) V. i ' z 5 ' i ; 'A r. .. . . t " " . I H 't '! J 1:! !'. til r 'I l,i .i Ml I . :if.! i 1 ! I 1, w. ; 1 ; 'i .I . ! ". ' i '.11' i 1 v r'" hi!".' ... .i i Ail ;r in. it 3i V. n ... V ill I - 1 I M 1 L' i i 1 1 . sv j. U ( ! I i !! ii ?nr K.i- ''' VI I 'l1 I, !f ? ' :ii 1 : f'Fcr the Farmer. 5 (Cono-ponoVn' ot Tbe Ciccwiin.) 80XE LI1TLC THINGS OH A FARM THAT TCLL. Is" doy to Tauo UccifL aI COiPAMIOfcSHIP III HAARIED LIFE. aSY XO VHiiw , ttct-, eJBeieot, tborougi. wt- r 4 11 X- rrTa Had P)ac the ned corn in fll'l to croner dTth with warm aa til" hand Ur frnm the Soutm pin and ru withthhHod until -oh jrrnii r firl well ctl. Thf quantity fl tar cannot b d-fin't-W b'VI, nor ia it material, provi'leti th i umfiii,cT to impart to the corn tronir taia of tar. i thp f-rrn remain in laW 48 honra. then rem re l1 rlte io Teael hafiipg an open bttr m noT-r it1 old clothe of any kin'J OccMion-iUy app'y ttv d water. In few dT the crn wt 1 be cprontef retdf for ii ntin, the gpro'ira pr. f rablr Uinr abmt oni ln hlo'g If the fprouu ba a$ ;iJTta'ly brkeu ff nn iri'irv will follow: oth'-r aorouta will start out and the cjr.. com' ud ell. Tn corn ihoa'd hi dropped ac cordite to the i'a'id wanud, on oMin f.ir one uta k". and ) on. I drtpping. the crn ihoul l be tak i in the left band and the Bproutnl grairi 01 ly used, thohe n.t Bp-out d iLinir i .. (!. Iii i-ah hindfit O 4 there are uiuallr lit to eiitht ui sprouted grains, which mav be relied on t make midsing nun. i Boroui ing, the tbi ining and rt-piantmp cai erj Learljr be done at one oper Atioa. Cora soaked and sprouted asabov baa Utn ftund to be virtually a iptciflo against bud worma in ex posed losalitiea, but if the corn be tarred arid planted, without souk'rg and iprouting, it is at moa, only ptrtial preventive. W hy this u so I do not know, nor is it material that I should. Tde advantage derived frrm Bp routing corn are greatest when planted in dry weather, provided that it is covered with moist dirt atMt fevl4 f WK Vaha tfc If jou wish to be a good com- canion to Your husband study to make each Good mo nirg tnn vcu aT to him an iccentive to a better! 1 f e." ia Ruth Ashmore's advice to vcapg womer, hom h adlrwe opoo The Prt f-aaion c. f Mriage" in ibe April Ltdieg Home Jura'. Iim ouly plla to wu wm uoo oay "je iTD li maae eacn uaoa-nigni a Srr ediction of love for th day - IHloodls .LIMITED DOUBLE DAILY SERVICE i,,v ukin r'litmit iiw crrr." r. C I. Hood at Co.. V -nnr'e xm. InreU, Mm Polls TO ' Atlaata, Charlotte. At guM. A''n( v New York-, Boston, nci mnd, i Maaninton. Su rt&K, rortjnioiiih. Pattern Department. fua CicciHiAi has made special ar rangements with the publishers of tbe mot Mjlish, accurate and perfect ffffcing; pip-r pattern that are made .a by which we can present io our lauy reader all of the very newest and ihoicest pstterns of garments for la Uen, misse and children for 10 cent. Full and explicit directions for Dut- work, the da a l&ving and the-dav' sympa'hT. Lxk for bis good qnal- ties. He ia like you in haviey aulti; with try liith ironble you an find these faults, and by talking tbout them and rtnrndirig hin of them yon can mk yjnr Tnarned life unet durable. You can brin about lertbuiniogfl, yon can canst stri'e, ar d before yon know it hatred may Uka the place of love. Lk fur bis virtues, and, seeking alwje for encdneas. von will grow bettei L Sew York, renn.K ii uuliU ruiloipUi 1 l-iui MlUuitne 4 uput M WkhuigfeU 4 iUyUl itUUUU, a Li...... C (IUU1 b -Ooi Kofi oia, o A. 4 Uaui DR. HATHAWAY & CO. . t. it. i-,. . - at Haifa ' r " . H H MT tfiitlMU tf-Mr. aotmaMlnJftr',"l aaaraU Na itUrtuwn 4Lfe Wm M.a Seminal Weakness ana 2aiai lpcphhj 5-f !