. - ; Read Our Spsclal Premium Offer to Yearly Saliccrtlioro on the Fourth Parse I .THE CAUCASIAN. ' i THE. CAUCASIAN HAS A LARGER CHC-LATOS THAN ANY OTHER V. LE.Y I-J2L.SHED IN NORTH CAR i . NA. - 4 PR CE. t f'-R YEAR. tut cajCas u t iMt vt&vm v svmcm to iscm Tt rton.t. s&ftKTSIItt li tO Mil XACt TmA ITI COCWt 3 I VOL. XV. RALEIGH. N. 0., THURSDAY, JANUARY 7, 1897. NO. 8. TOi Ct?ttttvITl Ml I 6 i l i Hi HERE ARE SOME REMARKS 0 if VOCRATIC METHODS IN THE i 1 r A T COUNTRY OF AMERICAN IN DEPENDENCE. I vi m V4 Iki l iiom HHatea Koine Trie h i Iiiiiim Mt.lih Were lanrtad to r.,l,n1 ! 1 liv Minl Id The II. .ma .if' I nuixi n!t'l ' ' 'i ! niorrry. ! I In- .i ; . i ..m. . ii ik:."M k, N. i'.., lh-c. 29.-- An " I i i titration rf ar.itiou rf Independence" iiity m likIy t ber-oiim fnmou thf nt xt I.' ri.-1-iturt? i n contests . ,'.t.s of th'v-n who were fairly . . w ill li- t out rtt-tl, an.l the ; t!n who it i aiU-ged were : , , i ! v 1 1 i t il will lit) tontetiti d) ,! tiil.e tl.D liberty to review o! tin- ui thoili used to run .ti. in tins county emeu the ith In ..I ti.. r.)iulit Party. IV-' n number f the f,'ool il i in tin- county became dia ?id mhI fir. il of riuc rule, anil i .i n- tl.t v th'l in nil part of ;.i.it' it nl I mud. Tl:t voice of t . M.It hh'l bi ioni:f a hi.-'B and R woril, :unl iibiiut six humlreJ of as t.'.l I,.. I !,. tu.' '' y in -1 1 it-t trie county nuorus wiilkt il mi' ol tin- m calletl Memo- 5:u ty, i:-: ana iairi:age, anu I'li'li'tv; bthind them, They d wli.'tt ii known and much i; I t.y the xii -culled Democrats J'.irty. In August n il, -i j i i r 1 1 - convention and 1 l '' l.'l l' tl.f th. y I -linlll.' , n ii ; :-tt.i h lull legislative and V tic Lot ilicso iieoplo and lit ir ;i'vt s suoiuiiieti, iik men, t - i i i i. . ,,-luri' tin- ( :u:ihik'u to all manner !! abii.- ridicule, from the lem- "crMlr Me; candii'ates and heelers, .it.. I in .'ionic iutnuees had their I met tun's broken up by hoodlums X iiu.lcil by 1). iiiocratic leaders, At the regulation time in that -f.it lor appointing election judgos, I : in- chaii man of the Populit Party I v.riit I'ctore the Democratic com- t inl'Mouers with a li.st of names and :i; ki d that they b appointed. lie sv.v intoriiml that ho had no party Thf Kcpiiblican chairman went f bi-iun) them at the same time with a h.-t ol names ilil all white) ana m- formed them that he had a party and asked that his party bo recog- ni.cii ov having a pari oi mejuuges. 'i'hey agreed to consider his list, but iustead of appointing the names he presented they appointed eleven no- irroes of the most ignorant type as judges. 1! ut few of them could read .or write one word, and two of them twere so bUnd they could not have read it' they had been graduates of Vale. One ot the commissioners who was : at that time a Democratic candidate for the Legislature was asked by a newspaper reporter how he could vote for negro judges, ho being a Deuio- crat. His answer wa3 that ho did not know they wvro negroes A leading lawyer of the city said thev put ou the most ignorant ne groe thty could !'u-l. that they ' tin Dt-moi-rato) could control the r; ballot boxes, and if they had a chance they would.do the same thing i again. Anything he said to down J IViuili.-ts and Republicans, 1 The same old registration books wi re useil thai nau neen useu ior several years. Everybody had been voting -j them year after year w ot anv uuestions being asaea as rtK iim tliKV voted tlio Democratic Vcket straight. early every voter in uie county, ii uoi an, visueu me Registrar and asked it ins name to j9) they have no fear that any rep eorrectly registered- He was told resentativo set of North Carolinians in all eases, it ho was not a Uenio- i eral, that uis name was correctly k registered. If he was a Democrat it was corrected if it was not right. When the sun went down on the ' VUy of election 1,. '!tli had the pleas ure of knowing that they had not Veen allowed to vote and they could lioast that they did not belong to tho Democratic party. In one town ' Uip with UOI) voters !0 of them were Hot allowed to vote every one Ke f publican or 1 opuhst. Lme man was disfranchised who had been voting in the township for twenty years , ami had never uvea out or me town ship, lie was a Pop. In another township a well to do farmer lived - on the township line but had been 'working the roads, raying tax and voting in the same township for.fif- teen years without any iuestion leiug asked. He had left the dear old party and Le and his employees, toiir or rive, weie l quired to swear otate wnn tne least possioie mcpn which side of the line their dwelling venience to the people. In addition Ava3 ou. No cue of them knew and they to this the members of the fusion were not allowed to vote. These movement owe a duty to their party are some of the things that kept a friends that nothing be done to Pop or Kep from voting. If the bring reproach on tnem. Of course . . " ' registration book did not say exactly w hat State, county and township he was bom in, his age and occupation, he was a "goner notwithstanding he had been voting without all that for twenty years. Hen were hauled in from the j-ounty poor house in livery carriages and made to vote the Democratic ticket who were both blind and Yi e could name some of t ii em