'A CAUCASIAN VOL. XVII. KALEIGH, NORTH .CAROLINA, THURSDAY, JANUARY 5. 1899. NO. r. THE In overy noih.Mn'hod in North i nro- oil money getting Him chii iimko .subscribers for S of the i eubtr -ulwriptioii price ot piiper is $1 u ye.tr, (JO cents tor six months, :iml :if cents for tlm e months. Knit a hiiokt timk, until we 25,000 New Subscribers .... FAILURES CF THE YEAR. WE WILL OCCUPY IL0IL0 J SENATOR MORRILL OEAD. a Co. Shaw the Xaaalker I B th Saaalleat liar IHiti. New York. I.c. 21. IL O. Dan A Co.'s weekly review of trade says: failures In the year 1SW have been 15. m In number, with liabilities amounting to. I14X.M4.2S1 aural net 11S2. S81.771 In 157. 1276.811.9:5 In 13. $l2. 06.Z70 In 1MJ& and IISi8.K8.SSl In, JS!M. In this statement banking failures are included with liabilities of I18.706.6SO against $28,249,700 last year and tSO.718. 15 in The commercial failures were 12.112 In number and in amount against S1S4.332.071 laM year and t226.0M.060 In 1S36. Manufacturing were $06,761,622 against I67.6h5.0H1 last year and t8.463.Ul In 18i6. and trading were 161.W-e.943 against t74.499.SHj8 last year and $109,046,620 In 1S. The num ber of failures. 1.06 per cent of the firms reported In business, though smaller than In any other year since 18H2. is ornewhat swelled by the multitude of small traders who start without ade quate capital, so that the average lia bilities per failure Is smaller than in iny other ytar of the 24 for which full records exist. The year 1X98 has not only been one of victory, of Important inert-awe in terri tory and of incalculable expansion of the influence of th United States in oiig other nations, but has surpassed ill otht-r y-ars In financial and indus trial resu'Js. The center of flnanc'al power has crossed the ocean. After paying debts of several hundred mil lions abroad and conducting a "war to an honorable end the country Is lend ng fo many millions in gurope that for tin tlrst time bunks abroad look to New York to dictate the rate of exchange. Kxports were about $1,250,000,000, and the excess over Imports about $617,000, D00 against $357,000,000 in 1897, and In Dnly two previous years has the bal ance risen to $300,000,000. November passed all previous months In value of produce exports over imports, but l)e ?ember has gone much beyond November. Otis Sends Miller to Suppress Filipino Insurgents. 5dT3 OF BPAIISH TREACHERY. lurrradrr tf Rlae f Filipino laaar seats Apparently Hi4t an aa Or der Freaa Madrid la Catu l tailed State Eabarrsuatat. Washington. Dec. Si. General Rios, ihe Spanish commander, by surrender In Ilol.'o to the Philippine Insurgent, has brought the United States face to face with the problem of controlling Agulnaldo and his followers. President McKinley and his advisers f-re fully realize the gravity of the situation, but they have implicit confi dence In Major General Otis and Ad miral Dewey In their ability to do what ever is necessary to maintain the au thority of the United States. By direc tion of the president instructions have been sent to General Otis giving him plenary powers In dealing with the In surgents at Hollo, but at the same time telling him to take a very firm and posi tive stand and occupy Hollo with Arnt-r-can troops. It is assumed here that the force sent to Iloilo by General Otis has already Tk KUmI MaWr at fsstrtat Save- entaa ta raaaaalaw Hon Justin S. Morrill, the Senior etor torn Vermont, died In Washington Wednesday morning in th eighty-ninth year of his age. after an li:nea of less than a week. With htm when the end came was his sister-in-law. Miss Iu a Swan, his son James. Mr. Benjamin Durfee. for a long tlm associated with th senator in the finance committee vJra Ash We Inive decided to olfer f subscrip tions, each for three months, for the sin ill sum of $1. This includes post age, umiiing to subscribers' addresses, ptiis: etc This low price will give every MRS. BOTKIN GUILTY. Will Oet I.lfe linprlaonment For I'oiaonluK Mra. Dnnnlux. Ban Francisco, Dec. 31. Mrs. Cordelia Dotkin was last night found guilty of murder in the first degree for causing the death of Mrs. John P. Dunning by MYSTEKI0US MURDER NKWS OK TIIK WEEK. STRANGE POISONING CASE BAFFLES NEW YORK POLICE FORCE. one n chance to get the Best and Meanest Paper a i in me Mate To agents who want to make money, and who will really work in a com munity where they are known, We Give a Good Commission, That will pny them better than any- do. No other airents a more Those who de must show that by sending at condemned murderess will be spared an Ignominious- death on the gallows, however, the Jury that found her guilty lmiosing