New Offer to Meet Demands. Five Copies Caucasian 3 Months For S1.C0 12 Copies 3 Months $2.00. v., ia the time for action. The !. (1U" ! riemT is Rowing tares. Iet the Everybody pt t ah-owkUr to tfee 1 wfcl kiW Tka toltlLiM 1 CAUCASIAN. people how good seed, r ie copies f)f the Caucasian 3 months for Jl.oo. Twrlve copies 3 mouths f,,r .;.J.0O. S nd a c'.u'o 'pirk. Bartering, tS er-wwt '. wHaH wif twuskwdieg Iit-rrw. I-t't wrttbrm. Sr4 fl.PO for v erf? of the Caitcauab S toe, VOL. XTV. RALEIGH, N. 0., THUESDAT, JULY 30, 1896. No. :ls. A WAIL FROM WALL STREET. A TALE OF WOE ADOUT ANTICIPATED EVILS IF THE FREE SILVER "CRA7M PREVAILS IN THE COMING ELECTION. Mr. W.J. OudIm h rll lire A Coiii- lirl.oit lrn nf Aerlent Hal,, loo bii'I Our rrrs.nt lire! lltlei-Aftiletjr jt the ritfifil.. mf OM.n Tim. Hhoulrf ('. I'pnri Them. The "Shipping ami Commercial Lint ami New York Price Current Mnt out to merchants under pre tense of keeping them ported on oncea ami intended onlv for their eyes, lilU uj inoKt of itn available s ):.. with a "t:i!e f u " alout an ticipated i I .-t whi'-h will be full "bu'tru-n intfrt-pt (another r.Miie for Wall Mr'-1) if tbe'freo .silver rrsyV prevail m thif. 'letion 1 giv Mow in ealrart oat of a ropy dated July llh, iH'Jfi, tnt to a lialeigh iiir-narit. The nly torn merit I will premixe upon Wall street's wail in a quotation from Revela tion, which may have some refer ence to the corruption of tho great citit" oT these later time.1 suerin tluctd by bad lawn and had religion: "Babylon the Oreat ia fallen and i beeome the habitation of devils and tho hold of every foul spirit and a cage of every unclean and hateful bird." "For all nations hate drunk of the wine of the wrath of her forni- , 'it ion and the king of the earth have- committed fornication with her." (A poweiful portrait ft that class of politicians, rulers and political partiea which ncll out the interests of the country people to tho "influ ences" ("foul spirits") of the great cities. ) And the merchants and shippers who traded also in "staves and the ouls of men" (or, in mod ern parlance, used money to debauch tho ballot box and buy the conscience! of men), took up the wail, "Saying alas! alas! that great city that was clothed in lino linen and purplo and scarlet and decked rvith gold and precious stones and pearls!" (Not a bad description of the vulgarity of fashionable dress in the great cities,) "that great city, wherein were made rich all that had Bhips in the sea by reason of her costliness! for in one hour i she made desolate!" candidate of a party carrying the standard of Projection. Lut the Cand ida of a',1 the iif-o;.!.' who desire to nee th nft'ion'i" honr and credit kpt un-po' d by tne htain of repu diation, arid to prevent the success of a party whir h, if it 'cured the con trol ( th' nat'r.nal (Jovernment, would entry i if'o the wildest finan fial xt' ri r.i-'r;t ever attempted by a ciriiiz'd rv.tion. The disastrous effect of h'.-A.: v. mad venture would be felt by all dashes f the comraua ity, an-1 "-ouni -xnd themselves so fur into the 'oming century that their full ei? .q'ieu- are beyond human -::j titration. 1'uain men must cot 1" out..jt wi'h the fa;r prospect '.L'tt now exists of prevent ing Mich a eafMMrojdie. They should organize th tcsel v. s for f ccial cam paign work amJ b- or: the alfrt ali'o as in!i v'u!u;i!j, every man of them actinrr f committee of one t i:uko tho defeat f Bryan and Sowall, and every cn'Iidate running for C'on grexK I'M tha. tick t, to: merely ur tain, but overwhelmingly r--i. A CLAR STATEMENT. .!uri(9 WIht i I irk Answer Home u.- tloi.. ii'i S.Ir I.ltT M'orthjr of art fill I. railing- Some time ao c'rtain citizens of Thomas vili", dcsiiing information upon the financial question, wrote to Judge Walter Clerk, asking several questions sn reivd totho etiect or freo coinage upoa the price of pro ducts and the t ffct of the present sit uation upon debtors and taxpayers. His letter in teplyisa clear and sim ple statement ot the whole question and is worthy of careful reading. It is follows- "Raleigh, N. (' , July 10, 1S9G. "lear Sir: "The Superiutf udent of the United States Miat reported cllicially in the last statement sent in to Oonirress by the Secretary of tho Treasury, accom panying tho President's message, thai the yield of gold throughout the world for the year then ending was $.197,000,000, and of silver $100,000, 000. so yon fcoo the yield of silver is not keeping up with the yield of gold. The total stock of gold and silver throughout the world, by the best es timates, is a httl-i less than 1( of ril ver to one of gold. When silver was demonetized, in 187o, it was 3 per cent, iibove gold, and it was debated by tho syndicate which should bo demonetized. Their object was not This Scripture is usually interpret-, mflch ag to striko down half the re. euio reier io ino "oman aiuoiw d tion m o the world, and .i.urcu, aim peruaps propeny this doublacl the value ot the Nation- uui i see no reason wi y iv imj uu Sfate &ad others bondg the miI Micludo also a general view of a .1! lio'naireS had iavested in. me corrupt nuuences, secular as , 4,Ag tbo principal ase of silver was weii m rcng ous, wn cn nave luoir ; b demonetjze it woulll bo nai.uauon," ami uoia in ino , . . valaQ as compared with great cities. .A ! gold-and it is absurd, after destroy n is no wiDM mat u Fij cu- , r principal u?e of silver, to say ies, or rather the controlling infla-, d 'ted. it has only de- enceain tnem stana as a ami ror m- j iated wheu mcaBareJ ia gold, creasing ana centralizing ine powers , - . . . , t,i A 0 ,,ce of silver will buy as muchcottou, corn, wheat, etc., as it ever did. The ap parent fall in tho value of cotton, wheat, corn, filver, etc., is really on ly appreciation ot gold wmcu is double its tormer value by oeing made the sedo redemption money. Uold will now buy double the former amount of produce, silver, etc. ihe W . 