CAUCASIAN. BBSNSBaSMBBBM M VOL. XVII. RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA. THURSDAY. FEBRUARY 23. 1899. NO. 12. ' ' - 11 THe House Passes it by a Vote of 81 to 27. SHORT FORM OE AGRICULTURAL Xlen for Torty-One Counties-To Promote Comforl of Travelors on Railraods To Tei! Possession of State Prison. Timirr-ir;i Day. Id the Senate bills pasted to regulate tbe action to test tho possession cf the State prison and to puy mileage and per diem totlie new hoard; to authorize Clay and I'itt cniintinn to levy special, taxe and to promote thn comfort of travelers on railroad. The special corutnittee ap pointed rai ly in tbe session to iuv;n- ik'ftto Governor Russell's snpnion 'f .1. W. Wihon and S. Oibo Wilson, ruilrond couirtiiHsiouer, from their of fice, Iiim ili!ed that the evidence le foro t: K Jovernor did not warrant the Miii'Oii.'iou of .Major J. NV. Wilson. 'Ihn cn f S. Otho Wilson ia still ninler cirnil ration. 'I'll (in Y mkvkntii 1'AV. -In thoSena'o the following bill wn introduced: duMico, to hIhHIi the ollice of oonnty lreauret. 1 he i-alendar was taken up mid tin) followins bills were panned: To winoiid chapter VMt, lawH of 1h:m, to al low tho Wilmington .V We!don Rail ion I Company to consolidate with the Uluntii! Cmit Line and other roads; to I r. villa shirt fi rm of agricultural liens Mini fhttlt mortgages in Johnston and Iredell conn tin-.; b require thoSiiprcme ( '..nrt to filu a wnttuii opinion o all H.'uigiimen t of error, decisions or judg ments re:i l"id l.y sai 1 court; to amend miction :t;i7 of HS i; to exchange Sn rreiuo Court Report ami law of North Carolitiii wiili the government of Ha wnii. Also u number of local bill. Vim bill to amend section of Tho Code, relative to argument hi to a doud iduh'n testimony, was tabled and tno "clincher" put upon it. This bill in..t a like end in the House. A joint resolution wh adopted pro viding (lint, a committee bo nppoiutod to secure belter ventilation for the leg Dilutive IiuIIm. Tho Senate then went into tin! nomination of members of the board of internal improvements. Sen ntor Justice nomiuatod: E. F. Lamb, first, district; J. V. Grainger, second district; W. J. Adams, third; Armi stead Join's, fourth: C. W. Parka, t'dth; J. I!. Caldwell, sixth; A. IL. Ijoydeu, seventh; Clement Mnuly, eighth: W. T. Lee, ninth. Those were elected. l iiiiirv i tuuni pay -In the Seuate commit too reports w ere favorable on a number of bill. The bill to establish Scotland county was favorably re ported. Among tho bills introduced were: Hicks, to appoint a State Educa tional and Text-Hook Association; Jerome, authorize constables to ap point deputies; Mclntyre, to prevent fraud on tho part of persons obtaining advances on agricultural liens; Smith, to build a terry over Rocky river; James, to amend chapter ;iU5, laws of also (by request) to estab- I'sh a dispensary at Greenville; Miller, to incorporate the Fungo .V Matimuskeet Hailroad Company. The calendar wns taken up, and bills passed: I'm restore white government tti the counties of the State; to allow the Wilmington ,fc W!don Kailroad to consolidated with tho Atlantic Coast Line; to incorporate the Carolina Northern Kailroad Company ; to amend the chapter of the town of Nashville; to prohibit the sale of liquor in Colum bus county, and to establish a dispen sary at Whiteville; to amend the char tor of tho town of Winterville; tj authorize the commissioners of lastnn couuty to levy a special tax. A bill to i revent huutini: on lands in ?dscu a id Johnston counties without writteu icroiissiou of the owners passed ilurd reidiur, as did bills relative to the probate t;f deeds and other instru ments, aud the private examination of married women; toaiueud section 4:i"iof I he Code, by allowing the judgment of a jusrice of the peace to merge in the judgment o' the Superior Court when it is rendered m the same case. 1 he specirl ordor for tho election of tho directors of the Deaf and Dumb School Dt Morganton was taken up. Seuator James nominated M. L. Heed, of Uuncombe; M. II. Holt, of (iuilford;X. B. Froughton, of Wake, unil V. V. Kiehardson, of Columbus, 't hese const'tute four of the present board of directors. A.J. Dula and 8. If. Hoffman, the other two directors remain in officb until li01. After a lengthy discussion the special order was postponed. Thirty-ninth Day. The Senate panned the following bills: To estab lish the county of Scotland (ayea 33 noes 2); to incorporate the town of ifotl'nniu, in Michmond county; to place Jiald Mou hid in the stock law terri tory; to j ; W. L. Norwood ?.i8i) back fii'ury; to incorporate the Home Pro tection Insurance Company; to pro hibit the sale of hqnor in Shelby; to in corporate the IVople's Savings ihmk of Asheville; to incor porate the IJank of Mooresville. roHTiKTii Day. The Seuate passed li.e constitutional amendment by a voie of forty-one to six. Franks, Camp 1 e. i, Crisp, Goodwin, Newsomo aud Fuller voting no: Harris, populist, voted aye, and was loudly applauded. FouTT-Frnsr Day. Report of com mittee wns favorable as to bill estab lish a dispensary at Greensboro. A number of new bills were introduced. J he calendar wa Wkeu up and large number of lulls were passed. Tho bill to provide short forms rf agricultural 1 e:is end chattel mortgages passed. This bill allows the clerk 10 cents for probating and the register of deeds 3b ceuts for registering. It a pjies to Granville, Cumberland, Vance, Nash, Edgecuine, Greene. Duplin, avne. Lenoir. J.uncombe, Person, McDowell, Martin, Kuthcrford, Ons low, Pender, Wilson, Kockingham, Rdwan, Dnrham, Caswell, Kobeson, Hladen, Pruusv.ick, New Hauover, Moore, Polk, IJu ke, Beanfort, Chow an, Ashe, Wataaga, Sampson, Alle ghunv. Warren, Carteret, (ataw ba, Pitt, Alamance, Craven, Jones, (iaton, Richmond, Lincoln, Gates ami Forsyth. The counties espe cinlly excepted from the provision of Pie act are Cherokee, Halifax, Warren, Harnett Dnvie. and Washington. I he electiou of directors for the Deaf and Dumb School at Morganton was t ike i up. Senitor James put in nom inntio i the same men previously put forward by the committee: M. L. I!eetl, of l?nncombe county; M. H. Holr. f Guilford; V.V. Kiehardson, of Columbus; x. B. Bronghton, of Wake; V. A. Gner, of Mecklenburg. Senator 'Willi pu' in nomination H. C. Here iijg, of CoiiCrd. Upon a vote bein ''!!), the rive men nominated by thg ' niiuittce were elected, Dr. Herring '.cjiviug only 13 votes. The bill re lit. i,- to the establishment of the Ge-.logical survey, (providing for thi J vetig;.tioti of the ovster and fist littrrts ,f n,e State) paused fin idiug. Th oiii to preveut frauds on the part of persona obtaining advances oo V!Di was tabled- n wnni m mriiriiT ni THE HOUSE. Tiiikty-sixth Dat.