i At X t .-7 ir.iSi Head Our - Spsclal Premium for-to Vdariy SaEiccritjoro on tho Fourth Pane I Ta fmm as 9 lnrr lrMaiUM tteMMii altoaaoit In M -r U C-irillna.il X NO RALEIGH, N. C, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 3, 1896. MSJA N "1 SO. 4. - .Tw ItlOS. A. WATSON'S LHTTER OP ACCEPTANCE. in for Xotiii'ittiim ('iuiiiiil'r: Dkak IR: Your letter Hiving ma formal notice of my Domination by tl.o Peoples Party for thy cffice of Vice-President hns been received. It isaokly becauso t.t my promise to do ko, that I aeept tho nomina tion. The unusual conditions cn frtiutiup u must be my vxcan i r -ubmittiog to the public a fair Ktste iiK Dt of thH facta touching thi to ti:ar?aM campaign, in otd-r that all uuprt juilied minds may reach jmt ( i)li('lUio,JK. As tLit lime for bi ginning the I'lfsiiUmtiRl campaign 01 idjo ap 1 tho Democratic party I II HI 1 "J'l'li ' uum null, 1 I , ,111, 1 and i retried to a desperate remedy 1,. sv- list If from dissolution. It I1'"'' 1.1. fl t ri iiuiinwi tue iicpuoucan it bad already enact- L.ii'lifly nl into I.-iw, ami proicsaeu trie 10,1 uliMt 1 n fd which it had bitterly aa liUd. Having closed the dvors of tint riiintrf t- diver, having tustaiu t .1 Mr. ,'! vi land in his r ttiBal to nil w tl.o niuiorago r.oind, hav ing condoned hi issue of bond. in i- i. la1 ion of ltw, having acquiorccd iu I, Y contr.irlion policy of deatroying tl.o gri ciiback?, having h'dped to I. . d tho trusts by tho paaantfi of the U':lMn-lorman-tIonca tariff till, the I), in-, critic party, realizing that it ii. 'id lost tho riapoct, tho coaudoDco and tin patiMicfl of tho people, do it iiiuiumI to Hiiticipato ILjo triumph . I' Populism by a public toufeeaiort of political Kinlt, iui earnest aparr tiou or thaupo of heart, a devout rc- cpt:iuco of Populist princiilcs, and modest dbinaud that tho Peoples I 'arty tdtould vacate ita quarters afld .-Uir ndfr its political possessions. A very utaircorini; piece of politi- 1 ul iiupudeiice was thin. It was not i ntiriority of tho Democratic party uhieu murdered silver iu 1S'J3. It wus a majority that did it ama nnlv in tho House, a majority in ihoSeuate. And tho iucu who com niitttd tho dned cau uot now promise inoroFoleiutily to nudo th ir work, than tlioy promised in lb'J- not to do it. So subservient was the Democra tic msiority that they mado no tf fort to prevent Mr. Cleveland and Mr. Carlisle from destroying more than ouo hundred million dollars of tho paper currency, in violation of the iduin lancuairo of the act of 1S7S. Tho Democratic majority could havo compelled the administration to havo coined tho silver bullion purchased under the act cf 1800, and with thc.e silver dollar to have redeemed tho treasury notes cf 18'JO. The law to commands. Ms. Clove land cut tho law under foot, and tbusimvfd tho way for payments in gold, audTUUS opened up the op nortunitv for issuintr bonds. The Democratic majority made no effort to vindicate the Jaw ami favo me PoyVs. Hucb is tho record the un iloniablo record. During tho dreary years of 1892, II, 4 and 5, wheu llcpublicaas and Democrats alike were fr.llicf over each other in tho tffort to bo firt at Wall Streets feet, and lov.vst in the dust of political pelf-abr.j:einont to the trusts, tho National Dinks, tho railroads, tho bondholders and the gold speculates, tho Teoles Party was the one champion of the poo ide. It stood fearlebsly against the hungry hordes of class legislation. It proclaimed constantly its undy ing antagonism to Wall street and its policies. It held aloft tho s acred banner of a pooplo'a rishts, and call t . t ui coarse me democratic cmuu. tiea at oar National convention were broadmmded fUtesmen. patriotic ana uDieinn. We know bo- cause the Democrats, in 1 fese in- m ens tney went, tell on need, bat they are not to be allowed to furnish a candidate for cither place on the ticket. In view of this ud patriotic con dact, so selfish that it defeats its own ambition, is to be regretted that con- Th7 tirnti1 thai tnftina 4 vf I Iyni:.4- -1 L . I aid coneictency of rureoi s-jt not vention did not only dtmandine that the '2 palisU Populist ticket. Mr iad rmnt was nominate Mr. Bryan, but c t they against the fasion movement at the time, and subsequent events have onven-1 confirmed me m that opinion. of-the- By listening to the overtures of )sed it Democratic managers, our party has flAlm been torn intn fAtinna n.nr lai l.ri Pooulism should adbre to tne prin- deceived and ensnared, and the cipjfig upon which the party had cause we represent nerm&nentlv t,n- the policy dansrered. if not lost- The labor of many years is swept away, and the nominate Mr. Bewail also. The other faction in th tioe was known as "Mid Iiisd.'' The men who co: had the braien effrontery of good people been founded and to whica had ifiyen it srroWth. The contended that our party had been I hones of th born of deep distrnst of p.rvrir I are ffone with 5 tho old parties, and that a com pro-1 Instead of findine that onr nomi- miso with either meant surrender nation of Mr. lrv tin tLf Kf T.nnia Vt it c t..l .1 .1- rpi 1 . . I. '7 .. u 'tcoiu. xuey ciaim ea mar tne tea 10 a compromise ticket, we see silver movement waa a Sonth and I that it h hrnmrht no tn n ntnnn J VVest movement, and believed that ditional surrender, or a fight, the best way to unite South and All Populists are expected to vote West waa to nominate a Southern for Mr. Bryan, but n- Democrat J tA tnn with the Western man. feels bound to vote for iSf. Watapn. They likewise se.id that the best wav All Populists are expected to tW to UbitO Populists and I)flmor.tal for Mr. 15rvn nrrirsi 1 V,a - ia V,;- was to nominate a Populist to run nominee, but they are not exnrc.ted with the Democrat. These middle-of- to vote for