Letters froifte People Cbntlnnwl From First rt?. Bat are their charge trotT Mutt the people be made to feel that a irreat mistake has been made in ask ing for a change in the management affair- of the State; that they had been deluded, and the subject r t a liner inkfe? What did the leo- ..1.. (.,t th Democratic ireH) de- mand! Alonif what lines did they ask for a change Just such lines as would give each and every citizen a Toice in the management of the af fairs of State, county and township. They had learned wisdom" not from "the honeyed lips of Plato" but from years of experience and do liberation and said the people ma jority instead .of minority must rule. Theii minds were made up, and the reform has come, the Dem ocratic press to the contraiy, not withstanding. "The conspirators La,e oaeke.1 their traps and returned to their wonted obscurity," but the Democratic minority in North Caro lina, in broftthinor less freely by far than lfnr th conspirator'' mt The machine, which under guine of legislative enactment a8titiinel the name, and wts known as the elec tion law, by which a large per cent, of our citizens were disfranchised, with the county government as a measure of its application acd en forcement, was .treated in heroic manner, and only back from the hollow grave ef the past, rung bj the beneficiaries of its wrongs, do we hear the requiem of its dead shame; and the self-constituted court of a trio of citizens (county commissioners) resolving itself into an august tribunal from which there was no appeal, will be found in the secret archievts of "the departed" as the last reminder of the corrupt government in North Carolina Fusion fused (much to the sorrow of the enemy) the pledges made to the people were redeemed something unknown in the annals of Demo cratic reign and every man in the State guaranteed one unrestricted ballot, and that counted just as cast, from every officer from Justice of the Peace to President. The work has been done the cases heard and the jury will make up the verdict in due time. Gird each citizen himself for the fray, and at the nrst bugle blast, Im each ''tramp, tramp" to the sound of the drum be a freeman's tread to the bal lot for the rights of the citizens. We need not presage the result two years hence with the declaration of a great victory, but "To your tents, O Israel," the battle cry. 'A he same banner will lead again, and the ship that lost her moorings in the great November storm will find many a breaker between the sea upon which she now Hoats, and the main land and the harbor. Her machinery is broken and her rigging lost. The people have tired of deception and minority rule, and will brook it no longer. The first great reforms asked fun-haye been accomplished, and the people are satisfied True something has been said in the Democratic press about a Douglass resolution, but the action of the chief executive (Gov. U'Ferrall) of of tne adjournment of our legisia- from MtMachuBetts, ia so refrehing that we can hardly find time to hunt up dead resolutions. Whatever qualifications we have in other lines, our folks, compared with Demo cratic friends, are less than ama teurs in tne art 01 timing a negro 01errall takes the cake and the ' Douglass legislature is simfdy not in it. The chief difference, as it ap pears, between the fusionist and Democrats, relative to the negro is simply a matter of taste whether you will pay him a tribute of respect when dead, or dine htm at your ta ble while living. Democratic officers fteem to prefer the latter, as in the following doggerel: Cleveland wined and dined, and Douglass wm ii gurnt, O'Furrell Uinad and wined, and Tearuoh you know the rest. The conduct of our Democratic friends is about as much in keeping witn their pretensions and declara tions, in this instance, as it was dur ing the recent session of Congress; of which Ham Jones said: "They couldn't pass any thing not even a . rry naioon. inai me oniy man con victed of doing any thing was Breck enridge." But