New Offer to Meet Demands. Five Copies Caucasian 3 Months For $1.0012 Copies 3 Months $2.00 THE CAUCASIAN. V i the tiuv? foraction. The ,s , inv is eowing tares. I;t the )' ,(.! cow koo1 seed. Fhe copies .,f the Caucasian .'months for i I . x i. Twelve copies 3 months r.r i-'.'-iO. S'lul a club quick. S 23t.i. T '! W -3-- KwJi i twu,M.r u tbe I bl a. T& rW4hr are J f -ieg th cpfcofj down with j j! tSwir mT.!rss!jrr 2 .Ufa's re, It' limfttbrm. eU fl.W fee five fj co4 of the CarcAUAX 3 Sjjoa, VOL. XIV. RALEIGH, N. C, THURSDAY, MAY 21, 1896. SO. -28 LETTERS FROM THE PEOPLE. Various Matters on Which The Fopular Opinion iB ExprcBs ed All Sections Interested. LIVING ISSUES FORWARD. Ma.r l.hiliipi.iii.iil. nf ttiM Ar-llttn .f Ilia (oninillt.- - 4iMjtl ..1K b r rralirra IVilo Are Coining In la "! I" Th M I.I.1 1 r.f Tha K.ta.f l 1 NlK. i a in n r...niii. For Th au'a-"i:"i. J r,HKI - ,'KKKK T'lV.NMIM', CuiJl- l.ri him I I'ounty N. '., May l'5. l wi on of tin, (irst t walk out from midet lii-il ir.ry lash.- lam ji populist, from the ground up, ..famling rq' upon the Omaha platform. I endor) t ho action of our committor in full. We want a I'opu lint for (Jovernor, anil Dur ham will furnish the man who will liil tho hill. Maj. W. A. Onthrifs is I he man. W. K. Ktvu. at Kaleign. on tbe 10th of April, t iTInrinT T Tfi have yet to bear a man who is a true J AU UuIjIjIj Ik) i opunm say inn.: i.f wan not sain Gcd with tho action. Wt thick it best to mako a Uraight fight on "keep in the middle of the road.' It will ho to oor interest ait a party to do o. How wo, as the only na tional filvr partv, can consistently fuse with any goldbug party I have not yet been able to fee. It in a self evident fact that neither of the old partioH will nominate a free silver man, though there may be many silver men in both tho old parties. We are mire wo will never tret the needed relief from ither old party judging the future by their past his tory. Therefore wiien the relief conic m it will hav to come by our staying "in the middle of the road." T. C. t'lTTLEK. IWHCM SHOULD A HAN BOLT WHAT? BOLT ANO THE NOMINEE He Carries the Convention by a Combination With Boyd Forces After a Hard Fight. A " SKELETON " TICKET. ia I-ft tor Nome Other rrly to Kill A Rl.tlruloua Stra.i.11 on the (Jura tion -If ollon r irtr.i ctiairtnao-other I he was dif graceful, to an What others bad already said teemed to constitute the gist of hi remark, and he wa evidently In bad remem brance of what be had iumied over, and appeared not to know whetber what be was saying was true or not. He had twen Introduced as a --friend of Senator Pritchard and had b-en en dorsed bv the .Senator. Tbe Senator. declare himself to be a friend of sit-1 Id a letter of recent date Mr vert but this "friend" of hi made or Bryan, of Nebraska, defines bis po trud to make a red Lot goldbug speech Bition very clearly. He says: full of the rottenest goldbug lush ever "Men who agree upon principle uttered. In fact this and submit their personal prefer- man made juit such an effort as ts . ... . common among sleek, well fed, well ens to the arbitrament of a con paid ministerial hirelings of suc h jention, but men who honestly df churches and institutions as are pre- 'er upon the paramount public quea dominated by gold bug: and monopo- tion cannot be harmonized by a na- Jfcstic influences. To an honesfc man Itional convention. Mr. Cleveland tiaU Mu Melt Hit Party r bld h UU HI Carletla mo Prlarlrt? A Mm la Citkvr Cavtrd or Trmltvr j Wa Will rllw rri MTklrfa k I WU1 VmmA to Rata. In a letter of FACTS FOR CONSIDERATION a can an J to toiotuitt y. Mr. J&s. H. Foj Aski Somo Qaes tiocs'.Tfcat Will Lead to the Realm of Light. JACKSON AND THE BANKS. f'.miliiK liver I t.rj liny. I ..r The 'iiiica.-iiini. Ai'ToN, N. ('., May II Your p.i l r in in u-li sought utter since .Son tor I'.utler and tho State coramittoo 'ook a lirm Htand against co-opera-t nui on tho fipoiln plan proposed by t 'm Kepublicari.s. J look for a rush lo your party. I predict that if the I leiiiocratic convention at Chicago puts out a gohlbug platform or a 'straddle bug" platform, the North i .trolina IemoeratH will bolt and endorse tho I'opulist doctrine. Nine ty per cent of both parties here are lor silver. Tho I'ops only have to inin&iii lirui. T. J. Candler. Oimlow Don't Nl Any tiold l.UR.. I or 'J lie ( 'uucaKi;ui. Uicni.ANDs.N. C.,May 11. I ful ly endorse what our State executive committee did in tho conference at Ualeigu on tho 1 0th. and 17th of April, for dechniug co-operation with the goldbug Republicans for spoils and plunder. I want to thank t ht ni for the manly course they per sutd in sticking to principle. I know they were guidod by the hand of Providence, for God is on tho side of right and justico for tho poor and oppressed. Tho people will follow our noble chairman, who will lead us to victory next November. J. A. Taylor. V.iu t'm.'t Trust Thriu For Tli ('aii.afi.iii.i I'iuskms. N. C, May 1", "fi;. i am well bleared with the ai tion f the executive eotnmitteo on April lh I never have been a believer in fu fsion, and I will never vote another fueiou ticket. I want straight goods. I understand a lew of tho leading Republicans over here in Macon had a caucus sometime ago, and agreed among themselves to fuse with the I'opu and give them only the candi date for register of deeds. I am op posed to any such stuff and will never agree t it. Wo aro well pleased with Hon. Marion Hutler. lie is the right man in tho right place. 