A VOL. XVII. RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA. THURSDAY. FEBRUARY 2, 181KT. NO. 0. DIRECTORS Democratic Caucus Penitentiary Bill Passes Both Houses. THE BILL AS TO INSANE LAWS RtfcrreJ to Senate CummttUc, Many Sena tors Opposing the Clause Placing the Criminal Insane in the Penitentiary. THE SENATE. Np-etezsth Dat. Tbe Penate vu M ened with prayer by Rev. M. M. .Marshall. Petit on was presented to in"ve tbe co'ored normal school from l.iuahoin City to Heitford. Retorts of committee were favorable a to bill to irpeal chapter oil, lawa of and to re enact chapter 4 7.1, laws of 18j3; to re enact chapter 17.J, lawn of to re enact and tmeud chapter 184, law of 1HJI; to appoint a committee cu trustee of tbe University; to auieud tec-dun 2,14. of The Code; to enlarge ami increaNo tbe Albemarle Canal; to amend chapter 71, lwt of laaj; to amend aud consolidate the insanity Ikwo( Hie Slate; to iuo n orate tbe African Aid aud I'enevoieut Society; to mi Imrze tli publication of sketcbe of the North Carolina Regiment; a bill to amend sections aud 2.870 of 1 be Code, ibe following bills were introduced: J ut ice, to aiueud section yi ol t he ole, and chapter L'l, laws of lvj'.i; Harris, to establish a dispensary at Jackson; Mcluiyre, to Hllieud li;.tr t.H, law of lbl)7; Glenn, to ltipe.il i-ectiou H, 1K of Tbe Code. '1 he calendar wan taken up aud among tlit hills to pa-s 11 ii I reading wuh tbe bill to reorganize and in corporate tbe Mute penitentiary . Upon tbe aye aud iiofM t t i ii lakfii, the vole upou this bill stood ,.H ayo and ft noes. Senator i uller, colored, said that bia wax a b.li to pr vi le a put cut for an oriihau cund ; th.it be henrvuii thitl it wan a good measure, and, thoiefore, lie Toted with the majority. The I'M codifying and ciiiimoI uliiU'iix tne iiisuuo lawa catnt wnli h luv .i uble ieiu rt from tue cow iiiit.ee except ,n to one or two pro vision, jiitjie was u leugihy discussion in to the cliiu-ie with reference to con biting tiio c i in i ii ut lussue in tbe eui tutittury in t.uleign, tut being o,, posed by the inujoi py of tbe heualur who xpohe. r'li-a ly the bill wa re i del red to thee niiuittee and it wh or ileied tlmt o co,ite ol ihe amrud in on i n to tuo lull be printed aud di-t tin U cd unions the roaiors. IwiCN iiunt 1AV. Tue committee ol election deemed that iu the coutesio I 'lection t'HHH ul l'". .f. .loue- against 1-'. M. Wlnie, i( thn fcui teen tli district, Unit nil ii it-C lint, .iolitH, Demi crai, vm clecti'tl iiy tie Votes. My rique-i if ." kuiner, thu roioi t was tukeu Ur, ami iiHUUiinnii y approved. Tbe HoiiHr bill to uiiilionze tbtt pulilicatiou l Hk ti'hu . i f ihe N'oitli aroiiua Hem lueul.H (coin,. tied by Jud'e Waiiei hu l ). wii- Iukvu up. Juuce m okt tb 'j'tciiily in lnvor of the bill. tStronj.', cm net Kpei c'i wei e in ude in favor tl tin) rtiMilutiou by Jhckmod, Mrowa aud (ilenn, and hi wo by Frnukn and l''ulei. I i on motion of llairfttou, the bid wiu vntod iii on by a iittiug vote auc pi" - ii un mi iuuily. TwiMv-iuM iMr. Senate wa opened with prayer bv Rev. J. V. Lee. I'ctitioiM lroiu the citizfna of l'ly lui uiii for tl h ret?ution of thecoloien inn ni:il clio ut, that place, from thf cil izeim of W'rtHlnuutou coiiuty to pro lnlut i bo utile of liquor there, from tbi ini'iclinnts of JoiiQion county tar the repeal of lie merchants' puicuano tax, from the uiedicttl profeMMiou at Clinton, from the citizeu of Caldwell oonuty, rnliiuve to local option were referred tt committee. After a number of new bills were introduced the calendar wm tnku up. Mills an foliown parsed tin. reading: Tc auieud chapter lo4, laws t f 1('J1, relating to the leme of turpeu tino orchurdH; to amend cliapter 84 o: mo i oile nuu cnapter lsl, lawa ol rolutinj; to pbymoians. Thubill, rh explained by senator Justice, is tt do away with nnack doctor. Also i number of locul bills. Dr. Murphy' phi reviMii, amending and cou KolnLitiu tho insane lawa of tin State, was a'ftin taken up, and th clutie providing that tbe criminally in sane nhall bo incarcerated in tbe pent teutiury at Maleiub met with the usunl opposition. My leave Senator Mrowi introduced a bill to aid the Horticul tural Society of North Carolina. Mv unanimous vote, tbe privileges of tin Svnute floor were extended to Con Rressuieu-e ect Crawford, Klottz aui At water ("luruii: their May in Raleitrh Twenty second Day. The Seuat i opeued with praver by Senntoi J ones. A petition from the membeif of the Viirmiia churches of Goldsiiorc to establiMh a Kchoot for the reforma tion of yoiuLfnl criminal", and a peti tion from the citizens of Huh l'oiu' for the repeal of the merchant pur cliHse tax were referred to o mnrntteea. MeportM of committees weie lvo ab! on a number of b.ll", amouK thru were: To amend section US of Tbt t ode, rek'arniug tne roura ot iiitt-rmt improvrments; to ameud HHOi regain lun citizeuM aud towns lameuded Hiking out ec:ioti 2); to probib i lit- '..a ... imrne i wire leuces parallel with an-i w it n i ii '2J0 feet of roads in Hemlerno co' . n ty Amone ttie bills introduced weie: Bv ."enator lboiias to a.en. rule 1), ciii-p er 2-1, ol The Code; Joue. to siui'ii.t section ;',Oo4 ot 1 lit (Tode concert: iritf r".' I'tfrs of deed- Tbe cu e nditr wa t ikeli up and b ll a ltdiown pa heil tinai readmit: Treia cliupier IT.', laws .f lt!)r, and chai ter 1,.', laws oi l.n,, lelalinsr to the exteii s on of tbe boundaries of Alt. Any tow ii sii p. Jins Mil practica ly eu lorces n.e collect on ot a co.uuu uoin insiie, mhfcribe t U t the Cape Fear St lmlhiu a ley lUilroad; to protect cat We Iiom spleueiio tever. fin exuian- Mir thi" bill fields sazceded thai the particular ev 1 guarded a.'4iis( was tue Loopbi ut lovi, or a partica ar fee tick, wli o i pun cu ar dca iaa uii-ea.