H: i I". Si? "I ml .1 '1 I f ; : 1 i1 . THE CAUCAGIAH PUBLISH KD 1VIRT THURSDAY. BT m CACCASIAV rCBUllBIIIO CO. LAJUOW BimJCB. rrwMnt LAX ATBB. - - Maaa1aa !, SUtSCRIfTION RATES, ' HI TaUB. SIX MONTHS 60 TBBXK MONTHS - Intend la ths Post Otto at Rakish, N. C, M Sacond Class Matter. IOMI INSIDE TACT, A ftw man la the People's Party are just now taking delijrht in railing at U at Ion to thf statement, made by Sen ator Butler to the last legislature tbat he favored co-operation again, and in the event of sucb co-operation that he favored the election of a Kepublican for Hen a tor to aurceed Senator Pritch ard. Those who are quoting thin state ment aaj that, therefore, they are in favor of accepting an term that the Republicans make to us for co-operation this year. These men loudly proclaim that we are under obliga tions to the Republican, and that we have no right to have anything to say about the terms of co-operation, but In order to keep "good faith" we must (0 it blind, let the Republicans name the terms, and then fall in line and support any ticket or condition that the Kepublican name. They seem to take the position that we are bound to co-operate with the Republicans even If it means sacrificing every principle of the party, abandoning the organi sation of the party, and going over, body and soul, into the Republican camp. Tbey say that the reason they are bound to accept such hard terms ie because Henator Itutler said he fa vored co-operation. Such an exhibition of over-sensitive regard and blind loyalty, which these few Populists aeem to have for a vol untary expression of wish or desire of Benator Butler is very remarkable. Their blind subserviency to Senator Butler's wish as expressed above is so very remarkable that it needs to be analyied. Let us see if there is not something beyond their desire to ad tanoe the People's Party, behind their apparent over - sensitiveness boot this matter. What position Would we expect any man of fair in telligence, who had no axe to grind, to take with reference to this state ment made by Senator Itutler? A fair minded man who wanted to ct squarely, to keep good faith, and at the same time to stand by his prin ciple! and guard the Interests of the People's Party, would, we submit, take the following position : lie would, in the first place, ask whether or not there was a bargain and sale with ref erence to the election of Air. Butler to the Senate. That is, did Senator Itut ler or any of his friends, or the Peo pled Party as an organization, have to make promises and pledges to the Re publicans as a condition to his elec tion to the Senate? He would also in quire whether or not Senator Butler bad to make this particular statement tbat he did make as a condition to his lection, or as a part of a trade and bargain agreed on beforehand. If so, he would ask how far the Peoples Party, as a party, was bound by such . trade. He would find upon investigation that co-operation had practically been greed upon in the State before Sena tor Vance died, when there was but one Senator to elect, and - tbat one of the terms of the co-operation 'was that the Peoples Party was to have the Benatorship. Second, he would find that the mem bers of the legislature, with few ex ceptions, were pledged by their con stituency from one end of the State to the other to support Mr. Itutler for the long term, and tbat they were pledged to do this without any condition, but imply in view of the whole arrange ment of the State, Judicial and other tickets, on which the Republicans had by large odds the greatest number of Candidates. Third, he would find that every candidate among the Republicans for the Senate informed Mr. Butler and bis friends voluntarily, aud not only Informed them but assured them, that they were not candidates for the loug term, but only for the short term, aud further that Senator Butler was nomi nated for the long term without a Ingle pledge, promise, or condition be ing made by him or any one else. Fourth, he would find tbat when Benator Butler made the statement that he did before the legislature bout co-operation for the next year, that not tingle Kepublican or Popu list expected him to make such a state ment, or knew he would make such a statement before it was made. The statement was not only purely volun tary nd gratuitous but simply ex pressed the opinion and desire of Sen ator Butler with reference to the mat ter. He said that he favored co-operation for the next year, and, in the vent of co-operation, the election of Kepublican for the long term. Sen ator Butler was under no obliga tion to make auch a statement, but he did make it simply because it expres hla viewi aniK feelings then, and it expresses hi views and feelings now. But where is the man who is not a. nave or fool (or blind pie-counter, hunter) who will say tbat (his state ment by Senator Butler binds him or the People Party to accept any term which the Republicans see fit to name. Thia would be the most absurd propo Itipn ever made by any man outside of a lunatic asylum. In short, Senator Butler was not elected to the Senate bj any trade or deal or promise with ny politicians or any other candi date for the Senate. He was elected as the people's choice. He did not have to make any pledges to be elected. No politician or combination of poli tloiana or candidate could have de feated bim. Every Republican cand idate la the raoe assured him and his friends that they were for him for the long term. Fifth, he would find on every oocasion glace the election In 1894 when the question of co-operation for the next campaign was discussed, tbat Senator Butler freely tod