president of county alliance. d. n. Whioht, March 27th., bsDr,. Itetlured Kates by ijii. The Southern Railway has made very low rates on account of the followimr octrasionM- jo Washington, I). C, and return. for tlJ fiN niu Z7. V."" U,.V, one limited 1 i. 7.L"f ru trip. Tickets To Dal as Tex" ''J1. l'1." days eral assemb - .u . lurn Ior n,e ...-- , . .' ' v " 1 v nun ii , t raie oi one nmiteu tirst-class fare for the iouiiu irip. licKeis to ne sold May 1315th ,""1 t icuuu imui june oru. o osion. Mass.. nnrt hm, r.- i... fourteenth annual convention of the Youne People's Society of Christian Endeavor and National Young People's Christian Union one iiiuueu nrst-class fare for the roum trip, tickets sold July 8 Uth, good to re- lv4j ii umo jiiiy ulsi. T" . , , 1 . ... io waiiimore, .via., and return, to the meeting of the Baptist Young Peoples Union of America, a rate of one limited l 1 1 , Ior lne rund trip. Tickets ly uesuiujuiv mi.tn, good to return un HI AUgUSl OU1. .To Boston. Mass., and return for t irienniai conclave of Knights Templar one limited tirst-class fare for thp r,i.,r,,i trip. Tickets sold August 23-25th, good to ItVUlll U11LU OtriltmO;r 10. Ill To Denver, (ilnrnilrt iTi.1 mt,,. "1 -. - - t - - - "..v., ...... iv i ii i ii ac count of the National Educational Associa- nuit, a iaic oi one iiiuueu nrst-class fare plus two dollars for the round trip. Tickets "in wsuiu juiv o-i-.iin nmi mm iv. tended until September 1st. These are verv low rates and Will affVv.--! a fine opDortunitv for I " . J " " V TJOll 1 11 C ivoove isjiiii3 ai a small cost. Jor any further information address Ciias. L. Hji'kins, T. P. A., , Charlotte, X."c. POLK MONUMENT. LKTKVKRY REFORMER CONTRIBUTE TO BCILD IT. . 4, 1894. &tnu us A SUBSCRIPTION TO THE WEEKLY CAUCASIAN. IT WILL TELL A LOT OF PLAIN TALK THIS YEA", ADVERTISERS FOR 1895. M0RNIMG, EVENING, SUMDAY AND WEEKLY EDITIONS Aggressive Republican Journal the Highest Class. Commercial Advertiser- of Take Up Collections at Kvery MeetlnC. Thk Caucasian's fund for the mon ument row stands as follows: Total amount collected up to March 14th, 1895, - - $8S3 32 R B Kinsev 1 iv Harris Chapel Alliance, No 1592. Row- Oak Ridge Alliance! N0V24V Wake Co.15 00 orsyth county Alliance, 10 GO 1.00 THE WEEKLY IPnD xM-OO THK WEEKLY FUK CAUCASIAN Will b sent one year. Danville, Va., Dec, fyon Mfg. Co., Brooklyn, X. Y Gentleinen : I have use.l ui lae-acaaftat' r-"uuig iiiiuuieui iui over su yearT ou my trotting and stage horses for alt kind of sprains and b that horses are liable to, and consider .t the lest Liniment iu use. I recommend it to all farmers and persons usinqj horses. T, PAXSON, Formerly of Buffalo Ldthia Springs, Va. Transporter of XJ. B. mails for 12 years between Buffalo Lilhia Springs and Seotts burg, Va. Owner of the celebrated trot ting horse "Twister." Now proprietor of Hotel Nonuaudie, Danville, a. Established 17fl7. Published every evening. New York's oldest even ing newspaper. Subscription price, $0.00. ' Published everv momirp. Tli leading Republican newspaper of ine aay. tjiean and fearless. Sub scnption price, $3.00 per year. Sunday Advertiser. fl New York's most popular Sunday Kue-Aspaper. ine only Kepublican M 2-cent Sundav minor n tt; Ml I X. lll (SlGARETTESb: iL.ninfi,c'v -V. lEANtRICtK 10BC0 COtfC V ! OURMAM. K.C. U.. MADE FROM High Grade Tobacco ABSOLUTELY PURE The New Sign board ON THE Road to occess , A I IHHIK UI Ol-Jrll l . The ir'ldbii, ar juftitunate in their lloatifial ilhixT iti-nix. Th lati-st silly break i the f.!i itic fronj the Ouciunati 'iuiui-riii!