-c, particuUiiy coutaiont aud deadly to entile.) A bid to reieal sectlou to, 11 J ot Ihe Code fame Ui, ihi bill provide tliat a local outtou eieotiou may be bslJ iu auy montu dariui; tue year, ntemt of iu June, aa tbe law now siauds, aud ou a petition oi one fourth of the citizeus of town sh p. intiead of one-half, aa formarlv Ward said that he wisbedtd propose an amecdmeut to the bill, that citiea and counties sUouid be included iu thebil iu uiMitiou .o towuHhipa. The bill was nnaiiy re rererrert to tue committee. bin to amend chapter lot), lawa of 1803 tins la l.oundtree s bill and Drarent judgoN from isainsr aa injunction or rextrainmtf oider oo quo warranto prcceediu airaicat a defeudent in of see passed nual read i oar. Twenty-third Dat. The Senate waa oreued with prayer by Key. Dr. Car ter. Amnntr lha hill. iniritnuit My Senator Stan buck, to amend chap- ier i, uwk ot ii7, relating to apecia tax in Motltiromiir'V nmntr' fTnfiF to amend Senate bill No. 8o4, relating us ii in Aioemarie found; to incorpo latu the Carolina and Knrtli.m P-ii load Company; Ward, to repeal chap, ter 57, laws of l&w, relating to eleo- tion of jnsticea of tbe peace; to reetore! white coverameot la tbe eoaatiea off ortb laroiioa, by re eoactia; chapter 17 of Tbe Code, with refereoce to tbe election of maftatratea and con. miiaionera. This bill tirortdea that roooty eommiaaioDera be elected by magistrates, and tuat the majciatiatee be elected by the Legislative. Juatice to prohibit public dmakenneas. 'J be calendar was takeo op and a number of bdia parsed final readme. Amour thembeiotra bdl to ameud section US t'f The ( ode in repaid to internal im provements;to amend cbapter iOOlawof 1 8'J:i, relatmirtotl eNortb CaroliDacoo? bird". A Joiat resolutinn providing for tbe e'.ecttwu of the directora of tbe State's pr sou ou Friday, a co. cary 5, 18'JJ, at 12 m , passed ita third reading. hv loav rena or black lut o.lucetl a I ill to ailj ixt cr a n claims against tbe Uuivt rsity, ami by Scuaior Ja-i.e(bj request) a Id I was luinxlucrd regard lug the bonds of warebouneuco. THE IIOUdE. Nisettentu Dat. The Hcue waa opeueil with prayer by Mr. Maiu. 'J he bill reorau zm tue peuiteutiary waa taken up. it 's the oue agreed on at tbe Democratio caucus, aud changae tbe name to Slate 1'nsoo and creates 12 new tl. rectors. 'J be bill parsed second reailinir without debate. Oo tbe third reannr Hampton. Repub lican, demauded the yeas and nays aud also aked for an explana tion of tbe bnl. 'Ibis waa quickly aud auccmelly piveu by Fouahee, wbo said tbe bill was to turn over to tbe dominant party the I euiteutiary aud tbe farms. He said it waa in the nature of a writ of ejectment. At thia there was Uuhter. iue vote on the bill was: leasts J, nays 1j. mere was lauirb, when Smith, colored, of Crav- u, voted vea. The bill was immedi ately seut over to tbe Seuate. A reso- u ion creaiinir a joint committee to uvestiga'.e the affairs of the Agricul tural Depart rueut was taken up. It an-o placet upon tiio committee oi iree-euators and five Representatives he luy of iu vextiatiut; tbe alT.tirn r tne pant lour years ol tue biate reasury and cnaritable institu- luus. it paused witbout tlewate, alier Republican amendment to make the I erimt six rears luU Pee i voted ttowu. l b.ll to change the tune of meeting of ounty coiumiHiiiijers to the first I ues- duy in ChcIi moutb was tallied. A bill to protect lii vei h anil sclcrwoi leaf tobacco u the S ate bv muKiug fa Inro to com ply witu couiractn a mi.uemeauor was uken up. It ai pi ea also to fai mera w lio have coutrai'ted to fell their to- acco to Wiiiemutes or agents. Tbe report of the eotu niitee wan lavoralne. Duv.h, of Fiaukhn, tbe ai bor of I ho bill, expluiucd its provis'oua, haying it wa to euforce hoiiesiy. Roiiutree inovtda lefeionce to the iu henry coiumitie. It was releried. A b Ii to auieud tne 1 bo ( otie, sectlou i.r.u. dv lot i.ui!iiir euuv on laud without owner's c .usent was tiibltd. tuith's resoiut.on uruia; Con great tu lavor the pending bill to lesioro to the negro depositors l,5ou,Uuu, which wat topi iu tiie failure of the Freedmau'a aviugs Muuk. cume up with un un favorable report, f-iuitb tlefended tbe bill, lie took cciimoii to euiogize F. M. Simmons, saving lie repreeuted every tiling ti ue uul noole lu politics. Ou motion of Robinson, of Cum- berlauil, tbe bill was refo red to tbe committee, ai Smith requested. Uuder sni-peusiju of tho rules, u reo- tutiou wan adopted askiug the State Ireu-ni er to statu what he hat paid law yers for service rendered him aud tue uovernor, aud wbat be lias paid out to the peuiteutiary uud ou wbat acc'.uu now mncu be but r ceived during tiie pat Iwu years and from what -source", uud also whether any interest on de posits have beeu received. 1 we.vtiei'H Day. My leave, W inatou. introduce I a bnl to permit J. W. aud S. Otiio Wilnon to sue the State for ra ury claimed by them. (It ameuds tbe railroad commas. on act of 1SJ1 by striking out the wordt "ami the Uiiesliou ot ut removal irom omce ball be determined ly a majority, of tbe Creuerai Assembly n lotuisessiou: also the words "and ot the Geueral Assembly hhall tieiermiue that tbe commissioner suspended shall be re moved, and by adding the following "Aud the Kaid commissioner removed at herein provided for snail be allowed to bring his action in the nature of a quo warranto, returnable to the Supreme Court of the county in which he livet aud which said action to be bi ought iu his name aud against tbe anpointee of tbe Governor shall staud for trial aa is uow provided for actions of quo warranto and iu the eveut oi final judgmeut iu favor of such sua peuded oiheer he shall be reiustated in bis said omce and receive fall sa.ary for the term to wh ch he was elected. ") Ihe bill iu regard to diligence by tele uraph coin puu tea imposes glut) penalty lor uegligence or unreasonable delay iu transmitting or delivering messages. ibe bill introduced iu regard to the formation of ihe county ot Scotland ia a new our, uud is a surprise to tbe ad vouaies of the old bill, for it proposes to aae lu quite a large part of Robe-on, .uciudiiii.' Red spiiujrs. JVrmbroke, eic. Mill to itquire the elemeuiary pnuct i let of Hi.rcu.ture to be taugut iu the oubno scnoo s was tabled; oill iu re uard io in-urauce, indemnity or surety companies wbtcn go ou otncial bouds, was takeu up. It amends chapter 27d, acts lttj.i, by adding: "Provided that i ne indemuiiy, iuurance or security couipauy ahaii have on deposit with tue treasurer of the otate the mm of ,0v or it-t equivalent, to be approved by .he .-tale ireaau. ei', to stcure the per oi malice of it oidtuattous in such olH c at tioud." Ri uuireef tbe author oi ibe bill, tXi lamed it, and favored it lUe yaet ami uays were demanded. ibe bu ; ast.ed. . (ibeobjectof the bill t to give couutv commissioners m eastern Couutie-t au oisirtuiiity to de ci.ue to take boinU w h cb negroes, e;a Her in surety companies. it ia not ex; ected that companies will maCe tne ioU.WJU deposit.) Twknix fikst Day. Congreannen elect W. 1. i. raw lord aud Theo. F. K uttz were amoug the visitors to tbe .louse, auil were given, by 1 e.