PWXWrfiC in II 1 lil I 0 W in I I nil l, i iiiui ii ii I- lb in in il iii ii i. n i .n i i ,.! i -fcy-' " " ',." - ,- !-.'. ' s - 't:-- ; " " " - - w- ,. ' ' ' i Hi IM ! 1' i, t, ' , ! j i 1 i K 5 : OITU YOUNG FOLKS; In the ,ti!lfy r me nomea n ui na- tt.n sit1i the nations .ie-tmjr. Hoi.-j It is the t n f-i if i of the editor of I'm k ' 'a t'M -1 x t tihli8h thii leptrtru-iit. In order to make it in-t-rrrt'iriij mil in-.:--f nl we dt-eire tht all our fri'iili) writ fir piiMmtt iu a hliort it.ti-resting I -It-r. .N w, y:Miji p'""pl-, leii at nn-e. S -Ifc t vur own subjects. U'- ahull ulo nilli-l) Hliort ktricn npn-:al!y H'lnfd f"r the young folks. TIlKTOt 1 MIK orillK WOICI.U. 1 'I h.(nlij lile 4i IfM taw ni me dulla fore, "To lifivr nmi the world a little more. "WlieitbtY r rr',J,r"' '"J I itottfy-eT -"'H ivefy i?tii." Yen," id the liltle plaiter bird. 'Hint it exucJijr wfmr i inNTifinw eiiect waa bo good that the ''I'tiere re f tinint of treeo, arui oli, w lint ll niL'lit It miMt l- when all t l&fr wMAilgfere didnlayfd on the table in r' Jhe ff ton rullei! n ti in nther hide; a. ii ikP nU U It iV 9 gL'St t,!l.VeeX.fPa9 rrnflofi.Aecf the maKec- V ' ?' " V V J . ' w . "There lire hoiiMen, ami iaveiii And everjUiinKi xpiiinnroiuid," he f aid time fant, The wooderi'donkey nodded Inn head : "I had heard the world wa like t hartal he oaid. The kiteand the hallcxi'liangtM aTinille I1rlar'a Kararha Ntry. Hoplue May, in It.iliy land. inghty pari or it wiw u true nlory nnd lMIvMhWofMib Pt Due inoiigin, it vftid all tnnj ttHntfcl'fl It waa gLiit winter "i'he linhtnYirjj camN)wn nnjthe thundTr thumlered O no, that waa another ti me! I mean the anow i iwtkj.wi.iaH'iouf anrl 1 MfK ii am I uliHwIui pWh1 Yarta in mli-, lute jiii'-.i,' v "AVI tl'niinyiursbeKnttoichej "nnd ' inatimni mw gmit,,"flniU'iV')rbW I cried! " ""lVp'i weiif-oveV' to titt' (&?'a and naked what to do for me, and Mra. (Jay uid put Halt in a Btock ing. The Halt was cold, but Jenny i ,.bat d it iu,the!ii wbenr it "waa tn' wiy rat l rrh'd laluh'MakW a7 caned me M oor lurbiira. neer went to Bleep ne lVrl.o..j ...... ,,l-ir llAy. VTlept a Unji'htiAi; darling?" fTTif 1 1 A I . i'iaN(v, Kanti. notit,M'?i''iatottrnle8M 'wtifk'-'t' i'oftfcrfrf.rkHir', im'.'WH l lift i'ihwi 'i invii'l IH'7,KT5 IT 1 hi ii in the morning Jenny got up 1 gueaa it waa four o'clock. No, maybe seven o clock she grrt--.tyM and made lire in the furnace and . i heated' thai-big- 8tOfte'for'lt',.','",','' 1 " ''tea, auntie, a aoapgt Boangtooe,! .tiha hotted it and nut hhiip ninth rminil it and brought it up t-t;iira.itj-tJ waa ta oeu. .Qd wnerf ehe got tnere ahe let it fallr ' -I-t fil right'wit' of mo up " "How could it wake you, dea"k 1 laughed. ,f ,,J trained we UR.Aad iwaJcedt owerv- body up.. i. is rakeltneinjt wwitlte and my eyea came right open. But I laughed. For 1 never- Jdbiiy' earacne men, not a drop. And papa ' -waa Hirtiuihe'tlb-ff'rik W'JAvVtkr'i finriTl .iiprTii -l-rilmJri,",:ia Imp if tut i ait ! il "r , Iiiiiii urn ilfoil Mt.-i Kvery time the circua cornea around and the big bright posters-, tlfeftii a white elephant there ia more or ,.le3aK;iauaaiiMiii.A4,.lwlliifr.iiber reailyia frneh n trMi'da fc"w!lit'ele Kvery ore knows that white ele y ban ta have long Inch worshipped in nurinaii and !S am. The people ihvi iutiouiiiir,iei,fiiittv ttmo-wwil " dynf a",wfi,ife'Wrttlr,",far" this reaaon every white eUphtnt thatia ' - - v aiiuu Liir .HlaVIWtrrWhOi'iOilfTfrtlMl!t.l'VfldUffh,Tn' 'etlptayvhTte e)A)isrttHAiVl,t''ftl"t KPwer.,wAvp, ,H,t)va-4iCi nbilityii silver aa he18,ftt)K"lfV"(fn', WllH' nia little litter along the toiiojth sur face of a table. It ia Maid tW shrewd Chinaman wlio hud a whit- ,-rAM"VM? fmiWW'vl, fw.iee n yf ue.rfr ,.iimiJao- hff i,nwerghte hi aiim .nun iMitae tO'yeT,"'"jT,p rinpn v.ijnA,,wJ)iK wphw,t (ttttipttrt wbita i4iau(iuy wuaiiuiiayi gAindMhAl8 u pinc color about the ert 8. .TJaual ! a . ' I IT 1 I I I n 1 u. 1 ! - 1 1 . 1 ' 1. t ifU,M'U UW(. if. I Ja'.lli t. n r4 .11 uuili, I 11" f IIIIW llliil', ' iiiui., tvna in M lire lit ridvenrt epiri, U nn. The other ii a young itnim i'g HniiisaDiiiiiihtte this COHltiy abMir. twef le.ra o ..iTMHiiQn)K,.U4ii'pfA'-jUww ikmt theH .! 