Mi ' No Man Who iJts Country Above Party can Vote la 1896 For A Goldbug Candidate For President. THE CAUCASIAN. P EOPLE VS. MONOPOLY, HY POCRISY AND FRAUD WILL is to ta tout ftuttcaiev- 1 YlOj. TMC ftfiat am fat BE THE 8LOCAN FOR THE COMING CAMPAICN. COlK VS. PiuTOCaCV ISO. OH WNICN UOt Atl VOU 7. VOL. XIV. RALEIGH, N. p., THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 20, 189G. NO. 15. WE NEED a leader; iui Talk From Ex-Congmaman Joe. B. Cheadle A Promi nent Republican. A FIGHT FOR PRINCIPLE. Mo linuaml t rum Harrlaoa, MrKinl.T )(eet Jtirlr VI.hi on lh Maeey iurallnn N. Untieing Mill H lor.t-Tli Tariff ChMluiil I. I'laietl Out Tli. laaue Thla 1 flnaiit--If the Hii-celletl LasMiar Try l l..ilfc II Thri III He rualird Aal.la. Td tho Keptiblit .in voters of Indi an 1,1. una: Tho inf lict before tho country now .vV. tho financo and tariff taxation. 1 rii.iik tho easo in stated fairly when I ,iy that, by nil means, the most ; rtant iuetion is THE MOKEY QUESTION, I , .i o money is to individual and uHl prosperity exaciiy wnat I ih to the human body its life, tariff question is one of rates of ,',,iv only and the articles on which , . ,'rt) to be levied. The Presi-iijv.-t tendered an issue on the m y 'jut-stion by his recommenda ;,v! that nil the national paper ,,,!,. v bit retired and destroyed, and ;h;it tiic tuition oe put permanently nit tho .single roM standard. To aid bis a and force tho issue, he is, ;i- l're.-udent, ..lilN'. TIIK CONST IT I'TIONAti MONEY v ti in ly refusing to redeem the national iapor money, when pre s nti J, iu silver, a right he has both i,y Law and the letter of the contract upon which t lie national paper money win issued. 1 Lave a silver dollar, coined by tin- government in 1703, moro than a century ago. It is coined and : tamped by tho sovereign authority l tho nation. On reading the words -. .tamped on it these facts aro made t li ar: first, that it is a dollar not a piomi.ii! to bo paid by a dollar, but the dnllar itself; second, that it is "one dollar or unit." Unit of what! P.y reference to the act of Congress of April 'J, 17t2, I find that it is the unit of the AMERICAN MONEY SYSTEM. Third, I iind that it is not only "one dollar or unit," but that tho govern ment says it is "ono hundred cents." I read tho act of April 2, 1792, a'ain, and I lind that every silver, irold and copper coin authorized to )u coined into money was measured in and coined by tho "dollar or uuit." Therefore, it follows that ! silver dollar of 3711 grains of pure silver is our "hundred cent dol lar, and must be an honest dollar and a sound dollar. And as it was made a legal tender in payment of debts, and as there are more than !ar hundred millions of these silver dollars in our money system, I have wondered, as many others have, why the oflicers of the government, our public servants, who havo sworn to protect our interests, are, in the lace of the constitution, the law of t'ue contract, and the reserved KIO UTS OP THE PEOPLE, lvfusing to pay out theso silver dol-Ur.-i. The President says that gold and tfold only is money of ultimate re demption in payment of the nation's obligations. To enforce this view he rceonimonds that fivo hundred mil lions of gold bonds be issued and sold for gold, and that with thi3 gold all the national paper money be re ileouied and destroyed. This is an issue go plain that no one need be misled. It is the single gold stand ard of England vs. the silver and cold standard of the United States. The Republican party is pledged in I'AVOR OF BIMETALLISM which means the use of both silver and gold as standard money in the American money system. When the President tendered this issue what answer did the Repub lican House make, whose speaker, Mr. Rood, is an active candidate for the Presidency! It made no answer; dodged the issue clear; passed in in decent haste a bill to increase na tional taxes forty million dollars a must accept the issue. We must make that issue AS CLEAR AN fiCSLIoHT, so that the people can know certain IT what they are voting for, if we are to win. The one imperative need of the Republican party is a leader who has views on this issue and the courage to express them. We of the rank and file want a man for leader who is, like the fathers were, for America and an American money system. If the gold standard is to prevail, then the greenbacks and Treasury notes of S'M) must be retired and de stroyed. President Cleveland says they must go. What do Harrison, McKinley, Heed, Morton, Allison say! Are they in FAVOR Of RETIRING THIS JIOJIEV? Have they no opinions on this vital question! As they remain silent, I say the ono imperative need of the party is A LEADER. If the gold standard is to prevail. then in that event, it will become necessary to increase the bonded debt of the nation five hundred mil lions of dollars. What are the views of the Republicans named on this bonded debt issue! The masses of the party have views on this issue. THESE MEN NAMED ARE SILENT, and that is why the demand is going up for a leader. Out party has come to the forks of the road. We have reached a point where patriotism, honor and states manship are indispensable. Our fathers, when they founded the re public, gave us a chart drawn by masterminds. They made our money system for us a system which they