Mr. Watson, although he the-road men said that it would be is likewise their nominee. The logic filly to allow our party to b3 scoop- which carries the Populist vote to ed off the face of the earth bv a Mr. Bryan seems tot exhaust it- tnoro political trick. The party had self before it reaches Watson. And been built up under many trials, jet the Populist convention refused difficulties and discouragements. It to nominate Bryan until Watson had had worked its way onward through been nominated. This would seem abuse, ridicule, misrepresentation to indicate that Watson was at least and electoral frauds. In the South as strong in the Populist convention thy Democrats had said we were in as Bryan was. the py of tho-Kepublicans. In the The Democratic managers how- Wett the Republicans had said we ever, not only claim the Populist vote were hired bf the Democrats. We for Mr. Bryan, who is our nominee, hsdrrown steadily in spite of all but they claim it, also, for Mr. Sew- slandets and rascalities, and now all, who is not our nominee, and who at length we were masters of the sit- was overwhelmingly rejected when uatiou. It seemed a pity to let our offered to the St. Loui8 convention, enemies snaro us and destroy us. Personally, there has been no dis- The Middle-of-the-Itoad men said position to find fault with Mr. Sewall, that ours was the only silver party, but the issue at stake is a public one, and that all patriots who really a.ad we Populists have folt quite at wanted silver coinage, could afford liberty to point out our objections to to join ua. Four years of fidelity. Mr. Sewall as a candidate tor office. under the most trying circumstances Some of our fusion leaders have had shown that we could be trusted developed great tenderness of feel as champions of silver. Not a man iQK on tho subject of national bank in our party was against it. On the ers bondholders, and millionaires, other hand, the Middle-of-the-ltoad This is something new. Populism men said they could not uncondi- had its birth in revolt against class tionally trust the Democrats. Fhey legislation, and nothing more fully had too recently slaughtered silver, embodies the pernicious power of They were too fresh from the de- special privilege than does the na bauch of broken pledgee. They tional banking system. For some were still reeling from their mad years we Populists have used unlim carousal of class legislation. They jted ink and unmeasured eloquence could not be accepted as our politi- in denouncing the national banker's cal masters, when so powerful a mi- privileges. According to the gospel nority, opposed to silver, still re- of tnis "fusion" Populism, it seems mained in their ranks; a minority that we have been violating the pro which remains with Bryan beeause prieties. We are now told that we it can better assassinate silver from must no say anything against Mr. the inside ef the Democratic party Sewall. We must not explain to the than from without. people wherein he is an objectiona- It was Populist pressure which had b.le candidate, and we rrust not men forced Democracy to quit straddling tion the fact that he is a national and get down on the silver side of banker, a bondholder, a railroad the fonce. To remove the pressure magnate, a corporation millionaire, by disbanding the Peoples Party aa enemy to organized labor, a ben was to invite the Democrats to renew eficiary of trusts, a seeker after sub ibeiir t raddling1. sidies for the merchant raarins, and These Middle of-the-lioad men said a protectionist of the McKiuley va- that they were willing to help the riety. Democrats open the mints to Bilver, Theso things must be kept from but that the Chicago platform was, the people, I am told. Why so? after all, nothing but another Dem- Haven't the voters a right to know ocratic pledere. and that Democratic for whom they are voting? pledges were at a dismal discount I HacLPopnlism always been so ex in the market. qnisitely careful about giving of- They insisted that the Peoples tense to the favorites of class legis- Party ought not to disband until lation, would there today have been their principles had been enacted any such thing as the Peoples into law. Getting them incorpor- Party? porated into the Democratic platform Mr. Sewall represents nothing was not quite equivalent to the force which Populism seeks. By his local ana blessing or remedial legislation, environment; by his financial inter- Between the broadminded Popu- ests, and by his political principles, lists who were clamoiin? for nncon-l he stands incomplete antagonism to ditional surrender to Democracy, Populism. Not even npon the silver ,t a narintd i mid i!.fnil th ami the middle-of-the-roaders who I question has h the right to demand Republic. Winco tho bucie-noto oiP" rupuasm 10 uu irue iu 11s " duFj.v i "iw lihodt rick wokotho highlands, and nnssion, quite a wrangle ensued at e nas inot Deen Known as a cnam the fiery-cross tpod from mountain St. Louis. pion ot tne cause; ne made no pro- to irlen and from elm to hamlot. You were present at St. Loui3, test when Maine nominated a gold a... u v v, .n,.nf.nfln,w Senator, and von therefore know bug Democrat tor Governor on a nntbiir-t of nonnlar nthu.niisim as that after Senator Allen made his gold bug platform, although he was ' - r-i . - . I ir a x. -rrri I V.- u marked the irrowth of tho 1 eor,Ie3 puoiio statement mat ine western momuoi uj. mo uioro wuneuuuu ' I T1 1 A . A. 11 I U A M w r4- IntAIRII Yl.lWl.Alw AC A !... .. I v,,,. n.nnDi nna I i UDU11SL3 WBTB I70ini7 O snDDDrt Ufl no.auv.-i, uuvnu uuuiii y . as a xnnv. uuo tiu,uuo,uirov, vuv . . . . 7 . I e :i j.mt -loor i,Q ,,n ;nintr.