New Offer p Meet Demands. Five Copies Caucasian 3 Months For $1.00-12 Copies 3 Months $2.00 fTHE 'CAUCASIAN. Now is the time foraction.The, , ni my is sowing tare. Let tee. pTjil'isow gootaeed. Kie copies" ,i the Caucasian 3 month for It'M. Twelve copies 3 months f..r ;"'. a club jaick. (1 TU t(t j t owieg lb etf V ,t I - . a . -ttW. ad ft f g t 1 """" ii in i in. ii H i- VOI;. XIV. LETTERS FROM THE PEOPLE. Various Matters on Which The Popular Opinion is Express edAll Sections Interested. LIVING ISSDES FORWARD. 111. UarlV. fail All tirt Toll.rr - All Moli.l r Hllr In Johnston al Iioot a 1 1. Irk as la as - More flut ters Wmil.l IIM" Whlrli I'eopl t tniitiisnt. All Hullil r llr. I- or i ! 'n'n if.tJ. Kkm.v. N. C, March J. VVe are fill moIi.I for silver down here in the lower part of Johnston the "ban ntr"' Democratic county. Mr. Chair man I'ou'h legislative catechism iin the background, home fw are sing ing the oll Bong of "nigger." Well, we can expect no hotter of theiu. Whi n wo have h good tool, we are M.try if it breaks and will try to in.ik'- it d sonic Uiiug even after it Therefore tho old gangs ,;,,i.tiiiu.. to cry "nigger" and "tAiitT ' to fool the people. p,,it wo have men like Stewart, l: it',, r, lMTer and "Old I W to lead u ; i!,i iiukIi this clamor this year, and a Ktoi us. Our children cry i't.r Mlvt r; tho wage earners want sil ver; ii you pay it goldbug silver he will take it, h you see all want sil wr. Kfpp "in the middle of the r.-ail." noiuinato your candidates pledged t the platform. If they ,1'ii'ip that platform or violate their I l.'ih'o, meet tlieru in tho back Tho vote here will bo solid .silver. J.W. Uallanck. 1 he Way He ' All TiKlli-r, I ur The Cuiiraijiaii. I'aisuN, N. C, March 11. I have i . ;t'l some discussions in tho papers about fusion with tho Republicans, Democrats tVc. A gentleman from Concord "peaks of it and others are writing about it also something about .Senators Butler and Pritchard. My idea anJ I think most of the People's Tarty will agree with me ia. I have consulted several in my county) is to invito all to go with us on the following platform and vote for no goldbug: Free and unlimited coinage of sil ver at lf to 1 without regard to any foreign coautry. No more issues of bouds. Enough government legal tender money to do tho business of the country. Against retiring tho present hundred millions of greenbacks treasury notes. ChariL'o our system of banking. Establish a system of postal banks t- distribute the legal tender money I favor decreasing tho salaries of the public otUeors from President and foreign ministers to the lower otli", r in proportion to the farmers' armujr-i. lu regard to fusion, I will vote for no goldbug. If members of the He publican party will pledge them selves to vote against goldbugs for ellice I will invite them to go with as. These are the leading ques tions. I want all to vote together who are in favor of them. W. E. Hill. five and Falsehoods Thick a I'ljf Tracks For The Caucasian.! (Irantville. N. C. March 1C Most of us here are all right and hope will stay so, though desperate efforts are now being made on all sides to side-track us. I am set on every day. Republicans are inir Senator Iiutler, charging has fused with the Democrats and did actually help them organize the COLORED VOTERS FOR SILVER Thjr I).l.t,Ottr Their tig nat arts IbatTh Ar for Inform - tJ Will HI and Itf It Kegardl of -Hllrk T l'ait" llMltn Cove, N. C, March 'J. I thought it would not be arniag to let you know that we, the colored voters in this flection of Craven coonty, are standing solid for the free and un limited coinage of silver at the r tio of I fi to I, independent of any othr nation; and we pledge our selves not to vote for any man who does not stand with both feet on a free silver platform from President down to township constable. No more straddling on the silver question for us, and we advise our colorsd brethren everywhere to awake to their interests and give to the party twaddlers who come around with the pitiful plea of "stick to the party" a wide birth. Let them go their own way and let's prove ourselves to be men and vote for principle instead of party; for this cateiing to party has ruined the laboring people of this country and wrought us to tlm point where we can hardly get bread for ourselves and wives and children. A little more of tho "Mick to your party" will put us in u worse condition than we were in the days of chatel slavery. All.VER Baruer, Daniel Bryant, B. J. Jackson, Henry Richardson, Joe McCoy, Robert Brown. GREAT FRAUDS IN ALABAMA. Startling Report of The Senate Committee On Privileges And Elections. Senator Morgan Should be Ousted Ite port Takes Positive Ground as to the Id flit of the Senate to Investigate This Election Populist Legislature L'nduubt. edly Chosen and Mr. Kecse, Top, Was Elected .Senator. Senator Chandler, from tho Com mittee on Privileges and Elections, recently submitted to the Senate tho majority report recommending the adoption of Senator Allen's (Pop.) resolution providing for at investiga tion of the Alabama State and legis lative eloctions of 1S94. Reference is also made in the report to the pre vious election of 1S92. The committee asserts that the de claration of the election of Thomas ti. Jones, regular Democrat, as gov ernor Reuben F. Kolb (Pop.) being the opposition candidate was duo to the "wholesale ialsincation ot