New Offer to Meet Demands. Five Copies Caucasian 3 Months For $1.0012 Copies 3 Months S2.00 id the time f olfaction. The tI1': sowing tares. It the wht TV t4JVa ewat r CAUCASIAN , . ;,. o.w ooil E'u. rue copitu C.U' a-ias months for i ' . . 1 t ttkoi ft ti a ,. . .' h i. N.-nil a dub 'lUick. r l tt Cll J wMW. 1 Si RALEIGH, N. 0., THURSDAY, Al'Kll. -,, 189... Ol.. XIV. .ETTERS FROM THE PEOPLE. irious Matters on Which The Popular Opinion is Express f d All Sections Interested. UVINtt ISSUES FORWARD. I If j Mill ti "hP S rni'.fi .Kliitt A it Mill !" II,. Mill. II" of .- ru. i i:itiii'H I r Man aja. lllll jiT iii It in lm.lf MThri: ... ".ir the Cii-jiini I ,, .,, v: i March ,1 work tei:rlKUUr"-. this section, inoDny i " j ti i. f..r Sf.njitor Butler. T.llr-mn and Teller and also for Tnr. , ... ,.r. iii fnvor of lie-operation on ., . i:nu tunrVnil out by The Cai.'- . ' ..m. hut not on the lines pro ,,l hy th Republican party ' ,., . ..Mis for the coming fight, I.EUOY IlAKI KK. -n.-rp In The MI I.H" M U. i ! 'aiii-teiian.l ' i., i rv, N.C.March 'Jf,.-I admire ,.r 'rtir ti.'Liior. Kx'tl in . .1.1!.. r the road -no comprom ' ' ".. ticket. Tiio uu ill" -- -- i., , ihst-. of our county will nut co .. .'. vih unv tartv with any com ..',.. n fn ii and unlimited coin of mlvi r 1'. W. Thompson. Will Voir W Hll !' A ;.( ii rAi.K, N. C, March 'J7.-1J was not so scarce hor L couM ... t 'in twi-nty-livo subscribers in p.i . Placr, but the poplo havo not mouvy. Almost every man I Pk.. to about, the par wanted it, ui l several who could uot tak it ..,nl they would voto with us- J W.J WHITE. SENATOR BUTLER'S POSITION. f X$ farl Will lffr to Cl" I'rlal.U lh r.l- I .Hr Mh Tb ri(h( Abi. Tho Kale'iKh -orrfi'ponleut of tLe ARociatil 1'nD ankel .Senator I'-ut- er to expr hiniM If conctruin cc- operation. r nator lut! . r repo was : 'The I'.pl.i'rt Party will not co operate with the ifi'Moutf', mil is ready to io-op -rate aainxt th gold btlj,'. Neither will the Poplc' Party Huppurt any man for Governor who will ote for a Kold man for President.- The People's Party standrf solidly for this position, and you can rest assured it is uot blufliriK but means just what it says. If no party will co-operato with us against the Koldbuj's then we will make tho li:ht alone." J DEMOCRACY VS. i FREE SILVER. Why Free Coinage of Silver Can not Be Secured Through the Democratic Partj. SAY. MS. CHARLOTTE OBSERVE. Do Yn or -Jaal Tla tfcl- M. Some of tbe Democratic paper keep trying to make it appear that Judfre Clark didt t now wcai ne was doing bcn he wrote about .l rer in Mexico. Well, the Mexican Minister to this eoontry ought to know something about Mexico. II is Senor M. Romero, a scholar and centleman of the highest culture lie writes WHO WILL BE THE NEXT r RESIDENT ? Cf RECORDS, FACTS, OPINIONS, "J wide.t information Judee Clark a follow: 'I Vi v mail Mlilch how Hit ralaltr ana inpnrn.; t of l.niorri' Ic l'rolMlii ami flat foriu Tli Vi of lha I'ropl Ion of tb Hay - What Tliry K and Hliat Thar Think. Dakdek, N. ., March 1j, '90. Why cannot the free and unlimited coinage of silver be secured through tho Democratic partyT The first and most potent reason is that the party has had full power as well as time to have given it nail they desired to do so. Uaill. a I XanM Th 1 Ixrr KAH(Uii j The one issue, taat the tK!ii-ian coinage laws they x;tl prior o 1S73 be restored? Shall the cv- rnment issue legal tender ppr di rectly without tho int rvruTi m of banks and pay it as ether govern STRONG X RAYS OF TRUTH ! mectmoneris rii oui ior eurrtni . your articles in me Arena." ..n Mexico, and I write to roncrratulate tou du the clearness, " lhe fidelity and accuracy with which you Know I h. ve stated the condition of affairs in that country, and especially the financial situation. McKINLEY'S ALLEGED PROMISES. A KANSAS DEM OCRATIC EDITOR Severs His Connection With the Party of "Perfidy and Dishonor." Two Caul aat unices. Special Dispatch to the Kvening Star. J Ualeiuh, N. C, Maroh 20. Dan iel L. liusse 1. one of h.naor Pritch When a man promises me that if 1 rd's chief saoDorters and closest will put him in that position which friends in North Carolina, says to will enable him to do me a favor, dav McKinlev has promised that two and when I have performed my part cabinet positions go to the South, of the contract and put him in that that North Carolina will get one, position, and ho refuses to do as he amj that falls to Pritchard who is in promises and applies his time and charcro of McKinlev's interest in the money to some purpose entirely tneifcjouth. reverse ot a tavor to me, anl then proposes to promise me the same fa vor over again, I refuse to accept that promise as COMING FROM AN HONEST MAN. STRONG LETTER FROM FOUNTAIN. A tram the Democratic party is He Siy thit the Ptrly lias Dtwrted lh Principle ol composed of gold standard men as The ReaSOnS That Caused ii.v ..j a or t. the Earmies of Uood well as silver men. That is, the pariy liovcrnment H Saja There Is No Hope of Him to Join The People's Party No Bartering The People's Rights. is heterogenous in composition di- m. w.r,y o, K(... .. SupIose a man driving along the of the People. road with a loaded wagon should Col. W. P. Tomlinson, editor of get jnto a whole and his team be un the Topeka Daily Democrat, one able to null it out. Directly another of tho oldest and most influential man comes along and is requested The Schemes and Crime u The Two ou pmie To Be Democratic papers in Kansas, in to heln pull the waeon out. Jsow an excellent article has announced SUpposo they differ as to the best his farewell to the uemoeratic party method of crettiug tho wagon oui, THEY'RE COMING INTO LINE i. "r.:.0" r:.