Caucasian. December 1, 1897. .11 Hi !- Ml' (J. ." r.nrer has entered 1 1 1 r i AT 4 of Ashe and . to secure pajrment of ,,r 1-'."!. Ashe count ,',rnett more wheat has Wake this year than hi many years. The r it. State are that a ;. tjrillg BOWn. formerly New ".k,''"r na heen ap- liief Industrial , comprising the ,., with ollice in (Jen ii'. Portsmouth, Va., y, ' fiief Ifiduftriai I "-i-pliorie (Company , iritvr- of incorpora-rt-tsry of State, 'ibe ' company is to be r i ) forty Miares of f 20 ; 'to' tt may be in-r.- tt.i 1,0X. M orn of the most - ut WaUe, died hat- 7 1 i ear. Jits home i y. t welve miles from r i rit-r ices were held .cc liuintir r of friends ; ,- tate granted letters , Meters. M.O. lieatty, hi, . McIonald, l. i. A le sunder, I. IJeatty r, for the "St. Jle ;g Company, of Jtan I lie capital otock id to 7 right .. "'Ml. to raise it to ! i-t - ' Ilarr.--'- f.,r f." ! ;:rn 1 ' I ill. -! p.i.r il' ,r'r " In 'II." '-' K-rr : I h.. -ii. : f.'l! ir' in !. :i Vr' i.i ir fin :!" 1 (.! ' r i I A -I IV1, i ti- :: I in.- r-.t; t,H I I- tin- t..'.':t I llit.'l ' I.. I. i.r t! DniK'l' ii, I arui;:i. ! Mr. n. i i-Mv I' ilt-ri"! Ii' lidi'f iii'i' r nut -; :r Henry l Carrul1 -.i iipmi 1 1 . moon in Cary the . npiiny assigned for ! 1 1 - creditors. The ; 1 (if U. I. Harrison, . I . Ivey. Mr. Moye is l;id collections and r tlie products of the , . i tie the causes of the published by C. II. ; Miy, (Jhi' go, 111., for ' i a number of inter . political and econo :ililition to which is ; niMcellaneoiH matter i n reader will find er-h-ading article is .lwlg? Walter Clark, . .1 in this issue. The ihlied with Tint Cau- year for $1 W). Send ; .'i.; !a r: asian. "" i t at the State L'niver- ; ut rest to the students with students of the : Georgia, in February. , uf N orth Carolina has ittiei"ery, "Ought the tu acquire Hawaii?" and ' , "f (J'jarlotte, and V. .1. Wayne, are the North .'rs. ' irr'ill, Marshal of the r t, f:iys that lie has ten narioii to take eiFect i t hough his term does i ntil .'lanuary l."th. Mr. i ) . who m to succeed Mr. I," will b ready to enter it if.-, of the olllce New I. r I i i Hpulist-j ay themselves tin U tothrt democrats; i cotton" is a powerful movement of return ( h.irlotte bserver. i of them. We fail to i my of those who want to .i the Democratic party t a great many country .;iin we say, name them r 1 1 ccurt was in session i.Je l'urnell presiding, i.-r U Fortune took entire "i.'irir" ui ' ihf criminal docket, which rm' 'WtW Vu(u'U turned over to 1. 1 n . ,n ..f.'.iMir- viith .fudge Pur- ... a m iii'ii - in:'n. i in1 u.Miiu crowu oi ti!in,'rr-oii ni! wiiiu were pres- eiii. r.iiM isnl'T-. .m l imionsliiners" inii-uiiirj mil h 1 1 nic ui' t lie court. The pit ..f': elit t I ' i I iiui ' tln-y nr. that "il. I SUM KllleUli Villi!' meet Lp v (ii ti:i' . i mi. ' i, l'nni!i-'.- Tin' I . !a-t vm i'' li'ri. t w iii'iier, Mft i!er, was aent ii'iritiis In the penitentiary. I iu.Iiiiiiu l in in 1 1 tee. 1 1..- p. 1 i :i 1 . inn iii i tt ce appointed by the l.i-t i tTil As.-embly to examine tlu- in "k-i ct the State Treasurer and Amliti r in. I Tuesday in the Treasur er's 1 1 ! i i i i.mlmt the examination. Tin' iin'ii.titT uf the committee are, on tin-purt ci tli.' senate, J. A. Kamsay, n( liuiv;ui, nti.l .1. W. Atwater, of Chat liani ; mi ti;- pi'.rt of the House of Kep- renfiitat i n i'.rown, of .Jones, Dixon, uf rii wl.iml, and Ormsley or Forsyth rounty. If will take four or lire days tu I'uiisjiii'te i he work. oi.. I he I., the Cotton Katts. alfijjh and Augusta Air Line ami Carolina Central Railways, divis- nms nt' the i'aboard Air Line system, ciiiiie-t the order No. 70, recently liteil ty II. ' Kailway Commission re Jin'iii I'liH.m rates. Mai. .L'liM 1). Shaw counsel for the vatiuarf. appeared before the Com missinn Mnmtay and filed exceptions to the rate- nt freight on cotton, as es talililn' 1 in circular 70. The matter will tiow t i t he courts for settle ment. Intl.' meantime the Seaboard will he n ipiired to give a bond to the Comim.Mii: t indemnify shippers, l ul.Miaw i.;ijgested that the bond of thet arnl ra t entral be fixed at $10, 11011 ami that of the Kaleigh and Au-K"-ta Air line at 3,000. TheCom-nii'-iiun w i;i tUret in a few days and 'leniiciiati' the bond required of the two THE SUFtRVISOR'S MEETING. !ujm th tn,,. i t Mtbaue Kxpects m Very li ' rratloK Semlon. ' I am vi r much encouraged by the prospect fur tlie meeting of superin feinjentj her? December iMUb. I have hetirvi fruin a niite a number of the leailin;' a in! .-lost enterprising tuper vii rs in the --tate. They will attend, stul iln h'.I ir, their rower to make the tneetin- a c. cess. ''Anion,; those who have indicated a ttillinjrtie.a i,, ))P on the regular pro ttrain are in f. Noble, of Wilmington; .'J"1;'. ! niil., of Handolph, and Prof. 1 1 .