THE CLOVEN a w m - . . nfissli ni ix raiv mi anlv I - 7 T aaa. I tiVr.. - a .. ai I aaa sat ana 'alias. I AAMAMAAMAMMAMMMywk FOOT EXPOSED. Mr. Stevens l:poses the Hypocrisy of the Railroad Lawyer Conventoin. Constipation Idnr naif U j-c nriae worM. It .... J - . . - - . ii aJ UmU hwlL rU .ml. lf uuu tongue, ttck headache, ta- I O omnia, etc llooda fill cure constipation aud all Its resutta. easily and thoroughly. ISe, ADdracgteta. Prepared by 41 L Hood 4k Co.. Laweu, Mass. Tbs ouli Pills to take with Hood's THE CRIME COMUITTKD IN THE NAME OF DEMOCRACY! Editor Tiik Cat rtauw : Mince th lat liemorraf in State convention adjourned IhH writer dan been eipectirr to mui charg rleared up and s'l rigbt before the people. , It baa been repeatedly char gut Hint the convention did hot' represent the masses of JelTer-oninn I iitiiirrat. but that It was captured and controlled by men who would prefer ti n-f Cleveland President rather than llryan. It baa aUo been charged ihat guldlma and monopoliita who did not4 support Bryan and silver io law, and mme who ciikimu ted either MoKinleyot Palmer and Buckper, Ware on hand a delegate helping to ilefeat a co-operation of the silver and anti-omiiopolj; fon e, ai recotitniended, by llryan and the National organi zation. .,, , , ,, .... . In thin so? The people have a right to kpow, and tbey will know. Tbera have, been no positive ard n pec i lie denial. The denials come, by way of charging other par ie with certain hurt coining. Ioe tiiis answer tbe obarge? Surely i does not, but, on the other hand, is it not an admission thai a positive direct denial cat not be made? '1 he tm'kening conviction is coming to tbe masses of the Silver Democrat that the charge la true Is It not ahnmerul that 1 10,000 silver un, whostand for Iiryanand the wbole Chicago platform, an', 'be ninated and betrayed, by about 5,000 gold bugs - . t - . lul ltaan a ml sarlejaaa m hH trt a n W gt arHlim hail I tall ; ' W H"' arl Jl aTM I K " von a ui onitii huu aaa en si j va t fcvw a ICd ",oUV ' in,,4.rteti MckiaW r Palmer and Jluckuer and that crowd?. Yet HJjy , sjllHl tilirnr air inc siis tv nu vytin iuiuiicvc uuai Js v a v aMwt n v ""state convention on May ls:s, and wbo now have complete control of the machinery of the party. They repudiated the policy of Bryan and committed the nartY to the policy of Cleveland. . Bryan wanted tbe 140.0W Silver Demo crats and the 10,000 l'opulists to join forces to .co-operate, which would make a sweeoinir victory over gold and monopoly. ' Cleveland wanted these silver and ami-monopoly forces kept apart to that gold and monopoly might control the 3t ate. These ,00 Cleveiandites hive captuted (tbe-part-J arul carried .out bis ffoldbuir nolicv. They have not oiily dona this, but these '.Cleveiandites now control the machinery of the parly. ' Will theyu6t use this machinery of Cleveland's till I'.K'O against Kryanand silver and in support of Cleveland a orold and monotioly noliri? ... This is shameful treason that has be'eh committed in the1 name of Democracy, and this is tbe reason.ihat the question is dodged and. not answered, it was not thus In 1 MM, when by a union of the silver forces the Stateelectoral ticket was carried for Bryan and silver over. the beads of tbe Cleveiandites If the charge cannot now be positively denied, if the charge is true, wha may silver men expect in l'.tOO? Will not the Cleveiandites, who now control tbe machinery of tbe party, use it to try to defeat tbe nomination of Bryan or any true silver mini' and, If he should be nominated over their heads, wpuld tbv not use the machinery of the party to try to defeat him and carry tbe Stat" for the nominees of the Clevelaod-McKinley-I'almer and Buckner com bine? Certainly they will. Some of , them bolted in 18 to try to carry Abe S'ate for McKinley, and, failing by that method, they went to work to capture the machinery of the Democratic party for tbe same purpose in 1900. This is a question for every sliver man who is earnestly opposeu to tne ruie oi goia and monoDolv to thinK about, and seriously too. There were some men at the recentf Democratic 'State Convention who had been no bound and who seemed so pronounced -in Ibeir devotion to silver and in their opposition to monopoly, that tfte people thought they were sincere. But it seems that they all surrendered to the Cleveiandites without even a struggle. They made no tight for their convictions, or, rather, their professed nrincinles. Where was the editor of the News and Observer, tbe member of, tbe National committee, the so-called representative of Mr. Bryan and the self 4 tvled '"Tribune of the People?" lie. tool surrendered at the convention to the Cleveiandites. They put him on the platform committee. 'They told him that he Hilffbt write all tbe silver in the platform he wanted, but that be must not insist on carrying tbe plan of Bryan aqd Chairman Jones for winning a Vic-i torv for silver. They said to mm, maae an tne silver ana ami-monopoiy pro fessions you want to, but you must surrender the only weapon of success for those professions by the same act that you declare your devotion. And tne so called Tribune of tbe l'eonle" steDoed into the"trick. Was he fooled, or did be think be could fool tbe people? l-'v Id r. Bryan foresaw, months ago, that this trick would be worked by the goldbugs and hypocrites in Mates where the silver sentiment was strong among, tne masses of tbe people. In an open letter in tbe New York Journal he warned the people that in States like North Carolina the goldbugs and monop olists would pretend to be tor stiver in oruer to get control oi me conventions and the nartv machinery. buft when in' control they would refuse to do that Which was necessary to win a victory for the people and good govern ment. Did not this very thing happen at the late Democratic State conven tinn? And did not Mr. Daniels submit to it without a tight? But tbe people had not been warned of this danger, for a majority of the Democratic papers mfused to nubliah Mr. itrvan's letter containing this warning. what dnp it mean? It means that: the iroldbusrs and tbe pretended silver men (hypocrites) have fooled the people and have gotten compl ete control of tbe party machinery. It means tbat 'Bryan arid Uie principles be stands for "have been betrayed tbat tbe people have been betrayed. Wbatcan the people do? them repudiate tbe traitors I Don't silver men want success for silver? How can tbey win? 1 By standing together by co-operating