K CAUCASIAN. M.,v ao, 1S97 9 O O'OO'O r i ii sircar will o.NCK, other- . (Il J.-I tu cut ( - fr.im our mailing , nut at oner. a-p- CC OO OOI 0 FIND OUT. r . iiiiiiM ii water k'"''' 1 let it Hlari'I twrntjr . iliniffit or rttlirg in- l-hiI (vimlition of I Ii I . ii urine ntaiiM linen it !.Mire of kidney trouble, it Hirn to urinate or pain I - ronvifif injf proof ami blautler arc out Wll T TO IM. rnfort in th knowledge r tni'il, t liat lr. Kilmer's i. '!' K't k id rijr remedy u w-W'", 'er, uisuurr mu ... " s . to hold urine and r pacing u, or nau ilnwin: 'i- or liquor, wine or j ,,v-r Mifn viihi, unpieanani ,f ,., 1 1 i ninpeiieii 10 get up ..... it... ...... I. .,,,. iiur 1 1 K nir iiikiid hi un , . . . i ii... .........ii I liH Hi I 'I 1 " 1 ' ii aii iuiui nar j v , j 1 r v i ' ,f iiiiii i' ... ..f r (m- li.it ti.- i mini, ii" ,1 K 1 1 mi r , Ii" "" 'I Hi.' ml m noon realized. -hHHt for its wonder- ;,: i-t li.i trending caaes. nuilirine toii should Mild by druggista, i ml one dollar, r or a , t pitnipblet, both rent i, t lull '1 II R CAUCASIAN ! ill nost-oHlce address. . .i., I'.inghampton, N. iM'tnrs of this paper -i'iniineneNs of this Beautiful eyes frow dull and dim Aa the swift years steal away. Ceautlful, willowy forms so slim Lose fairuess with every day. But she still is queen and hath charms to ajjare Whr wears youth's coronal beautiful hair. Preserve Your Hair and you preserve your youth. "A woman is as old as sue looks," Bays the world. No woman looks as old as she is if her hair has preserved its normal beauty. You can keep hair from falling out, restoring its normal color, or restore the normal color to gray or faded hair, by the use of Ayer'S Hair Vigor. ,n(,r K'i "11 lnt week appoint- KiHrt .1 .h iirin a veteran en-f,-r "f weight) and meaa .linn ! Mr. .!.('. M. Lurngden. l,intiN.-iit h for two years and ,ry : 1 " 1 J'it j ear. !'.. r.r l ifly tints. ,lt. .ilinlilt. iMirc, niiilcpH tvnnk I.;.-, i .if. 5iio.ll. All UruKKista. pany's conservative reckoning, of 1 rH,2'.i7. The total income last year Ifuril iili"n Uommeimeuiant. I in nit AM MK. tin? nl I'.xerciBeo. Chorut mm. i i,l March, II. N. llartlett. Hill- I 1,1' I lr v e Ml II ni e II d VI y, u-r.'ir l'ej ton Mollit, Lexing .: driit inn Florence in the f r tit tirtila, I.ella Hojd Kirk-h-uii d.inlen; Oration The re nl I i n mlrt in America, Thoa. IVar-nti, Archer, r l(irida;Ora iilurt I ".wnirig. arah Walker nl, M ii hIihw, N. C; Oration r in National l'rogress, Vernon llrovMi. Archer, Florida; Ora iHiir f :iii'l S xjialism, Deborah Wliii". Kf-lvidere, N. C; Ora lis I It-1 Mt ion of Evolution to turn, losetui iiosKinn itiair, ill 'nli'ie; Conferring DegreeB, nt I,. I.. Ilobbs; Piano (Juar-rifM'-i March, (Alhalia) Alen- ii mi -llertha Snow, Mrs. Al- mano Kathlene l.indlev. men. iureate Address, Allen Jay, ii College, Indiana; Alumni mi, s p. m. Tim lUujr la Catting Teeth, ami use that old and well- knifily, Mrs. Wins lows Sooth- iu i', lor children teething, it thf child, softens the gums, an tmi n. cures winti conic anu ilifft ri inedr fordiarrhoe. Twen- I'ftiU h bottle. The Connectleot Mutual Ufa. The statement of the Connecticut Mutual Life Insurance Company is printed elsewhere in this issue. The report hows gross assets of $02,052,31'.), and a surplus, by the com- 17,- year was practically $8,0K,O0o. since the Con necticut Mutual began business its policy holders have paid In $1112.111, K(Mi. There has been returned to them $182,451,110, or OS per cent, of all they have paid in, and they still have &9 as sets of the company the great sum of $G2,95'2,349. The Connecticut Mutual is the largest moneyed institution in New Eng land and is strong as it is large. It is proverbial for its solidity. The chief criticism passed upon it in insur ance circles is that it is too safe a most comfortable judgment for those whom it insures. It is conducted for the bent lit of its