re turns of dishonest election officials in pursuance ot a great conspiracy deliberately organized long before the election, for the purpose of changing tho political complexion of the State incase it should appear that Kolb and his supporters had carried the State. DEMOCRACY VS. FREE SILYER. Why Free Coinage of Silver. Can not Be Secured Through the Democratio Party. RALEIGH, N. C, THURSDAY, MAItCH l!i, 1896. THEY DEFY THE RECORDS, FACTS, OPINIONS, uid-nt hold the cash. lirn, ear of tL ri,Sih i M o: ( orr., (Lie n f ;-r al (iile, Cnppleeate, through the Stat f), !h tvoold parti. ttQr! :o Department oflicial. be so e-.japlet. Ij uoir tL u-flaene. Mr. Bar 2 j simply that he was of the orty b-aoVrs, ad tS- money asked to send the money to the Sec- power, not withstanding they c'mniod retary of the Treasary by a gtatl- to otw if. tht tusjAritj .f them man wno uiu not disclose bis ila-lvota fi CN-wUuJ. 'r'nl- A. Co tiry. (If all the scamps who have from time to time robbed the government should become sufficiently eon science stricken to pay back what they have stolen, the treasnry vaults Lather and s.v our-lr MR. B. F. KEITH TALKS OUT to go OU MOkTUAiVj ( Wlll. TUCVHtMC. As citistnt, with th ) fr! before cs, is it n-. oar du'y t. invr tigate the wrori and all rote t and fsrr.- KtlTH uies from further P!rtiT B F. SOME MORE PLAIN TALK. The Condition of Affairs is Crit ical And Should Be Studied By All Men. Not a Sinele Man Who Would Support a Goldbug Must be Elected By The People. A Party Till Sacrllk Prions! KIU .i Lrsm - I Woali k M Better Tkts tllacr ! Tk OJ Partks CestrttlM FsrPriaclflt ti4 a Pr'in F 0 Whlrh Khow the raislty and IfypoeHsy of Uemocralle FrofeMluna and flat forms The Vloas ot the 1'eupla on the Ouestloa of the Iay-Vhat Thejr Know and What They Think. Khoiikm, N. C, March 14, 'OC Vou will tind below some of the "Reasons" why the free and unlim ited coinage of silver cannot be pro cured through the Democratic party. it is altogether useless to go into any detailed statement, or of refer ring to statistics showing "money or commodity" value of trold and silver, as the average school-boy of to-day is un-to date on these Ktti-1 Whi,itv. v p i...i. ii u,r. .. - . .. T : . l ".'wivb,.i.v,,iivu j-i, jo. I For The Caiimii'snl tics. Ana besides 1 nroDOse stick- Th mg to the proposition and in using cal time should be studied by men ,VV V" Mrth '.(.- names cf individuals. I will do so of all classes, and while many of us u Tint Caui-asus says that it from a political standpoint-not a readilv v w tabft nn in t, l? ?PPOsfd. to having an tl, toral personal one. w&u r fiu K.f ; v. ticket with evtu one mau on it who 1st. We have v, i " f 1 Jtuu would support a goldbug f.,r Prtsi- nr. ai-la .r,,i ,...mKi. dent, the 1 eople a Party of this s : .. . . in wa.uv, a.,.i tion endorses its poiitiou. We also m tuo uemocranc party now tnat ;r piwuuvwu, u endorse Thi Caitasiav m li are Jefferson and Jaokson ilvfir the other side, yet, if we are friends LA 'n ' s I'1 uemocraur-a majority or tnat ma r -- .r'.irrr'r.T. ' machine Democracy." The P. nau passea away prior to loj be- . . l"D 4?-" wcnaia ui out I'H VII.I'H (111 I 1 AA TT1 MOrD TO CaCClQTAJl I UMB A A W AA V A I I 1 . - - i"ju"j"1"0 . i cause a large numoer ot .ur cti Jnlin Shflrmsn A- (!f tr firo tho firar I IT IS IS ITH ftl't T)PTV - .11 "'"'i - 1 .ouo iu uoiu vi iue oiu pan:os cds- Rhr.t nl i l vor nnii Ilia bvmv .ffoinslU. :n : a : ! - a. 1 j . 1 . 1 - 1. - " i""" """ "iuij ofc.uoi iu assist 1 u Luaiuiaiuiut just laws, i ucuiucu ixiese tilings, acu itie num- stiver nas oeen receiving iresn re- as it is to l-'ok after the welfare of ber still continues to grow cruus irom me democratic party our families. We know it would be We do not put the slightest be over since. tolly in any father or brother to pro- lief in the Democratic "rock and 21. The Democratic party came duce lanre crops and then leave his bull"' storv sent ont Vsn.!t- mto national power on the 4th of barn doors open and let hig stock go ton about fusion with the Democrat March, 1893, solely on this free sil- in and waste what he has toiled so ic machine, neither do we couu'e- ver and reduction ot tariff planks in platform of 1892, and in this the Mty Paver Vs. Tfct Pssf l Tat Tws OU Partlc to Be Askca Is Fsst m tat (WM SUaiArt-Tat Pssyl Mast Laltt Afslasi Ts!t Caablss Wsat Is Oar Datj? For The Caucaaisn.l t PARTY LASH Fire Patriotic Rpnb'!cin Sc ton Put Couctrj Above F.r:t Soitor Tel!r Mnk 22 Ringing Speech SHOWS UPSHERM A N'S FRAUD LAST ONE OF THEM PERJURED HIMSELF when he took tho oath of office, for he did promise to carry out the law as laid down in the Constitution except a precious few who had hon esty enough to do what they promised their constitutents and that which they found in their country's Consti tution. How can one of this gang of the platform THAT WE (iOT IX OX in 1S92?" Many of them tried it on same piattorm in '94, but you see the people blighted that same old platform with pry: rot and the plaxks would not bear them up being too thinly braced with ballots, and further, if they could, with im punity, discard tne silver clause in the Constitution they at any time can and will twist that grand old document to suit the speculative OPPORTUNITY OF THE MONEY POTYEU 3d. And they all claim that this Referring to the election of 1S94, legislation to place silver on its con in which Kolb wasaerain a