-olutiou, i lie priv.leget oi tne floor. The lob towii g biilt weie utrouueed: Powell, for better pmdij roads; also to preveut trespass ou iaudt of auotber; McLean, to protect sink ug iuuds; Keuuett, to promoto education among tbe nia-tes; Curr.e, to provide for proving town ordiuauce on appeal from mayoi'a courts; Rountree, for protection of pedestriaus; Julian, to require seperate quarters for white aud colored couvictt ai work on roada in Rowan. Boasball,to allow agents of e lUcatioual institutions to have tree passes (ameuda tbe railroad Comunssiou not). Roua tree, to allow any township to Tole on road tax, and to provide that tbe tax so voted shall be applied to such towo ahip. Tbe ca eudar was taken up. A resolution was adouted providing ior a complete examination into tbe payment of money to tbe penitentiary, etc., by fcta;e Treasurer Worth. iilla passed to ratify aud approve tne cbarter of ihe doutu Carolina & Geor gia xieniou Railroad Couipauy ol orth caiohua, (j.nu road ia to bt i4o miles tou', capital stoun $7oU,uOU.) Tt was foimerly the Ouio J&iver & Charleston Ruuroad; to unite the Ricbmoad, Peteraburg and Caroliaa Railroad (nccr U tbe Virginia 4 Carolma Raiiroad); to lucvrpbtaie tne luter-siate Teiapauue aud irlMtain Company, Ju.ua H. carr and wtber ockboiucrs; several local Uuis aed. My leave Leather wwvd mUodacea a but tu require bond wtien uioUusi arc made t rehear cs, aud lu piuv,u U-r judgment to be euUred by tue -.U preme Cuurt wbere tbe case fc. aaiust giver of such bvnds. lu reakr auuuUuced as tue IloU-- braucn of tbe committee to luveaiit'ait tbe matter if tuirut ol puolic luuua oy tne S ate irauter to toe pemtcu t ary: Lurrie, Jobuaon of Jonusiou, aud Petree. l we.vty-secoxo Dat. Amoug tbe billa lutrodoted in tbe HoUae were. illiaru. ot i-are '.o prov.d lor tut promoiiou aud rUin-rviniou oi ineoyste ludusiry of Norm Carolina; Bryan, o iadiauu, to ieieat cbaptr ,0, puoi.. :as of IUjI; Alexander, ol Rutueiforu a bill to crea'e .be "V'auce itX.ile Ut I artmei.t" f tbe Agr.t uuurai aud Ait han.cal College. Tne but simi i amends section 9. public lawn of 1837, chapter 410, by addiug to said section "it shall be th duty of said board t establish and maintain a department v ne college in which shall be tanghi ho manufacture of textile goods.' The bill introduced by Winston U nake cohabitation between the whit ml b ack races a fe ory, punishable 'nil nsi.nment in the c nntv jtil for not less than four months or in tne State prison for not more tban five years came up for c nsideration witu a favorable report from the committee. The bill evoked considerable dibcussiou Speaker Couuer called lion. Locke Craig to the chair andttook he floor iu advocacy of tbe measure. Ex-Judge Aiieu aud Mr. Justice opposed ibe bill on the ground that it would teud to provoke blackmail and lrau.i. Au aye and nay Tote was demanded ou tbe vote. Tbe bi I passed second read ing by a vote of 02 to 24. Ray. of Uuoou, objeced to the passage oi the lull on ita third reading. Winston do- c tued to give nis consent to iOKtime meut aud the bill passed its liual read- ug. "A cuuener" wat theu put ou be bill by a motion to reconsider ami av on the table. Tbe bill to regu a e tue measurement of timber came ur witb an n ufH voi able report. A sutti- m e was IT.-red by tbe committee ioues, of 1'euder, tue author of the 1 11, sa. d that there wat no unifor n itla for timber measurement iu Hit .titte, aud tbat such laws were n-tial. It wis a.reed thai tue bill hboiild go to lUe com nittee on propositions aud rievamuH for further consideration be Hi n e com-urred in tho nmeud uieut adoiited by the. seuate relatijr to the bill uQeciiug quo warranto oro- iiednigt. Ihe resoiUttou raiHin a coiuuiitiee to name trustees of the U it vci-h ty was adopted. lWEsry-THiBD Day. The House was opeued witu praver by Rev. ri . (jleuu. Among tbe bdia lntrodnce i were: Giles, to give each memlie ot ne 1' irst iNoi'tu Caroitua Retmeui who is serving in Cuba a medal; Jrown, to chat g a Siamy county Ir iu the eleventh to the etgh'b judic ai ilittriot; Leak, to incorporate the fee Jce ews 1 rans. t (.'omraay (a tele lilione compauv); Wiilanl, to lefuud Sl'iO.'iOO of Wilmington's bonds due in itiia, iuo,ooJUue iu iyijt. aud siuC'.o.; due in 1919, by the issue of 4 per ceut. Ponds, ibe calendar wat taken up. A joint resolution was adopted to go into the election of twelve directors of tbe penitentiary next Friday. The following mils passed: To appoiut a j iut committee to investigate tbe Agricultural and Mechanical Col lege for negroes located at Greensboro; to re establish Mount Airy towusbtp, urry couuty; to pay expenses of J. A. Frauks, coutestee for a Senate seat irom the th-rty fourth district. There was some discussion of a bill to repeal tbe act of 18J7. allowing couuties to pay special veniremen. . Kicholsou moved to table, aud this action was taken, despite a favorable committee report Seuate biil to make cruelty in another State aud abandonment for one year another cause for divorce. tbe law to apply to cases which oc curred prior to January 1, 1891), was re I erred, owiug to au error in date. L. b ll came up in regard to the number f challenges in capital cases. Haw of Macon, said it wat of great importance, as it proposed to ohauge a law which nad stood for a centurv. He wanted the judiciary committee to report ou tbe oil I one way or the other. Moore offered a substitute. Hartsell moved to table the bill and the aub-ititnte. too. and to the table they went By leave, Craig utroduced tbe followiug b its, all bv t quest: To place offences of cruelty to animals witbiu tbe jurisdiction of magistrates; to allow clerks of court nutter certain circumstances to payout uiouey to minors who are wards of the law; to prevent the uecessityof kissing me Bible when taking an oath; to amend the law iu reference to service of tuinmon bv pub.icatiou. Tbe fol- owing is tbe text of Ransom's bid to curtail the Governor's power to appoiut extra counsel: A bill to be entitled "An act to ameud sea three thousand three Hundred and tweuty-four,of The Code." l be General Assembly of North Caro lina do enact: Sec ion 1. Tuat sectiou 3,324 of The Code be ameuded, by in citing after the word "therein" and before tbe word "the" in the fourth line of said section, the following words: "and if for any good reason the Attor uey General caunot prosecute or defend in such case." Sectlou 2. That this net "hall be in force from and after its "at.fication. Pymister-Gn-rai Stanton Retir d. General Thsddent H. Stanton, pay