HIKCA. T.ASIAN. RuliMirh. X. ('.. Jan. 1H. Ihl- Kr fit abut ran r, ititl itr ir of tb- I rii' r ft - ' ?. t. e!f ti mi 1 1 w t n ' a" e ' "r l"nn crai will l" plm I il.f el't-lki. biardu in tbe Kt,and in Ihe We-1 have two I-rriKrat and mic ICrpubl can, and all thrae to he rhown by Itrtno'-ratir machine. The I'opuli m ptrty in nut to be recognized at ai Tbe obj-ct will be to control and cour election to nuiC themrve. Thi woiiU he vstr than dUfrai chitting the negroe. It mean to )ifratichie wliite and all who do not vte the Ienr ii' raiic Ik k-t. How in that for an "horifxf election law," a declared for in tl.nr platform? Such work may have a tfndfiiry to compel men to vot--irt their will, but never to indu'-e K'"'d, honest freemen to vote the I-mi-ocrilic ticket, because they believe ii ih t ii l.Hinpion of human liberty, th Kuirdian of life and property. 1. 1 ten ! Uertie county went I)emo i riti: in November. That in Frank l V intton' ,'ounty. Fifteen year & Itf ltmocrat abolished what wan known in that cointy a a Hoard of Fi-imii'-e. A noon a the prenent Hoard of on n ty oiniuiiiiorier ( IeriiOcrtr; Ktt orKtnized, they re inaugurate I hi It ard of Finance, a pie i k ti. V hut do you reckon th wlii'e sn pre n-icj -Irlldw did ? Why, the firht lliing li.ey il il at the reqtiet of the I eiii'icml io tJounty (Jhairman, wan to appoint tjiii Kobbina, a reg-ro, a iiifrnhvr of that Hoard of Firiancx. Vet, lh'y don't want negroes to? holit ofli I hi i.rjrro i an ant i-fuion i:-pubii''n negro. How i that fir liigh f The toll introduced tiy senator lliiir-fon to license foreign corporn tior doing h'tsi iif rt in Ihe State n-eiii to h.- the VViicoi.in Maru?e. If it tl.Mo it should pa without a hing!t ctiaiigH. For it hat been panned upon hy I to- Supreme Court and pronounced "-1 it ut ional. A ny change o tiered to i t will iiimhii a tb at It. in favor of cor por itioni. To wee what Ihe Supreme t ourt hit to .ay about it, read t he ll h Volniiif I'.S. Keport, page ".tr. I'op ; Every ! Month f there arethonaanr! r.i 4 f men who nearly suffer death i a times the period comet too often sometimes not often f f enough sometimes the flow is i A too scant, and again it is too A crofti m I -. . vuvwa that Nature needs help, and that there is trouble in the or gans concerned. Be careful when in any of the above con ditions. Don't take any and every nostrum advertised to cure female troubles. BRADFIELD'S , FEMALE REGULATOR f is the one safe and sure a medicine for irregular or pain- ful menstruation. It cures all f the ailments that are caused A . - . . m irregularity, such as leucor MOP0U0 AHEROfEKT. or the law Kgallac tral Opltum On. J WAjintfTo ucrrnu 1 A rhoea, falling of the womb, nervousness; pains in the head, f back, breasts, shoulders, sides, 4 hips and limbs. By resrulatinsr a the menses so that they occur A every twenty-eighth day, all t W those aches disappear together, f just before your tune comes, get a bottle and see how much good it will do you. Druggists sell it at i. Send f.r oar tttt book, "Perfect Health for Women." THE BRADHELI) FF.GULATOR CO. ATLANTA, GA. JIM BOOKER HANGED-HE CONFESSES The following I lb propo) ataeud- tnent of tb preeut law reultf n t be holdinf of Iwral option eleefh na la thie State, which provide that ucb eiectiont may be held, on the coa4 Morday in Jane every two yesrt: A bill to be ent'tled -AO Aet to re peal Section 2,1 IS of the Code, and acta ameudatory tb-reo'; and enact a uta.iiute iherefor." Th (;ei.eral Aietubly of NortbC .r olu.a du er art ; hiimu 1. That rtiiii 3,111 of tbe Cde be and tbe ame hereby U re-pel-d ; ar d the f l)owirg hall be a a-jbntilvte therefor, and constitute aaid action of th:ode, to-wit: It ktall te tbe duty of tbe board of n inniiioner of any county, upon petition of one-fourth of lb number ol tbe vot cat at the preceding gen eral election (aid pe? i'i'.ner being registered voter) of an county, city town or tnwcfthip, in the'r repcti ve countie. to ordrr an elec'.ian to aaeer tain whether or not intoxicating liq uor may be sold iner.id county, city, town or towntifcip; said f-lectiou to be held within forty day fr-m the date of the presentation of eaid petition to raid board of commissiooer in any month of any year, except that such election ahall not be held in any moi tb in which a general election for State or county officer ebail be held: Pro vided, however, that an election under this sectitn shall not be held ofiener tbau once in every two years in tbe game county, city, town or township. Section 3 That all laws and parts of laws in conflict wit the foregoing sec tion are hereby repealed Mia 9 WtuaTu!. I i' Jan. It j Tb .Sort b Car ioa 5ci-y wt )at I sight is Confederate Veteran' Uall and wen entertained witb recitation, vocal and intrii.otat ado. Tbe yoasg