-Ih tie House bills were introduced to authorize the commissioners of Mecklenburg countv to issue bonds to macadamize and Im prove the public roads of the county; to provide for an iLjunctive relief agen- of foreign corporations and to ( give the State courts complete jurisdic tion ;to give a dispensary toSwmn coun ty. A bill passed to allow the speaker of the House to vote on roll calls. Bills were passed placing tho blind in stitute in Democratic hands, to give I'nucombe and forty other aun Hes tbo short form of agricultural lien and chattel mortgage and ! n tne registration lee at thirty cents, clerk's fee fifteen cents. A bill introduced by Conned has for its purpose needed amendments to the present quaran tine laws of tho State, and amended, a co l ificatiou of the law relating to thissnbject to be published nd posted throughout the State. The law of this State is made to conform near as possible with the national quarantine laws, ah power looking to the en forcement of this law is lflft with thn Commissioner of Agriculture. f . - . . h i kt i s k v k nt H Uay. Jd the tionse the judiciary committee made a com plete report on tne resulution intro duced by White, Republican, of Davie, charging that it wan reported that Judge Brown was intoxicated. The report said that with full evidence the charge found to be baseless; that White desired to withdraw theresolution;that leading Republicans, such as Messrs. Hampton and Petree. said that it was no party measure, and that Mr. White had been misled. An unfavorable re port was ntde on the bill to instruct the State Treasurer to returu to Alex ander county ,J,00) of its bonds giv en the State for convict labor. Among the bills introduced were: Ellen, to prevent minors from congre gating in bar-rooms anil to prevent bar-keepers from giving free lunches. Boushall, to enforce the collection of taxes on lands sold for taxes; Thomp son, to allow the penitentiary to com plete the (Juuker Bridge road, in Ons low and Joues counties (he says SjO. -000 has been exuended on this road; but it has nover beeu completed; it runs through the State swamp lauds); also a number of local bills. On mo tion of McLean, the House took up the committee's substitute bdl to provide separate accommoda tions for whites and negroes. It pro vides a iirst-class car for each race, and a divided second-class car; the railroad commission to be given charge of the regulation of the matter, and to be given power to except roads whose in come does not exceed 81, f00 per mile. Winston sent forward a substitute. Gilliam made a motion that the bdl, tho substituted of McLean and Win ston, together with other amendments, be printed aud made a special order, t his was adopted, so far as the com mittee's bill is concerned. The com mitteo on salaries aud fees report ed as u substitute a bill reducing the fees of State and county oilicers. The calendar was taken un aiid a uum ber of third roa ling bills passed. The Seuate aud House met in joint session for tho purpose of electiug the State board of internal improvements. At 1:10 the door-keeper announced that the Senate approached. Speaker Con nor directed the members of the House to Maud. The Lieutenant Governor headed the Seuate, and took his place ou the Speaker's iei't. He called the joint assemblage to order, announced its object and called for nominations. Theso were made of follovs: First dis trict. E. F. Lamb, of Elizabeth City; second, J. W. Grainger; third, Wr. J. Adams, of Carthage; fourth, Armistead Jones, of Raleigh; fifth, Charles M. Parks, of Hillsboro; sixth. R. D. Cald well, of Lincolnton; J. W. Spainhonr, of Morganton; seveuth, A. II. Boyden, of Salisbury; W. A, Bade-, Republi can, of Mocksville; eighth. Clement Manly, of Winston; Jesse F. Walsh, of Surry; niuth, W. T. Leo. of Waynes ville. Democratic nominees were all elected, ;it Senstors voting for them, and three for the others, and 14 members of tho House voting for them, and 11 for the others. Senator Justice made a motion that joint session continue, in order to hear the report of the committee in the case of Maj. J. W". Wilson aud his removal as railroad commissioner. The motion prevailed. At 2 o'clock Senator Os borne came forwa-d aud presented the special committee's report. On motion of Senator Ward action was deferred, and 500 copies of the report were or dered printed. At the afternoon ses sion the consideration of the calendar and a number of bills were passed. Thirty-r.u;:iTH Day. In the House bills were introduced as follows: Hampton, to amend the charter of the Danville, Granite City & Western Short Cut R. R. , re enacting act of 1S01; Win ston, to establish a dispensary at Sea board; Gattis, to extend the stock law in Chatham; Carraway to change the line between Greens and Leuoir coun ties; Nicholson, to incorporate the Pun go Ar Mattamuskeet Railroad; Ronu tree to amend chapter 450, acts of 1S91, regarding stevedores, also to amend the act in regard to taxation for costs so New Hanover will not be liable for over four witnesses save in capital felonies; Holman, to prevent felling cf timber in certain streams in Iredell. The calendar was taken up and the following bills were passed: To amend the law relating to the. govern ment of cities and towns; to amend the charter of Winston; to amend the char ter of Wadesboro; to amend the char ter of Gastonia; to give the commis sioners of Ashe, Alleghany and WTa tauga counties special power's regarding public roads; to establish graded schools at Dobsou, with special tux and boud issue. An effort to reconsider the vote by which the Houo tabled the bill to create three State tax com missioners was made and faded. By leave Council introduced a bill to incorporate the Slater Industrial u.m Normal Institute at Winston. A num ber of bills passed third readiug. Win ston, in behal. of tho committee o: constitutional amendments subny.tte the substitute,covering the amendment limiting th9 suffrage. Tne bdi wi placed on the calendar The Ht-u- took up as a special ordor tu eleotion of directors cf ti:e D?;ii aud Dumb School at Morgans.;;. On motion it was postponed.' Aile;. said some doubt had arisen anions thr Senators as to whether there shou d I e a joint ballot or separate ballot for Cue members of the board of interna, improvements, and that the Snuate had held a separate tlecUon. He therefore suggested that the Hons-.' take the Mime course. The House then went into the election. Rountree submitting the report' ef the apeciai committee on constitu tional amendments reported the bill