u-fc,i died and we re buried in Li ' the potter's .U'd sooa after the elec- 'ii , unn j. ! In ISO I their was no co-operation S,.VU. ti between the Republican and Popu- ut r.artiPs. conseti uennv ineir w&s nn demand for wholesale frauds. The elections iust closed crive the people of the county another sample ! of rule or ruin. The new election law knocked them out of the control of the registration book or packing I'i the judges. The registration was stir and the onlv thing left was on challenge day to .hftlienv?,. indiscriminately. This Duv .in -eha onppd near v 1.4UU - - .,,1 voters in the county; not that there sale of these lands for the benefit of ' .lAl 1 1 3 3 Al 1 was any charge against one out oi me scuooi iuna ana uiereoy secux ten a was shown mi trial dav: for ing from the annual interest five or they failed to convict one hundred; . but the idea was to ar them awav. The neit thimr. wVin that failed, l J ) was to hunt up "every negro that had ly useless marsh, which has been en f1 not r vie his tax returns, arrest and joyed by but few of the good people pn in jail. That worked to a i rt-.Me extent for thev eat ,ii . e. ity in jail and that -ed effect in another w . . 1 : the . - r In f .1 was eh.:;, of law at. art- aoout -uv more in 1 .-.-v. 1 . y ; . "m the ballot box. WioU he township line ' wit - , t 'aw or shadow i ' rig .-ti tion was over and 7'J voti allowed to vc that crowd w-. ' were arrested ol .111 -ut and not uu oi one ot .' uocr.. Men court house to pay their c and yanked into jail without I g al lowed to go in and pay at make their return. -Notwithstanding a certain man made arrangements with the sheriff! that he would send men their poll tax and he wonld clear them of the law. Some that he sect were ar rested before tLey could get into the court house. A wholo page might bo written and the half wonld not be told; bat as the Democrats who were declared not elected are going to contest the feats of the Populists that were de clared elected and the Republicans I are going to contest the seats of the Democrats who were declared elect ed, we think it well that those who will havo the matter to fettle should know some of the methods that hare been used to carry elections in the mnty. J. T. Soshomas. THE STATE UNIVERSITY. The Clur a (in tful Titn-Th HIrlt ,f Heir-llelp tl Sacrifice on the Iart of tti Hoys. For The Caucasian. Cn Ai'EL Hill, N. C, Dec. 19, lS'Jt; TZ --students have- left in small jjuH.ca almost daily for a little rest at home during the holidays. It has been a good term for work The attendance has been Urge reachincr 'i'J. and excluding the summer school for teachers and du plicates, 'M. The January enroll ment of new boys will increase this number and doubtless make the reg istration the largest in the history of the University, and the largest at tendance of academic students of the Universities of the South. The relations between the stu dents and the new President have been hearty and cordial. i)r. Alder man has dealt kindly and justly to all in absolute firmness, and the re sponse by the students has been manly and helptul. ine spirit or. common interest has prevailed and pervaded the whole term Self-help and self-sacrihce to gain an education have characterized the term. The students do anything to turn an honest penny. Some man- age clubs, set type, work in labora- tnrown 0n the phenomena of fluores tories, cut hair and shave their fel- cence and phosphorescence. lows, serve a3 stenographers and Etectricity has during 1896 received typewriters, sell books and clothing, new applications, and electric light clerk in stores, wait on table at com- ing and propulsion have been greatly mons cuj their own wood, do cabi- net and carpentry work, attend stock at neighboring farms, and a variety of other things that their own ingenuity has suggested. None are ashamed to work, and if there were here some varied manufactur ing interests in which the boys could get short hours there would be many to take advantage ot it. There are rich boys here, but no snobs. Men rise or fall by merit and there is a good feeling between all sects, parties and conditions. It is many sided life and all tastes arelBazin roller steamer and the begin suited with the Dest in neiprui lines. The two literary societies have shown a revival of interest. These famous old organizations are remod elling themselves on the new and en larged conditions of student life and genuine work is being done There has been much improve ment in the outside of things, espe- cially the changes in the chapel and the improvements about Commons Hall, which is fast winning its way into favor of all. The students read with interest all tUe published matter relating to the University but knowing it as they assembled in legislature will do any- thing to mar its usefulness and on- ward progress. Buckwater. THE "HARD TIMES". And a Strong and Valuable Soggeston Ity Which Hard Times Conditions May He Met In Favor of the Fubllc Schools. For The Caucasian. 