master general of the army, was retiied at noon Mmiday, in coufoimity with the age rtqnrements of the service. The occasiou was taken advantage of by the tfficere of tbe paymaster's de partment in Washington to present their retinug chief with a silver loving cup, as a mark of thir regard and ap pteciatiou of his pul l c. service. Cjluuel A a B. Carey, a.aatant paymaster geueral, has been promoted to till the ToCauoy, with rank of brigadier general. The Cot. on Kate War. A special from Atlanta, Ga., saya the cotton raie war to Southern and East ern poiuts, inaugurated by tbe Sa Uard Air Line's cut of 5o per ceut , aud tbeu followed by an additional cut Irom tbe same road of 5 cents per luu pounds, is here to stay, joint cottou tariff having been issued by tbe South eastern Freight Association, making rates permanent and regular. The Mofixan's Beef Was All R f fit The eoinmis!y general's office hat received a telegram from Lieuteuaut Lolouel Abiel biuitb, at Havaua, con ceruiug the beef shipped on the Mohi cau, for which a board of survey was ordered. The dispatch says: "Not a pouud- of beef condemned or throw u overboard known to me. On the con trary, the board called for by me pro nounced the beef tine." nrs tuocbi,e. Brown. What sort of Spriggius ?, man is - Smitu. Weil, you can't get An idea inCo his head, and yon can't get an idea out of his head. id m sin. He Thinks the Cubans Shcu'd bs Trca'eJ Liberal'. NEGRO IN THE PROFESSIONS. Toe Fleli Secretary of the Seats Anericia Mii.oaary Assoc atioa D taLs the te sts Its ef His iatestif tie u WAJBHEroTo. D. C. (Special), Gen eral M. C. Butler waa given hearing by the Senate committee e military affair a Monday, ia reg to ISir in Havens, wbere he has bean reeeotlj stationed aa one of the evacuation com mtsaion. He gave a detailed eetuin of tbe recent c:ahea in that city be tween tbe Spanish soldiers and Cuban He expressed tbe opinion tbat Geueral Brooke's ordr forbidding iar tic ration in tbe evacuation ceremonies by the Cubans waa a necessary precaution, and that if it had not been issued there would have been trouble. Genera.) Butler expressei tbe opinion tbat la time the Cuban people would be cap t ble of self government, but that they should be given aa opportunity t. qiiet down and get used it more liberal aduiiuistrauon tbau they bad ever known. He said in reply to a question irom Senator Carter, that a census of the Cubans would be advis able. Negro in tbe rofessions. New York (Special). The field sec retary in the Soutn American Miasioa ary Association, Rev. Geo. W. Moore, of Nashville, has made a protracted and detailed investigation concerning tbe negro in professional life. He r ports that in 18J3-'tm there were l.Slu students in professional couri-es in col ored schools, and of there 125 were women. There were 7U3 students ami 76 graduates of theology, 121 students and i!4 graduates in law, 23J studenu aud 3d graduates in medicine, aud ti graduates in pharmacy and 12(1 stu deuts aud 4'J graduates in nurse tram iug. There were 2.) chools in theo.t gy, five schools of laws aud aix schools t. medicine. In addition ioihee school whicu have beeu estatdisbed for the negro in profe-sionai life, the doors o tbe leading colleges and nuiverstties o the North, East aud West are open to him. Since 18.15 there have been 19G graduates who received diplomas from reputable medical college", making . total f 8J.. This list does not me nd the large number of negao meu win have graduated from Northern institu tion. ibore are 12 schools for train ing colored women as muses and 2J i nurses have beeu truiued aud ure in traiuing. The Pr sident Compl es. The President sent to the Senate th correspondence on tile in tbe State De partmeut bearing upon the peace treaty and it was read in executive session The correspondence wat sent iu re sponse to the resolution introduced, by :ieuat.r Hoar, ami inflr.it uvyt otne letters ami cablegrams from tim 6"in missiouers to the Pt eideut and Irom the President to the commissio ers in the way of tustiuctious iu return. 1 h documents are numerous, as there wer telegrams, letters and leports for al most every day the commissioners were in pari, in submitting the papers, the President sent a brief message saying that he transmitted them in accordance with the resolution. Tbe reading con sumed tbe entire executive session, lastiug from 2 to 5:30, except a few minutes at tbe close. Agoncillo Tries It Again. Washington, D. C. (special). Sixto Lorez, secretary to Agoncillo, the Philippine representative, called at tbe State department Mouday afternoon, and left with tbe chief clerk another communication addressed to the Sec retary of State, protesting against the attitude of our government towards the Filipino republic. The terms of the protest do not go as far rs an ultima tum. The same fate awaits thia com munication as that which befell its predecessors it will be diplomatically ignored. Accompanying this commu nication is a long memorial addr.ssed to tbe Senate, containing a com pre hensive argument iu opposition to the ratification of tbe treaty and which the envoy asks the President to send to that body. Bloody Work of Mountain Outlaws. A Special from Hamlin.W.Va., says the b. me of James f-keens, on Guvandotte river, was attacked by masked -arid armed men. Black b keens was killed Jam. s bkeens was mortally wounded ami his wife aud baby and Ambrose Sprulock were serionsio wounded. Ar rests will follow and further tiouble is feared before a preumiary trial is held 'ihe tragedy is the result of an o.d fued in that mountainous district. An Advers Report. The Senate committee on judiciary has made an adverse report on the nomination of Hamilton (. Ewart t- be United States district judge for the western district of North Carolina. Judge Ewart was appointed dm iug the recess aud uow holds tbe position. An effort will be made in the :-et ate to have Ewart continued notwithstaud ing the adverse report. r ailure of Port rfield & Co. William A. Por ter field & Co.. bank ers and commission stook brokers, of Washington, D. C, have made au as signment for tbe benefit of their cred itors, naming Richard H. Taylor aud Thomas F. Young assignees. The as seta are stated to be 30,814.49, and liabilities $40,449.88. Great Snow Storms in tbe West Dbnveb, Col. (Special) Tbe snow storm contiuued Monday over the greater part of Colorado, and it ia satu by old settlers to be a record-breaker. Nearly ad tbe mountain railroads are