to amend section 2, article 9 of the con stitution. Bills passed: To preveat farmers in Wake from turning water from farms into the publio roads by means of ditches, etc., violation being a misdemeanor, unless an outlet for the water is provided; to .provide for the election of the State's proxy of the North Carolina Railroad, and of the State directors of the same by th6 board of internal im- iprovemente, to provide for the offering of city ordinances in the tranfer of cases from mayor's courts a prima facie evidoceof existence of such ordinance. At the afternoon session the Houe passed btlis a follows: To provide for the better protection of mechanics and laborers; to re,al chapter lJ, laws cf l'i7; tore;sl the act compelling tita-bsr-cntters in Tyrrell to establish iine before cutting timber; to unite tL Richmond, Petersburg and Carolina Railroad; to repeal the acts wherebv Shelby and townships one and three, in Cleveland county, were exempted from local option laws. Thirty-ninth Day. The Houne passed the suffrage bill by a vote of l to 27. The debate was orened by Roundtree, chairman of the committee that reported the bill. The bill before the House was. he said, a substitute ft,r the original Winston bill prepared by the committee. Roundtree reed from the constitution of Massachusetts, which State has an educational qualiii cation, except that tho defendants of all persons who could vote on May 1 1867, can vote. He Haul: "There U not the slightest difference of principle between that law and the one we now have under consideration. Ocrs is to protect us agaist ignorant negraa. The Massachusetts law is to protect the State from ignorant foreigners. A perfect whirlwind of applause, lasting nearly a minute greeted the conclusion of Mr. Rountree's spoech. which was delivered with powerful effect. He was fol lowed by Isaac Smith, colored, of Craven. Of all sad thoughts to him the saddest was that the very peo ple whom he had hold up to his rate as their best friends were now about to disfranchise them. The negro, he said, regarded their right to vote as the dearest thing on earth. "I tell you in four years from now you'll want to re consider today's action and can't." Fortieth Day. In the House bills passed to incorporate the Bank of Ala mance; to provide for working Cum berland'a roads; to incorporate the Eureka Mining and Manufacturing Company; to repeal chapter 94, public laws of 1897, and re-enact chapter 296, acts of 1895; to prohibit the sale of whiskey at Shelby; to drain lowlands in Rowan, Davie and Dvidson; to amend the charter of Blowing Rock; to provide for keeping open of canals and drainage ditches; to change the line of Givenwood township, Moore county; to incorporate the Fire Insur ance Company of Robeson county; for the relief of the sureties of A". II. Abell, tax collector of WTaynesville; to establish graded schools at Lexington; to allow Wilmington to fund its debt; to allow Lincoln county to levy a spe cial tax; to prohibit leaving felled tim ber in streams iu Jredell county The House passed the Charlotte dispensary bill unanimously, also the bill to let the State printing to the lowest responsible bidder in the State and to create the Bureau of La bor statistics and Printing under a la bor statistician and one assistant. Clarkson's amendment to elect statisti cian by popular vote after 1901 was adopted. Forty-first Day. In the House Leatherwood introduced a resolution to raise a committee to ascertain what has become of the report of the State Board of Agriculture, which was called for early in the session. Winston in troduced a resolution to raise a joint committee of five to recommend trus tees of the Agricultural and Mechani cal College. The Speaker announced Messrs. Bunch and Patterson, of Cald well, as the committee to ask the Gov ernor for the Lames of the trustees of that college whose terms have expired. The House took up as special order the election of trustees of the Deaf and Dumb School at Morganton. Patter son, on behalf of the joint committee, nominated M. L. Reed, of Buncombe; M. H. Holt, of Guilford; V. V. Rich ardson, of Columbus; N.B. Broughton, of Wake; R. A. Grier, of Mecklenburg. The vote was taken and resulted in the eltction of the committee's nominees. The House took up another special order a batch of bills regarding salaries aud fees of State officials and the heads of various institutions, etc. There was also a substitute presented by the com mittee on salaries and fees. The sub stitute was therefore considered. The bill does not affect the salaries of the present State and judicial officers, as the constitution forbids suoh legisla tion. The substitute as drawn pro vided that the act should take etfet upon its ratification. Mr. Allen said it could not apply to any constitutional officer. He also said that by the act of 1895 the salary of railroad commission ers was reduced to 1,500, effective at the expiration of Major Wilson's term (April. 1899). The bill was taken up and considered by sections. Section 1. reducing the salary of State Treasurer from 83,000 to 82,350, was adopted. Section 2 of the bill, fixing the salary of the ciiief clerk of the State Treasur er at 81,200 was adopted. Other re ductions named were Secretary of State 81.S0O (these were adopted); rail road commissioners $1,500 each. Sec tiou 3 was eaken up, reducing the sala ry of State Librarian to 8750. Moore olle-ed an amendment making it 8900. Ray moved to strike out the section al together. This was lost, 39 to 44. Moore's amendment was adopted, 58 to 2(5. The pay of the secretary of the board of public charities was fixed at 83 a day. The salary of the reporter of the Supreme Court was named at S500. (It is now 81,000). It was fixed at $759. The salary of the clerk of the Supreme Court was fixed at 8200 and fees. The House adopted the motion of Moore reducing salaries of the asylum superintendents, presidents of the Uiveraity, Agricul and Mechanical College,, Normal and Industrial College and Blind and Deal Mute Institutions to 82,000. Section 14, naming $700 as the salaries cf stewards at each of the institution! referred to, was adopted. Section 15, fixing salaries of deputy inspectors of shell fish at 835 per month was adopted. Section 1C, fixing salary of private sec retary to the Governor at 8100, was adopted. The 17th Bection waa adopt ed that salaries may be paid monthly. The bill, as amended, then passed sec ond and third reading, Rous tree by leave, introduced a bill to enable deeds of railroads to be recorded more rapidly, by allow ing certain copies to be used. Another special order was taken up, be ing the bill