against gold 'aad monopoly, as advised, by Bryan and Chairman Jones. And H tne Democratic state convention naa ueen con trolled by men who were sincere for silver and earnestly opposed to gold and monopoly, it would have followed this eourse.' Don't goldbugs and monopolists want to win-a victory- for gold and monop oly? Don't they always pursue tbe course tbat will bring them victory? Cer tainly ! In this State tbey could not. win by simply combining their strength because tbe silver men. if united, are in a large majority; therefore, to win they must first divide tbe silver men, and this is the explanation of the action pf tbe Democratic State convention. If this is Democracy, then I 40 not en dorse sucb Democracy and am out of it,'- - -. Thus we see that the goldbugs and monopolists put forth tremendous effdrts posethan to divide tbe silver and anti-mouopoly'forceS. Tbey worked this game wherever tbey could in the last election; tbey are working it even-more suocessruiiy now. r.. - .; . There are, probably, 40,000 Populists who saved this State for Bryan and free silver in the last campaign, aud that; too; under conditions that put their patriotism and devotion to principle to the? severest test. "These are tbe men t. a . . ? l a i 1 1 . wnom every sincere supporter oi jiryaQ. ana nis principles snouiu Beeaasaiues. Did the Democratic State convention seek the co-operation of these meo? NO but, on the other hand, it spurned the ofler. which tbe Populists bad already made. What is the explanation? There axe a few thousand gold and monop- i v . . l & . a m. . oiy democrats, woo, acting uuuer Vyieveianu j auyice, irieu to ueieat iryau in wbo, with the hypocrites, captured the Democratic. 3tate convention and. now control the machinery, and are using it to' try to divide tbe silver and. anti- monopoly forces. J bis is tbe explanation. ; poes any man need further proof that the convention jaa not composed of sincere silver delegates? If so, J can be specific. Here, in Duplin county,? at tbe county convention a certain ClevelaDdite offered a resolution condemning the last Democratic State committee for forming a co-operative electoral ticket in lsyc, which was the only possible way to carry the State for Bryan and sil ver. Now this same Clevelandite was rewarded at. the .late .Democratic State convention by being placed on tbe Democratic state committee, and the State committee is now composed of sucb men, because tbe Cleveiandites controlled the convention. r " . -4iiifr is I , Thus the 5.000 Cleveland and monopoly Bemocrats with the help of some hyp ocrites pretending to befor Bryan Ver (wbo, by the way,' are more numer ous and more dangerous than tbe open goldbugs) U4vtf led 140,000 silver voters again into the goidbug trap. They have ..succeeded in dividing, tbe silver forces (the object aimed at) which is a victory for gold and a defeat for silver I believe that it is tbe duty of every true silver man and .sincere supporter of Bryan to expose and denounce this trick of the enemy. 'Tbe 'quicker' the people repudiate these traitors tbe better, i nope in iyoo to see 'tne true ail ver and anti-monopoly forces united. But the people must overthrow these Cleveiandites and hypocrites before the silver men can be united. These men are against tbe Chicago platform aud every econpwic reform tbat means pros perity to the people. f; - J '-f i Krmsmber bow these monopolists and gold bugs were dumfounded and scat tered with amazement when Bryan was, nominated, but most .of them bung on to the Democratic ship, some by votlngilor only a Democratic constable per bans. hoDins: to recauture her. This they, have now dole br deception- .How tbey intend to either scuttle the ship or. 44d her taCo their igeidbag and mo nopoly barbor. One of tbe two they wui surely no, ana. tne nonest. masses vt in macninery oi tne snip. Now, one word in conclusion about the recent letter -of ex Governor Jarvis io which be attempted to construe or interpret tbe action of tbfe' convention Let it be remembered tbat Mr. Jarvis was one of tbe" lea'diog opponents of co operation at the convention. He was chairman of the committee which re pudiated Bryan's plan for co-operation of all who oppose goraY and monopoly lie was chairman of the committee which not only refused- tbe proposition of the Populists for co-operation and further refused to make a counter proposi tion, but which also declared against considering any further proposition of auy kind. Yet Mr. Jarvis says in his letter to Col, John It. Webster (than . whom there,is no truer silver man) tbat it was not intended-by tbe State ootwen tion to nrevent district and county co-operation. If It was dottiistrictaad doun ty co-operation to elect silver Congressmen and members of the Legislature Ac. tbat I he State convention refused, Uie-nrpray what was it? There is no at ate ticket to be elected this year. 'Into hypocrisy Of this is too abBurd to fool anybody.; The State convention is the only body that i a umt of the uttioaal organization.' Tbe chief business before the stateonventton 1 was to consider tbe question of co-operation as outlined and recommended by Bryan and tbe national organization of tbe party. But this convention repudiated tbe - national organization and betrayed t'he people at home. Why? Because Bryan and Chairman Jones are true silver men, while' tbe State convention was controlled by goldbugi and monopolists. Still the silver people arV in vitco to vote for the candidates of this gold and monopoly' 'machine in' the districts and counties." , .'. -f' r ' r 1 Do they think tbe people are fools? - f ' '' " ' . i . ' . Yours Ac. -JsLr.' ..'