(;,m ninvt n.H. Democratic ticket, wnetner it was inenu 10 suyer unyi i une xoyu, anu ""l'v "" ok"V" " 1 Ji A.y T i; t j. 1,a aa V,a U U vuuurseu uy me rouuiisis or nyi, iub i " 1110,1 no msuu wo giu and had wo sternly put temptation aside, and nominated a straight Populist ticket at St. Louia, one man from the West and one from the Sauth, wo would havo swept this land from sea to sea. Democrats like Senator Gorman and D. B. Hill would havo been driven to their true toral vote eocid be cxpecUd in those cbt as-ridden section. Therefore the bold policy of mak ing adireet appeal to the South and West, a against th money power and corporation icf! ?enees . of the Kant and North, was the one policy upon which the two great producing sections could have been united, the ailver forces concentrated, tbe Pop ulists and Democrats harmonised, and MeKtnley utterly rooted. Instead of this plain, maaly and logical campaign in which the Pop ulist masaes could have been en listed, devotedly and unanimously, we have had tbe crafty policy of fa sion which compels the Populists to vote for Sewall, and which has dis heartened our taen and filled them with disgust. A vote for a Sewall elector, means a vote for Sewall. and no Populist ran vote for Sewall without abandoning his creed. -It' once we support a man who stauds for the National Banks, corporations, railroads, trusts, and McKinley tariffs, as Sewall does. Populism can never be heard hereafter to declaim against class legislation and tho fa vorite thereof. We would be es topped, because we had endorsed it in voting for Sewall. Besides, out- National convention expressly rejected Sewall, and Pop ulist voters should not bo compelled to vote, though fusion deal?, for a man their convention refused to ac cept. Both Kansas and Colorado are Populist States and yet the Popu list nominees are not to receive a single electoral vote in either State. The Democratic ticket, Bryan and Sewall, will receive them all. In Kansas the people have been soothed by the assurance that the electors would vote for Watson, pro vided Watson got more votes else where than Sewall got. When in Kansas, recently, I warned oui people of this snare. -1 told them that Sowal! would receive all those votes' else the Democrats would not have conceded so much to get them, oa have since sent me a letter written by Chairman Breidenthal, in which the tacit ad mission is made that Sewall is to re ceive all the electoral votes of Kan sas, it tbe present deal stands. Thus the Populists cf Kansas and Colorado have been disfranchised. Worse than that they have been delivered to a fusion where nono of their votes count for the Ponnlist ticket. They must vote for Sywall and thus violate their principles In North Carolina where fusion has been arranged with the Repub- lcans on the State and county tick ets, and with Democrats on the Na tional ticket, Mr. Sewall gets a ma jority of the electors. North Carolina is supposed to be a Populist State. Upon that idea she was allowed ninety hve votes in our National convention. Theact that in North Carolina we have now con ceded a majority of tne electors to Mr. Sewall, would indicate our vote in North Carolina has undergone f disastrous shrinkage sir..e our Na tional convention adjourned, or chat the National ticket nas been used for mercantile purposes Senator, a reform party has no right to exist if it has no valid complaint to make. Populists cannot denounce tne Bins or tne two old parties, and yet go into political co-partnership with them. Tho moment we make a treaty, the war must cease. Ana wnen we cease our war upon the two old parties, we have no longer any excuse for living. When oversight compromises with Wrong, it is the Right which suffers. A re form movement is necessarily an as sault an attack upon intrenched er ror. Whenever the attacking force halts, it begins to melt away. To route Republicanism, we must con tmually assail it. We cannot be friends Vo it one day, and enemies to it the noxt. The same truth applies to the Democratic party. . Whenever we.ceaae our warfare upon old party errors, and go into partnership with them, we lose all moral force; we lose our own crusading spirit; we show the public that we middle-of-the-road faction met in clause" in ms own contracts proves caucus and determined to put forth either a want of the sincerity the oc- a straicht Pooulist ticket. Twenty- casion demands, or a lack of that one States were represented in this taitn needtui to tne moving or moun caucus. It selected Hon. S. F. Nor- tains. ton of Illinois and Hon. Frank Bur- Mr. Sewall, then, having been re- kitt of Mississippi as the middle of Ijected by the Peoples Party, and welcomed aa ben-tily Binrfcrr waa reird by WVUicirtoo - at Wa terloo. They wanl my rrinforee meata, bat they do nt wat me to lead them. They ned Blacker troops, bat they drsvw the line at Blue her. That U Latdly fair either to Blaeb er or hu troop, cor is it lb way to defeat Napoleon. For thia attitude npon the part of the Democratic manaffar. I believe that you, Senator, are ltrgoly r ipoiaible. iou made no effort to nave me I ltiabardly brcnry fr m aay that I brtij ? th r!t. fotui open whora I tmifttV. In apecb, in editorial, ia pcjpll. I have ditcautd. fvr ) ya, every taaoe Popaluaa raiev. aid rat poeiucn upon them a'l i . a,i known that I need to ilio beatlaioo of Pop lit t prineipl-t Lre. Tbe poaitioa taken n h:t bttcr will be bitterly aiaid Waid that the pathway or datj wr 1 wart carp ted with nover. It rare ly i. By making t&jftelf. and the great party I reprei:t, a mr !. mat for Democratic iK.li'in.r to ipe ueir reel apoa. 1 outu iu recognised. Yoa pablicly atattd that I weald not be notified of my nomina tion. You went into the f uaios pol-1 much applause, from that uanrter icy, overmy written prof cat, witn I Hat it I were now Uckicc ia tl an tne real 01 a man wuo wanvea 101 iwjaiiy wicn waa expected l rj elect the Democratic ticket. In this, I think you were wrong. Aa chairman of the Populi-t com mittee, the party certainly expected you to do all you could to elect the ropulist ticket. Had yoa demanded Mr. Sewall' withdrawal from the ticket, he wopjd nave been withdrawn. I have a letter of yours in which you state that the Democratic committee ex- hen chosen, I would grieve tr - n.