people fjreent enjoyed daso icg after ifc prtgr rorae vra cone la ded. Tb tMjctety again on Jan. 3tlb for tbe elee tion of officer for lb KaL, Rut'ut h.a iiwt . K.ii fet that tkw U a rrAt out of I Bat it ia, first, U r!t of t There is bo denying tao aorioos I It U aot a erct rvatdj. who ha prodae4, a at rvpotatioa vu worUI-vK to etabhb udrgrapb roromunicatioo aiekce from th grin: that oror-1 UfJof rtady of tho greatMt ahyn wiiu iiiiinni na ib t niiippiae m i , anda. I worked men and woiim wow suffer I ciaa Acariea ha , . i. . . i A. . . i tbe principal uaure dltcued bf T "or umm qi iom Congre during tbe t lit week, and J year from la&iilode, headache, sligbt I 7-f Wfor h had ever amwJ at on the ubjct: probably tbe ableet I ehill arsl fever a&d other trap tons 1 f rmala whieb sas doc ao aioeb pSnydeWere? of iperfeet healtb, that pop!o faU rood; a a. who ha. received tho tor Hoar. The Wet peb oo tbe sick more readily bow than at any hifhoat degro from th beat eoUg, ame quetiou to the Uoue was deliv- . ), ... .1 ik. i; ki. ..ri . , .rm. ,b Tannouu other time of th Tear: and that who was at the tim of his dueoverr Senator Hoar, Mimd and Hale ar whenever an eptdemie doe anoear I Profor at Dartmooth and a leet nepHDiican jsenav r who oppoe tne administration' poiicy of expansion, it invariably plays havoc with thoao Andrew Carnegie, f be iron monarch, , , . a m who was here Ian week ha offered to who re ran down nd oot of eoodi- give two hundred and fifty tbouaaod tioD dollars for the e-tab!iBhment of a free public library in tniscity. Many mai:- Tba utmost eantion ahoald bo tak er ci lies uve 0!ier puDiic unrane.i . . m, ,k. I rt,mdr the for.nla of , 1 v - avvv ijuv wwu vittv aaa a mi 1 t than AVashinKton. The public gener ally 1 not allowed to take the books I nervou system is bealtby ton. iiuui uir iiiinii-Miunii norary, any one desiring to rad a book can go to tbe Congressional library and read it, but can not take it froru tbe library. Tbe President gave a reception last Wednesday night to th Diplomatic Corp?, and next Wednesday be will receive t e army and navy. it cat may probably become a public scandal in tbe armv i the sever ar- Hection.1 This act aball be in force raifirnment of Chi. Miles who in at the from and after it ratification. head of the artnv. bv Cummiiuuir flen.l of ttfo aKau huv urintu iiern ji 1 irn as a iisr IvJ a- it . Each branch of the Massachusetts etc- an account of the latter have sta- WOJ w,in wa8 P01 legislature balloted for United States ted in.a public interview that tbe beef Ions it and hrino-unn headaehM. vhn Senator I'tlesdav. and Senator Henrv I sent to the hrmv in the troiii. waal Cabot Lodjfe, the Kepublicau nominee I 'embalmed" in order to preserve it. jma,c pamf, sleepless nights and received heavy majorities in both Mr. Eiran appeared before the commit- HouHes There is no more excuse for tho prerelaot symptoms of stagnant, im pure blood m the body than there is for tie barbarism of filthy streets in a city. Tho relaxed and slogglisb action excretory organs load the 10 1 he Karcutlon Took ll'e lift--n D1 11 O'clock Yrnterlr. The condemned murderer of Mahals Whit was executed in Wake county jail yard yesterday morning shortly after 10 o clock. Kev. A. (J. I tvis, of the Presbyterian church, and Kev. J. I.. King, of the Kpiscopal churnli. col ored, were with the condemned man during the execution. I uesday he confesned the crime for which he paid the death penalty yes terday. Since tbe day the jealous lover nip ped up to the home of his sweetheart and blew her brains out. his lips have ti'en sealed. With all hope gone and uliMti, if t hey II ml It to be that bill, eternity staring him In the face Book will vote for it and against any amend- "r acknowledged to bis spiritual ad- , ., ' 1 ,, ,, , . . . . viser that, be killed Mahalev White. me..t , verso sl,Khr, that ..night change A representative of the IVst saw it-, constitutionality or render It inef- Key. A. (. Davis, pastor of the colored fcctiDil. 1. 00k out for lobbyists 011 1 his Trchyferian church when he came ,lllltf,r out of the jail Tuesday afternoon. He is Hooker's spiritual adviser and tiad -t ho, mi hi Capt. Day took the su- I been holding services in his cell. p. rintenoy of th penitentiary, In; ap- ''TV 18 ,rfs'Knea 10 " lare n ' iiunl nlla rn n m a niaf Kuf -ku f luff pointed an expert committee to hive. tl)a5 ,,e wa8 ailxioU9 Jfor the execution tigale the books. They found that the to take place. While the strain on him 1. . is great he is cheerful and spends the larger part reading bis Isible. K"V. Davis asked the condemned man 11 he committed the crime for which he was convicted. He eaid he did but he didn't know what be done it for. He made a farewell statement on tbe gallows. Tuesday he asked for paper with whick to write bis will, but he did not frtate what property he had to dispose of. Tbe murderer bad an old mother living near Method. He wrote fr. - !..... .. r . 