Newj'Offer to Meet Demands. Five Copies Caucasian 3 Months For $1.0012 Copies 3 Months $2.00 Now is the time f Olfaction. The riKiiy ia sowing tares. Let the 1 1 I.V ... nr. THE CAUCASIAN. s KwjWf rl a iboUr U tW I jH-ojH'flow goou Beeu. rue copies of the Calta.iaw 3 months for jl.O. Twelve copies 3 mouths for .j'-i.OO. Send a club iuick. via. . TW pMVt a ut IW retain dwa wth Unf liarraXar. ! t IW. 4 fi.ta f I, I fa , mn mi tW Catvaaiaa 1 aaa VOL. XIV. RALEIGH, N. C, THURSDAY, APRIL HI, 189G. NO. -23 INCIDENTS OF THE WAR. Some HuraorcQ8 Scenes Recol lected 1y a Member of the 43rd Regiment. A RKB WHO WASN'T WHIPPED Ami ll..w a Hinarktil tha "M oltl" ut f a tank Who Trivtl to Talis III A tuhii If Not n liellrale 4rrnimnl for fair) lag l(tli.. fltimiM' Division, Rhodes' ol.l Di vision, of tlj- nrtny of Northern Vir ginia, vvs, if my recollection is cot r ct, tli lirbt to ntftck arum after the Mirrinutr (it Appomattox, the writer was a mere boy at the time, not twenty years old, and the sceno id indelibly impretfO'd on his in-mory. Shortly after daybreak on April '2, lMfl.", our command Grimes' old brigade in front, commanded by Col. I). C. Cowand, of the 231 N. C, regiment, movtd from the rump we had occupied nince the fatal Uth, through Appomattox Court House to the, old field just south of it, where Uibbons' division of tho Federal army was drawn up in lino on tho left "f the road. Our troops filed past and and when t he head of our column had lapped tho left of the Federal lino wo were halted aud faced to the front. On the Confederate side lien. I. it. Oordon, commanding tho '-'J eorp:?, was presont to deliver, and ion. Gibbons on tho Federal side to reetivo tho surrender. Gen. Grimes was also there at tho head of tho di vision. Having halted and faced, Col. Cowand paluted (Jen. Grimes aud said: "Sir, tho brigade is form ed." Gen. Grimca saluted Gen. Gor don, using similar words. Gordon saluted Gibbons, who returned tho dilutes, paying, "Lot tho troops stack arms." This order was deliv ered by Gordon to Grimes and by him to Cowand, who, in a voice IreinulwuM with emotion, gave the order to the brigade. It was obeyed and the 1st brigade of the 1st divis ion of the 'Jd corps of the Army of Northern Virginia vanished from sight forever. And then tho part ing whtro comrades whose friend ship was born of dangers shared in com mon with down-cast faco and husky voice bade each other a long farewell, many to meet no moro until we have "shall pa?sed over the river aud rested uuder tho shade of tho trees." No scene is so solemn but that it has it humorous side if v.e can only seo it, aud tho surrender is no excep tion to tho rule. Not many minutes alter wo had stacked arms and been disbanded, a Confederate soldier, ov idontly a cavalry man, passed with several bundles of oats iu the sheaf tied behind his saddle. A Federal oUVur hailed him: "Hello, Johnnie, I wantthoso oats." "You can't have them," .loliuuy replied, "But you are conquered aud 1 shall take them," paid Mr. Yank. The Confederate slowly dismounted 'and said: "I am conquered I know, but I am not whipped and if you want thoso oats come and tako them." This collo quy had attracted tho attention of uu tuber of soldiers from both sides and a Federal ollicer cried out "That s right, Johnnie, stick up to him." The rederal was met, not with tho rebel yell.lmt with a straight l tght-hanJer from the shoulder. In a few minutes the Federal got up a wiser if not a better man, and the cavalry man rode off triumphant with his oats, sayiug, "There now, take that, d n yuo; I told yon I wa.i not whipped. And theu wo took tho road home ward. At every fork thero was a short halt, aud little parties would leave tho main line as each reached the way leading to his part of North Carolina. We camntd the first night at a straggling villago or rather hamlet in Charlotte county, Va., called liough Creek. A number of men on foot passed us and camped further on. Our party consisted of Gen. Grimes and several others who were making their way to Raleigh and its vicinity. Tho othcer3 were entertained by a gentleman in the village, while the couriers camped in a pino thicket near by and took care of tho horses, etc. W'o were late iu starting be cause the officers, having for the first time in months slept in comfortable beds, were in no hnrry to move. But when breakfast was ready wo boys wero called and enjoyed such a re past of ham and eggs, fried chicken, biscuits, etc., as we had not seen in many a lone day. I particularly re collect a hugo disu of spring onions cut up with pepper, vinegar and salt. A few miles from Rough Creek we came to a country store where were assembled two or three hund red paroled soldiers, most of them from North Carolina and a large majority of them from Grimes' di vision. As we came up one of tho men said to Gen. Grimes that this was the depot of a Confederate tith tng agent, and that ho had a lot or supplies on hand, which he refused j to let the soldiers have, because he said his bond would bo responsible. The General at once said that the men should have the rations if he had to take them by force, and sent for the agent. Gen. Grimes, after making his rank and name known to the agent, told him that he (Grimes) would sign a voucher for the rations, and would take them by force if neces sary. Tho agent replied that he would yield, but said that the meat he had on hand was for distribution to soldiers, wives, and that this was the day of issue, at the same time calling attention to a group of wo men in his yard. Grimes left the matter to the men who had gathered around, all of whom with one voice said, let the women have their ra tions; we will take what ia left. One of the women