. ! WVB B... uead Our SpecFal Fremiti Offer to Yearly Subscribers on toe Fourth Pago v",Hn la tbe S Wllohtoraoh Z e xt CASIA laa tr-e- I !! tHwss UtfOMrcll to p,tt,0 tllclr" "InitacAi. H .) klr te W- 1 , am '"a.!...,.,,.,.,; ll-e-et In Mortli srU .( tr m m rer -r, GAU yUL. XV. iOD AT HEW BERNE. . - - - RALEIGH, N. C, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 19, 189G. I- CRAT1FY1VG REPORTS FROM SOURCE! 3-INCRSASE IN UtntO M. It All NO. 2 created number of coatribuujg churches. Soma of the ministers are jroimc over to the Northern Church. - At. "rtrf mrm m m A ,.A SHIPID CONTRIBUTIONS. 94u!j tort 'n Union Theological I - i a? ti !r ew directors appoint- t b Mralob0 A.hcelU. r-itV i bvterian3 1 Iidk. tn rf I'rPhbvttriai : aoHHion he Kith inHt. Th df W ga' depots and taP i;;ninir the 1U JUi,-o . Iff "'" in on "OH 0'j fd J9 J"t' Edoeajvote jfC.,Nov.ll.This r"i7hf Apda the PreS sinft od of North Citro- uAiative bodv of the ... ftTV I?Or Arrowood. Henrv Lewis GOOD 6? B. Morton, R. F. Camp- reJ a X . a ima orate Dei nc Che majority of the a Tuesday evening, r I were met at the two to the Presbyteri- fiurcb, which comes a admirably f r uae on many an ocraxiaa, bein more convenient for certain purposeBthan the church itself from thi3 place the delegates were distributed to the homes of the citi zens which are Jto bo the delegates "homos" while in Newberne. About eighty of the delegates have arrived and a few more are expected to-day. The hospitable people of the city have opened their doors with a wide welcome fo that tho number of "homos" provided is .in excess of the number of delegates attending. This is the eighty-third annual ses Kion of the Synod of North Carolina. The first meeting was held at 8 o'clock last night. Divine services came first. Rev. Eugene Daniel, of lialeigh, one of the ablest members in the State, as retirintr moderator, preached the opening sermon. It was a masterly discourse on "Inspi ration." The first portion of the sermon dispelled false ideas that are held to some extent as to what the inspiration of the Bible consists of; the latter portion pointed out tho truth in regard to this important subject- Running all through the sermon was & strong frame work of proof that the wnole Bible is incon- trovertibly true and fully inspired. The sermon was based on II, Timo thy, 3: IG. "All scripture is given by the inspiration of Uod." Alter toe sermon an impressive communion service was held, which was largely joined in by members of other denominations, the various churches of the city being well rep resented in the congregation. Rev. L. B. Turnbull, of Durham, reai from the New Testament the author ity for the ordinance; Rev. i. W bmith, of Greensboro, consecrate a the elements of bread and wine by prayer. Eight other members of the Synod receiving the bread ami wine from these two ministers then distributed them among the comma nicants. The devotional exercises being over the meeting was called to order far.bxmnestt and a quorum officially found to be present by calling the roll. The election of officers wai deferred until this (Wednesday) morning and erder of work was partially decided upon. It was decided to begin the session at 9:30 a. m., transact business until 12 in., then have an hour of divine worship and then take a two hours' recess for dinner, reassembling at 2 p. m. and again mcetiog at 8. p. m. At this last meeting reports on foreign mif8ioD8 will be heard and several addresses will be made. Before adjournment Tuesday night Rev. 0. L. Ley burn, the new pator of the Newberne rresbyterian church, was formerly presented to the Synod, of which he had not yet become a member, he having moved here frem Boonville, Missouri, and this being the first meeting of the Synod since his coming. Dr. Ley burn is not only a thoughtful and scholarly minister of pleasing and instructive pulpit utterance, but he is also of a friendly warm-hearted dis position and be possesses a practical turn of mind. Though it is yet less than two weeks since he took charge here, he is clearly j making strong friends, and his pastorate in this city is confidently expected to be a successful one, spiritually, helpfu and blessed to the present members of the church and to all others who attend upon his ministry. Rev. A. D. McClure, of Wilming ton, was elected moderator. Rev. P. R. Law and Rev. W. R. McClelland were elected clerks. Rev. T. H. Law made an address in the interest of the Bible cause. The Synod decided to meet nex year at Salisbury, on the first Tues day in November. The committees were appointed to-day. Second Day's Session. SPEl''aPrC'nti: Dr. Hill, Dr. .on. t ommitteo was appointed to se cure chaplains for the convicts on the State farm Keva. L. B. Turn. bull and Eucren Daniel, committee. Rev. C. (. Vardeil renortpd r.n Sunday schools. There are 2,500 teachers, 20,00 scholars and J8 churches with no V" ndav nchooL Rev. A. J. McKft&av made a sta tistical report of thl Synod: Minis ters 1U; churchep, 345; licentiates, 18; candidates 73; communicant?. 1,920; contributions. $222,583: ad ded on examination. 