why talk! The people have 1 .... learnea to intnic, ana me verdict is made up. They have come they have seen-they have conquered. ' Sr&NCEfc Blackburn. TVaaUd to Raftd all of Senator llntlar'a 8pch. For The Caucasian. Olin, N. C April 24th. I read ' the account of the ovation given Senator Butler at his home with much interest. I am sorry you did not give his speech in full. I am sure that his reply to the false charges made by the Democratic press against the last legislature. would have been as telling as his re ply to Simmons in the last cam paign was. Populist. Coaplatslr Crashed th Lies. Fr the Caucasian. Wilson, N. C, April 2Gth, I want to congratulate vou noon the last four issues of the Caucasian. You have completely crushed the Democratio lies and put the criticiz- ers of the last legislature to flight. The paper grows better each week, The Caucasian did more to carry the last election than any other agency in the State. Continue to turn on the light land the victory will be greater next time. Citizen. MUST.HAVE A TAR HEEL JXY. Im O. Brvvghton Mentioned for The Maw York Pulpit That Tom Dixon Lately Filled. Kaws and Observer. Rer. L. G. Broughton, former it of this city and nephew of N. B. lirooghton of Raleigh, haa been rec ommended lately to till tne pulpit in New York recently made vacant by the resignation or Thomas Dixon Jr. Rev. Dr. Landrum of Richmond it is thought will urge the fitness of Dr. Broughton. What has specially brought this able preacher into greater notice recently have been the sermons whichjfor the last ten davs, he ha3 been preaching at the Leigh Street BaDtist Church in Richmond. Va. His meetings have been followed a bf 200 professions, and some Of hi8 sermons, in the language of a friend, , P . Kf0" ucru iu f UKLui vauiufti wibj aim hate attracted the mar lead attention both of clergj and layman. YOU READ? "0O Would your good wife like an elegant illuatrat d Monthly Magazine? If not, do you not think your son or daughter woold? Southern The Blue Both are artistically full of the "productions of the best writers and artists of the day. THE ISOUTUKKN MAGAZINE will delight your daughter. The I1UTK 1XD GlfAY will instrnrt and ent.hnsf vrmr unn. VMher will be an eagerly family. looked for and welcomed visitor by every member of your The Soh Magazine The general character of this Magazine ia shown by the following extracts from various papers: It should have a hundred thousand readers within the next year. Galves ton Stun. Tiia Southern Maciazine is, by all odds, the handsomest, the most ambi tious, and tho most attractive magazine that ever bore a Southern mark, and is a worthy vehicle of the best contem porary talent. Miniphii (Tettn.) Com mercial Aj'jH'ul. The Southern M aoazink lias made for itself a place among the best mag Every reader is charmed with it. Its tOUC IS lOltV. It eQUCUteS and CllltlVateS, and is a special favorite with, ladies, as Weil aS a Oriffllt MMl for men. The BLUE and GRAY Is a Magazine for men and women. It ia eag erly read by boya and girls. It ia fast winning its way into homes everywhere. Its contents and illustrations are first-class. Therejs some thing in every number for everybody. His tory, Romance, Poetry, Music, Essays ou Fi nance, National Politics, and the Living Is sues of the Day, by the best Writers. . . . AMERICAN IN EVERYTHING FROM COVER TO COVER. SOME CONTENTS FOR APRIL, 1895, AND SUCCEEDING ISSUES. THE TEXTILE SCHOOLS OF AMERICA. Ttiis paper will be pf special interest to young people seeking a profitable avocation, and will be fully illustrated. IN A WAR ARTIST'S STUDIO. A beautifully illustrated article, de scribing one of the. most notable col lections or war art and war relics in ex istence. Reproductions of some of the most thrilling battle scenes will ac company this paper. FACTS AND FALLACIES IN FINANCE. It is ttoubtf ul whether any series of magazine articles has attracted more comment, both favorable and adverse, than tne series contributed bv Mr. William