--. the national West Reii the Riot Act Tartj Trimmer.. eipenseT And hall the govern meut cease to borrow gold in time t peace to pay obligation which by the contract and by the law are pay able in silver? These iuetion will not down. The enemy declare. that he will have the eiuglf gold stand ard: that the banks shall uturp the sovereign power of tho government to issue monev. and tliat xne uaiion hall be loaded with debt to ouy i'.l f amblers, we must , ... meet these issues, whether w- wouu Ara lag I Y I alia r mA l:M-all- I f of 4.w4UakM- I". wtM. aa Ac tlwao of th t mm lll.l 1-ullH a C mwm la llamaalty Kr.eilraa I'arif aan.o Mllb Kllitr ulrrs. The Movrhead Da1- News baa long been one of the leading Kcpnt- lieau papers of Minneaota. The ed itor is an old soldier and has been a life-bng Republican: nut he eau stand the goidbug .lenomination no longer. He can no longer sve any Tke I eitM Arif 'f " c Ca of tb A. I. A..t ta t r waa aoJ ac ct erf el ta Atsattca. la a ret "Nwe. the X a'tict" uf Jeta fltftut boi-e t alti The aB at te l . e k . a , V. , . ,i i, . It Atuenrtn. Tbe i f t. .! the? aJ- TieAte. a'.thoach. a we rtTatd ihetw. not prituary in importance parvd eiith tlioas. f the Amuirai t.ail. tii rer'aiulr e ui nest id inKrtnc. lur -rsnfiplea t-rejy the u) liltliK' Aittoa f rota tlt standpoint f thtr d frvtn out. Let ua ji.l I tLi otat. mI iae with thrui. nt;te our antUios of Totes with their, akre ojmjo a nt who is uud vu out '.eaJicir pttcri pl-a and ub tLir. and with this forraidab.e eotubina'ion riert h.tii Prrident of the I'tntoi States. Here, for Xh.f preert. T the CONGRESS. Soe Rcora cf W.u XU 'to rl' RepreicUtie Ar Trj:tf to To. KILLS TALKS ABOUT 113 H A . I tW f Sv. Ma.a - rwi a a4.. Ia rt lk mmm:ma 14 Jmva Saf S4S- imi'ii.iiiii u a . ).l(tt wtlIOD l.ti'i W. TW tmit.m4A IUU'.u rra..iIl .... wr aa. brouft.1 a a4 ifur wr iliKHMiwa tb. wr r-eel-trrJ luiu . namniw i-U utilrtr I.. a tf 1 1 II villa I M struct lot. tLat aii.4l-r rr.t l m-i or not. h " for the people through the Ke- I'""iisir in the tattue t.. re- .. I u ,y'" trui . t. rt .u it ,iiint ! V- I rvi v , . auue it. and to aUow to the A men iuilin..r l.,visi) m n. cci( u Both old parties will nominate j,ubhcan party. In his i-s.-ue of b- 1 tr9uM.l o,f,.ti men who will serve the goM ruary .tl). Lc SOUIida a ringing u " " w l ' l , i(, 4,..l.,, k,,, and betray the people. The Peo- hUJ tr iT1Jnt,ndnt action, which b; ,I ' ..... t..., .re ple'a Party and the silver forces will wjil be but a prelude for the gath. r siiv. r par ) aione can our i nn rlrr-rlJ ,to,rrr.,,c , w ... nominate for President on July -J-'nd f the jlu.ts of ieform. He n'1 l,r 'a, an. a-rr.l ,. f l: .r4. a.. atSt. Louis an American patriot. Pre&fc. rii;nt nut in meeting; he mJ t. triumph .v. r 1 ojry n llir r..t K,tb t..r Mt, rar,h ,, ,. and ho will bo the next President of t, Whind him; and lht' "- nwer. Iar.ei ieel. IU..',rl. .1 -,.i .1 i- i t,..0 ' f afr t .'.J ..larir. f. Join.; t,4lni. II thelnited States. 8av?: DHI ITITAI m., i ...trrr-t.e, ,.., mi.p. -The prospect of a union cf ihe JLI I IvAL propnatu.n of H.....I. ..,, It m ABOUT SILVER IN MEXICO. What Is Said By Men Who Know What They Arc Talking Ahout. tail. Ki ii I ii The nii.l.HrThe Ho 1 ". . r TliM raurasiiin. ( 'i , k LEV, N. C, March '1 .11 f(t thero" in '! i,ave got the l'K.AD wool on the old J 11 . A. 1. - 1- one wanting to pun u out uacn- wards and tho other forwards. Would it not be foolishness for each one to undertake to carry out his plan? Common sense would teach :. I . We and given these reasons therefor. Among other things lie says: "It (the Democratic party) has fallen as Lucifer fell from heaven. It has. under the malign inlluenca of Orover Cleveland, parted with its that they must both I .1 ,1 noinnin aa IT OUg vuii ueu ryvy f puLIj IN THE SAME DIRECTION. become tho willing tool ot Wall c" t-,0 street. The finger of shame is now Standard Oil Payne and his son- pointod at th Democratic party. in-law, Whi ney, Coal Bawn 1 .1 .i:. i-4. iUn. DTii our Lord Ilitrh Chancellor, Car- i nrn inan iiiis. uicai'ji . . ' ' i Eschewed -Is 11 Possible That The People's Party Can Prove False? It Csaaot Afford To Sacrifice H Principles For Anything. For The Caucasian. Tarboro, N. C, March 20. I have been no little surprised at the ereat anxietv exhibited by some Ponulist and free silver patties in M. Louis, when the convention of the two old parties meet in ualional con vention, is good, ihe .Nfi tej Mces at this, as it .5 es in it a hope for the speedy betterment of the times. The editor of this pap r has long been an nggressivo and persisteut believer in tree silver: that i. the concuireut use of gold and tdlver and their free toiuaire at the mints of the United States at the ratio of Ui to 1, independently of any other nation. Other nations win join when they see the necessity there for, which hR believes would be IOT-P0URI. Condensed Mcniion Of What People Arc Saying And What Parties Arc Doing. Illr.f. . If. of a. t-l. bf Hi I'rr.a :iiimiui uf l.lalue I N,0n..tA..S.or...tUWeTUeCh.r1oU.Ohrverr";; . '" lon3 'u Wm ...... lK. H.