1,552; on cer tificate, 992; total, 2.244: minieters received, 17; churches organized, 9; vacant churches, 29; average oas tor's salary, $019. Kev. L. B. Turnbull reported on systematic beneficence: Contribu ted, $63,093, a gain of $7,000. A popular meeting was held at night on home missions. THE BAPTIST CONVENTION. THE MISSION WORK OF THE CHURCH OR. HUFHAfil WANTS TO RAISE U0 000. THE BUSINESS REVIVAL. At the morning session of the Presbyterian Synod an overture from Urange Presbytery was adopted, di recting the ministers to preach on vnristian education on the day o prayer for our colleges. Dr. E. N. Hutchison recommended the appointment of Dr. J. R. Irwin as a trustee to the Synod. in most important matter ye considered is the division of Meek lenburg PreBbvterv. The reanes f of division from the Presbytery was granxea unanimously by the Synod tne line or division, the Blue Ridci from the South Carolina line to Con a T 1 a. ms cora rresDyiery line, xne new Presbytery to be called the Presby tery of Asheville, consists of Madi eon, Buncombe, Henderson, Tran sylvania, Haywood, Jackson, Swain, Macon, Qraham, Clay and Cherokeo counties; nineteen churches and ten ministers. The Presbytery ' is re quired to meet in Asheville, Decem ber 2d. Rev. E. A. Sample was ap pointed moderator. Dr. Rumple presented the seventh annual report of the synodical or phanage at Barium Springs. Eighty-one children were cared for dur ing the year; $3 700 was contributed for the support fund; $67 is the aver age yearly cost of maintaining and educating each child; the center building has been begun: funds are ..J.J !i 1 . ueeueu ror us completion. Rev. J. W. Stagg preached an ex cellent sermon at 12 m. , At the afternoon ression. Rev. L. B. Turnbull reported on the colored industrial school of North Wilkes boro. It is making gratifying prog ress. 1 Rev. D. I. Craig reported on col ored evangelization. There is an in- It is s Natural Condition Aftr Krer frtsldcotUl Election. Cleveland Plaindealer.l There is no doubt that the pros pect for business ha3 preatlv improv ed since the election; it was to be expected whichever way the election turned. Never in the hietory of this country has there been a Presidential election which did not disturb business Public questions in which differing fi nancial policies are at stake always asect tne minds of men and busi ness . men will stand still un til such election is on In aeeu, oeioro tne issues are raue up business men halt, go slow and throw out safeguards so as to be sure whichever party may win. This always makes a stagnation in man ufactures, in trade and natural bus iness. When the question is on tax ation wherein the tariff becomes an issue, that has always affected bus iness. The importers are in fave, as a general thing, of low tariffs or no tariffs. Manufacturers, as a general thing, are in favor of hi?h tariffs, and trusts are always in fa vor of high tariff. It helps them to keep the trices of their products up to the tariff limit. It is very natural in the campaign just tended, whro the money ques tion wa the vital isue, that busi ness should bi dull and almost at a standstill. Each party claimed that if it was bUfcessbful business would be better, prics would be enhanced, and that more mea would be employ ed. Of course each party crave uif fercnt reasons. The Republicans claimed that if they were successful the gold and the greenbacks that had been hoarded would be brought out and put into circulation. The Democrats claimed that if they were successful more silver would be is sued, and that money as well as the gold and greenbacks that were in hiding, would all go into circula tion, and consequently that higher prices would be maintained, lo certain extent both contestants were right. Although gold and green backs are coming into circulation, the banks are paying out gold just as they pay out other money, so one claim certainly of the Republicans is now proved true. Their own con fidence is restored. That mills wil be started up, that there will be much greater volume of business done in the nexttwelvo months than has been done in the last twelve months no doubt. Everybody has decided to go to work, to do busi ness, and to mako money if it be possible. Of course, it yet remains to be seen how long a large and increas ing volume of business can be car ried on without an increase in the volume of money We firmly be lieve that the ultimate, result will be a greater demand for currency, a greater demand for honest money, and when this pressure becomes very great that the party in power will conclude to meet the demands of the people. Just how this will be done no one at present can foresee. That it will be a necessity imposed upon the incoming administration there is no earthly doubt. It will be found that there is not gold enough to eo round. It will be found that the people are right in their demands for the free coinage of sil ver in order to maintain prices and to have money sufficient to carry on the business of the country and to meet the wants of an increasing pop ulation. ln aaStu by Maoycfth Leading HaptiaU Cbinplliuebt lo lb Itlbllral Kceorder and It fdltor Praia for Me I hod 1st Kcport of Various Coffi. mitt. Mohoanton-, Nov. 11. The sixty sixth atnii&l session of the North Car olina Bt'ptist Convention wss called to order today by Rev. J. E. Ray. He read the 122nd I'salm and offered a A. I ' . . s luucmug prayer. ;i motion to ap point a committee on credentials was adopted. Dr. R. fc. Marsh, of Oxford, i3 the president of the Con vention, atd Mr. N. B. Brnughton, of Rileigh, i3 secretary. The Con vention is already largely atteodd and delegates are coming ia oa ev ery train. The Baptiot Stato Con vention is a body of fine looking rep resentative North Carolinian, aud they are laboring unceasingly for the coming ot tho Master s kingdom. Un the return of the committee on credentials they reported 103 dele gates. ja motion, ur. iiRrsa was un animously relf