Penn. .Tr un.r t.n hv0 caption. Antagonizing all forms of "commodity money," gold and silver aiine, air, i enn nas separated Himself from the two great contend! ns inter ests, both of which he asserts to be illogical, unphilosophical. uu-Ameri- can, and unpatriotic. The subscription price for each pergyear. liy special arrangement, we CLUB SThe Caucasian and The Southern Magazine One Year For $1.75 This is a reading age. Great g3me eaaea it ma? seem to bp a amounts for such elegant publications, but when once done, there aie never any regrets at tne action. ADDRESS YOU THINK? If so, you can gratify them. The Caucasian haa made clubbing arrangements with two of the mostdt lightf ul and popular Maga zines in the country. They are Magazine and Gray illustrated and are azines of the country, and is sure to hold it. It is a favorite, not only in the South, but in ail parts of the coun try. Savannah (Ua.) .A etc. This magazine is fairly representa tive of the literary culture of the South, especially among the best classes. Hoiflou Herald. The Southern Magazine has a field peculiarly its own, and tills it most ad mirably. The distinctive flavor of " Dixie " is a most entrancing feature, and one we, even from a Northern standpoint, would much regret to lose. Fnirmouut Mini).) Xetc. Its high tone and literary character, its excellent print and fine illustra tions place the Southern in the front ranks of the magazines of the day. Annapolis (Md.) Capital. llltereStlllff periOttlCal CHARLESTON, S. C A CITY WiTH A HISTORY. By Fleetwood Gkuvek. This brief history of a noted South ern city, written by one of her most gifted literary sons, will be enjoyed by our whole circle of .readers. The illustrations will comprise scenes of historic interest. IN THE RANKS WITH LYON IN MISSOURI The important series of articles written by a participant, under a norn de plume, and which has already Creat ed so much interest in army circles, win Deconcinueu ior several issues. THE FEDERAL CONSTITUTION AND THE UUIItSUr AMItKIUAN CITIZENSHIP. We announce, with unusiiAl nleaanro the resumption of Mr. Bruce T. Cal- vert's discussion of the topic named abov. This series was begun in 1893 and continued in 1S94, but the publica tion nas been unavoidably interrupted in each year. of these elegant magazines is $1.50 cau give the following low RATES QQQQQQQQ O ti - S. x ine Caucasian; and Blue 9 and pray i 9 One Year 9 For $1.90 d Qo'OO'O'O'O'O'd nnpstinn A1A TI fill PI" HlSf-MlO-fliMi T-n flanrifiPA tn nav pvah f ha ohrm amoll THE CAUCASIAN PUBLISHING CO., RALEIGH, N. C. (SILVER gain f X V ing GROUND. X V Balfour Says JBinieialliEin is Making Converts Throughout the Civilized World. MONOMETALLISM LOWESS rlci -It AlfO Fats Bounty on IuipotU la Many Cuuntrio, Soma nt Urn Adv cntrs Kotr Adnlt--Con.i Urrio Home Intrrta Alono iu HxiuK Cut-rear, a Violation of Huine t'ommon Senae, Losi'OX, April 3. The annual meeting of the Bimttallic League was held today at the Mansion house. the Lord Mayor a ofhcial residence. Sir Joseph Dimsdale presided- Among those present were the Duke of Fife, Lord George Hamilton, Sir Donald II- Macfarlane and Charles E. H. Vincent, M. C. Mr. Balfour, the conservative leader in the House of Commons, made a strong speech in faver of a double standard. The belief in bimetallism is grow- ing, be saia, not oniy in ljnuon and elsewhere in Great Britain, but a. . i 1T 1 throughout the civilized world. Oue irreat euantre is noticeable, it it seldom asserted now that bimetallism is intrinsically impossible. Formerly a bimetallist was regarded as a dan geroua faddist. Economists who place value on tne lessons or experi ence have before them the irrefutable fact that, while the Lstin nations maintained the bimetallic system the parity of exchange of gold and silver was preserved tor the whole world despite wars, industrial revolutions and discoveries of precious metals "Some persons admit that mono metallism in a large portion of the world has oepreciated prices and put