Children's Corner Movroe, X C, Dec 4, 1837, Mr. Editor: I hare been wait- g tome time to toe a letter from I'oion, County, bat have cot jet two ote S I will be flnt to aak ad mittance. I hope I maj be welcome although I mar not prove interesting to all' Papa takes jonr paper, and J I r highly pleased with it, h also takes our Home paper, the Monroe Ioqaier, and the Spirit of the South. I am fonrtttn years "old, I am a farmer girl. 1 am through picking fire cent cotton and am now goiog to school. I like riv teacher very well although he is a Demccrat. He is a IVesbvknan Minister and a good man. His name is Mr. .Sim Boyd, riease send him a copy of your paper, address him at Monro, X. C. I will now answer one of Jatie Robinson's questions as to where Columbus is buried. He is buried at Havana in Cub. I will now ask the cousins one 'juestion hope they will answer. Who are the two greatest States men in North Carolina today and why. Wishing you Buccea. Vc urs truly, Maud. C. Skcbk.t. President Mlnley's Message to Congress. f ;-f.tifMKl fn rn first pig. Ulack man's Mjll-, N. C. P-c. ti. Mr. Kijitok: I will make my first, atltmnt tn tMirli,. 4 n. Mjpapa Ukea itand I enjoy reading et of the sincerity of HUI (VlUK bU OCUUUI lib U tuwuuu. Our teacher is l'rof. M. IMackman. We all like him very well. We nave about seventy five pupils on roll now Our music teacher is Mkb ttetth iteamon cf Clinton, N. C. I will ack the bojs and girls a few question. How many promises are there in ted I ill close for this time. If this escapes the waste basket I wi'l come again. Bessie 0. W est. Ulackman's Mills, N. C. lhc. 0. Dkar Cousins: This ii my first lettr to The Caucasian, and I hope it will be a successful one. I go to School at (Hen wood, and I take music lessons. I study hard and I think I am learning fast. Now I will ask the boys and girls a few questions. Who taught George Washington, his multiplication table? For fear of the waste basket I will close. Wishing much success to The Caucasian. Very truely, Yava Wj:st. Covk, N. ('., Dee. 9. I,S!)7. Editor Caucasian: As I see mo many letter In your paper from our llttlo Cousin. I thought I would write and answer a few questions. The throw ex-Presidents that died on the fourth day of July were Adams, Jefferson and Monroe. i no resident of the Harvard University whs Charles W. Elliot L. 1. I). Columbus is buried in Havana the Capital of Cuba. Revolutionary war was caused by taxation. Tho announcement of I'resldont Polk, was tho first mes sage overwent by telegraph. For fear of tho waste basket I close. Halmk K. Wkihixs. ANY PERSON Wishing to know the truth in regard to their health should' not fail to send ior a valuable and new 61 page Book let which will be sent Frm for a short . inose wno mention this paper. This book i published by the celebrat ed physicians n1 specialists Dr. Hathaway & Co., of 22'a' South Broad way bt. Atlanta, Oa whom you should address. Write today. E06ERT0N S NEW BOOK Before rrv-r.t imi upon humanitarian grounds and ri ako whether this step shouid betakmwhen it i appartnt that a hnreiu' rhangt? hu sun rvered in !h policy of Spain toward Cuba. lie recalls vfmt nrw ."pants h government pas p-tig-d itelf to re form and an aba(.d i.iiirit of the bt)oi-i policy alone, and Hod that the lirst art of the nw ICovernnient lie in the? honorable path. The policj 'f rrul rapine and extermination tbt ha o Ioiijj shocked the universal fentimrnt of humauitv has Itr r r i revrrM-d. Broad clemency it proffered ; measures have be taken to relieve the horrors vt starvation. The power of the .Spanish in aerted, is to b- ued not to spread ruin and desolation, but to protect the resumption of peaceful agricultural pursuit and productive industries. That pant methods are futile to force a peace by subjugation is freely admit ted, and that ruin without conciliation rntjft nevitablj fail to win for Spain the fidelity of a contented dependency, decrees in application of the fore shadowed reforms have already been promulgated. The 1'resident describes the reform policy of the .Spanish government as to Cuba, a has already been set out in the press, and sava : "That the government of Sagasta has entered upon a course from which recension with honor is impossible can hardly be questioned; that in the few wrs ib nan rimiru n nas maue earn- Its nrofeRsinrm is undeniable. I shall not lmnucn itn sincerity, nor should impatience be suffered to embarrass it in the task it has undertaken. It is honestly due to Spain, and to our friendly relations with Spain, that she should be given a reasonable chance to realize her expec tations and to prove the aserted efli cacy of the new order of things to hich she stands irrevocably coram it- She has recalled the commander hose brutal orders inrlamei! tha American mind and shocked the civ ilized world. She has modified the horrible order of