New Offer to Meet Demands. Five Copies Caucasian 3 Months For $1.0012 Copies 3 Alonths $2.00 ,,.v n tiif i iuie for.action. The tnv M sowing tares. Ixt the t" ... ,.,.r,.l m,,.! lit rnri r. f Every j pet sWaVlr W il CAUCASIAN Iwftssi . TU plK. art ,,f tin-C'Aif asiaK 3 month for :iih. Twelve ir-pica 3 iiiohth.3 ' t. S.mhI a club 'uicV. 1 iltx tl mato Aw. with I their MiLt Luratar. I . liUrttar. Ml 4 tm Sew mmt tWea. Si4 copiee as? iW C1 VOL. XIV. RALEIGH, N. C, THURSDAY, APRIL '29, 189G. NO. 24. n A lL 1 f i "t f 1EETING OF THE ' STATE COMMITTEE. f 4 tee appoint 4ntv-even delegates i writing, which i tt limit tunMrli at large. w art- w tiling to g The central rninmitti- wan ..- t..l i A, K- "I" roV. the committee A CJoinpleto Record of Its Proceed ings and Work Actions Which Make State History I'RINGIPLE VS. "SPOILS." I lm Inn of Til lieptildlran , ntltl- ff i,r th l.rt; 'inlftr of l'efle Atilana r. ...... i,,. i,r ami - -. ...... , Opinio, a. U!.if.n.liiL' to a call by the chair inin, tho Stat executive committee ..r it... I'.... 1. ' party met at the I'nrk Hotel in this city on Thurs .lay, April Kith at I o'clock. The .-.nnouuccuient of the meeting cre- tft! unuual inter at in tho State , unrig tho members of all political ; , rties ana attracted bo great a t ;:ul r of peoplu as to make it the i . t largely attended com- ,i tec meeting i ver held in North i' 'i.Ima- i':n members of i nt wcret V. irioa Butler, chairman; Hal ,, r, secretary; Col. Harry Skinner, W. A. tiuthiie, Dr. Cyrus : i . iT5on, Cant. A. S. Peace, Capt .V II. Kitchin, Theo. White, J. II. l ,, . r. R. 15. Kinsey, N. Otho Wil- :. A. C. Ureen. '.V. O. Stratford, At l'iis Mniw. J. i . Hamnck reprc- r.Murtho Stli District but not a i i iiiluT of committee J. F. (Mick, I : y for J. II. Sherrill. . uing the largo number of peo !.'howero present an interested mlit rs of tho riurty were noted i . Inllowinv: I. Mclay liyrd,!). iill, .Ta3. Amis, 1 1. I. Meacham, A. 1. (Jarrett, u i. ! !;. tier, .1. A. Sims, J. T. West :;,, 'land. T. W. Baldi, .1. A. Oreeu I. I'. Honsa. W. II. Jenkins, S. A .' mono. .1. T. I'aschall, .J. J. Jenk i . K. H. Linoberry, J. K. Hryan K. V. riake, J. J. liocers, W. S i; u S. A, Lourance, W.S. Bailey W. 11. Worth, W. LI. (Jibaou, A. J li.i'.l.y, W. M. Brown, K. A. Moye lnL.Iohn (Jraham, S. (1. Satter wii tc. Shcriil' Smith, of Vance, N. Siiawoll, .1. C. Wilkersou, Im. B .1 i. ncs, I). Averitt, V. V.Carter V. S. Bowers, J. T. B. Hcover, Dr .!. 11. I'erson. W. E. Fountain, Con -m ssmen A. C. Shuford and W. F Strowd. J. W. Denmark, J. L. Itai .v. t'viu4 Murohv. L. B. Nash. Z M. Ii. Jeffreys, and quite a nutnbe -t others whose names were no noted down in the busy moviner to .ind fro incident upon the meeting This assembly of people consti tuted a splendid lookicjr body of men iiinh above average intelligence and ability, and the uncero interest tliey fU in the ui.-Utors to be consid ered stamped them as a body of men of patriotic and honest convictions and determination. At 1 o'clock p. m. the committee met in the large assembly hall of the I'ark Hotel and was called to order by tho chairman. Visiting members of the party were cordially wel comed and seated. Capt. Peace, of tho committee, moved that au invitation be extend ed to the party members present to . pros their views upon tho mat- r of "eo oncratiou ' which would I, i i . i i. i ( oiue oeioie xue couiuimee, auu uu nny other matter wiih which they Might desire the committee to deal. Tuui motion was adopted, and the chairman requested that those pros tut would fxpresa their views fully :vud without reservation. It was a. -toed that the Congressional dis-t- ;cis should be called in numerical or ter and that parties from each dis trict heard in such order. I'ndf t this arrangement all the Mti'icts were heard from except the ninth. Twenty-four speeches were made extending over a period of three hours, during which tho views ;iml oninions of every section were r i'reelv expressed. At seren o'clock, the chairman expressed the thanks of the com tnitteo to the members of the party tor ti'oir attendance and expressions ui opinion, and then tho committee iuliourned to meet at 8:30 o'clock in 0 executive session. EXECUTIVE SESSION. The committee met at S:30, aud be ing advised that a conference commit tee from the State committee of the Republican party desired a consulta tion on the question of co-operation this matter was taken up for discus sion. Tho question was earnestly and deliberately discussed for nearly six hours. Frequent reference was made to bo opinions ana views ex pressed in tho speeches in the gen eral conference meeting in the after noon, and a tremendous stack o letters, from every county and from various sections in many counties with the views of the people living therein, stood in evidence before the cimroittee and constituted a pohti t 1 X ! J. L vmm.m cai compass ior uirecung iue ctuim of the committee. The best of feel iug prevailed throughout this long discussion. At II o'clock a. m. a mo tion was made to appoint a confer ence committee of live including Senator Butler to meet and confer with the Republican committee. The motion was unanimously adopted and the following conference com mittee constituted: Marion Butler, chairman; A. S. I'esce, S. Otho Wilson, J. Y. Ham rick, J. M. Cutchin. 