-J-tt : j larnifr Aiitltriii ba- bi-b-l-ofwht-at. Mr. .Ioik . h.ix a ib'iii-:ind tlullar- wurlb tf xi-r hulli.m. .Mr. ; iitlrrxt.n'x ,bat i- wt.rth iu tb j market l.in. ix Mr. .Inii il r j xji, r bullion. Mr. .Ii.im ui x to I'ltil J atb lphia. takex hi xiht-r It. ihe mini and ha-it 01 tied inltt .'.itt ni. .-. tine, pretlj xjM r tl.dlar-. U ba n l arim r A inl-r-t.ii tiriiiifx ab.iii; liix 1 boiixana tbtllaix wtirlh it wheat Mr. .buiex l,n -it. i 1 1 r I: ! 111 il.iMNt anl b.'lias hi I with whiib to buy I lie wbe.it of the I net farmer ll nl ei.inex al..n-.'. Do you take Kartuer Antb r.-tm foi a toolf The dram on his Mtcket since S7.'I has jriven him a Uar iu siirht into the i,ute uf his poverty. Here is the way he tutus up the situ ation: He owed .lones $I,(HHl. and 1,000 bushels of wueJtt would selt! the debt. Hut Junes con-tor d will other cM sharks. Thty ttruek d w n uaij o: the eurreuey by dt-mom-ti7.iri; silver, and now raruier Atnleioii niusi pay -,,"HHl bushels of wheat t settle the $1,000 debt. In o b words, his debt has been tb ubbd , this change from the double Maud aid to the single pdd Mandard. Our federal, state, coutitv. iiiuti cipal and individual indchtcdue-s in this country is forty thousand mil lion dollais. This is praetiia!l tliullel by the adt-ptiop f the d Mamianl. It Jon en kiotws what rood tor him he bad better not tel Farmer Anderson that the change is a ine.ssiug. IW lore h makes meh declaration he should lirst g t orick wall between him nud Farmei Anderson's gun. Atlanta Coustitu tion. Tli Cai-ra.iit only i.ihi H-r Uxr. r - . ; Sim xm u am io,- - , , ' . . w .'1 1 m x. ItOS lit IMC kL State. WROUCn 1- What is ited States. 20 to 30 pages. Sub fcj scription price, $1.00 per year. tAs an Alvertisins Meninm Tue Advertisers have no supsriors, Samples free. Agents wanted every where. Liberal commissions Address THE ADVERTISER, 29 Park Row, New York. DR. HATHAWAY & GO Seminal Weakness and Sexual Debility oower. restore nenre and bh TL.P, if ?l ,osse8-restore ion sexual Syphilis, foMitf- 'P ' forms and sta-es cured NtHrtufa pertnantlv onrp.1 with.T '- "'-sescurea. ure-t without 7iVVUr..Z,T?' nn AVnnc.u !. I . v" - "HI1IK. D3II1. Ladies.? SSSSSh other doctors have failed. Can give you Sif,WB me wilhout -n-xnimenta. -JUiiyVwM aTtw KheUmatism-JPr?" French Rheumatic Cure. " A SCRE fiT?T ... ' W'h" 5o'"tslVcu?I rsnoordTep1ace.nenSa fi' W55KSS5 Rnnb for both ki ,r . e P'ace. send statement of cs for Men KMlArf i r' "Z.Jl lu" aescnption of above di-s th V?-..- :. No 2 tZZ.vyZr?