Ten Gents For The Campaign, In Globs of Ten. Wfll, M ll II Kill 11, no iimncy In If, i, .it Mill m-ikI ten tii- i, i - Ir I lit m tu p;i u it rr .I.MI. Send Quick 8 fa CAUCASIAN .e . . tl nniilit ..irv-r -t. irn -r" f.r ! miMlmt f..r t.M. H . j J VOL. XIV. EMPLOYES WILL BE BENEFITED i-y Tho Restoration of Freo and Unlimited Coinage of Silver Why They Should Vote For It. iRFORATION ARGUMENTS if I X timlir I n n (7onerntlon i ;nMrHl t.'untlurfor and Hena-tl-li. KulKrlent Hiiilir of UnuM ! In Irinnl lurraaartl Hn t IS !lK. U'lAI), AUi. 1M. . r - ''- linu Nil:: I b.iro Sri' K t ,r I'M' 1' . ...I .l..rl ".ll-t Inn II, J! -1 1 I : man: llHVtr SCtn A ) nt I have heard j!-! know t!i'' si-!'-' i fiat you are t i : Mpaigc. I uend this f,, yu l.cf.'iui'j I know that 1 ' l n an 1 i 1 aa v. n a t . th p-a. i iUlV ll-il ! .,(, I i u ;.)! I,', A I v a i.irger circulation other paper that would My name is withhold for .it f.i-i) obvious. J am a on a Westorn railroad. weeks ago a certain ellicial ( i ii.is railroad company handed me ;k -111:1.11 pamphlet of several loaves enhtlt il "The Wage Katuer and Freo Nivi r." 1 was asked to take it home w t'i ine, read carefully and return it. 1 did s. Iri fact, I read it thret tuiii'.-i h worried rue very much. I li.tvi" been in the railroad service for ;iln,i;t liftei n years, and have never ivcii any special attention to polit n nl iU'stiUM, and know probably nn.r" about tho tariff than any other ii'itsti.n, and don't know rnueh iiin'ut that. Iu a general way I have ti lt from observation that money was s"firce; 1 have bwen all business utw titt i 'prises getting ilull; 1 nave i,ocn land sell undtr the hammer for half v, hat it sold for a few years ai;o; Inve heard complaints frjm rca nv s mid friends who live on farms t i Hut i ffect that prices were so low mat it waMuiilicu.lt to meet expen ses and havM enough money left to put taxes; I have heard merchants complain that they could not si half the goods Ihat thev had been celling. I had uo doubt that rail roads woulu uo inueli more business in carrying out and bringing back freights if produce brought a better price arid ntw enterprises wore start m1 up; ho I had made up my mind to rote for the side that favored more money in this tight. Hut now for the circular: It start fd out with calling our attention to the fact that wo were receiving wages of H much per day, or sal ni U'sof so much per month, and tha it was to our interest that every tli:ii!f lmI to buy fhould be L up so that our wages would buy M iiiom of other thing.!. Then it stated flint tut' coinage of silver would cam" tlo- prices of farm products and al! other thingrt that we had to buy to o up about double, which would h iu about the same lYect hs if the company wtro to reduce our salaries oue-half. for free to you paihu h are 1?. silver, uat rirbt kt ti Z. iku my eisi: ,.Iy gener .1, UU IJiC RALEIGH, N. C, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 10, 189G. ride fprrnrs and tbos- who create f I (vi I. fd that generally thvj trj- won id be more proupt, there w -re core money, and reason I had nbojt made mind to vote for free xilver.j a wife and a growing farr, . only in'uiri'j ii inv mlarv, whi ' h' e the oun- i i ir .' th;,t my i My :L is iti.i per luoMh. It is all that I can uo now 7iih t ii ialarv to m?A-n both tnd meet. My oId"e.t child U a daughter, who will soon be grown. My wif'3 and I ftel that we must seed b r . ff to f'.Ik ol this fall, if we ever intcrj't to uo anything more for her than giv her a common school education. Thiseir-ular savs that 1 hive to pay double nricos for what. I bay thn.t it will amount t. th fame a cutting my balu.rv in half. Now, it would fco itnr.lv imnoa-.iblfi !f.'j7-."0 per month , it would bo or mo to live on i" l - r .. . . . - i 0 iuti-jiwp, -veii aiiuiiiiDir I'jai iree silver would be the best thing for the country generally, is net my first luty to my wife And family? there- ore, should I not vote agf.tnsL free silver, situated as 1 am: Senator: Yeu have stated the e .e robably as strongly from the o!d standpoint as it is possible for any one to make it, but your fears v to fro silvor :.re. a!I groundless. The aet is tha. vou have mucdi and probably ui'jre to fear from the gold f.andard than tho farmer, even though you arodrawing a salary. Did it ever occur to you that if the gold standard is permanently fixed upon this country th?.t your salary i, sun: to bo reduced, and not only rciuccd once, bat continuously ana succes sively, until there is no telling upon how little you may be forced to livo per month; and, besides, did it ever occur to you thai; rou r.re liable to lose your position'.' Cotuluetor: 1 dot.'r. understand n AND BUGKHER. "iienjirtiinwccDmcn are oii- wlicl o:r continued profit to th patJ ami toxr rfa on rfcuiue ter ran utf-htngrr at t!ir coi. way, our Hock wit! turn towards it Kraliziojc th truths, drmorMrit. fold only to find it ditroyd. W, ed by lore public incoti vnirn c and thnfure. ftsnd fast. W tfund i bu- lo, tte lHmocr&tir party, in tb io- ele csll throughout the land for all terU of the tna and of euuallus- ThisisTho Ticket Nominated By Tho Convention Held at Indianapoli3. FOR A GOLD STANDARD. Th ria!f r:n I)noum c Sll rer unci Icnore Thr, Iiioui Tax-tiMi. I aimer 1 'might In Tlie L'ntnu Arnn ( ;vrnnr SI'icknpr Si rv-, l.i 1 VoofV.U-ate SuuikI Mnti"y" Demo, r S'lf -..,ift With Tha Ticket. CowK.Mio.v Hall, Indianapolis, Sep;. 