7ue full committee then adopted a proposition which the conference o'uiniittee was instructed to present t ' the Kepublican committee. The committee then adjourned till 1" o'clock Friday morning. FRIDAY MOUSING SESSION. The committee met at 10 o'clock. luf i mation was received from the lippubliean committee that they would be ready for conference at 12 The State committee then effected tie following business: That delegates to the national onrentiou be appointed by Con- irressional district committees. Four delegates were apportioned to the ihth district, and eight delegates io e ich of the other districts. i hut the State executive commit- y the fall committee asdt-lfgateH at arge. It was ordered that the date for holding the State convention be left to the central eomoiitteo. K. Otho WiUon wm appointed a commissioner on transportation to St. Louiit. The committee- Iheu ad journed till 2 o'clock. CONKHIEKCE TOJIMlTTEE ItEI'OliT. The cotntnitte! reasHembled at 2 oclocjc. itia con't rf nee corruitteo stated hnf thev had tx-t-n in confer ence with th Hepoblican committee aud were temlv to report. They ro- orti;d the following proposition as laving been offered by the ilpubli- cau committee: JUl.CKJif, N. C, April 17. ISW. T the Conference Committee of tho People's Party: We, the nmlei signed conrerence committee, on behalf of the Repub- ican Statu executive committee sub mit the following as tho basis of co operation for the approaching cam paign: 1. In tho apportionment of the several offices to be voted for, the Republicans ehall nominate and the Populists endorso the following can didates: (1) Governor. ('') Attorney General. (3) Auditor (1) One Justice of the Supreme court. And the Populists shall nominate and tho Republicans endorse (1) Lieutenant-Oovernoi. y'2) Secretary of State. (3) Treasurer. (4) Superintendent of Public In struction. (.") One Justice of the Supreme court. 2. That there shall bo complete co-operation between the respective parties in Congressional and legisla tive districts and counties, a3 in 1801. 3. That the agreement heretofore made between the respective parties, according the Senatorship to the Kepublican party, is hereby ratified and confirmed and the Populists are to support the nominee of the Re publican party. 1. That under existing conditions each party hall run its own electo ral ticket. A. E. Holton, Republican State Execu tive Committee. H. L. Grant, Member from State at Large. James H. Young, Member from State at Large J. C. Pritchabo, Thomas Settle. The conference committoo report ed further that pursuant to instruc tions from tho full committee, they had offered the following proposi tion to the Republican conference committee! WnKRKAS the differences between many of the cardinal principles of the .National l'eopie a 1'arty ana tnose oi the National Kepublican party are so divergent as to be unreconciiauie and Wiikrkas, it is manifest that in or der for two political parties to sue cessfully and honorably co-coperate together, that such co-operation must be based upon, at least, one cardinal principle which is common to them both. JIKsoLVKD, 1 hat the sub-committee of live be, and is hereby authorized to ropose to the Mate committee of the Republican party of North Carolm co-operation ipun the basis of the pre amble and resolutions adopted and signed by lion. Henry M. Teller and ifteen other Kepublican L mted Mates rhairman Krp ibli. an Sa? Ktn-utivr i "onimitt If. I., i.tusr. MMi'o-r Hat at l.arf. Jim- II. Vol s.i. Member State at I.irgr. .1. '. lKiTrnar, ThM SlETTf E. ( Accoiiipaiit irie tin lrttr wa an exrt copy of thf tlrn proposition r.-iade by tto Itpoblifan cotnmtt a given above ) A motion va promptly made to re jec t tt.i proposition and lh? motion to reject wa adopted without a di- fientmjf vole. Th wretary was instrio ted to no tify the Kepublican committee of the action thus taken. It was moved that a committee of four be appointed to draft an addres to the People's Party. The motion prevailed and the following appoint ed : Chairman Uutler, Congressman Shu ford, Capt. W. II. Kitchen, and Maj. W. A. Cutbrie. The committee then adjourned to assemble again at 9 o'clock to hear the address to be for mulated by this committee read. Miring the recess, tlu secretary, act ing under instructions, sent the fol lowing letter to the Kepublican com mittee: - To the Conference Committee of the State Kepublican Executive Com mittee : (ientlemen: I am instructed by the State executive committee of the Peo ple's Party to respectfully inform you that your proposition for a basis of co-operation betweeen the Kepublican party and People's Party iv? this State is declined. Very respectfully. II. n . Ayku, Secretary. At f o'clock the committee again as sembled, heard the reading of the ad dress drafted by the sub-committee, and adopted the same. The address appears in another column. AN ADDRESS j BY W. R. HENRY THE DOCTORS ARE COMING. He Speaks to Ihc Mecklenburg i The Medical Journals Arc lie- - . I County Alliance-He Miows Einninr To D.cus The Up Financial Thievery. Great Reform issues. i Senators, including Senator Pritchard, relating to toe freehand unlimited coinaee of silver at the ratio ot i to and the tanlf: the same being-jo accord with, at least, one of the cardi nal principles of the .National I'eo-H pie's Tarty. J IiT.soi. . ki, TTiat tne con(niiitee jy the part of the Republican party be requested to comnfunicate in writing ts acceptance or rejection ot tuis proposition, to the end that