members and the ef fort of its able mangement is to secure the best possible results for them. It is not in the race for new business just for the sake of the figures. It is con ducted to give the most ceriain insur ance on the best possible terms. The Connecticut Mutual takes such business as is worth taking, but re fuses to enter the race that would force its old members to pay for the new insurance, it has already Im mense size and absolute strength. Its business is based on such calculations that it could go right on, if need be, the last member's death without any loss to any one. But, as direct result of that policy, thoughtful and conserv ative people, disturbed at the pace set by some of the racing concerns, are year by year seeking the Connecticut Mutual for safety and bringing to it the very best sort of insurance that upon the lives of careful people. When you are weak.tlred and lifeless, you need to enrich and purify your blood with Hood s barsaparilla. HEAVY EARTHQUAKES. Tu i;llnal Kairolnga Paaaatt ink, Mich., II A bill passed wrr limine or the Legislature wliii h raises t he specific taxes mail i iirninjfs in Michigan from tu Hliiut twice that amount. M :r'' ii follows : Koads earn- otlisn fi.iMio per mile, 2 1-2 per nun fj moo to $1,000 I per cent; hhio to tn.uio t; per cent; over S" -T rent. This is a partial fur i.iivtTiior Pingree. Kwrtlxuly buys So. ' tm'aii Iv Ciithurtic, the most won Mh.'.ii .1: ., ,frv of tiio ure, pleas-riMr.-j.tnn.r to t-ho tuste, act KC"Uy liv. ly nn ki.lnoys, liver mid bowels, f llif fn'ire ftvstcm. dlsiK-1 colils, uliielii', li'viT. liiUiitiuil constipation MNiiist. I'lcuso buy and try a box C t'i-t.i 1 1). 'S. 50 cents. Hold and lU'ed to cure by ull druggists. A Tmiii llold-Up. T(im ,, Texas, May 11. The 'ml Soutlu rn l'acitic passenger Tc iielii un bv masked men 'tied about 25;) miles west of rltrtlli- niii.nlni. A ftt. tnwn !4 .lit. Mip. ULlvc:a 'l'tr! of tiit express car, one 'obttei-H entered and dynamited safes ,.f the Wells Fargo Ex- t "ttil'snv. Hoth the tbrousrh l safe were onenpil and their ff'lireil. TtiM Inp.al aaf con- '-'HI (ir .t(IMII Tha imnimt, froin ttiw ti irinrh an fa ia nn- dut ir -,, t,ki;u.,i,il it it 111 not .-- v wa a v a a biw w K.'iMiior ,s.(M)0. PtGLE ARE CONVINCED ''7 re:il the testimonials Ua Two of the Leeward lalsnda Fifty Killed on One and Folly Twenty-Are Mure Reported to be Loat at Point a Pltre. TheNew"iork Journal of the 12 h says : ' Earthquakes are shaking the Is lands of Guadeloupe and Alontserrat, or the Leeward group, in the West In dies. The cabin a few days ago report ed that a number of persons had been killed at uuaueioupe. Details were supplied by the Quebec liner Madiana, which arrived here yesterday from Leeward Island ports. When the steamer reached Antigua, forty miles from Guadeloupe, on May 1, every one in the port was discussing the shocks The heaviest had occurred two days before when nity colored people bad i t , i a ; t . 1 l l . l oeen miieu outriguii oj ueiug ourieu in the ruins of their houses. In a brick church a congregation of 200 people were caught by the collapse of the walls and fifty crushed to death. Those in the streets saw the house sway back and forth and the walls of brick structures crack. The report also said that twenty-five or thirty people had lost their lives at Point-a-Pire. Twelve brick houses in Guadeloupe had been demolished, and scores of others cracked and seamed bv the shocks. - From Antigua the Madiana steamed to Montserrat, arriv ing there on May 2. There, too, a state of terror existed. That island was rocked like a boat at sea on April 30. Six houses were destroyed but no lives lost. ' I'Muento Your l'oirels Willi OsKrnrot. C'nmty (;at hurtle, euro constipation forever lOv;, Sjj. If C. C. C. fail, Urutftfists refund money- AN ABSCOft DIN8 DEBTOR. Mlchaal Trevar tHcfca-g4, Umt im Agate Arreataxl. Nob