n No Man wip puts Country Above Party can Vote-In 1896 For A Goldbug Candidate For President roPLC VS. MONOPOLY, MY nnroiSY AND FRAUD WILL fhe 1 rtD t YOi) ftVCl- I TrOSJ. TNI FtCMT OF THt 1 ioL& va. FiuroctACT : P r the SLOCAN FOR THE COMING CAMPAICN. It o TOW F VOL. XIV. RALEIGH, N. 0., THURSDAY, MAECn 5, 189G. NO. 17. I't THE COAST OF CAROLINA. jo Interesting Facts Concern ing The Life Saving Service And Its Stations and North Caro- ifting iaduh and has over beon a BEAUTIFUL PEN PICTURES or Itu l.ln.t and Mrsnas of Tit Work III VwllitniUratmi .ti.'l Illr.U Art riUr.l -l.u'Hf rou tf" rrnrra Willi l.aiMl-lubber llentara -rrll.r.l Mr Tr-v-IUng torreaiMtn.lei.U 1',- ... !,.. ,!.im of AlIlB!a.1 l:iliiwu the ioartt of lin.i. with it ah .I: mri.rnilM KllOald. terror to the mariner, auJ iu early .luvM minv a wrecker reaped golden harvests through false lights dis v; yd along the ehoro. To-day the fri. udly beacon of the coast-guard w.lmih the Bhip away, instead of lur ,: her to detraction, and -w are aware of the extensive good :i, . oinplished by thin department of . , 1 1 r government. At eonveient ditunces along our , t are dotted the life saving sta tions. These structures are built of uniform size, consisting of a story ;t. it "jump." The lower apart ,, nt ii divided into two rooms the tfi iHT.il assembly room, and what is known as the apparatus room, where ,n iy ho found a swan-like serf-boat, (linker built and durable. Close I,; stands a carriage with neatly i nilf.l ropo suited in size to the sys t. in f reaching stranded vessels. To accomplish this, a small brass rmiioit with an iron projectile is u . .!. tiio latter implement being ,mviiK'd with a shank, to which is (ittarhcd a strong cord about five Uii'lf'd yards in length, neatly .mWd in a box prepared for the i ,. irpose. With astonishing precis ion. the little cun is aimed, and at a -riven signal the line goes Hashing through the air like an angry serp en t and is instantly seized by the shipwrecked crew and made fast to ttn ringing of the stranded craft. To the shore end of this cord a ,-touter rope is bended and soon the 1 1 IV line U stretched taut above the angry waves, and ono y one me dripping crew is lowered in safety to tht shore. .Should the vessel be at too great a distance to be reached by this meth od, then becomes necessary the per ilous service of the life-boat, which st-calUd interlopers. d tb native hooters owe the eiittenc of the limited quantities of wi'd fowl thl till visit onr waters. Ia coue queoceof the rapid settlement of Manitoba (the breeding e round of these birds) an iraniDM trade in wild fowl eggs ha of Late been de veloped to the extent of hundred of tons annually. To prevent this, these very club men have purchased immense trscts of the breeding grounds in British America, which are regularly guarded for the sole purpose of enabling the bird to hateh and raise their brood unmo lested. When their annual migra tion is made to our southern waters they become common property ex cept in certain localities which have been purchased from the .State, but the dwellers along the coast cannot realize that these waters, though unnavitrable, are not to bd kept for their peculiar nse, and every attempt of the stranger to purchase hasmet with violent opposition. As viewed from a distance, the question naturally arises; should the State be deprived of the benefit ac cruing from such sales, for the per petuation simply of local interests. Barren and waste, as the country seems, the people are not deprived of all privilege as to church and schools. These northern sportsmen have, in great measure, aided in the development of certain industries, and by attrition doubtless made some impress along the line of civil ization by generous donations when needed, and lavish expenditures of money (locally) in various ways. In conclusion it may be said that vrbile angels may be "few and far between" among those entertained by these members of the coast-guard set vice, they never fail to extend to the stranger open handed and gen erous hospitality. TILLMAN A GOOD WALKER He Ma) s That II Will Walk Out of the Na tional Uoldbuif Democratic Convention and Join the People' Party at St. Fools. .St. Louis Journal. The South Carolina delegation to the Chicago convention will bolt iu a body if the gold men secure con trol. Senator Tillman says : "Oh, everybody knows my posi tion. We are still sticking to the party in South Carolina, and are go ing to do bo as long as there is hope in it for a change in the condition of affairs, We are going to Chicago with a silverdelegation. If the con vention decides that it will give the people of the country no relief and sits down on silver, we are going to walk out." This is good news. As silver is certain to be sat upon, and as Till- A LIFE LONG REPUBLICAN Says He Has B:en Thinking Ail The Winter-And Makes Some Observations. . a 1 is launched with a ce loriiy uorn oi m&n .g a man of hia wordf South Car. discipline and courage. The rcgu-, oj. win waik out of the Democrat hir duties required in this servico , ifl convention and out of the Demo are tho mighty patrol of the beach, j crati(J t Nortn Carolina is al and also by .lay during trmy readyout, and