the penalty of life imprison ment. The verdict was unexpected. An acquittal was confidently awaited by the defense, while the prosecution fear ed a disagreement. Rumors had been n circulation to the effect that several of the Jurors strongly favored the de fense and that their opinions were too strongly grounded to be capable of a change. Although the jury was out only four hours, more than one of which was de voted to dinner, it is currently reported that the verdict was the result of a compromise. The sex of the prisoner made such a conclusion satisfactory to the jurors. Mrs. Botkin kept herself well In hand when her fate was an nounced. Not until the juryman and most of the spectators left the court room did she give evidence of collapse. Then she sank back half fainting, but speedily recovered when given a glass of water. - thing can else they paper will offer to liberal commission, sire to act as agents they are in earnest least New York Official Election Flgorei. Albany, Dec. 31. The state board of canvassers yesterday afternoon can vassed the vote of the state and de clared these state officers elected: Gov ernor, Theodore Roosevelt, plurality 17,- 786; lieutenant governor, Timothy L. Woodruff, plurality 9,661; secretary of state, John T. McDonough, plurality 15,839; treasurer, John P. Jaeckel, plu rality 8,664; comptroller, William J. Morgan, plurality 10,964; attorney gen eral, John C Davles, plurality 12,476; state engineer, Edward A. Bond, plu rality 9,682. There was a defective and scattering vote of 9,216, much less than in former years. On the totals Theo dore Roosevelt received for governor 661,707 votes, Augustus Van Wyck 643,- 921, Benjamin Hanford 23,860, John Kline 18,383, Theodore Bacon 2,103, blank and defective 9,216. One Subscription for I Year, or 5 Subscriptions for 3 Months, And ONE DOLLAR to pay for same, as their first order. Send in your first Gigantic Paper Trns. Providence, Dec. 31. Dean & Shlbley, ( brokers and bankers, have taken charge of the arrangements to consolidate the paper manufacturers of this country. This deal will involve about $40,000,000. It will include the mills making writ ing, bond, wrapping, ledger, envelope and news paper. The purpose of this consolidation of conflicting interests Is to eliminate competition, to stop over production, to make a condensation of the lines of manufacture so that the mill best adapted to make a certain grade of paper may restrict its atten tion to that specialty, thus by utilizing all the machinery and capital invested to the best advantage to get the best results. Americana Get China Concessions. London. Dec. 31. The Shanghai cor respondent of The Daily Mall says: 'The terms of the final contract respect ing the concession to the Anglo-Ameri can syndicate of mining and railway GENERAL MILLER. In command of American forces at Iloilo. landed and taken possession of the city. This force, which Is under the command of General Marcus P. Miller, consists of the Eighteenth regular infantry. Battery G of the Sixth regular artillery and the Fifty-first Iowa volunteers. It was parried on three transports and convoyed by the cruiser Baltimore and the gunboat Callao. General Miller is regarded by the war department offi cials as a very capable officer. The general instructions which have been given to General Otis regarding his Intercourse with the insurgents are to deal kindly with them, but to be very firm when called upon to make a de cision. It is hoped by the administra tion that General Miller has already succeeded in getting possession of Hollo without .serious trouble, and it is be lieved that if he has done so the back bone of insurgent opposition to the au thority of the United States will be bro ken, especially in view of the fact that Aguinaldo's old cabinet has refused to serve him any longer and that there have been many defections from the ranks of his followers on the lBland of Luzon. Larger Force Needed. Officials of the war department would feel much easier if General Otis had a larger force at his disposal in the Phil ippines. Six regiments of regular In fantry, each regiment recruited up to Its full war strength of 1,272 men, are under orders for the Philippines, but none has yet started. It had been hop ed that there would be no necessity of bringing matters to an issue with the Insurgents until after the arrival of these regiments. General Rios has, however, disarranged the plans of the administration In this matter by sur rendering Iloilo Just before the arrival of the American troops. There are circumstances In connection wish his action that tend to justify the