'ti, THE CAUCASIAN HITBI'IHHKW K V E K V THJMU1DAY H rHU (.AICASIA wanton wtrTi.rK. IMLATRR. It. C. ftlVV K. rCHI.IMHIKU M. rrealdeet- ajaeaglaR dlte Heeleaa. Meeegar. SUBSCRIPTION RATES YER. SIX MONTHS ' rilKtK MONTHS RoUirwHo tbt Port Office at KaleiKh. N m Baconl Claee Mattl. ..1.00 c. iof truth, there would be a mighty Jmpul Kiv-n to the world's-forward motem-nt. We should welcmn- uch jafcli-, vrn when we cannot agree to all thutU aid,eren ifaiifta -peechea hniiM rwit in t rrt particular be eor rprt in ttatemrnt or deduction, jet iht-T would arOuA di"uion that would lend to the truth, and thj re nit would bf the elevation of the indi viduil ami the uplifting of aocietj Wf trust that othra will follow their commendable example. a cam or tu tsikv cminro -rror I this cotmirj wrr cootUotly In the THirr." I Habit of aoing. ihiihj u u in i A namber of new.p.per that claim &" 22LSi?iS to be Popaliati, are porauinir a policy I member that the oarcea wbeoce flow which all troe ropollaU bate denoonc- ui ateadj stream of corranUoo to edviroroaalT and tuetly. We refer to polaon our politic-, are ala jource . " 1 ,.r. whence emanate in Roe nee for the con- tbe papers that announce to their jne c 0nion Xor U It pleaa- readers that the National Peopled Iogto observe that the pulpit and uni- J'arty Committee baa formed a con- veraitr are at time susceptible to those niracT to sell out the People' party influence, and join only too readily in piracy 10 sen ou. tut r "W"" v j ajpr-aaions of distrust or contempt for to the Democratic party. These pa- Vre really Tirile and jreauine pers manufacture this statement, Mntiinent touching questions of public knowing It to be untrue and deli ber- oolicT. It is well to value aright the ate.y publish the base and wilful false- tide, of opinion that ; jw hood. They take adtantage of the -v;i. WErm eaPrenu of chi fact that a majority of their readers I ?lirotu entiment that set in from the take but one paper, and, therefore, I South. KOTfC On more than ono occasion ex tracts bare been made from edito rials ia The Catcasun and sent over the country by the Axsociatfcd Prea- as romins from Senator Sut ler, when the editorinis were written his ;olIeaKe by the managing editor from a local It i currently reported in Waabing ton tf.at A-retary t h?ate John Sher man ha lot his mind. The work of tha utta )mrlnint ia hini? done by the BMitariti. it is aaia mat rres- can oe easily impose upon oj ident MeKinley is rery much embsr ,ucn . statement published in such a m .a. i II. Ul. T 1 raseu on account m air. nueruiau e .. k..i nAmun.nf knn J . ! J .. I. .1 .kil.. frwrm I PeiTCr, eUU uanna COIIU II Mill n kllUUU "iv 1 - t KArk V ,Pn, will b found to -t bim to re- in me wain, ancsc ..nycr. -- . ... ... I . . i sign mh.ii. i bai 3ir. nnerman s mem- tneir reaaers i iney are in iur ory wa failing and that he was grow- tDe je0pje'a party being sold out to Call for BhvrlCTa Covatl. TR14SCBT I)EPARTIia.ST, i State of North Carolina. , Raleigh, June 17, 1837. ) To the Sheriff, Tax Collertort, tie. : Gkhtlemm : e take pleasure in announcing4hat the Sheriffs' Institute rill meet, in the Assembly tiau ai "Blight" a mnre rrp n n costs coixon pinai " II Ill'fC, Lw,.. m;ii;nn dollars an- ff . nr.lx.od hi I " I in the Senate before he of tbeir readers are, as no Populist is. wa mao nerreiary oi .iaip. iut inen iney appeal i incir I M orebead City, tor organization ana only reaoon he was appointed Tor so u.a mtinr and to oass resolutions I h snnnintment of committees, at 8 ' a. T SS 9t-fn Tm I 1 . - .1.., -v a-mattr tAnfn I I . - T 1 1 a, ! sian.ipoini. ,.r.-ufc - .v . ,rap.iri. ,i .w uenouncil)e the National Committee p. m. July, z.tn, ana w n ..f .mnreKsions thus conTeyMl,i'rJr.iiania logo io me .naie. through the 28th and iatn. . I I lOT aUtMUIMilJJC IU DC!! VUt, VU . I . , - I . m.f ttn a . i. . i " - a lariTH : i,viiiiHiii:r Mini a jubiv wr u uerearier tub ioiiom lUooisoTiX. Snm. of their readers actin on such ;..KiJVww...,n i. h.t rni . . . a a . I 1 ' " I UiaUIQ VVoa vu aw vwv Senator llatli r will be signed W.lt. As will ! si-en from our Washing- falae information hold such meetings, I,0u8 to have, and. from what we hear, ton let trrmi Saturday, the Senate Tot-1 nass resolutions and send them in for we are warrantea in assuring you mai Tiwiv ct auk a M li M K. ritit. . . ... . .. . .... i.. v,.rr. I ...... -ri.. i wewmuaic. DU,-""i v. . . j ...... . u . .,fc uunuu Ultkiut ""ft9 DUD CUlUn. lUC emu ucnoinin I . onmmia. . .,S.I . I. . ...... I 7 . .. ,.7 lui HI WUecvw, erij vuuutj vwu.u..- The annual cuinmrn.Tr.iir-,.. Vr. 1, ot jiup, guano sacs., wn-ai oacao, publish tbe resolutions anu men, wuu .inner, every county offlcer and every : ' See! man who ever exoects at any time to Merit talks" tbe intrinsic Tain ot tlvk Sa ra rt ri I La - Merit In ml Seine means tbe power to J nuall)'. This IS 3H cnOfmOUS ::r.pS waste and can be itecj. lore it has true merit- whta you buy Practical experiments at Ala ruyV' bama Experiment Stauon show cure any of tbe many Wood diseases, yoa rnnrlusivelv that the use of The power to cure 1j there You are not I -W" T" . 57 trying an experiment. It will make your blood pure, rich and nourishing, and thus tthn (rerma of dLaeaa. strcnfftbCB the nerves and build up the whole system. Jayj prevent that dread Ctl plant disease. AH abort Poh H mmin at k why -cruacai on IM bm Uru aa ika VaaJ mirm laid m a attla book which a4 vlU JT kail fraa w aay Unr a Aainn ate vul wnta M a. CEKMAN KALI WORKS. 