THE CAUCASIAN. I OLOR and flavor of fruits, Jan. 5. mO V M up- K lfp I r ''Mt O H . In It i"ih, mm mwoui) -Ih matter. N. C I pearance of vegetables, weight and plumpness of grain, arc all produced Ly Potash. Potash, properly combined with Phos- - General Marcus J. Wright, the ex-Con fmh-niti .nv-r iti ttiH K;or! OII'k h at WaHhingb.ii, d Kir'S to NTllte h list of tliCou fmlertH ivm-fTifH in North Cnro liufi Mm tlit iitimtrt-r of intf rnifiits in -jw li. phoric Acid and Nitrogen, and Solicitor K W. Pou it'H un.l.r-, IiIcral,y applied, will improve htoxl Iihs rnuiA-u d, nni!.;r Iir: -'every soil and increase vield lion 01 me uhtiiiihiiomiih 01 ine Statu hoHpitiiU for th iu-tii, the net to le introdnred in thn Gen eral Assembly regarding th-ir rg ulation. TllTH H''IIH t llod'ttlbttllHt the oITh-h of itiHiiranro comrnin Hionr will Im created, and fortlii.s place tin-re are now two leading candidates Mr. FA. Chambers . JSmith, of Iidigh, and Mr. Rich urtl Young, of Henderson - Times Visitor. The death watch whs f-et upon .lint Hooker, the des-iM-rat negro who murdered Mahahi White who is to hang .fan. IS h. Hooker is watching like a hawk for a chance to escape. The jail is crowded, among ihe prisniMrs h'ing four other murderers. An oflicial circular lias been is sued by the management of the Scatard Air Line in Ports mouth in which is announced the apointnietit of M r. L. S Alh-n, Washington ticket silent of the system, as -neral ticket agent vice Mr. T. .1. Anderson, resigned. and fluidity of any crop. 'Vrit ami R.-t T rcc cur pamphlets, hkh Utl hw t buy aivl us: fertilizers with greatest economy and profit. 0ES.1AN KALI WORKS, 93 Numi C. New York. The solid walnut dsk which w is made to ord-r for Governor Vance and was his private desk while he was Chief Kxecutive, will he Mold by the State. It has remained in the Governor's oflico for years but it is not needed now and the officials have decided to sell it. Furniture men value it at about Sl'-i or I.r. At a meeting Monday night of the stockholders of the lialeigh Times-Visitor the reKrt of the jiresident .showed a gratifying progress of the paper in every way. Mr. W. G.Jiriggs was elect ed president and under his able guidance the Times Visitor will continue to prosper and grow in popularity. State Treasurer Worth has made his quarterly statement of the condition of the banks. The re sources aggregate $1 1,021,21)5 an increase during the quarter of 19 1,304. There are 72 banks, of these six being savings, 22 private and 4 1 State. The dejosits sub ject to' the check aggregate $0, :i28,2NO surplus $435,140, undi vided profits $2.4, 77.. Tlie lobby of the Yarboro House is thronged with memliers of the legislature and patriots anxious to serve their country ami State for a consideration. The legislators are being uncomfortably crowded with these "patriots" and he is kept busy liatening to the claims and rending the endorsements of the otli-'e seekers. One legislator said that there were a dozen or more applicants for each place no matter how small or insignificant the job. The Democratic press has failed to give these patriots due prominence. Last week Thomas Smith, col ored, was brought here and jailed to save him from lynching He lives four miles from Smith field. Thri white boys passing his hou-e threw some firecrack ers. Smith tan out and with a pocket knife cut the throat of one boy, named Cawthoru. The )oy fell dead. Smith then cut the throat of another, but missed the jugular vein. The third boy find. Bloodhounds from Goldsboro trailed Smith to Smithfield. His wife was there and force 1 to re veal his hiding place, which was in the negro Odd Fellows' hall, and over a negro store. He was jailed atSmithfield. Open threats were made. Had he remained there a few hours longer ho would surely have been lynched. CHANGE IX PENITENTIARY MANAGEMENT. A sensation was created in Ral eigh