-Ta- . "o'J br yaakal laTWa aa4 ia, trwiK. it o rwiij. pfinvlr a4 tWtw ' tfu U:'tiafv tifnui n oet. ) at taal wa.i Akt Tr1 tt Zot iartiac. . . . V a . v u M at ffJM raWaWaTaai lit. tio4rganc!ln.tt PtiiaMi liXaa.a Jf- f XS " kiu. dl-a ralif JL?h at . p. UuUwi tour cwa hots ttiibocl taatroaxata. hef doctor hT f Ca f ra a ti . Uhpumitkm ThOrri rc RMem:ie Cr a SCTB CTSrii. TW KIICUIlIJllMil er7 irt tve UM4,i Bxar. en rfoa rvlirf: ! rvr and mln In a rtira Ik tnnj is lata rUra. ntml a eaaa. n.,1. far t-oiK him r.t r.-M with fu'J -T4ptxa of atova a hi". lk for Kca i No. t lor Wtro: No 3 for Skin laraj fo latarra. Tiiefio ehancM ii4 cUlu tM rest by conu&aa tt Uaaag Saaciglrrtl Si ft JUajcwra i triouli Ar, UeuUcrauu. . Ar Durban , L.W i urttauj HaltrlU .... B.uIurU .... Ho. rmei... iiamttrt. . . . . WaOeDDOrO , Mouroo ine toKethtrr the garments accompany I every day jut aa csrtaitly as if you Cuadulle ....1Z uaii.i alpu I t7 i2ui tTLvir . ...TJ t l l u 6 (.optu 5 t pL 8 llJ- HONESTY DR. HATHAWAY & CO. Z2 So. Dread SL ATLHTTA, GJL Peoples Paper & oiauj. FOR CATARRH. .o oUu..0 -ach puttern. These descripuons ana f,h- patterns themselvea have many novel and practical features presented by no other pattern made and which rndir them a simple for the borne orkr a for the professional dress would gro bad if iou looked onl for that which waa wicked. Ii r ember there is much that will Ar he iter. have to be forgiven in yon, WW'S whenever you feel inclined to re mind Tom of a weakceas read ? AM maker. Address all communications I bock in which ia set down your foj to the Tattern Department, Taa Cao- You must use the coupon printed below (which is our order on the pHb liher), otherwise tbe patterns will cost you 25 cents. Praaarvlo Mlabla Manor.. It ii the common practice of far mers to throw man urea of all kinds into hrapa and allow them to stand niitil they arehau'ed t the tielu Mow. almost every larmer Knows that stable manure when leftuntrtat- td will become heated and go through a certain proctas of fermentation during which some caseous or vol atile matter eBCi pes, thy may hve noticed als , that the of ths man ure after it ia "find fagged" dres not i rod u ce aa good a yield aa fret-h msnure. The res n for this ia, tht wbeo manure btcnnva heated n of the valuable fertilizer irgrediente. ammonia, ectra into the air a'iri is I03 ; thiaf oursp, drttraitscinsijl'-r-ahle from the ftrtiliz tier yslueof thr -ffiir.Sia:- ' Stable manure has been and a1 ways will be a prpuUr fertilize thore wno have U8-u r. continual 'V bave dub'leta uotid that (table ni&nure a tie produces nn ex etsne gn wih of foliage and viixsa-. the ezptnae .f fiuit hi d cr ic, this is due to the fuct that s aMe mttnur is not a well tHluurfd feni izcr, i cntaiua too much nnrn nia as com rand wilh the phofporic t cid an potash. T e action of the ammohia is to ii creua-thf jroth of folid e, h nee it a apparent that if feme po'a-h arid phospta'e are applied in ad'i ion to ihe Btatl-- matiure it will mke a much belter balauced ferti lizer It baa bepn fourd recently that by iprinkli-g a tardful of ktinit over the manure of each g'own borse or cow daily it will prevent tbe escape if amnionic; this ia a ery gicd plan al&o, lecaupe the laii.it adds gome po'ah to the ma nure, in which, it ia usually drG citnt, A very popular and profit able plan with muuy farmers is to o - CO a A o t u X . Ik cO S "ii h u 'A : : : w : H : H : : : : v, : O : O a S e cq m '5 AT Charlotte Lv Munroe. .. Uamlet .... o . . . u : ; 5 : : K w : : ESl s: : f : : a i ! h j i : i : & a: : : o. - u : 5::,s x i 2:;1 : : o j : S? I g i : 5 5 13 -Si; A Jn.y Jacfc.t-Walst. 