blockaded aud in moat cases the com pauies have giveu up the hope oi Operating them until after tbe storm subsides. Snow Blidea are reported at many pi ace b, but tbe only loss of lite so far kuown was at Ajex, whete tbe family of Wm. Rudolph were buried under tons of ice and snow. Cavalry Troops fat Cuba. The War Department has reached the conclusion tbat it has about enough infantry in Cuba at present, aud tbat cavalry ia now needed. Some fifteen troops of ihe Seooud, Fifth and Eighth Cavalry (regular) have sailed from Savannah on three transports tbe Minnewaska, Manitoba aud Michigan. Mrs. Wm. J. Mayer, aged 31 years, wife of a wealthy wholesale tobacco dealer, of Liberty street, Pittsburg. Pa., committed suicide by jumpiui: iuto the ocean from Young's pier, a the end of Xenneaaec street, Atlantic City, N. JT. J. - to mTWTs uw.auttts. rrttecdx the Scaatc mi least Cay sxjAr. TmBTrcTR Dal date, chair aman f the em cut lice oa naval affaire, reporl t the aavi pcrsvud. but ad mtm tiotiee that at tbe earliest time e.U ne wotuu calf it Bp lor oeatdrteiMn. 1 Tue eo tutu ttlee added iimtar of amet.dm.Bta. CbaadUr, of N.w iiam attue, lutrodnr.! tUl teuirarilT oreatiag the ofSee of admual vf the navy. It was referred tu tue oaval af faire eooiuiittee, fae teaat bill o y.diug for tbe erection of a banding in Washington for Departmeut of Jaattce at a coat of fl.otW.uou, Mi A bill area paaed amendtag the act in relatsua to tt immtliat tranaor a Uvu of dutiable goods by extending tbe pr'TUegea ot the nrt action to the sub-.rt of Miami, Florida. TbeFeoate onaumetl micntee in ex ecutive eaion, iu arriving at a decta ion to vote oa tbe teare treat r. Aa auou aa tbe doura were clo-.d au4 tbe public excluded, Senator Davis asked for naau imona consent tbat tbe vote should be taken at 3 o'clock on Mouday, Feb rnary tJtb. Senator Davis, from tue committee on foreign relatione, to-day offered an amendmeut to ihe snndrv c vil bill appropriating 20.000,000 n pay Spain, according to the terma of the treaty. The amendment has the endorsement of the committee oa foreign relations. Thiett-first Dat. The pension ap propriation bill waa taken up at the instance of Perkins, of California, in charge of the measure, and it was rea.L The bill appropriates $14 ),233.8JJ. Sullivan, of Mississippi, offered an amendment providing that no peusiou should be paid to any ierson as a de pendent pensioner under tbe act of June, 1890, wbo has an income of 750 an anally; and, further, that a deiendeut pensioner must affirmatively establish tbe fact that be baa not au income of $7.0 before be can draw a peusiou. Perkins made the point of order against the amendmeut tbat it was new legisla tion. The point of order was sustain ed. Butler, of North Carolina, offered bis amendment providing forthepav meut of peusionsto Confederate at well as to Umou soid.ert. He delivered a speech in support of it. Mr. Bntler's speech developed, as he proceeded, iu to quite a remarkable utterance. Alter presenting an analyse of the compact of 1787, he declared tbat "not a single oumuom aoiiuer was a reuei or a traitor." At the ciuclusiou of his speech. Mr. Butler withdrew his ameudtnent 1 hibty-second Day. The subject of eximusiou occupied tbe Senate, and a speech was delivered by Piatt of New York. I be iensioii appropriation bill was resumed. After a short deba'e, he bill pas set, audat2:o7 tbe Seuate went in to execuuve session. iHiBTY-iHiRD Day. A spirited de bate was precipitated in the Senate wiiile the diplomatic aud consular ap propriation bill was under considera tion. Tue appropriations committee was sharply criticised for not pravtd ug adtqtit e sa ariet for eoms of tbe couuiai officers and secretaries of le gatioti of this goveiumeut !j foreign countries aud the persimony of tbe government in this respect wen de ii.ni need at a disgrace. Tbe bill wat irepared, carrying nearly $1,710,8,10, or c'o.OJJ more than the amount carrtetl by the measure passed by the H ue. A resolution by the Legislature ol N rth Carolina urging the election of Senators bv tbe people was presented oy Mr. Butier, of North Carolina. A resolution was adopted directing tb Secretary of War to make a survey and estimate of the improvement of Brazos river, Texas. A bill amending the law relating to the apportionment and eleotion of Representatives iu Congresa so aa to perm t the use of voting ma chines was passed. Thirty-fourth Day. A running tie bate was preoipiated in tbe Senate in au attempt to obtaiu consideration of Indian appropriation bill; a Honse joint resolution was passed admitting Andres Ponte Buego of Veuezuela to West Point Military Academy; . Mason, of Illinois, called up his resolution intro duced Saturday and presented a res olution in au amended form calliug on the Secretary of War for information concerning the condition of tbe sol diers in the Philippines. A bill was passed changing tbe place of meeting of the United States Court for the southern district of Misisippi, from Mississippi City to Biloxi. THE HOUSE. Thirty-first Day. The debate on the army reorganization bill opened in the House uuder an agreement by whicn tne general aeoate is to run 13 hours, exclusive of three night ses sions. Practioally three propositions are before tbe honse tba Honse bill providing for a standing army of 100,000 men; tbe minority sub stitute increasing the standing ar my to 30, odd men and - lodg ing witb the President discretionary powor to call out 5J,'XM) volnuteers for emergeucy service, and a proiwaition to contiuue temporarily the regular army at its prei-ent strength, 02,000 men. There were only 18 mem bet s present at tbe night session of tbe House, but the galleries were thronged. Tbe evening - was devoted to set speeches. Thibty-secosjd Day. The Honse re sumed tbe debate on the army reor ganization bill. Gibson, Republican, f iennessee. waa tbe first speaker. He advocated the passage of tbe Hull bill. Johnson, Republican, of Iudi a ta, then took tbe floor in opioaition to the bill. Johnson paid a high trib ute to Agninaldoaud to Agoncil o. "If William Mcrliuley ever changes hia intl cy regarding the Phillippiues," be declared iu stentorian tones," he will bend to the weight of popular opinion to which be bows, r.gnt or wrong. ' Thia utterance raised a storm of ap plause from tbe Democratio s de. Mr Johnson requite! tuat snoi interrup tions cease as thev tons up tits time. A the night session Crumpacker. Repnb lie en, of Indiana, uported tbe bil aud advocated annexation. : Rixie Democrat.opposed tbe bill. A staud ng .... m army oi ioti,uou men, ne aeciared, would be tbe beginning of a gran' iniierial army. ' Thirty-third Day. The third day of the debate uMn tbe bill for tbe re organ zation and increase of the regu lar army passed witbout notable inci dent Ita feature was aa bour'a speech by Grosvenof, of Ohio. At the night session the feature was an hour's speech by White, Republican, of North Carolina, the only CJlore l member of the House, against election m.tnods in the South. iHTBTY rocBTH DAT.