1 I.CiLLIIJ 1 1 l.'HHH i4 . illlMMII n-e rair. u w ior journni. - Kloiae's Ii tie sis er wtMj i a dolijd'j!. to siarr. ubout it. Ho E'ois 6xed it bhe mad llw lloer table out of mrte empty paper botes about fDi wed together witt droiog needle and thin tvine r a form three sidea of a squaw, Tbev w re to atnd upjide d.)a-r,f t0 toa6 the bottoms oold form th. tr.p 0f the tiny tablr, N-ifc Kl.iae mt it MnU Janaa. r"""'. COnStipatiOll r,,,,,., fuuy half Ox; sUrk . ,iit,d food ncss In the orH It jrit!m, tift Uti. coated Pills rp(n;lt,ii!y:i:.'lU'roiiKhly. SC. AH drugglBtS. IT4i ir'-.l f 1 I "'"' & ' . M. TUj oul IM1 Uj Ukc with Uood' Saraacartll. .apt-r jari3ol8, euch a can M bought alrnoat anjwbere for a cent, and afUr mkinj: holea in proper Id thiit,i hAJB i oftniiiif pretty orisa inenU After that she made up s lot ot little paper nosfgaya and idTi-mf flie Ublr i afwith therm 'fStlltf! doll ; fia.pliteed behind the'whol, with two tfmbrellaa ott either eide and two iu front, the little gieter laughtd with delight. k V hen the fair waa held Email cau- set. Of all the display at t&e611'8 Xi.thatTiikclLirTnoiae'a littfe'aia lidUl.bUUb Ivf T J JiUlOC B ILL LID BIO' American I'lan. 1'hiladelphia 1'reHs. The iieen in traveling from Win4-i nor to Lofiflon in a f&ilrojul coai'l. hmlt P4nMfi "!tnrian 'Ura-n"" paid aft in voluntary tnijute to the genius of the iltiHii A&i t-allrdadtp, who has made traveling more luxuriously comfort H1 itiniaitKVherf lwntiii8 broad earth. Few princes enjoy the ease of an American special train, and id adopting the 'American plan" the riUrti. UH'lmatd,5jrily.-- NOW IITIIKTIMK TO Hl'HHCHI lil TIIK Ai;CANIAN. i FM i fr Plewqn, b'e fa uous fiorse trainer and 'tamer, in a recent'l jjefTora, iargvbpdj' of horneluen ant iarmers. made this re mark: "If a horse is worth $1."0, it is a recognized fact that $25 is about h4 etaairaiue"of ;the' horse, and ltlo'ts-the 'varae-of his having been f tr"aimjd to nin'8,Tisi9'.n Prof, (lleason nas iraiBeu na brOKen more horses tlan rnKtx in fhe Wo'rfd. Ha hai UuVdqd, thfi,,,ut9&X', famous viciop. amihs .been .sbstanti rec0. nized by,tbe. Lmte . ment for his .wojjJerful - the arti lery Uig Bygtem ig Bimplic .aud,Uie,J f . r H wa mvmj . VV a V eartjty oi, the system is that it- oe Applied to any horse by one". ' ' .-Mir in 'W ,hftd,,nrade"stpecia'l arrange- mt(ttirwithithe!''pa'bliSb6rs of Prof. JiJeason, famous boek, whicohas tlways'sbld tC0; amd can smpply a limited number to our subscribers. 8e offer id another column. I t r.n. .' ' 'i 1 1.. i... - .Mil A fluholl iCaMl(ec rlow ' T film 'bV trade ' s 'mariu'facturer of agricultural implements. 1 have in vented a plow (thoroughly tested) thai 1fttfU U verity! believe; important? ad vantages over any plow heretofore in- yfn;,efj, Lor, ,gul,veripg the ground tnOrnilirhlV tl a VKlt Hanth It nan AP.v.bjBjexcelled aa A.subsil plow or for .wording fmoSi crops a Woe. It can be Ftvspf uc.jeq ,19 ftu.ij any aewred width and the draught is far lighter tban that f any other plow that .does the same wofkJt It ieMMpte and chebfc'aiid can readily be constructed by any person whOiicao rpoiott on. ordinarv wroueht tiAiw1nrisiwuio3ii ieee man tnose of any other known-plowj . liecent improvements will reduce the 6(181 01 jiiaiDg.tBirori portion o'f-th pfcw1(,ifotrcd'dnnfig the bSit of mate 1-1 1. r . 1 ... iai, 1 reieraoiy sieei) Co about one- worth the forifierroHt, knd the cheaper f lew ha important advantages. Hmvrintel (rehrklly introduce the above plow ( no patent, nor Datent ria-ht to aeJIU 1 wjlfBnjshoecessijy .ciits fcndiull instruction that will enable any person to construct one, for 25cents in sramns or silver. II l-IHI AVttfUoJi I T" lv i,..t'! ,0 -,.,1 ..-rv;T( ' ' (-Utbage, N C. I refer to Wesley IbwUermilk. Urow era Millsv Randolph county, N. C.,the vwwi w, Mnaaei ttne-'.onst Amcroved vjuw irom insiruciions ttiat I gave IIIUI., ,, i nf ty In,.. 