1. 1 l lu, i:.,..l A.aun.Ki ..r 'T uriure 11c was uaoKcu Wovemor HllSSell his reason Why he Linaf. nv nm nit tvnrpl unnrn. I - . ....... v- ciation 01 tbe Kindness of sberifl rage. his deputies and the jailer Tor kuiu- thingwns in debt about J1(M),(MX), an J thftt the books had been kept in such a crude wny for years and years till it whs impossiblrt to get at the real fact9. Their report shows plainly that all the trouble in tint institution did not he gin with the fusiunists. We will give the report and comment more pointed ly when nil the investigation is com pleted. unseated W. W and S. Otho Wilson as )i Iroad Commissioners. Tuesday 1 tie trovernor j-utmicted bis reasons in a plain matter-of-fact way. It is not known what the General Assembly will do. Ihe Wilsons want to be re- instated sj as to get pay for the time they huve been out. Will give tie lueysuL'e hext week. ress 1 oward him. He sent for Maba lay White's mother to come to the jail as he wished to ass ber forgiveness 'i he Asheville Gazette thinks the re peal of the G per cent interest bill is of v.ist more importance than the erasing of dim Young's name from a corner stone. We venture to say neither will give any relief to the masses. Say Hut Little. The I'.iblical Recorder says: "The General Assembly is decidedly settled to its work, and so far each day has seen every bill in reach disposed of be ft re adlournment. Of course all bills of general consequence have been re ferred to committees, and are being considered, digested and revised by them. It is likely that tbe penitentia ry and the Kailroad Commission will That Throbbing Headache. Would quickly leave you, if you used Dr. King's New Life Pills. Thousands of BulFererB have proved their match less merit for Sick and Nervous Head aches. They make pure blood and strong nerves and build up your health Money back if not cured. Sold by all Druggists. BUTLERS PENSION AMENDMENT. I'etlllons oo Both Side of the Question What the Senator Says Washihgton, Jan. 17. Special Several petitions were presented 111 the Senate to-day against tbe passage of Butler's amendments to pension Confederate soldiers. Among them were Vicksburg Camp, No. 32, which considered the idea as humiliating; Sidney Johnston Camp of Batesvilie Ark., which states that it asks no spe cial favors of tbe government: Jas. K Herbert Camp of Jialtimore, says it is by Congress iwimiw no in f ur il.va for run aiileru In.n. mnrk ia h.inir ilnnn nn tlia oUf. Opposed tO any action tiou 'law; tbe fees of tbe Secretary f that may lead to pensioning Confed- Mate will be reduced ; tbe members are Uncovered l a Woman. Another great discovery bas been made, and that too, by a lady in this country . "Disease fastened its clutch es upou her and for seven years she withstood its severest tests, but her vi tal organs were undermined and death seemed imminent. For three months rifAn Iaoo .la ra frtn b1a1 w a tee investigating the conduct of the i"""" J " J War Deparment, and in a prepared eolation of the blood, or deposit in 4. . A a.al Biaieuient uemeu ana uenouncea me oharges made bv Gen. Miles in lan guage almost too severe and vile to print, it is needless to ?ay that it cre ated a sensation. Senator Allen ha? introduced a res olution to appoint & Congressional committee to investigate the whole the tissues, of these waste matters whicL I'&ine's celery componnd alone will qiickly drive out. urer ia other oniTeritis. a scholar, a member of a family wbien bs mad its mark in every department of pnblie life in America. It is a rhieh bas beca fnrnuhed to pbjsieiansia good standing always, and which physi cians were prescribing long before the present manufacturers put it op for poblic distribation; it was dis covered by Prof. Edward K. Phelps, M. D., LL. D., and was first pre scribed with wonderful sue by that eminent group of practitioners who have made American physic known the world over, and of .whom he was then as now, undoubtedly tbe most famous. The best test that ean be applied to Paine 's celery compound is to ute it, If one is "run down' feels without S i wimtaew iA tv-s-na I ) I 2 I e ew-a. a 0 w B-m-wnuofM c ti . in is J TtlE WEST A LA a. 4 tm WM U aa tm tmami pinl a. aWa ' n K ;mm j Matttarai"' "l ' t aaa . U The La4ot Lcner Tht Buy WerU ywy S Km ttmrtM m uLWi " v 1 1 1 7 rOLTDCS Cx aU the raicrfoes J.aJT'. lUval al farto tv a3 at 1 mm TWa 9 mm mtmmm4 J ulSmmTx mmiUm mm ...TrIC DCST . . . PICTORIAL HISTORY OF TUB YEAR 'fw' 'fctr teja. mm mm a ml mm W II Si. I mam mm a 'in rl SEtAL STOftlCS waaaa. a n. . a cituru. a? a. a a ra TO3 Oy a. she coughed incessantly.and could not I conduct of vhe war. When the arms, hips or back feel I energy, lifeless, useless, fretful, take the twinges of acute rheumatism it I this great remedy, and note the sleep. She finally discovered a way to I uon. jeion uingiy, ior a quarter lis higa time to relieve the kidneys I change. Constipation will no longer recovery, by purchasing of us a bottle . "'V"ur w. ,"e "OU8e v... t u : 1 u.. .LJ of Dr Kings New Discovers for Con- I irora aiaiue, oieu 1 rimy nignt, aner a 1 "-ouuci n mo oimu iu sv kkivuc uis4uic.iug luuugui, in ortKtetdV brings--on Bright', disease, kppetite will come back; sleepless- " 1 - . man II, . Am. I 1 1 1 1 ' - 4 M I .! 