probably the strike and over-cast weather. wiU spread in the South. Nothing can excel the genuine i , t th ReDUblicans of the hospitality and friendliness or these : Samaritans of the sea. Their gen- the needy is proverbial, erosity to Now let the Republicans Western States show their manhood, if they have any, by walking out ot the Republican convention, thus and their intercourse with each other BDylttiuf. both of the old rotten polit is marked by a spirit or Drotneny icai organizations. The Republican ly kindness characteristic of c.om I and Democratic parties have lived panions iu danger. There is a prison 1 toQ ion like loneliness about the life, un-i " boarablo but for the excitement j awakened by the ever changing and treacherous movements of the sea. ( Nothing iu the wide expanse seems cheering. Tho restless cry of the sea fowl ia liko an echo from the SOME WORK OF COURTS. I It Any Wonder That Contempt For Them Is Growing? How can it be wondered at that tYia nAnnlfl arn hecinniner to lose turmoil of the angry waves; and the confldence in, and feel a growing dirge-like whistling of the wind is contempt for the courts and their iu strange accord with the surround- j present day methods? intf desolation. The barren sand-j We need not recall the decision of hills stand as tit monuments to the fle gQpreme court on the income wrecks upon the shore, whose j tax nor gome court proceedings of weather beaten shrouds seem ever date in our own State. Here singing in solemn requiem to the ; are two incidents which are fairly death 'TU here the lonely guard treads illustrative of how things are going out tho watches of the night, en-!on. during heat and cold alike, and ever ' nr.tu o, nnn on the alert for signals of distress.! An estate that was wor $-0000 'Tin this alone that breaks the dull when it got into the law courts itwen monotony. The sullen boom of a ty-five years ago was settled last . . . i. 1...H.. a. hn.flk in Los Aneeles. Cal. The i t i v i ' i ii r irn ri mi xi" h. m :li i itiM i iin nun i d i i-rw into n.ntivH vicilanco and veil3,es&te was left by 1 Buelna in pectation. A flash of light in token to claim ithe fn s hat e- ,.C .liclnBC. n-nah w tj. ro,lv rOSOOTISA UiaiUCU TUCU H-""- ' ' L 4(OfcSV0a Ul VVJ avu aMMj -"-- la Hi Optatae Ifea &ca:art frmm Tka Caraliaaa kn TcilUf Sam Trrtk it wliTW Back rroMtat aa4 Caaakra TaCJaar tf Saaw tkiata-Taa WiJl DSm Hart Hktimt la !H. For The Caucasian. High Puint, N. C, tVb. J. I have been reading and tbiuking this winter and trunt a icreai loaoy f my farmer friends have been doing the bame!The more I read and think, the more am I convinced and impressed with the deep sense of justice there is in the demands of the "Farmers' Alliance and Industrial Union." I have, on several occasions, invit ed presidents and cashiers of Na tional banks to come out in the country and give us "hayseeders some light on the financial ques tion, but if THEY have a good thing they seem bent m keeping it all to themselves. I like opposition. and for this reason wanted to hear some reasons why a .sexsibl& man could uphold the present financial policy, and if we country folks hear much on the side of a single gold standard we nave to get it in, or through, a muzzled press, as the masses are almost a tjnit in favor of a change. We . are wanting the facts in this matter, and as Abra ham Lincoln said in New Orleans, when be witnessed an auction of slaves (he then being only eighteen years old) "if ever I am permitted to hit the institution of slavery I wil hit hard, by the Eternal God." We in the "fifty's" know something of the result of that blow. Talk about a party with only one idea; it makes me think of my wife's mother, who used to say, "one thing at a time and that done well is a very good rule as many can tell." If I am not the most mistaken I have ever been " do some of the hardest hitting in 1S9G they have done for one hun dred years, and well they may, for I really believe our liberties are at stake and we must wake up and turn the rascals down. They feel as though they have been fooled long enough on the tariff and NIG GER racket, -while they were being secretly robbed of their honest toil. The masses it has gotten entirely too common to write and speak of "common people" and I trust all re form papers will consider this point if it is a point if the great mass of honest men are just common folks, please give us just a few of theuncommon: and I am fully aware there are a goodly number of this class in Congress and elsewhere in places of trust and- profit. And to hear one of these "uncommon - fel lows" come around during the cam paign and puff and blow and say his piece some other fellow has fixed up, is getting to be just a little too funny for a genuine hayseeder to swallow. I have been a life long Republi can was one when it took a back bone as big as Grover's is said to be to be one, and , am still a genuine one of the Lincoln stripe,, but so far as I am able to see there is no dif ference on the money question be tween the parties, and this is. the question that has to be settled. I am in for reform, but not of the Tilden kind, no, no! I have read with a great deal of interest the articles of J