The Fight Isn Me Heed Your Help. Send In Ii Club. S Gopiss 3 nonths For St .00 ! This I'Ff ia entirely depend. Lt upon tin People. If it is '. 1 . . i.iiiu' uieir cuise iruuu, it merits CAUCASIAN. . Tl? Ctrta ftf w, th r rwsT fir f I Cvf;f ii u ! t.t ts lervrn.-f ! Sm a , lv In i: support. If that support rot qiven, the paper cannot i m'. id. .senu a club fuirk! VOL. XIV. .ETTER OF ACCEPTANCE ; the Republican Presidential Candidate Bi-metallism Declared a Sham. ARIFF AND MONEY ISSUES. public, now in How aro the silver dollar Use different f furlh -t. ig1 which would be in we must u-e use under free ; Jint".r lice. us RALEIGH, N. C, THUBSDA1, SEPTEMBER 3, 1896. LETTERS FROII DO ac --ITIE TRUST ftr.i n a r. . 'l L . . . . l . . i w.uav. xucjr bih 10 iip or me Fame weight and fineness; tbev arc to bear the fame stamp of the governtne r.t. Why would they not be of the same value? I answer: The silver 0 CO! r. McKinley Approvr the I'latlorm on Wlilrh He Vn Nonilnatril -CUIiim That I rea Coinage WouM I'rve a National llUwater I'leilgea the I'arly to I'rotec tlon "SoiiikI Money Mle Hard Tlinm " ;I!anti)N, Ohio, Aug. -. - Maj 'Tilliam McKinley' formal letter a';- fjtinff th Republican nomination r JV(kjtiit was jshuciI to-day. It iken in full abont 7,U0 words. it 'I 1 . 11 n. i Mowing is an ansrract in which ,. .ilu-rit points aro given literally: lion, .John M. Thurston, and .ilit ri. Member of the Notification ( uriiiiiiltoe of tho liepublican Cm- ni itiee: nth-men: -In pursuance of tho rnmiHea niado to your committer Mi' ii notineu or my nomination as the Republican candidate for I'rosi i!t nt, I beg to submit thia formal ac ceptance of tho honor and to eon hi r m detail questions at issue in tint pending campaign. iViliaps .im might be unnecessary, in view o in y remarks on that occasion, uid those I have made to delega- t uns mat nave visited mo tne St. Louis convention, but in view of tlif momentous importance of the roper settlement of tho issues pre cntetl on our future prosperity and tanding a a nation, and cnider- iii'' only tho weware ana tho happi ness of our people, I could not be content to omit again calling atten tion to the questions which, in ray opinion, vitally affect our strength ml position among the govern ment.! of tho world and our morality, integrity and patriotism aa citizens of that republic which for a century past has been the best hope of the world and the inspiration of man kind. We must not now prove false to our own high standards in gov ernment, nor unmindful of tho noble example and wiso precepts of our fathers or of tho confidence and trust which our conduct in the past has always inspired. THE FINANCIAL QUESTION. For the first timo since 18fS, if ever before, there is presented to the American people this year a clear and dirc.'t issue as to our monetary pystem, of vast importance in its ef fects, and upon the right settlement of which rests largely the financial honor and prosperity of tho country It is proposed by one wintr of the lars now in use were coine 1 nn ac count f li yi(v rnment and not Tor; has been the private account .r pain, and the government Las pokmnly sgieed to keeptbem : good as the Lett dollars we have. The government bought the silver bullion at its market value and coined it into pilvir dollar. Having exei'uivo control of the mintage, it riy coins what i, cau hold at a pur.ty with trold. The profit, re pr sectiL. the dlTercmr.e be tween th corumt reial value of t!u: silver bullion t-.wl the IV-n value of the silver dollar, goes to tho govern ment for tho benelit of t!:e people. Tho gv rmiicnt bought the silver bullion contained in the sliver dol lar at very much Jen than its coin- agrt value. It p;id it out to its crcli-' tora and put it in tircuia!it!i nmorr tho ptopto at its face raltie of ofosie! hundrtd cents or a full dollar. It! - - i i . ... rtijuircu mo jnopie in fecept it Sit- a le.-.l teudtr and i.-; thus morally bound t rii.' it t a parity with trold, which was then, as now, the recognized standard with us, and tho most, enlightened nations in the world. The government having is sued and circulated the silver dollar, it must honor and protect the holder from h5M. This obligation it has so far sacredly kept. Not only is there a moral obligation, but there is a egal obligation expressed in public statute, to maintain the parity. A I'KOPJtF.T OF EVJL. Thr.-o dollars in the particulars I have named, are not tho same as the dollars which would be issued un der true ejinatr-1. They would be mo saiue in iorni, out u'.litrent in; Debayejut-nt of the currency means th1 destruction of v&lces. No one flnff'irs so ranch from cheap money as thi fanner? and ubuwis. They are hret to Jeel is br.d tUccts and the 1'i-it to recover from them. This uniioim experience cf a.l countries and l.r. as lsewhere, ' tho poor, and not the rich, are al ways the greatest eufirc-rs from every attempt to debase oar niouey OF I'AI'ER MONZV. Tho silver question is not the only issue affecting' our money in the pending content. Not content with "'K'-'rj '" lire CM-'Uftje Biier, lis strongest champions demand, that our paper money thall be issued di- , r ctly by the government of the Uni- I 4 , .1 C . . mi .y . . i jf .i puiv'b, mis is iiie nieago : I'etijocratu; df ciarali..u. The St. DEFEATED. The Charleston Chamber of Com merce Says Wired Bale Consti tutes a Good Delivery. THE WIRE TIE ALL RIGHT. juis declaration is that Col. Bonfan'. iiallant cht for th Cot ton Farmers-South Carolina AMlaueo iaeM Sleet tbe CrUl Declare That Tbelr Cotton Shall He Koand With Wire Which Can He Purrhaaed at Half the I'rlceofthe Truit Article. ottxjn I'laut J The death knell of the Cotton Tie !SSUt.i the O't and through lawiul tho govt rnnifcct.'' Th to tne tree eoins-ri ot iIe, We . 