Offer to Meet Demands. Five Copies Caucasian 3 Months For $1.00 12 Copies 3 Months $2.00 .ovtr id the time for'action. The ji my 'n sowing tares. Lt the : ,t,.(ii!" ') uofxl eccd. Kite copies ,f th'-t'Ai' Auif '.i months for : IMi. Twelve copies 3 months j . no. Send a dub juick. r Kretj VJj r-t aboUr U le CAUCASIAN I wnei new. i a rwicbegt ar ! :r tW cewalrt dow. with I Uetr taiaWiitf litroUarev Imi I Sheet Ibnt. Set! f l.W fee Ire f epfww of tbe CarcAatas ? bmy VOL. XIV. RALEIGH, N. 0., THURSDAY, APRIL 30. 1896. NO. 25. ( LETTERS FROM THE PEOPLE. Various Matters on Which The Popular Opinion is Express edAll Sections Interested, LIVING ISSUES FORWARD. N'l Km I on c'- mi I'rlnripln I tbe M tlfitn Kroni Kroiturhcra -Thn ,lrtl of the M.ll Committee (;iiimr n.ll llfinritt 1. Will Cufite To I . I will come out f all-grown friend of silver and give us free coinage at the ratio of 10 to 1. J. li. Sawveh. "Wo Acre With Our oniiiiMt For the Cuutsi:in. I lUT.KKiif. N. C. Anril 21, '!"' th interest the letters in Twit Caivahian on fusion. I havo heretofore been silent on the ijiieslion hut now that onr commit tuo has taken fiction I betf to give my views and those of ray neigh-, dors. Wo agree with our committee. ' y offend to co-operate on honor ;,!!) terms, liut the Republicans, i.nt having yet realized that the populist io not constitute a wing i, ; 'the Republican party, refused to : r jt the term and insisted that . . i 1 -t bo paramount to principle. Wi must not give up our founda t:u::, !' to I. We are gaining ground. '!",,. Democrats, or a majority of ii, .II, will gradually conio to us if ur 1'iit stay where wo are. So will 1 1 . Republicans. On what do I baso in y .-i-tscrtionT Simply on the fact thit I believe that there are some itt iots tfflll in tho old parties, and r position in uioso parties are i becoming untenable. i . : l l 1 T . .VUOU HUH OUUU l&KCIl. 11 uuw n'li'ntviH us to march with harmony i i,-l principle inscribed on our ban- struight to victory at the polls, those who still favor fusion I 1 i ay that we cannot afford to for a siuglo goldbug just for the oi temporary gain. If we sup- l ut :i man wlaj will support a gold I mi:.', we are supporting our enemies' !. And how can we whip tho i! vi I while wo feed life hosts? l or us to sacriliA) principlo for - liif - will bo a disgrace, and time in its march will repudiate our actions and bury us beneath the dust of our nwii corruption. U. II. TliKISATi. Work and Hope eer Turn Hack. For The Caucasian. I Blaschard, N. C, April 24. Tho majority of both old parties seem to be in favor of the free coinage of silver at 10 to 1, and why not come with us and let ns pat our shoulders to the wheel and make this the lead ing issue in the coining campaign? Let us all work with a will to accom plish this and boon the bright rays of prosperity sun will gladden the hearts of our toiling millions. Soon will the star spangled banner spread its liberty-loving face over a nation free indeed. Soon will the now starving millions have bread and to spare, and the sweet song of pros perity will be heard throughout tho now oppressed land, while anthems of gratitude and praise will asceud to the iod of justice and mercy from the hearts and lips of every American man and woman. Then let us work on, hope on, never looking back. Let the dead past bury its dead. And let ns con- dently look forward to a bright and promising futnre. Let ns close our ears to soft prom ises of the mild-eyed, soft-tongucd plutocrats. I). M. Ham.. Ill 1 1 I ,:ikr Don't Mnridy Ihn Water Now- Show a Square trout. For The Caucasian.! Uii.kad, Beaufort Co., N. C, April 1.1, 'Ob. Much is being said about fusing with the two old parties. I have always been a Republican- a . i r a never voieu a uemoerauc ticKet in 1 e a. my lire and l don t want one on my ticket for fear 1 can't take it. I lett the Republicans on account of their legislation and I joined the Popu lists as the last resort and now let's not throw mud in the water and think wo can settle it. If this coun try ever gets any relief, it must come through the Pops and "don' you iorget mat." l tavor a squaro tront and fight for liberty not par ty. I think in a single-handed fight wo can sweep the Skate. The better element of the Republicans and Domocrats will come with us. heard a prominent Democrat say the other day he had ben a Demjfcrat all his life, but could never vo?That ticket again, and there are many line mm. me i opunst party is gaining with us every day. People's Party victory is my prayer. Amen. John A. Buck. Ktenm Is t'p. i -,r hip Caucasian. CoNFKDERATE CROSS RoADS, Meck- lciihurg Co., N. 0. I havo been in the backwoods for the past two iuouth3 sawing wood, saying noth ingseeing and hearing so much about tlfis "shut your eyes," "be cause mv daddy was," "fusion wanness ot principle, mi ray Doner has got uu a head o steam that is away above the danger mark, and I have got to say something or burst a boWer. First I will say that not a Pop in this county will vote a goldbug, straddlobug, or doodlebug ticket, aud don't you forget it. If either oue of the old parties is in favor of fr e silvei coinage, why have we not 'oL it now? They have boon boss ing tho roost. Both havo had a chance and wc aro not fools enough u ; thid way to lend ourselves out to 1,'ive them another chance. Defeat in a just cause is better