coming np sug crested that as the men had no cook ing utensils, each woman should ' take as many men as she could cook for home and divide their rations. This was agreed to and the issue be gun. After meat and meal had been issued to the women, the issue of sorcrhum. neas. etc.. was made to the men, who, minus of everything, had their ingenuity taxed to provide means of moving their lations. One party of four or five who had drawn pear, sorghum and tutal were put to wit to know how to dispose of the peas and meal, trie sorghum bing of count put in their canteens. At length a rough old fellow retired bo hind the store hoube, and in a minute or two returned savins Ltrn ' wallet, produciog a pair of nittfd garment, not pantaloons. They wsre Hosed at the foot, one bide filled w:th peas, tho ethtr with meal acd with his improvised wallet banging from each shoulhr around hi neck the old Ml w marched ff a uscon rerned as Diog m in his tub. T. P. I'EVKK K L'X , Co. 1), 4 iJ N. C. Troops. POLITICAL POT-POUPI. Condensed Mention Of What People Are Saying And What Parties Are Doing. Bird's F.aVlcw sf treats at Pktorca ay lh Press -iprtssloas si Oplsloa ay Soat People A da Kaoa Ass Scat Wba Tklsk They kaow. Henator Teller thinks thu Republi cans will nominate McKinley for President, but says: "He cannot carry Colorado any more than ho can carry Texas. The truth is that no Republican can carry Colorado on a gold platform or on a straddling platform. I remem ber that after Harrison had been nominated in 1SD2. I was asked whether my State would go Republi can. I replied that it would not, and tho result proved my prediction true. Tho same circumstances will govern in the approaching campaign. The people of Colorado will vote for any body on a silver platform. As it is now, there is little or no interest in my State in tho selection of delegates to tho National Republican conven tion. The Republicans all seem to think that McKinley will bo nomi nated, and they don't want him." "Will not McKinley, if nominated and elected, bo pledged more than any other man, to the passage of a high tariu bill, and for this reason will not he be disposed to be friendly to free coinage in order to secure the passage of such a bill?" was asked. Senator Teller smiled. "Not a bit of it," he replied. "Only a little while ago Senators Aldrich and Piatt were forced to doclare in the Senate that they would abandon every thing rather than bo forced to take the free coinage of silver. Mc Kiuley would be the same way. He would be dominated by the Eastern idea so thoroughly that even he would bo willing to lose a tariff bill rather than have to yield to the sil ver Republicans. The Eastern men will not sacrifice their gold ideas, no matter what clso may be gained thereby." HOT SHOT ON GO-OPERATION. What is Common Between Us and Goldbug Republicans or Gold bug Democrats? MUST NOT MAKE A MISTAKE What C'o-Opratloa Hnnt-Xot Floadsr and h(n.H far a fa I u.l I lift ual. Itul a CvuimoH fight fur a t'nniuan l auu far th flood of Humanity. For the Caucasian.! Kaipa, N. C, April 11, 1MG I most cordially endorse the tones of your paper against fusion or co operation with any party not agree ing with us on the restoration of sil ver, the abolition of the National banking system and a graded income tax. I am greatly puzzled to know how wo can vote for any man for elector or Congress, or any other of fice, who belongs to either of the old parties, or who shall endorse, vote for, or in any way directly or indi rectly aid the goldbug cause. How could we defend ourselves before the people! It will not do to say that we get half of the offices and half of the plunder. Because that very thing will defeat our cause and be yond any doubt elect a goldbug Congress and a goldbug President. For any man, ono degree above an idiot, knows that the New England States and the Middle States will elect goldbug electors and members of Congress, either Democrats or Republicans, and that they will unite against us on the electoral ticket in Congress. Now suppose we co-operate in all the Congressional distiicts with either the Democrats or Republi cans, as the case may be, outside of the New England States and the Middle States, and we get half the members of both Houses elected by co-operation. What have wo gained except spoils and plunder! Suppose we, by co-operation, get half tho electoral votes in all the States outside of the New England States and the Middle States, what have we gained? Not even spoils and plunder, because neither party proposes to divide the rederal pat ronage and plunder with us. Now suppose we co-operate with tho Re publicans and aid them in destroy ing the Democratic organization! What have we gained? Will not the goldbugs of that party unite with the Republicans and wipe us from the face of the earth as with a cyclone, and vice versa? Of courso while co-operation was going on some of our fellows would get some fat offices, grow rich, sau ey and corrupt, and the rope upon the people's necks and the burdens upon their shoulders would all the whilo grow heavier, and the chains about their limbs be made stronger and tighter. But in my humble judgment our cause would be as dead as Alexander the Great, and would have to wait as long as he has for the resurrection, and then it might never come to us, as it will to him. It seems to me our people have not studied human nature. Don't you know our boys, (if the dernier rcssort should come) after getting a taste of office, will go along with the office holding gang, if allowed to do so oy the goldbugs, after they shall nave been permanently seated in the boot of the carriage? Mr. Editor, I greatly fear we are treading on the brink of a burning