udge Clark about Mexico, and one who reads only the gilt edge side of the money v. tr- y LETTERS FROU ' THE PEOPLE. Various Matters en Wkicb Tb Popular Oo'iLloa is Exprets ed All Sicticus ItUrtiU i. IU.4 L1VINQ ISSUES FORWARD. at - IT I wmmt ltls. Il t Ma la lK M total f Tver' - t -wm -Ikaw. al " a lmg at rra Rti-h)iimi nOW THE CATHODE RAY PENETRATES SOLIDS. Tne aocotnpanrinif eU are from pltotographa mni bv the Itut-ntq i-ruc. The akfletom of a nah and of a rat, the bona of the hand, the interior of a ripe and a comb inside a luather caw were all bronrat to tUw hv the myaterioaa eataode ra-r. PrufoKsor lUMntgen'a dii-ovrj is all liiaf. be daims fur it- 15t it you ean nhototrraph tli ii.UiTior of a living animal, of luelal, of a book, and of counties vther aub stances. The value of this disoorery to tnlicinr. to surgnry, to Bietallargy, te ciarnistry and to many other departments of soiree is almost ioealcuULle. (14 Trcie. For The 1'aucaatan.l lUuviu.r. N. C . b IM.. Allow sue Iu ay tLat, in uy vf iDH'D, i no set of urn r al-pl-d wiser tor mvr patriwlie oara than 1m1 the national xeutive Htutnitte of the l'eoi.U's I'atly t St. Loaia. It seoms to me that the tin is at hand when every man 'wh favor lb money of 1h Ccotitutin hoald. f for the prwat-nt, lay aside tnioir saesaod come together and in the nest campaign make a united (ffott to free this nation from th grap of ithe gold trust. 1. W. Ui lkov. IVtaaocraU, tiabls-aM aai bsu all tf ta eu las. Tisae. I dea of a ' '!ev4aa4 IWssorrat ' 4 EltsabeHh t"ty. aa4 f aUare tWi lik th te41e eoahl not look a aseep i the f. Cor frees is ta Ma aaJ a Cadisc oat who th ArU ar liavlaf be-a bvrm tee-et. 1 fl as tavotrh I Lad do hr4 th BltD shea 1 call oe e( tae latter dav saiata t-y tkat assae, for as l soldier said to the prvwter, ekas askfd to tat eoasaaad he twloar d. rphe4: "The lO:h Teiaa." The soldier ia lata asked bm rrvae to whatarsny he WluafoJ. lie r !d "To th army of the !rd. The auldier tbea saul ta hiss Y have (utlii a loc ' trues heaj iaarters." These lattr day lesa have (ottea a lose way off from the Deaeeraey f Jffr, Jaekeoe. Msduoo aad Calhoaa. Ta I'eopU s Party ia the ealv rtrae)&tativ ot those iliuttrioaa statestnea to da) and oar People's Party men ia IVa CTrss reflect the withes of th whrl people of this great eooatry ty do ing all they ran to stop tb cars of class leffislatiorj and other deril mnt, aad to undo oaa of th xk does of th prearnt adaiiaistratioa. N. ii. tiastHiar. S1LYER1TES ARE SOLID! Tbtj Will Fct rrisriplt Aktt raxtj -Ati Will Bell aOcU Su&iard CceweUvB. A SIGNIFICANT SIUT la ae ,"' ataa Itiim a eta - ite Saw ealaea S S 1 . a THE WONDERFUL NEW DISCOVERY. How Light Is Made to Penetrate Solid Substance -And to Beveal Hidden Aw . ticlea, Etc. Probably no such popular furore for a purely scientific discovery was ever excited before as has grown out of the exploitation of Ihe new pho tography with the aid of the X ray, or Roentgen ray, as it is popularly known. The power of this tay has been known for some time, but not until very recently was there such an ap plication of it as to startle the world. The first man to do this was froi. Roentgen, a Russian. We need not the .people'' are going to trv to describe the process here. It pretty run eh what is shown in the accompanying illustration. Just now all that can bo accom plished with the new photography is to cast the shadow of an opaque substance on the sensitive plate. When the cathode rays are propaga ted through the hand, they find the flesh and blond and skin transpar ent, but the bonrs are opaque. So the outline of the bones is traced on the sensitive plate. This has its valnein surgery, and already bullets and other foreign substances have been located in men's hands by the new photography. Bat it will reach a higher stage of usefuln s when the surface of the bone can be phot ographed through the flesh. Possi bly be tore this written word sees type, that wonder, too, will bo devel- mditd to MUr. For The Caucasian. 1 Hickory, N. C, Ftb. r.. "JC We pledge oursr lvts as a people of free dom, in my community, not to sup port a candidate for any office who is not for free silver and gold as the Constitution require?, and as both stood up to the year 1873, when silver was first demonetized by the Repub licans, and second, by our great king, Grover Cleveland. W. D. Ekard. A COLORED MAN'S OPINION. HE IS FOR ANY PARTY THAT IS AGAINST THE GOLD BUS W AMIS OTHERS TO STUDY. ooed is sufficient to say that the applica- Surgery seems likely to benefit tion of light is made in such a way as most by the new science. It has make it penetrate solid substances to been suggested that it can be used and disclose anything - that maybe to detect flaws in metal plates. Ed behind such substances. ison and others have suggested that, Thre is great speculation as to as powerful rays of light Jull bacilli, what the ultimate possibilities of the the new ray might be a specific in discovery may be. It is called the some disease?. This seems fantas X ray, because 'nobody knows exact- tic, yet nothing would have seemed ly what else to call it. Some tests more fantastic to the mind of the and experiments;, have - just been average man a year ago than