New Offer to Meet Demands. Five Copies Caucasian 3 Months For $1.00 12 Copies 3 Months S2.C0 .Now i t'lf; for'action. The , niv aowinj; tares. Let the ..,.,..". cow good seed. 1-ne copies i f th ('ai'1 Asian '.i months for : 1. Twelve copies 3 months j,r . 'j.i 'i . Send atlnb juick. KveTtbodv nl a iLotUrr la tho CAUCASIAN. m m m - wheel now. The art owiej th country down with their mi.leelig ltteratar. I.rt't Ut tbrm. Srt4 for Ce H C?pie OX the CatTASlAB 3 t , r VOL. XIV. RALEIGH, N. C, THURSDAY, HAY 14, 189G. NO. 27. LEGAL TENDER BY STATES Maj. W. A. Guthrie Suggests Scino Constitutional Inqui ries - Acd Shows the Way WHAT A STATE CAN DO ,m it finalltiitloiiul lllirlit -I iHlrr ilia iii.i.. ..... ii ( . Ma Make f llir I niUiU .o. ami Mltfr tiil, lnrliillrc Well MR Ail in I ntpil i ( antra!"! Imii'I. Coin Tr,l- Hull"" I ..relit" toll'. Tender , ail. .11. .f ,ltUun mi'l Tyler ltd 1 t 'f tiroer t m- derpffterty being taken th.n (' St "but gold tender in This last ci- "V- i nti'li .'hull h'lir ji'i'i i r to niimi i, tnjulnfr I hi' iiilin Ihrnof, l',,ri i'.'.i ruin.'' S. 1'iiii. tihil'iryn, VIII, .n ;,!. I. " Xn Slil'r rh"ll ruin uiuiifij." S. I 'nnrt it ntimi Sir. Ill, A it nil' I. "Su Slulr flmll mull null HIT ;nUASI SI I. Villi ro.v I. i, 'lit' i,i in ij mi nl i,f ii, I, In.'' I. S. i ' , ' ii t inn , . .V, fnh. k i r. I Artiilf I. Tlitt first ami second citations, from tin- Constitution of the I i:itd States, plainly moan that it . ngs to Congress, and to Con tr: alone, to coin money, and to n filiate tlin value of all American 1 1. ins ns well as to regnlato the value n! all loreigu coins wnu-n circulate v. ithm the United States. It is equally plain from the third drat ion above, from the Constitu- 10 1' ni ted States, that the ites are prohibited and restricted ,n milking legal tender laws, to the unking i.f nothing elsi , i it silver coin." a legal tii' payment of debts. ration above, by plain and necessary implication means only one thing, tiiid that is: that any State may, if it chooses, by its local State legisla ti mi. make irold and silver coin a h-gal tender in the payment of debts. Now what kind of coin is mcanH Is if. I'nited States coin, or is it for eign coin, or is it both? Whatever contention might arise as to foreign coin i. ircnlating in the United States, .ir.l as to which the goldbugs have repealed the former laws, and Con gress has panned no law now in force regulating its value for debt paying purposes; (but has "regulated its value" as "Money of Account" in collecting i l viilortm tariff taxes on imported goods), is thero any man who could reasonably doubt that I'nited States coin, (both gold and silver), is clearly embraced in the above cited Constitutional provis ions? And to my own mind it is also clear that the gold and silver coin of fotei-'n countries is also embraced iu the above Constitutional provis ion, subject however, to the other provision that vongress may "regu late its value. The silver coin of the United States which is commonly called the "Standard Dollar," is made a legal tender in tho payment of debts by act of Congress; but what is stamped and known as the "Trade Dollar" is not ft legal tender in the payment of debts, either by national or State legislation, and hence tho "Trade Dollar" has beoomo an article of merchandise and no longer money, or a legal tender coin, in the pay ment of debts. The "Trade Dollar" is a United States coin, issued by authority of the United States gov ernment, with tho government's stamp on it, calling it a "Dollar," and has stamped upon it "1-0 grains HUt) fine," and thus answers every le nuireinent of the United States Con stitution conferring on Congress the power to "coin money." My own opinion is: that it is just as competent for a State to make the gold and silver coin of the Uni ted States, and foreign coins too, at their regulation value given them by Congress, a legal tender in the pay ment of debts within the State, as it is for tho United States crovernrnent to pass a legal tender law applying r"ns to all the States. This is one of the ie-ervtd rights of a State in the above Constitutional restriction, for otherwise the above last cited pro vision in the Constitution of the United States would have to read "No State shall make ANYTHING a tender in the payment of debts," and thereby strike from the Consti tution the exceptional, and pivotal operative words which qualify the whole provision, to-wit: "BUT GOLD AND SILVKli COIN." Lvery intelligent reader knows that all silver coin of the United oat of the he&vtflH "Trade Dollar," in which there C more metal than there is in the 4 tfandard Dollar," the "Trade DollaSon that account, baa become an atNle of merchandise only, and may ; bought for about fifty cents on th foliar. I have some of the"e "Tra' V Dollar-" myself, which I bougvi from a bank not long ago for fifty Vent each. Hero then, is a plain object lesson which it rpciub to me the mot stupid mind might un derstand, and me that as to mon?y metals, the law can elevate or de press prices and values. My point is, that tho time has come, if ever, for the State, each acting for itself, to exercise the above Constitutional reserved power of making all silver coin of the I'nited States, (Including "Trade Dollars") a legal tender in the payment of debts. Let North Carolina, ono of the old original thirteen States, take the initiative on this subject, and I would be glad to see the People's Party put a plank in its State platform upon this sub ject. If no other State will follow us, let us draw to tho money