concentradiction and has undertaken to care for the helpless and permit those who desire to resume the cultivation of their fields to do so and asiures them of the protection of the Spanish government In their law ful occupations. Jle also speaks of the release of the Competitor prison ers, Heretofore sentenced to death. IK THK TIMK COMES KOR INTERFERENCE, Tll UNITED STATES WILL NOT HESITATE. ioi a Bin?ie American citizen ia now under arrest or in confinement in ouba of whom thi government has any knowledge. The near future will demonstrate whether the Indisnensa ble condition of a righteous peace, jusi anae to me uunans and to Spain, o wen ii equnaoie to an our in terests so intiuiatley involved in the welfare of Cuba, is likely to be at tained. If not, the exigency of further auu oiuer action oy tne United States will remain to be taken. When that time comes that action will be de termined in indisputable right and duty. It Will be faced wirhmir mia giving or hesitancy in the light of the uuuKfciiun mis government owes it self, to the people who have confided to it tne production of their interests ana honor, and to the hnmnnitr "Sure of the right, keeping free from all offence ourselves, actuated by only upngus anu patriot'c consideration moved either by passion nor selfish ness, the government will continue its watchful care over the rights and property of American citizens and will abate none of its efforts to bring about by peaceful agencies a peace which shall be enduring. If it shall hereafter appear to be a duty imposed by our obligations to ourselves, to civ ilization and humanity, to intervene with force, it shall be without fault on our part, and only because the necessi- ijr iur bucu action win oe so clear as t command the support and approval of the civilized world." HAWAIIAN ANNEXATION FAVORED. The Tresieent next takes up the sub ject of annexation of llawaii. He re fers to this subject because the Senate has made public tbe treaty now pend ing and legislation is required to set tle many details of the eventful union, should it be accomDlished. h re lieves it should b?. Kapidly review ing the argument be has heretofore made in favor of annexation, the Pres- "If the treaty is confirmed, as every u i uiguuj auu uonor re quires, the wisdom of Congress will oceio it mas avoiding assimilation of eiemenis pernaps hardly yet fitted to share in the highest franchises of citi zenship, and having due regard to the gvfgmiiuicai conuiuons, me most just provisions for self-rule in local mat ters, with the largest political liberties as an integral pare of our nation, will be accorded to the Hawaiians. No less uue a people who, after nearly five their final report, as further oegotia. I will tiltimatciy enable rrtrj vradmat and tion between the rerrrntti m r,f ! indastrtooa catixen Lr Hmr. inm. mnA I tbe garetvmenu "T, iaa m t mooopo re Deciding, and in I purw. this arovernmcnt artd of other countries are pending, and in coctt-mplation. They bHieve that doubU which have lrn raiMd in err tsin quarters rejfc ing the poeiiioti of Qjaiotaining tbe nubility of the par ity between tbe metals and the kitdre-l questions may jet besoivtd by furtbrr negotiations." THE PACIFIC KAILF.OSD4. The mesag deals bruflf with th hititorj of lb rciflc Hai!rtad le of tbe at season. It is sid I bat tbe up set priw on ale of tbe Kinsa I'mctftc will jield the government $2,jUO,000 over all, and if no better bid it mad that is all the government will receive on it claim of nearly 113,000,000 It is not known whether a better bid will be received, so the question preetite1 is whether the government shall not purchase or redeem th road in tbe event that a bid is not made by pri vate parties covering the entire gov ernment claim. Tbe President eajs h believes he has the authority to do tbi,and unless Congress take action he shall direct the Secretary of the Treasury to deposit the fl00,OGO re quired to qualify as a bidder, and to bid a sum equal to the principal of the debt due the government. He suggests, however, the passage of a Jaw imme diately, expressly covering this case, saying that while it is clear to his mind that tbe government should not per mit the property o be sold at a price which will jield lea than one-half of tbe principal of itsclaim.principaland interest, yet whether the government should become the owner of th prop erty he eubmits to Congress. THE CIVIL SERVICE. The last topic treated in the message is the civil service, which the Presi dent says, has of late years received in- creaeu legiBi&nve anu executive ap proval. During the last few months the service has been plared upon a s'ill firmer basis of personal merit. The right of veteran soldiers to reinstate ment has been asserted, dismissals for political reasons have been carefully sruardd asrainst. the rinminni i.wia im proved and made more practical, and a 4 