. Warsaw, July 14th, H.' J j. Stkvicns. ErriCTCAL. Charles J. Booth, Olive wood, Cal says : I have used Ayer's Fills In my family for several years, and have always found them most effectual in tbe relief of ailments aris ing from a disordered stomach, torpid liver and constipated bowels. , M-T-Uk for rift- oenta. flaaraatMd tobacco habit cura, makes weak "aaaaacrpag. Wood pure. . toc.tL All druggists. ' , ' . . . .' Tex Caucasia $1 a year. Now 13 tha iisa to labBcnto. . i : : ' Colored Kxcursiona to S. A. L Tark, Del ii ! avaee, Vn.' . On account of the numerous appli cations for Colored Sunday School Pic nice at the Seaboard Air Line Park, Delaware, Va., tbe Seaboard Air Line has made arrangements with the own ners of the grounds, and trains may now be chartered to colored churches, Sunday schools and societies, provid ing they do not conflict with any other dates on which there are excursions advertiaed to Delaware Park. Tlan ml Ot gaatlaatloB tkv I tl Party. COXatlTTSXS'. , SiQTioNtJ.. Each townakip shall be undrr tbe gOTemment of aa 'Bxeca- tive CommitUe of five members, who shall elect their own Chairman;' Committee shall be, elected bj Uie voters of said Townahip at the pri maries called to elect delegate to the county nominating conventions, un der ' call of the ' Coonty Chair- maDT' Provided tbat those Town ships which are divided into pre cincts or wards shall have a separate Committee for each precinct or ward. 8ko. 2. Each County shall be nn der'the government of the 'Cottnty Executive Committee,' which aaall consist of la0 ctiairman or the sot eral Township, Ward or ureeinet Committees. This Committee shall meet at the same time and place of the 'county nominating eonven tions of tne'reoplea Party of any year is held, and elect a county chairman, wbo may or may not be a memoer or. its own body, .in eaae it shall appear ' at... said meet- ingot the county Executive Com mitten, tnat any township, - ward or precinct has failed tb take -action in accordance with Section 1, the-said county Executive Committee shall be empowered to appoint said com mittee or committees. - .-.JSxc.-tf. The executive oonunittee for the various Congressional, Jadi eial -and Senatorial districts shall consist of the chairman of the cpunty executive committee of the counties that com pose tbe said Congressional, Judicial and 'Senatorial Districts, The -Congressional, J udicial and Sen atorial committees shall meet at the same time and place that the conven tions meet to nominate their respec tive candidates, and shall eleet chairman for said committees who may or may not .be a member, of their body . ' - ; ; ' Sxc. 4. 'The' State Executive Com mittee shall consist of tbe State chair man', the chairman or congressiona executive- committees, ttnd one mem ber elected by each Congressiona Convention while in- session, with six additional members at large. ... Sic L In case any-above named committee fails to report to its convention while in session as provided above, it shall be snffisient- proof ' that there is no proper organization, and the con vention shall thereupon proceed to elect a chairman of the committee. Sec. 6. Tbe county executive com mittee, Congressional executive com mitteesj, Judicial executive .commit tees shall report heir action, as. pro vided for above, to their r spective conventions- while in st-sion, for their approval or disapproval. I not approved, thr n the e. i.vention before an adjournment, hi'l elect tbe chairman, of said committee. Sec. 7. The State convention shal elect six members of the Executive Committee at large, and may elect a State ! chairman ? ot, leave the State Committee to elect its own chairman who may or may not be a member o: said comittee. - Hut each State chair man shall serve until his successor is elected. The six members at large of the State committe and the State chairman-ehail constitute the Cen tral Executive Committee. Sec. 8. All executive committees shall have the power to supply. . al the vacancies occurring therein. Sec. U. A quorum of tbe various committees shall be as follows: The county and Senatorial committees a mai ixity; the Congressional, Jadi cial and State one-third, of. the members of said committees. Sec 10. The executive committees ot the Senatorial, Congressional and Judicial districts, respectfully, shall at the. call ot their, respective chair men, neet at jo,me time an.d paoe. in their respective districts, . desig nated m said call . And it- shall be their duty to appoint pie time and place for holding conventions, in their respective districts; jtndthe chairman of said , respective . com mittees shall immediately notify tbe chairmen of the different county tx ecutive committees, ot the., said ap pointment, and the said county ex equtiye committees shall, at .once cal conventions: their respective ceun tea in, eon(ornuty o said notice, ,, to send delegates to said respective dis trict conventions. Skc 11 That4n a&oof failure o any primary or convention to elect delegates, the executive committee in i 'L-ik' snail nave power to appoint, ana er tifylhe proper number of delegates The.chaiBmah, onVyi hia. Absence any member oi tne county, senatorial Judicial and Congressional commit tees, shall call to order their respec tive conventions, and hold chairman ship thereof until the convention shall elect its chairman. . . ' . . - CONVENTIONS. Section 1. Each township, pri mary of the Peoples Party shall send to the County Convention three delegates, and one addi tional delegate for every 25 votes, or majority fraction thereof, cast for the Peoples Partycandidate for Governor in 1892. But where a township is divided into precinct, watd, or other sub-division of a township then in lien of the - above each-such subdivision, shall send, to the County Convention, one dele gate, and one additional delegate for every 25 votes or majrity fraction thereof. u:--' : . .;. '9ec. 2. Each eoonty convention shall be entitle.di to eend to each , of theother conventions two delegates at large, and one additional delegate forr eiery fifty votes ' and -majority fraction thereof east for. the People! party candidate fpr Governor in 1892: Provided that every convention shall be'entitled to send as many delegates as it may see fit; and provided fur ther, that the number of duly ac crelited delegates in any conven tion shall cast the vote of the coun ty. Sic. 3. It shall be the duty of the chairman of the various eonhty con ventions to certify to the list of del egates that may be chosen for the different districts, and State conven tions and forward list of State del egates to the State Chairman. ' Sic. 4 . All who are opposed to the present financial system of our gov ernment, who Are in favor of the free coinage cf both silver and go!d at the legal ratio of 16 to 1; wbo f a vor a farther icereaae of oar Ugal tender currency, without the hi in vention cf banking - eovvratiocr: wbo favor a gradnatd taeom- tax and farther neceatary legislation to rodtee and equalize taxation ad who are in favor of a free ballot and a fair eoant, and of guaranteeing to each political party tbe right to rrp resentation on all election board , which shall ba of tbeir own h cioa, to prevent disfranehisiog votea'by partisan election boatd; wbo aro in a vor of a more economic admin-s t rat ion of our government, eoun'y. 8tate and NaUooal: wbo ar opposed to having Executive and Legislative braaehM of our government domina ted and controlled by trusts, com - bines and monopolies, and wbo are willing to co-operate with the Peo pie's party to secure these reforms, are invited to participate in all Peo- party primaries and conven tions. , , . . . ; Coaeaav for ata bad boat UMmat lb Skat otaJtOO QUO ta will U&i&aaialy enabk avcrv nrmaant mad uawma oBan u swear a t ttmntan Ot land a&oald aotae baad for nacalstm aniw . "All UadB Dow. JbcJd by rmlbtMdi' oumv oorponrjoae la exeaawel Ihmtr artoaJ naeila. aeoold by lavfal saaauaa aw radauav d by tbe coram mrtit and hld U xbi scttlsvs only, and privata ta&d aaooopoiT aa thirty raar- 1mm. Ua wil aa alien owacrabtp abookt be prohlb- eipd. W All tW aa pvtrty yiefctiat; m w Beantr la Blood Dee. ' Clean blood - means a clean kVin. N'o beauty without it.