HE. CAUCASIAN VOL. XIV. RALEIGH, N. C, THURSDAY, .JANUARY 2:5, 189C. NO. 1 1. THE NATIONAL CONGRESS. Jlonio Record of What the Peo ple's Representatives Are Trying to Do. irufti, orm Carolina will not re satisfied l.'ntil tbin government is run on the ireat fundamental priL ci j1;k of "equal rights to all and special privileges to non.'' a taught and practiced by Thomas Jefferson and Andrew Jackson, North Carolina will not be satisfied, and her solemn ptotents will con tinue to be hoard on this Hoor. The Senator from New York says he is glad to learn that the people of North Carolina i-tand for the princi SENATOR BUTLER'S SPEECH, k1"' Jrson and Jackson I i;u.iii-ui; mm 10 i.now luui iu" oourse of the national Democratic party i. uccortlintf to those princi ples. His own r.-cord is the opposite of true Icrno racy. The 1'eople's I'arty in the only party in this coun try to-day which n-prettentti those yreat principles oi justice and good government. The people recognize this, and therefore the People's I'arty is daily receiving accessions by the thousands from both of the old inonopoly-riddeti, British-gold parties. The People's I'arty stands for the principles of true Republi canism as put for A.nrd 'by Abraham Lincoln an 1 for true Democracy as enunciated by our forefathers. On tho.-o en at questions we stand, and adhereuts of both the old parties are comin'T to ns Jiecause they lelieve their parties have deserted those principles. The peopi nave begun to. recog nize the -1.1 "fence ietween party principles aud a party name. They refuse to di'seit their principles to follow a name. They will not follow an agent of the gold combine though he hoists the dear old party banner. Therefore tli y are repudiating the two old traitorous parties and Hock ing under tho banner of the People's Party, where they can worship the true godvf tleir fathers. Mr. Hit. I.. Wo still como back to the question as to what North Car olina wants, a high tariff or a low tariff, a prot etive tariff or a tariff- reform men lire. I'pon that ques tion each othe Senators from that State claim! to represent the State fairly and impartially, and each makes incoVsistent claims Mr. lSUTlKtt. In answer to the luestion as to what Noith Carolina ll llrlB Sli r..i.ili.l v fr Mffeitiir Tti t Will l:lnll" I iiterel f Ilia lc.flt- Thf j l" ' sl' 11.,,, An. I ll nl.r H. Ii.iii.-p. ..I liuMMir ii iiifmi'j. MO.M.AV, .IAN. I.'tTll.-.sENATB. Thirteen pension lolls were intro duced. Mr. Pritchard, who had been in terrupted in hi.- speech on last I'ri ! iy raid- "Mr. President, on Fri day last wheii I ro. to Teply tcrlie riticism of tho senior Senator from New York Mr. Illl the chair recog nized the Senator from California Mr. Vhite. I was thus unable to pi ed, and I therefore beg the in dulgence of the Senate for a lew moments this morning." Mr. Pritchard then proceeded to t . r the hon s skin oil or tho jackass b.idy of the great Democratic peanut politician, Ilill, of New York. Hill had charged Pritchard with advoca ting a high tariff reform, and said ti his coarse, goldbug-inonopoly hireling strain, that no did not see how "both the North Carolina Sena tors were to lo accommodated." In reply to this Mr. Pritchard said: 'Hut. alas for humau greatness! When the proposition to put even a higher duty than tho McKinley duty on collars anil cuffs was offered the resonant voice of the honorable Sen ator was silent as the grave. Does it lie in the mouth of the Senator from New York, Mr. President, to (reach consistency to others? Now, Mr. President, tho colleague of the honorable Senator voted for the Wilson bill and clamored tor the SOUTHERN both children end Mill WertkUse' parent ere th nm ti are blame for boit ot the e rnMniTfniic i children co to work t ry uuniiiiunu. v-iDBUOCRACY YS. FREE SILVER. Mill Workers. the Soatb ate ( As Annlieri1 ta IaW in Wtnnftr- high a ia tbe Nor; neither s.e tte rr I winters as Ions? or tbe rents a hi a-a iunue -xacis ADauiooiiOD i meatier do tne iNatarnre e t wear as Btoj or as bev el.h-. When ! thia is coesulrr.d. aJ tte human tSPettneat. there Let tittU THE MILL OWNERS' CHANCE. that .e f it... pan ..f tb. i mon arc uoiar equally a ni a i 1 h- I'bm I'.r.o. m Vmurmm Ikal M III Hmd trl'. Mrlkoa a oil katirk) it TWf an .dul ! thai lll Matt rk tuff. n. 1 1 .l.l- UflMM to all In an inter-' n-g eriri. of crtii irf Wbj Frt Coiait of Silttr Ca aot B Stcoffj Through th RECORDS, FACTS, 011 MOSS. lOW THE PEOPLE'S AFFAIRS ARE MANACEO BY OLD PARTY ROTHSCHILD-WALL STREET TOOLS. highest protection possible on collars wants, 1 will sdato that she wants a lust system z taxation; sue wants nioro money, oven- dollar a lull le gal tender dollir standing on its own bottom, not to je redeemed in gold dollars, aud etough of them to main tain the stability of prices. If you will give ustlut, the people of North who now, I understand, ts residing Carolina caupy ine iuciiniey larm temporarily at Sing Sing, counting or the highestUriff ever passed eas the hours until his electrocution, ier than they fan pay a 10 per cent. nn.l t,. 