a bounty on imports. Thus, for in stance, Great Britain brings from India and other countries wheat at a price below its legitimate value, and these Dersons declare that this is an advantage to the consumers and therefore benefits the mass of the community. But I am convinced that nobody in the city is so foolish as to suppose that the interests of Great Britain benefit generally by an unlimited fall in prices, and that no large number of city men are so un scrupulous as to desire that the debts owed them by foreign nations snal be artificially augmented by a change in the value of the currency in which they are paid. (Cheers.) "Another argument is that the banking supremacy of London would be threatened by a currency change but no monomentallist was ever able to explain how, I contend, that London, as the financial centre o the world, would gain rather than lose anything by placing the currency of the world on a sounder basis. "A third argument is aburd. This is that a ehange would .depreciate gold, and therefore persons having deposits in banks payable in gold weuld withdraw them instantly. The ehange threatens thus to cause such a commercial crisis as the world has never seen. This argument is sup ported bv Mr. Gladstone and Sir William Vernon Harcourt. Thoug a panic is proverbially unreasonable there appears to me no ground to suppose tnat tne people wouiu a anything so inordinately silly as to withdraw their deposits because the world's currency was going to be put on a stable basis, which,, except in particular international transactions, they have never discovered, and which, except for its slow effect on the great movements of commerce, j would nave no eirect on private in dividual convenience. - "The fourth and strongest argu ment is 'Let well enouglralone.' But bimetallists ask. Was it well enough? People talk of the excellence of the British system, but they find, al though the gold standard obtains in Great Britain, that silver is the cur rency of Hong Kong and the Straits settlements, while in India debts are paid in something which is neither silver nor gold, but the strangest product of monometallic ingenuity the world has ever seen, and as arbi trary as any forced paper currency and as expensive as any metallic currency the world ever heard of a standard varying according to the arbitrary will of the finance minis ter of India. This triple system is manifestly ridiculous. Some altera tion is imperatively required. ' If Britons turn to the world at large they will find the case much stronger. To consider home interests alone in framing a currency, while Great Butain is connected with for eign countries by every commercial tie, is a violation of the common sense of every practical business man. "When the country depends fer its very bread on foreign nations 'and if it were cut off could not live a day, and would have ruin staring it in the face it is. the height of folly to attempt isolation respecting the currency medium. I do not be lieve that the common sense of the nation will long tolerate such a state of things. In view of what is pro ceeding in- America, Germany and France, and even in Great Britain. I am convinced that men of all classes will -soon combine to end the re proach to our civilization." A Pemocratic farmer in Pike township saw the heading, "Ground ed in Hell Gate," in Monday's Wash ington Pest, and settled himself back to res d the latest about his party. Rut he was equally disappointed when he f ciund it was only a marine item. Mt. Yemen Repullican. ipnn S1.00 THE WEEKLY F CAUCASIAN - Will be seat one year. ii DR. HATHAWAY & CO. R . J. SuFCI-LfTS Rwlar Graduate tn Mediant, Authorized b9 tht Slate. .i MSffir.K ?!,U.?.eJereDce' tho"n ol Cared Patient, all over tke United States ii? ..Tl. L'ty-, A" busines. conducted on a strictly professional txsu and strictly confidential. Consultation Free at office or by mail. Treatment sent everywhere Ire frm observation. No Interference with busteess while uinr medicine. 