New Offer to Meet Demands. Five Copies Caucasian 3 Months For SI.CO 12 Copies 3 Alonths $2.C9 Now ia the time for action. The enemy is lowing tan. Let the jx-ojtle bow good seed. Fm copies of the Caucasian 3 months for J l.oo. Twelve copies 3 months for i'i.OO. Send a club-quick. rTrv Every bod r fet a aWULr u the CAUCASIAN wheel ow. The foldbsgs are sowiar th crttAtn i!m ritk I tkir saiaWliar: liw-ater. Ita MVC 1MB. Jvd fl.Vtf for ft XM. 1 v aaw. COpieS of tt CarcastAS S VOL. XIV. RA LEIGH. N". C.. THURSDAY. JULY iK IS'JG. NO. .15. HE 3- LETTERS FROM THE PEOPLE Various MatterB on Which the Popular Opinion h Express edAll Sections Interested. LIVING ISSUES FORWARD. Mora KnilnrH tueitta of the Anion of the I'liiunilllM)- jomI feeling Kvery where C.oul. Are Coming lo I "Slr In The Ml.lille f Tne Itoe.l" Outhrie For (nvaraor. Kor The m axiati. IMRIUM.N. C -Iu there days of conventions while the Ncmocrats and Republicans are kicking up a big racket and having lot of fun, and we i'opulist" are going along in the even tenor of our way, just let's boot off a gun on the picket line to let them know that there is fun for them ahead. While I have hoped with a silent with that the national lenders of all the silver parties might succeed in the amalgamation of all the silver forces under one banner, if needs be under a new name, it seem that the day has about past. It remains for the Populists to nominate their own candidates on their own platform. While the name of one of our citi zens has been often mentioned in i'opulist, Democratic and Republi can papers for the high and honored position of Governor, I do not re member to have seen any article from any one in our city or county upon the subject. I rise to place at the head of our ticket, the winner of the race, Major Wm. A. Guthrie, of the City of Dur ham. He is a man in every lespect well qualified to fill this high position to the credit of himself and honor to the State. We know him in his daily walk as a true and noble man, one beloved by our people, a man in touch and sympathy with the people, a man with a big and brave heart, a good campaigner, personally popular, with broad views, and ideas abreast with the demands of tho people, (live un Major Outhrie as our stand ard bearer and we will win the fight. Let the Populists of North Carolina think about this from now until our convention and come together with oue thought that this is the ticket to win. John 11. IIutchinos. Tarty cannot endors ; ;r either of tb candidate. of thm can get tbw f-'i their rj active partita. If pies 1'arty art wisely and right, man. one who ha xn-t 1 ir-n- ated friri!, but has X :- cos!ilnc of the v , they .-..ght t win ia this distil-1 t'm I would sug gest ?!'! i f I'.-tpt. James IJ. Lloyd, n j"i!ig uj-.ii of acinrlry cbaratt-r. f tti'-d political faifh ability :trl .i niak a vioron labi.rint' for ' r--f. i in it. iiic:pifii- . hmI won! citl'iihli' h.i it ,orl'tv if;-r 1 political r;i'r. II would rniv.'ii?, has bfvU K. rH VTAfS. ' W A r All SaU.l." For the ( 'u acacia n. 1 Clkak :kekk, Jir:e .;, 'Uf. We are all nolid for reform down Jier. We are not in favor of the gold standard. McKinley men ar scarce at Clear Creek poi.tofiire. We all want to know who the Pops will nominate for Governor of North Carolina. We suggest the name of Hon. A. C. iSbuford. We think he will a good oue. J. W. K. (port; And I am eure that the good n!d ntLrjdays of Jnckson will come agai, rt of and this our distressed eonntry will I-o-' smile with, r-r by a wonder'al t th change, and tb Lmted btates be redeemed from other kingdoms who are dragons? our children down to bondage and slavery. O! for a few old Lots, of Sodom. Call them into oflice ard tbey will rsre this coun try, for I am sure that they can re- jdeem us from the jtws of oppret I sion And the old Hag that cost our !oldftliTa h mauy days of hard toil atd bloodshed, would again un furl he r IreuubJing waves of beauty nvi r the old fathers' children, aud th Kwctt voice could be heard: IVace, tx still, be Ktill." Jous Marsh feUBN. IN ALABAMA AND TEXAS. cnuie from 1 iijHkH a :iMjjt:ttVe. ADVICE IN VLRSE. All I it ;l Trim. For Tlie Caucasian. Pko.tu, N. C, Juii". .'JO, 'OG. The Populists in this section are all in good trim for tho fight for principle, and are getting recruits. Send ou Thb Caucasian', for it is an eye opener t ) good, thinking men. UCCK BROWN". -I Another Knlorneiut. For The Caucasian. Ill-NTs, N. C, June o0, "M. The Populists of Nash county endorse the course ot The Caucasian and also the Peoples Party State execu tive committee, lhere would be no trouble to get subscribers for The Caucasian if pooplo had money. Geo. K. Marshburn. UnthrU and Taller. For The Caucasian. Oastonia, N. C, June 20, "JG can safely say to yon that we en dorse the action of the State execu tive committee In the fight for prin eiple. Wo are "in the middle of the road1' to stay, working for financial roform. Well, Hon. Cy Watson is the man! Won't he have a time ot it making the people believe that the Demo cratic party is for ftee silver, after their record is shown up that they defeated eleven free silver bills in the short space of nine years. If they would not vote for free silver when they had a "chance" how can we expect anything from them now, when they will have "no chance?" The golden opportunity is gone for ever, and there is no confidence. Gaston eountv is a unit for Wil liam A. Guthie for Governor. I am ready to say hurrah Jo r Teller lor; No Kimloii In Itladen. For The Caucasiun. Winnie, N. C, July 2. Let me say that there will be no fusion this year in l'ladcn. liepublicans wanted to fuse, principle or no principle, but wanted everything like they