1 t. an era of urliri);' -i, paier cm rt-ncy . The question whiv-h out from ISGo to 1ST!) is ro-op- nt,d, wit.) all its uncertainties and cheap money experiments of ev-iry ','..ncc i valdo foviu is thus foisted upon us. This indicates a ruo. t i r-1 1 tg rt!MetioL-.r3 policy, strangely at variauco witli ve re quiremcnt of s umd linanct; but tho leclarat ions s!mv iho spirit and pur peso of. t;;-)Sij wim by c;l;lhjaed ac tion ato contending for the control of the government. Not satisfied with debasement of oar coin, which follow tiiti free HI to 1, it would further du'rade our currency and the public, honor by the is n irredeemable paper cvir A graver menace to our fi- stscding at,d credit could and every pa- bo aroused to effectually de- teat it. is a cau'-e for painful regret and solicitude that an effort is be ing made by those high in the coun cils of the allied parties to divide the of 1G to 1. Who would then main-i peoplo of this country into classes, . j la 1 t 1 i 1 t 1 l H tain tno parity i v nat wouiu Keep ana create oistinctions anong us, them at par with gold? There would which, in fact, do not exist and are oe no oDiigation resting upon tne i repugnant to our rorm ot govern government to do ii, and if there men. Theso appeals to passion and were, it woald be powerless to do it. : prejudice are beneath tho spirit and mr na- Frust has been sounded! The past week every objection or obstacle to tho use of wire bas been overcome. A satisfactory buckle legal tender i r ih" pamont has been made, the strength of the ebts, private ay.i pu'oiic' and wire has been demonstratel by prac- money bhall te tfeneral jovernment only, without i trie lntvrveiitiou of banks of" is-sne. bn Jull le-ral tender 1 r ih' be distributed T t c Till liMn d .lisburi.cients of the value. I he government would have would inevitably no part in the transaction, except ! coinage of silver ? e: to coin the i.iver bullion into dollars It would suaro in no part of the profit. It would take upon itself no obligation. It would not put the dollars into circulation. It could only get them as tiny citizen could j hardly be conceived, get them by giving something tor j triotic citizen would them. It would deliver them to 'promptly meet and thre sue o!; reuey. nancia those who deposited tho its connection with tho thero ends. Such are dollars which would be silver, and transaction the silver j issued un der free coinage of silver at a ratio The simple truth is we would be driven to a silver basis to silver monometallism. These dollars, there-! fore, would stand upon, their real : value. If the free and unlimited ! coinage of silver at a ratio of lo ; ounces of silver to one of gold, as Oemot-ratic party and its allies, the! some of its advocates assert, makes n'opiBs aim ouoi ooliico i" iuub- ....j """" -. ,,v 111 '- 1 reareci; we are aircaa' esperisncmg uuuureu coins, auu rue buver uoaar ; tne e2ect of partial iree trade equal to tne goul aollar, tnen we would have no cheaper money than now, and it would be easier to ge liut teat such would be the result is against reason, and it is contradict ed by experience in all times and all lands. It means the debasement or peril to the credit and business of oar curiency to theamountof thedif- the country, a peril so gravo that terenco between tho commercial and conservative men everywhere are coin value of the til ver dollar, which breaking awav from their old party is ever changing, the effect would be associations and unitincr with other to reauce property valu", entail patriotic citizens in emphatic pro- untold financial losses, destroy con test airainst the nlatform of the hdence, impair the e-oligatiors ot Democratic national convention as existing contracts, further ltnpov an assault npon the faith and honor erhh tho laborer and producers of of t ho irovernment and welfare of the country, cre ate a panic of un- urate the free and unlimited coinage of silver by independent action on the part ot the United fotates at a ratio of Hi to 1. The mere declara tion of this purpose is a menace to our financial and industrial inter ests, and has already created uni versal alarm. It involves groat the people. We have had few ques- paralleled severity, and inflict upon tion.s in tho lifetime of the Republic trade and commerce a deadly blow, more serious than tho one which is Against any such policy I am thns presented. . terably opposed The character of the money which liimetallism cannot be secured by shall measure our values and ex- independent action on our part. It changes aud settle our balances with cannot be obtained by opening our pr peril of free silver i3 a menace to be ?ing partial iree trade. The one must be averted; the other cor- j -i m i t i reettci. ine ltepuoaeaa party is ; wedded to the doctrine of protec- , tioa, and was neve, more earnest in its support and advocacy than now. If argument were needed to strength- I en its devotion to ''the American j system," or increase the hold of that system upon the party and people, , it is found in the lesson and experi ence of the past ihree years. Men : rcaliz i in their own diily lives what before was to many of them only re port, history or tradition. They and know whnt each them. Washington, in his farewedl ad dress, September 1 th, 179G, a hun drcel tars ago, said: "As a very important source of strength and se curity, cherish public credit. One tical tests, the lost weight has been secured, and tho cotton so bound , in addition has been declared a good delivery. worlds Direct self interest will now con- liter upon elude the battle inantrurated bv ra- d ecu able triotism. Col. Duncan left last week for New , i was toupht ork to secure the lowest nrieea on hu:; to be Wire obtainable. THE WIRE TIE ALL RIGHT. The special committee of Charleston Cotton Exchange pointed to be present at the made with the wire bound bale of cotton sent to this city by the State Alliance Exchange, have made