-Gaacareta,Caady Cathar tic Clean your blood and keen it clean, bv atirriiic up tbe lazy liver and driving all ia- puniiea irom ice otxiy. iseno to-day to baouh pimples, boils, blotches, blackheads, and that sickly bilious complexion by taking Caacareta. beauty for ten cents. All drug- uu, aMiaiaciion guaranteed, 10c, 25c, 50c. PAYIN6 INVESTMENT An Advertisetut la Tha Caucasia Bring Good Boturu RaaU What a Pregresnlve riroi Say. ; ; CuATBiM Mro. Co. Elk in, X. C. May 21. 18'J8. The CaucasiAH, Raleigh, N. C : ueNTLBMBX : nm enclose new cony of ad. for this season, and will thank you to insert instead of tbe old. uur jasjt season's. ad. in your paper aid us mucn gooa. , - i unrs irui j , . , pamtM Mro.Co. SUCCESSFUL. PHYSICIANS. We heartily recommend Dr. llatna- way & Co , of South Broad St. At anta, Ga., as being perfectly reliable and remarkably successful in the treat ment of chronic-diseases of men and women. They cure where others fail. Our readers if in need of medical help should certainly write these eminent doctors and you will receive a free and expert opinion of your case bv return mail without cost; this certainly is the right way to do business. They guarantee their cures. Write them to- ( ; FREE LITERATURE. 'The Campaign of iooo U On. 'Org-anitttion and aduoatioa la tha waaah nrJ' Litaratnraia tha moat affectiTa ataaaa For ton (10) cenU in tiWar or BUapa rwu am will ba pl.ood on tba BiWa Clraofaaat Llat and aeirt to tba leading .iUar aaoVvtona apara in tha United StatatT who will nallVoa aampla eopiaa tnm fo dlatribntioa. Toa wUl fT?Ml apaeehaa. pamphlaU. fc.for diatribntion; orar a hanJiid papara! C it II -"L". mvo., i or omy iu oanta. Ual tba lltaratnrafor roar aalahborhood. aZnrffaT z. w aoeoasBn tbe fraoda by whiaa tae land grants to tba factoc Kallroad eoaapaa iaa haa. thrnoab oooniTaocaof tb in tenor apaniDot, roobaxS TfiTTnl of actual! Dooanua aettiera of inair botua aaJ mil or umr claima. tnat w detaaod laartalauoai by CooaTtaa whicb will n(oroa tha aaaap boo of mioerai laod from aucb gran la altar, wru aa iciorv pauem. . w demand tbat booaoda aaOlara oo au poouc laoaa o provklad frae hoaaaa and be provided for in tha wtt..i HtutmmmA law, and that no exception ba aaada in the cam oi inaiaa raaarrations when opanad n - . . .... . m wukiusi, man uta ail UUKM DOt DOW faianiaa oome anojar Utta demand. . vi favor a svatam of diraca w4aliLn urvuffn ld lniiMXjra and releraiMuaa an der proper conatitut tonal aaiaguarda. suiul raoroamojia. 1. W demand tha elartmn of fWiUst ana vioa-rreaident and Umtad ttatas tors by a direct vote ot tha Monla. x. we tender to tna natriotie mooU a Cuba our deepest aynipathy in their heroic struggl for political freedom and indepan- wuw, anu w, oeiwTt ui dbw naa oome when the Lulled buuea, the araal rW public of tbe world, should rvouwnbva that cub m anuoi ncntotufbt to be a frca and IruW. a panoeni (Mate, s. vt ravor noma rala in tba Tcrnmrw and tha Uwtnct of Columbia, and tba .wrl) buiuiwou oi lemionea aa ntatea. a. au paoiic amiariM aboual hi m.wii correapobd to tba price of labor and Hi pro- uucu. 5. In times of treat indnatrial dmraaUifi idle labor should be emolovad on oabne wum aa lar aa pracucaDj. o. i na artMtrarv course of tha ontuta in assnmlna to imprison citixena for indinet contempt and rulinc bv Inlanetion. ahanld be prerei ted by proper legialaUon. i- t, a Tavor jost pensions for our disabled union soioters. 8. Uelievinc that tha election f ranch iaa ano antrammeiad ballot era wniinisl to govern meat of, for, and by tba peopla, tha Peoples Party condemns the wholesale ays- A. M Ml M . . m ... icai u uiai rancn mant aoopted in soma iitatca aa un-Fpoblican and an-Damocratio, auu we oeciaie to na tne anty oi the sev eral State ""ialaturea to take such action aa will secure a full, free and fair ballot and an nonest count. 9j While tbe foreroine Drooositloha con stitute the platform upon which oar party stands and for tha vindication of which ita organization will maintain, we reooenize that the great and pressing issue of the pending; campaign upon which tbe present irreaiueuuai election will turn la the nnan at anaa. Wrlto.rou aama and add AaWraaa Baa A, rarsaara Tnbaaa. Oas laialy. Educate Yoor Bowela With Caacareta. .Candy Cathartic,, cure constipation forever. w, w. ii u. u. u. inn, arugpts refund money. Tha Peoples Party National Platform. f TH .11. a. a. -w . . -' r onuwmg la tne ropuiist piauorm as adopted: . . . . "The Peoples Party assembled in Na tional convention, reaffirms its allegiance to the principles declared by the founders of the BeDUblic and also to the fundament. al principles of just government as enunci- aiea in tne piauorm oi the party in 192. We recognize that through the connivance of the present and preceding administra tions, the country has reached a crisis in its National life as predicted in our declaration rour years ago, and that prompt and patri We realize that while we have political inde pendence oar financial and industrial inde pendence is yet to be attained by restoring to our country the constitutional control and exercise of the functions necessary to a people's government, which functions have been basely surrendered by our public ser vants to corporate monopolies. The influ ence of European monev chancers has been more potent in shaping legislation than the voice of the merican eople. Executive power and patronage have been used to cor rupt o,ur legislatures to defeat the will of the people and plutocracy has been en throned upon the rains of Democracy. To restore the government intended by the fathers and for the welfare and prosperity of this and future generations, we demand tne establishment of an economic and nancuu system wnicn anaii maxe us mas ters of oar own affairs, and independent of European control by the adoption of the loiiuwuig: f - v "-, . MCLAJUTIOH OF PBIKCIPLKB. 