1 i 1 1, jf -'Payrfbf $1.00 . . t.M , , . mi .UA.ucASiANf : ijft.W'1""' bneatf. $1.00 $f:w Sl.W'ffJOO" 1,00 $1.00 11 ll'.r -I 'III.' 1 n 1I1I o .11 i:it . u; 1 1 i rTTuiTTV.' 1 1 ' i n i o WORLD,. ALMANAC lllT 'f'l I ir.u n1 I ill ill I ill rtil.i l til I mI'vi;! ;:'MD:;;:ENGYGLOPEDIA -ST-J -t- !'. t l-. I- 1 ' . t ijr for v- 11KI IIMII If '11111 iritiif 11 I I'c. .?H V$!fVrVV. .Jwy.queatlon .ypu! may ask it. ;,, ......reifaMard .,11 ' vM'AfAf;"-'- ; !-,iil-.i till av4w'AAA -,!.,, j U.mtlnfll Wal.Uil- fT'! ! MII III) ll 1 mm'mm, ouer ,1,500 T.0 PIGS. TREATED. ! A .COMPLETE stajistical and 1 k 1 1 Pf :t.vPfr PlAWi W?. United ! , , 1 States, i.Tb results, of the Presi- ri Ji niddntlwI'slectioAiadeiiratBlv com. P.i'fdj Every fact of value that numan Knowledge can require. i rSefeFehie Iibrry"oIled down I 1 A. w i:ii i POSTPAID TO ANY ADDRESS THE WORLD, Pulitzer Bldg., tlv.v Ynrlc Ready Jan. 1,1807. Caucasian onf year and thb woria AI manac, $1.15 rldlS t 'II' I I, I' r fj0 QKB. 1 A awS- 1 - 1 1 - I ..... f .1 ih.j Mill lit '4 5 A KTS. 1 1 '.Ha ! "I?-f-n ! r 1 sY y J an 1 im ri Mm w 11 1 1 1 1 n' 1 t 1 1 President HeKioler hold out lit' tie hope to the millions of unem ployed. The time will come when th people will delare with "Pre dentJoha BnU" tKt "The right of a oitixeo tt ' b United State to deuacd acd ob'aiu work at ufiicieiit to vopport kiauelt acd family fcball Bnvr b aU-idged." Mr. Adams' book i g(Kd radiDr in these times of bourns prosreritT. Tbis olHee. Twenty fire cente .National HMtlir of V. P. i. C. K rrancira. Jaly tta t ITib. We are pleased to announce that the rates made for the above, uccasloq are lawar thao -?er made bfer ' tor' any organization to the I'acifie Coast, ttefeets wtt be on stla frotu'pnocipal luuQts i n all Bouthera' bt&tes early as Jooe20tb, and ailabteto ttyi pub lic - - . - - -.'.: Tbs MUsoari I'aciflc Railway ith ita various line to tbe Paciflfl Coast offer aJvantagef which -are unsur passed. v., :,-f-! .: for rates, privileges enroutai and general information address Southern Passenger A fct 103 iKead House, (Jbatanooga, Teffru ,'' Prealdani' Jaka Bmltb, er the Stary of ' a PaaearaJ Revolution. "President John Smith" ia the lit erary sensation of the year. This powerful political story is destined to mark an epoch in the social and po litical history of the United States, and to play an important part in shap- ing thought and in moulding future political action. If sflduldanu will be read by 'every Ameridin 'citizen' who is macseatea ia toe treat aeeial -and political problems now pressing for a osAntirm . The author, Frederick U. Adams, is one of toe most famous newspaper writers in the United States. Mr. Adams wrote "President John Smith" hree years ago. lie did not believe that period ripe for its ..publica tion, and has patiently, waited for the developments events. The prophetic chapters of "President John Smith'' is now read as a history. 1 Kvery im portant forecast' has been more' than realized. This book is a history of the events which led to ,the election .. r .. v. 1.:.. 1 f -.. Mi tiuuii Qiuiiiu iiaiw .meriuau cu- izen-rto the presidency, of, the- United States.. It is a story of peaceful revo lution; a tale of the triumph of the majority after a series of reverses. It is a plea' for majority rule. It is a scathina denunciation of the theorv held by Dr. f.ymab Abbott" and other anarchists, that "government does not rest on me consent or the governed. It is American in every paragraph and line, it breathes the pari ot ism. laftler thau the'eomtitutidraus"broad as the iibertyinsy jg. of tbe?im- morta 1 ,Lpl!fTi"rat.i nn of IndonamldtKv Tmecbanical form the book is sanue- ihine of a novelty. The price , of 25 cents. for a new novel in. paper covers a . a. a. is . a- 1 7 1 j a oecome pretty wen emaoijaueu,, lanu recent competition among publishers has been in the .direction .of (giving the. bulkiest book, possible , for. the money. This has resulted , in the nse o inferior paper of dingy color, and too stiff to handle with , comfort. . The publishers of the present. book believe intelligent reaaers win welcome a