'Mtosr," John V. Mekane. tanil anUer t e goiu stanuaru. iNorm who is permanently established at Carolina als wants an income tax Kin., K ,n,r nonitPtitiarv. Woil il It I mat . Will lilthu iub weaitu r- r n a aud c.uft, the manufacture of which is an important industry at Troy. N Y. The two distinguished New York Senators were elected by Dem ocratic legislatures which owed their Democratic majority to election methods like those of Mr. Hat Shea, trouble the honorable Senator too much to look after his own tariff in felicities and party incongruities be fore meddling with affairs in North Carolina! Speaking in part for North Caro lina. I will sav to the Senator from Nw Vork. in conclusion, that if combination is necessary to com plete Democratic defeat in the State in this woeful year of Democratic disaster, it will bo effected. My col league is abundantly able to speak for himself, but I will suggest to the Senator from New York that the difference between them is, that my colleague left the Democratic party because its abuses could not be cor rected inside of its organization, and the Senator from New York was kicked out of the Democratic party and branded as a traitor because his opposition to the Wilson bill threat ened th:;t hybrid measure with de- rn.t. Jtetween the consistency of my colleague and the self-stultification of the Senator from New York, who still maintains his adherence to the Democratic party, tho compari son is no disparagement to my col league. I also wish to remind tho Senator that McKano was sent to the oenitentiary in consequence of misconduct growing out of Demo cratic election methods in the State of New York. That is the point I wikh to mako. The Senator seeks to erado the force of it by reminding tne that some timo in the past this man was a decent man and aKepub tlifi Stain of New York. We have a L'roat many instances in his tory where men had a good charac ter, who.e character was unques tioned, and in an evil moment they of th. country pay its just proportion ot the taxes of be country. She wants a stop put to these infamous bond issue; she is opposed to increasing txes and piling up an interest-beaing debt in times of peace; shewould rather cut down expenses tan increase taxes: sne would rathr pay debts tlian pile them up. that is what she wants. Is it not pi in ? Mr. llii;. it is very piain iLiaugn- ter , and l is very plain turtner tnat that Nortl Carolina is not going to get what ne wants, either from the present Cngress or trom any otner Congress or a great many years to come. lie KepuOiican party is not going to arrender to any such de mands a those which come ironi North Crolina. The Democratic party is ot. Therefore North Car olina w have to wail, because it can notoe comforted. The J'nator from North Carolina wants f pass an income-tax law. Is there ay objection to his passing it ! if he tints tol Let him introduce such fbill. It simply violates the Const ution; but as our friend, Tim othy Campbell, of New York, says: Wlit has tne constitution to no oe twee friends?" Laughter. M- Hutler. Will the Senator roiNew York yield to just ono quftioni Jr. II ill. Certainly. 'r. DuTLEtt. I have introduced a ill proposing an amendment to tr Constitution so as to provide for a income tax. Will the Senator pm New York vote for it? Let us at the alleged constitutional difli ultieato, just and rijhteous law ut of the way. Will he vote for Sherman I Hep. 1 The two living and fundamental principles free trade and production have kept tur two parties alternately in power for the last twenty years. You gen tleman of the South have enjoyed the honors and emoluments of office on acccunt of your devotion to free trade. We of the North have been especially aggrandized and enrich ed by our devotion to protection. As long as we can make this the para mount issue our parties are safe. But these are perilous times. The passage of the tariff bill at the last session threatened the destruction of both our parties by the loss of our main issue. The skill of Mr- Keed and his friends at the other end of the Capitol has furnished a way out. They have sent us two bills a bond bill and a tariff bill. The bond mil is not ot tne sugntest conse quence. Nobody wants it, the Roth schilds are opposed to it and why should we be for it? But it will serve a good purpose. We are on the Finance Committee. Let the bond bur be reported and you put your tree coinage amendment on that. When it comes into the Sen ate all fiee coinage men can vote for it and make free coinage speeches on it for home consumption, because it will do no harm and aid them at home. When it is passed through the Senate that is the end of it. In that way our friends both in the West and the South who must be for free coinage to come here, will have given evidence of the faith that is in them and will have made them selves solid with, their constituents But the tariff