ettd prefcident of the convention. He accented siih a short talk. Dr. Skiiicer. of Ral eigh eaid: "Let's vote for the three vice presidents aan not select them by committee. The brethren all want to vote. I voted labt week and rot snowed irtidcr, but I want to vote again. ' The remark excited considerable merriment. A committee was appointed and retired to nominate tuiee vice presi dents, secretary, corresponding sec retary and statistician. A commit tee was appointed by President Marsh on order of business. The committee on nominating officers re ported as follows: Three vice presi dents, T. E. Skinner, J. C. Scarbor ough, J. A. Munday; recording sec retaries, N. B. Broughtoa,H. C Moore; treasurer, J. U. Boushall; auditor, W. N. Jones, Rev. John h. White; trustees of the Convention, Rev. V. C. Tyre. Hon. C. M. Cooke, Rev. L. Johnson, T. II. Briggs, Prof. S. D. Mills. Here Rev. It. L. Patton, of Mor- ganton. delivered an address of wel come. He spoke forcibly and elo quently. His word3 wero well re ceived and applauded. President Marsh interrupted and said, "No applauding please." Mr. Patton said: "Don't quench the spirit." He touehingly referred to Dr. Pritchard. s S. E. Williams, of Lexington, re sponded to the address of weicome on behalf of the Convention. He made a beautiful talk and was applauded. .President Marsh recognized visit- . nit 1IT 1 T mg oretnren as rouows: w. a. Whittsett. of Louisvilt, G. L. Dick inson, or luchmonct, u. ir.uosuc, or China. The report of the committee on order of business was adopted. Motion was made to adjourn and carried. The State Baptist Young People's Union adjourned this afternoon af ter electing the following officers for the ensuing year: President C. b Blackwell, Elizabeth City; secretary, Joe S. Wray, ot Chaptl Hill; exeeu five committee, Thos. Hume, J. S. Felix. J. W. Bailev and J. P. Spence. Morganton is entertaining the Convention well and tho hospitable doors are wide open to the Baptists. The programme for tonight is the annual sermon, by Rev. J. B. Rich ardson, of High Point. Rev. Dr. J. M. Frost, of Nashville, Tenn., will also address the Convention tonight on the Sunday school board. Among the visitors ar J. C. Cad dell and Otho Wilson. Second Day. At 10 o'clock this mornicg the Baptist Convention was called to or- dor by President Marsh, alter deyo tional exercises conducted by Dr Whitsett, of the seminary. As spe cial order for 10 o'clock, the report of the board of missions and Sunday schools was read by Rev. J. E White. The report showed the church to be in good shape, and growing This report was read by Rev. John E. White, succossor to the late Dr. C. Durham. Rev. J. L. Johnson here read the report of the committee on periodi cils. It was adopted. He also ad ded a few remarks, complimentary to the Biblical Recorder and its bril Rev. Mr. Hef a am read tfc follow ing rrolutioa: Whereai, The opening . lh door of the natioss to the ; reach ing of the Gospel and tie constantly increasing need of our mission nl ready established in heathen lacds require increased contribution i from th churches at home, therefore, "Resolved. That we uudertsce to ruse $iuaWU lor foreign missions daring the present year." The motion was carried unani mously. The largest and most important committee of the Convention is the board of missions and Sunday fcuoolf. and its report embodies the work of tee church for a 3 ear. The chairman cf th board U Rev. J. E. White. The afternoon session was closed today by lie v. D. Hufh&m, of Hen derson. He is one of the wittiest. yet most pathetic men among the ISsiptista of North Carolina. He spoke mightlyof the rehf-f boitd. Here the feiSoioa adjourned. Tho evening tess'on was opened whh praise service, conducted by Rev. L. M. Hunnicutt, after which President Marsh called for the re port of the committee on State mis sions. This was read by Rev Mr. Richardson. A motion was made and carried to adopt the report, af ter which Mr. Richardson spoke on the report. The report recommend ed an appropriation of $15,000 for the State mission work. Before the war began in Cnba the Baptist church had 2, no communicants there. Mr. Richardson's remarks anent the struggle of the early days of the North Carolina Baptists were both interesting and amusing. The next speaker v. as W. R. Brad sbaw, of the "State of Wiikes." He said: "We have a plenty of Bap tists If you shake any bush they will run oat." He l? ceiidediy orig inal aa'l r-lf-asf d everybody. Hop. J. C Scarborough was the next jspiaker una he spoke of mis sionary work in Ike factories: North Carolina wa.s destined to be a great manufacturing State. He also spoke touehingly cf the condition of the poor factory children. He said if you take the Baptists and tho Meth odist s out of our Stat9 the balanco of the pe:) pla would be mighty lone some. , The Baptists and Methodists had carried the Go.pel to the swamps of Carolina. . Tho children should be taught to read in the bun- day schools. J. E. Ray, of the Raleigh Deaf, Dumb and Blind Institute, next ad dressed the convention. His talk was confined to helping missionaries by prayer. Rev. J. E. White then presented Dr. Hufham, whom some one here today called "that old saint," He appealed to the brethren to raise the debt of $2,300 which now hangs over the State mission board. During his talk he grew pathetic and tears relied up into the eyes of many. His contributions, pledges, etc., amounted to over $500. With this the night session closed. US ONLY TOO TRUE. ABLE ARGUMENT FAVORING THE GOV ERNMENT