intended should be as permanent as the government. They intended it to be AH HACKED AM THE FLAG. I hold that to make war on that money system is just as much an act of treason as to make war on the flag- In an evil hour our leaders dis carded the chart our fathers gave as. They concluded that Sherman and Cleveland know more about money than Hamilton, Jefferson and Washington. Sherman and Cleve land listened to the siren song sung by John Bull, who, nnable to con quer us on land or on sea, proposes, through these men, to make us CAPTIVES TO HIS MONEY SYSTEM. Our fathers were for America and an American money system. They adopted the great Declaration of In dependence. It may be necessary for us to adopt a second one in 1S9G. Shall the Republican party return to the chart onr fathers made, or follow the one made by John Bull and his gold-standard advocates in America! We have COME TO THE FORKS OF THE ROAD. What answer does Sherman make to Cleveland's gold issue? What reply does McKinley, need, Morton, Alli son, Harrison make? Can it be pos sible that there is no difference be tween Cleveland and these so called Republican leaders! If there be a difference, what is it i we who are to toiiow have a right to know just what the differ ence is. The day of subterfuges has ended. The era of make-shifts has gone by. The masses demand bread, not a stone; principles, not policy; Americanism, NOT TOADYISM TO ENGLAND They are determined to have an issue with President Cleveland on his gold-standard an issue so plain that he who runs can read. J. B. Cheadle. Frankfort, Ind., Jan. 31. SUB-TREASURY DROPPED. The Action of The National Alliance- Chances in Platform The National Farmers' Allianc and Industrial Union, which was recent ly in session eliminated the "sub- treasury plan," and the demand for an increase or the circulating me dium to $50 per capita. Resolutions were adopted opposing the refund ing of the Pacific railroad debt, and agreeing to meet next year at Dallas. A A BILL BY CONGRESSMAN STROWD T Pre Id rr a 1'oata. Fractional Car-reary-What It tooM and Waal ir rorapllab. Congresrman Strowd "baa intro duced the following excellent bill, which, if enacted into law, would be of great benefit and convenience to the people, and no class of men would appreciate the provisions of this bill more than editors. As it now stands they are loaded down with postage stamps for subscrip tions which not only cause much trouble but entail considerable loss. Postal notes are only obtained as a rule in towns large enough to have a bank and do not nerve the great mass of our people who are com pelled to patronize smaller offices. If a postal currency could be again given to the people it would never be suffered to be retired. The following is the full text of the bill as introduced. Mr. Strowd hopes to get it before the committee for dis cussion: "A bill to provide a postal cur rency, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Con gress assembled, That on and after January first, eighteen hundred and ninety-seven, there shall be issued by the post-office department a pos tal fractional currency in denomina tions of five, ten, twenty-five, fifty, and seventy-five cents. Sec. 2. That the issue of said fractional ClirrfiTiAir elintl ho mnIa under the supervision of th .post- M f rn nk i ana vf m nr r anI olin.ll Ka fn I 0 J nished to all postmasters in sums as fhe, ? bve '! n 'ro,n the the Postmaster-General shall deem recent ,etter of 1Ton- ountam, proper, having due regard for the mayr ot Tarboro, in which he an- amoant of business transacted. nounced his renunciation of the Dem- Sec. 3. That the said postal frac- ?rati,c Part;,and Jared that both tional currenev shall b a Wl tn. old political parties were on the I hi n nr Mammnn sums less than one dollar, To sav tn4t M. Fount.in'a ,ur. be redeemable in the law-1 had t.h ffwt nf a hnmhhn amnno ful money of the United States to the crew of groping, party-blinded the amount of one dollar; at any worshippers of decaying Democracy, money-order post-office of the fourth s a mild statement of fact; but his class to th amonTir of fiv dollars? course was not attended by those at- at anv post-ofdee of the first, second, tempts at billingsgate and ridicule on Pi HON. W. E. FOUNTAIN. "Both of the old rolitical shown that they are on the side of Mam mon. The People's Party was born of ne cessity. Its mission is to work out the re- iorms demanded by the multitude. It be- dei for and shall OPINIONS tM tie pf4 aJ ta cm 14 rea bne. we ar t r'C t rtif, k J . V . V t . IN rUolUIN. ttlb fcUW 4 tprt teaj ttacvaprookiaisci? ta aJf tLa rrvat roaaoi MitL aa J a raial Press tnd People Declare Against harii. aj tyrBi tu roiBbiBe. watt 1 aa a'f m MetTiuTt rwitt ee M l . t. k4 at ? w av . . a. m a Ha. I i,n tthi,h t Double-Faced DcaUnxlrin' ciple" the Watchword. Uta tf to ta. - SlaW to Ik , mi taart it - Ta -iiaavw tr or third class to any amount not ex ceeding ten dollars in any one pay ment to any individual on the same dav. Sec. 4. That such postal frac tional currency shall bo furnished to the public on payment thereof at the face value in lawful money of the United States without cost or charges. Sec. f. That any person convic- the part of the Democratic press which have usually followed the men who have "come out from among them." On the contrary there was conviction among business men especially those who have "voted party" from motives of local expediency and for the sake of individual business conservatism that a time had come for consideration and thought. They knew that a man of Mr. Fountain's calibre and character could not be wantonly and recklessly assailed; aad while they, for the nonce, ted of counterfeiting said fractional could not climb above the foer of parti currency shall, on conviction there-1 san prejudice, they were convinced df , be fined in a sum not less than that he had penetrated it and was one thousand nor more than five wnuiDg in a sun-crownea ngnt oi thousand dollar?, or bo subject to whlcn theT b? " knowledf e ad imprisonment for not less than five f"1."