folk, Vs., May 12 Miehal Traver, of Patqaotaok county, N. C , who has been in the Norfolk j il since April Z4tn on the charge of oe ing an abscotidirg debtor, was b fore the Court of Law and Chancery to-day on a writ of baba crpn. Alter a hot I gl battle be was dis charged from custody on a techni cality, tb papr in the cae not having been made returnable to court on the proper day. He left court at oaee but was soon after re-arreattd upon criminal war rants which charged bim with being an absconding debtor. Upon these new warrants he is charged with get ting $9,000 under falsa pretences $C 000 from Wilson Davis, of Princes Anne, acd $3 000 from D. C. Fore maij, of Berkley the transaction bei io the purcbase of farms from tht persons named, iu payment for which he tendered negotiable notes secured on Chicago suburban prop erty. North Carolina Odd-rello wa. Charlotte, N. C, Mny 12 The Grand Lodge of OJd-Fellows ad j turned late this aftoroon, deciding to meet ia lialeigh next year. The following officers were elected: Grand Master J. P. Sawyer Asbe ille; Deputy Grand Master. Robert W. Murray, Greensboro; Grand Warden, B. 8. Royster, Oxford; Giand Secretary, B If. Woodell, Raleigb; Grand Treasurer, R. J. Jones, Wilmington, Colonel John F. Bruton, Wilson, and C. F. F. Lums den, Raleigh, Grand Representatives. The meeting has been quite success ful, and the reports show the order to be rapidly growing LyochlDc In Alabama. Montgomery, May 12. Recently, on two occasions the Kelley family, living in Madison county, Alabama have been poisoned. Death follow ed the first, and the last time eleven persons stffertd, but none died. Yesterday two negro girls, Mollie Smith and Mandy White, were ar rested and confessed to the poison ing. Between midnight and day light last night, a number of neigh- boiK took the girls in charge, and this morning their bodies were found swinging to a limb. Scalded Her Hatband. San Augustine, Tex., May 12. The wife of John Brnuett. livincr near here, became jealous of her hasband. While asleep she poured hot boiling water over him from bead to hip?, then beat him to unconsciousness. When h recovf red she was drag ging him toward a tire she had built. After a desperate struggle he escaped. He reach a friend's house, where he is lying at the point of death. Favorable Report aa to Cheatham. Washington, May 12 A favor able report on the nomination of Cheatham as Recorder of Deeds for the District ot Columbia was made to the oenate in executive session this afternoon from the District Committee. The report was unani mous, and no opposition was devel oped in the Senate. No request was made for action at to-day's session. and the nomination went to the cal endar in the regular order. It is ex . Via . m pectea mat uneatnam will be con firmed at the executive session with out opposition. The Senate Thursday confirmed the nomination of H. P. Cheatham of North Carolina, to be Recorder of Deeds in the District of Columbia REPORT FRO I 6CHCRAL Lit. Expoaltlon at Charlotte Opened. Charlotte, May 11. The Wo man's Exposition of the Carolicas, instituted by the women of Mecklen burg county, was opened here to nipht. Mrs. Sallie Southall Cotton, of Falkland, N. C, made the open ing address, on "Women Their aims and purposes." She was one of the speakers at the Mothers' Congress in Washington. Miss Sallie Wis nant made the welcoming address and Mrs. Minnie Hebbke Kellogg General Manager, pressed the but ton that set tne macmnery going The exposition has an excellent art display. of a. i ti iinims Snranarilla .Thev are hy liniirst men and women, and Ktrnihtforward state ', '""f. I lie people have con- m HiioiI'h SnrMiinrilla herflliae f')W it v tiKillv and nermauentlv even nl. i ' .ii..: ' Pills ar, urn t. the only pills to take ir-iit,arifla. Kasy and yet c'k Ai-'iiirmy Commencement. ''"I"' to jicL una. lmt era roreinf. nf 'itiun to -,e iirt-nfrir