7 " ll . r other doctors have failed. Can give you proofs. Rheumatism -e,GISatFrecn51nJntIcCare A. SURE CTJRK. The greatest lscov. rviiwuuiuwoiii ery in the annals of medicine. One dose gives relief; a few doses Noon fever and pain In Joints a cure is bound to take place. Send statement tf ease. " Finnic for both sexes. 84 pages, with full description of above diseases, the effects Mi cum. . sealed n Plain wrapper free. Read this little book and send for Symptom Blank, No. I for Hen -.No. 2 for Women : No. 3 for Skin Diseases i N" a tnr r.t.rrh, Take no chances ami obtain the best tifewisultiiM the Leading Specialists to AeOnlfcdStete HONESTY DR. HATHAWAY & CO. 22H South Broad Stbect. ATLsNTA,CA. i j- jt jt jt jfs jt jf jT vn CDCCI 5,000 Watcfcca flU Chains for Ladies . n.iiiiiip and Gents to be given away absolutely free of charge. m Aa eirj-au. fref IHMtribulfttut I Witrh ani t kain LOOK ON This Picture and ou Cncniil UnTIPCI SPECIAL RU I lit ! will present toeverv rradt - - U ,i..rt.. ;miintf 1 4 M For t. . (rtf of iharvM. our only condition l-ing that each jtm lir lutu-t Jt::U- .,., t-.uir llmir Korrt-rafair trial. ant tu-n-1 1 Indies u,m it to thr f ri-n.b. a watch anl chain. and KEMKMUE1 Thi creat atil extraonlinary offfr Mtand roo,I for ywir Grvt ( or ler otity. ll is a hawl-onie nnu uroua i .....! ... .ii i.mt ua in rfuxn ! it i i r m u'; v..r., r with M.'h lKtile vie 1 Six U.tlles for Mi with six fr.-e wutcJ es N. O. LOliUIMEll & CO.. 107 N. To ijH the watch and chain you uiuat cut vour order. DUKE Cigarettes DUREft)URHAH islGARprfESi m r . . sl r- .THE ANERtCHM TOBACCO CO. DURHAM. N.C. U.S A. MADE FROM High Grcdo Tobacco ABSOLUTELY PURE Chaainicey Mitchell Depew Recently said that one of his favorite ways of spending an evening was to hunt up every imaginable phase of some question, in' the argument of which he had been worsted on his way up town. "And when 1 know what the ENCYCLOPAEDIA BRITANN1CA has to say about It," he said, "1 feel car-Able of wiping up the floor with that man." It is a counterpart of Mr. Depew's faithful library friend that s offered to our readers on terms so low as to be almost humorous. One cigar a day less is nothing in the way -of self-denial yet for the price of that indulgence this complete library can be brought into the family, so that every member can, in the words of Charles Dudiey Warner, "drop a nickel in the slot and take out a complete education." Mr. Depew further said that when a boy lie Made it a RiaSe To lay aside one-fourth of his earnings, and that he has ever since, throughout life, observed this rule. In fact, the idea of early training in this direction of economy, for the sake of an education. Is now being agitated by our leading teachers everywhere, becaus of the fact that a boy's or girl's future depends very largely on how they use their time and money from five to fifteen years of age. - We invite you to secure the ENCYCLOPEDIA BRITANNICA at Ten Cents a day, and present you with a dime savings bank to instruct your children in habits of economy. You liitemid to Get This Encyclopaedia for your home some time it Is only a question of how'soon. If you order now you will get the benefit of our Introductory rates a saving of from $21 to $35 oa the price of your set, besides getting !t on the remarkably easy terms made possible by our special contract But what Is still more important ; every day you delay you deprive yourself and family of the elevating nd refining influence of this excellent library, which might as well be placed in your home today", for It can be done by denying yourself the price of one cigar a day. But bear in mind that this offer is not perpetual, and we can supply our subscribers at introductory rates ' or a limited time oniy. It behooves you to order now, and be on the safe side. It is a step that you will never regret, for the possession of this great library is sure to prove a source of the greatest profit and pleasure in your home. The Observer Charlotte. N. C