simula tion of our State the "Trade Dol lars" now held in our own and other States, and at least put that much moie United States silver money already coined, in circulation, and give them a legal tender debt paying quality in North Carolina. Tho statistics of the United States Mint show that the total number of "Trade Dollars" coined was ($35, 9G.VJ24; thirty-five millions, nine hundred and sixty-five thousand nine hundred and twenty-four, of which there were redeemed under the act of March 3d, 1887, $7,G89,03G. There have been deposited and pur chased as bullion at tho Mints $941, 757, making th- total number of Trade Dollars redeemed and pur chasod as bullion $8,G33,79.'i, leaving STILL outstanding: ($27,332,131) twenty-seven millions, three hundred and thirty-two thousand, one hun dred and thirty-one Trade Dollars. In the good old days, more than fifty years ago, when John Tyler was President of the United States, and before the days of G rover Cleve land, the Congress of the United States passed an act which Presi dent Tyler approved, regulating the currency of foreign gold and silver coin in the United States. This was in tho days when the United States was in truth and in fact, an independ ent nation, and before the latter days when our so-called statesmen were wont to speak of "international ra tio, ' "international agreement," and all that kind of international non sense, and international treachery to subvert the libeities of the Ameri can people. I quote below the act in lull, and it is interesting to note that by it foreign gold was made re ceivable by WEliiHT, and foreign silyer coin of Mexico, Peiu, Bolivia and Spain were receivable by "talk," that is, by number or count, at their face value as "Dollars," or "Ono hundred cents." An Ant KegalaHoK the Currency of For tilga Cold anil Kllver Coins In tlie I'nited Stales. "That from and after the passage of this act. the following goid coins shall pass current as money within the United States, and be receivable by weight, for the payment of all debts and demands, at the rates fol lowing, that is to say the gold coins of Great Britain, of not less than nine hundred and fifteen and a half thousandths in fineness at ninety- four cents and six-tenths of a cent per pennyweight; and the gold coius of Franco, of not les3 than eight hundred and ninety-nine thou sandths in fineness, at ninety-two cents and mne-tentli3 ot a cent per pennyweight Sec. 2. lhat troin and atter tne . i x t all passage ot tnis act, tne louowmg silver coins shall pass current as money within the United States, and be receivable by tale, tor the pay ment of all debts and demands, at the rates following, that is to say the Spanish pillar dollars, and the dollars of Mexico, Peru and Bolivia of not less than eight hundred and ninety-seven thousandths in fine ness, and iour hundred and hrteen in weight, at one hundred cents each; and the five franc pieces of France, of rot less than nine nun dred thousandths in fineness, and three hundred and eighty-four grains in weight, at ninety-three cents each Sec. 3. That it shall be the daty of the Secretary of the Treasury to cause assays of the coins made cur rent by this act, to be had at the Mint of tho United-States, at leas onco in every year, and to mase re port of the result thereof to Con gress Approved March 3, 1843." States, (both "Trade Dollars" and It will be remembered that Presi "Standard Dollars), are 900 parts dent Tyler while a United States line in quality, that is, in every one Senator, and before he became Pres thousand parts of metal to be coined, I ident, firmly supported the adminis 900 parts are pure silver, and the tration of General Andrew Jackson, other one hundred parts are alloy, and voted against re-chartering the And this provision applies as well to United States Bank. And when Mr. the alloy in gold coin. I quote from Tyler became President, he, (unlike I . I 1 1 A V v the Mint law: urover Cleveland ot our dav). re "That tne standard for both gold fused to become the slave of concen- and silver coin of the I'nited States trated wealth which then, as now, shall hereafter be such, that of one clamored for national banks, and thousand parts by weight, 900 shall control of the peoples' currency . I"- . .111 1 A " -W V . . ba of mire metal, and I0U of alloy; History tens us max President Wil- and the alloy of the silver coin shall liam Iknry Harrison, (not our Ben lost for want of a Constitntional ma jority. But the friends of a national bank were not to be deterred from their purpose by a tingle repul; another bill, (about the mu in sub stance), was immediately hurried through both Houses, under the title of "The Fiscal Corporation of the United States," and this also ehared the fate of its predecessor, and failed to become a law on account of Pres ident Tyler's veto." So, it occurred that the friends cf a national PanK system or nuance, failed in 1841 to carry out their scheme of financial relief, which if adopted, would no doubt have pro duced about the same "reliet" which we now enjoy in our day under the "relief" of the hun dreds, and even thousands of national banks scattered over the United States, and controlling and manipulating our currency. I be lieve we have to day something over three thousand national banks left. and in operation since the "Banker's panic" of J89J. How did the peo ple during President Tyler's admin istration get financial relief? His tofyTlS that when the scheme of the bankers failed, by reason of Presi dent Tyler's veto, then Congress did tho wise and patriotic thing in