y THE CAUCASIAN PUBLISH!) IVIRY THURSDAY. Bf THI OAVCAIIAM rUBLIBHIKS OO SUBSCRIPTION RATES, 9NJC YfAK SIX MONTHS. TURKU MONTHS.... .11.00 . .80 . .M KnttrnJ at th 1W Office in Kaleigh, N. C, a Priril-rl&iM mail matter. Where is that honest election law tbe leraocr4tie Bpeakert promised! They are so hard down on people in New Hanover County, that when Representative WiUard was criticis ed for something, he thought it meant to give up bis job, so be wrote: "Heaven knows any one who wants my job can come op here and get it at any time' The new school law as prepared by the committee is quite a complicated thing. It seems to be a doable geared thing. Like most of such laws, too much machinery about it. It is a wheel within a wheel, and puts tne schools wholy into partisan poli tics. It will be under the control too much of the court house ring. It retains many of the features of tbe present law. and some changes are m. tt.-i T - II me wumingioo .ienncHKr yerv rood. It is stranare that wise Charlotte Observer are opposed to lawmakers will thus trifle with the Io yon see! The Imocratic law yers do not want the Kastern Crimi nal court repealed. leading question of the age. abolishing the Criminal Courts. Wait till you sen tbe election law thft Democrats are irettintr out. It shows they are afraid of the white people and not the negron. Will tVi r,rnHnnt lfcislnture ad journw.thout reducing freight and P,f. Jude I,rown pasxerjger rates! Or will they shift thin duty to a Commission and then elect a Commission they know will be sure not to reduce rates T Mr. li. B. Winbourn writes to the News and Observer and insists that White, of Davie, be expelled from the House for introducing that reso lution which ri fleeted on the sobriety There is such thing as raising an unpleasant odor by stirring old things, and as the matter has quieted down, better let it alone. Then it might give White a State notoriety to ezpell him. Be sides mixing White and Brown pro duces a sickly coloring. Mo ripe When Twi U" nr PUN. The bi. old-tub' lonr.1, u;r--'isVl hwh -. you U to pW, ! not in it '.th Ur. 11 to take n(0)dl ml ) to oj-rsit''. U true ot Hood's Pill, whWli arr up to date In ever" refet. raff, certain and ur. All dnijcgiM. jw. C. I. H(wd &. Co.. Ixwell. Maws. The only 1111 t Uke with Hood's Sarsapanlla. PilOs THK WILSONS' VAHKm The Legislative committee, ap pointed to consider tbe testimony in tbe case of the Wilsons, (former rail road commissioners;, have, in a very lengthy report, recommended their reinstatement. The News and Ob server's review of the testimony and findings of the committee is, in the live long io tba land which tbe lord thy rod of politics has riven tbee. no tnis nor, and you are a gone fawo-kin." Then for God's sake hear what Ma- Lean says He "lets the eat oat of the wallet." He wants bis amend ment to pass. Doubtless it was dic tated bv tbe railroads. lie said: "Toe ra I roads recognize toe tact tnal tbe people of North Carolina are unan imous to tbeir demand for separate cars. They are not misting it, but they want tome corresponding conces sion. He went on to point out the magna nimity of tbe railroads in agreeing to one fare. lie told bow two-tbirds of tbe tickets sold were first-class tickets at 3V4 cents; the other third are sec ond-class tickets at z 3-4 cents, tie called attention therefore, to tbe im mense loss tbe roads would sustain by cutting all fares down to one straight three-cent fare. And vet, be said tbey ere willing to do so. For this h praised railroads, calling them tbe State's great developers, and cautiontrg tbe Uouse against vtroking them tbe wrong waj. "The corporations came to our relUi in tKa I a. a t m na t vn Thav IS a I rva rf lie . j i . " j. I I i u v iv tacit, vsui usiiftu, a. ut uvi ax u a niguesi ugree, cusraaensuc oi me redeem tDe sute md we ought not g0 editor of tbat paper; and it is safe to soon forget. ua - JSfeSS mstmm PEOPLE eay going prop 4 V mttmnt i... Bay now in advance of the action of tno Legislature on this nigniy im portant matter, that whatever may be the decision the News and Observer will be on the winning side. This is a noteworthy and con spicious characteristic of tbat paper, Mr. Robinson, of Cumberland, while heartily in favor of two cars, was op posed to raising rates for tbe poorer class of people in ortb Carolina. "Under this amendment (McLean's) tbe ricb man's rate is reduced a quar ter of a cent and tbe poor man's rate is raised i of a cent, I cant under stand the philanthropy of a railroad anyway. When they grow magnani mous, I grow suspicions. While they 1JVNT LIFE, to be vig orous and healthy, must have Potash rhtwphoric Acid and Nitrogen. These essential element arc to plants, "what bread, meat anu water arc to man. Crops flourish on soils well ; supplied with Potash. Our pamphlets tell how to by and apply ferti'ajcr. and are tnr to alL OEJflAN KALI WORKS. smsm 94-. Mrw Ysffc. 