their repoit. The board ef the exchange met and adopted the following reso lution regarding the binding of cot ton with wire. "Resolved, That the bale received was tested and stood the strain of compressinc; that so tar as tne ex porting of tne cotton bound with these wires are concerned, this ex change cannot pass an official opin ion in the absence of a majority from the city, but as far as we can see at present, we think the cotton baled in this way will be received by the exporters, provided the cotton is un compressed and is wired as the sam ple bale sent us tor inspection." COL. DUNCAN DESCRIBES THE COM PRESSING OF THE BALE. It is beginning to look as if the farmers of the State are going to be winners in their fight against the steel cotton tie trust, which was in augurated by the State Alliance. Certain it is that they are all hold ing back and are not yet purchasing ties. Col. D. P. Duncan, the manager of the Farmers' Alliance Exchange was seen at the Alliance Exchange asked about his trip to Charleston in tne m- Tbese 3o wire will weich 41 rxabd and wui cost u to NJ rnt tr baa- die. This i aeaicst 30 flat iron tin in a bundle weighing 45 pounds and costing now $1.4o per bundle. Tbee 30 ties are used to pack fire bales of cotton. This Is the information I hare to-day and 1 think in a few days I will havr the arrangements completed to furnish these ties in any quantities." THE RESULT OF COL. LCNCAXV TRIP. Col. D. P. Duncan, manager of the State Allianee Exchange, has return ed from New York. He was emin ently successful in his mission. which was to secure a sufficient sup ply of wire ties to enable the South ern farmers to defeat the Cotton Tie Trust. Concerning his visit to Gotham he said: 4T t. i :i i " c ttiiauKt?u wiiu a targe wire i for The e'aacasiin.l manuiaciuror 10 niase us wire ties. The tieB will be made of No. 0 an nealed steel wire. Thirty ties will be put in & bundle, (the same num ber as is now put in the bundle of nat hoop tie?. These ties will weigh abont 1 14 lbs. to the tie and will cost 00 cents per bundle delivered in Cohibibia. The rate of freight i3 37 cents per hundred to Columbia. It isa little more than that to tome other points, which will add a cent or such a matter to the cost per bun dle to these points of shipment from the factory. "Now as to the comparative cost of the wire and hoop cotton ties: A bundle of wire ties, weighs 37 1-2 lbs. ana cost :iu cents, or u.JU cents per always ttood Vy h to.btc t . i Come a!I ho lot ro4 r Tuat j as I a&d he.p us e!et lirjan v. a .). Tfc ot I eat th"e fal! t tbj firt. aed I intnd to to- r h W have tb ricM a f 'scrt -a thie diotnrt. Th Hob. Jobs K Various Matters on Which the tK,'r " p' J' , ... . I third diftxut in i:t ropuiar upmion is Lxprsu M iiciMii udoisc a ctrat tk t M). :. 0?EH lUIlH 10 SHEF1II. THE PEOPLE ed All Sections Interested. LIVINQ ISSUES FORWARD. reform. Cotiuo- tL cr-od v'-tl. Sampson is sdtd aed wilt b- foct o at hr old post. h.h : in the front ranks. K 11. IK Jv. KMnNMtit ef The Attl.t alTk.CM. veaUea-iiooa Feellec he very where reeple Are CevUf tm t'e hery hedf for Whlpla( Oat UelebeUam. A TlrhetThat Will tem4 Te IcterT. Troy, N. C, Aug. 21".. V are very well pleased over ht-re in Mont gomery with the action of the State convention. I think we have a ticket that any party might b proud oblige . m 1 . . . .. .. . I a Cleeelaee Wee Vm-m le . J Per The Cauratuia. Washe not bom in IrlaodT 1". Sv C o- ttitution Arti-1- 2. Srr..", mii: "No p rson eie pt a natural brn rit;oa. or a citizen of th I'stteU Mate, at the time of the adnl;oo of thi roa STT CN4KtS hll WilN BtS CJ0TlC Kit, frtCMlS Ao twier. M. 1 m4 the e4 -..- m p e. e - - 4 em. rnmmm .. Seeee the ... "''" hlwee4l. The eeeete. Jv,tati .-tesrt.r4 N,,, j, 4. f vn toif i r- ,; :: r ., .,s-!t Mwrmsii. reptj t t,. f-eut ft n at of. I feel contideut that Suthrie and Dockery can lead us to victory. The Democrats are making a desper ate effort to side-track us, but we are not up for sale, but we are up to keep our heads from being chopped off in the next legislature, which, I feel sure, is the biggest object in view of the plutocrats. Success to titution shad t eligible to th tl a -M Waee a ure oi i rri.ient. ui y a p!o- answer Intones ir Mrr aioi iOroverClevrUhil ti bom atl'ald ' wr-ii, J m descent. Ed. l.::7. and i, .1 K"i:lisl" K.t. Ilr. T.lm(. Mli.r. The U-v. T. DeWut Talni-. vh. reef utly returned from a long to jr t.f the Southern States, say: "If the silver people win. I bb.-ve The Cat ca.nIan and the party of re-1 there will b such a booming in in form. N. 11. SllEI'lltRP. durtries which ate now inactive n! such a general hhakintr on .f com mercial interests that the count rv will be sure to prosper. "During my entire tiip I did ct find more than one or two men ln were not silverites. The unanimity was astounding. Toe rentiruent K. Ilrnry at Uavl.Uoa CoIIckc pound; a, bundle of thirty heop ties p'o' The Caucasian. 1 weighs forty-five pounds and cost Mt. Union, N. C, Aug. 22. The $1.45, or 3.21 cents per pound. You Peoples Party had a field day at see we have. SI cent per pound in Davidson College to-day. Hon. Wal- favnrof th wirA tirta I tr It. Hnrtrv madfl a fine snenrh of I . rm t n i .1. - 1 11 u 1 .1. . i . I UOWn xue resKua i ineu upuu uiu targe I luiee uuuia itrugiu iu a crvnu ui ai , . wire was to gee ine unuouoieu leasi two uunureu, uui as 10 isemo strenght because the wire manufact- cratic count, if it had been their urers said that in pulling the cotton crowd, they would say two thousand, out of the hold of a ship, the smaller Mr. Henry held the audience, and wire might give way, bnt this No. G when he spoke of stopping they they would guarantee would hold, cried for him to go on. We recog and then we get the weight. Cotton nize in him a great defender of our hoop ties after this season will never cause. The campaign