the made at Davidson college in this suggestion that his skeleton could State, and the results have been be photographed before he died. Hlght Is Kight The Band of Patriot. For The Caucasian. Newport News, Va., Feb. 24, '90. I wish to eongraf nlate the pres ent management of The Caucasian on the continued prod action of a paper so heartily in accord with the interest of the people. And as such, it is of course an honor to the State. As one who can never be other than interested in Nor h Carolina affairs, I am indeed proud of the stand The Caucasian has taken in regard to the ridiculous proposition of Popu lists voting with goldbugs. Right is right, and can have no part with wrong. I am frank to admit that in November. ".).". I found myself "a He Ielaree The lel' Parif T lae The Only Organisation Standing Tmt Th Pepl-Jlt Talalag A heat Straight Party Ticket I .earn Hansel hlag IThelaann. For The Caucasian. 1 Khmx. Halifax County N. 1. KU. 20. I have been a reader of Tin Caucahian for some time and I find its columns fall of fact. It not only tells what on party is doioc but it tells what all parties are doing in the National Congress, and of th actions of those who claim to be Re publican, of which organization I am a member; but whether or not 1 contiuue to belong there depends upon its future action. I have been a member of this great party for seventeen years arl love the name; and to-day I can ay that I love the true principles of Repub licanism; bat when I see the repre sentatives of any party advocating VIEWS OF SHERIFF SIMS Who Was Elected by Co-operation-Why He Left the Democratic Party. TWO HIGH He Believes the Silver Men Can and Will Carry the State How Th Democrats Have ProVett False to All Premise A Opinion as to Political Policy. For The Caucasian. As I was elected to the office that I now hold by co-operation between the Pepulist and Republican par ties ' and as so ranch is now being saifl in reerard to the campaign of 189G, I thus publicly define my position.- . For 20 years a Democrat, taught bv every Democratic stump speaker to " believe tnat sai me uuanciai doubting Thomas'1 as to the ultimate success or tne reiorm movement, i lug BUch principles as they ar to- But to day I occupy an entirely dir.-1 day, 1 gay they are NOT advocating tereni position, inis cnauge comes the true interests of tneir contii from the fact that the people have a I Qents. little band of patriots in Congress I I do not hesitate to sav. without vhn am Khowinc nn the old narl V I f... lt. ,1. . t t will AUTHORITIES fraU!il, in fin8 Bty1 ADd bylhei,Uotvote for any elector who will pauivuu euono, uo uwiro.ou uo- vote to pat a gomuug in tne wntte termination is hgng infused in the House, and I will do everything ia heaits of the discouraged. The eyes my power to break op any scheme of the nation are on that little band, an(j clique that attempts the sac- and they are striking blows that are I ce8B ef a goldbng from township putting people every wnere 10 inma-i constable to the presidential Heetor, ing as never peiore. i.ney are sow ing the seeds for a peoples harvest All honor to the faithful few! E. M. Pktersok. Declare" In Favor of Silver-One From the Vicinity of Wall Street-The Other From London. left by Encarnacion 1870. There was nobody giving ned of passing ships. Des- ttue.lur; 1"?.V, i ? JrTJr n twenty yeare ui oeuw 0 v-ia lone v life, these men are AOr,icf ..r . ice, uui mo .papers um uuvgiyo neonle: ' 1 IT A I A n I L nil lirVTTl T i 1 1 I 1 A. W 1 I i nronoa d&hkb. . o. uicioucu Kuuvi i reason, i ioihk i csa. uui ii uiav i from a beacon on shore, warning of the danger. The (lagging system is another in teresting feature of the service by means of which accurate informa tion is gai pite the happy ant1 ?oem adequate for all present needs, but surely some provision should be made, as contemplated by the Gov ernment, for pensioning those em ployed in this arduous work, after a delioite period of service. Nothing could bo more just than substantial recognition for the sacrifice they daily make in tho cause of humanity and for tho general welfare of their countrv. With an assurance such as this, tho most efficient service would be maintained by the government. To the northern sportsman is due much in the development of this section of country. Spacious club houses are seen from time to time along tho line, standing well back from the beach and in close prox imity to tho sound. The devices used as decovs to the wild game are numerous. In many instances, do mpxtlcatful wild fowl are used for this purpose, some being raised and others captured when wounded. Not unfrequently is the unsuspect ing 'land-luhbei" decoved. as well as the feathered croose. and his per foruaance furnishes food for jest and hilaritv for davs together, while he with bated breath, crawls through mud and marsh to tret a shot. The ( antain and his crew roll in laugh ter oo the sands at sight of the "hiter beini? bit " For information on this subject the writer respectfully refers to Cant. Partridge, of Station No. 4. The principle shooting grounds lie in tho shallow sound between the banks on which the life-saving sta tions are located and the main land lue club men have