got last election; but the Peoples Party will not help to put any goldbug m ot fica. The only ollice-holder we bad that claimed to be a Populist, ac cording to his own statement, has sold himself to the Republicans or to liussoll, and is spending Russell's money in notons living, buyin vtes or trying to, out tney are wasting their "sweetness on the desert air." The people of Bladen can't be fooled any longer. The Peoples Party is sure to win eveu if there aro three tickets in the hald. Leading Democrats say they will vote with us if we will stay "in tho middle of the road." I think we will make as much by not fusing as we would have made by fusing. The leading Democrats have to own that Senator Butler's course in the Senate cannot be reproached; that his acts have been right in every instance. It is hard for them to have to come under, but we are glad to see them own the truth even at the last hour. Bladen is for silver and will be victorious in November. I). Panic-Stricken and Desperate Democratic Speakers Are Spreading Falsehoods Invented in North Carolina. THEY HAVE NOT COtE BACK. Taa tjm4 T 1k laBara1a A 4 7 That ra Pr la aUaJaf. For Tb Cua.'u.' STOSV CiitKK ToWXMUr. Nh County . C. J ace Plea i r.vrr meant that aettbvr th Irei IrTiIlT ' dat aor ate Secretary of Ik TWe-! M ' 1 COES THIS UHt hh the following o Take Warning All l Ioia"-A f rcdlr tlun IUd II jt an Old Sag. For The Caucasian. 1 Jov, Burke County, N. C, July 1. I have been voting the Democratic ticket ever since the late war until four years ago. Then I got my eyes opened by seeing some of their ballt t box stuffing, domineering over the poor and many other mean tricks that wonld make any honest man blush. I have been voting for the Pops ever since. I have been tak ing The Caucasian nearly two years; have given them out to my neigh bors to read and it has put some of them to thinkiner. Many of them were old Dems, but they will sup port the Peoples Party from now on. I have gotten old; can't work anj' more ana money is so scare I can't take any paper now. I don't see auy chancd tor times to get any better until we get a silver Presi dent. I am almost sure we will do this this lall, for the Dems have done so badly I can't see any chance tor them, ihey are too badly di vided on the silver question. TAKE WARNING ALL YE POPrf. Now I say to you good men one and all, Keep your eyes open along this lall ; Bather than have their party sever, They will act the rascal worse than ever. Cheer up ye yeomanry, don't give way ; The silver cocks are crowing for day; J alK anu laugh and do all you can, lJoller,"Hurrah"for "Mary Ann." For in him lies a part of our fate, lie is the champion of our State : Let us holler, laugh and have our fun, For we have the old Dems on the run. Tis amusing to a little Pop, To know where the Dems aim to stop; But I think from their latest report They'll seek the old Republican fort. Then won't we have lots of good fun Chasing them out with our Popgun? W. M. Bkown. THE PEOPLES PARTY IS THREATENING THE DEMOLITION OF THE ROTTEN SO CALLED DEMOCRATIC PARTY AND THE OLD PARTYITES ARE TRYING TQ BOLSTER UP THEIR GANG WITH LIES. uient, but tlieollicial record will m rv every purpose. . .January 3"J!b was J. K. Lre's birth day. The whole pnn-erding in tin House of Representative on that daj are recorded in Ifss than half a pae of the Journal. They may be found on page 70. The closing paragraph of the proceedings Is a toliows: "On motion of Mr. Young, of Vak. it being th birthday of Kobert K. Ix-. a day declared to he a public holiday by the Inws i . . i - . .i.ii 1 1 i Home Things the Democratic Speaker are Baling-Fai-U and Official Kecord Which Show How tar They ara rroui the Troth The Speaker Can Krlnjr Nothing A ;aln at the fop. In 1 heir Own State And as m Laat trior t Keaort to a Repetition of Lie That Have lie n Told In a Distant State. BUTLER AT WILMINGTON. President. S. M. ASBUIiY. No Funlon Kor Spoil. For The Caucasian. 1 Old Fort, N. C, June .'30, '1)0. The Peoples Party of McDowell county to a man endorses the course henator Butler and the majority The Decrepit Old Democratic Messenger Is Mail Uecaase Democrats Approve The Senator's Speech. Wilmington Messenger June 27.J Pursuant to call there was a mass- meeting of free silver men at the opera house last night to select dele gates to the National fcilver conven tion which meets at St. Louis, July jUr. 15. F. Keith acted as chair man, un motion, Mr. . w. Wood. county chairman of the Silver Party, and Messrs E H. Beery fcand J. W. Taylor were empowered to appoint the delegates to St. .Louis, After the meeting had transacted the above business, Mr. B. F. Keith Fusion at an End. introduced United States Senator For The Caucasian. Butler, who spoke tor three hours on DiMiHAM, N. C, Patterson's Town- the money question, advocating the ship, July 2. We heartily endoise tree coinage ot sliver. In discussing the action of our executive commit- the question from his standpoint, he tee. Our principles are based on constantly arraigned tho Democratic truth and justice, our motto being party, denounced Democrats as trait- ennal richts to all and sneeial priv- ors and hypocrites, and denounced lieges to none." lheretoro we can not and will not condescend to co operate with either of the old par ties, as they both have gone on rec ord as cold standard parties, borne I say if there is any fusion of any I kind in the approaching election or oenaior uutier anu tue majority they wiu voto the jjamoeratic ticket, oi lue rABUuuve cuuiuiivicu iui tuo anma env thav wi vota t h Ksnnb l can ticket, and some sav they will policies of tho party. We favor co-operation with any men and all parties for