at the com- liiil it... ... i,,,:'. r.ui.b r (Hue O V V V m -eiient Fessfu Will ituliuoa Oin I lm 1 r,,l. Camnhell has made a N"i"'em of bia ailmAl and d. ""ii Ii cri-.lir i... i.:. i..f.iu.. ---... i ui nig muciBtna" Ui bring tbii about. BRITISH BIMETALLISTS. Committee of Parliament Favors Inter national Nfcotlatloua. London. Mav. 13 There was a meeting here to-day of the bimetallic parliamentary committee of the llouse nf Commons. A Dart from the mem- hem of Parliament there were several prominent bimetallifts and well known labor leaders present. Sir William Henry Ilouldsworth, Con aorvitive. who was the delegate of nrniir Itritain to the monetary con ference at Brunei, In is'ja.presmea llx referred in his address, upon open ing the meeting, to the growth of bi mutalliat. oninion in Eoelandand oth- r nnuntries. and pointed to the fact I'm - llHriifl t i-.mint v. mi '. May jMth, The programme nt one and no doubt will that the gpeciai commissionera of the " arried out. Mr. N. B. atit,. were now on their way to France to confer with the bimetal lists of that country. The chairman also expressed his opinion in strong terms that the prospects of an early International agreement was never more hopeful. The committee decided to closely watch the international negotiations, and hold itself ready to actively co operate in them. 4 North Carolina Day. The day set aside for North Care inins at the Tennessee Centennial at Nashville is June 24th. This date will bring our State Day during the session of the United Confederate Veterans and a grea many veterans are exoected to at tend from North Carolina. The selection of that date will insure a arge crowd on the grounds and every North Carolinian able to at tend should be present on that day These State days were great events at the Philadelphia Centennial and the World's Fair at Chicago. At the Fair, large cities bad their spe cial days, and a friendly rivalry ex isted to turn out bier crowds. On "Chicago Dav'' three quarters of million people were in attendance said to be the largest human con course in history. 8n Francisco Firm Falls. San Fravcisco, Cal., May 11. The well established firm of Wil liams, Brown & Co., wholesale ship ping and commission merchants, is in hnancial difficulties, its liabil ities are said to be $600,000, but its assets are believed to ba sufficient to meet most of its obligations. If the creditors will grant an extension of time the firm hopes to resume business. Fr the past nine years recognized as one GOLD DIST. GOLD DUST. Oer kaitwuiln at Bab aaya . eargeata Will Wlau Waabiogion Cor. Ktw York Hmud.J Comal General L hat made a report to the State Deprtmtnt de fccriptiveof the litca'ioa ia Cuba, which is sa:d to b very startling in its cbaraeter. Oa account cf tl revlationa made therein, P id t Mtkiul-y, I ucdtttood, U r-lnctani tu make it publie Be has no d ire to pricipitate a crisis in the Cu- an matt r at thu time, ftarinsr it effect upon the tariff muddle. The report which the Conal Gen eral has made in regard to the gen eral situation in Cuba ia dsted a few days ago. He makes an attack upon General Weyler. which ia said to be very savage. H declares; I am told, that General Wesler ha no grounds for s ating that the iaUtd baa b-en pacified; aa a matter of fact. General Lee dclares tbe in surrection was never stronger than at the present time. Tbe Cabin forces have inert at-d in numbers tioce the time of bis ar rival in Cuba, but on account of their policy and peculiar methods of warfare, they are pursuit)? the plan of harrsssiog the Spanish army by means of guerilla tactics. Be ex presses the firm conviction, I un derstand, that the rebels will ba successful in drivirg tbe Spandiards rom the island. insurgent cause growisg. The Spanish authority in Cuba. according to the Consul-Genera), is n a very bad light. On the other hand, the insurgent cause seems to be