2. The lirst day's session of the National Democratic convention, call- ea oy t!i advocates of sound nmnfT f tbe (.'iiicajro I-mocratii to rally for the support of government atid law, for th honor of their country and for the maintenance and preservation of their creed, it n.emurieg and its glories." Veeoad Iay rrtKtedingi. John M. 1'almer, of Illinois, and Si mon Holivar Uuckner, of Kentucky, were nominated to-day by the Nation al Democratic convention for Presi dent and vioe-rre.ident on a platform which repudiates the doctrine enun ciated by the Chicago convention; en dorses l'resident Cleveland and his auminifetration in elowinjr terms: de uce 10 all, prac tically e-.tablihed by ttie legislation of l.;4. and 1-73 t be gold standard cf monetary measure ment and likewise entirely divorced tbe government from banking and cur rency issues. To this long established Ieniocratic policy we adhere and in sist upon the maintenance of the gold standard and of the parity therewith of every dollar issued by the govern ment and are firmly opposed to the free and unlimited coinage of silver and to the compulsory purchase of sil ver bullion. We assert the necessity of such in- LETTERS FROM THE PEOPLE and !abricf n tr w- work -t the iestiy of tb rvnztrj rec'-t rditir asd etbit; an4 t-f.tr tb repl of tl tatu". l i i. Various Matters on Popular Opicion it Express ed All Sections Interested. LIVING ISSUES FORWARD. clares for the gold standard; taritf for helligent currency reform as will con Indianapolis to by much prithu- sh-jukl I lose my poi- as 1 do my duty to the Tin circular also went on that the railroads all owed to say bands payable in gold, anil that freo coin age would not only drive all gold out of the country, but that it would also send it to a premium: therefore the railroad companies would have to pay a premium to get the g"ld to meet their bonds; and this would so embarrass tho roads that they would have to either raise their freight ami passenger rates or ro ducetho wagvs of their employes. That freight and passenger rates were now as high as the people W'.vihl stand; therefore, tho only tliiug left would bo to reduce wages of those who work for tho roads That this would be a double blow to the men employed, and appealing to them (to us) not to vote to bring this calamity upon ourselves ine cir cular also went on to say that free silver would drive foreign capital out o this country; and much more along the same line. As I have said, this circular gave me a great deal of trouble, and had about forced mo to the conclusion that my duty to my wife and chil dren would force me to vote against free silver. The day before 1 re i . v turned ttie circular l nau ou my train a United Jtates Senator. It was the young Senator from North Carolina. While I did not know him well, I knew that he was a strong free silver man, and that he had also on all occasions taken sides with the laboring man. So I handed him tho circular and asked him to read it anil nauu it. bacs to me, sny- ing to him thatif what was in that r lrcular was bo, why then was it not my duty to myself and my family to vote against tree silver. When next I iinouil tlirmiifh tho r;i.r hn asked me to sit down a moment in the seat with him. He handed me back tho eir ciilar and asked if they were being dis tributed generally among tho em ployes o! the railroad. 1 told him that I thought they were. Then smiling, ho said: "The advice of these companies to the efftet that your wages will bo reduced if 3'ou vote for free silver reminds mo f m hat once occurred between a land lord and his carriage driver. The landlord asked his driver as they w re about starting for tho polls on Noting day how he was going to vote l pen receiving the drivers answer tie landlord replied: "Don't you now that ii you vote that way you cannot get as good wages as you get now!" Tho driver promptly re plied: 'Sir, if that were bo, me 'tioks you would vote that way J'"urf.elf."' I admitted the force of the illus rittion. but I told the Senator that i ' . . . . a wanted him to explain to me whether or not this circular was cor rect when it said that free silver 'ould raise the price of farm prod ucts atd many other things which I uiu be forced to buy out or my salary each month. I give you be low as best I can from memory his answers and my nuestiona: Senator: Yes. free coinage of sil- vr will undoubtedly raise the prices anrarni products. Conductor: If that is so then I wa,nt you to show me if you can how would be to mv interest to vote that. Why tion as long company or heve uy salary reduces either? Senator: Do you know any man to day who is out of a job who is competent to serve as conductor on this road as yours'.H? Conductor: Yes, I know several. Senator; Several? If you will thick for a niome:i, you wili'think of mern than several. The fact is that, if you take the country over, for every man who has a job that pays as much as yours, there are at lea.-t ten men, equally ?.s competent to fill it, who are either out of a )b or try ing to mike living in some other way, who would be roady and anx ious to take your job and every other job like ir, and even to take it at a lower figure than you are get ting, if necessary. There are political reaous why the railroads do not just now force down your salaries or dismiss jou and takesome other man who will vork for less: but let mo ask you: is it human nature for any rnau or corporation to pay more to you tor certain services tMtn he can get other men, ni'ia'ly as com petent, to perform tho same serv- ices: ljet tne goit sianuaru ouco oo permanently fastened on this couu- try, when tho corporations and the gold men feel safe, and a3 sure as fatrf overy man who is now in their employment will have to accept a big cut in his wages or be dismissed to give place to some other man equally as competent, who will do the work for less. Let mo ask you: what would you do to-day if you were dismissed as conductor; which way would you turn to make a living? Conluctoi: Cod only knows. 