'The Ritroad Croi.ii. of ' Charlotte Observer and host, of tb- -7 ,7 . L. r.w mil win ocratt t Why, of court no one le to bny-tht U, if joti Ut aot in roar promiaea. A ad ot eouraojoa have not lied about durraneaiains; the negToea and tho amount of white men in the varioua partiee ! It eon- fesaea. too. that there are more whit .1 ilia nanortie par- - J.t . t imB WW mm., - tij j i . n.rrnM to dLsf ran- The progrei-s tinj wn catarrh Is frrquent- this in the Uepublicaa pariy. Ir fraAlsaL CUrutii I mr.A tV..n t&lk about It. Its eaUrrh aecurrs . . d Jon.t cry. m CSTESS B.t a .o ,biok h. .. -p. ) . . :l.i i i. tk trnth. or the tim. oniy reason. We do not want to as- O V " umm .niue to ourseUes. at this late aate. Jr "Evert Ubat we have succeeded in overtak- r WTkaalitti lino- the Deruoeratie lealers in one eatarrh" that mD j truth. .We think this is an airange- ment or i usion u-iwrcu iu- - silver elements iu tbf Dem cratic party. It's to harmonixe atd kp the silver masses voting to put me gold bugs and railroad attorneys id office. Then such papers Pcdtfcxa Seccred . . . We aid tbo who want rnrSw poitioas: ni.tM plaeM utcr Service rales : learif rp 1 meats. War rrt a detnat. : . " employe wilhia saoatha Sareaat Util Sertlre l-irsti, UI Fifth Street . 1. WAsaiikwTt r-rvt ' ut- t. .Jrr On e.r j, . , tml U, V'j r- . ' of CI1C U-Uv. " . " , as the be n aWl Without doing so boldly and frank(y are in such a magnanimous mood TRY TUB Will the Democratic legislature ad journ without passing a bill prohib itinir irold notes and mortgages' While the Democratic party left this Why have they stopped the inves- j.lank out of its State platform, yet tigation of the Penitentiary! The tbe party nationally iB pledged to it. fuss they made was to call the atten tion and prejudice the minds of the Mr. Iteiuhardt.tlie Kepresentative , HO they would not see the from Lincoln County, is one Demo- hogishness of their taking posession crat who kept his pledges to the peo- of the farms and the pen. They did pie by voting against the amendment the yei;ng 80 aa to prepare the peo to disfranchise the negro. The oth- t accept their revolutionarv ers wilted under Winston's bull work in ig possession. We say whip, and they look like they had investigate the matter and show the had tbo dropsy. people where that $110,000 went and 1 : a. , i j l . . ... wuo speui ii, auu now anu wuy. Why did the committee on the Wil- K . ' dence 7 Were they afraid of the peo ple That is the only reason. They will have to show when they come before the people. They can fool all the people part of the tim') and some of the people all of the time, but they can't fool all tho people all the time. the News and Observer in the fol lowing extract endeavors to bolster up tbe claim and contention of Maj. Wilson for reinstatement : "When Major Wilson was origi nally chosen on the Railroad com mission it was known that his life work was such as had fixed in him why not come down to 2 3 4 cents -the poor man's rate." Mr. Allen says : "I thought gentle men wbo were clamoring for separate car bin, really wanted one. xsai instead of tbat, here tbey come with bills and amendments tbat will accom plish nothing more than can be done by a change in three or four words of tbe Kailroad Commission Act. Amend the habit of looking at questions of that, if you don't want a car bill, and railroad regulation more from the don't try to fool yourself or anybody standpoint ot the railroad manager else into tbe belief that you are doing than the shipper. It was argued in 1891, when he was first chosen, that it was only fair to elect one man fa vorable to the railroads and two men who would be looking at the ques tions from the shippers' standpoint. Major Wilson, from his training as a reading, and now goes to the Senate. railroad man, has always been slow to make such reductions as the ship pers and farmers demanded." anything else. I am opposed to any pretence. If you are going to pass a separate car bill, well and good; if not why let's simply amend tbe Kailroad Commission Act and settle tbe whole matter.' On yesterday it passed the third to iu l ex. no cim of dieae is o difli- ! cult to fchake off. Many people weD mArmnamd in rear find themselves la the toll of catarrh. Mr. and Mr ClInm.ol Giddinff. Tex., found help la Pe-ru-na. Mr. Collum lettr follow I er Democratic paper in m I rn.A Com mission Af whieb Juic Pt.rn.n hfiditine Co- Columbus. O. U&n vnis with ard fr iheState Dem-I AlUn will iu!rolnr Wt !ot1ay r-.