-t. who have honored tne. traattd iu. and loved me. In tbia reform movement, t lii.b I have devottd -U'ht of the tt years of my l.fe, I have lett mu-L bat my ova self-ret pret baa t ot btt t los, ncr the resptct of ihoa hos rrmeiple4 1 represented and h battlea I Late fought. Through good report and t-i' pec ted you to make the demand, but I through sunshine and through a'.orm. that you did not make it. 1 1 have been true to this great cauie. rrom ice perversity 01 temper 1 sb'j 1 taaij not oisnonor it now. with which the Democratic mana-l 1 id cot seek thia nminatioo. nrr gera have refused to do the right thing by the Populists, it would feem that they prefer McKinleyism to anything whieh might seem to be partly a Populist triumph. iheir subtle purpose is to couple Bryan's election with the complete destruction of the Peoples Paitv. They mean to elect bath Bryan and Sewall both or neither. They can not endure the thought that the vic tory shall be shared by Populism. They are willing to use the Populist nominee as a lever to move Populist votes but not as an ally who had any righta they are bound to respect. The St. Louis compromise ticket should have been insisted upon for two reasons: 1st. Because Mr. Bryan can not be otherwise elected. 2nd. Because the triumph of sil ver can not be otherwise assured. To elect Mr. Bryan, the Populists desire it. Had I aikd th? Presi dential nomination of the Peoples Party and cone to St. ouis to claim it, no power of the Democratic eai earics could have kept it from tne. It was cut of a b-artftlt d sire to help unite all the reform forces, and at tbe samo time to savo my prty and its piiaciple from utter wreck, that I agreed to accept second place on the compromise ticket. I stood ready to join hand with Mr. Bryan, and to aid him in har monizing Populibta and t.lver Dem ocrats, and in uniting the South aud West, to tho end that we might achieve a victory against McKinley and McKinleyism. Kuaioa with Bryan meant no sacrifica of princi ple; fusion with Sewall does. No one regrets more profoundly man 1 do mat tho Democratic man agers have so shaped the campaign, that the South has again been told that she must grovel in the dnst and votes are necessary, and he can not let an Eastern plutocrat put hi foot get them if I should come off the upon her neck. ticket voluntarily, or be virtually Nor does anyone regret more than forced off by the bewail fusions. If 1 1 do that the Democratic ruauasera. you and Mr. Jones think tbe Popu-lin shaping their fusion deale. lists will vote for Bryan after they havo considered those Populists, realized that Watson has been prac-1 only, who wero getting loaves and tically pushed off the ticket by fu- fishes. They have lost sight of the eion deals, you are making a huge great army of the privates-, whose blunder. Bryan is being ruined by I honest hearts ana sincere fouIs the efforts to force Sewall's election I forms the strength of th reinforce- also. Populists will not vote a I ment Mr. Bryan needs. These Pop ticket which is all Democratic. I nlists of the rank and file hae the . In the second place, we must pre-1 spirit of the crusaders, and they servetne feoples rarty from ab- would die for a principle more quick sorption by the Democrats, in thelly than they would sell it. interest of silver. These men will not vote for Sewall, In Bryan's own party, weakened nor for Sewall electors. I f Sena as it already is by the "Sound Mon- tors Jones and Gorman really wish ey" defection, there is the powerful I to defeat McKinley let them lose no Uorman element which will do all it time in realizing this truth. can to tie Bryan's hands. Wherever the Democrats can do so, they are eieotiiig - men to Congress who are enemies to silver. The Tam manyites are really no friends of sil ver. Neither are the repre sentatives which Democracy may elect from Chicago, New Or eans, Philadelphia, Baltimore and other similar money-centers. Senator Gorman the goldbug. is virtually controlling the Demo cratic party machinery, and gold bug Democrats everywhere are say ing that they are supporting Mr. Bryan because his election will not meanfr6e silver. They boast that he ean not carry out his pledges. In the event of Bryan's election, this anti-silver element in the Demo cratic party will join forces in Con Yours, etc. Thomas E. Watson. Thompson, Ga., Oct. 14, 'DO. AlltlCAN MLW.Ti Tt railroad of tte United 8tav. are aortfaed tit tS ui aboi Ki.lWUW.lM), the et tbe to as mo eh cr sacre to carry. to watrn mat sooner or ir Ik eovrrri ty Imd!) to tfc xat . f nDtMttfatm at least t300.lv) uuol Vrtojy taUrest oa tbenr i- l'nt. Tbero is bo y to e eaH any ! tat tardea cfdeU. ea- "pt ihr'vb the dKr of bBi- rapVj. vitLtke Mntl f teceiter- Mpsabd revrod tstioD. AlraJr. laiu a irw years, s crest t-M rf the ralay j'-e of the Lbiu1 o'ate bare rot rid of beitiob t - . r inir tbiiitier ty Ibis very imrs 0;b rvise. the tutnl inlun. nf ...I. w tni U itientined aove would b ccn.l-rabJT ttrrtttr tbaa it tuv iiii.l4 .t prefer, ilm rsilroj ..1 .. . ... i-u-j-iliitl h inf tll'M .-!lf r cbligrtt to niVe csetj tu.l f read! in th whole votiutr .o ,cd pv n'.rrtst on an averse fite. debt f arn ut f 40,110-wsge ard otbtrvu- eraiicg expta&es baring beea met bttore anything can be rivt n to th M. 1 A suKkuoitlcr. 