if accepted GOLOBUGS AND BANKS They Work IIanl In II aud To Control Uolh Old PrtlH And I'erpeluate le preMHlon and Hard Times. The New York Chamber of Com merce is an organization of specula tors and gamblers. They are gold bues. They direct the policies of both the Democratic and the Republican parties. They have been doing this for some years: but a man who said so was called a 'crank" by the "lead ers" of the old parties and all their contemptible little cuckoo clackers But these Cnamber of Commerce goldbugs themselves are virtually saying their object and aim is to boss the rotten old political gangs, thus giving the lie to thwse little Tk Aim Am4 mk W Ik AllUan-It U1 Si ti D Till tta BtM(4i LW-A Ttftar lk (W4kac-A Mecklenburg County Alliance met with Davidson Sab-Alliance April U All the sub-alliances were represent ed except two. All the subs report ed on the increase and doing a good work. The next meeting will be at Back Creek sub-alliance on the 23d of July. The first day will be for the public who will have the pleasure of hearing some big speaker. The regular business was transacted and adjourned to meet next day to hear the Hon. W. R. Uenry. Mr. Henry was introduced by Dr. W. P. Craven. After expressing his thanks for the warm introduction, Mr. Uenry referred to the historic scenes by which they wero surrounded. Just in sight was Melntyre's branch, where fourteen Mecklenburg pa triots drove back to Charlotte a regi ment of tories and goldbugs. Mr. Henry said he was pioud to address the Alliance. Partisan politics would not bo discussed. Politics is the science of government. The Al liance is the school in which that science is now, and has for a long time been most successfully taught. Napoleon had his Old Guard whose imperial head shook every throne in Europe. The Alliance is the Old Guard of this republic. Organiza tion i3 the chief characteristic of the age. All vocations and professions had organized mostly to advance their own interests. The farmers, the most conservative element of the country, and the greatest sufferers finally formed the mighty organiza tion called the Alliance to remedy great governmental wrongs and to secure the prosperity of all. In all ages the farmer has been a patriot. Mr. Henry elaborated this idea. The Alliance is not dead, as declared by its enemies. It will never die, until the great "demands" it has enunciated and borne to the front stand for ' v4tm Hum rWlt fr Tka Tt rt4 CH aa Tarai T Lm Tktr laflacat Fr i Ckt j The ' Medical Wcrld" of Philadtl-i phia, is a widely circulated j uioal among intelligent pbjtieiaEF, aod aa authoritative publication. Tbe editor of this journal clearly r.-ccg nixes the evil effects on tLi physi cal system of ''hard time," and Las in a most commendable manner incor porated into this journal what misht be -called a "Department of Econo mics, " in which the great questions of the day are forcibly and oonvicc ingly discossed. The physicians who read this journal cannot fail to be cone acquainted with these ques tions. There may bo ami physi cians who think that if "hard times' produce illness, sickness p.. it is the very condition most to bo de sired by them as practitioners, be cause it brings them work; but there are many others who ln jw that they cannot get pay for their woik un less easy times shall come; and there is also a large numbfrof physicians whose humane hearts wish f r tho elmination of everything that cause the worry aud trouble that fiaally produce the worst forms of physical illness. These men have welcomed with pleasure tho new department of the "Medical World " Following are some extracts from one of the World's articles: "Money is the blood of commerce; values and obligations are expressed in it; therefore, it should have spa- cial safe-guards thrown around it. It should not be subject to control or manipulation by private parties or combinations. The reasons are obvious they have been painfully obvious during the past two years The banks have contracted credit refused payment of currency, and collapsed entirely in many cases, to the great loss of depositors; specu lators have raided the treasury for gold, and the government has in creased the interest bearing indebt edness for more gold, until it was A CHAT CUBAN VICTORY. I a . Key Vt, KU , Avnl 15 iiavaca. April I': via Key Vr. TL nvt arac bnttiv ot the ar La UbI foufht. Ta Cctao rr tfe tutT. Tber wer ..,ia' reb' acatntt l... rr Spaniard and tb l a 4 a Bar row tccapo frJir art i.iUi-ti. It ws ouij liicrii! Actoiiiw Macc-o fear that Lewi b :og ld into a trap that cau t h :.n to n-fratn from wiping tho Alfon. XIII lUt- tahua. compoArd of tbe rrark sea of the Saabirh forrt- in Cuba, from existence. That urh (mall forct of tie Span- i.n were arravel againt ucb over whelming odd waa due to a failure on the part of Coiobel SaLiLtz Et chevarrla to bring bia reinforce ments up in time. For Li error the colonel has been cited to appear be fore a military tribunal that ha'l decide whether be mutt stand trtal by court martial. It i agreed among thoe familiar with tz;e dis cipline of tho Spanish arniv that the colonel will never command anothe r battalion. The battle occurred in the teiri- tory between San Diego de Nunez aud the Gulf coatt lat Saturday. It lasted several hour, during which time the bpamads were chased over ten miles of ground and wero only saved by reaching the Bay of lleuda. where tho gunboat Alerta txk a hand in the 'fight and hell the Cubans at bay by shelling them un til the Spanish soldiers wen safe on her decks. There are two stories of the flk'ht. the one is from the Journal corres pondent with Macco, and the other is an official report furnished by General Suarez form the field, after ..lrri DEUOCRACY VS. FREE SILVER. latitat. 