9 Naaaaa St Nw art, LnJ Sarsaparilla Is the best, in fact the One True Blood Purifier." Prepared only by C L 1 lood & Coliowell. Mass. u ,n rv:n lo not nurpe. pam or liOOd S FlllS gripe. All druggist. 2Sc "Kainit PREVENTION ) BITTER II!''. I'a Prof- I.-Kbergrr'- Grm Iertr.jlr i, f errant Ever Off-re4 f SaU. X txm .ki j nurifv tbe air. They r raaential In all r. and Drereot tbe spread rail lofeetiaua leaders of tbe mediae prfeioa to b Til K l; ; up in fcandKone Japanned bo rect.r) . .n And o9d tbe slide. CU 1 Tamn. money and trouble tr l-u acd PaWM at. 1 . Price MC.b'i. The New otk Disinfccun; c n-, 127 Kea'e t v "3 GREAT BOOKS BY FDUS AUTir ; tt Et StrJd Yctts cf Fitti Within ft; Essa Each Book Consists of a Handsome Oct to Volume c f 4 Pares. Neatly Bound ia aa Attractive - of the college- ha rome ana gone. ji vtc on th free lit. every one of thiie ocrasions one or 'i lTttl. week ago Senator Uutler more ipeaker of sUte or national re- j ftVS notice of hi ameudment, and putation has hen present to deliver ia,j jt ,,rintd and laid on the table the annual oration, in lacr, 11 eft-ms n( jj tlii Bchedule should he reacnea. to be a settled practice that such a Senator lVttus called up the amend-1 aneech shall ba a leading feature on m(fIit wnjcn waH followed by a strong a crest flourish of trumDets.savs: 'See! man whoever expects at any the people have spoken and 2TmTftaS I denounced the committee." ,.titi.fa irpnri voiir nuestions In brief, this is the reprehensible for the qUestion-box before you come, and infamous conduct that some so-1 and have them ready. Asa starter, we have selected me NEW REFORM BOOKS At 1 l.l lifMiltof nanara ara nnia an iney Know mai ineir siaie- M,thocls of Hstinir nronertv for gagf d in. these occaim; and, 111 fact, on every ji)14te participated in by Senator's raents are basely false, but they have a taxation' ooca-ion where a multitude 01 peopie wbite.Kutler, Tillman.Pettun.Btewart, base motive. If there is a single Popu- 2nd. "Tbe powers, rights and speci as-emhleforany purpose. Thepteches Lnd oti,ers. They showed that this ji(.t jn the United States who is in fa- Ac duties of list takers, county com 1 - a rn u i ll ni)t HllllUin ani I . .f.r,.t Iit r,n tlio farmar nhn t l.-i HK'j ortv I u""'u"t' " i IUHUC an ... t ' - I " a a ' " 1 ' v.. . .- ..w 1 VUT Ul UlBUailUll'K buc A a jiui J I ... .1.1 I . ... . . . . ., ! ciu llioiigni, nor, inurr.j, . I gets none 01 me oenni s 01 proieciion. 1 nr merging it into tne JJemocrawo new rns of DroDertv?" or merging ic inio ine uemocrsviu 3rd. "Solvent credits ana invi&iole thought pre-ented in a new way or 'i hey showed that there was no excuse party, we do not know him. If there property. How can listing for taxa- with new application. As a rule, the tor tnja tax on iute bagging even from aPe nv such, thev are certainly fewer tion be secured? i-i . . . 1 ' - - 1 Hnnn n a speeches on such occaiions are worus a protection etandpoint, because there! jn number than those so-called Popu- wordsarranged in moolii,eay, grace- were no jute industries worth speak-1 li?t9 who triea to neip elect MeKinley ful sentences. The speaker on such 0f jn this county. occasions, ai a rule, does not seem to senator Uutler read a letter from think that it I at all material that his lMr H x. Morgan, President of the speech should be expression 01 any Durhciu Fertilizer Company, showing great, earnest, forceful or timely I )0W much the proposed tax would in thought. In fact, the speak r is apt to creawe the cjnt of fertilizers. The far- be considered the most popular orator niers 0f North Carolina used last year 4th. "Should sheriffs indulge tax payers beyond the time prescribed by law?" 5th. Should a reward be olFered by the State for information of a false re turn of property by a tax-payer?" 6th. "Wnat taxes, it any, snouia De whocanu-e a great many tine words with very few thoughts. If he can send his hearers nway laughing, if he can" amuse them with anecdotes or over one hundred and eighty thousand tons. I lie increased costs on guano in the last campaign. As a rule, it is the class of so-callett Populist papers that wanted to see MeKinley elected for reasons best known to themselves, collected by the State Treasurer?" 1 1 1 a. a. 111 .1 that ar nnw trvinfl- to cover their Some one win do seiecieu 10 -ieau tracks, and calling attention from off-; -.each os tobe their own questionable conduct, by The objects of the Institute can best lying and denouncing the National! be attained only by a full, free and discussion 01 tnose questions a large nacksge of excellent reform books, all dillerenc, lor only i cents Tne package contains tbe following books : Warren's Mnn y Chart, a new and mportant worn, i:tr pages. The People vs. Hi (ioldbugs, by A. I). Warner, 141 page. The New Democracy and Bryan its Prophet, by C. K. Turtle, pnges. llowto Govern Chicago, by C. K. Tuttle, 118 pages. A Story from l'ullmrntowc, by Juco. Bech-Meyer, 110 pages. The White Slave, or "The Cross of nnmmitioo ThpHP mpn ara not Ponu- I ODen vui aaavw.' -a- -v. r . . sacks, by the proposed tax, would have ,ut, and never were for no man who wch occurto tnosi wno nave to ope bn'o.er Jen,, cent. . ton. Tnl8 L, SLT ' Z S.