-Thera waa a spirited debate m . the Houaa over the army reorganisation ouu ids nras rote waa taken on tba committee amendment to increase tbe n urn bar of cbaplaina from SO t 40, and it was carried, 68 to 89. On motion of Lacey tbe prorision for a lieutenant general was stricken out Fifty-nine pension bill were passed. T hirty-fifth Dat. Tbe Houe to day contiuued tbe consideration of the urmy reorganization bill until 2 o'clock, when the members paid their tributes to the memory of the lata Represen tative Simpklne, of - lUaaachua-etta. Ter irroe rrC was aae vna tee art? reogaa s bll, tbe !r aaeadaaeat lrd eo tVat e7rf l , t.y oe ai as it las. le gtv. tiftiMi i cava ry reisB.a'a tb. rasa, pay a ad ailowae ef sob4 lnt.aaata. TniaTT-sixm Day. Tne H i s kard dav's wavk a tbe erej. b it fa.-, .a. I a at a j i. i j er toe 1 1 te t avliieva e aipttsl lha ceiaatttM iamaadar.au the I'rra dt dia- crvlioaary iw.r t rlae ta a. , tue tafaairy eoniat. aod c a rv troope to J aae eaeh, wrre adu., u4. aaL also, a aertoe of aia.n1ta.ata i retiace tb ofSeer. tbe staff U $31. A abstitnte waaJoi4el ior the aeettoa irovtdiac for oeaotu.ae waiea waa de-icued to eoaltx. twfmotio. A Cght waa niavie to redac the ae limit fur offlcra io be aw.u.ntel l- tue varioaa staff dtr unU from &J to so, bat it failed. Aa aueadtueat , however, adopted to rniaue a m.uiat moral, um wi as oyal, ivuui AaUob. for toch apt wiiitr.s. CRAM tSID (stoty. Ceaert ef the Coauattlce te latettlgata Calif or aia Seiatorial ScaaJals. Bacbahkxto, Cal ("?pecLJ) The ara cial commute aptwiuied to tavesttge'e) the acariiial connected with the elec tion of TJaited b tales tSenator baa filtd ita report. The commitiee leporta tbat Howard E. Wright. Speaker of tbe Aa embly, received from C. H. Grant, Jr., throng b hia oiitiral mauager. Milton J. Greeu, &HM a a gift, aad S76oat a loan; tbat Wright, prior to bis ection, deceived John 1). Sprck lea aad W. S. Leake, to secure their aopport for the Sjak.rahip, ataliag thai be was unplesig.d to any senato rial candidates; that by promising to ! Tote for Robert X. Mnllafor the United j States Seuate be secured Mulla'a sup- port for the Speakership: tbat by tbe acceptance of Grant's money and b; the solicitation of lan et M. Murua"' in fluence to secure bis election as Speak er, Wright led eacit t f those candidate for United States Senator to expect his vote. The Army but uJ.f.ei Washisoton, D. C. (-ip-Krial). The opoaition to the army reorganization bill oa the Republican side of tbe Houte has beotue so strong tbat Cuetrinen Hall bat decide- it would be wise in order to iasu e its passage to abaud ju the idea of providing di rectly for a regular army of UJ.'nJJ meu. He anoouueed that tbe commit tee wonld offer amendments to reduce tbe number of eunsted iui to abrnt lid.OOJ. but lodge iu the P.'esideat'a discretion the authority to increase the army to a m i x in n in of ltJ.0A) By the itqniremeuis of the bill there are to be bM lntan ry regiments of M companies each, with a strength of i j ...i ij-m uicuf huu 1 4. ir;.uiouii VI o.iij of la iroope each, with a strength of 106 men. No M sccgeiatioii Coun cnincfd. Savannas, Ga. (Special.) Jennie Moore, a woi e womtu, age I 19, wno says her home ic Jeney City, S. J., and l'riuneli llli. a ueg-o, were seu teuced by J dgj .iorwwul, of the cty Court, t 1 e o . 4in gang for iniscegeua tiou. There were three accusations, for tbiee u.ve, Jannaty lti, 17 aud 13. aud upou each the court imposed l.OoO hue, aud oae year ou tbe cbaiu-gaug. Later the sentence in regard to tbe woman was suspende d, and the wat given 24 iiouis to leave tbe State, Tbe negro will have to serve bis sentence. The woman says she is an army nurse, but wat left behind when the troops went to Cuba. Gen. Lee's Plan. Msjor General Lee proposes to rec ommend to Washington, a one step in hastening pac ticatiou and tbe restora tion of oi der in tbe province of Havana, tbe formation of a regiment of 1,00 J picked Cuban soldiers, to be used as a provincial constabulary. Aa a second step he will reoommeud the ettablisu ment by the military government of bauka that would loa-i at a moderate rate of interest ou laud security, so a to enable land owners for themselves or their tenants, to get a yoke of oxei. 20 chickens, a ouple of pica and ab u 50 cents a day until a crop caald be raised. A;oncillo Under Suspicion. The officials at tbe State Department are mute respecting tbe treatment to be accorded Agoncillo. the represouta tiveof Agutnaldo.a thongh it ia known that be has I een under snrveilla jce evei since bia arrival in Waminngton. and tbat it wa learned that he was in cor resiondence over cables with his chief. generally through, am no one of lis nmippiue lumas in tloffg Kon?. Ju don or Paris, but whether an v telegra o baa been actually intercepted cannot be learned. Packing Houses Offer $130,000. The Chicago i ackers, -wift & Co. ann xjiooey, xiioetii v u iiey, as r result of the criticisms made agatnt the fre-h meal furnished during th war, have annonnced that thev wonM jointly pay S100.00J to anybody prov ing that chsraicil"wra uel to pro rerve anil oeei pacaetl iy litem. 