c n - a.KA a uibi i uub ouvautr nil's ueen maue DV giving a uearing, neiore aiemlssal. un on charges of incompetency. This last has in no way impaired the power of removal, which is one of the vital safe guards oi me civil service system Much remains to be accomplished to make this system reasonably perfect mere are places now in the service which ought to be exempted from clas sification and others not classified mav Dronerlv be inclnded. Th PmiiHunt says he shall not hesitate to corre- t these faults in the interest of the nub- 13 ; rav i . . . no service, i ne sysrem nas the appro val of tbe people and it will be his en deavor to upnold and extend it RECIPROCITY. rn lurning 10 me funject of recipro- un y iu i-resiueni says mat tie has an pointed John A. Kasson, of Iowa, as a special commissioner to undertake the negotiations under the terms of the tantt act. ECONOMIZE. The message concludes with an ad monition from the President to Con gress to carefully scrutinize the esti mates oi me expenses of the govern- ujeui auu not to enconrap-P r.iiir in crease, as it is the commanding dutv i aeeu tne appropriations within :Lt receints of the fiivprn,ioTit on.i ri,,,. avoia a aencit a-Qe4 res. t.j.d tSm few!, n Mil en M TIB OR STARVE THAT IS THE AtTtRnATIYt Vlt Jm mil liaw m ix Jv KMuw mum I r Ik ttt K IM c k fat Im tkma II W "All Ln-t nnm KmlA Im I. mA other corporation in eioss of their mctamX vi br the raffrnmmt mil ttlers only, and priTmle Uod zaosopoiy u -l" "uea o aeracjp scocia em protutr 2. W noDtV-mri Lh frauds by whrh ti t ni graxiui to tee FacUSc Kllrod nuuymn i hsve, throujtb conniraoceof the Interior deportment, robbed maltitude of actual boaafide s tiers of tbtar botuea and miners of their claims, that we demand wUIaijou by Congress which will enforoi tb exerap uon of taitierai land from such rrantj after as well u before tmirnt. 3. We denocd that bonafide settlers on Li pabhc Umda be provided fre home and be pforided for in the national Homu-d law, and that no exception be m.i in ih caie of Indian reMrvtinra for settlement, and that all lands not now patented come under this demand. .i.4- W5 rTOr ot dinx lesrislation through the initiatr and referendura un der proper comUtutionai safeiruards. GKSE1AL FBOPoamon. demnd the election of President and V ics-President and United b'tatea Bern -tors by a direct vote ot tbe people. . 2. e tender to the patriotic people of Cuba our deepet sympathy in tbeir heroic struggle for political freedom and indepen dence, and we believe the time has come when the I nited States, the great Republic or tbe world, should recotiize that Cuba is and of nebt ought to be a free and inde pendent State. 3. Ve favor home rule in the Territories and the District of Columbia, and tiie early 4. All public salaries should be made to correspond to the price of labor and its products. idle SbhSMSffi Charles !!. Kerr Coflasny, rfclHsSere Ibf tnttSrSS-of the conr. in " assuming to imprison citizens for inairect The New Time and The Caucasian both one year for f I.tO. Fonntrl7 NEW OCCASIONS. w n a sl Reform Mazine-. 1 One Dollar a Year ; 1 rr'A ( . .lilau, U.VoK.kii. M"Wry krfurst Uul Ittiatcal L.i.k I uilunr. Amtmmj kaitml hriilimml rrrilrrm trtta Vrtt rt.l.n1 T n. WILMINGTON; A WELDON K. K. ANI KRAXCIIKS. AM VI.OKKNCK KAII.KoMi. CuM.iIt CllBlflE- TKII.VS (iOIN'i rHJl TH. THE I ATKD r;; fiK,! Z. m. r ' I.r Wl--i I. M ' J Ar I: x it Mixibt 12 M J" . I.v Tartvro 12 . Lt P..vky Mount. :, u i5 . I.v WiLon 2 i; II 1 I.V e'i!ia 3 ti . . . . Lt h arrtlvii.. 4 4 1, I 14 r. a 'a m.i w.'r .1 5 IS tJ 4- Vlr . ' m ' - Hi It is ImpossilJ to promire firtwuLr it' --AMERICAN JtONTHLY- Cz . tvHii u)s " fTat m-tli!y t.c,- .-. rcxirs an iHmtrAtr J s.icva cJ the roIaK t. . l'.c r. h 5 Ar Flo. enoe, I.v Goldsh Jro.... I.v Mtrno,i .. Ar Wiliuirgton.. .1. 7 il tw J a. w.'r. m 2 lJ 2 I 'J 4 ! i 4j "'We kv-w rn.f rj'i.'Sel. iy f , rouxrv t' :t E-f3.fc- ramt..-i . --. ,.. f v tt the Ai.. ' .'jrmt t- liBxj'irfsv ff r Lfcrvt-.n r : r 3aii f?f-rvrr:. -f- ir w i s.'S ev v. r . i krieef . inl -e." - t 3 t r.' S ii tl ti'.C"rv yTKl A4.' . 1KA1N iOINi NOKTII. Pruf Frank Prsoas. t--nU.r Hatl. r. KltwMi l'tncroT. lluniui ;rltn,1 Jut ' W!irr I'Urfc I'.iuftie V. Lillian Whiting. llrrtart N.i:m.o. rr Ijt.mti.f'"-. Alt Smi n I'Ux. J .hu 1' lltlcsi 4 aiiilfil. txiuOvr 1 tilim w. SPECIAL TO TATi a.. . .. . . a -T fHE NEW TTlfr .t . t k . . - irr.TncY Jii3 OTH. tH 8try f a P-tcaTd Ftroluti'B. by FrMruk V.Aixmn, ta illsitrt4 beck of S f ;raJ I.v Florenc .. I.v Pa u- I.v Selma Ar Wilson I - s.Z. t M . S 43 11 in 1 U 1 M c c o s.Z. y.z. ' P. li. 15 10 'J' d r- u.aao iwi liiUtIIT.1 contempt and ruling by injunction, should be prevented by proper legislation. 7. We favor just pensions for our disabled Union soldiers. 