- !l,?rlL,.'l2 witticisms, or if he can give them a WOuld have made thirty-six thousand tne reopie'8 party, and is willing to of the revenue and machinery acts as spectacular display of glittering gen- dollars increased cost to the farmers tn, aituna theRP nrincinles. to how friction may be overcome or eralities.as a rule, he gets the general 0f North Carolina on fertilizer bags 1,. .rf tifla n, trnih nd no. diminished in the different parts of 1 vv 1111 iu A.1111U uiiu aiiinj vu a w . i ; 4- a. a. . ; a. ..... . , . I uavu.ui. j , "" uoeraceiy puoiisu iaisenoous ior luc at that, confusion may be lessened, la verdict of being eloquent, of having al0ne. The cost in nearly every South delivered a great speech, and gets com- n state would have been practically purp08e of misleading and deceiving bor lightened, speed accelerated and plinientary pulls from all the news- the same. On this one item the cost tbeir readers and breaking their confi- results made more satisfactory. Again, papers.yet nuounj Knows wnai ne u t0 tne wheat farmer or tne tne west dence in other members of their own party. It is the game of the thief cry said, or cares. Nothing is left behind would have been equally as great for him. No seed have been sown. He the sacks in which to ship his wheat furnished no ideas of himself, and therefore, did not put others to think ing. . Two college orations this jear, how ever, have beeu notable exceptions to this rule. One was the address deliv ered by lion. Walter Page, the bril liant young journalist, at the com mencement exercises of the Normal and Indus' rial school for girls at Greensboro. Instead of making a speech full of glittering nothings and fulsome praise of the state, or rather for that class who consider themselves the state, he told some plain truths. In making his powerful plea for the "forgotten man," and in showing that the Normal school for girls was one of the recent recognitions by the State of the forgotten woman as well as the forgotten man, he pointed out how the old aristocratic educational system in the past had retarded progress, driven thousands of young and vigorous men to other states, and caused our great commonwealth to suffer with a species of stagnation and dryrot. He asked why two hundred and ninety-three thousand native born citizens should have left the State to seek homes in other States, while all of our advertis ing and organized efforts to induce immigration had brought only fifty two thousand, born in other States, to take their places. He said that in olden time we considered the average value of a slave to be one thousand dollars, and that if we valued the young and vigorous man who left North Carolina to go toother States at no higher price, that then the Sta'e had lost two hund red and for millions of dollars by this loss of its native born citizens, who were mostly young and vigorous men He pointed to the recent establishment of the A. & M. College,to the rapid ex tension of the public school system 0 the State, and other recent evidences "of progress to show that we have re cently been rapidly correcting the false and evil system under which we had suffered so long. This speech, which should have been praised for containing a great truth and teaching a great lesson, has on the other hand, been criticised and de nonced by all of the old fogies,especial ly by '.that class who are responsible for the old system against which Mr. Page brought such a true and strong indict ment. But Mr. Page's speech has done good. It has aroused thought, it has started discussion, which will prove that Mr. Page's position is correct and the beneficial results will be his reward. The other speech was made by Judge Walter Clark to the law class of the Wake Forest College. Speaking to young men about to embark in the legal profession, he chose a live subject that v'fslly concerns the welfare of all the people. In an able and master ly argument he showed that the State not only has legal right to regulate freight and passenger rates and to con trol and regulate all corporations per forming a public service, but be also in a most convincing manner showed that it was the highest duty of tbe State to take such action at this time to do equity between the people and these publie corporations operated by private vindividual. Of course this speech was too true to escape criticism and denunciation. It was a live wire ind therefore shocked the fogies and tfr organs of monopoly. wish to oongratulate Judge Clark mpd Mr. Page for speaking great truths oNtpch live and important sub jecta. They tpoken so as to arouse tbt publlo eoitairoce and to pnt the eitiiens to Marooxpf for tbe truth In order that Justice aad cqnity maybe done. In short, lheyhave added to tbe world's fund of truHi. If every man who speaks in this cintry dur ing a year would give expression to at least one earnest, forcefuL overmaster Iiut tbe increased cost for cotton bag ging would have been even still greater. Senator Butler in closing his speech after presenting the above facts, ap pealed to too Jtepublicana tnat in as much as they had refused Jo protect the cot ton farmer with an export bounty, that they sh iuld not now add an ad ditional injury by 8inglingL.him cut to be taxed to raise revenue which would nut be necessary if the protection giv ven the manufacturing concerns was not so high as to be prohibitory, and therefore not yield sufficient revenue The result of the vote surprised the Republican stearing committee. Every Populist and silver Republican voted solidly to put these articles on the free list, and Senator McEnery, of Louis ing, ' stop thief 1" It is bad enough to suppress the truth and to lie in the interest of the cause that you are fighting for This is the crime that we charge agiinst the monopoly