i: ADVOCATE WE ADVOCATE TMB KVABCIf ATIOM OF tm rtorLx's isTitim rao COarOK-lTlOX ABD VOSOfOll tOMTMATlOM AXD A ItTTlI TO Jtmuoiui ruvarLUL Til E KESTOKATION' OP CAUCASIAN UI(,VKU AH l'RIMARY MONEY si rMK FKKK AND UNLIMITED , ,,.N i V SILVEIl AND GOLD Vi i hi: katio OK 10 TO 1. VOL. XIII. RALEIGH, N. C, THURSDAY, AUGUST 8, 1895. NO. 40. THE COUNTRY UNDER THE THUMB Of tl' Bond Syndicate By Grace of Cleveland and Carlisle Promises Broken. INIQUITOUS FEATURES. our : rmtillrl by ( omliiinllc n ,,l)il onilli ) of .fTlr Wall I orr. l ti Kick T'.e 4rn- lu I'awu Till Nest indefensible m nt-Mnrgan mull . . . . I 1 . , i rr.n in wnj i.-r. I Mr Cleveland and Mr. Carlisle . i .. .i ..: ...l n,:( i)f that lll'-xt ,,-r 'vi th 1le lie for t h- la-t sale of govern h. . ,'!-? Do they realize yet the cl;tiis' in which the govern- I . . I 1 ' iiiiisu 10 give ' lUesyEui- ,.. option on all tioim issues id t'-U-r, practically t ut turning over the wealth ami tr.t nation on in- tut tb'-y cnlltr. .yii'h' iiit'ii' th:i nt 1 Ml I'H'I' lltl'l! to save the country from ruin! But we alo must make condition that you give us the option on all bond issues up to October. Will d it!" you .i i . . . I l . I h I lie synuieaie lsaoie 10 i I I . I 'I . ii IV iifciuisti I ne i r!Mueni Si i-n tary of the Treasury I r.at win n in' in tlie cotton an) rates will, in all it CLEVELAND WAS WILLIXO. As every one knows, Mr. Cleveland did as he was asked, and a great wave of indignation swept over the country at the news. Profits of $10, 000,000 pat in the pockets of a for eign syndicate for the askiDg, when this amount might have been saved to the government! Is it any wonder that people cried out: "What it does all meant" The farsighted managers of the syndicate clearly saw that the $10, 000,000 at the beginning was only a small part of the profit in this con tract. They had the pledge of the government to offer all bond issues up to October to the combination, so they had the backing of this great country for their operations. It the syndicate had imported $32,000 000, it would have cost them, according to an exchange expert, about 2 cents an English pound, or $128,000 ex pense for the $32,000,000. But, as a matter of fact, only about $13,000, 000 came to this country, so, as tar as cau be seen, the total expense borne by the syndicate was about $.j2,000. The syndicate is nothing more than a gigantic trust and takes profits out of the country at its own figures, lhink of it! This little group of capitalists forcing the enormous import trade of the United States to pay whatever price it may choose to ask for money with which to pay debts abroad! Was there ever anything like itl REALLY WORTH TALKING OF. Yet that is just what Mr. Cleve land and this sagacious Secretary of the Treasury have done cot-signed us to tne tenner mercies ot a group of bankers, whose whole passion in lite and reason for being are to amass all the wealth possible in their short lives. Isn't this a subject none of ' worth talking aboutf Suppose a Ke- publican President had done this tiling! Why, the Democratic news papers would have had hysterics un til they had reached a condition of hopeless dementia. No wonder, then, that the foreign bankers who were seen by the writer either professed absolute ignorance of exchange conditions, or said, "Well, now, if I were you I wouldn't tackle this subject; it is very intri cate and difficult to understand; and anyhow, the syndicate does not care to have the matter discussed." There is no doubt that the syndi cate does not wish to have the sub ject discussed, and right here it should be said that the Press was the first paper to draw attention to it That was about two weeks ago, and now everybody in Wall street has tnlron it lin. Thfl onlv nossihle ex to .. .... r - - J r by exports of gold, I . u f u ot,Hi.afa 'Unlrors must come from the I i, f u. Ainnrllrgtac LUaXVC VUl Vi IUCU1I ...- liuiuiwi luwk' ttie 1 1, I , 1 1 i I in a.nlmn r Under - prevailing conditions the only persons who make the profit out of exchange are the members of the syndicate, and the rates for its bills. Importers have stood it patiently tor a long time, hoping that rates would soon come down, but the tax is too oppressive and they can stand it no lonirer, so the complaints are grow ing in volume, day by day, as the retes will keep around 4.00. WRETCHED MISMANAGEMENT. It should not be forgotten that the real reason the syndicate is enabled to keep the rates at such exorbitant figures is because wretched Demo cratic mismanagement has increased our enormous debt abroad. If trade were in a normal condition there would be no demand for exchange, and even the tremendous power of the syndicate could not keep up the rates. Now, suppose you have a bill to pay in London of 1,000 and you buy a 1,000 bill of exchange, or a draft on a foreign bank (which is the same thing) from a member of the syndicate. At present rates he will charge you $4,902.50, as exchange is now at $4.90 1-4. Sterling exchange at par is $4.86 2-3 the value of an English pound in our money. Now your bill of 1,000 is worth in Lon don $1,800.50 on the basis of actual weight. As the banker here charges vou $4 902.50 for the draft, he ap- narPTitlv makes the difference be tween the iwo amounts, or$3G. RESENTMENT NATURAL. DEMOCRACY IN THE WEST. The Mrong Utterances of a big Itemocratle Paper Hat.it Democracy and True Populism oat and the same. We present below an editorial rom the Chicago Dispaich, which is a strong, independent Democratic aper. The Caucasian does not entertain the slightest belief tat the olicy of the Dispatch reforming the Democratic party can ever be carried ont; and it believed that the only true, sure way to rt-t-btablishiEg right and justice in this country is for the misses to stand by the prin ciples fit the Peoples party. Hut we give the editorial aa showing the prevalent sentiment of the West. It seems that those Western Democrats ought to be convinced now that Na tional Democracy is past redemp tion as an organization in which con fidence can be reposed; but there is encouragement in the utterances of the Dispatch, for it has the boldness to say that it will not tolerate auy double-dealing and ftraddliuo hi the next campaign. If the Dispatch means what i' iiys, it will, after the meeting of iht- National Democratic had the immeasur- re sources ot tne earth as a finan- l . I.