- g. iii),;T,VtrtWiii :.i . .. Ancr.nt and I Th aalarY ol tbr ?utrinr H Msm.t vjuw. a j ww. ... i ocrailC U uuin c u I . . i. tv. v..t .j;.;n. r f.. . . I af tho I nitmtisrv was Vn nunwa - I thft n iiinal Kf DuUiicau pie uunici- " - ----- - - t,rrh f Vava tried all til a catarrh I ... " .. I hoc a use that cmce ba w. !.!n.. lli.f T omil.t Ti i and nana - j; ,,ni;i r tr;.,i tmir. I MntnrH th notional convention and I ..Th. I.Vwr CmnWon-rs's sal- SAjX V, 1 1 1 U1U au JT a WV uuwu vi - jr w f f-1 aa av - I n,i rmrr twit Via7 tvittl HUll th P lonminllul All & ll ttfurHl OI Iffe V And that UI UlS ClCt K WfTS ra-na and Man-a-lin. and we irs about I i ..i;.nnnnnnl and t ha lducsl Saturday. welL I am 70 years old and my wife , . . -It was decided, and with very la AC When we commenced to tV. "''IH"UWUIU littU opposition, tbat lb salaries ut your medicines we were not able to bee This is tbe size ol it. nvery man jajg .aprintf n1' nt of aslnm. after our work, but now she can tend I with a grain of sense, or enongn io i raprintecdunts ot ln- aie cu-oi to her work and I see after nay farm. nnt tmn two together can see i, and colleges sbould stano as lory " .1 whether be will have the courage to .vnA.ladM it r not. When thev So nat the fads oontr - I . . . . . ... ' r..tnr.. f th dictioeneaa. idcmwho ji will notice Uh heading will tell it that it has dons. And the brvr will never in the same prominent beat ... - i. Kobbed tha (irave. I ing COrteCt the impreSMOn IDlUf. A startling incident of which Mr. This is just one instance out ol tbat such deception has been palmed eff on tbe people. is understood to ha?e said that he 1 My skin was almost yellow, eyes sunk- j The heading say. "Tbe Salaries win can an extra session oi t;on- en, wugue uuaieu, .u uu..w . state Officer Kednred -U per You can use this publicly if you want to." A. P. Collum. Giddings, Tex. dred thousand cannot pass Congn ss at this session. It may be that the Republicans will accept the substi tute measure presented by Senator ockrell. If not the whole matter .sav i a an 1 II 1 IVia a Bk rap I decide on tbe other a . 1 new election law, them. trans Foa crccuuRS &riDC Markia taaaafartarv '. u prtcaalMfora yea arraa -t- Tnr Hear momc srwisia Mac.( ca we will go over until the next session of John Oliver ot Philadelphia, was tbe manT onwr ThaPr. aMnnt hnwavar subject, is narrated by him as follows : congress, l he rn aid ent, However, , wa8 in a mMt dreadful condition, thus gress if some satisfactory bill for m- To be Prepared creasing back and sidee, no appetite gradually growing weaker day by day. Three Cent.' That meant all of thm. But roriu-i ti,- Ohnprvor shnwi that Dart were The 4,Jim Crow" Car bill is giving the Democrats a good deal of trou ble. They are afraid they will not please the "poor railroads.'' They have been bragging about doing it, but find it is easier to talk than to do. The I'opulists want them to pass it. Let them do it; but by so doing if tbey increase the fares for lust lots of Democrats.in tho House and Snnato promised on the stuml) that they would not vote for any law the whites' they will hear it to their looking to the disfranchisement of any man. Hut the boss whip made them vote for the constitutional amendment. This may be right, but will they vote for the "bull-pen," " force bill " election law the com mittee is preparing 1 We will see. sorrow. Iney squirmed migntly when it was before the House Tuesday. A gentleman of ability and influ ence, in writing about the anti-trust law, fays: "I notice that when Mr. Stevens' bill was first introduced, it contained a clause making the col lecting the debts of trusts by law illegal, but this was afterwards taken out by the Democratic caucus. The bill as it now stands is a sham and a fraud. If they pass it, it will be Ineffective. ' No one cxpoots tho lawyers hete to pass a law making debts to trusts illegal. They are not built that way. Nothing to them is illegal except voting as you please and having that vote counted as cast. Then don't you know trusts When the Democrats eliminate the negroes from politics, then those who voted the Democratic ticket simply because tbe negro voted with the Re publicans, will be free men and can vote for principle hereafter, it will free the whites. They will no long er be called upon to vote against the negro party will be no such party. Let her go. It is noticeable that Secretary Al ter was hissed while in Boston with the President in a public parade. It helP to run that Party and doubtless would be difficult to find a place in helped to send these lawyers here! the United States where the Secre tary would be cheered for his part in The President of the French Re the management of tbe late war. public, M. Faure, died suddenly Some of those who hissed the Secre- few days since with appoplexy. It tary, cried beef, beef, and then off- is thought his death was caused by ered three cheers for (leneral Miles, his great anxiety over the unsettled and threatening conditions existing Tub Caucasian last week made a in that Republic. The next day af- serious mistake in its notice of Su- ter his death, the French Chamber penntendent Mebane's report on edu- of Deputies met and proceeded to cation. It stated that the book had elect M. Loubet President. Not "J10 pages," when it should have withstanding