1 The statement made by our able and efficient State Treasurer that the revenues oi tne oiate snow a shrinkage of many thousand dollars which he attributes to the fall in all values caused by the late and con tinuihg hard times; furnish a subject of most serious thought to the legis lature which will meet in Raleigh in January, and imposes upon its mem bers the most important duty to the State of supplying the necessary funds to meet the demands of the o. . i . i a. ; one of the most vitally urgent de mands on the State is an adequate public school fund; and the follow ing suggestion has occurred to the writer which we hope you will give to the public for what it may be worth. It is not generally known that in the sound waters of Pamlico and Currituck there are many thou sand acres of marsh where the wa ter is too shallow for navigation and is only used by the hunters and fishers who reside along the shore of these waters. Not being timber- I . . 1- -i ed swamps they cannot De disposed of under present law for selling lands iui luq voucuw va. .ud trua-taw ovuwa fund or they would have been en tered long ago. it is supposed that from the neighborhood of Roanoke Island north to the Virginia line there is about one hundred thous laud acres of these marshes that could readily be sold for from one dollar to one dollar and twenty nve cents per acre. Now why would it not be a wise thing for the Gen erai Assemoiy to pass a law ior me 1 a t 1 a 1 ) si thousand dollars, thus utilizing for the Whole people Of the State laree tract of land, heretofore ntter- of this state ana sucn people rrom other parts as cnoose to use mat part of the public domain either for pleasure or pront, dui wmon wm bring not a cent of revenue to the State. Science la 1896. The year cow about to end has some nrosTess to record in various lines of discovery. In January, 1S96, rrofes- 80r Roentgen, of Wurzburg, announc- led hia nrocesa of nhotosraDhinr coins ir war . thelbv rays DassiDg throueh leather, or WANTED bones by means of rays that traverse the body. The "X rays" have become the starting point for new lines of in vestigation, and our idea of the move ments of the atom under the influence of electricity has been much improved. The fact that there are rays not sus ceptible to refraction, or polarization, extended. "Cold light" is the latest promise of experimenting electricians, Certain flowers have been found to grow more rapidly under the influ ence of electricity. Telephoning mu sic half way across the continent was one of the feats of the year. Horseless carriages attained great prominence in 1896, and their use in a practical way is established in France and England. Flying machines have also been much improved. The bicycle has reached the acme of its popularity, and the number in use in the United States alone is estimated 4,000,000. In shipbuilding the launching of the ning of a ship in Germany rivaling the Great Eastern in size have been notable events. In medicine anti toxin has gained distinction as a pre ventive and curative agent. Among explorers Dr. JSansen is easily the first in the year's record. He failed in his effort to cross the polar sea, but got closer to the pole than did any of his predecessors, MONEY IN CORN STALKS. A Philadelphia Man Hm Discovered New and Profitable Caet For It Farmer! Will Greatly Incteaa Their ProflU. Washington, Dec. 20. "I can afford to buy all the cornstalks in the United States for $2 a ton and make money utilizing them." So spoke Edwin 11. Cramp, of the great Philadelphia ship-building firm, to Congressman Hull, of Iowa, and Senator Thurston, of .Nebraska, at a dinner in this city a few nights ago. Mr. Cramp went on to explain that he had discovered many wonderful uses for the stalks. He has had a chemist making experiments for nearly two years. Soms time ago he discovered that the 8 talks could be made into cellu lose, which, when used to line ships of war, would make them practically water-proof. This discovery was made public at the time, but since then Mr. I.rHII II 1 1111 II 11 111 a. II V 111 lit I BL11I efAn a4-1a mnrnn,fni ao. wm,!, stalks can be put. Through his chem- uiui a n uuuliiui uo,a au tt uivu vva u ist be has developed an absolutely per- feet smokeless powder, which is far superior to the European product. ursuing ma investigations further It a V a a rliatArAPnrl fhaf f Ka a.1 aw Aw a ud ua uiavviucu w uc cicuicuw ,!nfLtoJ stale, ui wiu iau uc uuuku ivi the production of a food for cattle bet- tar than anrthinir nnw on th market. Other uses to which the hitherto des- pised stalks can be put are the produc- tion of alcohol, mattings, paper and carpets. The experiments are still be- mg conducted, ana uramp expects IU UUU Dili UlUCI USCB 1U1 LUg DWMB.D, Mr. Cramp explained to his Con gressional friends the practical results of his experiments and accidental dis coveries and they were dazed by the enormous prospects opened up to them. Plants for the production of all these various articles, said Mr. Cramp, could be erected for 1150,000 each and they would consume all the corn stalks within a radius of twenty-five miles in any of the corn regions of the country. Hitherto the farmers nave been burning their cornstalks, which they j have regarded as utterly useless. A ow they will be enabled to sell the stalks for $2 a ton. An acre yields three tons. A farmer with one hundred acres of corn land could add $600 to his Mr. Cramp proceeded to show that the direct benefits to the farmers of the six great corn-growing States of the West Kansas, Nebraska, Iowa, Illinois, Indiana