last week by the announce ment that J. M. Mewborne the superintendent of t he penitentiary had resigned and that Capt. W. H. Day, a Democrat, had been named by Gov. Russell, as his suc cessor. Mr. Mewborue's resignation takes effect January 1. Not even the most intimate friends of the interested parties knew of the con templated change in management. Captain Day has accepted the po A BUSINESS MEN'S BANQUET. The Buainesa Men Banquet to be held at the Piuey Wood Inn, Southern Pine, J mi. luh. will lw i great success. Mr. Chas. St, John, the pipular manager of this palatial hoU-l will make the "jolly lmy of th grip" ftsel at home and eujoy the occadou. The indication are that there ili le more "drummer boV in Southern Pines on next Saturday, Sunday arid Monday the 7th, 8th and Dth, than has ever gathered at one place in the state of North Carolina, and we venture to say more jokes will be told and more jolly, happy laughs heaid than has been crowded into two days by any party of pleasure makers during the festive days this sea son. Quite a number of distinguished orators have been invited and some g id tals will lie heard at the banquet by the fortunate fellows in attendance. Out in K COAST LINE F. & Y. BUYS THE V. ROAD. C. The CiijiH Fear and Yadkin Val ley railroad wis s ld at auction last week in Fayetteville under foreclosure proceedings, by Com missioners Martin and Mauley, apjoiuted by the court for the purpose. The-road was lxught by the Atlantic Coast Line for $3, 1 10,000. The bidders were President Sam nel Spencer, of the Southern Kail way; William H. Blackford, for the Baltimore bondholders or Sea board Air Line, and Harry Wal ters, for the Atlantic Coast Line. Master Commissioner Martin was auct ioneer, and he started the bidding at noon. The first bid was $2,100,000, then it was raised by $50,000, $25,000, $10,000, $5, 000, ami then $1,000 jumps for an hour and a quarter, when the road was knocked down to the Coast Line. Blackford retired at a bid of $3 103,000, and Spencer stopped at a bid of $3,10"), 000- The prop erty was therefore knocked down to Walters at $3,110,000. The outcome of the sale is a surprise, both as to the price paid and the successful competitor. OUR EDUCATORS MEET. PIC3FL 'itly wife had pimple on her fare, but he been tkinj CASCAUKTS and they bitve mil (Jlsftinx'iirod. I bad been troubled with ootistipution (or some time, but after tak ing the flrt Caicurt't I have bad no trouble with this ailment. We cannot npeaU too high ly of Cascareta " Kkisd Wartmak, 671M Uermantowu At.. I'hlladelphlo. Pa. The session of the Association of Academies held last week was of particular interest Fifty mem bers were present, representing 41 schools. The speakers and their themes were as follows: "Teach ing of English in Our Acade mies." J. W. Canada, Washing ton Catlett, A. B. J ustice and oth ers diseussed the preparation of public school teachers in acade mies. "Should the State Aid Academies in furnishing Normal training? K L. Madison: "In dustrial Training in Academies, .U LUC I T l. T7I Trll- rL- il sition and to-day announced that " .uVin 81wa80neJOI.lM he would till all the subordinate p. TnTn fTw.o w;fh lmnot0 TTn iub bwsiuu ; r uoiuau as a ocuooi appointed J. K. Tillerv. of Hali- 2ame. R: H- Wright; 4 Opening I j , - I l4'r.,o i SI.. I, I J J I 1 I T faxeountv. as manager ,f th A" u's' J i o State farms, and F. B. Arendell. of Raleigh, manager of the cen tral prison. CANOY I I U CATHARTIC y TffAOt MANN f0iaTlO MEETING OF THE COUNTY SUPERVISORS. Plcinnnt. I'nlntaMc Cotent. Taste Goofl. Po Quod. Nver Slrkvn. Wenkvn. or (Irlce. I0i 2ie. 50c. ... CURE CONSTIPATION. ... lrHt Umrr rkl. KMlntl, R Tark. lit J ner; "fetuclv or borne Jiinarlish Words," Robt. Bingham. This was a notably fine address. Col Bingham spoke of the vast spread of the English speech and de clared himselt as earnestly favor ing territorial