1 . . Ul'llll 111 IUI 3 1 "WIVU oi civu iiDerty in mia country n n ...f t, .Umonf.tizationWo-oId croaenments oi auieu monopolies in I 51NETT COUNTY P0PULILTS. BERTIE COUNTY POPULISTS. M . -1 v'lbHUiau ol t.ltct ll- Uald Tkir CU A Lars K tktaU Crv4 l Altlne-ll-(ta Osomb to Ui Vtlu - The Bertie eoanty Popnlut on vention met in tne court hoa in Windsor, on Tuesday the 14th inet. DEFAULTER MYERS CAUGHT. Uin la Xw Tvrk. Chablotti. N. C, July 22 - J. P. Myr, the defaulting' c&thit-r cf tb Beaboard Air-Line, i to-dy eaaght by Pinkerton detectives in New York It will reruemlxred Iii tt coui.ty Peoples Paity con venti5".tiie in th town of Ldlin ton on G-.h day of Joly, lb'JG. Mr. Z. T. rvivet exiled the convection to order. H. N. Bizzell, D. J. Senter, Geo. K. Byrd, Alex Wetand Henry &t 12 o'clock, and was called to or- tht Myers skipped boat tea dsyt Groom were appointed committer on der by Chairman J. M. Early, wbo ago wilh a woman of shady charae permaoent organization, and the in a brief and patriotic speech, stat- ter, taking with hiai about thirty- committeo macio tne louowmg re-ied the obieet of the meeting, unifive hondred of the Seaboard port: Dr. J. W . I'ipkin, chairman; motion Mr. H. P. Harrell was eleet W. G. Byrd, Secretary, and A. T. ed chairman and Mr. C. M. Early secretary. On motion of Mr. W. W. Outlaw, the chairmen of the different town ships were appointed a conference committee to confer with the Demo- of the general government to be ud for private or sectional ad vantage, tor controlling the cur rency within such limits as that it may be manipulated to affect prices ; in the interests of monopoly, and lastly, for the interlacingof American ; with foreign interests for the ulti-1 mate purpose of using such "en-j ,....): ii: ii il. MUHUKU1UWBB loqueu me bpil 11 fanil h - . ill t a.1 Ul'JVVt JL IUU U'.ui,'uiiimo" mi I I uircit rt, 1 1 at unti t k I-k-kl (ho o n , . uciuu uyuiu in iU5 ' mtll '1 l. inltlrtfil ." W O TT 1 f J control of tho general government. dg jn Kl the hoIdcr3 oC Jour So it i the most comprehensive Natiout)il 1debt' WPnH donble thoir iiKitrc ui suvctu m an rueioiio 11 Arnold assistant Secretary. On mo tion that each township select its own delegates to the State, Consres hioual. and Senatorial conventions. Tne following is a list of delegates: Andtrdson Creek Township State, L. T. West, and M. A. Elmore; Con gressional, Alexander West, l. J. MtCorquodale; Senatorial, J. S. In groom, B. B. W Ft. Ivansboro State, I. W. Taylor, D. S. Williams; Congressional, H. N. BizzelJ, L. P. Jernigan; Senatorial, G. 1. liodges, W. Y. 'Gatney. Barbecue State, J. J. ltosser, W. It. Graham; Congressional, D. T. Douglas, J. W. S. (taster: Senatorial, J. P. Kvles. J. W. Lester. Buck Horn State, A. T. Arnold, N. T. Johnson; Congressional, Da vid Wheeler, J. W. Stephenson; Senatorial, T. E. Smith, David Spence. Ulack Kiver State, John G. Ad ams, J. P. Iloneycutt; Congressional, J. It. Youug, Y. Q. Utley; Sena torial, S. J. Gardner, John Matthews. Grove State, John P. Parker, L. M. By let; Congressional, Kev. Wni. Byrd, It. Ai. Parker; Senatorial, Ali sou Stewait, J. B. Kyles. Hestor h Creek State, D. H. Sen- ter, D. H. Matthows; Congretsioual, G. D. Spence, J. A. Johnson; .Sena torial, T. H. Smith, G. B. Johnson. Mills CrefcK State. L. H. Marks, II. II. Horner; Congressional, H. fl. Poe, 1). M. Hamilton ; Scnatoiial, Wr. J. Enui?, A. D. Bvid. Lillington State, Z. W. Pipkin, W. d. Byrd; Senatorial, B. W. Byrd, W. Ji. Ennis. Stuart Creek-State, W. A. Parker, S. L. Parker; Congressional, ii. M. Allen, J. W. Byrd; Senatorial, G. E. Byrd, S. N. Parker. Upper kittle ltivrr State, W. M. Patterson, J. M. B. Thomas; Con gressional, W. D. Patterson, F. M. P. McLeod; Senatorial, F. M. Mc Kay, Paul McKay. Delegates at large Geo. D. Spence, S. W. Parker. Tho following gentlemen were ap pointed committee on resolutions: H. N. Bizzell, M. A. Elmore, J. J. Rosser, J. G. Brown, S. J. Gardner, D. A. Stuart, D. H. Senter, A. D. Byrd, Z. T. Kivert, B. F. Truelove, W. M. Patterson, and submitted the following resolutions: Whereas, That part of the now existing Constitution of the United States formed by our forefathers and ratified by the State of North Caro lina, November 21st, 1789 that re fers to money has never been changed, and Whereas, Said constitution gave Congress the solo power to coin money and regulate the value there of and unit bills of credit and gave the several States the right to make funds. Chief of Police Orr, of Char lottee, goes to Raleigh to-night to procure the necessary papers, aa Myers refused to return without a requisition. Myers took his arrest resignedly, sorrowfully admitting his identity cratic and republican committees I and yielding to his captors withont ho ask for a conference for the I struggle oi Drotest. Twelve hiin- purpose of effecting fusion or co-op-dred dollars was found on hini. My eration with the Populists. While the conference was being held, Hon. James B. Lloyd, of Tarboro. was in troduced by Hon. James Bond, of Windsor, In his usual pleasant way. Mr. Lloyd then addressed the con vention with a pointed, pleasant I said and patriotic speech for one hour. REPORT OF CONFERENCE COMMITTII. Your committee appointed to con sider the propositions submitted by the Democrats and Republicans, would respectfully suggest to the ers confessed bis guilt, but declined to say what had become of the mint ing $2,000. Mrs. Bisonette stood the arrest of her companion with iron composure. T " ill rvi vta mg rt fnvm 1 1 n ' iriA V 1 & K t V AA V JU IV LA OS) V 4A "Not that I care personally what might be said about me, but that I wish to protect my family from disgrace. "1 did not know of this embezzle