frankly pointed out to Senator Pritcbard. and to every other Republican witb whom toe matter was discussed, that it would be necessary to find some common car dinal principle in National politics on which to bate co-operation in a Na tional campaign. Kvery time henator Pritcbard or anv other person surfeit ed that the electoral ticket could be di vided with one-half arold men and the other half silver men, or tbat a State ticket could be run witb one-half sup porting and voting for a goldbug for President, and the other half denounc ing goidbugs and supporting a candi date who stood for the patriotic Amer ican principles of Jefferson and Lin coln, Senator Itutler pointed out the insurmountable objections and utter folly of attempting such an inconsist ent and fatal course. Senator Itutler saw the situation then S4 clearly as he sees it now. He then pointed out the dangers ahead, and the only true course to follow to avoid them the only plan by which honorable and successful co-operation could be effected in a National cam paign. This was also discussed fully while the last Legislature was in ses sion between Senators Pritchard and Itutler, and a number of their friends. I'.esides, Chairman If utler's official let ter file, as State Chairman, shows that he has on every occasion written ex actly this same opinion to everT Re publican or Populist who has asked his opinion. In addition, the State Com nuttee of the Peoples Party, at its meeting in October. 1805. called tocon- sider this very matter, passed an ofll rial resolution to the same effect, and instructed the Chairman to send copies of the same to Senator Pritchard and other Republicans who wrote concern- ingco-operation for the next campaisrn The committee decided not to publish its resolutions, honinir that co-onera tion could be more harmoniously ef fected by conference than it could by publishing ultimatums through the newspapers. Senator Pritchard and inner prominent Kepublicans were promptly informed of the action of the committee. Therefore, the position which the State executive committee of the Peoples Party took at Raleieh on April lth is nothing new to the Republicans. They have been thor oughly advised as to the views and po sition of the Peoples Party committee all the time; but it seems that some Republicans took it for granted that since Chairman Butler and the State committee did not go into the public prints last summer and lay down an ultimatum, as the Republicans had done, that they were not in earnest and did not intend to insist on a course of principle as a basis of co-operation. , The Peoples Party State committee stayed out of the public prints on this question, thinking and trustingthat it would be easier to effect a co-ooera tion if there was less said by the two parties through the newspapers. In stead of this course of the Peoples Party being appreciated by the Re publicans, it seems, on the other hand that some of them took advantage of knowing what the true position of the Peoples Party committee was, to go to work quietly through correspondence. and possibly by personal solicitation, to try to influence certain Populists, to try to prejudice them against their State committee, and probably by making promises of offices and re wards to try to get them to over-ride the advice of the State committee. Chairman Ilolton ha boasted fre quently that they would succeed in doing this, and that they would split and divide the Peoples Party. This game, thanks to the integrity of the members of the Peoples Party, has fallen Hat. Briefly, this is the situation. Now what will any honest, fair-minded man say? Will he say that the Peo ples Party ought to accept the propo sition, the ultimatum which the Re publican committee laid down to us on April 17th? No! But if the majority of the Peoples Party in State convention shall say that because Senator Butler was elect ed to the long term, they feel bound to accept any terms that the Republicans may name for co-operation, even if it be such terms as means the disintegration of the Peoples Par ty, then Senator Butler will hand in promptly his RESIGNATION as Senator rather than have the Peoples Party make such a sacrifice on his account. He is too good a Topuist and too strong a friend of the people to allow the Peoples Party to be sacrificed to keep him in office. Or, on the other hand, let every Re publican, elected to office by the last co-operative fight, resign, and we as sure our Republican friends that every Peoples Party man will also resign. Then if we can not co-operate against goldbugs, we will draw the line square between the people and the gold com bine. Do this, and we will fight the whole battle out to a finish this year, and abide by the verdict of the people! Thk Caucasian still hopes that there can be honorable and successful co-operation, but will never agree to any terms of co-operation which means the crippling, disintegration and death of the Peoples Party. The principles of the Peoples party must be enacted into, law before the people will ever see any more proapty. No party will fight for these triples but the Peoples Party. Therefore the Peoples Party is the only hope of the laboring and producing classes of America. Let us stand for principle and the people will stand with us. TWO GOLD ORGANS KKEP UP THE PARITY. The Winston Republican in its issue of April 30tb, says : "The State and every other South ern State bad better be lost than car ried on a free silver plank." The Charlotte Observer will have to get a move on it. The Winston Re publican has now outdone that paper in its devotion and subserviency to goldbuggery. They are