8 blea and y oar follies. A woman who, even afttr her marriage, care fully studies ber profession, carj make her husband what abe wiahtt him to be. Everything that ia good is contagions, and the right kind of a wife makes ths right kind of a huabind. - "Respect the righta of your bur band; ho is a man, not a child, and how can the world honor him when von. who are bis closest ompanioo do not? Do not, even in jest, de ride or underrate him. People are Ar Wilmington alow about deciding when one is jesting or when one is in earnest And what you meant to be funn may cause some stupid person to ?av. 'How horrid Tom must bel Why, his wife says awful things about him V " lliii if WHEN WE CRITICISE OUR FRIENDS jEcSeJa I The KlndneM of Igoorloa; Trivial a IZt) : "E I xtk, ur ftt .lfa. . 8-l : : 5 "There are two kicds of mistakef : mistakes of moment and trivial mis takes, writes Edward W. liJir. in the Ladies' Hme Journa1. "Un Ly Coluiubia I! N it L K U id U y-u t iiL.uu. a.A.L. a XHmAk tuaui Orweucod iu iiix I tTaiii Abbeville 11 uam 1 4aoi KUerton ....luTm ArAtxeus 1 i6fui a -iiiu Ar Wiiider iirux M&m t Atlauli (Central time . 2 6jilu 5 Jxatu NORXHCOUND. PRICE, SO CENTS. O'TWE CAUCASIAN IMSIHl s -I - o Jilt : : g: ': I ii! S: : 8: : No 402. No. 3S At'anta (Central titnej12 ouu n 7 oopui Lv WiuuVr a-k-j-ui W Lv Athene H ltuui 11 10,iiu El tel too 4 16(jlu 12 MyLU ADjeviile oljpm 1 -loaui Greenwood.... 6 4ipm Cllllion.... J 34111 J OviaLU Ar Columbia C.N & L. It. R t? U-iu LvChts er. H. A. L.. .. 6 13dhi 4 ;3ru u THE BEST THIK& KNOWN Tor C ATA REIT. A5TTIMA, IIAT-FEVEIt, La CUirrn. SOUS Til HOAX, etc A poslUr.pre vcntive and CURE for all CTHM DISEASES. Cased in a handsome silver, altininum ube. The only IXIIALEUIn which eaernl ally pur Imported crystal i aro uap1. Tae princi iai m.-dicliio of tlio entire Empl.-o of Japan. Csed and praU 'd by ovtr a in.llioa Ameilcaim. O:io minute" trial wl'.l onmli.-co y ucf Its won. dcrfulmerU. It sroak! for itself. Fhow it ai I It so U itself. Priee 50 reals PmmtpMid. 3A0 WANTED. Send :x) ccuta for one IuUalcr nod ask for wlioleul. prieea. The leading Reform Paper of North Una a champion of popular rigl honest government. PROSPECTUS FOR JAPANESE MENTHOL ICE. T3ft$SS?$gi COLDS, NECUALGIC nnd UHECilATIC PAI.V3. Keod 23 NnU f.r b.x, and ask: fur wholesale price to agjuU. a . p. p e So Pints.. Ualeieb. Ar Ueiiderson Durham. Lv Durham.. Mis Ar weidou Richmond A.C L... Washington, Perm R 11.12 3 pm 11 lum Bal imcre 1 4 ju'u 12 48jm Phiiad;lpbia . . 3 aOpa 3 Hutu New York , .t 'i3pm tt 3am 7 30am 5 50ini 7f 0m ti tiSiini ..iu 2opiii" a 3j ....U40f mbt)5am ... .11 iiopiu loaiu PALMER'S STI-CONST!PATiO PELLETS. t t 1. nam ij . . . 2 lO.HUi i I H5ill ....3 2aiu 1 iKipm t32aa tlOUpm ....5 iUpmtl I loam i 55. m 3 uopiu . 8 15m 6 f0piu and J 35ct. rr box PalaaIdU AGENTS WANTED. ..IMPORTCDj apanese Ar Portsmouth.. Norfolk........ Daily. Monday. tDaily Ex. Suuday. JDaily Ex. Nos. 403 and 402. -'The Atlanta Bpecial." Solid Vestibuled Train of Hutiman blreper and Coaches between Washington and At i . i ii.. ii i . it . doubtedly the best service which one m0u?band Chester, s c No. 41 and 38 " I he 8 A. L, Express.' Solid Tram, Coaches and Pullman tJiepprs etwen Portsmouth and AMnta Com pany sleepers between Columbia and At unta . Both trains make immediate cornpetion? at Ai'auta for MontKouiery, Mob'le. iNew pypri . I Or'eans, Tex, California Mexico, Chat- lanooa, nasnviiie, iuemphis, iuacou, riur ida. Kor Tick ts, Sleepers, and information. ap .t to 1 c feet Ants or to 11 o. LUi A.KD. 6ol 1'asa. Agt.. ICaleiL'h, N. O. B. ST. JOHN, Vice President and Gen' Mar V K McBEE Gen'l SupTintpnent. 11 W. M GLOVlfilt, Traffic Mai.r. T J ANDKKSiON, 4ei'i Pt-eiieer AgL General Offlots: FC-RSMOU TH VA friend can render another is to savt him from a mistake liable to be se rious in its results. In tuch an ac lies true friendship. But in thes dava of criticism, wnen we are am to criticise, everything; and hnrttr' o urn all fnn Ant. tn Mrrff.t n ia akes which are absolutely triv a' and not worth correcting. n 1 yet ia calling attention to them we often hurt the feelings rf our best friend. N t one of us, even the most good natu red, likej to have hie mistakes pointed out. We may ap pear not to mind rmc.rna, and accept them with a smile. B in it i human nature t smart v der c r reutioo, a though 6 juie of may te e'eyer enough to conceal tbe Bmart Hjuce, the fewer mietaks we ca'l uttentioo to in others the better. Two thiris of the mitakea we mike are triv al. Their correction is un- i'nportanc Why, then, notice them? Ytt some people do, and di s c i- 8"nt)y A pers n speaks of hiving d me a certain thit g on Thu8d, when in- reality it was done on Wednesday. If no important p mt is invnlved why call attention to tbe mistake? Wha: good does it do to hive the fiact day set right? It is a matter of no importance, so why in list upon o r.ecting the trivi, 1 error? Staunch friendships hav often been pricked by this needle of Useless correction. It is a g eat art thia art of learning to al ow others to be mistaken when the m s- Menthol z C Southern Railroad. (PIEDMONT AIR-LINE.) Condensed Schedule. In Effect June 14, 1893. IIOW TO U. S. a J. T. CO'S IMPORTED Japanese Menthol Ice. Endorsed by tbe Imperial Gverum-nr. Trie gri Mifkt known ANTIfltPTIi.. A mar velon liealer, an unfailing- Cir. for HEAU COl.bt. SKI MA L V. I A and ItH El'llAl I""M. IN. r-TANTI.Yr.-lierr ANY FAIN. Cum Ij fWiIPPE. COLDS, li KONCH ITI3. CIMiUP. 11 EA D ACltV;, etc. Simple, cure and .nrnilea. It is all w. claim ai d MOHK. Put up l-i iiandnom. etmmrled . PfW 25 cents ESMiald. AGENTS WANTED, nd S5 cents for a l- x, ami w rite lor wholesale rriois today. Palmer magnetic Inhaler. Prlre SOe. Polpld. Thn "Post Ti In Knwn for CATMtltlf. AhTHM A. SOKE THUOAT. IT AY FEVER, Sw. PPAgcnu Wanted. rALSICK'S Antl-Consllpatloi Pellets. S3 CENTS. S35AFents Wanted. bcud oil otders to R. C. RIVERS, Manager, Raleigh, - - N. C. ORDER. 