8. Believine that tha clvn!r.r rranu; and untrammeled ballot are essential to a government of, for, and by the people, the Peonies Partw f. i.t t tem of disfranchisement adopted in Borne States as un-Kepublican and un-Democratic, Anil HaoIbh --v . t. A .1 . . i i i, , . , luc uuiy oi ue sev eral btate legislatures to take such action as will secure a full, free and fair ballot and an honest count. 9. While the Inretmi stitute the platform upon which our party stands and for tha organization will maintain, we recoenize mat the great and pressing issue of the pendine camnflicn nrv-in ckh tk . Presidential election will turn is the finan cial question, and upon this great and spe cific issue between tha innte the aid and co-operation of all orean- ""w' nuu "iius agreeing witn us upon t n i a vital miAufinn AdJeesj ttiso3ice. I.v W in neuia. . . i.v ': i. Lv (ioltlsbjro . . P. M. I.v Wi!on 1 1 4 ArKoi ky ilount, 2 3J I.v Tarbnro. 12 12 ''laiforrai piatfonu as The Peoples Prty M Following ifl tho Pnnnlvi adopted: 1 ne Fcnnlen Farfir nionn.kl I . xt. t x - j uwuiumi m na tional convention, reaffirms it- allegiance to the principles declared by the f midera Of the Kpnnhlin anrl nlo m i. .. .. . - . ---j iuc in i uienir al principles of just go -ruuient , nunci- nw5u iu me piauorm oi uie paru i.. lgg We recoffniza t.hat th of the present and preceding administra tions, the country has reached a cnai8 in its aa icuitieu in our aeciaration four veara ?n. and thf ri-vmn. ... i otic action is the supreme duty of the hour. c icaic mai wuue we nave political inde nendenee onr finiinniiil nJ lnHiin.i . - -. uu .uuunuuu uiue- pendence is yet to be attained by restoring to cat country the constitutional control people s government, which functions have Thirteenth Columbia Calendar. For the thirteenth tiniB Mia ta-n . little Columbia Pad Calendar makes its annual and welcome appearance. The 1893 issue is not onlv hriirhMv nina- trated outside and inside hur iiT,i With ChOSen thoilS-hta anti rarj -. , ' " U UHI the army of Columbia riders in all parts of the world who have contrib uted wise and wilty eavinss in abund ance. Uardlv a mare desirjihtu diiir t10,. - U1CIU- orandum Dad nan ha imsrinH ri,.n Columbia Calendar. Then at the end of the year the calendar may be pre served in the form nf a i ; a -j j auu i tr- terred to at any time as a reminder of past events. The illmfrntinnt ... pleaoinsr, up to date and annrnnriatpir rtd.ii.i d to the seasons in nrhih t1, . . - VUl I ar depicted. Certain v s thi r'.i UaUs the cjciiner world, does IIip Co. piTihia Pad Calendar IphiI tha Hi. WOlid It will be mailed In onr dress, safely packed in a carton mail ing case, upon receipt of fh& two cent t lin Hf f llO Plloni I the 1 ..- Mfg. Co.,llartrord,Conn. Everybody bajs fco. : -.irit3 Cand v Cuthai-lic, t'uc iu,s! v.i c Jeu.i jii.-oical disco, crv of tho urc. ii c-r s ant and relr.-slnnsr to lb: tasie, act LCidh and positively on kidu ?vs. liver in.d btuvols cleanRini; the entire svsUm. dis(l colds cure, headache, fev-r, habitual icr.fiii atiot a biliousness. Ploase buy and try a box of C. C. C. to-day; 10, 25, 50 cents, bold anc guaranteed to cure by all druggists. kIX k n luucuona nave I nnc nuu ciiiiuren oi Jirown ..V.T: . cu uy our puoiic er- omitn were murdered bv unknown vantato corporate monoooles. Th ;nfln. , ,,uluatu unKnown parties Pridav evfnino- .i,n Mr. Smith was absent from home near Wesson, Miss. The infant child was spared. Sheriff Thomp son, of CoDiah. and Arx-ai- T . - -iv.iciiij Ul J-iincoln countv. havfi iwnn tr. tu scene wun blood hounds. ot Bale at Thla ORtee Ta Be Oat the Holiday. "Voicis op the Morning" is the title of a new book by J. A. Edger ton, of Lincolton, Neb., now being "" m uj vnas. a. Jverr & Co, of Chjoago. The book will bebeau- wiuiiy printed m clear, large type, on the finest and heaviest book pa per, artiscaUy bound in cloth, with ROld stamp and engraving and gilt ir wi11 COD8,8t ot about fifty of Mr. Edgerton's best poems. Most of these will ha r i "U,UI Hues, irrs Ul uemonsiratea capacity to ful thongh many of them are purely lit- U the obligations of 8elf-governinr erarv. I statehood inm nr The young author is well known mW the,r tneir destinies in our body to reformers. He was for years an ""J"" " . v editor part the time of a country ii?I.ti,jei.,'p?te beJwn Japan and of a reform weekly, and part of thl ilfl-' Rro.w,n.? "H1 r the Jor im- srwissff? a: "rfurvSiWactory ' r " vuuimii-i e-Y''uncufc uas Dos oeen invited v., VU.HU.U w iuo otate commit tee, and is now secretary of the na tional committee of the Peoples Pat- K . V80 chief cler ' the State labor bureau. As a writer, in recent years Mr. fcdgtr.on's productions have ap peared all ovt r the nation. Recent ly he has had iini a. ena. New Time, Twentieth Centnrv u,terir queatiot Open Conrt, Metropolitan, Northwest of tri" MaflrazinA. MatiAnai i - . mri.f .r ""vu' uBgazine, atd others of equally high standing. The late James Q. Clark, himself