1. We demand a National money, safe and sound issued by the general govern ment only without the intervention oi banks of issue, to be a full legal tender for ail debts, public and -private, so that a Inst. equitable and efficient means of distribution may be made direct to the people and through the lawful disbursement of the government. 2. We demand the free and unrestricted coinage of silver and gold at the present le gal ratio of 16 to 1 without waiting for the consent of foreign nations. 3. We demand the volume of circnlaHne medium be speedily Increased to an amount sumaent to meet the demands of the- busi ness people of this country and to restore the lust level of prices of labor and pro . . 4. We denounce the sale of bonds and the Increase of the public interest-bearing bond debt made by the present administration as unnecessary and .without authority of. law and that no more bonds be issued except by specific act of Congress. 5. We demand such legal legislation as wui prevent roe aemonetizauon ox tha law ful money of the United States by private o. w e aeraanci tnat tne government in payment ot its Obligations shall use ita op tions as to the kind of lawful monev .in which they are to be paid and we denounce me present and preceding administration far surrendering this option to the holders oi government obligations. 7. We demand a graduated income tax to the end that aggregated wealth shall bear its just proportion of taxation" and we de nounce the Supreme court, relative to the a come tax law, aa a misinterpretation of e constitution and an invasion of the rightful powers of Congress over the subs Ject of taxation. ' 8. We demand that postal sayings banks be established by the government for tha safe deposit of the savings of the people and to facilitate exchange. , ; BAtLBOADS. . li Transportation being a means of ex change and a public necessity, the govern ment should own and operate the railroads in the interest of the people on a non-partisan basis; to the end that all may be ac corded the tame treatment in transporta tion, and that the tyranny and political power now exercised By the great railroad corporations, which results in the impair ment if not the destruction of the political rights and personal liberties of the citizens may he destroyed. Such ownership is to be accomplished gradually in a manner con siskent with sound pohcy.-- - 'iv.' . : X JTha interest of the United States in the pubnc highways built with public moneys; and tha proceeds of exteasiye grants of land to tha Pacific railroad should never be aiien ated, morbmged .or sold, but guarded and protected for the general welfare, as provide ed by the laws of organizing such railroads: The foreclosure of existing lines of the Uni ted States on these roads should at once fol low default in the payment thereof of the dabt of eompanies, and at the foreclosure sales of .said roada, the government shall Purchase the same if ft becomes haoeeaarr to protect its interest therein or if they can be purchased at a reasonable price; and the government, shall operate said railroads as public highways for the benefit of the wholepeopmand not In the interest of the few, under suitable provisions for protec uuu ui mm auu properry; giving to all trans portation interests and privileges and equal rates for fares and freight. 3. We denounce the present Infamous schemes for refunding these debts and de mand that the laws now applicable thereto be executed and administered aocordinjr to their true intent and apirit. 4. The telegraph, like the postoffice sys tem, being a necessity for the tranamiamion of news should be owned and operated by the government in the interest of people. mm. 1. The true policy demands that the na tional and State legislation shall be such as aba to tha Uqp ta good tama samfnaii aaavha aaoat aaaphat Ma ana cant a tha hasty and ascraa aaazmer ta vhkra wvaUd have of tha tw tof te Kate to tha fart that tha say-Har. aaas power of a troa railroad lobby 4w veated tha laat IsHoOatara trot oa.tiB tha aevrawy Wanaiatwa to eaahn tba Stat to snake aa laaaiueatjoa Uroob tha prvfwv tm vBuorca. vi mm 11 anaamau. wica waa ao anitcraaUy aoajoaaabad bv tha wia of the uuf and ait .ciaai 1 1 of oft aena, whaa tt first becaate kaaaa. We therrfora daaaand that tha Mil Om- era! Aeaaaably foilr iarnlinu thia tranaaruoo, and to tha rod that tbe Utterrat of the ttaia may ba foUy protactad aa far aa K ran be dooa. eocb aaswtatjve acttoa ah all be taken aa ta coui tract, aa far zapoaaibla, thia unwaat and am at tia&a Id 03 ST1HK hut n Ta uncamL TO-OAV- " taww kawt Urn fmm aaT T B Formerly NEW OOCASONS. ( Cs tJSr i Tar ( ba.a. TWBaat aaSaa aaaiovaL or caaaa. The moal of caaaa from tba state ooarta to tha IVlerai coaru for trial auvi iaa i till wherein tha plain una are poor perwuoa aal tha defeodanta are neh f onruta corporaUooa, on apphcaoon of defcodaata. ta a growinat aril in North Carolina, aad ia ita practical opera Uor. frauoeaily amounts to a dental of luauca ta poor suitors, and therefore should be coodt-taaad. Vt a demand, tnervfore. thai the neat Uaneral AaaamUy ahall aaaa mrti a Kroerai swuia oo uta aubjact itKludinc aa alien law ai tut tar to the Vt laoonain atauiie. so aa to lake from such corporations dotn iHteiaw- to thia btala tha tm vi waraa of carrr iaa on boaioeas In North taroliaa and witn- d rawing the pcoteeUoa of theotate axlandol to tbeir oui,.caa, II they persist la aaraiitna tb- juiimitciioo of our oourta when aio,s iuw bt againat them. We also recotu- ui-i d a tvnsututional prohibition of tha tiii na. k-ae or rental of parallel or coiu ui i.g lailway lines. a Ji ar uiavaiarTioK or tbs iriiiiM or TaXaiioM. We advocate such legislation aa will in aure a lust listing and taxation of all evHlencea of debt, and make an eqaitabia adjustment of tha harden of taxation be tween the debtor and a creditor. aaoccriOM or aaLaaiaa In order to keen our Public eerranta In thorough touch aud aympatny with tbe oppreaaad masses, and to check to satue ex tent tne scramble lor olnoe. wa demand i redaction of salanea until such time aa through an increase of the currency the price oi property and prodacta will Justify toa present ratea. TUB BCLB or TBI PSOFLB. We favor the