the very unsettled con said "050." Thb Caucasian only ditions in France and the threaten mentioned "part 2'' for the whole, ing signs of revolution, yet the death We make the correction in justice to of the President and the election by the work. the Chamber of Deputies of a new President attracted practically no attention except as a matter of news to the French people. This was due to two reasons: first, because the President of the French Republic is not elected by the people: and s c ond, because the man holding that office has very little power. He is simply a figure head. The President of the United States was clothed with considerable power at the for mation of our government, and by various devices since, his power has been increased an hundred fold, un til to-day President McKinley has more power than the Crown Head of England. This is one of the most The speech made last week by President McKinley in Boston, de fending his action with, reference to the Fillipines is probably one of the finest efforts he has ever made. It is a fine literary production and an adroit argument; but whether it will give the President more reputation as a statesman than as an adroit politician remains yet to be seen. That speech may yet give him the reputation of having surpassd Talley rand in the use of words. the army is not passed, i physicians had given me up. iPM...i...-,-5.-.. He will have an opportunity to do pately a friend advised .aid th Senate had The neooie of North Carolina want f ; ...uu. ; wo outers : ana w my great ju, .u - - - nuu iu Luaimaiu pence. iunt is luei nio u. uu cp uuuvauo iu tuo gurnise tne ursi Doiiie maue a uecmeu i yet to pass npon a . a . . sr a.z a- a.,. . ao not accept in is suostuute meas-1 improvement 9gm rnvAA mat no tr m ann am nnv a wpii i Bre m.n i frnnar thaw aavnd m Hfe. and Senators will follow the action of tbe It is perfectly clear to every one I robbed the grave of another victim, members in reducirg fees of county a reduction of the excessive freight opinion of the wisest statesmen. It is anrl nuesancrAr rat.As tn firm n.nr. equally true that to be prepared for " " Ian n (V iq f ha haaf rav t avnirl no . . . ' i c ogling io vuc ucoi noj s-v atuiu vuc (ic responding with the prices paid for cuiia dangers of the season. This is a agricultural products and the pur- lesson multitudes are learning, and at pose of the establishment of the rail- l time wnen tne Diooa is sure io De comwAioumwut. wi. -" loaded with lmnuritipa and to be weak road commission was to do justice and slugglish, the millions begin to both to the people and the railroads, tae Hood's Sarsapanlla, which pun- The News and Observer in the above expe,8 all disea8e germs, creates a good extract admits that Maj. Wilson was appetite and puts tbe whole system in mm-o in rV. hahit nf lnntirnr af healttiy condition, preventing pneu- ... li.- monia, fevers, and other dangerous 4U00UUUB ui lamunu icguiauuu uiuio (jjgeases wnicn are liable to attack a rom the standpoint of the railroad weaken system manager tnan tne snipper. ' ut course it tbe railroads can dictate will the administration force the appointment of men to enforce AN EXTaA session? the law they can detsroy absolutely It is generally understood that the the purpose of the law. And seeing Senate is opposed to the Hull army that the purpose of the law creating bill, creating a standing army of one the commission has been prevented, hundred thousand, which passed the the Peoples' Party declared in its House recently. It was semi-offici platform for the election of the com- ally given out from the White House missioners by the people as the only a ew days ago that unless the Sen way to prevent the control of the ate passed this army bill, that an ex commission by the railroads. If the tra session would bs called to pass it. railroad commissioners had carried ia we'' known that the adminiatra- out the wishes of the people, freight tion oes not desire an extra session and passenger rates would long since of Congress tor many reasons, bo have been reduced and other abuses tnis semi-effisial announcement from and evils would have been corrected. the w"it House would seem to be The colorless editorial review of the in tne nature ot a tnreat wnicn is a committee's report will enable the bluff. But however that may be, it News and Observer to rlcfflnrl anv is certain that no bill can pass the aetion the Legislature may take in Senate as it is now constituted pro the matter. Has the News and Ob- viding for a large permanent stand server any opinions or convictions in army Ifc wiN be interesting to the matter, or is it afraid to sneak ? watch the developments of the next tew weeks to see whether the admin istration will surrender its demands for a large standing army or wheth an extra session of i that the substitute measure, provid ing for continuing temporarily the increase of the army, meets