1 hope ho will remain just where he stands now, as regards co operation. I want to vote the Popu list ticket from constable to Presi dent. I think we will make a square Populist fight in Macon again this year. Neither of the old parties are to be trusted this time. If they fa vor silver as some of them claim, let them come to us, for we cannot af lord to trust them any more. Fully two-thirds of the Democrats in Ma con are silver men, but they want it through the Democratic party, which we believe they will never realize. I think the best and surest way to get free tilver, is for all silver Demo crats and silver Republicans to come into the Peoples Party and make a united fight against the goldbugs. I hear some Democrats say if they nominate a silver man the Pops will endorse him and not put out any candidate. Some may, but all will not. 1 have been tooled so many times I can t trust them. I am in favor of a full State and National ticket. J. M. Carpenter. Noilna on th llulf Matte Ticket. The Jiepiiblicati StaN convention met in Kileigh, on Thursday, May 3 4. The event brought together the lar gest number of people that has atten ded a -ii vent ion of Jhi.s party in twenty years in this State. "Every white Republican of any prominence. n Xorth Carolina, or who has had any prominence at any time since the war and is still living, seemed to be pres ent. Men whose names have been, are, arid would be associated with some ollice, eitber State or national. were in ample evidence in the gather-! in i,'. As a matter of course the conven tion was "spotted." The fair faces of the Anglo-Saxon alternated with the multi-colored hues of the men of Afri can descent. Hut it was not a bad looking body of men as a whole. How ever, the discoverer who might have been seeking a very line looking body of men would have oasscd on and taken the chances 1" discovering it else where. During the two days on which the convention met at various hours, the body was at times noisy, demonstra tive and turbulent, but there was nothing of the mob about it. Aside from the occasional outbursts of vocif eration and applause for the various candidates, the business of the con vention was conducted in order. This does not mean, however, that all the business transacted could be consider ed altogether fair and honest by an ob server of the proceedings. The convention was called to order by State Chairman llolton at noon on Thursday. All the counties except Cherokee and Macon were represent ed. There were contesting delega tions from Craven, Cumberland, Edge combe, franklin, Mecklenburg, Per quimans, Union, Wake, Wilkes and Wilson. The contests in each of these cases were between supporters of Col. O. H. Dockery and Judge D. S. Rus sell, the two leading candidates for the gubernatorial nomination. lneurst business was, of course to dispose of these contested cases, and 41ret riraaure. I''r the ('uucasiau.l Shawvillk, N. C, May !). Allow mo to express tho groat pleasure of myself and party for tho recent pa triotic stand of the executive com mittee. That is right. Let us make a fiiiht for principle even if we should beuefcated. V. W. Ebvis. 'Ilia kind of Kim I on Wwiited. For the Cuucasiun. Coaklky, N. C. May 11. I have h A rd and read much about fusion Tho Pops down hero don't want f usioti with any party unless it is for the interest of the farmers and la borers of this country. Somo oGico seekers will fuso with any party to get ollice. Tho Peoples Party must stand by theii principles. If farm ers and laborers could get live or eight thousaud dollars a year they would want to luse; but it is all they cau do to keep both ends together. Wo want to change things, but we will never do it through the old par ties. The people will not be mislead by ollice seeker.' again. J. R. Satterthwaitk Tbe Committee Wa WIo. For the Caucasian. Falkland, N. C, May 15. We are strictly in accord with the action of our State executive committee Rats always desert a burning house, just as the people are deserting the two old parties, for they have no soundness in them. I think the State committee have acted very wisely. I think if they had acted otherwise it would have proved fata' to our cause; and as for a goldbug he is not in it down here. Take the country at large, I don't believe thero is one person in a thousand that wants the gold standard, for it means starvatiou price3 for our pro ducts. S. M. Smith. Mo Kunlou In Texan. For The Caucasian. I NiiiROD, Texas, May G, '00. Tho Pops are pretty strong hero and gaining ground. Wo want no fusion with any party except ono in line with the Omaha declaration of inde pcadence. We see no gains by fua ing with our enemies, and we are not proposing to do it out here. William Munn intelligent man he was disgusting, and to any sort of a man he must have seemed pitilui. As an animated Uriah ileep, he would take the blue ribbon. When the speaking was concluded the convention adjourned until 10 o'clock Friday morning. 1 It K 4 ON TESTED CASES. The contested cases from the coun ties heretofore named bad been the subject of much work by the creden tials committee. They began their la bors on Thursday afternoon about three o'clock. They worked away till half past two o'clock on Friday morning and had not then gotten through. They were at it again on Friday morn ing by I ::t0 o'clock, and it was soon un derstood that they would be ready to report by 12 o'clock at latest. Around the work of this committee hangs a story that tells how the final result of the convention was achieved. There were from the contesting counties thirty-four delegates contesting. After the committee had completed their work, their report showed that they recommended seating eighteen Dock ery delegates and sixteen Russell del egates. Rut while they were working up this report, there was other work going on on the outside. It was apparent that among all the gubernatorial candidates Col. Dockery had the strongest following, and it was possible that if the Dockery men from the contestieg