change, and "President ( John Smith'? will be printed on, creamy white, pa per, just thick enough to. be opaque, and of a size convenient, .for the eide pocket. (Cloth $1, paper 25 cents.) ,Thk Caucasian Tub Co., ,, , ... P , . Baieuh.S.C. . The phenomenal n- ess of Coin's Financial School pr uiises be'sur- passed by "President Job u .Smith.' This, remarkable book U now.beine discussed by the prK all ov'Uh country, and h alreail- cached an -enormous sab-. In - nv-nv places "John Smith Clubs"' are bing fbrm-1 ed. The' book is destined to play a most important part in the political history of the coming f mr years and should be carefully read and stud ied. The author, Frederick U. Ad ams, may accept as a compliment the abuse which has been indulged in by the plntocratic press. He h&s written a splendid book, and any one will be the better for having read, it. "President John SmithJViB on sale at "the office of TifE Ca t6ie 8iAN!and will-tm forwafded 'XStim'an on receipt 01 twenty-hve cents. I' : I 1 1 I: 1 I' I Send fdr'a! bdhdle' bf sample copies' of The ' GArcASiAir and ""hand around to your neighbors. " They, will, help you in getting np g a jclub of subscribers in your 9. ifrmirinnitir' ' '" SiT J 1 . . g-z-u- ;i , , .H.C:AM0AD. ! TI3IE TABLE. To take effect Wednesday Nov. 27, 1895 l 1 E A8TBOTTND TRIANS.' I ! STATIOi'i :! i.iit.ii-.t, 3 . Mixed Frt Passenger 'tidri'ass' n.Dariyy lnies.inrs except " and Sat" r -Suanay 1 1 ! A. M. P. M w Lv Goldsboro.. 7 20 320 "Tststs: r.rr. r. ?.:.:ra " 7-35 "s y r - W LaGrang; .-.-. r s , 8 4ft -a - 3-49 Falling ( reek:... ..!s 87; s 00 W KinstoaV . 2 -. s ft 24. L a 4 12 Caswell.... ..,..."f 9 38 T 41 Ar r. s 9 53 4 30 ek.ti..i..Vsl0 40 - B 1 42 l a 11 12 ' M m ar Dovert. v W Core V reek V rr, . 44 Clark's ri 'll 91 f -509-1 .;rt oi 91 W . --." . jm H(K -. - it t Ar Kewbern A w . V AIM Lv a a an' : K X w u - - R&rexdale Croatan. 'Havekck; 2o Awrsr KW - Newport s , . . a wildwood . .v. ... s i 3 25 ' f '6-4i r A,'. ' i. f 3 31 " is 346 637 --643 Atlantic Hotel . . . . r M. Cifj4)epot..':. a a 4 01T " P.' M. r K P..M". WESTBOUND TRAINS. Passenger Mixed frt. STATIONS. Daily ex- and Pass. l j eept Men. Wed niVuSjmaay. r.andFrVi t-; .,i;;;.A,M.,ijlrM. ! Goldsboro 11 25 8 00v- Bests s 1103 8 7 20 LaGrange s 10 52 6 60 Ar W W Falling Creek. a .10,42 .6201 CaswelL,i,v; M0 20 1 5. 18 T - S W12T Vi ,5 0 Dovert 'i .' r aj : 10 ,00. ' 8 4 00 rrr" .... T-.: Moreneaa uitv. a r Atlantic HotelSUS.'... M. City l)amW,? 48 w- Lv W Water stations, f Stoo on Rlmal -Te'egraph station t-Pofiag Jrififes. I Keanilar Hope. J&9 -Ufi Y ni 111. tiny Jw .i uU-riii nWriiwiij a' 00 I : Clark'a :it'j.IArt. 42, f' 320 f Ji Riverdaledi4j... f ( .a i(JlO" u: Croatan-..v.-ff teWaj0 W- Newport..'..:... a'MSBaK'V Wildwood .&. , j TIS' OilWIIatVfH aavl A O XJ A Q M Kal -M 117 B lfl 802 - " 815 iao1ueiE1DAior- . . - Tt - j.i ' A.Uaia, Cbarloiie. Aainia, taiiUif, . - W)lminrton, Nw ur.eana AND Sew York, Boston, Eicbinoni. NVaatntigton KortoiA 1'urUmooUi. rrrr 8OCTHB0rNlJr "No 403. No. 41 Lv New York; Penn.R Phiiadelahia... .... 1 xpax-iscvm .... '4 Vii& . r 'A (0am .... iaOpm iOam .... 5Bam ; guSam 5,pm 8 05aa .jw n 4opm 1 9 'JOmm Baltimore WasbiDgton Richmond. A. t'.L Norfolk, b. A. L .. t"orta month WeklonT......... Ar lieodersea..... . .. ii iaml IDpm Ar Iurham ....... t7 Jiiam alr. Lv Oaxtuun...P.....vy....,t5 2Upta tU 10m Kalriirh Banford Bo. Pines ... iiamlet. . .v. . Wadesboro.,, Monroe . 3 lurn ft ati.m .... 4 22am '5Spm 0am 46 A3piu, .... 5 64am .Jlllpa 6 43am. 32pm Charlotia .... v 3jam10 25py At . Chester ....... .8 J,0aral,9 47pm Ly Columbia C N A L K.R . ....... ,tjoUm ; viMlvwu,u,aJ..r.r.,t Greenwood Abbeville Klberton .,,y.45aroW10aTri .. 10 30am 1 07am .'.llOf-am T )ani ..12 07pm t 41aiu Ar Athena 1 iopm & 4aaau. Ar Winder,. m a a, , . 1 S'JDm 4 30am Ar Atlanta (Central time)'. 2 50pm 2uam NORTtiBOTiNp 1 . 1 1 , . ! 1 1 1 U 1 1 . 1 No.402. ,,.Noj38. Lv AtlanU (Centrallime)l2 OOn'n 7 50)m Lv Winder....... 1'. . 2 40pm" 10 42pm Lv Athena...; 3 16pm 11 2)!pm Elberton.. K.P4m 12 33pm Abbeville 5 15pm 1 40am Greenwood....' .' 