candidate stitutional base, must come through acainst W. C. Oatcs, (Uem.) the re-I the democratic patty. Ihis, the port says that Kolb was elected, as Democratic leaders know, will never well as a majority of the legislative be accomplished, but still it will do candidates on the same ticket, but to fool the dear people with. If perjured leaders come before an out- look after the quantity of produce raged people and say, "give us an- we raise. One is about as import other chance, that we may convince ant as the other, and the people you that it was for the greatest good would soon see this, if they were not to the greatest number of people for deluded by the false teachings of a us, as Democrats, to utterly ignore subsidized press and bought politi cians, who are selected (privately) by the money gamblers and elected nard to make for his family and I nance the claim made by the othfr a . j a ; i'.i. t. i.i i : j a i- a a l . . irieuus to enjoy. ioi io ia&e any i siue tuai iure are l'onulists wno part in the economic question that I will vote for a goldbug Republican governs mm is as oao as not to lane lor l resident lteie is not a l'op- care or his product after he has I ulist in this section who would sur- made it. I render his principles and m ike such As the money that we have in cir-1 a base trade to get any kind of aa culation represents the price of our I office, little or big, from thj Ropub- labor, lands, product, etc., it be- lican machine. No ttuy Populist hooves us to look as closely after the will sell his American birthright and barter his convictions for a mess of pie-counter pottage. We are in favor of fair and hon orable co-operation, if we e.n hive it on these ttims: but wo wjuM rather suffer deft-at than to hav.? it on any other terras. A party tht has principle may be defeated, but it will continue to grow until it triumphs if it will stand by these QUANTITY OF HONEST MONEY wo have in circulation as it does to I by strict partisans. Can we expect 0-P 't ", rT y t ,7 r I 1TB nunni rIis if will rv4- I- m.ii anvth nc hpttr nnt w vnt for V O ------ " I . T AM- T T-,. l.Al. ,47 At our own iT.t.rPRtaf Whn triA mnnovl i no. ; ; oiu parties are now uomcr, irom i;.is i Jn thZ miZ fnA oc h nnr.ii . IE we sacnQce our principles, then compose these corrupt parties tlley "Tr bettfr.aro w0 ti,au l'u9 are to be blamed, and they are those ? lVl aKnd, h,ow c ' J - honA t fy Tho hoot i utn att i-i K v V , . that heaD coals uoon their own 7, r 1 ' hea(jg inem to come to usi rna question rpK..;a...u; u,.r. uuw oeiore every man wno works thA neonlfl ot, that i Tint iul a "1U.,.?.A1U' l'AK r -r . TIflV Will l...i backed by thi politicians, stand up for the people and draw for they are the principal fighters of the issue square, so that every man this movement. It is the people shall have a chance to vote on one who are leading this, their cause, side or the other? If the People's and while we have the professed pol-1 Party will not do this, 'then it has itician and his master, the money I no excuse for living. That i- w.hat gamblers, arrayed on one side we it is organized to do. II Pats Ik riasar Oa.silaa la UwilrMfTI, I'wrt'. tarly ksi th It... tuar lh. I ir.l f .(Wli aa far)y Mas tu.u(S . I a It s Maa a allt. "Itif AUt j p4ru j tmrur tra after jou arr m tt.r .-rvr," ti..utrd ntor Tr!lrr, Urp.) i.t t olorsdo, wli the jnatf iKx.r, shakins: tu Cu;rr at Senator Shrrn:n hil t Thi WAtli' triiiiha! ii n i,f ron- . ...... .. ...: . "'" oiwrt-ii i.r(Lit:i an in inr St-nat i liAti.'.rr t.ti r rt.riiAr :.. i'rr a dixoussion of the tri:T bill. TL goldbug l:t-t.ublirans who had Stood With ( l-il.lhi anJ tt jculdtiug Ieino r!s in rrfusitij; to (! for lrr silver ir to do aiitttiiii- tor t t.s rrlirf of the poplr, tliuid to take lip t h taritf bill and tri l to whin !: ilfrr Hepublican Into linr. Kiv- vt the Western Kepublitaii -t,ati,rs had rr fused to bow lot he golduuK part lih. i ins aMoniiiei uiui etiraetl tt.efrlu men. John Mit-rti.aii bad J-i iiui.irJ the frre co'iiae of siU r a n :ihoti et proposition and in?-in tilled tl.atits advocates were ititired by diltoiirt motie-, their oJ;rt beii." to their creditor, ."herittan boldly de clared in favor of a irold otandard. caatinz ot! ail his meek and mock phrases attoi: t bitnetallitut. He inin uated that with a large production of Kold iu Colorado. Teller Would be left in the lurch in the near future, with no constituency to back bi:n iu demand for the rciin.iiettzxt ton of il ver. 1 Ins gave 1 filer )., opp.i.-tui.ity. lie : "the Senator from Otiio cannot di vert me by hi old ailver speech, the same one be lias been delivering for twenty years, the .ame one I have beard so often before." Mr. Teller de clared that tbe detiniiiotic f biim tal- nsin ny .