'II I . m Diht anu with two bottles, bas been ,u LJC jiuuf un revpuuc waiters, gravei, tjcopsy ana compiicauons 01 1 oess ana aeaaacoe win ce luiogg of LuThSM witb other orns whose the past. This is Ihe experience of nick & Co., of Shelby, N.C. Trial bot- tefof tbat body. health depends upon the purity of men nd women in every part of the ties free at all Drugstores. Reg-1 IT 1 D Iurera services were neia in me - - - ularsize 5()j and $1.00. Every bottle House to-day. It is very seldom the the biood. Prompt use of Paine's j T T 1 mmmmkTmmhZmm. fcjlaffca mmmmmL'mmmmtmi.m V T 0 r miovyv m run V) La. -,, guaranteed. country. General good health depends upon The Negro Convention, called to set forth the duty of the negroes of North Carolina under present conditions, was held in tnis city yesterday. Congress man White was the author of tbe meeting and its moving spirit. One of the advertised purposes ing was to encourage tbe igrate. Ilniiaa Vi A a fnnnaal pir 1 mi-. nwt nmt -VaI iiuuc no? iiiucmi ""i v icn uvcr V 1JC I i i . death of a member. ceiery compouna win save me weaa- capt. J. ii. liatcneior, Jr., of tbe U. narts from vifddinc to HisAasn. I tb6 periect action ol tbe nervous S Army, was in tbe city for a few days . . . . -. . 1 last week. In s peculiar ability to invigor- eurrents, the vigor of tho circulation ate thi body, to make new blood and I and lne qality of the blood. ueanty is Ulood Deep. . , . ,. . TIia histnrv of Paiii l.rr ..in.. j .... j Clean blood means a clean skin. No to regulate the nerves, lies tbe great of the meet- beauty without it. Cascarels, Candy Cathar- value of Paine's celery compound in PQnd has been made familiar to i negro to em- tic clean your blood and keep it clean, by j r stirring up the lazy liver and driving all im- all wasting diseases and disorders of ery intelligent household in the Ia purities from the body. Uegin to-day to banish pimples, boils, blotches, blackheads. fllnrlno. Ntfira , t, t o , Und that sickly bilious complexion by taking uuujcn uuui m'i. ls. u. vmiiic, i i ijascarets. neautv tor t.pn rpnta. A ilnip r . : . t m ita : . ii t.i i . I . . c . - . ... aauiin, i. x . no wniea ; r our uui-1 kibib, eausiacuon guaranteed. iuc. Joe. ooc lies oi iiiiecinc miters nas curea jsirs. A Pie Hunter. the kiJneys, liver and stomach. Paine's celery compound rescnes shaky, enfeebled nerves from pros tration and removes that feeling of utter exhaustion that causes so much Brewer of scrofula, which has caused lipr or&at (.iifTerinc for near. Tarri. ble sores would break out on her head Democrats are still hungry for of- and face, and the best doctors conld I nee. We learn that one from this . ' . . 7 I . .... - I i . give no help; but her cure is complete I county who tried to tret a job from I despondency among so many wor- h 18 eceuent" T18 the legislature and failed then turned ried men and women. shows wh&t thousanda have nroved I fko a I wvaa that Electric Bitters is the best blood u, rc,0i tt n nrtt ir us. It makes flesh, blood and stronor I restoring the nervous system when . - mmm.mm. uuw -a. a e a-' w a v a J bV? aaACaaav UlaU I I iBD c oUH.? d ftnt mo.ahal Ch9t.tha.Tn CitiTan I I hrntMi down or imnnirAn frnm nr I WII.M iNIJTliN Jk WKI.tMW H. ev- Iand. In the clearest and most direct man ner conscientious men and women have told of thei rapid recovery from disease by the use of this rem- dy. Paine's celery compound is uo ap proached by any other remedy for m WA S Jaaa fmu. ja & W u a. wmuaa K Hitreav CP TMQ SPANISM-AMBRICAN WAR u-a-avaai hal aw M Mi alaaa kaaaaa 1 ) aTittiaall rUaa.iafa taaaf ) Admiral Sajnaaaa fimt fttRte ( HuSU LUy B? Uui A. R aTOT. VAN, 9m Amm f . at Mi i ii ra. V TMBIR 5ILVCX-WaUCMMa JOVftrtaY r tix!sh War Staty ffaa. raa.la. The Pracew Xcnla T H. H. M Wiiwa A awlal t full ml aaa aa ag ataamaa. SHORT STORIES oasia am apiil iit esom ov iuotatxa By BraaAat Ualtaev -Mrmt wmmm TBI lUTO B0CSB 7ZZ L' WAT Or TBI CB0U By Octave Taaaat By lul n Baaaal TBI L0TB Of PBJOB L0BB . ' TBI CCCKO0 CVOCB y Mary M. WKkaw B)y aa Kaaa td cm man raocniss ib scubcs MO tmt mmrk aciUaWS Whltt Haa'i AUt RepalUcs of Sooth Aaerlcs By Fovunr fcai nm . . By htui Hum M Cmmu m Caay mmmmrtptmm. $4 00 0 Tmw Arai rtARPea a BVOTtBEBB. i. Vera. M. v. edy for eczema, tetter, salt rheum, ul eer.s boils and running sores. It stim ulates liver, aidnevs and bowels, ex pels poisons, helps digestion, builds up exertion of mind or body. AW1IW.W, 5r.nn patent medicine! It is not the dis- It strengthens the digestive pow- alieDruei CCnt8' by legislature for the establishment of Uovery . of some quack doctor of "news the blood and acts in the .r.. IR,uv.i,?r,Krao wvlus whom h s Drofession never heard: it I Vitalizing, curative tborouirh man-1 t ::.i i- . ... I furnish trainmo- in tho cotton mill 1 UO lUUlUCUb LUbUC I CUCllt I . I . . , . . . . . , , , I Wilminitton riots are all about in. The business. A bonus of $15,000 will be is not a concociion pui up oy some aer iu mates n me granaesi neip ... . 1 .1 .ll auditor was going over aDouc tne last assea oi tne town wnere tne scnooi man wh0 first invented a name, and to sufferint men and women the oaicu yesieraay morning, ine cosi no i is locatea. cnariotte will mate a I., , . j fl. I , - j the State in this matter wiU reach bid and is verv likelv to iret tha then adopted a preparation to fit it; world of medicine affords. 4. A.i i nr I - Z t - - 8UOUM','w. school. Charitv and Children. AND BRANCIIEH. AND FLORENCE RAILROAD J OOBDBBSBD BCBBDULBV TRAINS OOINO SOUTH. DATED Auk. 1st. 1887. I A. & N.C. RAILROAD. He Fooled the Surgeons. 1 XV ... ... : rr.,- All doctors told Renick Hamilton, of I West Jefferson. O . after suffering 18 If the Charlotte Observer will par months from Rectal Fistula, he would I don us, we would be pleased to know die unless a costly operation was per-I of it if tbe following extract from I To take effect Sunday June 19, 1898, at 12 m rormea; duc ne cureu nmseii wnu tnat paper is intended to uulify that 'c wuao auii iiiu-vn JW' wa v I Vift 11 iY f h A Sivintnvo tjrhinh eos , . . . i aM-a v va iiuw uwiiuiuiu nuivu an r 1"V- V,!c"re.,u,u "V"V"" S "The poor ye have with ye always." . I Auemau who caauoi pay at xeasi Kw All TlPllfVaridt I J " In. not i n t whn Ainint nr.nfi hnfa this much towards tbe support of TIME TA15LE B. Supersedes Time Table 4 of Nov. 28, 1897, and supplements thereto. EA8TB0UND TRIAN8. & The Cabinet , on Tuesday jjepided to tne government that protects him .ln.h.n.inn.innnkrund a iren- should not only not be allowed to tleman in the lanuaee used before the Yte but should get off the earth.'' war investigators. Thomasville News 8TATION8-. Passenger daily. all at sea on the free school question, ikhii) having made unwise pledges to their people. Very little is being slid on thn liquor question. 1 tie truth is all radical measures will be eschewed, because of tbe general desire to hold erate soldiers Senato Butler presented petitions signed by 55 Confederate veterans of Columbus, Ga asking him not to aban don bis intention to oner his amend ment to pension Confederate veterans. 1 hey say : "It was a war between the r.h ,.....! tn(.th tnr tha niirnnaB of States and not a rebellion," and they a Con mtutionai amendment. Tiiat olc. r..t.ncw done, there will be more liberty." Jim Booker, col., who killed Mahaa bite, was banged in the jail yard in Kaleik-h yesterday. He confessed his guilt. citizens of the country. Senator Butler said to the Post correspondent that te has received numerous letters from North Carolina and other Southern States favoring bis amendment; that he believes tbe rank and file of Con federate veterans favor it. He desires, he says, to ascertain the temper of Confederate veterans on the subject and will be guided in bis future course on the subject by what he deems to be the opinion or Confederate veterar aftr they have had an opportunity to be heard. Morning Post. The Watauga Democrat says that. contist between Solicitor Harsnaw and Mr. J. F. Spainhour will likely t& decided in favor of the lattt-r. Washington, Jan. U. Gen. Brooke, commanding at Havana, reports to the . O. Patterson, a grocerman of Dur- ttt Carolina i-oKtuitra Nominated. ham, kept a record of every pound of Washington, Jan. 12. The Pres- hutter be sold during 1897 and 18U8 and : janT t-rls.v TTnin teA th fr.llr.w- he finds that it amounts to tbe enor- ; t mous sum of 24,000 pounds. "hiS.-n.. w n... va u. wnaviaucb vcu v v vinn ford, Marion; Henry D. Mayo, Lit tleton; J. K. Moose, Lenoir; Eliza beth C. Pool, Elizabeth City. Virginia Wm. H. Parker, Hancock. Say "No" when a dealer offere you a substitute for Hood's Sarsaparilla. There is nothing "just as good." Get only Hood's. W Lv iw w Ar Lv W W Ar Lv Golds bo ro Bests LaQrange s Falling Creek s Kinston s Caswell f Dovert Core Creek s Tuscarora f Clark's f P.M. 520 540 5 49 600 612 6 21 Passenger Daily except Sunnav P.M. 340 400 409 420 4 32 4 41 a. M. r M. Lv Weldon 11 80 9 43 Ar Rocky Mount, 12 62 10 36 Lv Tarboro.... 