has opened be over $1 per bundle again, for the up well in this part of the State. I wire tie has come to stay. think if J. S. Carr, of Durham, will "The ties will have a complete keep patting Hon. W. A. Quthrieon loop on one end and the other end in the back as he did the evening we all l. - I- nil i. i i. . i I r !!: t .1 I " o l " uanngw m oerunvnrougri u loop, curno up irani u. igsirum iuBOw ifl, campaign, and it will ill beflt cent oacir ana ine ena put unaer tne conveniionne w i ao weii me to a strong partisan on either wire around the bale. In compress section. We hollered out to him to Thefe Qae cbriitian. iuj it villi ouiy uo uecessaiy lo puui nvcp uu paiuuK uiu vu iu uan the wire through the loop and run when he was making his speech. He the end under the wire and the work I (J. S. Carr) said he would do more is done, and the manufacturers say I for him than any of us to make him it will hold any kind of pressure or Governor. I thought that meant a great deal. M. W. white. pec-ll oj t..l' t L- ' ; t n'hllitvu. lie n, i(,-c Mrn., , f fr...lj n.i.frjtrM,t t f.,m t4 0f iuoitrg ftrt.r.l ir. from . ..-thwart wS,1'l' vkivJ.m tl.Kl Hj W rl( i.t'l.-n 4, -irwart ) h- i tf, .i.jrt. ehtlj umJ tt c Irfu -K. ,.f ..r ,j-lr- ti tt w erj r .w.e,-n 1 1. 1 1. , '. lt :e rl . . .s, !;i jw I, t.. ,t t,, mi. II .ell tjii X I r u .i.i.JitJ t.I c't .l nUr," u..lrtJ .. aj.j tor Ixrnian. tiat-r .rmirt ttiru . . - ,.n la bj tr..i., nieaf,-e. etc, tlt t' .! s. '.tira- t ion t.f nl rr i .i t . in' i a.t . . errtij a .tiiipli.jir !. r.tor Mtrl.'ili I i liAllrt.J to pml to .irrlr r.l lirll ItlJrtnl. HJ.1,1 Mr. I. I. lr'l I -tr rt ' t. T ttl j it, t, rettrl to toe 1- mun.t l ii.n .t ettter. ei.t..r N.raart. in ; t v, the !. t .-. !. i r-cit,r M.r.. i, f l.a i ii ai iai.t m-4 t,j i.ii ttr vthir u M riirmi: tl- iViiii.iiii ii:iiii ,.,trr. "' inch i ).. were l. ti, at Ihfllll.r. Nil I'lbrr rj.'t.r t . ,.i. 1 1 Oll. tit. --r aior tet-l t!it Mrrt. II rt:r 1 1 ! ti. , , llir ,Mr. Crf til tw aiir I l.e IftW ! . 1 1 I tr litM. ( a CimIiIO t i.l: l Oi a ..ti ili: (coin ll.e .trparlitifl. at. I t a rraaofi .f t hia 1 t. r-nitor Ho-ruia'j a at le ti. -.Ulitii:.! y im!ead I f fi-r." w iili ..ine w armtlt Mr.Vrairi -y Senator H.triuatt l:t itie . '.aie rery llllie be trwar . tMi.r ti. a) oid u.-bal in win. Ii rfiat. r tr iiiaii woul'i w ali-l ii( to ip:tn. Al I'.il O ft Ml . lli'rad of llteeliri iii. iti t Ii- Jeti ate and ilet.attir the .j .-.ti..M m tte u.u.i r) .rna..r -".rair.-p.y pn lliouaatid uiiV aa ahl rni.r at" jour Ia1rlnwHl-. "I Imc ramiti -l witb care jour a- riuUo attruipta to .'.eteti't )'irelt asaiti'l Ihe Itarire ihat ton l tti. -. patriotic men on both sides, and the I tizrd ailver. Tbe onl dt-fet. tltl , life of the country and the welfare I yuu make i ti-at .i wrre m i n:vi,t South is unirerallv fir the metal. A very large vote from that section of the totiutrv will be cast for free silver. "My associations and training and my political affiliations of the pant place me on the side of the single standard, but I certainly beiieve that instead of disaster and ruin fol lowing in the wake of the i!er movement, the opposite will !e the result. "This is a strong nation. "We are engaged iu a great polit inUlligenee of a free people, and should be met with stern rebuke by those they are sought to be influ enced, and I believe they will. A PROTECTIVE TARIFF. Anotuer issue of supreme import- office yesterday and aaeo is tiiat ot protection. Lhe ropemt trin to Charl ootii systems, ii is done for terest of the wire and flat iron cotton tie contest. Col. Dancan remarked: "As the public is aware, I was ap pointed by the btate Alliance meet ing held in this city on the 22nd of July to look into the matter of some substitute for the flat iron cotton tie, the price of which has been advanc ed 100 per cent, by what is called the cotton tie trust. My idea was to use a wire and 1 made the sugges tion to the State Alliance. As soon as the first bale of new cotton arriv- sd in Columbia, I purchased it and had the flat iron ties replaced by No. 10 galvanized steel wire. I found out by my trip to Charleston that I had used too small a wire, althoueh up to this time it had held the bale all right. "I had the bale shipped to Charles ton to Messrs. Sloan & Sons with in structions to have it compressed and put to any and all t6sts that the ex porters desired to make. Monday handling. "The factory is now at work on a carload and will be ready to ship in a few days. I hope to have a car load here next week. "I desire to say to the farmers of the State that I have let no work or expense stand in the way of getting this business in such a shape as would enable them to protect them selves against those who thought they had them in a corner. Send us Democrat Are Terror-htrlchea. For The Caucasian. Pendleton, N. C, Aug. 2S. The Populists in this community heartily endorse the action of our State con vention. We feel that Senator Bat- of its interests will be a great incen tive to lead men in the right direc tion. "I havo great faith in the people of this country, and it is a fact that the people of a vast Southern and Western tract are vehemently in fa vor of silver." at it while 1 lie inn i p.r.linf. and you lay all the blame upon t.o and other Scnatt.ra for Ibe n art !rgiia. tion, be aue we did nt 11, at you were dom ii)ttnii dlUret from wLat jou rrc pretending li !.. lf yon Lave any ..tti-r de?-ne l..r denmnetiring ailver when the eiH.r in the filter dollar worth 3 r . rut. more t bs Ii the gold in ttie fold d liar, the puhlic undoubtedly will le c!a! ! bear from sou. o far aa I am c .n- The Uareaa of The C'urreory. Let the bureau be established bv leTand TnCArc Congress. . Let every voter inquire -ned, I their part nobly and well, and much r those wLho are candidates ror Con- STRAIGHT TRl SlLVtR TICKET. reirret that the Senator has been. Brees in V" taken from approaching fall elec tion as they canvass, th lolJowing ""l 1 i- i i V... ??"