-ir. Mierman were erroneous. were contrary to tlnire accepted at State and national conventions, ton trary to the accepted iiudi-rtaudin1r of France and other foreign countries. I he Kepublican party should not be sttiltitled," .:iid Mr. Tel h-r, "by the de ception and fraud of the l.tmko' irame of the Senattr from olno and ir:dd ad vocates. "I nless the American ix-t-iile tIant themselves upon the double standard, tnat will maintain not only the eiuitv of contracts but the stability of price, we cannot have pr..;enty, font is the only thing that will hrlnir to this c.otiti try prosperity and progress that will put. an enu io the discontent l hit is siRAoott.t ao rottmt tl cm AT ISStl t I.m 014 Tsiit tst.iU ! a Pta U'publtrafe rx.fitt t ti rrs tvll last a.rk, t ut t- r m im t.i tr.'oraj - t cfeatf to'nia Tb Ii i lav lb atb vld ;aai Th Ikcpublirar s vt ! LU a lrr 8ltloB. They Uw.narJ A, itsus. iroUtmrl lor rrJot. .tJ advpte4 th usual stiaddi o thr ficancial qantiuo Tt ' tr S was declared to b a biff thitf. The Hrpoblicasi vf Ofcto a'.o Lad a oBToticn. Sak ij tkter. Tar.f! was host led for and !kio ley aa boomd Xr Prridtt. Tk Caatctal -lack Btat cothiBf. I l the am old "strad jUbua" dft ed op in retty edor. In Ubol Island both Urpabbra&s asd lieuaocrata tela Mat rostra tun. The lUt abiiran Lot-d bi Krnd for I'reaidtnt acd "Mrad llrd" th financial qnea'ion. Th lWmo- crata didn't mention lb 1'reatJttiry aud completely dodtd tLe flnacrial usue Uot a otd about it. There wu a!o a Kepubp.ran St a'. convention in Hn. They lxxa ed McKiolrv and th tatifT. but dodged tii huancial iae In Indiana the KetuShcan con vention of th ninth district a held. A "itradd'e" monrv 1 lank was adopted. lhe l(eiubiieau nvet t a ! Tmira couutv. New Vt-tk. eridorard Morton for l'reaident. NO. in. THE NATIONAL CONGRESS. Sox Recsri f WUl U r KerftMtUtitfi Af THE CUBAN RJS0LUTIONS f tm .k i. a l.Mita. -um ' ".A a.. ....a sa - . r4M NORTH CAROLINA IN DANSCR TCO Uuv.ft.saas Wsrsi TUm I ml avasiih Carolina .f Ids cli.Mn ssl A Usi villi Hunt list a lttlrw4. tiov. I. vans ot outu atliua, in hi annual ireasage, m-ntiT. a mo nopoly that i deatibtd to rob tL South and bdd it tu lta ir u grasp Speaking ot the ntwnopolira tie ay: "The Lrcatet and tuost puaeiful among them is theSuthttn rail a ay Thi it- a loreicn cornotation, and exactly what ita status it a t this State or the I'ntted State I Lav never been ytt ab,e to ascertain I his much is ceitatn, Luwtvi r, that it is fast becoming a tunt dancer ous monopoly lor the Southern Stat t a. It owns and conttol over ."AM 10 miles of road, aud i grap- irg fir competing linen The ptoplo of North CrliuA have a very striking object Iesun of th most dangerous power and policy f this great corporation. It pot tht Directors of the North Carolina rail road to make a euaui-tul imrgam in the 'M year lease, w hit h amwunta to a sell out and surrender of the State's property forever. Sj far th people ot the Dtate nave not l. en able to iret before the court to teat rising up in every part of the country, the validity of this monstrous deal The Attorney-General refuses to use his official authoiitv or a!l ir his oflicial name to be used to pr j tect the right and interests of the State atraint t the sell out an J uu holy trade. The Cobb stock ou which the A:h ance was aiout to bring iit a tampered with and withdrawn by some influence usol by tu n corpor ation. There is now n hie for the people xcept throtit;h t!i. n-x legislature. Let the itKipie o tnat give you a liemocratic majority one year and a Kepublican majority tne next, and prohahly a 1'onuliet in jority the jeir after. Our afefy lies in honest, sound money, made up of the two rneLils that have been in use irom tune immemorial, lie wh iays I am dishonest because 1 advocate ttiis i either dishonest hiinelf or ignorant of the history and th- condition of the world; he is ignorant of the fact that silver money iias always been the money of mankind, the money that has touched more hands of toil than the grid dollars, the money that has pVi .a ! ta aei-'t s a I-A. t . rf ad. W htt tb S tat r4 tt trans 0 ' t ' 4? !. it f ti ts ;Ns-ar) 'f "wt-a tbf ans s at talk ll.s. Tt II 114 a J rracdalMkra d?f tt ifia'l f r.i th twaat r 1. tiopa A f tDc f tt t. Hoas was thru ke:j. abj tits t rretee arrJ Iu ta liwa r.. iwas siLtrti are fullw "KlH.Ll I J. r.j th 11. o .f as ntatirra t'lrK-ta'srpiirstturi That rtate i.f t.ub.ic aaiea.sts ,u 'ul. he artu a to birh at rfctitUJ t tliirrrnt r rhta. atd IL t n.t.4 Sta1 sl..-uld tir a!tt Crbtcal lt lteD th rf.ta. l.'lM.l.VAl. Ttat (Vtrrsi d I.'tea !b drstiudutt lif at. J n.jnty rau-d It tt ar .. mf iV.f in tr-at island, and llit itr that tlrt?y rALrt.t aulutivti .f th contest. jaally in tt tatrr of Spa n. ib j-r-j 1 f u-a aid other lifatiotis. W.-ulJ t la the tablisLoj. lit ft a g.remaBt b t choice .f the pi- .f "tt Is tLe sen of t't tiATf-ss tnat tt Ou erctli tit of th t'tiited Mi'i a L.ull n Ma (:. 1 r!irr and fnndl m rtueac t tLat end. Ks.,i. ai. TLat th t'b.tsd Mats a has n.t in atrufcl t teu any Kuroi-ean iot stum tits and their elotiu- u this colit ib It. but fr-.IU Hi el V flow Im- te-n tb I I.. ,f it t'liM.d Sta a attd th.'s- .f I'aha. iu r.u- quefci -t :a pi. A uiit ati1 the tent of th ommi t-ten tL two people, the prrs tit ar is n tailmg aut L up.ti th -opl of th I'rs.te 1 States that i is of that lL i..trtntuBt O! I U" l tilte.l !Mt- sl.oujd Itm t.t- I'ared to pre t t Iritituate iq. teres? of by mtetven tion, if netesaary." the t-'jufereticsi romtnitte ton- aisting of time metulM-rsof th Sen ate anil thr tur tubers of the Ilout. reprt-U they ba-1 agr) upon th reaolutionK aa phtu-ed l-y th iloui and aske.1 th Senate t agr to them After some discussion th matter went over. u r,rf fi, n;Lnr man nonciVOn rf ur, o i0 have seven-eighths of the people on Our State committee says let us of progress than all the eoldthatbas - I . . . k . fha rtthc. cia. anH if lhA naAn a wi II I Ark fna-o f a u . n c. ...J.I I... n.A pvpr 1 1 1 . f . f 1 iritfk I 1 1 f . i r.' 1 1 ! 