than success in an unjust cans?. We are going to stand by Marion Butler till the last button is gone ironi Oabe'a coat. We don't want any McKinley ours, and we aro not going to tho other fellows to put McKinley in if we know ourselves. It has been said that it is yaller dog poli tics to voto against a man's prin ciples iu order to vote fer his party. Wc believe it is so, and aside from tiiiit it is a slander on the yaller dog, hiid wu have soino respect left even !or the "yaller dog. We want to know the whynes3 and the wheuce tns:i of things before wo go in and weave going to know or stay out. Li t them come m on principle or w- will not play. J. P. FOSSAMAN. All Wool and a Yard Wide. For the Caucasian. J Hayesville, N. C. April 22. As to fusion in this county (Clay) hardly think there will be anything of the kind. I think the free silver element from both old parties will come to us and we can elect ac man we want without fusion. I fa vor, and so do all my party in this countv. a straierht Populist ticket for 1S9G, from constable to Presi dent, and pledged to free silver 10 to 1 all wool and a yard wide. This is tho way Clay county stands. W. T. BUMOARNEB, County Chairman A GREETING FROM BERTIE. A Message From The Great County of The East To Pop ulists Elsewhere. FROM SENATOR M CASKEY. Most Maod Above fart Hmmt Willing to Mt All ricl of iutvttm Halfway. For The 'uca:n.J Dardexs, N. C, April 17 'W.-- Please alio" me to tv that I heart ily endorse the stand taken by your paper and Senator Batltr upon the question of co-operation. ery few of the olhce-holding Pop ulists have eo far taken any stand or position upon the question of co ot ration with the Republican par ty. Perhaps it may not be neces sary for raj to do so now, but I don't want my constituents who honored me in the last campaign to think fer one moment that, by my silence, I am willing to acquiesce in helping to elect a single goldbug to oflice for the sake ef holding on to the Repub lican contingent who helped to elect principle and full recof&Ued equal- iuo iwu i;o. i ui x oj-uiioi nj m everything. auu auuui ouu in uui iivur any Nov. Mr. Kriirnr I An .1 r.V. 11 .... , , . . , i. -----i . , - " '" ueai ioi womu iorce me 10 smomer i know how wa n r,. ;, t.i my convictions or appear, in the party that does not stand nnrlv east, inconsistent. On the contrary on our platform of principles, when I am willing to F9ii in harmony several ,UU .'l.. V . I . ' HiCU, Tell tUm. Sa Uj. T Lara Saasrt la Tat M1MW Ta B a '-C.Uwi Mi alM rVa-Aa Datlart Tat' WIS Vat Far Frlacfple. For Tb Caucasian. 1 The People's Party of Coleraine township, Bertie county, held their primary convention on the ISth of April. They were thoroughly de termined in carrying out the princi ples of tho party, and opposed any tnsion with ajiy old party except on or clan that will help to elect a silver President and defeat one who is or may be a goldbug or straddlebug. 1 don't mean to say by this that I would help make the light inside of either of the old parties, if they should hap pen to nominate one who would gen erally be supposed to bo favorable to silver and other reforms, because I know that should such an one be nominated ha would be a straddle bug. But I am willing to me et all the friends of reform half iy and agree upon some man regardless of party name who is a patriot, and who, if elected, would help to eman cipate the toiling millions from the hand of organized monopoly. The influence of plutocracy is manifest in the composition of the old parties came into onr convention and pledged to vote with us from town ship constable to the President of the Lnitcd States Durelv oi the ground of our principles. Shall we go back on ourselves and our party, and worse still, those honest colored men, who siJ to ns we want to help you redeem our once free and happy country from the grasp of plutocra cy! i, tor one, cannot do it. Cole raine township Populists cnot do it, Bertie Bounty cannot do it. i'he Pop ulist of North Carolina will never do it, so loag as we have Senator But ler captain of our ship of State, who cannot be bribed for the love of filthy lucre to run our ship on the reefs and sad-bars of the goldbugs anu stradulebugs. aow, iur. jMmor, you just sav in their organizations, conventions from ns to the Pnnnlitnf North r and campaigns and there is no sal- Una: "gentlemen, keep sauare on vation tot the people only to pool the line of of principle; turn neither their issues and make a square fight to the right hand or left, neither to upon principle, u m so comg, iney the Cleveland, Carlisle. Ransom so- fail to get a crumb from the pie called Dflmnnrat counter. Yours truly, T. E. McCaskey. HOOVER FOR CONGRESS. The Active Worker Mentioned as a Repre sentative From the Sftond District. For the Caucasian. Toisxot, N. C, April 18, '00. As tho time is near at hand to begin holding conventions and looking for the most available men for the dif ferent nominations, wo shouW look for men of character and whose principles and record are such as to leavo no doubt as to their future ac tions. Now, 1 want to suggest a man ior Congress in this the second district who has worked in season and out of season and all times for the up building of the cause that we all love so well, and whose record in the last legislature is above suspicion. That man is John T. B. Hoover