7 corps of oblo contributoi-s Lr-U correspondents will bo employed Every department will- bo improved I new ones added. IP IP M The treat battle of tbe people against platorrat,f tlir umj toe classes, ia od. it will never ena till lu people tnua.pt cause of Justice ia fully est ahllabed. Dun off the year or 1897. TI1K CAUCASIAN .:l aut, forefront of tbe battle. In aroiirc and edu-atip( it voraiinir, toe principles or in leioero moveneoi. lu riiv and corruption T1IK CAUCASIAN will tM tiforuo.. lJ uocomprornuingj. The prinHpal features for tbe paper for tb oouiuc jm ootlioed as follows : Political News. Especial attention will bo devoted to political new ii ant events in tbe procress or decline of part lea io tbe I'tn will D r.nrnnicied ers oi iiir. udbtASiAA run informed oo poliliral e4 transpire Io our own Htateu We will gjive wbea poaaitle tU J ao paniaao papers suppress. 1C62 CA8TAGNE JArilT-WAI8T, izea for 34, 3G, 33 and 40 in.hes take is unimportant. Few learn i nn Sr-rve Ihir atahlri manure thrnnch bust, mea.-u e. I but these who do are amonsr ihf the use of kin?t and they Qudthat l This becoming corsage completes mast comfortable friends one cat Wl v iiui'Ut 4j lir, a Hlllb urr aU' I ' " " vi uvuuu .'rc iotru uiuvu I uaivt nd 200 lbc. acid rhirphate are usfd trimmed with a narrow nffla of in additon to a liberal dosi cf sta- Dillon as d braid trim mm g. Ihe ble manure they g-t much lar.er smart jicketon the waist is quite aud better returns from their soils. hort, albwing the sleeveless blouse to show in the back above the girdle to DMtw moim. lot b'ack satin. J bis model is ex AseaMyin the spring as may be oeediugly beewnz and youthful C0nv(n;en mix arsenic with corn Utid may be used to omn'etea new dough, then make holes into their rottunie or successfully renovate an roda here and there atd drn a Old o e. A roDular idea ia to finish A.&N.C. RAILROAD. TIME TA-'OO-tCO. To take effect Wednesday Nov. 27, 1895. EASTBOTJND TEIANS. lumptf tie mixture, ab ut the s z the jacket separately so that it my ox a mar Die, men cover v. un a cioc i e worn ever various blouses and I of dirt to r xclcde the light Mole.- waists. caa thus scon be exterminated, how- A special illustration and fall ever many there aie. Other poison Unctions abDut the pattern will be may answer well, but I bave ntvf r f wnd on the envelope in which it is tesua any cut arsenic, wnicn gavt enclosed. all tbe rtsnlts that could te desired. STATIONS- Mixed Frt and Pass Tues.Thrs and Sat A. M. Bhyak Tysov, - Cartbsge, N. C. A Stjllsh Omit. Literary Not. An interesting featured Harper's Wkly of April 2d will be a double rage llluatratitn of the new Ch cngr. lku front, cow in ouree of construe- A J A .1 . I . uon. ipceiner wuu a vi;w or inf pnaent lake front, and an authori tative article describing the progress and a. ope ox the work. The Harpers are soon to b ins: not in a new and beautiful edition Mtes Moloch's novel. "John Hal fax, Gentleman, hioh made one of th greatest literary snc essea of tbe time if its first pub ioation, and has since had many thousand of read ers. a aS A -v. a aira. Ctjoime a. ureovev is soon to piDiitin T.nriuBn me tlarpir al y"lume entit'ed F.owpraof Fieltl, II V. aad Swamp," whioh ia a.iid to be writtea in io popular a ayie, and to be accmpauied by illnstratione so yolumi'iOng and attract ye, that it will apnetl to the mere ! vef of wild flwe g as Wtll as to the a ana- ten r b faalat. w Lv W W At Lv W Passenger uauy except Sunnay P.M. Goldsboro B sts LaOrange Falling Creek.. Kinaton Caswell........ Dovert Core Creek Tnscarora Clark's W Ar Newbern ..; ....: s Ly , Biyerdale s Croatan a Havel ck a W Nwpot s Wildwood f Atlantic f 720 7 35 8 M 8 37 9 24 938 9 53 1015 8 10 40 S 1115 f 11 31 Ar jLv W I Ar MoreheadCity. Atlantic Hotel.. M. City Depot. . 