'i t ii.ti nl t li A done infinitely more to move the wheels! their guard, for thi danger-u cor- on account of the fact that a f ictitous vote was returned. The report calls attention to the fact that in fifteen counties the returns showed .that 50, 000 votes were polled, when in reali ty only 10,000 were cast. Instead of Oates being elected by in the grand (f) old unterrified Dem ocratic party can afford to swear falsely to get into the halls of Con gress, he or they can afford to do anything else, as the same money power exists now that did the rascally, mean, low- the other side; and if the people will co operate against goldbugs, and we not let the deceptive henchmen of I endorse its position. Every Popu the money power divide them, and lists endorses this, and whero is the we vote together for relief we can man who claims to have any princi have a victory and our wrongs can I pie who will have the cheek to ob- be righted. When we see the wicked ject to it! We have the fullest con- 1 . . HI 1 1 1a1"a Ia''s an . - aesigns or laeveiana ana tne mien- naence in oenator iiutler and our tions of the national banks, by mort- State committee. Senator Butler world. "Mr. President, we will not discard silver. It may be that for a time the advocates of the so-called sound money may deceive the people. They cannot do it always. 1 hey cannot do it long. If the Republican party puts itself under the lead of the r'enator from poration will try to control the next General Assembly. FORCED OPEN HIS COFFIN. Ills. 61 OQ I O- -CO t0 l,.,,!,!!.!!,1"'"' ivcw.j. , xc, .v- ilunBUllliOll abus- h''1 AteLhvihout7m ma- down' work m lbJJ" v e had g&ging &11 our property, future la- has not only shown his political wis- Ohio and adopts the gold standard it g he :rtr;, Th k'olh lialatnr. thfi "w v ances men, ana we nave b0r, etc., it i jority. The Kolb legislature, the report says, was counted out in the same way, and in both elections tne too few Butlers now. 4th. The average Democrat that Senat for the sake of patronage, and ; " aZ?' Z , honestly believes tnat they can re- - uinuuuKiuiiuLw wiuo U...U.J nstatfl s tpt w thin nartv 1 nes falsehoods are as thick as pig tracks In relation to charges of4Butler fus ing with Democrats, I see what they are up to. They want to break the Senator's force and popularity and hive all the liebublicans in one gun. I wish The Caucasian could come among our people, but I must be candid with you. We haven't got the money and nothing to get it with. I know other papers the "black counties; that Kolb and we have been voting for some one else's interest long knouoh, . -1 A a " . i . 1 ,,1,1 a f.i I ana now voie ror our own interest, his ticket carried a majority of the 0i0f:ft :,i c0i00 foii tm and acquit ourselves like men "white" counties, and that the ne- h- fiVfia Rnfth namn. It was well known by the Wall groes failing to register, false poll crat R.- bfl i . ,eader follower street gamblers that this country j j is beyond political redemption. D. G. McL. is time for us to see that dom, but he has also proven his de- wiU be a. party of the past, and the lists were made aud false returns were certihed to on behalt ot ivolo s antagonist. "The case," the report says, "is not merely of local frauds, which happened here and there over the State, but is that of caretuiiy MASSACHUSETTS STATE PEOPLE'S PARTY CONVENTION. Citizen of Pitt touatr ItarlvU Conclusive Kllae. Mr. II. L. Wooten, of Newborn, informs the Journal of a distressing revelation which came about through . V. n a ot.sw I 9 h a t r.i 1 wr r. r nia niiitlfl i.: it. i . xt i i ciorv ana smetiaor or it arnicvp. v vuu W tne interests oi ine great en will be obliterated ind destrnr- the late Mr. Charles Wooten, of piain peopie, waeu it tcok both d in th inf.,n nf th,t , f'ntrvill. Pitt eonctv. Mr. Wool moral ana pnysicai courage to do it. and " here Mr. Teller paused and en died about five years .go, and lhe old party papers are making shaking his finger directly in the face the other day his brotber-in law, Mr uesperate enons to niatce tue peo- ot ilr. snerman, winch was ghastly j. Mar. disinterred th remains to uic ucuvto iiist 19 a njiJozi uui I nunc vv ui.i "jvii wn? niiu nuu every Populist know3 that the charge rage, ie hissed these worU "infamy 1 1 u i u i is uoi ouiy uutrue, out mat it is ' . r. J " . J woumuevci: unit) to uwuuw muuej - nnt Anl. ny,sn J are laid in your grave' aa long as cinoi jo uuiucu auu , G . ... , , ine excueineni. in me senate was nsed for final payments by the gov- ed the State eommittee, but he has inten5e, and, to add to the dramatic in ernment. and knowing that the always taken great pains to ascer- terest in the incident, the cilleries ap- bonds. upon which the national taia. e PreY1Iing. sentiment ot the pleaded the fierce assault of the Colo- are circulating pay or no FAY, but ftTid .UliWatolv mannfac- I hardly think they will change any tured masses cf fraudulent returns of us. S. O. Deaver. Slor llutlers Wanted. For The Caucasian. 