!' J, .y years nor more than twenty years, mitted his superiority and ascendancy as the judgement ot the court nav- but were incapable of comprehending lug jurisuiciiuu ui me vnso uinjf ue- 11. cide. Jrom the photo of Mr. Fountain, Sec. G. That twenty-five thousand presented above, it will be seen that he dollars, or so much thereof as is nec-1 Dears a marked resemblance to the la- essary to carry this bill into execu- i"c n vnce Ds 2 tion,ybe appropriated for that vnr.JS; P0!?' ' of oppressor, his earnest wish is to see Ihe act of January 14th, 15, the oeonle all the neor eniov the commonly known as the resumption full meed of hope, prosperity and hap- act, provided for the redemption piness designed for them and which al Irtwra. Our 1Iom. ; (nles.t the Kc ubarao Kad.r uf this State refuse to follow in the foorsteps of Urovt r Cleveland Itu ocraey and tand with the com mo a people, regard ! of the effect it may have on their propct far fed eral "spoils," it seema to un that they and the Popujists have come to the "parting of the ways." and when they part the rank and file of tb Republican patty will part com pany with their leaders. Frwsno, (CaL) Populist. J Motto for Populists Kveiy man to his post and no fusion. Cairf. J. IS. Lloy.t.i "We cannot cooperate units along the line of the Raleigh Mirer convention. Stand firm." Capt. W. If. Kitclu n.J "Our place is in the middle of the road. Our light is for the universal liberation and emancipation of the human family. Our object ought to be to avoid entangling alliances with other parties. We ought to do right or do our best at least, though the heavens fall. We are now stand ing on dangerous ground, we are in our incubating btate. If we are to become the majority party of thi country, it must be by gatheting strength from the two old partios by convincing them that we are right and that they are wroug. We can not do this by co-operation or fusion To fuse or co-operate with either, if we are right and they are wrong, will encourage the wrong and defeat the right. The Vestibule. We believe the rank and file of the Republican party as well as the file of all parties in this State are in favor of the free coinage of silver and a currency issued by the gov ernment; tney are in tavor or more money, inis being the case, it is proper and right that they should vote together on these vital tines tions. When political "spoils" are Through his progressive and public spirited energj numerous valuable en terprises have been established. lie organized the Tarboro Cotton Factory and for a loDg while, and un til.it was successful, was one of its directors. He organized the new "Bank of Tar boro" early in 18'.)" and was elected vice-Presldent of that institution. lie is secretary-treasurer of the "West Tarboro and Improvement Com pany. Mainly through his eilorts the Tar boro tobacco market was opened last fall. lie is manager of the express and telegraph office and owns and oper ates the telegraph line from Tarboro to Washingtonand Greenville. He is steward and trustee of the flourishing Methodist church of his town. He has been elected mayor of Tar boro tight timet and is the originator of all the leading enterprises that have been established there during the past ten years. He has been a supporter of the Dem ocratic party, and would be now but for the fact that it has proven false to pledges and people. Being a man of unimpeachable integrity and a staunch advocate of Jeffersonian Democracy, his self-respect an honesty drove him out of the present Democratic organ ization, lie is an ardent lovnr of ami sympathizer with humanity, and be- considered more important than the lieves that Christian influences should vital principles of good government ueexeneu iu pontics ana mat oniy true ana tne weiiare oi inepeopie.it is oi now taat wiu vote a pri of aa aiartoral ttcktt for a roil- tanJard Prv.iJeM, aaJ bv!tv true Popnttat will do it. Tfu ' ilruav)y fur l'aa I Oar object iv poiaU ahoU bo ut. To right tL wrong aaJ ) d!o of 173 that dantcDttitoJ ailiar. Jo J. To proviJa a rouj aaJ el- ataatial papr earray, rul ia value ta gold aad silver ruta aad afScient in volume to do the bai- oeaa of tho country tn a aafo ai:J permanent baaia. r uaioa should have for its obieet the attainment of the above iot principle, which tniut sot. under any circumstance, be saeri&eed for petty party purpneoe. A. C. Went. Wathinrton eountj: "I am perfectly satisfied with your position. I think wo will come out best in tho nezt election. Your pa per