is the important ques tion to keep before the people, be cause one-half of them are educated to free trade and the other half to high protection, and it is very easy and when they get to fighting on that issue they will forget all others as they have for the past twenty years, ine silver men ot tne west can very well vote against putting silver on the tariff bill because that bill gives them protection on wool, lead, lumber and coal which the peo ple of the West attach much import ance to, and with their votes we can keep the tariff clean from any amend ment and then there will be a fair issue on the tariff between you of the South and we of the North, as it has been from the beginning, and it is easy to fire the American heart on that issue. Without that issue the Populists would take the country and consequently I have called this caucus for the purpose of determin ing a policy for the committee. Harris I Dem. iouhave spoken wisely. We must use both silver and the tariff in my country or the "Pop- ulf ' will snow us - under. The peo ple are in earnest about silver, but they are getting a little tired of the tariff which has done them no good and we have got to be vociferous for silver. We will vote for silver on all the bills and denounce any man that votes against it, and we are forced to be particularly severe on all of you gold standard men, which you always pardon on account of our common motive to keep our parties in line. Aldrich Kep.J I fully concur with all that is said by my brother from Ohio and my dear friend from Tennessee. We must keep the tariff issue alive or both of our parties will die. There is no other issue upon which we can divide the peo ple and prevent them from joining the Populists and overthrowing our friends in Wall and Lombard streets. Everything is at stake in raising the war cry of freedom over the tariff. On that the North and South have always come together with a crash that attracted the attention of the whole country. Let us strip the tariff bill of all embarrassment by tne pian suggested in tne wise re marks of the Senator from Ohio, agree. Jonks (of Arkansas,) Dem. I am surprised to find my sentiments echped and re-echoed by each one of you. Arkansas is in a perilous con dition. The Populists are in earnest for silver and our people are in earn est and the only way we can get their votes and keep the Democratic party alive is to make them think we are really for silver, which we can do on the plan suggested by Mr. Sherman. The plan suits me exactly. Carry out that program Yoorhees Dem. I have always been profoundly impressed with the wisdom and patriotism which has developed in these joint caucuses xney renect tne essence or good sense and statesmanship of both o our parties. And their combined is the highest wisdom which the repub lic or any other country on tar h can produce. I am so. thoroughly convinced that the Senator from Ohio is sincere in all he says and that he speaks the truth on all oc casions, that I can without hesita tion indorse anything he may saj- in advance. I have equal confidence in my own associates on the com mittee and I am delighted that they follow the wise counsel of the great Senator from the State adjoining my own. I have found it during my entire political life to be advan tageous, proper, and wise to be for every sound principle. 1 am for the single gold standard and I am for the free coinage of silver. I am for a high tariff and I am for a low tariff. 1 am for tree trade and 1 am tor protection, but 1 only use one of these principles at a time Allison !KepJ I would have made some suggestions earlier in the de bate but my sentiments were so well expressed by all of you that it seem ed unnecessary to say anything. I am a bimetalhst and for the free coinage of silver whenever Great Britain says the word. 1 am apprehen sive, however, that it would be un pleasant to Wall street tor me, un der present circumstances, to vote for tree coinage or any bill presented, but I can see the great propriety in having a bill upon which a tree coin age amendment can be placed and voted for and against without offend ing any body, that is, those wfco have been in the habit of voting that way. As for the tariff issue, I have always been in tavor ot that issue and I have judiciously balanced on that issue to the entire satisfaction of the people of Iowa. 1 hnd no difficulty in adapting my courso as to what free traders there are in my State and those who are protection ists. They understand me. I har monize these matters and that is the way to do. Now with the tarilr is sue in the next campaign as tne par amount issue we can sort of bar mo nize all our silver friends and pro tectum inenos m our party, ana you South will not onlv b.e 8 8kifal cannarmoni9 an your tree traae operatives but by far the most safe men aim a4i juur ne m.cu and conservative. These people have into your party and we will contin- tJieir fault but awiegSBe8s, and ue to remain in power anu see