12 05 130 212 2 20 243 312 325 3 31 S46 3 51 3 20 3 40 3 49 4 03 4 12 4 21 4 30 4 42 4 54 500 6-15 525 5 50 663 605 6 8 6 24 629 637 642 4 01 P. M. WESTBOUND TRAINS. 4 650 P.M. Ijet evtry subscriber to The Oji CO AM A If try ti gend ub a t ew subscriber within tbe next tpn i'i. Ev ry ore can do this. This will b the most ef fective way t S'rengtben the hand of the Populist caucus and back op the position taken I 0 the caacutv 1C41 -GENBURY COAT. Srzei for 8, 10 at,d 12 years. A j nntv a- d ppulr design for a ii'tie gi ia cat, which may be nade of any o' the popular cloak r-g ma'frial-. T e front ia loofe. I 1 . m a.. ' I aouni. Dreaded, ad fastened with U-g biittoo-. The ba k U cloae- li frg, and has in the h m of it tw- toub'e tox-plaita which lie rerv . i t i . . it . mooin'y our, give tne desired full- ini ef. i ne cape co ar is rqnare in t. . i. j . i i - ui ouji", bum ine ira'amif COIIiTI Qirei. Ihe fdg i of the oat m b finiBhed wiih rows of braid or I machine stitching. A vtecial illuttratlm ami fnM Ar W w Ly Ar W STATIONS. OoMsboro .... Bts L-GrnR- KSnlioR Creek.. Kinsto'i Caswell Dovert Coe Creek..., Tuscrora Clark's Pass-nper Daily ez-c-pt , 8uuday. ' A. M. ,. 1125 .. s 1113 .. s 10 bi .. 8 10 42 .. s 10 32 .. f 10 20 1012 .... s . . f .... f Ly Ar W Lv Ar Ly Newbern Js Birerdale f C oatan f Haveock... s Newport... s Wil I wood f Atlantic. f MoreheadCity.. s Atlsnuo Hotel. M. City Depot. 10 00 950 9 42 930 9 17 $63 8 49 840 86 8 19 815 817 802 "Vis" A M. Mixed frt aud t.S4. Mon.vtrd and Fii. P. M. 800 - 720 60 6 20 600 6 18 500 B 420 s 4 00 s 338 f 30 P. M. . 250 8 10 47 8 10 10 8 10 00 8 9 40 I 9(6 f 8 47 f 838 8 20 " 816 "'i':6' Aa aC TRAINS LEAVE RALEIGH DULY- INUKFOLK AM) CHAITANOOGA LIMITED." 3:40 p. m., dailv Solid vestibuled train viih sleep"! from Raleigh N. C, io ( liat- tun OKI. via Slibury. Mnriranton, Ashe vil e. Hot Springs and K oxville. CoiiiiPCta at Durbaii: fur Oxfor Clarksville and Keysvil e. x( pt Suiidy At vJlreeiisboro with tue Wa-lnnpton ati 8u h western Ves'ibaied'. limi'fd. train for all points north, and with nuiin liu. train No 12 for Danville, Richmond and intermediate. stttioi ; air-o has cotimc ion for Winston-S lm, and with mam lin train No 33, -United State F.-wt Mail ' for Charlotte. Spaitaniurg. (reM.viilf. Atlaata and all points 8.iutb; also C 'lum bia, August .CbHrle8ton. 8avatiiah. Jt k sonviile, and ailpoiuN in Fiord t. d!ei inK far for Atlanta, J tckonvlie and at Charlotte with sleeping c.?r lor Aiuusta 'CHATTANOOGA AND NORFOLK LIMITED." . 11-45 a.m. daily Solid train cons'sMngof Puiluiao eieepuifc cars and coaches tnmi ( liattnt ooga to RaleiKh, arrivinc at Nor folk 5:20 p. m., in lime to connect with tbe Old Dominion, Merchants' and Min er- , Norfolk and wash ntUon and Haiti more. ( bSdprake an Kichmond S. fci Co.'s for ail points north and east. Coi Drts at Selma for F ivet't-ville and intermliitte fta ions on the Wlion and l-ajetteville Short Cut daily: daily except Sunday for Newderne and Moreh-ad . ity; daily for Go'dsboio and Wilm ntton and intermediate a' at ioi s on the VViimingloa ana weiaon retiroaa. EXPRESS TRAIN. 8:53 a.m., daity Connects at Dnrbaiuj'or Oxford, Key-ville, Richmond; at Greeus- boro lor Washington and all north. EX PRE 33 TRAIN. 