meet with general approval among your pattona in thii aoctior.." I. M. Rodhck, Burke county: I have seen several of my neighbor and ahown them tho plan of eo-opet-ation in the coming campaign aa aet forth by the committee. All endorao or sanction it heartily. I cannot see row a better plan can bo devtard. Angus Shaw, Robeaon count): "I am proud to see your paper take the stand it does. A "middle of tho road" fight, for financial reform ia the only hope for our party. Let the fight be made openly and on principle, so that persons wiahing to vote for free coinage of silver in earnest, may havo some ground on which to tread in coming to o. No co-operation with any party unlet we ran thereby help to put down the single gold standard, ia my motto. On this line I am willing to make the fight, and think I would be safe in pledging my county in advance to "vote her straight." I know ot none who seem to be discouraged at the prorpect of a square tight on principle, except a few who think more of office than of reform.' TURN ON THE HINT! Aa and destruction of the original frac tional currency. This was a crime as well as a blunder. Not a single petition was ever presented to Con gress for their retirement, and the object of the bill was unknown to nearly all the people until the blow was struck. The largest amount of fractional currency outstanding at any one time was $40,912,003, in 184. The amount outstanding in 1880 was $15,589,888. In 1879 an act was passed declaring $8,375,934 of this amount destroyed. Since which time about $325,000 has been presented for redemption leaving some $6,800,000 yet unaccounted for which Senator Sherman recently de clared was probably lost or destroy ed. Very few people, however, under stand the cost of redeeming this best of all small currency. The act of 1875 provided that the Secretary of the Treasury should sell interest-bearing bonds and with would be theirs but for the repression and oppression exercised by Shylock greed and monopolistic rapacity. Mr. Fountain is a typical citizen and a representative and influential business man. He-has been and now is a most potent factor in the development and advancement of the section in which he lives. He has been a citizen of Tarboro for thirteen years and for that time the town is indebted more to him for its advancement than any other. I people. pure anu nones men snouid be in trusted with the responsibility of pub lic office and government. He is a man of fine business and intel lectual ability, preposessing in per sonnel and of a happy, genial and am iable disposition. He is a busy business man. but be lieves that business prosperity is more or less dependent on legislation af fecting business, and being a Jeffer sonian Democrat, accepts as a truth the Jeffersonian axiom "You can legislate adversity or prosperity upon yourselves." Mr. Fountain is a man who takes no step unadvisedly; and if there are business men anywhere who think they have no time to give to the inves tigation of legislation affecting busi ness, the best thing they can do is to follow the lead of this representative business man who linn taken time for that purpose, and try to help him re store prosperity to this country and time to call a halt. I.umberton Populist. 1 We notice that quite a number of Republicans are canvassing the State as candidates for office, all claiming to be "fusionists." They say they are in favor of free coinage of silver and financial reform. If this be true, they will soon havo an opportunity to show their hand. "Actions speak louder than words' If they are in favor of free coinage of silver, and honestly so, they can not and wili. xot vote for a goldbug candidate for the Presidency, nor will they ask the Populists to do it Char. People's Taper. Some Republican papets are mak ing a good deal of noise as to what they can do without the Popu lists, intimating that they don't need Populist votes anyway. If this lotaatlzatloa af Cartel a krheaaee A neat (he Bead I.aae Wealed. New York World. In the general rejoicing over the splendid demonstration of the na tions financial independence the scandals attending the bond sale should not be overlooked. An investigation is imperatively necessary, lne public nas a rigm to know the wherefore of all the mystery and secrecy that attended the syndicate negotiations. It ought to know who invited Mr. Morgan to Washington for consultation, whom he saw there, how he learned that tho "executive department" desired to get not $100,000,000 merely but $200,000,000 of gold, who gave him the assurance that the bonds could be had on "about the terms" of the bunco sale of last year, and who told him that they were to be for twenty-nine instead of thirty years. The country has an especial right to demand that the Secretary of the Treasury shall be made to explain his extraordinary conduct or the bid a a opening. by were some uiu opened twenty-four hours ahead ot Y hy was the general opening Tee KotkMaiU ratiH'i, J aaeaetu.ac e.lv a (.4 , ( goU, La 'lea ao Ua f.tf tacaaaad e !!mh f alette tree ie rroJa era aal d.atrtVat. r aoJik. aaJ trrard it eef to t thieve oho tit r at. J a. age of Uo la ewteUiaa aa.a ataJ of & aal !arr. l.rt! tad.rittl), the ue'.f erf. JtTid J a jatt of tr aa the a-efr pre f t:rf aa4 Aaaetica- A Uar; - ., Ivi, a Pari erreepva4t at of tUe .aa YaV.k tifapaa ai4 "I hat iaJ.api.tab! eitdea.e ia ay pativB tht iaoaa laaj a raiaxl to bnag eU.t tte reaet al adoption ! tk J aa.tal Ua..a Tho nosey ontare aad -ul.tta! oeoBotBiaU ia I.j&doa Pan.. IWti.a. Frankfort aad Aaterda, at either argued into tU aJo.it .