5 41pm"'z Caam Clinton . . . .6 34pm 3 05am Ar Columbia C.N fc L. RR. .'. .T."T7 Guam Lv Chester, 8.' A. 7. 8 13pm ' 4l3am Ar. Charlotte . TT.10 2rpm 8 3Uaai Lv Monroe. .. Hamlet.. :9 40imi 8 05am Ar - Wilmington . .. 1 5 '30am " l80pm .. .'12 14am 9aanj r.,f2.1tiam.'fii35a8i ..,.3 28aiq 1 00pm - So. Pines Raleieh. . . 1 . . 4 . j Ar Henderson fl. . . ... Ar Durham Lv Diirhsm t7 32kn .HOipm . . .t5 2yDm Til IOHm ATWeTBon 4S5a'm 3 dbpui n IKartt'1 A'fiOnru "Richmond A.CiL: 1 Washington, iPean ifit.l2 3lpm -U 10pm Philadelphia., K-' 3 50pm , ,3 45am New-Yorker. :'. '. : .'.6 236m' '6 feahi Af -Portsmouth . . . . 777 30am ..7 50am 5 50pm 6 05pm Korfelk... J. "1 Tm I t r? n r r rrt THf H-urf Sos.. 403 and 402.rr.'IXlia Atlanta, Soecial ''' Solid I Yestibuled Ti;ain of PiiVlma fieepers' and Coaches between aahington and At lanta,' also Paftman Sleepers between Ports motttii hnd Chestei1, 8. cfr,M ""'"'' t os. 41 nd SSTbe'. A". Li 1 BxPressi Solid Train, Coaches and Pnilman- Sleepers between Portsmouth, andi Atlanta. -Company, sleepers .between,, Columbia, and: At Ianta. , . . ' Both trains' make immediate connections at Atlanta for Montgomery, Mobile, New Orleans,' Texas,' California. Mexico,' Chat tanooga Nashville; Memphis,' Macon,' Flor ida., r - - ' e i" I.-, ll :i I - i; fl :r-nl ' ., For TicktiSy -Sleepers,- and inforraation. apply to Ticket Agentsi or to . , , , ).., H. o. LEAED. SoL.Pasa. ArL..JIale eh. N.C. . K. ST. JOHN. Vice President and Gen' 1 V. E: McBEE, Gen'l Snpetinterideht. H; W. B. LOVEE; Traffic Manger.- - 1 T. Jt ANDEKSONy Gen'l PwBeager Agt. . General Qificesc , P01TSM,OUTH ,:VA. , , , 1 , ri . 1 1 . 1 . -i 1 T i-Lj j 1 n't ajJ Southern TT f?nf ATT A TT T XT V v r- In Effect June 14, 1896. TRAINS LEAVJC RALEIGH DAILY: "NORFOLK AND CHATTANOOGA LIMITED." 3:40 p. m., daily Solid vestibuled train wit sleeper from Raleigh, N. C. to Chat tanooga, via aaiisoury, Morganton, Ashe ville, Hot Springs and Kt oxville, . , te&Beqts at -trarnam tor oxford, for all Doints north, and with main linn train NoIl2; for' Danville. Richmond and intermediate Station: also has connection ' for Winston-Salem, and vrijth main lii ( tfa,in No.! 35, ("United 1Statea,Fast Mail!' ior cnariotte, Hpartanourg. ureenvuie. n Atlanta and all points South: also Coluni- ,bia, Augusta, Charleston. Savannah, Jack-, "senvuie, ana au points in Florida. Sleep ing car lor Atlanta, Jacksonville and at Charlotte with sleeping car; iot Augusta-. "CHATTANOOGA ' AND ' v NORFOLK .;; . i . LIMITED.-1 !.;M . ; " 1145 a. m.. ; daily Solid train coasisting ol ' Puilnian sleeping caraa'fld coaches trom' unainuiooga to Kaieigh, arnvinsr at Nor- foDxsc20 p. m., in time to connect with. me via uommion, iuercnantS' ana Min ers', rsonoix ana Washington and Batti- . more, unesapeake ana Kichmond S. S. ' n 1 .11 . . i I vu. s iui an jnjiuus uuni) sou east. ; n Connects at JBelm for- Favetteville and intermediate stations, on the Wilson ami FayetOBviile Shortcut, daily; dairy except . , Sunday f er Newbern and Morehead City? daily for Goldsboro and Wilmington and juiernieoiace- siaiioDS on.tnewilmmgtoo ' ' EXPRES3 TRAIN.V 8:53 a. m daiiv Connects at Durham ffr Oxford, HeffivjUe, Richmond; at Greens-' Doro ior wasnington ana all points nortn. L ; EXPRESS TRAIN. 3:u p. m. aanv JJor JaaUdsboro andlinter. ,uefllatt statioift 5 , 7? Z:OO a.'m.V daalyMAJwefcts at Creeflsborb tor all points- 4 naa ands Jouth and W inston-SaISm anajpints oq) the Korthn weswrnponn lroilAVilrqad. At Sab lsDury- xor aiipointB ; in Western sorth Oarqiina," Kndxvilife Ten0;incmnati; anffweterfl pointsrat Charlotte fo Snari I A I . 1 .,' .. . O . ' . I KTiaDBri..-tlenT1 l. Atninr Atlanta i all wints. south. TRiTNS ARR1V1 ATJfALEIGH 'RjaWfTRAIN, ItgMwWiyFron Atlaiitahatlotte ireenaooro and all pdidts eontb- ' 7:JOa. midaiiy-Froar Gwensboro ahd all ' ntyBorth'"an(aogaip -Oleepmg car 11 yux yrccuawrj to xmieign. I "NORFOLK AND CHATTANOOGA LIM h3f4 6. roT. dailv-FrbJi afl fxfinta VI? farooBB. .vii. 'T.phnrf ....I f iuiu uuiuauuru, TV 1 ' Hi IDkUITI . Ville. and all points in Eastern rfernlina P'HArrAKftOGlND NORFOLK UM- ... .! 