principle of direct forialation known as tbe Initiative and Iteferendum. in order to restore and preserve the rule of tba people. "It will not be opposed br any Democrat who endorses tbe dec laration of f a a. irwai Tlaa a IW NvVa m4- rt r-w t, Ma Mm t I IWhmmiwI i 4 r.M m i mf ntmmt mm ttm, m mn rwmnmr9 a mmmtm a i votw. K. .w.i s . IWt k. t I. n ana im f i.Mt a. a. Lww a, i -m wv-iai Ta raa -m u m mm tbs aaw Ttata ssm ai.aiSi a T I lliIHni,ttM,,"nil,a, WMMmsu, r Im mm. rmrT:ZUU.JTTl "a.,! Jeffon that tha people are cap.bla.of arlf- aiaaa mob. w v tajiuiauiV i a i a . . . " - . . J invite the aid and oo operation of all organ izations and citizens agreeing with us upon mia viiai oueauon If the llaby is Cutting; Teeth, lie sure and uso that old and well tried : remedy, Miw. Winslow's HooTilixu Syrup, for children teething. It soothes the child soft ens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic and Is the best remedy m ji. i m a. a iur uiarruus. xwenty-ilVG C0I1M a bottle. ' ' , PKOPLKS PAKTI STATE PLATPOBaf. The Peoples Party of North Carolina, in co ivention assembled at Kaleietu on tbe 17th day of May, ISas, hereby, affirms us unqualified alit-giance to tbe principles or the party, and hereby approves tbe platform of the Peoples Party adopted at its aauonai convention neid in the city ot ot. T 2 T I fra w ajouio, j uiy iiUf. iooo. . THB BLKCTION LAW We hereby reaffirm our fixed determina tion to support and maintain a free ballot auu a lair count in an elections held in North Carolina. To this end we contend tbat it is of vital importance for each - polit ical party to- have on all election boar la, repf esentati yes of their own selection. We condemn the .Republican party and thise wbo joined with it in the last legislature to strike this just, essential and vital oroviaion from the election law-of 1KJ5; and Ve pledge ourselves to use our best efforts in the next legislature to re-enact, this provision into law. LOCAL EKLF UOVXBBstSBT. V e are in favor of . guaranteeing in the respective counties the rutht of local self- government by tbe election of their county commissioners and justices of the peace by the vote of the people, under proper safe guards, to guarantee the best possible e-ov- ernment to each county; and we pledge the j. wpre a party io tue uuuunueu support ana maintenance 01 tnat principle, and warn the voters of the daneer of electing mem bers of the General Assembly hostile there to. ... - . . GOLD NOTXS AND MOKTGAGK8. . ' We believe that all money demands should oe payaDie in tne lawiui money ot the Uni ted States without nreferenca or dincrimina. tioh, and therefore favor the passage by the urenerai Assenioiy oi a taw to prohlDit tbe taking or giving of gold notes, bonds and mortgages in this State, and to make all the money demands solvable in any kind of utwiui monev of tbe United State. ' DKKOUNCB SPAIN'S POLICY." ' To avenge the .Maine,- to advance repub lican institutions, and in the interests of hu manity, the brutal and treacherous Span- larusanouio oe driven irom the western hemisphere and a Republican form of gov ernment established in the islands which she has misgoverned, robbed, persecuted ana puiageu. AGAINST ISSUING INTKRIST-BBAKIVG BONDS. ' . ' V We condemn the present national admin' istration for its efforts to fasten noon the people and future generations the burden of interest bearing bonds and for endorsing ana carrying out ine miamoas bond and monopoly policy of the preceding adminis- iraiuiu oi uroyer uieveiana. . , We commend the ac'ion of the Pbrmliata. silver Republicans aLd silver Democrats in Congress for their wise, brave and patriotic course in soudiy co-ope raung to atrixe out the bond provision of the oendine . war rev enue bill and to substitute therefor au issue of green backs and the coinage of the silver seinorage to carry on tha war. "' . INTKEXST. ( .. We pledge ourselves to maintain the six per cent, interest law enacted 'by the General Assembly of 1895. PUB LJ C SCHOOLS. i The action of the Peoples Party members oi tne tasx z uenerai Assemblies has demon strated. beyond question, that the Peoples rarvy nas oeen true to its antecedent Plat form declarations -in favor of public educa tion. We demand still further improving and broadening the public school system of tne state as rapiaiy as a proper regard for tne interests oi tne tax payers and tbe re sources of the State will permit. We also favor such revision of oar present school system as may increase the efficiency of our public schools and insure the most compe tent and effective supervision. '. NON-PABTIZAN JUDICIARY. Our Judiciary should be kept above the plane of partisan politics. To this end. we appeal to all good citizens to join us in our efforts to make a non-partisan judiciary -an established and permanent feature of our State government. REFORMATORY FOR TOUNO CRIMINALS We favor the establishment of 'a State in stitution for the reformation of young criminals 'V ".i.'IRU PASSBSi f We call attention to the interference of railroad corporations in our politics as one of the greatest sources of corruption in 'our State and national governments. Free pass es and other favontisms and discrimina tions are among the most poisonous and ef fective weapons to corrupt politics and da feat the will f the people in legislative halls. Therefore we favor a law not only forbidding the giving of free passes and other fa voritisma and discriminations,, but also forbidding anyone except the actual employees of said corporations from re ceiving the same. - BLKCTION OF RAILROAD COM MISSIONKBS BY THB PBOPLB. No State has a better railroad commission law than North Carolina; but the public has not receivetflhe benefit tha law was design ed to produce on account of the failure, of our railroad commissioners to do their duty under the law. As one remedy for this evil we are in favor of the election of railroad cornea 'ssionera by a direct vote of the people- . ,.f . RXDCCTIOW OF FBBIGHT AMD PASSBNOBB -. -KATBS. We fayor a reduction of freight, express and passenger rates, telegraph and tele phone tariffs to the same level to which the general range of prices of products has fall en under the gold standard. If the Rail way Commission continues to refuse to do ita duty in this respect, we are in favor of such reduction being made directly by the next Legislature. NORTH CASOLINA RAILROAD LKASB. We condemn the lease of the North Caro lina Railroad to the Southern Railway government, nor will it be opposed by any Republican who holds to lincoln'e idea that this should be a government of tha people, by the people and for the people." ,(SAL1 TO Atlanta. Charlotte. Augusta. Atlanta. 