( the view tr arte parrtitted out right, lit bee the attirlr ta Ihe loading papora." At the time that letter a writ tea "tho eriaio of IsTJ had jut ta diaeovered. aad aim oat the whole proas of Uo I'nited h'.ate ;obal in donoa&ct? it. lU&reitwea - aary for the pirate of the a14 t to ettond tho divuioo of their pwi!a to tho newpapera of thi count r. A few atrirtly hcgltau paper like the New rk llvemrg Poat iu nrai to alvorat turn x r tb AmerH-an peopl But other follow. In ls,7 a&d th N'w York Tribune, onr the ojraa f Horace tireely, had uak into the chief apadaaain of the goidbaga. It column teemed with apfal to the banks of New Yolk atd New I'.ug land combine aaraiaat tb Weal, to cut off loans to Weateru tnarrbetiW. and to givotho Ire :er aettion ot the country an "objYri loo." u L aa iu- v-ie-iauij an rireef. aiin of lV.U tiually i.Uatreted. the loth of Janaary, 17, theTubune came cut thn. "The capital of the c-iuiilr; .r ganiaed at lat. atd auall whether Coo greaa wi l dare t flj iu iU faco." Tho next day, January 11, tho vaunt was repeated. "Tne machinery it now furuiah ed," said tho Tribune, ""by which. im any tmergenry, the linaocial rr porations of tho Kat ran at t to getber at a ainglo day a tiotx-e. and with such power that u act of i'ou great can overcoiuo cr r it then decision." Only five years after tLit dialndt cal admission by the Tribuno, ia lbS3, tho diatiugutLvl juutnaliat, John Swinton, atabai-Urt of nw paper men, was railed u to rpeaV to the toat, "The Ind teudei.t Pre." II aaid: a & wa a . inereia no aura tiung as an iu dependent preas, uttlens it ia in the country towns. You are al! Iav. You know it and I ko..r it. The: is not one of you that dare t spree an bonoat opinion. Th bumea of a New York journalist is to distort the truth, to li outrigh. t prevert, to vilify, to fawn at the (retf Mam mon, aud to nell hi enuutrv and hi race for his daily brrad. We art intellectual pioetitutea." I am reminded of tl,.-o fa t a "the anbsidized p" bow la and tears ita hair over the i-r-ut aee-l of Senator Tillman ol South Cain Una. The iuteHet tutl proatitute are plyiug their voati.n with gteat inuusiry. nut never niin.l. itr THEY HAVE COME AND ARE COMING. Good Men Byerfwber Joining The Peo ple's Party Thl Means People's Vic tory. Fobtworth, Tex., Feb. 2. Hon. Joe C. Terrell has bid farewell to the associates and joined the ranks of the Populists. He says this step is the result of a careful study of existing conditions and the inevitable conclusion that if the free and unlimited coinage of silver at the ratio of 16 to 1, regardless, etc., BULL'S-EYE HITS. Some Pertinent Points Bead. For People To Both honses of Congress have blind chaplains. A case leading the blind. Current Millions for guns and warships not one cent for "hog and hom iny" to feed the hungry is the pol icy of the present moneyarchical gov ernment ' in America. Arkansas Kicker. lr ropuiists can t gci omce except lators were more than willing to pay nago ih, i oj ;ress have blind by voting a part of a ticket for a tnem handsomely! Why were the Oongreas from Co of the blind goldbug Presidential candidate they biggest bidders permitted to put in "on Bulr. Popuh irrent v oice. bad better never get another taste their bids hours after hundred of North Carolina, w committee was appointed to ap- tlie Proceeds buy silver to coin into 13 veT 1 before the preper congressional ?m.all chnee to take the place of only oy year, just as if that could be tor tured into an answer to the gold that they were illegally evicted in fa standard proposed by the President. I r of corporations, and the Alii and then for party "taffy" enacted a 1 a,ace now proposes to call tthe atten coin bond bill, that neither the Pres-I"n OI congress to inese cases. ident NOR ANY ONE ELSE ASKED FOR. naa, hafAM tha nranAv nAnmac(iinno committee to complain of alleged .luls ouwouvy. iU" nntnnoa muran tha V.r. OUl iniS lHSirUCllOIl IHB Deere v. u.uv.v vuv -"- I x .j : j ii u i. atiK nnn nrn a well land grant in New Mexico and "uul """T' in Colorado, the Des Moines river Per. .cent- bonds running 30 years grant and the Sierra forest grant in California. Alliance members who lived on these grants had com plained to the national organization is ever to be consummated, it will be only by reason People's Party. reason of the triumph of the and bought silver to coin into small changes. WEAVER TO TILLMAN. How Is This A tramn stmnV Mnhila n ml :n aoV.I nresent svstem of finances nM iL. I- --i-i v i I . . K 1 r 1 - auus are iuo peopie misiea oy me i ing lor a job was referred to parties so-called leaders. I ownintr an exDensive nnmi). which iucy uio wirou uiiaiou, " I nan conen ont oi orrtflr. and nn otia proved by the elections of 1888, 1890, seemed able to fix it. His offer to b92 and 1894. The people have fix it :for a few dollars was taken been so misled that they have in at first as a joke, but finally he was turn driven both republican ana oriven the iob. and when he had Domocratic parties out of power, quickly set it rieht. he pointed out We did not keep our party pledges to the owners his own name cast in mado in 1SS8 and the people drove the iron. us out m 1890 and in 1892. 