pas sing the above cited act in relation to making legal tenders of foreign gold and silver coins, and allowing them to circulate in the United States as debt paying money, And as before stated, President Tyler ap proved this act of Congress on March 3rd, 1843, and it was the law, and the people were happy and pros perous uudcr ir, for years and years thereafter. To-day, Congress re fuses to ptiss a free coinage law, and will not only, not allow foreign sil ver coin t-; b:come letfal tender in the payment of debtt; but Consrress will not even allow silver "Trade Dollars" which were coined and is sued by our own government to be come legal tender in the payment of debts. And yet, we hear ignorant goldbugs, who ought to tnow bet ter, prate about "government credit" back of every coin; that every dol lar should be as good as every other dollar" "honest money," and sucii like expressions. Is it not time for the States to wake up and begin to exercise their Constitutional reserved rights of making all gold and silver coins of the United States (includ ing "Trade Dollars") and foreign gold and silver coins too, legal tender in the payment of all debts within the-State, both public and private? Would that we had one term, or one month, or even one week or day of a manlike Andrew Jackson or John Tyler in the White House at Washington. When John Tyler stood up for the people against the money power in his day, he incurred the everlasting hatred of the money power, just as patriots who stand by the people are now doing in our times. The Historian tells us that: "So gross and bitter were tne assaults made upon Tyler that he felt called upon to defend himself from their violence; and after declaring his de termination to do his duty, regard less of party ties, he said: "I ap peal from the vituperation of the present day to tho pen of impartial History, in confidence that neither my motives nor ray acts will bear the interpretation which, from minister motives, has oeeu placed upon them. The distressed condition of the coun try in which we live to-day, under the system of national banks estab lished by the Republican party, and now being fostered and perpetuated by the Republican-Democratic party. guided by the joint, leadership ot Grover Sherman and John Cleveland, is a most splendid historical vindi cation of the patriotism, the wisdom, and the foresight of John Tyler and Andrew Jackson. Section 25 of chapter 3i9 of the Statutes at larg-.i of the 53rd Congress, 2ud session, page 552 reads as follows "That the value of foreign coins bs expres sed in the Money of Account of the United States shall be that of the pure metal of such coin of standard value; and the values of the stand ard coin in circulation of tho various nations of the world shsll be esti mated quarterly by tho Director of the Mint, &e. &e. The Mexican silver dollar as esti mated by the Director of the United States Mint contains (377.17) three hundred and seventy-seven and seventeen hundredths grains of pure -silver and (419 08) four hundred and nineteen and eight hundredths grains of standard silver, which is more of both puie silver, and more of stand ard silver than our legal tender "Statdard Dollar" contains. Then why should not the Mexican silver dollar circulate among. our people as legal tender, debt paying money, as it did in my boyhood days? The Japanese Silver "len" contains (374.40) three hundred and seventy four and forty hundredths of pure silver and (41G) four hundred and sixteen grains of standard silver. and therefore, the Japanese "Y'en" TWO PRETTY PICTURES. Confusion and Collision In the Two Old PartiesThe Wondrous Spectacles They Present To The People in Their Con ventions And Committee Meetings. LOOK ON THIS THEN LOOK ON THAT. At tbe Kepnbliean district conven- v e are indebted also tothelhar tion, held last week at Maxton for lotte Observer for an acc-unt of tb the puroo.e of nominating a candi- proceeding of the meeting of the date for Congress, there were most disgraceful scenes and any number of fights. The Charlotte Observer gives the following in its account of the pro ceedings. Amidst the yells a tall, lean, lank, hungry looking fellow with scanty beard and dishevelled hair, wearing a cut-a-way coat, shirt and no collar, large feet and small pants, stepped forth. His voice was like a trum pet. Hia loner arm waved to and fro, u: and down, and the house be- caucus was originated by tho ex- . t a rr t rj. ! ii 1 gan to roar witn iaugnier. xnen iremi.r'c sea nearly an or ice con- came upon the stand a character servative silver men were drawu in well known to Charlotte. His name it. A proxy was secured for ex is Rich Lily a long-legged, long- .Judee MacRae and it is n ported armed, thin, spare-built, coal black that ho presided over the caucus, negro, about 25 years old. Rich It adopted resolutions which were Lilly had had his share of mountain substantially those of the State sil dew, and was nimble and quick. ver convention of September 25th, Tho hall roared, but a cry came: 1S95, and which by suggestion rather "I will give any man $5 that will than definite expression favored the take that d d country scoundrel formation of a silver party. It was (Covington) off the stage." It is al- agreed to have two State eonveu leged that young D. B. Sutton, of tions one on the 20th of May to Wilmington, was the gentleman who elect delegates to Chicago and to re made the offer. No sooner was the organize and take charge of tbe sentence out than did a big black, State committee with a view to pos-beavy-set colored fellow