volcano. I fear the ambition and love for office is so strong in the hu man heart, after its richness and sweetness have been once tasted, tha many of us will forget our pledges promises, principles, and our duty to ourselves, to our neighbors, to our common country, and especially to downtrodden, crushed, bleeding hu manity. Paul said if eating meat would give offence, he would eat no more meat forever. If seeking and holding office will injure our cause, or retard our advance, or delay our final triumph, it will be far better that wo never seek or hold office. Now we all know that the goldbug elements in both the old parties hate us as the King of Darkness hates Light, and as the Chief of Devils hates Holy Water, and would im molate us if they had the power. And we also know that this goldbug filament in the old parties loath and The Charlotte Observer quotes a jptflst the silver element in their "prominent Republican" as saying parties equally as bad as they do us, this- I ;f not worse. "Senator PrUehard says he wants . , niA tllA R(,nnHiflM. or Democra's of the "sound money" order have for us or for co-operation, or for the silver advocates of their I hope answer I am under- I want and plunder may be !h ommtn ends socght. If mo I am toonar the graTfc to devote any mors oft time eft me to so vt! a pnrpose. If the purposft is l-s emancipate la Hu man family from the iron grip of the money powtr then I am willing to die in the rank and file of my party. 1 think, sir. this question of co operation ought to be thoroughly ventilateu as scon as possible. e otJght not, we must not. we cannot afford to make a mistake, you will in your next Usue, some of the questions put. candid with yon. I do not fttand some things proposed. lght. If I am wrong I want to get right. If I am right I want to stay right. 1 favor co operation with all my heart, soul and body, with every man, woman and child, with every clat s, party or organization who de sires the same things or changes in the financial world and reform in the administration of the government that we are striving for. But I want no canoodling, no shenanigan, noj double dealing, no log rolling, notick- mg-yon anu-you-tickling-me game. We want a square deal and a honest. manly dignified fight . for a great principle, we want tne people, in convention, to name their captains. give their commands, and then let every fellow hew to the lines regard- ess of the devil and his saints. I believe, sir, these are the principles j and desires of our people in thiB sec tion. No one wants, or intends to vote for a goldbug, or for a man who belongs to a goldbug party, whatever may be his present views on the question. Our people are honest, patriotic and want to do whatever is best to restoie prosperity, regard- ess of party, and if they can learn what ii best they will be sure to do it. W. R. RITCHIE. Chairman Pou, of the State Demo cratic executive committee, tells what kind of a silver man he is. He is reported as saying: "If it were in mv power I would enact a free silver law. I have not been vain enough to believe that my private views on the financial ques tion wero important enough to be inquired about, and I have not in llicted them upon the public. Every one familiar with my course in the last campaign knows that I insisted that everv man coming into the Stato to take part in the canvass should speak for silver. At the sam? time I believe that the place where the friends of silver can do their most effective work is inside of the Democratic party, and I should re gard any division in the national party caused by silver men as almost fatal to the silver cause." Now, Mr. Pon's silver-in-tho-Djm-ocratic-party idea is just exactly equal to Senator Pritchard's silver in the-Republican-party idea. The idea of neither means silver or any other sort of -reform, and he is a sad fool indeed who can be fooled with believing that either of these ideas do mean anything. Congressman Lockart is the only member from North Carolina who voted against the Cuban resolutions. Francis N. Stacy, a prominent Re publican of Minneapolis, Minn., has renounced his allegiance to the Re publican party and joined the Popu lists. WARM WORDS TO SILVER MEN. this, ay tbat I am a traitor t v Repub'itao camp, bat ru ociv ? office, or ron srs fHioe t ts tbat does want ?e. ard 1 am f ! lowinsr in the footstD of :ru Re publicanism as found-! bv tb martyr. Abraham Licoln. I am for fusion for tncftU uv lor ioe spoil tfi t cj?e r tu ren. Republican acd j . :m ineDor, ji you are irawioyour c na try, to your wirs and htMro. we k you ia the romtog fight to 'f. to what yon hare raid and nc t Tote lor a goldbug fur President. If yon can not mutter course n-.oi-hto vote with us, we earn'ly ak yon to vote a blank or stay aavTrm the polls. We worked, brstn and energies, with the aid of the Repub licans and thousands of Democrats to overthrow the "machine' Demo cratic rule in North Carolina and to restore home rale, a bttr ytm of county government and to uske a fair election law, so that when the humblest, poorest, raggedeM, eldest. hitest or blackest, youngest cr rich est voter of North Carolina wants to vote he can safely have it deposited, and counted for the man it was cast for. None of our political t-res ou- pocentaabave dared to condemn the county government bill or the .l-c-tion law. So, free silver mMi of ail parties. we ask you to fusi w th u to put a patriot in the Whif Uoue. If we disagree on every matter bat t:iat, and if you are true f what you sty, you are going to either fue with us that far, or you wiil remain silent and lotus put him ther oaislvrs. You will only get a guldbug candidate for President iu either of the old