purcnasea ai such points as afford the best stands for shooting the game, as it feeds or parses from the ocean to the shallow waters of the sound. Naturally enouch the natives look with aeal ouhv unon the club men whom they consider interlopers, who for simple amusement are destroying the game which for generations they, have used as means of support; but this iu soma aspects, is a mistaken no tion. Ktrancelv enough, to these innKlAs nfthiM nation were brought question would think, no doubt, SUE up0n us by the Republicans demon was in a sad condition to be sure; etizing silver in 1873, and led to be but the Judge, after extehsivfl trnrel -axra th Democratic nartv was and good means for observation-, Jn , for or remonetizine silver, xe- says, she is tne most prosperous storing it to the position it held be-1 country on this planet. Wonder if ore itg demonetization in 1873, I Gen. Ransom's going down there jeft the Democratic party in 1892, has had anything to do with hex when it prat Grover Cleveland at its wonderful prosperity? Hear! ray mast-head as' the nah of the people countrymen! because of his pronounced views on By the way I see some of the gold- xq money question. -: . . , , ite papers say "that Butler has made . The Democratic party since that more speeches up to date" (this pes- iime fias had full control of : every sion) "my countrymen1' . (.the , italics i,ranch of bur national government, are mine) than he, Kansom, made in I d b one fe swoop has taken the. last hope otreiier .to our and now the leaders of the involuntary manslaughter in the not be the correct one, and it is not on to -rove wherein they ever de- Criminal court ot the District oi my intention to do any one a wrong eiared lven . ;n their platform, that Columbia to day and was sentenced no not even the General. I have th were favot ef free coinage of At, i'-nnni!'tAii.'v! 'onsist- 911IG1 Vli v. j - - Tt Ittoc f Viisl IsipwUscs-Somt lUiutrsUaas el History Fret Coissre Is The lallea Slates WU Ceanats tbc Mirkcts ct Tw Castlseats-Weiidcr Tbit It Has Not Cctn Dear. The New, York Daily Financial News says: Some of our friends here advised us that the silver issue has been set tled bv the vote in the lower House of Congress. The hanging of John Brown settled the anti-slavery move ment in the minds of some few peo ple at that time. It was also claim ed, when the abolitionists" were driven out of the cities, beaten and rotten-egged, that their cause was killed. The silver movement is more im portant than that great issue, it is not dead; it does not even languish; the. people are awaking, and will 'Principle for Motto. For The Caucasian. Kappa, Davie Co , N. C, Feb. 20, 'Oft T om waII ru,9 Ci1 with iVlA JJm M. dlM , ava. course The Caucasian is taking on the co-operation question. A straight fight for principle and no co-operation except on principle is my motto. Defeat on this line is to be preferred to suceess at the sacrifice of pi in ci- ple. . W. II. Ketchie. I compliment the Hon. J. C. Pritoh ard for his earnest support of the silver measure, and I Lopo Mr. Pritchard will stand firm with Sena tor Butler in making a square fight in the coming campaign and help to defeat the goldbng electoral ticket. He will be endorsed by bis constitu ents in North Caroliua. We should co-operate rn this great question. Speaking of party, I am for any party that advocates the interest of the people and I am satufied that many of the people of North Caro Una think like I do. When a voice is heard in advocacy of the people 1U I.I.a U t;4.Ukta ri, uf atil fct gm i m I -i t sfrrMH fafwat, It agkl mU gtrht (& aaxe lkfrmMa ) 1I1 t.M l drn lilr Va tor t r1er. t tverata I Ihr ata.al KrpoUlM-an rlriall,. riMtBjillr. , a. tw truer. i luttji. aM i f tttr at4rt, aaxait ImMmI a4 IrtrUw f the g4 tW 4 tr h. )Mftrd tins t biaahief Iha f aa ml tsrif! rwtoeff and 4n.ad .gihi iu. BlOhrj t ttw t Mttil , ha tn-g. nirrd aur. Iikr t rr d h4 a y play and Unai.r. I L) r taiW.g by wbattttr itMHigM iKir tti.ai pTalftirna aneant ahrn It .fr4 : tbry gr rtpaMinc tlr hiriy at. a) raeraliiy o( t how aboMj it mm. a (Id standard, and lly onlti. tl) will aland ti lte.lr.t and U-ttrr wl 1 1 C'obat llnlluai to I h- end-ari) rMa part). Tury ridM-le tnm n t. ar Ulh(tu r.aJ Itrsn out t( tlw f . hnt I iff will Bed that the) m-ml U ate It If tbcj iltran What ttit ).( It ta control Inl b) lf gold etatitlard ln corr. TIm New k Journal t.a a.ird tltr i.pinion of lralllg arn tm II.. t-rrllng alatrof affaire a I.J Ufr ifr one of U opinion nt tu.t per l jr telrgraph : vi'asMiauttta, i. ' , b To the KdiUr uf te Jt.uri.al : We Krpubliraria .f Im ailtrr Hair will stand ty tl- MiaiM-al.a lst. form as unJrri Kir art ! tl coubtry. and will i.nrr drM-n . ship, tflti Iradrrs of our parly eil toaJopt It mi gold llirorireol Mr Ice land and walk iai) from w, wr wtll gtr after litem In sorrow. 1 bum. Il.t'sais. Senator from Montana and l.airu.an of llw Krputili, an National f in it !