- i mf I . .! Hit ; .1 it l' 1 1 Ml lilfiH.1 W,n I lilt' " 1 ' f " -V-- . l,, tin y not see that, outside of the ;,p ii' ot ii,ooo,000 or more which I,,,, ruin-ate nimbi simply out of tl. ,.t the bonds to the public, it krpt exehange rates so high that ever-v ni.Hi who has to pay bills ;,I,ium.I is oppressed by the exorbi tant i:ite; II at theso rates are inde- twi-l'ile; u fin ' ni.ll III- I ,n .I the power in its hands; that H,,. , miliiuMtion i bleeding the bu.i- j , uiiiMiimiiy 'iglit along through ; t In I, lull , ot exehange; that it is I mukniL' a handsome profit out ol i uv..i v lull: that it has spent ii... iu lion. (Mil) to maintain the gold i -el i L'niin 1'ilU e ,roli;ili!ity, drop, so that the farm ers will lose money on their sales, ami that, m fact, these foreign bank er nr.' " working" this busiuess for . . . . : l - I. : . it is worm anu are piling up uig lit much or wntcu hhould have . i . . ... Ifiiue ii the govern menu I X Hjf I TO U S 1' EAT I K E.S. Tin M- iu stions are many, but they do not embrace all the iniquit ous features of the conditions which have come from that outrageous con rr'irt. The syndicate promised to brim,' half the gold from Europe; it br-.ULrh t only about $13,000,000 and refused to explain why more was; not imix.rted. It promised to do all I in its power to protect the treasury iruKl reserve, vet it allows people b" tightened much ef which truiscrv. ud thus lias put in humls of the bear speculators in Wall street a hammer of enormous weight with which the bears have pounded tkf market for weeks. While no one doubts the power of the syndicate to prevent exports of tfoM, as it has done since February up to l st week, who can say that it is uot allowing the gold to leave the country so that the managers may tell Air. Cleveland that another issue of bonds is absolutely necessary to protect the reserve, and so make an other handsome protitf These men who compose the syn dicate (half of them are foreigners) in The D; spate h, not an enemy. Standing first and foremost for his toric Democracy, in the name of Jefferson, Madison, Jackson, Tilden and llend ricks, it will voice the cause of the people and hasten to de nounce any man or set of men who shall undertake to deliver the Demo cratic partv over to the enemy in 189C. True Democracy and honest Popu lism are one and the same in politi cal doctrine with The Dispatch. SENATOR PRITCMAR0 AT COLD HILL. LETTERS FROil THE PEOPLE. Both stand for the people agiinet greater factor that has helDfl to tear plutocracy and the monev power, down this partisan politics and re- and both shall find olc and the samel moved the scales from the eyes of He Aaet Fr Mltw-Omnl Iinmm f Heads -Farvra CcbmIM. Uea. Carolina Watchman. I am irlad that the time has come in North Carolina and throughout the Kouth when war issues san politics cease to bl; people in galling dai glad that a campaign going on and that Bach issues as the race prejudice can no longer whip PARTY BEFORE EVERYTHTNO wcu iuiu uanir noes i iuuw do Tided it bs as rwJ a rbaaf as th Ikrmoerats bad for th last two fear. And as to sri&cius; tLe Xmorat i ie prty to th snoneyorJ. it is iost bat tbv lesxlers wt tiist fartv ri- tOff sod bare brcn doteff atttl! there t Bothinc left but tDoney-cods ao-i I A PfinlbnliiMiio Ta Tmn Tli. I th m ! 1 of tirimiliina and narti- r4UW t. v .i. ... indly lead the e Harmonv" And is Taken Istt. th. .... . :... - j - - f .-.illlH "...- - t I . w L - D.m ""'OH J U ' : till IbH 11 teT to CUUl"UU " I V ritllOl !.. ! mill. ..Jf I voice in these columns. I'Citainly did not undertake this con tract through any feeling of patriot ism. They are not in business for their health. They are in it to make imniey. That is their sole idea. Is it iiKtutiil to suppose, when such men nee a chance like this to make mil lions, that hey would not make all ..... : ;i.l . um oi 11 pi iKMUir i A MI.LY AKOl'MEST, THIS. Much has been said by the Mug wumps about the almost insurmount able difficulties which the syndicate uudertook to overcome when it pledged itself to interest the big for eign haukers in the loan and to pro tect the treasury gold reserve until October. The Press has pointed out a number of times recently in its financial column the silliness of this argument, which the Mugwumps parade with so much glee, but it does no harm t. noint it out again and aiain. so that the people of this t . i country may know just wnax iuey , sohnmacher & Oo.. the foreign ; exchange house, yesterday sent out from reading oc to their irret Democratic t resi dent One would imagine eontra this circular: "Although some round amounts of short me administration organs mai iue atrlini, an7i cabiea were sold this week for ict solely i further various American and Canadian that the . . . A. fjm icate took the contract soieiy ; flIPti.pr th r,,,,,, i .... ..' .o t riot wnri! that ' v.r.n.1 pmUainns in London, the svndicate it saw Ho- raidd depletion of the goia prices "'ThMr. The attitude or our bond synuicate in noiu ing iu price .of exchange so far