parties. G. P. Sutton, Chairman cf People's Party Execu tive Committee of Cypress Creek Township, Bladen County. HE READS THE LETTERS. BOCK KITCHEN SPEAKS 00T. E' DEUOCRACY VS. FREE SILVER. An Appeal to the Professing Silver Democrats to Stand by What They Say. They Show That the People Are Reading and Thinking as Never Before. And Alio to Silver Btpublieioi It Yon Cai't Vole lor Reform Vole a Blank or Stay at Home Let the Free Silver Votera Pat a Patriot ia the While Home. Address to Free Silver Demo CRAT3 AND X REE bllA ER lvErUBLI- CANS OP N. C, AND ESPECIALLY TO the Free Silver Democrats of Bladen County and of Cypress Creek ToYNSHIP. Parkersburg, N. C, April 11. All of the Democrats that A have talked with say that they will not vote for any man for President who is not a free silver advocate on an independent free silver platform Now, gentlemen, if you mean just what you say, you are no longer Democrats of the Cleveland stripe; but you are Democrats of the Jeffer- sonian kind; Democrats who put pa triotism and principle above party; Democrats for the good of all man kind and not for the spoils of office. So you will have to maich out from under the domain of G rover Cleve land, John Carlisle, John Sherman and the balance of the goldbug gang. I have been reliably informed that Mr. B. F. Keith, of Wilmington, N. C, has written to a Democrat of Cy press Creek township, asking him to recommend a man for chairman of the free silver forces of Bladen county. Of course he wanted a Democrat. I never have been able to proeure tho name of the gentle men he wrote to, but so far Mr. Keith has been unable to procure his man inside of the Democratic ranks in Bladen county. Now, gentlemen, if you mean to stand by the people instead of the money lords of England and Wall street, why not show your colors by coming to the aid of Mr. Keith, or in any otner way you see us. Al though you fought ns in the late campaign and called us by every Thia ItOae Time Wkea the People Will Not be FooW Soae Plaia Wordi to Too Eajer Of lice Sctlen-Tfce Votera Entitled to Some CooslJeralion For the Caucasian. Ft. Barnwell, N.C., April 11. We carefully read the "Letters From the People," and we are glad to see so many standing with Mr Butler for principle. It is evidence that light ens up tne iuture (tnat nas been so dark) and inspires hope that has been dead. If the people will learn what is right and do their duty all will come out right yet. These letters show us that the people are reading and thinking for themselves as never before and that they will not bo lead in the coming campaign by old politicians and ofiico seekers. ;J And Mikes the Ecgliib Lxt J 'rati "Sizi" While He Diei U f Fcr Principle SOME THINGS HE CAST SEE. Haw Cam Ca waraa Mil fatltaa W KoaIU4 glal? -1 (( aflsat t ar l"kdl a4wlur If KrrM. al ttitaaal rrlaclplc. V a W 111 Urn lata ta CaMpals lraaBr Taaa V W 111 Caata Oat. suuiM' Nkt.i, April 11, IIox. MaKiox Hi ti ta, 1'ti alkMav or 1'jr.oi'LK'ft 1"att KitcrrtvB l on- MITTKK : . I ie am Mr: You will pardon me fur consuming jvur alucu time. Uul there are l tine wueu one ii entitled to apeak. Ten ibousaud rumor are aiuat a to lusiou, co-operation and roin- bints. It is eaid by some that yon are booming this, that and the olber nisn (or (iovernor, 6enstor and so on. Now. sensible people pay but little attention to political rumor. Jo lar a I aiu concerned personally I rare but little who lioldi IhU.thal or the other place. 1 am more concerned a to the unal uc cees of our tltorts to restore ttie money of the Constitution and brirg relief to the struggling HiRstes. I hkr no con fidence whatever in the profriiou of any man for silver and financial re form who ait ill adheres to the old par ties. Tl.e man who eipects or look for the restoration of silver as a money nutal cm an equality with g!d hy either is a lit xubject for ti e lunatic asylum. A mau v. ho act with the .Northern v lug of either M tlieoltl par ties ought not to receive any I'opulial'a vote directly or indirectly for any ol flce from the lowest to tl.e highest, and will never receive mine. How can any Populist vote for a goldbug candidate; It is no excuse to ay we get half. ur half will amount to nothing to us or our cause, w hile me ttepuouran tan will mrely elect a goldbug l'resident. Our i-alv alion depend upon the elec tion of a President. If we had a ma jority for hilver in both would not amount to a ng wuu a goi-i-bug President. l.ut if we had the President and both lioues were against up, he could stop the raids of the Treasury in twenty-four hours, and do much to restore silver to Its money functions by paying otbotb silver and gold on the demands of the lreasury. 1 his would be worth more to financial reform than both Houses, unlets we had atwo-thirda majority iu each llouse, which we can never get. So, from my standpoint, it all depend on the President, uul i neeu not, make any suggestions, as you must see and understand the situation much better than I. 1 am writing to you to learn whether I am in accord with our party or not. As you know, I do not favor co-operation with discordant elements. I do not see how two can co-operate when both desire the ac complishment of dillVrent ends. If the Democratic party is right in principle and practice, you and I ought to have remained within its folds and fought under its banner. If it was wrong in Ihxoertlit F&rtj. old part) dirte4 silver I .- t,, metal, aidej as.4 a-uu. 1 RECORDS, FACTS, 0FISIC3S, mi. by l.urc-p-; a4 Its l !