Let us nominate him and rally to his support and elect him, and the second district and the State will have a representative that we will have cause to be proud of. Let Populists stand by their principles and enter no entangling alliances at the sacrifice of principle for the sake attended our Superior court week ot office, ami we will grow and soon befote last, and ur county Alliance control this government and make last week, and I saw representative it in deed as well as in name a gov- men from all parts of tho county, ernment oi me peopie, Dy me peo- and have yet to hear of the first pie, and tor the people. McKinley, Heed, Piatt so-called Re- puoncan party, ior there is not as much Democracy in the whole Cleve land, Carlisle, Ransom pack as there was in Ueneral Jackson's thumb and forefinger with which he held the pen to veto the United States bank bill. Neither is there as much true Republicanism in the whole Sherman, McKinley, Reed, Piatt pack as there was in President lAu- coin's thumb and finger ia which he held the pen to write tho emancipa tion proclamation (that he intended) to set free the last citizen of this proud, once free and happy nation. M. J. Rayner, Chairman W. Li. Jones, Secretary. CURRITUCK COUNTY ALLIANCE. POLITICAL" POT-POURRI.! CCL tfclKNCR3 e:iL WHAT CQH.IHTIOt ARC COIt. Condensed Mention Of What People Are Saying And What Parties Are Doing. 1t 4 t lrt pwtlMh t'j foUowitg bill, wLicU wa Ttfcr- rd t tbe -oatmtt oa !a-cfi n of Proiirt.!. V;c Pr?:. lest, anJ !lt- i reotat:vf In .orer. Tt bill make provii.c to ulinit to ad; ! rect v ir ct tt rtfi :i oiac ofailvtr ataiiUtu : o ; a Ktiul- natcd icfom tax; th rlt-!in tf Pridnt, Vjco-Prf oiJrnt. and Un:- U Stt 8Tfor by dir-rt Tote ot the l e-irl. rI l a follow: WLrrr tai i a rot ruttnt of, ! IH i fyt Vlc l rata a Mamnt ky tat rVna- tiarwt i at OtlahM k Saaw Pmaata a kara Aaa Saaw.fta Thai XUj kaaa. Th Statesville I.atidmarW aj that CaDt. A. 1. Cowlrs waritx to he th atraigbt Uptibliran candidatf for f 'on-1 by , and for the iHpl, acd the po-1 gresa in thf Seventh for the gold standard. diatrict. II I la an interview Senator Tillmsn said, ia answer to a question, "if Whit uj, of New York, ts Dotninsted by thf Democrats at Chirago I would j walk out of the convention ; if Morri- j son is nominated i wouiu it-t-i mu. walking out, but would wait until I looked up his record. I dj not know where Morrison stands on the silver question, and 1 have not wen anboJy in recent years who Coes. The Denver Times says: ?Senatr Teller and Kepresentative Miafrorti have decided definitely ttiat they will not be candidates for election a de legates to the National Republican Convention. They fed that there u no hope that the convention will nom inate a candidate or adopt a piatiorin which they can indorse, lloth say they cannot support a gold standard candidate for the Presidency, no mat ter by what party nominated, and they would only place themselves in an embarrassing position by partcipating iu a convention which is so certain to make a position against silver as they consider the Republican Convention to be. Mr. Teller says that he proni- sed the people of Colorado in that he would not support a gold standard man in the campaign of 1VJC and that he will not change bis posi tion now." W. A. Dunn, of Scotland Neck, mem ber of the Democratic State Kxecutive Committee, writes Kd. Chambers Smith as follows: "II there is any straddle by our party on the silver question, i either State or national convention, it would be the supremest folly to make a campaign in this State. Our people by us have been taught that free-coinage is right, aid they believe it. It is needless for the gold bug organs to say now that it is l'op ulistic to advocate free coinage. The Democratic party in North Carolina, by its press, and by those placed in high positions, is responsible for the faith of the people on this subject. There can be no hair-splitting or dodgitig." No Compromise of Principle. For the Caucasian. 1 El Paso, N. C, April 20, '90. I I'opuhst who is not true to prin ciple. All say, no compromise of ey in principle, keep in the middle of the help road, &C. W. H. Kitchin's letter is a stunner. Long lite to .Butler, Kitchin, and all who like them, stand truo to right. May their num ber increase. W. W. Drew. A WOMAN'S APPEAL. Three Cheers For Principle. For The Caucasian. I Louisville, Ky., April 24. Hur rah for Mary Ann! Hurrah for your paper, and hurrah for the only sen sible and glorious stand you take for fusion for principle and against fusion with any bodv, for any thing except principle. God speed the good cause. W. M. Voils. Times Are Getting Worfe. Fur The Caucasian. TuiiAccovii.i.E, N. C, April 2o, '. Times are getting worse aod wi tse. It takes about all the money wo cau get from one end of the year to tho other to pay our taxes. To- 1) at'co U tho only erop that the far mers can raise here to get any money, and it is so low now that it won't bring enough to pay tho expenses of raising it. Tho country is getting iu a desperate condition. If the forces designated cs the gold stand ard are successful in tho coming election, I believe we are face to faco with monarchy and the over throw of our Republic. Oh! that the oplo would, for one time, lay aside 1 prejudice and com together and te for principle. Other nations ive had republics