belief in some quarters that it was the result of orders from Madrid, given for the express purpose of giving trouble to the American commander In the Philippines. Had he delayed his surrender only a few days he could have turned the city over to the American troops sent by General Otis to occupy the city. This dispatch, received from General Otis, dated Manila, Dec. 27, Bhows that he be lieves the Spanish commander acted under orders from Madrid: "Sent Colonel Potter on fast vessel to Iloilo on the 24th to communicate with Spanish general, Rios; latter evacuated evening of 24th and Potter 39 hours late; Insurgents took possession of city on 26th, and Potter found Aguinaldo's flag flymg. Cannot now report probable results; will not hear from there for four days, as no cable communications. Spanish forces have evacuated all sta tions in southern islands, except Zam boanga, Mindanao, by orders, as they say, from Madrid." President McKinley appreciates that the antiexpansionists will make capital out of the present situation at Iloilo and 1 , . j j i can syndicate oi mining aim railway i oui oi me present situation at iiono ana Ordei at OIICO anQ ffCt rateS tO agentS. privileges in the province of Seechuen that If General Miller has difficulty in Any Live Worker Can Easily Get from 10 to 100 Subscribers a Day. have been agreed upon and are now be ing signed. Seechuen is undoubtedly the richest as well as the largest prov ince in China. Great Britain and the United States get the greater portion, the Chinese and other nationalities get ting the balance." Shot Sheriff and Deputies. Seaside, Or., Dec. 31. Charles Wil- lard, a desperate character, shot and killed Sheriff J. W. Williams and Depu ty Lamers here and wounded Deputy Miller and was himself killed by State Senator R- W. Fulton. Willard was suspected of burning Senator Fulton's summer cottage here after robbing it, and the officers were searching his house for stolen goods. If an agent gets only ten subscri bers a day, he will make more money a day than he has for the last year. AVhen you send in your first order say what township or townships you j-; want. We will put an agent in every township in theState. Two Boys Drowned. Middletown, Conn., Dec. 31. Frank, aged 16, and Joseph, aged 12, sons of Subscription Blanks, Return Envelopes and Sample Copies Falls woolen mill last night. They went on the ice to skate, and Joseph broke through. In trying to save him Frank, who could swim, was carried under the ice. . State op Ohio, City of Toledo, ) Lucab County, ) . Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he is the senior partner of the firm of F. J. Cheney & (Jo., doina business in the City inducing the Insurgents to turn the city over to the United States the Incident will be used as an illustration of the dif ficulties which the opponents of retain ing the islands contend will be continu ally encountered. It is possible that the Spanish foresaw this and hoped t arouse antagonism to the ratification of the treaty when they ordered General Rios to evacuate Hollo after an Ameri can force had. been dispatched by Gen eral Otis to take the city. The secretary of war announces that Major- General Henry W. Lawton has been relieved of the command of the Fourth army corps, with headquarters at Huntsvllle, Ala., and ordered to Ma nila immediately to relieve General Otis of the command of the military forces in the Philippines. General Otis will be made military governor of the Philippines, with su freme authority in the administration of island affairs. His position will be like that of General Brooke in Cuba. General Lawton will be second in command and will have direct charge of the troops. To him largely will be delegated the duty of preserving order. His appointment is interpreted by army men to mean that the administration expects trouble in extending military Jurisdiction. General Lawton is regarded as one of the ablest executive officers in the army. What Everybody Koows, SENATOR MOIUilLL. wotk it the capital, and Colonel S. E. Charnb-rlain, an intimate friend. The immediate cause of death was pneumonia, which dcveloied from an attack of grip contracted about a week ago. The venerable senator was con fined ti his home but seven days. In tlie death of lion. Justin Smith Morrill the senate lost its senior mem ber in point of service and its oldest in agt-. He had served continuously In the senate for more than 31 years, and he was 88 years old on the 14th of April last. With the single exception of Hon. Galusha Grow of the house of repre sentatives, he was the only man In con gress whose congressional