with a Van sible fusion with the Populists later. Dyke beard step forward to leg Cov- A tnird proposition was to pa B. F. KEITH'S PLAIN WORDS iii Noitb taialr Democrats Maj New Endorse .Sil ver In Order to Help th 11 raa ll tt ? att f 1 i.I;na brr. rr-l lor 'i.f hjt t r.! S- r CAB h y. KtiTK. io N'w Kr. Goldbugs Win. btate Democratic executive commit tee. There does not appear to be any "knocking" and "dragging" in the programme, but there w& as much confusion, which resuhed ia nothing. The account is as follows: "The Democratic Stite executive committee met in Kaieich on the night of Thursday, the 9th of April. On the afternoon of that day there- was neia in tne oiaco or Mr. eimtn a WERE GIVEN A "CHANCE" T Itichl a lr t l;r.rf Ta l I It-It lula l'Hn tk .otl tol of North Carolina To Mrrl tho roofl' Parly on Common Urann.l-Tbat I'artT Mas lhi It Ntaad lor Trlnc-lpl. Can we expect free coinage cf sil ver from and through either of the Old parties? I answer no, notwith- preliminary caucus of the free silver standing the silver organs of thofo members of the committee. This partus say mat we can; but pat po- liticl experience, a. well as the ap plication of a little common Bfne, says No ! First, co party ha?' ever won a groat victory wheu it w;s divided. A divided house -hall not rtaud, so says ihe higher law. Btu parties have btea iu power, controlling nearly every oCice from courtab'o to Frt: ident. I know the Democratic party has proraiiid for twentv years, :t i i i. u irivea control, mey wouui restore s:lv r, and liad tney caou n to have given us free coinage, with the South and West clamoring for it, we would have it. But the fact that they Lad a chance to give it to ns after the par ty was pledged to it, and failing to do so, is good evidence that they do not intend to do it. And should the free coinage element control the na tional Democratic convention, it will be the most unfortunate thing for the cause of t-ilver that could hap pen. If they control it, it will mean through the committee, that night, A RESOLUTION PROVIDING FOR A SUB COMMITTEE OF THREE TO MAKE TERMS with Butler. At this juncture the conservatives present came to the rescue. Great confusion arose and tho meeting finally adjourned with out having come to a vote on this resolution. v In the committee meeting that night the proposition for two con ventions was deieated. I lie propo sition for a special committee to confer with Butler was not intro duced. Mr. Smith's silver resolu tions were introduced by R. R. Cot ton and Mr. Sol. C. Weill proposed as an amendment a pledge to sup port the nominees of the Democracy, national, State and local. This was very embarrassing. Mr. Smith of fered a substitute reaffirming the resolutions of the committee on tho 20th of May last. Mr. Weill offered an amendment to this calling upon ington, but lo! Was Rich Lily asleep ? Just as the big, burly fel low stepped to the stage Rich Lily planted a fist in his face, and tpread him upon the seat. At this point Rich Lily came back and asked the reportei: Didn't I act like a dele gate?" and the reporter told him "yes." The crowd howled and Cov ington continued to shout. Ho said: "You may yell, but I'm going to speak, d n you !" and o he did Rich Lily was still with him. Dan Morrison then rushed, hands-on-hips, to big Bill Sutton! of Bladen, and jerked Sutton's collar off. Then the fight was general. Dr. Norment had started upon the stage and some friend or enemy had given him a shove, and landed him across a bench. His friends carried lum out of the mob. Rich Lilv was not at ease during this time. He had alreadv reported silver men to support tho Democrat- land s) patronage in act three knock downs and a bloody ic ticket, national, State and local, tion, it means defeat nose. After each bout he made a This did not help the situation of tbe trip around to the reporter with his extremists. The vote must bo taken interrogatory: "Didn't I do him on the amendment first. Mr. Frank ii. w inston called tor tne yeas and nays and Col. Paul B. Means an nounced that he would publish over ueieat lor mo suvcr Democrats un less they should nominate men who I that the Republicans are now would be agreeable to tne silver or ganizations of tho country and the Populist Party that are to meet iu convention after the Democratic con vention meets. This will hardly be done, as thei goldbugs will be too strong tc allow anything that will point to the com ing together ot tne uvor men, as that clement will defeat it as it did in Kentucky. V ith Cleveland saying that it would bo best for the Demoeratic party to be defeated if they declared for free coinage of silver, and should they declare for it with his (Cleve- vo oppisi- JURPRIStD ATTHc RtPtBUCANS. Too tV-fWa l ari; -1 ttooaf Tot., lot. I Mo r of TkOt4 Parti-, mm Will Sot S-ott a liM or A fooo Woo ill. Kuf Tho la rua n KaImx., N. , May .. V ar urprt!H4 to rfo tLt ic Krpubli- catit hare r :ccI t rjorrrtti" ti crpt u;ca ih polls Ttni The People Party State eotxituittrr r tainiy cffvrrd them a Terr fair, abd more than fair propoaitioo. Th committee went further in lU effort to get co-operation thaa the lVop! Party in tan Motion would rave gone if it bad btra consulted. hn our State eommittr offVrrd to ac cept the position already adptid !? . a a .. . Senator i rttcuard and tht voter n Republican Senators io Congress u the moKty qaetion ana the tariff, it certainly was going a !ccg way to ecure co-operatioc. IIow oaldtL Republicans rtfue this? Ua the other hand, tho Republican prop Mtioj, as we understand it, a to throw