every legitimate demand of the govern ment growing ont of the present for eign conditions. If this proposition Is not accepted it will indicate clear ly that the real purpose of the Re publicans in wanting an increase in the standing army is for use at home and not abroad. That tha real use to which they intend to put this ar my is not to defend the flag abroad or to prevent foreign invasion, but to force the gold standard and mo nopoly iule upon the people, if the people should decide not to peacea bly become slaves. A Thousand Tongues Could not exnreas the ranture nf An nie E. Springer, of 1125, Howard street, er it will torce Philadelphia, Pa., when she found that Congress for that purpose, with the Dr. King's New Discovery for Con- , . , . ' . . snmntinn hart nmniptpiv pufbii hornf attendant embarrassments that will r . -j . i a hacking cough that for many years be sure to accrue from it nau maue me a ouruen. ai omer rem- Th United St f h f pdips and dnr.tnra r nil Id o-i vp her nn I help, but she says of this Hoyal Cure lare standing army. Our volunteers it soon removed tbe pain in my chest can whm the trained soldiers of En nnri T n.nn n nxxr elaan ami n H 1 vr onnna. thing I can scarcely remember doing rone and the world We do need a neiore. l reel like sounding its praise large navy, indeed, it may be ad- throughout tne universe, so will ev orv nna tirhn t.riaa Ti" ITino'a Vom Tkia covery for any trouble of the throat, ia tne world, but at the same time it chest or lungs. Price 50c and $1.00. must be admitted that we neerl th Trial bottles free at R. H. Holhday .-.n4. . . . & Son's druir store, eveiv bottle mar- B"""tcot ut auteed. portance. THK JIM CROW CARS. Home of the committee on the Wil sons' case say the Governor's evi dence was no Brood. Then whv not publish it airainst him. It nrodnced dangrous tendencies in our govern a mighty long report to be no good. ment and makes the ffort to create That report was like a Cleveland a big standing army all the more sig. 1 Q a. 3 1 messacre: snssentible of two contru- niucani na aangerous. tions. Mr. Olcnn will hava ta fct - ... . . Ilood's Sarsapanlla never disao 7", 1B lue cnairman, saying points. It may be taken for impure what it is good for. He will need it and impoverished blood with nerfect I - ........ on the next campaign, and he had cnnaenc mat it win cure. better have it in his pocket and not in his grip. "It will be a verv nlean- THK WAR against the ullipinos . -"af K I ant help in time of need." Tu war against Spain was started in the interest of humanitv. The Ninety Per Cant. Of the neonle are afflir.tpd with nnmn This came before the House Tues- form of humor, and this causes a vari- day. It was funny. They hardly ety of diseases. The reason why Hood's knew what to do with it. They fin- Sarsapanlla cures when all others fail ally dragged it through the second is found in the fact that it effectually degree, then gave the poor thing a expels the humor Scrofula, salt rheum A aZ. 4. fe boils and all eruptions are permanent- rest. Amendment after amendment was offered. Some were voted down, some adopted and some postponed. ly cured by this great medicine. The Raleigh News and Observer fact that we are to-day engaged in attempts to excuse the course of fighting a part of Spain's former Major J. W. Wilson while on tbe subjects who were struetrlincr for lib- Railroad Commission and says that erty is an anamaly from the stand- r a-f a ... I aiajor wusonwasput on the com- point of America. Of course it would mission in 1891 because he was be better f or the Fillipinos to be sub- knowt to be a partisan of the lail- Meets of our government than to be roads, and such a partisan as to be subjects of Spain, but whv should incapable of doing justice between we expect a man who is fighting for me railroads and tbe people. This liberty and self-government to de is a startling announcement and a sire to be the subjects of even the strange defence. The legislature of most humane master. Besides, the 1891 had no such understanding. He most serious phase ot this Fillipino was put on as a practical railroad question is the effect that a colonial man who the legislature thought policy would have noon our own neo- was honest and courageous enough pie. For a great Republic standing' io use ms mumaie Knowledge of rail- on the Declaration of Independence road affairs in the interest of justice to proceed to subjugate and govern to both sides. Nobody knows better a foreign people and make them sub than the News and Observer that he jects, is to eat of the forbidden fruit, could not have been elected if it had It is a nlicy that will inject a dead been known that he would use his ly poison into the very vitals of our position as he did. Republican form of government. Hood's Pills are the best family ca One wanted the fine imposed upon thartic and liver tonic. Gentle, rilia- the railroad violating the law, strick- Die sure en out. This was to kill the bill. r or wnere- mere is no punisnment, the army bill in congress. . 