4 be ubliiratiotjs to wbtcn e l ave l-een releiririf of I course do not ioclad- tbe volumin ous lsu'H c r stock wbich temettat . m ownership rather than tbe in debtiief rf the roal. Tbe 10 an- ageiueot 01 lauwsy vompaciea 10 tb Uuitcd State- is'oftcn autocratic I inthelaiit degree. When otsre di rectors have been tlecUd bv the voto of the uiai-irity of the share hoi- dfrs taey take tb most impoiiatt ttepi without ever eonsul'tcg the the shareholder?; aud ia their an nual report tbey give only sneh la formation as thty pleaae, babjret to no examination by independent au ditors. Th'n ttate of tbinira natur ally leads to grave abuaes, direc- toral management and speculation io bonds and ah area CUMIGES ill THE llPStuCAIlt Salt A fttftATta f (CNCr UVtajiTAlCSTI HCIM Alt 0T CCftltt ftiCI. nsrf ASM tftm m rman SSSta u WaAlalM lm. Of ib tkirtj !WaWraUI tale tW.r rat it r.kOlU(kHit aarly oa halt last santee lll . TkUj lre tr I a Cr He. At ieaM BKswa .f tfc tA rt til 1U UaM. mm t. Itowcrai. lr win t ivmIm, tbtee Ibdrpeaeeal sllsef MPwr ptiuaa lter,asKlae.tw wTUr4 ia Smrtb artlaa,to acvre4 r ase Jeter C I'nteaard. sway bm eiiae a IUib:caa. trMrrai. Iwvti!. aecor.S1eftottteft.ei0a v.t,t,aaa l brevht aUfWt U tbe Mat lgi.U tare. b.n aMUr rty a mm: jr tj. Uit Ur tltUr Uv tasy rt btre aed elect. la tl at 4 Irit:har4 Ult- rtum !. . eewr, 11 I aerte4 l-e will l 4e4c. ej In ftOiaeee la Ue i free eilt-r. wbirti rlse tin B 4. et.Jecl eilirr insn. lt tbirtj hebatort sbuM twtu expire II an t. 4 re: Allisvv.ef lesia ; hj.rkburn. u Kenttray. HUarbard. of LofcUltba; Urine. of tU; Beovv of l.'lab; t ail. .f H.rtJa; Caener! u reiicjli-ala. IiwU.U. ,f Idabo; Ualiio(er,of HaBnbirr;Oibo. of IfarjUnij; (Art., r (Georgia; Ilanbrou(b. of .Norlb Ikt4a; Jlill of New Yra; Irbr ofsih t arotiba; Jan a!Ariit.;Jr.,f vatla; Kjle. of rnutb llo.; Milrbell. 01 Orrgoo; SlinM.of VersM..i; atM.rr. of liliMois; lvrrr. .f k ; IVrbia. of Califoraia; Tiatl. f l.Bi.eetleut; rritcbard. tr Ncrib t'aroltoa; l'ucb. of Atabaoia; Mqulre. of Watbirglon; inter, 11 t oturaaa; Vest, of Ml, soun; Vilas, of n iscoasia.aad Voor. bees, of Indiana. Tbe re rr claMe4 io I be last seweion of tbe present Con gress as fourteen KeMiblienn. four. di.bonI.i Jrala, one loerpeadent, and dishonest one Farmers' Alliance. Nrnator Kyle larea. I Is tne ladependent, and henator f. fer tbe tarmrra' Alliance rtw tattoo. Neitber one of lbewe ntl.. iben ia partial to tbe term of I'opu. liat.cwsUMnarilr annli iu it.n. PXMlKBAia Utridttl ISttOkl. Wblle tbe llepubllcan apparently Lave gained but one feeator, tney have really gained a Senator m earb of seven Mates. Maryland, New York. I'iiilaJ:pLia Record.) The railroad interests ot tbe Unit- r d States, it ia hardly neceaxary to say, are lnatnenaely important not only to tho tdiare and bondholders, but to the whole country aa well. And yet their present condition ia .1 ... 1 ...ii. t . . 1 u--i'i"iuiv. iuunv ui mrm wersei' . . . . . . travaganlly built and many of them V!,., "a. Htoia. kentorkj.and . . J 1 1 r.num m l l ti a a... . . . . bare been corruptly manaeed. I n I " ... . " 7 , " . .m" euna.qna.e- their bond, and atork. of Tu. X&i7X& are out of all proportion to tho real question, tbe Keniibtican. bM. iwt value of the roads Many of them Senators from Colorado, Idaho, H1.1. by schemes of reorganization have ingtoo, Utah, and Nevada. Senator dtf.tr -yed the investment ? inuo- Jonas, cf Nevada, wbo will no reurn c?nt hold. r, and enabled lbe reck- f4."111, bj claaaed a Populist ; Waab leaa mann-.-er. whose nohev and ? f lflalatare will elect an out- whc?o acta havo ertiea with wnicu hey wf-re intrast ed to l arkiuptcy, to retire in ae curity vrith ill-gotten fortunes. Tbe ouly r-nedy of this stati ui affairs is effective legislation. Ancthtr tning that tiquirt legislation and SENATOR BUTLER'S REPLY To Hon. Tho. K. Wiuaci'i Letter of Ac ceptance Why The Publication wmSop pressed by The National Chairman. Washington, Nov. 1C In view of the fact that the letter of Tom Wat son accepting tbe vice-Presidential nomination of the PopulUt Party lias been published, Senator Marion But ler yesterday made public Lis reply, written when Mr. Watson's letter was received, in which be took ac ceptance to its tone. Washington, D.C., Oct. 26. :Hon. Thos. E. Watson, Thompson, Ga. ; "Dear Sir: Yo?;r letter of accepr- gress with the goldbug Republicans, ance wa received Saturday night. It and the Sound Monev -Democrats. M11 been detrincd In the ptistoillce Remembering that even among the silver Democrats who have been Te nia the Republican camp; and me-roaa nominees ior rresiaem ana 1 tne compromise ticket having been r . tt:. . n j l. u i tt. j i , - n i -m . ... Democrats like Mr. Bryan and JUr. v ice-x resiueni respectively. xa.au maae up or joryan ana watson, mis Bland would have been driven to these gentlemen been nominated l compromise should have been ac TnKiii true place the Populist camp. "1 the middle of-the-road men of I cepted in good faith and carried out. Thus Populist principles would convention, 1 uu not, ueiiie to Not only was the acceptance o have been represented by Populist say tuat tneywouid nave received the St LoTlis compromise on the leaders, men who aro neither "J. uearty support as againai tne part of Mr Bryan's managers neces- asuamed of their creed, nor of their ,nicago ticket or tne uemocratic sary to pacify the Populists who had associates. party. bitterly opposed the fusion pro- At Chicago, the Democratic man-1 But I was ignorant of the action gramme, but this compromise which agers having adopted the leading of the caucus, and did not learn the put a man from the West and one Populists principles, nominated tor, 1 tacts till alter tne convention ad- from the South together on the Na the