Ia?Si.?f orldwid repntation, paid this tribute to Mr. Edgertonr early m life. I love and honor yon nd wish you God s speed. Yon Jitve a noble and useful future ahead as a poet of humanity." Ignatut Donnelly, also an author of world-wide reputation, says: Your poems are admirable. The are everyone gems." nenas been true to his to mediate, nor has it snnahr tn ;t. vene, except to evince its kindly dis position towards a speedy, equitable auu oonoraoie settlement. It is also rawijmgio learn that Japan is no HOD, OI the l03H Or imni rmanr 9 U I ff ffnvPmmAnf K; UOAUerS privilege-, but places confidence in the 7- We demand a graduated income tax to uprightness of this ffmnmo.f . the end that aeereeated witK tKS,1?.!? its purposes to deal with all Dossihl lta 3ast Propoon of taxation and we dJ ulterior questions i u "he broad ePr spirit gSS relative to & the constitution and M hivasion of ihl NICaRAOCA AND MIWISTKR tv rightful powers of ContrmiM irf. t a " DUU- Vt-. t .uiwviico. a tie llinu- ence of European money changers has been m nro rmtnt in ohonini .1 voice Of tha TiiorirOTi tumnU c power and patronage have been used to cor rupt our legislatures to defeat the will of tha rtMirvla anil nlntAAMAn 1 1 - - 1 1 -uv. (iu uiajr uaa oeea en tnroned upon the ruins of Democracy. To restore the mvemmont intsnj u ' fatheni and for tho vulf... r of this and future generations, we demand wvauuDuureui u economic and fi nancial system wnicn. shall make us mas- Tn E . .aistfjaSswd Iviuch in Little ' C3" DECLABlTIOH OF PBtNCIPLKS. 1. We demand a National maney, safe and sound issued by the general govern ment only without the intervention of .?inJi8K?f ""ft to bl a a11 leSal tender for fiL-f bif P111101?1 Private, so that a just, equitable and emcient means of distribution may be made direct to the people and through the lawful disbursementof the eov ernmtnt. 2. We demand the free and unrestricted coin ace of silver nH rA n,--ir!-".1 eal ratio of IR V i ruSX: T"L J'fe"el" i8" consent of foreign nations. g o. n e uemana tne voluma of circulating medium ha rwwi;iir f . . - -r- j wumocu iu in amount sumcient to meet the demands of the busi- tnhefPff0pile0fthi3 (?)antrv and to restore the just level of prices of labor and pro . 4. e denounce the sale of bonds and the increase of tha m.w;n u. u debt made bVthrir,SID0M - r - v nuuuuuinmoQ as unMecessary and without authority f 1 - nnn rhar via mAM v. i . . "laja : - nv mvio UUUUB Dfl lASnAtl ATnanf I El II T 1 Is I I A n T a ny specific act of Coneress I v "cneuuaiojs.aO will nrevinrthTd; JWoa asl I . ful money of thVi TtaTes SlJS U tj I A k T l A Uons a, to the kST ortawful Ton S T . .E.diled y TJTcy. r 06 P1,1? and we denounce rwa Ah, KIDPATII, LL r . r . ""fi "ummistration Is especially true of Hood s rills, tor nome.i cine ever contained so groat cnrat?'ve power u so small space. They are t whole mediciat n0( PiOls Southern Railroad. (PlhDMO T AIK-LINE) Condensed Schedule. In Effect June 14, 1S0G. TRAINS LEAVE i- M.KIGH IAILY: auuruiA AM' fHATTANO KiA i.i m i r ki i " I 3:40 p. ni.. ddilv Soli.l re-tihnlwt mi'i siet'per from Ilsieifih. N. ('., to lint tan io?h. via Salisbury. Ntorpanton, Abbe ville, Hot Kiring3 and Ktoxville Connects m Durham for Oiforl Clarksville and Kevsvilie. except Sunday At tireensboro with the V a'-hiriK'on anV Southwestern Vestibuled, limited, train for all points north, and with main lini tram o. 12 for Danville, Hich niond and intermediate station; aNo has connection for W inston-Salem, and with main linf tram o. jo, "l uited States l ast Mail" for Charlotte, Spartanburg, Greenville, Atlanta and all p-iints South: also Colum bia, AtigustaX'harleston. Savannah, Jack sonville, and all points in Florida. Sleep ing car for Atlanta, Jacksonville and at Charlotte with sleeping car for Augusta. "CHATTANOOGA AND NORFOLK 11-45 a. ni., daily Solid train consisting of 1 ullman sleeping cars and coaches trom Chattanooga to .Raleigh, arriving at Nor folk 5 20 p. m., in time to connect with the Old Dominion. Merchants' and Min er , isonoiK and Washington and P.alti niore, Chesapeake and Richmond S. S Co. s for all points north and east. Connects at Selma for Fayetteville and intermediate stations on the Wilson and i; ayetteville Short Cut dailv: daily except Sunday forNewbeme and Morehead City daily for Uoldsboro and Wilmington and lntermejliate stations on the Wilmington and Y'eldon railroad. XntE33 TRAIN. 8:53 a. m., daily Connects at Durham for viiyru, ieysviiie, Kichmond; a: Greens boro for Washington and all point north. EXPRESS TRAIN. 3:09 p m. daily For Goldsboro and inter mediate stations. LOCAL, 2:00 a. m.. dailv Hon for all points for north and south and W inston-Salem and points on the North western North Carolina railroad. At Sal isbury for all points in Western North Carolina. Knoxville, Tenn.. Cincinnati, and western points; at Charlotte for Spar tanburg Greenville, Athens, Atlanta and all pomta south. TRAINS ARRIVS AT RALEIGH: EXPRESS TRAIN. 