expansion auu an Ihance with Great Britain. A The County Supervisors of Pub- resolution expressing erratification I lie Schools in North Carolina met at the elevation of Prof. Horner in the House of Representatives to the bishopric was adopted. The last wock. l here was a large at- following olhcers were elected : J. tendance of representative educa- C. Horner, of Oxford, president; tors, i ne counties were wen rep- k: l.. Madison, of Cullowhee, resentetl, supervisors being pres- vice president; W. T. Whitsttt, ent ail tlie way iroui lieaufort of Whitsett. set;retarv. . i j to Kuneorm). ansas - lives a happy wife. She writes: 1 hare used Mother's Ffieatf befort two conHnements. The last time I hai twins, and was in labor only a few min utes. Suffered very hole." The teasoa why Mother's Friend does expectant mothers so much good is because it is an external liniment, to be applied upon the outside, where much of the strain comes. It helps be cause the pores of the skin readily absorb it, and it comes into direct contact with and is absorbed by the parts involved. Morning sickness is quickly banished, and nervousness is kept completely away. The sense of dread and foreboding is not experienced, even during labor itself. Confinement is short and almost without pain. Recovery is quick and sure. Best of all. Mother's Friend benefits the unborn just as much as the expectant mother, and when the little one come i will be strong, lusty and healthy. Dntrglatj sen Mother's Frtoad for SI bottte. Send for oor free book on the subject, finely illustrated. THE BRADFIBLD REGULATOR CO. ATLANTA, OA. TU CREATE NEW OFFICES. I O. I!. Ik err. Sr.. will coo tct the dt-tion nf TUX RjHL&OAD COXU!.HIOX TO! John D. BIlmv- of th Siitt. be Abolished axi a Nkw I ConrnsssiotuU duuid. All r- O.vr f'RriTrnPnifini, r. I VorU to th contrmrr srw wild coo "7 of the 3Ut ulU rearwm will ! kace. o.mtit tlie fltian of Crsw I I urw srw oulr ln oudIh in woo rUiai Ut In u tit I North Carolina th&t jn n.tturh inid of thiugi y tht tht the 1 by riln.U-Alw Alh-hnr, UtnUtur will abolbh the rail- WsatAfi, Clay avml t3rshsto to road commiHeioa and establish in the ttt and Ikn. Tvrrell. II r J. U place a commtssion of railruad, G reen anl Patulioi in the et. oaukiog anl insurance. IThelont railn-vl intkoSutr ihu, my mformaut tfll ia. I is prohabtr the Carolina CVutrl ill, like the present rilrodr.m jfrom Wilmint.n t Rutherford- mission, fxnn$t of thret mem (ton. nmrlr ) tnilt. aul th ben. The rhairman. however. I ahorUwt ti Mnrfrvxllatm fn.n. : l t i . . ..... I.. . . win in) require to nv in tiiletgb I Morireeboro to feielleion. only and be ouutiuually at the oflice. For thU Bervi5e he will receives salary of t2,500 a yer. The other two cornuiisioners, like the pres ent railroad commisttionern, may reside where they like, so they at tend the regular uieetiugM of the board. For thwervice they will be paid $1,800 a year. It is claimed also that Hon. Thos. J. Jarvis i stated for the chairmanship and that the other members of it will be men of ex perience and recognized ability. In addition to the duties now devolving upon the railroad com mission, the commission of rail roads, bankiug and insurance would, as its name indicates, have charge of the banking and a mile News. over six tnihs, Lrnoir Purhtm, IW. t. A dsrinc birgltry Kcurr.l a f-w Ij.jh tl Itati.'ima, thm city. Smone entere! the rvid-uce of I l IlrjbertH and his oiter. li-n Mar tha llobirts, and broke tpn loor with an axe. Aft.T ct-ttiut: inside the burclar nlit oin-n a chct aul tcxik therefrom 510. half of which in gold coin. The money taken was tension money paid to their IhUj father. who was a veteran of the war ol 1812. Mr. and Mi KoherU Uth heard the burglar, but were tow erlrsa to do anything, as both are quite feeble A inemlier of the First Ilegiment, who is now on itiaiirnni'n linai tiMiti rtr tlxt StsitA The control and examination of the yuUs. to i'tUi. hanlroia nnor m. Hm hanAa f ih meill in lUU, IS bUSllcOlltl aH tatn Troucnrar urwl tl.u wie,,- being the glliltV tMirtV but liO ab ance business is controlled by"the lute Jn7HJ( n begotten atfainst ot.nrnf st.u I him. 1 he loss falls heavilv uion us men no btate fcxpo- To Ulktj from the Treasurer the 1,16 nrrtunato jeopIe irt h I arn hna cinnn I i . . I un....s uuo.utr.