above the normal gold export poiui is being more aud more severely criticised by many remitters, and we are ourselves inclined to think that it was a mistaken policy to have screwed its nrices as hiuh as it did. Being m full sym- rest-rv'. wiili a trnet that wouiu oe awu.'iged, and that the managers, writ h t hrs llowiug dowu their cheeks, besought the president to allow them to save the country from wreck and ruin for a paltry consideration of till ' ' "i'vv,wu. , v hat w liaa nrconinlnhed. we hiit arc the facts? '; rather leave the syndicate the full merit of These astute bankers knew Mr. , it unalloyed by the suspicion, now so open Cleveland well Oue of them had : lv expressed, that private gain more than smr l I i 1-urv-r Thev i patriotism prompted its action. Resentment etohlnyt-d him as a lawyer. I ney I . attituae is. therefore, quite natural on ere tullyawaroof hisselt-coufessedthetartof many remitters, and thissenU -.1 I- 4-'.. II a.lmi.qtinn i.it Ii V tt'ltn 1T will K. U11U lUil Ul ouiuiiaixw. hat in has accomDlished, we would abilit v as a irreat financier. They looked over the ground care fully and saw that an issue of bonds as absolutely necessary to keep the country from suspending specie pay ne nts. They saw also that the President as u "rattled" at the deplor condition of the treasury, brought about through Demo cratic mismanagement, ignorance fnl stupiditv. that he was ready to Srasp at any straw which would save bis administration from teing wholly discredited, aud so know that he ould be likelv to accept almost any ttrm.s if he could feel sure that the fctdd reserve would not be Impaired toi some months, at least, oo they easily saw that here was lbe chance of a lite-time, and grasped "at once. Here," they said, "sell os this u2,5U0,000 ot bond i at 104, 'uu in return we pledge ourselves t mport half the gold and to use ai ttie means in our power to protect "letieasurv reserve until October "e know these bonds are woith 120 ud that We will make a face profit f L0,U00,000 or so, but think of the 'earful eipense to which we shall be Put importing the $32,000,000 of gold and 1)14 YAntin cr crt t Trior In nntil toherl Isn't it worth $10,000,000 . . 1-1 1 a.ft,A nient it is, no douht, wnicn prompieu we sold shipments by tomorrow's steamers. D ..... 5 : .Uaaa trnnuunlinlia vvnen cousiuenug iucoc uonoun.u from the purely business standpoint they are perfectly justified, nor can the syndicate accuse either of these shippers of any lack lone as its own members are not themselves willing to saenhee the smallest part ot tne Dig prom, umucuu ) u i rvm pnvprnment bonds. To nave . ' 9 1 i ti an ;nuiaail nf kept demana excuugs u w - 4 w would not have cost them over one twentieth part of their profit on the bonds. Mr. Schumacher is well known as one or ine ueoi iuiwiui eign exchange in the city. ONE OF THE WORST PHASES Nnw we come to one of the worst nViasp nf the situation the increas .All fP I nOTMVAAA ing exports ot goia. m untiralo to blame for this. Re- ia mitters can no longer stana ine uu warranted rates and are beginning to ship the metal instead of paying a hemrv rate for bills of exchange. tts ai?e. Coleate ;o. are oumou Krolrprs. and their shipments amounting to $bo0,00U in tne last flb- were made simply for the TITO fir. but W. H. Crossman & Bro h r.offee merchants, will ship $1, 000,000 today, not because there is a profit in it, but because iney win save money and do not care to pay convention, llii'g the People's party banner to the breeze, and all who have confidence in that paper will fall into the Populist ranks; for it is certain that the platform will either declare outright J or thu gold stand ard, or be a disgraceful straddle. ine Dispatch has been sending out sample copies and the editorial is a comment on a letter received from a Populist. Wellkville, Ohio, July 19. To the Editor: 1 have received your interest ing paper. 1 prefer to act with a party that in the action of its representatives in congress has carried out its platform utterances for silver. The Democratic party went back on its platform, as shown by its votes in congress in re gard to silver. .No. no, 1 can t trust slippery Dan Voorhees or any leading Democrat ot today. o dillerence in eit her old party managers on money legislation. 1 am working hard to break up both old frauds. We have a club to distribute Populist literature! only. ours, A. J. v an Dyke. Here is the Dispatch's comments: Thousands of sample copies of The Weekly Dispatch have fallen into the hands of Populists, aud the foregoing is a pretty fair sample of a large number of letters received from them. The Dispatch makes no war on the Populist party; it indorses many of the plan ks of the Oraaha platform; but it seeks to unite the Democrats and Populists in a common cause. The great issue before the American people today is the restoration of the people s rights, ine road to victory is through Jeffer.