ment. My friend's arrest has blight ed my hope and ruined my life. Oh, 1 loved him 1 love him still. finnvAnfinn that n o i r ntt c u i rt nrrm. I yes. Ko ActraA mnA a I Otherwise, I should not bo in this take them under advisement, so that P8ition to-day." we can act in the best and wisest manner. On motion, the report was adopt ed. On motion the convention pro ceeded to elect delegates to the va rious conventions. The following were elected as delegates: State Convention M. J. Ray ner, M. L. Wood, H. P. Harrell, J. M. Early, W. G. Burden, W. A. Capehart, Geo. T. Bynum, L. P. Freeman. CONCi SESSIONAL CONVENTION J. H. Liverman, T. H. Pritchard, A. W. Snell, E. Bazemore, W. C. Liver man, H. A. Hobbs. Senatorial Convention W. W. Outlaw, Ervin Pritcbard, J. C. Tynes, J. S. Mitchell, John P. Mor ris, Josiah Early, J. E. Tadlock, John P. Slade. National Delegate Hon. James Bond; alternate, H. P. Harrell. According to Mrs. Bissocette'sl story she is the daughter of a physi cian in Anderson, S C, where the first met Dr. Bissonette. Two children were born before the discovery was made that Ds. Bisson ette had another wife. About this time she met Myers, and his down fall began. Later he confessed to his wife and was forgiven, but on July 11th, while on the street with his wife be deserted her, joined the Bissonette woman and disappeared. TEN PERISH IN A SWOLLEN CREEK. Cloudburst Caused Sodden Flood That MANY LIVES MAY 61 LOST. fKMl fir KmII I tfcj MSMt.KOMBW Villas T.rM).M4 With tMr. Um - W mtmmm 4 CfclMrai Im (- Sunn, Wub, July ;i Kr-i fires Ul night dtrtj-4 the lofcmr camp of W. M.CIoihirr t Nn s.1 rr trsl utAtion of tbe ItelUngbam lUv and British Columbia Ksllwaj. Thr b. is estiinsttJ at I Tb entire country north of brre is in fimr. The fire is gradually workii'sT toward Wtiatcooi. Vakcui vse. It. C July Al.n the Northern Kailwav, beleen W bat com and iobro,bu.L fires have burn ed many farm building and railroad ties. At Viocouvrr iat nifbl ltrrr were two fires, rauiwd by uparks from the bush fires, a )iuum and steamer b inir burned. I'nless rain comes imo large tracts of timber along thr I riirr nr will be drbtroyed. Ien smoke has set tled down ovf r the seaport town, and it is with the greatest dittieulty tt.M navigation can be carried on. Victoria. It. C' Julj 2X The south ern half of Vancouver Island has turf seen clear atmosphere for several days, owing to the bruh fires everywhere raging, causing immense damage to properly, and making travel on conn try roads extremely dangerous. The worst reports of damage reached this city from Alberni !at night. That city is surrounded by one immense fire, which nas taken entire posses sion of Mineral Hill, a wealthy sec tion. The flames have destroyed tH build ings in the Duke of York mine. China Creek, and are now within two or three miles of town, having burned numerous camps, bridges, etc. There were many narrow escapes from death. Women and children had to be kept under the piping of hy draulic mines and dreuched with wa ter to prevent them from being scorch ed. The damage to property thus far i estimated at over half a million dol lars, and the loss on burned timber will reach well into the millions. CAUSt rOR Ce)NCRATULATl9N. TVar of Southern KrelgUt 1 1. Baltimore, July 21. The Mer chants and Miners' Transportation Company, which operates lines of steamships between this port, Sa- T If r.-U. rort SiImo AWo R4-oo tW r -t tTrt M tu t mmlf !, I'swo I ln1 liwM I mtm mw. Watxj, X. C. Jaly 2J.-W-have Kreat cause to eosgTatalate oars Ives upon our political arhievew meats. Indeed, our grand old Pop ulist Party, spneginc a few years back from a mere infant, has bow grown to be a whale ia Ihe jo!ittal stream. We Lave l-cn abated atd ridi culed a&d onr leaders have Wa proe eenttl, petsecated and even eggtd and pired, but we have hoen iaitbtnl and bote c ur trials as true men should and ss only tru tuea roall. WLat is the r-salt tt-dayl Why just IiHk and teho!d! Yoa are the- atTaits -f this great nation aa they ate swayed trom the mobopulie tie pain cf de.tructi. u into the hands f an Lt tet !odr; teing rescued fioni tyranny aud placed opos the road to refoiin and prserity. And this gnat accotnhabiunt i alone through the Peoples Party. Jod IdcFS Ler. 1 rhall contince to sing herpraiesas lorg aa I am able to wield a pen. The prosperity of this great coun try depends alone upon the princi ples and demands of our puty faith fully discharged. These are the prin ciples of the great Jefferson who his only passed over the river, but not dead, for such men never die. As we have about conquered one half of the great army of monopo ly's greed aud they having surren dered and adopted almost our own platform, let us art as beconx brave soldiers and refrain from heaping too much abuse and ridicule upon our former abusers, but extend them a warm, brotherly Land upon our platform and bid them welcome in our ranks if they will help us to con tinue the great battle for reform. The Peoples Patty is rapidly edu cating the people. See the result of the Chicago convention. If any are so ignorant as to think the Peoples Party will be dissolved silver snr.DiKo in ceiico. MM f ACTS RttAROtftt LAtOft A l0UST1tItTNA1 COUNTRY. tM . a rtoi rt4im. Tae newspaper rf tkis e-vaatry which advoeatex gold sBetahstA, assert that t ha -rs per it y of Mettew is da eatirely t tb tart tbat its earreaey is iBflst. iLat is to aay. that it is givoa a upwd valao which in teal-.ty it bas not. aaJ that it has brought into etitaeo aa ac tivity which is bat r-rae! and on a solid fouadaUoa. It ie ai at all surprising that a tk. rr. c( a preeidcatial rit;.a. aairh. tr haps, may W dctde4 ia far of free einagr of silver, and agaia.t gold tuonooietalliesB. that the"ad taobey ptosa should eadecvor to d eeive tL Aneneaa peopU with ro gard to tho eoaditioa of affairs ia Mexico. The follow Inc letter, (clip ped from tha Silver Kaighflt, writ ten by a resident of Metioo to a friend in Kansas, eerta;aly eoatra diets the statements of the "eouud money" press in regard toMetuo: rorta SLr4lBa UkM o4 IUm trtM. Office of Mexican Central li IV. ( I'M j of Mexico, Mex. June 2.. S.T.. FkANk It. FokkEvT, 1".