- u I , I a - fra So aa holl taao a4 la faoka aa I 4 tfcaa -Mhva4 VW, Si, TkM Talaa, W ra aot rt f rr iasc ! aJ vr thi ca th IsafcrTati trty. its ka4 a4 tf at ! th northvra wit of tb fatly u uttotly rr-fod t n. Kov proof rfe to ih ?Ca4 a4 !."ad losgw htn silver as4 all th c-rtb4 LaaartaJ t iaf4 cf Jtffrriaa Its-morraa-v fully Utrsyd ia U Uus f shai This j-t-nA P ; yi sir. 4 Vi 4- nil V. -v plo cannot be fooled and he f Uo UJ ESS w " .UUUCj from it. .Now, it the Kepuoucan party- is tne issue ana me man or party was right in priuciple and practice, we that evades or straddles it will be ought to have joined it when we left left behind. our first dove. Or, if that party has We believe Butler is right and now reformed and regenerated itself, will quote what manv others have nu stands for reform in the finances said to him. "Stay in the middle of af.yu ani? l'm w do: "uff h ii j tt. ul i still to loin that party. Jlut if that lUttu-. uwuuU4HMiy y partygtin adheres to its former doc on principle, ami me people win rineg ana practice8t whjch we have make your party alone strong denounced ten thousand times over enough to carry North Carolina this and over, how can we be honest, con fall. We will add here that the man, I sistent and patriotic and co-operate whether he be a Populist, Eepubli- with it on those Kepublican princi can or Democrat, who ODDOses But- pies? Is the Democratic party ler's stand to date, is no friend to the people and the people know it and "don't forget it." We notice a few office-seekers from all parties oppose him, but they will not be no ticed by him nor the people. Their day to lead is past, never to come again. They may be honest, but if for lb rvBf!lat c4 tl t tkia, If mr trl aaia. tTTw, tl It raa44 (llltr. tla -rrwi . tSu;uL t L t Ualia; )trm a4 all mmtp Inuf all awcfii by tb lateral .uromtt, sad rtaUih a ote I XT r-. r e i fsr4.trtirtti.tia;.. I"J inww4iw OUTITVU' fun lb wealth uf lU.a rmiatri i t-t I tot Ks Kama) ThM.k It rrvra.rtlcMiata rt at t-m ,a.. I a av, waa a es f tlMP fnrrn-at. It to a4aiUr4 by all sad Sealed by an tbat ta lao old partus destroyed talsrr a a tit ad u demotirttiatioa U4t th lptli-a and Ienorratt- pari e tae. ta lUrlr turn, bad tie r-ir1anit j and lb nwer to partia'ly retre silver at least but instead of that, earb stabU-4 It undrr tte fifth rib. ruiatibf all lb while to t its warmest aad tarot friend. Il ts also ad nit ted and but denied that bwlh the old parties eofaV I is bed the national ban as and bate stood by tLem ever sinr like a rurk wall ot defence. No on Crates the (art that botbtt. old part as ar. ties, are orposed to any tnrrea ol tb currency, because bofti bave Ura ia row er acd not only did not Itx rease It ut contra -ted the curreoy. while the incrrase of business and populatiaa demanded an iurreas of the currency. And so far as a graduated incoiue tat is concerned, every Kepublican ia Uth Houses in th last Congress Voted against it. And a bile tt. lN-ttiurrat had a majority in Ntl Houses, it re quired the Populist strength ia the r-uate to pass the bill, and too I rtuo t ratic I nited Mate ui rrm t ourt Judges joined tht lpuMiran Judges in derlarmg the income lax bill an ronstitulioual. in the faec ol tb fad thai a Kepublican upretne Court bad time and again declared such a tax constitutional. Now with all these facta before my mind's rye, it puzzles my brain to un derstand bow we, who denounced and still denounce all these things, ran co operate with either, i pon any other principle than Hie principle ot the co hesive Mwrr of public plunder t be divided bet we n the co-operators, in rae the battle slmuld be Won. Now, I am simple minded enough to believe there is some virtue and ta- triolisni yet remaining inlhe rank and file of both the old parties. We left them in this state to th number at least of siity or seventy thousand, and why shall we conclude that we possessed all the virtue and patriot ism of both the parties, aud that oth ers will not do as we did as the light breaks in upon them? I am also unso phisticated enough to verily believe that with a plain, unvarnished plat form on the financial question, sub ject to but one construction, with good, conservative, able, honest men to lead, we ran carry this Mate by more than ten thousand majority. I verily believe now is our golden portunity ; that now is the accepted lime, the day of grace, the day of sal vation. We are united, or ought to be on the silver question. We are united against banks of ifsue or national banks. We are united on an Increase of the currency and the coinage, and issue of all money by the Federal pow er, and iu favor of a graduated income tax. lioth the other parties are badly demoralized, disorganized, and at dag gers' joints on the money question, and are not iu sweet harmony on the other questions. Yes I repeat now is the accepted time for us. If we co operate wiih the Kepublican. no Dem ocrat will or ought to come to us. If we co-operate with the Democrats, no Kepublican will or ought to come to us. If we co-operate with neither, many from both parties will come to us. If we co-operate with either we shall go into the campaign much stronger than we will come out of it. In fact, we will be swallowed up, for we are not large enough to swallow either of the other parties; and if we were, we do not desire to gulp them down forcibly without repentance and conversion. I bave tried to look at the situation with an eye single to the good of the cause and to the itr ' flTof tit o a nnl.0.nt. nnr floors Parlut Puoim. uaiuc met . that thftrA nrA toiHa nnv irQTflC 9.TA fi.ia.r I . We can not whip the goldbugs and drive the British from our shores without your aid. If you will help, to get free silver insido the Republi can party, but he had as well under take to make ice in sheol as to hope to get free silver this way." We get this from the Washington Post: "Referring to the recent interview of Senator Pritchard, of