and they have en overthrown. So let ns take arning whilo wo yet have free eeck, the right of public assembly U'l peaceful remedy of the ballot ox, aud try to avert this enslaye lent that stares U3 in the face so oidly. W. W. ORRENDER. They Approve. For The Caucasian. Merritt. N. C, April 23 tpprove of the plan taken. I have not heard of a man who belongs to the People's Party say that he would fuse with a party on the gold issue. We will bury the goldbugs so deep that they will not come forth till the day of resurrection, and then only to hear the awful denunciation, de part from me I know you not. T. J. Sawyer. She Calls on the Voters to Take a Stand For Home and Country. For The Caucasian. Elf, N. C, April 18, '90. I am a mi 1 t woman and have never saia mucn about political matters, but tiroes are getting so hard that I am im pelled to say a few words. It seems that people havo a very hard struggle to keep the wolf from the door. I am impressed that it the people do not get relief soon there will be trouble in our land. I "want every man to think what effect his vote is going to have m remedying the evils that now threaten the American people. I want you to continue to call upon the Alhance- It Condemns the OU Tear Lcas"--Anrf En dorses Butler and Skinner, Currituck county Alliance met at Currituck Court House April 9th. By request the chair appointed a com mittee of three to draw resolutions which reported as follows: Whereas the trustees of the North Carolina railroad, did lease said road for ninety-nine (99) years, Resolved, That the Currituck county Alliance do condemn the lease thus made, as unjust to the people of North Carolina, and we pledge ourselves not to vote for men who will not take a firm stand against said case. ivESOLVED second, That we en dorse the manly and patriotic course of our representatives in Congress, the Hons. Marion Butler and Harry WKinner, tor their raithiul coarse in advocating the interests of the peo pie, and we Did them uod speed in their course just so long as they con tinue in the interest of the people. A. Hampton, ) P. C. Garrett, Com W. H. Snowden, ) The county Alliance adjonrned to meet with Knott's Island sub-Alh "Will vou. as a Republican, vote for a Democratic free coinage candidate next fall?" wa3 asked of Congress man llartnian in Washington. "No," was the reply, "for the simple reason Iftiat I will not have the oppor- tUUUY. - . 1 1 4 t A 1 . "Then you do not tcinK mat tne Democrats will declare for free coin age?" . .... if - 1 !.... "1 do not. rney may iuiiik uiai they will, but they will weaken just as soon as the Eastern money influences get to work among them." p? have the power to advi their servants, tbe Prefident acd Con grefi, concerning their govern mrnta! folieit-f; and Whereas it is highly impott&M that they should be bd vised of the will of the j eop'e t;n important ques tions, that their will tny lx -ecu-ted: Therefor, lit IT tSAi ltu by thf St n ate and Iloutxi of Rpr entatives of the United States of Amrrica in Con gress assembled. That at an election for Presidential elector to bo held in November, eighteen hundred and ninety-six, there Khali be nubtnttted to the citizens qualified to vote for such Presidential ilectots at sid election tho folloiainsr questions: First. Shall Congress make a law allowing free and unlimited rotuag of silver at the latio cf tixuen to one, as it was prior to eighteen hun dred and seventy-three! Yes. No. Secon.Lw An amendment to the OonstiturWn providing for the elec tion of the President and Vice Pres ident and United State Senators by direct voto cf the titiitns of the United States. Yea No. Third. An amendment to the Con stitution providing that taxes shall be imposed as Congress in its wis dom may deem proper. Yes. No. Fourth. Shall Congre, so soon as it may do so constitutionally, make a graduated income-tax law! Y'es. No. Sec. 2. That the intention of the voter ehall bo expressed, if ho votes in the affirmative, by canceling the word "No;" and if he vo negative by canceling "Yes." Mr. Skinner's bill provides the ma chinery for holding this election, as certaining tho negative and affirma tive vote, on the above questions without cost to the government or States. This result in each State shall bo certified to th- President, and the President in his first mes sage thereafter, shall ollicially lay beforo Congress the result of this vote for its information and guid ance. "My bill," said Mr. Skinner, "is simple and plain, and will be valua ble in collecting tho exact will of the people upon these importaut questions and remove th(-m from the realm of speculation As this is a government of and by the people, everybody should be interested in ascertaining what people desire. Under my bill this information can be eathered practically without cost T Ht'.li!j l4a M 4 ratty Hmm rwA- 7t S!a COtt:v?t rf t ok part that ka Ut hl Jatitf ta past wek f irm a ranass staJy. lBJtxrmt is mfta ha'es dor'ar fr !tr ia other States for coid. Rfpabi.rtta ar tc-l Jot? g to much " bat talk a little more boiJlv f tt t'aaJarJ. Tte rrroni of tre ctton of the - nous roevtatioba is Lr brufly givee: Nebraska Ur; ubl cans Jswiar! gaiaat silver and eodorxJ Jirkia !fy for Prost-lent. Notth Dakota Kpa drrtarJ against silver. Missouri IWnidcratie conveoUon declartHl ia favor of ft silver and agairst issuing bonds