1 would try to find some other job, but my famiiy would suffer if I were to lose ono month's wages. Senator: You would try to find an other job? Hut would you not find at least ten men as competent as you are applying for the same job? Then how could your chatces oe any better than one in ten to get the job? If every other man was v,s competent to fill the place as you, and you had uo special pull, then the only way that you could get it would be by doing tho work for less than the others. But why is it that you think of nothing but getting a job? Why would you not g into scrno othei business enterpriso where you could be with your family more, and have moro time that was your own? onductor: I know ci no business and t tie oppor.erts plat form, to-jnect i n uay, wa3 riot, mamed sia:n. l'.ight hundred and tw"t.ty-four del egate were present. These repre sented forty-rn States and three Ter ritories. I u many instances the deie gatei were Mipplemetited by full sets of alternate-'. '1 he eonvention went to work at one, eliected both temporary and permanent orgunizat ion, and got down to that important point in its order of bt!ine.-, whre its platform comes in. Senator l'aJmer, of Illinois, chair man of the committee which issued the cali, rapped the convention to orde Kx- iovernor Flower was made tem porary chairman anil read a very long addre-.-f, mme points of which were cheered, lie was Miceee-ded as the perm anent, cn-urmaii ny rienaior Uahery, of Louis ua, whose speech whs much shorter than the temporary chair man's. The oratorical eiiecls of the day were secured by I. K. Kverett, of Massachusetts, :;id .John I'. Irish, of California. Mr. Everett boblly 'declared that AIas:ichuetts v.Tas for Kohl and not for bimetallism l.y international agreement, a-ser'ing that every na tion win, se views were worth having had adopted the gold standard. !! also repudiated any alliance w ith iciiniey protectionists ami proclaim ed ''regularity lor the present conven- ,'ot;!d i of )f tne regular C that I could go into in which I could raaKe a living. I woiud perish to death at farming, thoucit I was rais ed on a farm. The mercantile bus iness is run in the ground, and men i with more capital and experience th.au I have got are failing each day. I hear all tue drummer? complain of dull trade, and I see a great manv others who have been dismissed by their firms on account of falli-' off iu saUs. Senator: Then you admit franklv that the condition of the country is very bad, and evon alarming. Now are you safe even a3 a man drawing a salary when you are liable to have this salary reduced, in fact, certain to have it reduced if the number of unemployed men increase, and where if you lost your job you would bo at sea. .and would boon face want. Do yoa prefer this situation of things? or would yTou preter to see all or these unemployed men who are standing around waiting for your ' enirasrfd in profitable busi- a e l nesses some oi tuem larmm acu making money, some of them nier chandizing and making mossy, some of them going into manufacturing enterprises and making money, some of them gointr on if new railroads that would be built, until there was a demand for more labor than there were men to suddIv the demand Thi3 is what would happen with a suf- ficent supply ot money. Then you instead of being in danger of losing your job, would have another rail road bidding for yo.ur services and offeriog you a greater salary. There would be no danger of you losing your job. The only question woul be. which job would you take? And the chances are that you would no serve as conductor on any railroad for the opportunity of going into some other business more congenia to vonr taste and more agreeable to your family would open up. Here are the two pictures: One is as sure as fate under the single gold stand ard ; the other is as sure as fate with lion, which ne Deiieveu v precur.ser of a long lim 1 )euiocratic conventions." The Chicago convention and plat form were ignored as Democratic in ftitutions by the speakers and conven tion. The committee on rules and the committee on permanent, organization both recommended the adoption of the "rules of the last Democratic conven tion," naming as such the Democratic convention of l.s!J, and their recom mendations were adopted without a dissenting vote. The convention adjourned until 11 o'clock to-morrow when if the com mittee on resolutions be ready, the platform will he presensed. MIS. caffkky's addkkss. oenatoi -altery, of Couisana, in as s:iiiiingti.e permauentchairmanship of th"; convention said : ' I tender this convention my deepest thanks lor the. high honor o' selecting me to preside over its deliberations. I shall always regard it as the highest ever conferred upon me. "Charged by our party with the func tion of ministering in its ieniDle of faith and teaching the people its true doctrines, our priests have desecrated its altars, broken its shrines and taught false doctrines to the people. We now enter the sanctuary of the' temple again and take possession of the ark of the covenant ct our faith, which we will htrealter vigilantly guard, pro tect and defend. We v ill purify its desecrated altars and rebuild its brok en shrines. "Loyalty to party discipline and or ganization has ever been the pride and strength of our party. Loyalcy to principle has ever been and will ever be its cardinal and leading tenet par amount to all others, binding in con science and guiding the action of .verv triip I lemnei-iir y - - -- Continuing Mr. Cali'ery said, refer ring to the Chicago platform : "it is the Ishmael of platforms. It raises its hands against some of the principles of both parties aud nearly all the principles of the Democratic party. It is begotten of the unhal lowed union between Democracy, Pop ulism and anarchy. And that the Scriptures may be tulfilled, it will be i fugitive and a wanderer on the face of the earth. "We hold that no arsrument is need ed to chow the revolutionary and an archistic character of the doctrine that the lavrs cannot be enforced in a State to protect property which is the juris diction of Federal courts, or to pro tect the United States, ur that the Su preme court ought to be reorganized or that tiie national faith be violated, thv.tthe freedom of private contract revenue only; liberal shipping laws; currency reform; Civil Service and