principle; but with none for the spoils of otlice. All honor to Senator Teller with the band of patriots who denounced the flesh pots of spoils in the Republi can convention and declared them solves Americans for America. M. O. Penier(irass, Chra'n Ex. Com. P. P. of McDowell Co. not go to the election. & j tusion is virtually at an end with us. C. P. Whitfield. A ;loreil Man Who Will Not Vote Kor McHiulcy. For The Caucasian. Whitakers, N. C , July 2 me tell you about a colored man who told me that he had been a Ivepubli a democratic i'resiuent. Uutside ot frequent allusions to John Sherman, however, he had very little to say ot the Republican party. He also urged men to desert their party and join forces for silver, and not only denounced the National Democratic party as opposed to silver, but pre dicted that if the Demociaic Na tional convention declared for free silver at Chicago, they would prove talse to their pledge, lie even de clared that the gold men controlled tho Democratic State convention at Raleigh. At times his remarks were heartily applauded. After Senator Butler had fiuished Let his r.peech, Mr. Charles L. Gaskill, editor of the Lvening DisDatch. moved that the assemblage arise and To thote Ih 'twtcratir tjitaker. "Thou lovest evil more than good; and lying rather than to speak righteousiietsn.' ' Psa. 52:3. "Because ye have said, we have made a covenant with death and with hell we are at agreement; when th overflowing scourge , shall pass through, it shall not corue to us; for we have made lies our refuge, and under falsehood nave we hid ourselves." Isa. 28:15. Every man, whether be be a gentle man or an infernal scoundrel, who is capable of intelligent comprehension, knows that nothing of a detrimental character can be truthfully said j against the Peoples Party or the mas ses of people who compose it. Its re cord has been honest and consistent. and its enemies, not being able to bring truthful charges of a damaging character against it, resort to malig rant, partisan abuse and desperate and unblushing lying. mm There are some vivid cases in point. In Alabama and Texas vigorous cam paigns are now Deing wageu. ina Peoples Party is threatening the de molition of the disgraceful, discredited and damnable Democratic party in those States. The Dems are resorting to desperate schemes to prevent their annihilation. But in those States, as well as elsewhere, nothing truthful can be brought against the Populists, and the Democrats in their panicky despair are resorting to the use of the lies invented and circulated by the Democratic party press of North Caro lina in 1895 such wild, baseless and malevolent lies as the Almighty never allowed man to invent, and live, since the days of Annanias. Where lying is not done, a distortion of facts is at tempted. How We Know This. We know this because we have re ceived the following letters : ONE FROM ALABAMA. Athens, Ala., June 20, 189G. The Caucasian, Raleigh, X. C: Ilerewith find clipping from the speech of Jas. F. Johnston, Democratic nominee for Governor in Alabama. Will you kindly give me tiie facts in order that the several charges may be met or explained? Yours truly, : W. It. Walkeb The Clipping. Two vears aeo the PeODles Partv in North Caaolina fused with the Kepublicans and delivered the General Assembly of that State into the hands of this combine, and these are some of the fruits that quickly ripenea. 1. It increased taxation and raised the appropriations over f lUO.OuO, addiug rioth mg tor schools. 'i. it elected one Kepnblican and one Ton ulist to the Senate of the United States. 3. It passed an election law that allows only live days for registration arid forbids inspectors of election from refusing to re ceive a Known illegal vote. 4. It turned out a one-legged Confederate soldier as door-keeper and put a burly negro in nis piace. o. it created d.OUU new omces in order to nil them with their partisans. b. it appointed nearly iuu negroes as mag istrates throughout the State to sit npon the rights ana liberties ot white men. 7. But its crowning infamy was in ref us ing to adjourn in honor of the memory of i ' i. , r , . . asuiugioB anu iee, ana adjourning in honor or the memory ot the negro misce- genauonist, a rea .Douglass. Jckson and Lincoln, which ric i pies were not fonrd in thf Demo cratic rarty: and we nre fiTii.L i I.HTIN;, and will rontir?u to fight for thoi-e principles in th Populist Party, or in any ether party that will let its record bo truth and jus tice. No, we cannot return to a party of such work as has been resortt 1 too l keep in oflice. Jot .e all man ner of cheating, ballot box stuffing, throwing out townships, trtn-p- of North Carolina, the Houae adjourned to ing figures to chsnpe ruaj iritit c, re meet at 3 p. m.. Moi day, January 21. fusi to appoint honest men for poliholders to ! arf amnl.f h i abI w 1 - - - - - b .ycott th four hu&lrJ a! t- tv rijtht millions of atA&danl Ut dollars now in iistvBc. TL power that could rta.L2iah ailr Mittn I- i W.,:1,1 M.Mh.1 tlJ r ..1.. ..k. that ru v i ..1.1 , . k n.l.nM r k . comet a Democratic .rrr that u ; Ttn, would do .way tb the falee . ircuUuJ iu .Nuh ana UnU j VT.,.a xhmX .j, mat t .old c antis ty th ,ctai-Kpulncan w..u -.u;-k t ..n , r' wr. w;r k.n.tlUUt. It Would V Jicy IiroiniTF, UV I'itK n o. wj i:mimik!i irit ,, - . - ' " J v " mmm-vm mm WW i'(-ui'ciiic party acu touu na .1 I. .va . L T . . .. . . , . I " " - - " - " WVVMS 1:,uu;1 1 "ja. . w. co-jui ; sdJ ,noa)fQ ,tf lb bodt in circola cipn-s-tL trtncipi- of JrCrrM'i 1Y DCCOOUCT. remove rou- ant tncnac ty th cold rmtc that! tie lepal tender qaaltty thaJl i Ukta rmlii rawte Halt aa T Tmm4 rislnn lnllUsi ae - Yaw- V. Mteee A ta raaaia r it.fc . Me ft s1 ee) aasr in tL ronrtrr aa.rh. trar la ka 7 - J y r j , with tb inerraM of popuiaUoa nd tic rtqairrincnts (or domestic .change It would make all th Urer bullion ia the worlJ worth iott ks mucn . theura it wer aJ.ra,d y rointsl into dollars. It would stoi given backs frcta beinc presented at he traury lieraos Ileideibacb. ckelheimer to. and the reel of the breed of gold teculators would tote is rettas far The House was in ses.