OWNERSHIP OF RAILWAYS. THE REPORT OF GEN. MILES. Kecomniends That Coast Defences be Strengthened Wilmington, N. G. Men tioned and $125,000 to be Alio ted. Washington, Nov. 11. In his an nual report to the Secretary of War Maj. General Miles, commanding the army, says that fortunately dur ing the year the army has been call ed upon only to a limited extent to act either against hostile Indians or against bodies of men engaged in violating the laws of the United States, or international treaty obli gations. The personnel of the army was never in better condition, the percentage of violations of discipline has been exceedingly small and the standard ot enlisted men is constant ly improving. The care exercised in obtaining suitable material is shown by the fact that of 49,240 ap plicants for enlistment during the year, only 7,465 were accepted as qualified. Gen. Miles again devotes a large portion of bis report to the consider ation of questions of coast defence and he renews forcibly all of the recom mendations on that subject made in his former reports. He says the appliances of war have undergone so great a change in thirty years as to make it imper atively necessary to change the en tire character of our fortifications and their armament as well. The estimates that God. Miles says are im peratively required to be allotted for the next year for the work of the Apt Cupariao f Tfc Madia Oawraadl Draws by C. r. T)Ur-lanaT,ltc f frltat Owaerakip av OaasMar! t Sam's r-Ultt St, Los is JoarnaLj If you wish to send a letUr to any part of this country, or eves to any part ot Canada or Mexico, all you have to do ia to put a two-cent stamp ou it. "CncleS&m" doa the rest. The two cents pay the cost of the eerviee and "Uncle Sam' asks ro profit. But if you want to send your message by wire, that ia a very dif ferent matter. Then you have to goto n private company, submit to thtir trais tnd pay their price. which always includes profit to rri- vf .te individuals and interest on fic titious capital. It is a package instead of a message that you want to eend, then you must go to an express company, and the cost includes profit to pxivate individuals and interest on fictitious capital, and if the package has to be transferred from one company to another in transit, there is an ex tra charge for each transfer. Not bo with a letter, for there is only one postal company, and that is conduct ed by Uncle Sam, and not for pri- vat profit or interest on fictitious capital, but for the s-ervice of all the people. If you want to go yourself, the conditions are even worse than send ing a telegram or an express pack age. If you agree to go and return by the same route within a given time (generally a short time) you are charged a certain price. If you wish to stay longer you are charged more; if you wish to stop on the way, you are charged more. Trav ellers frequently have to return be fore theywish, else their ticket will expire, a. postage stamp never ex pires! The more we think of Uncle Sam's way of doing things, in com parison with the way private com panies do. the more we are attracted to Uncle Sam's way and the more we wish Uncle bam would do it all. Railroads seem to make a study of how much tbey can hinder and embarrass railroad travel. Judging from how Uncle Sam carries a let ter, we may infer that he would re lieve railroad travel from every pos sible inconvenience and embarrass ment. Railroads have made teeoie attempt to reduce inconven iences by selling mileage books; but they are good only on the road issuing the same; they expire at the end of a year and you must buy 1,000 miles at a time. If Uncle Sam were doing it he would issue mileage books on any of his roads and good .until used and at a cost of about cent a mile or less, for he would not issue fictitious stock for the trave ers to pay interest on. ' We can get accustomed to nearly anything, and we are so accustomed to the unnecessary inconveniences o travel that few realize that there a better way. The better way wil never come to us without ettort on our part. Capital will cling to prof its, both present and prospective whether just or unjust. It has no. conscience. It cares all for profit and nothing for. humanity. No in dividual has any capital invested in our postal system; so it is free to ex ist for the service of a man at cost and not for profit. Our other pub lic utilities should be taken (on just terms) and operated in the same way. is QUEER PENSION LIST NAMES. Uncle Sam's Coilous Collection ansof Various Wars. of Veter- The Washington governmental bureaus have always possessed the happy faculty of turning out various orders of freaks and queer ideas, but the latest production in this line is a list or bona htie pensioners or applicants, whose names, if origi nality alone were considered, would leave that of the imaginary King Geranimoseadolphushi of Africa away in the background. The peculiar idea seems to have entered the heads of the three offi cials of the pension bureau at about the same time, each unaware of the other's intention, and for ten or twelve years they made entries of peculiarly odd names that came be fore them officially. V henever, in looking over the rolls, a name of un usual pronunciation or construct'on L.tk. WillUtn Fowl. Ihr- rstn For acd PI-ut (rn 8ais. Th Rains law t aappoeed to control tb Iquor trade to Nw ork aGd ctariy tstt city baa its rrjrulati-ta amuest San-Jay cpftite. bat ker is sv rotub:uatioa that en o bane-a ail ?H rr rocd: la- am Viccc r. J P. Dry. John Soar- br. Jtmn