-. "Ul'?,i"1e ? and send forSvmntom "aSV"i" Bit. HATHAWAY & CO. f HONESTY SKILL Hoinnian Existence Is. after all. very like a torturous rojntv mai. with slopes to climb anJ vallets to leisurely travel, with here green fieUs of plenty to enjoy, an! there marsh lanJs of temptation anJ danger to avolj. and with Crossroad-i and "four corners" every now and then to confuse and possibly to mislead the traveler. Sons of us fail to climb the hills, soin ; fail asleep in the vallevs. and still others wander off and are lost in the marsh" morasses: but to the great majority of mankind the crossroads are the oniy really difficult points to be passed. " What studies will 1 take?" asks th chool child. "What trade or profession will I follow?" ays the youth. "How can I best win success?" says the man. These are Tlie Crossroads We a'l encounter, and these are the places whete most of us go astray. Blessed Is the man who chooses the proper path at thesa various junctions. " Luck " mav hav bean his guide, and his less fortunat. neighbor re prone to say so. but investigation and experience teach that the oniy reliable helps t these d fficult points are knowledge anJ work. Knowledge is a burden to no one. Like the air you brea'he. your knowledge proves its existence not bv annarent i.k. "-iLcoiorbut by its effect. How often have j you rounj tne-inlo7mli;4.niTR5uir"ej Toy casual observation or study to be of great specific advantage in crisis whr,s possibility you had not dreamed of when you acquired that knowledge. Then, if knowledge is to ba your culda In the Pathway of Life Is it not worth your while to secure Iht t reatest. the best source of human knowledg xtant. wiien that source is. bv American enterprise placed within your reach ? In the Encyclopedia Britannic the child will find matter to Interest his little mind, and give him food for thought along the lina o his natural bent ; the youth will find life stories and professional and mechanical Information to enable him to wisely choos iis life work, and the adult will have his mind broadened; his intellect quickened, ant his information extended to such a degree by it that he will be enabled fo take advantage of opportunities that he othirwist would not see. Thus it is a guideboard for !! The Encycfop.-vJia Britannica is th WINDOW or TMS WOBLt. concentrated. It St.culJN 1 every home. Our subscribe. eai secu this work at a specially low Introduct y price, and on the very easy In.t3rme s ot Ten Cents a Day. For satnp'e pages adiress s Castoria is Dr. Samuel Pitcher'g prescription for Infants and Chil dren. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic sub stance. It is a harmless substitute for Paregoric, Drops, Soothing Syrups, and Castor OiL It is Pleasant Its guarantee is thirty years' use by Millions of Mother . Castoria is the Children's Panacea-the Mother's Friend. CASTORIA For Infanta and dilltW... Do ik be ImiKl ntt.n. !,.,. !,,... -" auu r-e mat. the rigoature r Is on tbe wrapper. We shall protoct oureelvts tl"? public at J hazards. The Cewtacb Cqaht, 77 Momr Ptret. N. T. A Puzzle CUT THIS PICTURE OUT- fac cimi'e It contain-, the f-,otH f,f ., ,,. Iat:t:lifers: v u ll:(. fwii i." 1 u,r?f i i . ...... iii'rt" r ii.a i vxliLMioijM, I I ... .1.. iu IIIK1 ALL TIILKK waril. J-r"Tlit jro prietors of the N'atioxal . Ski-ii St..i:ic will jrive Fi-ek seven Iwau tif ul li t t tires i Gems for decora ting a liunie) as a rewnnl to to : nv onewlioctn n ake out the tJirc-e laughters' faces. ytu are enfiiU-l to TJUST'IjVEOnSn.A 15 ;..!.! xU.ro. N. ('.. S. .. S. II J. W. tin UU! rMlll t ltli- lis. Ilmxt ( lu- rfu!ly r---iiiiii ij! ur Hiu W.