career began prior to the beginning of the civil war, and he had the honor over Mr. Grow In that his congressional service had been continuous, covering in the senate and house combined almost 44 years. Mr. Monill was a native of Vermont. He was first elected a member of the Thirty-fourth congress, taking his seat at the first assembling of that body aft er the 4th of March, 1855. He was re elected to the Thirty-fifth. Thirty-sixth, Thirty-seventh, Thirty-eighth and Thirty-ninth congresses and was In 1867 elected to the senate to succeed Hon. Luke P. Poland. He held his seat In the senate since that date without interrup tion, having been elected six times suc cessively. His present term, to which he was chosen in 1896, would not have expired until 1903. It was at the beginning of the war that Mr. Morrill's practical business training, first brought him forward as a man of national reputation. He was the author of the Morrill tariff act of 1861, which was the basis of all tariff legislation of war times. In 1864 he be came chairman of the committee on ways and means, the principal commit tee of the house, and at that critical time of especial importance. After entering the senate Mr. Morrill continued to give his attention largely to financial and commercial questions, and during the greater part of his term of service he was identified as a. mem ber of the committee on finance, which committee deals especially with these subjects. He became chairman of this committee in 1877, succeeding Senator Sherman when the latter entered the cabinet of President Hayes, and he held this position continuously after that date except during the Forty-sixth and Fifty-third congresses, when the Demo cratic party controlled the senate, and during those intervals he continued at the head of the Republican representa tion on the committee. During his long career Mr. Morrill gave his attention to many questions, and no man in public life was more given than he to taking up a subject and holding on to it through years and years until consummated. He was the real father of the scheme for the con' struction of a building for the Con gressional library, and to him and Sen ator Voorhees, who early Joined him In pressing this question upon congress, is the splendid library building a monu ment. Very near to his heart also was the plan for the erection of a sister building for the United States supreme court. He had been pressing a measure looking to the construction of such a building for many years and had on three different occasions prevailed up on the senate to pass his bill for this purpose. His last appearance in the senate was on the 19th Inst., when he made a speech of half an hour's dura tion In advocacy of the supreme court building. He at the same time prevail ed upon the senate to pass the bill In the face of some opposition. To Sena tor Morrill probably more than any one else was the present splendid en dowment of most of the state agricul tural colleges due. He was the author of the original bill giving aid to these colleges from the proceeds of the sales of the public lands, and he had never refused them the encouragement of his assistance. Mr. Morrill was an Indefatigable worker, and, while not an orator, he spoke gracefully and forcibly and was always listened to attentively. His great age and high position caused blm to be universally esteemed by the other members of the senate. eal4 af raMlaaa la Braaa altarr ! Waa afaa1 ta Kilt Harry taralah. U tlalH-Nlt Aaal. an. Aaaaaa. Taak It aa4 Ota. Th New Tork police have oa tbrtr hands another murder mtry ahuh ecms likely to completely Uffl their l(ectl kil and Incmuity. The mur der i caued b mru of cjanlJ of potanslutn aat aoon tnoualy throuch th malls as bromo wltser In a C'hrit tnas box. Apparently the life alnxsl at waa that of Harry S. Corn.ah. knoan to athletics al! over the ratted tll-. If so, the aaaasain's aim ml a rone anl lira. Kate J. Adams, Cornlah'a aunt, became the victim. Curnlah Is the Instructor of the Knickerbocker Athletic club, at Forty fifth atrea and Madison avenue. Mra Adams, with her dauchtrr. Mra Kb rah Rogers, ocr-upied a flat In the Klliott Martment house. 