-., Jewell City, Kaas. DeakSiu: Anssieiieg your favor of the Kith iuataot. 1 enekiee yoa a copy of an article, which I have prepared in answer to many ieai ries which we receive in reference to our silver standard. However, as this article does not answer all tho (lueations yon ask in your letter, 1 will answer the others as follows: I would like to call your attention to these farts: That business fail ures in Mexico are almost unknown. We hare no strikes such as ato eon stantly disturbing romturrrr in the I nited Mates, huea a thitr Swept House. Away. Mcouisuifis uciwct-u mis oii, o- . . rvp, , . .uj ww. .r unrui t niteU stales. rUCH a thltg as T, , , ... . vannah, Boston, and Providence, all I let me say they are vastly mistaken. I Coxer'sarmv is never dreami f !h..jB,!L.C1V7wA, whih call kt Norfolk and Old A great worlay before, and we 'i.! cloudburst at Benson's Creek, four miles from here, resulted in the drowning of at least ten persons to day. They were James Bradley, a five children, Point. Va., to-day met the cut of 31 are going on with the charge with per cent, on freight and passenger I our faces to the front holding aloft trathc bv the Seaboard Air ljiue and our banners. lor tbey niut-t never Southern Railway Company and trail in the dust. Be faithful, breth- their steamship allies. Ofiicials of I ren; we are educating a nation and farmer, his wife, and On motion, the convention ad-an??' jnr8, "Tani, a wiuo, ana two tne company assert that they will rescueing homes and children from journed to meet again August the i ciscs ia m iuo Hiiumsui " competitors. TB, -. inS u 116 aBa.asQ- As an inducement to travelers to villa Railroad bridge across it was MfrnBi t.;, Una tha n.i n. . . uiiivuiiiu tuvii iiui a auv v s va owojii, awoj. nus. urj.uii Seaboard's connect on announ- tery wants it at wages to enable them to supply all necessary wants. Our banks are paying from II to 17 pr cent, dividends rer annum. Mano- 17th, 189G. H. P. Harrell, Chairman. C M. Early, Secretary. This was the largest and most en thusiastic convention ever held in Bertie county. It was composed of the representative farmers of the county not a lawyer, doctor or banker in it. A Populist toll-gate near the bridge. The little toll-house was right on the creek, and just across from James Brad ley's. The Conway mill, just above, was the first to go. Its timbers must have swept away the Bryant and Bradley houses. facturing enterpusoa whose fronts am Lnm n am Mrin v fmn til il maoT Env fai n r-T nn in i-nrca r v iimir I iuiiim vnii m rH I r i n it 1 1 1 i nn n.r T n i . . ,;.wtafil,a "vv,"r' . . j pfrwiu, auu invaie concerns wbo wt. s,u.u I nAm nniiAo I AfldlA VA thsMtl A trill vffsaoifl hWiAfi I . 9 l.i - ... . I - S 1 t ' M " A I our piaiiorm auu rrincipjCS IT IX I rtrnnta am knnn ! ti t.e..,..M. makes the ground tremble. 1 think, as a rule, land owners hor " IS - a B - - o e win never turn uaca until our the divine revelator did intend byi this ''great city Babylon'' to picture the mind and purpose which actu-1 ates the great centres of trade, its unity of power, the oneneds and the universality of tho havoc and confu sion which the selfishness of the' great cities has wrought in modern ! civilization. It is no wonder that : they feel soma anxiety lest the ' plagues that are written in this Book ' should come upon them; and while i they are not yet casting any "dust ' ou thoir heads," there is aa unmis-' takablo plaint in this their lan- guage: j 'I II R NATIONAL TUTY Of 017 It HI'S I NEWS ' MEN'. Kor the second time in tho history of this paper a political crisis has been precipitated upon the country, which transcends all normal party property. The swindle is so simple we are astounded at its audacity. 'Silver, as you see above, from the report of tho United States Suptr inUsdtnt of Mint, is not now being mined as much as gold, and as to past accumulation of the metals, there is les3 than 10 pounds of silver to one of gold. If both were on the same footing, as prior to 1S73, the price of silver would b, (as it was then), a little in favor of silver, as gold would cease to be a 200-cent dollar, as it has been artificially made. "Tho effect of the present situa tion upon debtors and tax-payers is precisely the same as if you bad promised to pay 1,000 bushels of wheat and the creditor had indueed tho legislature to pass a law making a bushel of wheat 120 pound-?, and be claimed his 1,000 bushels. Wo considerations, forbids th indul-! have promised to pay our .National L'ence of all nartv svmnathies. and ' and individual creditors in dollars, summons every commercial naoer. i and thoso creditors have procured every trade journal and everv busi-1 legislation which makes a dollar 200 ness man to the rescue of our threat-: cents, thus requiring double tho entd financial integrity and com-1 cotton, corn, wheat, etc., to pay our mercial honor. It is a challenge and ' tax?s and debts a defiance to the commercial sanity of the country. It raises more thau a party issue. It presents to every intelligent merchant and tradesman Yours truly, Walter Clark. Hyde County P. P. Convention. The county convention of the Peoples Party for Hyde county was called to order on the 20th day of July, 1896, at 10 a.m., by D. Wahab, chairman. On motion, Dallas Wahab was elected permanent chairman, and L. H. Swindell was elected secretary. All of the different precincts were the said coins a tender in payment of "Presented except Engelhard and On motion, C. F. Benson, J. J McGowan, D. Wahab, W. T. Berry, W. S. Harris and B. J. Carawan were elected delegates to the State convention. On motion, D. Wahab, S. S. Lup ton, E. B. Cutrett, W. A. Russ, J. R. Credle, Jas. Hodges, D. M. Cara S. Jarvis, W. T. Berry, W. flVlAnf mania lint it ia nrnKaltlu tlint These houses I a-1 :i I kn.'