-. 11. 'oinfort Jx.l K.'i:ir-, hi li art uu- M.-n il.,.,,. , itiulttlly In iuxt lar.tll xt.t,.j j,,. ; tlmt Ii -e-vt-r I--ti -xttLl h-r'. TIiv I ; t j t, . -nt-, u-t v-rv Iillln' tut-l. tltatu, tl tnlil v, ht-Ht uuu kh. f -tit tliiom ttut v rv littlt li .it in t ti rxMii : xtit lily an al.iiiitljtiirt- ml litit lr, Mtiti j mh-. in Xli- iuukst an! most ix-rl4't ( Ixcvi.. v i:iktrs it. t-v-r mh'. U V.VE ltl .TV. H- J. Vail. .la:. Tik. Mi-ha-l T- ViVi; liu l,;it.l t.Mi, lr'iii:i .M-iixh.iw,.liii. .1. Ivy, L. II. Piirr, Jr., I. A. Mat't, s. Naiu. Silas I'ik. I. U. II K. II. Hiti-ln, lIruoiif ililclu I. H. II. Nial, .il . Kiiriit-ira v- H. -J William x!l, 1 AI McIlltVli. Di. .M .Mt l Tatum, V. K. It. Konif;a I.KN'olU .ifXTY. lotl S1, j j, "tiMtt-1 1 111 t.,,. 1. 1 ! . v tin ti. . TJ..x A.: T. Sttniii. , '"Vitii;i. -I-'taa. Kit II. T. Sutton, !" WtMnl, I- I. jiiiuti, iKKKN" liloiltlt, MMirt, J.f' K liiKtly, il-: K. Iartot. Anthtiiiy lavit. " . F. Worr. 11. A. Ii. I)arlti. St.. 1 l;.,, L, i "l.tiuo i lak-x M ), , j a t M x a , to tfv f. ., it 11 ... 1 Slut. x. SJat. I, Sr fo) m m) Pimjjjes, Els! sru n u 0 ir i uiiii: and R!fl Srrec PRICKLY ASH, POKE ROOT r r and potassium Catarrh. Malaiia M CJ aai Kidney TfeuSs marvelous cures in Blood Poison r A 1 Rheumatism and Scrofula P. I". V. rtlH". ( , t.too.!. tilM. f.n t-.K U t.. . t,,! nC. bjM:u.- ;...k,.JL; m"itu$ Ti,,.A. .,rl,,..l ...-..,. .,'.. I T'l't ! V r.l I . , . " mx-iii. i M'"-''. l"j- l-. .1.1 rl.tMM.M-WU . tt llT. . - l w, , j fl till I .It' au. .li .1" ... " i-r. -la. ii . -".i r, r tr. lati,.-r l4. l .n',.., i tf. m-...-W.f,u4 mni uZ.?J'l:iT r'-"I ,rt Lt. u""'1 x. "j .". lu. t m. i..r(i., irr--rii t . rAuJ -ju:r a'! ".- I". , x . I- I'lUl l.b. h.i. Arr -tla ! (..nv-rtl - rri--l.tr 1 .... ; t , Lit... tU f . . 1. , : , f-r-rtt,f rc Mrxxrx. i.n 1 ,( J. i, . i. -., . , f r -. 1.1 1 1 I M 4i t.- t Will I."' t f I txru4 ti .. Inx'.i'i.'' ru 1 Al-r.1 M. J. To T .. fir ... ii v t .ti. -. I' f t .r . jf"-1 ( f..lit'l- ttt.J .J tlMXX. f 1f 1 t ' t.Jt :.!;, . tfc.t mtu h.- -.: J . I It .'" r 1 rir 14 I t Hoot tiud I tr-i..rin.(., Mo. Auic. int.. vV, - w-u tH'"' r-tl l.y liii.?J JT tn vM-ianti ... . .... . . fc i'T. : r.'' "-r .. a r-a-i fx I. la ittatt ( xTx-4- 7 rrft' t ""' f.t l. 1 ) l.xiM. 4I'4 1 I'. I. 4'r . 1 , 'M."f 1. It . ;,. Mala 414 4i, mi. 'I t 1 ttrn4t. i.i.m 1 ru t 1. .44 IJ-..I4. 1 i i"! ait 1 i "-. I tm. 1 . . a I.. I f-.- a ,,i,li...i 1 aktil a-flN-t a U oulivav, ,...r- -till Y I ' al I 4- . . . 1 '"Jf ' r. r. ,.-1 T" tl i i O.a. in T I unref r tt Uavaj ,.. lit c n Jiii. 11.' UFPiYnn BROS I'i:-.M::i 7i-.. FOR Bllin.9BII wm ins kiUl" I DUXN'S AIR PAD MKDcTifSSS "r'H. ,2?" All Tru, --.t,L(.riiiri2l, fjfV" '-'twmm arar4 ran rtv A U . M A N N TrI 7 ,"C Tl a re THE OBSERVER CHARIOT IE N. C NO HUMBUG." I have no "nrivat4 rint f 1...4 1 . to Kive you. XO c. O. D KhTitV, 'Ue RUT f haye KCll a cure for rt Man- I J'MKJ a 1 141 H I I IhOlllii lliat panythis .liseae. And s tl.w have nothing to give oaTKEE. TiK -J.