organs ; this the ft'ence that we charge against the monopoly press associations that send out tbe telegra phic matter, but their record shows ud white against the record of the detes table characters to whom a ve re ferred. Sooner or later th people, who are now deceived by these fellows will know the truth. M B. we say, study this intricate machinery, take note 01 the points of friction, tne tight or loose bolts, the leaks, the flaws and dtfects where you would take from ofadd to. Dot down your b Bervatious and your suggestions, and our -Ai rd for it, if all will do this and come, we will have laid the foundation upon which our law-makers may be able to build with wisdom in future, and every participant will have gained to his own great advantage and the State blessed, and at tbe same time we will enjoy the short season of rest and rucp ition. - . TLe usual summer railroad and steamboat rates, if no better, will be accorded. Hotel rates, l 50 per day. Respectfully, W. H. Wokth, State Treasurer. Hal W. Ater, State Auditor. President MeKinley gives out that be will soon make another effort to get the Senate to approve an arbitra tion treaty with Great Britain. There is evidently some scheme behind this iana. who is a protection Democrat" arbitration business.or else England and who has been voting solidly with the Republicans, deserted them on this vote and supported the amendment. This is the first material change which has been made in the tariff bill as reported by the Republican caucus. This is a very important change to the farmer, but it will probably be the only improvement that will be made in the bill. and the gold syndicate would not be so anxious about it. Kternal vigilance is the price of liberty I The GOth anniversary of (jueen Vic- WHAT DO TOST KNOW ABOUT IT? All during tbe last campaign when goldbugs and silver men were contest ing the election, the goldbug organs declared that just as soon as MeKinley was elected (not inaugurated) good times would come with a great wave of prosperity. Well, they didn't come. till toria's reign, called the Queen's jubi- Then the organs said, "just wait lea. u heinsr Rplehrat.ed with errant. I.. . . . . nomn in London this week. Th MeKinley is inaugurated." 'lbepeo- monies will last for seven davs. Th Pie waited, but mat wave railed to 1 risn refuse to join in the celebration, I make schedule time. Now, the organs on the ground that thev have been op pressed and robbed by England during ner reign. say wait till the tariff is settled. Oh! These organs, remember said the silver agitation was the great cause of busi ness depression when the financial question was being discussed. Now tbey never say a word about the money They got their gold stand they are saying the tariff will bring that wave. What do these gold-bug organs know about it anyway? TUB SELfKIGMTKOCS MKKCCRY We clip the following editorial para graph from the Southern Mercury 'Tyclone Davis and his batch of fua- Imiestion D?i JV'.Vi ?tin& a fe,w Jf ard and promised a great wave. Now in Sulphur Springs and declared .. . against tbe Nashville conference.'' "Jim Sovereign, Jim Weaver, Jim 1 j t : w . iavis anu dim uones are iour 01 a kind, but they can't sweep in the jck pis at iasnvuie." That paper then proceeds to charge that Hanna Is opposed to a conference. This charge looks a little suspicious. it must fear that some good people will think that Ilanna favors the con ference This is the paper that rejoiced over the defeat of a straight Ponulist for Senator from North Carolina, and con gratulated Senator Pritchard on his election. This is the paper that published Congressman Skinner's I)unt Tobacco Spit and Smoke Your Life Away. To quit tubacco easily and forever, be mug itic. full of life, nerve and vigor take No-To- IJ:ic. the wonder-worUer, that makes weak men itrong. All druKtrists. soc or f 1. Cure guaran te-d Booklet and simple free. Address Sterling itemedy Co., Chicago or New York. A LOUD TAP OF THE BELL. A War nine; From a Great Magazine Pub lished in Nw York Where the Hope of Redemption Lives The "Review of Reviews" is one of long article the largest and most widely circulated trying to explain and defend the ac- magazines of the world. It is publish tion of the Ilanna bolters, and then ed in New York, and five years ago refused to publish the official address appeared to take pleasure in slurring issued by the People's Party State at the People's Party, the Alliance and Committee and the Populist caucus everything else that opposed the exist- about the same matter. ing financial system and the results of There are Populists now in Wash-M bat system in the country. But it is mgion irom lexas, applying for Fed- "nine days oM at last" or it would eral ollices under MeKinley, basing seem so by tbe following extract from tueir ciaim on ice iact tnat over sixty its columns J M ' 1 A. A. . . I v,UcUMt m. FU,.0i0 iu 0iate votea We have fallen into vie bus rnta in for MeKinley. In fact the applicants the latter days. The expression of for these ollices have letters from pro-1 honest and manly sentiments as re minent ReDublicans nrl Pnm.11.ft. qneation like that of Cuba is a vf aa7Vt7 IU tne Biaie ceruiymg to these facts. A paper so much against fusion, and so extremely pure and straight in its de votion to populism certainly cannot be informed as to these matters, or else, that paper would have used its righteous columns in denouncing such political heresy and treachery. There are Populists also in Washington