counties or the would not Bupporta free silver cand idate for the Presidency, and he should not do so if heieally believes that free comago would ruin the country, because a man's duty to his country is higher than hi duty to his partv. Whenever we tpeak of nominating a silver man we are told that he would lose the votes t f the eastern Democrats. Why are the Dtinocrats of the west and south lla Kaat lh lltrtM la a Jaacto-Uat aha Uaa Klarna4 Wfllh Tar Taaa- aaaii Wb-l-l h liupadaara af taa Monay l'o..r-S.Mi of ftotvn. Waia lac. For Tbe Caucasian. J RichlaM'S, Onsl--w Co., May VHl. Will Rome Democrat or Repub lican give a sensible reason why the l ongress of the I nited Mates should issue ten kinds of money which were in circulation in July, to wit: Gold coin, silver dollars, aubsidiarr bound to support a goldbug when I silver coin, minor coin, gold eertih eastern Democrats do not feel them- eates, silver certificates, I'nittd selves bound to support a bimetal- States notes, currency certificates, I duets go list? The President has set up a Treasury note? of lSiMJ, national gold image and has commanded that bank notes? Was this done to ac we bow down and worship. I, for commodate legalized thieves who one, shall not do it. I shall refuse, deal in money, or for what good rea not because I, have ceased to be a son was it done? Three kinds of Democrat, but because the Democ- money is all that ought to be issued racy of Jefferson and Jackson are as primary money, to-wit: gold coin, dearer to me than the plutocracy silver dollars, United States notes. preached by Cleveland in the inter-1 and the money issued by the general est of Wall street eoroprja i rl an ijrr vli. tin. ... i. i . faeiartd fabric , an! vai nmImi r iw indottr . t ui-r "tit ,M wrai:k I 4 it im rHn aw and artirj fi.r iMrtiio. ae ! t f the- wttl i-ttaf ft!t a a-1 ihr to var dK-r. Tu latina ttat alws)e eiports Mora tnn it usp-rf is gttitBg rich Tb farmer ! buys more each yar at tb villai-v tote than ht carric iff his rlaft'a tion to ali nill Hwttr r laUr m tit an astignmeet ).M r st!vt, locked op ia our drawers is of u mr valua than ao many brick bats. We got altig about thirteen years it bout fold or silver l'aitr4 State notes, good in every patt f the At ticn, and barked by thf wbo! prop erty of tbe naton. tbe !. d and the life of every Iwyal utan to t.i gov eminent is leyond vUetion good monev. !-t gold and silver bide it sr!f, t1rt from the r . unity, but aitb a law of the ration tuskirg tbe notes a I gal tender we may rest ae cure on the property of 7.imi,u0 of (eople, the bs turner will be heaid in the land, the roar of uia-hinrrj increased, mines will ! pbd( lorges win i ngbletl, Isttn rru- up, peace restored, school houses built and churches go up and God worshipped. Should we need gold to pay eff the ticlawral ixmds uucd by the government, the government could send out agents with tbe Uuited States notes, boy cotton, naval stores, rice, tobacco, laruUr, l-eef. SPAIN AND CUBA. What the President of the United States Hay Do Time to Knd the Atrocities Go ing on In the Island. Washington Tost. J We have leached a critical stage lAr in our relations with Spain. Obser vant men have long expected that U - i 1 1 1 1 1 . larger part of them should be seated, 8UU" Kb wuum u reacueu tuuuB or later. The air has been full of first ballot. Col. Jas. E.Boyd, of Guil- portents for weeks past. It has ford county, was a candidate for the been whispered about that the Pres nomination. Ilia only chance of sue- ident, although he did not take ac cess lay in the contingency that the tion on the concurrent resolution of tight between should nomination then he cnnili.iflte should be nominated on the first ballot, toriously prevalent in the island, this honed for contingency could not I and that, before tho summer had arise. It was therefore necessary to fairly opened, there wouhi be an ad prevent a nomination on the first bal- ministration utterance, in one form lot. It is alleged, with good reason, or another that would precipitate a Judge ltussell formed a combination ft government had been diligently for the purpose of preventing a first fc . f- T ballot nomination. Both combined collecting information of a military pork, all kinds of farm product and government should be a legal tender manufactured goods, ship to other in payment of all debts, public aud markets and get gold to pay oft private to the amount specified by these unholy, ungodly hocds and law, and attach heavy penalties for issue no more. any one to receive it or pay it out I congratulate V. II. Kitrhiu on for less than its face value. bis bold and manly letter in your ine subsidiary money trora .u I paper oi me loin, l congratulate! thould be employed as money, 1 cents to 10 cents to be a legal ten-1 senator lsutler on bis eonrse in the I avs. however, to be maintaiua! at in any one payment to the! Senate. I joined tbe Peoples Partv I rsr with rol.l. Mr. John K. lledero. te wair ago. eaavaaa4 th;s 4tstnU Vm every stamp fee told the reople was a f re eoiaagw an. lie rfr rej it bis vot ia Cob free as m.f of it. He boaste4 taat b tu a food a free silver nan as ais or aent, Mr. Hbnford. He said k ra in favor of free eoitag at the rati of 1C ta 1. W tathrr UspiettfneU his aiBrrtty in tb eaatter. Iwt ra him the adsaa'age t.f tta doubt. At Ibe aasa lime. Uiaa el it bnited IBrwnaiateot la kia. t e,dorM Mr. Cleveland as fce S jr nvugb! He com out ta tbe UL-ettr.r in a long Utter, plataing way bis votes in CoccrrwM for f re .lvt r. aud sUttrg that L was ua M. to free roiaage at lo to 1 aaJ UjitiJUB; thus acknowledge rrttat be was just trying to fowl te voters two years ago. SENATOR SNIRHAN SPEAKS OUT. Ma aa Tae la m UmM SlvSilatay ra mn tka UmlA Mmm4. At a