gaming ground. Their policy is one of delay, and they seem to be more confident than ever that as a const qaence of pursuing it they will be successtul in achieving their inde pendence. It is trne they avoid a pitched battle with General Weyler's oree?, but just as soon as the Span ish troops leave one province they resume operations therein. Tne Spandiards are discontented because of their failure to get their pay. b rom present indications Spam is having great difficulty in getting another loan. The money obtained year ago by this method was ex hausted some weeks ago, and she has no funds with Which to carry on the war. While, ostensibly, William J. Cal houn has gone to Cuba to represent this government in the Ruiz investi gation, the real object of his visit is to investigate and report upon the situation on the island. Senator Foraker, of Ohio, spoke from an administration standpoint when be made a statement of this mport to-day. President McKinley has declared that Mr. Calhoun has merely gone to Babana to aid Cen eral Lee in getting at the facts in the Ruiz case. Secretary Sherman has so informed the Spanish Gov ernment. The instructions to Mr. Calhoun were so drafted as to re strict his duties to the proposed in vestigation. They were submitted to the Spanish Government for its approval, and were approved by the Madrid authorities. Yet, on top of this action by the President and his Secretary of State comes this statement, made to-day by Senator Foraker in reply to a question on the policy of the administration of fered by Senator Alien: WHAT SENATOR FORAKER SAYS. "The policy of the administra tion," he replied, "is to ascertain at once what the conditions in Cu ba are. It has taken steps in that direction, and will in a short time have before it a report prepared by its own representative, on which it will feel warranted in taking posi tive action." The administration deeply regrets congressional agitation of the Cu ban question at the present tian, es pecially the necessity which prompt ed Senator Foraker to make this statement on the floor of the Senate to-day. ' Spain has always been jeal ous of any action on tbe part of this government which might seem like an intention to make special investi gation of the situation of affairs within the bonndaries of her terri tory notwithstanding that it is in re volt. It was this jealousy which prompt ed the representations which culmi nated in the submission of Mr. Cal houn's instructions to the Madrid Government for its approval, and it is, therefore, likely that Senator Foraker's statement will be made the subject of an inquiry on the part of Minister De Lome. r f " ft V" - from morning till night the woman who stilt uses soap for cleaning. The "Gold Dust' woman is through by noon as fresh and bright as her house is clean. V JtaCmw Ponder makes one stroke serve for two in house clean ingand the saving of money is equal to the saving of labor. Sold everywhere. Made only by THE N. K. FAIR DANK COMPANY, Chicago, 8k?UuU. KewYork. Hoatoa. itilU4rli.hu. The Peoples Paper. W. H. &R.S. Tucker & Co.. X? 9A 'THE CAUCASIAN- 8 cccco BUYIITG- DIRTY" G-OODS. Where to buy Dry Goods is very important No line of Merchandise is assorted with so much uncertainty and we advise you to seek the moat reliable house. We only handle strictly the guaranteed kinds and moreover this house is conceded to be far below every other place in prices. come to sniv US. When in lialeigh come and see us; sea our bargain0; see cur styles; see our business methods and be sure to see and uote our low prices. More goods and more styles to select from than any house in the State. "You are sure to be pleased." W. H. & R. S. TUCKER & CO. Tho leading Kcform Paper of North Caro Una, a champion of popular rights ami honest PROSPECTUS FOR 1897. H corps of able contributors and special Z-U correspondents will bo emnloved. m r Every department will bo improved and new ones added. IP IP IP acamat 4 lb ANDY CATHARTIC 10 i 25 SO V5 CUnftOIISTIPATIOH 7 DRUGGISTS J ABSOLUTELY GUARANTEED i?..' pbl"T.