-iou less than thirty minutes. The action of the Senate i stated as follows: On page 52 of the Senate Journal, proceedings of January lsth. s the following: Mr. Long moved to amend that when the Senate adjourns to-day that it inert to morrow at 10 o'clock and adjourn at 12 m. in honor of the birthday of the late U"neral Robert E. Lee. The amendment of Mr. Long was adopted.-' On page 57 of the Senate Journal, proceedings ofJaruary l'.th, appears the following : On motion of Mr. Adams, the senate count honest men's votes. No! no!! we will never rctura to a party whose record is as black as the Demo-Kepublicnn party of old. Let me sy here, tuat all the Pop ulists m my fcPction (and most all are Popnlist?) have got their heads set one way, and the Demo-Kepubli cans cannot change them one way or the other. We ar "in the mid dle of the road," and svr no fusion with either oue of the old parties. In conclusion we cordially invite Hdjonrned in honor of the birthday of the aU honest, patriotic men of whatever lamented Robert h. Lee until Moiidav atul ... ' f:,- ,, . i m ., - I party or politics who will place prin- cipio aoovo jijtriy, 10 joiu us iu tree ing ourselves and country from all such party organizations. Jas. J. Colev Bros. ONE FROM TEXAS. It is thus clear that both House and Senate adjourned in honor of (ieneral Itobert E. Lee. WASHINGTON. On page 489, Douse Journal, pro ceedings of February 22d, is the follow ing: By Mr. Lusk. II. II.. 10S5. a resolution in commemoration of the birthdav of Jeo. Washington, founder of the .Republic." The resolution read as follows : "Resolved, That when this House ad journs to-day, it adjourn in respect to the birthday ot theioundor ot the Republic." On pages 493 and 401 of the House Journal, proceedings of February 22d, is the following : "The following bills and resolutions were taken up and disposed or as tollows: H- It- lueo, a resolution in commemora ation of the birthday of George ashing- ton, the founder of the American Repub lic." 'The resolution offered by Mr. Lusk is adopted." The action of the Senate was as fol lows : On page 290, Senate Journal, pro ceedings of February 22d, under head of Introduotion of Hills and Resolu tions is the following : "By Mr. Starbuck, S. R. Gil, a resolution of respect to the memory of George Wash ington, and providing for adjournment at 1 o clock." On page 290, same day, occurs this "S. R, 641, on its second reading. The res olution was adopted." These facts make it absolutely clear that both House and Senate adjourned in honor of Washington. THB DOUGLASS INCIDENT. On February 21st, Representative Crews, colored, introduced the follow ing resolution : " hereas, Ihe late tred Douglass de parted this life on the 20th instnut; and. Whereas, we greatly aepiore me same: now therefore. Resolyed, That this House adjourn at 12 m.. in respect to tne deceased. 'Resolved, That a copy of this resolution be spread upon the Journal of the House." In reporting the introduction of this resolution into the House, the Demo cratic newspaper which afterwards invented and led the lying report that adjournment had been relused in bon or of Juee and Washington, earn : Before putting the vote the resolution was changed so as to provide that the House would not adjourn at 12 o clock, but when it did adjourn, it do so in in reepect to the memory of the late t red Douglass. 1 ne mo tion was put and carried ayes 32, noes 2!t." No quorum voted and therefore the resolution did not pass. The matter never came before the Senate at all, and therefore there was no adjourn ment by the "Legislature" in honor of A WINNING CANDIDATE. Sir. A. A. Anderson Wants to be "Hired " by the People And It Look a as Though Me Will Uet His Job. Statesville Landmark. Gold Pem. Mr. A. A. Anderson, of Calahaln, Davie county, familiarly Known to most Statesville people as Ab. An dersou, has the following card in the Mocksville Times of last week Fellow-Citizens of Davie, Yadkin and Iredell Counties : Please hire me (by voting for me) to work for you as one of your Sen ators to the next Legislature of North Carolina, and I will keep wide awake, work well and be very thank ful to you all lor the job. I am a Washington-Clay Whig, a Jackson Democrat, and a Lincoln Republi can, i am tor the coinage or silver and gold ''Uncle Sam" (the United States) to have toll for grinding tbo metals into dollars and putting his brand on them. I want the United States to make money enough to pay its pensioners, and all its hired hands from 1 resi dent down to constable, and stop bor rowing gold from Wall street and London at big interest. ery truly yours, A. A. Anderson Referring to this card the Times says : V e call the attention of onr read ers to the card in this issue of A. A. Anderson, of Calahaln, this county, in which he announces his candida cy for the State Senate from this senatorial district. . Mr. Anderson is a farmer and is one of our mo influential and well known citizens lie was born and raised in Davie county, learned some in the blue- back speller at the free schools and at Ohn in Iredell county, went to school at Last Bend, ladkin county and married one of Yadkin's most attractive young ladies, consequent ly has been more or less connected with all the counties in this senato rial district all of his life. ''Without committing itself to Mr Anderson's support the Landmark desires to sav that bis card seems to fill the bill. Being a 'Washington oe ouervu auver ben they demand-1 maor rtbj mmch a cbaafrT lbr 1 gold, and they would not vast it. I bb ia lbtroa ratios, t wr rte coinage would gaaraotr thlwr'' riaa't,tit II lability of thr currner. Th 'ul,w1.!"rr l4 "ti. ay would cease. " -. j i uvmnj i.v.