meeting of the Voung Repub lican Clab of ltrooklyn, a letter ad dressed to tbe Seeretarjr of tbe K pubhean club front Senator John Sherman, t.f thi-, was read. Ia tbe letter Mr. Sherman aays: "There can t no doabt of tb opiuiin t Maj. UcKinley on tbe money u-ton. He is committed in every form, by speeeb and tber wisa, to tb Republican policy of maintaining the p reseat golj coin f tbe I nt'ed Mates as the standard of value. He, in common wtta myaelf and others, tw lievea that salver amount of $20.00; and the minor for principle, and not to co-operate coin, from 5 cents to 1 cent, to bo a with either of the old pai ties only legal tender in anyone payment to on principle. Staud to your guns. If the amount of $10.00. - I go down we must, go down without The law makes and unmakes la blemish on the folds of oar flag. money, ihe Constitution of thelitis a dark i-nd foul blot on tbe United States of America gives Con-1 character and name of North Caro- gress the power and denies it to the I lina to have contested elections. A 'The convenience of silver coins for tbe minor transactions of life is so manifest that no eontid money man would deatr it diarontiauanee, but upon tbe primary condition that its comago should b limited and its purchaemg power maintained by tb fiat of of the government at par with ""'"'ij -"uooci. I l :rmcrfiss recocti inner ihn da irAr. ci.... i .l.i i . . I i r..i i i . . I be so determined as to make the I ann nf Ci'nnatrintannA I puwergngoingiw iswiui couni- gold. He believes, as I do, that a of either impossible, and ITIJ VT- iT,l' TL " T De reierrea to corporations or oanits. iair piay unuerour governmont is tariff should t e adopted that will im- might get in as the "logical'' "ut Iuuu,lu"Kf loieraio lu -uuul Since the contraction of the currency all we desire. A government of the partially protect all American indos- T)nrkprv hnwpvpr uons oi uarusrism ami auarcuy no- ,n -nj thfl jAmnnt Tatinn nf neonle. a trovernment for lh nxi. i.... $.. -...I . .... :.. " - v v i i - s: w rt - ii ire aavsaa uuu uv w mmmmm ssw l a mil uu immediately after the reading of the could muster a stronger force than Col. silver in 1S73, tens of thousands of our best and truest men have been swept into the vortex of financial ruin. There is no need of a redeemable note of tho United States. Use it until unfit for use, return it to be destroyed and a new note to be is- Dockery had single handed. So it was arranged between them that if the re port of the committee should favor the seating of enough of the contesting delegates in favor of Dockery to make his nomination dangerously close, they would vote down the committee's re port, and by their combined forces vote in the Kussell contestants. SECOND DAY'S SESSION. As stated above, when the report ot the credentials committee was com pleted, it recommended that eighteen Dockery delegates and sixteen Russell delegates of the thirty-four contest ants be seated. This fact was made known early on Friday morning, and lliil li Old t'lirtlv Miiw llva m Clutiirn Ami Won't Take It. For The Caucasian. 1 Ai nuiiA.N. C, May 17 Please allow me spaco in your dispenser of justice. The Catcasian, to applaud the action of State executive com mittee of the Peoples Party. I'll say right hero if we stand on tho side of justice and dicker for nothiug unholy wo will gather alaioat every honest voter into our ranks, for they can go nowhere else if they want tho in terest of suffering humanity pro tected. If any man will take the trouble to investigate right now he will see that the Republican Con- ' rhy Know Itetter Now." For The Caucasian. Method, N. C, May 11, 'DC I heartily endorse the action of the executive committee on the plan of co-operation and don't want any other. If we can't get that I say, with "Buck" Kitchin, "stay in the middle of tho road." The majority of the voters in both the old parties are in favor of our principles, and we think now is the time to stick to principle, nominate our best men and make a vigorous campaign. Let all tho people see where we are at ! and, my word for it, the voters will vote our ticket. I thank my stais that we have ollicial call for the convention, Chair man llolton announced the committee on credentials as follows : C. A. Reynolds, of Forsyth; Geo. H. Smathers, of Haywood; Wheeler Mar tin, of Martin; J. J. Wood, of Halifax; J. 1). Holland, of Harnett; F. D.Jones, of Cbatnam ; James r . Wray, ot Kock ingham; It. li. Jiussell, of Robeson, J. W. Boger, of Cabarrus. This committee, it was alleged, was composed of eight Dockery men and one Russell man; Wheeler Martin be ing the Russell supporter. The "disorganizer" element and chronic disturbers, which are to be found to a greater or less extent in every meeting, seemed to be held well in hand by Chairman llolton on this occasion. One "yaller" fool from some where jumped up and wanted to "ask for information." He wanted to know what right the chairman had to ap point this committee before the con vention gave it to him. The laugh at this fellow's combined brass and igno rance was so great that he was thor oughly squelched, and he was not heard irom again during the two day's session. The chairman then suggested that the convention adjourn till 4 o'clock p m. in order that the credentials committee might report to the conven tion. The suggestion of the chairman was responded to by loud calls for Senator Iritchard. He came forward and urged that the suggestion to adjourn be complied with, saying he would be glad to speak to the convention later. The convention then adjourned till four o'clock. A new departure was introduced at the beginning of the first session in the matter of securing and preserving the seats of delegates, by issuing tick ets of