(ranennrt,;nn ci.t. themselves must have hit the rail- roonif and two meai8 on cither line roaa Driage, as no mui iimoers are before m d nnnti hAlin. TU k.,jl n mo a I . ces that free berths will be given I demands are enacted into law and holders of tickets to and from Rich-1 then we will all join in a chorus of a mond. The Southern's new line to I duty well performed and continue in Richmond was inaugurated last I our honest efforts to build up the week. Nothing has yet been said I greatest nation on earth. JXO. II. l'OWELL Jit. away with terrible force. debts, and Whereas, Aliens or foreigners, aided by traitors in this country, have succeeded in inducing Con gress, secretly or otherwise, to pass laws that, in their operation, annuls the Constitution of the United States, as applied to money, and given that right to certain incorporation known as national banks, and W hereas, Tho Democratic party thing about it, iron and all, except the main abutment, is gone. All railroad trains from Frank fort, Lexington, and intermediate points are cut off from Louisville. Ten minutes after the cloudburst. Benson Creek, which emptys into the Kentucky River immediately be- was a raging, swollen river, covering the valley on either bank and sweeping everything before it. Slew and Burned In Had Rage Attica, Mich., July 21. Gorman wain, a farmer living one mile south of this place, early this morn ing killed three of his children with a knife, set fire to his house, and Tho SnnttiArn Kfitci PVoirrVit an.1 Every-1 Traffic Association will hold a spe cial meeting in Atlanta to-morrow to consider the rate war and devise a plan for concerted action on the part of the twenty-five rail and wa ter lines, members of the organization. A bad Accldeut. Washington, N. C July 23. While crossing the bridge on his bi cycle hear yesterday James 1. Fowle, Jr., son of Samuel R. Fowle, failing to notice that the draw, through which a tug had just passed, was not entirely closed, was thrown from his wheel into the river and struck the bridge in falling. His body waa soon found, but all efforts at resns S. Harris, B. J. Carawan, C. F. Ben- ;l " TJ. ib-1 citation were unavailing, the blow on -wr w tj t a a:uu I mg nimseli through the heart. kiw .i im.;0 nati aDsoiuie control or tne govern- uT . r, c..., ' owain was aoout rorty-eignt years jv. - m ii . .1 v aiouuuti jaarns, v. omiesueiry, , . . 7 , , .- ucam. xouukui. x- o 10 ,.. ucoi- 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 m 1 i.ii.iH. nil ivH K in 1 1 ti rnriunia i r 1 1 n tti . Orin Selby. were elected delegates r: "7 L.yr?.r:r ly years of age. The deepest to the Congressional and Senatorial B",nc.eH- "au, ?, V1 eni rrKl sympathy is felt hero by all for his bereaved parents and their many meet of tho United States from the 4th day of March 1S93 to the 4th day of March 1895 and the Republican party had sufficient control of the u.1.i u . county executive committee r.ja;,rA .nJtn rtnr t tbJ Th proceedings of said meeting government the constitutional pow- stances. He had a violent temper, J c 1 1 4.1 . j 4. u:n I;nna auu iui jooia usu iurcaiiiou 10 mil 1 liuuiouuuiio. 1 1.:. r :i j 1. : i e tt- c I The chairmen of different town- " " u uieu ittoi. biiiuk, Mueo wuicu lime c m : v, n v,nn. c . 1 I -1 J r ur.v.l. u : c iU I "oiu n vutuuiou i ivuipcr uavo lan mmmf; Miauviu ui iuc eu Dili -m . . 1 n i I UiCVi ia ment since the 4th day ot March 1890 1 n Wb., nf fv,tt lwain's outbursts of temper were put before the house and unan- Cleveland's II umlllntlon. : St. I.oin'd Post-DUratijh.l a tremendous public peril and a duty Mr. Cleveland ha3 been bmmilia to no uiscnargcil with regard to it. tod it seems to us that the action of the so-called Democratic national convention at Chicago imposes a duty upon every business man in the United States to actively exert him self in defense of the threatened bus iness interests. The finances of the nation must not be thrown into dis order. Our honor as a people who have always paid their debts in full in money that was worth its face value in every market place in the world, must not bo sacrificed. Our vast foreign trade must not be disor ganized and subjected to a long pe riod of waste and loss, caused by a 11 actuating currency ehanges. Our still vaster internal trade must not be thrown into the abyss of inflation that is always produced by the issu ing of a debased currency and the inevitable driving out of gold, where by all values and prices are first forced upwards to fictitious figures which they cannot bo maintained, with the result that when they drop, as they must when the reaction comes, disaster and rniu mark the path of the recoil from the debauch of inflation throughout the Union All these things will come to pass if the reserve forces of the conserva tive business classes are not called intoeffective action to prevent them. There are, it ia true, gratifying signs that the cause of sound money is already in a fair way to be vindi cated in the pending contest. Dem ocrats who have stayed in their party ranks all their lives are coming in thousands to the direct support of William McKinley, of Ohio. It is now peen, with growing distinctness that McKinley is no longer the mere in the house oE his friends, or of those who should bo his friends. Them was no disposition among the delegates who went to Chicago for tho purpose of declaring Demo cratic principles to condemn the Cleveland administration in