-A-w,- I nl tulid la mnJnis .... I i - . u.t i i . - . . i : --- iw woum oe ipnueu in grand pan-land aiat aor volar rrtueut mi mm. ic improvements, including coaatltional taokioc inwrn r aat aiUut defenses, and thus be restored to I n roadeaiB! by tiia m circulation among the people. Itl ,,,r rMWU"M rr i.aael tta- would eradaallr laise the t?m .vol of nrioj. I -ww Mr- tbia ia all 4 on fc T, n .lnMln. f .V,.... ,.,V.r"u,ur0: .U bold bat fear ti... f ... l.. f . i . . , . : . . . . .-I lul' Msuuisciunii vi i wusorr ll lltrr i aiOfrlY I'upaitat every uescription would no longer I in .unn i. aruiioa that raa b tuuir4 engage in a mere hand to month pro-1 7 J en nonsense: Tbe rwurd of duction, but would manufacture fortD Dv-mwratic party i mad aa4 (be the reuuiremenU of thecominip ar. record t bey will rr bate a This would irive work to those, now in ?!ow .lo. m' Tbrf bate nMhlM t hjimutl vai tAKnv hil Ihavl i.. . . . . . ' - . . i win never oe luttieo loio fllnjr l beta are uow uoinir wunoui. nnuer ue inutbtr rbanrw f i f.i ih. tt uarfcu compulsion of poverty. 1 he I twelfth time. No ear neat free aiUee commerce between forty-flve States! man can any lonrtratar la tbe leuM- would be resumed; railroads would I r" Priy, lor to do so ia only Ut 61 be taken out of the hand of reefdv. I tD and make McKIa ers. berausA thev rnnlil in earn I ----'-j; ii-niu m rimmi ' J F, mm , ,A - i . i interest on thair debt, snd . "T"T.'r:. m waaiDjj Clay Whig, a Jack-on Democrat and . w. . ffBSWUK laoom I . . uallas, lexas, June 21, ISDG. The Caucasian, Raleiih, X. C: Democratic speakers in Texas are usine a of the acts of the last Legislature of North of Representative ilonroe. of Wayne, something about Jefferson) Carolina, alleging that the last North C aro- (Democrat) who, after the Democratic understand his financial views aright Mtaj In ths Middle ot the Road. For The Caucasian. 1 Colkraine, N. C, June 30, "JG. I have been a reader of Thb Cauca sian a good while, and feel that I just can't do without it. Populist strength is growing down here. The two old parties in this county are each praying for co-op eration with us. Each have sent special committees to our county ex ecutive committee and offered to make terms. They seem to be very anxious. Stay "in the middle of the road" is the slogan. L. P. Freeman. run all his Hf. but now thev had extend a vote ot thanks to him tor nominated MnKiniVv. an! had dn- his "able and instructive address." clared in favor of the gold standard. Tne opera house was crowded with he would not vote the Republican men atl- oesiaes tne ropuiists and ticket. He says he will cast his vote Silver Party men who participated with the PoDulista. and would trv to the mass-meeting, there were . A ' " I 1 i 1 n ,,. get his people to do the same many wnite ana coiorea rtepuou thing. He says many of his people cans aQd numerous Democrats are already with him. He cave me otrange to say, almost the entire Another Endorsement. For The Cauoaaian.l At a regular meeting o! the exec ntive committee of the Peoples Party of Mecklenburg county, held June Jth, the following resolutions were offered and adopted: Resolved, That we most cordially endorse the course of Senator Marion Butler in the United States Senate, and we further most cordially en dorse the action of the State execu five committee of which Senator Dutler is chairman. N. Gibon, Chm'n. J. P. Sossaman, Sec'ty. They Want Guthrie. For The Caucasian. 1 Dunn. N. C. July 2, 'DG.-The Pops in this Bection want Major Outhrie for Governor. Stay "in the I middle of the road;" the Dems will come. H. W. Bizzell. J. B. Uojrd For Congress. For Tbe Caucasian. Tarboro, N. C, June 30, '9G. In this, the Second Congressional dis trict, the Republicans have nomina ted Geo. H. White, colored, and the Democrats F. A. Woodard, as their respective candidates. The Peoples lina Legislature refused to adjourn in honor of the birth of Washington and R. E. Lee. and they did adjourn in honor of the death of Fred Douglas fa negro.j That their ap propriations were $100,000 in excess of anv previous Legislature: that thev removed the I "Mr. Snpater: I wish to sneak for a min tax off the Danking institutions; that thev I ute or two to a question of personal pri vi- levied taxes on churcli and school property; lege. Douglass' ghost, like lianquo's. will that they increased appropriations for a ne- not down at our bidding. I had hoped yes gro asylum $60,000 over preyions appropri- terday that this House; that the whole coun- aiions mai mey reiusea any appropriation I try naa neara tne last oi mis marier, rut, for a Confederate home; that they voted I as I have been informed that on yesterday down a resolution instructing the North I it was stated that I was publicly charged Tirtnorlaaa . . .... . I T: i I uj: i i.i 1-.. Among those who voted in favor oi ivepuouoau, suuum uiau the resolution were leading Demo- him popular with all parties, (he crats. This is shown ny the remarks I should, however, have tutg in If we (Democrat) who, after the Democratic press had begun its campaign of hith- lerto unequalled lying about the mat ter, arose to a question of personal privilege in the House and said : tor this lamous resom- did n5t deny