4 inhiiI IM rw a4'a Umst Ma hi I r-lrr. At its rrfuiar a at .! City TftarvUy. Apr.l Vtfc. h t. tw. Whv Frt Cclt.rt ef SiUtC Cl rreaW .ad rol.t.o. I " T W uaaaiaaoaaJy aJoptrl by tta I Ml D4 bCr4 Timil M a, a m a , , m . . ... I Wuca&aa. Wit and ivitaJe are jo,cr,t,rr at J 3 oar ran RECORDS, TACTS, OP1KI028. to free who i ia delt. aa4 I Wun, t o!r our prraat "aaaeial ytrm M pii of tbe I'mted State are Lopelt ia Jett, the re fore . KloLvat, That recard tbe yteui ahirh gives a aoeowlj of the money of the ronutry la a fe men aa direetly teadieg to Jetry our free inttitntion. anJ all wto favor oeh a tytteu hoolJ be re garded a traitor to Atarriea lib erty. We look with contempt and loath ing on all who are aiditg tiritiah tonea ly directly or indirectly help iag to continue our present financial ytem. We reaffirm our delegation of all legislation tending todegraJe ailver, and our firm behef that all paper money should be ioed by the gov ernment itself, baaed on the p-wer of taxation, and made equal to metal money by being made a legal tender in payment of all debt aad taxes. No corporation tbould be allowed to iaaue paper money for private gain at the eiprnu of, and not backed by the cKd faith of tbe government. We endorse the platform of the National Farmers Alliance at it last aoaaion in rebruary last. am LOOK t'OH NO I'tkMiMXT fkOf-l IM1- . T .'II are triumphant, it win no political organization that is not seen that the people would permit pledged to Secure those demands. I no more of it. Then a "contract' Thfl sneaker then discussed the prin- or "agreement" was entered into, whipper-snappers and whoopers who cipies of the Alliance, and presented by which this process of gold deple- u.a. v c uccu ii i id iuc uiouo I the justness OI mi se priuoiiie, auu uvuauu iuiug ui oouus wo lciu- at men of brains and integrity. the necessity of their execution into porialy stopped. Enjoy the thorght That New lork Chamber of Com- iaw The colossal fortunes and mil that our temporary bi;sini)ss lm- merce has sent out a circular which jjonairism in Ameiica, and the provement ia by the gracious per- oontains the following: methods of their accuniulsition were mission of a few gold speculators! "To the Commercial Bodies and Bus- f ully depicted and explained. The If we had government banks all over iness men of the United States: uniat laws that rob the masses to the country, the deposits of the peo- The Chamber of Commerce of the make railroad kings, Standard Oil pie would be a source of financial State of New York believes that the magnates, coal and iron barons, strength to the treasury instead of time has now come for a movement trust pirates and stock gamblers to the banks. The New York banks on the part of the commercial bodies were dwelt upon at length were burdened by an enormous sur- and all men whethea engaged in Mr, Henry said that the restora- plus while the treasury was depleted, in farming, manufacture or trade, tion Gf silver to the constitutional Isn't it strange how things are all who are interested in commercial throne which it occupied until hurled lowed to go! Yet we are to blame nrosneritv in the United States to ikufrnm w JnVm Sherman and his if we don't try to change the laws. We I I .. lUBHHUm " " I i - ! 3 .1 ,s in IMS, is tne para- "1 that a nugget had been meked nr, in American politics. esci are ousy seeping memseiyes , - ;T.T"" . a i ii i au. u aa i- a w ui a. w v aa u ia a a a wv 1:1 i 11 i 11 t - ana ineir inenas m oince; anaso ue- d tween the two we, electors and b, o Jake Shinn.the finder favor of silver. He explained Sow me, priuciv,xCa u , , R Cabarrus connty, told the passing through the hands of the Spanish press censor. Both reports agree on the points that the Spanish were defeated and that the battle might have been very serious for Maceo if Colonel Sanchez Eschev- arria had followed the plan of the campaign and arrived in time to support Debos. THE LARGEST NUGGET. A 'ill found Hau of Gold Found In tell fornla and On of CIO i'ound lu Austra lia,. To the Editor of the Charlotte Observer) As to gold nuggets, the largest found in the United States was that discovered in Sierra county, Cali fornia, August 21, ISoTi t'3' one J. J. Finney. Its weight was about 343 pounds and value nearly $00,000. Several other nuggets and masses of gold with quartz attached have been found in California of values all the way from $10,000 to $50,000. But for big nuggets. Australia leads the world. In 1872 one was found that weighed G40 pounds and brought its owners $113,000. It was imbedded in blue slate, 250 feet be low tho surface, and its finders were at the time living on charity. Other Huggets have been found in that country weighing close to 200 pounds. It was reported a few weeks ago a further conference may be had to ar range the details of co-operation un der the terms of the above proposition, being understood that all candi dates nominated in this State for Pres- dential electors and for State olllcers by their respective conventions, and agreed upon by both of them, shall sup