and Ohio would be over 1225,000,000 per annum on an acre- age of less than 40,000,000. Mr. Cramp said he was prepared to invest a very large sum of money in a chain of manufactories for the bi-Dro- ducta of the corn and that he would as certainly get bis friends into the scheme with him. Now that Coxey has withdrawn from the Peoples Party, and will start a party of his own and invite all other Coxeyites to join it, we sug gest that N. A. Dunning start a pa - per of his own, and invite into it all the fellows whb got Republican money in the last campaign to help the headquarter leaders the day be elect McKinley, by patting Tom I fore election, and thatlwas why the Watson on the back and en corn ag ing mm in his foolish and blunder - ing policy. It is true that there are not many who would be eligible to membership in this party, but yet it it is very desirable to haye them all out of the Peoples Party and hud died together in one little sweet scented gang of their own. FOUR CAUSE OF BRYAN'S DEFEAT. FIFTY MILLIONS OF DOLLARS SPENT TO MAKE McKINLEY PRESIDENT -HOW HANNA'S MACHINE WORKS. Only S75.000 Left Oat of the Tat Cam paign Fund Twenty Millions Balaed From Mew York TruaU and Banks Coat 00,000 For Postage Alone. Philadelphia Item.J Now that the election is over, the people have begun to figure on how Hanna spent the money that rolled so generously into his coffers, and through that how much it cost to elect Major McKinley. People have realized that an immense ameunt of money was used. it may surprise most of them. however, to know that the cost of the campaign to the Republican party was many times the amount required to keep the whole Enerlish r0yal establishment for a year. lhe Republican National Commit tee spent upwards of $30,000,000 in a few months. The civil list of Queen Victoria, together with the annuities paid to the royal family, amounts yearly to only $2,742,845. The comparison of figures is easily made, and citizens can readily see how much it costs to "educate" them how to vote properly on a financia national issue. Money flowed into Hanna's bar rels from every section; but New York, the home and hotbed of trusts and blood-sucking corporations, out stripped the rest of the country 2 to 1. More than $20,UUU,000 was raised m that city alone from banking in stitutions, trust x and importers. ihese latter contributed enormous sums, McKinley through Hanna haying pledged himself to all that no tariff bill is passed. This city raised about $5,000,000 from banks and trusts, while the re maining $5,000,000 was collected from similar institutions throughout the country. Within the past week about all the accounts of the National Committee have been settled, and Treasurer Cornelius N. BlifiS filld3 himself in I m possession of a surplus, lhis was i . . somewbat different experience man air. dims aaa in xoy, wnen the National Committee closed np its Fifth avenue headquarters the Saturday after the election a little I . rtm aaa . .s-v m , I noove $o,uvu snort. t this sum Bliss had to pay nearly $50,000 I j n 4. carry e. t600' Vr Unt4 ! this year. It IS hard tO find Out JUSt tow much money Messrs. Hanna and Bliss have on hand. Neither will tell,' but Mr. Bliss denied couple of days ago that it was about 100.000. A well known Retrafeli- can leader, who has been close to the National Committee during the campaign, told a reporter that the balance on hand after all expenses were paid would be between $75,000 and $00,000. This will be used to carry on the permanent organization and prepare for the battle of liMX). "No National Commtttee," he said, "ever had such an enormous financial resources at its disposal, and never before has there been so much money spent in campaigning in the way of speakers, campaign literature, etc." The dissemination of literature wafi the eAtest amount of trouble. Thia vai nnfintll llMAnArhrnnorh r, r J . i rw-- "ie vnicago Dureau, presiaea over by Perry Heath. Through this bureau there was I sent out in one of the biggest weeks of the campaign 30,000,000 docu- ments by mail, each piece covered with a 2-cent stamp. This meant an expenditure of $60,000 for post age alone. These are large figures, but they are not worrying some Republicans nearly as much as the question of what will become of the balance on hand in the National Committee coffers. If reports are true there was a 1 National Committee which solved a similar problem not many years ago by dividing np some $40,000 among - 1 committee had to carry a small debt 1 for four years more. That cannot happen this time. Mr. Hanna saw to it from the start that 1 every dollar received went to where it could not be spent without his - knowledge. I No banking house or mercantile I business was done on closer busi 8EHATORG. ness principles than Mr. Hanna's machine, and if any of that balance gets away without his knowing it, it will haye to be taken with a "jim my." It is next to impossible to get the exact figures of the cost of the en tire campaign to the Republicans, but it is estimated that the amounts spent by the various State campaign committees will bring the total cost to nearly $50,000,000. On Hundred Experimental Farms to be Established Along the 8. A. I The Seaboard Air Lice has taken one step, which seems to be in advance of every