12 12 . , 4 TO. Lv Rocky Mount. 12 5210 351. -LV WilaOQ ZUH11 10 LvSelma 3 00 1 Lv Fayetteville..! 4 40 1 14 Ar Floienc 7 35 13 25 r. u. a u AtlanU, Charlotte, Aaeusta, Atlanta. Wilmington, New Orleans Chattanooga Nashville, New York. Boston, tticbniond, Washington Norfolk Portsmouth. Lv Ooldsboro....) Lv Magnolia .... j AT TT UBUUjpUU.. S 451 b 2o1 7 01 B Obi 3o A. S- DEFORESTS TbuberipUoaprioof n A llll V DetBorHUiaradaaed r AMI LI toll00.yar. MAGAZINE. DEMO RESTS FAMILY MAQAZTBKf. mor tban a FABUIOK MAOAZ1XK. t tboofB tt bb tao 6l of 1 fe'r Blbnia? ort?a e2ai a. m. r. m. I -jBKrjg- It Bnaav vrntaaao 1 1 -UajK ar, ... .-A' Oi 1 12 451 taraay . .1. 2 12 j I wVfVj YZimmlm 3 10 4 19 9 45 r. ar. TRAINS GOING NORTH. 8 6 30 8 4 50 Newbern . .. . .... i Tbe citizens of Morganton are mak ing every effort to get a bill passed In this Legislature to establish a graded school at that place. , Mr Robert C. Rivers succeeds Mr. D. B. Dougherty as editor of the Watauga Democrat. DISFRANCHISE EVERYBODY. i i ?i el Don Yet. Tbe Legislature did right to reduce the t'sy of its employes. There is r.o sense in clerks and door keepers being paid more than members. We are glad to know that it was our own ret' resentative, Mr. Williams, who intro duced the bill to make this saving to the people. Siatesville Mascot. The sb.ive came out on Jan. ti.b. Il is now the 12 h and they are getting the old pricr. Do you see. Ld J A Senator rr marked the other day that h '-always tells the truth, because nenui not nave to siuuy 10 uo mat, var n0,.arfr,iWflt th. foiioarinw ds.rrs . . . . :. . . . ui ...I . : .. I . .. .......nln 1 1 u I r . . ui ! nuts siuui i. ik iu iit.fsiiwaiii , , nmmnrt- . Uniiorir lH!h. Pri. wi n any ugree oi success.' nm con vste C. H. Eubank. Company I. First tl.cts with th,j saying that laiy people Nortu Carolina Infantry, of typhoid Wl'l nr, i t.ir, aroB.ua.iircuur ouu.c fev jonn M. KfSig. Civilian, teams- in ut lie as an ru.c ttuj uir, uu uv. . Fourth Virei lia. acute alcoholism. - , ttui r , FREE BOOK ON DRESSMAKING. Uow to Dye and Wake Over Old Dresses W'apa, etr., In the Latest Styles. An edition of Home Dressmaking for 1899 bas just; been published and Ihe has m?.de special arrange ments to give a copy of the book to any of its readers who send the attach ed coupon witu a iwo-cent stamp io Wells, Richardson & Co., Burlington, Vt. Home Dress- making a 32 page hooWwrit tenrby an ex p$f t dresmaker. lully illustrat ed, and telling how fashion able dresses, wrapsand suits If tha llaby U Cutting Teeth,' be Mir- aud ue that old and well tried remedy, Mhs. Wxsslow's Southing vaip,or children teething. It soothes the child, softens tbe gums, allays all iaii, cures wind colic and is tbe best mneuy Jor diarrhoea. Twenty-live cents per bottle. The slet last week broke down many of the tlectric lights aud wirts. One negro was killed while trying tore place them. 2s j lights Friday nignt. Wants to Put the State Under a Political 1 King. The negro-howling Wilmingtor ' Messenger is opposed to an educa tional or property qualification in or der to vote. Wants to disfranchise everybody in every section, even all Democrats who do not belong to the machine. Read and digest: "Let the amendment provide for the election of all county officers in such counties as the Legislature may designate. These officers are to b elected by a board "of magistrates mark the word magistrates to b chosen by the Legislature Thi will afford protection to the taxpay ers, t!ie burden bearers. It will pu the powfr where it belongs. It wilt gjve control to business qnalifict tion, xperience, intelligence and h tegrity. It will rid North Carolit a forever of a nuisance." "Many a good citizen will vote i r tbis amendment who would not su port an amendment that required ed ucational qualification " The I lest Prescription forCbllM and lever is a bot tie of Crov it's Tastk- i kss l hi i.i. Tonic. Never fails to cure. then why experiment with vu. t tilers imitation!.? Trice 50 cents. Your money hick if it fails to cure. I . J. i; Hoover, secretary and treas urer of the .State Farmer's Alliance, wai in the city Friday, lie had been down Kat attending a county meet-1 ing. COUPON 304 Send this coupon with a two-cent stnmp to Wells, Richardson & aud receive fjeehy mail one cftrry of Home Dressmaking. T.i Cure a Void In One Pay. Take Laxative llroino Quinine Tab- for women aud children can be made from old gorments that are out of style. Send the coupon at once and get. the book by return mail. With this book will be sent without charge, an instruction book forborne lets. All druggists refund money if it ayeing, wmcii wur snow you r.;i. ... or- ti.. ..nina h. make vour old clothing look like new 111) 1 . J tUIQ. 