from the State of Georgia seeking office un der MeKinley on the same ground. We suppose that tbe Populist papers in Georgia, who have joined tbe Mercury in denouncing tbe National Commit tee, and in proclaiming their own sud denly superior and remarkable politi cal purity, are also ignorant of these facts. Sooner or latter every honest Populist in the country shall know the truth, and every Populist who was in to a dicker either secretly or openl.T with the Republicans in the last cam paign, is now denouncing the National Committee and bowling for a confer ence. ' V V. . - ' -. ' ' . , - - - i Gloaeaa aaal tba It ia rect-sfary for. any nan wish- t irt handle bora a successfully to ba If -possessed, determined and to ,ti M pemo attention to the horse's natural habits and disposition. Ther ar doubtlei s a great many mm in this country who have made a study 01 man a great iriena, ioe horse, but none are so conspicuously 8oM :1 iBHiaJe ia Um lit 1 . . . 4 k, awvty rtau4 f 1- . tl? , Hw ta auia l t , JTj Greatly Badaod Price by Ordering Throaxn Tbe Caucasian. The total failure of tbe plutocracy to keeD its promises of increased pros perity to follow McKlnley's election I successful aa Prof. Oscar R. Oleason, ias leu me peopie in a irame 01 mma the wori renowned horse trainer hat promises better results than ever I i i. before from the distribution of reform w ".I " . iterature. Tbe one great obstacle In . V"" " '7J the way is that few of the producing mat, oy 11s u?e. ny none mavy w classes have a dollar to spare for the broke (legaidlefs oi His being fT9- work. To meet this diuicuity we have I vioosly rpoueo; so as to mils mm arranged with Charles II. Kerr, & Co., I perfectly docile, and eren safe for of Chicag , to 8fTiu any oi our readers i famUy use. paper, ana pais phi eta, tm aaaay ad eea books e red; Prof. Oleason does not waste his time in mysterious tricks. His prin ciples are those of a universally ap plicable system, for the better train ing of horses for man's use, produc ing absolute docility. The three fundamental principles r. First, control; Second, kindoesr; Third, a propt r appeal to the horrVs under standing, associating mat -y with kindness, rebuking wrong acd awarding the tighf . We have secured a limited a nam- Gold," by Helen L. Summer, 32 pages, ber of Prof. Oleasois great Horse The People or the Politician, a band- Bonk, which has always sold at hook of Direct Legislation, by R. L, Taylor, CO pages. Shall we change our Money Stand ard? by Jesse F. Orton, 32 pages. Illustrated First Reader in Social Economics, 1G pagrs. Sound Money rrora a Business Standpoint, by F. A.Cleveland, Ph. B. 32 pages. These ten books together contain 775 pages Every one of them is well worth reading, and will help make votes if given or lent to tbope who have thus far voted with the pluto c.rats through ignorance. They srf wort h $1 GO at reeulir prices, and the supply will not last long. Send 30 cents to this ofike to-day and they are yours. 1 be above books and Tuk Cau casian one year only $1.25. $1 50, but which we off r with every subscription with this paper. See advertisement iu another column. ( U If Ton An Yl'laa V l-P "oa Will Advertise J S 1 1 6 wi,,m ut ptnMais1 3 In TBI A BOOK FOR REPENTANT PUBLICANS. RE- sneered at. Tbe redemption of the public must lie in the publio opinion of the West and South. The East has fallen under the spell of money; and even tbe pulpit takes its tone larsrelv from those elders and vestrymen and : i . i . . . . . . . pinars ui religion ana pniianinropy who do business in Wall street. It is a hard truth, and one shocking to the sensibilities; but true it is. neverth. less, that there is often a more genuine ring oi patriotism and nigber senti ment for national honor in Tammany Hallatself than in WM1 street. There may be little choice between the men who contribute the funds that keep our politics rotten to the core, and the men who receive the money. But the practical politician of the machine variety is, after all, a better figure in politics than the franchise-grabber, bribe-giver and deliberate corrup tion st, whose study is to break down every vestige of that personal integrity that availed in the past to protect pnblio rights and the general good against private greed. The head of tbe sugar trust while admitting that is company naa oeen - accustomed to aae gilts to influence politics in vasw us States, testified that this was erely wrhataU other corporations in President John Smith, or the Story of a Peaceful Revolution. 'President John Smith" is the lit erary sensation oi tne year. Ttai powerful political story is destined to mark an epoch in tbe social and po litical history of the United States and to play an important part in shap ing thought and in moulding future political action. It should and will be read by every American citizen who is interested in the- great social and political problems now pressing for a solution. The author, Frederick U. Adams, is one of tne most famous newspaper writers in tne united States. Mr Adams wrote "President John Smith three years ago. lie did not believe that period ripe for its publica tion, and has patiently waited for tbe development of events. The prophetic cnapters or - President John Smith is now reaa as a msiory. n,very lm portant forecast has been more than realized. This book is a history of tne events wnicn lea to tne election of John Smith a plain American cit izen to the presidency of the United States. It is a story of peaceful