-. W Hift.ii. !." rl. JV To the Kditor of tlw Jourxal : The Senator lo liatr afald ll-ir rotttirlion Iwr laniuK rrn.am Iu it. Kepubliran fart) wiilHtt twlting tlteir onvi tiona, and I i not think thoM men will do that. It how that ttiey are willing to stand by llwirroti. viol ion and put airiidim at, party. Miii litfiti. YVrti)toa, Tab. I. To tb Kdilor of lb Journal : 1 think tnitb of llw i;rrat artaa rnuat die, brrau tbry bate brriat on. The averag lifr of party i about thirty years and I b- limit is f. ty. Tb Vl ia drtrramia-d lo l.ar Eirtion of tbat rrriprority tl.ar iIn rpublican parly I willing to eitmd to foreign noutitrira (ranted to I bat section of lb country. H M. M. Mg SKI. To I lx Editor of lb Jootnal : The gold -at andard men la tb rt have already split apart I row ui. uly yesterday, one or two of tbrta at ternpled to read in ootof Ibe riy. I do not propone to D throw a owl by men wbo fisngelbrir iewon flnanrv to serve tb paaatng current of public opinion, while ind flrnly on 1 1 plank of tli Minneapolis platform re garding bi-nietaliani, wbib I drew niyarlf, Willi th ro-oerat low of hena tor Jones, and which a Ihouaand nrn Mble men jut a kom1 M,litiriana as ar in be !v-nat-ad-j.u-J in M-n oon vent ion. If Ibere ia anv plt, ,m-bMl) rlnr will do lb splitting-. If Mr.MNtH.in want to get rid of m from itt It, publicao party be had better go to M. Ixuis and cbang tli plat form. As I of this countrv. that voice is certain-1 'd tni. arternoon ia lli Senate ly speaking of me; and the PeeplV -" odioti. gold-iand.rd ibeorii. Partv i tho onW nartr trwlav that r r,n ?.r-- T r j eT is standing np and pleading for the tor offered it in the Superior couit last week, and the Judge .made an order directing that it be paid into the country treasury." Washington. Feb. 25. MissEliz- To Swerve From Principle la Suicidal. ForThe Caucasian. LrCAMA, N. C, Feb. 2b, 1)0. If people of this eoantrv. the Populist party retains the confi- I am a colored man and a liepnb dence of true patriots and continces Ucan and have been for aerenteen to gain recruits, it must be by a years; bnt be it thoroughly under- fetrict adherence to the principles etood that I am not married to any which crave it birth and such nn- nariv that will dodire from lattice to soon be: heard from. The present precedented growth. Any other I the people and yield to the few who n a ... j . x : i a. a : a a m oaa times are aue enureiy io nun-1 course would be suicidal, ine lime I want to enslave the country by a silver legislation and will endure, I bar. come for all Populists to standi single gold standard law. tecome gradually worse and worse, firm. Let there I e flu bartering fori 1 advise overv eolorcd voter of nntilnhe popular erroneous impres-j political spoils at a sacriQce of 1 this State to subscribe to The Cau sionS are changed and silver remon-j priacipie; . This talk about fusing I casias at once. It will educate you etiztd. Our American bankers and Wjth cither of tho old parties and I in the .reform movement which yon business men are honestly and pat-1 voticsr a goldbuz ticket in parti should know aomethinff about. riotically advocating monometai- arOI1t work. To do so, would be to The colored people of each ceunty to a fine of $300 and three hours im prisonment in the district jail. Un August za, Jdiss j; lagier, wno was in charge of her father's subur ban residence, fired a small revolver at a small colored boy named Ernest Green, who, she thought, was steal ing fruit from her father's trees. The boy died. listened to the aforesaid statesman's 4 hours at a whet in campaign , thou art a jewel' no longer n 1 L'U H An wnH thn fSrtfi r I A-tfF PrS - T T 3 - J I .,UB1"" o Y .-" hew position. jfi,ouu in aj. S" . 8 1 Question I. years tne marsnai, ana iuiss riagier, m invested in Mexico is equal -to r t t t 'am AMaw.A Ar a niinrr u nil nr. kiiiii nit 11 i ... 1 i ti ' i i k 1 11 1 j. . n .-. I by her aunt, drove to the jail in her rtjlixg. But cardon me for not giv ather's private carnage, toiiowea ;ni? mv reason wbv the General had by General Flagler. . so little to say when in the Senate Miss ilagler was given place in chamber. I alwavs .forgave him was to be chosen in which he- was i personally concerned ; and all that I I now can call to mind he said " was 'mv God. mv countrymeni," I don't think he ever got up to dAte. i But to be sure he is up to date in his the matron's room on the second floor of the west wing, the Warden stating that there was nothing in the commitment papers that called for incarceration in a cell. She stayed there about three jhours and was re- eased. We have no doubt tbat Miss Flag his silence for the reason he talked so much to the "common people" and his countrymen that he, literally talked out, and was "like untof a bound boy at a shuckin" he had nothing ' to " say except on- one memorable occasion .when he pat tern nted to reolVi to some ofle and er suffered much over her rash act; fainted. " I reckon this was not but when she touna u necessary io spread on the pages of the uongres plead guilty to manslaughter, and si0nal Record! I like long winded thn Wl Ruc.h a sentence as the folk and if thev hate anvtfline to above passed on her, people need I gay t 8ay it if it need be on the floor not be blamed for thinEing mai inere Qf the senate, !ii it does run wonn is one law for the rich and aristo Sherman and other, senators out. cratic, and another law for the poor The whole proceeding was a miser able travesty on justice. Death of Hon. George Davis. Hon. George Davis, of "Wilming ton, died at his home in that city on the 23rd of February. His career is a part of State history, lie was an acknowledged orator and profound 1 .Ufknl n MAMllAmati r9 lawyer " I " " , " tWm as von know thev Some people begin to think the j ax being shot at and can't stand to ;be "bored." and no doubt some? think Senators, especially 'young .'uns.l? should do like - the : Senator from North Carolina be mumskt-s a.i : I am very iguoraiitWtfirentmre to ask a question; If -th' Congres sional Record - could take the place of ttATit Office Reports and -thm a. A. U an mamhaii TlAnTi H SlUUV LUCU1 OO JVU.J the truest, lypo. " - '-F'"?" rf;"!