KG - "NO HUMBUG." I have no "private receipt that cured me" 10 give yon. jsu U U. I1. if'KAUU, D I I T I have got a cure for Lost Man a hood and all ih; ills that accom pany this disease. And as this advertise ment costs money, and my M EDICINE IS have nothing to give yon C C The product of pure North Carolina herbs. Tablets, 50 in a Box, $1.00, by mail, sealed postpaid. - If you can be cared, this will cure. Write me stating your case, and if tl.00 is enclosed. I will send medicine and full directions, and will guarantee a cure. If I can do no (rood. will say so and return your money. Write to me. JAS. A, SMITH, Druggist, NEWTON N. C. The Caucasian $l 00 per year. 383 Mr seminal vveaKness ana sexual ueDUity (Sperrralorrhata and Impotent?) cansed.by youthful follies and excesses, producing nervousness, losses, pimples and blotches on the face, rushes of blood to the head, pains in the bacic. confused Ideas and forgetful, tiess. bashi ulness, aversion to society, loss of sexual power, loss of man hood, etc. cured for life. We can stop night losses, restore lost sexual Dower, restore nerve and braiu power, enlarge and strengthen weak pans and make you 4t for i&arriage. JSvnh i I i c thRt terrible disease. In all Its forms and starts cured fj Hs for life. Blood Poisoning, Skhi Diseases. Ulcers. 8 we 1. lings. Sores. Oonorrboa A Gleet, and all forms cf Private Diseases cured. 5strirtlirPermantl'cure1 without caustic or cutting. No pain. . v . M1 no exposure. Patient can use the treatment at home, I anifc eure 01056 delicate diseases peculiar to your sex. al . -m m m .... SKILL CS vfvCVrvQCVQQttO iinDP UlTT. HTHIS ! b JJiUUi lmUU uuauu . nr iiicrTmr GRAND PREMIUM CIFTS! watch r4 chain given airs w'k v lUMae l C erable. S Lrl-r'a :slalr Hair mr Z rrr m notitiwlr rmduora a laiariant t.il. "..f hair on tl a5rtl lira.!: rsid:ViHrr lt4-hr! i-si.- JT 2 t'ro and rvrll.. ami r s,ray luur to U oninI cuHr ao- i tachrs-"on tl nioittjr!t al aa ...r .... . f l ir Urttie. kh wy ThU S. i Lornrnr X Co, KC North l'ai-a St rrt I. iiaiiimorr. In r.lr to iutro-tiwe Uirrrorr a Kx wkior Hair Fum-r in tbia dirt net 0 rol Uw i-r ennn im a '-r"7; Wai. h-a And "AiU rt ' t ham enitrvly UT No Lottery ! hvery iualaM-r et tint. iut u you on.r h ..... enclose the waU-h an.l rhain fr nothing. va . ; i n-iii a i v v v m - v. i and chains. AJ.ln-ss ubaautly. Pea Street, Baltimore, ild. out this aJvvrtiiwinent and send it with feUiMJuidiw , POLK MONUMENT. X.ET KVEKT KEfOKMEK XTniBCTK TO Bt'ILU IT. Take Up Collection, at Kverv Meeting. The Caucasian's fund forthemon ument now stands as follows: Total amount collected un to March 14th, liWo, - - $-So 32 U IS Kinsev : 1 W Harris haii Allium-e, No IW. Kow- an county Oak Kid-re Alliance. No, 24, WaleCo. 15 i Korsvih countv Alliance. 1 Nash County Alliance 5 U 50 cents a year, for a limited number is the price of the Rational Watchman, The Leading Rcfurm Journal, Published ml tht XaiioujU Capital. It is a neatly rintel sixteen aue journal, and should le read by every reformer. Sample CofUt Scut uu Atflicaliom. NATIONAL WATCHMAN, WASHINGTON, D.C WHAT IT TAKKl TO M.IKK A TOT. If you favor public robbery for tlie interest of the few, 11 you want tlie oanktt to tell I lie peo ple what tliey all must !, If you would be the under do; and to Wall street music hop, l ou u better stay jint wnere 3011 re at you woiiIUn t make a Pop. If you favor debt and uiiser forever without end, If for Cleveland's endless golden chain you earnestly contend. If mossback in politics, without sense enough to Hop, 1 ou re 111 bonuage to tne money pow er and wouldn t make a Pop. f you believe with Cleveland credit conies by debt. that If you advocate gold standard and for bonds you tump and fret. If you cringe before the money lords, sell your votes for pie or mi. lour not the right material out of which to make a Pop. The times now call for heroes honet, brave and true. Patriots lik? the fathers who pulled Columbia through. Men who are right and full of