aide all principle aul to 1:0 in simply for a dmion of tffirca. If our State committer had agreed to do this the People a Party d )a beie would not Lave supported it. I notice that the Republican are now aiog that Senator Butler cannot deliver tho Ptotde'. Partv roters to the Democratic party. We don't believe that Le wants to do any such thing. We admire him very much, but we could not follow him in that it he was to advise it. Neith er could he 01 the State committee deliver us to the Republican partv if they were to advise it. W left the Democratic party because it tried to force us to do the very strae thing mvit- LETTERS FR0I1 JBB PEOPLB. Virion. llalUrt on Wbick Tb Popular Opinion it Exprttt ed-All SKtiosi IcttruUi. LIVING ISSUES FORWARD. right?" and the reporter invariably expressed his highest approbation of Rich and his delegate-like actions. But about this time things began to look pretty bloody. kThe writer looked first in the ante-room which was open at his right and then at the fight. Only two ways to escape were left. Either out the two-story win dow to the ground or leap over the crowd around the rim of the stage. The latter was the hardest but the safest way.He was weighing the two ways when he looked around and saw a great big delegate reach down to his shoe mouth and draw out a ra&or and throw it open. No longer was the question of escape debat able. At one jump the crowd was over-ridden and the reporter gone. As he swung in the air his eyes fell back and saw several pistols slowly his own signature the name3 of those who voted against the amendment. 10 vote against it wa3 to put one's self out the Demoeratic party; to vote for it was to violate the caucus agreement of the afternoon and in terfere with fusion with Butler. Capt. R. B. Davis and E. J. Hale, realizing the situation, said: "We - 1- J 1 A J i P il are wmppea; let us get out 01 mis trouble now the best way." Chair man Pou was appealed to for advice and 6aid that everything before the meeting- could be withdrawn by unanimous consent. This was given and the resolutions, substitute and amendments were all withdrawc ihus tne conservative silver men again saved the day. lnere is no Let him and his crowd adopt th gold standard, so when they are de feated by the policy he ha.-? puisued. they wiil see their folly. Should they adopt a lree coinage platform. then, when they are defeated tbe movincr around in the crowd. Sheriff pretense that tne sound money men Smith had planted a man' a blow by could have done so alone, as they this time, and yells of "Take 'em were outnumbered about two to out" were heard. one." Now, can an-y intelligent man believe that either of thesa organiza tions know what they are trying to do? Are they worthy of the suppoit of any man who has home, country and principle at heart? Read about them, and then answer the questions for yourself. CRAVEN COUNTY POPS. contains more silver than our own "Standard Dollar," which has in it only (412i) four hundred and twelve and one-half grains of standard sil ver. Is there any good reason why the J apanese " 1 en" should not cir culate among our people as money be of copper; and the alloy of the of "D orce um notoriety, but Ben's We have driven out of the United pnhl coin shall be of Conner and sil- hrrandfather, the old hero of "lippe- States tho Mexican silver dollar?. . .-- . - - - , . . . . , . ver. provided that the silver do not canoe,' wnom our wuig ancestors i ana sent tnem nacK nome to Mexico ' ... ...a aa i i i a i rt- i . i j a.1 i ' ir. exceed one-half of tne whole auoy. lovea to nouor;, ooou u m- au mereoy given Jiexico an lm So. the nualitv of the metal in tne auguration, wnea m times were mense - Doom ana to ourselves cor- Trade Dollar" is precisely the same financially out of joint, issued a responding depression in business . .a , a . a 1 T 11 1 I 1 a. AMnviri I -hV rfWACiO I nrtH I fw swvaAnft a.A.nnn J a. A.1 as that in the " Standard uonar. proclamation, cuuvcums wuSicoo i .u.u. vuuBi iiusb to aumit me Hnw abort t the relative weicbt for an extra session on tne dist ot Japanese xen" to our money cir . " tJ. I - .. . . -in j I l a Trr . m . of the two coins! The answer is, May, 1S41, to consider - sunury cuiaxion. tve give to ioreign silver - i coin, and contains by weight seven and one-half grains more of stand ard metal than the "Standard Dol lar" contains: the "Trade Dollar" weitrhim? 420 srrains while the tie "Trade Dollar" is the heavier weighty and important matters, using countries the advantages of chielly growing out or tne state 01 me ainerence in exchanges in our revenue and finance of the country." trade relation?, and then go to But President William Henry Har- work to impoverish the masses of rison did not live to submit his rem- our own people to enrich the favored edial plans dvine after a brief classes by building up by protective " . .... .1... " . m. a" . . .a -m SI I. ' t I 1 A! lif" TXT Tin Standard Dollar" weighs only 412i illness on the 4th day or April, tana legislation a xanrx w an- rrain Th "Trade UO &r laere- eiacuv on iuuaiu siier vuiumg tuiu okoiuo iwxoij,u luyimauvn i "!- for, contains nevm and one-hail olhce, ana rresiaent xyier Demg uiaciureo. guuua fa 1 tVinn A no th then the Vice-President, succeeded I lation! Or is fc.-iua uwio uieiai - , - ' . I i Vr4.: tt 4. Utk s!(.-.i...m c.i n.xiio- tI hMh nm. t;on cress met in extra session i manes us a o uuu auuu ar of thn Bm nnalitv. Both of on May 31st, 1841, and continued m ends of the line both going tl,B in wr iam... th Uni- session until the ldtn of September, coming, in our dealings a c . . . i u ; i. I On Jnlv 27th. a bill for the establish- eiem nations. 