61 West Klxhty-sixth street. Mra. Adams waa ti years old. Mra. Rogers Is about 33 years old. a handsome woman, a ho la separated from her husband. Edgar Rivera, the general agent of the Hartford Inaur ance company at Buffalo. With Mr. Rogers and her mother lived Curnlah. Mra. Adama waa hia aunt, Mrs. Rogrra his cousin. As a Christmas present thi-re waa sent to Mr. Cornish a vial holder con taining a bottle aupposed to bold bioino seltier. The contents of Vila bottle caused the death of Mra. Adams, threw Mr. Cornish ir.to a spasm and then made him unconscious and sickened a doctor who tasted It by dipping hla fin ger I Ho the Ixittle and putting It on his tongue. All this occurred Wednesday morning, but it was not until several hours after HARRY S. CORNISH. that any of the facts were known, and even now the case is shrouded in deep est mystery. The story of the facts leading up to the murder began some time before Christmas. The vial holder was receiv ed at the Knickerbocker Athletic club on Saturday, having been mailed from New York postofflce and addressed In a woman s hand. Took It For Headache. Wednesday morning Mrs. Adams com plained of feeling sick. She said she had a headache and wished to get something for It. Mrs. Rogers, who had seen the present, said she would get "some of Harry's bromo seltzer." Mrs. Rogers went into Mr. Cornish's room and got the bottle from the hold er. She carried It to her mother, who took a dose of It. A minute later Bhe screamed and ran Into the bath room, her face distorted with pain, her eyeB bulging and her hands clasped to her stomach. She said between her screams: "What is the horrid stuff you gave me?" Mrs. Rogers and Mr. Cornish stood by. He picked up the bottle, looked at it, tasted some of the powder and was soon In a condition bordering on that of MrB. Adams. Dr. E. F. Hitchcock, the first physi cian who reached the house, also tested the poison and was considerably affect ed, though he but touched a grain of the substance with his tongue. The poison was of the deadliest kind, he said later. Fearing that he might go the way of the other two and seeing that Mrs. Adams was dying, he sent for Dr. E. Stiles Potter, who promptly responded. When he reached there Mrs. Adams was dead. Dr. Hitchcock, who was 111, was bending over her and had Just ceased his efforts to keep up an arti ficial respiration. The police are busy on the case, but have thus far only a slight clew upon which to base a suspicion of guilt. Thursday Mrs. Rogers was taken to po lice headquarters and closely question ed by Captain McClusky and Assistant District Attorney John F. Mclntyre for about 20 minutes. Bhe was not placed under arrest and, according to Captain McClusky, will not be arrested. She was asked to go to police headquarters and went willingly. While she was un able to furnish any clew to the sender of the poison she gave the police a clear er idea of the events leading to Mrs. Adams' death than they had before. Edward F. Rogers, the husband of Mrs. Florence Rogers, and an Insurance adjuster of Buffalo, may turn out to be the most Important witness for the state that the detectives have yet found. Mr. Rogers arrived In New York on Thursday night and went to the Impe rial hotel, but did not register. He took a room on the third floor, and be sent for Assistant District Attorney Mcln Badger Moore Gets Nineteen Years. William A. E. Moore was sentenced by Recorder Goff in New York Tues day to 19 years in the state pris on for robbing Martin Mahon on the night of Nov. 4 in the rooms occupied by Moore and his wife, Fayne Strahan Moore, in the Hotel Grenoble, by what is known as the badger game. Within half an hour after the imposing of the sentence Moore's lawyers had procured a temporary stay of sentence from Jus tice Daly of the supreme court. Moore was found guilty after two trials, the first ending in a disagree ment of the Jury. The second trial was concluded two weeks ago, but sentence was deferred. Mrs. Moore, the wo man in the case, was tried last week for complicity in the crime. She stren uously denied on the witness stand that she had any knowledge of Moore's scheme to rob Mahon. After a trial last ing six days the case was submitted to the jury, which was unable to agree up on a verdict, having been in dellbera tlon 24 hours. Mrs. Moore was remanded to the Tombs and will probably be arraigned for a second trial next week. of Toledo, County and State aforesaid, Qr Q ht to know ig that health i Oiii'i tuni poiu hi iii will, fctjr uucouiu uii f 1 ' e a. 1 J j ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for eachand nii even me lise i uepeuus upon every case of Catarrh that cannot be I the condition Of the blood, reed- . . 