port tne aoove caruinai principle auu vote for neither men nor measures an tagonistic? thereto, flhe Resolution.) "whereas, The ainerence oi ex change between standard silver coun tries and gold standard countries is equivalent toa bounty of 100 per cent on the products of the silver standard countries, and ' t iiERKAS, lhe cost or production in the Old World and particularly in China and Japan, is less than prod ucts can be produced or manufactured for in this country by American labor without reducing our farmers, miners, mechanics, manufacturers and indus trial workers to the level of Chinese coolies, therefore be it 'Kksolved, That we are in favor of rescuing the people of the United States from such impending danger by removing the differences of ex change between gold standard coun tries and silver standard countries by the only method possible, which is the free and unlimited coinage of sil ver at tna ratio ot lb to 1, by the inde pendent action of the United States, and we are in favor of a tarilf which shall be sufficient to equalize the cost of production in tbe United States and in Ivirope aud in Asiatic countries, ari l ilia the protection incident to such tariff shall be equally distributed in every section of tbe United States, and between the various products and industries oiaoacu state. "II. II. Teller, F. E. Warren, Lee Mautle, G. I.. Shoup, J. C. Pritchard, Ed. O. Wolcott, John II. Mitchell, Frank J. Cannon, R. F. Pettigrew, Fred T.Dubois, II. C. Hansborough, T. II. Carttr, George C. Perkins, J. D. Cam eron, C. D. Clark, Arthur Brown. The conference committee, in con nection with its report recommended that the proposition of the Republican committee oe rejecieu, ana siaieu iuai the Republican committee bad the proposition from the People's Party committee under advisement and would report thereon. Tbe proposition from the Kepubli can committee was promptly rejected, At 5 o clock tne Kepublican commit tee submitted its answer to the Peo ple's Party committee. It was as fol lows: . RatEiOH, N. C, April 17, 180G To the Conference Committee of the People's Party, Raleigh, N. C. We respectfully decline your propo sition to abandon the Republican or ganization in North Carolina, and submit a counter proposition for co operation on State and local anairs, l remove from political agitation the question of the permanence of the standard of value upon which all of the business of this country is trans acted. It invites co-operation to lui euu, u u tuvm v " silver was demonetize oy means ?uZ72 ir:::; mine, Cabarrus county, strong puunc opinion in oenaii or of map and blackboard he set tor in j-ubu.a. """"V" writer last year that in the early days an unequivocal utciarnuou uy SOme of the ettects oi us uemoueii-i 'b & . - "V of this mine a nugget was found of ponucai couv cuuuus jl nj x n iHion upon tne couniry m.j espo- 1 . i rkat i'aktiks m lavor oi ine rua,n- pioiiv npon tho farmer, ine na- enancaof our existing standard, and ! A.Y.t in iRfifl was nror two bil- of the elmination of all doubtful ex- h;on dollars. In 1890 it is little over Private or corporation telegraphs pressions in respect to tho re-open- one billion dollars, but because of exist only in the following countries: ISO OF THE MINTS ot the L united demonetization the nations 1 debt of Bolivia, uyprus, nontturas, v,uoa, tates to the free coinage of siL- hgOG. though one billion dollars less, Hawaii and the United States! I r? I All at L. .C avL. VER. has so increased in purchasing -a." me rest ui iuo civuusu worm Therefore, we ask all citizens to p0wer that it would require six hun- has the government telegraph. Even uniteiu a vigorous effort to urge the dred and fiftv-fonr more millions of in gypt, a few years ago, I sent a selection of delegates to the ooliti- K,i,e a th farnsrs' wheat to nav telegram from a station pretty well cal conventions of both great par- it than in 18tjG. For thirty years up the Nile, to Cairo, for less than ties who wilf advocate clear and the results of toil have been poured di-tinct platform utterances in fa jnt0 the mouth of the money mon vor of the maintenance of the pres- 8ter, and so far as our national debt ent gold standard of value. The js concerned, not a cent has been time is short and action ought, aid .to sav nothing of the addition therefore, to be all the more prompt 0f two hundred and sixty-two mil- tfca llaaiaf lraalala 4 ia !- ta4 Tn w Tai.a. Ytm lvOta lvl tke Iwaert.e party aa4 fall eoatret of tata f r aseet It 14 Urf waeity ia the lle&ae. a eaBail aaaeet tv ia tk. Caper lUaee. aJ Uo Pre ideal a J Lu cabiaet were al t the ara prty. A great aaamlf of tbe AaiencaQ efl wee thea. at bow, claiaorica; fwr the fro -age of eilver. A large aaajonty f tho CoBgreeaiosal aaeatbera ka-4 proraieed, if the people wenlj ey give them a Mhaeee,M that taef would give aa free routac- Taey evea weat o far ae to re bob ace te Shermaa law, ta their t,aUoaai plat form, a a "roeaHly nakehkft.M lhd they give u free eoiBrT Ne. n byT la the Irvt place tkey eoaU not do it. The parly wa elivi Jel both Iluntet of i'oagfeee. A aaa iortty of tbe leaiMeral ia tao Lowee tioue mere ia favor ior released to W) of free coinage, la the Upper Ilonae they er brarly evealy di videj. while the aaiaaiButrattoa m bitterly oppoeed te it. Now jVa will ee by examining the above. what a complete deadlock the lmo cratic party ia. Reader. au( po yoar waffoa u tuck