other railroad in the South, looking to the benefit of the agricul tural interests of the country tributary to it and to the enlargement of its ef forts to attract immigration and capi tal for investment. This is to be found io the organization of plans for the establishment of 100 experimental stations along the line of its road, giv ing one experimental point to every ten miles of its system. It is proposed by the management to take 100 small tracts of land immediatly along the line of its road, and under the direc tion of the best experts to utilize these bodies of land for showing what can be done in the diversification of farm intt reats and for the growing of farm products not now raised in the South. The experiments of this company in proving mat hops ana .other products not heretofore raised in that section can be successfully grown in that territory have shown to the officers the wisdom of very greatly enlarging the scope of these experimental opera tions. These experimental statioos will cot be large eoough to be a finan cial burden to the railroad, but at the same time will be large enough to am ply demonstrate. the best methods of crop-growing and the best crops adapted to the various sections of the country. It is proposed to experiment wun a targe numoer oi crops not now produced in that territory, such as nops, Droom corn, Aew England beans. celery, sugar beets and other products which may he made to profitably diversify the agricultural interests of the region between Norfolk and At lanta. The South annually spends immense sums for products of this kind, which are brought from other sections, and which could be raised at home to even better advantage than elsewhere. In taking the lead in this kind of educa tional work, the Seaboard deserves the heartiest commendation of every one interested in Southern advancement. These experimental stations will not only prove of immense value to all farmers now located along the line of tne road, but will be tne means of showing to thousands of prospective settlers from other sections what can be done in the South, and will thus be the means of greatly increasing lm migration to that region. This, however, is only a part of the plans of the Seaboard looking to the development of the territory along its line, it is proposed to organize a de partment, which will not only have charge of the experimental stations, but which will also give careful atten tion to the study of the best markets to which such products should be shipped, thus aiding the farmers in securing the greatest returns. In eluded in this general work will also be special efforts to improve the grade of the live-stock on adjacent farms. In connection with these plans there will also be established an in duatrial department, in charge of Mr. John T. Patrick, of Pine Bluff, N. C, who for some years was State immi gration agent of North Carolina, and who has of recent years been ldenti fled with extensive immigration and development work at Southern Pines and other points along the line of this road. This feature of the work will take in the Question of making known the in uustriai resources ana capaDiuties oi j ! - a the country and of aiding to tne ut most extent in tne development oi manufactunnsT interests. While one or two other Southern roads have each established an expert mental farm, and while a number ot Southern roads have immigration and industrial departments, we do not be lieve that any one has laid out such a broad plan as Has been outlined Dy tne management of the Seaboard system. It was to the success of the experi mental farm of the Georgia Southern & Florida Railroad that much of the immigration along the country reach ed by that road was due. When Major Glessner was .carrying such large numbers of Western fruit growers and others to that territory and making such a great success of his work in at tracting population and advancing the interests of the country, his suc cess was mainly owing (after giving full credit to his untiring energy and good judgment) to the experimental farm which has been operated so suc cessfully. But this was only one ex tensive farm, and could not be seen by everybody. The Seabeard. on the con trary, in having 100 smaller farms, car ries the work to a much greater extent and with much beCr promise of lar ger results. WORX OF TRA1H DECKERS. A TRAIN OF THE SEASQARO AIR UME SENT INTO A DITCH 1Y A ISFLACtO RAIL. The Wmk Owin4 m Ike BlaleJ.fc Aagaeta Pltot -l eeetle ae4 Cee f Freight Detry4 e,4 rtreeaa K 1114 -Wrecker al4Uy L1eg la Walt fee- Ike A Ilea la tal- HtA kMtdl ! Tkelr Traae. A frightful wrffk occurred on t h Raleigh sod Augusta division oftr 8aboar4 Air-Line, one and a talf mile wrst of Raleigh, at 13 :j oclork on the morning of lrc M, A rail, which had without question, been re moved but a few minutes before by profeesionala train wreckers, precipi tated freight, train N o. Ti into a deep rut, totally wrecking ten loaded cars and locomotive, killing the fireman, Alexander Oterby, and eruulj wounding the engineer, John Robert son. Seven car and tbe caboose remain ed on the track, thus saving from rious harm, the 'balance of the train crew, Cspt. Yearby, the conductor; It. J. Arendell, flagman and Carter and Bryan, trainmen. The evident intention of