11:40 a-m. daily From New Yorfc.Wai.i i betO. ChattMaJtfeAjKB6lfifi R?an a-ttaUQjjlJ OlTl 9:00 p. m., cUyaa)t Sunday From sborcyand all points ast. y7 EXFRE,3S TRAIN. 3 a. m:daiiy rom Ooldsboro- lm U'tA .V r2 jy i, tt isatoVsayJortyoud.hat draw!s, UulatfMBrs; j; jVhetlrer -ybti hold thiinl or. ot .depends ron arhat ydu dofeKerw&rds, rn livery sn. ber &T 8enc&usai new 8u6eSer within the- ten Every one -fVj dtt tbWiwill be the mat ef- luligt cauS Aod bkTipttbe positioa taken ot tfie caucus.' 11-34. OV jfel'llKI Mil V.V1.I dT ii . ,,ijUil tuli ui bu-mm. Railroad HMarasviie ana Xkeysviiie, except bunday: HjiX Greenpbaro "with the Washington and Southwestern "Vestibuled.' limited, train aaw-ln-f Js-iiiut,a ml mulj JiiV .7'Jllt.! ilj nil i m i w m I FOR CATARRH. ' 1 ' ' Mitt, 50 imm THE BEST TI ia a ba.. a.r. alu-i-u-'tube, aMatlaaaa. Aaa IP T l.illfl A fAPTUVfl . I'juD Attcricaa. . . u 01 .'.1 enu. wmn. . iwn.vr".- - JT " T" , AV-AOLNT NVlXTLJ). Saodi 1 ceata ! JAPANESE UENTHOL IU'nc, aaj crtK for hkau COLTIS. ECRAlXJItr and URBCIIATIC for wbolvaale tric.4 to aeota.' . PALMER'S AHTICOIISTIPATION 1 1 -. 1 1 i- "'Ahv article' on't'bis list will' be Jananese Mprifhf.1 - Waf aaV a SB SB BW Bl ' aW BBV .BBaw " K. .. I..I 11.,,. ..,.!,. . . , ! I . . I . . r : ' -1 , 1 )!. ....-... ' 1 1 , I i; '. , f . -l-i.l r-si ! I ,1 ' ' . '.? ' ' " Se-rid' money by IMstiorllce oirdr or Express 'Money Ordr Bank Draft or Beg;, istered' Letter.' 'We are eiitiip'pVd'e'xpressly to fill every order within the hour received',' and pride ourselves upon this feature, ( Write y,our full, address plain ly 'every itftrie."" ''-' '' , , , ' '' i i, lit'', O'X , I :l ,.. xy ai.tTadfes arid' grentlenien If yoo 'iw'MwV certain steady income WbrKl-wrHV'in at'dnce.' I. -ii. I'uin.i.,v,i : i i .ti r , -.,.i:l . , Direct all communications R.1 NOW WE HAVE IT: ,,l,,.flj -,.!, It ' , 1 1 i i i r I ij -'I . . ,.i. -..'( ' V ... I , 1 - : : GLEASON'S f.tli'. -n.-. f ..gaa. FREElj !! I.I . . I 1 1 1 ! I t II I -l, , .in it.--; -. ..1 i I Hi: . ,1 I. '"' ' The Only Compiete ! -I r - m vt . l - rl r ! . Horse By Americas Kliiff of Horse Trainers, - V - V . I : lllHt IM! I liil Prof., Oscar:, I tl 1 A. a a Ren men WORK . - w g,,,Qroowui, Shoeing, ,Dxctoring, You . will ' know, alT I 1 1 i I.I I ,1 it : ,,.wahout, a horse , :i 'ii i i 1 'i I ! I , fmCi i iwicaaoa i K liSMlMlaingr ' -BtacW Davli; the'man-eatln ''itaiMVrt'tniitaaa.1: I ,j .i- '! ii '-i lli! It A if. in -,1111 ;,'fl6'0iwe 1 1 nf.woifc t'roi..ixjtasnliAS GIVEN owneu lur.uguoui America ana recoirpuea Dy the United States Govern. rasrthe most'ytert-artd feodcesstul horseman of the ri. TrfElVftm v. COMFHiai'XfJiillst)rV..lreert'irir TralAtn Tt.tin. n,i.;na. ir.. iila.LyL -W "."Ea:' m. " I Iibi itT C J XV-aSSSaaiL.afraa . '; jt.j-.-i ruwlrwawi,. I li' ha a A A. .1 A-. a.1 Bul-wfe'traverranged to supply A . ii,' -a.JMwov. wvvuenu mennoas oi. (raining and treating horses. 8Uhorber. ABSOLUTELY FREE. U . ff ,1. 1 1 . a.'U l:.'..f !..". .If. li j- !!' 'W lil'f. I : if- -. VUr f' ridTwill Tor aliinttea- period i i auu w i ia kij a Jiujibtu nrriiMi aaann w lines. ! t v "V VPJr "WKrwe oopy of the book by sendivg a dnb of ttirea - t - - vno lev, - - -. I'- I . s."'ti tl;i Mt It:'"' . Itlii -I'. I Plll-1 1... (S;Tl,i; , ., , ., j 1..,; ,, ; , , " 1. 1 1 Vnior - rr? h .rkHanna? i flflif'I.I ill (, "Ifyouiwant to ;i' ii.i taowjA-flaa i . i,ij SPIRITS OP 9j6, 3V '-'FiKniftitikl ' V tHAir AuAsrsi ; in last number ot . ; i - i: :innc i. iiki i.Ryj." VVMVSVIUAlaa i ' A aia?azin f Aefhrmf A!ha4i , . i. r -.o.ireasaiv ng V 6 2-cent inle don ffTi- 5eTerlVrtbrtn b; ' ber '500 e man. Agcuis waoiciu r. una Hit, ui i-kia jVauuui bowi.n-.ii 9 ij (j - av T "TfttVitdiiuir tin TrtwaalaasiT'W (h bne.yeaiTdrriO.1 ?-v ?g " iji 1 . 1 cm .. 1 1 i. 11 1JI I l(J IJ(-t. .nUIHl(HHlll-l.:,l.-.-'.. ,.,.11. r. f . . .....- W.IS I Wwl LiboMiqi m Jd -i kk. huji IJuo ti(d iuil aivi vd ida,,;, V. i t EMTS.' criE (rt:i liliKASBS. Tb.p "A?Sw3 Cm on IOiilM - - 1 a.. I ltarlf. rrlc 3 eeata Itita1. V " ,.a.