revo lution;a tale of the triumph of the majority after a series of reverses. It is a plea for majority -rule. It is a scathing denunciation of the theory held by Dr. Lyman Abbott and other anarchists, that "government does not rest on the consent of the governed. It is American in every paragraph and line. It breathes the pariotism loftier than the constitution and as broad as the liberty inspired lines of the im mortal Declaration of Independence. In mechanical form tbe book is some thing of a novelty. The price of 25 centafor a new novel in paper covers become pretty well established, and, recent com petition among publishers has been in the direction of giving the bulkiest book possible for the money. This has resulted r in the use of inferior paper of dingy color "and too stiff to handle with comfort. AThet publishers of the present book believe intelligent readers will welcome a change, and "President John Smith" will be printed on creamy 'white pa per, just thick enough to be opaque, and of a size convenient for the side pocket. (Cloth l, paper 25 cents.) Thb Caucasian Pub. Co- -.... Raleigh, N.C. The phenomenal success of Coin's Financial School promises to be sur passed by "President John Smith." This remarkable book is now being discussed by the press all ovjer the country, and has already reached an enormous sale. In many places "John Smith Clubs" are being formed.- The book is destined to play a most important part in the nolitical history of the coming fonr years and should be carefully read and stud ied. The author, Frederick U. Ad ams, may accept as a compliment the abuse which has been indulged in by tbe plutocratic press. He has written a splendid book, and any one will be the better for having read it. "President John Smith" is on sale at the office of Th Cauca sian and will be forwarded by mail on receipt of twenty-five cents. Prosperity has not come, and mil lions of good, honest people who were fooled into voting for MeKinley, are beginning to look for new light on tbe money question. If you know any of tbem, advise them to read 'The effects of the gold standard," by W. II. Smith. The cause of panics and hard times the absurity of the overproduction theory, our financial dependence, cor nering tne gold, tne robbery of tbe sil ver miners and other producing classes how England is enriched at the ex pense "of America, why bimetallism gives us tbe better dollar, legislation by which the American people are leg ally robbed, these and many other topics fully treated. As the Silver Knight well remarks, "jno writer on tne money question has more clearly, accurately, concisely and truthfully described what money is, its necessities to civilization and the disasters of the gold standard, than Dr. Smith. Tbe boon is simple in style, convincing and conclusive in statement, and ought to be a text-book in every institution of learning in the United States." By special arrangement with Chas. II. Kerr & Co., of Chicago, we are en abled to offer "The effects of the gold standard" to our readers postpaid for only 25 cents. The above book and the Caucasian one year only $1.15. 3 ai Hi). Vl . I- I T.- .: .Vol"' 11 Mill., bnntkU . '.. It u.. I aiecl WW ASHO'.!, S.:i- Abate X'iflHly rtnii;inn. tc P 4 J. a. ', ta 4' i. f .'I s I Hrartal Uor I ..... Maar m . l....aV Ka.at. aa S Tka a. Ci.uimi av . ' V . . . - . . . at . a aa. at, Jkrmmmu late wam t Vaaas " 1 Ka. ad. Tb Cal ai a n TU-(t.... i. Jka. ar. lar urat. r . Ka, a. AtnIL V ' .... . Te Mlaa-k . I . a. all A ! Mfe. -... t Ka. ait. Tka SWII af I , an t tM -naatklfr. (f atni k ...... Ka. alt. Aara H'lil t Fll.fa k . h. a Ik. M.H' t raiaaaV. t , Ka. aia. a. ainv ia aratiM. Ka. aia. Mliv M uratl'l. i , . . ka. air. ftarn, ataln. f, . , . l-,7 1 K.. .IS Umr Mala iWaakOi , J liilll.titkorf -lMnM' X: '. Tne imHT allii., , ,. J ha. mK Mr. lini,a , . , , ... rV K. all. A ktarkl a. Kc U The KIm. !. ... ,.. ha. A llwklnjaaf kra. , . J Va. U Nr. MrMaa'a Uiii , . . 7' W aar llanaw. , v . ... . .- !. t i . . I e. a Ik Ka. a J Sleet tow, niatf mm. mj. m mm vmmmwrw m Baa. aakar af liora Tka Ko.X TSte Haaeaaa 4., im, . 1 Ka. m. T a aaalaa. n , .. nawer mmm Un; 1 Ka. aM. m"t tearaain fclatr, I aa. as tm wrral atacaat i, 1 imiui Kn an. Tk. Ka. Oi NIMi . mAmmm mm .. tina't Patik. !). J a I r. Tha .t a mt ' Ix.ta 1 hurt... ataaa. aaikat No. an. tire a4 rat haa-a kalr. I r.l a. a. A Trla I It a Ma t , . ,MTZTI hm. 3J. Tktflaaw't b,.,lii,i "tnmmm Ka.M. A UUIt KtM. K, i . . . ;.tT"i Ka. am Maal t r atawWarallar'a t ... . i Braaat.L. Ka. aex TVe Itelraea lluuif.. . v 1 Ka. atl. Hlrkan llaU. r. Ka. aak Mratkaa liar Vata. Iiv.a Ka. a, la kVataaae lla. S, l . . .T Ka.ak. Ikaarait-w tmmmr. I V. ttm Km. mm. Tkta Twla Utai'tmi.. i tt-,. a a. at7. Ht.talwt a a Baaaaa. aaOtor af - bura TbortMi ' aaa aaaa iiiii -ivacai . !ti a. Aaal lla at a. likt vxuni,,. . am ttt aaai a a ataaa. Ft i: i-n Ut aot. jm. at ttty, a-if. r ki Ka. 