SooTwir. leorg M. Jofdruta, Br jtmin Shrrv a-d D. Goodai. Asa if they Jil, rroV bly aorueof thir ruttoisrr would ba A ad re w Laugh, Dsiii Jollv. An euiih Smith. Drsry Graves, Inil Death and Moucticg Aahby. DTid Tadpd, Ctcrai Roach. ft - .. mm iotx-ti rrans toon, u-nry Def-r, Anion tlg? and Ju.ei Piffff might xcnaU!y b Ergiih iiidm, but Jane Shriekitiggont iao-t b an odixn -oinpoaD?. Thn th-reem Johu Popril. David Oppil, John Hopple, aid a tunibe r dciag & lunch room buMDejp, such as John Gobble, Jacob M nl.. Enoch FriiWr, John Crumb, Charles Drytrcad, George jtxdbread, Thomas natterhaueh. riu Hucaleerry, Obiah Gaos- brry, John Jelly, Tom Cherry, Adam Apple, and bandy Dates. he-rea Willinm Roof a d Margaret Floor. But Sarah Razor and Josiah Door add to the list a few names more. The weather bureau at Washing ton tries very hard to let lh people have the kind of climate they want but here are a few persons who could go into the weather chop bus iness without government support and corner tho market within a few days: Elkana Damptc&n, Loui Wetright, Thomas Rain, llr.am lau, Robert Dew, David Moist, Sephtha Showery, Milton Sloppy. James Blizzard add H-acat Showers. The cream of the lilt is an aggre gation of names tt.at carry with hem the impression of very re igious enthusiasts, for instance: Susan Sunday, Philip E&stermght, Mary b. Chappel, Villiam Archdea con Oood 1'reacber, ltorert rriesr. Celestial Good, Hiram Pray, John Blessing, Stephen Souw, Samuel Holycro'S, Pleasant Cross, Apostle Paul. Jeremiah Siriptures, and Levi Bible. Contrasted to these come Ed ward Nice and Conrad Sinner. Some others are: Mary Alas, Charles Kiss, Henry Hug, John Bridegroom, John Wedding, En dearin Johnson. Hugh Ciy, and Mary Sobs; Johu Socks, James Stocking. Robert Bodkin, Jacob Needles, Edward Dentist, Jesse Toothache, George Bonebreak, James Bonekiller, John Emperor, Moses Sovereign, Edward Thorne, Oliver Jumps, Andrew Bumb, Simon Dancer, James Waltz, Peter Tripp, and George Gallop. The manner in which different parts of the human anatomy are scattered throughout the list might givo the appearance of a railroad wreck There are Samutl Nose, William Face, James Cheek, Dr. Bones, Adam Shanks, Thomas Foote, Hi ram Head, James Legg, Samuel Hand, Stephen Bach, and E. C. Cipp. Then come Jerry Cuff, Mary Collar, Ford Cravat, William Cor sets, Robert Bonnet, Thomas Baths, James Towel, and Thomas Tubbs; Isaac Quail, Aron Drake, William Crow, and Hester Pigeor; Peter Highnote, Jane Melody; John Har- -v . - a ww mony, John bongeter, Joun narp, D. B. Ditty: Wayman I'trfect, William Proper, James Polite, John Harmless, Lafayette Favorite, H. Cummings, K. Rogue, Washington Sillyman, and Henry Glump; Fat- rick Comfort, and John Troubles; William Million, George Thousand, David Dollar,Jacob ShiIling,Thoraas Pence, William Farthirg, A. Ha penny; John Reason, Wiley Wise; Pillow Merchant, William Hush, Jacob Feathers, William Clever, William Swindle, Mary Body, Joseph Boil, and America Corns. Then, finally, the last ends with Blooming May, Henry Pancake, and Mary Grasshopper. Philadelphia Times. POLITICAL fOT-POCf L vlaf 4 at t"mrhm Arm !.. Maf f teBaraa taal a aa ( Vtaw New Yoac, Nov. 10 Aa addr m has beeb lasurd to the Honest iioeey Denoctavy tt to nation by tb IVmvxratie Saad Mosey I of A tsrnr , over the ajf&atare ot John Bjrre, tie priJer.t. It at the aoasd tnocey orrati xttiocs lhr-brbcul lb eouatry to keep up their work ft r the ittmoI, lib a view to tretiC the titvot-eu-d attack of lh silver forrr; to t xtci d ttr work ard iiicatee icto It. b'Mes which, thrvorfb lark of t mt nt tut r, were not sure f al ly cufrr.O daring th raapaica, arH n eoat:oa in eomuittaieation tiL thia U dj, wbich will remain ia Ui-) ri. ..J 3i e ill re it wotktobo dvi'-. -I- lMltl t -al r aBW. MuSTuOMElY, Ala.. N.V. 111. B th buu ot tr.- 'gi!ture were called to urdrr at nto& l'er. Noth it g was J-ce in either Louie txeet-t to swear in the members. Orftni- zation will be computed tuxorro by the lecti.p of t (he ers Meted by caucuses. Voting tor the Sera tor will not l gin until the 21lb, the fecotd Tuesday fcfttr organiitrg Senator Path. Got. Gate. Gen' iVttus, axd Hon. John U. ItatAhead are announced c&xdiJates for the Senate. All four Lave open d head quarters and their friends are work ing like beavtr. It would be a me man wLocouM predict the outcome of tterace. Two weeks hence may put a dif ferent phase on thi question from what ttie surface now shows. -I- fckafrvth Ilala h ILrord. Dcsver, Col., Nov. 10. The tfti- cial returns show that the majority for John A. Shaforth in the First (Congressional District ia 54.373. This is the greatest majority ever ttiven a member of Congress since tLe foundation of our government. i i Madden Wnnlthuff d I', Bar. Toi'EKA, Kans., Nov. 10, John Madden, who was defeated for Con gress in the Fourth District by Charles Curtis, Republican, an nounced his candidacy for United States Senator today, to succeed Ptffer. Madden is one of the strong est Populists in Kansas, and made greater gains for Lis party thsn were ever made before by an oppo sition candidate in the Fourth Dis trict. The multiplicity of candidates is regarded as favorable for the re turn of Senator Peffer. To Krapporlloa St.at.aa. Kansas City, Mo., Nttv.'H When tho Kansas legislature convenes thia winter the first thing un the pro gramme after the election of a Uni ted States Senator to succeed Peffer is to push a Congressional reap pointment bill through. The plan of the Democratic-Populist members ryC irvae tW fe t worth eaaet tic C -. Oaatltle Observer. ? laHrfa tieaj). LM tsviix. Kv Nov. It. If a obd eaa W tatsew ry rf.r erif ta silver IWasoetai f Keatarky wuletst tie elect, of tie McKiaWy electee. Aa f peal for land was t atf LI tessve-i by Secretary Ktcbard. - I - Ka4aJl ( .ae. Mtavtaroua. lad. Ne. 11 ft was atbwmeeew tJa? tiat tk f rttl of Jcba Lted. faaioa ee4e date er Governor, will dets aad a recoort. 