'ou uiaies, nuu cava m uictui i i j ' I - . . - , stamped "Dollar." And yet, by vile ment of the "f iscal uanK or. tne reopie s party men, anu psuwu and fraudulent legislation of Con- United States," passed the Senate of all parties, let us come together gress the lighter "Standard" Dollar by a rote of 2b to Z5, and was con- in this campaign ana so iar as we and used nverv dav in business tran- tatives on the 6th of August by a legislation, let us right these griev- . " a . . I m A A 1 L)sr HAnf PytIat I sntt a wvATtrve sactiona in th ntrniiint Of debts. V0I6 01 liO M w uuom via mvugK dollar for dollar: but the legal ten- however, vetoed the bill, and it was Tur Stand Squarely For Principle and Endorse The Action of Tha Couimit- v tee. Thurman, N. C, May 5. A meet ing of the Executive Committee of the People's Party was held at New Berne Saturday, May 2nd, for the purpose of consulting and agreeing on some plan of action for the com- i it mg campaign. A run representa tion of the committee being present, the sentiment of the county, was well established. On motion the President ap pointed a committee to draft resolu tions &c. The committed presented the following to the committee which was unanimously adopted: The executive committee of the People's Party of Craven couEty in conference assembled in the city of New Berne adopted the following resolutions and ordered the same to be sent to The Caucasian at Ral eigh for publication: RESOLVED 1ST, lHAT VE FULLY endorse the action 01 the State ex ecutive committee of the People's Party in reference to co-operation with the Republican party on spoils of office at & sacrifice of principle that principle (or one of them) be ing financial reform as adopted and signed by Hon. Henry M. Tel ler and fifteen other Republican Sen ators including Senator Pritchard of North Carolina, relating to the free and unlimited coinage of silver at the-atio of 10 to 1. 2nd, That we endorse the action of our Senator, Hon. Marion Butler, in every act of his as a member of our party whether in or out of office. 3rd, That we commit ourselves to the decision of the voters of the county and State for the advocacy of the free and unlimited coinage of t a -9 r i -t . . silver at xo to l regardless of inter national interference. Signed H. H. Perry, Chm'n Chas. Sutton ) n J. B. Parsons Lom W. H. Smith, Chairman. G. L. Hardison, Sec'y. duced and passed unanimously: Whereas, There has been an hon est effort made on the part of tie Populist Party executive committee of this State to co-operate with the Republican party, on terms alike honorable to both, and Whereas, The Republican party. through their executive committee refused to co-operate on said terms, and Whereas, The Republican party demanded of the Populists, co-opera tion solely upon tne spoils luea alone, and very element in tne partv that de feated it will say 1 told you that the people did not want free coinage. They will probably letthesilvci men control the convention in order to keep them from uniting with the silver organizations and the Popu lists at St. Louis, July 22J, (which would mean a victory for silvei) thereby breaking the forces of tin silver men But the people who have had their eyes opened by sad experience and see the true state ot fc Hairs, will no longer tie to either of the old par ties. For twenty-two years they have been in and out, fighting c-acb other for p&rty ascendency dictated to by the odee-seeker, while tne in terests of the people have been fox gotten until half of our property has been confiscated and rum stare us in the face. Tho Republicans first demon ctizrd silver and while the majority cf those in the South and West in the Democratic party are honest, and are for the restoration of the money of the people, yet the national party is divided and we can expect do hope or relief from any party that is warring against itself: and onr only hope is in adoj ting an bosest platform fir tbe interests of the American people which will bring together true silver men from all parties at St. Louis. mg ns to da, and cfTcring us offices as a consideration. We would not support tSrover Cleveland.Wcaav? he was a goldbug. Neither woold we support (iovernor Carr or the State ticket in lb'J2 because they intisttd in voting lor goldbug Cleveland. We were consistent then and we w,U be consistent now. We will not support a goldbug, nor will we sup port or vote for any man who will vote for a goldbug. e are sorry that we cann jt co operate again with the Republicans as we did last year, but we certaiuly cannot and will cot d. for the Cv publicans what we left the Demo cratic party to keep from doing. It seems to us that the lu-publicats took their choice between co-opera tion and a goldbug pie counter, and that their love tor tho pie-counter was tha strongest. If we cannot co operate on principle, let us go it alone, Aud fight both of the old party machines. louis truly. A People's Party Max. S-oraala of too A re loo of to I moIM- 1m4 trail a orooo -t ooota tr l'ala to I a -aiaf tm too Mkl4o of too Kooa ta Too otao. Mfalafcl I too. too tkattoM. For Tba a.a-an J Mario. N. C. Uav y. IX - A 11 pabliran politician Las sbt m a copy of "A Card to tho Pub!!- i--e4 by Mraars. James Abm aatt t. II. 4 3 til f V6 county. I have read it and am aorrjr indead, t such a document tsaaaliet' from hat purport, tw (- Pofahet ourre. We I'i -puli.t tip ht i ta th tseat are I'opolts's f run principle. W left tbe 4J parti- ber aom of us stood very !