- ",15eth Caroina herbs, lablets, 50 ui a Bor. i no hv m.i postpaid. ' J . If you can be cured, this will ni -e Mating you r case, and if l.(N)is enclosed I w Ii send medicine and full directionsnd w Uuarantee acure. If I can do noood win sayao and retnrn to me. ' "ui4cji. it rue JAS. A, SMITH, Drtggist, NEWTON. N. C, These pi-lu-(s were superbly t x ecuted ix toi.t kh a lirm of art pubiixiiers w li o "-xi x-' i 1 Lirv 1 in t imtiii-ita ... 1 clutseil bv , w n?i t "M"r sand, nf .InTlloVJ ..:7,'""r,"a." t Ihou a tract attention v, our S Art. Ill "ttit U...1L" for theonnl I I1H T k' t.ll. l,...! . - series of Kt-i-on 1 . . " nt-i iej v,,.L-;;v"ii'9 ur natioxa, variety of tbe choicest at.. uio "t .-rixjii we will iilw.-iv- VM iiialirv I trl 11 Hit 4m 1 Cllk.1 vEin.4iajfjE he oM-fajJ, jone(i n. a1 ays reliable remedy f, Ktomarh ili.1 . - f4.4iji.-u till tanrtnai Thousand of hin Jc their life to Uii taicdicine. The same Koo.l inclicine FOR CHILDREN PHOSPHATIC Llf.1t! lltnjfaum, "Otlith l!oriw. -- letrili: of Ante diluv-an Ani mala, t . 1. . . from thereof nt. 7 diwrovereri '"proiite It l-osiu, on th. Norths t v tear liivtr.X.c A Cheap ail him Vmn P It K M I L' M S. The t i'nton t-n. 1 ,LJ I f.?nn' Ht 14: .nL.l. . ""lt wlioenvetoKhean, the ear it Vt .km, nark he cror, ,i, r?,"n,,a ': will ne given a :5.i rpn-rht PiM. . ,,.k:--'?i. e cro1' xhrougLout ix vend. ' ,ur we louey yet If I ZaVl - ' Z If VJttl I " -x" ' IV i. ..... i V. I....- ,. 'x.-ar- - 1 Z)t i..i.u... I---" : !!Mx4.sjr 1 .' ..'aaTsiae" I V at 4. a.IUL Jtatft fcM. 1 ca.sl4 : tnihip.t,..,... '. . tr. f.rtl. i J K'unil tf I-'): ;r. next seven will I ..- It auie ro nriil thoth - --- i a'ic ij una trie thn- fa(e you SlJould ane, pro.nptly. a1, f niu receive uie valuable lot of pictuiia .,,T whJs by return mail. A.IJran ClUrts 1",d an.S .Ct2 r ,."fiUa-x Iocky Foiut K.C NATIONAL 8KRH rY Washington. I."c. NOTICE. I wakt every m-tn and woman excellent Two-Horse Farm foi nan or tease. w wan VWWCt. J5'.!f.i? "" ""il" of D..1..' rtr John R r. la . . r. ii- UAUHIXtJEU. Stat, interesied ia thi Jm'-KS iMirnt.; fine -xcbooU SACRAr-iDQlSCOVr raT.n i7 -"rf. PlT"-x attaii y tf x JM 4alF . fllJO l.jl,L, fcfc,H ...a a"2 - '". a. )l ..fmlTl ! "VI wajJ, Tu-.-ar'iaaxjt,3l :" ; f '-taaa-,j.-J.ti,., ,11 ' , L ' ; -i.la r.rc -r (rJJ v " ' - r !la I 0f I I. U reap lUn, 1an.lia.at ai" t,4. a, lf!x t' ASENTSf 1 a f t J A SAiliTARY NECE I ar.Miam avy aUJaT. C PAITWT VxTIL-Tey I r AB RfDhOOK C0 I. ta.aala4. .- Ia Mf M k. .141 23 A RfiHHTn wniiPU AunCK .xa-alllaCxtu-Hjrx. Ua"J "xx. xtkanrt. awatiy a-mx 14. " Km tit m tmn. Iu rt' m trx. st4 tntanfxt,aItrti that a-ax-T at". KtalarfOAlf, xt tu-f-ZZi xfcatj " -axta n aar railan 'rutaa im V. . ".'' t' aaa4 aw vaxtataalaxl 1 1 kaa ptpw. ! laiairrr.Jx ;''Hlatfaai'l'u.h. x- S 1 -OO THE W-EKLY veak. CAUCASIAN OSK r--c laUa waxjwtj. ; tnattf ajaartw aal t r ali.am. I 90MLD KENMEDr A $). mmnev Tij Old papers for salt?. 25 J I 1 c I t C ii e 1 e it ti i tu c; : fx n ti cc ct b( a U hi u ; of cl of to br ie et be lit Vi ia I C a ca K fi : th t! c: xl c: tr c c V ( J-ebll 6tJ i Hundred, at Thk Caccisiai 21