-w a... a. M..tMWha Wa be Moses Coac-Bat OKI-1 "v !. . ..... l.. wh .TI.I.TI..k.. - wuen iliey ecu iur unv-juj ..v. clalFacu. for, which hR believes would be Treasurer . D. Spence of Har- Favetteville Observer.) within a very brief pe riod. As early nett county, was here lat w k. He We have often not. d the skill with as the spring of 1 Sill he urged this ays the people of his section are for which the Republicans employ the de- and predicted disaster, falling prices fusion on r-tmeiple. Th. y are not viceof the cry of "Stop Thief." Know- and distress of producers, while the going to i upport any gold but. They ing that it was the wage-earner who KOid gamblers and money loaners are keeping in the middle of the chiefly suffered isuder "protection," wouid be the only prosperous classes road and they are not lo:ng they directed tneir moi earuesi wu- . f sijver was to remain demonetized, anything tion tn tne misiness oi coumiii ins i . , . ... ...r i.. members of the People's Party for that he was the gainer ad hi a 'e"'P """itinn of bimetallism a'.cuo Mr. T. O. Kelly of Wayne. y. ti.e eo-oneration with this or that party er the loser ny uie eneci oi p.oi-v.v., -------- , .- i .-.,. ,n ,,. ....!,, f bis section will Vote lor in the cominir campaien. tarills. Knowing uiateo u. j:::" ,, .w" : "-"....Tu;..- m.1 fr.-e silver. TI.ev are neatly a unit T . i I runtlv iii'smsfMl iiionsrrei lieiirnour, is oiiiirebsiuua, mi iuc - " i - , I have so recently severed my con- Jfward wth leaps and bounds UVe abuses from which the people Un this matter. There are eotue nection with former political alhlia- .:,.. 4:-4.1.1 which c .u: irr. ll b- people theie. he says, who have not tions, and taken place in the ranks . anin.,tPii hv our adontinv: the rtt,r fietaareiiuallv vet learned what a big fmil thing it 4 lat.crr . IvfT.r a.krU jU-tiu. .Iho.i I hi. parti. lar 4 :t.frr Slid It wa.luci.J II. at he wa bartw-r wild .rtUr i l. harlitrlit. Mr. I'rfltr t'trt ( J I.. 1111; tto. tuati a 1. I iat.e . r " 'I l.rt. Miu.r rowl a laugh .j IKK that l- au "M-tiat.-r l-.t?e s.ra.r liSrd, ! oojt'it t4 f -hj-,t t. aolitiat I'srtM-r lr l.a u.B 4 i.r u t.r. 1 l.ia barter will ml .t a a -killni lalMrr ' I Im- tli. , ii.i..ii I hi. bill , . u J u-.l 1 1. 1a . Ummm. for! -one t.rnuti lull. rfr ililr..- 4i rd - a C"".I la 'a w.rk 11 1'l'ii.aiki 11 :i iiiu. Jul two wtitti .i!l. l-ila). 'I bat ulti j .ti.ii a u.r aaan tlld dt" mwl. Iltrilurf le.lwee of iiitt-re.t we a I) Mr Mill. 111 aupport ol In. joint rea..luli.ii( re- U.-.tux tt 1 ifi'l.i.i to prwurr irolii the pliil. j(..i rnmri.t r nxht of arll-gotrriitoriil tr ubi; M( III llir rtrtit of pain'a tw liiibtary mim-mi ,f .r l.iao-l alld bold It Ulitli tl.r bl.t. 4(.i.. ir a jtirrnnit-tii ao 'I rn.r iinliiai) mud nasal .r t- lr 11. .IririiM.. Mr. Mill lot Ihf a'r.i..nd iu atnu h aa lie I rntt-d la1r. w.miIJ . i, ho middle of tho road. Lrimo oft, rover Cleveland! Through lisle, at one end of tho wagon, and of the People's Party, that l teei a goid standard, they now seek to show necessary !tS the re.-,loiation of is to "belong to a party. not rtmt i.iiai.d. lr...r r at. , 1 ll,M mKU1 ,m?04: in making any suggestion fnat it is the wage-earner and pro- s, nf sf,r hi .,. Hrfi lhft rt.eal of . Jotbrr, ... ...r. l.. ..r " . crTKiTHWAITK. u , Z in tho face of reason end! One crowd shouting for tho as to the party's management, etc, ducer there at whose expense the gen- ? LT t T o 11 -1 1 baukinir law and the The Washington correspondent ot ihn.l.ud Iron. ,....! a...! th,.. 1.. .1. k.hAilM.TinAITh. b polcy n the face ot "ason t Jartl tbe other crowd ciam. but I ask permission to state through eral prosperity is had Spec.hca ly lBntl0HD1?l1k tho Charleston News and Courier. e.nH...r.te tl.r , .,1,,,. of ,t. I..I....- ,, v ..He... nafion8 IT told" tu 1 oring for freo' coinage of silver-all your pape? my estimate of the party Z ifl under date of March -11, telegraphs .u , n lu. r country. His name will go down inside the party. and my conception of its purpose it our ai aionef relegating the banking bu.i- tb d low ,ng : .d ...gorr,..,,.-..t ib.-r. and 1.. .d ' "' lhe(auc.n.a. .l aocSd in history. Tho party has Says Harris, if I can't get a silver which rinuiSie"xorth Carolina travellers ness 'to its proper and legitimate . "In Democratic circles rulwB. ,w,lW,.l.. aernturnt of Liwat FEr- swms jfflEiSS? rKr .k. SrxluKi as only oivu wy tofci . u -----emociat. wrooB. UmU believe tneir mo- JTT. , v followed the two 1. In tbe l S. Consular iteporu ior - etoatnally to Inj oneJ p ireiou, .... .. ..... - - j- 4 , , , ui. II.,.. i uuo rau ouu i.u.a,w iu... Tiio wroi ritifcuTiri ti A nt tnpsft """ . . . i., . u. i lniair i.v tho government ior ire i - ... i-.Mirnir, ..iv .