to reduce salaries' and fees of solicitors and county officers. The first section reduces solicitors' fees in capital cases to 815 and also requires that soliditors be required to attend only the criminal terms ot'eourt The general reduction of fees, all alonr tha liine, is approximately 20 percent The next section reduced from 50 to 30 cents the cost of an appeal from clerk to judge. The next bection reduced the fee for an appeal to the Supreme Court frofti $-2 to 81. Hampton protested, but the section was adopted. The next sec tion reduced fee for taking final action from 825 to 815. Gattis moved to strike out The motion prevailed. The next section reduced from 825 to 815 clerk's fees in case there is contest of an ac count. The House rejected this section. The next section reduced from 60 to 50 cents the fee for bond of justification, and it was adopted, while the next which reduced from 81 to 70 cents the clerk's fee for capias, was stricken out The fee for execution and return, in eluding docketing, was reduced from 50 to 25 cents. The question of exempt ing any counties came op again. Ja- t vui iu ma aiecaiseBi vo strike cm the entire third section of the bill and then moved to table his amendment and thu. of coarse, the bill alo). Winston demanded the yea and cays on the motion. The vote waa yeas 4:1; nays 43. The Speaker broke the tie by voting no and was applauded. W0IRIED BY THE CLEIILLAS. Wae Soldiers Wounded, One of Whom Bat Since Died. A special from Washington says: Oeneral Otia has cabled the War De partment the names of nine American oldiers wounded on Tariqnina road, north of the pumping station, Friday. Of these, Private George Adams, com pany A, First Nebraska, died. The re portsTof such skirmishes as those noted above, and the stories of frequent fir ing by concealed natives, upon the American outposts, have conveyed the impression to the officials here that General Otis is being rapidly brought to a pass where he most assume a most vigorous offensive campaign. Although no instructions have yet been sent to him it is assumed that he will feel jus tified soon in doing this to prevent the demoralization of his troops, and also to make his position tenable in the approaching wet season. The nature f the country around Manila favors the tactics the insurgents Beem to have adopted, after learning that they could not faco the American soldiers in the open field, and it doubtless will be General Otis' task, just as soon as his reenfercements reach him, to clear them away. In is estimated that at the rate of progress now making by the transport Grant, tho 1,800 troops on that ship will land at Manila aboat March 4. A couple of weeks later the Sherman will arrive at the same place with a similar number of troops and two weeks after that the Sheridan is due with the troops now embarking at New York. Loubet Elected President. A special from Paris says M. Loubet was elected President Saturday after noon. He received 483 votes, against 279 oast for M. Meline, and 50 scatter ing. The newly-elected President has promised to devote his best efforts to fulfilling the wishes of the country and to "reunite the Republicans who have drifted asunder by the current of un happy evonts." The new President comes from the part of France where the Roman power lasted longer, name ly, Marsanne, in the department of Drome. He gives the impression of remote Latin origin, and looks to be a solid, practical man, who sees the facts of life just as they are. As President of the Senate he has official and other experiences that will be useful to him as President of the republic, but he is essentially a plain middle-class mau, whose mind was sharpened by his practice at the bar in the provincial town of Montelimar in the south of France. lie is there most popular, and every one at Montelimar counts himself a personal friend of Loubet, who, as mayor, co-councillor, Deputy and Senator, always acted as the ser vant of the public. Obliging to his neighbors, he was as accessible as was Grant or Lincoln, and not less unpre tending. To Limit Suffrage. A special from Raleigh, N. C, says: An amendment to the constitution of North Carolina, limiting suffrage, has been adopted by both branches of the General Assembly. It passed the House by a vote of 81 to 27, and the Senate by a vote of 41 to 6. It will be eubmitte 1 to a vote of the people in August, 1901, at the same time State officers are voted for. The avowed ob ject of the amendment is to eliminate the ignorant negro vote. To do this educatioaal, property and poll tax qualifications are prescribed. But this is made iceffective as to white people by the further provision that any per son car; vote who was entitled to vote on January 1, 1867, or anytime prior thereto, or whose ancestors were so en titled to vote. Six Negro, s Drown, d. At Bishoville, S. C, a negro man named Ned Bostic found that the water of the river was rising around his house. He got an old boat and placing his family, consisting of his wife, Emily, and his children, Irene, Ben, Rollins and Burrell,m it, tried to reach a point of safety. As he neared the bridge on the Wilmington, Columbia & Augusta Railroad, however, the boat went to pieces and the entire party was drowned. Oyster Boats Carried Out to Sea. A special from Cape Charles, Va., says: Fifty oyster sloops and schoon ers have been carried out to sea by drifting ice frcm Magothy's Bay. It is believed many are manned and the crews may suffer from exposure and hunger. Tugs will be sent to overhaul the drifting vessels. The recent order of the Baltimore & Ohio Railroad for five thousand steel coal cars to be built by the Pressed Steel Company and the Carnegie Com pany, brings the total purchases of the receivers of the Baltimore & Ohio Rail road up to 30,864 since March 1st, 1896. The locomotive purchases during that time have been 216, of which about 20 re still to be delivered. The Company has also purchased rive postal cars, ten express cars, ten combination cars and six dining cars. Five Frozen Bodies Float Ashore. A special from Cape Charles, Va,, says: Shelly Banks, an old colored man who drives a delivery wagon be tween here and Capeville, was found frozen to death in a snow drift about two miles from his home. Five bodies, two white and three colored, floated ashore on Smith's Island. It is thought the men were trying to get ashore on the ice from a boat and were frozen. A special from Brunswick, Ga., says the Ma' lory steamer, City of San An tonio, from New York to that city, is over due and grave apprehension ia felt for its safety. The San Antonio ia re ported to have 100 tourists