!fi?" the fact Uuestiousou the stump and record A V T "ve" oruor. uucu. h fa u . . d q tnelr answer, ana nom mem repoa- Orders for several hundred bundles S" m of the wrthditor who W for their proves and tt;ere of wire ties have already been placed Lhdae" r?Lf shall be no excuse rendered for a be- with the Exchange and many morel , ' trayal of a public trust, but good wdlcomein during the next few 11 r srTtnT faith, honesty, truth and integrity f "J1" tc rth nltional field. The Demol or death, and repeal the pardoning ft J I t" h aal- f thZZ crat8 terror-stricken at the ticket Pwer OI i resiaent so as 10 get uon the demand. If the sale of these , convention. Mav it I est representatives and carry out the ties is sufficiently large, tne price oi T fipi: :t w:n nroVB - terr ' popular will of the people. (l.omwillnii.lnnMullr rrtT ftlittlo S 1 MlleTe It Will, pTOVe a letTOV f f ' . . liUVUt TT AAA UUUVUVbVUIJ VaAWee Ml a,e.v FRANCIS SUCCEEDS SMITH. Something About the Secretary Interior-Elect. of the to the end, and in November stand V1 Ane l lU . " t . u victorious. Let every true soldier to. be Peed. ,at?ce ? col,n. J0? gird around him the armor of truth u . . &om l "e Wl 1 and fight the enemy until the last Down with the national 2nd- banks. 5rd. All money issued by the gen eral government without national or State banks gold, silver, paper, sub sidary and the minor coins. 4th. A law of CoDgressto prevent Work For . The Saceeaa or The feopiea demonetization of any lawful money fuliy uplit; in fact tbey fioli fct Party Ticket. of the United States by ontrol of in- The I'opuiia Ut jut lM th-ir For The Caucasian.! r;,tol M ,nnrtir.n. I convention and alneM eolil on d Vm-r Oaks. K. C... Ana. 28. Nnw r,ft, n;,nor vitl, ti intrincie tK tt finally, ll-heve, Swt up It.- redemption feature as Let every one who is for reform cavwl Vkv Vi i a AAnviiifiATi o n ft vifitnro Buzzard's Bay, Mass., Aug. 24 - mU crown Qnr effortg iresiaent iieveiana announceu to- Beale, night that uavm t. r rancis, ex Governor of Missouri, had been appointed Secretary of the Interior, vice Hoke Smith, resigned, and that he will assume the duties of his of fice September 1. Ex-Gov. Francis is about fifty that the Peoples Party convention value and the Oely ee lei ha Vmt t M thel'e. ptee Partr "tale a4 tleal ( tloba-A til. k. For the ('i'a.iati J, x. At. 2-. In thi da) and lin.e ,f irjinc tnm'e iiula. it iM-c'unra ileeeary lor t!e ieop!e, in our opin mo, lo dieuUc, by luutuil -oii -M r.t. atl prej'ido e acain.t other dennnnnatioi". lo epeaV. We have before u one of the tmet compli cated ilitical campaign, not only In national atfair. but all over the coun try. In our Mate it eeenia weentmot get our caudidalea aa we want them. I mean each -iito-al orcaniiation. I lie I cmM rat ic m-ctiird ui i, ia tilled it ia tru, but )"U caneerlM- doll'l like it; tbey call IbtUM-lvea eil veritex, but tbey know tlia wnlake, as they Lave eome.if not all. atrong Kld etandard men on their to Vet. Mien th lj.iil(!i(i. tbey are aw- method of preserving it is to use evomnp- I concluded to tro to the citv years of age. Me is tall, straight, is over it is the imperitive duty oi twin causes and relics ot barbarnm. it as snarinjrlv as possible: avoidiner vi w,tnP tho mnrpincr mvsolf. with a somewhat dark complexion, a every true reformer and lover of Cth. If sue no more bonds. oue another and with tho nations of mints to the unlimited coinage of tho ' t'ie accumulation of debt, cot only "T dpire now to nnbliplv make ac- red mustache and clear blue eyes, good government to lay aside alll 7th. Supply the country with irre-j i to b lo.ped. .1 ii -i 1. : ,.f .,..1.1 4- ., . , 1 r.f c-l-r. , J 1 uiiououun iu jjuuhvij uinno uv i . . . , , . I I r .-i .! I 1 r:iJ l' i -1 . - . . W - . .. It., only Mr'A.gtit iree niter, c man ticket, but tbey didu't liniel. I'lite, t.ut left a part I t titled by the exe utite committee, whieti will t.e all riir'it, it world, is of Hueh primary im- silver of the world, at a ratio of six- shunning occasions of expense, khowledcement of the courtesy I re- While he is not an orator he is a personal favorites and work unceas- deemable United States note, not the portauce, and so far reaching in its teen ounces of silver to one ounce of Dut y vigorous exertions iu time of ceiled at Charleston in this matter Sood talker, a clear reasoner, and is ingly until the polls close on the 3rd to exceed $-"0 per capita. importance, a to call tor the tnwst gold, when tho commercial ratio is r,eace 0 discharge the debts which U.o the representative of the farmers forcible trom his tacts rather than ot isovemoer tor tto success ot tne Sth. A tana or tluty pains-taKing invtuiipaiiuu, r.uu i nuum iuny vuMcs ui bh.d 1 unaYo-.(iablo wars may nave occas he end a sober and unprejiuiiceu one ounce or goia. ,iex;co anu inina 1 loncj nGt ungenerously throwing a .a a e . "IA1 I A - judgment tit the polls. v e must naye trieu ine experiment. iuexico ut,0ll poslet ify the bur den which we misled by phrases, nor de- has ireo coinage or silver at a ratio . ouveeive3 ought to bear." luded by talse theories. 1 ree silver slightly in excess jut ounces ot si i-, rp0 la.cilitatt the enforcement of the Champion Cotton Press had of of the State Alliance. Oa my arri val in the city Mr. Sloan informed I me that while there was no cotton beincr compressed, the manager of bullion is coineel and circulate'd j frtWflr,is thA rsfl.vmftTit c? d..btj thorp, tio Co mom. chosen by Democrats and llepubl fn I I r 1. 