both organs of the gold party and the Ohn should certainly try to keep on a par ity wiw its vvinston neighbor. a cbstbijc TomrotniT PEOPLES PAKTT. The Caccisux has received a num ber of letter from Popa lists saying tbat inducements are being offered to tbem to try to get them to agree to the Republican terms of co-operation. We warn the people to be on tbeir guard. All kinds of promise and inducement are being offered from certain quar ters. It seems tbat tbe Republicans do not desire co-operation on any terms tbat would strengthen tbe Peo ples Party. If tbey cannot have co operation on terms tbat would cripple tbe Peoples-Party, then tire scheme of some of tbeir leaders is to try to di vide and disrupt the party. Let our people spot every Populist who be comes a Republican agent to help in this scheme. Tbe Republicans made us a proposi tion which they knew we could not accept. They have known for over a year, in fact ever since the last Legislature was in session, that tbe Peoples Party could not co-operate witb them on the terms they named. They have been told so on all occasions. The State committee of the Peoples Party officially informed them to this effect in October of last year. The Republicans deliberately made us a proposition which they bad been informed officially that we could not accept, and one tbat they knew we cculd not accept unless we were will ing to cripple, if not to kill, tbe Peo ples Party. They then refused to make or to consider any other propo sition. When tbeir proposition was declined, as they knew it would be, they then at once proceeded to abuse and villify tbe committee for not ac cepting their outrageous proposition, and, in addition, proceeded to make certain offers and promises to Popu lists to'try get tbem to split off from the party. Take warning! The Ke publican goldbug scheme is to try to split the Peoples Party. Keep your eye on any Populist who favors or helps the goldbugs in this contempti ble scheme. We are informed that great efforts have been made, in certain quarters, to get Populists to come to Raleigh this week to make some kind of trade witb the Republicans for certain offices. We have been informed that Republicans are writing letters to certain Peoples Party office holders, and to others, whom they think they can tempt with certain inducements, to get them to come to Raleigh. We have letters say ing that the Republicans have not only been actively distributing the Gill-Amos circular, but in some cases have offered to pay the expenses of any Peoples Party man who would come to Raleigh this week to meet tbem. We notice that one Republican paper says there is to be a Peoples Party State convention in Raleigh this week, and that the Republicans will fix up a fusion ticket with such as are here. Another Republican paper says tbat it is the duty of Republicans to en courage the bolters and kickers. Of course it is clear that the purpose of these Republican goldbugs is to try to divide and split the Peoples Party. Any Peoples Party man who comes to Raleigh this week will not come as a delegate representing his people. He will represent nobody, and the Peoples Party will not recognize what he does. He may get the promise of an office, and will, no doubt, promise to deliver a certain number of the Peoples Party votes to the Republicans in return for it; but they will not be able to split the Peo ples Party by such tactics. The Republicans will get just one vote by such a deal with such a man. Those who go in such a trade, in defi ance of their party, are on their way to the Republican camp, and. the sooner they get there the better. There will be two recruits who will leave the old parties and come to us on principle to take the place of every man who de serts his principles and the Peoples Party. Those who cannot abide by the action of the Peoples Party organ ization can go at once into the Repub lican party, or back to his vomit in which evei of the old parties he pre fers. The Peoples Party will never go into either party. It will stand by principle and fight both wings of tbe gold party. SOME RKPCBUCAM POLITICIANS HAVE THE DEMOCRATIC DISEASE. We have received a number of let ters asking us why we did not reply to tbe contemptible, villainous attacks which some of the Kepublican organs have been making on Senator Butler and the People's Party State commit tee for the past two weeks. These Kepublican pie-counter organs deserve no more notice, and will do no more harm than the Democratic machine papers have done in the past. In fact, they are suffering with exactly the same complaint. i In 1892, when Senator Butler and the members of the People's Party re fused to vote for British goldbug Gro- ver Cleveland, and for Governor Carr because he supported such a Tory and enemy of the people, what happened? Lvery little hungry Democratic ma chine editor in the State began to pour out the vials of tbeir wrath and abuse on Mr. Butler and the People's Party. These newspapers did not at tempt to show that Grover Cleveland was a patriot or a true American, or to prove by argument that the princi ples of the People's Party were wrong, or that the members of the People Party were inconsistent in refusing to support such men. No. to answer our arguments or to give the facts was something that they did not dare to do. They simply dealt in villainous and lying abuse. They called every man who loined the People's Party a deluded crank, a traitor, and a tarn- coat. Why? Simply because thou sands of tbe honest yeomanry of the State had asserted their manhood. Simply because these men had gotten between the State Democratic ma chine and the goldbug Democratic pie-counter at Washington, which was then in sight. . The Republican politicians in the State are now suffering with this same disease. Tbe j do sot dare to disease the principles contained Id tbe prop osition which tbe People's Party mad to the Republicans for co-ope ration. Tbey do not even try to disease and defend tbe spoils proposition tendered the People's Party In the Republican proposition. 