3:09 p. m. daity For Goldsboro and inter mediate stations LOCAL, 2:00 a. m., daily Connects at Greensboro for all points for north and south and iDSton-Salem and points on the North western North Carolina railroad. At Sal iburv for all points in VVes'ern North Carolina. Knox vi lie, Ten-.. Cininnatf, and wes'c-n points; at ( harlotte for Spar tanburg, Greenville, Athets, Atlanta and an points fouin. . TRAINS ARRIVE AT RALEIGH EXPRESS TRAIN. 3:C9 p. m. daily Kron. Atlanta. Charlotte ureensDoro and an points south LOCAL 7 10 a. m , daily From Greensboro and all point nortn ana so'itn oleepicg car from Greensboro to Kah-iiih "NORbOLK AND ''HATTASOOGA Llil 1TED." 3:40 p m , daily From all point east, Nox- ioie, larrniro wi'son and wat r 'ines, Kroiu Q.tldsboro. Wi'miovton Faye'.ts- yine ani an points in iiiistrn ("Hroi na 'CHATTANOOGA AND NORFOLK LIJ1 I TED ' 11 40 a- m. dailv Fiom New YorV. Wes ington Lvnehbure. Danville and Greens boro. Cha tanooga, Knoxville, HotSpririgs IOCAL. 9:00 p to. . daily except Sunday Fram uoiusooro an an, onus eat. .EXf RE8 TRAIN. 8:53 a. daily From Goldsboro Any arti'.le on this list will b sent bv return mail on receipt of price -Send iihoij bj lost-.fll- Ordrr or Express SInnj O'der, Rtnk Uraft or R-g i-tereu Loiter. We nrc eq iippi-d expr--sly to fill rvery rdr wlhin the hum received, and pride urselves ir;ioit ibid feature. Write our full address plain ly every tiuie. AGEXTS WANTED. V want ladie ami jrntlemen aeents everywhere to handle onr grnd4 If you !tsire a ot-riain steady income lor a reasonable amount of intelligent ork, write m at ouce. 25"Dircct all communications to R. C. RIVERS, Manager, Raleigh, N. C. points i . - J . Send for a bundle of sample i conies of The CA CASiN ai d hard around to vonr i eighbor , S Tbey vi ill help y u in getting up i uiuu oi tumsuuotrB in yoar I community. W Water station f 4inr, m. atn.i - w a ' --fj was UJBl'ISlli 1 egraph station. Passing point, s. ocvuBrwifB, ...... It is what you say In ypnr ad. that draws ; customers. Whether ."you hold them or not' depends on' what NOW WE HAVE FREE ! B : : GLEASON'S : : H II " 3 FREE! orse Book 3 The Only Complete and Authorized Work By America's King cf Horse Trainers, Prof. Oscar R. Gleason, Renowned throughout America and recopnizrl by the United States Govern. mnt, an the mor expert and snccsntul horseman of the atre. THE WHOLE ORK COMPRISING History, Rreedine Training, Break i ne, Buyioar. Feed- mff. Grooming, Shoeing, Doctoring, Telling Age, and General Care of tbe 11 orse. I b chronicled. Kpecil aUention will bo taken to kt of TI1R CAUCASIAN fully informed oo political M nspire lo our own Stateu We will (It partisan papers suppress. State Legislative Reports. TFIE GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF NORTH CAROL!) in session in January and the pHpU will dealre to b lnfM work of that body. THE CAUCASIAN will prerot Ita rW a full and non-partisan report of Ha proceed iocs aad will t( me iruin. United States Congress, TllK CAUCASIAN naa secored tb aervioea of oitcstK most writers, and b will eend vrekly letter oonUinii f fj, esting; news of the Nation's capital. Io addition Senas, comrmuf weraiy art idea oaidea rilllonali. tiMQ CongrrMional report full and interesting. r Letters From tbe People. Subscribers will have an opportunity to rx tur t and opinions on all topics of iotrreat through abort Intrrifs! unaer tnis neaa. World's News in Brief. IlnH Sr tntm haWAll WaVamaklr WA mm savtll aviora Skim t ft. I Sail news. We rive jou eah wek a brief compact ai. ui ment of what baa occurred In tbe world oineo our last Imi