faat to the aaad a ad jwm should tend aoine Uiua eith a teaaa to pull it oat, and they hould hitea one hor to one end of the wagwa and the other bora to the other ead How lour would it take to pall that load out! Well, yoa aay, that ta a very foohah iueation. yet that ia precisely the poaition of the letao- cratie party oa the ailver aaeetioa, one-half pulling one way and the other half tbe other way, with the chances a little in favor of tboee who are trying to pell the load deeper into tbe they diJ ane ee.1 in ainajtig the hhertuaa law deep that you could not touch it with a ten-foot pole. "Oh, well, you aay, 't intebd to weed out the goldbt t from tho Democratic party next year. My friend, don't deceive joureelvea lika that. Yoa undertake a thing like that and yoa will get the worst weed ing yoa ever "toted. Well then, let as auppo yoa had defeated the goldbuga in your na tional convention, nominated a ail ver man and declared for f re coin age in 3 oar platform. Yoa take the party and atart oat on your cam paign. Firat yoa go to New York and plead for their off rage. What answer will yoa get! "Get oS from here with vonr cheap money argument ! Go back to your aage-braan ana amnio; about 5G pounds weight, but was cut into several pieces for division be fore it was sold. The Messrs. Kelley, referred to as part owners of the Reed mine, are the makers of the steam road roller which has done so much toward giv ing us good streets and roads. Mecklenburg Gold Miner. Charlotte, N. C, April 13, 1S0G. IF THE PLATFORM SUITS HIM. ICA INTIL TUIM !EMAMS AkK EX ACTED ISTei LAWS, IKOIEKLT IS rORCED. We call npon all patriots in Amer ica to unite against tbe rule of Brit ish gold regardless of what political leaders may advice. A. D. K. Wallace, Scretary. FALSE STATEMENTS. Heat Oat rroaa Waaaiagtoa - Bear Ike 1'lmpa Waa 1114 Jobs tlaae Tka Cm Inat Abas Ta Us Tbalr H.d How Oaallaanaa) Leas at Iba rl t. am pa. For the Caucaalau. Favetteyille, N. C, April 17, DG. The reports sent out by tbe Washington correspondent to the Raleigh and Charlotte papers of tbe argument in the contest case of Dr. Cyrus Thompson against J. O. Shaw, from the 3rd Congressional district, now pending before Election Com mittee No. 2, in tbe House of Reprn sentativesof the United Statea, were all of course in' favor of Mr. Shaw and his counsel. One would have KUppoaed from reading their accounts, that counsel for Shaw, just literally destroyed Col. Thomas II. Sutton's argument for Dr. Thompson and Col. Sutton with it. They tell how Mr. Thomas, of Newbern; Mr. Rose, from Fayette ville; and Judge Buxton, also of tbe same town, (who was filed by Mr. Uamp, and tell your ailver mine own ouaw as a itepuDiican exhibit) "went ers lhmi are for ,0 money out for" Col. Sutton how they correct- here xb.n yoa go to New Kog ed him-how they "sat him down" anjf wbtre you gti practically tbe or "called him down" and oh! how anBwer. Then with a amile of .I.AL ywA v. ; m ..I a.:. A . . a . j "p aw.w uiw i 1 conndence. you turn your iaco we- pieces'' (very small pieces) and "acat- ward. "Now." yoa will exclaim. "I tered him to the four winds," etc., UDOW ym hd. for tho great Weat etc. Of course it was to be expected that the. goldbug machine Demo cratic papers would have had their Washington correspondents to do this is a unit for free silver ! Westward ho! Weatward ho! When you approach the people there, they turn their backs to yoa. "We have never liked the Demo- very thing nothing elae was to cratic party." they will aay, "bat wo Mr Villa uciri uiiucu. Then come the banks which aid and abet the goldbug bank owners. And the banks are aided and abet ted in turn by Cleveland's office holders. The Maryland Bankers! Association recently held a conyen tion. Among those who were in attendr anee were James H. Eckels, United States Comptroller of the Currency ex-Comptroller H. W, Cannon, of New York; E. H. Pnlen, of New York, President of the American Bankers' Association; William M. ten cents! It was transmitted and delivered with military faithfulness and promptness. We can't have such service in this country, because concentrated ca ital with its large income watered stock and immense 1 . lions of bonds, with millions of in- prohts must be protecteu. regardless terest, and millions of bonus. The 01 me interest 01. mo poupio. aj present status of the political parties I do it by nsng newspapers that de- touching silver was reviewe-u. uu - dd Q ittter to w -a ai.- , :s ;f n-,. haw!. &ndbv giving free telegraph ss an open leiier 10 Ot mo most iuu.'juui 1 - . ; . , " one -of the sae'degt gpectaples, was privileges lavisuiy x nntHrnr nartv hnv I and bv no end OI Cleveland Way Indicate Ul Wllllna. ncss to Accept hj a Letter. Washington IW.J New Vork, April 10. A gentleman just returned from Washington, where be held conversation with the President, is.authority for the state ment that Mr. Cleveland will soon T. Har- a a i ' m a. 1 A 1 1 a. 1 to Congressmen, tc,".ub "-J other little arts democratic rarty towara political rrinPinl7thnssacri The average e6"ons; ""ua.ey a principle, thus sacriocing me peopie v mhwi-ti caoma anrnr:a,ncrv finB. Washington is saitl to be connected to the plutocrats. - XantiWrtTtheVa T with the issuance of this letter. It Mr. J P. Caldwell, of the Char- Tel that Mr. Cleveland's letter, lotte Observer, is against the tree , -onw oftrc nr mnro in case he finally deciles to issue it, the