economy in public expenditures. The spirit that animated the convention was contained in this declaration of the platform : "The Democratic party has sur vived many defeats but it could not survive a victory won in behalf of the doctrine and policy proclaimed in its name at Chicago." And so in the language of Mr. Ham mond, of Louisana, this convention placed in the hands of other nomi nees their banner and bade them iling it forth Skyward, high and wide." The real work of the convention was soon transacted when it was reached, but the delay in reporting the plat form gave opportunity for a series of eloquent and stirring speeches. The attendance was larger than yesterday and more enthusiasm prevailed. Col. W. C. I. Breckinridge, the famous blue grass orator; DeWitt C. Warner, of Xew York ; A. Hammond, of Ceor gia;W. D. JJynum. of Indians., and Comptroller of the Currency Eckies.of Illinois, were in turn called to the stage and stirred the enthusiasm to a high pitch. When the platform was at last brought in, shortly before 2 o'clock, after the convention had been in ses sion three hours, it wasread amid an almost continuous storm of applause and was adopted unanimously with out a word of debate. The Platform. The platform adopted is as follows: 'This convention has assembled to uphold the principles upon which de pend the honor and welfare of the American people, in order that Demo crats throughout the Union may unite their patriotic efforts to avert disaster from their country and ruin from their party. The Democratic party is pledged to equal and exact justice to all men of every creed and condition, to the larg est freedom of the individual consis tent with good government; to the preservation of the Federal govern ment in its constitutional vigor and to the support of the States in all their just rights; to economy in the public expenditures; to the maintenance of the public faith and sound money; and it is opposed to paternalism and all class legislation. line the government to its legitimate functions, completely separated from the banking business and afford to all sections of our country a uniform, safe and elastic bank currency under government supervision, measured in volume by the ueeda of business. CI.KVEI.AM ENDOKSKO. Tiie fidelity, patriotism and courage with which l'resident Cleveland has fulfilled his great public trust, the high character of his administration tadorMm.nl oflk Act! ml Th ( . venUa-tMl 1IbK Bryfcr -FU Art Comlag t l-tvejU4y for Whipping Oat OoldbagUm. 1 a old Hlaadard la la.BKra. For The Caucasian.) Waata a a ail w t laa. Uhicb the ForTi..ivKa.i DiatTA. N. C. Sept. 4 II c. to tte oar leader ought tn ttie tl d;pot t-rt wn Measr. Watsoc atJ !wall. Tb I'vpclutl Lav cat! all the- conr-;oTjs ttt tLy eaa stand. If the D o.oTtt don't tntk on. I say let ua n buk aad uke a sew start- I will t.trr r,( f,., Hryan if Si; tKnl cotu- ! r. It is time rail a halt. I iuu't think Sevall means to cm ! jwt. it h don't, let the avcndir I-arty go to the devil ly its jr. I..nt Ut tut ni drag the lVi'pU-a I'arty with it. 1 am one- taa. means to oxj. I i Se.all "iajiuj, . v-., rtPl. -a. AM . 1 a ' I . a. gom stfvnaara wm not give tbe po-imiena in tote lor lrvau pie relief, and any one tel'ievine sol loe. not uui down. is laooring under a very great wis-1 t. .ukki). take. Now let the reotde examine for themselves the differ ono in a double standard eountrv and aaincle n P1" toe. t.i of ! r. J . J . standard. Mexico is under a dotihh. I Stephenson, cbairaau .1 U eiirn Nurtkaiuaiaa Ivofl.a I'arlf (m(.Um. its wisdom and energy in the main- standard making silver the unit of I tT"0Oiaittee .f the rf i 1'arlj value; the United States is under al0.1 -criaampua county, the rotitrn aincle irold standard. Knar f.,r "on coiTcico in iLe court Uoaae illustration: Suppose a man from the United States takes one hundrtd bushels of wheat to Liverpool, and a tenanee of civ il order and the enforce ment of th" laws, its equal regard for the rights of every clas and every section, its firm and dignified conduct of foreign allairs and its sturdy per sistence in upholding the credit and honor of the nation are fully recog nized by the Democratic party and man from Mexico takes a hundred bushels to Liverpool. Thev both will secure to him a place in history arrive there the same day. thvv both I which resulttd ta th ehcti.u .. light to be limited, or that the func- iun of issuing paper money ought to e exclusively exercised by the i ed- era! government, We hoid that the theory ot free oiuage of silver with goid ac the ra in of 1G to 1 admits ot argument, but we uoiti that ttie weight ot authority, t (Continued on second page.) he strength of reasoning and the acts oi history, all point to its fallacy ind the ruinous consequences of its adoption. We hold that it will rob the poor man of his wages and the rich man of his wealth, the widow of her sav- ngs, the child ot his patrimony, the soidier of his pension, the industrious of his toil and the inventor of reward of his genius. , e hold that it will demoralize and seriously disturb the immediate trade ind commerce of the republic and drive the country to a discredited, de preciated and depreciating standard; smite our finances as with a palsy aud trade with a blight. We hold that the nation's credit will fall prostrate, its obligations will be dishonored and its sullied character will be stained with fraud and deceit. COMPROMISE IMPOSSIBLE. Since the inception of the struggle for tree silver, no compromise has been possible. Our brethren knew that the battle was one to the death. 