North Carolina, published in the Post, Senator Marion Butler yesterday afternoon said: "Any statement that there were any conditions to mylekction for the long term in the Senate is absolutely false. Having talked the matter over, and believing that there could be co-operation on the question of financial reform and possibly other ereat principles, I did say voluntarily that I favored co-operation for the next election and the re-election of Sflnator Pritchard or whoever might ewn partie", is to aid their clique, gang and machines to hold the peo ple's noses to the grind stone. myself don't propose to be caught in such a box. I quit the Democrats because I believed their leaders and controllers traitors. I still believe them traitors. If I had believed the Republican principles and ' policies honest, I should have gone to that party. Believing both tho old parties enemies to mv country and to the laboring millions of humanity; be lieving the Populists honest, sincere, patriotic, and by far more demo cratic than either or the old parties I united with them. Now did I make a mistake) If the Democrats were true to the great principles of Jeffer son. Jackson and others, 1 did. If our Dartv. and by all silver men every si - s I trhana r a r rtta KOnll rIl(AT1 l Tl II 1 lfvTii'i so. semsnness ana ereea tor oinee """ '""i ... W KAhlinrlpd them thv don't know atic parties are one ana the same on . j - right from wrong. It is so hard in these times to get a living outside of an office that they are willing to sac m a!it I K"1"1 U1 bum; anu io nit? rnin 01 a t I a a a t s. advent of Cleve-11" ,ulimM men ouguv 10 ue consiuerea except, as a means or instrumentalities in the accomplish ment of the great purpose we h .ve set out to gain. Nothing but the up lifting of the race or meu,and the gen eral elevation of the laboring classes of mankind should be considered by us. We must break the power of both the old parties before we ran break the iron grasp of the money power, a 1 a. a.1 a a I a a the Cnancial question, which is tl "Vk 7 oppresseu numan- .... I itv A Tiff hna (hltrifi I .A firm, kt l uestion now at issue. 1 believe it is I ",;. .Z.. :.v... .,."' - parties we are lighting is beyond my it has been since the land and his gang into power? I f so, we can have nothing to do with it. Is the Republican party what it was under (Jrant. IJayes, uarheld, Arthur ano Harrison? If it is, then we can, polit ically, have no alhliation with it. I believe it is universally conceded by rifice all principle to get in with any They forget others who need at tention who want no office, and ask for no special favor; but there are many such men, and these are they who are reading and thinking. I hey ouei further conceded by all intelligent people that both the old parties hate us as the devil hates holy water, and would, either of them, blot us from the political heavens in so short a space of time as twenty-four hours, if either, or both combined had the power. And I think you must concede that the only use the Kenublican party has lor us is limited abilities to see. We cannot convert a whole party, we can convert individuals and will convert them if we stay in the middle of the road. We cannot convert any man or party by endorsing, condoning, or joining in their wrong. If we are right, let's stay right. If we are wrong let s get right " t ' W o A 1 1 vnn will have pegging ail men ami mi paruea uai want to uesiroy us w m e us.ujf us as a 11 V A iv IV J V CUiWVl J W"V mm. J w -a - its so ral4 friebds. a ad th eJI. ed lmtrrali adsaiaistratsoa car. ried all th t arrhasab! lisrata tatoJoo. Ssravaa rasa 4ipf4 them ia th lUpabhcaa llariai i d pvt. and it is aow lavpooaias to Tia ht Tticik TaLac oa arrs aheltrr ttry at Jaa. hhatasaa Ia orraU or O rover CIvela4 Kraaa liraaa. It is a ent Ida ss sf "hot ah potcb. History aaJoWfta tion show roarlasively that a traitor to a po-raoe or priaeitd is avara mot violent, cruel and tarrUatiag IB bis peiscrctiJb of tL tL.Cg I tra)ol than its or:.g;aa! opf-oasat. Again, th section Berth of th Potomac aad a1 of tL Uisats- tppi with loss aaJ ti a Besots. wt. are largely if it a'anst roaspUtely under the influtute f th adasiBtS Italian AM HIE MO IV fUWVM. Thes States a ill Lava a bo at lift delegates in tL itattocaJ oevea tioa Bute thaa Lalf ani wttheat Indiana r llhboit, ur that taaay scattering tolia, will still hat 3J mora than on third. Now wat cLanc will a tru f re aag aaaa stand in such a convention, with th two thirds rule prevailing. Th ao called Democrats ia the ltepab lican Mates will eontr I th eooveB tion, dictate. th randidat for Southern and Westta DemociaU t elect if they ran, tut thry will all, as usual, VOTE Tilt KCI 11 I.tClX TICKET after earning th ratididat. Thalia their program: nam th candidate and if th sooth and a est ra a lc I all r it;ht. If not th lUpublioan will Ihb elected and that will suit them about as well. With t'tah voting in it will take Totes to fltrt. Tbew States will have 2.1 H votes It more than enoogb. If they olect a Pnstdent La will cer tainly b a gold bug. Now th best chance to prevent this is for all sil ver men to unit on good silver candidates and go to work to break that KOU1 MSE or tOUBt Uft. Thero will be a fighting chanr in Indiana aud Illinois, and perbaps ia one or two otter States. TLo loss of Indiana or Illinois, r Maryland and Minraota wonld defat tfam. We Lad just as well look ties facts and figures squarely in tha far and go to work. The light ia on. The people and libetty on one side the money power and slavery on th other. My countrymen, sons cf Revolu tionary aires, which aid will you take? For once let us ignore elf and party and I. ECO ME KTATESM E!t AM rATKIOTH