3:09 p. m. daily From Atlanta. Charlotte lireensboro and all points south. LOCAL. 7:10 a m , daily From Greensloro and all . t 1 s"ain. sleeping car from Greensboro to Raleigh "NORFOLK AND CHATTANOOGA LIM ITED." Z' fJt t" iIyT.m alJ Pin "st, Nor folk, Tarboro. W llson and wattr lines irom Goldsboro, Wilmington, Favette Tille. and all points in EasteFn Carolina "CHATTANOOGA AND NORFOLK LIM ITED." - 11:40 a Lvltockv Mount,! 2 33 . Ar Weldon.. 3 p. m . 12 10 r. M. A.M. T IV ! 55 ' 65 M ft 10 10 11 i ' f m. r. m. r. m . 12 15 II 10 12 43 12 53 tl 57 1 IS 12 53 1 44 a. m. i . m. W iWi . ' rr.rn a I r. yt . cv ik rvii tSourhf and tofonrutioo 4 i'.v r,.. - sai Lac coomraua rju iwiuh i.c t a tri. v r i maoth, and rnve timely discmuoos ty mxhun'xs w crious import. Tbe rtMih of this camprvhrfurvt elivtX to ci.t i Information netiei by inUUicr.t fvcpV oi hve the opinion whwh the ruder of the AMERICAN MONTHLY have acr a fit to exfrru. These arc thinking bioinet men, clergy men, editors, lawyers professor, engineers, tbe wide-awake rK2 of America. They write that the AMERICAN MONTHLY "a iodispeasable t is simply invaluable I "is a grtwrou a historical cyclopedia of the morld "the best nxirj . ' "the best periodical of tie kind we have ever hid; .. gniuthe world under a field glass, etc, etc. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE. $2.50 PUR ASZRZS3 For I s,U!'Uf 1 25Ci ; !.r l Daily extent tDaily except Monday. cuniay. Train on the Scotland Neck Branch lloiid l-aves Weldon 4.P) p. m., Halifax 4:2.sp. m., arrives Scotland NVck at 5.20 p. ni.. Green yil.e 0.57 p. m., Kinston 7:56 p. m. Return ine leaves Kinston 7:.i a. m., Greenville ; , arriving Halifax 11:18 a m.. Wtblon 11 3.1a. m. Traii son Washington llrancb leava Wah i :t( n -m a. tu. and 1:J p. m-, arrive Par nieie i:l a. in. tid in - - - - f ' - till Ullli( leive I'arniele 9:35 a. ni. and l p. m., ar rive Washington ll:tu a. iu- and 7:J0 n. m.. Triin leaves Tarboro. N. C-, ai!y except Sunday 5:30 p m.. Sunday 4:05 p m., ar rives I lyuiouih 7:40 p in , ti p. m., return- ijuiouin uaiiy except bunday 7.50 a. in., and fcunday a. ru., arrives Tar boro M 05 a. m. and 11:10 a. m. Train on Midland N. t; Rranch leaves Goldoro daily, exrept Sunday, 7.10 a. iu.. arrivm;; Smthlield tS:i a. in., r-turning leaves Smith tieid 'J.OOa. re., i,rrivc at Gold boro 10:25 a. m. Trains on Nasdiville Drarrh leave Rocky Mount t i.M) p ,.. arrive Nashv.l'c I :U5 p. m . iv ring Hope 5;.;j p. ni., returning leave b jring Hope : a. m.. Nashville a tu a riye at Rovky Mount !i:05 a. m daily ex c 'j't .und y. J frairi o Clinton Branch leaves Warsaw t'r tu t n dady. except Sundav. 11 is. " -1t i "i . reluming leaves Cbntcn at 4 II :t:isj p. ui. i'. N' 7-1 makes los conmction at i--r all omls Nonh dvly. nil ra'l i i i:. i..i. a so at H. ky M..i nt with i. i nu.l n R I: for Norfolk and ii s. . nil ia Noifo k. H. M. KMKU50,Geri l Airt. KKNI.Y, tlru'l Man. M KM I USOX. TrMli Manner. American Monthly Reviewof 13 ASTOR PLACE, NEW YORK IHIWlffillll '"Wlln jf SOME OF THE 5TRIKIN0 FEATURE l. THREE SERIAL STORIIL it f 1" THE ADVENTl 'BIZP 1 a Itiriiljnf uv t4 tht ( v a lrrlurt cTiral-J in an !.! ciille to tlx iivui.u.nk of Wales. ini:cri'i t t. ll 4' l!i .I.r I i I I 7: I IXHV FOP A RlPTt-Mi n a Kirrini; mmtjtr ,4 intt rated a li lMt liui SHORT I ICTION In ai.,tiia to thr i1lri Uk rria3 kk.. thr i UiiratK .4 m1.1, vcir. thefr ul te (hutt vt.MMrtuI rYrr 1io1.. mhu k it i.,!k U t. i,.v.i..ri.-nv,, l, jiw:x hlm i. The HunUor U U .ikJn.' Oho,t A Orct lUul A Crr.l. . . . Lf jiix kist'LHK ttxca r. :ihii i:r t .v. ARTICLII5 ON S!ORT, TKAT.U VJIC. Elcphaol I Hih( in Africa Aa Amrrk.. 1 . , , trAiMrr.iwi n , ft i.i.ri i. . , 4 , I)EP4BTMET5 Il7f cMM : Cddor'a Table. Stamps and Calas. Pol9rapli, Shed SUHes.WHtti.- 10 tri r .V,,.Vr,y,. rrt. V.'i. .' r,- t"uilI M1s t aoada. ...d M, .. Aildrn IIAIWKIt It ItUUTIIKHiL I-.m:.i.. i t n . v " a . a w i m. 5 chest, always ready, al ways efficient, always sat isfactory; prevent a cold or fever, cure all liver ni .--wv sick headache, lanndice. The only Klls to take with Hood s Sarsaparilla. " would like WILLIAM JEXXIXGS fillY to see The Arksa in ev- X. dailv- From Vow V.l ii". ington Lynchburg. Danville and Greent LOCAL. 9:??Km- dilj. eicePl Sunday-From Goldsboro and all noint f 3 "m EXPRESS TRAIN. 8:53 a. m., daUy From Goldsboro- A. & N. C. JAILROAd! TI3IE TAllLEi To take effect Sunday Oct. 24 1897 EASTBOUND TRIANS. TV k Atlanta, Charlotte. Aucusta. A Ham. Wilminon, New Orleans New York, Boston, Richmond. Washington Norfolk Portsmouth. SOUTHBOUND. 