-onian Democracy. The Populists claim that tnev con stitute the only true Democracy. To some extent the claim is well found ed. It is true that the Democratic party has wandered away after false gods; it has compromised with mon opoly and corporation greed, and a section is now worshiping at the shriue of the single-gold-money standard. The Dispatch is on earth to call a halt and to help draw the line be tween the people and their enemies. This paper calls upon the Democrat ic party to return to the people, knowing that if it does so the people will return to it. If its managers persist in saddling corporation and monopoly-made platforms upon the party the rank and tile will be justi fied in revolting, and Lhe uispatcn will lead such revolt if circumstances occur to warrant it in such a course. Meauwhile we appeal to the whole Democracy of the country, whether . a part of that constituency be mar shaled under the Populist party, the Democratic party or other political organization, to unite a3 one body under the grand old historic Demo cratic flag, to cast off and repudiate gold monometallists and the hire lings of monopoly, whether they be leaders or officeholders; to place to the front men who can be trusted to stand by the cause of the people in the hour ot temptation, ana, invit ing all to st ami upon a platform as hrmid aa the needs of the people, to push forward in a patriotic struggle for the overthrow ot plutocracy, The Dispatch is the servant of no clique or class of men; the organ of no party organization, county, state or national; the exponent of no po litical scheme or set of politicians. It holds itself free to criticise or re buke any Democrat from Cleveland down to the most insignificant cen tral committeeman. It is absolutely independent aud it is fearless. It is doing business on its own capital, of wbicn it nas sumcient to penorm what it promises. It owes no alle giance to any man or set of men; to any interest or comoination. it am not apply tor tne consent or any man tor permission to puoiisna WE HOPE FOR PEACE. It KimU With the I'eopteto Hare Quiet or KloU Chicago Dispatch. The News of St. Charles, Ma, takes a gloomy view of the outlook so far as the restoration of the peo ple's money is concerned, and pre dicts a blooiy revolution within five years in the following strong terms: On one side of the great financial question now being agitated are the bankers, the stock gamblers, the money lenders, the president and all officials oar people than th work of the r armers' Alliance. It is a noble or ganization and I heartily commend it for the work it has done. While 1 am debarred by my profession from being a member, the organiza tion has my hearty sympathy and best wishes. - I am a Republican and a strong advocate for free silver, and I would vote for it every day in the week, and do now pledge myself to stand bv that measure to the last. I am also a friend to the Sooth and her interests, and shall do all in my power to build up her industries. While my party stands pledged to lath SIBa mt m Itoaarrat-Tbt ttoaa;. a History la NatCaaaaaaj Kirk. Ia( A Crraaat ea la t'ly Urn Spaafls gaaaa Tlat at "CUtia" Hf tha Baaaa aC-Fastaa Kivar. a lu Nor'h CsruliLa by parly iau. such as "The Fusion LrgUlatar." Fre4 !Mil.a....rl,r.. . If, wben Democrats had all tba machinery of the t.tr, ball pn for voting places and Tery oihet conceivable way in many t?aer to 111 f tbe rvro.o I UT - V a of the United States and all the great P1 otection, I stiongly -and heartily newspapers clamoring for a single gold standard. On the other side are to be found men who have always defended the rights of the people, who love their fellow men, and nine-tenths of all who earn their daily bread by hard labor, who know that the free coinage of sil ver is the only thing that will stop the impending revolution. Which side endorse that course, but I shall not do so in the interest of th New England manufacturers to the detri ment of the southern farmer and his interest. So long as New England had raw material it was on the pro tected list, but when their supply of raw material was exhausted, the protection was withdrawn and the lr. Ml,wi I rgaa Ha-aaajr. To tie EdUvr of the CKarlUU OUertrr, As some one makes the assertion most every aay mat tne next cam paign will be made on the gold stand ard and free silver issue, and as these two factions are becoming intoler ant in their utterances and intem perate in their criticisms of each other's motives, to such an extent that gold standard Democrats and Republicans on the one hand aud free silver Democrats and Populists on the other seem ready to fuse and throw all other party principles overboard, now against all beg leave to enter a solemn in the vital interest ot the defeat the I . .1 II . k . - I 1 - 1 J iuii aou lost ine Stat. , how do they eipect to carry th Stat, in V0 I hTe heard this same writer ay that such and such wr not politi c.tl offices, b'it now h urges that every Democrat should rots? tb whole tickrt from electors down to Mirveyot. and then they will have to imjiort at Uast .VUKKf voters in order to carry tb Stst, for no Pop ulist will vott for the Democratic party, especially with its last two years record. For "a boose divided against itself cannot stand. I don't believe the time has comw when "wolf shall dwell with the Iamb. this 1 1 13! f the Democratic party is lartre protest "u?h for all they are not all going Demo-1 1 'y n tt and if they would, what cratic party. Such fusion would not cnn ,uy accomplish with one pull- will win? Answer The bankers, southern people naa to take the con- money lenders and gambling sharks, j sequences. It shall be my purpose V livr and mv efforts shall be used to Dut Because money is thicker than blood the South on eoual footintr with New and because when the time comes if EnRiaml and protect the laboring necessary, they will buy as many votes cla aa well g the manufacturers as they may need to perpetuate this classes as well as tne man utacturers. terrible system which fs daily making believe that America is able to the rich richer and the poor poorer, take care of herself, and she should Two years from now we will look back do so. Liet's protect our industries, on the present a? golden times. Things! place ourselves on a bimetallic stand- will go from bad to worse, anu as sure ard undlet Jiinsrlanddoasshe pleases. as history repeats itself the most terri- ihe iate Senator Vance, whose un- ble revolution the world has ever expired term I am serving oot, said known will occur in the United States floor q th 8enatorial ha,j within the next fave years. . f, k.o k:. i, u If , ,,. I irnn hi ha oh o tn auuiuj uciviw uio ucroiu, TI uru Co n iiavoiivoii in thf worst. and th urover Vyieveiana ananiscrowa were J . . . .. . - . . , . I . : . ..v.