-v wwun irucc jiuriiam, is.u. iec. .!. (SC him nf llin amininlmaiit rf ( n I ' l 'pi r . ' "ii"""" '""iiai.i ine lniormaium reju-iie ava m l tiara qiu! rn toba f wm f li I i. a i a i i ws was a succe-s hnaneiM. v nnd n .-. . . I - " urnr jrresrcta. It is nnr ?"J .LL? lu urc" tjimment was in progrs at IM1V . uw w a-' v tnoii.oa itrn i.i wr y v t s- m w ai -m . f'!' , . . 8 -lUbapel, in Ulmttiam county, one Fair in 1 80O t nr.1,1 or, "ual o.tjr "o nigllt UllS Week, tllO UKir Col F w-' w w M . w n h w m- mil A wwj k I A v Ak tion here. It ought to continue I k Ti il h 1 1T TT r Oivf-TT ntta i I O . . vunvj J utiJ a- "oe- fhft hnv won 1 Iia mnrh FOR A STATE EXPOSITION. There has i . anion in iNorin Carolina since 1884 in fact, the one that year was the only one ever held. It was a sunce-H fin; tn uuici icus. it is now pro- KniTiea posei, lusieau 01 Having a state ff position of 1884 continued sixty days. Col. Olds corresjiondence. The Asheville Gazette says: "The proposal to hold in place of the annual State Fair at Raleigh next year an exposition will loubtless meet with general ap proval throughout the State." The approval of the suggestion ought to amount to a demand on the part of the people of all sec tions. When we consider the superb success of our last fair, lapsed. Some one outride yelled nre!" and for a few minutes ran- more I demonium reiirnfl. Virl v .vrv satisfactory than the creation of Uleeperof the floor gave way at a separate uu uiuepeuueiiL owce the same time and the crowd was for the management of the insur- thrown in u confnsM nil in th. ance business. Lontm of tl. hr.nea Th;- ,.....-1 a geueral scramble and great ex- WOUK AT HEADQUARTERS, citement. At this juncture several persons on the outside heard the Frog. Farmer. commotion, and not knowiuc Chairman Denmark, of the I what it was or what else to do. TOE YARBORO tOOODGE IS THE OSLV B0TIL IX Tni BUS! ESS SCCT10X Of nALGiQ9 rj. Ot IS37. it. rstwia will U m4 rrHtsVW tais vVf. lUff tm ma j tk twb Kale. rit coach to awo noa iH imlmuZ AltB it THE EIEELEY IEJST1YE3YE, ts tii eras or ti Uqoor, Opium. Coacoinc and Other Dmt Adctloes, Nerve Exbiustion and the Tobacco ItaUt, GreouslMim, IV. O. l b"' Krrlrj latilt U Nttli srolla, t4 ! m IU Uul mu4 belth; luriii. it Irftnl ttl4inc s4 Mrrtlt irssu, t wrll applied lt.i and eailtul wsagroitti. it preta tm tt sufffrtMSsU t fM-rtert a luin for rri Bit ruu.r( tr'orlHtm. If ou bat s fi(ol amicled with ary f lb st s44id . writ tm lUir llu-tratt ll.od bouk,otitl4"rila; XliW MAX." Address THE K RELET IXSTITl'TE. tiBT CNBOEO. .V C State Alliance Executive Com- began to yell "fire" again. This mittee, returned Saturday from added new terror to the already Hillsboro, where the Committee I excited crowd in the house, and met Thursday and Friday. He I for a while it looked as if a gen- held during the excitement of one hks us say ne brethren J eral stampede 'would follow. Some of tne most hotly contested cam- l'ua,' "-neir uusmeas mere is ueingicuoi neaus, uowever, souu quieieti oaitrns in our historv. we can eet propeny uiauageu ana uie xusi- i-uings. io one whs nousiy some idea of the real interest felt ness Agency snows larger assets nun, out several were oruiseu. in onvr mofhU rr acronoa ,ni,; and smaller liabilities than at the tend to develon trio natural anil State Alliance meeting. industrial concerns of our people. The Hillsboro Sub. has adopted In this vpar nF arafft wa w ha ""h iv&aua, i uui, iuci- free from political matters, and Pensive which the Committee ovorrfhirnr nninta tr, a vpor nt nr.. reCOmmenQS tO tU6 VHHOUS tUDS usual enterpr se. There is no lu lUB OWW)' oru. u. a. rlonht. of thft fnot-. tiinf. mil. rna tioover, becretary-1 reasurer at begin this a ear in far better con- hillsboro for further information. dition than any of the past ten. uo n,ot lal1 10 eT ,Irom mnlLa tha stofa supply of new rituals also. Ine to-day in active business employ- Hi new ritual is a decided improve ment on the old, being shorter and more impressive. 