1 - I . Wilmington, ew Orleans Chattanoogaashville, New York. Boston. Richmond. Washington Norfolk; Portsmouth. SOUTHBOUND. No. 403. No. 41. Lv New York, Penn.R.R ll 00am 00pm fhiladelphia l lzpm Vi (bun Baltimore 3 ldput 2 50am W aahiugton 4 topm 4 30am Richmond. A. C.L SSnam 9 06am Norfolk, S. A. L iiSupm 9 06am Portsmouth 8 45pm 9 3Uam Future comfoet lor rirwr. icrrunf economy, but buy i'. uwln j maclunc with an eitaV loh4 rrpuUtkarw that fuAr an tret you loog anJ aatuiac tory Krvicr. j Cksrfcs D. Kerr t Cc?ajf ftMstai Sa lattb Aaaa. UCtil FORTUNES III Ylla.STREET. will b made dnrinc tbe o it! few 'mottLa by those who l-'.v rtonrrraU:r whtW tot ks are low. Ti'lK TislK TO lU V In WHKN KVBitYBObY IS bKUJM IMi PANIC PR U KS RfLK. (Hocks to-day arUinjc at 1 10 tol3 a star are aafe la lir, as no condition ran rtirea thera to any lartbrr apm-tab extent, and wuen tne tara comas you an buy auor aa profits aorrue. An advance of lu to Ju iunl la Inevitable. Ten ahareaof ane these low-orVswl tuar bauoiu-htou Undepiatit. wuh a certainty that no loss ran result. Teu ad littnal shar can be bought on each I point n-r without any lurtl-r deaimad or Itab;hiy w batrvar. lite pront would Uj : I-VVJ on 10 Mints i lrini tl.'JOon IA oinu advainr. 1.1(1) on ') joint a.taiMW. IXCKKA8RH KAllNlM.s AMI III VI- DKMW.THK KN'DKMOl'M IMISlUTs UK UOLll. and the unprrliited KXCIiW K EXIMKTSOVKIi IMlr.f. lueae a e- nomenai rise certain aa soon aa the ( ulna taaaion is n-lieved. and Wall htrwi, as usual, has about diaoountrd the worst thau t an a cnr. H'nd for onr Circular. HALVIX TAI'LOK X t'o., Financial Armu and brokers. . M luliter Hid., New Vork. Heloon , Ar Henderson. 11 28pml 15&am Ti atianvi 4pm Ar Durham . . Lv Durham.. t7 32am U lpn? t7 00pmtl0 lyam Ar Raleigh 2 loam S 40pm Sanford S 33am ft 00pm So. Pines 4 2Ham ftftHpm Hamlet....... ........... 6 (Cam 66t:pm Wadesboro., 5 Mam 8 lopa Monroe. t 6 43am - UVtpm Wilmington LI 05pm Charlotte. Ar cheater. 5Qam10 25pm 8 03am10 50pm Ly Columbia, C N A L R R.. ...... 6 00pm Ar Clinton. 8.A.L.......9 45am12 14am Greenwood 10 35am 1 07am Abbeville........ 1108am 1 ST-am Klberton .12 07pm 2 41am Ar Athena 113pm Siiam Ar Winder....... 1 CUpm 4 28am Ar Atlanta (Central time) . 260pm 6 20am NORTHBOUND. No.402. No. 38. Lv Atlanta (Central time)12 Oun'n 7 60pm Lv Winder ; 2 40pm 10 40pm Lv Athena. 3 13pm 11 19pm Klberton 4 15pm 12 31pm Abbeville 515pm 135am Green wood.'... 6 41pm 2 03am Clinton 6 30pm 2 65am Ar Columbia C. N A L. R. R. "7 45am Lv Chester, 8. A. L 8 13pm 4 25am Ar. Charlotte. Lv Monroe.. Hamlet . . . .10 25pm 7 50am 9 40pm 6 05am 11 15pm 8 00am Ar Wilmington. Ly So. Pines .' Raleigh Ar Henderson-.... 12 C5pm Ar Durham.. Lv Durham.. 12 00am 9 00am 2 16am 11 35am 3 28am 12 67pm t7 32am U lpm t7 00pm til 19am Ar Weldon 4&5am2 45pm Richmond A.C.L 8 20am 7 35pm Washington, Penn R R. 12 31pm 11 30pm Baltimore 1 40pm 1 (Mam Philadelphia. 3 50pm 3 50am New York. .6 23pm 6 63am Ar Portsmouth Norfolk. .... 1 25am 6 20pm . . . .7 35am 5 35pm Daily. Monday. t Daily Ex. 8unday. Daily Ex. Nos. 403 and 402. The Atlanta SnaciaL Solid Veatibuled Train of Pullman 81eeper and Coaches between Washington and At lanta, also Pullman Sleepers between Ports mouth and Chester. 8. C. Nos. 41 and 38. 'The 8. A. L, Express," Solid Train, Coaches and Pullman Sleepers between Portsmouth and Atlanta. Com pany sleepers between Columbia and At- Both trains make immediate connections at Atlanta for Montgomery, Mobile, New Orleans, Texas, California, Mexico, Chat tanooga, Nashville, Memphis, Macon. Flor ida. For Ticktta, Sleepers, and information, apply to Ticket Agents, or to H. 8. LEARDTBoL Pass. AgL, Raleigh, E.8T JOHN, Vice President and Gan'l Mgr. V. E. McBEE, Gen'.l Superintendent. H. W. B. GLOVER, Traffic Manger. T. J. ANDERSONTGen'l Paaaenrer ArUB General Offices: PORTSMOUTH VA. , , III o3k!u.: jivaoa kuooio atloqjii PM V -qj0 l Jlai3oo9; nxaojuaa'i rx "O ,. joisjado Hdaijat iJnx n nornsod a Suipioq aiiqja. STtoC jnoX tooa; moq jtinidMi -ooq patuaat I JtoHoavaa oj imrira .'Apni9aaioHnJsna3udaojaiui!A. -pusinotis paa diqsuenuM 'jsatdanooa uo saooq Apnw ainoq joj pajeaajd aaaq ej. Apaasswti ..Asa ap AJtoa iqnoa.. "Zaidoou n unVSMMu e.uoqSnBja jo joqm sf jupnaXj 'uoHneaa -A f -nnd pio dqt ntu SApaav ot inN aas an ipua. aaidAanooq nf taein jaaj rauqy pua aijsjnrni Viasqaiaax Via -ineqAqpasaopnr trnios dqi Cf fcno toxueur4 tnq aqi pua pioja an-j a ptrt sifj io srooiias - W ' 11 I1BBS orr Tnussn aT(UOtSnBJQ aajdaaqna Vy! 'JtOHoaraa ssarppv s"wm awj JOfpaay -pjBoqdsaoa mg qioqjojnido -MBT)Aatjat -oh nioriaoaaoK pssdajay twy -pajoaaa cf nornsod Tpna naq uiAAuoniaodapBabjo Bojimt oojtxayixK nun. 'sn ajtlM. .... tuoifipuoj "8 fl ar) an Aianco Xiaaa vt adnrua loipa aajj ajow go ano aai2 aA -awfiiai aa j Young w-v DraagDon'a pracuou anauM sCOfllG College, NaahsiUe, Tenau, ST WOlW Teaarkana. Tex, or a acb FREE: mOOLD. BAcycat.Oaaa WattbJMaanaad Draagbon'a Practical Bwsiaeia -.or bol- arship in moat any other reputable bosinesa col lege or literarr school ia tne U. 8. can be secared by doinx a little work ar borne for the Yontha Advocate, aa ittnatiated send-asonthly JonraaL It ia elevating ia character, sacral ia tone, and especially interesting; and profitable to young people, bat read with interest aad profit by peo ple of aU ages. Stories and other interesting matter well illustrated. Sample copies seat free. Agents wanted. Address Yontha' Advocate run. fcx. Nashville. Ti Mention this paper. ITS PINCH TENSION TENSION INDICATOR, (devices ior rtrulatinf- arvi thowinf the enact trntkm) art A lew? of the fcAturo that cmphatixc t!i !Jjh fraic character of ti white Servi for our clr (ant ILTa CAtalog. Wrait Sivmsc Mtxcsi Co, C1IUUSS. o. A. & II. G. RAILROAD. T1MU A. To take effect Sunday June 11. at 12 iu Superaedea Time Table 4 of Nov. 2 and auppleiuenta thrrHo. EASTBOITND T11IANS. 6 S tl. C. Uaps, 1 898, postpaid 75c. 'ontaioaan al( lialtiral list of ot oftlrra to Mate, at Mb vpulata(. World Mips. $1.75. A gent a Wanted. Liberal 'an.mai.n. Iltsi wr tuonth made arlnpa ' l.a pafe l.nrrl(tadia. ca.h. 13.10 !! 