1 li two coriHirat ons are practicallr on and tbe same, ihe lea I ng stockholder being the same in both companies. Sales of the Baltimore & Ohio Road Ordered ranges nuu ana atoms, in the United States Circuit Court, at Balti - t a w - more uave uanaeu uown a decree lot tbe foreclosure aud sale of tbe Ba'ti more & Ohio Railroad, uuder the oou eolidateu mortgage, and apMiated Messrs. A. rx Dunham and Arthur L Spamer special masters to make the aale. Negro Troops and Wb te Officers. Furgeon General Sternberg ha' made public tbe report of Lieutenant Colonel O'Reilly, ehief surgeon ofth Department of Cuba, re'ative to lb British method of caring for troops in the tropic. Aa a resui t Dr. O'Reil y recommends that troops intended for Cuban service should be recruited in tbt South and be colored, with white officers. - The Buaiaesa Men'a League ef Phila delphia has t ffered rewarda aggregat ing $2-1,000, for information leading to tbe discovery of purchase or attempt to purchase the Tote or influence of mem bera of the Pennsylvania Legislature in tba interest of auy legislation, aud tba con ric t ton of the perpetrators. Tbe steam canal boat J. C. Austin, plying between New York aad Nor-, walk. Conn., ran on rocks near tbe latter city aad aonk. Five Urea were t loat A roll f tha House committee on judiciary di-closea the fact that 14 oat J,f lh. jf nmbere are in favor of de- , dariB, .. belj b- Concreaamaa holding ontaide offices recant The steamer Cottage City, from Alaska, brings news tbat a number of Copper Hirer prospectors perished in VaJdeze glacier. ' Switzerland annually exporta con densed milk rained at orer a2.535.000. nearly of which Ia aent to Great Britain. an j - n;i He Fields Ndt Cuiltj ta Cfurget A FIERCE BATTLE REPORTED It la Si 4 T :F ar Baa t a era kut4 ail 1 re laajrJ .aa4;J-It lr.Mi Ut Upxt 4 te the aie. Wasauvarov. D. C ( r'eiV -The tTial f vtea. ll;aa Imjm UMa!ay rtaia? at U,e I'JUltH Wa ey M.rriit. t t.Unt .-t ie. e-t. ea Isst tae sceb-r t. ordf. Ja4. AdvM-ato D.viatral ai et rr rifs lag ike ewart Au rer Wrtaata trpr.a.ate.1 tte d.feJt All 4 lUe tosialast of the c at art pst. I'm (be ebarM asd iciaet t-a Gen. Laxau responded: its ! ar.ttaa t tbe first cba-ga be pi .a 4 awl galtv, not deeyisg. bwwever. tbat :b. ta ration at ..rta tne erravt or -rt of laagaage nap,L To tbe ;rflcti it tbe second charge he pleat not gadlr, not deny lug. bww.ver. that the aioiti ration set lotb cvtrrctly a it of Urn gnage its. Judge Advocate Davis rewakel to thee art that the i U at a-.aal a tbe d.fredaat bad H.ad.d nt aut.tv bat at ttie same time did not daay Itiat tbe epecificatioaa al forth a t-art f tba atatvui.ut ma. I a iia-n llu plained tuat tbi adiataatoa did aot ro- iieve toe ruaecut.en Irom irutmif hat the language referred m ba t b.a led. Alioraev Wurthia-ftan fr lha defense, state.1 that tbe plea wa ma le advisediy. be teviag the acta. I was entitled to have tbe i ruMcaiiut t rth everything said in bia a al.na.at G it. Ll.'ia a CjIimI r'aiinaJ it..Im. ion and t ruuilusl to uliunl iumac tiona from tbe President The Bresies ft.ll a'eaericd Is tbe flees '. Tne House committee on laikiaa andrurrrncy Wedueday deeded, bv a vote ot 7 to 4. to teport tu. bill of Representative MroMus, of P.aayl vau a, aw.borixtsg tbe It-tie f bank crcnlat.on u; to tue par va u. of bsada deKsitei; for Ibe estalmskuieut of national baok f .mall capital la town of 3.U0J aud upwards; cua-tgia the tax ou mentation to a tax of oa. eighth of 1 wr ceat on cainal. 'Ibe meaaure ia ou the line of r .commenda tions in tbe President's message. Grave Charges Agaiast Doctors. Tbe Vienna corresooudrnt of The Loudon Morumr Leade" says: "it baa ls-eo disco vor.. that th- puy e tu m the free hwspiials of Vienna are y temaiicaily experiiu.uttur npta ibe.r patients, rsisrc ally u.w-b ru rbiidrrn, women wbo areeucieite ai t ieru who are dying. Oue tbctor lo La-1 received an nulimited ruiuihsr of healthy children from a f.w idnug hos pital ljr exierimeiial pnri... n- cnsl bmelf oa tne f'iuJ tbat they were cueaier tba animal. Four tntdred idled. GrAYAQCIL. via. (Jalvrstoo. News was received here of tbe latt .e let ata tbe revolutionists aud gt.sriuu.eut troops at A oca j a. The Uatt ra.el a I day, but. flualiy tbe government tu tbe victory. The total ltses were 4 W knled and 3W wouu.lrd. I be govrra meut loat Ueavily. Four hnidred te be s weretak.-B priwuers. Ihe de feated insurgents fled in disorder towarda tbe Province of Molvia. Telegraph c Ercfs. A large metiog was he'd in tbe Academy of Maic New York, to i ro tes t agaiast tbe Kltev of expansion. Expressions from ex-Prest l.at Cleve land, V J. Br van and others were read and abort a ldees we e inale by ex-Ambassador Entt, Mo.rk CtU- ran and Samnel Gemiers. lUaoia tiona against the eiacsion Klicy were adopted. The Planters' Bank, at Kansas City, with a capital of 23,000, baa born Closed by tbe Stat. I he proprietors are under arrest by order of Secretary of State Le-mt and Aaaiatant Attoruey Geueral Jeffries. The bank Las no risible assets, it alleged. R, E. A. Dorr, manager of tbe New York Mail and Express representing a syndicate, has purchased tbe Phila delphia North American News(r. It ia said tbat Hon John Waaamaker is tbe principal owner. An official dinpatcb received in Mad rid from the Snln islands, of the Pud ippine groun, declares that all is wed there, aad tbat tba Speaish oecuttoa cou t tunes. Nathan B. Scott, Iter, was elected United Sts.:e senator Welnfday by tbe West Virginia Legtelat nreJ Senator elect Scott is a prouonkced expaoaioa ist According to figures published ia Madrid. 8 ,00J SpauisU soldiers er isbed. chiefly fram eickner. daring the ast campaign ia Cuba. The Spanish government baa received an official dispatch from Manila, say ing tbat all Spa nub troope aad supplies are row eoneentratiog in the Viaayaa Islands aud Miadaaa Tbe Navy Department has finally decided to lemore Ibe roll ter MerriniaV fit m ibe edge of the channel in ran tiago harbor by meaaa of exploairea. Adeline Patti, the singer, waa mar r:el at Bieutuu, Wale to Barue Ceder strom, director of the Health Gyuaalic lnatitnte there. $1.000.000 1" b: Dittriheied. A special from Havana ears: President McKinley ie uud erst ood m bare empowered Pobert P. Porter to anaoge for tbe disbursement of 3,000,. too among tbe t'auaa soldiers. Mr. Porter wul irobaidy g with Seaor Gonzales de Qaesala to Bemedioa, to m at Maximo Gomez, to persaade th Cuban oommander-in-cbtef to disband hie forces aad lend hie influence to tbe United Btatee military administration. Speaker w right ttsi;es. A apeeial from Sacrament'., Cal., eaya Speaker Wright ha teuderel Li res ignation as Speaker of tbe House. In hia resignation be net foith that be bad been guilty of no enaje. aad that he regarded tbe fiadiag of tbe ie?al committee as not warranted by ibe ev idence, bnt that aa tbe reimrt abwed a number of tbe body tbongnt hu conduct censurable, be trad ovac aded to take the coarse he bad taken im reaiguiog. Sohlcr Harries a Regress. William J. Jackajn, . a private ef Company M, Two Hundred aad First New York,iaeampatGreenTille, & C, owing to hie use of llqaor, baa gotten nimaeif into trcuble thai will doubtless take many lawycra to uuraveL La lb arsdav aigul Jackson got wa a nrt Caaa spree aad wvoud up by taking a young Bagro wwuaa. AlatU tlarie, beiwre a negro preaeoer aad manymg fll'8 to w irvnTiitt u ham rat Ce-Twl ef ui ft seam St taw) Beats ef a laari sf 1 i'run TVa b 1 tea. I rerKaa te the) reaita&t-atv s..t4 "la 4 w le eawrs.aa e tae . r -b el Cs't n. ad t- I rvv.. f u (aas eran.l I !