-r- ,a and voto for men who will vote for ft no and uulimited coinage or siner Neveuson Canada. t'ola Igorant. Tliey Try To Keep The 1'iirTheCfrfiraaiaii.l KlNsTojf, N. C, March -S. I thought I would let you hear how the old "machine shoutcrs" about said to mo ;i. four .la vs niro. hen lint wo feel that it is now too late to hope or expect a resurrection ot tho Democratic party, n nas 101 lowed 0 rover Cleveland to its own undoing. It has been weighed in the balance, and found wanting. ACTS ARE TERRIBLY PERNICIOUS. crimination. These three cardinal principles "lehabod" can be written over the well-nigh lifeless remains ot tne once proud and illustrious Demo cratic party. God pity the misguuieu tvausas . i it. - A a. i J CI c avl I DOrlS lrum iuatamuia, ....v., i , . . . , n. I rlH IT r eat rallK allU llir Ui lucso I u A u; lu.inla tr t I.m 1 inTftIV UV IU iruH'iumvui o I rrvT.i tTt i w mi 1 1 ti i u ill 1 ' Jts-,c v 1 - - -j - . . . ... two parties are just now beginning tt factories in Monterey." This benefit of all the people without elis is in silver, of course, out 11 is m the nated by English tories and corrupt I money which less than ten years ago "ty party machine bossism. The des- was at par with our money, at the time when the buiKoi our private mucuicu- ... , I wAin ami aiip lilt I iini:i I . .Tl nl r them to free coinage. NV e will put triots of 1770 w : -..-- "-; new wine in these old skin bottles. WILL NOt LONGER SUBMIT nt. fn, the subseouent en- We know that the lump lias Deen itm.s. The People's i..nement in the value of our dollar, tate. with n rrt wohhlintr. Ono n. l V . v tf . . t ii rnr i r no l KSKJ V a. V w - w. I I I 1 1 1 1)1 I V HI V UU'UUiv.vw l . . I mf . iii . I r SO . 1. ! r ti. I II. XL A3 AAV a. l W yvv.v i i .a aninprvir p n . . a. i. rt i, n hinan tmp Triw i c ... v. . n would ever voio mo iv. Uin uu Ui" imw... . if irdeed it is possible, to obtain tree ticket again; they might throw nig- principles of the rugged Democracy ' throu-h tho Democratic . . i A .Ia..i;I I- .a ja 1 I. ? ana r)BTw'k 1 O . lj.m' nt him as mucn as niey inu- of the tamers, wuo iui n,UJ lie said tho letter D stood for dam- shall f0n0w the goldbug Democracy nation and al? Democrat, lie said iu the coming Presidential campaign tho Democrats always kept the peo- to a dishonored grave! Ho further smu in nis And the hope they hold out! Says to realize that both parties are domi- Mr. Bland: Wo will reform nartv: we will remain in the party Dartv 1 -t ' . e .1.- 1 1 i: ihaco tm riMTTTS n.mi cuiivei 1 1 .onrinnTS ot iuh iibvuiuuuuiu v ua voa n:iTinot SCO WUV WHO .xiv not goldbugs, should longer hesi- has been ! ""Ta.. tu P.nnlJ I , K dollar Ut, Any patriot can stand on sue . good bread and has fallen, but we , ; ose of the countries a platform as the above ,.nd we .can i t are the leaven which will make it "j fpranfc and abuses south of us would be paying their seo how any patrio .can longer sup- It is not at all probable, . u lknj, for debts, taxes, railroad freights anu ares port tbe ruinous gold policy. s"'"1 " ,.ir" " Ti" 4V" with cotton at 10 to is cents per io. Tne pr0mises of tho om panics to old ai buimnit), atol i mighty waa it author. aa thai .! AI- a. it waa llr it Cleveland hope and e xpect to have a commaudiutr vote at th I hu ago convention. Some of the political I ri:tt of arif-prrarr at :m. m ... t. :l 4 . 1 . .n I I t'it...t .f , .1 . ... i i finnaniiniH 01 iue i rruurui vu.ikf i - - properly and clearly expresseu are r ririlPi,..iail tnatM-a...,- Mr. MiW.rH.,mrd.-.i u.u.t sufficient to make a plattorm, ana ; ,, Southern and ".at i.U..J .I-orrt..t.t. . - A. n, ! 1 llt('ll lira .- aa mr- " wujr .av. w . . I V' ...... r, t.fa.a f-fctir Viri Jtt'rt li&fl If 131V U wvawa j - aw - been ke pt intact, and it will be. in evidence at the convention. Many of the political bosses in the party hsvi tried to thut their eyt-s to the organized I the day oartv. Because all the ireo coinage men now in. the party HAVE BEEN IN IT ALL THE WHILE. nlfi ii'mivant township several years ago he saw the Democrats loosing ground, and one Dotuocrat said to him: ' What must vn do to keep young men from leaving the Democratic party P Ins answer was this: "To tear down 1 ho Kchoolhouaes and tako the money build new ones; and when tne The Issue Drawn Sunare. The Hickory Mercury says: "The Kspublican convention at rlflclared for Meivinley, a Mhnff. fnr President, and then in nur crovernmeni. 11 tiftuus iui -, lL , i. I . ... ,i. i.i .;..-.. i exisituco o i honet rofotm, nd beheves tnat the consular Iteports for r(.so' prosperity by dc-monetii-ng . UnJ movement, but IJ-y . ""UV,J1,J ' - :j . . , . lit. . MsTtcn. savs : "larnis ior imu- i :pr .nta and hv mauitainintr con-i t- patriotically administered. In short, ' and freight3 are about half the . credit through additions nterest bearintr debt, all have railways o the iJniteQ Mates , fft re.i0f. but instead, -a a.B. aa. m a we Will. .nJ we arr smr io uo n, too." llir IriaUtite appropriation bill 11 diacuis-il furtbrr. A I.Utultrr of otU. ial aalarira wrrr iu. rrarti and pla r. made f..r ottleiaU duritiK patriotically ad mimsterea. in snort, - &nd frei ht3 are about hair the the People's Party stands for the ate3 charjred for local business by the n" ' principles of true Republicanism as raiiwaySof the United States." W hen, to.1"15" .- . i.