admission. Onlv delegates and newspaper men were admitted to the tion of Russell and Boyd forces got I public temper still as violent as ever hall, and while there was a scramble their work in. The incidents accom-1 before. Ihere has. been a sort of and crowding for tickets at the door, nanving the carrving out of this nlan oniescence. but it is the ouiescence they were were not specially interesting beyond of the tiger couchant. "What adds not subjected to the crowding and jam- the fact that the report of one man was Tft the danger of the situation is the - 1, J 1 I la&eii auu auuruveu uy me com-1 cm K0i:af ctnff nth. mmla nf cotton, wheat, tobacco, naval stores. rice, &e., to pay the national debt than it would have done at tho close of the war. A national debt is a national falamitv. -T 4v I'nlk aai.l character and material for an intel- saed in it8 pace jike recoiniug eil- at the close of the war with Mexico, hgent conclusion as to the real facts ver or gol when worn untii it wa8 hn nis message to Congress in 1S-1S, orpine case, xnen came me ap- unfit for use We ask for a currency to adopt proper measures for the poinunent ot uen. Jtitzaugb ijee, a oronr nati0n unchanged in value, speedy extinguishment of the at- irainea soiaier, to taice tne piace or and per capita to be controlled by tional debt: "It is against sound Mr. Kamon Williams, as United Congress; and not ten kinds of policy and the genius of our institu- Diates v,onsui-uenerai at navana, money and eight of these unredeem- Hons, that a public debt rhould be and the inevitable inference that able permitted to exist a day longer than BUUU a CMttUL'O at SUUU a umo WHS Thorn iro nrra Mint, in tYta 1 nitarf I tha moananf IV.Tr..n u-'.ll pie, and a government by tho pto-1 foreign productions that ean M and plA I ought to l e ptodured in the flatted it win take mote produce to-Uaj I States. Resolutions were adopt 1 embody ing tbe principles of tb Republican party. ONE CENT A 0AY. The naladlara Ua Kt Tit rs4 righting Over It re 1 wentr-ltr Vaara. S appose we take tbe entire custom revenue of lKK)-2lt,0('iH.r5 and divide it up among 0,)0,000 peo- rlc; it is but a little over three dol ars per capita, or lesa than one cent frayghl with deep significance. A states, four Assay offices, nine Sub- able the government to pay it off." J5'- new and strange atmosphere perva- Treasuries. All the officers receive Washington said: "Avoid the atxa- livens free ailver and an abund- ded the State and Navy depart- large saaries. Tho Sub-Treasury mulation of debt not only by shun- nt currency and good time and ments. There was electricity m was established in 1S45, nnder J. K. ning occasions of expense, but by homes free from mortgagas, and all every breath. But the crisis has p0it8 administration. Up to that vigorous exertions in times of peace tbe PP- mdustnoua, prosperous come at a time and in a manner not time banks used our money. to discharge the debt and not throw and Lappy, and we could pay ten anticipated ten days ago. It changes "Old Hickory" vetoed the United upon posterity the burden we our- limM lh Mckinley tariff and no it had been agreed to bv Mr Wheeler T? oiates DanK in isjj. lie snocKea selves ougnt to uear." inJ 2JSf 2hLft2 the United States bank a"kitiDff- TheolJ United Stat" bkbeld present condition and a feather b- committee. But shortly afterward Mr. event, must have been made before He sent that tigress to tho jungles, and speculated on large amounts of comes a burden too great to bear. tne Jst ot July. Hiven this compli- Tho rorrw port. When he had prepared it, it re- cation, ugly and threatening though her back with ;i 000 whelpg. deposit in 1833. In the House of humbugged for twenty-five years by couiiiieuoeu tue seating 01 luirij nu9-i'i yaoo wiuiuui uuui. 11 Two new mints were esl sell delegates and four Dockery dele gates. Mr. Geo. Smathers, of the com mittee, made a 'minority report in some cases, but in every such case he seemed to strive to arrive at fairness and jus tice. In cases where the evidence was so complicated as to make it impossible to arrive at actual knowledge, he fa vored dividing the vote of the county equally among the contesting dele gations. And so when the convention was called to order at 12 o'clock on Fri day, the report of the credentials com mittee came before the body as de scribed above, viz : a majority report favoring the seating of eighteen Dock ery delegates and sixteen Russell dele gates, and a minority report (signed will make no difference. The con flict seems inevitable. We cannot, for our own safety, permit much longer such horrors at our very door Spain's predicament, meanwhile, is delicate as it is distressing. To go on with the execution of the American citizens taken on board the filibustering vessel Competitor will lead to most serious complica tions with the United States. To yield to our demand for delay, and for a civil trial for the American j citizens now under sentence of death, Two new mints were established Representatives a committee was under "Old Hickory's" administra tion and set actively to work to coin money. To mint monev. The shin ing metal, silver dollars, half dol lars, and quarter dollars together appointed in 1S31 to investigate tbe affairs of the bank. J. K. Polk was on .the committee. Tbe committee reported to the House "their inabil ity to make the necessary investiga- will almost certainly bring on a rev- jackSOn quarters oiuuoii iu opaiu. iiu Kuveiuiuoui i Jnekson ' with gold coin came out among the tioa on account of tbe impediments people; prices rose; the people were thrown in the way by the bank, and happy; the country rejoiced, and a ref usal'of the officers and directors Andrew Jackson retired to private of the bank to produce