tte wreck ers was to catch tbe Seaboard Air Line Atlanta special, which was due at about that tiue, but thia train be ing one hour and twenty-live minute late, the express freight waa running under orders on tbe Atlanta special's time. Had thia train been on time the loss or lire would have been horrible to contemplate, as the point selected by ce wreckers was adapted to tbat end. and the careful plan theT had laid would have resulted in a complete wreck of a passenger train. Tbe wreckers left a crowbar and other tools, with which they drew the spikes and displaced the rail. air. . k. McUee, general aupenn- teodect. of the Seaboard Air Line, ar rived in Raleigh the following morn ing on bis private car. Mr. Mcllee went out to the scene of the wreck soon after his arrival and spent tbe larger part of the day there. Sir. Sic- Ree, like the other Seaboard official. is unable to assign any reason for the wrecking of tbe train. Judging from the fact that there were only two wre:kers and tbe man ner in which they left the point where the disaster occurred, it is not believ ed that they had robbery in view r4- Rlood bounds were telegraphed for and arrived in tbe city Wednesday af ternoon from Rurlington and were im mediately put on tbe trail. The dogs followed the tracks in a northerly di rection, going through taerlin. They went a aisiance oi two nines to a mica niece of woodson Dodd'a farm, where the tracks, which were seventeen hours old, were obliterated by tbe rain. Further pursuit bad to be given up. Mr.n. Ii. ilartsoe, of liuriington. the owner of the dogs, who followed them on the trail, said that tbe tracks were those of two men, and they were plainly visible as far as Dodd'a woods. Mr. ilartsoe is nrmiy oi tne opinion that the tracks were those of white men. They were made iy shoes of Nos. 5 and 7 size. The wrecking force kept constantly at work at the scene of tbe disaster. Tbe engine, which was resting half way down the embankment, has been turned over. A temporary track was built under the engine, which extend ed parellel with the embankment to tne top of the slope. In this way tbe engine was put back on tbe track. Tbe total loss to tbe company is estimated at $10,000. STATE TREASURER'S REPORT. ESTIMATE OF EXPENSES FOR THE NEXT TWO YEARS-SUGGESTION AS TO RATE OF TAXATION. He Cites a Falling Off of Fire and a Ball Million Dollars la Property Talnatloa A Proposed Increase of Appropriation In Only Two Cases Tbe Banks In Oood Condition The Sheriff and Tax Collec tors Complimented. otate Treasurer vv ortn has com pleted his biennial report for the past two fiscal years and has sub mitted it to the Governor. The ledger shows an accumulated balance of $103,740.41 to the credit of the sinking fund. This fund is used for redeeming old construction bonds. During the year eleven of these old bonds at $1,000 eaeh with coupons attached were redeemed. making the total cost ot eleven bonds $14,720. Twenty-five of these bonds are outstanding. A section of the Code requires the Treasurer to furnish tbe General As sembly at the commencement o eaeh session with estimates of the expenses of the State Government and the rates of taxation necessary to pay the same for the two years next succeeding the close of the last fiscal year with a schema in the form of a complete revenue bill to sustain such estinates. Treasurer Worth, in mi kin 7lt estimates, in omy two instancer re commended an increased appropria tion. One was to the State Nor mal and Industrial School for girls. The appropriation to the Normal last year' was $17,500, and tbe Treasurer recommends that it be in creased to $20,000, the same that is given the University. He cuts out the $500 appropriation to the Guil ford Battle Ground. The .Treasurer estimates the cost of the judiciary to be $00,000, while last year it was $61,735.56; rewards for fugitives of justices $2,000 over $4,507.09 last year; state hospital over $100,000 last year: Eastern hospital $35,000 over $47,500 last year; North , Carolina Insane Asylum $00,000 over $tk,24o.C0 last year; pensions 10o,- 000 oyer $100,371 last year; State Guard $6,000 over $7,311.30 last year; State Library $500 over $1. W3.V4. An estimate ot jr-u.m'j per year is made for the nenitentiarv. The penitentiary took $30,000 of its appropriation in "Jo and $o,000 in '96. The loss of mueh grain by the Koanoke freshets will require more than normal appropriation next year. - Treasurer Worth estimates the ex penses of the 8tate for the next two years, $S21,S.jO per year. The ex penditures for the two years are far in excess of this. He says the above estimates, will, in his judgment cover the needs of the objects named. In his report the Treasurer sng feats that in view of the increased tendency on the part of the county and State officers to make their toads with boaditf aad trmst cm- paaie. laoe dots baaiaawa ia la Mate ahoaU b repaired te depoaat rood collateral with the StaU Trvsa &rr aad also rliao.aiJi taanr riarkl of appeal froaa the dociaioaa of oar Stato court to tho Federal eoart- l eder tho aabUiviaioa of task the Troatrer report that taoy aoeaa to bo iaC-Tlai aad r roe pore aa eon- iUon. t tiy. "There saigat bo some aoirrZaJ proteetioa thrown arooad tho depositor withoat dotag any is juatieerto tho baaka. In vorameaVag oa tbo saaaago- meat cf lie penitentiary. If r. Worth jp ! tbiak tho aiaaagosaoatcf tho p&itntitv has ba veiv good." Tbo report romaaeata oa tho ft that tho aggregate valuation of all taxable properly khow s failing eft of nearly five aad a LaJf aaUliona. Tbo tax rat." the report sat -will bo dependent upon the auoaat of appropriations made by tho legisla ture. Tho present valuation At 2 rents for tho Mate will yield tca 9.1 07; 3 cent for po&aioe. r77.