- , , r I'.uiicniube. Presidents Alder n'an and M ..;Yf.r also probable at 'fji'l an 1 take part in the discussions. Iliav. i , i (t 1Harj from them and many other j rominent educators whom 1 have ll( take an active part in 'he tlleetu j;, " 1 here will lu nnlr nnp da of the t here will be three sessions N::;o o'clock, 3 o clock Thf 5ji ma Old Sarsaparilla. That'a Ayer'a. The same old aarsaparilla as it was made and sold by Dr. J. C. Ayer CO year ago. In the laboratory it is different. There modern appli ances lend speed to skill and experience. But the sarsapa rilla is the same Old sarsaparilla that made the record SO yearm of cum. Why don't we tetter it? Well, we're much in the condition of the Bishop and the raspberry : " Doubtless, " he aaid, " God might have made a better berry. Hut doubtless, also, lie never did." Why don't we better the sarsaparilla? We can't. We are tising the name old plant that cured the Indians and the Spaniards. It has not been bettered. And since we make sarsaparilla com pound out of sarsaparilla plant, we see no way of improvement. Of course, if we -were making some secret chemical compound we might.... But we're not. We're making the same old sar saparilla to cure the same old diseases. You can tell it's the same old maraaparilla be cause it works the mame old, cures. It's the sovereign blood purifier, and it1 Ay era. WAKE COUNTY 0FFICALS. A JMatteilng l(iort From Each County Orllcer Tn Board of Commlwlontri j Reduce Kiptniei and Decrease the Count)' IndebtedneM Will the Demo cratic PTeaa Give Then Fig area for the Public' Information? The Hoard of County Commissioners were in session last week. In addition to transacting the usual routine busi ness, committees were appointed to ex amine the ollice and books of the several county otlicers. Dr. It. B. Ellis hand ed i n his resignation as County Coroner to take effect as soon as his successor is appointed. The election of a road sup ervisor for the ensuing year was left over until the next reg'ular meeting. The following are the reports of the committees : 8herlfT Olllce. The undersigned committed on the Sheriff's office, have examined said of fice and report as follows : "We find that including December 7th, that the Sheriff has collected on the tax list the sum of $C2,006.!.,,J. This is a little more than half the amount of the entire taxes as charged up to the Sheriff. The taxes are divided as follows : State taxes $1.,3 12.24; county $17, 570.1'.); schoo'-$ 17,836.13; graded school $7,S84.!!; Kaleigh road district $V 421.71. The Sheriff reports that the taxes of the people residing outside of Kaleigh have paid with greater promptness than for years, and that nearly all the taxes v ow due are by citizens of Kaleigh tow nship. Of the $02,006 29 collected, there is now a balance in the .'National Bank of Kaleigh. including t he State taxes, $23,511.21. The balat ce has been paid to the proper oflicer'j. We found the oflice kept in a very neat and business-'iike manner, so that it was an easy ar.d simple matter to make this investigation. We desire to add that we think the Sheriff's oflice is conducted in sue h manner as exhibits the business-like capacity of the Sher iff and his assistants, and reflects credit on the county authorities. Rum s Barbkk, J. C. I.. Harris, Committee. Register ot Deeds' Office. To the Honorable Hoard of County Commissioners of Wake County. Gentlemen : I, as committee ap pointed to examine the oflice of Reg ister of Deeds, beg to report that I find the books in said office neatly and correctly kept. I find that for the year ending October 31st, the Register of Deeds has sold four hundred and eighty-one (481) marriage license: and that he holds the Sheriff's receipt for nine hundred and sixty-two dollars' ($'.i.2.oo) as required by law. Respectfully submitted, Rdfub Barbke, Committee. Clerk Superior Court Office. To the Board of Commissioners : I have carefully examined the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court and find the books, papers and records of the office all kept as provided by law in a neat and business-like manner. Referring to the annual report made by the Clerk as required by Chapter "S0, Section 1 of the law of 1891. I have thoroughly examined into said report and find thnt it is true and cor rect according to the records of the office of the public funds remaining in his hands on 3st Monday of this month. W. H.Chamblke, Committee. County CommlMloners Expenditures. The following is a condensed state ment of the comparative expenditures of Wake county for the years 1896 and 1897. During the year 1S96 under a Democratic Board of County Commissioners the total expenditures were, $ 36,899 91 During the present Rep-Pop I'oard the total expendi tures were. . . . 