- t,M thov bs anv of the Conlederate oenaie Sri::l'ZMrm' th earlv part or the war ana aiier- wetter pusicu w ,. the eany paii. a,.i nt T snn Dr.. Mott. old time Repubh old. Cures, absolute, permanent cures ! Hood's Sarsaparilla the largest sales in the world and the first place among wcureiu.- , Carolina "eoes in X89b fpr.fopulist candidate foiiPresident aareSle nnn am a movin." Next. We may look for the stars to fall. I lilsoe : . . - i- - f (Continued on third the peop' of this country . Ilgwav M.Tnia. Titer ran ! no doubt tbat Hi bi tereat feeling eilsts bHweea tb silver Kepublicana and lb Kepublican Uad era of tb JVnat. Ihougb tttry will Mot con tV mi it in inlrrtiew. It i frea-ly predicted tbat tbc outcome of lb at tacks oo tb sitter nalor ycaUrday will b tb breaking- away from tb llepublican party of all the siUer-ro ducing Matru. After tit mrnt akir misb is over tbrr w ill be frurnt re currencea, and tb flgbt a. Mat tttco be transf. rrd lo tb NationaKTonvention at lit. Ixiuia. Tb silver men rcar tbat if tit eoovtilioo fail to giv wnrti hv modern Democracy.1 Thfl one public . man of North Carolina one whom we-all delight ed to honor, the late Hon. Zebulon B. Vance J a man true to the best in terest of her people, is the man of all others whose views on this money ago, accepted. To not Democratic would be to confess that I, have lived or twentv vears a lie, but when you ask me to endorse modern uemoe- racv. I sav I cannot; yea, I will not and I sav further that I have far more confidence in, and respect for the Republican party than for mod exn Democracy (because of their. in consistencies) because they (the xte publieans) have ever let it be known just where they stood on the finan cial question. Now, I believe the rank and file or both the 'Democratic and Republican parties are in full aecord with us on this Question and there is no: reason Whv.we cannot elect a iree suver ticket in North Carolina irom uov ernor to constable. -. .-. . In view of the fact that 100,000 Republicans have been put on their feet in worth uarouna Dy metr i-op- nlist - friends; 'justice demands that the Poouhsts name the uovernor While justice also demands the Sen ator for the ttepuoiicans and any good free silver Republican can get Thfi same. ojasn a. uuio, tbem the proper rvjoroitioa lltey will lisrn.. They think that the silver Utultifv ourselves and iastly merit Iin the Kta to thonld ston point around bolt the rum in re of th party, and man Are. wr on r. Thev believe that ;.., .il irn. nnt.li. i: . u.n.u;... iV. I throw tb electoral vol of eo. b Matce ;n.A rnM nm nnmm.L.,. . t nn. rrT t iL . I aa th-y c,utr.l. lo the party t A.J. Vj3 VVlUHgV WWtV w w waa-""-- cially disastrous to us. "We take the liberty of quoting the views of the on this point, as follows:. -': "There is a plain ncoril in the re m'arki. that if - the . United States would venture to cut herself adrift from Europe and: take outright to silver she. would have all America ripts. AsCapt. Kitchen puts it, "Uur place is in the middle of the road.' Yours truly, h. E. Newsome. et." Teach those of less mtelligcaee and less nnderatandine the creat is sue now before the people. Poos. Hnt Vet Weak. For The Caucasian.! Pi Seville, N. C, Feb. 23, '00. If it was not for poverty of the peo- AN0THER MAN BOLTS THE RACY. L. Keen. DEatOC- tby noutrol, lo tb party that car ries an unqualified fr-airvr plank in its platform. ONO! ANA!! One ofTheOld Partf War Bi Oat. Kicks and Asia at her back, and would pie a couia seno y""J .uoDi4TO.D from this little oostofflee at once. Is mini in TLiiti i.iiti uidii acta ui lu uaa vvuit i - - . It is a noticeable fact that among the many political changes going on Watch 'Can Slew Tate Ar kH Sharp -lad Will rattan Ta Bt Ten. A part of the r me of fbejroM' bags Las began. The banking power which can contract or rpbd ihe nents. The barrier of gold wouldltf possible that the hard times can! tfaeM daySf the dueredited old Den: 0- currency at will havedreided to let be more fatal than any barrier of a oe maae a ivcr w cratic party i always the loser, iiasinp on ne money airm. n-y tor a custom iiouse. The bond of silver people and prevent them from see- gnowgf M has often been pointed time. They are getting ready to K tronroe thn .v bond of ine the horrors of the present nnan- t tht the neonle are beginning make money a little easier for elec- rnhA. mn nnVitlcial svstem! Don't think because I f ,1,:- ,, .n-thimr is better than I tiox tear lo the people can't pay for free