- ui -.. tiest rteriods in tne nisiory oi mis iomgi icuoaa iuc uueiuinu svi, great country. ''never, if you repeal this act, will Tb Disnatnh does not share this silver have the least vestige of ..i tlt ti j I mnriAV! nrie.AK will en down, tha enr. view witn tne wews. it aoes not Jt o r. v, rency win oe couiracieu ana our CAVCUL UI IUC I . -Ill . . 1 I nnnnriTf will QlmAQT lA vant. Donnln. injure the republicans, for they have always been for the gold stand ardit's their child; neither would free silver fusion hart the Populists; they are like the Irishman who said. He that stealeth my good name stealeth something I never had." They have no fixed principle or con sistent record to lose. Hut what about the Democratic party! Must ing one way and another another way. Could the Doctor expect ever to accomplish anything in that wayf Just as well hitch a horse to each end of a wagon to haul a load. How ever, if there is no od in the wagon, the strongest horse might pull the empty wagon and the other horse if the wagon is as empty as the Democratic partv. So the. it be sacrificed to these money eodsT ,te R'dbug or the silver faction w ' I It i a If so, farewell to the autonomy of Pu other, but what can the States, to white supremacy, to 'bey ever expect to accomplish to honest government economically ad- gather. As to the Republicans vot- mimstered, to the levying of the! ,D ine 4"Ino' r" , none in burdens of taxation on the luxuries. I m opinion, will do so unless it be a and to the lessening of the same.on the very few cold bugs. necessaries oi lire. and. last but not I t " ivei.uoncan oein? the l.ast, farewell forever to good gov-1 father of th gold standard, I find eminent in the State of North Caro- ,ne "eaaersin .ortn Carolina in la M. a . .. I . a Una. The natural result of this bit- vor WI irM unumiiea coinage terness and of these loose affilia- f silver such as Hon. J. C. Piitch- tions with the Republicans and Pop-1 r and others, and that a great many ulists will be that these two parties. Democrats are in favor of tb gold THE OBSERVERS OBSERVED. "OH Din" ii t Tbea Ava Acd Showi Will Tkij Sap port fcfii kixoctlt. THE BILL OF INDICTUEKT SgalM tfc anmUf Tarty Cootta, 1bkar,r If w ml IW I Tl wm intwlalln Am4 Me4 of Half tka lr ! la. TL Chatlotte (tUerver. a Ua4 ing, tnodera Itenocratie be paper. op to teax h the Asavrteaa pao- arf standard; so they are trying to adopt this child. The south is too h t for goidbugs. lhey bad better stav prophesy a revolution, except of the l'":'- the Republicans and Popu r . -w . n .ai i.iiu ii li v win biuiuol iDuii nnuiiiir I I . i .- peaceful kind. It con&dently be- . m-Qn j t . lists, win niae their miserable past heves that there Will be a union Ot 'nine words been nractieallv trn recoFas "om Puoac gaze; anu go Democrats, Populist and of the peo- What did the last Congress do Mwhipd or justtce. lhere is no r.U atruinal-their maRtera. the mon- mor than th.. Por th la. n occasiou lur gom siauuaru ana iree ' I " - v uv.u.vui. I . - 1 .J . i;. .1 ,.. !,,, ir, 1CQR I t .. tk.n I,... V.-. j isiivci lcmu.iais l.u.uS upuiiota uU uoi:j -ugo, - J er out of the Democratic i.artv. It and that by the force ot the ballot pouncing tne upwj ror . broad . f them the mon nnwpr win ne. niui n gnn mouuig wuuo mo i .i. . :ct . u - u : : . i - r - 7 . K-r. nn hrr, n K k, i" wao luc ouruiug issue IU1S the people emancipated trom present jlr T grand old party of Jefferson and of Uonal character of individuals n. liMrina. riorhts will Itf I r j pie. and especially the fopl of North Carolina, th trae rnscirles of latter day Ikemorrac. aav of That pater claims to te aa etpo- nent of the principles of the kfao cratic partya party whoa rvpro entatives participated in the pa ssge of a law throncb Cofcreaa, by fraud, which called into aaeuar navy in distant seas, to I'kOTEOT A THIEVlikii OiirohATlOV in California Laving the exclusive right to take seal; and tLat navy, constructed at the etpena of the people, nss destroyed twenty-flvo American vessels found fibiog on the high aeas for seal, all don to enable a foreign rorration t rob Americans of one of nature advan tage. And yet, so far as wo know, no protest has ever been entered by any Democratic paper against this high-handed outrage against th interests of American industry. Populism denounces this outrag and demands a reform and a rea of that obnoiioas law. Then th Observer says: "Popa likco is a blight. These OuMVtUM defend th con duct of the Ifetnocratic party a party whose henchmen fraudulently naturalized l,y7G,G4'.l men who had not been in th United States thirty davs in order to elect Cleveland in lvl. Harrison in lhHS, and to carry the election in in tb interest of Wall street money-lenders and th Rothschilds, or hngland! Populism condemns frauds in clee- Mm - a .& a north in a cold climate as they breed llo0S'lrnounce,fl,T3r.n Ameri- Rotbs hild's t'KJ.UOO.UNJ of -i restored, individual liberties enjoyed, Democratic party dot They simply and prosperity will abound through- orit-heroded Herod, that's all. Thev out the nation once more. not onlv issued more bonds than the Republican partv ever did. but Mr Aitogetner 100 xoo. Cleveland's former law partner made One or the most remarkable events a clean profit of sixteen millions in that has occurred this year is the the transaction. This was an out rage upon our people tor which the Democratic party should be held responsible. While my party did issue bonds in time of war, 1 am op posed to such a coarse and shall discord sooth. One more item and I shall stop. 