9 eleven's asajvntt i nw a boot '2 (XJ. Tte bis for tfce 4 mand is aUeged frsnd In tte north westers part of tse State, vn4 tk fact that alarsje aaaaber of tke baJ fots w as erroneously narked for both the Brjaa and Pelar elector. an4 were thrown oat wiea tLey shcf,L1 Lave been counted as to tie rest of tk ticket. Tbee it is said, were almcst nil, if not entire ly all. fcr Liod. In this (Uenneoir) rouoty atone eoaoe U)0 of tLet-al-loi eere discarded. Tk laso rratie State rr.mniUtae is i&veatifat ibt; tLe batter. 1 Ka aa - ' l a'1 a r ram Hsrjer s Weekly ) Within a month i'vrgress wi.l be in e-ei'0 again, atd we way ! Cuba in our daily newspaper a tLe mot e n'rirg tcf-ie lcr (Stiotal tis'eria. Whatever tLe rol.tM-ians or jourralist taa have to tay aU ot the sut jeet, LowrVer, t'ttt aid t revolt luLst continue to attia-t tte attention of so tear a ne chbur as the United States. The tian is ap proaching when Captain Gmetel Wejler must endeator to aeromi I. ah sotnrthirg The nnLealthv reason is about over, and although etunnsr the past turutrer L has lost fcuany .f his trout a by diaeaM, h- Las anil a large number of s ldn ra. aud is re ceiving mere. Spain t U" obtain ing money enc-u.h t pay ff L r most presitg.t li(rtit., although after this is don she will hat very little le ft to yo on with. Hardly any one with an intellif tnt compttheoaion e f tteprevsil tgccn ditions in Cot a heves tLat Stan iafds can pat down the re Wil mo. Wcyler l as not only gained nothing ainco be to k chatK cf th Island. but he has distinctly lost. Outside of Havau. and a few of the other cities, Cuba is in posiestin of Maceo, Go mez, and Garcia. The country re gions are in tLe perof the insolv ents, and, not withstandinw teeent cfllcia I reports of Spanish vietorier, not one of tLe insnrircnt leaders baa rx-en otiyen irom his cticaen posi tiou. It is unsafe for a S aniard or a sympathizer with Spain to ebow himte'.f outside of tLe cties wLieb are in poKteaeion of the Kranisb troops. The nroJuctiv part of tLe iVacd is in revolt, and is practically lymer fallow. Tho rorls ar in the control of Spain. Cuba has temporarily ceased to be a prrducer c f wealth and contributor to the world's eoru- ordinance, engineers ana quarter- 1 . 1 . j. j. j!J3e j. a! - I liant voung editor. J. W. Bailey. mttaiCi uch" "'--"""- appeared, it was immediately jotted He said he thanked God that the P0"118' "e"b iV110', o. e-n r down on a pocket list to be kept for late Dr. Bailey's mantle had fal- IU'uw;' V personal pleasure. But the other lflti on the shoulders of his son. moum, n. xx ., fow.j-, ,UJ'UU day the three became acquainted of lT T ' I . I I . IV I M.nn.a.LMaaaiB. - NORTH CAROLINA ON WHEELS. Capt. Ksmaenr Contracts With the Jack son and Sharpe Company tor an Ad vertising CarA Meritorious Knterprlse. Charlotte Observer. Capt. W. H. Ramseur returned yesterday from Wilmington, Del., where he placed a contract with the car-building firm of Jackson & Sharpe for a car to be used for the purpose of advertising the resources, products, manufactures and1 enter prises of North Carolina. It will be I patterned after the fashion of the a lorida car, ana nxe wnicn, 11 win travel over the United States. The contract price of the car is $10,000 and it is to be finished in xsorth Carolina woods, which are as pretty as any produced in the world. This is the enterprise of the North Caro lina Advertising Comnnnv. of which Capt. Ramseur is manager. TEe materials for stocking the car are being collected and will be ready to 1 W ia . . a be piacea Dy tne time the car 13 ready. There will be a fish and bird display of all kinds from the east: birds, bears, deer and various kinds of game from all parts of the State; woods of all varieties, the different products of the soil, gold, silver, iron and the various minerals, and in fact, it will bean exposition on wheels. It will visit the people of all the cities and towns in the North, East anLWest. - jyif you are not a subscriber to Thb Caucasian you should become one. Subscribe yourself and get your neighbor to subscribe. on Rev. Mr. Munday also spoke of the Recorder in complimentary terms Rev. J. M. Frost, of Nashville, made a few remarks to the Recorder and also to the Foreign Mission Journal Mr. J. W. Bailey here arose and addressed the convention, thanking the convention, thanking the breth ren for their kind words. He made an elegant talk. President Marsh here called tor the report on foreign missions, which was read by Rev. Mr. Cree, who also made an eloquent plea for foreign mission work. Dr. Carter, ot Ral eigh, also addressed the convention on foreign missions. lie was toi lowed by Rev. R. L. Patton. Rev W. C. Scarborough ottered prayer, after which Dr. R.. J. Willingham, secretary of the board of foreign missions, addressed the convention. The report ou foreign missions was adopted. Dr. Seymour, Bijble secretary of the American Baptist Publication Society, next addressed the convention about the work of the society, and closed the forenoon. Dr. Marsh called the afternoon meeting to order and named as the order for the hour, an address by Dr. W. H. Whittsett, of