it lire uf pace. Color Jo lm de!ar4 for atlvt r. and delegates to th national con rention said ttey would withdraw if a gold platform was adopted. Maine lUpnb'icant declarrd against frr silver and rndoroJ Reed for President. Kentucky He publicans declared against silver and endorsed iioth Bradley acd McKinley for Pns dent. New Jersey Republicans declared against silver. Delegates were not instructed as to supporting a man for President. The State Prohibition convention of Michigan declared for silver. Texas reform Republicans, known as "lily whites." paasod some sort of a etraddle, and put their convention delegates np for sale to the hichest bidder. ' Five hundred" Texas Democrats met in Dallas and resolved to reor ganize the party on a gold basis. They will send a contesting delega tion to the national Deniocamtie con vention. Massachusetts Democrats deelartd squarely for the gold Ktaudard, eulo gized Cleveland and Olncy and com mended ex-Gov. Russell, goldbug, to the consideiation of the national Democratic convention. Rhode Island Democrats declared SICK OF OLD PARTYISn. Th roplt Cntt Stw-Wiil Tritlt Ca Gt It. If TWj PHILOSOPHY OP FUSIOJI MlMa.rkM.tai fUm mt . eialsai - kas Tm$ . T s -Msavly a4 Miiltoi IM all n. fc: The m. Yoo ka raUtskeJ tkto atw mt ay of yoar aameroaa onfm4 eats oa ro-opeiatieg aaia vuk tk Kepublicaa patty, bat thej smm me eattrely oat of Uarassy ttb tk tin pncplas of reform. aaJ Wy mm means seitod to vtiaUag cadiUsia. No true reforantr roally fatoreJ "foaiosi" ia the last casape. ra, be cause we had bo coaflJeare tit eiUrr of the old parties, but we aavd ea oar statute bowks bad eletoa law, a ad a corrupt political patty btA eoa trol of the entire eleetu-a taarhlaery and the courts, and we knew, tkat m other party eoulj. unJer acb fu ditions, carry aa eleet.oa aaleea some plan could be deiae4 by wkieii we could make the tetBcfata ig norant of our strength and snake it so large aa to put it beyobJ lket ability to "eouut us out. The Republicans deeirej the aaaae changes ia the electioa laws and Ike couaty government, aaJ Ifci aaade fuiou possible. We koew that the over-rated their treagth and under rated onrs, and wra willing tofaae, not fr any love far us or our cause, but because they aaw ia it a toeaible chance to get control of our hlale goverameut again. Aa it was tax endorsement of their bad rondart, having eoafldance ia onr movemat and it oer to wm, we were wil ling to run the risk. I, for eae, feared they might do atuelhiBtT that would east odintn on our party aad tes in the outright for goldbuifgery. endorsml thereby cripple oar chances for eye tho word Cleveland and declared in favor of c"" '? tL ,ulttr lttt. Russell for President. Tennessee Republicans adopted a "straddle" financial plank and en dorsed McKinley for President. The Maryland Republican conven tion declared in favor of the kid pi gold standard, and elected uma structcd delegates to the national convention. The free silver Democrats of Ne braska held a convention and de clared for silver. This winir is head ed by ex-Coagresxruan W. J. Bryan. rscxt week tho gold standard wing will hold a convention- This lat wing is beaded by "farmer" Morton, the goldbug Secre-tary of Agricul ture. Tho Democratic Statu convention of Alabama adopted a platform for tho free coinage of silver at IG to 1, and instructed the delegates to Chi cago to voto as a unit on that and all other question. 1 resident Cievc- fact that no success could attend oar effort under eiuting condition tit till before us. I am one of thoae hopeful creatures who believe ia the ultimate triumph of tight. This state of my uiod cleared the way and I consented. The r vaults sur prised me. I had Leva taag bt mo many bad thinga about the Republi can that to know eay good, aston ishes. 1 am satisfied to the maia with the results. Dot it must be borne in mind that we bad the bal ance of power and held them ia check, else result might Lave leen different. I am net, therefore, ready to pursue a course that wilt jeop ardize our interest or destroy oar oneness as a party of reform. Jdat the party of "per tidy and dishonor is still in the field, acd possess s soma adrantagca which we mnet not overlook. They mad "fusion nee- oasary before, they may teake it aeo- and with absolute certainty. Noth- land wa indorsed ou everything cx- cfcry. lt whether nader Mr. W. B. Fleming: ( who represented Warren in the last legislature as a u ing but good can come out or ir. The people. Representatives, and cept finance, and tho admiuistrat'on of (toy. Uatee, (Dem. goldbug) aa sionist) comes out in a lengthy com-j their President should know and be I also indorsed. Thin this man ell munication in the Peoples Taper, strongly opposing fusion between the Third Dartv and the Republicans. He says it would be a saennce oi princi ple to fuse with the Republicans, wheu they are for a high tariff and the gold standard, whereas tne ropuusis are in favor of a low tariff and a double standard and every other sensible man thinks as Mr. Fleming does about this. Warrenton Gazette. governed by. what the people de sire. THE VETO POWER. Thlit Six- Lctlho Uhule 1'eupla Sontal ternlh Au.f mlment. Philadelphia Item. The 7th instant, Senator Butler in troduced a vitally important "joint ons crowd nominated a silver man, Capt. J. F. Johnston, for Governor, and elected a goldbug