9 V-. " " ' -1.. . . . a wam a 05am Norfolk, b. A. L .... .... V3jpnT9 um Jrumouth 8 46 9 SIS otaml mm iT Uurham t5 aypm ni 10 i'Ka 2 16inTS32l7: Hamiet....:;;:;;;; gToir f m Wadeabom ....SlOam b5dpm Monroe..:::::: :::::::: nvt 2" THE Y A HO L T,,f' 0N,'V hotel is- tui: iitsi:i:s.s kkctio., RALEIGH, W. C.f And"il almost enttifly rc-fnraifbVd and reran .c tU guctts will le made more comfortable tbao . xence is made to any one who Tbita lialtich RATES ANOS2.SO PER DAY. SPECIAL Wirsi' FREE COACH TO ANO FROM ALL TRAINS -V. J. COOKIE Nltun, I. II. ItAfl2V, I.-.e-. ...auam10 25pa Charlotte . s . " -.Ciinton.a.A.L... ureen wood .Abbeville Elberton ArAtnena -; i .... uiuer . Ar Atlanta ( Central Ume: 2 50pm ....9 45am12 10am 10 33am 1 07am ....110f-am 1 40am 12 07pm 2 41am .. s lopm 3 45am NORTHBOUND. SCHEDULE ON WILMINGTON SEACOAST RAILROAD. OX ANO A FT Kit MOXIlAV, CT OBKIt , IV.17. Dailv Except StKoar. Leave Wilmington at 2 CVi p. rn , r, P. ni. Leave Ocean View Ho p. m.s.fjo p. SUNDAY TJJAIN'S. Leave Wilmington at 2 s p. n,n c .-cio Leave Ocean Vitw at 5.-0ti p. m. It. O. Git A N'T, Superintendent. $1.00' The ra1cription ri- imorrwi ia ri-,l!K : to II Wi m year. ii:sioi:Tfi r am. more than a J-"AMii STATIONS- D. The President ne-rr to .i. ! clinatlon of Nicaragua to receive Min ister Merry, because of the compact ri06 Grf ter Republic of 8? uic. ca : ne sain ne could not accredit Mr. Merry to the diet, because the apnroDriatinn iv it. MeanWhile u. n.l. 1 ie" Mlniat nf .r"r"e-V,'I"; present 8. W Hmnil h. - be eatohlis kIJ?!??". Danks j r y, B"crijiueni ior tne alStoCK ..k3 - people .AWlUlgO E.MLBOAD8. 1. TransroTtiit rvr means oi ex- mhWi.tb Wve" s K.7rr"uuutu" railroads been 7Sl?P&b &&XfrS" a non-par: price should pi, - -w mj vocuu ii i m ibi ma f i v vuu Liiai hi i mav ka iVv. i ... - recall. Mr. W. Gndfrer nnn thinking American "vix, uuu mat tne tyrannv anH r1;r, I umt-u. ihkaKKxs The leading Reform roiriom w : .. " uuw cuieriojf upon U8 ninth vear asAA a. s. r vo uas oeen one prolonijed effort ior me aavancement nf .r rciorm k Prl'aga"on of measures for the betterment of the neonle. 'rH lllJtl fighter, more "V.r " " tne front of uKUL inn ar thu . A. .1 m columrl. "cou U1 ine It Stands frr-eminent aa tha n,. Ploa.r Popular Lib .niea. 1 "m It is devoted to the interest of the people, and its voice is raised with no uncertain sound in their behalf The .cuuuuuu in me subscription price should place Thk a-.VJP . a u iuc w Lv W W Ar Lv W ii f uuuier in likewise situated as to Guatemal. .h ' w tyranny and political T "wmcu. ihk aeksa is never Honduras. i- "taIa and Pw now exercised By the lt du ; every issue is renlete ir h Jltl ----- w S4 l.-l UUL M. fnsirrt. I finrTlAM ri Ati a wk.'.l - I. . WOU I a - -I . . " " a K U ij ."?".??Pl"e. but Hon- mintnot tliede ng a u 1 a a i. miiii Hnnnm . i iMi.a- a .... uuuuixi i uvua r nrra n .. I --- ---- wva kuc JALipr ifnVfiPn. I HfCUUJ stUQ DAPROTiAl ll rtavfioa 4-1 I o. ..W.ia. a nuccuiC U LB tions of rVrnrt: ?"ecliBe to receive him. h. .ni hbedeaei I. . . v""'"'uo amnor s ".V to me JMcaratrua Canal an i r' un,iea otatea In the I J worKer?, best tbonirht inrl .:ii u anhtonf nf 1 - vui as b I public hiehwava hnilt witK i.ku c I tui.- . w . - ment tri . V "".v :i" u Bn orna' ooiinrr, i 9 our and the proceed, of eenvr.! w , thecal t' uuiue. I '"aiog apnreciation I to the Padfie railrrui1 ehY J?2rsZ vl J?"u I siiiioruiam(rltiBi He t s I ateo, morteraeed or bm kn , , I -V-1 o wvava uua. Kiixninn OtH I :ti . . . - vuuiireBF. on w)d.. iitica ui me urn- oiiKia ,urrner Wlon. on the low M, r - i-v"i"uHOTUi or rha "Vi1 at the foreciosuTi t-KOSPECTUS FREE v ui ouu xuaos ua cnmnm.n vn I Cominsrtoth nM,; t E?? ."me i it beromeaner " i THE AKE com pant. Rostov 8!t, v,: . national emn 2"-V 1 P thereto or if theVS "Pers, actors, dent stateV tr?.rrhr:":? l.nre8'H."f,w?We price: and tte IMPORTAVT aw. 'ioi cilni o- T. "v sMLtamaa uurrxisi fUllfl MilnAl. 1 'vuijr. h.T "r-wiw arransrement with t .TZ e . . 1 UB an orna- :,,J, " important ment to. anyone's home. oountry and increasing anr It will be especially appropriate ?hrh.hPart of tn? PePle. for a Christmaa eif t. "pie that the last commission is n It is for sale at this offlco at h ;5,t8.,in;?8't:ation8, and, Driceofon 1ftiuJ . "wu?? tl the ""nits his report to Co'n dered at once. Will be ready to de. hrer before the holiday-, if ordered at once. SPECIMEN COPY AND PROSPECTUS ' Vuull speaaeis, actors, dent att. T-V .1 ur ine "est- purenasea at a reasonable price- Md th. riiaiie US Tofill nroin. a.j I h. j...- t . w r F I "viikuwu of Eur one. n Pperry; pvmg to ah1 leqnal I special mu au avrHiimaii i m a ua LijrT inis'i assii at v-a-i awa a 1 a. . . uuu-1 lUKetuer ior am o --- ana eqnal I a n! - wnu, una, m I oeen aenjrnted Ayer'i Cherry Pectoral, a ..r ' obtain . . "kuvu us9 prevet" j i greement contem-1 - nt denoonoa the nr...,,! i ted rnsnv a thfAtr plated bv their min?nn rr " I n,,m . "r,."16.. present infamona .w-. uvuvig, if.- Zi ": icratiiy-1 . rr v"'"1Uium! tnese debtr.ri rtl : IZ? , U1 xrnce in loinina thin I riIia tnai tne laws now apnUcable thmTtn I country in the effort is regarded as an fc.6!1 dministered acSrdmTto Wl IITCn At we also rpeoiva Dni....'