on board from New York and Boston for Flor ida. Stealinf Water in Havana. Enormous frauds in the water distri bution in Havana have been discovered by the committee appointed to inquire into the finances of the city. It appears that one-fifth of the householders in Havana have been stealing water, with the connivance of the the Alcades .de Barrios aud the mayors of 39 wards, who are also water inspectors in their respective districts, the city losing by this means between $60,000 and $80,000 a year, a percentage of this amount go ing into the pockets of the alcades. The frauds have been perpetrated for years back. Now comes an endless chain idea that possesses the merit" of distinct originality. A Milwaukee, preacnei by this method has nearly 20,000 per sons praying for the conversion of sin ner of that wicked city. MUCH PR ID HI EH His Death Occurred Yery Suddenly of Apoplexy, THE PRESIDENT IN BOSTON. A Banquet Tendered Him by toe bone Market Club Aa lomeas : Tbrca; of Ea tbvtUstic Citizens. Paris (By Cable). -M. Faure, Presi dent of the republic of France, died at 10 o'clock Thursday after an illness of three hours of apoplexy. It had been known for some time that his heart was weak, but the first inti mation that he wai sick was given when a message was dispatched to the Premier, M. Dupuy, announcing thai the President was ill. Dupuy imme diately repaired to theElvsee. All med ical efforts proved futile and tne Pres ident died on tho stroke of 10. 'The flag on the Elysee was lowered to half mast and the news was dispatched to all the officials and members of the cabinet. The report spread rapidly through the oity and large crowds soon assembled in the vicinity of the palace. President McKinley, on being in formed of tbe death of President Faure, express! his surprise aud grief. A suitable message of condol ence will be sent by the President throne h Secretary Hay. Trances Felt. Faur, sixth President of third Republic of France, was born Jauuary 20, 1841, iu Paris, and was the son of a cabi net maker. When quite young hf married the daughter of M. lieiluolt. an attorney at Ambyse. Almost immediately afterward ht settled at Havre as a commUoion mercbant and he soon became a leading t-liip own-r. During the Franco-Prussian war ho wa- c;ip tain of the Mobiles of the Seine Inferuro, in which capacity he took part iu the skirmishes near Havre. btinir recommended by Admiral Mouchcy for the Legion of Honor. He great ly distinguished himself by the proinprn)-9 with which he, at the head of volunteer fire men, organized by him, extinguished the Area started at Havre by the Communards. In doing this he was slightly wounded by a shalL During the war, Gambetta sent him to England to buy arms for tho Frnneo Tiereurs and Mobiles. In August, 11, he offered himself as a candidate for Parlia ment in the third district of Havre, and waa eleoted. He was appointed under Secretary of State for the Colonies In the Gambetta ad ministration, and held the same office in the ministry of M. Jules Ferry (1833), M. P.ris son (1885), and M. Tierard, 187. In May, 1891, he became Minister of Marine in Du puy's cabinet, and was appointed vice i resident of the Chamber of Deputies, a po sition to which he WR3 several times e eited. On the retirement ot M. Casimir-Perier, who resigned the Presidency January 15, 185, he was chosen President ty 430 votes, as against 361 given to Henri Brissou, the election tak ing place Jan. 17, 1895. The President in Boston. Boston, Mass. (Special.) The crowning event of the day ard the principal feature of the President's visit to Boston was the banquet ten dered him by the Home Market Club at Mechanics Hall. The Presidential party left the Hotel Touraine under cavalry escort at 4:20 and proceeded through an immense cheering crowd direet to Mechanic's Hall. The recep tion was held in Paul Revere Hall, and for over three-quarters of an hour President McKinley and other dis tinguished guests stood ia line and were introduced and shook hands with fully 2,500 persons. At 6 o'clock the bugle sounded, announcing that the banquet was ready to be serve I and the immense company marched into the hall, while the band played. The President's table was made conspicuous by immense boquets of American Beauty roses and pinks. On the walls were large portraits of Washington, Lincoln and McKinley and underneath was the word "Liberators" in large let ters. Upon the balcony was a picture of Admiral Dewey, with the motto, "To the Captain of a German ship: You must not sail by the United States flag without saluting it." and his famous command at Manila: "You may fire, Gridley, when ready." President Mc Kinley sat at the front of the platform and among those at his table were Mayor Quinoy, of Boston; Secretary Long, Secretary Alger, Governor Wol cott, Secretary Gage; Postmaster Gen eral Smith and Secretary Bliss. There was great enthusiasm when President McKinley was introduced. The Presi dent delivered a lengthy address, and made a deliverance on the government's dealings with the Philippines. He said it was a trust thrown upon ns from which we will not flinch. Telegraphic Briefs. Lucien M. Chipley, a prominent financier of St. .Louis, Mo., died in that city recently of cancer of the liver. A movement is on foot by the 6treet car interests of Seattle, Wash., to se cure from the city oouncil a new 50 year franchise, including all the street railways of the city in place of the present franchise held by the various lines separately. It is said the move ment is in the interest of Eastern capi talists. Senor Montero Bios, who was Presi dent of the Spanish peace commission, has resigned the presidency of the Spanish Senate, owing to the popular outcry against his defence of the com mission. At Berlin, the German Bundesrath passed the meat inspection bilL The proceedings were private. The bill, which is in draft form, will now go to the ReichBtag. The war department has honorably discharged Major Generals Butler and Sumner, and Brigadier Generals Kline, McKee, Wiley, Lincoln and Comba, all of the volunteer army. Reports from all sections of the orange belt of Florida indicate that the recent cold wave did not do much per manent damage. Acting on advices received from Manila, the California Red Cross So ciety has decided to continue the main tenance of its hospital station in that oity aa long aa the California volunteers remain in the Orient. The military affairs committee of the House has reported favorably the Sen ate bill to make Adjutant General H. C. Corbin a major general. The British steamer Bothinia, Capt Warr (chartered by the Spanish gov ernment for use as