the Louis ville Theological Seminary. He went back to the founding of the semi nary in ;65, and remarked that they had only seven students. Now, he says, they have 318. He traced the growth of the institution step by step down to the present, and made it yery interesting. He closed by calling attention to the needs of the seminary and asked for help from each congregation. The ministers responded slowly, but after so long a time $335 was raised. N. H., $393,925; Boston, Miss., $1,078 350; Narragansett Bay, $642 825; Long Island sound, eastern entrance, $913,000; defence of New York, southern entrance, $1,299,G00; Philadelphia, Pa., $625,025; Balti more. Md., $671,450; Washington, D. C, $577,925; Hampton Roads, Va., $619,325; Wilmington,. N.C., $125, 525; Charleston. S. C, $350,925; Sa vannah, Ga., $393,925; Key West, Fla., $150,400; Mobile, Ala., $150,400; New Orleans, La., $489,400; Galves ton, Texas, $157,925; San Diego, Cal., $600,925; San Francisco, Cal., $902,850; mouth of Columbia river, $5GG,325; Puget sound, $764,050. Gen. Miles, suggests that the en enlisted strength of the army be fixed at one soldier to every 2,000 of population as a minimum, the maxi mum strength not to exceed one soldier for every 1,000 population; strength to be determined within these limits by the President accord ing to the necessities and require ments of the nation. Two Children Bmned to Death. Greenville, N. C. Nov. their mutual curiosity for gathering names, and a consolidated list was the resnra. Some of the names appear so rid iculous as to seem impossible for a human being to be designated by such a conglomeration of fetters, but their authenticity is vouched for, as they appear upon the very rolls of the United States pensions are paid, or applications are as. yet pending with these freak inscriptions upon them. None of the names was alter ed in any respect to give them the appearance of uniqueness. It would not be possible for anyone to make a parallel list, as the collection repre sents many years of the pleasant task of looking them up. Then, too, the perusal of the pension lists by law. As the oddity of the names will be better illustrated by means of as sembling them into characteristic groups, the three officials took pains to have this done. First upon the list comes Preserved. Island, M. J. Yankee. Mexico Washington and Alfred Constantinople. Then fol lows a few in the hardware line,such as Minerva Hatchett, John Hammer Hon. Marion Butler. Silver Knight Watchman.l The campaign that has just drawn to a close, in which Senator Butler occupied a most difficult and trying position, presents to the country in the person of the young Senator from North Carolina an example of exalted patriotism, coupled with a bold, wise, and discreet leadership. The situation in which the chair man of the national committee of the Peoples Party foucd himself at the outset was beset with difficulties And dargers, to overcome which re quired a broad mind, a steady nerve, and a strong hand. Failure to measure up the require ments of the occasion meant not only disaster to the Peoples Party, but to endanger the success or the principles upon which the party was bunded. Regarding the duties of the hour, the convictions of Senator Butler were both positive and profound. who will control the legislature is to divide the Stale into eight dis tricts instead of seven, aa at pres ent, and to eo arrange the districts as'io make fceven of them safely Populist. Far-sighted politicians see in this an opportunity of elect ing a Populist Senator to succeed United States Senator Lucian Ba ker, thus gaining both members of the Senate and all but one of the Congressmen. Tho bill is said to now be in course of construction. -I- Tariff Hill aad Traat. Siox Falls, S. D.Nov. 10 Senator Pettigrew opened the cam paign ot I'JW last nigni ana ad dressed one of the largest audiences ever gathered in this city, it was announced as the beginning ot the bimetallic fight of four j esra hence. The Senator said that he would ren der McKinley every aid possible for him to demonstrate that the tit iff was what ailed the country, but wanted to put himself oa record by be would mere No country is so deeply eor eerned in this state of affairs as tt United States. What can be den to put an end to the uufortuna'e re bellion and to restore peace to tb island f 8a fsr the iaturgents have not established their right to roeof nitiou as belligerents. They ar not carrying on an active and sggres aiv warfare, but tbey ar maintain ing an obatioat and effective reaiat ance to the weak efforts of 8f ain to recapture the wealth-producing parts of the island. They Lav no capt tal, nor any seaport, and itwoald b worse than idle for the United Slates to ignor the well settled rules of international law on the nrjet of belligerency in aid of a sentiment. The coramere cf iL United States has suffered seffiriently by reason of the outbreak, and it ought cot to Let made the object of the reprisals of both aides for the convenience of the politicians. It is biph tin that tb etonflict was ended, and it is to be hoped that Mr. Oincy Will be able to eoDVinm saying i"'.'' the Spanish roverntnect of tb ad section Of a tariff bill that provided -i.abilite of arraeeiee- ma.t,r-,ll fof tariff on any article controlled a trust. This created a secsa- wun consummate sain ne proieciea. Democratic candidate for Congress, tne lmeresTs oi me wuuie uwviv. 