3fo, no. Tbey cannot afford to do this any more than tbe Democratic machine could afford to tell tbe troth and face the issue in 1893. They are simply "cuMing" mad because the People's Party has refused to sell out to them for a mess of pottage, because the People's Party has dared to stand op for principle now as it did in l&ft. The People's Party has got ten betweentbe hungry, gold-truckling pie-hunter and the Kepublican geld pie-counter at Washington, which they think is now in sight for them. Hence the "cussing," hence the abuse. We will not at present pay any more Attention to this gang than we did to tbe Democratic machine in iSiti. But at tbe proper time the People's Party will be very apt to knock some sense if not some decency into them after the fashion tbat tbey have administered it to tbe Democrats in tbe past. The people are right, and will stand for those who stand for tbe right. WHAT A STATE HAT IK) WITH MONET. We could not give space to more in teresting and, at this time, more in structive matter than is presented by Maj. W. A. Qutbrie in this issue under the head of "Legal Tender by States." It is something which will be pecked at, as a matter of course, by little gold bugs, but it is also something against which they can produce no effective argument. Comment on the article cannot strengthen it, but it may be pointed out tbat a State need not be subject to the conditions which a national gold bug administration may impose, un less such conditions are desired. And if a State should decide to nullify those conditions, in part at least, it would not be going beyond the rights and franchises granted by the national Constitution. For a State to pursue the policy outlined by Maj. Guthrie would be to brinsr forth from corporate and mo nopoly organs a terrific fusilade of criticism and abuse; but this would be no worse, nor would there be any more rascality or villainy in it than there was in the abuse heaped upon those patriots who met in Mecklen burg in 1775, and declared tbey would no longer submit to tyranny. North Carolina people were tbe first to make that declaration, and it was heard and endorsed and vindi cated by every State in the country at that time. North Carolina now may, if she will, make another declara tion of independence; and while it would be met with effort at ridicule and abuse by goldbugs and adminis tration tools of the money power, the people would hear and sustain that declaration with the same zeal and the same effect as the declaration of 1795. Let the people awake. The de pressing conditions under which tbey wort will never be voluntarily lifted by those who impose them. He who would be free must himself strike the first blow. , CONTESTED ELECTION CASES. Another Populist is seated in the House of Representatives. House com mittee No. 2 has decided upon the fol lowing cases and will report them to the House : Mitchell, Republican, vs. Walsh, Dsmocrat, from the Eighth District of New York in favor of Mitchell the contestant ; Martin, Populist, ts. Lock hart, Democrat, from the Sixth North Carolina District, in favor of Martin, the contestant; Thompson, Populist, vs. bhaw, Democrat, from the Third North Carolina District, in f.vor of Shaw, the sitting member. It will thus be seen that Hon, Chas. H. Martin, Populist, takes the place of Mr. Lockhart, Democrat, who broke into Congress under the usual Demo cratic methods. Thk Caucasian cor dially congratulates the people of the Sixth District in thus being represent ed by the man of their choice and one who, we believe, will reflect credit on them as well as himself in any mat ter with which he may have to deal during the present term. It cannot be otherwise than a mat ter of regret that Dr. Cyrus Thomp son, who was, without doubt, the choice of the people of the Third Dis trict, will not represent them. His ability is not questioned by anybodj or any party. We cannot yet criticise the action of the Elections Committee in this case, but we are at liberty to say that it was generally conceded that Dr. Thompson had one of the strongest cases in all that were tested ; and while the people of his district must yield to the decision of the com mittee, they will feel that there has been some looseness somewhere, for they know something about the nefa rious methods employed to make it appear that a majority of the voters supported Mr. Shaw. THE COLORED PEOPLE SEE IT. We clip the following from an edi torial in the "Elm City Gazette," pub lished at Newberne, N. C. The editor is a colored man. He says : "Give us tbe silver dollar of 412 grains a full legal tender and the gold dollar and we shall soon hear the busy hum of industry throughout this broad land, and see prosperity perch once more upon the banner of the la boring man." The colored man will never be any better off till there is more momy. If we have to live under the gold stand ard the colored man will see Murder times than he sees now. If we don't have silver money then the o.