4,uy oo Being a saving of . $ 11,990 85 Thn tntal indebtedness of the county Dec. 189G was . . $40,870 56 It was discovered later that the Democratic Board made bills, which were not known at close of the year but since brought to light amounting to $ 3,972 20 ' GENERAL NEWS. A ftamaaary r m Wek' Kveaie Tfcet mt D4Ud Dwai tm Salt Oar Ertdirt. Ex-President Cleveland is in South Carolina on a hunting trip. Havaxsa, Dec. 13 It is officially reported that the insurgent leader, Captain Uegina Alfonso, was killed yesterday in an engagement in the province of Matarjras. No details are given The residence of Isace E. Emerson, President of the Emerson Drag Co-t of Baltimore, Md., was entered and diamonds valued at nearly 10,003 were stolen. After a desperate strug gle me inier was captured as he was leaving the house, and the diamonds were found in his pockets. Last week it was learned that mail V- . T T . . uKanew oersey railroad was robbed of registered matter, and the loss is estimated at 30,000. It is supposed that a systematic mail rob I, l i uery nas Deen carried on lor some time previous and that the total loss will reach $100,000. Mr. George anderbilt last week had his life insured for one million dollars. The premium of this is $35,- uuu a year, a snug fortune in itseif. It is said by friends that the policy was taken to carry out an idea of his after death. xne treatment or tne Cuban ques tion in the 1 resident s message con trasted with the treatment of the Cu ban question in the Republican na tional platform is another lllustra lion of the familiar truth that "plat forms are made to get in on, not to stand on-' New York World, Dem michmokd, a., uec. 16. xne most important measure in the State House of Delegates to-day was the joint resolution of Mr. Folkes, provi diug for a committee of Senators and delegates, who shall discuss with the superintendent of public printing the feasibility of having the text-books used in the public schools of Virgin ia printed under the direction and management of the Commonwealth Nashville, Tenn., Dec. 13. The American Federation began its 17th annual session in this city to-day with an attendance of more than 100 delegates from different states and an equal number of visitors. The Federation met in the hall of the House of Representatives at the State capitol at 1 o'clock, President Gon pers presiding. What the Soulli Needs. If congress provides for a system of postal saving banks at the com ing session of congress it will bene fit the whole country, but no part of it more than the south, where savings or any other institutions in which savings can be deposited are few. Tlie south, therefore, is most interested la the passage of tin bill. Few Orleans Times-Demo crat. Tried To Kill The Sultan. London. Dec. 9. The Athens correspondent of the Daily Chroni cle says that on Monday last two soldiers in the imperial service at the Yildiz Kiosk, palace of the Sultan, made an attempt on the life of the Sultan. This was frus trated by the attendants of Sultan The Sultan had the men tortured in hope of extracting the names o the instigators, but both succumb ed without revealing anything. Late Congressional jNeu-i. Washington, D. C, Dec. 13. Bills introduced in Congress to-day were mostly of a local nature, look ing to changes in the government of District of Columbia. Mr. Hartman, of Montana intro duced a bill in the House applying the referendum to local government, that is submitting to the popular vote of the residents of tbe district the question whether there shall be a change in the form of government for the Dsstnct. A petition was offered in the San ate askine that legislation be enac ted to keep open the National Mu seum, Congressional Library and Bo tanical Gardens on Sundays. Senator Butler secured the pass age of a bill appropriating $125,000 to erect a public building at Durham, N. C. Senator Butler made a speech in support of amendments which he of fered last Tuesday to his Postal Sav ings Bank bill which was introduced last session. Anions: the North Carolinians in the city last week were Messrs. C. M. Babbitt, of Pamlico; C. C. Fagan, of Matin; S. Bryant, Randleman. L. Hines, Kinston; CI. W. Cobb, Eliza beth City; Otho Wilson, Raleigh; H. C. Dockery, Rockingham; W. J. Pone. Kinston: J. M. Smith, Rock ingham; Wheeler Martin, Williams- ton. The Presidents Mother Dead. Canton, Ohio, Dec. 13. Mrs. Nancy Allison McKinley, passed away quietly yesterday at the home in Canton, of her son, President McKinley. The President, who had been a constant watcher at her bedside was, with the rest of the family, present during her last moments. Mrs. .McKinley was stricken with paralysis about two weeks ago. Death was expected at any moment but she lingered until last Sunday. The funeral was held Tues day and was largely attended by dis tinguished friends. FABILY KECECIES. In do other department of domestic arrangements is there such a stupeo dous disregard of the welfare of tbe family as in coardiog against the common ills of life by tbe use of effective reliable family rem edies. If th following advice eoald reach every boasebold in tbe land. and itn such eloquence as to win obed ience, it would convey a bless! of to each that would be difficult to exager ate. Tbe advice is this : Get a bottle of Pe-ru-na, read the instructions on tbe bottle, do exactly as they direct. ana no catarrn, eougn, cold, tore throat, oroncnitis. pleurisy, pneumonia or any other climatic disease will disturb tbe peace of the household as