-,t.n,in., nrv. nua it;liiihi lu bv maintaining tne Manual . - - . . iuaiin-a . . ...ku, , steadilv acTirravated the dis- na in nixi(i. cuiiuii is i" i" v-"" - j " ... TVifin if thev were powerless to give nrincioles of true Republic; . -- . .i . , . I i - . , , ., -, r: 1 it when in the zemtn ot tnir power represented by ADranam uiucoiu, and irlorv, how reasonably hope to and the Diinciples of true Democracy get it now when thousands of meu as represented by Jefferson and Jack- Jib. and have left the party and allied them- son. andis struggling to redeem and J half of a. i la 11 U r.l- ll -Vnf 1 l 1 4. 1 lor "fusion from township consta- by weaKenea any sucu wcn uwpo. great, iunaameuiai bin to President." Do they think Hundreds have lett the uemocrauc PRINCirLlBs of good government. .i :. :t- rlict in North rartv rflcentlv and wnne some nave mere ia iukd vf - i i j . , . I . . . i . r. lira I . . 1 - . . r-r . i . 4 1 nr ...kin 1 I T niir wilt OUI RUll nuinu """" uro na WUU Will vuio " money in the treasury for schools, half ticket for a goldbug! It doesn't ver . t 1 A. 1 I 1 . I I .aa T m O A DHUah L.. nimno,.v'o mi, to the thev have sought to ascertain their jyrjiuuviuu y w - a UU. 1UIIUI1 0 v ' I - V. a a . t ' . S 1.4 aa. I A. .1 i nAlillG lltliQ fT thft T0!l0- ai Mmii to rua nt ii 1 rrifc! 11 iiic i t tmkk i i i a uci '-ataia a v-- i -a urhot' tiv HP v&lues. r.4ra.YZ9d indus- IJi nucu a-a-j 1va.wa.j'- ' - . a .la' .'. b.. r.Vwktirn tf. IIOVSA rifn I a A r. .1 wmtnii aF 11 nTtl kVfll selves wUh other parties and t country by the policy ot aouDiing our i atQro iatenjej by Jod to bless mankind that in some instances they rty recently and while some have netotho only true party f or sil- Its leaders have acted upon the prm r "The People's Party," many ciple that the will of the indtviduals to"j' " j r rv . ii i i 4 :J."- . . bnt build .;w. f f Senator Pritch- havo irone (which is more discour- in me party n iu i0 1 1 1 1 It VlIll'lV" Y ail T a,wva-a ILnJUIAJ l-VOOl -'i v. - 1 " I 1 I . - .a- . - 1 a T-l I can see v- t - - . , 1 X .... - -a-- -a i a .i 1 1 1. ...... .nvwl Tirhart f IT.L f.Mi PfAcii art ervin in J. to the seuooi-uoue, ara is ior mciviuiej ' ' '".'"T' 'r A " nonnia Uninioiu before acting , more money come in the Areas- People's l'arty is not tor P- CrAno place for true Americans to stand " in 1892-: then build aT and Keep tne Senator; and our it.puoiican inouu. uau iuuubui j-r.TiT: t In ranks of the People's the New York i.44- .roi.i. r it." ver as wen as lhahlks ui mo v,auo - ,i It is as well to begin to talk plain have suddenly about these matters. The Hickory PESerted to tiie people's enemies. Mercury voices the sentiments of Nq ono spote more forcibly for the People's Party of the State, and gilvar than Cariisief but new along what its aava is true witn reierence ii r v j , ... ,1. teachers out: for if you educate iuo vouug meu they would not voto the Democratic ticket. That wa3 the way the Democrats got in power- by keeping the people ignorant. One old colored man heard Party. The question or co-operation in the coming campaign seems to oe iatnrbiner the ofhee-seekers more railroad fares and freights and reduc ing our cotton to 7 cents per in. i a a tn thp ceneral prosperity of Mexico, Minister Ransom, who cannot be suspected of leaning to silver u.ct,.v not. since bis speeches in favor of it at Atlanta and at Smith- said to tne reporter ui nrk Tress when in vvasn- ington city, the other day, that "Mexi co is wonderfully prosperous. ' i 'i-iiot th cause of our troubles is 1 v - ... . .. .1... ot silver om me Now, tho DetnocraU arc, accord ing to rumor, to have a high pro tection paper in tho Konth. That oartv has for years whoop! for a low tariff or I r- trade, but Demo crat means any and everything these days. It is to be started in Atlanta aad backed by a syndicate of wealthy manufacturers. Vm. Vecable is mentioned as the prime mover. It the -1 1 t 1 l,A..t;i. I . r, 11 m Snnetnr 1 conversation ana muyueu. ucnnn; to u overnor as wen ao i wfr if niii 1 said: "Wo have a teacher who is educating 4l. Io " I Utl prjopit--. I asked who he was, he said: "Why bos?, it is The Caucasian; for it has opened tho eyos of the blind who were in the Democratic and Republican parties, and when ti,..;,. a t. irni-Li nnonml tVinV RAW Hll- ver, and they have been hollering county, took part l!n1r .- VvVa nVin - a for silver ever since." J111 -x ThI they will be, for whatever ... h.r.l U,nr down airpr known in VhlS hfcate. Ihe lUDJl Aav ; " V.L.l ot n nnmntP,l WALL STREET AND THE BANKS IO Illy pavilion mo j inruici o nogcuiuu ou u "li'"-'-""-" nn.t. thi itfnreciation " ""- - --I . -t nt a-nl.1 and that LIllS 13 I T . m. :. r 4l, tk.n it ia th neonle who are to eutiauuc.i.Co ... Ssntinel. ino autnor is uuo ui iuc ".u.r :V" T:"" "r Iduenottooverproducuon oi snr uu. - . tbe stalea; have been almost a curse. will be an independent Democratic K,K. aul et ibis fo.,1. n. Gov. 1-rank Day, editor of the aper and WIn gtart with paid pol it. I b-re u Martin County Sentinel (Rep.) pub- f jTaO.OlW. It will ad vo- bate on the bill and . ,- , ..o..i;nrr Icttnr from up tapnni i -..-...,...,.. ll l nsnes au " cate a protective tan II. some prominent Republican, un-1 nimnil. It lets the X rays into the . Y.,l..'irman Ed. hearts of men. We quote from the Cha.berg t$mith and memWr of the Sentinel: "Ve tako the liberty of publish- thA followinsr extracts irom a mg private letter to tho editor of the llatiaa. Kir V HI Mtl.iot. I. ilia. Tbe aulijrt-t of intrrrat ill II IIlr waa the bill rrrtiot, in f roUl r a- '..tilrj- rratea all rrtnti..n aatamat rsi li ting as otti-.