first place on the ticket, a can- Mourned. I was asked to allow the tional ticket was earnestly desired didate who endorses those princi-1 use of my name to harmonize all the I by the great mass of the Southern pies. I differences which existed in the con- and Western Democrats. These But there was a powerful minority vention and consented upon mat ex- Democrats of the rank and file, who present which protested against the press condition. Thereupon, the were not seeking office, realized that nomineo and against the platform. I names of Messrs. Norton and Burkitt a golden opportunity was offered to To pacify this anti-Bryan element in were not presented and the nomina- unite the South and West and thus Bryan's own party, they named for tion or tne Uryan-watson ticket join in political alliance two great the second place on tho ticket, a I then followed; it being understood I sections whose interests and princi- candidato who represents the mi- that if the Populists accepted the pies were the same, and which, if nority element of tho Chicago con- Democratic nominee, the Democrats united, could dominate the union vention as thoroughly as Mr. Bryan I would accept the nominee of the and redeem the Republic from the represents the msiority. In the de-1 Populists. I ruinious class legislation of the lirium of joy among the silver men, There is no doubt that among the East and the North. which followed their victory, the voters of the Democratic party, ot only did the Democrats real representaives of the Eastern cor- South and West, there Was an earn-I ;7a tVin.t lrtva.1 A.ihArAn.A to the St' poration interests, railroad interests est desire that the Populists should Louis compromise was necessary to anu manumciunug interests rurewa- oe met nan way. ine people wiauea Unite the South and West, but they ly manipulated the nomination oi for a union among the advocates of saw wag ais0 necessary to the Mr. bewail, and thus, before the silver, and they felt that union could combination which was expected to Bryan men well knew what had I not be accomplished by demanding I A.jve ajj Qe 8iiyer votes to Mr. been done, they had been checkmated I an abject surrender at the hands of Bryan. in the very hour of their rejoicing. the Populists. . Hence, almost to a man, the rank H ollowing the Democratic conven- Ihe leaders of the Democratic nlo nAmonrate nf the Sonth and tion, came the Populi3t National party, however, having secured West said: "The Populists have convention at St. Louis. Populist endorsement of Mr. Bryan A.one r.. AT.ono.h: wo on?ht to meet la . I D 7 O Two distinct factions appeared, ojwurect vote in the convention, ae- them half way and thus unite our une was composed of Democratic wrmmeu to secure u ior jut. obwwi people." emissaries who demanded the Peo- aiso uu lur 11118 purpose mey nave jjat the Democratic managers piea rarty should unconditionally wiu to mo poncy 01 insion. wonld not have it so. Tney were endorse the Democratic ticket, and! Instead of meeting the Populists not ashamed to say that the Demo- thereby abandon its own separate I half way, the Democratic managers I crats of the East and North would existence, surrender its own creed, have demanded that we furnish all leave the ticket by thousands if a and trust the f uturo of the country the patriotism whieh the occasion I Southern man were put npon it to the patriotic impulses of a party requires; and they not only refuse Populists were expected to be pa which had so recently plastereed the to make any concessions at I triotic enough to vote for the Demo continent with bonds, closed the all, but- they treat with I cratic nominee, but the Democrats mints to silver, acquiesced in Cleve-1 public insult tne party whose of the East and North were not ex- land's "single gold standard" and votes are necessary to Democratic I pected to be patriotic enough to vote made no effort to stay the lavish ex-1 success. - In other words, Populism I for the Populist nominee. Every travagance in Congress, whieh was I is allowed to furnish all the earn-1 intelligent Democrat in the South then, and is now, adding from two to paign principles, all the self-sacn- and West knew that the East and ten million dollars monthly to the rice and patriotism, and the two North were not eromer to help ns national debt. I million votes which the Democrats I win this silver fisrht. Not one elec for want of suilicient postage. "You, in effect, advisa Populists not nominated for Congress, are many that have been arranged in a large of the flexible statesmen who voted number of States. Is it possible that against silver in 1892 and 1893, the you fully appreciate the effect of sucb unprejudiced observer can readily advice? At least, upon reflection you see that Mr. Brvan can no more car- must know that if enough Populists are mere rv out his pledzes without Populist DOU,d..fo,low ?ocll dvice it would liJ kel than he Catt b6 el6Cted 325oi of McKinley. ISweOfwSJ wm. , . . advice ahould be followed by enough duce the issue to that of merely ex- Again, if he is defeated, the anti- Populists, the Peoples Party wo.fld changing one set of place-hunters silver forces in his party will at once not have a sioele elector in tbe eleo- for another. If we represent noth- pull lose, and join the sound money toral college. In tbe States where we ing but a contest of the "outs" Democrats thus leaving the silver have joint electoral tickets we will against the "ins," we area lot of Democrats utterly homeless and get every elector that we name; and, hnmbne-s. naradin? as reformers. 