1 he shoe factory shut down a week for Christmas, but is at work again and is turning out shoes of the best quality. it you nave not tried tliese shoes all prices for men, women and chil lren do not fail to order a pair betore tne tactorv closvs down temporarily (30 days from now.) If you have tried them, we are sure you are so wel; pleased that you will not fail to order another pair at once. Re member to order at once, as time MO-TO-BAC Poirt nml gimrnntrert tv all drog sittt t ( IKK Tobacco HablV. The payment of pension war rants by the State treasurer be gan only fifteen days ago, but al- A very interesting and profita ble meeting was had. Prof. C. H. Mebane, Superin tendent of Public Instruction, de livered the annual address to the Supervisors. Prof. M. C. S. Noble was the ment than ever before, certainly since the war, there are more in dustries and of greater variety in successful operation, a greater employment of labor, with every assurance of very important a ldi- tious during this year. Our peo ple, of all classes and vocations surely have the fullest encourage ment for entering upon their work of the year. Let our business men get to get her at once, and start the mat ter in a business way. NEED A REFORMATORY. is limited. Raleigh Times- v lsitor: Warden The writer and Bro. Denmark Kussell of the btate prison is are wearinir some of the 8274 . I c 7 greatly impressed with the crying brand and find them superior to need of a reformatory for youth- $3 shoes made by other factories. ful criminals of 1 his State. In his Bro. Ben j Irby, of this city, i report to the superintendent, convinced that they are superior Ml FLANDY WAR BOOK A new txMik of important and autbentir in formation and Mafia! ic n tbv cuanj subject flawed to I If ont war, urh a !, population rlimat. mtnnierro and rrsourcea of tb ialanda roi.crrnrd Is tb hpanUb-. Amrrirsn conflict, with nianf uthrt facta wLicbrmd rra of war arwa alxxild bar. PICTURES OF U. S WAR VESSELS And s claiiflcation and deacriptlon of I be variova ahipa is Naviea of tpain aad Anorica, wilb drfinitinna of Naval Tertna ood in tlt preaa dirpstcboa. UZtSTEl "WA-R MAPS Of Cobs, Porto Rico PklUpploo. Ilaraesssd Harbor, sod Wost India imiwh nd s larfa nap of tba world, only SSo. Addrme all ordem o i i n. Kftleifb. X. I W din av Sunk prcpsrva xpecwiir lor jroa, wbk-ti wa mall froa. It treats of U toinach dlaordera worma. that every chUd la liable to and for Frey'o 1 vcriiiiiugc I haabewnaooeaMfollyuaedl 1 lor a nan ceniary. I S.A8.rKET,BamaMra,B4. ELKIN WOOLEN MILLS. rV 1 r 4 BO YEAR 8 EXPERIENCE u , A Traoc Marks W DCSIONS 'rr?t CorrsiaMTS Ac Anyone eendlng a ekateta and deeentttnn eaar qnlekly aaeertaln oar optolon free whether as Invention ta probably patentable. ttone strictly confidential. Hand be Commanlea. Handbook on Pateota aent free. Oldeat aceney for eeenrtna' pateot Patenu taken throash Mann m Co. reoelva (pacfcUtMCtca, wttnootcoarfo, lata Glorious News Comes from Dr. D. B. Cargile, of Washita, 1. T. He writes: "Four bottles of Electric Bitters which will be incorporated in the to $1 shoes made by other fac has cured Mrs. Brewer of scrofu- superintendent's report to the torifis. la, which had caused her great General Assembly he will stronelv muly over one-third of them have next speaker. His subject was s 1 1 v? I ' f er"oiefore! aavocate aretormatory