in this great contest for life, lilerty and Christian civilization. My countrymen, we have get a giant power to fight in this struggle. Let us rise to the importance of the occasion. Desperate cases some times require heroic treatment; let ns consult together and alopt the heroic treatment in this, oar coun try's desperate case. We can only judge the future by the past. The Democratic parly ia the lt Congress bad its chance a gieat opportunity a glorious chance win tne ngnt on me iuim uj( smbe to do is to advocate the principles of reform, and vote for a patriot for President in 189G, (and him you will find on the ticket named by the pa triots of all parties at St. Loxis on the 22d of July next.) are or may be in power to give them a living chance late that hard, honest an honest living tinue to beg and the party hear us will be" our party. Give us fair living prices for our tool. And you must know that the no fodder. My own judgment is we ought to j make a straight financial reform a AS W-V . 4 1 a. B I in Hie; to SO leglS- ouiy use iuC ucu.uu.uo v"J ticket from too to bottom and make a labor will buy u i is simp y to a.u tnen, in ce.eaung ma - . M , and we will con- 7t?- tX"i.r,,:: we could swsep the State from consta- that will a . , . :"r,:r,r..y X ble to President. are dominated and controlled, together with the practices of both in making and repealing laws, we are as unlike Such silver frauds as Pugh & Co. are doing more than avowed golcrugs TO UAVE BEI'EEMED IT? ELF and brought prosperity to our coun try and the exeat mass of its people. It had both Ilouses of Congress aad the President what they had fought and plead for for a quarter of a cen tury. Surely then they could right the great wrong they bad condsmn- mueh. lint V. shame! the AfrrhisfWhr.if wefail.thenext , , f f..x v. a. rePea . . V f.. Itofix forever on thecountrv the smzle I ed so mneh. Bnt O. shame! flh mav be" accompanied by the sl A" VET. "".52. X Kold standard theory of John .Sher- goldbug had done bis wort TL.J . ) iu WUl iu wiuw suu cuuii iuom- iuu v - !,, r"arlisla ri The are all Iitb. I aai roar oi tne cannou auu mB l , , . livino-o our financial question there is not one people, white and colored, who are s ng e f '.'- v v ' 4, . ' r,; sinele interest in common between now tramping the country seeking ""K" ind the two old a living, can come back home and k-" the drum. The excuse that oue part of you are going to put up is that you don't take any stock in politics. Well, if that is the kind ot a democrat you are, if you don't mind you will be gobbled np by the goldbug bosses at the polls, and you had better stay at a . 1 . as 1 Home on tne di or jsovemoer. .. MMlo- co mnnav will An this. The excuse of another part of you EZ n. hklZ 11 1 - .L.i il til 1l no nnl u - Tr : otherwise. wnen iney gei iu uiuve. jjui j- jumi man, Carlisle & Co. i ney are an nyp-1 moved over into the enemy's camp ocntes ana tne trutn is not in mem. i .n j helped rivet the chains of Caaa 1. . 1 1 -.1 1. . . . . ... . lucj are ait uiu ic sunn i it uuiui Now, if what I have stated is true, I Dower nor who fills the offices. We believe that silver restored to co-operation. W ltbout it we cannot win. 1 am opposed to co-operation cial slavery upon the beautiful vir gin of American prosperity. And the bitterest pang of all to the Dem ocrat should be that La nourished into life tome Southern men who helped to wing the shaft. that ia now that puts party spoils above the pub-1 quivering in the bleeding heart of in Respectfully, be agreed upon, and I favor that now the were traitors to these principle - M A AH a aaaa A TTS TflVTTI O U M L' S3 I . . ma x ii we can co-upcinio vu m. and the itepunncans were true to honorable to both sides. But that tQem then we all made a mistake in does not mean that the Kepunncans not going at once to that party. But have the right to name the terms or oth were wrong then we made no co-operation or that we are unaer mistake in going it alone. Audit the least obligations to accept such oih are still hostile to our professed terms if it means the abandenment principles, how can we co-operate of financial reform and the support w:th either T We want silver 1C to 1. of the goldbugs." They both say we shall never have Senator Pritchard declined to car- jt jjow ean we g6t it by co-opera- ry tne controversy iurtner at xue tion can we ride three horses at present time, "l do not care to mase the same time, two going at break any reply to Mr. Butler's statement nec sp0ed in opposite directions, just now," said Mr. Pritchard- "ihe I and one or third animal going at committees of the Republicans and fjieht angles to the other two t Co- the Populists will meet in joint ses- operate means to strive together for sion in my btate on the loth, ana we th6 same end3f to make a common will wait and see what they deciae fi-t or COmmon purpose, to ac- to do in the coming campaign. compiisu the same object or objects you, with the .most glowing pride, to our little band of Congressmen, ana to our six Senators how they have stood by the people in both halls of Congress, and especially ... JJPIUalUV point you to the untiring efforts of. at who was held pending the Marion Butler, the leader of reform investifffion into the death of Anna in North Carolina lou see our UjcQrath .whose body was found on ltan3a t nnilcil WVmIa t n a twrt old I . , -i : il:. wuuuu i - - i i Mirnn Aim in a nousu iu mis vii.,, parties are hopelessly divided. While occai);ed by Lanedon and the dead some of your crowd, the Democrats, i reiease(j to day by the po- ' . . . - , -i i Langdon Afiain a Free B. Philadelphia, April 9. Samuel P. Langdon, the wealthy coal oper are with us, the majority are against