1 holnlona wirbnTil-. Prmnlist A Desiaes, it 13 in tnose Males Where n tbe interest or th ra Irond com panics tbt-mt.elri-8 ia tbo limitatioa of amounts givrn by jarora in r.a;i dont cates. If jirora may. withcat imit, give to a plaintiff in accident case whatever their prejudicea or sympathies may suggost, it is easy to perceive that herein ia a me nace to the existence of the proper ty itself a property in which not merely tharcholdera and auditora are inteicsted, but th whole com munity a well. In England, by the Employerb' Liability act, the amount cf ccinpt mation iu the case of injuiy to a workman, wo believe, is not to exceed three years earning of the employe. Thia may not be enough; but both in the cae of em ployes and others, we veutare to thick, there should be at me limit, some impediment to the extravagant verdict which have recently illua- rated the proceedings of the courts. and we deserve the contempt of ail good people. To win in this campaign, there should haye been immediate and con centrated efforts to unite the South and West, from whence the free sil ver majorities must come. There should also have been conciliatory measures adopted to harmonize Pop ulists and silver Democrats. Thus far' in the campaign, the South has been conciliated by sneers, misrepresentations and abuse hurled at the Southern nominee. The Populists haye been mollified by being toid "to go to the negroes where they belonged." vw A will rrat t.lia Kullr if nnf all nf IK. v.. M I V.V VUW UU.n, UWU 4.1 , V. xnereiore in eitner event, every Ponnlea Partv nnnrrMamon. In vonr sentiment ox loyaiy 10 mi. rryan, 1 own state, and other and to the eause or silver, demand silver, that we maintain the full national organization of the Peoples Party. We should not fuse its moral force away. We should not hamper its progress with entangling alli ances. We should not lose the con fidence of the public, and lose our own self-respect by showing that our principles and our vote merely constitutes a stock in trade to be sold to whomsover will buy. We should bear in mind that onr voters are men of convictions and can not be delivered like cattle. to those who States wbich advice ' against will not get a fear not many The American people are high- trade for them. minded and fair quick to see in It should also be remembered that justice, swift to condemn it. silver is not the only issae we raise. To all unoreindiced and manlv We have been from the first its State, have followed your electoral tickets, we single el e it or, and I Congressmen, if any. "You certainly cannot mean, how ever you may have favored a middle-of-the-ro&d policy in the beginning. to advise your friends to do that which at this time would be the most effective agency in placing in power McKinley and bis backers the trusts and mo nopolists. "Can any personal or party injust ice, however great, justify ua in being responsible, either directly or indi rectly, for placing in power tbe stock lobbers, monopolists, trusta. tbe Brit ish gold ring, and all of the combined robbers of the people and enemies of rood government? In tbe name of outraged and suffering humanity whose prayers to-day go up rrom roil- brought the prp-VU " , Zl 1 Idaho, Colorado, a i.d L'tab taill be free ailvrrites, witboU much tegsrd for political ainiiatitu with any otbr party. I Maw are. wbir h has but balf ita allotted representation in tbe en ate during tbe past two years. Is not claaaed witb tbe above thirty, as tbe seat las been vacant fitire March 4, 1WS. Tbe legislature last elected In that Mate la apparently 1 eaocratie. and will probably elect a Senator of that party. Kentucky's lat lgi.U ture also failed to elect, but Senator lltackburn'a term does not expire un til toe ro 01 jaarcn. An rip-! Laiary The British people keep an et- p?P8ive luxury, the royal family. all, like qaen bee?, fed bj th work ers; numtrous children, gracd- children, et, each drawing an in come from the government fir his caaTAiv to arav anions. Senators wbo art certainly not com ing back are Blackburn, of Kentucky; Brice, of Ohio; Cameron, of Pennsyl vania wbo baa already declined f o bo a candidate; liill.of New York; Palm er, of Illinois; Yoorbees, of Indiana; Vilas, of Wisconsin; fiordou, of Geor gia; Irby, of Mouta Carolina, and Ar thur Brown, of Cub. Senator Gordon declined aome time ago to serve again, and Senator Irby 'a successor was chos en at tbe late primaries lo South Car olina, where tbe candidates were ex Oovarnor John Oary Kvans and Judge W. II. Ksrle. Evans waa a Tlllmamte and waa defeated by Earle, wbo will, therefore, under tbe new Constitution oft Mate, be tbe next Senator. Brown, of Utah, waa not a bolter at St, Louts, and will not be returned by tbe free silver legislature of bis State. Other Senatora wbo may not be re turned are Call, of Florida; Squire, of Washington, and Dubois, of Idaho. While tbe Florida legislature la safe ly Deroocratie there are otters be sides Mr. Call wbo want Lo be Sena. i. . v :.. .i.;. a I wuw wiui Ui uu.Um. c .u vu.o ia,uuW), tsrt ana ,t Atd fc Lm a-AadT fa. A A' 1 AA A VA. 1 A AA. I. ff I. I A I - - uuu imiii iti isuiiiT. wub wc 1 tu uruioa id UN race, rsoaire ted iu. have a telegraph monopoly tj which I boia are practically in tbe same boar. we contribute jest acout a much each year as it takes to support the British roval family, with all its branches, palaces, c-btles, etc. The British have gotton rid cf their or rather have fallen out of it. Both were Republicans, and bolted tbe St. Ixuia platform. riaTT-rirTH rovaaasu Tbe full list of Congressmen elected mil. a in jn.a hi. ana a a a. a i.i cm iin. uoaii a a'-' . ... - riavr-iifnr nnr hein and demand our ' recebtlf rstatlished a branch in - : . . a a M W 11 a 1 A 1 A m. a 1 r ranee, an on me mwei vdv. wc men, regardless or party, I submit inenu. xnvery one ot our votes nave 1 lions of homes for William J. Bryan the statement that never before has been given tor it. iney always win in his historic and marvelous strug anv party, so badlv needed as ours. be. I gle against the miniooa of corporate " - ' I T . a 1 I -aA ..9 st-,. 