4.UKji A UC ' 1 . , T ' cure. L 15 il. on each tablet. by using Diamond Dyes. Tha war thin nnnda dn Tanadilo.l Cant S. C. Rankin droppea aeaa on with tbe remains of Columbus aboard, the street in -Fayetteville last Monday bas arrived at Cadiz from Havana. I on bis way nome The World Almanac and Encyclopedia for 1899 w Ar Lv W Ar Riverdale s Croatan 8 Havelock s Newport 8 Wildwood Atlantic f 642 654 700 715 725 750 7 53 805 818 824 829 837 842 i AND" Bounty la illo&U Dk(. Clean blood means a clean skm. beauty without it. Cascarets, Candy Ca i-u-- tic clean your blood and keep it clean t- stirnng up tne lazy liver and driving all i purities from the body. Begin to-day 1c 3 banish oimDles. boils, blotches, blackheads B and that sickly bilious complexion by takinv; ascareis, Deauty ior ten cents. All dr:s Kists. satisfaction guaranteed. 10c, 25c. 50c AVIiat Naxt. The Louisville Courier-J o a r w a I i wants a Kepubhcan and a Denaoerr. Dewey and Lee to constitute. tr-M national Democratic ticket next year; j it says a Republican and a Dent-"-.! e.rat McKinley and Wheeler witF:! compose the national : Repubtic h- fl . : l i . j i i. n ton Courier proposing Cleveland-a dH Bryan, as the Democratic candidat. s on anti-expansion platform. W"h-.,t next pray ? Charlotte Observer. Both Houses of the New York tejgi- laiure ac noon 1 nesaay c noose unaun cey Depew as Senator. Illustrated History jof the Spanish American War READY FOR SALE J T EVERYWHERE J J r JANUARY 1st, 1899. J t Together with The Battle Calendar of the Republic Compiled by EDGAR STANTON MACLAY Histodan of theU. S. Navy. THE STANDARD AMERICAN ANNUAL. ' : 'jajsj PRIOS 25 CENTS. Ar W - w Lv Ar W Lv Ar W Lv Ar Lv Morehead City Atlantic Hotel U. City Depot ... 8 50 P M WESTBOUND TRAINS 4 Passenger STATIONS. Daily ex cept Sunday. A. M. Ooldsboro 11 05 Bests s 1143 LaG range s 10 32 Falling Creek s 10 22 Kinston 8 10 12 Caswell.. . 502 5 14 620 535 545 610 613 625 638 644 929 6 57 702 80UTUBOUND. No. 403. No. 41 Lv New York, Penn.K E 11 00am 9 00pm Philadelphia 112pm 12 05am Baltimore 315pm 2 50am Washington 4 40pm 4 30am I Richmond, A. C.L H Slam 9 05mm a. m. at 5. X& Lv Florenoa. i 8 45.... Lv Fayetteville.. 11 20 ... LvRelma ' 1 00 ... Ar Wilson 1 42.... r. m. ,j 8 15 . 10 20 Norfolk, ti. A. L...r ...S 30pm 9 05am I Portsmouth 8 45pm 9 20am 12 10 5 featurea. It h mm Utlac tor mmm of tbolaas Uy. for aartm t mt bontiQld. aa4 tta vartad aoalmti af of UMklcneatgraoa, maatnc It jiri m tkraUyTHXrAlf. ILY MAUAT1NK It farnlabaa the OF THE WORLD. thouabu of the aawt lstaraatlac ai pro(rraaiv vriUn of tha day, aod t of the Um la rrarrtblfl Art. Ill hcieoaa, BocMtv AS airs. FirUon. U Mattara. 8 porta, etc. alnrla aaaabar fre qoontly ooalalnlr g f roa SW to SU0 Am mm rraTinirm. tnaainrlt th HiXST OUMFUCTK AND fiOHT PRO KCb ELY ILIA' HTKAT1UI uf UmUKKAT MOXTHUKB. DEMORKoTS MAUAZ1KK Faabloa Do parunnt la ia every way far ahead of taat conuioari la any otbr puauoauoa. Weldon U 2Kpmll 55am Ar Henderson 12 5?iaml 4pm Ar Durham t7 32am t4 lbpir Lv Durham t7 00pm tlO lam Lv Wilmlnjctonl Lv Marnoba ....! Lv Golosboro.... 710 P.M. 6 Passenger daily. Dovert... f 1C00 9 52 A.M. 700 6 38 6 27 617 6 07 5 55 Lv Raleigh 2 16am 3 40pm Bo. Pines Hamlet...... Wades bo ro., Monroe Wilmington oo .. 4 23am 5 58pm 5 07am 6 50pm 5 59am 8 lupn. 6 43am 912pm 12 05pm Charlotte 7 5Oam10 25pm Hubacribcra areeoUtlad aaofa aaonlb UptA- terns of tha lataat f aahloDa ia weaaaa'a at tlra at o ooar to rasa otbor thaa taat aaa oaaary for postac and wraaaiag. NO BETTER CHSISTBAS til FT than a year'a aubamptioii to DaJf ORCSTI MAGAZINE can to auaoO. Bj ButacrMMaf maaarino at tao r- p. a. I Lv Wilion 1 42 ArRocay Mount, 2 33...., Lv Tarboro 12 -2t"-j Lv Rocky Mount, 2 33'.... Ar Weldon 3 39 j P.M. I r. a. a. a. 7 15 9 35 8 55 10 W at ones yoa cuintUM .....iv iu ii uo j dacrd onoe. atxl will 1 aonto ZVo nt X-aoaa Wambar artta Ua a. r. a. r. I ufal pan4 pleura vappl-tnactt. l IV.l S1? "I Kamlt 11.00 try rooty m)r. rarfeUr 4 12 5311 57; 1 20 trrorcnock. J. Ar Chester t 03am10 6bpm Ly Colombia, CNALRR 6 00pm Ar Clinton. 8.A.L ! 45axn12 14am Greenwood 10 35am 107am Abbeville 11 03am Klerton ................ 12 07pm orAtfena 113pm 3 43am Ar Wil der. 156pm 4 28am Ar Atlanta (Central tiniej . 2 50om 5 20am 12 53 .. 1 44 .... a. a. r. a IDaily except 2 41am a 5 47 Core Creek.-, Tuscarora ........ Clark's - Newbern . Itiverdala ..... . Croatan Haveiock . Newport... WUdwooa.. Atlantic... ... .. . a 940 . f 930 - f 922 1.910 1 8 57 .183? . f 829 .. 8 820 . a 806 . f 759 . f 755 Morehead City.. Atlantic Hotel M. City Depot 725 A. M. 535 525 517 505 4 57 433 429 420 406 359 355 327 342 "3 25' A.M. W. Water stations, f. Stop on Signal Telegraph ttiaa. t Passing point, s. Reenlar stora B L UIlUBnp ,, BO YEARS" vv EXPERIENCE j I N. T NORTHBOUND. No.402. No. 38. Lv AtlanU (Central time)12 OOn'n 7 50pm Lv Winder 2 40pm 10 40pm Lv Athena. 