P. 6. Department has been ask- coinage of silver: he is what is Known as a goianug, mai is telegraph service of the rnM standard man. and he is frank t u.ii. enough to declare it. An open an Tell everybody you know how far behind the rest ot the world we are, fuse a fourth nomination, provided , t i , 1 noniTHi iuh acot ui uio wwaau. ., .. .. . .. . , . server, or any man. ouuu c. . determine : . VC? yonvenwon ooeys nis for the single gold standard as Deing: rto behest, particularly a3 to the car country be taken by the government 1 , .1; it. Ai.i Rinmrlr. Pro5idpnt nf th Cheatnnt : vacnonturl tli Jin I ano maoe a r lUO J" National Bank; Caldwell Hardy, c0ldbugs masquerading in the garb ieu- President lrginia Bankers' Asso- Qf silver. The speaker would like ciition, and R. H. Rushton, Presi- o know how the editor of the Ob- dent Pennsylvania Bankers' Asso ciation, for tne single goia stanaaru uciuk 1 . , i ri ? .t - - 1 rr aemaau a, uiiaiJiic. wv ir tne welfare 01 ine peo- - , , v. tion which was approved by Comp- Ule. and in the next breath say that Huo""J "1 u.:- t troller Eckels: h would stand for silver, should " smuAT"t. "Resolved, That we are nnalter- ,lia nartv command him to do so. I cn!Pe""u Yt r' '1' " ttuijr uppvecu m tuu uoo vinac Ha Wmcn IS tne most jmpormui, naci - , , Knw lot n havfl it at cost - v ' j -1 laauiaipia vi pujj v ft'---j our currency, in whatsoever lorm it Gf tho people? Mr. Henry spoke two hours and a half. At the coaelusion of his ad dress Mr. Jones Hunter arose, and thanked him in the name of the Al liance of Mecklenburg county tor will strongly advocate consecration to the cause of tariff reform and devotion to the single gold standard. It will, it is said, contain a defense of his bond issue, and will distinctly not say that Mr. Cleveland will re- may be presented! that we nrmiy and honestly believe that the true interests of our country will be best served by its rigid adherence to the gold standard of value, the contmu- Tbe "Battery Park" Iamitl hj aire. have been expected anything eiae would rave been highly improper and immensely irregular out of order very mcch out or order; and the whole performance would have been highly amusing, if not ao ridiculous and absurd. We, here in Cumberland county, know all those named who are from this connty, and have known them and heard them at the bar and on the stump and it has never yet been made to appear that Col. Sut ton ever went down before any of them either in the court house or on the hustings and is able to "hold his end of the log" against all or any of them, and all comers besides. Of course he is made the target of abuse and "belittlement"' since he became Dr. Thompson' counsel, and exposed the flagrant frauds of Cross Creek township daring the election of November 1894. Of course he is hated civ some or most of the machine who perpetrated or connived at such frauds but that "cuts no ice" with the honest men of Cumberland county who regard and esteem Col. Sutton as a bold, able and fearless exponent of the people's rights, and who has had the manliness and courage to fight tbe like the postal service. a anc ( f which will not only preserve Our needs are so simple, so plain, so" urgent; so few see them. The av nr&ce voter takes far more interest in who will be the next president rhan in what that president will do. "ring machine'' and their frauds all Tbe Battery Park hotel, the lar-1 through, to the final end in the Con gest in Asheville, was damaged by I gress of the L mted States, and will fire on the morning of tbe 10th inst. I verily believe, be rewarded by aee to the extent of $20,000. The flames ing his client seated aa our repre originated in the kitchen. Over 200 sentative, and right, truth and virtue gnests were in the hotel and all left thus vindicated, the building in safety and without So let the "penny-a-linera" pour confusion. The damage wa" con- out the soil of their wrath npon Col. fined to the wing occupied by the Sutton the more yoa pour the bet ter we like it, and tbe raises him our estimation, tinguished by 1) o'clock, and at neon all the guests bad returned to their rooms. The loss is fullv covered by insurance. performance go on. will try to stand it. He can, and we More anon. A PopfLIsT. h sneech which he hid jut made. I n In ?T1 if" i JlZ I kitchen and servants' quarters. The its financial integrity and the future That thev were profoundly rejoiced ine meoicai pn f""" re started at 7:30 a. m. and was ex- welfare of its citizens, from the Un wA a man in their midst who is " , wage-earner to the capitalist, but wu" villing to stand for their JE'?" : 1 1 : ai i ai a. 1 - . . ,1 1 Tim massca - uicauo v va j Z"L:ZluJ:e:S? and to champion ineir w have seen th:s and felt it in the . - j ---1 riguis. development of its resources which m. Henrv's eulogy on Senator win eventually piace 11 nrsi among Butler's course in the Senate was Oa the morning of the 17th inst. a the commercial nations of the earth.?' i.ndftd to the echo. -t ha n,V nf th Ameri- And Mr. Eckels said: I nr. Lnn .f;oi fn f)m nrnva vliorA n t : Tn people will never one of the mcnic dinners ,3. Iette orn Toronto, written down to give the heart st. and that .', . rrC IU IUO laiwcsi wi iuo jwiaua; wvuicaa I organ CVUKUUCBUT wiiii . " -tt.lof Toronto and Eastern Canadian I strokes less a minute than when one a nunureii men an mo iwv w time of the explosion. Two were killed