long as it is continued. Joseph Kirchensteiner, &7 Croton street, Cleveland, ()., writes: "We hate used'Pe-ru-ca for eight years as our family med icine. During tbe whole of that time we have not had to employ a physi cian. Our fam ily consists of seven and we always use it for tbe tbou- sand and one: ailments to ASAJ9 VB9AUCB. ft JF. H'Ji wbich mankind is liable." Address the Pe-ru-na Drug Manu facturing Company, Columbus, Ohio, for a free book on -Winter Catarrh," written by Dr. Hartman. Ask your druggist for a free Pe-ru-na Almanac for THE BRYAN PARTY total indebted- Making a ness of Total indebtedness Dec. 15".7 44,842 70 1 32,735 00 $ 12,107 70 ti ... uai, ii:iV at ami ;,:; '1 tie n, iinl. will be held in the Cap- lf 1i is Cutting Teeth, Ure ar il ush that old and U7C.1I . ' nac biiau viu ..v.. r'rtMiinlv. Mrs. Winslow's Sooth- ,"'YIUl', it children teething. It mmiu.m lh(? ,.hild( 60fterj9 the gums, a-'iajs an pain, cures wind colic and is ,"H ''t re.tiwjy for diarrha-. Twenty- -'j:cessful physicians. 1 artil y recommend Dr. Hatha- , i t South Jiroad St. At-1 'atua.t.a., as being perfectly reliable arnl n-markably successful in the treat ment ui drome diseases of men and womn. Tbey cure where others fail. ' 1 1 reailnrd if in nsoil nt morlioal haln yioiihl certainly write these eminent 'u,,'tors and you will receive a free and Irt opinion of your case by return "ail without cost; this certainly is uie rifjJit Way to do business. They K'larantte their cures. Write them today. Iieinga saving of over last year. v This is an excellent record and one that the Boa rd of County Com- DfOUQ OI. IDe Democratic press comment on inese I reports. How's This? We offer One Hundred Dollars Re ward for any case of Catarrh that can not be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. Chuskv & Co., Props., Toledo, O. We the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and be lieve him perfectly honorable in all Kncinooa tranuAtinriB and financially able to carry out any obligations made Ktt thai firm. West & Tkuax, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. , . , Waiting, Kiknak & Marvin, Whole sale Druggists, Toledo, Ohio. m ir.ii'o n.rrrh c.nrfl is taken intern nail b wcau- w - - . n,r ..tinir riirectlv upon the Diooa .wi mr,a anrfciRPs of the By stem Price 75c. per bottle. Sold by all Drug gists. 'Testimonials free, nail's FamilT Pills are the best, lio-lu (Uf tin Vt'Ula. 'iuurnnucl tobuccohawt cure, makes went. .SToVI. T5.ritrilla aeuh'joim.tiooa pure. 60c.ti A.u J2jfutt I up with flood's oftrsapamia. Pnnfriia. colds, tmeumonift and fe mar Via TirAVfinted tV keeping vwa MT . the bleod pure ana we system wuro Are Meeting With Great Demonstration andTJnnaual Courtesies lo Mexico. Mexico City, Mexico, Dec. 11. Mr. Bryan and party are making a triumphant journey throughout the country, stopping at the principal cities between the frontier and the capital, and everywhere the famous American is being treated with re markable courtesy. At various of the State capitals the Governors have per sonally greeted the Democratic leader and he has been accorded exceptional facilities for seeing everything. He is expected to arrive here Monday night, when he will be escorted to the Hotel Sans, where luxurious quarters have been securea ior mm. at win uc received -at the railway station by Colonel Garza, of the President s stan. A FEW PERTINENT QUESTIONS Asked by a Reaper of The Caucasian for the Hon. W. H. Kltchln to Answer. There are these questions circulat ing in Northampton county, viz: Will the Hon. w . n. micnin co-op- Arale with the croldbug ring of the Democratic party ? Does he consider himself one or the old time machine Democrats that cannot now be trusted? Does he imagine that the Populists have forgotten that he denounced them in 1892 as taller dogs, and does he believe that the Peoples Party has now or ever has had any confidence in his Populism? Did he not seek office at the hands of the fusion legislation of 9o. Does he promise the the ballo box manipulotors of Halifax or else where will be more honest in the future than in the past? B. S. A Fruoers Hui Meeting In Cleveland Countr According to previous announce ment a number of farmers of Cleve land county met in the Court House in Shelby on Saturday, December 11, 1897, to consider certain questions that are of vital interest to the county. T. - D. Falls, Esq., was called to the chair and J. A. Ware was requested to act as secretary. The object of the meeting was ex plained by J. M. Iloyle, who made an able speech in advocacy of a reduc duction of cotton acreage of paying for commercial fertilizers with cot ton only at a stipulated price, and of making all debts due in the spring instead of fall. The meeting was further address ed on the abo 3 lines by J. Z. Falls, J. C. Byers, J. B. Byere, J. A. An thony, Esq., W. V. Webb, J. II. Quinn and others. All agreed that present prices of cotton are workibg a disaster to the entire country, and that something ought to be done, and done speedily, to