iuh tn nnmmniii.iti - tV, that the conservative, liberty-loving e,,uany dangerous character, the an sentiments of Wall and Lombard rc hist ar not .mon thm Ua. gtreets are not outraged. From the c-ui.d concerning lr.r, " , iin rpr -ntativ. iu-n ail over tu muntr.. printed by the TradV-fuian, th. fol lowing appear from tb pn of Hon. li. It. Lary, CotutnisMotirr ot Labor of North Carolina: In dicussiug the mbjct of South ern iaber it rhould I remetnWred that I pee them through the eyes of a Southerner and of one who, cot uuly was born and reared iu thin - tiou but also of one who went into the shops and srvd au apprentice ship as a machinist. In North Carolina a very large per cent, of the millhelp are native North Carolinians, and those who ar? not, are from the North and not for eigners. Ur these ll.UO.i growo iho ple working in mills, not over .1 per cent, are from outside the State; the 4, lib!' children are, of course, na tives. These people are for the most part of the sturdy Scotch-Irish stock. This class of people, while opposed to the lite war, billowed every hard fought held with their bodies, and the same spirit that made them, ao easily disciplined and managed, and yet so loyal and true then, when they were tried with tire, will make them eventually the very best operative in the world. This labor oouitc al most entirely from the farms, and is conservative, and not spoiled by contact with anarchist or in fact any kind of agitators. They have the great adv&uttee of inheriting sound, healthy bodies, not weakened by dissipation, aud while it i a fact that they are slow, owing to climatic intiuence and early training in farm hie, it should not b mistaken for laziness. They take a gait that lone experience has taught them they can maintain. It is not always the whooping, bustling, showing-ofl nan, that is accomplishing the most, but the steady, plodding safe one That training will quicken them and that gradually they will do as much, hour tor hour, as their more ener getic brothers at tbe'?ortb, there li no shadow of a doubt. FORCE OF HAIUT. . and ar. a good claaa of "oBrra brM. f. v S .,.,o,ftintoh.r i?1 rrt'ti t U or ottr than our brei L r u f colder eiitn. Soma ot tha mill oart hat it t- tka oPer factories for sutrtatra dents and foremen, and wbda tb are paid so mnr J t t ativ' hre, they come. That tari i mfl rint to bo that ibey think th-y re ioif better. They r nativa Northerners reole for borders The South wants men, met ib energy, nerve and ruh. But to Lake th plac of any bar bat to aiaii late with them, shou!d-r to shoal Ier. in the work of hmlJior op the wate p'aces. IUh.vii TO ALL. There is plenty of room and a - t dial welcome: not that she .ul, not welcome capital also, but the main want is more people. pt(.U who com to make home and be cit izens; not enough to smother out our individuality and characteris'irs. but enough to soften dn and by bringing a new blood and with in dustry improve what she already ha. She does not Ded nii.nariea. loug haired men or short-haired, t loonier-attired oui9, nor a sing-lu agitator or walking delegate. They may have to come as the necessity for them occurs, but if the null own ers are wise they will avoid the mis takes and blunders f th more thickly settled parts of tho world. The ureal bugaboo of lynching has never Wen used on either a mill man or an operative; this rla ot people do not need that kind of medicine, and the operative, if he honestly desires to make a home and become a loyal citiaen. cannot arlect a oeuer part tn world. Iu re i as little sectional feeling as exists anywhere. True, there are fool, here as well as everywhere, but the section a person column from. Lis re ligious opinion ad politics, will hav less mtluuce her than almost anywhere. If a person is searching for every spatk of aectiual teelmv and then devotes bins If to th task of adding fuel to it and tanniog it into a rlame, he of coarse will gen ii. ...... . erauy sueeecu, out that s-ugle inci dent is due to tb d-sir to prov a vicious prophecy and does not rep resent th true feeling. The seeood bugaboo of the neero n-ed not keep any hard working man from casting al.t aa fa , t . . . Ita l-a . rril a. a-a ra.. TW a,l atlW rw. M ,k, Vala mt Ifca Is. - fca4 a a-a u4 WTkat Traai TWafc. (Cad-r this head si! b raea'.t coBBBasicatiotts coattiar tor t. Cannot B Obtained lrask tfc. Democrat! Party."