'Z. Iaxlr IlUaa't lrla I Ko. aM. Orara Ikat a I. hr ml . I Altaa raalrr ajiali "U-ttt Ka. a4. Ko. a-a. No. at. io. eW. Ka. avi Ka ai 4 II Klac Anbar. Ia4r LtllarrS Oar. r Aiiana vaiar. to i t ..! i Ta Mart m lh at rrrlty aa laar aalik, i. trnti TIZmJ tmm uat 1 aW j-a. mtm. mwmy aa taw aaiiit. r i . rtn ia& Sm. al. ChrMU JakaMtw. !).. al Ka aftl. A Bark Mektt'a a kr-.aal Ka. an. Tlta Trt (njjr mf Jar Hall, irkaat Batna. aataornC" War. lanraa n 1 aa am. Mjrwll Braiarrlaa. r r t'r- l--aa rl Tka Ultra IkraH. I , I ; . a.an Ma av-a. atavraa (a Traa S-aa. latlnoaa hm. mf. AI Har. r Kra Aiaiti Ka. aT. At War altla Slararlf t r KaaM. Tka at r mtry af Ka i a. an Ka 7( Ka Ka Ka. Ma. art. Tata iaet m atlaataakr Mail, a mammm ruiita. Ka aTl. Ka a7. Ko. .77. Tha HawraflkaUalf ri)-ja m ine atar.tta a at tlaaatiirt . aia.tr . II. i l'ki kaT p. -i mm naaairt iiax.i. r tiaaawa 1 traataraU Kr nra .atu i I en. A ratal TrapUlka. r trinc'ilK e7X Tea taala1 Hmn. r ... i ha e?t. Tka Mia ta lllark. H rtj trail Tbe above hooka la other edJtiona ara nraaUr eald at 29 ccsU oaca. bat a Wa trfll aa a raraipt of oalr ' fffl aWaattera BaUab lMaaaaaa Brmaa. ITEfKlYROYAL PILLS VCT eaTaiwtVa wHt.lt. utetce a fiSJifKam. ?at3aU 5T--!S. Miaaai, paa wiia naaaa. 4LB avL.laialka. in n ill I I I aMoat 1 0 nna trad Unto, ami lalfWtat. At Draaaiaia, ar a aaaua ar ttnatii "KaUaf fmr LaAlaa. Tall. ! t T atlaateakr Mail, aik art. Brraal tka Otr. f A I a?. I4r Klktrt Ukla. I' ..tn.ra I V ..77. Tha Haaaaaf IkrUalf H.JiJ1 aI fny Jm for Ff fty Cemtm. Br bayiaf tan book, at a tune raa ana taeni at La" noa Aaa tj tbe nnniheri aa glTan. Any one of the above booki will be sent FRKE to all Wjk ben. For a club of fire yearlj aibecnberi we will anJ n vl ' the tender of dab. m FORTY BOOKS FOR FORTY CEI( "atlat naaaita OaSaJ Who can think of tome Blmpk aiaf a petenir Vianted-An Idea protect Tour Ideas; the may tn Write JOHN WBDDKRBURN A CO- Patent AUor- aert. waaoinatoa. o. tor their $1 JOO prie offer A llat ot two hundred luveaUoM waoted. A MOST EXTRAORDINARY OFFER! Waarraa ta aaae. hj mail pot i.il. ftV rafnui. fcoia tka rrralar r-iil i each or f : 0 for tti wt of i.ftv. tif.t. t... fi . t turtftiitr i... i m n. , aacb. bat Iwar ia miml that aa Irm Imm l irnmpoir af uf Jvit m,:t Krf prlDUBic raa ha thare liwg utmt I ) anr m)Hi.;l.i. f.ai.ii. ... ,..ia '. . and attractive reading aiatl.r ap.-a mmcU tarui aa ea ti.a. 1 u fliuatas at. tooka offered: Wiaam mf fk. M-kt OmlaHia uairU4kaa m4 lllaMtatlaM W I IV Bvat. m-m a .... mmm waaaama aroraa m aatara aa. ai.a. Vert lataaMiaa ; f t'vm . kr-.. k... SIXTEEN TO ONE. Much as the silver question has been discussed, there is still a dearth of ac curate information on the subject among voters. What they need is a book explaining in a scientiGc yet simple style all the facts and princi ples involved. We know of no low priced book which does this so well as Richard Lowry's "Sixteen to One." Mr. Lowry examines first the present business depression, then the history of the Crime of '73. then banks and panics, then the relation of prices to hard times, then the real condition of the "silver countries," then tbe rela tion of money to civilization, with a graphic sketch of "Darkest America." He closes with the remedy, free coin age, and shows why it is possible and necessary for tbe United States to un dertake the remedy alone. The book contains 372 large pages, but by spe cial, arrangement with Charles H. Kerr & Co., of Chicago, who publish the book, we are enabled to offer it to our readers post-paid for only 25 cents. The above book and Thb Caucasian one year only $1,15. "THE PEOPLE VS. THE GOLD BUGS. It is a regular 25 cent book, and tbe Caucasian one year for $1.00 Every one of your neighbors who approve of the stand taken in the late Senatorial ficht 1 11 mm ' I3 snouia oe a subscriber to Tm 'Oaucasiak. If you have a neighbor who dees not take it, show him copy, get him , to give you bis subscription and forward it to us. - - NEW OCCASIONS A MAGAZINE OP REFORM. The March number will contain a second installment of "Spirits of 76," in which Washington, Adams, Jeffer son and Franklin visit Philadelphia and begin to acquire the facta relating to our modern civilization. An ar ticle in the series by Mr. Van Ornum will explain the causes which des troyed the ancient village communi ties andreplaced them with the nrea- ent system of private property. Mr. Taubeneck's paper on "The Concentra tion ot wealth" will be concluded in this number, and there will be the usual variety of matter, including edi torial comment on current events. In future numbers of the magazine no effort will be spared to keep its readers thoroughly in touch with the progress of reform ideas everywhere. NEW OCCASIONS will insist at all times on the right of the majority to govern themselves in their own inter ests, and it will lose no opportunity for an effective protest aarainst the en croachments of tbe money power. Re formers everywhere are envited to co operate. with the, February number the magazine was enlarged to 95 pages the subscription price remaining at one dollar. NEW OCCASIONS will be sent six .months for flftv cents, or three months' for twenty-five cents. single copies ten cents at tbevnews stands or by mail. -We cannot send iree stamps. --.---,..; ,...-.. Tn Cattcabiah and NEW OCCA SIONSbothone year for only $1.80. Bcmu aui ontars w in . vavoau aat TO ANY NON-CATHOLIC IN NORTH CAROLINA" ... truthT Only ten cents per annum. To any non-Catholic in North Caro lina we will send for only ten cents per annum "TRUTH," a Catholic magazine devoted to givinar tbob ex planations of the Catholic Church aa it is, not as caricatured and misrepre sented. Address, TRUTH, Raleigh, N. C. Rpv. Thos. F. Price, Manager. aCtefTruth ran also be found at At lantic Bank Hotel. W. P. Price. Aart. Wilmington, N. C, who will also take subscriptions. aad tnatrarttoa. wit. Tm nanarkalA a4vttBna af laud (1111- a Uw LMIfaliaBa aaa tttaafa Oar't I'm mm. Mo aaa caa a0nr4 ta W aid at tt.l. ..IU. Moa mf piiat ky tha aiaa.T ml nawva rtnr. r T a I Imdmf rmmcw avi Oanaiaiac limtM. k mnmMmg aur kMatMai tkiaca fer mm aXaraaMai af kaan. Maai rakriaartra a lat mUartka af Artlac Charaaa, raito Prawat, taataa Paatnaila.a. Ilia't. raatVa. a..