1 he nom inee oi the so-called Democratic party has on several occasions proclaimed the irreconcilable nature of the conflict. It is a fitting culmination of such a contest for our brethren to obtain al lies from Populism at the price of in corporating its nefarious doctrines in their platlorm ana attempting to pass them off as genuine Democracy. It was fit that to a degraded and depre ciated currency should be added an assassinated judiciary and a power less executive. In closing Mr. Caffery said : "The election of McKinley or of Bryan with our support would mean the destruction of our whole party for a generation. For, when our people recover from the debauch of Populism and anarchy they will discard the men who have led their orgy. If we The declarations of the Chicago con vention attack individual freedom, the right of private contract, the in dependence of the judiciary and the authority of the President to enforce Federal liws. They will advocate A reckless attempt to increase .the price of silver by legislation and the debase ment of our monetary standard and threaten unlimited issues of paper money by the government. They a bandon for Republican allies the Dem ocratic cause of the tariff reform to court the favor of protectionists to their fiscal heresy. 1p view of these and other grave de partures from Democratic principle we cannot support the candidate of that convention, nor be bound by its acts. The Democratic party has sur vived many defeats but could not sur vive a victory won in behalf of the doc trine and policy proclaimed in its name at Chicago. The conditions, however, which make possible such utterances from a National convention, are the direct result of class legislation by the Re publican party. It still proclaims, as it has for years, the power and duty of government to raise and maintain prices by law; and it proposes no rem edy for existing evils, except oppres sive and unjust taxation. The National Democracy, here re convened therefor, renews its declara tion of faith in Democratic principles and especially as applicable to the con dition ot the times. PROTECTION AND FREE COINAGE. Taxation, tariff, excise or direct, is rightfully imposed only for public purposes ana not tor private gain. The sum derived by the Treasury from tariff and excise levies is affected by the state of trade and volume of con sumption. The amount required by the Treasury is determided by the appropriations made by Congress. The demand of the Republican party for an increase in the tariff tax has its pretext in the deficiency of revenue which has its causes in the stagnation of trade and reduced consumption, due entirely to the loss of confidence that has followed the Populist threat for free coinage and depreciation of our money, and the Republican practice of extravagant appropriations beyond the needs ot good government. We arraign and condemn the Populistic conventions of Chicago and St. Louis for their co-operation. With the Republican party increas ing these conditions, which are plead ed in justification of a heavy increase in burdens of the people and a further resort to protection, we therefore, de nounce protection and its ally, free coinage, as schemes for the personal profit of a few at the expense of many, and oppose the parties which stand for these schemes as hostile to the people of the republic whose food and shelter, comfort and property are attacked by higher taxes and depreciated money. In fine, we reaffirm the historic Demo cratic doctrine of tariff for revenue only. The next plank is devoted to the besidj the fathers of the republic. We also commend the administra tion for the great progress made in the reform of the public service and we endorse its elfort to extend the merit system still further. We demand that no backward step be taken, but that the reform be supported and advanced until the un-Democratic spoils sys tem of appointments shall be eradica ted. We demand strict economy in the appropriations and in the administra tion ot the government. We favor arbitration for the settle ment of international disputes. We favor a liberal policy of pensions to deserving soldiers and sailors of the Unittd States. THE SUPREME CO LET. The Supreme court of the United States was wisely established by the framers of the Constitution as one of three co-ordinate branches of the gov ernment. Its independence aud au thority to interpret the law ot the land without fear or favor must be maintained. We condemn all efi'orts to degrade that tribunal or impair the conlidence and respect which it has deservedly held. The Democratic party has ever maintained and ever will maintain the supremacy of law, the independence of its judicial administration, the in violability of contract and the obliga tions of all good citizens to resist every illegal trust, combination and attempt against the just rights of property and the good order ot socie ty, in which are bound up the peace and happiness of our people. Believing these principles to be es sential to the well-being of the public, we submit them to the consideration of the American people." NOMINATION FOR PRESIDENT. When the nominations for l'resident were called for, it was apparent that Palmer would be nominated over his protest as the opposition to Bragg had concentrated upon him. These two names were the only ones presented to the convention. It was known that a message from President Cleveland had reached the convention that he could not entertain for a moment the suggestion of his nomination and his decision was at once accepted as final. Before the States were called for nominations, Henry Watterson was taken out of the lists by Mr. Carroll, of Louisville, who, from the platform, conveyed to the convention a message from the Kentucky editor in his re treat in the mountains of Switzerland. Mr. Watterson," Mr. Carroll said. sell for the same price; one outce of silver for one bushel of wheat. Each one has one hundred ounces of sil ver. They return home. The man from Mexico takes Lis hundred ounces to the mint in Mexico and the government coins it into legal tenuer uouars wnun is worth one hundred cents. That makes the Mexican farmer receive a dollar for his wheat iu legal tender money cur rent in his country to pay debts, A. 1 I t taxes auu oincers