trade. There can be no doubt about it, that if the United States were to adopt a silver basis to-morrow British trade would be ruined before : the year was out. - Every American-would be protected, not only , at 'home, - but at every other market. OI course the V nitea states would have to suffer to "a certain ex thev are arrowing weaker. W. H. Ham. to think that anvthine is better than I tion teak to fool the people. A rrta paper l Df-morav. I election, they will bring on another tent through having to pay her obli-! this section. . May it continue to I He has done right ia leaving the r r f a J A-r savnani Vi rk-rt sC f HamAAi'A.tfl AUU UVW OViMW .Mwaavww wannvww nasnw who still believe in pure Democracy talk with Populists .with a view o; nnitinar in saving Democratic princi ples. They talk first, i and then some Demy papers say the Populists rar trvini? to ? GET BACK' INTO THE FJJEMOCKATIC r-u-xx. vjrow. aBU7 Mnst ! . Is there no timit to a nemo- jW"-riiT-- -awe. eratic papers impudence, raisity ana foelishnessi,fv.- j i .-..; Cant. "Bill" Dav. the ereat Bul wark of Democracy in Halifax and Eastern North Carolina the man it is Dei: Good. I who could make a county having For The Caucasian. I three Republican votes to one Dea- Everetts, N. C, Feb. 2S, '96 j ocratic vote, p-We a.Democratic nu Your paper is doing great good in I jority of 2500, has qnt the gang gations abroad in gold, out tne loss shed tne iigm; may u wwm uemocnw, out ve toiax n cm bb on exchange under this head would and more iu the minds of the people I to the wrong place for salvation. In bet a mere drop in the bucket com so that they -may see by November, I a card to the News and Observer he i 1.1. ii e i. r,.A t ont Una. a a At. end what tn votn I ' ' j ' - ' ' ' . ' PVwl nlU WB PruuUi IW oo isojreu.ioiro, uvfb ivf .wv - "iw;i vVAm th a muTtflts of Sonth America I tor 1 Mav this country De contronea i n, va;. t wan m Waahinar - I . , a--a l dfcW MAV aXUAVVt we nm mmm - - aa and Asia, to say nothing pf Europe, 1 by the people and thus crusn tne t f d and at the aame The marvel is that the utnteaoraiesjgwa ougs aawn. I time Cap t. Peebles, and Ur. tA. have not long agofsevzetfth ;oppor-1 ; hY -r - - Chambers Smith were in the city. tunitjf. It hasjeen a piece oriacjJ AiovvnyrvonxHawdeart. I- I was not present at the confer that it: has never occurred ,.to . the p ' Tte .a t r- v I ence looking: to rave the State, or imundin In urnan' na ont .of tha . ' . m f -.- vn.u on arut Oi I .V mi wmmmtm Hf'immAI world's markets by going on ilyer rTwu on 0n6 occasion was was to serve fnend -Onlj this 1 pee ted will be taken. basis, and it might serve usnynt, .oV v onTi Clisabeth' when he and nothing more. if ,? irritated by the contemptnods 1 . , to k favors of her. He I regard the issue in 2iorth 1 1 at . - . a. ' 4. a a a w w 91 panic, and then "hari timet" will come again if tbea sharper a are allowed to plav their rasa. The Wbitny oom and the fooling of the people calls for an IKCREake of the eirealating medium j?t now. The entire gam is v plained ia tb following press Jispstrh from Wea'o- inrtn: Washington, Feb. 24. Great ac tivity has been displayed by na tional banks within tb past few weeks in taking oat additional cir culation. Lt week the increase amounted to t' .523,033, and since January 1st to February lt. Comp troller Eekcls has application for circulation to the amoaat of 915,- 052,750, nearly all of which it is ex- Car-1 TTs Fa ir Ttsi m Am Wa AXmltnm WImIv. apathy or our ;governmeni to ine ompti y lepUedl when her. "royal linams a flft between tie roirti - - . gravity of the silver problem, the JSj Refused to grant them." and Republican parties. Or, if yon Secretary Bruner, of the AgncoJ Americans retaliate by freezing out trf .v i,, k. ghortspaee in the I prefer, -betwees sound money andltural Department, says the records gold. It could easUy.be done.7:,. fc Icolnmnsof The Caccasiak a pa-1 inflation. Between vaganea of -:l; OI eTltI'rr x " T : a Goidu 4-aw Tmtar per. that every North Cardigan restful poh TOiMt- rJr, . - -l S.r,M f-l r,ind of to dot a few atiam. If it ean be of the least m-1 about one-foarth greater than a year n;.- A riodLk lines with reference to the promised! terest to tha publiewhat my poUti-1 ago. Wwm t . iiu tt.; I TT?ooT-niTV. r. If Miaa Prosneritv haal cal conduet 'will be under States Treasury is insolvent. The mader appearance in this section, cumrtaae, - tJJ,lF .a 4 ..t k.-i' mn. h rtainlv has appeared wroajriaav. I shall vote the riatJonai ite- 5Vuuj lumuag u wwv.v- -; JVii :.V. t. Oit We are mortfiracrinfir the future I ena iorwara, xor w "over own " . flO ;.:!? 'tK.?tti-sJ ''! 1 V k AV as recklessly as any spendthrift roy-lbeen, since Adam was a boy, such eAT-av that a- flnnr tsiv his harit, I weesrina.v wailinr and jrnashing of la.i.'.V U., iioji vaI teeth kaownhere anwnf the poor. Verr truly, - : - - ; W. H. DAT. Halifax, N. C, Feb. 25, 1S36. jority of sales these eir-1 were made in February, March and April but this year, owing to tne open winter s?ad the higher price of eotton. the sales are SBUeh earlier. Last March the amies were 3,3o0, which was a phenowtenally Large Hr

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