-. Thm Ammt tmtmk I'm'-m. Kr Omim lHau.wik af Tka lui Ikiraatata.- A rMk-utaatlf frnar koua. Afataal af natrakara. Iwki tla kat bmIM af pmaacailaf all tm aiSaraal alaala. fllaawava. Vf aMraaa , ar. Bow ta alwTa la furW;. A fm. m aaaaal tor kvlba aaa rraUcai ta. i.ib tka ontd ralat at aa aif(nMBt tor all .riaal mn. a rkaaMIarrfttrlrlatanllm.taiaMi Vatat t anapainrt, at laia airartnaa tu laa i il aoaaflattaiaatnui ka. Uriualaa all tka Watt aaa axat anf alar. raiaatk-t nanli a korL Br Tb AartM.- A KmL Mr naMlt M. Himrm.m. lattatlr. n. Afrakraot , ka aai. a A UmmrmMl . a (1.4 1 rw n i a .ui , n, .... rklaIMI ttmi. t rW aMMt Mrm "' A ImmA ImmH A . 1ml I -W m A -wri. t Bm ala.M Ai.faa A iMnwiM. v...i rkAaa'taa. tt...L I A funu ma . mmm a k-.rH lfmarxt i.,h 1 Tmr ttm mf m-mtm. A f Khrm m rni a I r- kaT r.u. A r ' V Tim Mr. r A tmmnm (Viar. A k..t a. 1 , mmrAwmt . I frmt. Ak A baa aa. a I rtm mmrmt nimm. A. ..4 Mat A mi. tif Mi. iJmtmmmtmr 'Mtl.kt A IM rm-rllmt Hmmmrn A k Amt-m m mmrm A k'. Ut Mmm mml UmtAm Hm 1 ?J r -f".' OTk Xl m k"a aa. H.palar aatb-.r. fa..la.4 11 ti., i. . f r.n.a a4 prawat i It i. Bu( . larra ttwM af a..,.u .., .,. fyiLl,. T . , I P-pa.l. x.a ra Pt cf trm, aSjl'ilUSi"." nl tb '-" at r.-ft a.a ku 1-. Jbny tpiauUA book, km cfcrrm are mrtmnUt wnnk i hjn .1,4 ,-t 1 ,TJ." .T.n- u tH JOt e'aattltf. it4 t..o.t .i.ili.?,:vr...r t. raiiama pniiii,iDR noon in Uia worl.l. anl 1. ,.....! r.w f tua n lmt t,.i 1 , :'! M . -a t t . i H . a mmm , 4 A Kuad. Uj Mta. Mar ACM ttirait tn vera larra 111 teralare. tn aiK.va mtwl luT ant ctr-umnmca. larra aaaatitiea. aith tl.a lata.'. n,.rT.l ma-4.n-rr. ft 1. a rt Jaill lorni.li ikln4.tiot.r a kii'ktiul n.. tt . ,n... I.jr mail nuat-naiil Cm., raoript of malm lrt OMa. Aaf lat fkaa ia. rj,r- ...a . 1 , t., f-nrptnpinlPmhiPm sPeial Premium Offer: inth.. UlUdl OUbldl nUUIUlll 7randtbe above get or only $1.25. For three yearly fuI7 too Kuonia do. it concerna 70s aolve it. Do too know how and robbed? Do von know why tou are ooor? It concerna yon. Yon meat hero by yon are beinc Head President John Smith INK elOnT OF A PCACKFUL UVoUmOM. will end the Forty Booka FREE to the seeder of club. taaTAddresa all orders for any of tbe aboTe book to THE CADCASIAI1, Raleigh, H. t Tie Standard Cyclopsdia of Useful TIT HVE VOLUMES. J 1268 Pages 1 643 Handsome lllustrati REGULAR PRICE, SI .25. OUR PRICE, 35 CElfl e onaTtoaSaVa-aa: ? ef wfckn U tS eaaU Imr -ohna f I T weooaeioranlrjt eanui WaaaUrar UtaCretapaaia peat-peka ta aayatMraat ta t ' '':'r2 a iiamuat t rcin-oi n - : per olaaa ia a reaaia' Tl 5 By FacDBxicx Upham A daks. It adTocate the inltiatlre and the SOCIHLISM tei inhere ara aatdaraSaa tKa luuJ. as just what ia needed now. Here are three ex tracts from lettera: I am irreatly impreased with the style and strength of President John Smith. Yon have handled this vital subject in a forceful manner. It is a powerful contribution to tbe thought of the day- JOHN P. ALrGELIX I have read President John Smith and carefulr interesting, and fall of snmestive facts as ta I Ama'tr"m" 1 I II I TI .I J I aaaas I I Jl'" l eaoteuie I I TiiPal ,- i J batata I I 7Z.r- ' A ett.af t I I TjUa 7t' I Ulaatrat, X H-?SR?5 a I eacU;H II.. i.iaTr i aara. j aaaa aa era a- . ataal.laiaal., . - frajta lti, baat. alacnrit.Tir 'ZZS ZTVr """'-"alBt tka aal aaa biata aad ka.. iCzr.mrm Tm eoatatatae ktttf talra 3 '. baadauaaa nlwm. wU f-r n.xa fTZg, taaoataa traa aa a-aud :-' . aaedanaaa awil vaf" " "' .. Lr!a ef UaBraaeaaadna iaattlitD Tlie anapaaf tba Ta" all aalarta that a-' -..a. asofteatanfla "ui7-v ) are Uitkury. Btarratar. ' ' jtk Manar and Cmmttm. Wi. 'r faotaraa, letraattoe aa4 l.,-"'Ti. ,a aaa, law, M latne. roratit IT" JJmA i Ktatiatlea arrtearfara, Mni't a rwaiuy KeaptaaLattrt..r.;"-i-vi ar r kocr wars. n"u r a Maklnc rainuac tio f-' VTZTf ary. Tba airk ttaom. u-, 'Z7m aemta aoe waou . a Pw. aa t. JJtm aad awcnlae all tea art t i "fjataj at tbe werM; tt keUt all !-.,r1e tactare mf all thm eoaiiuoe ai i ,lZ't eeaeaery day i,- Kraal iavaoUot ao4 4,mrar7r'V-i daacritiaa an4 tueieraiea c " ,atJ kaaaUfaJ tiunrt irmrA mi ti ' 'Z kacal matSan: at datrrtl-a ofkfl tee aarioee aMUla as i I ' f ahaot the grawt 1,rI-". ia. paaata. oaaa as "r"r1,.CS'. i aarta aaa tba aolar . . at nau.M taraa. trw aa Tiatf aaa ta portant aieta ana mttm-M m Zn eairy m . r -,icr: ' it raimee mo4 raw :"TM italtta htiBtfil " .Zl ootbetkUari; Keoataltta anadrsil . . .m m cut. an caaata aunvti. " - a kow to mmmy. JZL iZCtZL'Zj a.wrtaa laformaxita ai-e tt Utella aaw teeaearatkO'! r5 - rz m m- Jf-. -?".?!1Z.rd P0?1 Wboaresaek- I tnwkasead atlk7aalaata. 71Ba.,is " ad taartae af paeaa cMldrae: ana rt.r ta m ..i.iiii. wtmtn. - raOMAS E. WATSOM. BnnMnnt with ftim u iy. tbe Chie.ro BBhliaka .i" PfPffottfT President John Smith to its readers at gold Standard prices. Pinery UlnsttaaadTaa. Bead -By a reectai Kerr m ompany, paper offers Presic for tba MtMaA wis ce or by maiL i senna i coming,! padta af Uaafal tee aaawlaSff iamestaaree Tl HraaeAaa r aatswjr. mmmmZ-Zzz 'r":.T" a mm..v, T'rz ' .ar aenWsnes af rwaaia araiaara aal .aire It aaT-B-,"."'?.'f"i aiallen. teaii.anm. ata aefeaa aad -rZ TSJTIi?? L "aa anaals be wiskaat tManeut aad '""ZLmr I Cal.u "aaawieaa eysaen tastpais aa eay - , T I SalPm Q 1 D riApvk I a a f . We wi2 .EslT.ct - rjr-n r? S3?,B": f-JlCl tS y . .kW yearly wbscri v