( lnred man will not see much more money. Oliver is about all the money that he sees and he doesn't see much of thait. If we are to live under th nlfl standard, then the colored man will be paid more than ever in store orders instead of in money. Senator Sherman AUTO nr xrxrZm ley is committed to tbe gold policj , r TTl" -""'"'w ' not cauing ben ator Sherman a fool or a liar. Jsxrxonija.r. sroac We rt4 that Baron liirscfa, tbe rich Hebrew philanthropist who recently died, left tbe Frioee of WiIm a le gacy of five million dollar. There is a suspicion tbat Wales bad borrowed a tremendous araoant of atone y froas tbe Baron. All tbe pay tbe baron coo Id get oat of tbe print was some social recognition while living. This "social recognition is beld powerful high by "dooas" and such things, bet ttraogw to say. there are fools who will pay for it and pay the price asked. Tbe baron probably thought, or knew, tbat this was about all be coo Id ever get oat of Wales, and to save bis executors from an Knglish law suit, he squared op by leaving tbe prince enough to pay tbe debt due himself. I can state positively tbat Col. Jas II. Holt, Jr., one of tbe best known young men and one of tbe largest manufacturers in tbe State, will be one of tbe delegates from this district and is one of McKinley's most earn est supporters. Charlotte Oberver Correspondence. The Cavcasiax asserted some time ago tbat tbe people were rapidly learn ing tbat anything was letter than the Democratic party. The large aud in fluential Holt family lias, up to now, been a bulwark of Democracy in tbi State, and tbe loss of its influence is a big a single blow as it could get. We may not be able to commend the entire course of Col. Holt, but we do most cordially congratulate him on leaving a party of "perfidy and dishonor" one that is so split up and so inane in character as to represent nothing on God's earth. Col. Holt has not gone right, but be cannot possibly go to a worse organization than the one L has just left. Tbe pie-counter Kepublicans are now abusing tbe State committee of the People's party. They do not dare to discuss the Kepublican pie-counter Kroposition.or to show why it should ave been accepted by tbe People's party. Tbey do not dare to discuss our proposition to them, or to show why they cannot agree to the princi ples contained in said proposition. They try to call attention from their gold-bug spoils policy by abusing tbe People's party State committee, and, strange to say, a few Populists help them. These Kepublican emissaries, calling themselves l'opuiists, are get ting ready to go into one of the old gold parties. They may go, but the Peo ples party will never go i nto either one of these organizations, or sacrifice its principles to get oflices from either one of them. Senator Butler has introduced re cently two important bills one to prohibit tbe making of gold notes and mortgages, the other to make tbe Trade dollar, the Mexican dollar and the Japanese (Yen) dollar all a full legal tender lor this country. All these dollnrn are heavier than our present silver dollar. If Congress will nob passilifsj bills, the next State legislature sbtxild take action on at least one of them. The legislature clearly has the power to prohibit gold notes and inon tragus. Silver was demonetized in 173. Then began a period of contraction and de pression. It became acute in 1879. From that year to 1S95 there were 171,389 business crashes in tbe country involving nearly three billion dollars. Gold standard makes good times very good times; for the infernal sharks who took in all the goods and proper ty involved in these failures at from one-tenth to one-half their market value, and then formed trusts. Many of the colored voters of the east are very much alarmed for fear tbat tbey will be disfranchised if there is no fusion this year. The Caucas ian takes this method of assuring the colored voters of the east that whether there is co-operation or not, the Peo ple's Party will see to it that the col ored voters shall have a chance to cast tbeir votes and have their votes counted, no matter whether they vote with us or not. The People's Party favors honest elections on principle. Some of the abuse which certain pie- counter Kepublicans are heaping upon Senator Butler is no doubt inspired by tiieir uisappoimmenc aiine lasc legis lacure in noi being able to lay parti, san hands on the asylums and schools oithebtate. If some of the Kepubh cans could have had their way, they would have plunged these institutions into the pool of partisan politics and made them a political foot-ball to be kicked to and fro every two years. Senator Hill talked six days to kill the l etter bond sale investigation res olution. He came nearer talking him self to death than he did the resolu tion. And strange to say I no Demy paper seems to feel called upon to say anyemng anout mucn talking, it a Populist makes two or three speeches of an hour each, there goes up a mon grel, canine bowl from "these papers about long-winded speeches. &c. See? Chairman Pou has gone into the predicting business again. He says tbat the Democratic party will sweep the State this year. It will be remem bered that this same chairman Pou predicted a week before the last elec tion that the rocked ribbed machine would sweep the State by 40,000 major ity, c-nairman I'ou, iiKe tne ooy in the graveyard .whistles to keep up bis courage, who can blame him lor that? The urbane and erstwhile genial ed itor of the Charlotte Observer is mad again. This time it is because the Senate passed Senator Peffer's resolu tion to investigate those secret and scandalous bond deals. And tbe worst part of tbe whole thing is tbat Hill, "the watchdog for the rascals," didn't want it passed. The Utah Democrat has changed j,v,8 name. It endured the cognomen att long as it could, but being a st raight "in the middle of tbe road" Po