counteract this downward tendency, that a united effort of the farmers throughout the cotton belt on the lines suggested above would accomplish this end. The following resolutions were in troduced by J. M. Iloyle, and unani mously adopted.: Whereas, The farmers are op pressed with debt and unable to meet their obligations on account of the low price of cotton and other products; therefore, Iiesolved 1. That we will not buy any more commercial fertilizers un less we can pay for eame in cotton at a reasonable price per pound. "2. That we will reduce our cotton acreage next year one-third, if possi ble. . That we will endeavor to make all our debts in the future due in April and May instead of November and December, as now. 4. That we send a delegate, to gether with our greetings, to the Cotton Growers' Convention, to be held in the city of Atlanta on the 14th in at. C. That the chairman appoint a committee of three from each town ship in the county to organize their respective townships on the lines in dicated above, and to enli3t interest in a meeting similar to this to be held at this place on the hrst Mon day in January, 1897, for the pur pose of formulating a permanent or ganization. The chair appointed the fol'owing committees: Township No. 1 S. 11. Hum phries, C. Jones and W. S. Wood. No. 2 W. A. Webb, D. S. Love lace and 1). C. Dodd. No. 3 S. D. Randall, A. E. Bettis and J. A. Roberts. No. 4 J. W. Gofortb, John Herndon and J. A. Ware. No. 5 A. J. Gamble, T. M. A. Oats and C. Miller. No. 6W. P. Beam, L. S. Ham rick and W. M. Beattie. No. 7 R. L Butler, C. A. Jones and A. M. Lattimore. No. 8 F. Y. Hicks, D. D. Edwards and J. B Lattimore. No. 9 F. T. Warlick, M. P. Pettie and S. Canley. .No. 10 J. Z Fall?, P. W. Hamot and A. T. Mull. No. 11 G. W. Peeler, Kelly Downs and Peter Buff. Each person was requested to notify the committees of their re spective townships of their appoint ment and to use their influence to further the objects of this meeting. J. W. Hoyle was elected delegate to the Cotton Growers Convention in Atlanta, Ga., on the 14th inst. On motion of J. Z Falls, Esq. it was ordered that each of the county papers together with the leading Daners of the State, be famished ' Stteat f tk m rati in wk t Wac tesaens are Drive . rarUke Ttot a-re- Last week theN and Observer and the Carolinian published an ar ticle on a negro arrertiag a white Ban and the great sboek it r aaitd ia that eooctnanity. Tbe aitlcl is question Is as folio wi: " NEGRO ARRESTS A WRITE HAN. A8l(ttae rle ml Hear tikl .r Esrrte4 I Live ! a. Saw LloHT. Nor. 29. ls97. To tbe EJiter: I saw sometbicg to-daT I have never n before. A negro bad a white man under arrest at Woodliet's store, near tbe Grin ville eounty liar. The negro is a Granville man. It seems tbe negro informed or swore out the warrant before James M. Davis, a iastice of toe peace of Granville eounty, and he deputized the negro to eieente tbe warrant. Tbe warrant was is sued against the white man for stab bing a negro who bad tbe white man under arrest. It was a sight for New Light to see. I hearJ tbe old est inhabitants say tbey never saw the sight before. Tbe negio bor rowed a gun from a man at Wocd liet's store to guard tbe white man with. Yours for Granville fusion. W. II. CiurriLL. A gentlemen who lives in the fame township writes his version of the ease which certainly changta the as pect materially. Tbe followicg is bis letter: , Social Gayeties. To t cntmaJcing wnrb oot- ocht to t swirep. To rat r-ts j and tUdj wbrm tlx-' stomach ersve tb sissplrst food or dock at aa. To Uxt a wbca oo wactt to cry. All this sjvI much xaorc society de- I&aodsof be? folkrwrrs. What a 1 Beat, 0 Is it any 1 wonder that tbey brrak downf Tbe drralfcl bcdacbre. Tb crttvfcitr pains in the back aadkxn. Tbe tJan. AU twh yt::; in dicate KtMi de-rmni-mcftts of the dehestr frtn!e or- emm. mxtd rsat oTrcorae at once. Krtnove tbe canM. Strengthen exhausted oat arc For The Cacasisn. New Light, Wake County, N. C, Dec. 9, 1807. I see in the Carolinian of tbe 1st inst. a bug-bear and scare crow written by one W. H. Chappel, of New Light, and like all Demo cratic political vampire?, seems to have the purpose in view of deceiv ing the good people of North Caro lina elsewhere by false impressions in regard to negro rule and a negro being deputized to arrest a white man, &s. Now, why did not this willing tool of the G. O. P. tell tbe facts unvarnished, wbich is abjut as follows: In Granville county near the Wake line, there lives a so-called white man, who for years has been living and associating with a certain ne gro family and has been convicted in the courts of Granville for living in fornication and adulteiy with a negro woman. Not long since he got in a row with a negro man, and took upon himself to stab the son of the colored woman who he had been staying with (and this man being known as a general law breaker and generally going armed, all of which is known by the goldbug Democracy in the community) the uncle of the wounded negro went before