'ihe He was indeed the maker of the Democratic party has not kept one pump, and at the time was a prosper 1'ieusre maue in tne piaiiorm oi xou-j, i ous manufacturer, due - tosses in and the people drove it out of power business,, together with other iu 1S'J 4. reverses had reduced him to a who will be driven out IN 189C! journeyman again, and hard tj, n..:.? 4i,a nM times had thrown him out of em- UU JL ICOlUTJUk AAJ (WAV 0 t AAV V114 . . . 11. A1 c.at..i..ri TUa;ieAmnn DiOYmeiu. xeavinir miu. imo tuuu "iwVUViaiU OU l.UVl A AA V Oil f AAA VAA - ' , , 1 . 1 Uepublicans. Democrats and Popu- 8nas or others, unaoie to worit ior i . . . - i a.KMMMiT a Aiinaua awn - wi o i wt v nvnon lists n answer demand that silver oiucro, u uu .j iViv? Mr. A. 11. Perry, Bladen county: "The position or ihe Caucasian is the correct one. Financial reform The United States Senate opens as represented by the People's Party with prayer and closes with war is what the country needs, co-oper talk. hacker. ation or no co-operation with any Among the leading Republicans Business failures increased last P"y. ight it out on these jmes and Democrats of Iowa who have week and prospects are bad. Dun and prove the strength or tne silver since January first left their parties, and Bradstreet fail to tell whether forces. we note Hon. Fred White, ex-mem-J it was the direction or the wind or Texas Mercury. I ber of Congress; State Senator Bol- the color of the moon that scared This is the supreme moment when In 1907 when these bonds become ter, ex-State Auditor Lyons and edi- (ieneral Prosperity into his hole this au Populists should stand together. due the people will have paid 30 tor Stuart, of the Chariton Demo- time. Current Voice. shoulder to shoulder, presenting an years interest amounting to $42,000,- crat. Still they come. Owensboro The Western Searchlight rises to unbroken front to the enemy. Let 000, which added to the principal, Journal. remark that a free silver man in there be no wavering, no dickering makes an aggregate ot $,000,000 Ex-Governor Gibbs, of Texas and either of the old parties is as much about platforms, nor flirting and co- which the people will have paid for ex-Governor Buchanan of Tennessee out of place as the devil would be at quetting with bi-metallic leagues, have both recently declared them- & Methodist prayer meeting. free silver Democrats, nor any other selves as no longer Democrats and When a man is dointr nothinc to elements not strictly in accord with will hereafter be found in the front advance production Cwhich is the OQr principles, for such a course is ranks of the People's Party. Things source of all wealth) becomes richer effeminate and cowardly, and can are coming our way this year. by the simple process of having his only result in confusion, disruption He struck the Same Setof Scalawag That t armers7 Tribune. dollars erow biecer in his hands, it and consternation in onr own ranks. Ware Twice Flogged in the Temple I mi.Tx - rw, nmrht tn ka nlaia that Iia !c Ar-r, ca I .... Scene at Jerusalem. . Aa,e democrats oi Aexas are mourn- ZZZJLrJT n" -6.!. Warrenton reopie s raper., n T . . r, , mg tne loss ot three of their most in- ' Y" fop "ffTli",?" We can assure the curious that we Des Moines, Ia., Feb. G. Gen. J.I rlnflntial momKors -v r Sonn to be equally clear that those other ;.,i . ,v, r.; B. Weaver has sent the following Hon. J. B. Woods, Democratic chair- Pf0Pjee the ones who are doing ith E blican8 or Democrata , but letter to Senator Tillman: I man of fourth Congressional dis- a11 of the work.-Bimetalhst. . -tfl ho love iibertv. nrosneri- MyLear Mr: 1 have JUSt read driet. and AT-ttnvrnm- n;KKa TkaV The comnlAtAd mnrtMira Rtatia.k j :u : . I , i a I W Visvww a as vv I j-- v" " . y BiiU W 1P11 4iA 111 V 1 vAOvU VUVUiatlVU with care your recent speech dehv- have "jined the Pons." Ellsville tics of the country have been vnb- L th. .nrrAn.tn ioin n and nnt ered in the Senate. God bless you patiiot. lished by the eensusJtmreau, and the their shoulder to the wheel and as- for your courageous and masterful total amount of morttratre debt L;af i;ft;r.r tr, Stat and nation shown to have been in existence on ont of the tracks worn roueh bv timet triA F fi,; ;o; tK ;n v beeun on the evenine before the day are seen through their paint A1UU VL iUlUK VVU11UUV0I iU6l Will VI. I - . a -al M . . - - n -u anno nted? Whv were Doorlv caid l$ktS C L.4HK givuu guiueu opofiuuii wsuww -rr- . , i what they can do single-handed. cm j.uuueu i . V r a. Mta. Imcht in nriRftARRion of information I lndeuenlenl (I.lnY.ln .l I M limn l". Our Home. for th. hAtraval of which rich aoeca- l-ot-J If Populists can't get office except I lators were more than willing to pay! Judge Boll, Popohst member of v.4ioraia. aua mi- ist Senator froui were aeen alabdinir of office. No army never won a vie- thousands of other bids had been I m the eorndor. They wero aoon opened and Ubulated! How came surrounded by enthuniaMic Top. it about that Mr. rierpont Morgan l iury uu'" , . was able to make his bid-handed in Senator Butler aai J: -'W bld almost at the last minute a bare a little conference