it. and as the permission to report tLis t vour pa- audience, Democrats along with the J eprweniauves in ingress to vote wnn naving yoteu ,.. " .,, -v., 1 ai. ' : j. ir - - for the free and unlimited coinage of silver tion, and that I di per. nisname lsuranvuie nerry, iu lospousB to mr. ujs- at 16 to l. papers this morning are full of it. 1 wish to and he lives at, Uethsemane. N. O. KU1 8 motion. Alter tne meeting ad- In view of these slanderous statements T make a brief statement of the whole mat- Let us do our best to win this time, journed many Democrats also shook ask that you publish the facts pertaining to I ter. t v . i .1. , k.Jn : . v. ii I theae statements in f TATrn&ai . v- .H ..n I i am ot tne opinion mat it we lose "ouuo wim iu maugner oi tneir the coming fight, onr case is almost hopeless. J. T. Cawthorn Jukt Men Should Rule Over Us Let's See. For The Caucasian. Catherine Lake, July 2. 'DC- party, thanked him for his speech and extended their congratulations. lhus, an audience composed large ly ot men who call themselves Dem ocrats extend a vote of thanks to he is in favor of the government charging toll for grinding both silver and gold, and with this toll paying ail its hired hands, from President down. This is a hr-ppy solution o the financial question. Hurrah for Ab!" Mr. Anderson's Idea for Kali-log Clavnrn utent Kevenue. To the Editor of The Landmark : I thank you very much for send ing me a marked copy of the good old Landmark. Please allow me space in its columns to say: We do not expect to get toll enough for For Ttif anrisa I lit a t'ltv. Jt m 9Cltte writer au leaded the I aH ral m-emm t evatea Ilea at lleoa Jae a, 4 If I tmS aeea aaMsa atraacer aad bad bewrd party aaae aseetuwied. I saowlj ae aeea are I a as at a lili4 rwa. teallaw. Tbet ere trite m eteat ia t'oMitiat tUtfrai wubustt tbe iac aaMi vr duttibx a t." Tbet te- aed atrvajr M lalytlueie ruaSMSKiar bund taaaeaaad aatlal banks, aad fur Ibe free and aaliatited eutaaxe ut sUer el Ute I witbtxjltbe rmmmrmtrnt or refardle-e of tbe arii ,f aaj etkrr aatioa. NoW Mr. lttuT Wbat due thl. all T. I lemorrata lr ir. n.alin. .a expenses 1. 1. tm. tt,.t i..u.. . . . . U T1 1 1 Rnm.t Innff WYltxvn Tk n 1.. . ... mm mm . . . lDe imocratic party but when asked rauiv wwuiu vm uj name aome ui I ikmm man f M:v. r : i I . .. . ... . . (;" nu irve coinage wouiu come I wen we win anow you w be a tlte vote resident and beeretary of the I are couniea, ac Treasury who would not epend half their time bawling to the world that their government is bankrupt and compelled to fell its bonds at 20 per cent, discount from the interest rates of the world to enrich favorable syndicates for some unfathomable reason, r ree coinage would stop the borrowing of money iu times of peace Sow, Mr. Kditor. I am but a ttronbeC nor tbe too vf a prophet, but I will venture to jrueaa that a ben tbe elec tion fa oier next November Wilson county will, for tbe first time in twen ty-Ore years, be out of tbe control of lemocraU anywhere from 0e hun dred to one thousand majority. Jio. I. Mtius. 1. S. Let tbe I'onuliat htate eanen. for the purpose of obtaining irold ,,on nominate Maj. Wm. A. Uutbrie with which to pay obligations not '?r l,OT.T,rr na 0"l oofree payable in gold. In brief, free coinage would mean a back seat for syndicates and their oflicial instruments a back seat for the bears of New York stock markets and for the pawnbrokers through out the country. It would mean that money would be more profita ble when invested in business enter prises man wnen laid away in a napkin to breed npon itself. It would mean fair play among men, and only ional IMatrict Dominate tbe Rev. J. T. It. llouver for Conn, and we will win. fusion or no Fusion, Wilson county will be solid for ;utbrie. J. D. M. COLUMBUS COUNTY Thej Held a CeaveeUe Usm-MsbOsrswr b Convention. DEMOCRATS. a With Ctaeed To The atele For Tbe Caucasian. Hallsuobo, N. C. July 2. The 100 cents on the dollar in payment PpP1 Columbua county are sot of debts. I neT much stock in the Democratic And frA oninmrA U onmiiiir nn1 eonTCDUODI, and Wmf Of thoae do bribery and corruption are stronger .ix S nnderstandinf that they in the land than the honest sion of the people's will. A NEW ENTOMOLOGY. expres-l will withdraw from the party if the nominees and platform do not come square out tor silver at 10 to 1. The people are determined not to sup port any party who does not offer re lief. Kor some anknown reason tbe Democratic convention held it meet- Some Varieties of Ticks aad Ban That I Ara Disturbing Wllkee Ceaastj. For tbe Caucasian. 1 Lovelace, N. C. June 30. JG I inS n WhitevUle on Jnne 17th with - ... 1 M -M U W m a a take no part in politics as I profess I clUM" oome xvepuoucans to be a minister of the (osneL and I d i'opulist were asked to leave - 7 1 I .L m. 1 . , .. .. h&rs ha(.n for Slmnt ih rlr vaan I I UV vUUii UUUSe. omCUIlDaT IUU IB find the Word of God commands us, unknown in the history of political as His servants, to rebuke, reprove conventions in this county. It is and exhort with all long suffering nPPOed that it was a part of the and doctrine; therefore I do not fn,oa "Oideon band" that they think it wrong to reprove the cor-1 eonaemnea so xour years ago. runtion of the iwn nlJ nartia n;. I The delegates to the State conven- ther the same in tbe Peoples Tarty I tion did not inc,nde ? reform it tney are guilty, xc. uw riuera. og ui weaiui Mr. Editor, we have four kinds of producers are not to be in it. Tbe ticks up here in Wilkes the teed convention instructed its delegates ticks, "yearlm' ticks, bear ticks and 'or J- A Lochhart for Congreca. "pollyticks;" and none of them dis- 1 tPPo they would like to throw