-ra or pritatr. in I f United States arm). 'I to. bill a a. iard by tlie Srl.alr (luring I be lal clirialmaH. and Mr. Hill trrme.l it a irittiia pr-ariit 11 tbe Sotitl.eriiers. Mr. lioulelle, if Mail.r.opJH.Mrtl t lie bill made a t oioptrlr aaa of liiuiarlf. The bill mrat.t but little and t.nld arroraipliab notl.injr but a little itutelb, ( brablr d - ortie ol ll4e aprrrbea were UHU.ualljr eloquent. f roiirfr tlirrr wrre allu.lotia totlw w ar. Mr. t. row. of IVnn.) Uania, favoretl I be bill and aaid : -Wliet. tbia uiiatht y ronfli.-t waa at ita beiglit ate! the roar of Inutile t aunoii waa lieard from one end of llir c-oun-trr Ui the other. .ii.hi ir, ato.M JACK RABBITS AND POLITICS. State Senator Wllcoiaon, or KanaaK, the Uero of a Kecortl-breaklns; Chase. Special to The Tost.! uo mo uu-uuciouuB vu vivv..v j . . . . lncriaiation demonetizing h, , . . , , c I should regret to believe that any J jJebRy tiricta : (1) When silver stalwart Republican, a gentleman of the one was manipulating or .cheming doVeUzed in iSTa, H was worth high character and distinguished All- . . -w a a T"k i I " .... x. - P t l. I a - 1 1 T a wm ii litd V Q T 1"! AT 1 TeitVi Shfirman he is a prince and pet of Wall street. Democracy can not erive free coinage because silver wing of the party cannot con- . , . the pe0ple's Party mftrft than eold trnl the national convention, make I j ... r, :,;rvloa it ctunda I'nited States a, I aUli LUV LI ICUt A lUUiMlWd - uv 1 J1J. t Va m. .MVV.V. 1,'wv the platform ci nominate the Presi- . bopine thereby to hold the rank for last year shows that the quantity tne time servers and parly worship dent. anI file in line, in order of gold mined annually ir, i the ; world I who gee in politics nothing but The report of the ability. We commenu uis patriotic Mint Uiinrgneni to tho consideration 01 central committee sayt: H the Democrats nominate a gold man for President he. will not get 40,000 votes in this .State, and this estimate I like the youth in the atrerta of Taria i . .i.A, m..t Cav.I w-ben it waa rumored that Miraurau IS aiKlie mo?! Ul iu" M - I .. a. . a. . a . .. o-. im.i a Urftftl wasdrmg. lie had liateneil Io lit. iui- majority of the others will vote or VM,l(ill i- ph,.,. cian be ea:erl iu.iuired.V bat is lle V .Lav . . r. f: nA I a vi i v. -r mail kucigici iuci him. I do not speak for myself in this matter, but merely express my views of the condition of aUairs. Now let us see how free silver was Topeka, Kana., Maich 24. State and is defeated in those conventions. Seaator Kelsey AVilcoxson, of Logan The delegates from the i.ast and wpntpriiftv in a I noriuwesi woie, nuu ii, io u. i.v-.i j, Jv J I , .u.l : 1 1 4., nnAO i v.v:i. i i,.. conclusion mat, in an luimo and file in line, in order TO SECURE OFFICIAL REWARD for themselves. This is one crimes of the two old parties we are satisfied to submit to ot goiu miueu uuuiij ... i pers wno see in puiiucs uiuiuK iQnnnn oon. and of silver 10b,(KK),-1 .. and tnoil-J of of- 'nresent bullion price. Or, P - L..u:...iwi.ii; formerly, -ice: Of the I P, ,,iji.a -ai. 'i frnm MOti.: "TttV Dear Frank: w-a I r.iifa VKillB W uu va uv. 11 Am noil tn -in:i nftO.OOti that is such aLv'Tnnnantitvasirold. (2)InlS90, about our I have i tit. .n,.i. - - 1 1 it nauAV -i n - - . ... i no ir iiii 111 ii.-.u course, then we had no good reason anrine the debate on the Sherman bill, ... T-niKa t m;stake the honorable effort will be made to iorm d M tUe nr,ublir live. for leavine the two old parties. The wben at one time it seemed that free iu xib- political a coalition. I believe our presiden-1 Thm men in arma for tbe ...r. w . . . . i i . i.i i .1 r.,t di v., Q7Pnr. i bitrus ox. 4,4 i .. matter with Miriraur" ana u told that tie waa Cyitig for want of hheel. at ripping bare Ida arm, be ex r tainted: l'ake tbe bbetd from mf rhtirmsn Tsabeoeck. of the na-l cin and put in In, and let Miratx-au tional executive committee. People', live." "When tho national i"-p.-, r ., , and I Urpeiuo J oi me i invn "-jai.i". I i. v ...i r faLbrra. tiannar their r- w l I " " " - c' j I ..i.:.. -T. V ,44v . " i - , .... . . .ira. ..." . istake the honorable effort will b maae i iwu. party, says: read your letter of yester- conventions of the silver party much interest and it has our party meet in M. Louis. boa. una. twarla' blood i i tt.'" -- . - air Tno Times lucic . ' v.. j u r 4i. 4i :.mnn .1 ho ui nnfpii. 8 iver wcu. "4 - .. . ooking upand around it said in a hour and spread themselves over a desire and they are suported by tne peo tnt ..1: I'Wiiti does this 7 1 4. f Wastern delecates. The reason why of thing, and are revolting against up tor n nr num. that tnre. The conditions of ua. i 1 . rrro nrp 111 r.n iiili v. i ri un u a i - . i . . a 1 j .11 vkAn 1 hi vrr was nui a 11 " 1 -- - . . hnanrinrf TI TI 1 t round thing represent T" u 1 cirle, and all marching 8taadilj and -o the j)emocratj ...y'11. H. evenly toward the center. In this a ' inov party held to- first principles. Their only hope is iiurapariy ior i.u ,7" t wav thev encompassed every living L.u.. . f.o-i Th minority the PeoDle's Partv. Will this party Js araenot The S.' :two6'old parTesVli t $. Th?s' of the West try, with a fixed purpose to return to with in 1-cento or pa a . Thair on v hnnfl s ij ' but are a minority parti uom w- un. mi. :.:4 I tU. Tnx.klAl. T mere- and finance are .1,. nrtn. lUl eandidate will come irom ioei0r the i tuon were iti.ptrrti uy me iat 4.44W u-4.4 . 