salaries, vv no can dispute thioT Now the man fiom the United States returns with his hundred ounces of silver, takes it to the mints of the United States and it is re fused to be coined by the United States mints into legal tender dol lars. So you can very readily see that the American farmer has to sell his 100 ounces of silver for what the market is mind to pay. Can any man uouot tnisi it there is, we would like to hear from him. It is very conclusive to any honest-mind ed person that tho farmers iu the United States are getting about just half the price for his products under the single gold standard, as he would get under the double standard, with tne tree coinage oi silver. This is plain; so plain that any man can un derstand it. The single gold standard takes away from the American producers just half of his produce and labor, to keep up aud maintain the single standard of gold. Under the double Jackson. Saturday the "JVtl. .f An gust, at V2 o'clock. Mr. J. J. St; b euson cl!el the meeting to order and Mated its object, afier which a permanent orpaniz vtiun was tffiet- t I .a a a . a Jir. I.e. latter loi cha:ru.ar:. W . J. lk-aie. for ttctetary. A committer if rredez.tii'. wa appointed ionititg of Mer. Cuas. (iarrt r. Will Stei h.cou aud W. J. liriant. While the eonvtu- tioa was awaiting th rtpnt-f the committee, Mr. Madii-ou I!atlv. t! Hertie county, mtainc-J the audit ace with an iutertbtiog atl ixzttruim speech. ine following riluiuu as sug gested by the executive committee, was adopted: RtsOLVEP, That this convention put out a tkeleou ticket ot one can didate for the legislature in the Lower House, and two candidates for county commission r with the understanding that we leave th re mainder of the ticket opn. If tilled satisfactory V us we purpose to stand by it, if not we leave it with our executive committee to (ill out. By motion, the conveution went into the nomination f these candi dates, which result d in the nomina tion of Mr. J. J. Tarns for Repre sentative, and Messrs. W. K. Harris and .1. K. Bealo fur county ecmraia-sioners. The following resolutions were of fered and unanimously adopted: Whereas, The Peoples Party of Northampton, recognizing that the question of finance is the supreme issue now pending before the Ameri can people, there we do resolve, rirst. That we tlo most heartily endorse the platform a adopted by NO. f i. PATRIOTISM ABOVE PARTY. A Cardial IV.cti cf Al! B;:fUl-liiU-To Scxr Itititrii! IsifJCiierc. WHOAEETHE ANAECHISTS? rl' r. ai.,i 9im-trm fca. a aad a'l A a a taa. aa aWai la. Ik at ruMlM l . a rawaaa a 1.. With tie ad;..afButi of ti, ulit mnirotiua, Le '.itai Ltf eauKigb La n t-tuut In a r' aul with the bfumt'i.'t . Uat rMt.rtt.1iim c! Mi. !t..at as tL Prea-.ceutial raudulai . t the l'-j i. I'arty tie rock that tLrraVt. t.. d.Tuie tte biu.1a.;t ! .f fcl,d mle mrca ltt .p.... ., af ly pa-4. Iu t liiitaiiijg JUr. !tr;au. tu lVpuh.l (. i i t..a. lue itltl:ir c ur-, aud. u.ak. lCt. ry aatutfd. it t-U :t.a f,.t tho wj t , i r tj. the , Tt I'irt to Bl-t U.e tdtk. . tL. ro-i::u iu ..: ,f rn a. at;, t . tu treat thi r 1. i.u' alb. a a - ua... and ithy t o-i.'t i ...a a a aaci;. ltiaitiedu'y tfali Au.m.1 ana -al ta a.-at. j. i'triitit ui Uf. !Li!uty dtrxiau! it iuti.it.ir to r. at n. m r " I arty. as. at w.- iixj. t'h tl,. , thfitby w t.'tit I.C4 d standard making silver the unit of the Copies Party in the national value before it was demonetized in 187.", doubles every man's fortune, doubles the price of products and puts double the amount of silver in circulation, and stimulates industry, and puts the wheels of puts tne wneels ot progress in mnt5rTi There is ono class of people that Vorm as set forth by the P. nt.ipRt ermniv tA ti.A fra. -a5m.. pw Party of North Carolina and thev are banker and !ho thai State convention held in Kalesgb, y convention assembled at St. Louis, on July 22d. 1S.'. Second. That we do inot heartily pledge our support to the nominee of that convention for President and Vice-President of the United States. Third, That we do also endorse eo- in deal in stocss, bonds, and govern ment securities. They are the ene mies to free silver and the govern ment issue of the money, as it inter feres greatly with their busin 3, for they are usury gatherers, and they well Know if the government issues the money they cannot long live by usury, ana will nave to invest in "three days after the Chicago conven- other enterprises in which the gov- tion, had cabled that other candidates I ernment does not guarantee them must be named or the Democracy was j any more advantage for the use of lost." Later he had said he did not their investment than anv other in- - want the honor, but that if no one else could be found to take command, he would not ask of others to go where he would not lead. Now that others were ready to accept, he preferred to do battle in the ranks. Some of the nominating speeches were eloquent and full of fire. L. L. Kilbourne, of Michigan, placed Sena tor Palmer in nomination, and there was a series of scorching speeches. Burr W. Jones, of Wisconsin, nomina ted Gen. Bragg, "the hero of fifty bat tles, and the commander of the iron brigade." SENATOR PALMER NAMED. Illinois waited until all the other States had been called. Then Judge Morgan, of Chicago, took the stage and said they had recognized from the first that senator Palmer was the man to lead the fight. lie was, he said, a platform in himself. All his life he had fought tiatism, greenback ism, free silver and other vagaries, and he had sealed their lips. After seeing the temper ot tne convention, however, he said, Illinois was com pelled to join hands with her sister States in urging his nomination. The roll-call immediately developed an overwhelming majority in favor of Senator Palmer, but it proceeded to the end. Palmer received 1 the commander of the mounted a chair, and in a brief but graceful speech moved that the nomi nation be made