1 hoc? hCtr ti T VJ', n IMit . i . i , , i I. " Meaan4a 4-V- a I lwan Avcktn 4 s nil KMi.xij . wa4 aacao vw u a a - v a 1111151. tlf rfiVflnUff! I iat TO HJlVfi rfiVfi- ! hare i h Ck oYPhftTiorfi morA - - - - I VVlkJ vr.auwve.vMMe,v ve v w . . I I .A eMvm ki e . I ttne i a ara I T7 01" T - T1 Ck rr crt I i 1 ! Ti I I TC nt I a r I .y .1 I 1 1 It I . -. . wouiu uiu. menu mow pii vci uuno,--. i vl fa".v., : tne maxims wuicu ne announced, ne fi-Ari tn oAt. n ta.m tor the nnr- wore to bo froely had without cost mints are ireeiy open to doui merajs . declared: "It is essential that you P0se of testing the wired bale. Pros- or taoor. it wouiu menu ui.n. iun i a t iun freo use of the mints of the United gold States for the few who are owner3 of as m silver bullion, but would not make of circulation in these countries, silver coin any freer to tho many and they are on a silver basis alone who aro engaged in other enter . , i ii. prises. it, would not mase laoor . , . , . . . in...... .! . . . . ...n i i i r ' ' easier, the hours oi laoor snorter, or to maintain tne gom hi uuaru. : inseparable from the selection of tlemen all expressed their entire sym- iue pay oener. n woum uui maw n . mo ittu,!uu. auu S1uv the proper of.iects (which is always oathv witn the farmers in this fight. W e.H lnM I.l..n...ei am vn r-.-w r I o -. I 4-Vir- ewn --av -- r i n I rotliti O ! A . v -. i . . - miuiiuK lauonuua, ur uiuio o,iU vi. iuV tai mun 'a t hoice ot dillieulties) oueht to be a a thonp-h the oresident of the ex profitable. It would not start a fae- of t no world with whicu we trade , decisivo motive fcr a candid con- oh an called our attention to th lory, e 1 on inp-ir:ei from his style 01 voice. He is a rich ticket put in the field by the Peoples I goods not for protection but revenue man.". Party of North Carolina. Our very only. He is of a Kentucky family, as is I liberties depend on the snccess of I mh. Increase th volume of the his wife. He went to St. Louis when I that ticket; therefore, it becomes the I currency to $"0 per capita. young and spent many years in the I duty of every man, regardless ofl Are you for the Declaration of la- commission Dusiness, witn nis Drotner as a partner. He has been mayor this he was We want Iirjtn and VVatoon e!e-teil for lreident and Vire.,reident ; Uu'hrie, for Governor; I'owler for Congrea; tboujrb we bad eet our Mot to tear a ticket for " " y." 'Ihonipeot. for "..ngre. We d nt -e bow it l, but gue the lexdern know tnire than the private. Now we want a r"d Senatorial lic.t of M.ut.d I'opawtii' h : ! -. .. .. . . . . ii-. . . . . . . past party amuauon?, mai lutes i dependence or ougnt our ancastors we win j.-ui. ..riniTnin liberty and justice, a free ballot and in 1787 in convention forming a ballot to carry on.luw cunty f.r a fair count, to give that ticket United States Constitution nkel ,oc lM.r. ." "J- i- their most hearty support. It is the Eneland or Germany what kind ot "r: .-V!" . -Vf. rLZ? t III . ru- rn a w ' w - ' ea-re pres- nue there must bo taxes; that no ent in the city, also the cotton ex- taxes can be devised which are not norters and a pleasant informal less iticouvenieut or un- meeting was held and the merits of intrinsic embarrassment, the wired bale discussed. The een- an I interest of every man, white or black I currency we shall use! unexpired term. He served two I in Is or th Carolina, that is not able terms as Governor. to read and write, it tney value tneir His first ambition was to succeed privilege aud want their rights and Senator Vest and later to be the 1 liberties preserved to vote for our the I standard bearers because our rights and liberties are safe in their hands. J. II. For. MICHIGAN TOWN DESTROYED. Vice-Presidential nominee Democratic ticket in 1892. on or make a demand for an ad- more largely than any other, eighty ditional elay's labor. It would not! four per cent, of our foreign trade create new occupations. It would I for the fiscal year 1S03 was with add nothing to the comtort or taeigoia standard countrios, and our I masses, the capital of the people, or 1 trado with other countries was sft- the wealth of the nation, it seess tied on a gold oasis (to introduce a new measure of value, but would add no value to tho thing measured. It would not conserve values. On the contrary, it would derantro all existing values. It would not restore business conn THE DOUBLE STANDARD. After pointing out that the United States has now more silver than gold in circulation, Major McKinley con tinues : fin a -'Jr..! s .iti-t , .- o dence, but its direct ctiect wouiu oe bUj aildre l gaid. ,.I we could a -w .1 - A - tl. 1.441 4 V. -. w m, rvi mnei 15 ' . to uehiruy me liwuu mo. iolui. , mtenational ratio, wh ch al THE chicaoo platform. the leading nations of the world The free coinage plank adopted at would adopt, and tho true relation Chicago is that any one may take a be fixed between the two metal?, and quantity of silver bullion, now wotth all agree upon the quantity of silver lifty-three cents, to the mints of the which snouia constitute a uonar, United States, have it coined at tho then silver would be as freo and un- struction oi the conduct ot tho gov eminent in mazing it; and tor a spirit of acquiescence in. the meas ures for obtaining revenue which the public exigencies may at any time dictate." Animated by like sentiments the peopl o of the country must now face the conditions which beset them. ''The public exigencies" demand prompt protective legislation which the very chang fact that this was a matter of material importance to the entire cotton export trade of Charleston, and that therefore the exchange would have to make a very thorough FIRED THE REPORTER. Wil- The Newspaper Men Captivated by 11am J. Bryan. Detroit INews.l A New York newspaper man who test of the matter before they could wa3 in the city yesterday on hia way act officially, all of which we appro- hnm(l frmn n Wwasto tells an interest- ciated and return thanks to these 1- . e c w;i ntlemen for their kind attentions. BJ.U1 LUC . Voters of North Carolina, will you. as free men, seize