3 13pm 11 19pm JClberton 4 ldpm 12 31 pm Abbeville 5 15pm 1 35am Greenwood -5 41pm 2 03am Clinton....... 6 30pm 2 55am Ar Columbia C. N A L. R. R. 7 45am Lv Cheater, 8. A. L 8 13pm 4 25am t Daily except Monday Mandav. Train on tbe Scotland Neck Branch Hood '. lea rea Weldon 4:10 p. Halifax 4;2S p. m., arrivea Scotland Neck at 6:20 p. m.. Green- . 1 35am I ville 6.57 p. m., Kinston ? JA p. m. Retorn- injr leavea aunston ivm a. m ureenru 8 52 a. nx,. arriving Halifax 11:1s a. m i Weldon 11US3 a. m. Trains on Washington Branch leavs Waab-1 ington 8:20 a. m. and 1:00 p. m-, arrive Par- j mele fl;10 a. ra. and 2:40 p.m.. renmtnr!, leave Parmaia 9:35 a. m. and 6 JO p. tu., ar-. riva Washington 11.-00 a. m- and 7:20 p. na I daily. Train leavaa Tarboro, Pi. l, aally exoept Sunday 6:30 p. m., Sunday 4.-05 p. ar rivea Plymouth 7:40 p. m- 6 p. m-, moid Imr leavea Plvmouth daily exoept Sunday 7:60 a. m- and Sunday 9 a. m.. arnvaa Tar boro 10:05 a. nx. and ll 00 a. ra. Train on Midland N. C Branch leavea Ooldaboro daily, exoept Sunday, 7:10 a. m arnvinc bm taneki an Groat 8pacial CrabWnf Offer for Prompt BabaoipUona: OHLY f 1.76 FOR TUB CAUCASIAN r8eod your eubaoripUoao to tale ofaoa, Ar. Charlotte. ...10 25pm 7 60am Lv Monroe..... Hamlet 9 40pm 6 05am ....1115pm 8 00am Ar Wilmington Lv So. Pines m- r tarn: tic loaves Smithfield 9 00 a.m., arrivaa aX&AW boro 10:25 a. m. Trains on Nashville Branch leave Rockv Mount at 4:30 p. m., arrive Kaabvdle 6.-05 p murnin: leave 12 05pm I m-, Suing Hope 6:30 p. m- returning ia QOuam I dpring Hope 8:00 a. aa NaabviUe 8:3 a. i Raleigh Ar Henderaon i c rw &A 3 28am 12 67pm I 0 Clinton Btmuch leaves Waraaw Ar Durham t7 32xn 4 16pro I for Tlinton daiiv. exoept 8usdav. 11:15 a m. Lv Durham t7 00pm tlO 19am I and 4.10 n- m nrnrninc leaves f 'linton at 7.-O0 a. m. and 8.-00 p. m. Train No. 78 makes eloao oonnaouon at Ar Weldon 4 55am 2 45pm Richmond A.C.L. 8 20am 7 35pm Waahington. Penn R R. 12 31pm 11 30pm I Weldon for all points North dairy, ail rail Baltimore- 1 46pm 1 08am I Via Richmond, alao at Rocky Mount wita Philadelphia. 3 50pm 3 50am I Norfolk and Carolina R. R. for Norfolk and HfW York......... "tiz3pm UUD I ui pomia xorui via nonois. ACL 1 Maiasnra i I I A A. J 'a-v S. ST JOHN. Vice President and Gen' I Mgr. I V. K. McBEE. Geu'l Superintendent H. W. B. GLOVER. Traffic Manrer. . T. J. ANDERSON, Gen'l Paaaengar Agt Genera Offlcee: PORTSMODTH VA. H. M. EMERSON. Gen'l J. R. KENLY, Gan'l Man. T. M. EMERSON. Traffic Manager. Traoc Harks m nrusaa r CorvmoHTSatc Aayoae -mMnc a akatch and aaaaiailaa mm? oalcklT aaeertain oar ootnioa tMa waataar aa InTenUon is arobably pataotaMa, OoaMjaaea- tinnaMrieUTeonadantlaL Haadbeoaoa aent frae. OMeat agency .for aaeattjataateata. TatenU tafcan tXroaa Maon A Co. raaah fecial notie. wltboat oaarn. H tM amu ta ymm wmrmr yw UM I a.r. ruiuf ion MLB. PTW iwutM Am mttm far t in.., miti- MlMrrowoiMmi. aipeMI 4 t to any THS "VORLD, Puttaor Ba&ajs x NZVYOSS. A handaomely flhiatntad weakly. ealattoa of any acarnuao . loaiwaL nmtM.tl. akydavaA rauwa ?ri" j ir1li iii; arssatsWaBSSS mm a if Ctft voaeh (oraa. Taft. M tj 11 Ufm wBi. aattMly. mmnAmAlj aaa.ai. aaaaujcaraat aw.i fmmnttr.f-i ttmmA bm uaat lilirn Hp aae taai tmm mm - To anit tobacco eaaUy and forever, be mw kecic. lull of life, nerve and Tiy or take No-lo Bac, the wonder-worker, that makea weak Bjc stroDg. AB OragKista, 80c or ft Cararoaraa ad aaxnpla free: juxireac Oa. Caieaso or Ilea Yert f A J 4t are a sooxce of comfort. TLey arc a eoarrs cf c. also. If too cure for -vvnr child's n-ith. tsnd for iuusuated book oo the djaorders to whUa chMrea are aul'ject, and hicta prey's Vermifuge for 50 year. iarMBaaaaa WAtrfii w mm mmmw TnncnirxEC?siCTCjn3 is dee not only to tho origiaalHy mmm implicity of tho oombtaatioa, tat alae to the care and akiU with wkkh H la mannfactored by arieatiae proeeeeea kaoara to tho Cauobxia Fm SraCT Co. oaJy, and are wriah to laipriaa apoa all tho latporteaoe of pai 1 laaslias, tho true and orifinal remody. Aa tha ceBwiac 8ymp of Fya k maaafartared by the CAUFOftaiA Fm flraup Co. only, a knowledge of thai lact will aasiat one ia awoidlaa; tho imitatioaa aaaaafactarad i tiea. - Tho ahjh ate od lay of tha Caij voasiA Pm brarr Co. .with the aaedi cal profession, aad tho aatasfactkaj which the reaaiao Syrap of Phja hae crlvea to aaillioaa of faaailiea, aaakvee the aaaae of the Coaaaaay a faaraaty of the exorilcaoo d iu reeaod. It ia far ia advaaee of an other laantlvee, ae it acta oa tbe kidneys, liver aad bowels withoot faritatttar or lag theea, aad it does Dot gripe Ia order to ret lie 1 theCanspaaj CALZTOrOA HS STltC? CX .B.W.

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