-,. a.t- fy Mtttt.' oP uu'" " ----- - , Tv grteat knawn AXTI8KP- faivs.: jaBal SS eeatte far a aoa aaa f a- ' t PELLETS. Sleta. per l"awlawaaU AUtNTS WAXTBU. u.s. a j. 1. co'$ iMfoaieo Japanese Menthol tee. -Enlonwi t.jr the I tp filial Goveruawtt. Vtit gr-af; known ANTISKfTU;...r eloti4 hler, an uufailu t ure for HKAll'lVM!,''H tl'MAI UlAand HHtLAllM.. IN tTANTI.Y reliavea ANV IMlX. rtiPM i okippr. tvir.ris. ti UdNOH I T1". i 4UM Pi Jl KA I A IIK, etc. Pimple. ttjre at'l JiSLfiii ft ia all wo Claitb a 1 . "'fftliri fli- uav ! IntiainuiiH. enanurled hnt-eR- lVw 25 t-nl pnaiiaitd? AOKxTWASjKn N-ntl cKi fur a.l-, 4-1 , write rurwholeaale rlcudl Palmer'a - -BlaKietle1 Inliattrf Prle 00. Toatpnlal:' Th fllmt Tl.wia, Ka..wi,-'.ir OATAKHU. ASTHMA. ,fUK J A iv ayeun wintM rAl.lf.Kat' ( .1 . 41 1 .1 AntI-Cons!Ipatlen Pellels '" 25 CtNTS: WAjmiTs Wanti-d. ' ' ' ' ' i - NjuU all oi-uera to Ra C. RIVERS, ".v.;!'. ..Manager, ; . ; Raldgh," - N. C. . ' sent by return mail on-recei pt of price! WAXTEP. agents every where td handle our jroods for a reasonable amount of' intelligenl tell i gent .i 1 1 to , C. RIVEKS; Manager, Raleigh, N. C. ..,(.., . .. , r i' ... , i a FREE! I ui:l and -Authorized-Work ....... i. .. ... , , j .... ,1 ti .- f R; Gleason," : ' i ' 4 - J ' . ' Bl "ujiug, I ecu- Telling' Age, and" General' Care of!the No oae can fool yoa on the; age of a horso after Aave tM.tTsaf' P. Tf Baraoaawttli tUsiabaw,rr(raw4. Book I mi I i nn i i n ? . I 9 i If ! 1 t k fff ! r ri I la-f ' - I 1 f . TO THE WORLD FOR THE FIRST a m . ' - - 'LTMITED Nt'itBER OF r OOPIH.q to our FIRST COME, JIRST SERVED , . . - . thousands up.oq thousands of these books we nave oy a lucky bit arranred W Aja k a 1 M a a ' Patriots' Bulletin , . , 4 MQVTMt, 1' JOURNAL... i ti - i fi. H - .spetko ar.: . H f I '1 W. -II. ! HARVKY, - AUTHOB OF '' ' - Cola's Financial aSchooI. :'"' FOR ; " Every Member of Every Famity'dri ' f J s Evry Farrrt, In ' ' i t very .Town p irv . a ni ",111 laijj. . Taw- f IT TEACHES MANruviri'- t.., .,,., 1 mh 'UWAKUATfO!...nhM-. .TEACHES1 tjOOry flflvTWrt-PIW.' it ff.'fEi t1-W t.a-,1. """l e-il linofr ii . . ' ' "V ... .Wiinr. Imihoi a a 1-1 Jll I f I suu.l.i wi,,,,, fcn- -Ulluia A GALAXY OF -7 . aVi mm FOR . . .. ... DDb&fxial uiiugrtacnt tuc air nuN :.- .-.......,?.. ... " readers, frrc of iljtge. dnj our 41I Ujc lc.u. ... . uiuicut ra.'omca .' - 1 thU is narcodtrt i. , .... aantf.iijc rfrBiflilf number of sr.biip:ti?:i , f "" irjep b ihK- ofife xohi $1.00 to piuj for enth iton, toh"" Ilje book roill be mailtd or etprrccr i ii i- .iii.' ... i ui. . 1 .i i or Ti n.briptvM-"!K.A V r ' f6V'6conraIning'tapirardilcfl . Faiai i ai'inciai -piKirrapiier t the I rrii. 1 . giving, .in.paitoraDyc vew;,;hf inagnincer.e of the I mid, 'i sal of this volume is as good lmot as a viit to Ibe , , iWireguwr prirv of boot riMAesd to u seven Xul-navd rav IlM' S .f rlHlSi-nA M V .7 anrt0el,U-I(.bseHrrioi.s t Tn f.i r.. postpaid coIT 6f th" "gnifieent volume, ronfiiim A. "" pawonma ifst sarprtslnr'and Iwantlful aret ry .f n ., 1,AiyeJAnd.cpmpi7i"'.f,,5l'ir, obloor v and photographic "SMi'' wbich is added a w-a!tl.-y,"atfvetotuTbus afld fhrfM?': deacrlptinu. ttiaklr-ar 1 pVc.ureequt history of Jmtfi?' batural wotid r. -r I.- Rer.T, DeWjtt Talmage, , The pagfA, S'gXlO' inches, ejual to of beautiful illustration and X'rice, $1.C0. r v fpr' SU Subsrrlntions-"I'KOPI.K'S HisthKY m SJTATS,'! by John' Clarke prufianc story of our country ram a of 3(H) historical illustrations, -original ketl.t--. 1 1- t-r,, striking portraits COO large double uario page. Tn-. , . .... 3 i . . . eaiBraviaH, aata'oaaiMOinejy toi'W.:" "'Li' ;v ' !,.t... rui, Ht aaiiKr suoni-". uii , ..CHaf; T hy.RuuTalaUjIi.fUQn. '1 mMzMz t , of fbe renowned, piupeer quartette Loone, Crockett, Caraou Bt 4 k'4 Va 1 1 " . . a a a . 1 , ,.oiu.rjtepe who grapnu: iiecri pilots 01. wild lite and thr.; .1 tC4 tures ny famous heroes of the . wuhv..d au ...w.m .u.t , , i.iv 1uusu-a.u0nB.ana coiorea piAtrc. it. tail price, f 3.1 '1. for Fon'r SaWchplidDS-'THE ttEAlTTJl t il TREE OK I.I 1 IV ,h .. the fnost poetic And .charminjc pictures of the whole .I5ibl 1- t t vr r4 DaaI, 9 T . 