! In th 4rt place th asachia r I J standard Dcamrrats ar tta id Democratic ,rty ut tadsy. Th bIora of this vaacbia -arty consists ot oA--holder f roa U hirbest down tL roach th res office, vn to a nagistrate, auJer th rs-nt cold standard admiaia tration. This machine I'arty J. not pretend to proaia anytime but sond mDM. which, as tb- term it. means a start tdd atat.l ard, knowinr full well that tea of thousands of th old tint !mort aU who ar in earnest for free coiaac of silver, are i.kaxixu tui ra.Ti like rats leave a abait( bij also know that thousand .f cans ar doing the aiu. aav adopt d this sound them so as to ft With The, K.'pub the) kuwbev KepubJt to r-t lenio That man inherits almost all traits I h lot with this people; tbev are not of his character there is no rainsav- worked in th factories and th. y ar ing. we see this in animal lire and UTanr,Da a improving very rap- man is nothing but a Christianized. "'J nsidering the lontjeais of cultivated animal; the setter is the svry, and their association with very best illus ration of this. Fewland treatment of the white is duel people know that on account of pat- to the w7 tn white treat them. riotic sentiments b-otchmen. when Great Britain was at war "with Spain, would not use the Spanish or pointer dog, and made their trainers undertake to teach the trick spaniel to "point." Now the habit and trait has been taught and transmitted un . - m m - ' xuer is a great tuiar ior inn section of the I'niou. but the magni fying the idea of lawle.no ani printing and exaegeratinr every case, and leaving tb imur-umn that there is a great deal when Hi- territory is not considered, si-d til the 'setting spaniel is now as the! 'TncD'ntr la Texas and one in Mary iana are notb spoken r as iu it- Soutb. as if the South was not laiget than Kcgland is erroneous and hurt ful. Th South is rich ia water irw-r, and in fact in all natural r"urc. but especially in its men and twin especially in the -laa that earn their bread by th sweat of their brow. B R. Lacy. Com. Labor, N. O. "setter" tho equal if not the supe rior of the Spanish pointer. With man it is the same wayi the children of the present mill help will be de cided improvements on those of to day, and in a very short time the Silver KnightNational Watchman, Washington, D. C SOME FACTS ABOUT MONEY. . Ill it A A.--A! lo-t their character. I can not helpoiy Din to amend tne onsiuuuou iu that. I am sorrv that he is a Dem-this respect? The people thoroughly ., .i t ., rrv bo i in that at understand that justice can titude." Mr. liiiTLKR. Mr. President, 1 d not care to leply to anything t) distinguished Senator from N' York has said to-day, but I wish o make a statement, inasmuch as y name was usee, by the Senator f.'tn New York a few days ago wha I w. out of the Chamber. Tho Si- tor from Mew York of course dinot ;.,fr.,,.l in mien note me. but h re- ...i-a a thv annear in the Kord ! ulial I Bfllll 11 ouoted me as saying that the jople who left tho Democratic par auu :..;.t h innle'tf Party in orth Carolina did it solely on accdutot the treachery of that party i the Tbfl Senat no Ittlllt ijumuvu. " , Lf thnntrht I said that, b' n he will turn to the ltecord and r.d my nt-a in rnlv to the nator from Tennessee (Mr. Ilarrisle will no that I made no such stpment. The Senator from New Yk says t i hard to satisfv North (rolina. You can not satisfy North arolina with a irold standard. Yotan not oiQfv North Carolina biissuing ' more bonds and piling up larger debt in- times of peace. Y'gcan not a;fv North Carolina b' casting your vote to prevent Con ?ss from taxing the accumulated vlth, the millionaires, and the moipolies of this country while at the fme time you place all the burden unon the poorer people ,d on the productive industries ofhe coun vn,i an not satfv iorth Carolina by giving all thmcidenta: of a so-crflh revenue tariff, to New England awaking it the Toeorile of thouth and West. If it is hard tcatisfy the nonn A fir North Carol! because they stand for those jui principles nil mBdsnres. then I I proud to boast that my State is hd to satis fy. 8ha aska for simplustice; she demands iustice; she wjbe satisfied nrUh Tinthincr less. ASiTQg as Con gress legislates only f( the benefit not be the old frankly gotten through either ot parties, as the Senator has admitted. ' Mr. Hill. I shall have to bo a good deal older than I am now be fore I will ever vote tor such an un wise constitutional amendment, per mit me to say. Mr. Butler, iour party can not hope tor a much longer lease oi power by pursuing such an un-Amer ican and ruinous course, lhe Pop ulist party is growing rapidly be cause of just such betrayals of trust, Ot course I mean nothing .personal. The gold trust and the monopolists control both old parties, and the people are forced to leave them and rally under tho banner of the Peo ple's Party to fight for their lost rights, their lost liberities, and their lost prosperity. Mr. Morgan addressed the benate, favoring the free coinage of silver. (Morgan is one of those Democrats who profess to favor free coinage, but doesn't want it if the Democratic party can't give it.) His speech, therefore, while containing some stiong facts, is not the speech oi a man who puts principle aoove party. Mr. Butler announced that ne would speak on the same question to-morrow (Tuesday). House. The House spent most of the day discussing the best plan for inaugu rating big pension grabs, and intro duced fifty-five more pension bills. Tuesday, January 14th Senate. Seven pension bills were intro duced. A lively racket occurred to day in the Senate over a pension bill. One was reported by the committee on pensions granting $75 per month to the widow of Brig-Gen. William Cogswell. Senator Allen (Pop.) op posed the amount given by this bill. He showed by the record that $30 a month was the customary amount allowed widows of Bngadier-Oener The I'liper Currency and Sle of Itllls 'Great Fronts to Uncle 8am In Pennies and Nlckeln. The discusion that has arisen in the press, caused by the financial situation, about the various kinds of money in circulation and outstand ing, lends interest at this time to the official Treasury announcement, made Jan. 3, of the denominations ot paper money now outstanding. It is: Denominations. Total. One dollar .... $ 46,190,592 Two dollars .... 