any for mal or organized way. Ihe party was willing to extend to Cleveland tne cnarity ot its silence, it was impossible for a Democratic conven tion to approve Clevelandism, but it was possible to repudiate him by the eloquence t f silence. . This was the conro determined upon. It was the st'Utim: at of every man in tho ma jority with but tew exceptions, it was dictated by motives not only ct party policy, but of public decency. When the gold minority in the platform committea placed in the ni'nority report a resolution indors ing Cleveland it invited that con demnation of the President which tho convention had been anxious to avoid. It forced the party to spew out tho bad taste in its mouth which it had been willing to swallow for the sake of decency. Mr. Hill's the atricals made a bad matter neither worse nor better. It is impossible not to sympathize witn JUr. Cleveland in hi3 humiha turn- He ha3 been disgraced by those he nas served. He has been left naked by those whose livery he has worn. The party which has heaped honor and emolument upon him has been forced, against its will, to brand him as unworthy, false to it and to the country. Et tu, Brute? Are 70a helping to spread the cir pnlation of the GaucAjbiAJT? ukiuuicui iu uunsuiuuuua. imonslv accented ,r of controling its money, therefore imonsly accepted. T 1L il i. ii T I -1. xvtsuij v J.6L, mm we, ma ireu- ples Party of Harnett county in con vention asembled, do declare to the public that we will not vote for or assist in me election or. any man in Action of either one of the existing parties to any Federal office from the lowest to tho highest except he be pledged to use his entire ability for the restora tion to the government of the con stitutional power of money as exer cised before 1873, and not then ex cept bis words and public record will bear him out in said pledge. Resolved 2nd, That while we re affirm our allegiance to the Omaha platform and in all its demands, yet, to show our faith by our works, we will m the present campaign lay asida all other planks in onr national platform except that on fi Swindell, Secretary. TO PROTECT TREASURY RESERVE. been more frequent and of a more violent nature than eyer. He had trouble last Sunday even ing with three of the older children Fred, aged nineteen; Anna, aged v . , r . "& "" ,i vi:. ii. y. j i w vears. He whipped them severelv "o J "muci ... .rwi v ,aa nA:i,i,nv'a Allerton, after a conference with honse. He tried to induce them to friends throughout the Statu will be grieved to learn of this sad accident. Republican National Finance Committee. The roster of the finance commit tee, which is to have the collection and distribution of campaign funds for the western headquarters, was PARK FROM ROCKEFELLER. lie Ulves The I'eople of CI vtlaad Coaily I'mtent Tbo City UlsbnUi It. Haa riredth Anniversary. Cleveland, July 22. The Celebes tion of the founding of Cleveland, 100 years ago, was commenced at midnight by a salute ot 100 guns reinforced by steam whistles, bells, and fireworks. The national salute was fired at S:30, and the citizens oi Cleveland, as well aa 10,000 strangers, gave up all thougbt ot slumber and turned out to celebrale. 1 be exercises toolL place in the great armory where the recent Methodist conference was held. Mayor McKis- son delivered an address of welcome. There were some remarks by James C.lloyt, who is called the Ilepew of the V est. ,S. J. W. Cowles, of Cleveland, an nouneed that John 1'. Rockefeller au thorized him to say tbat be offered as a gift to the people of Cleveland 27i acres of land tor park purposes, valued at more than tiioo.outi. The gift was accepted, and the park will bear Mr. Kockeleller s name. The announce- inent of this handsome gift was rn tbusiaslically cheered. Kockeleller l'ark will be one of uncommon beauty. henator Joseph Jt. Ilawley delivered the oration of the day. The address I pound; wool from $0 to $7 a arroba was ncu in Historical data, and the or- of Zo poonds, (or 25 cents per pound). afrit .' A fiLriaffrfsh a.f t Ii eiaa t ti Ifl - . -..w. ftU.v soa.ivu va uv s- va I II AY lft DOI IB it AttaViwI rZZrFuM" green fodder mixed with ments nd f peopfeof mi&&iZ"h Corn LbU other New Kngland States. He noted P?r 100 Ionnds. The normal pneo the fact that Ibo years ago to-day Cleve- of corn U about one cent per pound. are or a mora intelligent elaas than the farmers of the United States. As a rule the laborers are of a leas in telligence, excej t where Americans employ ignorant foreigners, in which case the Mexican labor ia of a U t ter class and higher intelligence. I'asaenger conductors are raid a salary of 1G0 per month. Freight conductors are paid by the mile and their salaries run aa Liirh as 1-00 per month. Kogioeers are also paid by the mile and are paid from il75 to $200 per month, in a few eases a little more. Firemen are paid about 100 pt r month. The salaries of de pot agents vary greatly, ranging from $j0 to f IM per month. Tele graph operators receive from f-40 to vl2T per month. Clerks in tho gen eral offices receive from f25 to tZW. per month. The smaller salaries are paid to boys and the largest to tho chief clerks. I'iviaion superintend ents receive IXiO per month, divi sion train master 1175. Carpenters and joiners from el to fl per day. uncle masons from fl to (J per day. Street car conductors tl and drivers 75 cents. The wages indicated above are given to both native and foreign artisans. The less experi enced receiving the lowest figures, the largest amounts being paid to tho skilled workmen. Wheat is worth fll per 350 pounds, (or fl.85 a. . v . aw. per uuanei;. lotion is c.nta per return home, but they refused, and probably saved their lives M a! tvl, Hi-a nrora aerkiiaA.t .xj ilia o burning of Swain's house shortly .. . . . . .... arriir . a'k