- 'J31.1C; and eighteen coats foi schools. ic:i,3y;.jG. I nder tho act to "romrromi commute and settle tho State debt" $J,L'U 7iJ of four per ro&L bonds have boon iasued in eicbacgo for the old valid debt of the Stat. It would require !o5,070 more of four per rent, bonds to take up the re mainder of the old bonds outstand ing. Tbe receipts from tho ovster in dustry have boon 5,SVJ.31 acl the disbursements tMH).!Jl. Tbe Treas urer says in commenting upon this: "There seems to bo a lack of thor ough understanding of this whole subjvet on th part of our law mak ers. While the oyster industry should be, under proper laws aad their proper execution, a source of considerable revenue to the State. Tho effect of all the laws on the sub ject hitherto hare boon to entangle the whole busineas in a mesa of in extricable confuaion, impooaiblo of comprehension and leading to in terminable litigation and expense to the State. Wise legislation on this subject is of great importance bow. Treasurer Worth says of the States steamer: "The Lulhe" has not done one act of service in two years aad has cost tbe State 1,.X13..'.3 per year for tbe past two Jean, just to keep the several thousand dollars of the State's funds which are wrapped np in this useless luxury from ntter de cay and loss. If there is any money in the craft it should bo landed into the Treasury. The straightened condition of the Treasury and of the taxpayers at this time do not justify the mamtainance of tho craft as a simple ornament to the wharf, or a veritable barnaele on the Treasury. ireaburer north congratulates the Sheriffs and tax collectors of the State, who at the end of the fiscal year made full payments. Only three Sheriffs were indulged and they have settled promptly. The Treas urer takes occasion to publicly ex press bis appreciation, of the earn eft' and faithful work of bis chief clerk, Ur.J.W. Denmark. " NEWS BREVITIES. Called and Condensed for the Headers ml The Cane Bala a. A flange lm Death. Ii!kM!!cuuAM,Ala-Iec 27. Twenty- seven livea were lost by tbe wrecking or a passenger train or tne Birming ham Mineral Railroad Company at Cababa river bridge, twenty-aeven miles from this city, at o'clock this morning. lhe wreck was caused by tbe re moval of a rail on the middle span of the bridge, iiie train plunged into tbe shallow river, 110 feet below. It took fire after the fall and burned to the edge of tbe water, which was be tween three and four feet deep. After tbe crash robbers rushed to tbe scene and plundered tbe dead and dying. There seema to be little doubt that tbeae robber removed tbe rail which was missing from the bridge. Of the passengers and crew but ten persons escaped alhe. Most of the passenger were miners, wbo bad round-trip holiday tickets and were returning to their home. aj a. M. ringer Dead. New Toy, Dec. 20 Msj. 8. M. Viagrr died this morning at 7 o'clock and the burial service will be held to-morrow at tbe German Reformed church, of which Le wa a faithfaL consistent and valuable member. He had been ill for only a few days, but last evening about ;o clock suddenly took much worse, from which time tbe worst was feared by friends and the attending physi cian, lie never rallied oaring tne night. Mai. Finger waa a worthy member of tbe Masonic fraternity, a consistent Christian, an educated gentleman and a valuable citizen. Ilia death has cast a gloom over this town, where be will l be greatly misseo. Lal a. S4jJneTM ichael Finger, waa a man of high chrattrr: -Z useful and efficient public officer, and bad bee leader for many years io tbo poblie school movement of tbe State. Daring hi term as State Superintendent tbe tax waa twice increased op to 16, cents, in response to his continued ur gent appeals to tbe legislators to carry out the constitutional mandate for a four-months school term. lie also se cured the passage of an act establish- ng Teacher s institutes, and organized that useful agency for tbe practical cstruction of teachers and the awak ening of the people to tbe importance of better public school facilities. Dur- ng bis term tbe Agricultural and Me chanical College aad the Greensboro Industrial and formal school were established. He took the deepcat in terest in both, and in tbe Greensboro school was a director at tbe time of bis death. CelaaaMa Calendar for l7 The twelfth annual faaoe of tbe Columbia Pad Calender has made its annearance in more pleasing form than ever before, having scattered through its daily leaves many cnarmmg illus trations, with an appropriate thought or verse for each day in the year. Among tbe topics are bicycling, out door life, and good roads. Tbe cycling fraternity, to aay nothing ox ine gen eral public, bas acquired a decidedly friendlv feeling for tbe Colombia Calendar, and its annual advent is al ways looked f orward towiin interest and rtleasure. One