30,1S6,806 Five dollars .... 250,964,750 Ten dollars .... 97,061,276 Twenty dollars . . . 223,285,080 Fifty dollars ... 36,440,435 One hundred dollars . . 75,450,870 Five hundred dollars . 12,480,000 One thousand dollars . 92,001,500 Five thousand dollars 6,S90,000 Ten Thousand dollars 17,610,000 Fractional parts . . 28,994 It is not generally known that all the minor coins of base metal, snoh I as pennies and nickels, are made at the Philadelphia mint, and that nearly 100,000,000 pennies are coined there every year. This large num ber is occasioned by the fact that thousands of pennies are loit annu ally, and the government has some difficulty in maintaining a supply. The profit of the government on their manufacture is large. The blanks for making them are pur chased for $1 a thousand from a Cincinnati firm that produces them by contract. Blanks for nickels are obtained in the same way, costing Uncle Sam only a cent and a half apiece, uoia is coined in r-nnaaei-phia and San Francisco. MARRIAGE ON THE ROADSIDE. Continued on 3rd pas. era Shore of this State, to get mar ried on the public highway, while sitting in buggies, and not unfre quently with hats and bonnets on during the ceremony. This custom has at last aroused the more staid citizens of Accomac and other por tions of the Eastern Shore, with the result that the ministers have deter mined to break up the custom. It is doubtful, however, whether they will succeed. THINKS THE MILLENNIUM AT HAND. Rev. Dr. Wharton Sees a Sign of Christ's Coming in the War Scare. Baltimore, Jan. ,12. The Rev. Dr. H. M. Wharton, prominent as an evangelist, thinks the millennium is close at hand. In his sermon to-day on, "The War Clouds and What They Mean," he said in part: "Christ is coming again. It will be a personal coming. He came first as prophet and priest He will come again as king at the resurrection. He will call the righteous dead from their graves, and the righteous still alive will be called together. I be- leve that the Christian men and women will disappear suddenly from the streets, and the world will know nothing about it, Men will go on with business as before. "I cannot prophesy as to the time of His coming, but according to my belief, it looks as if this is just about the time. Look at the signs. The Gospel has been preaehed to all na tions; there is a general falling away among Christians from the faith; there is great suffering, a martyr dom such as the world never saw, for Christ's sake; great earthquakes, and war clouds, and war talk more portentous than ever before. "These facts are signs which por tend the coming of the King." THE PLUCKY CUBANS. The Are Still Fishtinu for Freedom And Are Making It Warm for Their Oppressor. The Cuban insurgents have been, metaphorically speaking, dancing a war-dance all about Havana, burning sugar-caue, interrupting commerce, and defying the 30,000 Spanish soldiers thereabouts, who seem powerless to check them or catch tnem. It has been a distinct and inexplicable triumpl for the insurgents to have been able to make such a demonstration, and the Spaniards, in addition to declaring martial law for all of the island not before placed under it, have been fren ziedlv fortifying their capital city No attack has, however, been made and are not among them. Ite- from the rural districts where days are long and wages low, they feel that they have been ad vanced when they get out of the ''weather" and have regular pav. It rests with the mill men of this section what their future shall be. If they educate their help to feel that they are machines, thev will SOUTH CAROLINA. Mealing af the LaalalatTS lalala of the Ueveraar'a Mssssgs. - The legislature of South Carolina met Tuesday of last week. The Governor's message dealt with sev eral matters of interest, among them being the question of suffrage. cans in IK, thinking tLy uu.sk npforthsir kms in th South aaJ West. Thwitfore it is luit-oaait.) free ruinajce of silver io th cratic party. This stubborn MCLZ uV A FA NTT with a tit-publican head ana lrui orratic frt. trauapina; through In ountry braying like a J-- nwKt faaJ m,y tx-ats Ibedrtil. Il eannot uvjtiply; it tuut dm r-a. Il this party ran aWt a striped ra.i dent and rvrry tavinbvr of Coorrt they