-a aw m saw they were wrong TWey have doa little t. ti(Lt then selves iu our opimrn. W do not sifT with the card f Mer Asm a4 tiiil, ccitbtr do any ! our friit with wbotu me hat convers! or any one t 1m acept an office-banter. We nevtr favored fuioa erj in orb. yt-t tLere was om exeas or mom for it during oar 2at election. That time ia .at. Wo look upon oir na tional tiuanci! juaUoo aa far asoro important than a few htaU cfaeea. Wo hold to the Oruaba platform, yet it i hard to educate tho peopU on so many reforms at once, tbcrefuro we are willing to put the ntaceial reform first, lb currency is tho life Mood of the nation and if tbis be tliaejased all is rotten and un healthy. Allow mo to add in conclaaton that we are not afraid of linr led into the Democratic party by Sena tor Butler, neither are we afraid of Wing led into tbe Republican party by cards to the public or the advo cate of fusion. Oar party i not a parly of Lood- lers. We gav that up when wo left the Deni Rrp party. Tbe boodlem are still clinging to tbe old leaky ship, and though they may calk a few leaks and steam ber ahead for a fthort time, her water lines ria higher; tbe lurch is not far distant ar-d if she is judged for all the pira cies she has committed. Neptune' salty bottom will not stop ber. lit 11 will not stop ber. SLe will b pro visioned at the devil's foaling sta tion, and m ith rover for devil, be ro ju Med to start a hell of her own. Li XVI LUC Kciio. THE PEOPLE'S PARTY TEXAS." WILL CARRY IbiaUWhal -AttoroT-Gr..ral Wal ton of Tesaa ajala WaaMagton. Washington Po.-t.l "My belief is that the Populists will carry Texas tLis year, whether the Democrats rplit, as appears pos sible, oi stick together," said Maj. W. M. Walton,' of Austin, at tbe Metropolitan. Maj. alton is one of tbe notable men of tho Lone Star State. For years be has been regarded as the peer of any lawyer in its limits. Lie has been Attorney-General, and nn SlBKto llaaaoo-Mil or For Tbe Caucasian.! fiCM Neck, N. C . May 7, "Jfl. We approve of the plan taken bj tbe committee on fusion. 1 have not heard of a man wbo belongs to tho People's Party say that bo would fuse with a party on the gold issue. We arc in favor. f taking it single handed hit or miss. J. L. Coor-EK. J. II. Okirriy. Motto. For Ttie Caucaaian.J Cove, S. C, May 7, 1T,.--(Jood work is going on here. Wo will doubU our Toto this year. I hope every rlace is going like Cove; if so and want til three or four years ago, was one J we will carrj tho State by a large oi tne sninicir jiltuis oi me imo-i majority, nwn m ue wraui vi cratic l'arty. In his latter days. 1 tbe road is our motto here. however, ho has gone over to the Populists, who welcomed him to their ranks with enthusiasm. I t Ooron ArreortatoA. "If we can only get a fair count I For The Caucaaiaa.! in Texas, said he, "we will canyl Wis-ALt., S. C, May 7. W ap the State. The people aro tired of I nreciato the course ot TueCacca- Cleveland and Carlisle, and can't be rian and highly prixe tho paper, persuaded into voting the Democrat- Bat fur tho stringency in money ic ticket any longer. They see not a matters I could forward 70a any particle ot uinerence between tbe financial and economic policy of this administration and Harrison's. The present tariff is as indefensible as tbe ce that bore Mckinley's amount of subscriber. W. II. OrikTOX. " i mafc Kt vfc pvuuv.i i n.m J nfin nnrmin 1 nn mry-w m n wtl n o vnnti V.I i. J. .11 tliai ... I . . ... . . - oaitico m au j.u..v " v" imrjQtd with tne single gold sUndar idea than John O. Carlisle. W bd shouldn't they belong to the same exist any length of time, and while the principles of Democracy can never die in a true republican form of government, yet owing to the - r 11 , l , Whereas, The Republican party usurpation ot uieveianu ana uis co- .1 v, n. iTu,t nons to uive.ii. tuw wm oi iuo tyeoi'io a... ,i fk ax,' i.i inthe interest of a plutocracy, the lowed to support their goldbug elec- Vie will leave the patty he has 47 t I ntwAittrAil an1 rnn Ana T n a v arv tttttaIi tors for President, therefore , , " , , "tJ , , . ,. loveu, ana tooa. to auuiuer sourctr. Resolved 1st, That the Populists Lor;qi, :tu tht,m iht. nP;ni.:niM 0r of Buncombe county hereby approve a jeffersonian Democracy and Li n of Senator Butler's plan of co-opera- coln pfcepublicanism embodied in a tion and also of his refusal to co-op- . .nv,nr i uri uaiiio m? tuvti nuvuvti erate upon Republican terms, and that the Populists of Buncombe county pledge Senator Butler and the Populists of the State their hearty support in their efforts to secure the free coinage of silver at the ratio of 10 to 1. Resolved 2nd, That we decline to send any delegate to the Republi can convention to be held at Ral eigh May 14; and denounce as un true those persons whov are willing to sell out to the and for- Wm. A. Guthrik The national party, or the national People's Party, will be for the inter est of the people, while arrayed on the other side will be the party up holding a plutocracy of trust com panies, under tbe name of the Ke pnbliean party (Cleveland and Sher man as its supporters), and the ueci sive battlo will be fought in lS'M and the destiny of our government be set tied. The issue is, shall the people con trol this government, or, shall the party! " i do not covet ouice my' self. There isn't a place on the ticket that my Populists friends have not besought me to take, but while I shall speak for the cause and all in my power to help it in the coming campaign, which promised to be the hottest ever waged in the State, I shall not allow my came to be voted for. I shall also r so- utely oppose fusion with tha Repab- lcans, unless, perhaps, lor miner offices. There are enough straight Populiat votes to win, 'and we are T arwo . . gaining every uay. - w ith an nonett count (which we mean to have) we cannot onJy elect our State ckrt, but a majorry of Congress men. iol. Jerome rveaioy, or ual- as, will be tbe Populist nominee for (lovernor." Republican party. After several speeches were made, mnnavoA aristorrkcv rnla and ruin? chairman J. N. Morgan being de- since the Populists of this State, on feated in his plan to send delegates the j7tn 0f April, have shown to the to Raleigh May 14, and to declare DeoI)ie that theV mean what tbev the meeting adjourned, on mo- and rejected the temptation of won or A. j. anuier uoi. cnn; . .