'Keep good company.' Now. 1 cannot interpret that clause. The reader will have to know the per-' in or der to know what that means. A few years ago there was a business in these parts whose object was to AMERICAN M-AVI KB KM AVCIfATKU. But the Charlotte Ottaerver endorses its party and says "Populism should be sfcal. We ask you toiling North Caro linians to read this contrast. These modern Uemocratie pat rs discovery of the so-called "crime of 1873" was no crime at all, but only a "piece of regular legislation, be lieved to be for the good of the coun- i . i j : j i uooou try, anu nooouy was ueoeiveu u"M8uffer my throat to be cut before I it in any respect. lhis statement, hall ever glve my vote for the issu coming trom Jir. Carlisle ana tne ance Qf a single bond. Jackson was broad enough to hold the non. cam. i. ltandall, who was a protectionist, aod the 'Hon. Frank P. Hard, who was a free trader- The irrade every individual in regard to defend a party that stands as same congress held them both and his promptness in paying his debts I before the fact in law, of havicg held them in peace and in unity of I not his ability but his promptness. I brought paoper labor from Europe feeling and action as regards loyalty Where are the star men to-day. I to crowd out starving American to the Democratic party. (These star men were considered the laborers, and hired Pinkcrton thugs This money question is of import- lowest grade.) lean count bv the I to shoot down tboa who clamored ance it may be of gieat importance .core Populists to day that stand I for work for themselves and bread but it cannot be more than a side hiirh in all the churches, and this for their children, issue in the campaign of 1896 here should be a very good criterion. Populism cries aloud against this in North Carolina. The burning is- Also those who stand high in the social evil and demands that it ceas. sue in this State in 1806 must be, it Masonic Lodge, which is another Rut these Observers say. "Any kind cannot be anything else than Demo- (or should be) good criterion. of Democracy is better than Popu- cratic rule, which has given us good Let every man keep posted; put lism; and the Charlotte 'Server says"i'opousm is worse man oeatn; And both these Observers are na- nl.,tvmt.ii. nresa. will have the effect Th nAtion UnftPn ria1 "l,all government, wise government, cneap principles above party and then of nnnviotW more, liars and de- we have coalition in North Carolina firovernment. honest and efficient vote accordingly and the country is v- wv o ; . ... m. , -1 trovernment in tne oast. &?&inst KUnfA U I - , . -v nnrUnci f hnn unr. QTIIT TYIAfftT" I n AT A ATT A O Till m ftAl tt 1-.. ."' I Hpu ..g -1C Tu -uj- -7 7;;- tr-p-; T; - ,r publicanism and fusion whose past S. A. Lawrance. tmng tnat nas ever nappeueu ueiore. - -y records are synonymous with iocom- No sweeter morsel was ever rolled "' X I potency, corruption, extra vaeance. tongue of the average Now Democratic orator than the charge S v, a v. TootiAi. I any Oemocrat wants any particu- iai &iuu kjl muurj ua'x CUUULU 10 of 1 SI 73 " "Mo 1 IfmnnrR tin im. i v I TruLturHr ol mai luuulv. jcuvBrv oil i . . . . it. . .1 . ... , . , . 1 . - 1 t good of evidence pointed to the fact that Honn r. iaves on ine one hand, or rou ana otners oi iae K.aney nave oi o.scnarge. lorcea ..oor to 1 a ICAn m on o n n .1 a An k t 1 . . i rrsii tii inoir WAV mrn rn iaTiaii raca- 1 .... .... .-. i . .. '" - "'V I a.wa mm.m J a V V M . SW U f a I VUIll TUH 11" UW? fV V EH I If .- 1 . 1 L 1 ' 1 .. I 1 A. M !lL 1 . . I tne otner 10 get 11, ne win alter- ing sent yruiu, wuu ueggea accepi-i. a -i .,. ... waras nnu mat me price ne paia lor auee ai iui, oy me maaers; ana 1 . Q ubor to rfgtore them to ins money was too nigh, we will am proua to say mat only a lew - x orth n arolina. That Hlntory Aala. 1 For the Caucasian. Wkeksville, N. C, July 30. A few copies of the famous 'Douir- ftnrainst. trip Rpr.iiblir.an nartv of the I .. 1 1: e .a.. . 7,: i qitq ' xr iv. xriai lor .RU1BIUU . mumce.Vx ioinhanas with John Sherman and lassass History" of North Carolina bv followers of which have, by threats tive North CmnJiiuatul Farmers and laborers of North Carolina, behold those who would lead you! What have you to hope from such a party f These Observers are now defend- m a ing a political party, many or in "crime orator was considered to be in standing unless he could ring the it was not so much the abolition of pharces on the ?reat "crime of 1873." the treasurer's office that the Demo- r.rl una. to hp to i n.nri tn 1 hv one orauo magiBirnies auu wuiuiissiuuers - lri;-.. n-oMta of dwUere after; it was the abolition of , - i ,,., 4-V,r. i'O.. r.siit)r auu iiib i opuiist uapttr. fi-.r ati d m no rPTirPHAfirfl T TIP I L rir uoli'jii nuv . , r. i ( l, ..; . - v..;n n . -"' I OUUU JLC7111VVX CbLiU Ul LIQl llail WU' present democratic aauHi.ini.ua, , dnct u cauge enOTJ h why the Popu- tbat there was no -crime oi io.o, iista and Republicans should coalesce and that the act which has been f0r at iea6t a year longer. But a neraiaeu over tne country as a crime, greater cause is tne lying manner say that only a lew need every Democrat of every shade who have not read up on the last As of financial opinion to carry this I sembly, and I may say who have not State for Democracy next year, and I read up much anyway on politics. it must be carried, or we are ruined I can be fooled by such stuff. Any as a state, nnancially and every eensioie man ought to take such a other way. Every Democrat should book as proof positive, that the umiuruu'cl .