inspeaK- uu.n nMt Ul Fur n n, atnl.T. a....i:i:" : 0 ... : I"" ? . I ift "" uaaurei wmucuuuorou 000 in rmnid numbers have been V A T ouprvioia. face aud the begt doctors could said that he did not believe that WO, m roumi numuers nave oeen a ceneral discussion among the :a i,i. u,,- u r li.. bUIierVlSOrS followed. I nLta o,l Ko l.Hl, , r,l I V. r :i: :A If I U vl The second days program was Scrnitific jiarican. handaonely film ilatton of any eel iaar; roar monLba .;ui;;ico. 1 Afreet ctr- Teraa.fla A handaomelr fllnetrated weekly. calatton of any aclenuae lonrnaL roar montna. ai. BOMiDvaii S61Brasi.riBT0r Branca OfBoa. 8S T 8C Waablnctoo. TK C. WW) paid out for pensions. The total amount, it will be remembered, is $120, 000. lue biggest day so tar ag follows: was Tuesday, the payments that day amounted to ;,288. complete aud her health is excel- who familiarized himself with the prehane-e .-.. " TKia t.k.4 V.v.VMnnWn I J i J. .1 ; J I O" icu. miaouuna niiai luuuaauus mnuniuu ai IUB unsUIl auu saw STATE NEWS. Wade8boro is to have a telephone have proved that Electric Bitters the numbers a train at 1 a wa r.F hniro whrt o I A riPPTO WAS KllleU DV iBmiUUaiMB uy oi. m is the best blood purifier known, brought there could oppose a re- Halifax a few days ago, and the body the IocaI ministers It's the supreme remedy for ecze- formatory. There are over 20 was so badly mangled that it could now I uot oe lueniiueu. A. & II. C. RAILROAD. TIME TABIiE B. To take effect Sunday Jane 19, 1896, at 12 m Supersedes lime Table 4 of Nov. 28, 1897, ana eappiemenu memo. GOOU . HrVp 0tn If jou want to exchange your wool or harelt rnanofactured Into th bt Blanket, Caai meres, Jeana, Linseja, Plannela sod Ysrna to tx bad ia Amer ica. II joa want tbe best made snd moat comfortable fittina; paota yoa ever wore; if you want to trade with tbe cleverest men joa ever bad any dealing with, try tbe ELKIN WOOLEN MILLS' snd von will sever regret It, Tbey bare one of tbe lariat mills In tbe houtb. Tbey ahio tbelr arooda to nearl every Stat in tb Union, sod tbe quality of tbeir work ia unexcelled. write tbena Jot tbeir nandsome sew catalogue, snd do sot dispose of yosr wool until yoo ae it. Address, CHATHAM Wlfi CO., Proprietors. ELKIN. N. C The pen tentiarv report shows U, .... . e. jma, teiier, sail rneum, uicers, convicts in tne btate prison that since March 12th. ltfOFedeH It stim- who are minors, many of them al prisoners have been received. . ' l" IS,JU ulates liver, kidneys and bowels, mere boys. According to Mr. . - . ; luuulv. i vi j: n n it i IcApcio pui3jiis, ucipa uiesnuu, i nusseu s statement, inese ooys builds up the strength. Only 50 begin to get worse as soon as they vvi wc vj uua cu WW EABTBOTJND TRIAK8. 6 of whom IbO now remain, that 389 btate convicts were re ceived during the year. Of the latter, 285 have been physi cally sound, 55 unsound and 49 were sent direct to the farms without physical examination. Of the Federal convicts, 143 were sound and 47 unsound. This re markably large percentage of un sound will attract attention. keui county. auu r, 1 j:., Defects of the School Prof. Ira T. Turlington, visor of Johnson county. General discussion. Special address: Prof. SuPer- Sold by all druggists come to the prison. P. of CITY SCHOOL SUPERINTENDENTS. Discovered by a Woman. Another great discovery has 1 3- a m oeen maae, ana mac, too, oy a The roof of a large storage waie- house at Henderson was blown off Tuesday night, and the windows shattered in adjoiniDg buildings by the explosion of several kegs of pow der. The origin of the explosion is I unknown. 8TATI0N8- Passenger daily. W Lt W W Thursday night about 7 o'clock irroman. livin'e in Mark's Creek N.C. English, Supervisor of Ran township, was assassinated as he U'PU county. Claxton, editor N. C. Journal 1 a liuacauon. Tllfl ic,v.;;n Amenumenis 10 ocnooi Lw-ifon,!flr,ia f ri. cjrtu1o -f uar.a , ur.rr.""u 1 r.v...