nnt Into mnrnnir When the national ban&s ot this city to TV i i .u T 1x1 j camoaitrn f und protect the Treasury 7old reserva. Lhey reached the place they found campaign tuna . - n T Now York Banks Regarding Their Gold Holdinca. New York, July 21. In ance ot tne mtormai agreement national Committeeman Jamicson. There are 103 members, bankers and capitalists being largely represented. Mr. Allerton is likely to be made chairman. The personnel cf the committee is an assurance of a big several meetings of bank ofiicials were held again to-day to consider the situation. Bank ofiicials gener ally confirm the reports that the banks are prepared to turn into the sub-treasury an amount of gold ex tending at least to half of their hold ings. It is understood that Presi dent Tappan, of the Gallatin Na tional bank, and several other offi- Frank Swain, sged eleven; Lucy, aged nine, and Jimmie, aged seven years, with their throats cut and their father by their side, dead. ENGLAND'S VENEZUELAN BLUE BOOK. The Dutch, It Is Claimed, Controlled the Disputed Beglon 200 Tears London, July 22. The promised Blue Book on Venezuela was issued White Metal Hepablieaun of Kinmii lima. an Addresa. Oil H- I -1 1 .I 3! 11 - .1 .1 JWV . . . . - i,.iat.iiflvuL 1 1 iiiii i j 1 1 r. 1 1 i im r in m h i 1 ' - . - n nnuce, and meet either or both of the Zu a: 7C m " , im8 evening, in comprises o pages, old rmrtifl if t',lfiv will liVpwiaB ,u. ".F"' tuo j-reasury ae- their contents consisting of docu f i uiifuis iruiu iijc J7uicu auu uauisu ine airectors ot tne .National City archives irom 1621 to 171W. 1 1 i a i , -CI . n ai , uhuk met mis morniner. ana screen i muuiai Topeka, Kan., July 22. At the State silver convention held in thU city last Thursday a committee ot Republicans was appointed to draft an address to the Republicans of the State in the interest of free coinage. The address was issued yesterday and consists of a large array of doc umentary evidence going to show that prioe to this year the Hepubli-1 Can nominee. land commenced its career with a pop ulation oi four persons. MUST HAVE TNE HOUSE. The Cioldbaga Will Make Ite.pxrale Effort. A Fpecial Washington dispatch to the iiaitimore nun says "The Republican Congressional Cam paign Committee is planning, it is un derstood, to secure a majority in the House of Jtepresentatives favorable to out, owing to drouths in various parts of the country the Present price is unusually high. bite sugar 12 cents per pound. native brown about 4 cents. Batter 75 cents per pound, eggs 25 ents tier dozen, bacon, imported, about M cents per pound, native 30 cent. beefsteak 19 cents per pound. ueer cattle Irom about f 30 to 135 I per head. Beef cattle are not sold by the pound. Hogs, the price) is sert themselves of all other demands, on a common ground of co-operation and work tor the election of cans of Kansas have been in favor I men in the Cast are to be beaten. of free coinage of silver. Former! The article concludes as follows : "ii is Beginning to be seen tbat souna money, even ii tne free silver regulated by the Kansas City price, sentiment should defeat McKinley." I ii ,, . r ri,. Horses, fine carnage horses, are plan can be worked by a fusion of the .h Pr j?ir aUu1t l,'0Wt or sound money candidate only in each I to ir300. Common horses about f LjO district. In the Democratic districUlPer pair. Common mules from elO the Itepublicans would vote for a Iem-1 to f00 per head. ocrat.and in the Republican districts! Cows, imported milea cows, from tne iemocrats wno iavor me gold fioo to 250. Ciood native milch bianuaru wumu auppyr iue wpuoii- MW lroo mDorle(l lt9ek from GU au w ass 9 wesBjw a sac vri gold, 1G to 1, a graduated income tax. abolition ot banks of issue and all paper money be issued by the na tional government. Respectfully submitted to the com mittee. Dr. J. W. Pipkin, the bank's share toward replenish- aA!or. .more tian tw0 centuries prior in th Tr.tnn va,AA tttii ! to i?t) tne uutcn controlled tne tern ul "-w" -"t oui ior thafr their control was recognized " f""'1"" ciwwmoui luoio wuuiu I cne opaniarus. uo uu neea or protective measures I At the same time the summary is prefixed, State platforms are quoted, as well as resolutions, adopted by Re can legislatures demanding dispute, and f silver at the rat5t' of cognized by 1- , ir. auu lur toe eietuon oi suckbiu. .rtrite;hr,to lonnnnnn ; I which claims that the documents nrove : .aa k I should the Democrats carry both pledged to free coinage of silver and 1Z "vm.hZ ZZ that for more than two centuries prior tV, Z .i the Presidency and the House of liep- ranches) of the eonntry tt u custom. to J0, and ordinary range cows I1C. r arm laborers receive from 35 cents to 45 eents per day and found. Un the large haciendas (farms or free IGto W. G. Byrd. Sec'y. EIGHT THOUSAND HAVE QUIT. The committee insitts that Kaneas The Standard will to-morrow sav I Republicans, to be consistent, can- same time the Exchange that if a day is not afforded the Oodo- not snrtDort McKmlev and Hobart market is very strong, and exports!8011 in "he House of Commons to or a single gold standard. sir frniii urn v a a w a n a -i . si niwihh vpiiiriii sains i hiihiihihii sis-ni, Thursday and Saturday to a fairly large extent. Strike of Immense Proportions Amom iew York Garment Workers. New York, July 22. The strike of The gold reserve y estei da v stood at $8,0U3,SUD. Joseph Weslev Harper Dead. New York. July 21. Joseph Wes- And 81111 Oar Land. go. Washington, July 22.