the golden oppor tunity and insure victory and free- . rr . l .a T vo uwu uom or suuer aistrancmsemeuii uo cide for yourselves. G. W. SALMON. will avoid the expense of the government, and re ceive for it a silver dollar which Bhall be legal tender for the pay ment of all debts, public or private. The owner of the silver bullion would get the silver dollar. It would belong to him and nobody else. Other peoplo would get it only by their labor, tho products of their laDds or something of value. The bullion owner on the basis of pres ent values would receive the silver dollar for fifty-three cents' worth of silver, and other people would be re u aired to receive it as a full dollar m the payment of debts. The gov eminent would get nothing from the transaction. It would bear the ex pense of coining the silver and the community would suffer loss by its use. We have coined since toio more than four hundred millions of sil ver dollars which are maintained by the government at a parity with gold, and aro a full legal tender for the payment of all debts, private and limited in its privileges oi coinage as gold is to-day. But that we have not been able to secure, and witn tho free and unlimited coinage of silver adopted in the United States at the present ratio, we would be s'ill further removed from any in- 'ei'uationr.l agreement. We may never bo ab'e to secure it if we enter upon the isolated coinage of silver. Tho double standard implies equal ity at a ratio, f.nd that equality can only be established by the concur rent law of nations. It was the con current law of nations that made the double standard; it will require the concurrent law ot nations to rein state and sustain it." The Kepubiican party has not been, and is not now, opposed to the nse of silver money, as its record abundantly shows. It has done al that could be done for its increased nse from other gevernments. There are those who think that it has al ready gone beyond the limit of finan cial prudence. Surely we can go no PopnllaU Did The Blsht ThIo( For The Caucasian. KlRR, N. C, Aug. 20. Well, the aAtejniriia V t A All ilAITla ATT -elf . LIC 1X1 CIA A.U L LUvll AVlAAVl ditgUUVUO II" T let - f k. A i U I CUliTCUUUUO UQ V V HU vvauv vaa. m I A UC 111 C IJ1a " - Now as to the compressing of the liamJ' Brvan manifested on the The piig aid the right woods southwest of the city for to bale. Would the wire hold! Would I tnp irom lancoin, ixeD., to vmcago. i thing when they nominated Bryan weeks, u was nearly out wuen a if n ri.f "Krvan captivated the newapanerl .-a w..n Wa Vnnw iha nnM An I soutnwest gaie jeuiercaj " lou,J ub but? uc&KiUK i xvujiu ii w uvug i j 1 x i auu ii i dvu. j - i . -. - : ei.i ,uuii. . ,i - " , .., Ti :,j vi . ... t i ft went in anon tne town, bwu iuiLuei ubui uy piuviuiug aucquaio as quiCKiy as wnen compressed Witn men wao auuumpanieu uim. uu wc right, ine iemocrats never cam uw i ..... tne r;tr wa doomed ix t ' Ai ii nr.n t ne t r r f -c- rr w-i r r , in u i ua. - v i a r -M a.. aa--a A - m bb a. aa.iac mmm a. a. v aa at nM a wai vani a wa e-a,w a i.o,cuuvo iuo v auduocc vi. .uu iae uai iron net i trio. hbiu. lie. Lie v even buu dui uui iikuu ouu bviucuuis. government, lhis is manifestly the -"The wire held the bale perfectly mitted their coov to him before fil i -v r IhMt TP nr rA I Pi ' J . 5 fX a I ... ... luiuucuiuiit uu-jr . 11 cioviDu siier it was compressea. une or iwoi jnr ir n .'T i r it . TT ' a 1 C J 'Al - .a . . . . I Tah rresiuent o; me e nneu otaxes it of the exporters thought it cut the vvni u iu .-tiui ti viguiuusijf uiu- Daggmg in one or two places, in iL.i n: v: at . i.w.lh , irom mat uaocr -oaiiiuu muiuvnu muro miauujsv.iauu go oiuj;io ou- iCls i mmit lUeY miSlaaen, IOr I , , .- , - , c.onraoemfinr to the ocbh nations of tV.Q l.oorrinrr n-n Hia vola mac rt o I ior not roasting we th American neonle which above I wovw nnnr nnolifxr .n Tiro a wao ei.A. candidate. He telegraphed back X r- I tVA I'VM WUV. (,0 IQIiUVl I . v : l .i j I . - . i . . .... accumulation of the mi t a a 1 ing it. ine representative or ine New York Sun received a telegram im down' Democratic all else, is so imperatively demand ed at this juncture of our national affairs. THE HARP TIMES. Continuing Mr. McKinley quotes from Mr. Harrison's last message to Conp-ess in 1892, reviewing the condi tion aud resources of the country, showing prosperity in all branches of trade and commerce. The message of President Cleveland addressed to the Fifty-third Congress, calling atten tion to the existence of an alarming and extraordinary business situation is then quoted, and continuing, Maj. McKinley says : What a startling and(suddcn change within the short period of eight months, from December, to Au gust, 1S93. What has occurred? A change of administration : all branches of the government had been entrusted to the Democratic party, which was committed against the protective pol icy that had prevailed uninterruptedly for more than thirty-two years, and brought unexampled prosperity to the Continued on Fourth Page. torn in handling than cut by the tha.t if the Sun wanted Bryan roast- patriotism there is never any danger wire, ana tnis was tne opinion ex-i eu auomer umu wouiu. uoid t w i oi a mistaae doidk ueu. mu pressed to me by the superintendent sent to do it. He wouldn't do it. I the wav with the St. Louis conven of the compress. The superintend- becarrse there was nothing to roastltion. It was composed of men whose ent of the compress said that we I Rm. tn anA Via rlirln'r. in fonrl fn wisdom waa backed by patriotism ought to have a larger wire and a i;ft fn, fho'nr. nf ih tbina. Tbp Democrata claim that Mr. 8ewall is ty, but JOUCSti eee tbeir llja;uier and tbeir tongue jp wLile tbej try to atlll fHl tbe ignorant peiple. fine of tbe leading txeieea aaid to me, "kinder" continent, you know, a few dai" go, tb at bi