1 . . 1 1 I ... r l . a I A ..... business West or SoutS, because ine peopie 1 amunon 01 Pi.rrj. I . . l ' . T l...liv. I rim t 1 ,;.. nn r. 1 .imtrnsr an nasteru uiu. 1 -- ocwL-i4i& 1 . - , ,1,. T. -,n tFAt b-a win carrv & uibi vi ju arv a a a aa.aiv'v - - 1 L:. .un wi ktd o . ""J ""-J vuvuu.rv ...j p Brother ov patronage- luouuuumj u4OU1,.,4-..j. r j -ttaTI nv RIindrv eoldouff conin iiuni; uu 4.iflu uvnU - Ubino- within thp eirnlft ". P.atfth o . 1 ,u of ita iiav nroTfi false, as the '.ui .,cti,Tnintr the We are proud of our tniteaoiaioa in"6 --- UU8S nut fCtMCMut ff r , putors io - Trinn Rntlnr All eves lDClUdeu, oy actual couat, 0,10 rao- stction. It is politically at euum-pr TWO vuu i-aktibs bavli correctness 01 me a . upon him it "1. did 'come fom hit,, twelve coyotes, and one lynx, with the xcpresenativ .people .of its T joined the People's party because the distin the huckleberry ponds of Sampson They shot the coyous ana Ijnx, ana section, ine n i"" i I believed it was right, and that 11 ,tn thp Observer and the Kaleigh where big blues grow. . clubbed the rabbits today. The or f &u?. ol"- Tho municipal election in town is L.rMaea were then buried, the object favor free stiver, ims applies to plJ and lts pr,ncipleS, and that it t that ni3 statements are sustained - . . -r-k t I - . drawing near and tne emocrls 0f the chase not bein have commenced iecuing t-oiue c .ot rid of the peats, .omo.mIi. nrn counters bv giv- b .. t,t., 1 1 r wvA rrAOQ pauon ot nee wmagi. i aoie, anu b"" e--1 - . tir, nil . . . . . I ' . i -e 1..44 .i chnnM Knnthrn ana Western stales next In view of the letters that nave nee . WOrse instead oi iTVl.;:. Territories. We will J ilihll(T fl ATI I rla I 4 I . a - at A I liTl T faff'! 1 III LUG I Ittll MVOIva aaai get Alabama, Georgia, and the Car olinae, and if we unite with tbe sil - - - I V. . 1 .1TIU 1.1 11Q II TT1 . Iir IT .11 I 1 in I 1. . 1 .L,. W . 4 n . . n I II. T IOOd but tO l1-"0 fii'v" .1 j T j WOUIU soon liumryi mo oiaioaa jn an West, in a liKe manner tue .n-opuu- .tQe Nation. I should re- the silver issue uo it,..vT tir. and the Car- front, as it bids lair to oe, iu gna."i T u u-.A irout, 00 , . unite with tbe sil may " K , ?.v, mal r..rta. we expect to carry all the in this state, xne uuesnou. miuuiy .v. - . ... in ims oiaie. m Knthern States except West Vir- t -riacio ",rc,T.rK. Keoloc.,.... W. who! Ii:. . aF h Smith hAln to I . . u -l: .1... 41 . 1 1 441.:a nAiiTitori nv rriv-1 a - . i.n,.. uviou umuii.T v.. ' 1 rrni lu uaiiovo mat iuuso puoucana a iu T.f " Senator Wllcoxson commanaeu tne b atronatre alwavs like the t'U r .V ntr,ofi mnre than double a. 1 m . .1 a I .1 tinilT T M a Ila, LW w 1 I r - J MT ' a- llllll. UlilWbU ua uvwia vu&w w - 1 u tr ine ui iuo uouu'i". - 1 ,i "otnh is larger, nv t. 4: ;,,4,r t V,Q Wot : t , . a-1 . . w. a. 1 1-11 ,wr. anu. uuv va fv. r- j 1 niiiiir 1 ii Hj iit 1 nvyi 4. a. w a. vu. v -tj tn a t'aw,(kvki m m 11 ri v diiii 1 IUO JJV- .L.L . X- :4U H.; 'U - v,,, ..j Oh' what will a Demo- more man rauuiw, f""" v-... are ea,5ny iuuucuu io fco itu be wluin(T. t0 sacrince tne principles resnects bv servants 01 me taun administration. That is to say, i; Dy tnose great faith. Frank: it is tbe doctrine Unght d.h.. Nt-Tl., ., . tbe batt for ita over throw only irotu aurii itinuenrr. What eaufM-d the rebellion baa pa.d away forever, lea tin jr a luioa ard and acMiutry free. Wtilr ur fatlefa were among tbe wiaeat of torn tnat ever Iail t be corner atone of empire, yet in the grand tetnple of liberty which tbejr reared tbey lft tle rana erworoi of human txndage to jrnw at tbe vita's of free 111st ituliona until tit ranie. nbrp one or t be rt brr nd alavery mas tbe vietim. Tbe world is ever readr with ua People's party woul collect, and putting them on the po 1 a a a I. T L. at a-tr, II n I IOITII1 nnn rnrna . 1 ?ii . w iml 11111 im - avr a-. - j i crat do to be Baved! Let some of the chase led last winter by J ndge Northeast of tne party and blight its future by . ,.nt nn answer to this s T. Van Diver, of Edwards coun- FOr a single gold standard, destroying the confidence of the peo uuestion in The Caucasian. tr. which, up to that time, waa the so that siiver leaders like Teller in pie in it for the sake of temporary The Old wounded binrest jack rabbit rouna up iu me tne west may carry tneir section m gam ihistory of the weat. Juage v u me nepuuncan wuvbimuu suim m m A bay Sermon. tiv ia ml hi ate for United silver, but the JSorth, For The Caucasian. . Cffoa soninr nlaimin tr annnort South will defeat him. . IV 1. . anf a 1 1 Tiirn 1 a rv aVUBaVa. twlir.oa Tl II TTIaaH I 11 aHUIUILUUa allvaaa v 1X1 AA W UUOW 1 --a- -t w 111 1 ' I A U WWW- " " " " to the price of cotton in Mexico being deeds mie the history of our Nebraska, tne u-wM"VtiVhfTii m of ff4,-e more than double the price here; (2) " Moriona in the past, and to Iowa will go onr way with a fightiBg t.r(,ic eelfacnfiee wbetber tbe " '. J c. . . li -.1 .1 i.;n I tr ant urn Missouri, we arei wnartan ani.ern.ofii-.iieiii'uara T ,J the Kennbheans sixteen I cbarjres at, ntyabcrc. as to railroad freights and fares being P . half of ours;(3) as to the prosperity of Riiow tne at in 1 hinh would follow, of course ) requirement iU.C TW I a. ..r-.p. ma T f Wit IVHIII1 IlllCail A LA I ww m uva w-'aai - 1 under that state of things; and nVXrt and best sense of the Slates without taking the Democrats raa Ituttis the cause makes alt. Degrades or hallows courafe in its fall - w r j Hull Ot Blivci, uuu U4..J - - n ---.wv ; . . .j It is the office-holders of the enhancement of the standard of value standard is the experiment already old a a..