would tietrr ai us ire sad unlimited roioage of silvtr. Tho original Democratic party is bCtiTKI AM M ATTKkEI. all over tha country, waiting to join in with tree silver turn under aoiu name to get f rt-s coinage .t silver and they are going to ct it. Now, Cleveland's majority was made up largely by Kepublirau votes in the West, and he paid then well for all he got by giving them TUB HT rLA in his cabinet. Oa that pletfotut free coinage Democrats were be trayed, and what was said to be I tm eoinar) of silver was - ' Di to mean free coinage. The last Con gress elected by the so-called old party, finished the work the Kcpub licans were ashamed to !o by vot ing down the Sherman silver par chasing act; then tried free coinage of silver at several ratio's and would net give it to us AT AM KATIO, and n ruined the country. This was done by the machine element ia the Democratic party. A machine Democrat is not ashamed of any thing. He will, if necessary, eecri-. Dee bis cbanres of eternal life for the sake of an office and the saoney it puts in his pocket. So the way ia so plain that a fool ought to aee that free coinage of silver ran never be secured through the Democratic party. Now, let ns aee if we can't prove all we aay to right thinking men of all e la acs. The great msjoiity of this machine element are drifting toward monarchy, worshipping a single standard money; worshipping ven Cleveland; believing that bis own financial ideas outstrips all the rest of this nation; to disregard na tional traditions set him np On the subject of honesty in elee find that hnrrmn mahinor,- i tions Governor hvans says: 'The most unmanageable of any kind punishment should be pre- iawiit, known to man. If, on the other -cribed by your honorabb bod v for and believing that money ought to, hand, they try to make their help frauds in registration or voting and will rnle always, as it is now, better men and better citizens they Th,rw w a a time when the ends the rnling power of the day. Any will reap the great reward in a ma wowJ ';U1 justifv the means in aane man who has the welfare of teiialway. Almost all of the strikes tbii particular, but the necessity no our country at heart knows this and trouble of the older manufac- loifc,' t. and the day is past ought not to be. Thia party thinks a gold man is far superior in intei- turing parts of the world re due en tirely to the snort-sightedness of mill owners and managers, who wanted (o get rich too fast and paid no attention to the moral or intel- Mnvemnnt in Accomac Against an Old Eastern Shore Custom. Richmond. Va.. Jan. 12. The Ban list ministers of Accomac conn ty, in this State, at their regular nnarterlv meetrhsr iust held at Modestown, adopted resolutions de nouncingr a custom which has exist ed in that part of the State for many years, of young couples marrying on the roadside in buggies. From time immemorial it has been the cus tom with certain people on the East A Bank President Bent to the Peniten tiary. ... Jacksonville, Fla., Jan. 14. E. W. Arsrnew. president of the First National bank, of Ocala, Fla., who has been on trial in the United States District court, in this city, for embezzling a large amonnt of the bank's funds, was this morning sentenced to five years in Kings county penitentiary, Brooklyn. YOU CAN ENCOURAGE THE CAUSE OF REFORM BY SUBSCRIBING TO THE ; CAUCASIAN $1.00 A YEAR. when anything but the will of the intelligent majority freely and hon estly ci pressed at the ballot box can govern in South Carolina. He com a out strongly in condem- lectual training of those who turned I nation of lynching and calls upon it may be that none Is intended, since out to be exactly what should have I the lrgilature to nact such laws as without any navy it would be next to been expected by the way they are I will prevent lynching in that State impossible for tbe insurgents to noia treated. The South ia not onlv in the future. He fear, however. the city against Spanish gunboats. bI J j h the very best class that that "nothing bort r the loss ot The outlook tor Cuban independence I . . v,..i . ,,. ..m-iai hJLi. ..r ,.m is seen, however, to be far more hopeful ' , " k "T v I .... . . ... . i h.r of. but to a irreat extent the owners I mitting lyn-btnir will ever put ai. indicated. The following description and managers are real gentlemen in end to it. of Gomez, commander of the insurgents, the truest setise of the word, and The Columbia Kgiiers review of is taken trom a letter published in The while they desire wealth they do not the nisag says: place it above everything; and in al- "The Governor condemnation of most every case they understand special legislation, which is forbid that "What they sow that they will den by the new Constitution, is to reap;'' if they sow in the wind of the point. Any apparent necessity grinding out the ambition and mm- for such legislation can be avoided hood of thosa who have to take sub- by passage of certain general laws ordinate places, they will