u, Washington f r.t;nn r.;rV.ae than tha n.T lar treat I aoa ii was oeciuea iut only two r offer? Is he a mind-reader! Does he carry an "X rayr about with him! Unexplained, the facts of this mat ter are scandalous. It is the mani fest duty of Congress to exact an ex planation. Turn on the light ! tory by surrendering half of its forces to the enemy. this this piece of criminal tolly, is only a fair sample of Yet onr effort. Keep your whip in your hand. It is the same one twice used in the temple scene at Jerusalem sua you struck the same set of scalawags. Kespectf ully yours, J. B. Weaver." Kr! Speaking of Pools. Referring to Tillman's speeeh b Oil vl I.. ... .' m - I K.At AVflTl IT t I lm ari'd cnfinn r o bo restored n u nlace in tha Ameri- him into tramping in searcn or wors. f X " SnmlSTvrte Under the wPise(1) laws of Mobile -PjeuJ Itotoito-QloMm. says: "On the part of the older, and es ;i tu " w ,.i t he could have been arrested ana io, IUC1D can WO UV UCCU V tuv . J I . , . t . . , i urement of one dollar Of the na- t"""8""" 1 nee.i&llv the Eastern Senators. thArA Democrat, rock-ribbed anrl thoronihJ lsm'on & narirv. Patriot I I 1 J.J A.I. !il -T1 I nr a waiwn iv m a n racrnn n tea nnvntra i v vs-aiii i i iih tu t n ir itiiaw i mmmm in " - r - I J o ------- . " I The prospect that millions of I repeat what means oi support, Demg ciassea as nv.swer dn tl.A Called Republican vagrant, and thousands or men 1 tional paper money. Dots on Democracy' So the last sad rites over the re- January 1, 1890, was $2,209,148,431 Lftntinned oppression mains of the Democratic party are on acres, and 3.fii n.53i.rVH nn rftta. to be performed in Chicago. Noth. fn nttia tvf-i nv:v.fA Kansas Advocate.) O I - viuav Va. VOW a. AAV a,W fA aaV A V M Sa I . m m mg inappropriate about that Mer- debt of the United States secured bv Ane oest way tor parties to ruse is enry. real estate mortc-ao-A i nver $f.000- nnder one banner and one platform. Senator Hill: "I am still a mem- 000,000, or an average of about $100 Aben no rm can come rrom 11 ber of the Democratic party, or what per capita for each person in the Tenn. Current oice.) mere is lert or it." country. Indianapolis BenUnel. A Free coinace Ueclaratlon in a Congressman Neil, of Arkansas: "I The late bond issue certainly platform on which to make a State was still a partisan, and I am vet a places Republicanism and Democrat- campaign to elect a governor and i- i i . i . ... 1 . I .ii c . l rc v. :u .1 : tr . Oilier oiaie vmciais, wiui a uiucicui free leaaers mako to the living issue! this issue that will not down: that can not down until it is , VINALLY AND PERMANENTLY SETTLED. ' an it be an answer as to whether we shah obey the plain commands "I: the Constitution in the use of tJOth silver and cold ta mi i 1 1 1 . . i T-h . I It 1 A. - .1 i . . similar situations have, in the last xnat sucn language aoout tne xresi- u, mvnuim somewnat silver advocates heretofore adhering few years, been sent to the rock pile dent should appear in the proceed- rattied and sken npas U were, to the old parties wiU vote the Pop ortotheeoal mines, from all over S wa3 declared to be unprece- in my partisanship." Applause. uUst ticket this year is verv flatter- or to the coal mines, from all over W .ws w Ar? aa I y. ippmuae.j ulist ticket this year is very flatter t Jt MVa-ty KAVtof AVO I -.n WP ATail V I lO O Al-I . sT .T B? fTV I . mm - the South. uouiw. i.iv....j u . io,au- congressman iuoisearmon oi x en- nig. Miss. Messenger. E Q NORTOV. i miuiBiroiioii voiuwwow, wiuiuicu i nessee: x uave always Deen a ' " some of the Eastern Republicans as 1 Democrat. I have never scratched There are numbers of people now to the advisability of a motion to I a ticket. I never will bnt I be- standing by only waiting for the strike out of the record the more lieve the Democratic ' convention increase Populists to gain recruits sufficient- brutal expressions. Ihey were ad-1 will declare for free silver. If it declaration in your national plat form, is a subterfuge that will de ceive no intelligent voter. Plowboy.) We would regret very much to see The-rerv worst trust in the United the machine r-lement of the Demoe- m.. I mi AVitri rHAj1 a a a. yw ta m m ia I in a. BUtes is trusting the old parties. VJ - v v,4ou v.:,vn.i Vrm I We would consider it a great calam ity, but we can conceive of even a The Republican party is doing I greater calamity, and it is this ariff duties! Can it be an answer to I ly to be able to control the offices to vised that it was best to ignore the j does not there is no chance of sue- about the same amount of crowing "The confiscation of the homes of uie 1 resident s clean-cut issue to in-1 come over in ono giuu ,urge. o i duccuu. luaiwiuso "u w iu. i cess. Any uwr ueciarauon woum t ana uoasung mat me iemocratic I me woraing people ot not oniy mis ' rea.;e the interest-bearinir debt! never object to recruits, out me time me speech continues to oe tne up-1 be disastrous. party did in 1892, andlit will result State but of the whole L mon, by poes any sane man think that Abra- that recruits do the most good is permost topic of discussion." New York Sun: (Dem.) "The Dem- about the same way.'The money! the inevitable effects of the gold "am Lincnln onnl.l havA Ind th na- rinrinc- an active engagement, hi -as uncie aivis wouia say, n Ui nantio nrtv Mrrisd th PAnnrn in I power has both, old narties by the standard and bond svstem.77 It is turn to victory bv dodtrinethe slavery I they arrive after the enemy has been I swan!7 What sort of a jackass 1892 and went to the devil in 1894." nap of the neck and seat of the against this state of things that we 1 ... . - r I - . 