the books or life one among the most popular testify." The committee moved a Presidents we ever had. resolution to the House to bring the The silver dollars,halves and qnar- president and directors before the ters were called by the rank and file I House for contempt; but tbe Fame of the people Jackson halves and I was never acted upon. tuese two mutual societies ot coop erating swindlers. They have played on you as a musician plays on a flute. They have fooled yon to tb top of your bent. You have roared and shouted and all for what? One seventh of a cent a day! About tb ration of a well conditioned rooster! O, for another by only one member of the committee) I can retain place at Madrid after hav favoring the seating of thirty Russell ing yielded an iota to the hated delegates and four Dockery delegates. Yankees. The passions aroused in To adopt the majority report the nom- the Spanish populace by the action ballot would be made dangerously ?. Congress are only dormant. Pub close, and here is where the combina- hc oP""on 18 stlJ! as b.l"er and the ming which has conventions here. Only see what impudenee grew up I here, a power greater than the law W a fAmorwl that tho fiiro minti nf I nf tho l.nJ ami vatiava, it mstw the United States be at once thrown Sn wake no. Deacon, and hear tbe 01 appropriations iiui open, and if they cannot mint the! truth. The government mixing its silver and gold fast enough let new credit with our national banks and mints be built and all set actively at it isyou-ticklo-nie and-Pll-tickle-youl work to mint silver 10 to 1, free 1 and perpetuate and saddle upon the and unlimited with gold. If a flood I nation a national debt, and put as in of silver comes, let it come. We can the foot steps of Old England that a iiqo iv if rirtf f" miriaT fr Y- i h I fatr.v&il favaer mtf vAav smaYi la u I ers, mugs, knives, plates, spoons, taxed, and live on the Uxes of the ton, from one hundred uoasaad to silver service for churches, candle I whole nation, ride ns booted and sticks, &c. Why the gold reserve? I spurred until a crowned head (hall Rl var and Hsrkar A'r'CtUaB 9mm Krtk Carallaa. The appropriations for North Car olina in the River and Harbor bill as it left tbe Uoose were a little over (125,000. 1 tbe Senate, through Senator Pritcbard and benator Hut ler, these appropriations have been increased to about double the amount bill passed tbe House. Tbe principal increases aro as follows: Heaufort Harbor from four thou sand to fl ve thousand. Cape Fear River abov Wilming ton, from four to five thousand. Cape rear River below w lining- one hundred sand. I f m . I I Why is gold and silver bullion in the rule this country and noble anees- eu? lBWMBfl w wjvcu aav aeauvi Pamlico and Tar rivers, from and nintv-flr thou 1 , j - . 1 i-"" v.u,s vuwvu ci vsr RPrviffl tnr e.nnrnnes. ptnd a vhn a nation, rid na noiM ami 1 - uccu bo uuiiiuiou au 1 raKeii ana anorovea ov tne c.nm- Dine airaiusL xocaerv lnsieaa 01 tne 1 - . 1 The renssemhlinirnf thA pnnvpiition t. --i- r ma "pi, ninety-nine out oi every nunareu - ---w--.v-.vM.wiBrTift.iaij sis r:iiiiu iiicu. 1 net c wwrrirr niiinn . . a. . four o clock did not result in the sharn wnrrta and tnmnltnna nniiiTAnf.A opaniaras, mat pain IS an mnnite- Sab-Treasuries lvinif idle? No I tors and roval neditrreea shall ride tpuncnrd !ah ef luict'nnefi TKo sfiv I .1 a. 1 . a-1 i f a. t I 1"TT mnrA TiiWfiT"i!TT I T1 fLtiriTI i"Vl 51 Tl ATI TS 1 iv t 1 1 I m a -1 1 cress and Senate with the vote of the raon in this State who will put prin- mittee on credentials had made but bine was 7uccesffuny carried 'out. and from a military standpoint of view, 3 ieVT tH 17. TlXA . l 1 and , , " '.IVt V. .f twenty-fi ve hundred to fir. thousand 1 ...10. '.a 1 11 ri v ninm na.a h n ita i . m i ! : l mi i i:tt i .. i I .1 : . . i ... . . - ' . .... ... . . . . , i f . . , .1 - . 1 . l . m . - - r - j .ou. ...v. ....j, . owv,. UUUE.- fcue uuuhert torues mua maisnaiiy I auu me uuiivicnou uiai eveu wore i t rt fnrm an oTpnsA to nA more their power to pass any law in the Republicans thought that, as we had stood that it would not be through weakened. It took four hours to com- all other things ennal. the Snanish i"".0:. "1 1 v.!If interest of the great t r.Aiy people. Unttn hoi9c(nf n. ,rtni.i with the work before the next morn- nipt this inh nrt tn Ay.irf.;i.minrii t. . 1 oouus w oorrow goiu wuo pumpcu for the whole Populist strength ir "1V V ''Wlr'rS.A After some calls for a few "big" man who aaw of the Treasury by gold t.i.i. . .r . I . ' . "-j ."b-. r.v, hn r,,.f i,Q,i th ' I mree ot ours, oucu lguurauco auu " T'T. ir f "c &raceiui ana airt,y jon. f wonld geem incre(iible. but tbe fu u tl icu 1 11 VO ill 1 UCllj the -r.-r7iTaa a vrtuvm -v-w- -v-r .. -v--. . , k'"J I 4. . . . , Ptin. ITp resnondpH in n vain feiesies iruiu an tue euunuea MV. I n.m willmrr tn tru it ani wv I ti,. o.ia n, i liner been seated, the convention nm. l.t. it looks like, with a straight A negro told me that he honed wa then the convention nain adioiii-nod ceeded to the work of permanent or : .1 .1 1 e i, j , . . .. .. r . 1 .... . . , . a j . luiuum wi iuo iviiu ujui, wpwu uuwu fOUia not luse witn tne KeDubli-1 tin eigni o ciock. 8auj.aviuu oa o il pitiuge u 10 euuer party mat but 1 reckon they know better now. " ' , " WOUld nass anv nionsnrn tVin umil.l I T v. t. i .1 I news give us any relief, and still thev fail to elct our men an am- other. artir t,..o . , - j - - 1 1 nui to pass them R. II. Lane. I has them both. R. II. L. EIGHT O CLOCK SESSION. to bo sticking to principle. That's any law that is passed that is good cans, and 1 thins he is not bv him self as there are several of them of the same opinion. All thev want is to Know mat mey are not being led as aiternoon session. 