- tu:. Rev. E. P. Ellington. Supervisor r"ZZ " Vu ";:t: tor seven years sue witnstood its 1U""H' V1" of Rockinahamcountv i V.""" VSt'.'"?0 severest tests, but ner vital organs 8lue 01 xwesmgnam y uonu mmwu1";' from llmincfcon. VVi son. Wash- I 1 : j j j .i I KnnnH voof iKnloa-l train r f Ka fSaa y"" T "1 - I n 1 - f - - uuri-a 1 1 1 1 i 1 h r 1 1 1 l iif-f 1 34 1 1 1 1 iiMuin GOliTn wvuu va vuivu baaau vs. .vuv arva uenerai aiscussion. linn ani,khn Raia,v, s,i;a. , . - . . vr v, cvr u j a:t :rP. . : r The Teacher in Politics-Prof. ea imminent xortnree years sne "r!.""1" cougnea incessantly, ana could I on,uug u Goldsboro Beata LaG range a Falling Creek a Kinaton a CaaweU f Dorert 1 P.M. 520 Faaaenger iMuy except Banna j r. at. 540 549 600 612 621 340 400 409 420 432 4 41 STATEMENT. Office of Register of Deeps, Wake County. Raleigh N. C, Nor. 25thf 1858. A a. The Wadesboro Messenger-Intel-1 rT larlv in this c.onntrv. "Diaoaoa ligencer says that Robert Co rne. of w Cor Creek a 6 42 Superin- fastened its clutches upon her and Richmond county, a young white SSK;;;V"".I f SS a 630 a 450 his home, and about from it. His family 350 yards I County heard the Aims and Purposes Prof. D. gun and so did Mr. Williams, on whose lands Lewis was a tenant. Williams went to him, hearing Lewis cry for help and says the npirro lived about 10 minutes. Lewis father came to the city af ter a magistrate and the coroner Tin aiiva hia Ron's bOdV lay ail bury, Greensboro, Winston, Statesville and Charlotte in at tendance. Superintendent Man- gum, of Wilson, presiding. For mer Superintendent M. C. S. No ble, of Wilmington, delivered the L. Ellis, Supervisor of Buncombe Ldress of welcome county. tieneral discussion. North Carolina Teachers As sembly and the County Supervi sorsProf. W. T. Whitsett, Sec retary of Teachers Assembly. Address Dr. Charles D. Mc- last week. He was sit tine on the not sleep. She finally discovered end o a cross-tie, apparently asleep a wy to recovery by purchasing A ial to The h Poat 8 of ns a bottle of Dr. King's New that W. A. Farris, of Wilmington, Lt "lol'u,c,J nu auu trading as a confectioner and baker, was so much TfiliAVPn nn tabincrl . , , 1 it . ...1 i 1 , Vr - r tne State ana bis estabbsbment was soiuteiy cureu. ner name is Mr v W Ax Newbern a Lt BiTerdala a Croatan.... a Haeiock a Newport a Wildwood Atlantic f W Ax stonhesdCity..a Atlantis Hotel M. City Depot.... 715 725 750 7 63 805 818 824 829 837 842 I1H Sil V 3 ilia OU Ll O WUJ lJ I -r l 1 . e o . a XT l I otioiouu. iu a iusuiuk uuiwi ia. night where it fell and that he J-, President of State Normal thia morningf in the Courier-Jour i 1 : . I,.. .lwl rtrt COO rr 1 tOlleffe. Inn! ,-irrlfv Ika nonti'nn ' 1XTtt made from various cities towns and were gratifying. T.nt.hftr Tntz. Thna xrriiaa W liS 1900. f Wamriclr fir flo of SI,olh Ttf f;. Trial bottles frftfl at. all rfrno- t : ;n ir t o rr- ,1 . . o jiuui3 v iiic, xv v., oau o. ueui v I onatq tt ii 1 j; 1 : a 1 o vvaiitjrsou, iu a leauiug txiiLoriai DEWEY AND watched near it. but did not see or touch it. acting upon Mr. Wil liams' advice. A shot gun was nsml to rnmmit the murder, and the murderer was in ambush. Soecial address ! fowerl ul I'omt I in Public Education Rev. John E. White. Business meetine of ntteen or VJ twenty minutes. WORKING NIGHT AND DAY. A FINE PIECE OF COLOR nal, under the caption "Newl vvuitJL. Year's Outlook for the Democrat- The experienced art critic srives ic Party," n&minates Admiral lit as his opinion that there will George Dewey for President and I be no handsomer piece of color General 1 ltzhugh Lee for v ice-1 work issued this year than Hood's I engaged in registering a deed of in- rresiueni,. in pan ne says : 1 aarsapariua uaienaar tor 1899. 