1 ... . . - ' ' k - - -.' . . . . ui hic, iiuua ui ui-riaui)in nuiive il'ioieij. Qenrri III n IT I II " 1 T- r , . Biauuiuj uj lue vanas vi iruits ana leaves Tor the heating or the nations In thl w r; together 1 he hrlgbtet (hbiicht f all age at d tlni: n tl . r,, .blM?e Tpf of . I.jfe, hiiriiirg and hekuuful wurd r'n r our hearts and lift us into a higher and holier aiu.i.f,. r. : urn. . j iwuueriijrinpp.' iveaii price, fZISI. a 9 i-.iie f : ..f I Add res?, i r. a i TJEtEl GjLxrO-!. 1ST. 1 - -. I I t -l : l 1 ,. ! . I !.! .-I J-1 ! I ! I-Iti i . I r-t I.. If 1 -I l r i ..ii it r . I : T t . . - . .. 1 'II : 't I. : ti -. 'I t-. H - I r i" - r i I: -.: Southern TLlE:;.'vvEiaH!4tv. t i - r ; through' the Beaij.iful Elountains of Western :; . .; ; : , '; ; . ... I i 1 . i t i - "-.'Tl' - Or.aO O VQ I : I FARE 1011 to FROM Goldsboro. If, C; ' A. ...iG25 2. .(Ml ..:.-2CL2."; .... 2C25 26 35 7.-, . . 2; 25 . 24 l V.-.7 24 CO 12 20 ...'. H 15 16JJ0 nctma, K.c. Norfolk. Va -ava.. RAleifb, N.C.: .. porham,N-.C,i...;'; GreenaborosN.C..... Winetoa-Salem, X. o Wilkeaboro.iN. cs..v Danville, Va..,. Sallabory, f. . " -CkaHotte. NiC..:.!-' Asheville, X.C... Hot SpriDgg,N.'0. ! ". .-. . , . i .. - t ' , Tickets at Proportiooate 'Cnlumn a f. - -1 . iw, uTiTim-Mi ,,c SwdiaTe;L2 (jJlimn V uailPw awataat nn aojjd, October afj thelrseaelae I.prinoiaaJa V JWa-iaclu, limit tan jlaaa i -.. . '-"-WM'IQ.itaae.til l4 '!u.l-u... . . t. I . ai JSTm CTTtltlV"" s .. . lr-.jrr.rtffth' 9 Jir. i . -fl. MknaWr-,.., : iDgCtMr 15th flnaviin.;. .-. 1 -'a.iuaiier ApniH ui.n .XCalom! iifJtl9 '? i"" dAtr of -ale. . J lOays lJi5!i!a?i5.1 - " 'J J W 1 J . z ... ' . . .... . . -il tickets, te h aoJl a.iiJ I ' 'to,y ving in Ied.- ' , 26th. 17. Snifltt Utli a-1 LT-rViInn,. trv-.Ii;; -V " V" HHmi to dat of eal-. k.a iwriii : " " on trni ciekr.-uhbn wrteii -j'i jet Cr, r3 VJUU Li I ' ' ' ' "MUMtfMr 3 1 rri, i it is- u 1 1. 1 1? , valuable phutorspha jr., 'T'fc.. I, -, C(X1. "VVe will rreent iM.'l 3 - r'y suWrripions to Tm KK IC AS WMKK1,A1 1 -I1, . X lair- l lliil Salfi i , j a i ; v it . 1 'I illil. a a aa.-j . v NMiKl.ii. luMmly Ml... . Atia lart-- , io lr, lliaa i , i la f J aia.i 11 4 fc ,'t.r . data H ap 11. -iRfl and atrand t'tt-tl ! -raphj . - i.- , . (liM i ry , ! . . 1 roilitii:e! in jl Vtihiiiic. I r 1 . 4 ! l-u I 1.? l'or SI Sn ii-1 1 i.j 1 l:KAl Til 11 ei.inpnii.n , joint prod tit '. (" author, .1. u . ( lineuilil ink v i :vtJ aJ gieat work :ontain 1i pace of lar; rich lithograph t.Ut ' 1 :aJ 'r nuj 1 Kid path, the 'great Amr, ' l -'Tlt , and our people, eiuliii-i,. li a iuJ For Kite SnWri.i !.lt MANIA I. 1 -I I : JU.11-; IlioriMigiiiy prai t . fc'.i.iMi. knowledge ba-1 1 j u , rjjMTii"!'! an in-if :r , iJ durt, refllieioi t. .-..,. i4i J treasury of ii ii rn n, ird class. . Tin, tiiiin- af4 priM ..1 J Ju-.-. ",'! 4-.1aiiF.tJ td with n,iii loie and .!- 1 1 Retail prire, . rn 'i iTnaa For iPlte Snli.eripHM. H1C AND ' HArrlM - ' 1 trt Ret te em ai 0 ' n aiftifui liwe 'k''a'j5 all e. V.v l hem.' A bea all time and H Mlis. A. M. -Trii- v uverTtsi liiiarter-aref. '.twiwf tifully printed n fvnei t illustrated tir over txi mir i-s . .. -i 11' I' i.r 1 '. :!jM ana uuraoiy bound. iTice, y.ijiO. . ... ui- ink wii.iiMVKS'P trn m Wm. F.'odt. A full and mn.i 1 i frontier, including a deM:riii.i i f IJL .'.i ,11- llll II rtl f.lJIIUIllllll s5 4 - in-pyao i in riv-r Hearing tl,e -! .. n.t"t ,?.t- i .1 i 1 ; t;BAIiEIGH,- X:. C . f r i . wav Route r.'fi.: ' t I .1 .ir. Tn-HTld Frftm .,m - wJlorth Carolina and Tencess THE K0t.M TRIP! Rail R. , :. J liaar, (iii . l2-i, ii.iw JiW... 14 40 : ' ,ia5T. . lioy v:. , l'JJ."., II oo )i 25 13 Jf Y. ' 1 25 ' JUKI "M" 2255 15.-5 : ..-5 125 14Ui 1-':" lf05 1251 : " itua 12 75 : '' 16 30 11.75 xm a7o - 1195 R.70 - Rates on Sale From all Sialic - " - ,a.2it,, an4 dn on nd "r r A;-r-' -.,t :a ' j - - tl f,ik .-urn f Mrf r? "d ri r.M My 'rM 'mM tw6teKth. ief.- irrf.rj mI';"' -ii -.-I v. . -Jou uiijj .iia r .lrt-l