1 ne ere- done. Marshall L. Mott and Virgil S tne wrong way. 1 tninK mev nave ucu" CU1UU""CT were ami pegging ijUSk were then nominated TWtT ... Aney elected by a vote of 141 to 97. folly wonld seem incredible, fact remains, and Is the most mis chievous factor in the equation. We are dealing not only with a seri ons and threatening problem, but I an(j candid. witn a nation saturated witn ignor ance and vanity. It is impossible gam blers! Let it coin all that is on hand not coined. Let ns be in reality .with our party and have a fixed pur pose and be absolutely nonest beiect strong men as mankind (Ink to rise no more. James U For. FOR TAYLOR AND FREE SILVER. Tanneaae Uanaoerata Kemlaata Oovaraar. ta Ka- Naehville, Tenn May The Let's Uu Klglit Iterause Ulcht Ia UIKht. For The Caucasian. 1 Mt. Olive. N. C. Mav 15 You and Butler are about right. You seem confidence in us for they know that f way at the task before them 0 . - I - I ItoH nmt Tim. linn w n. John C. Dancy put in nomination for nermanent. rlii.m.n ine meeting at tnis nour was as VrithnrH Tha.n.t.n,... .i..i tn nredict. with a-n-r con rid on co a barren Of results as tO actual business his name he withdranrn ;r noaAofnl anil intolliwont. AnneTimma- tion. naa naa neiiner ainner nor suDoer. . . . 1 1 . 1 what we are doing down here. We or the poor white man is good for J, -fhe YeleSte. wanted don't want any fusion except on them, and they believe that we some entertainment and sought for it principle. We want no goldbug mean what we say when we say, by calling out some star speakers, "straddlebug" nor any other bug. "equal rights to all and special priv- Among those who responded were J. C. L. Harris. John C. Danev and J. T. Ellin ger were elected permanent secretaries. SENATOR rRITCIIAKB ENDOB8EP. But, however the pending compli cation-may result, we are firm in i opinion that the Cuban insurrection will be terminated within six months. . . . . . Inlatfrrm ail on ted bv the Democrat. our leaders men 01 tnougut ana 01 . J . Tl iT principle; men who will send forth State Conventioa contains the fol- an upward growth from the bottom, lowing out-and-out free-silver plank: and break the crust now forming "We demand the restoration of over ns before it gets so hard that it the money of the Constitution, by will require human blood to break law providing for the free and un it. Ilimittd coinage vt both gold and from Roanoke River, twelve thousand. (No appropriatin was made for this river in the House bill.) Fifteen thousand was made avail ble for improving and maintaining Fishing Creek. Preliminary surveys have been provided for Potecasi Creek and tha Cashie River. Surveys and estimates for improve ment have been arranged for at Ocraeoke inlet to secure a depth of 14 feet; Neuse River, at and below New Berne, to secure adeith of 8 feet; and in Pamlico River below Washington to secure a depth of 10 feet; in Town Creek, Brunswick Let the bondholder who is exempt 8i 1 ver as f nil Wal tender monev at , ' f-CT om taxes and is paid interest in ad- fi!l ratf J t r tlAlZ if utT. fr mPro f4 tra.ght- ,nce in gold, remember that we, the ratio of 16 to 1 regardless of ening the river and to Nan ; w t .u hm' the action of any other nation." depth of 8 feet to the head of tide We have had bugs enough. We are ileges to none." tired of them. We want more money in circulation among the people. J. R. Medlin. Marshall Mott, Col. V. S. Lusk, Col. Boyd, bpencer Blackburn and Jno. uancy. aenaior ? ritcnara. was It is conceivable that this country can I ana T.,.t., w T- j . much longer connive at such a state Li,. ,w f h h.n. I the action Of any Other nation. I depth WMU6C". vr. u VV a 1 L llltrOUUCea mei o. - ; - I auu uig vi iuo vvvutti ... ,. , 1 . . , following resolution : of barbarism, such hideous atroci- to use a moneyed paper note of a It also demands laws, State and water. Some of these amend me a U "Resolved, That it is the sense of ties, such inhuman deeds as now dai- national bank which is not a legal national, making gold and divert w reportea uy tneoenat com- iuuicuuuu buai i ue Honnrth e i iv suock tne civiuzea wonu. .uier- na in navment r i ipo-ai tpnner rnr a:i "er.tjt and nrn. i ucu"" vvk.w this Yes, we want our daddifis' money. l see no hope through the old par ties, one is as bad as the otaar. If the Pops cannot win I can't tell pie are a unit in endors what will become of the bread maker, course in this section, in It seems to be a war between capi- fusion. Iso fusion witnout prin tal and labor, and capital has is ciple, with any party is our motto, heels on the laborer's neck and is and the only kind that we will iol choking him to death by degrees. It low. ucu.iui iiriiuunru. was I i - . , - I - . . - . . I iquui vcLncu L7w.u.vuv v. i "--- w - - called out. Ue appeared and excused ..w- '".Ir name.?, and he is ican citizens have millions investea debts 'and our currency is at! the hibitinir contracts discriminating K!!Lf f.rra !p!aH"? n tSJEr y Y ?xP.nd kit either; the repeal of the 10 "Royal,. N. C Mav 13. The Deo- aaU hi TO,i i.r't" ""r":' "T as United States Senator from this rr ill-l : " nTI " cunircl u. uw wt uiin hw cent, tax ou issues of State . - i l.v I l.Vf.ll. LIULUn- 1 111. 1 J . . 1 I An. OT aiiii III 1 III. iiiiiuni B&.at.. AUD I kwvlw.. n m tm n w. . . w. a i ' t " .... . ,,-.... i ami i. i i n I. rne n. amt.t. Ar .h;a i o - auu uvuiiu Uiiuci uiuucv iui iuuuiui. ISouslon Wlthont Frinciple For the Caucasian their passage tbe Seoatr. in ,r Rntler'a Vr?? State, and that the nf thi aua. rar and rearT t; d Vi o our people Day is breakiDg. History may re " . 1. . 