fiirht irorn bottom up to top. Such is the trrade of liftman roods from which to make a Pop. So One I'lank Party. On the one plank issue we give an extract from a letter written bv Judge Nugent, of Texas, published - o 1.1 it t iu iiie oouiueru lercurv. .Juuirei Nugent was the Populiet candidate for governor last fall and rlled over 167,000 votes.. We commend thi- etter to those who think th? Popu lists win go into tne silver camp: ine poni'cai elements are now in a state of almost chaotic unrest but the nucleating process has al ready set in. and it will continue with unabated intensity and persist ence, i ne tendency to draw togeth er upon a common ground of funda mental train truth already declared in the Omaha platform 13 wide spread among reformt ri. To give it practical force and Sect, we need only to educate; and to educate, our editors must get . upon the hightr ground of social and humane thought There ought not to be any backwardness in putting the full truth before the people. Thomas Jefferson's life was made sublime by tne tact be trusted the people, and was never afraid to speak out plain ly what h? thought We must do likewise. 1 he masses are brave and true. Had re their courage and faith, it would be better for the cause we represent If we ftar and trem ble ; if, chilled bv the danger of pres ent defeat, we shrink from the full assertions of our convictions of right and dole out half truths to the fam ishing people, our party record will soon nave tne word failure written all over it And now Uev. Dr. Heber Newton, rector of the aristocratic Episcopal All SoW church, New York, has gone astrav. In his sermon last Sun day morning he declared his disbe lief in the physical resurrection of Christ, and said that the general be lief that there is to be at the final judgment a physical resurrection a ising from . the tomb of the verv ua uwu udu toncs wnicn wab la:d there is one which he has h?ld t loug as possible. His brother c erymen are much incensed and trie.e is tulk of trying him for here- ly. Utarlotte Observer. tiorses at f o.OO a head are pretty cheap. But that's what a lot of 3,- w aw iu x ortiatia, vregon, a few days ago; to a syndicate which is engaged iu !b horse slaughtering buaness. The meat is packed and sural, is umsfll ana parts of the animal smppea, ana all ace utilized in some IF Coin FINANCIAL SCHOOL. r Concerning The comintc political ami lakes to gulf 1 1 will the absorbing topic of tin CAMPAIGN OF 1896. sea SEVENTTIIjJj The great battle of the ballots in the coming Presidential eicvticm will be fought on these lined ilo - . I t ..... - are yon going 10 vou.- it yur mind is made up. is it Iiu-d on prj udice or reason 'i More tacts and instructive infor mation than vi a t-ver Wfore fur-i nishfd in a fiugle volume on the subject of mony. Th? tuition at Coin's Financial School is a. cents (including lok. More knowledge acquired than ever before for the aame nnuey. Absolutely non-parti; an. WE WILL SEND THK CAI'CASIAN On- Y i- COI.VS SCHOOL OK I'INANCF (.. dit ion i Or THK CACCASIAN One COl.V SCHOOL OK KIN.WCKcJ.Ve.liti. il) ADDKKss THE CAUCASIAN PUBLISHING CO Ei: 15) Iq) 0) SrlTo Ifn If PRICKLY ASH, POKE ROOT ANO POTASSIUM Makes .-4 Marvelous Cures in Blood Poison Rheumatism K and Scrofula V. P. P. purifies t! Mrf1. rn5 up tba wk ai-.tl o.'n! tuj. renfib toakvnMi iirrvt. rtl diKea.s1vinaTiliepsti.iit besltb aud hap-lumMi wtiura mcqmi, itl,itjr feelings aol UmiiuJ first prAr F-r pnmary.aronsitiry and trt:ry yiuilfla. for IIh.1 Mix.ninr. nircu rialpotw.n. n.alana, 1v.m-.h. ! In all Mom! aol skin tlMswm. Ik bkxc 'iirplr, okI fhronir dic-rs, trttrr. St aKl Ihmu. tx.il. rdielaa, itni- we mar nr. without far cf cutr'1tc:;oa.tfaitt I p. p. Is i Uol rat bl'jod purifl-rr in th wtH. mod disk -hi po.ltiv, speedy and penoaaent curea In all cases. -Lad1 hM systems arw ttolwrn. nd whom blond taia an Impart c.l t.on. du to rarmtt real lrreKlartiM. are ictii!riy lM.nntMi ty tb sua rful tnic an1 bkxfci -laainfr jr.i , ertl- tA f. P. I. - PrlckJ Ash, Poke BPaiKorirLn, Mo.. Aur. 14m. I can Bixk ta tb blaUrat larm f Ioof x1imo fnna my own imwbI nowlwlK f wuidHiol wtib'lart dlseaie. plruny and rhaiKti f . -r &ljrr, mm trnau-d ty tlM. tjt l-t phystt-lans sni apnt butxlrwtaof ! Ian, tru-d vry known rncomly with Out flnllnK rnllf. 