-" ?fBTT nil ; i 8 r81"1 Unt be loyal to the Democratic crowd who got it up, are simply the was an actual blessing, 18 altogether m which the Democratic leaders and t , keep good company and sab- 'Ai dog$tn and regard it as oily a too too-too.-Buzz Saw. editors have misrepresented the last r(li' ft MCnli to th howl, proceeding from a decent flor- ?loiaiu r L .r.rol,t.r.lu will of the Democratic partv as ex- Ring received from the lash of the aoingnommg iroou auueVeryimDg , national n1 St"t. , vnmanrv of tb -OM Vnrth Kt.t. Vlftii- T A ATI. On KTltth A O.hSLrCtf- WPRr I r . ... vva irf . . . , m i . U I VvlitlvUO IV VQllCU IQKUlailY & l I ivi .aiva uujavtivuv U va OlUtUl Sft V uiu - -x0 auj uFFou0ufc theooenineof the next camnin. tions in the past. The lash ooirht nnntAO harAPA TT1 A H'fW T fl A lW1 TTM" XT I - r I V;UU1C7 W S. vr. v auv js. w iuv ML vrvrvs. W W A I J , v . I. -mm n .... 1 I Ia ho iro Vvrr. w la. which they inauguratf d and accom- A Pretty Pass, Indeed. Dispatch. It is not unusual for politicians to attempt to use organized labor as a shuttlecock, but a dispatch from Indianapolis brings information ot an instance of this sort that is rather out of the ordinary iu its brutal frankness. plished another such a body should be sent back to complete the reforms they begun. Has a body ever met in oar State which more nearly car ried oat their pledges to the people! It says that a railroad official who They increased the school term near - - . I f n a vnvnln vo va vi a m oi v naw Arvifr onnnnnH hid Pa n d 1 rl aPT 'I uivmu, 6 " " uo ma jto. vdui i interest iaw, uunu ine wesi anu --. . ttt XT" l 1 . -I - bv Uaniei . v oornees nas now is sued an order that all and work for party success duriner I to have been laid on much harder the campaign and on the first Tues- some years ago. day of November, 1896, vote the From present indications, I fear whole Democratic ticket from presi- the lash will have to go on their dential electors to county surveyor, backs again. If so, the stripes tegardless of any particular views fchould be increased to the utter- any nominee may entertain as to crold I most limits of the la recently for the senatorial seat now or silver money. In my humble opinion this is the only policy that ; 11 u ;-. . - - ik i . liar thecal wl" ' uu ueietii, nas nOW IB-I . i l l .i I ou uu vivu vuuuun is cuueera- memberH nf .i x..i:i I jL5 ed, omcers " tti H n I I Hill 1 1 1 v 1 1 ir ml m xiHnani'H iiih v . - J ' J Thomas Meads. Democratic newspaper, for it reco- union labor organizations may ride Dear their just and honorable share free over any of his lines on presen- of the burdens of tax paying. I am tation of their union cards as ere- one of the men it effects, and I wish dentials. to sa7 8 n0 more nnjust to tax a What is this tor? How long man's legal ability than to tax a would this rule last if its author timers plantation. Both are pro- th. aana? Tf nnion dacers and should bear their just " Share of taxation. laoor aoes not auminister a suugmg Then they gaye ug an election rebuke to this political juggler we Law wnicn wiU alone be 8afficient shall be much mistaken. treason for trying the injunction parties again. 1 just want to give elected by 110,- 000 negro voters and 50,000 white voters, which is a modified form of negro supremacy with 18 counties On tha WIb. For the Caucasian. I Coalitiox, N. C, July 25. You will not be surprised to hear that Populism despises bull-dozing and fraud, and demands protection lor those who, through honest toil, pro duce the wealth of the world, whil the Fayetteville Observer declares ''any kind of Democracy is better than Populism," and the Cbarlott Observer obtrret: "Populism should be shunned as leprosy!' These papers defend and advocate the practices of a party whose repre sentatives in Congress in 1889 as sisted their brethren (Republicans) in withholding ecwatr thousand mil lion dollars' worth of property from the assessors; leaving labor to make up the deficiency, and in order to secure the aid of the pulpit they have exempted one billion dollars worth of church property from taxation, FILLED THE LAND WITH I FID ELS, and exact large tolls from those who enter the carpeted aisles and cush ioned pews of so-called bouses of Ood. subject to negro county government "therly Love some time since, mle. ifcnu is very weu pieasea wiin ii your contributor is ,on "a fly." He I Populism demands a just and fair arrived at this Pop-ulous city of I distribution of the burdens oi this T1 I extravagant government. Yet these leading Southern Demo- (Conttnuad on fourth page.) .1 ... i.L . gnizes no man as tne owner oi ine party. It will follow nowhere, but will lead al avs. It serves notice here and now on the Democratic leaders of Illinois that they shall not be permitted to cloak a disloyal allegiance to corpo ration monopoly with high-sounding resolutions on the silver question. They shall be watched, not because they are suspected of treachery, but because this paper came into exist ence to see that treachery and dis loyalty to the Democratic party shall . .i a . mt not go unrebuked in tnetuture. xne . VV i same applies to tne uemoci atic man aers of Indiana, Iowa, Michigan, Wisconsin and the states to the West and to all the states of the bouth. The Northwest, backed by the South and the West, will be in a position to dictate the national Dem- arrsa m 1 XX ' ocratic piatiorm oi ioo. ine uis patch will see that there i no selling a a ,r- . 