The Alliance Department. This department ba been to a rreat xtnt lo.t sirti throuab our Alliance brethren than our own, ai d we tn Sub-Alliances will send socb news and soggetionsri-crdioi work and prngrmms for Alliance meetings as will pruvcf w all Alliance men. Send us reports from your county soswl. lor inia column. Discussions of the Issues. Money, transportation, taxation, land and other isW issues will be discussed both editorially and by rnutritm paper will be made a forum for tbe advocacy of reform ideal. ucuiiDui 01 toe Alliance. No cr.o - 7 -z? .r i i . - - 1 w I i t i j-r . ; j. I - - mr - . . 1 I BS bsstfrsTRi r cnrwCi thaa tha. crest T. Barntua.'vtth iusblgabow,! Farmer's Column.. We invite every practical farmer to write for this coin your experience, your succwases and failures so tha rerun reaoers can Deneot by it. This Is a grand opportunity fuf I aWAkasta.. fja aXSv. a vavswuv iucm wibu eico uuier Women's Column and Pattern Deprt We desire to make this an anuiiw inaa.atina nirii invite tbe ladies to tbe use of this column by eichst airf ' experience in household matters. Wo bsta mad arnofBf an old and reliable pattern boose, whose attles are utji I ed by well-dreeed people everywhere, by which we are readers of THE CAUCASIAN the Demorest Cut I'sprrfV a nominal price. Wbeo purchased in tha r.rularwt). these' cost from twenty cents to fifty cents apiece, conwouetitlj mates erery copy of this paper worth that amount extra. Advertising. TITE CAUCA8IAN desires to handle the advertlsemests urav cib8 ousmesa nrmsaod we Intend to keep out sll-Iss tising thereby protecS our readers and hnsMt f rtien abl believe that the only way for nato make money by sdrertW Wl hr a BnAMaiai naa I . a a as mm.'m . ' -""" mw who wnoni we deal, aad we can os " v. . r . F"rrsive paper. If yon think advertUlnariasisHBi mt ri,lisf paper slew linea of old poster type or a few figures, we not to be consulted until yon learn that this is a mUsie- log is a science. . An advertisement should be wntrn tafaiw and .todiel carch the public eye and then be mo la a paper that H advertisement to the borne and BeaUta. f tK ,r.le 1 ynor customers. It is ihmu. .... '.ti it tl!?lZnZf? lb''. m" tsVreforyoapsyyou'H do not talk to tbe pe.le. ir-Upon application we wifl cra staling our rale. One Dollar Per Year Only. ' '0Bt ' bink of It I lata than 3 rents a week ! Too rsU r. -r.."'" V 11 r t aaontha. Vi know If vou real win never oe without it again. Address, 4 6 Octavo Pages, 173 Striking Illustrations, Produced under the direction of the United S'ates Government Veterinary m. Su riff on - In tbi- nor, frnr. Gl-nn has GIVEN TO TOE WORLD FOR TflE FIRST . -,, 1 1 mil. iiisuitisi woiuitiui meinuusoi iraiiiiog and treating horses. 100,OOO Soll at B3;00 Each. But whavearrafs-edtoMiptT A LIMITED NUMBER OF TO PI E to our gUDfCnoerSiioauLiuix.iii rttar x iks v CUilB, FlUST SERVED. Rgnrdles of the fact that thoussfida upon thnu-anrla ofthes- hntiks na- 'n-ii iw'ih at twe. h. we nave nv a loekv hit in.nl i. r,4 wi'l for a limlied piod end a copy free, p -st.pa.id. f.r thr n0. lfW fwriy .. .ihvrivrv on rnvipt ,of I3O0. O d iherU U11C1 V If cn iM rec-ir copy of lh. book by sendina a club nf thwmml CAUCASIAN H-OjE3IC3-S IT- Our ( Si 'QP l d ii eon. ng about tha patUrxt will be, you do afterwards. - V sau uaic tucn tuuwiiiiiuu suTiiiQea SOS rlff " "X X.

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