7-"- I 1 1 hnnnnh . maa-w . - I SOllinTninir in I :n nR RTfl CDH8UUUV if is only a question or time till mey finish the job: and then they will have killed the goose that laid tho golden egg. But let us hope for the better. Let us do right (because it is right to do right. Let us work fcrl it and pray for it. and my word for H. A. Smithwick. lege, in Ohio, was present; that Mr. Long was a friend of McKinlev. and "as he is a native of North Carolina. I know you will be glad to hear him." ine reverened gentleman came for ward, and of all the silly,, ridiculous ef- Y -a-l 1 . , . forts ever made by man to make a PA The speech on the issSes of the day, his InLnZil? r . v WUV WUTCUtllUU per cvnt- tax ou is-ue banki; tariff for revenue only, and all honorable means to secure his re- sojourning in Cuba are constantly peat itself. So sleep a few nights if ".u ( 7., .,. , T election." threatened, if not actually violated. Bieep y0u can, before you. President tl0Q 01 IVesident CkTclaal 18 rtler- This resolution was received, with The whole thing is" a horror and a Cleveland, Sherman, Carlisle, & Co., by :nfe cue. oypiauac a..u was cameo. Dy a I reproaen to unristenaom. it cannot i or any power grants the issue of 100 1 -fcx-'iov. Kobert JU layior was senatnr iritoha,H last much. longer. It should not be per cent, of your bonds instead of nominated for Gjvernor by accla- - - aa, va vaUC 1U1 TV 21,1711 21 LIU SENAR0R BUTLER PUTS T HEM TO THE TEST. Xltr o r Tb ota rrtls Oa Tale CtsUtlM. permitted to last. must nave been tbe most pronounced. lie knew nothing of what he tried to talk about. To the observer of men by unairman Mott as "Jeter." The Senator then addressed the convention W. K. Henry at Spurrier's. Mr. W. R. Ilenry will deliver his great speech, entitled, "More Money .aw Ilia Pannla A tvnino T1 ..n II 4 c k tjii 'a I j .v,.- v, i ... : : I at some length and was attenti vpI v Ha-1 most cf,,-H. rw ?mtt. nm ..i i,...' un.V.. v,i. ' I tened to. Tbe basis of his sneech was Party will n a . . a a a n. a. I UftlUI UMJ a u. a W K. U VyVLUC OUU UCOl I UUC Ul bHU iVUOC UaUlUUlCLa. 1BBUKU I lfrr I . A A TT l ... I T . it.uodwill help us. Wrong can t tni9 distinguished orator discuss the haps by some tariff league or by the lIlf'nt fhTOA-01 ,ew,ld mH dn that out do ricrht alt the time T won't . ; r .v... j ...v,,,, . . , ... c agement of the National fininnn hv uo. tnat 'uv rreav yunwwu iwucs ui iuv uaj. xiu sireei. reioriu ciuu oi ew lOTK. Ii.' n . . J I i.j c . l,U I,.rw. l,.,rnvo T,- n,;il ha II.. tn I FTka namiuiHfa ova 1,.K., . 1 I . J : 1 . I bUO UCUl IMSUU UartV. lie WAIlt lMfl OCMHir, j busj s l tj it u will uc lud kj s si er it:uitjvi ass big ucirni Lruuri ru i ami w x ss i.riiii' s fulfill iwr w nar na i . . - rail on the fence. I have that kind Sooth Dakota Safe. The Representative. We are glad to hear that there is al- certainty tnat tne People's 1 90 per cent, as it is now, or any more gold bonds. "O shades of Jackson! can it be, That this ia all that remains of thee?" "Could life awake in the limb of the bronze And blaze in tbe burnished eye. issues I matioc. San Diego Dally Vidette (California).) Marion Butler knocked ont tha plea of both old parties that they are not responsible for more bond issues, because neither has a ma jority in the Senate, when he said: "It wonld not do for either the fie- nnhliean or Democrat!, aid of th tit :it; a- li- I'. . . T. ... we are wining to pay our pu one I chamber to evade responsibility b Th CeagTeasmaa's Clark. From tbe Chicago Times-HeraLJ of faith. C. F. KOKNIQAY. The Democrats are hereby tendered and was trying to remember what he I an opportunity to nave tneir speaKer nad seen in tnem. Me "boasted" of hav- IV1 fwSttSSZ What would yon ffwS th moment of servants and to pay liberally, bat we saying that it had no majority, a strong probabiht j, if they not wimng to m for clerkl wto pledged six Peoples Party Totee weaVTn'oiopi Ye-nofthedaysgonebyr. gre never that Con- to either Jarty t " . . .c T at T 1- 1 a 3 T a 1 1 tr. vha rtifrha i aawt a -tT IwtiH i Ileal to Mk a Straight right. For the Caucasian. Washington, N. C, May 11, 'DO. uur people in this county endorse well filled. The pleasures me action or the feopies irarty ex- nicnic and music will aiso tcutive committee when in session part of the day's programme, silver. "I made vou a Dledsre on sil- Senator Kyle : he has done well in his I 11 Jacsson were nere 10-aay xigresamen may get a little mote present on this occasion, who can dis- ing bad so big a man as Senator Fora- llll ST L t5.ere nd "Zl ITZZSZ Z wt- " Z?1 moueJ Ior l.neiI P00"1 11 cuss tne issues witn jir. iienry. A Ker.wboisa friend of McKinlev. at I j r '""I ... I J imenaoera 01 wmxrein want more fair division of time will be granted, his house to dinner. He showed him- Uained that aU UuctV PR 'uu v th-V f i money for their service, let them peaking to beg n at Uo'cpck.!j self tobe a subservient, truckling tu hadcomefr boldly and demand it necessary laws riniiuBm-u.ul. .ouc u ercu a.oug turougu suoiects oi wmcu tho ailvee net; V' nersistentlv fnnp-ht th-, htti. nf B. uu rememoer your uona. vvnaiis . , . , . . . . . 7 7 oi a grand tie was apparently wofully ignorant, ff auu .vg I fofoi' and if placed in the United I aauce for the goose onght to be proviaing ior n, mn let tnem not constitute a It would be hard to suppose that he tang- States Senate Tthe Xle world wJuld sanw for the gan hide themselves behind the petty in that will stop the farther issue of bonds. and six votes will give a majority ta either side. In fact, either party ean have a majority in this body when it desires to paas any law ia the interest of the American people." was uttering an original thought. (Continued on third naga.) hear from him. I- D. Five copies of Tn CAUCaaXaJT The wealth of a nation does not excuse that they need more clerka. J three saonthf for $1,00 '