-The reseniauves, it is ny no means cer tain that free silver legislation will re sult. There will probably be a num ber of sound money Democrats elected to the next House, and tbey would not oy any means ieei oouna to sup port a free coinage bilL With out a tilver majority in the House a ary to rive each laborer a small tract of land for his own use. No charre is made for this. Owing to tbo fact that land is held in largo traeU, tbo owner can well afford to do this, as it enables mm to secure bis labor at a less figure and renders it certain Si-c- silver Pretident would be powerless to I that they will not leave the place, do more than to exhaust the gold re-1 Owing to climatie conditions from tration, she second reading of the Ap propriation bill will enable the discus sion to be raised. It is the general te of the interior has anDroved 6erTe nd iD8'st UDon the ue W to 10 a year will supply all tho P KS! LJ "5" OfP?!ion VUYl lands Elected X.IF A. .AIm of tho ordinary iVrZ laborer oansuurjr ia voo tiiaitt ana oesicaiing i , , . T1 . i lion oi oeruiucuv oonsaiions." I ; i, . . in responding to the advance of Secret by raUroads: Northern Paeift-.Rail- The goldbugs may overreach them- l?if. V.7i,wii? ?C ' V' 4 Ury of State Olney. road, 128,002 acres in the Helena selves Unless silver Democrats In-1"- As tha food ration u largely Tne convention between ureat Jin- ana xsozeman iana aisiricts, non- leist on a rule or ruin policy the rold- """e Vi U1UI sua vegeiaoies. the tailors for the nurnose of comnel- ley Harper died to-day at his home I tain and Nicaragua for the appoint-1 tana, also 12.4SS acres to the samel ites could be beaten at their own srame. I and due to the fact that Boats and 1 . ." . . . I" AT.- ' i i -11 ... I - A . . . I .... . - " I . . 1 , . . .... ... mis vny ttiior an uiness oi tnree I meni. oi a mixea commission 10 nx ine i road in the Spokane district: Or eon I -o goia uemocrar, or no one woo nas I rata axe aeinmemai to neaitn in tbis eumaie, tne expense of living is greatly red need. Those who speak scornfully in re lation to the condition of tho Mexi can laboring class do so in exempli- a a . . neation ot ueir own gross ignor ance. There is so country on tho face of the earth where energy, abil- .arPT$!. L?rl18her? , in 1894 was issued to-day in a Blue company m the Oregon City distnet, ch iu int. Aiaiyoi waa uuru in urooK-1 Book. I Oregon. lyn, March 16, 1830. After a prep-1 It was these disturbances that led to . : r aratorv course he entered Colnmhia. the seiznr of th rvnrt nfrnrinmh.1 ine people wonaer wny unancial I can tell nuj5 uuiitraciors to renew ine contracts i 1X1 -'0 u muess oi inree l "" ui ""i uuiupioaiuu tu ui iue road m tne opoaane aisirict; ur gon made witn tne employees last year con- weeis. He had long been a sufferer I amounts aue irom icaragua to iint-1 anj California Railroad, 17,329 uuiujj me uours oi wors to nicy per irom gout, up to last year he had " DUUJTOfc uiug iW 1UJU acres in the Rosebnrg district. Ore I' "U 11JV,U . 4,ill3 lilUiUlilg, and, it is expected, by to-morrow morn ing about 8,000 workmen in this city and Brooklyn will have quit work. There is no question of wages raised. A big mass meeting of strikers was held. About 5,000 strikers assembled. The meeting was held for the purpose of making definite arrangements for I business, and entered the conducting the strike and appointing Harper & Bros, in 1869. a io uomer witu me contractors. laiiors have no personal grievance against the contractors but consider that it is through them that they have to bring the manufacturers to terms. The mass meeting decided to close all co-operative shops at 3 p. m. to-day in order that manufacturers cannot gold Democrat, or no one wbo bas been for the gold standard until the present time should be sent to Con l bey cannot be trusted. Call- egg a good egg does not change its nature, neither does call ing a goldbug a cilrerite change his nature. college, and was graduated in 184S. I an armed British force to compel the Pnic cur 1''eqalfnVJ; in 1850 yonng Harper started firm A Sixteen te One Gavel Presented. in of avail themselves of these shops. Murder Near Franklinton. Fracklinton, N. C, July 22. At a negro pic-nic or political gather ing near here to-day Genadns Jack son, colored, was killed by being s true witn a sticK. Jas. a. Moore. son of ex-Sheriff J. J. Moore, is now nnder arrest here charge with the killing. 8t. Louis, Mo., July 21. The pre-ity, and capital will produce as rreat - 1 tV m ., "n. . . I 1 . ' r a . siuing omcer oi ine tr opniist Jon-1 restuu aa in Aiexieo. ana ner prow- payment of the damages claimed by "em wny. w ine inieresc or ine aeat iteitain . tJh.if f nnnaifi I bankers and brokers that they should tt...i. i n.j i i-. r nmor. ie ii one oi ine tnnriont msth. nu nH siutu u, vuc .iicr . . k. h , . ., IwAnt nn trill a 1R t 1 nsrit ! a s mr wtm A ly useless knaves rob the producing. I It was presented to the National I to the fact that we are on a silver Carlisle Slated For the Supreme Bench I manufacturing and mercantile classes I Committee to-day by 8. D. Walton, I basis. A. V. TEXPLX, Mgr. nri.; t , -.. -r. I oi ineir nonesij earnings, it is one oi I a colored deletrate from (itnrtn. -a I rtasuuigion, juiyx. iiavacan- the caief plans by which this infa- Isw t t t .1. oTI.T o government can lonr end ore cy occurs on tne onpreme bench lmous rinr is rivetinz the chains f I nTL D " , C " : -. I where the tendency of the law is to dunng the present administration slavery upon the limbs of labor. It is "7 gvei na sixteen upa oi auyer I create a monied aristocracy while the will be likely to receive the one of the chief means adopted to auf w""ulwlun" " 01 1 masaes are made poor and dependent. build up a money aristocracy that I "1UM,l B coueci-i 1 nomas w en erson. ahall in idla Iiitiipt anrl mnju rlia I ed from seventeen States airtiMin I 1 Job printing in all its branches. A I retentions airs of nobilitr Man il I Southern and Western and one Eaat-1 rive copies of Tn CACClfLiS tnai souoited. 1 Webster. lent State. 1 Utree Booths far ZLDO Carlisle will be likely tne appointment.