as chairman of the State committee. Connecticut Republicans declared strictly in favor of the gold stand ard. No mention for President. Pennsylvania Republicans said they were for "international bimet- One of the little political events on the street to-day was a conversation of DeedVi. J.Ro this was Greek meetine Greek-Popu- cut in his abuse of veto power, by list and Republican arguing. Harris limiting it to a return of a rejected said he was perfectly willing to let measure to Congress, and its final the Populists take the Governor and passage by Congress over the Pres- go on with him. "What is that place ijent's head by a simple majority, in time of peace" said ne; a mue iQ8tea,i 0f the two-thirds majority as ;..n.nnnc;M..n1tKO Tint1. Sfk hi IT fl a VOII T S. I ance on the 4th Thursday in July Z"K.l fws nfv nuht to irive the constitution now reaus. 189G. H. J. Doxey. iV? PonulTatV the Governor in a crisis . As matters now. stand, tne rresi- Secretary. like this when the ruin of the State is dent and his usurious minions prac- threatened. It would have done gooa ticauy ruie mis couuirj, uy iuo mcic at the meeting if we had let the Popu- threat of veto; the President has all lists know they were welcome to name along been enabled to make or un- oiaie I mnl-o what snrrpnev laws hn nleasps. resolution" in the Senate which de- allism," hut adopted a gold standard serves the immediate attention of all platform. They declared the "tar honest men in its behalf; its purport iff" was the biggost thing before the is to amend tho Constitutiou po that people, and started a boom Torquay for President. LEMOCRATIC THUGISM. the advantages gained ia the last election and the familiarity of tLe public with onr principles and eon duct, the can do this I am glad to be able to doubt! ' I bojieve we can "stand alone, and be the better bj it. As stated above I believe ia the ultimate triumph of right but aleu believe that God help thoae only who help themselves. Hence, 1 must believe that while right will surety come in the end, it can eome sooner by using every honeat expedient that u.y from time to time appear. But the expediei.t beuld be jioxkat! and I seriously doubt the honesty or wis dom of further fuaion with either of the old parties in tbia State, or oat. unless the conditions so plainly For An Early Adjournment. Washington, April 23. The Re publican benators held a brief cau- tne Governor. Several of their cus to-day for an exchange of views committee told me so." on the subjects or hnal adjournment Rogers put in a word here, saying, and order of business before adjourn "Well, that would have done no good What would have become of our pnn V e men and every true silver Republi- that adjournment ought to be possi- ciple? S .iT,,r fl ;;;! I n bib. Vnm. "V? teemen told me it would have done the .... - i in iriis uciui'ju uv iu aiuiust uuaui- - worn. mous vote ot me caucus. Favor Taking It Single-Handed. For the Caucasian 1 Stantonsburo, N. C, April 24. I do not think fusion i3 necessary unless it is had on honorable pnn cipie. most ot the people here are in favor of taking it Angle-handed. W. J. Batts, cient to induce them to put principle above party, and vote for home and family once, and note the effect upon "the times. I hope that every Christian in all this country will pray God for better clhcers to man age this government, and then vote as they pray. How lonsr. oh now long! people lo iooiu vy uesiuiug iiu Rorrunt nolitieiaBsi a . - . , Tke Caucasian is doing mucn good in opening the eyes of tne peo ple, but there are many in this sec tion who would take the paper but Hit 'Em Again. Elberton (Ga.) New Era.j If the office seeker shows himsolf 1 at your convention, hre him and nominate vour best man who dmt and Congress has been practically helpless in the matter. In other words, the President has been acting the part of a tyrant, and the people and industries of this country have been reduced to com paratively starvation conditions, Rocers crave a bold reply : J say i merelv because of this abused veto give the Republicans all the offices and power. let us take the principle." T so th0 word3 of Senator Bat- Congressman Hall, coresident of ! "The people here elect .their A i ic A laviAa and a icuicorjuiaine. vi as, ""uUV- v . . i j I I C-inrrTnaa ifOtAi1 tft aOT1Ait tnfl Will aaa uiin aiiii. m. niiiiiiu vuucivmu uiivwivw v de- I :. . - I.. : . liUsraceful 11 raw I la a, Coaamlttee I "i"v J uw ssipKivD oi m, I surrender of our principle. J'rta- . cipie should not nnder any cirram- In addition to selling out to the ,Unecg bo tnbordin&ted to party Rothschilds, making aecret bond succw. Still. 