us. You have seen your party in Dower from the chief executive of Whether they can be Been." agree remains to Continued on page What is common between us and the croldbnsr Democrats or between us and the goldbug Republicans! Spoils lice authorities. Coroner Ashbndge has abandoned the case against T.onmlrvn KannTieA rtf lack of GV1 the United States to a township road d The in a nest into the dead overseer, and with all their fair .pg death waa held on Friday, promises, they stood by the money Apra 3-d , when the Coroner's jury lords. hi eld T.anirdnTi to await further vn- J,ow, to the tree Silver Republi- vestigation by the grand jury. The evidence failed to show any motive cans or iNortn Carolina my urst and last National vote for President was Republican. I was, and am yet, a Lincoln Republican, but not a John Sherman, Grover Cleveland Renublican. We see the Sherman for the killine of the girl and there was no trace of poison in the girl's stomach. Caused by Bridal Couples. Rnnhlicans votiner in Consrress with From the New York Tribune, the Cleveland Democrats, and we see Old lady (on the road to Niagara the Lincoln Republicans and the Jef- Falls) "What makes the cars jar fci-snniATi Dftmoc.ra.ts votiner in Con- and rattle so. conductor! It's abom with the PoDulists and fierhtine I inable!" desneratelv to overthrow the Car- Conductor "It's the effect of car lislA-Hleveland-Sherman combine, rvin' so many bridal couples, ma am Now, my brethren, free silver Re-1 The course of true love never did pUDllCanSt yOU .'Will, WUOU yuu ISSU IUU BUVUUI jvu auvn ma lie Interest and the welfare of the country. As ever yours, dustrial freedom. W. wool. They can't fool anybody, in- derstand me, I am in favor of getting ra it hA anA v.ln na hnild nn nnr r V"M 1 .. '.. all the anti-eoldbug and anti-monop- T; irir: WZn !"Dm" l" e.u:r r oly men together. I favor that sort of " ----- " . . . . nic . t- -- Mon-fl we will not care what party is in can co-operation nave any otner re sults than to buna up ana strengthen the goldbug power in the United States, I and to weaaen, 11 not, uesuroy, our or- United States? It may be said by co- W. U. Mtche. h. Did. t K-,tlwu operation we can divide the spoils and j suaad rirm. I The story goes that ia tha 8o- n under in ine aiaie oeiween our siue 1 -r.nrt ut a lansr whila J. W. Lane. .nd the Republicans or Democrats as Wadeaboro Plowboy.J v : . mmZA . Station -Mai, the case may be. Well, if this is a fight The position of the editor of this M j ti Field who WM on ror p unaer, w , J1." " paper is well Known, vv nave an . . to b. n0oeiia from divide all along the line? Ii we are . . 7- aiiss aowea mat tne auuonij uiu oon- out on a hunt for plunder let us go the 8lde toco-operate with any other demned waa nothinff less than an whole hog in the Nation as welt as in party, except such co-operation can opinion cf the Sopreme court which the State. But as 1 understand the do csectea on romo M"'i jrUee Field had bimaelf renderwd a situation it is not a race for plunder.! bodied m the Omaha platform. Im- 0 - eentarr aro. Failare It is a fight for humanity, for Human mediately after the adjournment ox a-. v eomaaon freedom, for the universal emancipa; the last legislature, we stated tht .LinLeen. 1 1 iTaom-timea fusion with the Republican party in this State in 'OG was not an assured tion of mankind from the iron grip of the money power. If this be so, a di vision 01 omces, buoiis auu muuuer . . . . .v,v;i;i 41, must not enter into this conteit. Not et because in all probability the that I do not believe the offices of n-epuuncau "lt . ii- ht belone to the victors ; but I do I wouia uum more vi wnireiiiBg convenient to I crget. n Oaly Ia a ClyOU Cooatvy. Coming Nation-J She was only a woman, with a not believe that we can afford to get I Federal patronage than ot the wel-1 an's strength. A tired woaaa; urea into a contest, or any other party for I fare of the people." As we near the j of life's burden and eager to drop it; plunder alone. But in a fight for prin-1 campaign, the developments show! tired of the struggle lo a city of cipieanaiorine saivauon oiiuecouu- our prediction was weU found- CDurcoea auu try, or the perpetuation of our form of d Th RepUblican leaders, or the "d W-iT.5 KmusS government as we understand it, and " , . .nvL... : able to find it. The ew 1 ova JieraM we should win, then I believe all the most of them, are very irtubborn in BaT,sh8 jumped from an "Itrala ad A. a a wm 00 oaska a v S ffVAVAFT VAV S oa VaaaBFarjW m a a a ax a W. a m BySr honor, glory and the otlices and the viVvw .k. " - 1 beggea 10 oe uioww wain snwu. emoluments thereof ought to belong monopoly-serving goldbng that may I And the same day two other liUaiUm to the victors. I be nominated by their party, and a I and money lea women succeeded la I am not opposed to the principles of I few of them have the craty opinion I freeing inemseive rrom -uie pooy oi co-operation or fusion. I believe in I that they can swallow the Populist I this death." Among them with all my heart. Bnt if I de- J -j aBt here we want to inform sometimes have, a Juvrd tiine;Dcti we sire to go to Washington, and you de- --t when th,. attempt iU PT "f. JT JT oy Borrow 10 wuuctm . sire to keep me away from Washing- . .jj t with about the aame ton, I do not see how we can co-oper- j Zlf..,Jnr,'mA .rm- wa t0or, TTia 1 decree of success that Jonah would arc aas a v auc uuv. a t va av avvvir awv s away, ur 11 1 aesire to nana a puo licroad. and you desire to defeat the v. - M fliajiimv . " -ii. :ii..L.j J t.V I file CODICB ua aaaa vaw.awaa nave mei wiiu. a, uo uau uuui wwa . f t .wallow the whale. Ithwinorithj for M

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