1 denture, on wmcn tnere is s.u4s To come down to hard logical I It is not only useful, but artistic I worth of revenue stamps. It is a facts, Old Horse Sense sitting in I and beautiful, and up to date. ! deed of fire roads in this State and the rocker the issue of free sil- The charming "American Girl" one of the largest in the South. The causes which resulted in the failure were exceedingly strange. It is said that persistent rumors to the effect that he was about to fail, circulated by enemies and entirely without foundation, caused his creditors to close down and resulted in his clos ing up. Jv Register of Deeds Benton is now I w 850 P.M. WESTBOUND TRAINS. 4 8TATI0KS. 5 US 514 520 535 645 610 613 625 638 644 929 6 67 702 710 P.M. 6 Pursuant to the provisions of Section 713, of The Code, the fol lowing statement showing items and nature of all compensation audited by the Board of Commissioners of Wake County to the members thereof severally from December 1st. 1837. to November 30th, 1898, both inclusive, is submitted to the public: J. B. Hill. Chairman, 30 days Commissioner at $3.00 6 days Committee work at 13.00, Total, Rufus Barbee, 32 days Commissioner at $3.00 2 days Committee work, at $3.00 364 miles traveled at 5c Az W w Goldsboro LaGrange..... Falling Creak.. Kinaton UaawU.... Red Hot Fbom the Gun Was the ball that hit G. B. Steadman of Newark, Mich., in ver being relegated to the limbo whose beautiful face appears with Lt Ai The busiest and mightiest little 1,;.. Un- tvoa mnrlA Dr. King's New Life Pills. Every the Civil War. It caused horrible of busted shades, the tariff issues la delicately painted flag in the till i ft cmtrar-.-na.tpd trlobule of Ulcers that no treatment helped peacefully reposing upon the shelf background, makes a pleasing health that changes weakness for 20 years. Then Bucklen's where the Cleveland admimstra- feature which anyone will be into strength listlessness into Arnica Salve cured him. Cures tion left it to wait for free trade pleased to have before him the enerev brain-fair into mental Cuts, Bruises, Barns, Boils, Fel- under new conditions the season whole of 1899. We suppose nnwor ThoV'r wonderful in ons. Corns, Skin Eruptions. .Best of famine ended and tne season of druggists will Have this Calendar, building up the health. Only Pile cure on earth. 25 cte. a box. plenty arrived what are the or a copy may be obtained , by 25o. it box Sold by all drug-1 Cure guaranteed. Sold by all Democrats to do for a national sending 6 cents to C. I. Hood & Kiats I druggists. I piattorm and ucKetr iuo., lx)weii, Mass. Dorert... Cora Creok. Tnsosroxs.M. Clark'a ...... Newlteiu,M BiTsrdsls iiihw Croatan . ......... HaTeiock. NOWpOlt.... mmmmt Wildwooi.... Atlantic Daily ( Sunday. A.M. .. 1106 ... a 1143 .. a 10 32 .. a 1022 .. a 1012 ... f 1C00 52 Atlantie Hsaal. 1' South Carolina to the Atlantic Coast Line system and includes the Cheraw I w & Darlington road. . The stamps re presenting the $4,048 are placed on I the back of the pages of the deed, at There are seventeen 50 stamps. amounting to $850, three hundred I - CUT ; and nineteen S10 stamps, amountmg to $3,190. and eight $1 stamps. . W-Wster tsttsss . f.-8top en. Scnsl amounting to $8. Wadesboro Mes- StaraSr T-raawnc poms. senger. I - - I DILL, Bos. 940 930 922 910 857 4V S29 820 806 759 765 7 47 742 7X5 A.M. daily. A.M. 700 a 638 a 627 a 617 a 607 f 655 a 847 a 535 a 625 f 517 505 " 467 433 I 429 420 a 406 f 369 f 365 327 - 342 Total, W. H. Chamblee, 33 days Commissioner at $3.00, C days Committee work at $3.00, 548 miles travelled at 5c, Total, Total number of days the oird way in session Total number of miles traveled, Total amount paid $103.00 18.00 11C. 00 $90.00 .00 18.20 $120.20 $ 93.00 18.00 27.10 31U.40 3$ 913 $3S0.O I hereby certify to the correctness of the foregoing statement. JOSEPH J. ROGERS, Register of Deed, Ex Officio Clerk B'd Co. Com. s.rv. A.M. We have a plan by which Fanners cue YESls GWEGYO FREE raf asatHfs

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