'e mast remember deals and various other scandal and tbat oar principle ean never apply disgraces, tho representatives of the n a wty t, relieve ns without party Democratic party must add to all gQresa. this, brawling, cursing and fighting There is another view which I among themselves. Last Thursday nejj la tj,e mtt campaign. I feared Congressman Hall, of Missouri, and that 9 associations incident to fu- Congressman Money, ot ilissistippi, Slua migtit measurably destroy that had some words in a committee room, dislike for the Republican party Hall told Money he said what wan wbicto rfeulted in a large measure not true. Money called Hall a d n from ther corrupt administration of liar. Hall threw an inkstand at affairs in both the Sute and general Money and split his head open, government, and to the aame ex Money threw one at Hall but missed tent elevate the party in tke pin- aim. lutso r wiiunujui 1 ions oi many or onr uneducated ve- men" elected by Democrat". Hall j terSt wuo cannotdiatiaga'iah between sold out to the goldbugs a few weeks kj,, motive and the at, but in their ago. Ihe people musi aena men i apprtciation of what appears to them with gentlemanly characteriatica to I a f4Tor, blend the two together, there Congress, and not common brawlers I b putting themselves in position) nrlM has . . . i . ., , . . i v , -- i ut uuiuuk lunumiii iiia vimiws seek office. The notoriety sseker money man in earnest, ine otneruay oi tne peopie mi Mf d tnutrs. ,f they want the people's ;,.!, with dantrer to th. eaoaaof will the and the salary seeker make poor of- JSl. Z"0!. J!!" . SS? tn ttend reform. .Bi if to thi. ean. why of .v. uiuuomui. """'"J - r""-- .,.. In themselvas alsA. Th r. ti. i,a Vin.l thnt man of his . fc mjmu v - nullify any act of Congress- A bill Ye. Bat Bow Will They Vote? cannot get the moneyeven to pay c res3 to secnre if possible an in I II HI I L21AC3. UULUC LUlUk uaMw -ww . 1 At vouBu .ii.ij-u will you accept renomination to 1Btl. , :f(,r(llfl eitofnl and ... ..:.. , tho nnsltlOTl tlflV SeeK. - :, iaint;nns, tn vnta foe " k'" - . r . o.uwiwb j I eOnitXCaB YllvLA iuavi w . wfc. I JivlihA..tii AAnatiforltlAII he till) Tf-1- I . . . ..v - . i , - -i : r r, i l i uoiivciwiv ,vo.v x i Nnw inn iinmnrrRiiR duit o i ..ii i nu iiniiniii.Mi. i'iii ir m " r bib ... i a.v - . j v. ia fK.i- i resentatives of the people; yet it can v. r.ritn. ; a. f wa i1rr nsrtr. . .... . . i vof i n Til i r nu rau Diauc aaicaw i - - e a 1 aiui iu wav ar -' - - j - Our State Geologist is urging the thnnh tnese are not TOur views, you be vetoed and nullified by a at rose oi Th is doubt aboat that Tne yield to the wisnes oi your ents." To which Mr. Hall in substance Development of Our Water Powers. North Carolina Representatives in I be vetoed and nullified by a stroke of constitu-1 a pen in the band or one man." inis lis a daneerous power. When we re- consider to-day the tremendous pat- coarse, to inemseives also, a his view teem to be correct, for it can ' not be denied that the Republican party possesses a prestige sot en-" jjjed by them for years prior to tke lart campaign, ibey see it, and it It Is What They Want. For The Caucasian. Durham, N. C. April 23. Our folks are hanpvover the termination of the Raleigh meeting. The mid- aersianamg Ma. Ilia rnnd ia what onr fnlVa never COme as U1V va ,w ' - - - want. J. C.WlLKERSON. .t i O 11 done to drive the unworthy out ot .. . ,. th.t th President has with power, and put men in charge wun . f th e United States . "Will not accept renomination on h . influence legislation. a will and a heart that are in sym- . . ork be done conditions you name. ree silver is . , , . . t th t to kiU pathy with the oppressed people. . , fc f toward raising h-ii and darn him almost a that ft havo snfh Aient nn- . , A e I wemocrauc pan v. uiu buwui ici.u.- fi an auiocr&L. 11 civea uiu ms It seems that all have sufficient un- electing at all have sumcieni un- - ri or.,o. th omw rtf uemwoj . to know that relief will ou.urwwJr .5. -clC- ination only on ' , i water in an important, rivers oj. tuu i as long as they keep H wnr1r of Vflrv .,t 1L. i : tl,. UUlO. o- form" the accept renom- a . a. i a sound money piai For II ha vi the ami why throi to re iro clap time at tb ty. m cl ami When Yon Will Get It. The Caucasian. li.yu'OOD. N. C, April 18. I e read a number of letters from people on free coinage of silver, some very strong articles on free coinage cannot be obtained ib. the Democratic party, and lieve the minds of millions who wasting valuable time over such trap, I will now tell the exact when to look for free coinage he hands of the Democratic par Never as long as there are sects lurches, weeds in gardens, fleas hog-pens, and sand on the sea- e. hen this world is turned lo down, men turned to ants, ftata to infants; when the angels ght swap heaven for hell with an Mo Gold Standard. For The Caucasian. Onward, N. C, April 17. I am opposed to co-operation or fusion with any party that advocates a gold standard. JOHN A. jisk. Walter K. Henry Wins an Important Case Charlotte Observer.l Mr. Kelly Pennington some weeks asro abandoned his wife and child Shortly afterwards, by false represen tations, he obtained possession of the child and fled to Gaffney City, S. C, beiner advised that if he crossed the border his wife. Mrs. Anna C. Pen nineton. could not recover the child. For six weeks the broken-hearted mother has awaited the return ot her hov. trusting that tne rather would relent. At last she applied to Mr, will you doTf Huldah E. Buchanan. juecuuB wo woiol Cii0 '" importance to our people and we have the single standard advocates ; l h that this and their or goldbugs. 