feature of tbe calendar is its neat stand, so arranged that tbe block can either be need upon the desk nr hnnr tinon the walL The calendar can be obtained for five two-cent stamps by addressing the Calendar Denartment of ta Pope Manufacturing Company at Hartford, Conn. msEtaciifru lEEisuTa cacio. n icmtuct tt mens a b. tuum e it n au- AM Mb SAO VeaeiMe mm aw ike r-s i rent e e a Ike rweax fm Tbe hiram GriLTvat. tVai-i, N. c tw. 2. Tbo kMiiist hmU by ti I'eoaU. arty ia aorta rliea te ef opportaatty and reepeaeUuty. Tbo at few ia atator in wkeib aiacnty party baa dot e ao saarb la a ehurt tfaao a baa tmn acrwoa pliabed by tbe People I'any ( mmt Stat. Whatever stay to d as to sais take of f aaioa Ac , it is eiv dect that band Wave lea d.rortiag oar for aad that today tho party boms tu poejuoa oa vaaLag- grwand. t tve Kpreataliv aad oao Soaator ia Coagreea, flro laaportavat State cfieora Bd the taiaae f power ia tho Mate legialatBr eon sUtBt. what aaay be regarde-1 as a rommeadabU oatpat for tbe thirty or forty thooaaad young IVpeltats ia the State. The I'ooploo Party waa calUd tat eiistenee to do for tbe people of tie country what neither of tbo old par- Ube would do. xt cabs t to aa a- Uvo and progreaaiTo party aad bt aim ply a party of promise. This way tho party has received the poo pie s support, aad tat ts why it bold its poaitioa of advaatag to day. Dome good wotk a done through tho efforts of tho Populists ia our aat legislature. Their opportaaity will bo much better ia 1SV7 thaa it was in 1SJ'. Tbe good people of the hut are eipeeticg the legislature of 1SV7 to give as some wise aad belpf al legis lation. They are eipertiag it through tbe efforts of the Populist members cr their co-operation with either tbe Republican or tao Demo crats. They do not ear which of the old parties the co-operation ia ith. Originate your measure. brother Populists, aad if the liopub- icans get the move on tbem first, move with them, it tbe lesaocrata . first then move with the in. If sosse Republicans or Democrats should happen to start op a rood saoaaut (and they may do it) give :t your support. It is tb thing wo waat done aad it is no difference wbo does L It is not so much tbo inaatity of legislation that is wasted bat tbe quality. The election ci tbo l atted elate Senator is very important, his years is a long time to treat one in politics daring the days oben men's minds are apt to cLang. Within Ll nest z yara some very importar.1 issues will com ap before the Senate for settlement. Oar monetary system, the relation of government to corporations and syndicates and the rights and inter ests of the producing c laser are es pecially questions oa which the Soa ator of the next six years will seed to have right aad settled convictions. Let the Peoples Party eome ap to the needs of the country ia tbe elec tion of a Senator and also in tbe needed legislation for the Stat and there need be Little concern about tbe voters that we shall have ia IVJ and V.fOO. IM it be known that the party is a party of action aad not simply a party of promise that the declarations of our State Convention were not simply an array of hollow words, bnt that they represent lb spirit and purpose of a party with the determination and ability to carry them into effect aad evea many Democrats will be rather glad after all that the Pops are im the saddle. The future of the party is Largely ia the hands of these wbo have been elected to places of trust. Se far tb Peoples Party has reeeived sap- port mainly because of tbe mistakes and indifferences shown by tbe eld parties. After this the ssppott re ceived will be determined by bow ell the party improve rood oppor tunities when they are given. With capable men alive to ti Bute's best iaterest and a favorable combination ot circs avatsaees look forward with hopeful ca dence. Joht V. Woom. POLITICAL m-rCURal. aaf lag aad SrsDetss, rita Oreeee. Hot Sraisoe, Ark-. Dec 14. iU. ' saweaa. lb Loitf4JiewrT?Ttlter to Mexico, haw given oat his formal adorseanent of tbe Administration's position oa tbe Cebaa qoewtioau -1- W asbixoto. Dec J5w Senator WoU eott la said to have prepared a plea to oecure an international agree tuent for tbe recognition or silver a ataaaar money and be win preeeni ii id to Senate Imaaediately after tbe reeeea. It is reported be will reeomsaeaa toat this govern meat take the laiuauve a calling another International con ference There have been eve 1 niev national monetary conference asm they bave all adjourned without accomplishing anything defl cite. Iafcna TmmmUmX n. Isniasarous, led, Dec. Tt. After being ia session for two days, tbe Pop ulists embodied the futare ewodact of tbe party in thi State ia t fellow- isg resolutions aooptea lo-aigai : -RsKilird, That we deer it sdviaa- ble that tb organization af ta Peo ples I'arty sboaM be ostiaaod throughout this State, aad we rcav mend the organization af elabe throe gboot tbe Stote. without aay ref erence id parry araiiauows. "Kfolrtd. That we beueve tarns farther aad batter provision try law on gat te be saad to property avotect tbe voters of thi State ia a fro z- pression, by their votes, at uer views, and that to the end that ta voaes. when cast, shall be accuraiAiy Advortiains? d intelligently carried on aad hwAkad ap by rood business msi ' v