pulist paper, it concluded to change its name and is now published as "The X Kays." It is a good name. It s bows up a lot of tbe rascality of the two old parties. At tbe town election of La Grange on Monday of last week, tbe Democrats and Kepublicans fused in order to beat the Ptwple's party ticket for Mayor and Aldermen, it will not be Ions: un til these two old parties will be fusing from one end of tbe State to tbe other, in their elTorts to defeat tbe party of principle and tbe party of tbe people. We have received a letter from one of the county chairmen of tbe Peoples party stating that tbe Kepublicans were uisinuuitug me utjii-aiijos circu lar, and offering to pay the expenses j : i . i - r i i . ml any Peoples party man who would go to Kaleigh on May 13th to attend the Kepublican State convention. We will see how far this game has been worked. Two weeks ago we asked if there were any members of the People's Party who were in favor of accepting tbe proposition which the Kepublicans made to the l'eople's l'arty State com mittee. So far we have not heard from a single one. If there is one we wish to publish bis name. , McKinley seems to be very much in the lead as a candidate for tbe Kepub lican nomination for tbe Presioeocy. it is generally asserted ana as gener ally admitted tbat his campaign for the nomination nas been a "boodle business" from start up to date. We presume tbe Hon. Jno. S. Hen derson, who recently made a complete flop into tbe goldbug camp, is getting his reward. Kepublican papers are patting bim on tbe back and saying "good Johnnie." RELIGION He Followj Senator Teller acd Tillman With a Note of D5 &nce to the Ooldbngi. CONTESTED ELECTIONS Of TkMfa m4 Mrtl Marti lJ la t Lcliarl-l!atWr l BUI' rip-Tk 0l4fer Will (Mini ta NatlaaJ Ca !!. Wahixuton, l. C, May II. Tbe past week has been of more than un usual interest in Congres. Senator Vest has followed Senators Teller and Tillman in making a declaration on tbe same line as theirs. Tbe positions which Senators Teller and Tillman took waft not unexpected, as their view were known, but the position of Senator Vest was a great surprise, as well i great gratification to many of bin friend. A few months ago Sen ator t stated that be would stand by whoever ua nominated at tbe Chicago convention. This rauoed him to be criticised by a few in Washing ton, who bad thought teat he was a man who would put bis convictions and principles above party: and, lie sides, it raised a storm of protest among the rank and file of the Demo cratic party in Missouri. At that time Senator Vest thought that tbe silver men would control the Chicago con vention. He now sees that tbe gold men and monopolists have tbe ma chinery and will dominate the conven tion, as they bave in tbe past. Lst week, in a deliberate and earnest speech, he pointed out the tactics and methods which the gold men are now using to control both old party con ventions, and closed by saying that if the administration continued to domi nate the State Democratic conventions with Federal patronage and other in fluences, as it did the Democratic State convention of Michigan, that be and tbe people would not be bound by the action of such a convention. His speech was listened to with tbe deep est interest by every Senator and by the crowded galleries. He admitted that the great masses of bis party at borne bad criticised him severely for saying that be would stand by tbe nominee of the convention, whoever he might be. This shows, and there are many other evidences to tbe same effect, that tbe people are determined not to follow goldbugs and machine politicians any further; tbat tbey are determined this year to condemn the traitorous parties that have brought tbe country to stagnation and pov erty, and to vote for more money and better times. THK BOND DEAL TO BR IN VEST Id ATE l The measure of the greatest interest for the past week was Senator Peffer's resolution to appoint a special com mittee of live Senators to investiga'e Cleveland and Carlisle's bond deal with the KotlHchild syndicate. Sena tor Hill led the fight on behalT of the gold men in opposing an investiga tion. He talked day after day, but without effect. When the final vote came at 4 o'clock on last Thursday evening, the resolution was passed by an overwhelming majority. A num ber of efforts, however, were made to defeat the resolution by indirect tac tics. When these efforts failed and every man was forced to take a stand squarely, in favor of investigation or against investigation, a number who were opposed to investigation were afraid to go on record against the res olution. Senator Peffer and the Peo ple's Party deserve the credit for the passage of this resolution. Congress has been in session here for mouths, with these bond transactions going on, and not a single Kepublican or Demo crat made an effort to stop theni or made an effort to investigate the na ture of the transactions. A number of Democrats and Kepublicans, seeing that they could not defeat the resolu tion, got some who were really in fa vor of the resolution to join with them in amending it so as to have the Fi nance committee of the Senate,instead of a special committee, to investigate the bond transactions. This was done to keep Senator Peffer from being on the committee. This conduct, of the old party Senators was anything but praiseworlhy. It showed a littleness that the people will not approve, and that they, themselves, should be ashamed of. But it throws the respon sibility of the investigation upon the Finance committee, and if the fact and the truths are not brouglit out the blame will lie on tbe heads of the old