1 . v ' M out to nail street, ana mat ii mere is the people shall have the names of the buyers ana those oongnt. The Populist shall have a friend nAaaA .. vote, ana that he should oe punisn-i"u. iuui.uinw io aire a ouu. i.v.w m.u "-- . . , - i r i:. : v: x in a r -j::j.. I ed nearlv as much. What 1 want toi tup""" county in W IHW UII III II ihi ria ar I . a M v brethren. ton fir.no- 5n to von r I and vicinity. It is situated on a cratic papers aay "Populism is rn ranks and tnm vnnr nn o hill top known here as RisincT Moun-1 blight worse than death, and that tain, consequently it cannot be bid- any kind of Democracy is better. den. The first thing that attracted They have driven commerce away our attention on our arrival there from our ships and so framed our was the resrularitv of the town. The laws that debts contracted on an streets are all cqui-distant, crossing inflated basis, must bow be paid in a each other at right angles, and the contracted currency, by which debts alleyways and pavements are made and interest to match. The houses are plainly have beev DOUBLED but neatly and durably built show- on the people without their knowl- mg great sxiil in the matter ot edge or consent, and are contracting mechanism, while the gardens and the currency every day, and bar cultivated fields adjacent look won- farmed out tha power conferred on derfully pretty in the background. Congress to make andeoin money to I notice here the absence of the less than 5, 00 national bankers; 'bone of contention" so common in and while all our industries aro laa other localities. guishing and business stagnated. When a worthy eitizen there de- they are inducing foreigners to buy sires promotion no oojection is rata-1 Qp ur mills, lactones ana lanas, ed against him. On the contrary establishing a landlordism similar to .i i : :. i .i : I . . . . . mo pvpi vi wuu eu oLuer m i that in Ireland ana nussia. own ran as ana turn your euns on the common enemy and keep them working. b. W. Stevenson. Mooresville, N.C.June 19, 1895. StaveosoB Aaawered. For the Caucasian. 1 Mooresville, N. C. Aug. 3. Some time since my attention was called to an article in the Statesville Land mark written by Dr. S. W. Steven- Democrats Endow. The Populist Ticket. right my opinim on man who The Democratic convention at i will steal a vote. I believe that a Wichita, Kan., last week, declared J man who will steal a sheep is nearly fni- tnp frw nni nacre nf ail ver at the 1 as mean as a man who will steal a r I . i A . i ratio of 1 6 to 1, v - -a VZXeMxrfa out in North Carolina the last campaign to run an inde tion Democrats opposed the indorse-1 . - c.. . . nendent i.ndidat fnr tha Rt.t sn ment, but they were overwhelmingly honest election, allowinir each ate. He says in the outset that cer beaten on every vote. Ex-Governor voto to e coanted, letting the elec-1 tain factions of the old parties were LeweP ing created a new departure tion go as it will, so the wish of I ready to rase in order to secure cer- Ity treating the convention to two I the people may be carried into ef- tain measures, and to throw all barrelanf fresh buttermilk. Chicatro feet. other principles aside for the one t;u I nm now done sneaking and IIODject finance." mis is acJcnowl ioFoiA.u. ;, - " . 1 aA u -ii c .ii - i I rcul"D " wu w mj iu i ui ur woBiii. --e j " the endeavor to make him success-1 All this, says one of theao papers, vacation Tim It ia wish to gerve the interest of the one jrreat issue m the next earn- f hence . nomination is eoual to tLlflVtVJn Pnonliam," wLilitlvi Is at hand and is gladly welcomed by the people of this my native State, Pgn, unless a few, who, like the -n election. Peace and nroaneritv K: i.ri,rlnA...PAn.i; oil ,ct.-;llv t.hnw nhAM dutioa in J : ti..... :. ...ik... .L. T I DotftOr. (lAn t f&rA a cti-w tnr thai ..... r r i oik mai - . K - - " -1'- J .-"T - - buu u uiero u nujuuug iua. I . ' . to DSIld IU tltnd. l. . ki;.t. ini thin (tc-Lth." lifi have caused them to STeatlv run I i v. ! I irood or th. maaoAa nf tha rvr. I " ... . I v;...::. , ...k i.. "v " 1,0 """t r- j: . -. . - I ii a citizen mere down their system to meet the require' ments, physical and mental, forced upon them. With these and otners, it is important, wherher at home, at the seashore or in the country, that some possesses in-1 These Tory interest papers, disloyal to of tne American an average crop and in the race thought be given to dief,and as further -.--.--v 4- -v Vf iima a iAnl KiiilifiiV asa BLauue iu iiatuic. a kwu uuuuiuk- . . . . . v .i s jr-' up medicine like Hood's Sarsaparilla ""A.1 hold party above every had best be resorted to. II the diges- -.-,.' " """Z . .."Zl.VZCl eration tion is poor, liver deranged and fre- 'ne ". rIUSvVa Jt t i,.. ki ,i farmers will soon have some wheat to Hood's will change all this and enable m! account for it.-Dakota Kura- -- antiir tn thai hnmo Ann I 0s Kn.-inAoe in aa mi- H krl .to "& Af wninH and bodily health. I Thx GAUOASIAJr ?1.00 per year. I will rejoice to see it annihilated, pro- 'nnn if m Kannhlia.n I am at I Die waea it COmeS in ConnlM I m m . t m vt.Uwo. r-"" , . i ... , . iit-dbiiuu oi tuiercsL uc mi voce miirv rt PmnlSf ne.y8 passes it around to bis brethren, so Unio'nf bare helped o nominate and the Populist has no fixed principles.! .,,, -n w-. . n n i . . nr n i - i ninrv uun mtuiub au a itiua lu uajrxxara aknti m w wnm wnnr m rrri i snarm n a other con sid-1 u;m ....mm. .ni ;.inn.-- naArla :.i v..M n t.; .1. t ,. . , , gets any nearer than the next town torr. Whenthe Populist party has been kn0wn is "Democratic Forks." from Ke W $64,62312 worth of in existence as long as the Demo- lt, similarity to the aforeaaid din- bond, to railway corporation aod 7iZ ZJJ -.7: t . Ior ner utensil The streets are nicely collected the interest on these bond o avvu v iud uaiiuui a, ior one, :n . . t -i . . lOontinasd on Fourth Fag 1 a th

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