unanimous and pledged that he and Wisconsin in the coming battle, would be where brave soldiers should always be, nearest the flashing of the guns. He was given three hearty cheers and General Palmer was declared the nominee amid an enthusiastic demon- dividual. So the men that deal in money, stocks, or other investments on August utti, is:hi, and that we do most earnestly pledge ourselves to uso every honorable means for the election of tho nominees of that convention. Fourth, That we do endorse the courso of the Hon. Marion Butler in the United States Senate and we do. therefore, pledge ourselves to stand by him as long as he stands by the oppressed people and against the gold conspirators of this country and of Lngland. There being no further buhiae, the conveution adjourned. T. C. Pakkek, Chtn o, W. J. Beale, Sec'ty. A SWEEPING ORDER. OoterrmtBt Kraployfa Can't Mak Polit ical Cantrluutlou. takes their chances with other classes of mankind. Then why should any man take a stand for the single gold standard! 1 see no ex cuse for them to take such a stand. much less the farmer or the laborer It artneara to me that the man who takes such a stand either does not An official pronunciamento against understand or he has some se 16sh political assessments to all c. vern motive: he should be considered an ment employees, contained in a cir enemv to this Republic and mi eht cular letter of instructions, was is- bA so considered bv the masses of sued by the civil service commission our liberty-loving peopla. Such recently and will bo promulgated as mpn iu hM r mit bef nr tho n-1 ceueral orders by all the various ters askini? them for their franchise, heads of departments. This b be Everv man that loves his country lieved to the first time the commis- and his liberty should consider well 810n has taken a part in any before he casts bis ballot for such i"g of such and Bragg 124 At its conclusion, subject of shipping and demands that liberal policies toward American ship ping shall take the place of our initia tion of "the restrictive statues of the eighteenth century which were abon doned by every maritime power but the united States." THE GOLD STANDARD. The experience of mankind has shown that by reason of their natural qualities, gold is the necessary money of the large affairs of commerce and business, while silver is conveniently adapted to minor transactions and the most benencia: use oi Doth together can be ensured only by the adoption of the former as a standard of mone tary measure, and the maintenance of silver at a party wit h 'gold by its lim ited coinage under such safeguards of law. In this is the largest possible employment of both metals coined with" a value universally accepted throughout the world, which consti tutes the only practical currency, as suringthe most stable standard and especially the best and safest money for all who earn a livelihood by labor or the produce of husbandry. They cannot suffer when paid in the best money known to man, but are the go to McKinley, those men will be the I peculiar and most defenseless victims . J . a. l a. a 1 a a a A a. ? recoguizeu exponents oi democracy. I oi a aeuaseu anu uuetuauag currency candidates The Feorlca F. B. Bectox. Party Ha Parties. Split Tha Old For The Cauca warn- a sweeping character, though it has several times given similar notices to po?tal employes and to employes of the Treasary department. It goes against Mr. Cleveland's grain to have fat fried out of his ap- 'oC-i votes iron brigade a farmer and part of my life spent in isolation from the affects of dis criminating laws I yet know some thing from my own observation from the past. I have seen that mam moth height known as Drury's Bluff, and that great gun planted there and known as old "whistling Dick" which commanded the thoroughfare leading into that once ill-fated city of Richmond; and an eye witness when she belched forth her missies of death, rendering the air with a stration, during which the State guid-1 deep, thundering sound, causing the ons were carriea about the nan in tne I very earth to quake and tremble, wake of the standard of Illinois. Thn wnrd was .tent nn aloncr the nrintafx tiT thn amnaiorn which in ST. LocisTxTc, Sept. 2.-Though waged agiinst the party which gave and 11 debt La paid in accordanc farmer and riof mv life spent his appointees their ibs. He wou!d hlth.th" f0,d;n. X have no cause of complaint if they all did what Mr. Smith did resign, There never was any doubt about Gen. Buckner's nomination for vice-Presi- dent except while the nomination was being talked of for Senator Palmer for President. When Chairman Caf fery instructed the Secretary to call the States for nomination for v ice- President, the latter called but one lines on both sides "lie down ones!" All other euns stcod little awed and apparently silent. Little did I think that the littl 3 old Alliance crun in the hands of and commanded by the Peoples Par tv. loaded to the muzzle with true 7 --w ' 4, Jf a lUaUvU 1 V UU IMUItallV aVfca aa. w State, "Kentucky" and the band struck Democracy and Republicanism, such up "Jiy urn Kentucky uoroe." vm. represented bv Jefferson. rhnnnMnn on tho nnmin.tinn tmtil and JUStlCe. TCStlDg UpOU tUB ' uv-.u... . . i i:i ... wan forthwith madA unanimous. Af I eternal uasia oi uersuuni uuvtiy. ter the convention had ad journed, I "equal rights to all and special priv Senator Palmer succumbed. He said I ileees to none," would, at this most he would accept. He had never yet critical political period in the history failed to respond to the call of duty, Qf American politics, belch forth its he saia ana he could not do so now with such a cause at stake. - 9 9 OOCVCVOCVCVCVCVCVO ai ri line rtar rrai O " wwavw . v PER COPY IUC, PER COPY DURING THE CAMPAICN. missies of destruction to all party leaders by breaking their lines from Maine to Mexico; from the Atlantic to the Pacific. Such could not have possibly been the