11 a curred by the use ot Halis Catarrh I incr, as it does, all the organs of will be sent to any one dropping us c. ysAj be. An and a postal card, and others for them as a workei. Address THE CAUCASIAN CO., 1ST. O. rny presence, this 6th day of December, Pxe. m order to give proper A,. D. 1886. I nourishment. Hood s Sarsapa- A.W.GLEASON, rilla makes the blood pure, rich notary ruMtc. and nourishing, and in this way "Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally strengthens the nerves, creates an and acts directly on the blood and ma- appetite, tones the stomach , and cous surfaces of the system. Send for I builds up the health. Hood's testimonials five. I SaToonarilla waWl nflF onr nnn- monia and fevers, which are pre- F. J. CHENEY & CO.. Toledo. 0. aSTSnld by Drngflftst, 75& Ivalent at this time. CURE ALL T0U Ml IS WITH Pain-Killer. ft diclaa Cheat la Itsatt, Siaapla, Safe sad Qaiek Cora fee CRAMPS. DIARRHOEA, COUGHS. COLDS. RHEUHATISa, NEURALGIA. 29 and SO cent EMAttes. BEWARE OF IMiTATIONS- BUY ONLY THI OCNUtNL PERRY DAVI17 hhwSnSuSwmShww li aasralaara mt M ttaM aa4 tralt Tata. CnnuJor Itll.p fcaa U rlrrt4 a cvaR.aa4aat of th Nw Yk y yard ta errd A4mirl tac. TH reth aaaiaal atic af Aftw-itraa Jralaa IliatorWal tw.UIM t a. rUr la It.UaJ.lt U M a lay Aft tttmak ot la a ruat aiM at KhaRKtala. la.. artrrvly Iajurv4 ! mm. lao of Ikna probably fatally. lr. Job It. Hamilton, forrwr ar rrn C'wrl of tb I'nitrd ltata ma. rtnv b-iviial arw. at ! !. Il MnUWars rvwaty N J Jail a aa terr4 by a burglar, a ho etui ltt frn the truuavra uirt wf the ahrtl9 Ta- It U rrrtrd that th tare manurarturrra tn Near OdanJ intrtvd to form a combination to xr.tr4 th market. la Near York HunJijr frank Naltr. a youth, killed tia former aaevtheart VI arrl. Urn. ley. a4 ah.-t bimaelf. He a 111 Jie. In an a--,)rnt .n the Atrhkaa. T. p. k aixl Canta F near Trinlja.l. Vt-ine.!a)r. aeveral Ttnt an awrl oualy Injured. l"i.rok.,! mall faclllti. betat-en New Yolk at. J the ! inc t.Mi.-t a 111 rru.t in ('nieralle aavli.c t.f time tn the Jellery t.f Utter. John liell. aaaiatant tte riirilrr at the llnrtirk theater, in Nea Y'ik. waa killed ty raa In a lu.tel In Wah lnjt..n Wetlnethlajr. A '!. l-iliat I. m of ateel lnt-rrta tr Qtilc.4fu. It l ai.ltl. Mill engage in the nuuuuilurr of armor late an4 li-aj ammunition on a aat M-ate. I'oiiieinan Arthur Werner SunJa) reiK Unl a Nr f.uii.lUn! l..g from a but Hint; Hat In New Yolk, thinking It aua it human bring. He aaa l.ltttii f. hla I'.titia. Colotit I Koot-v.-lt. governor ele-t of New York atale. tin. I hla family arrived In AlUany Kil.ljy .iri.l Ix-t auo- gueata of (ioveiiior an. I Mra l:i k at the rirru tlve mniif t..n. Single lian. 1 a li enian raMel a poolroom uritier the Fifth Avenue the ater. New York. Sunday night and ar retted the manager and other men wh. were .r-i-iit. Harry Huffman of New : h lle. N. Y.. wax drowned Krlday In a vain at tempt to aave the life of Crtro lloran of I'elhnm. who had broken through the Ice while akatlng. iaviu itoinru-niida, rormerly a mer chant of Cleveland, waa arreated In New York on a charge of obtaining a loan of SS.OOO from the Central National bank on apurloua note. U. 8. Grant poat, r. A. It, of Hrook lyn haa paaned reaolutiona approving Preaident lIcKlnky'e utterances In hia recent southern seeches concerning Confederate soldiers graves. Three children broke through the Ice over the Kt. Lawrtncv river, near Ale andrla Bay. N. Y.. on Monday, ant were drowned. Their mother waa al drowned while trying to save them. iioveinor l.iect Manley -r Kanaaa states that he will not sign a warrant for the death of John Collins, convicted of murdering his father. Iih-ium- he does not believe In capital punishment. Rear Admiral Francis VI. llunce ha reached the age limit and nominally re tlrt-d. He will, however, remain in tm mand of the Brooklyn navy yard until his succ-r la appointed, which will probably not !e for some time. Henor I)on Matias Komero. thi 1 I- can emharsador to the 1'nlted State, died In Washington early Friday morn ing. Seror Itornero was the dean of the diplomatic corps, Ix-lng the oldest representative of any foreign country at our national capital. Frank A. Parker, son of a wealthy ChicaKoait. was remanded to the Tombs. In New York, without ball Fri day from the Center street court charged with forgery. He Is said to have been the com i -an Ion of George VI Pullman. Jr.. and Ranger Itillman. Augustus W. Peters, president of th borough of Manhattan, died suddenly from heart disease In the home of hla friend. Henri Chaurant. on Kast Klghty- sixth street. New York, on Thursday Mr. Peters was a prominent Tammany Hall politician, a member of the Old Guard and a Mason of high standing. being potentate of Mecca temple of the Mystic Shrine. "Hab." the writer In private life Mrs. Isabel Mallon died of pneumonia at her home. 475 Fourth avenue. New Tork, Tuesday. Grief over the death of her mother. VI rs. Via lion's Inseparable com panlon for so many years, so weakened her that she was a ready victim ia the dread disease. As "Uab" and "Ituth Ash more" Mrs. Mallon waa known to thousands of readers In this country. She was one of the pioneer newspaper women of the country. 