1 1 1 a a am ati sea. A or been so badly treated. Invited to uut mere are ouier pianss m our ru uu mB ucmou 8viu "--w n c a 1 a.IaI- r. 1 niflrTfififi sinna v aa. a 1 m viwra vt r aa 1 icv o omn i j wua.a -v.wa.-. U Ul. llitj UOlUlObS UV- I f-va.w nMa.Vj 0 aaaaaewaavawaav. I J k.U nM K.'. k.nH. and Ha t ha . - 1 a-1 -1 a.z 3 a. I nuu iiuiu uu 111a iiai uuo amaiaa v v aua mocracy, we naye receivea no gen-1 fuii dutV of Americana and patriots. erous recognition from those who anora 10 aoanaon our enure ruuai, i..II..HlTl.inh.rth.titUs sutTerina appealed to ns, and whose appeal wnen we can aiu me democrats quite 1 neoole and a betrayed republic, and we heard. We did not co to them as well by preserving our identity not Democratic politicians, that to- for aid thevcame to ns. And vet I as by losing it. a I a- . a -a m I S a. 1 a. B S they refuse to recognize our right to I in tneir maa poney or jeoparaiz- services, jjryanwui oe eiecteu sou either place on the ticket which theyl iug the cause of silver, rather than the government redeemed if every pa admit our votes must elect. They make any .concession to national t"'doa, bl8 ,UL d,T- . want our help;-bnt we must come Populism, it appears that the Demo- t&h asservants earnings a wage, not as cratic managers would be willing to advice which, if followed, would friends sharing a duty, and an honor, make asaennceor notn xsryan ana Bureiy help the common enemy. They are the prodigals, not we, silver, it tney can out destroy ropu- "Ityou do not, then you youraeir yet they signalize their return tollism. I must assume the responsibility or giv princiDles thev abandoned, bv per- in your letter, senator, you say ing aucn a aocumeot to tuc puu.io sistent efforts to dno-radft and disrnnt ours is the first political party that this time. Yours truly, . . . - 51 I 1 . .1 V aB 1 I the party which has been true to su-1 ever aemanaea aoomion or oanas 01 ver during the years in which . they I issue, monopolies, etc. in tnis you 1 a woman senator, Were raise. are mistaken, aho national piai- na n, tVia ftf the recent They seem to resent, as a strange I xorm or tne ureenoack party (IB'OJ I v.. . mmA nnK. piece of impertinence, the fact.that contains every principle for which Ho attentionof a WOman as Sute the Populists dared to nominate a I Populism now stands. The Green-1 a tta. ..n;.M.H;.TTnffiiM . I . . ,,.a. I DIllUUJIi UOt MAmtMAV awotmv aab.m-w ticket differing, at the rear end; DacK party was muroerea Dy Cannon, and she was elected to the from theirs. promises and treacherous fusion. Hf-i. s...(. nr nh bv a hnsre mav- lt - 11 ... i, . . M I T. a .Va a. -aa. Ia a.a I -'"' w -J uomuK to mem wim me two mu-1 --01. ub waiuuig uvw .u 1 iA;f- nvy nar nnnoasnL who . . a sw a-v t aa a s v v - . v. A mm J v v w w w w lion votes they were begging for, I in every state or ime union waere tW A h hnaband. Anams ana piteonsiy neeamg, 1 can say 1 x-opuiuuu um an viisbimuv. wo 1 yvtitiati with a perfect assurance of telling I should see to it that the national I the unqualified truth that my arriv-1 Populist ticket is represented byl Subscribe for the weekly CaTJCA- al on the field of battle has not been I Populist electors. I stAK 11.00 a y ear 17 10 Iowa it Kentucky Kansas 2 Ijooistaaa 1 Maine 4 Marylaixf Mascan us iz 10 1 Mbaiaaippi at "Marion Bctlkr. tclevraph moaopolj, and uwtheylbas been carefully revised, aad may ..a 1 a I M..asr Ka a-fa si ail ft aaarsi ra aa a A i M. have a government uigrapi't wnicni " ,zZ ' i"'-"" w is a pai t cf th ir postal system, and rec ' ODerated not for rro.t bdt tatl l)ma roB. for the service of the people. They I Arkansas '. would net thitk of goio bick toM 'J0" to ., . i nr. I ' oioraoo ............ .. tne private mcoio:y pian. ve (onnertieat.... would nit think of havirgn rojall Ieiawara r :l : . 1 . i. .. . I t lorida .... ... iainuv in me touutij, out tribute tbe tncnyjust the same to j (ieorjU a family whose name tegici with G. I j-g- Can vou guess iir ve aon r. con-i tnbote it in tte form of annuities,! as the British reorde dc; but as I divide&ds on watered stock, exorbi tant cargei for tele rams, etc. The British roal family stays at I Mtcbuaa. home 'as a rule, at, d its membera I J'n9?t- fpetd the money given them ia their I Monuna...mr."."."".... own countrj: but oir "O." lamiij i hobnjbs with aristocracy in foreign svn"V.'.V.'. capital, 6Mls yacht ractf with xw Hampshire t . : . A Urm SewJeraey a njiijm -uirijiu ii-i , ' ". I Kew York 9 Korth Carolina S North Dakota l give them mainly through oar tele-1 oSSTT.-----I i graph service. We would be horn-1 f,t,T"f tied at the ide of placiog our pUl gff gj:;;;;:: systemjo tbe bands of private mon-1 Booth Dakota t opolyaxd having topay about fan l?fnr"'"". !!:!!"!!!.; cents i stfad of two tor every letter, i utan and have inferior eervic, and atrik I yiftdnb. J by underpaid p-stal em pl-jjes. xt I wsnco)iuaia..l 10 we complacently do this with oar 1 Wyoming telegraph service and have jft5rTavxd"...IIlI! " forgotten that extensive telegrapn I Oklahoma l a a 2 1 I 2 ii 4 S "l 1 a i 2 11 4 I a i 4 S a li l ' l a 1 1 1 operators' strike not many years ago I mm mm I which crippled all kinua ci Dusi-1 Thm popviitm get five StaU ofi- ness so badljl Dr. U r. lajlor in e.n, namly. Worth f or Trvasnrvr, The Medical World. Cyras Tbompaoh for Secretary of 8UUt HaL'Ayarr for Taditor.CnarWs YOU CAM E8UaAT CACSI CF ilt- REFOSaiY tUZtZXZIZ Ti TKX JT for Asaeiato 'tefttftt CAUejjiAit-l 1X9 A YEAS 8npreme Court, soonT Ueranry. Howistaatfarfa

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