1. !..: : it.: rrr , . I him " Th. , Th Hn A-7 billlWllieh hurried doing. It would be unkind to sav J Pasjed the House under whip he was doing just what the railroads and sPnr about ten days ago, has wanted him to do. Some of them been" considered for more than a ua ?u leaJV hls J?irt P .e week in the Senate Committee on nflrtna at tha Roil mo vr f syv I UUa W a, VUU aWdlinOI UJJLaUattOalii 1 " x tf nil ms ers. Others wanted nothing left in mih&y affairs Te rt was made the Commissioners' hands. Was by six Republicans and five -Demo-afraid to trust them. But they did crats. An effort was made by the not want the Railway Commission Republicans to report the Hull bill in j..- u ..T. v j providing for an increase of the help dispose of the large sumlns 8tandmg a"ay to one hundred thou- tney expect to have in tne treasury sana on a peace tooting, which would wnen tney issue the estate bonds. It be to increase our standing armv tn is not known what tha Ron at a will ?i . lAn ;f wk-V-TiT;-V""TT " i Iour umes present size at one attornevs will do anvthin r.nt NumP- l hey were astonished to find agreeable to their cliants. the rail- tney re lacking in votes. One Re roads, he is badly fooled. By the publican, Senator Proctor, refused time this gets mrough, the railroads t0 vote with his party. Senator will have what they want and even D . . . . . more than thev now Via. Th.n Proctor, however, did not join with more than thev now hare. Than tha heelers are expected to yell them- be Democrats in support of their selves hearse saying, "see what we substitute bill, so the committee was Democrats did?" The News and Ob- left a tie. This resulted in two bills server it seems doubts the honestv j .u o of the law-makers on this line. If bemg to the Senate each Josephus doubts his own saints who b an elual number of votes, but can trust them. He says: neither one being the report of the hl . eral f8emb,Z.: Wh,at committee. The substitute bill which tne nennlA am rnhhAr.nankino 1 these days is a senarate car law was reported by Senator Cockrell -They are looking to you to give it. provides for continuing the tempo- x an auu iub iiuunu win nie us teem rarv increase of the armv fnr thraa for you and you will win sore grief. J increa8e 01 tne armv t0T "e "Do not close your eyes and. purr years, and it further provides for stretously because some railroad fellow enlisting the natives in Cuba. Perto gives you a pipe dream about the bank- RliWV A D... . . ruptcy tbat will follow in tbe wake of KlC0 and tne h""Pmes, under an extra car hung to tbe tail-end of American officers, for policy duty in t L I . . ?. "wwm ome tho8 islands. It is now certain that middle of a caboose. tne Republican scheme for mcreas- "Decidedly you must do this if you I ing the standing army to one nun A Frightful Blunder Will often cause a horrible Burn, Scald, Cut or Bruise. Bucklen'a Armoa Salve, the best in tbe world, will kill tbe pain and promptly beal it. Cures old sores, Fever Sores, Ulcers, Boils, Felons, Corns. all Skin Eruptions. Best Pile cure on earth. Only 25 cts. a box. Cure guaranteed. Sold by R. H. Holli day & Son "No one should fail to try them. Only 50c a bottle at R. H. Holliday it Son's drug store. officers, and kill it with amendments IT IS NOW AN I8l E BEl'OKB THK PKOPLK. Catarrh Cannot lx 'atrl with i-ouAii Arri.iUATioxs, as tbey cannot reach the seat ol the dis ease. Catarrh is a blood ot constitu tional disease, and in ordir to cure it THK TWO ELECTIONS GOLDBl'GISH. The new proposed election law provides for two elections one in August for the election of State and county officers, and the other at the general election in November for President and Congressmen. This will be a heavy expense to the tax payers of the State. Let's see if it will not: When the last Legislature passed a law to hold an election in the State, giving the people a chance to say whetner they wanted longer and better public schools or net, the Democratic papers squalled them selves hoars and black in the face, saying it would cost the dear tax PAYER MORE THAN HE WAS ABLE TO bear. Did they not ' Now what t Why, these same howling papers have become so generous that they now want these same dear taxpay ers to be taxed to hold an election, not for the masses, but to put some fellows in office give them some pie. It was too bad to spend so much money to hold an election to give the poor children of the State larger and better schools, but it is all right and does not take too much money to hold an election to put a few party pets or pie hunters in office ! Yon poor men who have to depend npon the free schools to educate yonr chil dren, can see the logic of this kind of thing. It is an insnlt to yonr in telligence. If the Legislature of '96 committed a crime in spending