J. M. Davis, Esq.; and swore out a war rant for the arrest of the law breaker and it being a matter among the ne groes and their associates, and their being no regular officer convenient and not wishing to disturb the dig nity of the kid glove Democracy, the magistrate deputized the man who swore out the warrant to serve the same and bring the criminal to justice, which was dose in an order ly manner. These are about the facts in the case; and I have not yet seen where the social standing of any white man in New Light or else where has been damaged by negro rule or Granville fusion. When will the Dems learn to tell he truth and deal fair with their political oppo nents. Now let's see if the News and Observer or Carolinian will do the good people of Nortn Carolina and elsewqere the just ice! to copy this in in their columns. We shall see. A Silver Pop. Bradfietd'a Female Regulator is the standard remedy for the weaknesses and irregularities j'eculiar to women. Bradneld RepulaU-r is not a nn licnuus mixture of mythical orig:n, but'a uoi ard remedy compounded in accordance with scientific principles from s;-jtovd vegetable medical materials. BraJdeld's Regulator is endorsed be physicians who have examined it, and hs Lren ia suc cessful use over a quarter of a century. It Is sold by drujrgikU at one dollar a bottle. "Perfect Health for Wonca " mailed free upon application. THE BRAOFICIO ICfiUUTOI CO.. It lasts. Cs. THE BAPTIST CONVENTION. A l-arge NuiiiImt I'rrM-Ht -t.rral Wank Itunr tlir lat Irir-Vimr I lur e--f !tf- -., OOO ICal.-. for 1 l:lriKt. I rmalr t nitrrkil). The Baptist Convention has bt-rn in session in Oxford since last Wrdnr day. Great progress and advancement in all work ia reported. State Mission! were ably discued bj Dr. II. A. Ilrown. More than $:;.'n was then raised for Mate missions. The report on Wake Forest College was spoken to by 1'resident Taj lor. Dr. Walter Sikes and others, threat interest was manifested. Dr. Kobertson,of Louisville, addrtM ed the Convention on the history and work of the Southern Baptiat Theolog ical Seminary, rix tmndred and fifty dollars wss easily raised at tbe clone of Dr. Robertson's address for tbe seminary. North Carolina Baptists are standing by the seminary. The Convention was entertained at Oxford Female Seminary. A pro gramme of great interest km well rendered- Saturday tbe Female I'nivemty was considered. Speeches were made by 1'resident F. W. Boatwngbt, of Rich mond College; Financial Secretary O. L. Stringiield, of Kaleigh, and Mr. X. B. Broughton. High-water mark was reached to-night. Nearly f.'i.OO" was subscribed for the University at the close of speeches. After several closing addre?, the Convention adjourned Monday to meet in Greenville on Thursday night be fore the second Sunday in December, isns. , riewRara. tw eetc J e at rla- i " rfffUe4 ! enaaaa:iw of tt vwsnte. iiht rial tr I as coiwissfORiit or R3 13 n R. SMITH ItlCUOTO MIL THE VACANCY. e)ia se at. I a -' t- Jm I. !. It k t t .. i ,- ra fa a m-mm fcar - Tbe Ciivfew I ivtmi At tie mertttf ..f tt Uirj mt xg. ricaitur es Tnr4st afivnwn. Mr J. , ' a ctem ct n. N'atrr rrtif ,! k t oaniutaa. ' or:ay in rrv.nH t thr r f Atriulur. at9 Mr. John n 'rwll t.f utfi r ftrvwrr and rr Mitt. tf ajt ccwaty, tt rrat f ganul m Tnartie A o r.Dteett nf I t. t.tot,ar,.; Tb-.JT.. rlrrl-l fr a. Ml..m . . UVer-rctoB Jar.isry Ut r,. srj ! X 1 ". r.f. Mf-i f.rwrf ; .oertr Ku-U la tt r!a!.an i"11 rd-l, I. t; H. t Mr. Mb ii oirittvtM t it I ltrU Vtoe-rl1 nt. Mr. rn teu!iarj. tj tai rrt ! atn ' A. Mamtitura ; fourth fr!-dte- !-'. Mia- I'- nt Nt .-r. t a rv ll.e trsvJ.rcof !bccuPattsf tlae I'mf. J. L IUB )d Ihaxh'r twatr'.cea t tn roctvaiflatrJ f..e fla Wat. lv.-r" .. wuif tisva. tt.e niit'rr ha. Km kept jiitel ar.t wa uaiy Laoma ta the t.utrrnor and a few f tua a4iiaora. After Ibe ll-tard .( griru:tre bad rott in the Or art rr.rt.t tatldiar. they w-re it.turn.eJ ty Mr. Harris tta! tte i.ovffu.r jffj to item in - a bodj. Tte llor4 im mediately r. reeded to tte irrnor' cftire in a boly, wbre the matter was eiplattwj totliem ty tie iiuirrenr, atijenr. utnmg tfur ion. Mr. Menhir Be frndrrrd l.ia m rtlun. wtob wa arrep'ed, and Vlr uitlt vu imnl lately rlrrttd to f.'.l t te araary . No tppaition wa n.snlfr sted. 1 be ap pointment of Mr. Mettborn a Mipef. ictendor.t of tf.e enteatitry will he niade at otim tj t rs urn--r. wIm has o!e Ihj r tu nuke II. i a tuint lurnt. Ilrsret waa eiprerJ hy every n.etn ber of tLe Board o! Africulture at Ite resignation of Mr. llborce. A mem. ber the T.oard aald that while tte Board Lad no cVu V. tbtt Mr. Mnith will perform the duties of t'oiiimis- Tbe lrv-.K!, ut p.-nt-t tle !! n o'liiii iitu- . n rm; lnf. reward l;titr, lrlr. v and Ml Kal- Vtrn. I he tU-tbn .fv"tl ril.l at Brt f.r4 tin,; a ; tel. Wh I t.-axli )'!. rt4. What -th. tu. tli.l f at4aintii; a lar- ta abutar. I te (in-tr l r f f ! A-arlalii are: !!. 1. 11. ?trv.t. ltrwr J. I t'ttt Jl.J. l: x ti..l.U.. M r...(.f. W. II. Howard. . VI,l I. I: i I- IU. I l-taavin.. J. Kiuc K. rll. I: M. M. ianttl. J. I..t.t-. ar,l Mu- AnnU J. lUrln v. annll.