certainly which he recommend. His protest reap the whirlwind of strikes and against alien ownership of lands is friction and unrest.' The mill men timely. The people of the State o? the South have their opportunity, should not permit "the fertile lauds Will they profit by the mistake of to b turned into buntisg preserves other sections and try to elevate and for Northern millionaires- They ean build up their section with men as play an infintt-ly more important well as factories! If their whole part i building up the prosperity treatment and intercourse tends to of this State " bring out the bad and vicious side The remarks f the Governor of their people, they should not hold I about railroad monopolies will be np their hands in holy horror and I appreciated, especially by the peo try to pose as martyrs when IhelpU of the Pied mon. who are most storm of their own making breaks apprehensive of the results of the over their heads. It is a great pity Southern's poliey of gobbling np all that, on account of the greediness competing lins, a policy indirect oi some iew, stringent laws are en- notation of the laws of this BUM " acted. There is no law in this State limiting th honrs of a dav; naithor I A Sis sai Half Per Caet, HfMMS De is their any concerning child-labor. I eir. Most of the mills have, of their own I The Board of Dir ctors of the Sun, written JJec. 21, by an r.njrnsn cavalry officer who has enlisted under Gomez. lie says : 'I never saw such faith, such confi dence in a military leader, in my life. Napoleon aid. not get more devotion from his soldiers than General Gomez receives from the men whom he is leading on to victory. Neither man nor officer in the innermost recesses of his own private communion ever dreams of questioning the judgement or the ability of this great old warrior. I tell you be is a military wonder: ne is a Cuban Hannibal. As I told you in ew lork, l ve Seen service in South Africa aud in the Soudan, but for planning and carrying into execution under dimcuities a suc cessful campaign this little old man takes the cake.' Its ver audacity, when you consider our comparative paucity of numbers, our scarcity of ammunition, is simply marvelons.'1 Decreased Construction of Railroads. Statistics furnished from official sources show that only 1,782 miles of new railroad were built in the United States during 1895. This is the lowest point reached in any of the last 23 years, and only twice since 1863 has so small a mileage been constructed, while tne total is about 100 miles in ex cess of the record of ISae. The rail roads of the United States aggregate a little over 181,000 miles at tbe close or 1893. The railroads, in both traffic and construction, always accurately indi cate the financial and commercial con dition of the country. lect to a free ailver man. Why air, they do not think a man a good cit zn nnleas he belongs to this in a bine party. They would put their nands on our nioutbs and not ALLOW t'S t'KEB SPEECH t they could. So crazy are they on this moometlim that nothing looks or tastes right nnlesi gold ts u it. Crime is n the increase; cbtldrea riot bed ia five rent cotton go Js t pass tbe winter in: all tbe product f the farm lower than the cost of production! It is well that so many free coinage men are ia tbe Bunny South. Two years of gold standard has brought us to this. Four mere rears will finish the work. Then cotton and the sua will be all they sri.l have for a covering when win ter cam . Ko chaaee for free and unlimited coinage through such a party as this. Catawba. THE BKOTtf KBHUOU or StAK. If sny mil must fail for sae tu rest. Then seek I not le climb. Anotuers pain I c boose not or my good. A golden chain. A robe of honor, is too pour a prise To tempt my bast) band te de a wrear t'nto a feilow wan. This life hat woe Sufficient, wrought by man's satara foe: And who hath a heart would dare pre long Or add a sorrow to a stricken aoel That seeks some healing halm to make it whole? My bosom owns tbe brotherhood ef accord, come to an eleven-hour day, I North Carolina Kail way company in but as some still suck to twelve I session at Burlington, to-day de hours and even more, they will! elared . Gi per cent, dividend. This probably get public sentiment arous-1 dividend in excess of C per cent, is Or oa his fellow lays his supercilious From God and truth a renegade ts be Who scorns a poor man in his poverty. ed so tnat there will be some legis-lthe first in the 'company's history. lation. Children are allowed at any I Tins all of its property goes on the age that the superintendent thinks I fax list, wbieh would not nave rtoen he can make anything-out of them. I accomplished, it is contended, but This, too, will probably be stopped I for the lease to tbe Southern Kan. which will be area! good thing for way, ban. Tsiosi as McK ELiaa. Let very friend of good govem sassit got np elnb for Tu Cacca- oi monopolies auu uir"1"""1

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