mon ey to held an election for all the children of the State, pray tell us what this Legislature will commit in spending money to hold an election for the office seekeis T We.called at tention to this in the last campaign, and no Democratic lawyer would dare attempt to answer he could not do so before the people. In the next campaign we will call attention to it again, and the people will force him to answer. But let's see their logic for it: They say they are going to separate the State and national elections "to keep Republican money from carrying the State. Whatf Why, we thought yon were going to disfranchise the negroes so the Republicans could not carry the State ! Now, if yon dis franchise the ''nigger'' as yon say yon are; if there are no more white Republicans in the State than yon have been claiming, and if there are as many white men in yonr party as yon claim, yon could carry the State if every Populist in the State should vote the Republican ticket, which we know they will not do. Then why Lare yon afraid of Republican money? Are yon afraid that Republican mon ey would bny all the pie hunting Dem- The resolution known as the Mc Enery resolution, passed a few days you must take internal remedies. Hall's v u u . . Catarrh Cure is taken internally, and since by the Senate, purporting to act, directIy on ,he blood End c,. declare our policy with reference to I surfaces. It was prescribed by one of the Philippines, is by no means sat- tne b96 physicians in the country for . , . . , , I years, and is a rrguiar prescription. It ioj.ni, iv. "j ufcuo" - is composed oilne best tonics known onial policy. Indeed the most active combined with the best blood purinVr supporters of this resolution were 11". df? rv The perfect combination of the two in tnose wno are suppostu to lavor a gredients is what produces such won colonial policy. A substitute was derful results in cui ing Cartarrb. Send offered for the McEnery resolution TcHEXEV & rci which declared clearly and positively ' " ' Toledo o that this government would not es- Sold by druggists, 75c. tablish a colonial policy, but would ,Ia,,,s Famiu ''" rethe best. i a inlnnnnrf nviAA vst tltA IV i linmtiAa B" iuuFDuutuvU .u aKfIUU I ritospacTS ok itili.mx; nicarai - as soon as possible. The vote in the i a caau Senate on this substitute was a tie. "ar reauers anow, tne senate Tha President of tho Senato cast tha 25? J V h Ir .bi,lP.ro ; - . m ; Yiuinjc lor ine nuuuing ol m ica ueciuiu vuhj agaiuab iu it i now i raugua canal, rue House has not clear that the question of whether or taken action on this bill. A bill, how- ever, providing for the buildintr of colooia. poUey wiU ?. into the jfeife'USi'fi'.J rresiaentiai campaign ana me peo- as a ridei on the Sundrv Civil bill pie will have a chance to pass upon j This was defeated on a paint of or- the matter and settle it accerding to der "ough it is believed tbat a good their desires. ."'Ill t 1 aouM ,aTor?a uisuuuicui. xnesame amendment has been offered as a rider to the River and Harbor bill in the Senate. The Senate will no doubt adopt tbe Fill a bottle or common glass with I bill with the rider. This mans that your water and let it stand twenty- provision will be made at this sea four hours: a sediment or settling in- gion of Congress for building the dicates an unhealthy condition of the canal or , it fa d f J kidneys; if it stains your linen it is fK. ozam mA i m, , . , evidence of kidney trouble; too fre- JJe River and Harbor bill along with quent desire to paes it or pain in the wicaraugua rider. North Carolina back is also convincing proor tbat tbe 48 mucu mteresiea in me Kiver ana iiaroor 0111 lor tne state is very well taken care of by the bill, but the State as w 11 as tbe whole conntrv is qually interested in the early build- mg oi me iMicaraugua canal. kranL. V V ATTENTION The 1899 S0UD AN Bicycles. A Host Atl ratine 11 I1! NEW 3 inch drop to banger, Flatcraoki, 2 piecei, Star icrocket, Ball Retainers, Felt washers. Thumb Screw adjuster. H&A perfect fit'gcb'o. Tool iteel cones- Stand comparison, Are attractive, - Arm nuv rnnnifitr THEY I Are durable. Are high grade, Are elegantly ftYitbfd nondrrrul value f.Vi. H want agent in every city or couut j. at. THK SOUDAN MFOC o, hh Carroll Atf, f'Hirsuo liu HOW TO FIND OUT. kidneys and bladder are out of order, WHAT TO DO. There is comfort in the knowledge so often expressed, tbat Dr . Kilmer's Swamp Roof-, the great kidney reme dy fulfills every wish in curing rheu matism, pain in the back, kidneys, liv er, bladder and every part ot tbe urin ary passage. It corrects inability to hold water and scalding pain in pass ing it, or bad effects following use o' liquor, wine or beer, and overcomes that unpleasant necessity of being compelled to go often during tbe day, and to get up many times during th night. Tbe mild and tbe extraordina ry effect of Swamp Root is soon real ized. It stands the highest for its won derful cures of the most distressing cases. If you need a medicine you should have the best. At druggists fif ty cents or one dollar. You may have a sample bottle and a book tbat tells more about it, both sent absolutely free by mail, if you send your address to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Bingbamton, N. T. When writing be sure sod mention tbat you read this generous offer in Thb Caucasian. Pain-Killer. a BUdlciaa Chast la Itsalt Siaspla, Safe aatf Qalck Cara for CRAMPS, DIARRHOEA, COUGHS, nnbMN.MH, N NEURALGIA. 