-l..a aw.aaawav San a afa si era aval m. U af a.4. I A f ICIUTIVUI VMM a ama avawap, w. :i,n baw min-d Kron of half of the w" TA nft cr,ei failure, and Congressman inoma,.?exf blHd can not i. tbi..reMH.vert.itaeir C 1 . I " J I . ..... l I 1 aas, A, Maine. IOr X rcBlueu I. . rTia.- We are ficrhtine against which Clod savs shall fall. He com- j - ... , , pared the riches of this worm to liabvlon. Read the 17th and 18th chapter of Revelations. Riches bought the blood of the Prophets and put to death the Son of God. Continued on Fourth Page. put down this power of money rule. run ftr United Statee Senator aa the Uas been complete and exclusive for I -n does it profit the honest vo-1 Coming Nation. 1 oaiswiinus iu tuts uuuirj tty Tjwiir raDDlt uauuniate. more uiwi i,oiiijf jwn., . ters wno Tim no ocice, uui wuu waui -nr;, Ksta tramped Tl.l.. nn IJ l.i 1 1 : i .1 ll,nnt. loiH - . a T--4J.-- a.: I , uiuu.u'vi. ' - waujfiou, taorougniy uuueu aio iucj eooa govemmeni ana oeiier uaicn, ; rti:rial narades that their together for the gold standard as which party is in power if their rights . h' hn shaken down into Oiivnaa -" a I V . St 11 a inA T Tm- llltrl I aTCll" . a. . aT . . 1 . aa. aa laaljaaatl . . art. aat' a. a a a? l t aea nroipna.1 a.r-nu ua, aiawaaswa a i siTfi aw iiar a w ua axvaraj a.PT tkawaava a aaa ar w t East and those parties by suen a course, ui- money metais those wnciwoum xo. o 4t -;7A Priterf U an avowed MeKin- "T moat sometime bate ao iaiiuwareu r-- .. tt-i .nnV.i;.iTi I T ...... ;.i, a-. a , UCU 4.44 T7 KI.MV. n U VU1J .11. IK mtiv.v ..t met here tnere was I the animosities engendered m me rx.w test as to which of I Bict and remember only that we are all candidate, had the Irret Amer cw - , .7d committee. U was ixau u - - V"" V : iV.I Ik. i. IflIBi 1 tatuwurr ihtt-i.v. k impression that the ma-1 Voldf.oti0 fr tbe .rreatnea. aa4 wiNtaamifrAA 1 AttfaV A afi TA V 1 aa a (rw all. t aai aa a coin; something ol tne vaiorousMurnj w,rr'':t t" iT fnof-j, nhooofGraltandsometlxingoflardM ci i . hat ho era rnn ooTTaa ti ti rir iiih i 'rnnoa nmf ii mnurLa ua aiiic a aauww . tiw - tti n tr ivi nr lU'ri-nniuDia blo atuv ova asiaa waj w. I a uvox aa-a va sua. auw av . . I a -i a. xi i mi L I av aw a -a m ; ; af-a 1 1 an nnnatitute 1113- I !a4 .mKate ntTiff Th A nn n- I 14 V man. ''?..5'3.S: 3 Hie wkere lack rabbit, a f . . j- 3 we "ontend tel. T.his cont..t Stat, com -.ittt. are sun noidinir on to onov..w -x- . , ... c . Ttr;inartn tuo woiuuwouk 44,444 -- , 1 nnnitinn of t.h administration anu-' ... 4 a. . v,a vm in l sometninir 01 w in Caldwell. Dear reader, I have aoounu, out ""rM silver, but the North, Eastand West wanton CL7 v hid these Ur-ama alarmed at our situation. 1 Bince ma remarKdDie succcbb ou uxou- m , . t tnem Again the combi- tbosem auinority, tne peopie Reverence its official acts and sayings. '"tT" 11 KI iw.. MnMtt in tbe readTHE Caucasian and also the day, now claims the honor ot leader- nation of the two old parties in the been brougnt to tneir . WSa im. ;n im Tnr to I .u.r. in tliP Wpst. and the rierht to v nn tbn nneatinn bbttip nicPT.anATiT.ic novntTios. I n Thi. h so ? I political ioresigni 01 auiauaiu 4 . . , so We do the best we can. We offer the paper at cost. Aiet every re former now do the best he can. Wo miist hane together now, or hang separately. Five copies 3 rnos? for $1.00. Twelve copies three months for $2.00. aeainst silver And interests are to be sacrificed to regardless of partv the controlling influence ; of offices that Democracy as now organized , so and spoils? It is a sad commentary Ta 11 A I . ar. lWA1?AWM Vl ATI T I 1 IT A T1 VX TCI far as the South is concerned, is not uu a uro k'"""""1- " manhood of brt ulemphed to Wajhiogton list the 7 of Sooth V the gemus and Americanism ol - tnA , a $QW u .ZLa th hill and said: Bla!l ,. nnnat.wJ out that Caswell, the first! -Year after Iar -'"ce I kjrb jl tuuiso . . : . I 4.I.UM. ..nnvontinn in Mr. 1 here. Wlien we wtre a... (Continued on fourth page.) (Continued on fourth page.) I IT 111 r?rl LUCIC AO maaiaaaarv-j I . w A.' t aa) W awar ajl .a I vavw ... .aS ai. aV av a I aa . aTVwa wanTinn T I wn ar- aiar ar. ww a r their boots. In many instances, the one side for you and me, and that ia eouwj - iMtrnetod for Me-1 for the 1 boots being old, leak, and so we for cause of the weak many Settle s district, instrnetea ior - kinjpi have come to have lots ot wonting-1 -.:. t.ha nowerf nl lew. we arein-uwey. men who are nothing bnt brainless idiots jabbering about "party." I against the powerful few. (Continued on fourth page.) Co ion soldier, wuen we were bera! pensions lot men wno (OotulaUNdOBfatild Continued osrSrd paga

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