party wa ruining thenelve. WetoMbiin it w aa already ruined. -Why,"!! aaid. "tbe idea of our eojJe iu Qur rian'f convention turning down Ir. XV. J. Montfurta county cni in ii oner and putting one in alii bad received bardly Lai ft lie vstea the Iir. bad." l;:it Ibia friend didn't know that we knew tbat lie wa one of the principle onea to help do it, tried l' pull wool orer ur eyea and we tik it all in. lr. Mont- fort polled J7 votea in our precinct. alr.Sinmona tbree. primarie.j et our precinct waa vod for imTnuna in coa vent ion by the delegate, and in other p'ae. TLe L ea had t play a little ture ganiea before tbey Tl. WfDl In ODOO IDe town, iu uwu iti arm j u The Democrats never ean do .v.. ... ala I i aa' ir.ten.t to make m tetter an -Ai WU KFU lU.t Hie y-t.J r. m- I " - - - DOl I . , namea hid awertt I 1 n ir he balf. tiUtl did want to te!l of that well. But they come nearer do-tnroiJffn majn part of the city. de- ne mc little campaign lie before I ine right this year than they have l.troTinr all the business bouac, many I c!oed. IJa: toi:very l'nir-ratic in a good many years. Bat then the I residences, the match company's mill, I jeakcr sbouli explain to tb itpv Fopulists were tne cause never did get the right form until the Populists right. When wisdom - J 1.1 , .A,. . rflirtr.T .if 11 waa a. . r- I - ' f - - Hiiminsion.w.J I hut wanted tbe aneakera to lie to the Two Thoaaaod People at Oataa(a Iaa Kverythiug-Loea ratlmaled at I.VHl.- ooo. Grekji Hat, Wis Aug. 25. Ontona gon, Micnn was aeatroyea ny ure una in a cur oi snout .o"r population hardly a boue is left standing. Among the property de stroyed is tbe extensive plant of tbe Diamond Match Com piny and Ct),'.M, 000 feet of lumber in their jard. Con servative estimates place tLe loaa at M,WO. No lives were lot at lat report. The lire bad Deen nurninz in me v. tl .1 mmm i-l m di ii. xneyitne water woraa, eieviric hkui un. - Kind or Diat-1 counnonse, jaii, cc me inruour -.. - .- . - . . .. - - . made one I worked up tne river lo tne real of tue i irimn rj an in j : . . I larhat 1 aa w in tbe V.'ilininrton Mir of is backed by ."T" 7.:. ::: v,i- ..... t.- ; I at.Ki. a lew -m . nv. ,y., w w The noble action and!peecbof MaJ.lpp. five tbem tbe wronr imprea A. Outhrie at St. Ixiuis in tbe Pop- ion; better way to fasten the wire or he could not compress tne cotton as easily as with the hoop tie. He thought the size wire 1 had would cut the hands of the pressmen. i tnmk now we nave tne ques W. uliit convention was one that could have been Incpired only In a noble man. When tbe convention seem-d to nrishot of it was that he resigned. 8UTer V .7 J ' he io - , f c!lu na " lLof,; upsnot or S he is not the kind of silver man we who had attetnnted to be heard were Men of North Carolina,!) on your guard! Watch thoae ao-calld ailrer emo-ratt; don't let tueui lool you; tbey will d 3 it if tbey can. Tbey bate done it, and will Co it arain. xina yo'j vote for Ilryan and Wataon not liryan ana waii. lie very particular arm went, to wora. uiuiicumtciy ii want. The president of a national accorded bat little attention, Major The New York Journal. I v.-w not ant to be a very stronsr I Cuthrie was called to the rostrum and " The only correspondent who de- friend to silver, neither is a national his very appearance seemed to de-1 -tt Tour ticket. Vote ttralrht and nlinut t.f Dnnin fairlv vaa fha i L.. . ftVif tVie. I mind reSDCCt. and Pel ore n naa I -m ;m Ke well There la no ticket etc. buiiu w wcov y uu . j w i uaiilCi ej diuwviv uiou w 1 . - . . . . ... --- tion about solved if our wire friends renresentative of the Chicaeo Inter national banks. Andrew Jackson poken two minutes km tDou. . pt Bry.n and wataoti, that will give i - .1 i i i i reatieas DeoDie were aaaiiumc , twir.u tree aiirer- stanaDyus. Ocean. Finally the other reporters was not a nauonai oanaer, or wc i li.tenln to a President 1 r - r.irw..N i snan recommena mat we nse JMO. held a rneptinir and decided that be never law aaj aowiuu i u i nft h. -eeateoantxv. U s sreecb was so I . fi annealed wire, which will hodnnhlal i j i A 1 xL. a nu in tho bankine business. Mr. I n i,rtr.n. in advo-l Eeaeraee flae Ceae-paa Aaalaa. the size and weisht of the ealvaniz- ,U f rL a rTCl 7?i 1- Sewall's own State (Maine) declared latinr the snnoort of Bryan and the IXtox. Aog..-Tbe Kinereon Ti . - I muf tb if. Ml tl' M 1 1 11 1 Mill! 1. 11H 1 1 u-r . . . . . I rw - - . . . - . ... m . V jm ; I 1 I I , - .t-nt.vrl eiTi ehn Ath.r Aflh ! or lonl M t JV vwui iwu i , k i mi m "" J m pliable than it to handle; to use Ocean was left without a represen- was nominated for Vice-President he down goldbug ery that ne Inspired l io this city and br ancn rtore. n. seven to the bale, (all the compresses The boys were charmed with worked up the silver question and those who heard him. And when the use seven) these seven wires will Bryan's manners, and they were de- held another convention and n- dfff"D' f ULZ?lt .Sd mfrchin -in. . , iJl; i iL.i i i t.t i . , nL- ttti I choice for FresiuenC ana marching weign ot pounds, against y pounds I teruuneu inai. ac buuuiu iwtc a iau aorsea ue vaicagv piauvna. uj that the six flat iron ties weigh, show. I did tney not ao tnisat nrsu iei, etc-, the moat conspicaous to be Tho wirpR will bft Tint nn in hnndlASl I this shows Sewall 18 a silver man. I . Kn.n Ran nee araa thia of 35 wires; seven wires to the bale, Five copies of Ths CAUCASIA I Who ean question Watson's record, gentleman who bad Jost electrified packing five bales to the bundle. three months for $1,00 Watson, like our Senator BuUer, has that great audience for our Bryan. to Charles Torrey. James F. Towers. ogland Jesse F. , Wheeler, all of this city. l ne iiauiiivies are i -',..! auu uw assets in excess of liabilities at tbree time that amount. The Emerson Piano Company was established about fit y years ajo.