tnrbs the people so much as the out aome more townships to eoont "pollyticks." One disturbs tbe mind, their candidate in. Three of the the others the flesh. And while we mo,t important officers bad to cue have four kinds of ticks, we are in-1 nd contest tor their offices which fested with three kind nf hmra .the! they were fairly elected to. viz.: potato bugs, the cabbage bugs and Clerk of Superior Court A. II. Lem the goldbugs. The 'first two are mon Solicitor H. F. Seawell and making headway with vegetables, Congressman Martin. The people but the goldbugs are getting scarcer!11 .no lorgotten these outrages every dav. and I believe thev will 1 commuted wun the moit trivial ex- all be dead by November, with thecu,ei wonder the people are exception of a few petty office seek- not going to be trapped again. They ers, such as the revenue storekeep-1 their eyes opened at last. man who destroyed white suprem- time ae-o a screed whinh hnr tho t.M iy yo. !: xt iL " . v. . ' I i 4 j: K... i The Duke of Wellington said- wh-, lu i,,ullu varonna, ana inns en- "msiory oi tne General Assemb y of uuuuFp uui ine uuKe oi Wellington sam-wnej l- ja-nT,;ot; A n "North nirniin, an-A .. confusion, knowing that it these statements in the CACCAsixir, and send I "When the resolution was offered, having me a lew comes for distribution, also fnr I -no rrpindin apainst Douelass 8lltlT be- publication in the Southern Mercury, and I cause he was a negro, thinking nothing of grinding (coining) silver and gold to oblige. Yours truly, I his wife, white or otherwise, and intending ITnp! Samnrd's pxnpn5P ClnV XT . T I i j ;..ioo. K I rj 1 in this House, and to remove their Dreiudice on his many other resources, such as it will oe remembered that some I against mv nartv. mv hrst impulse was to Mr.Kinlev Kill (Kill Me.Kin!fv t&nirl. yoie iorme resoiuiion, anu iso inuicaieu n Wilnn Kill t Kill Wilson turiffl. inter iuu? v o cnuie -t -n . was not unani- nai revenue, etc.. etc. we woum also like a slice THAT "BRIEF HISTOKT." will be remembered that j . L.i .1 . i: i i t - c : i:i, . .. , . . 1 f it it . ... Ml . - , l auu llU t-n Il.v.t vumw V. LV.U I'1 . . . mm v mm. Vfc m mm, v. mmmmm . . u J we make them clever devils. And 1 tuoV a a Jt- nyP""M- ed that the name of the YntZSTZ was worf ,than mnding. brass and a john D. ltockafeller's ($40,000 a day) . I InfiV ftlThAr Old nor thinb- TOhot fntiTT 1 ci Llian lUC Uailie OI tne aUlUor Ua not I tmlrlinir nrmhi nnd nnl nwhirj tn hpl , . . ., ..... ' say wi cn we elect clever devils to Anin nr .f . 'A appear in that screed. No wonder! mixed 5n in the matter, at the rlnaf count. nouia there stm De a shortage we ouce, or as teachers, we are pleas- dislovaltv to thir -iZ t. J,Z a! Tbe most miserable, abandoned, con- I did not vote at alL would advise Uncle bamnel to issue ing the devil by throwing his pickets Li. ' ul ,f .J , temptihle, lying skunk unhuug would "When a little boy I read with delight the j Abe Lincoln greenbacks and not in front at tiod's children, for thfv ' I"w "u i V T T-J .""ijr uot aare itner the production of the juuiuisroiy oi yeuerai "k'H"'- goldbonds. ii t l . ij , , . mcaui iu luaui uim lor U1S lnStlUC- Screed. It is wpll knnvn t, liug oil aia aat auu oowiiig piuiuuuuijr iu n i - will act anddo as J udas did with t; Vft rAmn rto nn Q "j.u ,.K.no5n 'a? .lC .wa8 neCTo. because, he said that he did not care e our Savior. Tbey are betraying our " """ h"u. . usuul" uiscreait in tnis oatdone in politeness by a simple old "T-e - - -9 government. v asmngton said ia his farewell address that it was im possible to maintain morality with- j btate. An attempt was first made to sell it for ten cents a copy. Nobodv would buy it. Then it was offered free to any body who would send fnr ir. JNoooay seemed to want it. An effort was tnen made to srive it wv and negro. Somewhat in the same spirit, 1 telt that as the negroes in the Houae, and in other legislative halls of this country, have for decades been pulling off their hats to my ideals, that it was not too mucn ior mo to doff mine once to theirs. "If by so doing I have unwittingly com- !,. , .. . . i ii nv so aome i nave hdwhuoeit com-, tne sianaara money ot :1 .' ". k"yv- me otaue r... onrf asst oi .eeandW ashi neto n. th e Jackson Democrat and a Lincoln to the coinage of Cl" "the noblest figure that ever stood in Kenublican" and of onr own itr.ow. silver without dis- X IX tIi! Vuf'i??.?'1- S?5ron!L!!ie 'LHj" ledge a highly respected citizen. ' - uwwj niiii vw 7 bHK i m i i k hiiii ill npr ;.iih v r .i t 1 1 1 i ; t' 1 1 l r i Lini. - v 1 Miimi - r . v . " 1 : -, o-- w . . I democratic Money Plank of 1893, We are requested to print the Democratic money plank of 1892 out religion. 1 say electing mea to tiere it is office who have no religion, have "We hold to the use of both gold not morality and are not those that ana silver as God said should rule over Lis peo- the country and pie. And if Andrew Jackson, of A. both gold and D. 18-9, could rise from the tomb criminating against either metal or aad see the change made in this government by unworthy men from what it was in his day, he would be of equal intrinsic and unchange- believe it presents facts 1 . . . 