a transport) which sailed from Cienfuegos via St Michaels on February 6, with repatriated troops on board, has arrived at Barcelona. The Southern fast mail provision lias been inserted in the bill in ths Senate. It appropriates $171,000. It was strick en out in the House and will have to rnn the guantlet of the House again. The propabilities are that it will pass the House this time. The report of the commission on the codification of the United States crimi nal and penal laws is about completed, and the portion of it covering offenses against the postal laws has been sub mitted as a special report to Congress. The Postmaster General has commu nicated with both houses of Congress, asking for immediate enactment of the entire report on this subject, pointing outjts urgent needs. . THE JUT10VS UW. VilllS. frcecetatt sf ti Seaatc ami Beau Pay by Day. MXATS. FouTt tioarn Dat. In the Ssaate a bill extending the "cordial apprecia tion" cf Cob grass to Miss Helea Mil lr Gouli for ber patriotic srvie da ring the receat war, aad providiag that the Presideat should press at te ber a gold medal, was passed. A bdl also passed providing for the admis sion to the Naval Academy as a cadt, of Oscar W. Deigaan, one of the Mer rimac heroes. FofcTT-xrvrn Da r. The army re organization bill was reported to the Senate, and Hawley, t,f Connecticut, cbairmaa of the military affair com mittee, cave notirathkt L wnni.i to proceed to its consideration at the earliest rossibl tim Th nt oncel billas taken up and read, but ro uor was mai to proceed farther with its mnil.ltiitii Tv. m.i.. vi. turn M UlkMJ T Academy appropriation bill waa passed. auo pwomce appropriation bill was under consideration during the greater part of the afternoon, and not dis used of finally. A spirited debate occurred over tha imnilmttii f i v . Senate committee providing for aa ap- i ropnawon io secure a fast mail service between New York and Washington aud Atlanta and New Orleans. The amendment was retained in the bilL Morgan offered the Nicaraguan Canal bill as an amendment to the river and barber bill, and had it referred to th committee on commerce, now ronsidere ing that measure. The bill offered by Senator Morgan is sbbstantiallv the Hepburn bill offered in the ifouse, with some modifications. Fiftieth Dat. The Senate adopted arosolution instructinc the Vice Presi dent of the United States and ".'resi dent of the Senate, to express to the government aod the eople of France the sympathy of the Senate in the bereavement that has fallen upon the French republic in the death of Presi dent Faure. The naval personnel bill for which the Navy Department ha been contending for so many years, was passed by the Senate. It was un der discussions for several hours, but was passed practically in the form it. which it was reported by the Senate committee. The remainder of the day's session was devoted to the passage of bills on the private ieiiMon calendar, 74 in number, and to the reading of the Alaska Code bill. The agreement un der w hich Alaska bill wan drawn pro vided that no other business than the formal reading should be transacted. Fiftt-first Day. The Senate spent most of the day on the postofflce ap propriation bill, but failed to complete it. A spirited controversy arose over the Senate amendment that star route bidders shall reside on the route where the service is to b.i performed. The amendment was allowed to stand with a suggestion frrm Jones, of Arkansas, that the conferees provide atrainst sub letting of star route bids. A number of bills of miuor importance were passed fiarly in the day. At 4 o'clock tribute to the memory of tbe late Rep resentative Simpkins, f Massachu setts, were pronounced. Fifty-second Day. During almost six hours the postoffi:e appropriation bill was under discussion the Senate. The army reorganization bill was taken up and made the unfinished business. vtiieu iuo appropriation bul was called up Butler proposed au amendment re ducing the amount iaid to railroads for transportation of mail from $33, 27.5,000 to S30.500.000. Tillman offered an amendment providing that mail boxes be erected along star routes to be maintained by the people. Adopted. THE HOUSE. Fiftieth Day. The House settled tho fate of the Nicaragua Canal bill in this Congress bj re fusing to override the decision of the chair in committee of the whole, when the chair held that the canal bill offer ed as an amendment to the sundry civ il bill by Mr. Hepburn was out of order. The chair was sustained by a vote of 127 to 10k The reading of the sundry civil bill was continued. The appro priation for the deep waterways com mission was increased from $60,000 to S'.iO.OOOon motion of the appropriation committee. After completing ten ad ditional pages of the bill the committee rose. The conference report on the Newport News, Va., public building bill, which increased the appropriation from $5,000 to $100,000 was adopted. Fifty-1st Day. Two very sensation al and unexpected things happened in the House during the consideration of the sundrv civil bill. The paragraph carrying the appropriation of $20,000, 000 for payment to Spain under the terms of the peace treaty was stricken out upon a point of order made by Wheeler, Democrat Hopkins, lle pnblioan, of Illinois, who was in the chair, sustained the point of order against it and upon an appeal his de cision was sustained, 149 to 56. After the sundry civil bill had been com pleted and referred to the Honse, Hep burn, of Iowa, the champion of the Nicaragua canal bill, moved to re commit with instructions to report it back with the canal bill incorporated in it. This was an unexpected move, as it was generally understood that Hepburn had abandoned all hope. Tbe motion was promptly declared ont of order by the speaker, whereupon Hep burn appealed. Payne, of "ew York, moved to lay the appeal on the table. Upon the latter motion the vote was taken and the result was 97 ayes to 67 noes. As no quorum was developed on the vote owing to tbe lateness of tbe hour they managed to carry an adjourn ment Fifty-second Day. In tbe House a bill was passed authorizing the Presi dent to appoint five additional cadeta-at-large to the Naval Academy. The "regular order" was then demanded. This was the voto upon tbe motion made just prior to adjournment the day before to lay upon tbe table the appeal from the decision of the chair where upon the Speaker ruled that Hepburn's motion to recommit the sundry civil bill, with instructions to incorporate in it the Nicaragua Canal bill amend ment was not in order. The chair waa sustained, and tbe appeal laid on the table. Tbe sundry civil bill