parties. If Senator Peffer had been put at the head of the committee, as he deserved to be, there would have been no doubt about all of the facts of those dark and shady transactions be ing brought to the full light nf day. SENATOR II ILL TRAISES SENATOR WOL COTT. In our last letter we called attention to how the goldbug papers were prais ing Senator Wolcott (who claimed to be a Silverman), for saying that he would help the goldbugs elect a gold !ug President. Senator Hill in hi speech against tbe bond investigation also went out of bis way to t-peak warm words of praise for a silver Ke publican like Senator Wolcott, who would turn his back on his convic tions, and standby a goldbug party. This is significant. It shows that nut only the gold Kepublicans are anxious for every silver Kepublican to stay in his party, but that the gold Democrats are equally anxious that the ilver Re publicans should stay in tbeKepublican party under the circumstances. In short, the only hope for the success of the gold trust is for silver Kepublicans and silver Democrats to stay in their parties and help elect whoever the gold men put up. In this same speech, Senator Hill said tbat a man could be a good Dem ocrat and hold any views tbat be pleased on the money question. Now it is admitted by all that tbe money question is the overshadowing ques tion for the coming campaign that it is more important than the tariff or any other iue. Therefore. Senator Hill could have said, with even a greater show of truthfulness, that a man could be a good Democrat and bold any views on the tariff that he saw fit; or, in fact, could be a Demo crat and hold any view on any ques tion that he saw fit. That is, a man could be a bigh protectionist: a rank goldbug; a shouting British Tory; a subservient tool cf trusts, monopolies, and combines; an ardent admirer of John Sherman, and at the same time be a good Democrat. This is tbe cor rect view of the matter from tbe gold bug standpoint, and tbe hope of the gold men is to get the silver men and those who claim to be friends of the people to take the same view, and fol low tbe lead of the gold machine. TH GOLD MEN WILL CONTROL. A few weeks ago the silver men claimed that they would surely con trol tbe national Democratic conven tion, but every day it grows plainer tbat tbe same thing will happen at Chicago, on J.uly 7tb, that has hap pened at every other national Demo cratic convention tbat " is, the money power and tbe monopolists will again write tbe platform and name the candidate. But fortunately, such action on' the part of the national Democratic convention this year, in stead of being a misfortune, will be a blessing. It will give the silver Re publicans or the West, tbe silver Dem ocrats of tbe South, and patriots everywhere, a chance to get together ndrr baaner and Bgbt tb n Dleeef our cooiitry, who in lb pt bave, to rxtect. mansrd to bide tabled party name and a straddling thirty platform 1 1 matters rot wba tlx- leader do. Ttt grrsl of lb popi ia tb Jvwtth al W will up port I It tain rsorifcsl"d tJ tbe IV. pie. Party at M. I-ai. on July 534. and tUat randidste staodt a b,ttr cbanc o( being elected President than AU Lincoln ilmJ mhra lr a e!rtd in a Hire corner! ftrM. T1IK TSl'TB rT WC1IIT. K Jit or Kobltaat. w h is a proouu ooeJ goldbug. and th editor of tb Tine 1! era Id lb leading gold paper in t'tl cagrt. now romes out and says I bat b and the ether gold men bave been -ured for over a year from M Kinley" own lips that tie i opp! to I he tree coinage of silver; that be would not accept the nomination on a free coin age platform, and tbat be wouM stand squarely with tbe so-called sound money crowd. I. Jit or Koblsaat says that be is now at liberty to make tbi Mt'rmrDt public, tnsmuch a McKin ley has enough deleifates already pledred to him tomake In nomination ure. He explains tbat be has kept this information from the public so a not to hurt McKinley's chances with the great iuae f the people. But now that McKinley as good a nom inated, he want tbe whole world to know where be stand. Thia is the same game that tbe politi cians and gold men have always played in tbe jt. They bave found out month, if not years, ahead jut where every candi date or probable candidate for the Presidency stood on the money ques tion, and whenever they were ali fiedtbat they could own and control tbe candiJate if elected, no matter what his past record was it what be bad said ou the money question, then they were ready to support biiu. Tbe only difTrren-e in this programme is tbat never before have tbey let tbe people know where a candidate stood until after be was elected and duly inktalled in tbe White House. Then it was too late for the people to pro tect themselves. But now tbe people have timely warniug before their votes are cast. The delegates from every State that are pledged I? McKin ley have timely warning and suilicit-nt just ideation in not casting tbeir votes for bim. But if the delegates, in the face of the direct and positive infor mation tbat McKinley is a goldbug, should proceed to nominate such a man, then let no true American citi zen who loves his wife, bis children, and his home, cast his vote for such a British lory, and forsnch an enemy of the money of the Constitution and the prosperity of the people, on next No vember. SENATOR nill.KK SHOWS IT XA10K 11 1 1.1, Senator Palmer was making a speech in favor of the gold standard one day this week, and asked if any Senator would dare to say that if we had fret coinage of silver that the bulli jn val ue of the silver dollar would be equal to tbe bullion value of t he gold dollar. Senator Butler arose