outright and several were snvprelv ininred. The con vert or were persuaded in lb'J2 that we coold get relief through it and wo helped to put it into power, and now it aaa left na in a much worse fix than we were in before. Oh no, yoa cannot fool as again.' Then with a look of despair yoa tarn to the thousands who have de serted and are still deserting the party in tbe South There yoa meet nothing bat hon est indignation. Hear their answer to your plead ing: "We have loved yoa, and yoa proved false. We tarned awa? from yoa then, and what did yoa del Dad come to as and ask to be forgiven, and promise to do better in the fu ture! No. tou kieked ns anal spurned us, and heaped all manner of abuse and villineaVion upon na. There is no name too harsh for 70a to give ns; no abase too heavy for yon to heap npon as, and bo false hood too revolting for yoa to con coct against ns. . Yon haTO tried to disgrace yonr own State, where we ere in power, in order to disgrace . . a . ns. -o, we can never iouow your Sag asy more. Never ! Now I have tried to show why it was that we failed to see are free coinage when tbe Democratic party was in power. Tbe same conditio will bring oat the same result. If the Democratic party was returned to power in its present shape, it would be just as powerless te pass a free coinage bill as it was in 1KTJ-I; the same old dead-lock that existed then would still exist. It would be the utmost folly to try to regain con trol br dividing op what little that higher it I there is left of iU so there is no so let the reaaon in the world, that I can L mi a a . "ine silver people will never again get another such bill (silver bill) through both Houses, and if they do, tbe American people will never place a man in the Presiden tial chair who would permit such a measute to become a law." Now, will the people let these money anarchists rule them and de press them? The people have the power to prevent it. Will they do itl To Lafitrlbata Marriageable Women. Vancouver, B. C, April 16. The mayor of Vancouver has received a I takes the time for which Mecklenburg is notsd. Jas. H. Alexander. Ten Thousand Troopa to be l'et For Con- oaeat The Daily News, London, Eng. published a statement, on what, it claims to be good authority, that the government will send 10,000 British troops to the Soudan in tne Autumn was on the fourth floor of the build- inir. There was great excitement 3 - w and many narrow escapes. why a frejp silver man should remain in the Democratic party. I know it is hard for a dm to I give op his old party ties, but thoa a. j r.a HBIU uui saa uw asv if they will only have the courage of their conviction. The only way to ever secure free coinage is for all men who believe in it to unite i a party already a tnr it. anil arhnaat laa1ara era cities. In this unique epistle the is in an upright posture. Multiply fi -:-,- for in every 8titithe writer states that, according to sta-1 thai dy sixty minute, and it is six I ijon. and whoee aineerity cannot tistics. there is a shortage in the fe-1 hundred strokes. Therefore in eight I v. .,, -tinned. All unite under that male population in the Northwest! hours spent in lying down the heart I h-ne.r and present a solid front to territories and British Colombia I is saved nearly five thousandtrokes I th tntmr and the victory is oars. amounting to about -iu.uuu, and I and as tbe Heart pumps six ounces I WhitkoEE OaTDOV. there is in eastern Canada a cones-1 of blood with each stroke it mis Why Oee Feela CblU Wfcea Lyles E' From llarper'a liaur.J The reason is simply this. Nature when one is -lying 1 1 r 1 1 ia 1 1 a liid uuiiuau aaa luu aauluivu For the purpose of reconquering that inst,, William Rice, a jounc e w- - I 4ur l barber, was snot Dy aiiss iuBif wi a w ,uv. jwiaa.oiucui.uau , icui.vij. 1 ' .... , - 1,. .Aman rf crncul health and moral I rvnaitirtn Aa . 1 - A.11J. fa. miniiiiMiirrju ruiuaut n. uv ..w.-... m St I ,U6JI- P . - .1 , x m a 1 J" i 1. J I 1 , I rire as xcw aaeraa. I 1 t r a a I. .;nVt 1HVi I OVATTl! Tt a of unmarried I htrt thnman nrtnMi laa f V.lrwvrl I It-heeJ aVelbHaarBlleaia up WH &x oeauion, on mo ua6at t r o - - . j -. " . . 1 - . a v : R. t ox eignt nonrs spent in i ma wuui aiiw-iwiaaw a. when one is in an upright I icaw. Mich., was blown up byjiyn- the blood flows so much amiters eariy on use mmw wa 11 t : i I'.it i m riinarawi tne anrnaaav was trying to effect an entrance into i caaracier " cat, w wj utairioutru more siowiy uirougu uue teuu wnea i aaaa uim. w J Li The East Carolina Barrel Factory her home. Mis purpose wa evi- ------ I'wVA." L JZl TiuaaitnxUd OUier LXiaU lUUUUi J . am ivi -w -- - una i.iu.uBwiuu. u wwa.Mii.-(- - - . . mwtA tnr on ine van bmm vi uav a lbi. i tnree monini ior i,uv uuy eovCTeo aj lumam Rev. E C. Melton, of Willis Creek Cumberland county, a Bapti preacher well known on the Cape Fear, waa thrown from hia bncflrc 1 1 -n 1 1 . , tt . - I -i TT 4 T ?n I riantlv ana aiuea last wees, ne was going ana otorago uuusc, . icuwu o , j --- - . . . . a.ui:.u . ,nmt .4 yt kal n- r;.,A K- ,:Mi.; down a steep hill, when the harness cotton gin, and a warehouse owued weapon usea was a pto 3T:r IV IZ1 Dy ine aunu wu. vvuua -"ri T l-i:" 1 r.f k T- mnr demoielIe for British Colnm oonof o I Railvra.Tr at Naw Harae Wrfl hnmefl I aillOU IS U tllLlvl . " I J r . "-"Z I . . , Mr. Melton was thrown tree, crushing his skull. I on the 15th inst. Loss, $6,500. i