waa then passed. The Honse then went into committee of the whole and took up the naval appropriation bilL The bill aa reported carried $44,168,005. exceeding by $8,485,546 the largest bill ever re ported by the naval committee. An attempt to defeat tbe provision for a joint arrangement between the govern ment and the Fitchburg Railroad Com pany, at the Boston navy yard, failed. A point of order against the provision in the bill relative to the re-arrangement and reconstruction of the Naval Academy went over. At tbe night ses sion of the House 57 private pension bills were passed, none of special im portance. Fifty-third Day. ,rihe House spent two hours upon the naval appropriation bill without making any progress and devoted tbe remainder of tbe seaaion to eulogies upon the life and publio Mr vices of the late Representative North way of Ohio. The paragraph in the bill reading to the naval academy against which Mudd, (Rep.), of Mary, land, raised a point of order was strick en out, the point of order being ana tain ed. Mndd then moved an addiV'OBal arrroretatiAB t -i - iat SfMsat aathrtt4 la fae last aaaJ Ull Tai aa.aJsett at vtJ up a. 1mt- a the aetata ar a Ull mmm r,.tll f-r U rlf f l.eorga A. IiTiT2 IV. cf fcvdU.Teaa. Kim pTBTBl DT.-This as ,. Ka.w. day B ue l!es. Hmm mu or basis was traat.l tv . aoc. roaat- Th Seaat. aV.J, Julie r.r. aJ.pUd. btll Xo "JJ hu of 4a.i T.wa.barv , Ctl! ton; IV .,.: for a war JiV Und the as- cf Us mU r. HeaetebUl to rs imbsiH Us UJr! nors ot Mat tot lucnttWlr thta ia the orcaaitation of olaatv fox service to th r with Sp,sa pasd. lb claim argrr. over 13.001.000. The bill for the ef r.-o onoiw to S,iB aa rsd t, vote of :i to 34. mtrr hCDUI i-isitcLirs. Aa Atteapt te Bcra tfe Qsartrrt ef tie rirtt WatBiafUa iUelrcu. A special from Maaila ays: lb na tives of tbe village of I'aco made a bold attempt Monday tight to burn the quarters of the first Washington Vol unleers. by setting fire to the hat ad joining th quarters in the rear. For tunately the wtai cbaagd at th mo ment the fire was discoTrd and fan ned by a stiff brere. the flam pr4 m th opposite direction. detrojiojr fully 20 shacks ani bons opfit tL ruins of tb cburcb. lb inceadiart scapod. MysUrtons signals wr fr qnsntly mad along th nmv lines during the night, aad this led to the belief that an attack bad boa arranged, but nothing happened. The rebels ar Uaving tbe vicinity of .SB iVlro Macti in small parties and ar reported to be moving towards Singalen. Spaaiih Cortes ia Scttioa Maphip. (By Cable) WhnthCVrte reassembled the gallr:e in Utb chambers were thronged with an ex pectaot crowd. Tbe Senate was very full, hardly a aingl general beiog ab sent. Senor Montero Kios, President of tbe Senat. in owning tL roce-d ings, pronounced a eulogy upon M. Fanse, and a resolution of condolence with France was adopted unauitnouly. Senor Sagatata, the Premier, then pro posed to refer the bill providing fur cession of the Phillipincs to the United States, to a special committee, but this the conservatives protested against, de claring that everything might b dis cussed except tbe war, and the bill ought to be conscientiously dicned. Senor Sagasata withdrew Lis proposal. Count d'Altomaa then brought up the question of the conduct of tne generals engaged in the war in Cuba, and de claring that General Priruo de Rivera, General Weyler, General Blanco, Ad miral Cervtra and General Linares Lad proven failures. This declaration elicited much applause from the public galleries in consequence cf which sev eral spectators weie expelled from the chamber. Schley Presents Hit Statement. Rear Admiral W. 8. Schley having been granted ermission to answer the charges made againtt him in lb rra mmmusiun recently aem to th Senate has banded to tbe committer on naval affairs his statement in which he disclaims any purpose of controversy with tbe Navy Department Heshow that tne Brooklyn waa nearest when the enemy came out, nearest at every stage of the battle, and nearest tbe Co Ion when it surrendered aud givet many confirmatory details of bis flag ahip s active and effective participation in the battle. Tbe Cable to the Fh.lipp nes. Senator Frye has reporte 1 from the committee on foreign relations tbe amendment to the sundry civil aptro priation bill for the construction d a sub marine cable in the Pacific Ocean, as amended by the committee. The amendments are numerous and radical. Tho most important of them increases tbe subsidy to be paid every year for 2-t years to $175,000 and extend the time in which tbe contracting company is to be given to complete the line to tbe Philippine Islands to the first of Janu ary, itK2. Gen. Miies B fore the Court. A special from Washington says: Tbe Milea court of inquiry Monday made a good start in its work. Gen. Nelson A. Miles appeared as tbe first He and three other army officers sum moned as witnesses were examined and disposed of before the court closed its session at 3 o'clock. Gen. Miles testi mony, of course, was the feature of tbe day's proceedings. Too Mack Gold. A telegram has been received at the Treasury in Washington from New Or leans, stating that there was a surplus of gold there and an insufficient supply of paper currency, and asking that aa exchange be made. Treasurer Rob erts, in speaking of the situation, said: "We have in the Treasury branches 8227,000,000 in gold and $23,VW,0QQ.W0 in paper. Clayton a UI Get Pay. The case of the Texas Pacific Rail road Company vs. John Henry Clayton has been decided by tbe United States Supreme Court in Mr. Clayton's favor. The case grew ont of tbe destruction by fire of 400 balea of cotton which had been consigns 1 to the care of ths rail road company. Legislative Bribery lavestigatioa Ordered. A sensation waa created in the joint Assembly of tbe Utah Legislature, when Representative Law,Rpublican, made specific charges of bribery in tbe interest of MeCoe, and said the charges could be substantiated by positive evidence. Fisber, Democrat, coved tbe appointment of an investigating committee of seven, to consist of three members from ths Ssnats and four from ths Uoase. The motion was adoptsd. Sale ef the Chester Mills. Ths Chester, 8. Q, mills were told recently by order of tbe UniUd Stats Court Notwithstanding ths npast pries waa only $25,000, ths mill was knocked down to O. P. Heath and E. B. Springs, of Charlotte, N. CL. for $48,050. Mr. Leroy 8r rings, of Lan caster, waa ths next highest bidder. Losdoa Express Wrecked. A special from Brussels says: An ex press train from Calais, having paaasn gars from London on board, collided wish a train from Tourney, which waa standing at the station at Foret, near thie city. Twenty-one persons were lulled out wright and 100 more or Isaa injured. Ths scene of ths wreck pre sented a horrible picture. HIS TEAKX. Seldum Fedd. TM like to have a reputation as an after dinner speaker. Soiled Spooner. What for ? Seldum Fedd. Iu order to be a successful after-diimer speaker Td have to apeak after dinner, wonldik't I? - LEGISLATIVE BRIEFS. Wisatea WU t ro!ts la May seat J la H aJ s4yeea4 la hit rrtes aa4 l ragalat Us ! sf tref Ulsi'S( ter has Mass4 ths) Ilea. Itv4-: That it shall We tie 4et ef Ue eteraUv beats' sf Us) "tt ri te eiesata a4 aad it all Bull 4 MtollU tt4 f y. neat acalasl Met 4s, 4 t tall be aa!ta lev U Mais lrs rr t ry asy sack U2I smiI mU'r 4ere4 I J by Ik SecUS twr4 ta writtag That it ait t Us daty ef th trwtl beer 4 t If all efieets of tie Mat ea aad e4 tateyee at tfce faraaa. fte mf is :tr voi a vrtttee Je fee t sal ary, per diem. ef etker aaaat one sach etSrar easpleye. 