case, but from the fact these party leaders have long since departed from the ancient and cardinal principles which have ever blessed and saved the people and country in behalf of modern party- ism which has proven to be most de structive to the great agricultural f they want to fight against the party that gave them a livelihood. Lower Kailroad KaUra. m r e ti eauer, Mii li I'i'ft T IU' irkl ate eut t-u tLe rt at .rat.uii t b.n tai!iui. arl ho ate aliuI-rg t uie tl tinautal atd itiOattnal tudrpod t-nee f our j'r.'iu itc laM tii tu a nor.yt'd oligarchy ILitt ; trtva.! up tn the itcput iitim-t.t ttf tir I . dustr.al t lat. a. a-ji that i ubllv UUiletU n.tlg our p"i.ll'll .nJrpctiu- er e. Itiirrat t ani: a fjord tu let petty j alui .f ary rrf tints Muml iu t!my of m rt-rdial umi'u i aw luiueiaiiiai r it u a union ran Hln itiur tLe t-l-etiu ul Vr. ittv&tt and ecure the inaugu ration f the iliry whicu an alotin avert ll ultima! t taKnog ur producing e tt t ti.um .-d aiit ocraey, tht"Uirb giadual atjr ! i tEjHverihuirt.t. degradation, ufir- ing and dtpair. Patriotism d-tra:.! ol the 1 -tuo-rratic l-aIem that thy- do not per mit party prejudtcea or -raoual pre ference to ataud id t!i ay d an agretui. ut with the uliat ta fusion electoral ticket iu .M the State". Thereby all bimi all 1 t an t united instpfKirt j! Mr. Itryau. thus injuring hinelertio, while ui L a cone. nt ration of vote ua the rani electoral ti -ket an !. tut arranged as to give tii Vie -iMidni-y to trai candidate polbng the grateat num ber f bimotallie. volec. ttu inuntu' the election fMr. Vatru ur Mr. Sewall. We can ree no r-a-ia hy Mr. Lryan f bould be,tat 1 aer-pt1he nomination proffered Lim by the Populiat eonveutiou aud upon the platform adopt d by the that con vention. The PopulM convention, as the I democratic convention, baa been eharactetized by the gold pre, and with unreasoning vituertion. as an annemblage of anart-bmta and communiKt. of repudiators and coa fiscationbts, and no tne have gone no far as to apeak of it tut-etiLg at wild orgies. Put the Populiat conveu tion i co more denervitig of ach abue than the Democtatic conven tion held at Chicago a few wr-k - fore. In both caaea audi epitheta aa repudiators and cotfucationuta that have been applied e iudischminattly to the delegates 'f bth convention, are miplaced. Thoae who demand that the motit y that debtor ai re quired to teuder io pajmeLt of their indebtedness shall ba of to greater value, of no greater porciianing power, tbau the money borrowed, are not repudiatori, they are cot con!iicatijL.atH. They are atrivmg In the name of honcaty ana juatnen to secure n dollar that w ill be equit able to both creditor and debtor, that will htitber defraud tie reJitor nor rob the debtor; and to atrive. to ae c'hte a dollar of stable purchaaing power, a doilar that will ae-ure to creditor the repayment of a dollar of the t-ame purchaaicg power ai tie doiUr loaned, is nt repudiation. The very tusence of bimetallism i honesty, j jutice, equity and tr gold eontractionists who are urging the maintenance of the gold standard that has constantly appreciated d j r ing the pant twenty years, who de mand that all piioa be meaurexl. ce k that is twice as long today at in 173. and who oppose the reotoratiou of silver to it n place a money bcaust it will cheek the appreciation of gold that has been chronic Mace the demonetization of niter, and that has ecbld th5 money loaning classes, the speculative bankers and credit mongers to enrich tnemMdvea Washington, 1. C, Sept. I. The Seaboard Air Line to-day liled with the Interstate Commerce Commission a new tariff of passenger rates, to go I by defrauding tbeir debtors and iro- ... a. w z a. ' a a a . a I ... into eneci, rriaaj, nepiemoer 4iu, poverisliing our prodUCICg Clasaea, making a lower rate in ipisepger fares for thf)ee g.j Conlractionis to pa- than was in effect by the tariff wvi- gionateiy assaii KA bimetalltaU a. VZUltilXfn repudiatr, and conGacationiata. is August 8th. The new tariff makes dui a rtiiecnouon meir own aoueaij the rate between Norfolk and Atlanta of purpose. $3 against (9, under the tariff with- The charge that the platform drawn, with a corresponding reduction adopted by the PopulUt Party is au to points north of Norfolk. archistic, carries its own refutation. the freight b eduction is one-third. I for anarchy denounces any extension The Southern and Seaboard railroad I of the powers of functions of govern- com pan ies bave filed with the Inter-jment as an unmitigated evil, the Mate Commerce commission schea-1 anarchist holding teat each man ules of freight and passenger rates to I ghould be permitted to work out Lis take effect September 5tb. The re- j..,;.. : war .and that ductions from present rate in some instances exceed 50 per cent., whilst the average reduction is over one-third of tne rates now in force. Vtnnoat'i Election. White River Jcxctiox, Vt., Sept. 3. Returns from all but three cities and towns in Vermont, give the fol lowing vote for Governor: Grout, Republican. 53.270; Jackson, Demo- in the interest of the general weal of mankind it is not necessary that certain rights and relations of man to his fellows should be delegated to the government in order to secure the ceaker members of society against the encroachments of the stronger. Thus the anarchist holds that the strong arm of government : nn naMtail tn i n a TI ra tha crat, 1473; Batte l ropuiist, I " V." . Whittemore. Prohibition. 62S. orouiai i"""' .r " . plurality. 3892; majority over all, I toil, and that it every man wai lien 37 9. Tha aame cities and towns in I free to follow out his own inelina- 1892 gave Fuller. Republican, a major ity over all oi njav. Send us a short account of your meetings. We want to publish it. Send it the very day yon have U. tions, there would be a just distribu tion of the products of labor. In short, the anarchist teaches that no government is necessary. Continued on aeooild j