'sa Drcadfcl Soros tv f Cant Wtaa) ta cf Trvat rtaM fcwi atv Tray HeaeMl - A Wnerfai T j aaasy yra I Ua ta S-e.t a a a tifma taa a aa 4 a It -aaa. Uj t4 s aa lUr aaina. W a a I Mi ea '" laa tawvaj raalaf aVeaa laa Talaa al tl xt.aa. Om Oat frrrbeWtaUy alt mf I a4.j aad a aura Wwaa C-t Vatra ruatlaaval ta afaa4 a ad aaa X i : palatal. I ji f a ed. 4 a puMaa aaj I aawaa leata ii a Maariiu. la a eaavt tlaae ' W.j Mf4!at anraa wa.Wh kad rm I i a. rtca BWtag. begaa la ha. I krp. oa ta.lhf.llr a k lWaaaJ'a faraaps. r"la a4 la a aort tlaaa say llaaa waa r. U..ly tteaUd a ad ta anraa gar Baa n rwf t raaaad ha taulkaaafal i-t la wvadettal wk Hani a Kara) pa r.ita, baa tl-aa foe eaa. Mav A. C tilt . Hart land. Vrraaotrt. PM Oaroo- O parlllo It tl lrt la W Traa tUwad -araV. Hood HOOd'a P.HS rw all kter lOa. -. ECHOES OF THE WAR. The Oregon and the Iowa arrived at Callao, Peru. Monday. Several affrays took place In Havana Monday. In which one man was killed and 12 were wounded. Lieutenant Hobaon sailed from San Francisco for the Philippines and bad an eithuiAttc end wrY It ;a tt i-.rtrd la Via 'rid that Aral nal lo had aar-rd tw releaae tha rtat era held by the Inaurgrata ta Ik Itall ll'p'nra VI r Hull of ut. fhalrmaa of tta h ur military commtttea. aaomtttad Ita rr-nrt i 1 1. military rugaaisa- tlon tail The rennat.H of V!a) Ureteral Fran. 'a V. limiw aaa oa Wednesday at-vetted ly the pieal. at. ta take ef fect Feb r Genrral llrtiry withdrew hla order re voking Hi-antah vDi.HK.t la tha Is land of l..it la.-ooalng to tk-aal 4lc- lor.a to the rdrr. Ilealra t-i the cable brtaeea. New York arid Haiti again opened rvrnmaal. cation t-y that line with Weat 1 ad laa and S.iuth Arnerkan cities. The nay dertmetit haa decided ta M-n l t rnliated men ta Admiral I -ey t. --- e aa crews for tha tlatah eru.aer raptured at Manila. :-rietal Itlos haa surrendered IlolUt. rat'tal of the laland .f I 'a nay. la taa Ph)l:plne. and the cltr la la Hwaea- rl..n of the Fllirlnoa The ritnlatrrtal rrtale In Haln. It Is thought, will Im tt.nel until tha Ametitan senate ratine th treaty of pea-e. PrealJertt MiKlnley aud aa order regulating the financial setetn of Caba and filing th atandard vf alua on a gold basis. Order has liaen ltnrd la Havana and Americana rpaiah ana .iaaw patrol the city. Th etruggt rtr tk al f th street railway frarw hia cua-llnure. tirders were Irsu-d for the command er of the Hennlngtou. at Honolula. ta annes Wake Uland fur a lalAe rati at at Ion and to take !eeatxn of Guam. In the laJronea. General otla and Admiral Iaey la- fftmed th authoritie la Washington that they had snt a military and natal eiedition to preaerte order at Ilotli. in the I'hlllpf'lnea. Th American emm aa '.steers ha v la- sue! in Cu'a a proa la ma tlon warning th Inhabitants tl.t fanlah rights mu-t tie re-ted and giving tba terra f the Island a tranafer. As a souvenir of her son. Hamilton Flah. Jr.. Mr. Ha-nlltoa Fish has -ot to every member of Troop I. ltovlt'e Hough Itlders. In which young Flah waa sergeant, a silver mounted half. The t'nlted Ft a tea warships Hoato and IVtrl hat returned ta Manila from Chinese rte. Inaurenta at Ma nila recently gat aom anity t th Ameruan authorities la that city. The war Investigating rommlsaioa Thursday mad public the statement of many army offlcrrs u tlld by 'Gen eral Mile In substantiation of his charge that lad beef was fumlahea t the a.-tr.y. The -treaty of Paris," re-etabllahUig fteac Wtwe-n th United tt a tea and ipatn. Is now In th hands of President McKinley. having been delivered to htm laat Haturday by th American corn mlssloners. Major General Francis V". Green ar rived In Washington from Havana and tendered his realgr.atlon ta th presi dent. He brought to the authorities r asauring report a of th condition of af fairs In the Cuban capital. Gem ral Merrttt Is spending the Christ mas holidays In Chicago, w her he r Iterated hla views about th retention of th Philippines, and said that b wouia resume commana or tn aapari m.nt of th east after Jan, 1. PuMlc demonetrations by Cuban iA dlers w;l not le permit ted la Havana during the first week la January, for fear of disorder. In conaaquanc ta situation Is delicate, the Cubans being highly Indignant over th refusal to al low them to celebrate the withdrawal Ot the Hpanlah fore a from th Island. HOW TO FIND OUT. Fill a toUle or common gla? with your water find let it stand " arrar-aaaaaavaga, avioviivb ri vvi UTCr aVI Uw m a a . tyre. Rogers and Mclntyre held a long I twenty-four llOUIa: a Sediment or consultation. Isettlinir liitlicaters an uiiliealuir At District Attorney Mclrrtyre's of- ..f,iidition of thn kidr.PYP: if it nee ii waa tearnea mat Mr. KOgers may jto;n :a i.;, r be able to throw considerable liaht on I 7"",a '1 the traeedy. Inasmuch aa he haa been I klduey trouble: too frtlKnt d separated from Mrs. Rogers for a nam- I sire to pass it or ain in the back rer oi years ana mat tneir relations, contrary to published reports, were never very pleasant. He Is reported to have said that since the separation Cornish, being a friend of Mrs. Rogers. had aroused the Jealousy of several other women, one of whom may have ig also convincing proof, that the kidneys and bladder are out f order. WHAT TO IK. Tlieie in comfort in the ktiow l- sent him the poison. Mrs. Rogers la I often xtresel. that Dr. suing for divorce, the papers having I tr,? c,. ; ,-a e ben filed in Hartford. a. ui r o..,r,K- The manufacturing Jewelers who KHney remedy IU1DI1S every ; Wltlj made the match or toothpick holder I in curing rbeumttira( tiu in which came in the box with the bromo I back, kidneys, lher, bladder v i iI I and every part of tue urinary pas- ioesiuui ; icu ivuuu. AUf aa.i aj s - . Lebkuecher & Co. of Newark, N. J. 8ag- it COTTecU inability to Frank A. Lebkuecher. the head of the I hold Water and waluitij pain in firm, has Identified the holder as a j nagging it, or bad effects follow product or nis iaciory. it was on oi r - r i:...- ;, ,. 19. one of which was sold to Black, ug of 1 "V10 wine or lr and starr a. Frost of 43s Fifth avenue. nw overcomes that unpleasant nece- Tork; another to Moses Straus of 409 I sit V of being Compelled to CO of Fulton street. Brooklyn, and the bal- j fen during the day, and to get up ZV .ll . ' 1 many times during the n:ght ine rniia ana eziraorumary eueci of Swamp-Root is soon realized It stands the highest for its won Cause Fob Gratitude. "I cannot speak too ' highly of aerfui care8 of the most distre--Hood'sSareapanlla. It has cured ingca8e8. If you nee-1 a medi me of a bad cough and given me a cine ehoald haTe the At good appetite. My little girl had druggisU fifty cents or one dol a stomach trouble and did not see jaj a well day upto the time she be yoa hm a bolUe gan taking Hood's Sareajvarilla. &nd a that mre aboat This medicine cured her Mrs. both sent absolutely free by T. H. Sutler, Stephen's City, Va. e. if TOn send rour to Dr. Kilmer & Co , Binghamton, Hood's Pills cure all liver ills. I N. Y. When writing be sure and Mailed for 25c. by C. I. Hood & I mention that yon read this gener- Uo.. LfOweiL Mass. lous oner in xne Caucasian. foreign motes or iNTtucrr. The pop, replying to the Christmas greeting ot th cardinals, spoke pissl mlstlcally of th outlook. Princes Louis of Coburg. daugbtae of the king of th H!g1ans, is reported as having become Insane. John W. Hook waiter of Ohio tells of the wonderful development of th vast Asian possessions of Russia. Chsnl Rey. a notorious aid de camp eat the sultan, was murdered la a Const ra ti oople pastry ehop by Ha fix Paaha. Th Atlas 11a steamer Andes, bound from Kingston. Jamaica, to New Tork. went ashore on Plumb Point reef, Ja maica. A monument to th Russians who fel la th Rusao-Turklsh war was unvlid by the Grand Duke Nicholas at San St fano. near Constantinople. The Montenegrin soldi era who were believed to bare been bwrld la the snow at Lara pas are reported to bar arrived safety at Poderltsa, Sharp fighting has occurred la British East Africa between a Brltlsn foros and aom rebels. The loss as were aetor and Include a British Lieutenant. Es-Presldent Caslmlr-Perler and es Mlnlster Barthou were evamlned by the court of caasatloo la Paris In th Drey fus revision proceedings Wednesday. Th faU of part of a mountain partial ly buried the Sals village of Airolo. Three bodies were taken from th nuaa. and damage to th amount of S200.MC was done. Three duels were fought at Badap Wednesday, growing out of th squab bles la parliament hot ween tnombetti aad Baron Banffy. None of th duollsts wss much hart. At the annual meeting of th Pan ana Canal company la Parts Wsdnea&ay a report was read, describing th means taken to direct AJncrlcaa attention t th merits of the Paaaaaa romta. News from Peking by way of Shaxuj hal Is to tb effect that from two to ata executions a week ta th palaea pro ducts are ordered by ta smpri dow ager for alleged political It is said that the aoldiers who had taken Hood's Savrsaparilla stood the long marches in Cuba much better than the others,