1 ba only takva one rtotUo A y.Kir P. P. P.. and -ma cbearfully say It has don ear okww food tban anytblnsri hav Tr lanno. I eas) rorotntrMtol oar mMlmits to aU BUS arec f lh above d . MK. M. M. YKaBT. SpiiaxSoM. Oroaa Conty. Ua. What is Castoria it Dr. Samuel Pitcherg preacription. for InfaiiU and Chil dren, "It contains neither Opinio, XXorpItine nor other lTarcotic sab staace. It is a harmlew wbttittitc for FangoriCa Drops, Eoothing Syrnpt, and Castor Oil It is Pleasant Iu giiaranteo is thirty Tears' use by Jftllions of Mother.. ' Castoria is the Children's Panaceathe Sother's Friend. CASTOR I A For Infanta and Children. Do not be larpoaed .poo. bat laelet poa ttavinf Cafftoria, and eea tbat tbw facatasuas slgnatBiw of yB oaraelrea and tbe publle at 2 Tkazarda, Tuk Crwrara Cow-airr. 77 Xatrsy Rtrwet If. T. DISCOVERY ! f? If a-.aa. wrmm smsa e wm s7T7. f .r:-Lr - m ia, nula'l ataoatotM aslHl a-ul s tfa a, .ia.! LrllSTT: ifWatantrMttS thatf ailwrt "r" a uarbaaai rjat ( j.thD., maari " a Bia- , Par M. aaal a rmt at tka II B"a. I 1WWoaai f'ArjGY PILLS! Til AN T GFE3T J issue. Vi 'Mill U fcL'-t.i I OKi Can rd in tl with protit aijd .!.. - A boV that nil inms' t r,, (,;... States. f7'"" "' It mercilrVfh m t-hfnger in th I public AV ! Tlr t r i r - al-otit u M. filit-r vrallv. thi n anv we know of, nud in i can fully cf'iiipr !i i. lir O t tn. Wir i: Al.l !.:!. v Pimples. Blotches 3 2 and Old Sores Catarrh, Malaria and Kidney Troubles Ar Mllrvly itmim t., I r ' Prickly Po ' - ' 1uia. the crwmwml 1mw4 pur : r a arUk Aatiw. V. July -V Vo'tt. ljrrw B . s-at .an. Ob. - Ieaat ti-1 t-tit l-i'"J ?.ur P P. P. at llt i'4n .' t has , tn tua ;. iiin taainhf'lminnlt 'ti II t l"po: SiHll.rhniim'. 1. hatrmrt f nil r rufi ' Aberdeen. atra Cuui o. . Cats. . J k. !. T alW S-SO"! tf H rnrr 1 " " -trr UMXIfr t tint ar.mlrtul fr-;-t a ft P. p. P. I.r tfuiA-um '4 t " I J off-ra1 ttr a.rral fr.ru wni. t -ii. fitly and lisiri -.ti- t. "8 mt mrlww. I trlal r-r k .. r. i J dy tat ta alB.umtl p. p. I'. u uh-i. avni am sw aur. 'y urM loiSaoabyl J. 1. jouv-to.. . tUI.UL.li, UB. " KTklsi Cavwrw Cxrra. Tcstimtrmf frtm tki Vapor of fravtn 7't. Smnrs. Tr.. Janaary 14. 1- ' j Mams. Arrmmm hxa . ah. i t4ruHrmi bv trlJ y.r V. p. i.rr s:immU tioin. -t known as nkia . tiurtr " 4aKUaTt "l I trrBt r-li-' t 4 iiriONitMlkMMl mu f.tHv. n'l . ritat.n from tfca mmt 4 lw A bad r,vta any aw a liu- ' .ra. I bar tmkmn li ' a. m f 4 r-uaW-Dt Ibol ea t "U' will .-flaw a mrm. It lia m'-vr-l-' -1 J tn roaa I nd ic-Bttna mut muum to - -troubloa . awuratruir, -4 CAPI . w. T I'' - i . rtlorMf at i-. tS C3 ISA I3I1S2 ?& ill DBVOOIsTa eCU. IT. LIPPMAN BROS. PBOrtUETOBS. , UwsssiBUlarmsiaa,Bi.c.n ta mwa Aay aaal MluiIT wita aarf-t arwa Baafl raaaa. fin a -- au .. a mm UatrMtaw4. jW.pl of pnoeSUa. awaMct-nsnanwait MAUSSMAHH AOUMH 111 Mad t - - g- - -i Eii-ttFC'JLTRyi . an ' ltam.urwrBa..aal viBWaa CwaliB a"!...1 Baa faaWry aarv faaaHaaaBHBwawBB WOlrfiav r aSTaTT rpl I ( aP1'!'- a-, - aa. . T. i is ?ii iii ii a a. .a-T?1 ft.",... a .:. I - . aaaa. a f-u a w I1jljj-Ijt w JAfJGEtl Hwna ttw Wa'i1 f ' rs 0tMi'V tm SMB. a '-' ' nonce. I vmettrrsus mtt woman la ibtJTi KBiM IsUMUst la tkt Owinta af. 2t babtta to aara wm erf tv books on tbw rasas. Mores as. ml. wooivrr. " Box SSLkat! vtu Im awtto A 7-llorso Power Engine For Sal:' A 7-horse poacr W'ptU' gine, good as new. for talc -: atPd for a short wbil to run CaucasiaV press. A gas vpi been nnt in to pt lotrfr iriU-n u wy ttl Wftaaaaay M W o wM OVS Slo I f ' Maeiok Butlek. lUWgb, N-j; -or Dewey BBosOolt!sLors Old paper for sale, 25 txnti aaaaiM.... .: t. i aWatXlJttklT ngJ A VtaTrata4rw p " Sa I fl.,.1a" a k baatua. IfiaB I a a ! hnndrPsL at Tin nrriKiAfi oV A : t.t,