1 I'fafftown, N.C., March 14. Wo want the truth straight from Wash ington every week. We have read with care Senator Butler's speech of January 14th, and it does our heart good to read after a man who has the courage, the grit and the brain to tell other members of their tlislovaltv to their constituents. Tell m based upon no votes whatever, but made to apparently defeat a State government that was actually chos en, and to give apparent title to a State government defeated by the tion of the People's Party was at- They Elect Delegates to St. Louis, and In vite All Who Oppose the Guld Standard Standard to Rally to Oar Support In the Coming Fiht. Pres3 Dispatch. J The Massachusetts State conven- uauAd m 7i c iv;uuuou nvuiu ouuu i v V: . a a. A. mature, and in order to get a future "r" "Ti 1 ZUJ- lu,uriaai ? A. A. lu 1 A ILaGfcl aa V AO lease upon the throats of the Ameri- j can people, and to secure more bonds, Cleveland, who is their faith ful servant, called an extra session of Congress and recommended the CLOSING OF MINTS TO SILVER, governors. The report concludes with a detail ed account of the particulars con cerning the organization of the ivolb legislature and the election by it ot W. S.Reese (Pop.)as United States Senator to hold the seat now occupi ed by Senator John T. Morgan. tended by fully 300 delegates. The (the. mon?l of vthe,miS3e? ,' and the o I locninfv hira hiiTidPAjT-mi linn wiM-a committee on resolutions presented the following, wmch, after some dis cussion, was adopted: "Kesolved, That the People's Party of Massachusetts, declaring for the ultimate destruction of all issuing of five hundred" million more of bonds, and thus the greatest bat- party in each seetion of the State rado Senator, Senator barter against the tari man of the national Kepublican com mittee made the matter more interest ing. lie referred to financial and taritf legislation favored by the administra tion, lie paid his respects to the He publican Senators and Kepresenta tives who operated with the Demo cratic administration to bring about the repeal of the Sherman silver law, andin speakingoi the suggestion ol 1'resident that tne greenbacks . . ... a man or nrm- ness, of strong will and determina tion, but if he did not have and ex ercise these qualities he would not be the kind of a man we would want for Chairman. We are willing to do anything honorable to defeat the Democratic macnine. uut it we sicrince our principles and the cause of the peo- Al .3 a: - C 1- L iL. I r a An iVia Trmrrr fViiTin. 1 li o f it- ! .1 I the 1 TeSl vi iuuuviu uiuuu ntauuuv mo i"; - o. . . chm. it V.. ..I n, ssiI. A rraTii money power of the world arrayed help the machine, and give the bal- . , iteDUb!ican magpie chatter. 1 AS 1 lAS-vAnn--Awn4lrvnsfA-.-rd-l people oi mis iui-uwiciuucisauu iuo pn-uuya A horde of I'resid n. Twenty ote pension bills intro duced. Appropriation bills discussed dur ing the day. laaadar, Marrli IDIk Iktil. Nine bills introduced. The Cuban reolutin earn up. Mr. Lodge tatd that the Spanish Minister, De Inline, tu this couulry had given out an interview in whirb ho had criticised th statement of oesaiors concerning una. ii aai.i: "Th proper bannel for a dmlo- matic repreaentativ bo wishes to make reprt sentations on aur sub ject is through the State Department. not through th ntwai aira. If an American uipiouiatist were to crut- : t . .i cire iu m curwiean t ountrr ill u - bates in the representative body f that country he would be sent bom. and we all knoa it. Mr. Teller said: "Twice in the history of this coun try hava we sent Lome the minister of a great country one of Franc and one of Great If ntain !or a very nlace them elsewhere. I muco ies onens man the ol . . . . . . . . .i.i t -I .. . . Both the box and cotln were found opaoma rainmier nas uen ruuiy in a good state of preservation, but 1 of. For fear that aom on will say one side of the coffin was foutd to that 1 am criticising th Admmi have been forced off-to have bentration lor cot sending Lim bom. forced with such violence aa to break I &t to eay that under the circam the screws, and Mr. Wooten' bodv. stances, considring the friction instad of beinir on ita back, in that has arisen in Spain, if I Lad r, .'?nV?d .,Le .ht which position it is absolutely known bet n the President of tL United "suTus t.uair- trt . h hnried. was on th side mates l should not Lav sent h m with the face toward the part of the home, but i should fcav suggested coffin which had been burst open. v7 aiuoiy io mm inrongn in There seems to be but one solo- oecrttary ot rtate itai a rep t moo tion of this condition of affairs and that is that life was not extinct when Mr. Wooten was interred, and that he recovered before death came and struggled sufficiently to rend the coffin in the manner described on one side and the idential aspirants tneni like tuis. The committee say the investigation istana uere iouy suu tg. should be held and the facts made and deiy contradiction mm known -U tV,A. A UAA " , s . . v iauwwu nuciuci lucv aitj aa iia v v has ueen orougnt npanus soiti oy beencharged or are unfounded. intamousiawsenacieuiu iu I the charges are well founded niamous a- the report saySf it may be the duty law by tne of the Senate to oust Senator Morgan countrv on the other, while the the advantage or us again, in try- .i ail i , - - . . i i.j v. . u : . i: tv,,,.. : .l . I money power succeeueu in stoppingiluB iouci.Bai.oiioiioiu.-oui; luicmar, People and recognizing the fact the linage of silver, they did not we must bo careful not to cripple FAJL?--. to build up another T":. .IZZ S:iV"i:u the five hundred million interest- goldbug machine. We are by gold nuiciit amuug 1110 wuukcis wi ail I . . , - , . - , I 1,1. r Kt- political parties hi opposition to 11 crltiei. for the mo-t shady and 1 111 1 i:A?! UtSllJ lUCSO UUUUSs A LAVA. X IX IIIUHl LU I svmav aM w sws.awvai I . .:..