25 and 50 cent Buttles. IS BEWARE OF IMITATIONS- If BUY ONLY THI GENUINE. if PERRY DAVIJ ? Cons' bo Co., 1 S RALE IUII N. C, I W. S. BAPNES, S Oeneral Manager. ; Oar brands areIroon Wrapper" Ouano, Farmers' Choir," f;uano.". K." Ouano and -B.Ii. Acid I'hospbaf. filsJ"" w sell to farmers direct and at farmers' prices. A home company and not in a trust. Our prices are low and goods nor excelled. J2; r, PREEj faaa W OOLO. Y a HI intT RtcycscOaM Watch. - -ttiar. a Scawlaraatp Tt L SJ ttruuuHun'u iTac-tical Buais a wvwftsaw Tesarkaaa. Tea, or a atbol arabaaaw moat any other rrpatablc batuixva cul lMk .erary acaool ia the V. &-cau Ijc arrarrd lr n , a Utile woe k at borne for the Youth . aa tllaatrated aemi-faoathly Joarnl ' mcm itinu ia character, moral ia tone, and mJ Inlrreating; and fro6 table to yoauc at read with intereat and tira6t br t- a-'l area. Moriea and other interealiBC well Uloatrated. Sample exxpiea seat fre ' . anted. Addreaa Vontha Adawsle fuh rTille Tras iMeatfawi thu fiaper J THK SALARIKS Of STATIC OFFICKBS REIilCtD 80 PER CENT. Did yon see the New? and Obser ver of Tuesday morning T The above heading was one of its big donble column headings. Everybody who reads the heading and over half the poople only read the head lines would infer tbat they had done that very thing. Well, that is not true and no one believes it will be done. They may reduce seme, but not all. QoodBye9 Rheumatflsm. The Right Remedy Will Banish it Forever. If you would forever be rid of the aches and pains, and some times the tortures produced by Rheumatism, you must take the ritrhr. rpmMlir Tknaa The matter was just before the House, tinue to suffer are relying upon It was opposed sharply, and nhen it remedies which do not reach their goes to the Senate, which it must do trouble. The doctor treatment before it becomes a law, it will likely always consists of potash and die. mercury, which only intensify the After makinc tha ahnva itatamanf disease, causing the ioinU to stiff. the Observer eives in the same insna en and. the 00068 to ache, besides the following : "In proof of this statement wit ness the following red notions made yesterday in the salaries of State officers : . 4( enously impairing the digestive organs. Rheumatism is a disordered state of the blood, and the only cure for it ia a reai diooq remeay. bwift's Specific (3 State Treasurer. $2,250 was 3- ?;.) Roe9 dow.n o the very bottom of 000 a. an uiseaaes oi me mood, and promptly "Chief Clerk to Treasurer $1 250- that ther cannot wa 91,800. Mr. E. K. S. Clinkanha. . t "Secretary of State, 9l.800-was nent attorney of lit. 8terling. Ky.. Srs. Filnt I arpita WW. I ww .WWW -- lau, vow was 91. uwi "Reporter of Snpreme Conrt, $750 was $1,000. "Clerk to Supreme court, $200 and fees was $300 and fees. "Secretary to Board of Public Charities, $3 a day was $4. Private Secretary to the Governor, $1,000 was $1,200. Two veara aeo I waa a muf .r.fr. from Rheumatism. I had tried every remedy I could hear of except S. 8. 8. I had been to Hot Sorinea. Ark -hJ I remained for twelve weeks nnder treatment, but I experienced no perma nent relief, and returned home, be- iicrujg vnat a wouia oe a sufferer aa -- a hdm wnen mr paina were almost imbearable, I chanced to read your adrertia-ment and waa irnnreaaMd with it. .. . that I decided to trr K 4 I eleven bottle and was entirely reliotexl or all oain and m-wi .i .... . " - iilllirillll. When 1 began to Uke S. 8. S. I s unable to sit or stand with any and could not alep. Since taking th last doae I have had no return ,f the Rheumatism, and I take preat pleas ure in recommending 8. S. S to any one who has the misfortune to suffer with this disabling disease." S.S.S. is the only cure for Kh-u- matism, which i the most etulilni of blood diaea It is not intended to give relief only, tltst laV Marntkla.ta.1 V neutralizing th. acid condition A the bhwid it forces out every trace f the diiifase and rida the system of it forever. It i Purely Vcgetabk and one thousand dollars reward is offered to any chemist who can prove that it contaius a particle of mercury, potash, or any other mineral ingredient. S. S. S. i the onl v blood remedy guaranteed to be absolutely free from mineral mixtures. v Books sent free by Swift Spe cific Company, Atlanta, Ga. i r A. f Mi' X-

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