-a stand nnon th hiirh W. Li. Menry Was Called tO -ona nf nnniiinlK. thn trnnA nnnlA chair, and then, the meeting of North Carolina are rejoiced. Aud the BUNCOMBE POPULISTS. No Voting For Republican Candidates Butler's Conrso Approved, In pursuance to a call made by J. jn . Morgan, chairman of the Popu list Party committee, and T. B. Long, secretary, the Populists met and on motion of T. J. Candler the following resolutions were intro- finished up its work. The Populists were a unit in favor of standing b; the Populist Party and pledged themselves not to vote for any cand idate for office who supported the "goldbug parties" and in favor of co-operation with all silver Republi cans and silver Democrats on a free silver platform in favor of silver at the ratio of lb to 1. Then on mo tion of Mr. Durham the temporary chairman, w. Li. Henry, and secre tary T. J. Candler were authorized to call a meeting of the Populists at as early a day as practicable. A unity of work a knowing of fads will win Ihe people's fight. Let us all know together and work together. Send us a club under our special offer. now it devolves upon us to moei them upon the same plane of prin ciple and save our State from the rule and ruin of the construction ists. Let our past party affiliations be what they may, yet it behooves us as wise men to take the situation as we find it and make ihe best of it The goldbugs will tell yen that they had rather be defeated than to co-operate with the Populists. That is true. They are opposed to any thing that will bring together the silver men of the State and nation for they well know that will mean a victory for relief. Yet, when we see the Democratic party wrecked and defeated ' in order to keep the gold bugs, partybngs and turnbugs from finally ruining ns, we who think alike, must get together and save our State from goldbug rule and ruin. A Lla Oat of Ta Whole Cloth. Southern Mercury. Ter.J Populist papers, east and south. should beware of fake Associate Press dispatches from tbe south. Oce was recently rent out from Aus tin, Texa, to the e fleet that the Populists of Texts and Republicans bed arranged to fuse. Whenever a dispatch a jserts tjt the People's r'y ot Texas is to fuse wtth any party on earth it t an be setdewn as a lie out of the whole cloth. It Was a OeroA Hooor to lavo atato Whoa Kaaaoaa rraldo4 Over tha For t!e Caucasian Katettitille, N. CM ay 8, .5. Sometime in lbJ3 Senator Ransom wa called upon the Vieo-Prosi-dect one day to preside over the Senate. Every Democratic pa par in the State not only printed tbe fact. but commented on it editorially as a great honor to tbe State. Last week the Vice-President called opoa Senator Butler to preside over tbe Senate, but tbe Democratic papers barely mentioned tbe fact. Senator Butler is the first People. Party Senator to be thus honored, and, be sides, be is tbe yonngest Senator in tbe body. If it was a matter of each marked honor for Ransom, who was over seventy years old, and wbo bad ben in tbe Senate for overtweoty years, to be called upon to preside over tbe Senate, was it not still more marked in the case of Senator But ler! Bat this is simply a sample of the unfair methods ot the machine party papers. When tbej cannot And something to abase S isator Bat ter about, they try to igoore him, bnt in spite of tbis be grows ia strength and popularity with t'e people each day. I'orcLiHT. J ads l'lllord Icad. Tha Ce salts afoartflr rasa. For Tbe Canraaiia.1 . t I heartily approve of tke course of onr State executive eosmittee re garding co-operation with the Re publicans. It would hive been the sacrificing of onr principles t have GREESSUORO. May C Judge JnO.hoiriAd riea.rtand he.nA mrith .Mllti. n. Dillard, died here this afternoon .. nartr wfcn ar at. tnftmn;!i. at 4 o'clock after an illness of only! nn'neiMUa that thm pAnni;. .. a few days. He was on the streets CEte. Co-operation with either of Saturday morning, but went home the old parties would be the heisrht a m mm sr . a to Dea at ii o eiocr. uis death was caused by blood poisoning, which began many years ago, and it was this trouble that caused him to re sign as associate justice of the Su preme Court. of folly. Why not eo-operate with the Democrats! Tbey favor bimet allism, provided they can get it through the Democratic party, and that is what tbe republicans wanted. Tho Republican patty is the Party that demonetized silver, and tha Please don't wait. We tell you the It" a".eueal i... o . ' I DemcraUe party has kept it del money Tor .L -tixed. The Dencrati Tare equal Caucasian will talk about these I J1 otiuig things. Say. YOU, YOU-f riend, rTrtrarV can't you send a club of fire under I party 4 m WTOaf- our special offerT I (Cootiaoad oa fourOk pacs.) -