..- . - ..... .h(uom to Tub jHit Take. w 8sao. To-r in, Aw.,. tbat we are no. alone amon To ouit tohtM ...o. . . I the larm nar.inn. r i . ? ""s 1 1. ...ii v.7. " iwrvnr, oe mae j. . f uu w. iuc wuria in rtm Sah-i"' Be nd Tlor o-to- d to 'ch some practical eolation IS"' wakes weak men f the problem. Of the future at thl none. All drafglsts. SOo or si. rh,. nprnt.fAn. .u. -,.u,ure 9r the v. vumco or Mew York. -The sr-olal . ... . M , w a uTQ UtV IIUtU6 n 1 1, u7 ::v isrna r June oi lieneral . "ishsUi iian s.f ib si 1 1 ail - v. - . i mm. rtawinar m tisw ;i m ,-. . bjjt iuucn. i io t ... a the government in the interest of1? Every Southern famil, Jn. f B7"'- TtsaTaarslam rj-xc iPBt-i fr c , j " oe inter- I estea 10 it. Splendid chann . JJtwaa23ai va. w Ar Lv W Ar Lv W Ar Goldsboro Bests. LaGrange.... ."" Falling ( reek Xmston Caswell Dovert i i Core Creek Toscarora .... Clark's i Newbern - Riverdale Croatan Havelcck Newport Wildwood ..J'J.! Atlantic Morehead City.. Atlantic Hotel M. City Depot.... Mixed Frt and Pass Tues.Thrs and Sat A. M. 7 10 Tassenger iiauy excent Sunnay P. M. Lv Athena. m "42pm Elberton . Jftf ";Pm ' ......... . . . 7 43 8 OH 8 2i 914 928 9 n 10 15 S 10 40 s 11 15 f 1131 12 03 130 2 1 2 2U 2 43 312 3 25 3 31 3 4J 3 51 4 01 f f 8 S f f 320 3 40 3 49 4 00 4 12 4 21 4 30 4 42 4 54 5 00 515 5 25 550 5 53 G05 6 H 6 2 0 42 ! . ... wa 31rsm 4 sJt- Ar Columbia CNT LvChester, STX'L ..." tapped envelope to a, p T. El,, eral Manager r . btw eo- 6 3n,m lf.X: Irairo. 111. -,lu'0 Ter-uc, Ar. Charlotte . Lv Monroe,... "amlet Ar Wilmington'! JL K WtXam w13pm 4 3.iam HP01 3oam -.P'nea i&aieign ArJIenderson..' Ar Durham Lv Dorham! ."""" Ar Weldon. .... . 9 40pm 6 06laj 'jZll 23pm 8 15am 30am 12 "1214am 20am ...2 16am 1 135am "3 28am Mtthii. "THE LIGHT OF THE WORLD - j OP! t7 32am r7srrr lto 20pnatl ljoap. jjwam-joopm isirhrrlftn a Washington, Penn r i J ?,1,3am 5fpm Bal imore.... U ,"1?Dl " 10pm PhilaH-irTKr: I43n'n 12 4a New York . .7.V J Pm 3 5am Ar Portsmouth. "urioia;... Monday." 23jim863am 7 30am 5 50pm FLldly7-TD WESTBOUND TRAINS. 4 650 P.M. Ar W W Lv Ar W STATIONS. Goldsboro . Bests LaGrange... Falling Creek..." Kinston .... CasweU. Lt Ar W Lv Ar Lt Dovert Core Creek Tuscarora Clark's Kewbern Riverdale ., Croatan Havelockrr.....' Newport WildVood Atlantaa Tassenger Daily ex cept Sunday. A.M. 1105 1143 10 32 10 22 8 1012 f 1CO0 9 52 8 a s t . s . f . f Morehead City.. J i Atlantic Hotel.. M. City Depot .... 9 40 930 922 910 8 57 8 33 29 820 806 759 7 55 , 7 47 1 742 7"25" A. M. 2 Mixed frt and Pass. Mon.Wed and Fri. P. M. 800 720 650 620 600 518 a 500 ' 420 s 400 8 338 t 320 P.M. . 250 ' 10 47 8 1010 8 10 00 8 940 8 9 08 f 8 47 t 838 . 820 ' 815 7 60. A.M. fuS?i.t.f -'Tbe Atlan.ZT """'a na Chester R rr -'"wBrons. OUR SAVIOUR IN AIT." nirR-V.!?MW.. ConUin. irpsbyUreat MuT.n I!. rint from thr ' .-"fl- Agenta aie ukin itthey wanut! . r'ai cJ1 eoiJe Tcata iar..u , " VT'Lxt T The Mo- ders fi,-t day Clearil? ?,r.ft)"- work with S . 1." eek'. avaa-aw. 27 oers tiT" J01 I rnan or woman of V raA rrade snouid aecure the mlZ' "ur Maniirr MvaTei.Vj7?T here at oa y anl chnatmai w ,or rUi- ndGold.eiioVa jn.AV Moro woman of moi rtt 'P- a man ch op TUP livn.i .. sooucuta of tbe too.t TtTTWi tiaat.. . or tbe times in v- Science, 8octay a f3 s . qiently oonuinir; r AM iiO.ST I'l:J 1 , of tbetillEAT i!U.v demorfst-.s ma. Prtment is in ev ry oonuined jn any , . Bobacribersareet. terns of the latent ft .. hrtsTsocwrr.ini "T for poTa,-e !. ; "U BETTti: Cin:iH' -.oil 17 : .rt;s .-St. a '. A '.(it ? . ,-T I ...'f-h. . ttrs. li'iC : ;t :.t tt v;ti Solid TrainTcolSe.1" 8p. Erpreaa,.. r" . r Bitsr-Ticra tn lanta a a a s f Colombia - Oir Orleans, Texait -T. Mobile. Nw ooa; iSai-i loa. Aiacon, Flor- "WEV ln'0"naUon, MS. 87 J0H. Vice Pret AXDEB80 v Gsm?i J1ne' General r.r 1 PsnM. General O. Young People ofu-.Also. maaoT Position nf Xrl etandinc can a.M 1 vote .111::" 01 Jis territory uwe 10 emr.'.i z r- "cenu and corrii,Vi' "na anil OooaaUry. AdreII; M 111 m - . t-STti1- far SorarSteri". etc. than rm rMr sl, . . MAOAZISEn 4. STOII I tau (-an -, - dtlcd tTirw sr. I . wmeatc-ijt X-ti.a : urni panel p'ctur . Iler-it Si i.i t - . . 1.- i tercrttieck. Great Ppec'aJ lu. "" : nail v ti rl fO'i rTSend yoar tu :-.o:j 4. S3 t Com.,; t i "R1 : : 1 a ajn.tai a. .Ia a JrUlV ..:i afn.a ... .... . iiaetfl af -T.TJl."L0na-. '-Stop on Sienal BeatonV UOa T-aaaingpou.t.-.l 8 L. DILL, gapt. arshipiamosta lege or litenr. . WfIl iii. U ah.. J r- :?enuwaitei mP'eie71,,K " .iuc, xeaa. "ocate Pus lMcaUo,UuapapS!j Scisntinc Jiccn eaLaUna of an . iL'- r?; ar Lerri IrSaT a A a... tlCkr tflaWTlt tatW . H -V I Creased Mami-ed eb'-kl General M-t!afcer. - ilacff ChJoajo, UL a.-vi ku Jiirf: fi c --r-. cliurrb tacJii -e '-:'r'lliat Ml. LB' : Mi'