'Ihe emergency or tne b(J suecessfQi. times demands your manhood, w nat what manufacturers want to know before purchasing and water powers is the exact . . ... water that can bo depend ea innning machinery' during the driest KfijiRons of tho year, it is easy enough to obtain large supplies of water dnnnc the rainy seasons, dui nn one can afford to put in all the . j i j power tnan any crowneu ueau Enrone." The Fayettevile Observer says : I To complete the good wors lntro- w ar ?iad to learn that there lsi-inpd bv Senator Sutler, it u cood prospect of the nomination ofnere stggested that an amendment Mr.toas.jii. suce, uu ui k dded. cnttinif tne ciawa oi me The Straggle For Oltice Washington Post. "How manv annlications do von think arevon tile in my office for ap pomtmentsMn the House, under my -jurisdiction!" ' raw- the conundrum developing for Congress in the ai"" United States Supreme Court in the JJ jj JJ for AJJVTHIso nomirated ; amonit of T. same way. - Instead of allowing thi. National convention. They idedonfor meets in ASheville on tne in oi Court to upset the acts 0f Congress therefore simple and nnadulter- From a Standpoint of Fart. as has lately been done by a decia- which Doorkeeper Glenn, of the machinery that the water will run at tion, the wasnington iiouse, p to osl reporter yester- mat time o, "under thit "sound money" policy day. a large pti. "About yUU," ventured the iost idle during several nraiu u me --- . increased 527.187,017, man. year, ine omy way uanum- ;h bU8iness depression etui continues, . . . i 1 1 1 i eelT. 1 a. Z I" a T "We counted up tne otner aay," tion ean De aeiermmeu is uy mo i president ejleveiand't -souna money mA ftlann. "and there were mst I nnratA measnrement of the amount I nniinv has not onlv forced this enor 14.000. Altogether there were 160 of water in each of our larger rivew mous debt on the country, put is ua places to be filled. All these appli- during these drj seasons, and indeed also turned our marieta ana ?rSJL nilSVn'U party-bug it. Sentor Pritcbard speech in Chicago last Wednesday, in aiiow ucu cv.v i$ one uarliBle one. ow uo hlhaif of the simrle eold standard to Congress ior a reconaiuerauvu ui in i-lt. . oartv-bnz anyway T policy of the Cleveland administra- the measure, and then if Congress - a a it m a. rp'mAS eaeir present indications point strongly to I argely accounts for their activity the control ot ine national conven-i aow jjut 1 do not believe they arw tion by the free silver element. I hopeful of tueeest at an mdepend- Sews and Observer.l ent party. bence, their propoaitioa The duty of North Carolina Dmo- tonte again. erats is to see to it, that twenty-two , 1&T 2Z, Zl earnest eilver men are sent at dele- . gate to the Chieago convention, " iorwi s -u. and that they go under the nnit rule, only to a larger extent, ainet i tU m I laMUV ICMVUt wae-va "J wv - ae ww The above are extract from a I . ore eaB not be given by ut for it "leading" goldbug Democratic P-now. per and a "leading" silver uemocra-i They know also that it will kinder tic paper, uotn nave aaia 'J I farther recrtuU to at from the Democratic party and keep ia taet their owb orz tniration. therebr are therefore simple and nnadulter-1 weateninr our cauae to at to de al ed "party-bugs." 1 oa know what I ltr0 hope in tnbteqaent eampaignt. Times very decides the matter Constitutional,.. reerardless of the Supreme Court, let large part of this machinery 'stand Lfc fon1 several montns oi me ---v . :amaaA v?7is7 0t7. and ngm " - its turn threatens iouu ungouj THE PEOPLE'S PARTY IN MAINE. an autocrat as president Cleveland. of li lie anzels ef darkness and the lat- Hfipry ior assistance .uu ueiua em- canons were niea smco mo iu6l uajr uunng mo uui j , xinato.d of beine better the situa- Washington'. April 22. V te'Pay. thebodt in mean whiskey; hsrSer to.? convened m JJecem- ance ot urug uu. aone is very -f- ve much as pregident Stevenson", Mrs. W ; mother and her lather, went to soutn ber. erreat. and now is the time, livery 15 .V- i-irtneonned. thau it j if... wn th7trTtdawrn I say unto you, when you see TeV nrton and his attorney , Col. ttaa, but it is simply an emphatic ex- ply ,.r House. In view 01 these lacw toe president gteveison will delivc thinM Mm a . know v w'KSSitad possession of the Passion of the strain to which peo tnrers who would otherwise invest Uund money Mente of the time is near, ev'en at the borthechild was 'delivered to its pie are subjected to make a living onr water powers put np steam Carlisle tnouia nave mucu -- bov. that paving the way ior an inn ox from our rank to theirt at a titte when they could eatily retort oar chargetof eorrnption by referring to oar atteiationt with them oa two vkwklalba arnald The, Beat Both Old Parti- tOT. . ' J ZtwSm ad ttnyerefElUwertblaTaaJee. I ote TMCertaia. And Ar bubs, Me.. April 13. My dearUhould tby fail by thit ineant to Rnstnr Bntler: Please tend me a I ..rrv the StaU it would keep at tub- Th vice-president and Faaaiiyte Atteed 1 copy of your tpeech on the Pottal I aervient to them, and enable, them to the University Commencement. I and Telegraph xeiepnone. 1 wiau 10 1 gt a bait 10U wniea, to we isasueis, Bridal to the Observer. pnbUthit. u better WMiw ICO-I ine lTOpUlll ml 1 OllOniO W rai w isw "w- Steven-1 gains here in Maine, urn weea we ngftin, they earn no cnargw wiisj i.rt.nrl eletd the Mayor of tha city of inrratitude. for whether we afcoaU commencement EUeworth over both the old partial feei grateful dependt mora oa tlao unmh nsd. LlUWOrui U US ttOBis i mnl vs tain On UO acu v auave make I Senator Eugene Hale. 1. U. iJATXvBULM. (ConUaoed on loorUi taajaj aaju ioiuuviwaiv nn Tt 1 1 tn party mother py tne court. . . . m.

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