-Li7-.'hri,i 1 pie and booklet free. Ad. STEBLIX6 REMEDY CO.. f trass, aoatreal. Caa.. or Krw fork. ELKIN WOOLEN MILLS. The treat battle of tbe people aralnat plutocrats, or lb n ice classes, is on. It will never cad till tb poplr Irtunrh tauae 01 justice ia IUIIJ ataDUSDx. During the vear of 1V7, THE CAl'CAKIAN will etar4 la lb forefront of tbe battle. Id arousing; and educating tba pel, in ad vocating the principle of tbe reform movrmrnt, in eipoaing fraud and corruption THE CAUCASIAN will to vigorous, frarieaa ar.4 uncompromising. The prineipal features for the paper for the coming ear outlined aa follows: Political News. r.apecial attention will be devotd to political new a. All is! ant events in tbe progress or decline of parties io tbe I'nilrd Male will be chronicled. Especial attention will be taken to keep the read era of THE CAUCASIAN fullj inforiaed on political event that transpire in our own State. We will give when ixMible the new that the parti tan paper suppress. State Legislative Reports. THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF NORTH CAROLINA will tw in session in January and tbe people will desire to be informed of the work of that body. THE CAUCASIAN will present its readers with a full and non-partisan report of its proceedings and will not sapper, the truth. ' SHIP THIS YEAR TO- YOUR WOOI United States Congress. The Chatham M'f'g Co., Elkin, N. C. eus CO co CO CO cu CO cu CO THE CAUCASIAN has secured tbe services of one of the fore most writers, and be will send weekly letters containing all lite inter esting news of the Nation's capital. In addition Senator Holler will contribute weekly articles besides editorials, thus making mr Congressional report full and interesting. Letters From tho People. Subscribers will have an opportunity to eichange information and opinions on all topics of Interest through short letters puhhahe under this head. World's News in Brief. Under this bead every week we will give yon the cream of the news. We give you each weak a brief compact and clear Mate ment of what has occurred In tbe world since our last issue. s The Alliance Department. This department has been to a great extent lost sight of rather through our Alliance brethren than our own. and we trut, that all Sub-Alliances will send such news and suggestions regarding Alliance work and programs for Alliance meetings as will prove of interest to all Alliance men. Send us reports from your county and swh-ludge for thia column. They have the largest woolen mill in the State. They do the largest custom business in the South, and their goods are the best you can buy for the money, write them for samples. Discussions of the Issues. Ok Ckkkeator's Eplah DlaaMaS BraaaV FLORIDA SENAT0RSHIP. Stephen B. Mallory Elected The Be suit a Victory for Call. Tallahassee, Fla., May 14. Ex Congressman Stephen K. Mallory, of Pensacola, was elected United States Senator today, tbe vote on the 25th ballot of the contest that began on April 20th standing : Mallory, 53; W. D. Chipley, 44; Call. 1. Cniniey came so near election yes terday, lacking only 3 votes, while the ODDOsition was divided among four candidates, that the leaders of tbe forces hostile to him, consisting of tne following of Call, Stockton, Uocker and some of Raney'a adherents, real ized that if they should let another day pass without combining their en tire strength, Chipley wonld surely win. A caucus in tne senate cnamoer last night was the outcome. Several ballots were taken in which the lead ing candidates were Mallory, Raney and Uocker. Finally, at a o'cioca mis morning, the caucus came to an agree ment upon Mallory. Senator Mallory anoke oetore a large gathering in tbe House of Representa tives tonight He