1 1 II . nn. aal BJl.imin I tJtl .a . . A nr. m . a I I I . . I . 1 I I K - 1 i. J s3uo ironi lSfil in iSfi.Sf IIoab anv I met ana rePUisea, luoj ii.o. jim i auamwii wo u nm aij i luwnuiw ana ausoiuveir eonirois I xuito ior iuaxir years uaea wnieou ne imagine that we can win this well remained where they were at j "ignore" a speech which has thrilled I Monopolies don't compete, they I them. If you want the people rep-ling and we voice the sentiment of year bv brirJtrinw ani AnAtnnt thA first, so far as the net results of that the American people with delight I co-operate the people don't co-op- j resented in this government you I nine-tenths of the voters of this mney issue! I engagement fcre concerned. Ban- and hope, and which continues -to erate, they compete monopolies win have got to put a new party in pow-1 SUte when we do it. Now that the Mo. a thmiearwi r,ftf Xff I iiat of Liberty. i do ui uppermost topic oi uiscussion. every ume.-jriiioourg jwanun. .... . er. - lines are beinsr closely drawn be- as had better come. Things are pretty hot there and ned watching. We are after the two fid parties and have them on the d-fensiv now. They plan to get op lit'le contest upon insignificant de'aiU to make a show of fighting each other. WLeu they get it all filed then we pop iu an amendment which brings up the main question, and they flock to gether instantly. Wo began th tight the first day wo cot there aad have kept it tip all tb time. "First we tanned to Low op the hypocrisy of the silver men in the old parties by offer it; if to organire the senate on a ailver basis. Wo caught thein as th fell iw did tho rat. W got their tail ta tho end of a split stick and t wis ed it ontiJ thy t'laealod. "Tho thing gets w&ttnrr every day. Senator Allen wan'! to toot, but we tbongbt be Lad tetter tay Th Baak jt It At LaeU Sentinel. J Harriet Moore, of Lancaster, Pa., had no confidence in banks, and sol carried $00,000 in notes and securi ties carefully sewed into a belt which she wore aronnd her waist. A Lancaster dispatch of the 10th, I savs of Harriet Moore: Un baturday jf resident ttartman. of the Lancaster Trust company, was appointed trustee for the woman. He learned from relatives that she carried her entire fortune in a belt around her waist. The court directed the woman to a a a .. I bo taken to an asvium. wnere u money will be taken from her and it I on guard. will then be placed in the bank to I rJieie a ri her credit." I A writer in the Tacoma. (Wash.) How kind of the court to appoint Snn. a vs. "Moat of tha Pod take a banker as "trustee for the woman." I PODalit t apers paUieued nearer And how delightfully pleasant for home: some claim to be too Door to the "trustee" to have that $00,000 take a n-wparer: thev are too ir- placed in the bank to her credit' I norant to roaliie th tm-eaai'v of so that the bank can have the use of I aaPDOrtinir the refoira t-rsi." There itfor speculative and other purposAS. I jg gome truth in thi. Populist pa- Served the woman right, of court, pen are usually poblitbed at a prico She had no business with money I little if anv above the cost of pro- which the banks can't control. duetion: without newspapers there She had no business to lose confi-1 Can be no orranixsd mavement and dence in the banks, anyway. I no success, it follows that he who Liet it be understood that people I vill not tnpport ref urea tapers ia bo who lose " confidence' in banks are reformer. Load pretentions of lor apt U be declared lunatics, be fthy to the cause ar valueless in chueked in an asylum and have this creat firht for freedom. If you their money taken from them by I want to make Pcpuli.t votes you force and "placed in the bank to mast support thotowhv are apread- their credit" though "credit" may l9g the light. You huld aeloet be the only thing they may ever aeo papers M will nr yea the have to show for it. ' moat information about the reform It isn't safe in this country to re-1 movement in your eoantv and State. fuse to patronize the banks. land you abonld get vry neighbor let all people who have more oowsible to take thos paoert. Then money than they need from day to it is well to take papers oataide your day take warning by the fate of liar- locality so far as yon can, to so how riet Moore. the cause progress- elsewhere. For "the eourt" and the banks Your local or State paper is a neeoa run this country, and don't you for- sity, the ether is a sort of luxury, get it. There are not 1.000 Populists ia what can indue one Toa! Farm ville Herald. As soon as the Democrats the Stat bnt old parry man or more to take a ret I Populist paper, and if they did what thoroughly ont of power they will they eould do, this Stat would give favor (1) everything the people de- a dear majority of 20,000 over all mand. They area bettor "oat party for the Populists next year.1 wak tfrw they are: "in." apand take a fall ut.-f joarseiL

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