111. Sent ti any addrrae, if remaniaevided ty three prominent mm ia yMr town for !!. rah. tlat at Umr. prr mootlu A'.VIi: IM Ul.l.MIIMi UK Icat si.H, S. Kefrrrnce: Catcaataa. UIl.MINtiToN A WKl.lM.S k. M. AMI lilt ASCII EH. AMI FUlUKNt K. HAII KOAH. roiniKitti acManrt-a. TUA1NM OOlNU H)! T11. STATION'S PaenKer daily. W Lv W V Ar Lv W W Ar Lv W Ar Lv W Ar Golds boro Bests LaUran geB Palling t'reek.. Kinston taawell Do vert J Tore Creek v. Tuacarora (Jlark s....... ... r Newbarn ja Riverdale s Ooatan s Have lock s Newport a Wild wood Atlantic f MoreheadClty. Atlantic Hotel .. M. City Depot . M. 5JJ 5d 5 H tiOU ti 12 01!! ti3d Hi2 711 7 IS 7 35 7M 7 M H(i5 N H n n H 17 hti a.'.J Paaaenrer Daily eiorpt Hunnay P. M. 3 4(1 4U! -M 4 32 i 11 a 4 'M P. M. WESTBOUND Til A INS. 4 5 f 5 14 5 M 5M 6 44 tun :iz r i b 41 u r ti 57 7 0i 10 il. DATED Ang. 1st. lt9;. b m a S e .i. Jr. a. w.V I Ar lUxXy Uonuu 11 XC(lo X.j . J.v Weldon. 'a m t m. I.v Tarboro.. 12 12' I.v lUwky Blount. 12 W IO 1'.' I U'lWin . 1 la: II la1 " - . . .w ...... s - ' . . I.Vheluia 3 .... I.V Kayettevilte .. 4 4 l I 14 ; X' 1 2' r. a .(A 12 I.v UoMstanro.... Lv Macnolia ... Ar Wilmington.. "J" 7 Ol ) ur a, M t II io r. i TRAINS GiJlS'i NORTH. Ar W W Lv Ar W Lv Ar STATION". Goldsboro Beats... ICiranK.. KalUng CYaak Kinaton CaswelL....-. Dovert.... ... " Paaaenrer Daily ex cept 3uniay. A. If. 11 5 11 43 IV 32 10 22 10 IX icoy 52 PassecL't-r daily. . y. 7 Wl H S i7 i 17 6 07 iU Core Creek. . Toacarora. . Clark's ... . .... Newbern. Riverdale ..., ... Croatan . . llavelock. W Newport.... ... Wild wood Atlantic. Lv Ar Lv Morehead Otty. Atlantic Hetel ., M. City Iaayat . 9 4(J VJO l 9 10 M57 8 3. H2l H 31 H ti 7M 7tf 7 47 7 42 "725 A. M. s 5 47 s 535 s 5 2.1 r 517 .5 09 4 57 S 433 4 i. 4 31 4 a; 3 .Vi 355 327 342 3 2. A.M. W. Water Telerraph Recular stora f. 8 top on 8ienal t Paasing point, a H I- DILL. 8an JlmU DEM0RESTS Tbe subscription price of r Mil V Demorests is minced rA.HlL.1 to 11.00. year. MAGAZINE. lHji.Lsis.JIn7 1 W M ions rCA7lT:,thi. DEMORESTS FAMILY MAGAZINEfe more than a FASHION MAGAZINE, ei T-v-siri tboagh it rivea tha .-r A verv latent ham: foreign fa hi each month; ia only one f- its many valuaho featnrea. It h ac soaethini: for ease ramber of the fam iiy. for evry de partment of the household, and ita varied content are of the highest grade, making it pre-eni-nently THE FAM ILY MAGAZINE OF THE WORLD. It furnishes the beat thoughts of the moat interesting and moat progressive writers of tbe day. and is abreast or the times In evervthine Art, i.uera'ure. Science, Society Affain, Fiction. Household atauera. Bporta, etc. a single number ire qnently containieg from 21 to 300 tine en- graylnin, DakintrTt tbe MOST OJMI'LCTE AND MOST PROFUSELY ILLUSTRATED of tha GREAT MONTHLIES. IDEMORESTS MAGAZINE Fashion IM partment is in every way far ahead of that contained in any other publication. Subscribers are entitled each month to pat terns of the latest fashions in women's at tire ar ao cost to thkm other than that nec essary for postage and wrapping. 0 BETTER CHRISTMAS 12 1 FT than a year's subscription to DEMORESTS MAGAZINE can be made. By subscribing at obci you can get the magazine at the re duced price, and will also receive tbe hand some 25-cnt X-mas Number with its beau tiful panel picture supplement. Remit I LOO by money order, rep h t c r f ter or check. Great Special Clobbing Offer for Prompt Subscriptions: ONLY SI.7S FOR THIS CAUCA8IAX aat sanaaraat's FaasBy Mersxlsa y8end your subscriptions to thia office. I.v Flore fM I.v Fayetteville. I.v Kfima Ar Wibon a m. n 45 11 2-i 1 1 42 cp c , d a y.S. y.a r. u. a ii 9) 12 10 I.v Wilmlnrton, Lv Mamolta .... Lv Oollboro.'... , Lv Wilson .... ArRorky Mount. Lv Tarboro.. r. a . 1 42 2 S3 12 12 LvRorky Mount. 2 33 Ar Welduu 3 3 ,r. a.. r a a. w . 7 15 15 ' a !5 Id X .... 10 10 II l w . r. a. r. a . 12 1511 iOIJ 41 12 A3 II &7 I i 12 &3 1 44 a. a . r. m . Daily except Monday. :iaily etorf4 Sunday. Train on the Scotland Nck Itratxh Road leaves Wel.lon 4.1' p. tn Halifax 4 p. sn arrirea Kootland Neck at 5 20 p. m.. (ireen vi lie ; 67 p. rn Kinston .ZA p. 01. iXsro inr leaves Kinaton 7..V a. GreenviJle H52 a. ra.. arriving Halifax a. tu Weldon 1133 a. m. Trains on Washington Itranrh leavs Wash irxion :3i a. iu- and 1-J p. sir, arrive Par mele a. tn. aud 2 p. fa . retarnuic leave Parmele 35 a. ta. and m Jt) p. ta.. ar rive Washington 11 O0 a. nv and 7.2" p. ta.. daily. Train leaves Tarboro. N. . alalJy exnej Snndav 5SO p.m. Hunday 4 65 p. tn-. ar rives Plyuiouih 7.4U p. m .6 p. ta.. return Ine leaves t'lvrnouth daily earept handsy 7S0 a. nt- and Sunday W a. tn am res Tar boro 10.05 a. m. and ll-a. ta. Train on Midland N. C Branch leaves Goldsboro dallv. eicq Mnnday, 7.10 a. ra.. arriving HmnhCek! a a rtarnlng leaves bmiihf-ld V.00 a. arrirea at Golds boro W25 a. m. Trains on Xaahvillc Branch leave Rorky Mount at 4 30 p. ra , arrive Naahvilie 61A p. m- 8 sring Hops 5.30 p. ta.. returning leave Spring Hoi e.uo a. Nashville a.Sj a. aj arrive at Rockjr Mount 'JiA a. m, daily ex orjjt Sunday. Train on Clinton Branca leaves Warsaw for Clinton daily, except Sunday. 11.15 a. im.. and 4.10 p- ta., ratorninx leaves Clib ton at 7:ai a. m. an1 3:00 p. m. Train No. 7t tnakea rioa oonnactkMi at Weldon for all points North daily, aU rad via Richniond. also at Rocky Mount with Norfolk and ( arolina R. R. f or Norfolk and all points North via Norfolk. H. M. EMERSON, Gen'l Paaa AgC J. IL KENLY. Oen I Mao. T. M. EMERSON. Traffic Manager. CmcmT ta t and CuJutik. IL- u-i c dsr' d m. Jici uimn trvof Uk; ae. ait ar t 1 'r--elnne to tbt taste, act iienm an' f i.vely on ki.ln a. liver aud lioweU, deauslng the entire svaum. diatarl rolda, cure beadaobe, fever, habitual constipation and biilouanesa. Pleaae buy and try a bos of C C a to-day; 10, ia, 50 cents. Bold and atarantoed to cure by all druglsta FOR LOW Rates West, . TEXAS. MEXICO, C A 1 IKOKMA, ALASKA, or ay other point, with FREE MAI'rt, write to FRED. D. BUSH, Ilistrict Pasaenfer Afent, LOUlSVIlfi & naSUVULE IL R., . 3C;; Wall St ATLAXA, Ga. nOME 8EEKI.RS EXCURSIONS TO ARKAX.SA AND TEXAS, VIA THE 1RO.V MOUNTAIN JtOUTE. Tickets will be sold Jnljl9th.Au;. 2nd,lGtb, 5epti 6tb, 20th, and Oct. 4th and 1Mb. to points in Arkansas aad Texas and otbeV points in the ioutb weatatone fareVlas two dollars for tbe round trip . Tickets will be limited . for return paxaae -r-rjr-one days from date of sale4 th9Jf tickets can be purchased Ir nproo Mountain A rents at Men: 1) mjpjairo or t6. Louia. For maps and onjrr information call on or aoderss tha4inderairned- E. RBBLAXpaa. '.p.A.Mo.PacKX. CbatUnooffa, ici jr. AT- c. i m aaaa i ' -

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