- jrl. Mary Hutler. IWtta iki K at liir.n, t.rn. 11U I Vrr?l. Mary Herring, U u lit rrln-, at t Att t- Ubltlain. 1 lie A-t Utiott will tutet ak-a n ouatuiday Jan. tli at lioVI.ak rtii-rMlan In ll. fll. v gmmmwmwmK HIE HOLIDAY SPIRIT. WE EXTEND TO YOU A CORDIAL CHRISTMAS GREETING 3P' 73IUIUUIUIUUU1USS KliV ADI.-i etrry tiook andrarti of thia art Me torr. He'e trn rreparmg for ttua. the event of a I event, for ruunthe. All ( hru!rti Jwru relrbrstea this creat annual featival Its recurrence ia always IwkeJ ftr- ward to with pleaturable aotl l ation by young and old. The giving of gifts, the forgetting of self, the kindly helpful fueling one for another are all features of the great t'Lritmas festival. Hih weeowld tell you one-twentieth part of the arooJ think that hate been gathered fur you. all bought to fit the c aiion. n-eful and ornamental arti.lea. all intended to make sonn body happy, and all priced i modetly that the mot prudent red not complain. The tore is decked in its brightest garb, everything la diaplsjed to (he bet advantage, the whole pla wears a r-mile of cheerful welcome. We wuu'd fuggt-ft that you made your eeletions as early as j,oas.b!e hefcr the assortment become broken, by so doing you alo avoid the diacomf rt it t le ever-increaing throng a the time drawa nearer. COTTON GROWER'S C0NVENTI9 N. A Lvrg and Representative Body In At tendance. Plans and Methods to be lie vised to Prevent Dealing In Fatarea and for the Farmer to Receive a Fair Price for his Product. The Convention of Cotton Growers, in which so much interest has centered for tbe last montb, met in Atlanta Tuesday with a large number of dele gates from every cotton growing State. If expectations are realized it will be the largest and most effective gath ering of cotton growers which has as sembled for mutual interest in many years. The xall for the convention was is sued by J. C. Welborn, President of the South Carolina Farmers' Alliance. He has sent letters to all the Govern ors, tbe prominent growers and bank ers of the Southern States, and he has been overwhelmed by the avalanche of favorable replies. The executive heads of the different States have ap pointed delegates to the convention, and numberless merchants and bank ers have expressed their intention of attending or beingrepresented. Each party addressed seems to feel the im portance of tbe situation, and from the tone of tbe many letters on file in Mr. Welborn's office one is led to the belief that those who attend will come with the serious intention of devising some definite and effective method for relief. Indlcoant at the I'rjust Crltlrinm. We know of no words strong enough to convey a proper charac terization of Senator Hutler. lie has lied most infamously on gocd people of his btate, and then try to he out of having given utterance to tbe lie. tie is a dirty, contemptible toon-1 drel, unworthy to associate with de cent people ie is fit only to associ ate with brutes who, but for fear of tbe law, would violate tho persons of pure woman. No decent man in Morib uaronna bnouid have any thing to do with the vile thing. To the Editor of Tub Caucasian, Raleigh, N. C. Cents. l see the abovo vile, abuse of our beloved Senator, that I can't let it pas3 without letting you know my feelings for senator Hut ler and my utter contempt for the editor of the Free Press printed at Kinston, N. C. I clip this out of this weeks issue of the Free Press. and I hope in your next issue if you think best to comment of this. Success to you. W. E. Uav. ANDY CATHARTIC ALL onussisTS ABSOLUTELY GUARiKTLEi) lC?a'rr7r vv!talfJlrJana! aVa2 V4e sa4 hootM rrf. 14. VTf KMMi K.Tj St t O.. Hktw. Swlwu. 1 .. vara, en The oflicial statement that Ncrtb Carolina actually has l,04l,:.s5spindles in cotton and woolen mills makes it certain that in this line this btate leads tbe South. STATEMENT. OrncE or Ueitkk or Itti, Wawg Cockiv. HalcI'.h, K. C, November 3, IZV7. Pursuant to tbe provisions of Section 713 of Tbe Code, tb following statement showing items and nature of all eompensatioa audited l y the Hoard of County Commiscaoners of Wake ronntv to tb members thereof severally, from ueceralx-r 1, 1 SIM, to November VA), lb'17, both ioelos've, is submitted to tbe public: J. II. HiuM THEIR SUCCESS. Wh Not be Cured?1 If you have Consumption, Iironcbitis, or Disordered Liver, why r.ot take Judge Geo.E. Hunt's Consumption, Bronchitis ja- n aa ana uver uure It is acknowledged to be tbe best remedy in the United .States: for all lung troubles. ONLY 50 CENTS PER BOTTLE. Address, JUDGE GEO. K. HUNT, Lexington, N. C. WILLIAM S. BARNES, WHOLESALE 42 days as Commissioner, at $3, 1 days as Committee, at ?3, Wll. II. ClIAMBLCE. M days as Commissioner, at $3. . (i days as Committees, at $3, . .Ol miloa rtr.t.l ) V bw iiv itit vio a v m 13J Xi flJ 00 i'J U HnTd BARbCC 40 days ts Ccmistio&tr, at 3, -7 days as Committee, at i'l. 392 m-lcs travt led, at 5:., . Total cumber of days the Board was in seas ion, Total miles