and said that be would be glad to answer the question by quoting from a speech which Sena tor Hill, of New York. mad at Klmira on December 4th. 1MU. In that speech Senator Hill argued that free coinage would make tbe silver dollar not only by law. but by weight, equal to the gold dollar in every resppct, a free coinage did before 17;'.. Senator Butler pro ceeded to read the following extracts from the speech of Senator Hill : "Did ever anything but free bimetal lic coinage, down to Ks;;;. make our gold and silver dollarn equal by every test? Did ever free timet allic coin age, down to l7:t, tor one h"iir fail to makethe silver dollar qial to the gold dollar, whether at mint or truci ble, or at any market in the widei world y" Then a little further on he says: "But to maintain a parity implie the existence of a parity. u parity exists between the two. Melt the golj coin and it can be recoined again and again, a gold dollar. f..r its. private owner, because gold lias free e;i!i are. auu -...a iru grains are ir. jiXci weight nf the gold dollar. Melt tbe silver coin and it cannot berecoiueJ for its private owner. It can be Mild to the Treasury, but for 75 cents r !c, because silver Las uul fre coinage though JI2 1-2 troy grain of silver are indeed the present weight ;f the sil ver dollar." When Senator Butler hr.d read I' this point. Senator PaIhit, seeing that tbe leading gold nun ou his own ELKIN WOOLEN MILLS. SSI 111 YOUR WOOI. Tu IP v i- r v tnn w s The Chatham MTg Go,, Elkin, N. C, bo CO o co cu EE CD as ,. J.y h?ve tb.e l-wt woolen - THIS wattrmoTft (ad WbJtc "ALSO 5 Vifl " 'S i r.Vr.KVTKtNQ eOAMAnttV MM CXPBCSOrSD. .y4 - v X A " BACXS L HOLT, Premier, "St ,....57 SXwaa aide had thorocg t!y yrmri which jWalIltr,:;' I t be was SMW ,, ftKJ i to tbe furtt, . ' . ! Sebalor peecb. Tbe rf.tt " , vnitnr KstWw.vfcM ,,,, f Senator Palsaer i.lW i j , K , lag of. is as foll4;: "'W -Bat free metallic c.nr, tbieg needful. I rre b age mowld CHirrta ,,,. . .. " v. gold, bat wonld idom ,r " , old rated true "parit -I adn.it tbat l.t,er.,. of free bimetallic ct:n, , .. of rongrea n4 a Sfc-., r ' , S aay enlarged 1rr.ur, t,,,- silver) lifted all .ii, rr , . in all mints, in M unes throughout u, r , ' J and not merely In tt - j from le than fl jf than l-?iir tHii . e. (:", . ' , being tbe point at w , '', N metallic cotnre, jtr' , and fxed ratio brg!t t , , ,"i ing two-thirds .r , ised disnarareRteAt m, . . . eriy wnfuiiir. I his shows hew . , when be was a ;! tOf . idrncy in Isi'2, ai d t be I ad ben rW; ; have taken Ju.t the (rovcrl leteland lit. the South in lv2 ,fx dared in all of the. r vi: for free silver and I. r land. Tbey got .r.rr did net get free - t, nominated David 1'.. would have gotten l'.j inn, out iiiey wiiuii i . free silver. Neither . u electing tbo man !!. ., ventlon wl l r.onut this year. t r " ft; ' a TDK MAK1IX At 11.. Tl,. IT.... 1 ha decided actn 1 'r.. I .oca hart in Ibe Mn favor of Mr. Martiti.t!.. i . diuaie ir onirrr c air. aiarun cae i t rf, one, and it bat beeu ,,-. 're J ?f nrn win i lie cun-iiu.' bound to seat bim m il . . . . . . . . If. 11 son and Mr. haw- in u . l!..rl IPII T It 4a itttiftillTMo l oer. mr t ummiuti- aln.'.'u4 mere were crcai irauu if, it i etleville box, and a mjh.W . r boxes, but declined to tlr, i . . : t . . wnr iiui, w iik ii w li e j .,(L; W HICH IT. I liotnpsoli ft I . .. .m-. ' eu ineir case, u.f i rtu rtttr turning boards in the re threw out a large numU-rof1...vrt the district on little or no - in laci.on mere iccunicaiitie the poll not being cpetied . m 1 1 1 seven ocior. II Hie l liii been in favor of lr. Ib iaU .a.a . V aim tue Democratic ret urt.it t u had thrown it out on tie ric- which was preseniea Here, it ;. t"t ted by all that this comiiuit.'r a , not bave put tbe box hack to t ' r.r.t There was probably greater irauc i ml . 1. t' ... - : 1 1 m iiii7 rnjrunilir oox Ilisn kill other place in the djlrit, at J it i certainly seem that if there i, J a box that should be thrown .uf it was this one. Tbere will l..-f.t-regret among ll.nne who kt. Thomson at I be de. Uit.ri .f mittee. I r. Thompson is a n m. oniy oi i lie iiignest trsotial iiit; ty, hut is a scholar of wide 1. n and a man who could he worth a pi oeai lo ins Mate and to bi ui.iri t Congress. f be ia, m '.-i would have !ecn one of the lut lights of the l'eople's Party her.-. Mr.iioodwin.a People's Tartj . test ant from Alabama, has been i ed, and lias since !ecn noTima 4 .ov. riixr by l be I'eonle'a Parti .f State. 'J hi makes Iwo People's IV! Congressman that bave. hn n seated I route-ts tins ion of ,hki ixr.iK oriiois will xor ;! Iai ;. Senator Dul'ots i.f Idaho ha. tti a stand with eu:r Teller. IN!., written a let!, r to the cl.iirii.au .f Stale Kepublican committee of Ii:. saying that he would not siip;.rt nominee oi m! ii-piiuHran cot tn.'. for President, if it nominated M - K -ley or any oth. r goldbug. srv. DuBois is onec.f the sixteen can Senators who .igned tbe i 'ir resolutions prrturj and irhrt t .vnaior leller. Now let N-ti:. j Pritchard from lis-South standby tl J West for the money of tbeCotiMituti mill in the State. They do Ike Urc Headquarters foriho Dosi. Orfi 0 FOUXWuloVjLLWi Brooae "ti TTnTkwal Tasks TwV nysoath Rack, Crown and VkaTCUom. x.igttt ttntunm, Indian and pw ni tWin- rfea Mnaoofy Docks, Fes Fowk and FatvCaal n-ms. Ff"rfe t4 Cf-t Cm rl. a ass ei-M -epowt of m jory 0CC0SEECHEE FAEU. DURHAM. K.C ECC3 FOn HATCHING - STOCK FOR SAtf FROM High Scoring Thoroughbred Roultry. We also breed Babbits, Guinea V'S no other pets. Complete Catalogue ,n appliest I'll ICCS LOW. Alamunco l?nrtiu Graham, IV- C J. P. KERR Dang ,.-. . . ; - '1--.V