-..- a naann a m tnMii nnan w ir, 4t,a Zra JriM fl;, get them in defiance of the wishes of them wherever he saw them, no mat- ... t, orlJ ha4 ev(r known.- r.fer. imnrove the financial and industrial tUe People, they keep depleting the ter what their names were. Un the riogto the repeal of the purchasing rushed to political suicide yelling 'sound money.' The press of Xew York City leads the procession. Sound money is its cry, and under the cover of this cry the President protected himself and his administration from the to opposed to the money power that is , attempting to fix upon this country J D3lGS esty and ability as a leader. W. It. Pfaff. had "pie" in the Democratic party 0ur way," said Peoples last night. fi,ftT f1AP. suan1j h. lav loT,, allthetimeif pie had been his object. it wouldn't surprise me a bit I transportation and monopolies in the 11 .ur. uuiici uaa j I uiey Jfoi an tue uiaio uiixucs platform. of his political motes, stood on any-1 f&ll and the electoral ticket besides. 1 v noloD-arPQ irorn lto tn than thing but TRlNcirLB we have yet to They would have carried the state tionai party convention in St. Louis. uiseover It. oo iu?i uivis '"iia rovt it. we uvpuvuvaus suu uvlb.- i iiutler. We have faith in your hon- ocrats had not united on the quiet A BIG CONSCIENCE FUND to beat them. While the Democrats and Republicans hate each Other, Kearlr SIS.OOO Sent from England to th they would do most anything to beat rotted states Treasnry. the ropniists. one ining is enuin; Washington, D. C., March lO.-The they will have to unite next tall or iargest smgie conscience contribu- . 1-1 3 I a-,.. an tion ever received by the Treasury Department camejtf) hand to-day from a resident of London. It was about $15,000 and vAs ia the form o a bill of exchange drawn on a New York bank in favor of the Secretary of the Treasury. The contribution was forwarded by Rev. Prebenbary 7 I rat artArhn rKiw rtnn I riTl I 1 nnt nAinr t r hie txtq r T Af fail. secure its defeat we should endeavor Cfc i?aao "Pr"; v" 7 to unite all force? into one aggres sive, irresistible phalanx, that wili secure free coinage of silver and gold at 16 to 1, and the issue of all money by the United States treasury without the intervention of banks of issue, to be receivable for all debts, public and private. We believe also and then tried to get every other the people believe that it favored free f f v,; Je .u coinage as well as protection, and said tol and by a still more infamous ex ecution :or defiance ot law oy m administration at the other end oi f hi t Th retnnrt tAkosL..ju: ..j treasury of its gold to give excuse other hand, the old parties have al- clause of the Sherman act and to l'ennsvlvania avenue." nneitivA crrnnnd tn tnnr;r,t f tKo h , , , for the government to borrow rnnr ready sacrificed the principles of secret bond deal " s. at i a'vwaa w avssss w - . aw aa . v a. vaa v i its nnrmn. nrnsnpriiv. w snmi in Txrai .i - a - i ... . I renat I love to read it. ana ll t. inm.vs tu 1 TT r r . T. cold for which wa m'vs Jefferson and Linnoln. and are now senator Carter then proceeueu this government had all such men "v cm u. . . . p ! These notes are called overnmpnt like the fox who got his tail cut off show that the Repub;ican party made . . . . r i i onmiseu iu i uu uioiie v uower lii&l is . , " 1 , . , . . . . as Senator Clarion tsutier irom i res- Fopnuit wiiicarrjxexas. ident down, then the laboring peo- St. Louis Globe-Democrat.! pie would not need have any fear but Tom Peoples and C. T. Shropshire, that they would get value receivea wealthv stockmen of central lexas, for their labor. We have heard air. areat the Southern, ih- feoples Butler on the stump and have kept resides at Cameron, and Mr. Shrop- ur with him as near as possible in shire at Columbus. The stockmen the United States Senate, and we brought six car-loads of sheep to the have yet to ree where no nas sacri- city. They think that Texas win oe need the interest oi tue peopie ior carried by the fopulists tms year, ut ivato gain. Mr. Butler could have The Poos aie verv strong down new It la Working. The Ijnapasaa. (Tea.) Journal. The Republican party en the side of plutocracy, the People' Party on the side or the people, vt nai or tne Democratic party, yoa ask! why the g'.ldbug section is kicking th I gn Jilverites into the l'eople a I'arty and the silrerites are kicking the goldbugs into the Republican partv, hence when they are done kicking, you may well ask, "what of the Democratic party l ' it won t be in it. o We are telling the people facts, o . jjced, o Facts ought to be known. The o B 1 ki oooooooooooooo oooooooooooooo o o o goldbugs are trying to obscure o o tacts by distributing literature o o free. We can defeat their aim o o by a little work. See our offer o o and send a club quick. 