said that he en- SEND YOUR ORDERS FOR rennYROYAL pills II Ortataal aaS Oaly Oaataav 1 . H Books & Stationery un, alnja rrtfcl KmoZdBr Ue4 ud Geld inMlUa1 na, mat wtta Ma iimwb. laaa ather. ita(ramina mm mm Mrimnm. ai irrmni. . ' In Mampa tor pwtlraiara. tatiaaai m d-ii.V tu- r -j. - utur. hr efcwIa&aauJLTc Saht r ail iaaal DraaaMa. Sls.rS TO VJanted-An Idea Who esa think of soma stniDla tblastopataotr Ideas; they may brtaajroa waalUt. Mn. WsUUBCtoa, i. ror uwir 9 uw rtiw IM lltt OX WO BUBaTM U&TftmUOIlsl WMItW. Vitality .Restored. NORTH CAROLINA Headquarters ADDRESS 1 NORTH CAROLINA BOOK CO., Ralefch, N. C. - Money, transportation, taxation, land and other important live issues will be discassed both editorially and by contributors. Tbe paper will be made a forum for tbe advocacy of reform ideas, and tbe demands of tbe Allianoe. Farmer's Column. We invite every practical farmer to write for tbis coin ma. Tell your experience, your successes and failures so tbe remainder of our readers can beneflt by it. Tbis is a grand opportunity for farmers to exchange ideas with each other. Women's Column and Pattern Department. We desire to make this an esneciallT inter est ins- denartmetit. We invite the ladies to tbe use of this column by exchanging fdrts and experience in household matters. W have mads arrangement witb. an old and reliable pattern boose, whose styles arc universally adopt, ed by well-dressed peop everywhere, by wbicb wt arc offering to tbe readers of TUE CAUCASIAN the imorest Cut Taper I'atterns at a nominal price. When purchased in too regular way, tbese pattern cost from twenty cents to fifty cents apiece, consequently oar offer makes every copy of tbis paper worth that amount extra. Advertising, the firm has been of the most active houses in the Aus- dorsed all of the planks of the Chicago tralian import trade. In the salmon platform, dwelling particularly on me canning business they were the bacK- Xm"; regardless of foreign countries. He ers of enterprises of immense propor tions. ''Mo'is,,,! snwlt tour lift Away. Ail ,...... K u.i 'iMly una (urever, be mas rvc ami viijor take No-To- r. Unit muken weak men :-ist,r.0crBl. Curefruaran K:iinple free. Atllres -'o CLlvaKO or New York. IibsiI Cattls. Kxneriment farm eirht piVetienri killPil nut nf tha herd 'ty. Mr. Melvin. nf Wuhinv. l,lt tf')rnrnent expert, who ' iniination for tuberculosis. .ttm .Ian In m r 1 ' t: '. Were found nnt tn ha N milk was sold from this Pl-ttHUriwil oronm Vnn nt !"" promptly killed, though, cription lirirasst,! tSsi thsiw Ka . p'-"j a S-I Ca) W iiqi aV "lonth. an, 1 ..nn.i .. 1,. . .... Dcbuuu vro kiwt UiTu fhu. .1. 1 j "no uwuurmucu. "'"1 killed save the two uninferte.1, wre disinfected OUriPlI in li mo Th. ..in. Mi Of th farm aa rhara ia J n)t S llilliil if In kA lI"'it tuberculosis, and he adds important for herd-owners voluntary tests. Catarrh Canaot Ba Cored with local applications, as they can not reach the seat of the disease. Ca tarrh is a blood or constitutional dis ease, and in order to cure it you must take internal remeaies. aibu vi Cure is taken internally, and acts di rectly on tbe blood and mucuous sur- r ifaii' Catarrh Cure is not a nuack medicine. It was prescribed by one of the best Dbvaicians in this coun- tr for rears, and is a regular pres- it is composea 01 too ur tonics known, comoinea wmu mo ht hhntd nuriflers. actinsr darectly on tbe mucous surfaces. The perfect combination of the two ingredients is what produces such wonderful results in curing; Catarrh. Send for teBtimor nials, free. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Props., Toieao, u. Sold by druggists, price 7 Be. Hairs Family Pills are the best. Mechanics Attention. Mr. Jno. T. Patrick, Chief Indus trial Agent, S. A. L. desires us to state that he is in position to extend practical assistance to enterprising shoemakers, eabinet makers, and all classes of mechanics that have en terprise and ability and want to ex tend their business, so that they can create and conduct small manufac tnnnc establishments in this sec tion. Parties who are thinking of mak- a ii J .11 a in .? a cnanKe wiu uu wcu w wnw 0 . m a 1 A. 1 Mr. Patrick, wno win moss cneer- follv crive information on the sub ject. Address him at Pine Bluff, N. C. did not express tariff question. decided views on the S. ti, II A.11XIEII, Manager. We Can supply all - your wants in onr line promptly and at lowest pos sible prices. Special rates to teach ers and dealers fJatloeia fre Iron Mountain Koate. All trains via the Iron Mountain route are running through from St. Louis to Memphis, Hot Springs and all Texas without delay. TO ANY NON-CATHOLIC IN NORTH CAROLINA" ..TRUTH., Only ten cents per annum. To any non-Catholic in North Caro Una we will send for only ten cents per annum TBUTH, a Catholic magazine devoted to giving tbtjs ex swilBaSexnal strana-th In old or roaos mea eaa bs i rigoroas state Sallerersxroas Varicocele. NERVOUS DEBILITY, Night Loooeo, ,TU.E.t6HK.C. . PROWkPTNtSS . 6 WEN A.LL ORDERS . . . AND OraiB WA8TTWG DISEASES shonld write to ma for advice. T have been a close student for miDT years of the subject of weakness in men; tho fact is, i was a sunerer rayseu. xoo oasortu iv seek the aid of older men or reputable phy sicians, I investigated the subject deeply and disAovered a sunnla. but most re max J bly successful remedy that completely cured ma and fnllv devaloDsd me from a sunken. stunted condition to natural strength and aise. In THE CAUCASIAN desires to handle tbe advertiarsaeou of onr Orst-class business firms and we istesd to keep ot all "fakra" advr tiaing thereby protect oar readers and bonest advertisers alike. Wr believe that tbe only way for us to make money by advertising is to make money for those with whom w deal, and ws can do tb becauae we have a large and progressive paper. If you think advertising Is simply matter of sticking in ANT paper a few lines of old poster typo or a few f gnres. we should prefer not to be consulted until you learn that this is a mistake. Advertis ing is a science. An advertisement should ba written carefully and studied so as to catch tbe publie ey and then be ran in a paper that will carry your advertisement to tbe bosses and firesides of tbe people who will be your customers. It is throwing away money to advertise in a paper that does not reach the masses, and therefore you pay your money but do not talk to the people. CTVpou application we will aend ynm a card stating our rates. One Dollar Per Year Only. Just think of it! less than 2 cents a week ! Tow cannot afford to be without THE CAUCASIAN. If yoa cant spare a dollar Just now. send 60 cents and get it for 6 months. Wo know if ye read the paper you will never be without it again. Address, THE CAUCASIAN, I?, A TrFiTGH3I I want everr Tonne or old man to know planationa ot- the Catholic Church as about it. I take a personal interest in such If our friends will aid nn mour efforts, we will endeavor to keep them posted on connty, district and State politics. Aid us by sending in clubs at once. it is, not as caricatured and misrepre sented. Aaaress, C. and no one need hesitate to writs me ss all communications are held strictly con firfmtiaL I send full information of this TRUTH Ralei?h. N C. remedy absolutely free of coat Do not pot Rev. Tnos. jr. ince, Manager. iwys blew the day you oia so. CLJm Irutn can also be found at At- .. omng st mp, lantio Bank HoteL W. P. Price, Agt ,1 raoaAS aXAZnr, Box S7S, Wilmington, a. C- who will also take subscriptions. laadptwrofi C Every onetyowne who approve of the stana taken V Xin the late Senatorial fight i r shonld be a subscriber to Tin S 1 OAUCASiajr. If yon have a f v neighbor who does not take it, J f show him a cop j, get him to give yon his snbscription and C forward it to na.