4 ll ball I aalavfal fr, te MtsTt rer to gay sf Stet rr ait4y aaf mosey ea wBt ef each salary, paw 4m. (Biteece er otter aorstsat. trer4 npoa IB writtea ot.ter ef th he 1 hat it all all t th 4uty of U 1m' orer to i-ey te lee tea pvoeeaMag tL wrtttea order He fall esses, aaiaed or 'a b heads, fer th Br-4t d caiatenaer ef et J prteos. Thai ay ros teetac to th Ma Treasurer aey order r ftreal fee ths paytaeat I ana r ear other t-sreea of aey tuoaey da hiia oa acresal ef ! ry. Ir deea, atle or othee etfvwaat lvr services teaJere4 said il . Lfof th em be beea flr.t 4t4 aad ordered 4 ty th i4 te,lS lord bli le amity 4 a anedesaeea; tbmt it shall be bbUI at fur aay 2tcr. ;&t, etnplev or other r-a te eel I or diBoe of aoy rrop of aay h4. or any other property whatsoever be longiag to tL Mat iruci, tret I aia tbe writtea order of the ti ernttv Ik ard Any troa vielaUag aay section or privtaioa sf th art shall begmltr of a saidaear aad lon ruuvtrtion thereof sLall l II a4 net let tben f H a4 !tuieot4 sot than tLtee cnoatt. that ail y -meat made by tbe Met Tiarr aconant of lb Mat prieon ia eoflcl of this art sbsll te void, aad a u t ap pro pr 11 ton of the uUk f aada, aa4 ths me may le rreuvered Lark for lbs as of th Mat tv ut I ought reis th Treasurer aod LuoO ai I,a4. aal tbe solicitor of the fourth jeiw.l dis trict is directed to laatttat a d . when be Las koowl4g of such pey insula. The committee cn sa'ario aad fees bave m4 a favorable r ecotntneedattesi of th b.U introduced by Mr. Jobs I Corn, of Moot. Tbe bill tvevidee for a geoeral reduction of alarie sf State officer. Coder Mr. Carrie' bill the salaries will t fiid as fellows: Stat tranrr, f..2V) from 14,000. Chief clerk in treasurer' office, fl.ftOO from f I.VH. Secretary of Mat, f T.ttOQ from f'J.O'i'). Railroad eomtuiastooera, fl..Vs each frooa each. Haif lulenJcnt of Mate iioe, f 1. Hoof rota $J..'KKl. Jadgaof Supreme, Superior and Criminal 'oarts $;',ju from tt.ZQX Mate librarian. $7M from $1,000. Keep er of th capitol, ttVj front .H i tar v board of tioblic rbartti, fXSO Ier day from $4.00. Marshal asd II irarian to Suf rem Court. $700 from $I.(iOO. Reporter to huprem Court, $50) from $700. CUrk sf Kafms Court. $' and feee from $U e4t. Maperiatendeat of Deef. liamb aad Blind lostitntioa. $1,J0 froia $2,000, Steward for 1). D. aud II. Iastttatioaa, $700 from $!430. Suiriotadat of Csa tral Hospital. f3.2O0 from $2,Wl Steward at Central HoapitrU. f Too troaa $1,000. hm erintodt ef Morgaatsa Hospital. fl,-Xri from f2.00. Mew ard at Morganton Hospital, $700 from $!, 0of. All depntv losiortora of shell fish, $-!' per month iroui $50 r month. Tbe revenue bill abolish tb mer "chants' orcLas tax and it ia made a license tax, gia!uatd on ittveatiueata of $500 and under $1, aod so oa op ward. The insurance tax remain z r root bide tL lirena tax; tailroada are taxed ad valoieui and also aa la cotue tax rtiiig with on eighth of 1 I-r cent, on groe catalog of fZ.000 e tuil and eo on upwards; tb wLikey tax is uncLatid; th lirena tax oa lawyara and doctors lemaios $; the tax on hotels cbargiug $3 a day or more is made 50 cents ou each room, and those charciog under $2 at taxed 23 cent on each rot to. The joint fiaanc committee will rs port favorably a L;il to levy a tax oa tbe gross caroiags of all rai'r ads it the State. The tax wi.I likely I oae eishth of 1 ier cent on road wbooe gross esrninira ate 1.0o -rnt mil aad gradaated to oa-eigbt of i-er rat on each additional $5i of gross earn ings. Befcre tbe joint commit te on epprc prtatioa. Dr. D. L. Murphy, 0r intendent of the Morganton if capital, aked that tbe appropriation b iaTe e 1 from $'.0,000 to $110,io; )r. Kirty( of the Central Asylum; Prof GooJwia, of tbe Morgan to a Deaf and bomb School, and Prof. Ray, eaperiateadeat of the School for tb White Blind, wanted appropriations of $C?440, $47, 000 and fcv.I.OOO respectively. Mr. Daniels' bill to increase tL per maaent school fond by givtug routrsl to the board of education of $1C,750 4 per cent bonds is favored by lbs educational committee. Mr. Winston's bill to com bin tbe Agricultural and Mechanical College, th experiment station aad tb Agricul tural Department nnder one board mi management baa been withdraws. Tbe House committes on proposi tions aad grisvaacca has decided nnanimocsly to report tbs Mecklsa Hirg dispensary bill favorably te tbe House. Capt Bill Day ha rsigad as pai tsntiary auperintendeat Telegraphic Briefs. Tbs National Council of Women aad the National Congress of Mothers, is ' session la Washington, have adopted ' resolutions against tbs asatiag of Brig ham Roberta, of Utah, ia Congress. w . . t. - - a r. . ueior ins joint oomniues oa peaai I Institutions of ths North Carali Log il at are, Mr. Brow a. cbairmaa of ths anb-committss inrsstigatiag tbs penitentiary, stated that 9M.OO0 ia daises bad beea filed against tbs pat tsstiary, and that thta aoaonat would b incrsaesd to $110,000. Captain Gsorgs B. Taleott, Uaitad Sutsi engineer ia charge of ths Jamas river improvement work at Rich mo ad, Va.. died snddsaly ia that city. Us was a aoa of Coloasl Andrsw 'faleott. tbs celebrated sagiassr who bndt ths Richmond aad Daaviiis (aow ths Son them Bad way). Ths Senate eommitUs has com pleted tbs river aad harbor bilL It provide for North Carsliaa as follows: CapsFsar rivsr. abovs Wilmiagtoa. $i,U00; below Wilmiagtoa, fl&O.OOO; Contentnea creek. $2,000; Neaas rivsr, $10,000; Tar and Panties rivers, flS. 000; Treat rivsr, f 14,000; Blaek rivsr, $2,000; Albsmarls ssand. CS.000; Fish- f ing creek, $7,500; Waocamaw rivsr, ' 13,000. . ' Twenty tax bins la Boston tor Mrl bring Into the dty treasury tUt7j- - -C5&J3&. or nearly ten per cent, ot ths whole tax levy, , i r--