0 o (J.000000000000 oooooooooooooooo (d A uniiuoftcorka hwicihg of facts will win the people's fiqht. Let us all know together and work together. Seiui us a club under our special offer. that thoe out West who all these ruin Visit tnnrM-irtpri.nrnt'pcf.H.n for the - imt . . . ....ij -- - r r r the people's cunency, and in order xne surest way tor us to deieat benefit of the Eastern manufacturers. to further the high-handed robberv. I goldbugs and "machines ' is for us did not rropose to coctinue to support the chamber of commprcA of Mow to stand bv the people and our crin- it and the gold standard at the same - w r a a I ' . York City has appointed a commit- ciples. In short, we want co-opera-tee to draw up an address, or set of tion for principles, and we want a resolutions to present to the differ- ropulist for uovernor, ent chambers of commerce and nro-1 E. Li. Scmmerell, duce exchanges throughout the en- V 1 . .1 II. I f .W.o. tire country asaing tnem to petition Wilmingt)11 Evening Dispatch. ii h Mr I I . . ... i Aiaat iiigui is uuo oaaaiug vuu raaiisa iu auun Tills uoioi time, lie said that the en and ail the great agricultural and wealth-producing portions of this country were more interested in more mtney and an honest financial system than in the tariff. , -. II then called attention to how the Eastern'manufacturers were now abus ing and villifying bim and others who were standing up for the interests of his own people as bad as the liritisn In concluding he said : "If it shall occur that this senseless down Front street we suddenlv came upon STANDARD, I . marf in an allev leading off to one i . 1 i xiio un u ( which dearly means co-operation j side who had placed upon the ground goldbugs. or i usiou ui ui Koiu men;. iae oniyia unes piece oi cara-uoara uponi -ii it si hope and chance in restoring silver 1 which were two limber jacks dancing J crusade against Republicans who be- will be in the uniting of the two par- all kinds of antics while the propne- nevea in Koou iau m me jhuumu. ti'a r tn mAAt t Rt T.nni'a nn nr 1, oti-rr Thaw vara platform when it declared for bimetal- HVM -- w ss-s v-wss ) aas AVaAa)f VAA I a UUiVVI BtsVag OA, A lUb aaMV J I T . . -k1l V- July22d. really amusing. The pwpriatw n- R"? " Nowletus begin to work to that nounced that he would seU them to end. We ought to learn something any one who wished to purchase for scheme bv the St. Louis convention, I from the movements of our enemies, the modest sum of ten cents. As we submit that Republican success will be When a resolution was offered in gazed upon these little wooden men rendered utterly impossible. If the the Senate by Senator Butler, of we thought they were eorrect types platform of 18l6 announces - to the North Carolina, and one by Senator of some persons who are now dancing . country that the plank on bimetallism Bacon, of Georgia, prohibiting the while the administration at Wash President from further mortgaging ington city pulls the string' and like our property to these merciless the little wooden men were about as money sharks without the consent valuable to the country. adopted at Minneapolis was a delusion a fraud and a snare, it would be just at well for the Republican party not to Continued on Fourth Fas. of that rondaet would necessitate his leaving this country. ror som mysterious reason aom members of the Senate have gtown cold or "very cartful"' about thos Cuban resjlutions, and are precipi tating discussions rather than try ing to secure action. Among those wno have become :ther activ op ponents to the resolutions pass 1 by the lions, or who fawr postpone ment, are Messrs. ry, I law ley. Hoar and others. The went UsrdTimM la Wllmlaftoa. Wilmington Meaaenger.J We learn that there are several hundreds of people in Wilmington, most of them perhaps with families. vho are oat of employment and bat ittle rrojpect of getting any son Their condition is distressing and their necessities most pressing. Shall they be allowed to suffer, per Nineteen pension bills introduce. Th poatoffie appropriation Lill was und r discussion. 44av, Harvh 1 1 Ik Ssutt. Ur. Allen introduced the following resolution : . It nji"i by the Senate and House of Kprentative of the I tited Mates of America in ongrs assembled. That tbe Preside ot of the I sited States be, and is hereby, authorised and reuetd to cause a thorough and rigid investigation to be snade into tbe manner in which tbe war between Spain and belligerents in Cuba is b. ing conducted; wneinertne same Is In accordance with tbe established rales of civilized warfare, and whether or haps some of them to starve 1 Here not on.isual and exceptional cruelties, . . , . iK.rMriltst. ltid AtnritiMirsanrf has is a chance for benevolence to do its blessed work. Te. Was 1 H? Hickory Mercury.1 Concerning Jar. J uoius wno u writing voluminously and sos luminously for the Charlotte Obser ver, we wonder if he is also Mr. Moses Cone, of tbe plaid trust. ITbe Caucasian. barbarities, and atrocities are and have been practiced by either party toward tbe other, and particularly toward non-combatants. Sec. 2, That for tne purpose or car- rying into execution me provisions bereei there is itereny appropriaiea, out of any money iu tbe Treasury not otherwise appropriated, tbe rani of i:0O), or to much thereof as may be necessary. Tbe resolution was referred to tbe committee on foreign relations. Mr Hoar offered a resolution for tbe Some think here it might be the editor. But whoever it is, he calls i'enate to postpone farther considera- every silver man and party that de-,' tion of tbe Cuban resolutions to April .1.m. 1.-.T frA silver, a traitor, a 1 6th. Th resolution WaJ diseuated at crank and no Democrat. Then has n "V MU wm p mfJ?RJ?i?Sn 1 ThT. Uooday wbeaa pension bill ic party declare, for silrer, he will vu DOt intioced in tbe Senate, support it. So of all the fools and traitors,he is the biggest. (Oonttaned en third peflsV)