traveled, Total amouunt paid, . . . ti7i :i 1120 (hi 21 WI I'J CO tldl G VI 912 "ttC4 1U Dr. Hathaway A Co.'a aeosBses have become a ard. hmitwihold word. Whv? The answer is simple. Tham arm mm arith thaeonraM of their ConVlC- tioos. Orlinator. sot ialtators. Their methods, like themaelvee, are ia harmony with the people and the times. New and up to data. Amonctbe aoirm nt miscalled eznarts and leaitiinata with a copy of these proceedings I liJJ., iS nritll a rAnnPaf. for rtnhlioation. i n1rnrlnvol nriirinntrira of the new and now af0fV,of ih T,rpapnf. widely adopted method ot treating chronl-J and vt, v arV'Va. wumw vuv tvuviaa Produ clorami on Mei cliant There were no unverified accounts allowed. I hereby certify to tbe corretners of tbe foregoing statement. JOSEPH J. ROGERS, Keguterof Deeds and Kt officio Clerk Board County ComVa. chairman call the January meeting to order. On motion meeting adjourned with . ii f 1 an invitation to an iarmers m Cleveland county to meet with us asain at one o'clock on Monday, January 6; Ib'Jo. J . D. r ALLS, Utt'm J. A Ware, Sec'y. What Cored the Baby. "Hood's Sarsaparilla has cured our baby of running sores for which we doctored her for a longtime. It has relieved me of rheumatism. My wife was troubled with sick headaches and could get nothing to relieve her un til she took Hood's Pills.' H. L. Pickeny, Lock Box 9, EUenboro, W. Va. Hood's Pills are the only pills to take with Hood's Sarsaparilla. Easy yet efficient. Cuban Tobaeco Imports Again. New York, Dec. 13. The Ward Line Steamer "Orizaba" which ar rived today from Havana, brought 331 bales of tobacco, beingthe first shipping of tobacco from that port in many months. eomnlieatad disorders. Their reputation rests not on the cheap, trans parent platform ot purchased testimony, bat oa long list ot cared patients, visible local wit nessea ot their skilL As physicians of buaineas and social status in the community they pledge a complete coarse of treatment and ultimate core by the "Hathaway method," unabridged, and at prices within the reach of alL Thaw mm iimiuIw mAottm in medicine from some of the beet medical colleges in the world, and hold licenses to practice from different State Boarda of Health. Tbey conduct their Dtawsavas on a strictly professional basis, promising noth ing but what they can fulfill, and do not adopt the many xaae ana irauanient meuroiu uu raaj doctors and so-called specialists in offering free greecriptiona, cheap medicines and C O. D. fakes i order to obtain a few dollars from their oafor- tunate victims.! -- M a safer frost any wastiaf elssass, HtHn4 Wees, aarvetn aallaasa, ar lass tt BMatal vitsr, klaney or rlaars aHanltv. Mrscsla, alailss. pllss, varieoeoM, KALEIGH, N. C. Will bur or sell for rath only, and Strictlv os CosiMisio?:, Ountr) Produce, Domestic and Foreign Fruits, etc, at wholesale. bpecialties,r.ggsanu Butter. 10XK) dozen eggs can b bar died weekly for each at lair prices Consignments and orders solicite Returns made promptly. Baleigb, N- C. I . . 0 Large Loans . . . On Life Insurance rohcies in stan dard English and American Com panies. Wa'W I nra. aanataral Sis- caaraes. strletara.1 cMamatiasm. catarr Saamala sfcassa er aat leeess aaealkar to yea sax, H ajlll swy yoa to lavrtlestklsefiajaal mawertlolftetrosi troatsMat Is yawrslst MwaMfOOjUaf. Why besitatar Call rwi or address DR. HATHAWAY A CO,t3 Bo. Broad St- Atlanta, Ua. Mail treatment air K Mlina for svmD- . ' . . r k j . i OO.i,ior IB? : No. X, for women; Ho. X. for skin No. 4. for cr-rrh. Free, 64 writing m ai. I juatioaiat this paper. page booklat. by Ten per cent, more than the compa nies themselves loan on the same policies at lower rate. Write or enquire .... PHILLIP WILLIAMS AVIRETT, Investing Agent English-American Loan and Trust Co., . Citizens National Bank Building, Ralxigh, N. C. 1 1 W Cmom Mkar 0 V V W D. Hmlk iarf t will prram te Its iltfi a faitfcal pktnr'o! rrpre mtauoa of the araria a oa iMcrMas aw! apartM THE fiEWS THAT BECOMES HISTORY Na'.lsaal aa later- TWVrati v rj cmm -- ,11, eatieaal fslltics ii rrri fo4i-a! Secisl aa4 Ecaaewie "'- 'ai axe Oststieas awl U rWrrf, m-m r.i :.AU It at.) iMsttrial Eaterantt, m W KkmdA r,Z m,V Art aae Uteralere (Ox fy U Ik tui X" A.Krfra LONG SERIALS AN0 SHORT STORIES Tm mt -ru!. t ape"ar iwnnr ?f nauou. Umt. aal mU U i tf mMAa M ,Tv. 4I, Oota Witr jThnc a4 a war 4 eqaal f r ua i t MeaS e 9 mm i I wmUw ihnn ariil lake aa4rch Baaf t j W ta iV.r-( tkc in waa Mary C. Willies 'uiniiaku. vrt (caiatwart O DEPARTMENTS AN0 SPECIAL ARTICLES THIS BUST WOftlO rORXIC MTCS LETTERS FtOBl LONDOU AaUTEUl STOtT wurte t t Mrsa m mrrxtr a STOITIM riLCRIMACE AlftUwO THE WOtLO la the iatcfcvi of the Wac 1 vXaafaw W'ae aa bu arav aawa4 tbe world. He il viaM Svua aa aran. ml bf im. j tu pnaopallkatfraairiaaaa. lUanilvaaM la4iaaa4tlHaa-oa to Lorope ta prepare anJe ea Ut apana 4 OataMay (M I- fwc fK.mtfitrnJarfntfmfrftmtt. JahmfM f.JMta ytmr. rStrn tm Ut Vuiui StMtn, CmmaJs, mmj Mr rut AAcress HlKTtB A BEOTBtaVt, rUaWra, lark (y Cl r a r. a. .. flaw famm