11 Yesterday in the' northern por tion of this county, Mr. Wyatt Meeks lost , by fire a barn contain- and George Ax. ing seventy-five barrels of corn and I Peter Betts, James Beam, Susan five bales of cotton. Just after the I Cale, John Garlick, Daniel Mustard fire the terrible discovery was made I are associated in ' the pension office that two of Mr. Meek's children, I with John Meats. John Ham, Thos aged 3 and 5 years respectively, had Tongue, W. H.Lamb, David Mut- perished in the flames. It is sup- ton, W. T. Kidney. Samuel Heart. posed the children went in the barn I William Fish, Samuel Crab, William to play, and, setting hre to some Oyster, and Jacob Herring. - One o: shucks near the door, ran np on the I the most peculiar and its peculi corn, piled in the bacK or the barn. anty is more pronounced as it is There charred bodies were found on written clearly with a hyphen is the pile of corn after the building A-dam Buzzard and along with the had burned clown. Buzzard comes George R. Swallow by tion, and the demonstration that fol lowed was tremendous. The Senator received a great re ception atthe close of his speech. I Brjsa Leads la WvemlBg, Chetehne, Wyo., Nov. 10 Chair man Blydf nburg, cf the Democratic State committee, today issued a statement giying the situation in th KtatH at the present time in which he says that he has received of this fsct-a fact that is patent to complete unofficial returns Irom ten none of br best friends be may counties and from all but twenty- hoth countries more serious two precincts in the remaining three trouble than has yet resulted from eAnntiea. the revolt. His figures show the Bryan chc. visability of arranging matters with her revolted colr-ms's be for Or frets meets. It would be better for Spsia to surrender tb island than to bankrupt her tret so ry for lb car rying on of a ejontest in which sb must eventually lose, or to incur tb farther hostility in this country which will be inevitable if oar tral with the bland and onr public reve nues ar made to bear additional loses by reason of tb eonUnaaaeo of the present state c f tbiogt. If Mr. Olaey eau oonvine rpaia tors to have 3S0 majority; Osborne, electee 1 Karen. Information. caving nothing undone to advance he candidacy of Mr. Bryan, at the same time securing lor nis party such a division of the electors in each State as would give its candi date for the vice-Presidency thfc full strength of the party in the -electoral college. As a result of his efforts union tickets were agreed upon in a large number of States and the election of silver Congressmen and Senators promoted in all the States, of which Tb royal family of England epsta toe Bntisb governnieot, in rtfond 401 majority, and Corn, Democratic aj w.ATA i n4 cwan Al IA mil ivittf. He estimates that the products to ?' hear from will increase the ma- l"u?um -a VL T jorities. No returns were revived 2 000 00 a year, bside the rv- i noes from the dneby of Lneasr, . which amounts to a quarter cf a million. Tb Lord Lieutenant of Br) an Electors 4kee4 taeeacb lafcta. Ireland rCivB $100,000 a year for St. Paul, Minn., Nov. 10. Noth- hie eerviee aad expenses, and tho mg but the official count will show Priae of Wales 9200,000 a year, posilively who is elected ia South To President of Franc receives Dakota, but from the best informa- $240,000 a year for aalary and ex- tion obtainable from all sources at ptoses an enormous salary when it the Peoples Party secured its fullpirra to dav the indications are I is remembered that tb rpublie proportion. . that the Bryan electors will have a sweating under a stnneuaotu na- That the battle for the Presidency majority in the neighborhood of 100. 1 tional debt or over m.uw.wu w- is lost cannot be blamed on to the Peoples Party. With the preserva tion of the Peoples Party continues the power which will force the issue in the future as in the past. The political leaders of all parties entertained a profound respect for integrity, courage, aud ability of Senator Butler, and while be re mains leader ot the Peoples Party The white Republican State ticket. with the exception of the Governor, will be elected by small majorities. -I- Sft Olte Tke Ism Nobody acted any whiter, after it wss all over, than Mr. Luther, a Democratic candidate for the lower house of ihe Legislature in Bon- the large at dbt ever tnearred by any nation in the worlJ. Italy can have 10000 men slaughtered in Abyssinia aad still pay ber Kinr $2,000,000 a year. The civil List of tbe German E speror is about $1 000, 000 a year, besides large revenues from vast estates belonging to tb royal family. The Czar of all tb Rnsf tans owns in xe siapi i.uuu,uw the leaders of other political parties combe. Hu Republican opponent I equate Biles of edtirated land, and will undertake no. political move was one router. """"""""J ejjT- an meoaie or aii.wuuw. without giving due weight to the of the tickets read Cnandler." Tb King of Spain, little ATTonxi Peoples Party as a factor that must I mere were enocga k uieeo on-aa- XII1 ,f oC a raving ettsponuoa. wui be considered. ler tickets to give tne election 101 one of the nefceet aorereijas In Luther, but. realizing max tne in-i Europe when he eomee or aga. Tbe tent of those who east them was tola,. elloarshiaa SL 400.000 a rear. YOU CAN ENCOURAGE THE CAUSE OF Tote for Candler, he declined to re-1 th an additional $500,000 for fam- eeive the eeruueaie ox eieeuon. vi i tj. expeaaea. CEF0RU BY SUBSCR18IN6 TO THE course ne ciia rtgnt, out every ooayi aA. Hnamt tin nsrht ail us nna ana oaowonow iwt .! vwu- eaucarjAB t ii a vraiL I when a man noes so under rather I aia tLC3 a ya 1