(.- n e. . . m iiiniw a-i stint aaJr tee Basse ( "aV. aJ thai ta wiaatha aU Ue ka-e-4 wtta ail 4 a rif. J ea I . rar. M t g te srwt ! stsft ttaa a e. a-d eafaissl t .'. a r4.ae treaitaty. a4 sk. l ta !. ae ail I e 4ots a.J hsi ti.a.1 1 Sas" bb lb. a4 .a t.t ry s aer I SU . TVa tit.t mf MafivWee4 Im -ar. !. e4 b al I ransrtiy .f.ry tr x .4rtiag ite eiratMa a pe by law. la ad rfittaB ta I a. ittwtl rffswtaea, the (ieaetsj Aaaasbif auail asaa.t IB dtrax-txa, a-. t.ra asa-t b.-ta mm tae d.u of It. r ai .taal 4 ew ttsae te y.ara. mu u a4 e eaea f leva eoafrrrtsg e.a ta. .Boe the easier t ai iat ataiaau4ee f tae iarai..y m tttaAee Prtaa ar baw.oy r.a l. aa4 la.aa Geaawet Aa.O! sv; atsatlr M.t t! t'.l ra a c-a n.w esuajt ia Ibe ireaeat Uard t.f d-rvtea. CWpaaaat o .f dnwr saaU be ft pr lav aad NtU ir aa te earn war 4 tras.1 a Lie la tbe dm - rnarge ,f llt r uSt.t 4 at .. 1 m d'ret-ta uir ly tt.asiM. tkrab areata. -lru4j4oy wardraa, fmf au-iaaa, iaaaaa'rN satr riawa or otef sr. aad ota.r itit rnitit: shall pr ar i u ib..r daiiea aad tbetr ewvipeaaattoM. Ail iop. UImi k to lb. aii.ailry atail be rair4ie4 vy Ibe4irrtuts silt ra!a ervitie4 by t..iu. 1 ne boat. I of dtrociore aU provide for ter..ia ae4 kreMag in ruato.tr a I fin s.at t Ike t. t.utary t.y lb. r1llt( lt. Mai.. 1 fee aa-d bsard ahaii t.tu caaka !-. a a tr tbe uii40) r.rat ! a I rs v rta rmm Bard to tbe iaii.attary tt at aay el Ita fanus. He &rt ux-.tisr f tea direcluta la to ba brlj at U.iri-W est in lotb ot t.uiua-r. tr ..4 alter tskisg oaib Hi olire a j I elmiag e Cutl'Ulltl, tLed.ln-t a aUall ttuaar4l airly aasuui. a i routial -I tb.itra tiaty. I bebs-ar.l. at Itivtr Sisl BBSvt Itig. aad attttna lr ib.a(ir, mm the first Aloalay tm J.auair. bail aitat aa rtrcul ra ltatd t m roaaaaa 4 Hum ol Ibeir oa a t.nuiWr. wi,.U t4 eirri' re saJ uaii tuat a tue I Ita of February, lsi. aad bt ujthly IbCMl sr, or at atirb !. tiaaM ae the rbiimai un think sraary. Te sps q lit b ! ball bare a I wwera rua.ert el n lb. fall board bdiu m-iuu; tuat d et'entire ba d easy nut itti, irjra r ass4 av in a. regulative or iv law aaade by Ihe fall lK.'d. 1 lie .treat . boad u.ay abet itartiatfutau aud Bil mil a raurl.a lUat iusr uiur lbreiu. aad wuea it ruy b. r ri r. rail a teres lug -I tbe lull Ix.aid t f il rrfMi S lea days Mot oa tUa'.jf. 1 1. r tta liv. boaid ia rrr. v tt. .(a i cwaa-pi-iiaati,ti aa tbe ' .! f dirotWra. Tba boaid of ttitrrt rahlv at OBJ of ita iue Itga. Im ruj est t Iraaa, aablet ur sell to aay -raoa r rr.4 rtiwu aey r a I t Uinu. atr. aoaal -roirrir uwarsl l y in. .ia tiarr, aad roaUact lor lu. anr.44 asf ab e ImmI rs r.iVirta tiol mcm-tf te ! t at ted in tue wi.ii.. tiry. ire vtJe-t that Bri C"iv r b.n r rate a aadrr tb. acmj Miaaa revest, oueuol aud rare of ibr Xreui e tMar4 r tie ceataaad s.ita' t-, ... irMlel for ibrr tbat na uch ru nt tart sb.ll be m dtarfbee tas Mt't'i I't a.a tba 1 tu.irwairiMj .gr'uat loaa tararrrd in calnvatlag sa'd farua and rtu4eviag ueh cosVKtt. Ibe cflj-eot aBprr BV teadrat f the -ait.at i.v ! abstaked Bid all lawa mating totbedalies aad c inpeasatiou f urh offlci ae re traaL The 'fflre A c rk ( th a tUatiary la alo blibrd. t baUff 214, lawa of 1917. aad bapter 417, i.wa of IJJJV, aaJ rbaplrr SHI. lawa A MM. and srctioB Z17 t.f 'J be Code are re alaL Prorlaiwua cf tbe wdl in sm far as tbey app y tolbe rl.ni.a t-f ltditee tore aad te allium t-t vacaart.a ib be bward of dtrertora aball t la effawt frui tbe ra'-ifirstMa of iue bill; the o'-ber rovia oas are to g tate eflect en the 10th of February. I8J4. Tbe CMtzitnts Vcteraas. At a large assemblage of CttafeJeeabf veteraaa held is lUleia'h the artnaj Bight ibe fuilowio resvlBiMtae were edei-teJ: "Tbe T.tcrana of North Car oliaa esesnblel drsre te rive otsree- tea to their cardial aa J sincere appro e atioa of tbe ympe'bs'tie aad trotie uttrraorea .f tbe I'reatd.at f that Uuitrd Matr. ia rrfrr.ace tLe rare ot tbe Coafaderate dra-L aad te aaaare him tbat this gessraua laerasge bee aet been uiseoattrurd by them; tbat nr heartfelt tbe tks aredae aad tea dered io the wjtia.a of tue Haatb far their 1 ivmg aad aa.t6'i care of Con faJrrate soldiers la iue Hoetbara States aad tbat ae earaetly trust ihet tbry Bad tb.tr daughters after tbefa ball always be iriai ga.rdutaa ol these naves. lUsnlvel, fertber. That w. aiBCrtely ths-.k tboae f rieads etti zras of tne Northern "Mates wbo bate o kiad r watered aad leadered tba graves of onr Coufr-I.rate h.roee in Northern cetueteries. Jasaee U. Aver itt aad O. W. Iitacaael! ware appoint ed a eotn mission Ut raiteJ-zM te meet a like amount ofis. ed brCli Rease te ereeta moaemeat evrataeworattag tbe valor ef tbe Xrth Caroliaa dead at Winchester. W. C Htroaacb, 1'. 11. Boatoe, John A. lUaar, C M. Dea son, J. H. Carr and W. P. lUberte were appelated to memorialize tbe Legislatare te tacreae tbe taxes for leesioB to 5 rents a the floo prop, crty, 15 reata oa puMa end fr ti,Wf fr the mainleaaaee ed the Sold tore Heme. The Legislatare has tskea entire charge of tbe leaitcauary. Ilia now tbe State e f leoa, aad (. aUia Day ie euated. Ba d ray ne, a negro who ia ia jail la Ashertlle a a charge of eassf-ite-iy in ibe J"'ned.abnrg tmUimtf, Isacame ia vol red ia ea alteresttoa U bis eoll tuate. Fiaweaca IVyd, alee eobarra!. Payee eetzed Ily4'. ear ta ble tretfe tlarteg tae atmrg:, aad before the were eeisvatoJ ca.wad off the eabre apptr taarUoa of fata eppwaeat'e ear. The Featbere r.aiVay ta leyiag pipe sad resktBg extensive ireiratioaa far rrectiag a taak with a caj aety of f, ttt cai.e is at Gree tbwr for enfly taj: taeir esiiaet w.:n water. Slry-Strca CaacU Peiseari. A aprcial frrra Cbeaier. Pee earl reeia, aaye ifcat a xty.se vaa Cadets ef the Peaeylvaaia 21 d'terr a end eeay, at tbat 4aee. were iwtdied. two-near bly from eatisg turkey, rtyaiasane were called ta and they adminis tered aatidjtea. The reDdititm etf the atek gradually imjrered natd ail were eat of deafer. Tbe remains of the late Hon. A a rust na Hill Garland were laid to retia Uat H-dly Crmetery, at Little Eock, Atk. Tb'crrrmaie attraOiag the fuaerat and interment were imposing and were axreaed by .a creat taxonc f I

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