1 V1 1 A. 1 I. .1 tremDie and weep as our oavior Qia aoie yaiue, or to pe adjusted through facts as thky ark. for the city of Jerusalem. international agreement, or by such A lie can be told in a few words I a th Ava h1m in flilno lf Vac I OH rairn&rn a fit lAnlQlflTl ATI o o nV, nil I ilnAa mmnnnZmm 1 m.o mmmm-x j uu vcvaixa au vj, Llau I JL CD, 1 ti v. " ivgiwiuuivu CO OU'Jll ILX I uw ivuuuc 111 a 11 V WOruS III PnnVPV I 1 ' . . . - . , - . i . , . i . , I .i. .. .. I ! : r i , - . . i wnen me exciiemenu nuiuor ana owe en- nave men wun religious principle sum iuo maiuiouauue oi me parity imprcnBiuu ; out n aoes require gendered of this discussion, shall have died rule this nation. And God will bless of the two metals and the equal Pany words to fully correct a false or and been forgotten, that the generous im- His people with much prosperity power of every dollar at all times in lying as810n I pulse that actuated me may in some myste- a-nA hanninsa. Hnmo nnt n th th marVfita and in tha normal., p . honorary adjoitrkufkt nous, unseen way continue to sof ten and ii . u, - r-j via-o I I blefm the lives of men Mw.vnaw n A (niTi A 4w,.n UnnAnl I HaKfs " ' I ThA lla ,n rnrnnnir M!il. iL' I piiuiai j u " . i uuueoi uouio. I, . . " " wiiuuiuai- Wa hav never understood whv the to the IState and national con- , . . . .. . .. f'f 18 mat thk lkgislatukk adjourned r.m.-.V; M-,....h,H -n.ii J",- in nonor or Fred l lono-iaaa BnH .afnaai i : . r - - j ry truly yours, A. A. Anderson. Calahaln, X. C, Jane 2G, 1S9C. Yadkin Hippie. Rep-J Mr. Anderson being well kaownin this Senatorial district and also being a "Washington Clay Whig, a TPTIl flf.FJl fi f. enaab-ava i -Wtrt..A I Inata nnAn a lrvof MnjO rY ft Karl oa tt tKtA charge tor mintage, but the dollar are seizing on to this anonymous pro- heroes of Valley Forge and Gettysburg, I unit of coinage of both metals must duction and trying to make the public P"0115 If 1 hay? sumed against the party, not oniy in inia ouiie, uui in ixoeis, I can only plead that my action sprang from a generous impulse in a pure and patriotic It men : v- .u u.ii - x ou can 1001 pars oi tne people an h7Ctm7 l7 tZ :hhetime; yucan 'oolallof the peo- to adjourn in honor of lorge wZh- "m " "IVi T - 17" tb&t . the best men ot our land. Then we ple t oJthe time h ington and R. E. Lee JTOUid ?aont lllb 1 thl9 ca8e" nrhrt fol thft nfled of hottnr timoa ... ,r .. . u",JJliJCt' I least T rino- ia a rhrnnix Hiu,u with 11 mm m.v vwv.a mjmmmmvmr 1 1 1 1 1 u 1 nr I 11 M nann a ail rna T.imA " : ' ' il ... m m r , 1 those represent peopl Abraham Lincoln. numerous wavs to Drove the unqualified falsity of this state- should in our .opinion be a good re- comendation to start with and make him popular with all classes. Statesville Mascot. Silver Dear The reading of Mr. Anderson's card is a sufficient endorsement of him, and we say hurrah for "Ab" Anderson of Davie. WHAT FREE C0INA6E WILL DO. And It la Coming If Corruption Is Mot Stronger Than Tb Will of Tho People. The Cincinnati Enouirer trivea th following as some of the things free coinage of silver will brine: The free and unlimited coinage of ers, marshals, raiders. &c: bit enough of that. I am Go years old. and have never in my life seen such a time financially. I have not seen a gold coin of any sort or size since the gold standard has been estab lished. It has locked the wheels of every industry in the country, and has ruined both the old parties, so there is no confidence in either of them. Yours for reform. II. Wtchk. ARE THE DEMOCRATS FOR SILVER f Son Ik era Void Moa EarIlla1 t'adtr tao Bopooltcaa Washington Post,J Birmingham. Ala., June 19. Not for many years has a Presidential I would not put any conn-1 nomination caused as much euthusi dence in what they promise. They Asm and activity among all Kepub- are both dead and next November licans as has that of MeKinley. they will be buried. I don't know Party workers opened the campaign who will hold the burial exereise. to-night by the reorganization of the nnless it is some syndicate from I white Home Market el au here with England. The mass of the people are I big membership. Monday night for free coinage of silver at the ratio the colored Home Market club will of 1G to 1, with a good and lawful be revived. currency sufficient to do the busi- Lists for the formation of Demo ness of the country. I cratic sound money MeKinley clubs The Republicans sir they are ro-1 re in circulation. Thoee who are ing for MeKinley for President I signing them say that while they that is the office seeking part, and I will support local Democratic eandi- tney say ne is a free silver man; but Gates, tney cannot give their aid to I tell them it is a mistake; he is a free silver, which they regard as goldbug, and I tell them that these ruinous to their interests. The or free silver chaps will, fool them ganixtion of these clubs will be ef- again. fected in a short time. The Democrats have not had any . ' - . convention heie, and I don't know l . . . whether they will or not. The most BpecUi w t om-1 of them will support the Peoples Topixa, Kan., Juno 29. During Party candidates, if the party does P" wk mOT than twenty not fuse with the Republican party, well-known Kansas Republicans But if there is such funon, the free bTa bolted the party, and declare coinage Democrats will not vote. th7 will not support a gold plat Now, Mr. Editor, I will say, as to form. To-day four withdrew, one myself, I am no party man. I am ' them being K W. Turner, ex for a principle not a name; and as Consul to Cadiz, Spain. The Atehi I believe in the Farmers' Alliance as n county Republican convention, a principle, I am an Allianceman, .home of ex-Senator Ingalls, and as I see the platform, as adopt- voted down almost unanimously ras ed by the Peoples Parry and the olntions indorsing tho national plat National Alliance at Washington, form. ?ind ?U P1 toTb6i?1 liberty cannot long endure ia any principles of onr forefathers, I snail eoantry where tbe teadeacy is to ooe. support them. centrate wealth ia the hands of a few. (Continued on fourth page.) t B. o. UorOKTH. I Daniel Wt

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